Methods of therapeutic fasting. Problems when breaking fast

Our body needs unloading from time to time. If you don’t give him a break, then health problems will not take long to appear. The most the best option is considered therapeutic fasting.

Therapeutic fasting at home for weight loss: basic principles

Stopping eating can have amazing results. The use of fasting has existed since ancient times; for many religions it is a spiritual practice.

Let's consider methods of therapeutic fasting at home for weight loss.

Experts recommend carrying out the procedure for no more than a day. The most important thing is to avoid eating any food for 24 hours.. Throughout the day you need to drink large quantities of water. The volume of liquid you drink should be more than you drink on normal days to create the effect of a full stomach. Swelling may occur, but it should not scare you. After you come out of fasting, they will subside on their own. Doctors recommend adding lemon juice or honey to water. Thanks to this, toxins and waste will be eliminated from the body much faster.

By refusing to eat, we force our body to work harder. It activates all internal reserves. The body begins to absorb carbohydrates, then switches to adipose tissue. When it's over, it's time to turn non-viable cells Thus, thanks to fasting, you can not only get rid of unnecessary pounds, but also recover from certain diseases.

How to start therapeutic fasting at home

Before starting the procedure You need to prepare your body. For a few days, switch to a light diet. Eliminate meat, dairy and flour products. Eat mainly vegetables, fruits, drink juices. Steam everything, do not eat fried, spicy or salty foods. The body needs to rest a little, since fasting is stressful for it.

It is very important that this process must be carried out simultaneously. Therefore, the day before you need to take a laxative or do an enema.

You need to be prepared for the fact that during fasting you may feel unwell and perhaps feel dizzy. The use of medicines, as well as food, is prohibited. If it becomes really difficult, you are allowed to drink a glass of water with honey. When feeling hungry, we also save ourselves with a few sips of water.

Therapeutic fasting at home according to Nikolaev

The doctor of medical sciences has developed at home, consisting of three main stages and recovery. According to the professor, during fasting the body gets rid of all waste, toxins, and excess fluid. The specialist distinguishes three stages of fasting: the stage of food arousal, increasing acidosis, adaptation. Mandatory conditions in the process are cleansing procedures, enemas, massage, and walks.

Before fasting, you must pass all tests, and the day before you do a cleansing enema. Instead of breakfast, you can drink rosehip decoction, then 1.5-2 liters water all day long. It is necessary to perform breathing exercises. At lunchtime and in the evening also allowed to use rosehip decoction.

During the completion of fasting, you need to rest more. On the first day, you can drink juices from apples, carrots and grapes, diluted half with water. From the 2nd day you can drink juices without diluting them. On the 4th day, you can eat pureed soups with vegetable broth and fruits. On the 8th day, kefir is introduced into the diet.

Dry fasting at home

One of the innovations in the treatment system is. This method has been known for a very long time, but, unfortunately, has been little used. Research has shown that even animals resort to this method. It is believed that when the human or animal body gets sick, a complete refusal of food and water will help it recover faster.

Dry fasting is carried out for no more than three days, these three days are comparable to 7 days of the usual process, when you can drink water.

Dry fasting comes in two types. The first is based on complete abstinence from water. This applies not only to taking water inside, but also to washing and bathing. In the second method, fasting people do not take water only internally.

Exit from therapeutic fasting at home

As with other diets, and in fasting the most important thing is the moment of exiting it. This is 90% success. On the first day you should only eat food in small portions with a short interval of time, in total you need to eat 5-6 times a day. Allowed to use fruits and vegetables Eliminate from your diet salt and fats.
On the second day, you can add porridge with water, preferably oatmeal or buckwheat. On the third day you can diversify the menu fermented milk products. In the process of completion, problems may arise with cleansing the intestines, in which case use an enema.

Therapeutic fasting at home: reviews

Fasting therapy is becoming increasingly popular and has received many positive reviews.

Alisa, 34 years old: “I was on dry fasting for three days. The fat from the abdomen and sides not only went away, it disappeared. The main thing is not to even wet your lips; thirst immediately begins to torment you. Now I’m no longer gaining weight, apparently my metabolism has returned to normal.”

Answer questions honestly ;)

The popular therapeutic fasting, which many people who want to improve their health are so keen on, is not suitable for everyone. This article will serve as a warning to those who are eager to try this process for themselves.

How to avoid the serious consequences of therapeutic fasting

This method of treatment really helps to get rid of many diseases. Healers often recommend that their patients recover from illnesses at home.

What cures food refusal? There are cases when a person got rid of diarrhea, cholecystitis, colds, angina pectoris, anemia and other diseases. If you approach this process correctly, giving up food will help you regain your health.

How long does fasting treatment last? At home, you can fast from 1 to 6 days. After 2-4 weeks, short-term fasts can be repeated. If you want to increase the treatment from 1 month to 1.5, then this is under the supervision of a doctor.

How to do it correctly:

  • Carry out preparations in accordance with the methodology.
  • Avoid strenuous physical labor.
  • Keep your body warm, do not overcool.
  • Alternate loads with rest.
  • Drink a lot of water, up to 2 liters.

Many people are afraid of an unbearable feeling of hunger. But it haunts a person only for 2 or 3 days, then lightness appears in the whole body and thoughts, a sharpening of all senses occurs, and memory improves.

Often a person experiences weakness and dizziness, but this passes over time. Sometimes an aversion to food appears, but after leaving the process this also goes away and the appetite returns.

Before you begin this process, find out about the contraindications.


  1. Teenagers, pregnant and lactating.
  2. Gastrointestinal ulcer.
  3. Serious violations in the endocrine system.

Self-medication is also dangerous, without prior consultation with the doctor.

What effect does therapeutic fasting have?

  • The body is cleansed of harmful substances.
  • Redox processes are accelerated.
  • The load on all organs is relieved, especially the liver and kidneys.
  • The heart restores proper functioning, delivering oxygen and nutrients to all organs at a faster rate.

How to start fasting correctly. In this case it will help kefir diet for 3 days before the start of the process.

Sample menu:

1st breakfast:
✓ A glass of low-fat kefir.
2nd breakfast:
✓ A glass of kefir;
✓ Low-butter cookies - 3 pcs.
✓ A glass of kefir;
✓ Cabbage or cottage cheese casserole
Afternoon snack:
✓ ½ cup kefir
✓ A glass of kefir;
✓ A portion of raw or scalded vegetables.
Before going to bed, ½ glass of kefir.

These days you need to be in the sun to stock up on vitamin D. This preliminary preparation is suitable for the treatment of gastrointestinal diseases. To heal from other ailments, you need to master a fruit and vegetable diet.

Daily therapeutic fasting at home

Paul Bragg - famous American doctor has developed a useful fasting system that can be carried out from breakfast to the next breakfast or from dinner to dinner. During the day you can drink only distilled water or warm tea, of course, without sugar. Drink water in small sips every 2-3 hours, a quarter glass.

If it is difficult to drink water, then you can add 1 teaspoon of lemon juice and half a teaspoon of honey to a glass of water. During a hunger strike on the water, Paul Bragg advises to imagine how toxins are removed from the body, how it becomes cleaner and healthier.

The famous doctor recommended starting a way out of fasting with a salad consisting of grated carrots with cabbage, seasoned orange juice. It should be noted that all doctors recommend getting out of this process with such a light salad. Then switch to boiled or stewed vegetables. Only on the third day can you include boiled meat in the menu.

One-day fasting will help cure the following diseases:

  • acute gastritis and enterocolitis;
  • inflammation of the gallbladder, pancreas ( acute cholecystitis and pancreatitis);
  • bleeding from a stomach ulcer (under the supervision of a surgeon);
  • cardiac asthma (under the supervision of a cardiologist);
  • rheumatoid arthritis, gout;

Similar procedure very useful for weight loss.

If you tolerate the one-day treatment well, then you can repeat it weekly on your day off.

Yuri Nikolaev's method

The method of treatment with hunger according to Nikolaev is more stringent. But the one who decided to reset excess weight, it is used.

On the first day you need to drink large dose magnesium before lunch to cleanse the intestines well. For a patient of average weight, 50 g of magnesium is sufficient. The substance is dissolved in 0.5 glasses of water and drunk.

Many have already felt that this is not for them. Indeed, it is difficult. But if you are in a sanatorium, then under the supervision of a doctor you can try it, the reviews are very positive. People lost up to 40 kg of weight.

Methodology of Gennady Malakhov

Malakhov’s fasting method is based on important rules:
1. The first rule is to cleanse the intestines using laxatives and a cleansing enema.
2. The second rule is to also perform cleansing enemas during fasting using concentrated urine.
3. Do not reduce physical activity.
4. Take a shower, cleanse with water oral cavity.
5. Get a daily massage.
6. Exit from fasting with juices and fresh vegetables.

Not all people agree to carry out this process, but everyone chooses the right technique for themselves.

How to soothe pancreatitis

With pancreatitis, hunger is the first aid in treatment. Doctors recommend fasting for 1 to 3 days, but no more. If this disease is not treated, other serious diseases may develop as a consequence. In the acute form, unbearable pain in the abdominal area, vomiting, and fever appear. Chronic form Even more dangerous, it does not make itself felt, slowly eroding your health.

The disintegration of the pancreas is very dangerous, since no organ can perform its functions. And it is very difficult to treat it even with medications, so treatment with hunger is a real salvation. Moreover, it is necessary to carry out dry fasting, that is, you will have to give up food and water.

When the pancreas returns to normal, you need to give up harmful foods forever and go on a strict diet. Eat only permitted foods, and in small portions 5-6 times a day.

Allowed foods and dishes:

  • Vegetable puree soups;
  • Low-fat stewed fish;
  • Lean meat, steamed, stewed, baked;
  • Stewed turkey fillet;
  • Porridge on water: buckwheat, oatmeal, millet;
  • Herbal teas;
  • Not strong decoction rosehip;
  • Low-fat dairy products.

How to break fasting correctly

Having cured pancreatitis by fasting, it is important not to ruin the results achieved. Follow these recommendations and you will save your pancreas:

  1. Start your day with oatmeal on the water.
  2. For lunch, vegetable broths, cottage cheese, steamed meat
  3. Instead of salads from raw vegetables, boiled pureed vegetables.
  4. Drink more fluids or herbal infusions.
  5. Consume food and water warm.

Spicy seasonings are no longer for you!

How to survive fasting

So, you have decided to temporarily give up food, but you are afraid that the feeling of hunger will not give you peace. There are several ways to deceive your appetite:

  1. Drink half a glass of infusion of figs and prunes. Pour boiling water over the dried fruits and let it brew. For 1 liter of water 100 g of dried fruits.
  2. You can eat prunes, 5 or 6 pieces. It will not harm your diet, and your stomach will not ask for food.
  3. Buy mint tincture in advance, and at the first attack of hunger, rinse your mouth with the tincture solution. Your brain will mistake rinsing for eating.
  4. Parsley infusion will also deceive your stomach. Pour a glass of boiling water over 1 tbsp. l. herbs, let it brew, drink warm.
  5. Eat 2-3 tbsp. spoons of unsalted buckwheat porridge. You will forget about hunger for 2 hours.
  6. Drink a few spoons of milk.
  7. You can eat a small piece of boiled chicken.
  8. Do gymnastics, it perfectly calms the stomach.

Fasting - pros and cons

Therapeutic fasting is a stimulation of the body's defenses. But this is not a panacea for ailments, but only one of the methods of the most powerful effect on the body. Therefore, first study the pros and cons of this process, and then decide whether you can stand it.

The benefits are healing from many diseases. Disadvantages: complexity of the procedure. If you are not afraid of difficulties, then after consulting with your doctor, start with a one-day fast on water.

How to lose weight quickly

For fast weight loss A fasting diet has been developed. As a result, weight loss per week is 5-7 kg. After a week-long fast, it is important to maintain it.

Advantages of the technique

  1. Excellent performance.
  2. Will leave the body harmful substances.
  3. No large financial investments are required.
  4. You don't have to stand at the stove a lot to cook food.


  1. Feeling hungry all day.
  2. Without entering the body useful substances will make you sleepy, and you may feel dizzy.
  3. After losing weight, you should not binge on food, otherwise the lost weight will return.

Sample menu for the week:

Monday. Drink 1.5 liters of milk with 2.5% fat content.
Tuesday. Drink plain water without gas - 2 liters.
Wednesday. Brew 3 liters of green tea and drink throughout the day. It is allowed to add 3-4 slices of lemon and 1 tbsp. a spoonful of honey.
Thursday. Drink 1 liter of water, a glass of low-fat kefir in the morning and evening.
Friday. 1 liter of plain water and carrot-apple juice.
Saturday. 1 l each ginger tea and water without gas.
Sunday. Pomegranate juice – 500 ml, 1.5 liters of water.

This diet is difficult to maintain, but the result: 6-7 kg.

Dear friends, I look forward to your feedback on the effectiveness of your chosen method.

Ecology of health: Fasting in medicinal purposes is a procedure that belongs to alternative medicine. Its essence lies in the voluntary renunciation...

Fasting for medicinal purposes is a procedure that belongs to alternative medicine. Its essence is to voluntarily refuse to eat food or even water for a certain period of time.

Many people perceive fasting as stress, discomfort, difficult conditions life. They don’t understand why they should deliberately subject themselves to a painful test.

But this one medical procedure used for preventive purposes. If you fast correctly, it will not harm the human body.

Therapeutic fasting at home

The main goal of therapeutic fasting is to increase a person’s performance, rejuvenate the entire body, restore its protective barriers, which will significantly improve its health and help remove toxins and excess fat deposits.

For those who are looking for a way to regain their health, it is useful to know how to properly apply therapeutic fasting at home, its indications, pros and cons.

Features and benefits of therapeutic fasting

Fasting is a natural system of dietary restriction. It is often used as an additional or primary therapy in the treatment of a sick person.

During therapeutic fasting, the stages of complete abstinence from food and periods of cleansing are combined. Fasting itself can last from 1-3 days to 21.

These are not just refusals to eat, but rather complex procedures for ridding the body of excess toxic substances. These include enemas, massages and various breathing exercises.

The essence therapeutic method is that during fasting the body begins to use additional reserves vitality and energy, which is used to restore and cleanse the body of toxic products.

The latter cause a variety of pathological changes, the most common being cellulite. Research has proven many times that using this method, a person gets rid of excess body weight.

Since toxins begin to be actively removed from the body and it is fueled by its own destroyed fat cells. After the destruction of the affected molecules and cells, the formation of new tissue, cellular and molecular layers begins.

Therefore, this is not only a restorative, but also a renewing process of all organs.

Therapeutic fasting is very useful for those who suffer from endotoxicosis. Thanks to him, healing occurs naturally.

In this case, a person must strictly adhere to certain rules and learn to fully manage the auxiliary forces. The technique is based on an understanding of a healthy lifestyle.

General pros and cons of the method

Like any technique, oxygen starvation has its pros and cons. Based on research, there are a number of side effects that may occur. Before you begin therapeutic fasting, you should familiarize yourself with them.

They are as follows:

  1. During therapeutic fasting, the body does not consume fats, but protein reserves. As a result, muscle tissue weakens and its quantity decreases. Wrinkles may appear and skin sagging may increase.
  2. Immunity decreases, the body is more exposed to viruses and infections.
  3. You can provoke anemia, which manifests itself as malaise, constant fatigue, weakness, decreased concentration.
  4. The reserves of micro- and macroelements in the body are reduced to a minimum, therefore the condition of hair, skin, nails worsens, and tone decreases.
  5. After breaking the fast, lost body weight can quickly return. It depends on the feature metabolic processes before and after the procedure.

Contraindications for fasting:

  • diabetes;
  • dystrophy, which is accompanied by active hair loss and severe dizziness;
  • second trimester of pregnancy and lactation in women;
  • severe forms diseases that cause incapacity;
  • dementia;
  • psychoneurological diseases.

But for some of the above diseases, exceptions are possible. Diabetes is treated by fasting, gradually reducing insulin doses.

Positive sides:

  1. The body is cleansed of toxins.
  2. Tissues are rejuvenated.
  3. Joints are cleansed.
  4. The body is renewed.
  5. Immunity to environmental problems is developed.
  6. The brain is activated.
  7. Energy reserves increase.
  8. Occurs spiritual development, strengthens the connection between soul and body.

If the decision to carry out such a procedure is made, then first of all, you should know how to properly carry out therapeutic fasting for weight loss.

There are many techniques that have been tried more than once and have shown good results.

Fasting according to Nikolaev

Therapeutic fasting according to Nikolaev belongs to the classical methods, but has its own characteristics. Using this method, medium-term fasting was practiced - up to 20-21 days.

Treatment was carried out in a hospital under the supervision of doctors. The second feature is the use of a number of additional procedures that enhance the effect:

  • daily enemas;
  • constant walks in the fresh air for at least two hours a day;
  • drinking rosehip decoction during fasting;
  • physiotherapeutic procedures;
  • massage and self-massage;
  • water procedures.

The above actions and fasting make it possible to achieve remarkable results for losing weight and treating various pathologies.

To get the desired effect, anyone who wants to be treated in this way should understand the technique and overcome the fear of therapy.

At the end of therapeutic fasting, appetite appears, complexion improves, tongue is cleared of plaque and disappears. bad smell from mouth.

Next no less important stage is a way out of fasting, recovery period plays a big role.

A well-developed diet therapy is necessary. Classic scheme:

  1. You should start with juices diluted with water. On day 4, you can switch to grated fruits and carrots. After a week, liquid porridges are allowed
  2. Drink the juice slowly, in small portions, mixing with saliva.
  3. From day 10, dietary products can be changed, adhering to a vegetable and dairy diet with a high content of vitamins and mineral salts.
  4. If there are no fresh fruits, you can replace them with canned or dried ones.
  5. Instead of kefir, any dairy products are allowed to be consumed.
  6. You can eat vinaigrette with the addition of a teaspoon of lemon juice.
  7. Salt completely excluded from food for the entire recovery period. Its consumption can disrupt metabolism and cause swelling.

The recovery period lasts as long as the fast lasted. The daily routine remains the same.

Some patients experience weakness in the first days and prefer to stay in bed - this is normal.

Center for therapeutic fasting by Lyudmila Aleksandrovna Orlova

In 1962, a center for therapeutic fasting was opened in Rostov-on-Don. It was created with the direct participation of Nikolaev. It is headed by Lyudmila Aleksandrovna Orlova. But it was Nikolaev who made her a specialist in therapeutic fasting.

Their meeting became fateful. After her, Nikolaev put her on a 32-day fast, which cured Lyudmila of incipient liver cirrhosis. Since then, she has been obsessed with believing in this unique method of therapy.

The course of treatment is carried out only in a hospital under the constant supervision of specialists. Computer diagnostics according to Nakatani allows you to identify any changes at the energy level.

Monitors the slightest fluctuations in the condition of patients, allows you to adjust the duration of periods of fasting, and avoid complications. In addition, she selects individual programs subsequent nutrition and vitamin-mineral complexes.

The basic course at the center is 26 days. A longer period is possible, depending on the severity of the disease, general condition patient, age.

After completing the course, recommendations are given, individual for each person. Their implementation helps to maintain the purity of your body for a long time.

Field Bragg technique

Paul Bragg believed that for a healthy lifestyle you simply need to fast from time to time. You should start with a one-day abstinence from food once a week.

He said that during treatment you should drink only the required amount of water and recommended solitude in nature.

Bragg developed his own diet, which must be followed throughout his life. It is as follows:

  • 60% of the diet should be raw or lightly processed fruits and vegetables;
  • 20% - natural vegetable fats, natural carbohydrates, as well as rice, bread and legumes;
  • 20% - animal and plant proteins - meat, fish, eggs, cheeses, nuts, seeds, brewer's yeast;
  • You are allowed to drink only distilled water and freshly squeezed juices;
  • Fried, canned and smoked food is strictly prohibited.

Therapeutic fasting according to Paul Bragg has both like-minded people and opponents. They argue about its effectiveness and health safety.

Dry fasting

Dry fasting offers complete failure from liquid. Even oral hygiene is prohibited.

Mild dry fasting allows for bathing, dousing and showering. In the case of the hard method, you cannot even wash your hands.

The dry fasting technique assumes the possibility and necessity of losing weight, building muscle mass and relief from diseases.

The benefit of this method of fasting is that fat is effectively burned in the shortest possible time.

In the absence of water, cells stop dividing and healing occurs. The duration of dry fasting depends on the degree of the disease.

If it is used for about two weeks, then only strong and healthy cells survive in the body, weak ones damaged by disease die.

If you choose this technique, the result will not take long to come. There are a number of negative aspects and complications.

First of all, there is an overload of the nervous system and brain. In addition, anhydrous fasting cannot occur without withdrawal symptoms, lethargy, lethargy and drowsiness.

Methodology of Marva Ohanyan

Therapist Marva Ohanyan has developed her own method of therapeutic fasting. She believes that the use of such a procedure is a natural effect on the body, promoting restoration of strength and cleansing.

If you apply the procedure correctly and get out of it wisely, you can significantly improve your health.

According to Marva’s method, fasting has a therapeutic effect; with its help, mucus, sand, and harmful substances from the gastrointestinal tract and internal organs can be removed from the body.

The procedure helps prevent various diseases, which a person suffers from only because the body is forgotten by waste and toxins.

Principles of the Ohanyan technique:

  • maintaining a drinking diet for a certain period;
  • complete refusal to eat;
  • performing cleansing enemas.

The composition of the enema mixture is ordinary water at the required temperature.. The results from this procedure are significant. During the cleansing period, you can drink water with honey, but if possible, it is better to leave such a drink for the period of recovery from fasting.

The effectiveness of such a system:

  1. Prolonged refusal to eat stops the digestion process, unloading the organs that are responsible for this process. As a result, the body receives additional energy for natural cleansing.
  2. The use of herbal decoctions, which improve cleansing processes and nourish the body's cells, is mandatory procedure. Herbs are absorbed very quickly by the stomach and the body does not have to be overloaded. The healing and nutritious substances in the decoctions activate enzymes, thanks to which toxins are eliminated into the lymph, then into the large intestine and out of the body.
  3. Cleansing enemas allow you to completely empty the intestines and normalize its natural microflora.

Doctors say that prolonged fasting creates stress for the entire body. This technique can only be used under the supervision of specialists.

Malakhov’s preferences and differences in using classical methods

Malakhov created a book in which he describes different fasting methods, attitudes towards them and his own experience.

At the same time, he developed his own preferences and differences. The main ones:

  1. Preliminary cleansing of the body before fasting with the help of cleansing procedures.
  2. The classic entry into fasting or in the first days is the use of the dry method.
  3. The use of enemas with urine or evaporated urine.
  4. Intense physical activity during fasting.
  5. Simultaneously with fasting, the use of various procedures. These are sun treatments, swimming, massage with evaporated urine and the like.
  6. A classic way out of starvation.

The author prefers to use 7-10 days of fasting, but with significant physical activity. He pays attention to fasting on urine, which he considers more effective than the classical one.

Doctors consider this technique dangerous for the body. A significant load takes a lot of energy that could be spent on the recovery period.

Any fasting technique is a complex process.. Before you begin therapeutic fasting at home, you should learn how to use it correctly.

This treatment procedure renews the body’s functioning and is very effective for those who want to lose excess weight; it allows you to lose about three kg per day. It's better to start with short periods.

And before long-term fasting, you should consult a therapist. published . If you have any questions about this topic, ask them to the experts and readers of our project .

Many people ask the question: why does a person who owns advanced methods and technologies need to fast today? Everyone who learns about the fasting method for the first time is looking for the answer to this pressing question.

But if you delve into essence of the question, then modern man There are many reasons to use the method more often than many centuries ago. With the development of science, technology and medicine, life has not become easier. On the contrary, we are constantly influenced today a large number of negative factors.

Modern the person has become inactive uses a large number of fatty foods . Products that are used daily are of low quality, saturated preservatives and various artificial additives. Man also breathes polluted air, drinks dirty water. Every day we find ourselves in a stressful situation and experience a high pace of life.

All these factors negatively affect our health and reduce the level and quality of life.

Medicine today cannot solve all these problems, in addition, the use of various drugs further aggravates the situation. Man today fully trusts taking care of your health to doctors.

It turns out to be an interesting situation, we eat a lot, have bad habits, we move little, and then we contact to the doctors and we want restore yours health with the help of medications. Of course, this doesn't lead to anything good. After all medicine, it's just Chemical substance , which V our body won't change everything.

Fasting, at absolutely no financial cost, can effectively neutralize various negative factors that are so rich in our lives today.

Using fasting, you will go to a new level of relationship with food. By fasting, you will be forced eat food plant origin and choose rational combinations of certain products. Starving systematically you can learn control their food instincts and gradually get rid of the habit of overeating.

Fasting is an excellent diet. During the fasting process, the body begins to move to the stage of internal nutrition.

That's why fasting promotes effective weight loss in a short period of time, without leaving . It has been proven that systematic use of fastingrestores metabolic processes in the body, and this contributes to long-term stabilization and normalization of weight and getting rid of many. Fasting is great for coping with bronchial asthma, various allergies, diseases of the skin, heart, musculoskeletal systems, digestive system and many other ailments.

Therapeutic fasting also stabilizes and improves mental health person.

Starvation is a conscious and voluntary step to stop eating any food. Fasting for humans it is a source of health, and strength. There is no treatment method that can compare with method fasting by one's own strength effects on the body.

The fasting method has come into modern life from time immemorial and has stood the test of time. There is no religion in the world that does not use the process of fasting.

Naturally, before using the fasting method, you must follow the following rules:

  1. Get acquainted with the essence of the fasting method. Books and scientific works of popular authors are suitable for these purposes: P. Breg, Y. Nikolaev, G. Shelton, etc.
  2. Fasting is characterized by gradualness. There is no need to start your first fast with long periods, as this will not lead to anything positive. The first fast for a period of 1 to 3 days can be done independently at home.
  3. Fasting from 7 to 10 days is also recommended to be carried out at home, but only after you have carried out trial fasts for short periods and become familiar with the specifics of the fasting method in detail.
  4. Fasting for 14-21 days or more is not recommended at home.
  5. Be careful while fasting. Fasting can cause some complications. The fasting process should be stopped if health problems arise.
  6. For some diseases, constant use of hormones and insulin, fasting is necessary only in specialized clinics!

The basic rule of fasting is the complete abstinence of any food.

Prohibited drink any juices, coffee, tea. Completely excluded alcoholic drinks, chewable gum and lollipops. Only thanks complete absence food, you can switch to internal nutrition. The body will break down its own fats, which will provide you with everything you need during the fasting process.

The slightest consumption of food will disrupt the process of transition to internal nutrition and there will be no positive result from the fasting process.

Also prohibited use during fasting nutritional supplements and vitamins. During fasting, the body independently synthesizes the necessary substances, and you will not experience a lack of vitamins and microelements.

Application medical supplies during fasting has its own characteristics. If you systematically use heart medications, medications that normalize blood pressure, hormones, insulin, then you need to consult your doctor and fast in a clinic under the supervision of qualified doctors. In other cases, during fasting taking medicationsprohibited. Only usage shown homeopathic medicines to improve the therapeutic effect for certain diseases.

During fasting you can drink only water. The water can be any: boiled, distilled, spring, melted water, etc. The main requirement for her is that she must be clean. The amount of water you drink during fasting varies from person to person. For those, who is starving for the first time, better drink plenty of water. This will make the fasting process easier and will help you overcome intoxication faster.

Those who are fasting with extensive experience already feel how much water they need in a particular case.

For beginners in the first days of fasting, to reduce the feeling of hunger, it is recommended one-time drinking water with honey. When unpleasant symptoms disappear, then you should continue only on the water.

Before as start the process fasting it is necessary to carry out cleaning activities. The first thing you need to do is cleanse the intestines. It is recommended to carry out cleansing procedures a month before the designated fasting period. It is better to do this with an enema. Cleansing the intestines will provide you with comfort during the first fast, and will also help the body quickly switch to internal nutrition, will reduce intoxication and feelings of hunger.

To cleanse the intestines you can use different saline laxatives drugs. Namely: sodium sulfate (Glauber's salt), magnesium sulfate (Epson salt), sodium phosphate and sodium citrate.

These laxatives stimulates the accumulation of water in the intestines. As a result, the intestinal contents liquefy, peristalsis increases and feces easily and quickly removed. The effect after using a saline laxative begins after 4-6 hours.

Before fasting, you can use seaweed, agar-agar, some fruits and special mineral water, which contains the required quantities of magnesium sulfate and sodium sulfate.

Laxatives whose action is aimed at chemical irritation of the digestive system are not recommended.

Seven days before fasting need to give up high-calorie foods, hot spices and alcoholic drinks. It is best to adhere to a dairy-vegetable diet during this period. This type of nutrition will reduce appetite and facilitate the process of fasting.

Important choose the right time to fast. carried out at any time of the year, and long-term fasting - at the end of July, August and early September. During this period of time it is warm, there are a lot of fruits and vegetables.

First fasting lasting one day better spent on weekends and long-term fasting is recommended to begin on vacation and preferably in the fresh air.

Breaking out of fasting is very important part starvation process. You can carry out the fasting process well, but spoil the result with the wrong way out. fasting.

To properly exit fasting, you must use the following rules:

  • meals should be fractional;
  • the quantity and concentration of products should be increased gradually;
  • start eating with vegetable-dairy food, and introduce vegetable fats only on the 4th day of release;
  • The duration of recovery from fasting should be equal to the period of fasting.

Breaking out of fasting the most important part of fasting practice. That's why there is no need to rush Be careful and restrained, everything should work out for you!

Therapeutic fasting is popular and quite effective method self-cleansing of the body by refusing food, and in some cases, water. After leaving it, you need to stick to a light diet, which will stabilize the results achieved. Is a constantly developing area alternative medicine, but is criticized by the official. The goal is recovery, rejuvenation, cleansing of the body and, as a result of all this, weight loss.


During a pre-selected period (from 1 day to 9 weeks), the person abstains from food and drinks. There are different techniques. According to some, you can drink water, juices, herbal decoctions, and a small amount of honey is allowed. According to others, everything is prohibited, even water.

The goal is to give the digestive tract a rest so that it can begin to cleanse itself. How longer fasting, the more organs are involved in this process: after the stomach - blood, lymph, liver, kidneys, lungs, skin. This leads to overall health of the body. Next comes ketoacidosis (cleansing at the cellular level), autolysis (self-destruction of pathogenic, unhealthy areas), tissue regeneration and renewal begins.

At the same time, it is necessary to healthy image life (don’t be nervous, get enough sleep, play sports, give up bad habits), and after leaving, adhere to the principles of vegetarian or proper nutrition. Moreover, treatment is carried out in regular courses.

Effect on the body

Depending on the duration of fasting, the body experiences following changes(according to the statements of the supporters and authors of the method).

1-2 days

Stage of food stimulation and apoptosis. In the absence of food, the body finds other sources of energy: fatty, connective and muscle tissue, as well as glycogen in the liver. The intestines are freed from unnecessary debris. Damaged cells are destroyed.

3-4 days

Stage of increasing acidosis. The rate of tissue breakdown increases several times. Autolysis starts - pathogenic microorganisms are destroyed, cancer cells, free radicals, “dead” water. Homotoxicosis may begin due to hunger (accumulation of toxic decay products in the blood). There is a high risk of ending up in a hospital bed, especially for those who do not even drink water.

7-10 days

Stage of compensation (adaptation). The body gets used to such living conditions. Dry fasting usually ends at this stage. Water intake can be continued against the background of good health. The processes of cellular rejuvenation are launched.

14-21 days

The stage of recovery from the most severe pathologies. Adherents promise complete relief from tumors, stones and visceral fat.

However, all these processes, which the authors and fans of therapeutic fasting focus on, are only theoretical hypotheses that have not been scientifically confirmed.

Therapeutic fasting is carried out to cleanse the body, lose weight, rejuvenate and improve overall health. However, the results are often contradictory. Someone gets rid of chronic diseases, extra pounds and acquires new meaning life - becomes a vegetarian (we talked about this trend in) or an adherent of a healthy lifestyle. However, the opposite consequences ( intestinal disorders, new sores, quick return of even more weight) are also not uncommon, which should give thought to those who decide to undertake such an experiment.


Many doctors oppose not only the term, arguing that fasting is rarely therapeutic, but also against the technique itself, which can be dangerous to health and life. What official medicine warns about:

  • fasting treatment should be prescribed by a qualified doctor and carried out in specialized hospital departments or sanatoriums;
  • the risk of death as a result of hidden diabetes mellitus(hypoglycemic coma), cardiac arrest, inability of the gastrointestinal tract to recover from fasting;
  • irreversible consequences are possible in the form of disorders in the cerebral cortex and liver cells, almost always after fasting there is a loss of strength, stress, discomfort throughout the body, weakened immunity, painful phenomena in the gastrointestinal tract, liver and kidneys;
  • fasting of any kind is an extreme way of healing;
  • Recent studies concerning the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract have revealed that 2 days of fasting have no effect on the intestinal epithelium (proponents of the technique claim that it is renewed), but they reduce the activity of enzymes and contribute to the development of mucosal atrophy.

The popularity of this technique especially suffered after the publication of the book by well-known nutritionist R. S. Minvaleev, “Weight Correction.” He wrote what actually happens in the body when it does not receive food and water:

  • First of all, it is not fats that are broken down, but proteins and amino acids that make up muscle and connective tissue;
  • nerve cells without glucose die en masse;
  • ketoacidosis is not the beginning of cleansing at all, but a consequence of hunger shock;
  • stones do not come out, but on the contrary, they form (the author confirms this postulate with the results of scientific research).

Minvaleev especially upset everyone who was hoping to lose weight:

  • a third of the weight lost is muscle;
  • after fasting, the body begins to quickly stock up on fats in case of the next such test - the weight quickly returns to even large quantities;
  • exhaustion connective tissue and muscles leads to the destruction of the corset, which previously supported fat deposits;
  • without it, adipocytes begin to grow chaotically - the appearance is inevitable.

All statements by supporters of therapeutic fasting about ketoacidosis, autolysis, self-purification and other processes occurring in the body under its influence have no scientific confirmation and are only hypotheses.


  • Hepatitis, liver cirrhosis;
  • hyperthyroidism;
  • blood diseases, thrombophlebitis;
  • exhaustion, anorexia, underweight;
  • oncological diseases;
  • open tuberculosis, bronchiectasis;
  • renal failure;
  • diabetes;
  • heart failure, arrhythmia, recovery after myocardial infarction.

Benefits and harms


Therapeutic fasting can be useful if you follow all the recommendations and against the backdrop of good adaptation of the body. It is capable of:

  • cleanse the body of debris, including toxins and pathogenic microorganisms;
  • cure some diseases, starting with a runny nose and ending with cancerous tumors(such cases are known);
  • relieve chronic pain;
  • eliminate swelling, salt and fat deposits;
  • give a feeling of lightness - not only as a result of weight loss, but also improved well-being;
  • reduce physical dependence on nicotine, alcohol, drugs;
  • slow down the aging process;
  • strengthen willpower;
  • be the beginning of a new one life path(vegetarianism, healthy lifestyle).


At the same time, according to doctors, from any “therapeutic” fasting more harm, than good, since it:

  • causes exacerbation of previously undetected or new diseases;
  • it is morally and physically difficult to bear; both the person and his body are in a state of stress;
  • reduces the standard of living because during this period it is difficult to work, communicate, and rejoice;
  • relaxes the gastrointestinal tract, which then finds it difficult to get into its usual groove;
  • promotes not so much fat burning as the breakdown of beneficial tissues (muscle or connective tissue);
  • may result in death or diabetic ketoacidosis.

Taking into account the last factor, we can conclude that only the bravest can decide on such a therapeutic fasting!


Depending on the diet, fasting occurs:

  • complete (on water) - refusal of food and drinks with the ability to quench thirst with plain water;
  • absolute (dry) - refusal of food and water, sometimes partial (water procedures are allowed) and complete (ban on them);
  • combined - alternating “dry” and “water” options.

Depending on the duration:

  • short-term - 1-2 days;
  • “golden mean” - from 3 days to 1 week;
  • long-term - more than 7 days (10, 14, 21, 40 days, 9 weeks).

Depending on the organization scheme:

  • Factional. Involves 3 fractions of fasting for 14 days. Between them there is a recovery period for the body from 1 to 2 months. The course is six months.
  • Stepped. One stage - a week of fasting, 3 days of recovery. 3-4 stages are organized.

There is also intermittent fasting, but it has nothing to do with healing, since its effect on the body is scientifically proven and has slightly different goals. You can read about this at.

How to do it correctly

Have you decided to fast in order to lose weight and improve your health? Then do it correctly:

  1. Choose one of the author's techniques.
  2. Study the material in great detail: rules, entrance and exit diagrams, reviews.
  3. Find followers of this technique, try to communicate with them. Even better is to make an appointment with a naturopath who promotes and supervises this direction and will be able to control the entire process.
  4. Get a medical examination. If you have serious illnesses, get treatment first.
  5. Prepare yourself mentally and physically.
  6. Do everything in strict accordance with the recommendations of the methodology, without introducing anything new.


If you do not prepare the body, this is fraught with rapid failure, complications and lack of results. Each author prescribes the rules for his own methodology in detail. preparatory stage. Some people spend 2 weeks on it, others a week. The longer it lasts, the better. So how do you get started?

  1. Avoid the most harmful foods: fast food, snacks, soda, alcohol, processed foods.
  2. Remove everything fatty, sweet, pickled and smoked from your diet.
  3. Avoid frying as a method of cooking.
  4. Over the course of a week, gradually eliminate meat, fish, eggs and dairy products from the menu.
  5. Increase daily consumption of clean water.

The process itself

The rules of therapeutic fasting are prescribed in the daily regimen. It is recommended in most methods in this form with minor adjustments:

  1. Early awakening. If this is not dry fasting, then a glass of water on an empty stomach (possibly with simultaneous use laxatives), enemas (Paul Bragg* excluded them).
  2. Morning work-out. Walk in the fresh air. Yoga. Breathing exercises.
  3. Warm shower or bath.
  4. Physiotherapeutic procedures for the treatment of the underlying disease (if you are fasting in a hospital setting).
  5. Salon procedures for weight loss (wraps, masks, spa and other relaxation).
  6. Walk in the fresh air.
  7. Favorite activity (reading, watching a movie, communicating).
  8. Work with motivational sphere: auto-trainings, affirmations.
  9. Physical activity: working outdoors, cleaning the house when open windows, a set of lightweight exercises.
  10. Favorite hobby.
  11. Warm shower or bath.
  12. Any relaxation before bed, except TV and gadgets (reading, repeating affirmations, pleasant conversation).

*Paul Bragg is an American representative of naturopathy and alternative medicine, who invented his own method of fasting. We are talking about her.

During water fasting, you must remember to constantly drink water. It is better to use distilled water, although you can use melted water, non-carbonated mineral water or chilled boiled water. It should be at room temperature (warm is also allowed). To satisfy hunger, you need to drink it in small sips. The schedule can be different: every hour or as desired.

Most naturopaths strongly recommend going out of town, into nature, for the entire fasting period. A good option- relax in a sanatorium, if doctors allow you to practice such unconventional techniques. There you can sign up for physiotherapeutic procedures for the overall health of the body. You can go to the country. Relaxation and fresh air will enhance the healing effect.

The use of gadgets and television is discouraged due to the blue light from screens, which is harmful to health. The first ones are allowed only for work purposes, the second one is for watching your favorite movie to get positive emotions.


Coming out of therapeutic fasting is no less important than entering it. If at the preparation stage you can break out and enjoy something forbidden, and there will be no obvious harm from this, then everything is different here. The desire to eat is so strong that most people, having endured fasting, break down the next day after it ends and... end up in a hospital bed. The digestive tract, which has been resting all this time and is in a relaxed state, cannot digest the large amount of food that has fallen on it. This leads to toxicity.

There was such a case. Nikolaev in his book gives an example an elderly woman, who, in order to get rid of pain (with a diagnosis of arthrosis of the knee and ankle joints), independently carried out a 12-day fast. She endured it to the end, but the next day she ignored the recommendations on the correct way out. The professor advised starting with a glass of diluted vegetable juice (without spices and pulp). She decided to enjoy the chicken broth. The result was that I ended up in the hospital with protein poisoning. Resuscitation efforts had no effect, and death was recorded.

It is more difficult to break out of dry fasting: the next day you can only drink water. From water it is a little easier: juices from raw vegetables diluted with water and strained are allowed. Paul Bragg allowed a little carrot salad right away for breakfast (after 1 and 3 days of fasting). And then every day you need to introduce 1-2 products into your diet:

  • 1st day - drinking (water, vegetable juices, weakly brewed green tea);
  • 2nd - salads from fresh vegetables, seasoned with a small amount of olive oil;
  • 3rd - fruits, berries, nuts;
  • 4th - cereals, seeds, sunflower seeds.

As for meat, eggs and dairy products, some representatives of alternative medicine suggest abandoning them altogether vegetarian food. It will ensure that the body is well prepared for further fasting. Others advise consuming them in limited quantities (for example, a couple of times a week). For still others, their quality is important: if meat, then chicken breast or beef; if dairy products, then natural and with minimal fat content.

The results will be much more effective if, in the intervals between treatment “marathons”, you adhere to vegetarian diet or at least .

Organization of long-term therapeutic fasting (more than 3 days) at home - dangerous event With unpredictable consequences. They are carried out under the constant supervision of either doctors who do not reject this direction of alternative medicine, or naturopaths, the authors of such methods, in private health centers. If side effects occur, life-threatening(hunger shock, dehydration, etc.) in a hospital setting they are quickly stopped and help further recovery of the body.

Important information! When independently carrying out a long hunger strike at home, there were cases of death. Therefore, when deciding on something like this, you will have to take full responsibility for the consequences upon yourself.


Most of the author's methods recommend operating in the summer. Firstly, it is easier to organize entry and exit with fresh fruits and vegetables. Secondly, in winter this procedure is more difficult to tolerate, since the body does not have enough energy to heat the body when the temperature drops environment. This is fraught with weakened immunity and infections.

How to withstand it?

Fans claim that this kind of hunger strike is much easier to tolerate than many mono-diets and fasting days. However, you shouldn't take their word for it. This applies primarily to those who have already repeatedly conducted similar tests. Their bodies are accustomed to stressful situations and can coordinate to block hunger. In fact, even one-day abstinence from food is a constant struggle with the temptation to eat something.

To survive, you need to properly distribute your water intake - for example, a glass per hour. To forget about hunger pangs and not think about food, you need to fill the whole day with pleasant activities. Go shopping, just take a walk, go to a museum that you didn’t have time for before. You can read or watch a fascinating series that will make time pass unnoticed. Warn your family not to tempt you with goodies and to support you.

If it becomes completely unbearable, and dizziness to the point of fainting and unbearable heartburn are added to attacks of hunger, take half a teaspoon of honey and slowly lick it off. The main thing is that the brain receives a signal that at least some food is coming. An alternative is to hold a crust of black bread in your mouth. The swallowed saliva will be filled with its taste and smell, blocking hunger.

Are there any relaxations?

Each author has his own view on the strictness of observing a therapeutic fast. Paul Bragg, for example, allows you to eat 1 tsp per day. lemon juice and honey, Marva Ohanyan offers juices, Nikolaev - rosehip decoction. In any case, the first time you are unlikely to be able to sit on water alone (or even without it). Start with more gentle methods.

What to do if things get bad?

The best option is to immediately stop fasting treatment, organize the right exit and go to the hospital as soon as possible to normalize the condition.

Can I take medicine?

Most methods prohibit doing this, which causes criticism and dissatisfaction from others. official medicine. In the presence of chronic diseases, which involve the constant use of drugs that support life and normal well-being, you cannot stop taking them.

Do you need to play sports?

Any physical activity with a few caveats is useful for both improving the health of the body and losing weight. Running and intense power training prohibited. But they are recommended morning exercises, yoga, swimming, hiking, breathing practices and simple ones.

Review of author's methods

Paul Bragg

Paul Chappius Bragg

Book: The Miracle of Fasting.

Type of fasting: on water.

Features of the technique

According to Bragg, you can only drink distilled water. Volume is not limited. You can also add honey or lemon juice(no more than 10 g per day). Terms - 24 and 36 hours, 3, 7 and 10 days. I did not recommend a three-week fast. He argued that medical supervision of this process is not necessary. He was against laxatives and enemas, as well as all refined foods. His technique was especially popular at the end of the twentieth century. He called for a healthy lifestyle, calling sunlight, Fresh air, motor activity and his other principles by "Doctors".


Gennady Petrovich Malakhov

Books: Fasting for medicinal purposes, Great encyclopedia therapeutic fasting.

Types: choose from complete dry, cascade or interrupted.

Features of the technique

You can interrupt at any time, and then continue from the moment when the breakdown occurred. According to Malakhov, this provides emotional support to those who decide to do this and reduces the risk of premature termination of the experiment. Gennady Petrovich describes different models in his books, starting with complete dry fasting and ending with interval fasting. It’s difficult to call them original. He sort of reviews them, giving recommendations along the way, according to his experience. From water it offers regular drinking water, distilled water, and magnetized water. Like Bragg, honey and lemon juice are allowed. Duration - from 24 hours to 30 days.


Alexander Andreevich Barvinsky

Books: no individual works.

Types: classic (on water), dry, urine (on water and urine).

Features of the technique

The advantages of Barvinsky’s technique are that he personally controls the process that occurs in a hospital setting at the SpaGolod clinic. The pleasure is not cheap, but admiring reviews of the young specialist make him incredibly popular. Alexander Andreevich treats patients with diagnoses such as infertility, chronic allergies, stress, as well as diseases of the cardiovascular system, musculoskeletal system (musculoskeletal system), and gastrointestinal tract. And, of course, his author’s innovation is the inclusion of urine in the fasting diet.


Marva Vagharshakivna Ohanyan

Books: Handbook of a Practitioner, Golden Rules of Natural Medicine.

Type: herbal and juice based.

Features of the technique

Cleansing the body and losing weight according to Marva Ohanyan is considered one of the easiest and safest methods. At the first stage, the Armenian biochemist proposes to cleanse the body with decoctions from medicinal herbs(the list of which she herself limits), and at the second stage, maintain strength with freshly squeezed juices. On the one hand, official medicine does not criticize such a scheme, since it ensures the supply of nutrients. On the other hand, this system can be called fasting only conditionally, since juices are a complete product. Marwa also offers cleansing enemas and water treatments. Course - 21 days.


Ivan Pavlovich Neumyvakin

Books: Apostle of Health, Bioenergetic Essence of Man. Myths and reality.

Type: structured water.

Features of the technique

According to Neumyvakin, during therapeutic fasts you need to drink not ordinary water, but structured water. His recipe:

  1. In the evening pour at 2 liter jar tap water.
  2. Leave uncovered on the counter overnight. During this time, all harmful impurities will settle to the bottom.
  3. In the morning, without stirring, carefully drain the water, leaving the bottom layer in the bath.
  4. Bring some of it to a boil.
  5. Cool.
  6. Drink up.

The main rule is to drink water within 3 hours after boiling.


Yuri Sergeevich Nikolaev

Book: Fasting for health.

Type: on the water.

Features of the technique

According to Nikolaev, preparation should be carried out at the psycho-emotional level (a person must convince himself that he needs it) and physical. For the latter, he prescribed a detailed medical examination for his patients (from weight measurement to ultrasound).

According to Nikolaev’s system, each day of fasting should begin with enemas. Moreover, it has a rather large volume - up to 2 liters. Much attention was paid to water and physiotherapeutic procedures. The daily volume of water is 2 liters (mineral alkaline, distilled) + a glass of rosehip decoction before bed to improve the cleansing effect. Sleep - exclusively with open windows or in the fresh air (on the veranda, terrace). The recommended period is 21 days.

Books about therapeutic fasting

  1. Brazhko I., Kalyuzhnaya G. Proper fasting from a professional nutritionist.
  2. Bragg P. The Miracle of Fasting.
  3. Voitovich G. A. Heal yourself.
  4. Hamilton A. Effective therapeutic fasting, cleansing and losing weight in 5 days.
  5. Leomer M. 21 days of therapeutic fasting. What Paul Bragg was silent about.
  6. Makarova N. Health improvement through fasting.
  7. Malakhov G.P. Great encyclopedia of therapeutic fasting.
  8. Malakhov G.P. Fasting for medicinal purposes.
  9. Nikolaev Yu. S. Fasting for health.
  10. Siryur P. Three-day energy fasting.
  11. Firsov L.F. Therapeutic fasting. Fasting and dietary therapy.
  12. Khrushchev V. L. Starve in order to live without getting sick. Therapeutic fasting.
  13. Shelton G. Fasting will save your life.
  14. Schertz G. Fasting, cleansing and losing weight in 7 days.
  15. Yakuba A. School of healing fasting and raw food diet.

Despite all the warnings from official medicine about the inconsistency and even the danger of therapeutic fasting, thousands of people resort to its help. This is how someone gets rid of chronic pain and the need to drink packs of pills. Others use it as effective method losing weight.