University mei passing scores paid places
Student at this university: I’m studying here in my second year. The university has both disadvantages and advantages. In order: 1. Admission. The first thing I came across...
Growing Waler's Impatiens
Waller's impatiens (Impatiens walleriana) belongs to the Impatiens genus of the Impatiens family...
Contraindications for use
Mint belongs to the herbaceous medicinal plants of the Lamiaceae family. There are more than 25...
The diagnostic procedure for preschoolers and primary schoolchildren
The verbal games and exercises proposed below help to enhance the speech development of children. These games...
Why can you fire an employee?
Aida Ibragimova, head of the HR department of KSK group February 08, 2016 These three points must be taken into account before...
Education system in the Russian Federation
The concept of “education system” Regardless of the level of economic development, religious views,...
Arab preacher Kamal el Zant and his place in the Muslim Ummah of Tatarstan: from recognition to exile Huda, peace be upon him
Kamal El Zant (born October 3, 1974) is a Quranic hafiz (Quranic reciter) who gives sermons in...
Canning apricots in halves Apricots for the winter recipes without sterilization
On hot summer days you need not only to relax, but also to think about winter. Preservation: a lot of things are required...
Meat cheesecakes with mushrooms and cheese Meat cheesecakes
Cheesecakes are not always sweet and made from yeast dough, and this recipe of mine is proof of that. Meat cheesecakes...
Bandy world championship tournament
15:1 - without sensations and options, the Russian team defeated the Norwegian team in the opening match of the 38th championship...