The puppy has red whites of the eyes. Why does a dog have red whites of the eyes: signs of physiological factors and symptoms of serious internal disorders

Red eye syndrome can manifest itself in different ways: reddening of the corners, a vascular network, or a sclera that has completely changed its color. In a few cases, a change in the color of the eye sclera is the norm, but more often this indicates a disease.

Red whites of both eyes in an albino dog are not a pathology. Albinos have a common genetic feature - the absence of the coloring pigment melanin, which makes blood vessels visible through the skin and areas of the eye sclera. It seems that the whites of the eyes of albino animals are pink.

Ingoda proteins blush in response to external stimuli. For example:

  1. A rush of blood to the eyes occurs as a result of stress, excitement, an attack of aggression. Red squirrels may indicate that the dog was frightened or has not yet cooled down after a fight with fellow tribesmen.
  2. The ocular vessels dilate if the animal is overheated. Intense heat, prolonged exposure to the sun or an open fire provokes a state of hyperthermia.
  3. During windy weather, irritation of the cornea with dust or small debris in the air is possible.
  4. It is likely that the eyes are constantly injured by improperly growing eyelashes or stiff hair bristles. In this case, it is recommended to constantly cut the interfering hairs.

These conditions do not require treatment. Redness of the whites of the eyes will pass by itself after the provoking factors are eliminated.

Redness as a symptom of the disease

Red eye syndrome often indicates a pathology, especially if it is accompanied by hyperemia, swelling, pain, visual impairment.

Dry eye syndrome or dry keratoconjunctivitis appears due to insufficient flow of tear fluid into the conjunctival cavity, which causes various inflammations of the conjunctiva and cornea to develop. This threatens with destructive changes in the eyes, ulcers, or complete loss of vision. There is both breed and hereditary predisposition to the disease.

Yorkshire terriers, cocker spaniels, Pekingese, pugs, bulldogs are especially often sick.

In the early stages, the condition of the dog is alleviated by instillation of the drug "artificial tear". If an infection has joined, antibiotics or non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs are used. A good effect is given by therapy with Cyclosporine, Tacrolimus. They stimulate the production of tear fluid.

An allergic reaction is a common cause of reddening of the eye sclera. Pollinosis is especially often manifested in this way - an allergy to the pollen of flowering plants or a reaction to chemicals, medications. The animal must be protected from exposure to allergens and administered antihistamines.

Traumatic injury to the eye can lead to inflammation of the sclera and reddening of the protein. Dogs with bulging eyes (Pekingese, pugs) are especially susceptible to injury. Even blunt injuries are dangerous - blood vessels burst from the blow, giving the protein a bright red color, sometimes lacrimation joins, the dog cannot open its eyes. In such a situation, it is urgent to show the dog to the doctor, otherwise vision may be lost.

Infectious conjunctivitis in dogs is manifested by reddening of the cornea and yellowish purulent discharge (in the initial stages, they may be transparent). A sick dog must be protected from contact with other animals. Eyes are washed with fresh tea leaves or chamomile decoction, antibacterial drops Sofradex or Albucid are instilled, tetracycline ointment is applied.

Increased intraocular pressure in glaucoma or neoplastic diseases. Vessels experience strong pressure, collapse, which leads to staining of the sclera.

Plague of carnivores is a very serious disease. Simultaneously with the respiratory organs, the organs of vision are affected. Discharges from the eyes and nose appear, which contain pus, tearing is observed. The general body temperature rises, intoxication occurs, the lymph nodes increase. The dog hides, refuses to communicate, stops eating.

Blockage of the tear duct is diagnosed when reddened corners of the eyes and tear ducts on the bridge of the nose are visible. If you do not provide medical care in time, then with a high probability an infection will join and inflammation will begin. Washing with antiseptic solutions is used as first aid. In advanced cases, surgical intervention is required - drainage of the lacrimal canal.

Increased blood pressure. The vessels swell and burst, which leads to reddening of the sclera. In severe cases, a complication occurs in the form of retinal detachment, and this already threatens with loss of vision. First of all, you need to review the pet's diet, eliminating the use of salt and fat. Significant physical activity, walking in cold or too hot weather, active games are not recommended. Weakness of the vascular walls may indicate autoimmune diseases, pathologies of the thyroid gland.

Diagnostic methods

The veterinarian takes a detailed medical history. The owner should talk about the behavior and well-being of the pet recently, recall what preceded the pathology: stress, excitement, fight, illness.

Tell your veterinarian if you observe:

  • itching (the dog rubs its eyes with its paw);
  • clouding of the cornea (frequent blinking);
  • inflammation, swelling in the eye area;
  • discharge from the lacrimal duct, the presence of pus in them;
  • increased lacrimation;
  • pupil asymmetry;
  • the nature of the pathology (vascular network, redness of the eyelids, ulcerative lesions).

Pay attention to the general condition of the dog: body temperature, activity, appetite.

An ophthalmologist veterinarian examines the dog during the diagnosis, assessing the condition of its eyelids and eyeballs. If glaucoma is suspected, tonometry is performed, measuring eye pressure.

Schirmer's test helps to exclude dry keratoconjunctivitis. It is designed to determine the amount of tear fluid released. The presence of microtraumas is also checked using a special fluorescent lamp.

To identify or exclude infectious pathologies or hormonal disruptions, a general blood test is done. If necessary, an ultrasound examination is prescribed, which allows you to determine the presence of organic changes and complications of the disease (clouding of the lens).

If a retinal detachment is suspected, an examination of the fundus and the condition of the optic nerve is performed - ophthalmoscopy.


First aid consists in washing the eyes with strong tea, instillation of an antimicrobial drug (Albucid) or laying tetracycline eye ointment. If there is severe itching, then a fixing collar should be put on the neck to prevent scratching.

The main therapy is selected by the attending physician only after the final diagnosis is made. Depending on the nature of the pathology, certain drugs can be used:

  1. Antibiotics of general or topical application, depending on the severity of the inflammation. They are indicated for conjunctivitis, blepharitis, keratitis, dacryadenitis and other infectious diseases.
  2. Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs help to stop inflammation, relieve pain.
  3. Glucocorticosteroids are used strictly according to indications. They are prescribed for the treatment of complicated ophthalmic pathologies with the ineffectiveness of other anti-inflammatory drugs.
  4. Antihistamines are needed to relieve allergic reactions.
  5. Antiseptics are used in solutions for washing the conjunctival cavities and lacrimal openings, as an auxiliary antibacterial therapy.
  6. Vitamin complexes help to strengthen the condition of the eye structures.

Surgical intervention is indicated mainly for traumatic eye lesions. If the redness is caused by blockage of the tear ducts, then it is surgically cleared. If necessary, the salivary glands are transplanted into the conjunctival cavity to restore the process of moisturizing the eye cornea.

Timely access to a doctor, early diagnosis and treatment for ophthalmic pathologies is a guarantee that the vision will return to the pet.

People have such a cliché: reddened eyes, it means conjunctivitis. Further, according to the logic: “It won’t get worse” - I wash my eyes with tea both for myself and for my pets. If you notice that the dog has red whites of the eyes, do not rush to boil the kettle, perhaps the “panacea” will be useless. It must be understood that redness of the eyes is an independent symptom only in isolated cases. Too often, a harmless ailment turns out to be an "alarm signal" warning of serious problems.

Important! The information below is for informational purposes only. Successfully diagnosing the underlying causes of eye redness at home is not possible. If the dog has already refused food and water, shows signs of fever or depression, contact a specialist immediately!

To find out why a dog has red eyes, you will need an examination by an ophthalmologist veterinarian. In any case, the owner will be asked a number of questions, so we carefully monitor the dog and write out the symptoms that are observed.

1. General condition: the dog is depressed, tries to hide in a quiet place, is reluctant to eat, tries to scratch his eyes, whines, often shakes his head, nasal discharge, fever are observed.

2. The nature of redness and the rate of the course of the disease:
a) the eyelids are very reddened, the whites of the eye and the iris look normal.
b) dotted redness of the white of the eye.
c) the white of the eye is completely reddened, perhaps the vessels are visible.
d) reddened and swollen blood vessels, otherwise the eye looks normal.

Read also: Brain edema in dogs: causes, types and symptoms

3. Are there discharges from the eyes:
a) the discharge is white or transparent, viscous, easily removed with a napkin.
b) the discharge is greenish or purulent, sticking together the hair around the eyes and eyelids if the dog is sleeping.
c) brown discharge.

Redness of the eyes, as a normal physiological reaction

If the dog has red eyes, and the rest of its state of anxiety does not cause, perhaps the reasons lie on the surface. We restore in memory the events of the last days and hours. Your dog may have experienced one of the following concussions:

Stress- a fight, an experienced shock, strong or suppressed aggression, punishment or humiliation. What to do: Calm the dog down and let it recuperate.

- observe the diet of the last days and exclude all recently introduced products, protect the dog from contact with detergents and household chemicals.

Overheating- the animal has been in the sun for a long time or in a room with a high air temperature. Signs: shortness of breath, nausea, redness of the mucous membranes, fever, loss of coordination. The pet needs first aid and a visit to the vet.

Eye or head injury– there may be no visual symptoms (hematomas, scratches). If there is redness or tearing from one eye, the dog tries to cover it, reacts sharply to touch and does not (!) Try to scratch it, most likely, the reason is a blow with a blunt object - urgently for examination by an ophthalmologist.

Important! Injuries from cat claws are extremely serious. Under the claws of a cat is a lot of bacteria. Even if you did not see a blow, but a conflict took place, consult a doctor immediately!

Read also: Mastopathy in dogs - a danger to the life of a pet

Strong wind, dust, sand- drying of the mucous membranes (without secretions). If your eyes dry out, you will need saline or "natural tears", drops without antibiotics, a doctor's consultation (you can call) and home treatment.

Conjunctivitis may have varying degrees of severity, accompanied by viscous, sticky secretions of light yellow or light green color. It must be remembered that the disease is viral and contagious, the pet must be protected from other animals, care must be taken and personal hygiene rules. At the initial stage, the eyes are washed with infusion or decoction of chamomile (not tea!), Each eye with a new sponge or cotton swab. The use of drops is also shown, the “standard” Saphrodex is not suitable for everyone. How to treat with specific symptoms, the specialist will tell you over the phone. With conjunctivitis, the eyelids itch a lot, so be sure to buy or make a “cap”. We are watching the trends, it has become worse - immediately to the clinic.

Nowadays it is difficult to meet a person who has never had a pet. A small pet is able to cheer up, he will always miss his owner and joyfully meet him from work. It has long been proven that the most devoted animal is the dog. She will never betray her best friend, protect and save him. Unfortunately, a beloved pet, like any living creature, can get sick. What to do if you suddenly find an eye in the squirrel? Why did this happen? How to help a pet in such a situation?

Causes of the symptom

One of the most common ailments in dogs is red whites of the eyes. The reasons for this discomfort can be different:

  • Most often this happens in cases where a faithful friend of a person has experienced severe stress or has been in fear for a long time. For this reason, one or more blood vessels burst in him, which provokes redness in the eye area.
  • Another common cause is an allergy to a product or smell. As a result, the pet's eyes water.
  • There are more dangerous causes of this disease. These include damage to the retina or a serious illness.

In any case, if you notice red whites of the eyes in a dog, you need to pay maximum attention to it and observe its well-being for a week.

Several types of diseases

As mentioned earlier, the most dangerous cause of eye redness is a serious illness. In total, several types of such an ailment can be distinguished.

  1. The mildest form is conjunctivitis. It is transmitted from an animal or person by airborne droplets. You can cure such an ailment at home with the help of ordinary drops, the course of treatment will take no more than one week.
  2. Inflammatory or viral disease. Pets are especially susceptible to them during the cold season. Treatment should be prescribed only by a veterinarian after a diagnosis.
  3. The most dangerous disease is distemper. It can lead to bad consequences up to death. Fortunately, it is extremely rare these days.

You should not do it as soon as you find red whites of the eyes in a dog. Perhaps she just got sand in her eyes, she was overworked or didn’t get enough sleep. It is also worth paying attention to associated symptoms.

Eye redness symptoms. When should you rush to the vet?

Every caring housewife will certainly begin to worry about why the dog has red whites of the eyes. First, you need to leave the animal alone, let it sleep. If no additional symptoms are found, the pet has excellent sleep, excellent appetite and good mood, then you can get by with the usual drops that can relieve inflammation. You need to hurry to the veterinarian in the following cases:

  1. It is impossible to cope with the problem on your own in more than seven days.
  2. The animal looks very depressed, he lost his sleep, appetite, it seems that he wants to hide in a secluded place from his master.
  3. The pet constantly whines or tries to scratch his eyes on his own, often his hair starts to come out.
  4. The general body temperature has risen (there are special devices for its determination in animals).
  5. There were various discharges from the nasal cavity.

As a rule, the whole eye turns red first, then it happens locally - in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe protein. The most severe stage of the disease is when the vessels can be clearly seen. If several symptoms appear at the same time, medical attention should be sought immediately.

Pre-hospital pain relief

Unfortunately, in many cities across the country, going to the vet is a problem. This is due to long queues, high prices or lack of qualified clinics. Undoubtedly, any owner will be frightened when he sees a red white of the eye in a dog. What to do if there is no way to contact a specialist in the near future? First of all, you need to reduce swelling, pain and itching.

First you need to gently rinse the eyes of the dog. It is recommended to do this only with boiled water. It is enough to do a few massaging movements with a cotton pad soaked in it. If this does not help, then you can try to drip one drop of anti-inflammatory drops into each eye or lubricate the mucous membrane with tetracycline ointment. You can also make a compress from herbal infusion.

First aid has been provided, now the dog will feel much better. But still, you should not delay treatment.

Treatment at home

There are two types of dog treatment at home: traditional medicine or medication.

Folk remedies can only cure a simple disease, such as irritation, allergies, or overwork. If the dog has red whites of the eyes and watery eyes, then it is enough to wipe them with sleeping tea several times a day (it is better to use a herbal composition, such as chamomile - it perfectly relieves inflammation)

Also in the pharmacy you can buy a special antibiotic. These include "Tsiprovet", "Iris" or "Bars". The cost of such a drug does not exceed 300 rubles.

Why not self-medicate?

Many owners do not begin to worry in time why the white of the dog's eyes is red. They believe that this is a completely non-serious disease that can be easily cured at home. But experts do not recommend engaging in such methods, this can lead to an aggravation of the situation: the appearance of a more severe stage of the disease, blindness and even death. It is mandatory to first identify the cause of the disease - and only then begin to eliminate it. Only an experienced specialist can help with this.

Disease prevention

In order to never encounter such a symptom as reddening of the retina, preventive measures should be followed. First of all, dirt, sand or dust should not be allowed to appear. Every day you need to treat the dog's eyes with boiled water. During the period of viral diseases, it is worth refraining from long walks, leaving the pet at home. You should not load the animal with training, allow overheating or hypothermia of the body - it should always be in normal conditions for it. If you follow all of the above measures, then the animal will always be happy, active and healthy.

Unfortunately, not always a home favorite feels good. There are many factors that negatively affect his body. For example, you can often notice that a dog has red whites of the eyes. Even if this problem seems frivolous, you should not self-medicate. It is imperative that you contact your veterinarian.

Red eyes in dogs are called Red Eye Syndrome. This syndrome is a common reason for visiting a veterinarian "ophthalmologist", the owner of the animal. With a timely visit to the clinic, the doctor can make an accurate diagnosis. Otherwise, the condition of the pet may worsen, leading to complete loss of vision, and in the worst case, loss of the eye as an organ.

Red eyes are a complex of symptoms caused by a number of completely different physiological and pathological conditions of the animal and are caused by: redness (hyperemia), photophobia, lacrimation and soreness.

The main causes of redness

If the owner of the animal noticed a red eye in a dog, then first of all you need to study a number of reasons for its occurrence.

Violation of the mental and emotional state. Create an atmosphere for your dog that will only positively influence him. And most importantly, protect from the negative effects of the environment.

Heat. In frequent cases, when exposed to high temperatures, overheating of the body may occur, which will lead to an increase in body temperature and hyperemia.

Wind and dust. When walking in the fresh air, the dog can be affected by wind and dust, which will lead to dryness of the eye and its redness.

genetic condition. If you have got such a wonderful and unusual creature as an albino dog, then you need to understand that such animals have depigmentation, which causes the lumen of the capillaries, so the eyes will be red.

pathological factors. This includes the genetic predisposition of the dog to ophthalmic diseases that cause redness.

eye diseases

If we consider the "Red Eye Syndrome" as a pathological condition, then several major diseases of one or both eyes can be identified.

Conjunctivitis. The most common eye disease in dogs. It can be non-infectious and infectious. Non-infectious is caused by: trauma, foreign bodies, an allergic reaction or chemicals. High and low temperatures are also affected. Infectious occurs due to exposure to bacteria, fungi and viral infections. The dog's eyes will be red, tearing will appear, they will fester.

When it inflames directly the skin of the upper and lower eyelids. And it can be caused by the same reasons as conjunctivitis. The dog's eyes will be red, the eyelids will form crusts and fester.

Keratitis. Causes redness of the protein and the release of pus. But this ailment is most often caused by either blepharitis or conjunctivitis. With this disease, the corneas of the eyes become inflamed.

This is increased intraocular pressure. The pet's eye may increase in size, turn red, and be accompanied by the release of tears.

Cataract. A disease that affects dogs of all ages. Partial or complete clouding of the lens is noted. May increase intraocular pressure, redness.

Prolapse. With it, prolapse or hyperplasia of the lacrimal gland of the dog's third eyelid occurs. This is not even a disease, but a simple loss of the correct anatomical location of the lacrimal gland. The eye may turn red and look like a "red bump" has formed on it.

Inversion of the eyelids. It is characterized by the curvature of the eyelid in the opposite direction (toward the eyeball), which leads to constant friction and irritation. It can also lead to tearing and cause the diseases described above.

Hemophthalmos. A red spot forms on the eye, which is caused by hemorrhage, damage to the integrity of blood vessels and the retina.

Implicit causes of redness

We will analyze the causes that are not directly related to pathologies, but are caused by diseases of other parts of the body, or of the whole organism, but as a result lead to reddening of the white of the eyes.

Allergy. A large proportion of dogs suffer from an allergic reaction, which is caused by any environmental factor. Allergies can be caused by inappropriate food, chemicals, fleas, toys that are made from materials that the dog's body won't accept, and more. The eyes will be red, tearing will appear.

Injuries. Red eyes, watery eyes, fever, lethargy, and other symptoms can be caused by trauma. The animal can injure both the eye and other parts of its body. These can be blows, collisions, fights with other animals, cuts by foreign bodies and other reasons.

Infectious diseases. May cause symptoms of redness of the eyes and their tearing, which is accompanied by suppuration and lethargy.

Autoimmune diseases. With them, the eye becomes red, tears and pus appear, the dog appears lethargic.

Tumors. When neoplasms or tumors (malignant or benign) are formed in the body of an animal. The eye may become red and lethargic.


  • monthly (annual) deworming (getting rid of worms and the causes that can cause them);
  • (prevention of infection with infectious, invasive, viral and autoimmune diseases);
  • elimination of the causes that can cause or cause an allergic reaction;
  • the right choice of walking areas for the animal so that the animal cannot be injured, infected with helminths and other diseases transmitted from living organisms;
  • monitor the state of the environment. If the temperature outside is higher or lower than normal, then make sure that the dog does not get overheated or hypothermic;
  • the most important thing: if you find any deviations in the behavior of the dog, or if symptoms appear that were not noticed before, then immediately contact the veterinary clinic, where you will be provided with high-quality and specialized care.

If you still could not protect the dog from the negative effects of the environment and she acquired a disease, then you need to immediately begin treatment.


The owner himself can only provide first aid to the animal if it is not possible to urgently visit a veterinarian. To do this, rinse the dog's eyes with ophthalmic antiseptic solutions. Then you should definitely contact a specialist so that he identifies the cause of the disease, prescribes or conducts treatment.

Briefly about the main

  1. Redness (hyperemia) is an expansion of the conjunctival vessels and subconjunctival hemorrhage.
  2. The main reasons may be a violation of the mental or emotional state of the animal, high temperature, foreign objects in the eyes or pathological diseases.
  3. The most common diseases are conjunctivitis, blepharitis, keratitis, glaucoma and cataracts.
  4. In order not to lead to serious complications, it is necessary to carry out deworming and vaccination in a timely manner, choose the right areas for walking and prevent overheating or hypothermia of the body.
  5. At the first occurrence of symptoms, do not self-medicate and be sure to consult a specialist so that he identifies the cause of the disease and prescribes treatment.

Red eyes in dogs is such a symptom that can be caused by a variety of reasons, of which there are a huge number. The most common causes of this symptom were listed above. But you need to understand that this is a small part of the pathological conditions. There is no need to wait for the deterioration of the condition of the animal's body, because you can lose your pet forever if you do not show attentiveness and reverent attitude towards him.

The eye of a dog has the same structure as that of a human. The only thing is that the iris (this is the colored "area" around the pupil) is very large, and the protein is almost invisible. However, an attentive owner will immediately notice that his pet's eyes will begin to turn red and inflamed.

Some are mistaken, thinking that it is not worth treating a pet, that it is fatigue or a cold, redness will go away by itself. However, many diseases in the list of symptoms have such fads: redness of the protein, lacrimation.

And you don’t need to guess on your own: what is it with Druzhok, why does the dog have red eyes? In a good veterinary clinic, an ophthalmologist will always work, who will make a diagnosis and prescribe treatment.

It is worth noting that the squirrel may turn red (due to bursting blood vessels), or the conjunctiva may become inflamed (however, this will also lead to a red squirrel). Without special education and work experience, you are unlikely to know exactly the cause of eye inflammation at home.

In one case, this is the “main” disease, and in the other, it is only a symptom of a more serious (often even infectious). And every day of delay as a result can cost the pet, if not life, then sight.

Red eye diseases

The list is huge, but we will focus only on those that lead to redness, bruising. It should be determined whether the lesion is local (a small area, as if an island) or whether the protein is completely “affected”, in one or both eyes.

And it is very important to know exactly when all this happened, what contributed to it. Maybe the dog ran and fell or hit, or there was a fight, or maybe the pet was in a draft, or was the house repaired? Without an anamnesis (detailed data), it is extremely difficult to make a diagnosis even for a professional.

  1. Dull injury. Here consultation of the ophthalmologist is obligatory. Otherwise, you can "blink" retinal detachment in a pet, which will lead to loss of vision in the animal. To prevent this from happening in the future, secure your home, and also watch the dog on walks, choose safe routes.
  2. Hypertension. Dogs, like their owners, can develop high blood pressure. If at least once this has been noticed, try not to drive your pet, less physical activity, review the diet (eliminate all fatty, more liquid to thin the blood). Be sure to visit the veterinary clinic so that the doctor prescribes treatment and examinations, because you can make a mistake with the diagnosis, thereby harming your four-legged friend.
  3. Diseases caused by a lack of iron in the blood (anemia), insulin (diabetes mellitus). Often the protein turns red if the dog has problems with blood clotting, as well as weak walls of blood vessels. As you can see, there are a lot of reasons, and the treatment in each case is fundamentally different from the other.
  4. Diseases of the thyroid gland (its excessive "work" - hyperthyroidism) can also lead to the fact that the whites of the eyes will acquire a different color. The veterinarian will examine the animal, palpate it, and also order a blood test to confirm or refute their concerns.
  5. Eye tumors. They can be located both outside and inside the eye. However, in any case, excessive pressure will cause the blood vessels to burst and the protein to stain.
  6. In the area of ​​the third eyelid, the lacrimal gland may fall out or shift, which will certainly lead to a change in the color of the white part of your pet's eye.
  7. If the eyes (both and completely) are covered with a network of burst vessels, then suspicion may fall on autoimmune diseases. Diagnosing them is not so easy, but veterinary clinics with first-class specialists and the latest modern equipment will cope with this task. Thus, only by noticing the reddened squirrel in a dog in time, you can make life easier for her. After all, she will be diagnosed, and effective treatment will be prescribed.
  8. Glaucoma, neoplasms. Yes, dogs often suffer from benign or cancerous tumors. And not always a pet has to be old. See a canine ophthalmologist for help.
  9. Foreign body. Remember yourself, when the smallest grains of sand, dust or some little thing gets into the eye, then, no matter how many three and do not blink, a couple of vessels will burst. Perhaps the dog ran against the wind, or there was construction work in the apartment, or out of curiosity, a pet climbed into a dusty place, and as a result, foreign bodies got into the eyes. Of course, the first aid is to rinse the dog's eyes, but after that, be sure to see a doctor to rule out injury to the cornea or conjunctiva (you never know what kind of "bodies" they were).
  10. Allergy. Dogs also suffer from allergic reactions. Although in this case, not only the protein will turn red, but itching, sneezing, watery eyes, shortness of breath (wheezing, shortness of breath are not excluded) may also begin.
  11. Some breeds are even predisposed to dry eye syndrome. For example, Yorkshire Terriers. Often they register malignancy or hypoplasia of the lacrimal gland.
  12. Contact with chemicals in the eye. In this case, rinse the eye with a large amount of clean (ideally boiled) water (room temperature!) The washing procedure will take about half an hour. And quickly to the veterinarian-ophthalmologist! Ideally, to know what kind of substance got into the eye, if possible, take a piece of paper with instructions and composition (for example, from household chemicals).
  13. Diseases can also be of fungal etiology. Or bacterial or viral. In any case, the causative agent of the disease that has fallen on the conjunctiva (especially if the animal’s immunity is reduced or there is a “gate of infection” - a microcrack, a scratch) begins to multiply actively. This leads to inflammation (redness, swelling, pain, often purulent discharge or crusts appear on the inner corner of the affected eye).