Congratulations on February 23 to medical workers are cool. The best options for congratulations in prose with humor on Defender of the Fatherland Day for female soldiers

Your Hippocratic Oath
Keep now you always.
And we are very happy about this -
After all, God forbid trouble comes,
you will become a reliable defense.
And from the diseases of all the barrier -
The sick will all be killed
Accept our bow today.
Congratulations on 23,
We wish you only the best in life!
Let luck shine brightly
And warmth surrounds!

It's your job to treat everyone
You always help.
Relieve us from disease
Your life is the path.
I want to congratulate you
And wish you good health
And on this great holiday,
Don't get discouraged for anything.
Be protective as before
From pain and hardship.
Congratulations on twenty-third.
May you always be lucky in everything!

You are a healer and by right,
I'm grateful from the bottom of my heart
After all, your success is not just glory,
After all, this is someone's life!
Congratulations on the twenty-third
And I wish from the bottom of my heart
strengthened patients,
Peace of mind!

Whoever heals quickly,
Even a hundredfold wounded?!
Happy Defender of the Fatherland,
Military doctor, Hippocrates!
Are we recruits, are we veterans,
General, soldier-hero,
Cope with any wounds -
Put everyone back in line.
Let you sometimes punctured
We pour our blood into test tubes,
Be healthy, beautiful and young you
Let love sing in your heart!

Military doctors, their way from captains
You started, you are always in the ranks.
The profession of a doctor (alas, how strange it is!),
The most needed sometimes in the 6th.
Healthy 6, happy, successful,
And may your soul be strong?
Everyone gets sick: both smart and ignorant,
The doctor's sacred duty is more important than payment.
I wish you happiness and health,
May this service be easy for you.
Military doctors are a special estate,
Let your hand not tremble with a scalpel!

On guard of our health
You stand zealously day and night.
And even what is not possible -
You are able to overcome.
You surround us with care
You are not too lazy to protect us.
After all, you are a protector from nature,
Not only on this idle day!

Raz who took the Hippocratic Oath
Keep it forever now.
We are extremely pleased with this
After all, suddenly, we have a problem.
You will be our protection
Barrier from evil viruses.
Their hordes will be slaughtered
And we bow to you from us.
Congratulations on your 23
More smiles and kindness!
May the sun shine on you all year round
And there will be warmth in the heart!

Scalpel, syringe and bandages,
Here are your weapons!
You heal us every day!
Happy February twenty-third!

Congratulations, doctor!
And you lovely nurses!
And of course the paramedic
Twenty-three is easy!

Doctor in the army
Guardian angel,
How many soldiers
He saved me in the war!
I dare say
Me without a doctor
The army is not
Happy twenty-third of you!

Your job is to help us
And you always make it.
In deeds, thoughts and worries
Treat us, that's your path.
We are here to congratulate you.
And wish you eternal happiness
Make correct diagnoses
And never be discouraged.
So protect us like before
From all diseases and hardships.
Let me congratulate you on the twenty-third.
And no matter what troubles
We wish you with all our heart.
Sick, to go on the mend,
And the greatest happiness
And so that everything is always good!

Happy Defender of the Fatherland Day
We want to congratulate you today.
Since the beginning of mankind,
And wars exist with it.
No matter how calm the years are,
The Fatherland always needs warriors,
We wish you to be the most worthy
And protect the peace of his native country!

Wishes to the doctor from February 23

On Defender of the Fatherland Day
Thank you from all mankind.
You are our pride and our support
Remember, relatives, that you are always welcome at home.

On Fatherland Day today
We want to congratulate you.
We wish you happiness and health,
Be forever young!

Our health should be grateful to you
For warm care and such care,
And today we give you a verse,
After all, your approach to us is amazing
It makes us recover faster.
And our poem is ready for you,
Today we heartily congratulate you -
Nurses, assistants, doctors!

There is no more useful profession in the world,
Than a doctor, especially a military one.
After all, you need to heal the wounds from the gun,
Or from a knife, and if they are prisoners,
Here is the treatment with the surgeon's scalpel
Complemented with spiritual care.
So I want to congratulate you today
And wish on the Day of February 23
Forget about wounds, difficult diagnoses
And enjoy happiness to the fullest
Let everything be fine in your life
And lead to the most desired victory.

When health suddenly fails,
It pinches the heart, it brings the legs together,
Who will come to our rescue
And find the right way out?
Of course they are all
Familiar to all doctors!
And those men in medicine
We have a reason to congratulate
Happy Defender's Day
We must congratulate you together!
Everyone knows you are strong
You are determined, smart,
Every day in the service of the complex,
Be careful!
To work easily
And always lucky in everything!

On the 23rd we wish
Only light patients for you,
For infections to disappear
Influenza virus to subside.

Let the moment come for you
Truth - big salaries.
Suddenly the diagnosis will deceive you -
It's his own fault.

To not let you down
The firmness of hands and a sharp eye,
May you be the best doctor in the world!
Congratulations, in a word, you!

Dear medical workers, we sincerely congratulate male doctors on the Defenders of the Fatherland Day! May your noble work, perseverance and endurance always be a model of the real behavior of true men, we wish you strength, vigor and presence of mind in any difficult situations.

Since February 23, dear men, healers and defenders of human health. I wish you to be healthy and strong yourself, I wish you moral endurance and great patience. May it be in your power to put any patient on his feet, may the courage of your hearts and the courage of your soul allow you to achieve great success on your difficult path of medicine and in your personal life.

Doctors, congratulations
Happy Defender's Day,
Your hands are golden
The country needs knowledge.

We wish you health
Don't lose your spirit
Bring only healing
Do not lower your hands.

You give yourself to medicine,
And do everything from the heart
Never get stuck in a routine
Your fate, you yourself finish!

Heal people, help everyone,
You are the protector and that's a fact
Save other people's lives
You are a precious artifact!

Dear medical workers, I congratulate you on the Defender of the Fatherland Day! Every day you protect lives and fight against the enemies of the body. So let the disease not touch you yourself, your noble work brings benefits, joy and a good income. I wish you a long, healthy, successful and joyful life!

From February 23,
Doctors, congratulations
Be on guard for health
We wish you from the bottom of our hearts.

Protect from diseases
Hit on diseases aptly,
Well, take it yourself.
More often joy pills.

Let all male doctors
Will always be happy
Find reasons to be happy
So that their lips smile!

Let the income grow
Our male doctors!
Let their patients know
As doctors number "one"!

Since February 23, I congratulate you from the bottom of my heart
You, brave people in white coats.
And on this day I wish you
To keep the honor of the profession holy!

I bow before you
For humanity, kindness.
For the fact that for days and hours
Give people warmth!

I wish you good luck in life
Happy days, hope, strength.
I will say thank you for the work three times,
From us, ordinary people of Russia!

You are fighters, everyone knows for sure
You are fighting for health
To protect our lives
Feel free to get up every day.

Medic is not a job
And the calling of the soul
Your exploits are priceless
And the victories are good.

On Defender's Day I wish
Always be healthy
carry a big mission,
Never give up.

Happy 23rd, medicine!
All bacteria, bacilli
They won't get anyone
Live it up!
Your work benefits everyone,
Cure, sew - do not ask.
He will put the sick on their feet,
Correct the distortion
Cure arthrosis, psychosis!
Happiness to you a huge cart!

I congratulate wonderful people who, even in peacetime, fight death every day and save human lives. They show incredible courage, incredible endurance and the strongest, real masculine character. I wish every step to be successful, let there be only happy occasions in life. I wish you to always go one step ahead of illnesses, failures and troubles in order to be able to prevent them and keep the situation in your strong hands. Since February 23, our dear doctors.

Happy twenty-third of February,
Kind doctor for you
Let congratulations fly
From colleagues, friends, guys!

You are our protector, period.
You are a helper, that's for sure
You are a lifesaver, you are a hero
Let everyone be proud of you!

grateful patients,
Respect, compliments,
And health, no doubt
Accept congratulations!

Since February 23, defenders in white coats. It may not be easy at times, but you are still great fellows, you are courageous fighters for people's lives, you are real heroes who guard human health. Be yourself healthy, self-confident and happy in life. Peace, perseverance, determination, courage, well-being and support of loved ones to you!

Happy Defender of the Fatherland Day
Congratulations doctor
To protect your health
From morning to morning.

I wish you strength, patience,
Always be healthy
We only bring healing
Never give up.

Thank you very much
For hard, glorious work,
In joy and understanding
Let your years go by.

You give all your strength
to his valiant work,
For the health of you country
On a day of peace and on a day of war.

Let's say "thank you" from the bottom of our hearts
To our fearless doctors,
Your great heroism
It always saves our lives.

Congratulations on the twenty-third,
We wish you calm days
grateful patients,
Blessings and regular bonuses!

I send hearty congratulations
Dear doctor, for you,
And some instructions
On the twenty-third of February!

Be healthy, smart, of course,
Happy, sweet and patient.
Congratulations, dear friend
Best prospects!

Happy holiday! I would like to wish that all the health that you have restored to people comes to you in a triple amount, so that gratitude is reflected in light and joy in your eyes, may strength and courage be companions on the road!

Comrades in white coats,
Defenders of our Motherland,
Health to you, happiness, guys,
And a full bowl of joy!

Let abrasions, injuries, illnesses
As if you are afraid of fire,
And your life will become more wonderful
And your loved ones are proud of you!

A man is a gift from God for the weaker sex:
A man is a protector, a man is a support!
And there are many more reasons
So that women glorify men today.
And we just need the guns to be silent,
So that you protect a woman from sadness,
They radiated heat, stirring our blood ... -
And together we would defend love!

Be wise, mind match men,
Wisdom is more precious than a crown.
Not the sage who is higher in rank, -
He is higher in rank who is a sage.

Congratulations, sailor
Happy bright day - Defender of the Motherland Day!
Your service is sometimes difficult,
Many miles have been covered in the oceans!
Let under the keel - always seven feet,
Let the watch - to calluses and sweat,
May trouble pass by!
We believe in your strength and fleet!!!

Even though you haven't served yet,
You are persistent, strong, not capricious,
Eye - vigilant and firm - hand,
Defender of the future Fatherland!
After all, if there is a war
Bring fire, devastation into our house,
You won't stand aside
Protect your mother, sister, friend!
And to win again
You be healthy, smart, vigorous:
Study diligently - on "five"
And do more sports!

With them, the lamps shine brighter!
And there are countless dishes on the festive table.
They are a joy to us and our children.
Thank you men for being you.

Congratulations on February 23 men

You are a man, even if not a warrior,
Worthy of congratulations today:
Stand up for the Fatherland
In a dashing hour, you can’t shrink from trouble.

Congratulations on February 23 men

Do not renounce the sense of proportion,
Do not rush to the departed after,
Don't desecrate your creed
Other days, other times.
And, keeping the honor of the uniform,
Life directing to the shores,
Do not make yourself an idol,
Don't make an enemy!

Congratulations on February 23 men

We wish you health and good luck.
May joy and dreams be near.
And let of all male moral qualities
Kindness remains the strongest in You.

Congratulations on February 23 men

A man always strives for heights
He is ready to help if you need help.
The man goes to the goal
He fights, seeks and rushes forward
A man is ready to argue with fate
Will stand the battle with dignity.
And every man won't give up the fight
He is true to the Fatherland, he is true to himself.

Man, be a man!
You're right - so be ready
Standing up for the truth
Shed blood for this!
And better than a hundred times you
Give up life
Than from myself! In dishonor
Why such a life?
Man, be a man
And never a doll
which is thrown,
Fate is here!
The brave are not afraid
Fate dog barking
So, don't give up.
Walk towards her!
The male! Be a man!
Be brave in the fight
And neither fate nor people
They won't hurt you!
Be like an oak, which
Caught in a hurricane
Though uprooted,
But he did not bend his camp!

You had a very formidable look,
And impregnable, and angry.
My soldier son was afraid of you
And somehow he confessed to me.
After all, the commander is the father and mother,
And maybe even dearer.
After all, execute all commands
A soldier runs a hundred times stronger!
Now the whole family loves you
And all my family knows.
And your regimental jokes
In our family, like jokes!
I will never forget you.
You have become dearer to me than my brother.
I have always been a support
Save the son of a soldier!
May your home be joyful
May the thunder never fall
Let your house be full of cup
And more often our meetings will be!

Whoever heals quickly,
Even a hundredfold wounded?!
Happy Defender of the Fatherland,
Military doctor, Hippocrates!
Are we recruits, are we veterans,
General, soldier-hero,
Cope with any wounds -
Put everyone back in line.
Let you sometimes punctured
We pour our blood into test tubes,
Be healthy, beautiful and young you
Let love sing in your heart!

See also:
Congratulations to girlfriends on March 8
Anna Akhmatova poems
happy birthday poems
Congratulations to a colleague, boss, boss
Comic poems about builders
love sms
Congratulations to the dentist
-Funny toasts
-Best toasts
Happy birthday to the doctor

Cool congratulations on February 23
We were destined to meet
In a glorious hour under a gallant march:
Happy Defender of the Fatherland,
Our dear man!
Let fights and fights - less often, and
The world under the sky - without end:
Win only tender lashes
And hot hearts!
And if you go into battle for Mother Russia,
Know that we are shoulder to shoulder -
let's go with you!!!

Congratulation verse for February 23
Shooting cannons, machine guns,
Rockets with bombs fly
And in the sky brave pilots
They are masterful at knocking each other down.
Flames are burning, mines are exploding,
Mountain corpses lie everywhere
And tanks with a deadly wedge
They crush peaceful fences.
And the commander took the eraser,
Bent over a military map.
I understand this - a holiday,
Not like there is March 8!

Congratulations on February 23 to colleagues
You real men
We wish you great strength...
So that with this strength
You defended peace and tranquility!
We will be happy and doubly calm,
When there are guys like that around us...
So be happy and you are twice as happy,
Our knights are dear.

Cool congratulations on February 23
Though life is sometimes harsh, be strong
And for yourself, quickly open a reliable path.
Do not know how to survive, but live, go ahead,
With luck always be friends and on the way
Catch your success soon, be healthy,
And you will comprehend the essence of love and life.

Cool congratulations on February 23
And I'm immune to evil -
Diseases, years, even death,
All stones - by, bullets - by,
Do not drown me, do not burn.
All this because near
Worth and saves me
Your love is my joy
My protective armor.
And I don't need another armor
And a holiday - every weekday.
But, without you, I'm defenseless
And defenseless, like a target.

Cool congratulations on February 23
You are a real warrior, I know!
You were able to conquer me
Without a gun, saber and horse!
I congratulate you today
My general, my love.

Cool congratulations on February 23
Raised a lot of Russian fleet,
Sons of reliable and calm,
They are the native stronghold of the country
And serve the Motherland with dignity!
And the king and God for subordinates,
He is honest in heart and soul,
Conquered by the sea
And a romantic string!
Few we knew
In any region, in any century,
They seem to be made of steel
They do not touch the hard times!
We heartily congratulate you.
Overcome miles with honor.
And in your life we ​​wish -
Seven feet to you and your family under the keel!

Cool congratulations on February 23
We are gathered here today
To congratulate you men.
And on a day so memorable for us
We wish you all
Good health always
After all, the years flow like water.
Let them not be carried away by the current
All your faithful aspirations.
We also wish you good luck
And it means a lot in life!
So that your friends take care of you
May God give you happiness and love!

Cool congratulations on February 23
For two years "citizen",
What he wore so stylishly
You changed to a uniform
Boots and earflaps.
But the duty of a man
You decided to fulfill
I didn’t wag, I didn’t “mow”,
Writing reasons.
And now you are a soldier.
From military science
Strengthen the mind and hands
There are no barriers for you.
You will return as a fighter
Bold and bold,
And a skilled man
Not a bad boy.
And you will celebrate.
Defender's Day is yours!
We are proud of you,
Our former classmate.
And now in your honor
We want to sit together
Write you a message
That we are waiting for you here.