What is dangerous Corvalol in large doses. Corvalol and alcohol: effect on the body, side effects

Article publication date: 04/18/2017

Article last updated: 12/18/2018

From this article you will find out what Corvalol helps with, what symptoms it relieves, whether it helps to cure heart disease. What is the mechanism of action of this drug.

Corvalol is a combined medication with a sedative (sedative), vasodilating and antispasmodic effect. It is prescribed for neuroses, as well as for pain in the heart and abdomen on nervous ground.

Before using the drug, consult a therapist. If you are going to take a drug for pain in the heart, consult a cardiologist and undergo an examination that will help find out the causes of this symptom.

Composition of Corvalol

To understand how the drug affects the symptoms of diseases, consider its composition. Active ingredients of Corvalol:

  • Alpha-bromoisovaleric acid ethyl ester is a component isolated from the essential oil of valerian. This substance produces a mild sedative effect, as well as a slight antispasmodic effect.
  • Phenobarbital - medicinal chemical compound from the group of barbiturates. It has sedative, hypnotic and anticonvulsant effects.
  • Oil peppermint- has an antispasmodic and vasodilating effect.

Indications for the use of the drug

Corvalol is prescribed for such disorders:

With disorders of the psycho-emotional sphere

These include neuroses hypochondriacal syndrome, autonomic lability, insomnia.

With disorders of this group, Corvalol is quite effective. It relieves excessive excitation of the central nervous system. Eliminates tension, anxiety and irritability.

It helps with such disorders due to the content of ethyl ester of α-bromoisovaleric acid and phenobarbital.

The sedative effect of Corvalol is similar to that of Valerian, since they have a common active ingredient. However, the sedative effect of Corvalol is more pronounced, since the action of ethyl ester of alpha-bromoisovaleric acid is enhanced by the action of phenobarbital.

For insomnia

Corvalol helps to fall asleep faster due to the sedative effect that the components mentioned above provide.

Phenobarbital also has a hypnotic effect, however, in such a small dosage that enters the body with this drug, it is poorly expressed.

That is, Corvalol does not have a strong hypnotic effect, but helps to fall asleep mainly due to the sedative effect.

For pain in the heart

This medication is prescribed only if the pain is psychological in nature (caused by stress, lack of sleep, neuroses). In that case it's useful sedation Corvalola. Due sedative effect drug and relieves pain in the heart.

α-Bromisovaleric acid ethyl ester and peppermint oil have a mild vasodilating effect, which helps relieve mild spasm of the coronary arteries. This spasm can be caused by stress, neurosis, smoking.

However, with a pronounced or narrowing of the coronary arteries with atherosclerosis, which causes angina pectoris (attacks severe pain in the heart), Corvalol is ineffective.

With sinus tachycardia

This medication helps only if the tachycardia is not a consequence of other cardiovascular diseases.

For sinus tachycardia caused by psychological reasons, Corvalol helps to slow down the heartbeat due to its sedative effect.


If the pressure is slightly elevated (up to 139/89 mm Hg), and this is caused by stress, taking Corvalol will help bring blood pressure back to normal and improve well-being.

The decrease in blood pressure occurs due to the sedative effect, as well as due to the expansion of blood vessels.

For intestinal colic

Stinging pains in the abdomen can be caused by spasm smooth muscle that lines the intestines.

In this case, the positive effect is provided by two active components of the drug in question: peppermint oil and ethyl ester of α-bromoisovaleric acid.

They relax smooth muscles, due to which pain in the abdomen disappears.

Pain caused by diseases gastrointestinal tract, Corvalol is ineffective.


When we have already figured out how Corvalol works and why take it, let's summarize.

Corvalol helps fight only with unpleasant symptoms, most often caused by stress, neuroses.

It helps to cope with the following health problems:

  • nervous tension;
  • irritability;
  • anxiety;
  • anxiety;
  • sleep difficulties;
  • pain in the region of the heart;
  • accelerated heartbeat;
  • slightly high blood pressure(up to 139/89 mm Hg);
  • colic in the abdomen.

However, Corvalol does not affect the diseases that could provoke these symptoms. Therefore, before taking the remedy, make sure that your poor health has arisen precisely on the basis of nerves, and not against the background serious illnesses. Even if your problems are psychological in nature, do not limit yourself to taking Corvalol. See a doctor and get proper treatment. With neuroses, consultations of a psychologist or psychotherapist, a course of massage, physiotherapy etc.

Also note that Corvalol is not suitable for long-term use. It will be useful only for emergency removal of a disturbing symptom. For example, to quickly reduce pressure immediately after a stressful situation or to fall asleep in an unfavorable environment.

In case of sleep disturbance, pain in the heart with a hangover take Corvalol. But will this drug help to recover after drinking alcohol, can it be drunk with a hangover?

Corvalol for a hangover

The drug Corvalol is used as a sedative, antispasmodic, which facilitates falling asleep, reduces the excitability of the nervous system, and eliminates the symptoms of cardiovascular disorders.

With a hangover, these properties of Corvalol are used to fall asleep, calm down, give your body and brain a rest. But is it possible to take Corvalol after drinking alcohol, with a hangover?

The action of Corvalol is due to the properties active ingredients included in its composition:

  • ester of bromisovaleric acid;
  • phenobarbital;
  • ethanol;
  • peppermint oil.

Of these drugs, the properties of phenobarbital should be especially considered. This compound belongs to psychoactive substances, is a depressant, like alcohol.

The action of depressants is to slow down brain activity, reduce the transmission rate nerve impulses. Sleep caused by the action of phenobarbital will not bring long-awaited rest, it is different from physiological, normal sleep.

When taking drugs with phenobarbital, the fast phase of sleep is shortened, the stage of the deepest, slow sleep. Such a rest will not bring relaxation to a person, will not allow him to restore his working capacity.

Mechanism of action

The action of Corvalol is determined by the properties of its components. Peppermint oil can help with a hangover. This substance irritates cold thermoreceptors located in oral cavity, which causes reflex expansion blood vessels heart, brain.

But the action of phenobarbital in combination with alcohol depresses the activity of the central nervous system. If there is a small amount of alcohol in the blood, the absorption of phenobarbital is accelerated, the accumulation of phenobarbital in the brain is faster.

Even a small dose of phenobarbital in the presence of ethyl alcohol can cause inhibition, depression of the brain centers associated with unconditioned reflex activity. A high dose of the drug due to the phenobarbital contained in it can dramatically lower blood pressure, weaken the tone of the smooth muscles of the digestive tract.

Does corvalol help with a hangover? It is possible to relieve pain in the heart, but at the same time, the use of drops in this state can cause poisoning, apathy, turn off the vital centers of the brain responsible for breathing, contraction of the heart, which will lead to death.

Hangover is accompanied severe defeat liver. Under such conditions, the effect of phenobarbital is enhanced, the drug circulates in the blood for a longer time, without being processed.

If the concentration of alcohol in the blood during a hangover is high, phenobarbital will be absorbed more slowly in the stomach due to inflammation of the mucous membrane caused by the action of a loading dose of alcohol taken the day before.


Corvalol symptomatically helps with diseases such as:

  • hypertension;
  • violations heart rate;
  • anxiety state;
  • hypochondria;
  • anxiety, irritability.

The effect of the drug is temporary, it eliminates only the symptom, without curing the cause of the disease.

Corvalol, thanks to peppermint oil, eliminates spasm of blood vessels that feed the heart muscle, thereby relieving a person from pain from a hangover, helps if it pricks in the heart, squeezes the head “like a vise”.

If the pain in the heart is unbearable, palpitations are severe, there is severe colitis in the chest area and there are no other medicines, you can take Corvalol after a hangover in the usual dosage as a first aid. But one cannot expect that it will be possible to limit oneself to this. The action of this medicine will only be enough to reduce the pain, but not to cure the cause that caused it.

Corvalol will not cope with angina pectoris, will not protect against a possible heart attack. You can not hope that they can cure the pain in the heart with a hangover, you must definitely consult a doctor.


Corvalol is contraindicated in kidney. You can not drink drops with - a decrease in heart rate. If you are weak with a hangover, rare pulse(less than 60 beats per minute), low pressure, then taking Corvalol will not help, but will only worsen the patient's condition.

Corvalol contains phenobarbital, and this compound is prohibited for use in alcoholism, drug addiction.

Table of contents [Show]

“Something pressed down in the chest”, “you need to calm down”, “something is hard to breathe” - this is how people motivate their decision to use a few drops of Corvalol. And many are accustomed to consider this drug to be quite safe - it will certainly be found in every medicine cabinet. But what is Corvalol really, who can take it, and to whom is it categorically contraindicated? These questions can only be answered by experts.

Table of contents: Corvalol - instructions for use Composition of Corvalol How Corvalol works Corvalol - indications for use Corvalol - contraindications How to take Corvalol Side effects Overdose Interaction of Corvalol with other drugs Is Corvalol harmful

Corvalol - instructions for use

Before taking any drug, you need to carefully read the official annotation to it. But who reads these instructions? But even Corvalol, at first glance, absolutely safe drug, has its own indications and contraindications, can provoke the development of side effects.

Composition of Corvalol

The drug in question is produced in the form of drops and tablets, but Corvalol drops are especially popular. They include:

  • ethyl bromoisovalerianate;
  • peppermint oil;
  • phenobarbital;
  • sodium hydroxide;
  • purified water;
  • ethanol.

The appearance of Corvalol drops - clear liquid without any color additives. It has a specific pleasant aroma.

How does Corvalol work?

The drug in question belongs to the group of combined ones, but all the components included in its composition are optimally combined with each other, correcting the action of each.

Ethylbromisovalerianate has a sedative and antispasmodic effect. Phenobarbital, in turn, enhances the sedative effect of ethyl bromisovalerianate, actively helps to reduce the excitability and tension of the central nervous system, and makes calm sleep onset possible. And peppermint oil has a complex effect on the human body: antispasmodic, choleretic, vasodilating, antiseptic. Therefore, peppermint oil contributes to the expansion of the vessels of the heart and brain, irritates the mucous membrane of the gastrointestinal tract - this restores intestinal motility and helps to cope with increased gas formation.

Corvalol - indications for use

There is a clear designation of those conditions in which it is advisable to use Corvalol. These include:

  1. Neurosis-like states - increased irritability, unmotivated outbursts of anger, depressed mood, a feeling of anxiety.
  2. Functional disorders of the cardiovascular system - Corvalol is especially often recommended for people with diagnosed angina pectoris, arrhythmia, tachycardia.
  3. Intestinal spasms - for example, with intestinal dysbacteriosis, diarrhea against the background of food poisoning.
  4. Sleep disturbances - insomnia at night and drowsiness during the day, problems with falling asleep, frequent awakening.

Corvalol - contraindications

The drug in question is not used in pediatric practice, at least for children under 3 years of age, it cannot be clearly prescribed. In the older childhood the question of the advisability of prescribing and using Corvalol should be decided only by a doctor.

No studies have been conducted on the effect of Corvalol on the body of a pregnant woman, during breastfeeding and intrauterine development of the fetus. Therefore, it is forbidden for a woman to take the drug in question during these periods of her life.

It is strictly forbidden to use Corvalol in case of a traumatic brain injury, some diseases of the brain (the attending physician should warn about this), and diagnosed alcoholism.

It is not recommended to use the drug in question in violation of the functions of the liver and kidneys of a severe nature of the course - for example, with renal failure, cirrhosis of the liver. But this issue is decided on a strictly individual basis.

How to take corvalol

The dosage that will have the expected effect and will not cause harm general condition health, should be determined only by a specialist and on an individual basis. But in the instructions for the use of Corvalol there are also general recommendations for its use:

  • adults can take 30 drops per dose, in case of diagnosing tachycardia and with the approval of a doctor, the dosage can be increased to 40 drops per dose. Corvalol can be consumed 2-3 times a day;
  • children over 3 years of age are prescribed 1 drop for each year of life once a day. In some cases, repeated administration of Corvalol is allowed, but the doctor must give permission for this.

The duration of the course of treatment is determined only by the doctor and it is strictly forbidden to independently prolong it (“to consolidate the effect”).

Side effects

Despite the seeming simplicity and safety, Corvalol can in some cases cause side effects. These include:

  • increased drowsiness;
  • constant dizziness;
  • the level of concentration of attention decreases;
  • heart rate slows down.

Note: if corvalol is taken long time, then the so-called phenomena of bromism can develop - addiction and drug dependence, the “withdrawal” syndrome.

If the above side effects (or at least one of them) appear, you should immediately stop taking Corvalol and seek medical advice. Most likely, a correction of the treatment regimen will be carried out or the dosage of the drug in question will be reduced.


Cases of overdose with Corvalol are extremely rare, but can occur. Therefore, everyone who uses the drug in question needs to know the first signs of an overdose. These include:

  • decline blood pressure;
  • nystagmus;
  • depression of the central nervous system - apathy, clouding of consciousness;
  • rhinitis;
  • hemorrhagic diathesis;
  • ataxia;
  • movement coordination disorders.

If at least one sign of an overdose appears, the use of the agent in question should be stopped immediately and seek help from medical workers. Doctors usually prescribe for an overdose of Corvalol symptomatic therapy, and if signs of depression of the central nervous system are already observed, then caffeine and nikethamide.

Interaction of Corvalol with other drugs

It is strictly forbidden to use the drug in question if you are already taking any sedatives- they enhance the effect of each other, which can lead to an overdose.

Please note: in corvalol contains phenobarbital and ethanol are substances that can affect the central nervous system. Therefore, when taking the agent in question, it is not recommended to drive, drive labor activity associated with the need for high concentration.

Is corvalol harmful

The debate about how dangerous Corvalol is for human health has been relatively recent. Some time ago, many thought that Corvalol would be banned from sale in Russian Federation- it contains both phenobarbital and ethyl alcohol. But it turned out to be just rumors - such combined drugs remain on the free market.

However, in most countries Corvalol is pharmacy chains not found - it was withdrawn from sale without prescriptions. For example, USA, UK, Norway, Italy, United United Arab Emirates, Poland, Finland and Sweden have not only banned Corvalol for free sale, but also strictly control the transport of this drug across the border into the territory of their countries. Therefore, be extremely careful - if possible, then when visiting the listed countries, replace the drug, if this is not possible, the doctor prescribes it, then take care of having a document confirming this fact. Otherwise, punishment will follow under the laws of a particular country.

“So far, our population has a very strong habit of using this drug. Radical measures- a ban on the sale of Corvalol, its withdrawal from consumption - will cause a negative reaction from patients. At the same time, Corvalol will gradually be replaced by others, more modern drugs with proven effectiveness," the Russian Ministry of Health said in a statement.

Why is Corvalol so dangerous?

Firstly, phenobarbital, which is part of the considered medicinal product, since 2013 included in the group psychotropic drugs. In fairness, it needs to be clarified - in many countries of the world, such a classification of phenobarbital has been accepted for a very long time.

Secondly, it is phenobarbital that causes rapid and strong addiction - in some cases, 2-3 weeks of taking the drug is enough for development drug addiction. Moreover, phenobarbital causes not only physical, but also psychological dependence.

Thirdly, after the abolition of Corvalol, people develop the so-called "withdrawal" syndrome - a depressed state, the patient complains of constant nausea, intense headaches.

Interesting fact: phenobarbital is used in some countries for sentencing death penalty to execution.

But isn't there anything useful in the tool in question? Indeed, for a long time, Corvalol was recommended for use by millions of patients, and in most cases, the course of therapy with the agent in question did not cause any consequences. Corvalol has one indisputable advantage - it has the fastest and most powerful effect.

If taken in small doses and extremely moderately, then Corvalol can quickly, almost instantly, relieve anxiety. In general, the recommended doses of the drug are not dangerous, but the problem is that if you take it constantly, then there is a need to increase the dosage. The most dangerous thing is that these doses do not just increase each time, but lead to real pleasure: depression and dizziness are replaced by euphoria immediately after taking the right dose.

The popularity of Corvalol is due to the fact that it is a cheap drug that has been known to everyone since ancient times and has quick effect, but it should be used only when absolutely necessary or as prescribed by a specialist. If a person feels the side effects listed in this article, or others notice sharp drops mood in someone who periodically uses Corvalol, then you need to urgently apply for medical care. The fact is that drug dependence should be treated only in specific medical institutions.

Tsygankova Yana Alexandrovna, medical observer, therapist of the highest qualification category

Corvalol is a sedative popular in countries former USSR, but banned in Poland, Germany, USA, Norway, Lithuania. Prohibitive measures were taken due to the presence of the psychoactive compound phenobarbital in the composition of Corvalol, as well as the toxic bromine-containing component.

What makes the drug popular with Russians who drink an average of 40 railway tanks of medicine a year? And today we will talk in more detail about the indications and instructions for the use of Corvalol drops and tablets, its price, reviews, composition, analogues.

Features of the drug

The combined drug Corvalol exhibits a sedative, vasodilating effect, is used against insomnia, as a sedative drug for stress, emotional stress. The Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation recognized Corvalol as a drug with a low content of a psychoactive substance, allowed it to be sold without a prescription, and plans to refuse to prescribe this drug to patients in the future, replacing it with more modern drugs.

When using Corvalol, it must be remembered that this remedy does not cure diseases of the heart, nervous system, but only eliminates the manifestations of the disease.

This video will tell about the dangers and benefits of Corvalol:

Composition of Corvalol

The active ingredients of the drug Corvalol:

  1. ethyl ester of alpha-bromovaleric acid (ethyl bromoisovalerianate);
  2. phenobarbital;
  3. peppermint leaf oil.

Auxiliary substances of Corvalol in drops are:

  • ethanol;
  • sodium hydroxide;
  • purified water.

Auxiliary components in tablets - betadex, lactose, potato starch, magnesium salts.

Dosage forms

Corvalol is produced in alcohol drops, tablets for resorption sublingually (under the tongue). Tablets are packed in blisters of 10, 30 and 50 pieces.

Alcohol drops are packaged in dark glass bottles with a capacity of 15 ml, 25 ml, 50 ml. Alcohol tincture has a strong specific aroma. The average price of Corvalol tincture is:

  • for a container of 15 ml - 16 rubles;
  • 25 ml - 23 rubles;
  • 50 ml - 33 rubles.

Prices for Corvalol can vary between 9 - 120 rubles. The cost of 10 Corvalol tablets is 18 rubles.

pharmachologic effect

Corvalol belongs to the group of sedatives, is combination drug, showing a calming, antispasmodic, vasodilating effect, contributing to the normalization of sleep.

The video below will talk about both the composition and the properties of Corvalol:


The properties of Corvalol are determined by the total effect of its active components.

  • The main active ingredient is ethyl bromisovalerianate. This compound relieves smooth muscle spasm internal organs, soothes, relaxes the nervous system.
  • Phenobarbital has the ability to act on the central nervous system, directly removing excitation nerve centers brain. The sedative effect of phenobarbital is less pronounced.
  • Peppermint oil, irritating "cold" sensitive nerve endings oral cavity, selectively dilates the vessels of the brain, coronary vessels that feed the heart muscle. The oil exhibits choleretic, antiseptic activity, helps to eliminate flatulence.


The action of the drug in tablets begins in the oral cavity. Positive influence medicines on the patient's well-being when the tablet is resorbed under the tongue appears almost instantly.

The effect of Corvalol when taken in the form of drops is noticeable after 10-30 minutes. The duration of action of the drug when taken in tablets and drops is 6 hours.

Of the active ingredients of Corvalol, the pharmacokinetics of phenobarbital has been most studied. This compound is well absorbed, has the ability to accumulate in the body. The half-life of phenobarbital is 2-4 days. The compound is decomposed into simple components in the liver, excreted by the kidneys in the form of a glucuronide, partially (25%) unchanged.

In old age, with impaired liver function, the half-life of the drug from the body is lengthened. This requires correction of the dosage of the drug in the direction of decreasing, increasing the intervals between doses of the medication.

What helps Corvalol, how to take it, we will tell further.


  • Functional disorders of the cardiovascular system;
  • sleep disorders;
  • neurosis-like states;
  • the initial stages of hypertension, spasms of the vessels of the heart;
  • tachycardia;
  • spasms of the intestines.

Instructions for use

  • For adults, Corvalol tablets are prescribed 1 tablet for an attack of tachycardia, spasms of blood vessels. If necessary, the dosage of the drug can be increased to 3 tablets.
  • Alcohol tincture of Corvalol is taken with water, 10-30 drops or on a piece of sugar. The maximum single intake of tincture should not exceed 50 drops.

The treatment regimen is chosen by the doctor individually. The drug is taken no more than 3 times a day, the duration of the course of treatment depends on the patient's condition, the dynamics of the disease.

According to the instructions, Corvalol is not allowed to be used for treatment earlier than 18 years. In acute situations, the doctor may prescribe the child to take the drug at the rate of 1 drop for each year of age.

You can give medicine to children no more than once a day, in the amount of 3-15 drops. Treatment should be supervised by a doctor due to the lack of data on the effect of Corvalol on the children's body.


  • Hypersensitivity to the components of the drug;
  • age up to 18 years;
  • pregnancy, lactation;
  • lactose intolerance;
  • heart disease;
  • renal, liver failure.

Corvalol is not allowed during pregnancy due to the ability of its phenobarbital component to penetrate the placental barrier and have a teratogenic effect on the fetus. Taking medication during pregnancy can provoke the appearance of congenital anatomical deformities, a violation of the formation of internal organs.

Side effects

The most dangerous side effect Corvalol - psychological addiction to phenobarbital. And if physical addiction from phenobarbital is weakly expressed, then mental addiction formed quickly.

Mental dependence makes you take the treasured bottle with you everywhere, in all difficult situations, resort to its magical calming effect, simultaneously increasing the concentration of bromine contained in ethyl bromisovalerianate in the body.

Signs of bromine poisoning are:

  • inhibition of the functions of the central nervous system;
  • tendency to depression;
  • confusion;
  • lack of coordination.

Taking Corvalol can cause side effects from:

  • nervous system - inability to concentrate, dizziness, drowsiness;
  • cardiovascular system - bradycardia;
  • digestive system - nausea, vomiting, stomach pain.

special instructions

The drug should not be combined with the use of alcohol, mainly due to the presence of phenobarbital in its composition. This component is destroyed in the liver, like alcohol, which leads to an increased load on it.

Phenobarbital, which is part of Corvalol, has the property of enhancing the effect of sedatives. Corvalol is combined with caution with hypnotics, analgesics, it is not recommended to drink the drug with drugs that metabolize in the liver - hormonal drugs, antibiotics, contraceptives.


Exceeding the dose of Corvalol is accompanied by a drop in blood pressure, dizziness, and inhibition of brain activity. If the symptoms of an overdose of Corvalol do not disappear after discontinuation of the drug, the patient's stomach is washed, and an ambulance is called.

At severe conditions possible:

  • neuromuscular violation of the coordination of muscle work - ataxia;
  • violation of the rhythm of heart contractions, increased heart rate;
  • a sharp drop in blood pressure;
  • loss of consciousness, coma.

Prolonged use of the drug can cause dependence, and if treatment with Corvalol is canceled, it can cause a withdrawal syndrome.


  • More than 90% of consumers who have resorted to treatment with Corvalol note its calming effect on the nervous system, the ability to normalize sleep, and calm a strong heartbeat.
  • Among negative feedback there is the presence of alcohol in the composition of the drops, the possibility of addiction to phenobarbital and ethyl alcohol. The reality of this threat is manifested in the gradual increase in the dose of the drug.
  • Almost always from small dose, making 10-15 drops, patients gradually bring a single dose of Corvalol to 60 drops, which indicates an increase in tolerance to the drug and indicates the formation of a real drug addiction.


Analogues of Corvalol include Valocordin, Valecard-Health, Corvaldin, Reladorm.

This video will tell about the narcological properties of Corvalol:

A drug that has a complex effect on the body, sedative (calming), vasodilating and antispasmodic, is Corvalol. Instructions for use marks it as a remedy that helps to alleviate a person's condition with sudden heart problems that occur against the background of a disorder of the nervous system and stress.

Release form

Corvalol is available in the form of drops in dropper bottles of 15 ml, 25 ml and 50 ml, and round white or almost white tablets of 10, 30, 50 pieces per pack.

Drops include:

  • ethyl ester of alpha-bromoisovaleric acid - 2%;
  • phenobarbital - about 2%;
  • mint oil - 1.14%.

Auxiliary components:

  • caustic soda (sodium hydroxide);
  • alcohol-water mixture - ethyl alcohol and distilled water.

The composition of 1 tablet includes:

  • ethyl ester of alphabromisiovaleric acid - 8.2 mg;
  • phenobarbital - 7.5 mg;
  • peppermint oil - 0.58 mg.

Auxiliary components in tablets:

  • beta-cyclodextrin - 55.6 mg;
  • potato starch - 13 mg;
  • lactose monohydrate - 43.8 mg;
  • microcrystalline cellulose - 10.5 mg,
  • magnesium stearate - 0.9 mg.

Pharmacological properties and action of the drug

The main effect of the drug is aimed at reducing the processes of excitation in the central nervous system, eliminating muscle spasms on the walls of blood vessels, and facilitating falling asleep. Therefore, the drug is mainly used for functional disorders of the nervous and cardiovascular systems. As part of complex therapy Corvalol can be used as aid at various diseases heart, blood vessels, gastrointestinal tract.

Pharmacological properties of Corvalol depend on active substances that are included in it:

  • Ethyl ester of alpha-bromoisovaleric acid, in addition to a calming effect, relieves spasms of the smooth muscles of blood vessels and internal organs.
  • Phenobarbital has hypnotic effect. In the minimum dosage, it acts as a mild depressant slightly dilating the blood vessels.
  • Peppermint oil, acting on certain receptors, dilates blood vessels and even has choleretic action. It is a mild anti-inflammatory and antispasmodic.

Indications for use

At present, filled with stressful situations, the primary medicine that is present in every home is Corvalol. Indications for the use of this sedative are as follows:

  • irritability;
  • vegetative lability;
  • insomnia;
  • hypochondriacal syndrome;
  • nervous disorders of a functional nature.

As vasodilator the drug is used in complex therapy for:

  • atherosclerosis;
  • cardialgia;
  • sinus tachycardia;
  • ischemic heart disease;
  • arterial hypertension.

The antispasmodic properties of this remedy help with:

  • vegetative-vascular dystonia,
  • diseases of the digestive system, accompanied by spasms (intestinal and biliary colic).

How to use

Adults take Corvalol half an hour before meals, 15-30 drops diluted in a small amount (50 ml) of water. The same number of drops can be applied to a piece of sugar and taken as such 2-3 times a day. If the cause of concern is related to strong heartbeat(tachycardia), then you can increase the dosage by taking 40-50 drops.

Tablets are taken orally 1-2 pieces 2-3 times a day with water or sublingually (under the tongue). With tachycardia, you can use 3 tablets at a time.

With sublingual administration of the drug, its absorption begins in sublingual region and the positive effect is shown almost instantly.

The period of use of the drug is determined by the doctor, based on the data of the clinical effect and individual tolerability of the drug.

Corvalol for children

Physicians do not have a single opinion on this matter. Some doctors believe that children can be given from 3 to 15 drops per day, but only on the advice of the attending physician.

Others argue that Corvalol is not prescribed for children under 18 years of age.

special instructions

During the use of Corvalol, alcohol is prohibited.

Most people tolerate this drug well, but it is not recommended to take it for a long time, due to a decrease in therapeutic effect with addiction, and at high doses in combination with prolonged use, drug dependence may occur, which, when discontinued, can cause a withdrawal syndrome.

It should also be taken into account that joint application medicines with others medications with a calming effect significantly enhances its effect.

The drug should be taken with caution in case of arterial hypotension.

Pregnancy and lactation

When breastfeeding a child, the medication is prohibited, but if a decision is made in favor of using Corvalol, then breastfeeding must be abandoned for this period.

During pregnancy, the drug is contraindicated. If necessary, and in agreement with the attending physician, you can use sedatives. herbal teas or drugs such as Novo-Passit or Persen.


This sedative should not be taken in severe hepatic and renal failure, glucose-galactose malabsorption, lactose intolerance, hypersensitivity to its components, pregnant women and nursing mothers (see above).

Interaction with other medicines:

  • the effect of Corvalol is enhanced by drugs of a central inhibitory type of action;
  • the main active ingredient phenobarbital increases the activity of liver enzymes, and therefore is not desirable simultaneous application Corvalol with drugs that undergo biochemical transformations in the liver (for example, oral contraceptives, griseofulvins, preparations with coumarin derivatives, GCS);
  • the described remedy can enhance the effect of taking sleeping pills and painkillers (due to the content of barbituric acid derivatives in Corvalol);
  • Corvalol enhances the effect Valproic acid(anticonvulsant);
  • when taking Corvalol together with anticancer drug Methotrexate, its toxicity increases;
  • alcohol increases the toxicity of the drug and enhances its effect.

Side effects and overdose

The drug is well tolerated by most people, but negative reactions on the part of the body still occur when taking Corvalol. Instructions for use indicate that there may be slight dizziness, decreased concentration, a feeling of drowsiness, short-term diarrhea, skin allergies.

But the excessive use of the drug (overdose) can cause serious harm to health. The fact is that Corvalol contains a bromine-containing substance, which, when frequent use the drug causes the accumulation of bromine in the body and the corresponding symptoms: lethargy, depression, lacrimation, impaired motor coordination, rhinitis, conjunctivitis. Overdose symptoms include: depression of the central nervous system, nystagmus ( oscillatory movements eyes with a high frequency), ataxia (dysmotility), lowering blood pressure, agitation, dizziness, weakness.

If symptoms of an overdose occur, it is necessary to stop taking the drug, wash the stomach, further treatment- symptomatic.

How to replace Corvalol - analogues

Analogues of the drug according to the mechanism of action include:

  • Adonis bromine;
  • Barboval;
  • Valecard-health;
  • Valemidin;
  • Valocordin;
  • Valoserdin;
  • Darvilol;
  • Drops of lily of the valley-valerian;
  • Drops of lily of the valley-motherwort;
  • Corvaldin;
  • Corvaltab;
  • tincture of Hawthorn;
  • motherwort tincture
  • Reladorm.

Structural analogues for the active substance: Corvalol-MFF.

Storage conditions and shelf life

It is necessary to store drug in the place, unavailable to children, protected from light, at a temperature from 15 to 25 °C.
Shelf life - 2.5 years, it must be indicated on the label. After the expiration date, the medicine can not be taken.
It is released in pharmacies without a prescription.

Corvalol is a sedative proven over the years that suppresses stress, nervousness, and excitement. With proper application, it will always help to survive the hardships. modern life. Be healthy!

Medication "Corvalol" (indications for use this tool will be discussed a little further) is a sedative, sedative drug. You will learn about the conditions under which it should be used, and other information from the materials of the presented article.

The composition of the drug

This tool is made on the basis of ethyl ester of alpha-bromoisovaleric acid, menthol and phenobarbital. Concerning excipients, then these include the following: beta-cyclodextrin, potato starch, tabletose, magnesium stearate and microcrystalline cellulose.

Release form

What is the drug "Corvalol" prescribed for? Indications for the use of this tool, its principle of action and side effects will be described in detail in the following sections of the article. Now it will be told about the forms in which this tool is produced. In pharmacy chains, the medicine "Corvalol" can be purchased in the form of drops. In addition, this drug is sold in tablets for oral and sublingual use.

pharmachologic effect

The drug "Corvalol" is a combined drug, the action of which is determined by the properties of its constituent components. It has a reflex vasodilating (that is, dilates blood vessels), antispasmodic and calming effect, and also greatly improves the natural onset of sleep. To understand how the presented medication works, consider the pharmacodynamics of its active components:

  • Phenobarbital facilitates the onset of sleep, significantly enhances the sedative effect of other substances and helps to reduce the excitability of the central nervous system.
  • The ethyl ester of alpha-bromoisovaleric acid, like the effect of valerian, has an antispasmodic and sedative effect.
  • Peppermint oil has an antispasmodic and reflex-vasodilating effect.

Physical properties of the drug

The drug "Corvalol" in the form of drops is available in dark glass jars with a dispenser nozzle, inside which there is a clear colorless liquid in the amount of 25, 30 or 50 ml with specific smell. As for a similar medication, but only in the form of white tablets, it is placed in a carton of 20 pieces.

The drug "Corvalol": indications for use

This drug is used as a vasodilator, sedative and antispasmodic in the following pathological conditions:

  • insomnia or disturbances in the process of falling asleep;
  • hypochondriacal syndrome;
  • disorders of the cardiovascular system (for example, with such deviations as sinus tachycardia, cardialgia and high blood pressure);
  • vegetative lability;
  • spasms of the muscles of the digestive tract (for example, with biliary and intestinal colic);
  • neurotic states;
  • irritability.

Contraindications to the use of the drug

According to the instructions, the drug "Corvalol" is not recommended for prescribing for such deviations as severe hepatic and kidney failure, during lactation and with increased sensitivity to the active ingredients of the drug.

Instructions for use of the drug

Calming medication "Corvalol" should be taken orally before meals in the amount of 15-30 drops three times a day. Before direct use, this drug must be dissolved in 30-50 ml of normal drinking water. According to instructions, single dose such a remedy for vascular spasms and tachycardia can be increased to 30-40 drops. Medication "Corvalol" for children is usually prescribed in the amount of 3-15 drops per 3 large tablespoons of cooled boiling water. The duration of treatment with this drug in each separate case determined individually and only by the attending physician. As for the drug in tablets, it should be taken 1 or 2 pieces before eating three times a day. With tachycardia, this drug is allowed to be taken in the amount of 3 pieces at a time.

Use with caution

This tool should be used with extreme caution in the following cases:

  • during the period of bearing a child;
  • while driving;
  • when managing any mechanisms;
  • during activities that require concentration and reaction time.

Other uses

Very many representatives of the fair sex use the drug "Corvalol" for acne. To do this, moisten a cotton pad in the medicine, and then wipe the affected skin. Due to the fact that the composition of the funds includes essential oils, it helps to reduce inflammatory processes and kill existing bacteria. After such treatment, you must wait until the medicine is completely absorbed, and then apply a soft and moisturizing cream to the skin.

Side effects

The use of Corvalol in some patients may cause a decrease in heart rate, dizziness, allergic reactions, drowsiness and loss of concentration. Long-term therapy with this drug (especially in large doses) quite often leads to addiction, bromism, addiction and withdrawal syndrome.

drug overdose

If you exceed the prescribed dose of this remedy, then the patient may experience symptoms of depression of the nervous system. In addition, an overdose of Corvalol threatens to lower blood pressure, ataxia, nystagmus, chronic bromine poisoning, as well as rhinitis, hemorrhagic diathesis, depression, impaired motor coordination, apathy and the appearance of conjunctivitis. In such cases, the patient is prescribed symptomatic therapy. When the nervous system is depressed, "Caffeine" and "Niketamide" are prescribed.

Popularity of the remedy

Due to its availability and low cost, the drug "Corvalol" (indications for use were described above) is actively used as an anti-anxiety and sedative. It is often prescribed to patients with depressive disorders. But with regular use in high doses, such a medication can cause serious cognitive and neurological disorders(for example, a short-term memory disorder, unsteady gait, speech impairment, etc.), as well as suppress sexual function. pharmacy remedy"Corvalol" causes withdrawal and tolerance. In such cases, the patient must be referred to a psychiatrist and narcologist. AT medical practice there were situations when the patient was hospitalized in the toxicology department with phenobarbital poisoning (when taking 125 ml of the drug for 3 days).

General information about the drug

The drug "Corvalol" is practically unknown and is not used outside the countries of the former USSR and of Eastern Europe. However, in some Western European countries, its German counterpart Valocordin is available to consumers. It should be especially noted that in individual countries, the active components this drug are classified as drugs that are prohibited for sale and import. In particular, the drug "Corvalol" is strictly prohibited from being transported to the United States of America and Lithuania. In Poland there is similar remedy"Milocardin", with phenobarbital included in it. In accordance with Decree No. 681 of the Government of the Russian Federation dated June 30, 1998, this component is included in the list psychotropic substances. As you know, their circulation in our country is limited.

Everyone knows about the detrimental health effects of taking drugs and alcohol. But many believe that if the medicine contains an alcohol base, then its use is harmless to the body. In fact, the combined use of medicines and alcohol can cause not only an overdose, but also severe poisoning.

The combination of Corvalol and alcohol is the most dangerous for human body. Corvalol is forbidden to be used even in combination with low-alcohol drinks, since alcoholic drinks and medicines contain a number of additives that enhance taste sensations and increase the effect of the drug.

The effect of corvalol on the human body

Very often, medication is due to the need to get quick help and get rid of discomfort. However, its use should not be uncontrolled. Before taking, you should carefully read the instructions or consult with a specialist.

Corvalol is a combination drug that has a calming and sedative effect. It is widely used as a hypnotic and antispasmodic.

The drug is used to treat the following diseases and pathological conditions:

  • coronary vasospasm, palpitations;
  • high blood pressure;
  • neuroses;
  • emotional overexcitation;
  • insomnia;
  • irritability and stressful conditions;
  • diseases of the digestive system and intestinal spasms.

Part medical device includes the following components:

The sedative effect of the drug is due to its constituent ethyl ester, ethanol and alpha-bromisovaleric acid, the action of which is similar to the calming effect of valerian.

Phenobarbital has a hypnotic effect, causing natural sleep, dilates blood vessels, and reduces the excitation of the nervous system. Phenobarbital is a dangerous ingredient because long-term use drugs, it accumulates in the tissues of internal organs and muscles, causing a violation of their activity, impairs memory, causes disorders of the nervous system and sleep.

Peppermint oil relieves muscle spasms, has anti-inflammatory and vasodilating effects.

The use of the drug is effective in nervous disorders, in stressful conditions and insomnia, with disorders of the gastrointestinal tract, with mild disorders of the cardiovascular system. Taking the drug causes a slight drowsiness, eliminating functional disorders and a state of discomfort.

Most consider him harmless medicine and do not think about the harm that it can cause the body. In fact, it refers to potent drugs, the use of which is not recommended for people suffering from chronic diseases liver and kidneys.

Regular use of the drug may cause dependence.

If Corvalol is used strictly in accordance with the instructions, then it is easily tolerated by the human body. We should not forget about hypersensitivity to individual components of the drug, as well as possible negative consequences when taken together with others sedatives. Co-administration with alcohol may increase hangover syndrome at an alcoholic.

Side effect

If the dosage of the drug is exceeded, the patient may experience the following symptoms:


Drug poisoning occurs as a result of the action of phenobarbital on the body.

At mild degree poisoning, weakness is observed, drowsiness, scattered attention, decreased muscle tone, impaired speech.

The average degree of poisoning is characterized by prolonged sleep, while the patient is very difficult to wake up, salivation, low blood pressure, dilated pupils, a small amount of urine.

With a severe degree of poisoning, a barbiturate coma develops, lack of consciousness, heart failure, palpitations, blue skin in the area of ​​the nasolabial triangle, the tip of the nose and ears.

The amount of the drug, causing death, is an average of 20 grams of funds. The lethal dose of phenobarbital is 100 mg per kilogram of human body weight.

The joint use of alcohol with any drugs is contraindicated, and Corvalol is no exception.

The combination of alcohol and corvalol can provoke the development of disorders in the human body, such as damage to liver cells.

Often joint reception alcohol and drugs causes the development of a disulfiram-ethanol reaction, in which there is an imbalance caused by the opposite action of alcohol and corvalol. If the use of alcohol leads to an increase in blood pressure, tachycardia, overexcitation of the nervous system, then Corvalol causes a decrease in pressure, normalization of the heart rhythm.

The substances that make up Corvalol contribute to the expansion of blood vessels and blood thinning. When using Corvalol after alcohol, there is a possibility of cerebral hemorrhage or internal bleeding.

Large dose of alcohol and Corvalol can cause disruption of the heart, and in severe cases - stop it.

As a result of the systematic use of Corvalol and alcohol, dependence on the constituent medicinal product phenobarbital.

Prolonged use of such a "cocktail" is accompanied by a violation of the activity genitourinary system, impaired renal function, nausea, vomiting, impaired stool, skin rashes.

AT severe cases hallucinations, paranoia and other mental disorders may occur.

Time to take corvalol after alcohol

The time of taking the drug after alcoholic beverages is individual. It depends on the amount of alcohol consumed and the characteristics of the body.

Usually, corvalol effect occurs in 15 minutes after administration and lasts for 4-6 hours. If the medicine is taken to treat bowel diseases, that its effect lasts up to 10 hours.

The half-life of Corvalol is 3-4 days. Complete release of the body from the drug occurs after 7 days. Therefore, drinking alcohol without consequences is permissible after this period.

The combined use of Corvalol and alcohol is very dangerous for the human body and can lead to irreversible consequences. This should be especially remembered by people suffering from diseases of the liver and kidneys, from alcohol or drug addiction, as well as having genetic predisposition. In these cases, taking Corvalol should be carried out under the supervision of a specialist.

Attention, only TODAY!

Corvalol is a drug that has a sedative and hypnotic effect. Indications for its use are:

  • intestinal spasms;
  • initial stages of hypertension;
  • insomnia;
  • tachycardia;
  • angina pectoris (in combination with nitrates);
  • neuroses with increased irritability.

Source: serdcelechim.ru

Corvalol helps relieve nervous tension, eliminate the effects of stress, improve sleep. That is why it is often taken by many people, and often without a doctor's prescription. But the composition of this drug includes phenobarbital and long-term uncontrolled treatment with it leads to the formation of drug dependence, causes a rather life-threatening overdose. Therefore, in the EU and the USA, this remedy is sold in pharmacies only by prescription. Unfortunately, in Russia and the CIS countries Corvalol can be purchased by anyone and therefore cases of overdose are quite common.

For adults, Corvalol is usually prescribed 15-20 drops three times a day. And only in case severe tachycardia you can take up to 40 drops once.

Over time, patients develop addiction to Corvalol and the usual doses of the drug cease to have the desired effect. As a result of this, they begin to take it in large dosages and much more often. If you take 10 ml of Corvalol, which corresponds to half a vial, within a short time period, this will lead to overdose symptoms.

An overdose of Corvalol can also develop when taking low doses of the drug. This is observed when it is combined with alcohol, tranquilizers, antidepressants or sedatives, as they potentiate, that is, increase the inhibitory effect of the drug on the central nervous system.

Long-term treatment with Corvalol can cause not only the formation of drug dependence, but also a chronic overdose of the body with ethyl bromisovalerianate, which also leads to a number of pathological changes.

Signs of an overdose

An acute overdose of Corvalol occurs when a person accidentally or intentionally takes very high dose drugs, significantly higher than therapeutic.

Acute overdose of mild Corvalol usually manifests itself:

  • drowsiness;
  • weakness;
  • dizziness;
  • decreased concentration and performance;
  • movement coordination disorders.

For an overdose of Corvalol medium degree gravity is characterized by the following symptoms:

  • deep sleep, in which it is possible to wake a person with great difficulty;
  • rapid heart rate (tachycardia).

With a severe overdose of Corvalol, the condition of patients worsens significantly. They are observed:

  • violations of the correct rhythm of the heart;
  • rapid shallow breathing;
  • a sharp decrease in blood pressure;
  • muscle twitching, turning into generalized convulsive seizures.

Source: depositphotos.com

Pronounced hypotension becomes the cause of the development of a collaptoid state in the patient, which later, against the background of increasing hypoxia of organs and tissues, passes into a coma. If the patient is not provided with urgent medical care, then a fatal outcome may occur.

Chronic overdose of Corvalol, or rather ethyl bromisovaleriant, which is part of it, manifests itself:

  • indifference to the surrounding reality;
  • depressive state;
  • confusion of consciousness;
  • conjunctivitis;
  • rhinitis;
  • the appearance of acne.

Long-term treatment with Corvalol leads to the formation of drug dependence, which is associated with the phenobarbital contained in the drug. Its presence can be assumed on the basis of the following signs:

  • depressed mood;
  • tired look;
  • self-doubt;
  • impaired concentration;
  • inadequate reaction to loved ones.

The intensity of the severity of these signs significantly weakens after taking the next dose of Corvalol.

First aid for overdose

In case of acute overdose of Corvalol, it is necessary first of all to perform a gastric lavage. The patient is offered to drink about one liter clean water, and then, by pressing the fingers of the hand on the root of the tongue, cause him to vomit. This simple procedure should be performed at least 3-4 times in order to thoroughly cleanse the stomach of the remnants of the taken Corvalol.

After gastric lavage, the patient is allowed to take one of the sorbent preparations. It can be Smecta, Enterogel, Filtrum STI or Activated carbon. They absorb the digestive tract Corvalol and hold it, preventing it from being absorbed and entering the bloodstream.

In case of an overdose of Corvalol, it is necessary to try to maintain contact with the patient, preventing him from falling asleep. If not severe vomiting, then it is necessary to often give a poisoned person a drink, as this will increase the amount of urine separated and thereby accelerate the removal of Corvalol from the body.

With a chronic overdose of Corvalol or the development of drug dependence, the first first aid is to stop further use of this drug.


There is no specific antidote for corvalol.

When is medical attention needed?

Even with mild degrees of overdose of Corvalol, you should definitely seek medical help, since at any time the condition of the victim may suddenly and dramatically worsen. Moreover, a visit to a doctor is necessary in case of an overdose of moderate and severe Corvalol.

In a hospital, patients with an overdose of Corvalol undergo gastric lavage using a gastric tube and begin symptomatic therapy aimed at preventing the development or restoring existing dysfunctions. cardiovascular system and respiratory failure.

For the speedy removal of Corvalol from the body, forced diuresis is performed with alkalization of the blood with sodium bicarbonate solution, hemosorption and / or extracorporeal hemodialysis.

In case of severe respiratory failure, tracheal intubation is performed and the patient is transferred to artificial ventilation lungs.

For the treatment of chronic overdose of Corvalol, abundant salted drinking and the use of diuretics (Lasix, Veroshpiron, Hypothiazid) are indicated.

Therapy of drug dependence on Corvalol requires long-term therapy, which is carried out jointly by toxicologists, narcologists and psychotherapists.

Possible Complications

Severe degrees of overdose with Corvalol are quite dangerous. They may end lethal outcome even if prompt medical attention is provided.

An overdose of Corvalol is often complicated by pneumonia, impaired renal function. In the long term, neurological disorders (depression, staggering gait) can be observed, which are caused by toxic and hypoxic encephalopathy.

In the elderly chronic overdose can cause:

  • reducing the reaction rate;
  • memory impairment;
  • difficult thinking;
  • impaired coordination of movements.

All of the above often leads to falls in older people, which can lead to fractures.

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