The effect of smoking on the human body. Natural stupidity of "brilliant" smokers

Tobacco smoke is a hot mixture of harmful gases, vapours, liquids and solids that result from the combustion of tobacco leaves. Measurements have shown that at the end of cigarettes, cigarettes, and especially cigars, develop the temperature is very high (600-900°C). Wherein dry distillation of tobacco (pyrolysis). Many organic substances burn to gaseous products, some liquids evaporate, and solids turn into the finest microscopic dust, forming harmful substances. Thus, tobacco smoke is an aerosol of gases, liquids and solids.

The chemical composition of tobacco smoke is very complex. In forDepending on the quality, grade and composition of tobacco, 1200 components are distinguished in it.

The harmful gaseous components of tobacco smoke include: carbon monoxide ( II) (carbon monoxide) and carbon dioxide, ammonia, hydrogen sulfide, formaldehyde, methane, arsenic oxide ( III), ethane, nitric oxide(I ), etc. It should be taken into account that even substances that are harmless in the normal state are toxic when hot and sprayed.

Compared to gaseous liquid fractions of tobacco smoke are more diverse and toxic. From liquid substances that have a toxic effect on the body in tobacco smoke, more than 30 different acids, over 20 alcohols, 27 aldehydes and ketones, 65 ali phatic hydrocarbons and 45 phenols, forming that tank tar, essential oils. Among the many kitties lot of tobacco smoke especially strong poisons are hydrocyanic, formic and oily.

Hydrocyanic acid is a deadly poison. One drop of it is enough to instantly kill a person; it paralyzes cellular and tissue respiration. Despite the fact that the content of hydrocyanic; acid in the smoke is small, it enhances oxygen starvation and disrupts metabolism in the brain, heart and muscle tissues. Acids strongly irritate the mucous membrane of the respiratory tract and alveoli, facilitating the penetration of tobacco poisons into the blood and causing inflammation of the larynx, pharynx, and upper respiratory tract.

Of the subliming alcohols, the poisons are methyl vyy, ethyl, propionic, butyric and higher polyhydric alcohols, called fusel oils. They are poison lung tissue, easily penetrate into the blood, especially affecting nervous system. Aldehydes and ketones harmful products decomposition of organic substances; pain Most of them have a bitter taste. Together with Serovodo genus and nicotine they cause profuse salivation, nausea and urge to vomit.

Aliphatic hydrocarbons and phenols (among them benzpyrene and benzathracene), which are part of tobacco tar, lead to malignant neoplasms.

Tobacco tar and tar stick easily to thininner lining of the lungs and alveoli for normal gas exchange between the lungs and the blood. Settling on the teeth and gums, tar leads to inflammation of the oral mucosa, the formation of brown plaque and tooth decay, which is the cause bad smell from mouth.

Influencing vegetative functions body, nicotine changes the secretion of the adrenal glands, increasing the release of the hormone adrenaline and its effect on the heart and blood vessels. Therefore, when smoking, the heart rate increases sharply, at the same time long time constriction of peripheral blood vessels. Per minute, the frequency of contractions increases by 20-30 beats, and vasospasm sharply increases blood pressure, disrupts the nutrition of tissues and muscles, the brain, kidneys, liver, and skin.

Nicotine is a poison that stops the conduction excitations through the nerve ganglions. In the whole body disruption of such transmission prevents nervous regulation cardiovascular, respiratory, excretory and other systems, metabolism, glands internal secretion. It has been established that nicotine interferes with the absorption of vitamin C by the body, destroying it, causing increased deposition in the walls blood vessels lime and cholesterol, which leads to sclerotic changes.

Nicotine is especially harmful to the body during muscular activity, as it disrupts blood circulation and regulation of vital important organs and most muscle tissue. At the same time, the harm of smoking can be reduced only to nicotine would be too one-sided. Nicotine is only one of the main poisons, the narcotic effect of which which creates a craving for smoking and the formation of a harmful, anti-hygienic habit, turning into a disease - nicotine addiction. Attention should also be paid to other components of tobacco smoke that poison the body, reduce its protective properties, disrupt growth and development, contributing to the emergence of various diseases.

There are fewer solid fractions in tobacco smoke than gaseous and liquid ones, but their effect on the body is even more detrimental. These fractions include: arsenic compounds, radioactive and carcinogenic substances, soot. It is estimated that 1 ml of tobacco smoke contains 600,000 fine soot particles. They clog the lung tissue, make it difficult to breathe. Arsenic oxide ( III) is an extremely toxic compound that poisons the lungs and nervous system.

Scientists have found radioactive polonium (210 Rho) in tobacco smoke with a decay period of 138 days. When smoking, 80% of polonium passes from tobacco into smoke. It emits alpha(a) particles. When smoking two packs of cigarettes, a person emits radiation of 36 rad, and allowable dose, set by the International Council for Radiation Protection, is 6 rad. Considering that tobacco smoke also contains radioactive lead C 20 Rv), bismuth (210 Bi ), (40 K ), emitting beta (B) particles, then the total radiation when smoking a pack of cigarettes reaches 50 rad. This is quite enough to cause cancer of the lips, larynx, lungs and other organs with prolonged smoking. In the lungs of smokers, 7 times more radioactive polonium was found than in non-smokers, in the liver - 3 times, in the heart - 2 times, in the kidneys - 1.5 times. Many scientists believe that the presence of these substances is more dangerous than the action of other substances in tobacco smoke combined.

Thus, when smoking, many substances in a hot mixture of gases, vapors and dust act on the body. They easily penetrate into the blood, and through the walls of the capillaries - into all cells, tissues and organs.

The education of students' intolerant attitude to smoking should begin with an explanation of the composition of tobacco smoke and disclosure of the toxic effect of its components on all organs and systems of the body.

The influence of tobacco smoke on the human body has been studied in physiological, toxicological and social terms.

Physiological studies have made it possible to find out the effect of smoking and tobacco smoke on all systems and organs. we are a person, on his mental and physical work property.

Toxicological studies have proven that tobacco smoke and its individual components have a toxic effect on living organisms, revealed the mechanism of acute and chronic poisoning when smoking.

Smoking, depending on the strength of tobacco, its doses, duration of action, leading to acute or chronic nic poisoning of the body. Acute poisoning is called a sharp violation of vital important functions body as a result of a single smoking a large number tobacco.

The first introduction into the body of the whole complex toxic substances Tobacco smoke causes a sharp defensive reaction: salivation and tearing, nausea, breath holding, coughing with simultaneous impairment of the nervous, respiratory, circulatory and other systems. The composition of the blood changes drastically, which strong influence to the medulla oblongata.

Acute poisoning is accompanied by a brain disorder blood circulation, spasm of the heart vessels, reduce change in body temperature, clouding or loss of consciousness. To provide first aid to the injured blows put on the back and apply to the forehead cold compresses, and in case of cardiac arrest - to do artificial respiration, massage the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe heart, and then send it to a medical institution.

Acute poisoning is especially dangerous for children and adolescents who have protective properties and resistance to action. adverse conditions significantly lower than in adults.

Chronic poisoning causes painful changes structural-morphological and functional nature resulting from prolonged smoking. In chronic poisoning, the activity of all vital organs and systems is disrupted, efficiency decreases, sexual impotence occurs, and premature aging, in children, growth and development of the body are delayed. Smoking children and teenagers ki do not tolerate well infectious diseases, y themlower protective functions and immunity of the body, they do not resist bacterial poisons and do not withstand long-acting high temperature. It should be emphasized that for protective functions and immunity harm but not only smoking itself, but also being in smoky premises.

Let's take a look at how smoking affects different systems body in chronic poisoning. It can be thought of as a series of immediate and supporting means of strikes on the main systems of the body.

In today's society, smoking is a common habit among various groups population, including women, adolescents and even children. According to statistics, there are about a billion people in the world who regularly use tobacco. Nicotine addiction is a serious danger to the human body. At the same time, awareness of the dangers of tobacco is an effective motivation that helps to overcome cravings.

Composition of cigarette smoke

The whole truth about the dangers of smoking is convincingly demonstrated by the fact that tobacco smoke contains 3,000 different chemical compounds. In 20 cigarettes (average daily rate smoker) contains 130 mg of nicotine.

In addition, it contains hundreds of poisons, including:

  • cyanide;
  • arsenic;
  • hydrocyanic acid;
  • carbon monoxide, etc.

Tobacco smoke contains 60 strongest carcinogens: benzopyrene, chrysene, dibenzpyrene and others, as well as nitrosamines, which have a destructive effect on the brain.

In addition to them, it contains radioactive substances:

  • polonium;
  • lead;
  • bismuth, etc.

One year later Airways a smoker passes 81 kg of tobacco tar, some of which settles in the lungs.

The effect of nicotine on the human body

The harm of smoking for the human body lies in its ability to stimulate the development of severe systemic diseases. Many of them have death. Briefly and eloquently about the harm that smoking causes to the body, evidence from medical statistics.

About 5 million people die from tobacco every year worldwide. Every day in Russia alone, nicotine claims about 1,000 lives. Approximately 90% of lung cancer deaths are caused by tobacco use. It has been proven that the life of a person with nicotine addiction is 9 years shorter than that of his non-smoking peer.

Lung cancer is 10 times more common in people who use tobacco. Regular ingestion of saliva with nicotine breakdown products contributes to the development of cancer of the oral cavity, esophagus, stomach and duodenum. In the lungs of a person with nicotine addiction, resins that contribute to the development of diseases settle and accumulate respiratory system, including deaths.

Smoking causes enormous harm to the heart and blood vessels. After one cigarette, blood pressure rises, the risk of blood clots and blockage of the arteries increases. The pulse of a person who uses tobacco is 15,000 heartbeats per day faster than that of a non-smoker. Thus, the load on his heart is about 20% higher than normal. Vasoconstriction causes oxygen starvation of tissues - hypoxia.

An increase in the blood of a smoker of catecholamines contributes to an increase in the concentration of lipids and the development of atherosclerosis, hypertension and fatty degeneration of the heart. Various disorders of the genital area caused by vasoconstriction of the small pelvis occur 3 times more often in smokers than in non-smokers. 20,000 amputations are performed annually in Russia lower extremities due to obliterating endarteritis. The disease develops as a result of a violation of tissue trophism due to insufficient blood supply caused by tobacco use.

Recent research data proves the link between nicotine addiction and blindness. The harm of smoking for the visual apparatus is due to retinal dystrophy and choroid eyes due to lack of blood supply, as well as the destructive effect of poisons on the optic nerve.

In addition, nicotine has a negative effect on hearing aid. The released toxic substances have a destructive effect on the innervation of the internal structures of the ear. Due to the death of sensitive receptors, sleep problems arise, the sense of smell is dulled and taste sensations.

Nicotine addiction depletes the nervous system and inhibits brain activity. The reactions of a smoking person slow down, intelligence decreases.

Tobacco use reduces the motor function of the stomach and intestines, negatively affects the state and functional activity of the liver. Mortality from diseases of the digestive system - gastric and duodenal ulcers - in smokers is 3.5 times higher than in non-smokers.

Nicotine negatively affects the appearance, causing deterioration of the skin, darkening of the teeth and an unpleasant odor. It has been proven that tobacco use contributes to accelerated biological aging - the functional indicators of the body do not correspond to age.

Smoking causes great harm to the body of a pregnant woman and the fetus. Chronic hypoxia causes delays in its development and threatens miscarriage. Children of mothers who smoke during pregnancy are often born prematurely. They often have signs of malnutrition and immaturity, often get sick and lag behind their peers in development.

In addition to being harmful to health, smoking is the cause of many fires, often leading to disability or death.

Diseases from smoking

Smoking harms not only the health of the smoker, but also his family and employees. Constantly nearby people regularly inhale smoke. Its excess in the room can cause dizziness, nausea and vomiting, coughing, irritation of the mucous eyes and throat, and allergy attacks. In non-smokers, tobacco smoke contributes to the development of the same diseases as in smokers.

The destructive effect of smoking on the body of any person lies in its ability to cause:

  • various types of cancer;
  • myocardial infarction;
  • stroke;
  • pulmonary thromboembolism;
  • atherosclerosis;
  • blindness;
  • deafness
  • obliterating endarteritis;
  • impotence and frigidity;
  • infertility;
  • emphysema;
  • pneumonia;
  • Chronical bronchitis;
  • destruction of tooth enamel;
  • diseases of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • congenital deformities;
  • developmental delay;
  • early mortality.

The harm of smoking for the body of passive smokers is confirmed by medical statistics: every year about 600 thousand people die in the world, 300 thousand of which are children. These and other scientific data became the basis for the adoption of a law to ban smoking in public places.

There are many modern effective methods and articles on the dangers of smoking, helping to get rid of nicotine addiction independently without the help of a drug specialist. One of them is Allen Carr's video course, which is available online for free around the clock on our website. The resource contains a large amount of various information about the dangers of smoking. With its help, thousands of people were able to get rid of addiction forever.

Is free! Information about the dangers of smoking

If you are interested in the pros and cons various methods struggle with nicotine addiction, as well as the benefits of the Allen Carr technique, you can find online articles on our website. They contain comprehensive information about the benefits healthy lifestyle life.

Main active ingredient Tobacco is, of course, nicotine. In my own way pharmacological action nicotine is a breath stimulant. But it has not been used in clinical practice due to high toxicity. Nicotine is a drug that affects nicotine-sensitive cholinergic receptors (n-cholinergic receptors) of the nervous system and has a two-phase effect - the first stage - excitation is replaced by a depressing effect. It affects both peripheral and central n-cholinergic receptors.

Nicotine has a pronounced stimulating effect on the chemoreceptors of the carotid sinus zone, which is accompanied by reflex excitation of the respiratory and vasomotor centers, and with an increase in the concentration of nicotine in the blood, their inhibition is observed. In addition, nicotine excites the n-cholinergic receptors of the chromaffin cells of the adrenal glands and, in this regard, increases the release of adrenaline.

Under the influence of nicotine, blood pressure rises (due to excitation of the sympathetic ganglia and the vasomotor center, an increase in the release of adrenaline and a direct vasoconstrictive myotropic effect), the heart rate first slows down (excitation of the center vagus nerve and intramural parasympathetic ganglia), then it increases significantly (stimulating effect on sympathetic ganglia and release of adrenaline from the adrenal medulla). Nicotine also increases the release of antidiuretic hormone from the posterior pituitary gland, which leads to inhibition of urine output by the kidneys (antidiuretic action). The biphasic action of nicotine is manifested both in terms of tone digestive tract(intestinal motility first increases, and then the intestinal tone decreases), and in relation to the activity of the secretory function of the glands (the function of the salivary and bronchial glands is first increased, then the phase of oppression follows).

Nicotine also has a significant effect on the central nervous system, it contributes to easier excitability of the cerebral cortex and midbrain. At the same time, a two-phase action is also observed: when using a substance, first a short-term phase of excitation, and then a long-term inhibition. As a result of the effect of nicotine on the cerebral cortex, the subjective state noticeably changes. Like everything drug, when smoking tobacco causes a short-term stage of euphoria. short-term arousal mental activity due to the action of not only nicotine, but also irritation of the nerve endings of the oral cavity and respiratory tract by the aggressive components of tobacco smoke and the reflex effect of pa cerebral circulation. In high doses, nicotine causes convulsions. Nicotine has the ability to cause the so-called withdrawal syndrome. At long-term use, as it happens in a smoker, nicotine ceases to stimulate respiration, and with the cessation of intake causes its oppression. This is related to the discomfort that a person experiences when quitting smoking. This condition develops during the first day and can last one to two weeks.

At acute poisoning nicotine marked hypersalivation, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea. Bradycardia is replaced by tachycardia. Blood pressure rises, shortness of breath turns into respiratory depression. The pupils are first constricted, then dilated. There are disorders of vision, hearing, and convulsions. Help in this case is mainly aimed at maintaining breathing, since death occurs from paralysis of the respiratory center.

Mild signs of acute nicotine poisoning (sore throat, bad taste in the mouth, nausea, may be vomiting, rapid pulse, convulsions, rise blood pressure) is usually observed at the first attempts to smoke. All these discomfort associated with the first cigarette are not random. it defensive reaction organism, and it is necessary to use it to refuse the next cigarette. Until the time has come. when it won't be easy.

Chronic nicotine poisoning is usually associated with tobacco smoking. However, it should be borne in mind that: tobacco smoke contains other toxic substances. Symptoms of chronic poisoning are quite diverse. typical inflammatory processes mucous membranes of the respiratory tract and obstruction of the bronchopulmonary tree. There is a violation of acidity gastric juice and intestinal motility, as well as many other problems.

When smoking, there is a sharp decrease in the oxygen content in the blood. The carbon monoxide (carbon monoxide) contained in tobacco smoke binds to hemoglobin, leading to an increase in the level of carboxyhemoglobin, which can be 15 times higher than that of non-smokers. Thus, the amount of free hemoglobin, which is the carrier of oxygen from the lungs to the tissues, is reduced. As a result, smokers develop chronic hypoxia tissues, including the brain, which significantly impairs their performance.

Ammonia, formaldehyde and other aggressive substances of tobacco smoke irritate the mucous membrane of the mouth, larynx, trachea, bronchi, so smokers often have loose gums, sores in the mouth, the throat often becomes inflamed, which leads to tonsillitis. Long-term smoking causes a narrowing of the voice goal , there is a hoarse voice. Toxic substances in tobacco smoke inhibit the activity of alveolar macrophages, which leads to a decrease in the activity of local immune factors and the development of chronic infectious and inflammatory processes.

AT last years scientists are paying close attention to substances that cause cancer. These primarily include benzopyrene, radioactive isotopes and other tobacco tar substances. If a smoker takes smoke into his mouth and then exhales it through a handkerchief, then a white cloth will remain brown spot. This is tobacco tar. It has a lot of substances cancer causing. Many of these substances have not only toxic, but also mutagenic and carcinogenic effects on cells. This means that they violate normal work the genetic apparatus of the cell, causing the formation of mutant, including tumor, cells (if a rabbit's ear is smeared with tobacco tar several times, then a cancerous tumor forms in the animal).

When complex mixtures of toxic compounds (such as tobacco smoke) act on the body, the constituent components can multiply the damaging effect of each other. So, for example, carbon monoxide or fine smoke particles, while not having mutagenic activity, still contribute to the formation of tumor cells in the bronchi and lungs due to disruption of the local immune system(for example, inhibit the activity of alveolar macrophages).

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Tobacco tar, being a concentrate of liquid ( organic acids, essential oils, aniline, etc.) and solid (carbon particles, carcinogens, polonium) substances, settles on the walls of the airways, and accumulates in the alveoli. Part of the tobacco tar is released when coughing with sputum, and part penetrates into the tissues of the mucous membranes, giving them a dark color.

The action of nicotine

The main active principle of tobacco is nicotine. Its content in tobacco leaves usually ranges from 1 to 1.5%, but in some varieties it reaches 6-8%. One cigarette weighing 1 g usually contains 10-15 mg of nicotine, and a cigar weighing 10 g up to 150 mg of this substance.

In its pure form, nicotine is a clear, oily liquid with a pungent taste. The cigarette filter accumulates enough nicotine to kill a mouse. In fact, nicotine is toxic to the same extent as hydrocyanic acid.

Nicotine is an extremely strong poison, acting mainly on the nervous system, digestion, as well as respiratory and cardiovascular vascular system.

A systematic study of the effect of nicotine on a living organism gave scientists reason to assume a two-phase reaction to its administration. Initially, increased irritability and excitability of various systems and organs follow, and then this state is replaced by depression.

Smokers instinctively felt this difference in the process of consuming nicotine. Purely psychologically “for invigoration”, for example, during tedious work, people arrange frequent smoke breaks. But in fact, they turn into even greater fatigue of the body due to the inhibitory effect of nicotine (the second phase of influence). Anyone who believes that smoking can calm a person tries to use the depressing moment of nicotine. So, during some responsible or unpleasant conversation, the smoker instinctively puts a cigarette in his mouth.

The smoke drawn in by the smoker sublimes the nicotine from the tobacco leaves. It dissolves quickly in water, so it is easily absorbed through the mucous membranes of the mouth, nose, bronchi, and, getting into the stomach with saliva, and through the walls of the gastrointestinal tract.

It is often said that a drop of nicotine kills a horse. It really is. Why does a person endure in the process chronic use tobacco its huge doses? Firstly, because in each individual cigarette the dose of nicotine is far from lethal, and only when smoking several cigarettes in a row can state of shock leading to death. Secondly, nicotine poison is quickly addictive. In addition, it is quickly excreted by the kidneys from the body.

Even one cigarette is harmless to a living organism. It is estimated that the lethal dose of nicotine for humans is 1 mg per 1 kg of body weight, i.e. about 50-70 mg for a teenager. But at the same time, it must be taken into account that a growing organism is approximately twice as sensitive to nicotine as an adult. Therefore, death can occur if a teenager smokes half a pack of cigarettes at the same time, because a whole pack contains exactly one lethal dose of nicotine. True, with the rapid absorption of tobacco smoke, as a rule, a feeling of disgust and nausea sets in, and this leads to smoking cessation. Nevertheless, cases of death from smoking two or three cigarettes are known: death occurs as a result of a reflex stop of the heart and respiratory organs (due to a toxic “hit” on the corresponding nerve centers).

What is nicotine poisoning? This salivation, nausea, blanching skin, weakness, dizziness, drowsiness. In addition, a feeling of fear, headaches, tinnitus, increased heart rate and other disorders of the body.

Nicotine affects the transmission of impulses from the nerve to the muscle. Large doses of nicotine act like the well-known poison curare, which paralyzes muscular system. But the adrenal glands suffer the most from nicotine. These paired hormonal organs of our body are responsible for many very important functions. It is the adrenal glands that secrete into the blood such effective means life support, like epinephrine and norepinephrine (catecholamines). They are carried by blood to different parts of the body and affect the nervous apparatus. internal organs. In other words, these are not local, but general regulators of the activity of the nervous system. Nicotine in small doses enhances, in large doses reduces the release of catecholamines. As a result, for example, small doses nicotine leads to an increase in blood blood pressure, and large to inhibit the activity of the cardiovascular system. This is precisely what explains sharp drop pressure in the vessels during acute nicotine poisoning, which leads to dizziness, loss of consciousness and even death.

Reasons for smoking

One of the main reasons for starting smoking is curiosity. Another reason to start smoking at a young age is imitation of adults. In non-smoking families, no more than 25% of children become smokers, in smoking families this number exceeds 50%. For many, smoking is explained by imitation of smoking comrades.

Regardless of the nature of the reasons that prompted smoking, it tends to recur. The desire to smoke, inhale the aroma of tobacco smoke and inhale comes imperceptibly, but, unfortunately, becomes more and more strong. Over time, smoking becomes a habit.

The habit of smoking has become so firmly established in everyday life that outwardly it takes on the appearance of a necessary vital need. Many hours can not do without a cigarette. They smoke in the morning after waking up, before and after meals, at rest and in stressful situations. mental work, in the traditional "smoke break" after physical work and at the end of the day for the coming dream.

A kind of smoking reflex is developed very quickly, when the sight of a beautifully designed pack of cigarettes, the smell of fragrant smoke and other attributes of smoking make young guy or a girl who is a heavy smoker.

In the spread of smoking among girls, fashion plays a significant role, the desire to “look beautiful”. Often girls start smoking in companies.

So, if the reasons for the start of smoking in men are the desire to imitate adults, the identification of smoking with ideas of independence, strength, masculinity, then in girls the start of smoking is often associated with coquetry, the desire for originality, the desire to please young men.

But there is another important factor that causes the habit of smoking addiction to nicotine. The constituents of tobacco smoke are absorbed into the bloodstream and carried throughout the body. 2-3 minutes after inhalation of smoke, nicotine already penetrates into the brain cells and briefly increases their activity. The short-term expansion of the vessels of the brain that occurs in parallel with this and reflex action ammonia on nerve endings respiratory tract are subjectively perceived by the smoker as a refreshing influx of strength or a kind of sense of calm.

However, after a while, the feeling of energy and elation disappears. Physiologically, this is due to the onset of vasoconstriction of the brain and a decrease in its activity. To feel the state of elation again, after a while the smoker again reaches for a cigarette, despite the bitterness in the mouth remaining after smoking, profuse salivation and an unpleasant smell.

The seeming rise in energy, calmness, being fixed in the mind after a smoked cigarette, turn into conditioned reflex. The smoker convinces himself that without tobacco he cannot work normally, live, and soon he becomes a real slave to his passion.

Nicotine, like some other poisons, becomes habitual, and without it, due to established reflexes smoking person becomes difficult to manage.

The habit of smoking is based on individually different motives based on a complex of conditioned reflex connections, including the process of smoking and the specific conditions in which it occurs and is fixed in the mind of the smoker. For example, getting up from the table after dinner, which created a feeling of comfort and satiety, the smoker lights up, and attributes the pleasant sensations from eating not to normal digestion, but to smoking.

I have chosen the topic "Negative effects of tobacco smoke on living organisms", as I am very concerned about smoking among young people. Knowing the dangers of smoking, many teenagers are prone to this bad habit, do not think about the future, thereby exposing themselves and others to mortal danger. According to the latest data, in comparison with other countries in Russia, the number of smokers has increased, so if in the USA about 25% smoke, then in Russia more than 70% of the population. And every year the number of smokers increases. Addiction to cigarettes and tobacco leads to various serious diseases.

In conducting my research, I used the methods of questioning, comparative analysis and experiment. Was held preparatory work, questionnaire questions were compiled.

My research consisted of studying the effects of tobacco smoke and comparing its effects on humans and animals. After conducting this study, observing the changes in the behavior of living organisms, namely cats and dogs, when exposed to tobacco smoke. Also considered the release of tar from cigarettes different brands when smoking, thereby proving that filters do not completely clean tobacco smoke. This study showed the following: when exposed to animals tobacco smoke their nervousness was observed, their heartbeat quickened, the animals were aggressive, constantly sneezing and snorting, they cleared their airways; washing, get rid of the unpleasant smell. A similar reaction is observed in humans.

Certain results have been obtained that prove the negative effects of tobacco smoke. His research work, I wanted to warn smokers and inform them about the consequences bad habit. And I want to say that after getting acquainted with this information, several people refused cigarettes.


The purpose of my research was to confirm the presence of harmful substances in cigarettes, as well as the negative impact of tobacco smoke on the body of living beings.

I have set myself the following tasks:

1. Determine the number of students who smoke.

2. Conduct a comparative analysis of cigarettes of different brands in terms of the content of nicotine and tobacco tar in them.

3. Conduct experiments on the effects of tobacco smoke on animals.

4. Draw conclusions and announce the results of your work in school newspaper"Stimulus", thereby trying to influence the guys - smokers of our school.

Sometimes from a smoker you can hear: “What is your business, I smoke or not. This is my body, I want and poison it. This is my own business". But is it? To answer this question, let's first understand what smoking is, what substances are part of cigarettes, smoke and what is its effect on the body.

The mechanism of smoking is as follows: the smoker sets fire to the tip of the cigarette and draws air into the respiratory tract. The oxygen contained in the inhaled air intensifies the combustion of tobacco, and the products of combustion with the rest of the air enter the lungs. Smoking cigarettes (cigarettes) usually requires 12 to 18 puffs.

Since tobacco burns, let's see what substances are included in its composition. Among them are the usual, inherent in each plant, and specific to tobacco leaves. Among the first group of substances are proteins (about 10% of the total mass), carbohydrates (up to 20%), organic acids (about 10%). When tobacco is burned, resins are formed (7 - 14%), and essential oils evaporate (about 1% by weight of tobacco). They explain the specific aroma of tobacco. In some varieties of tobacco, it is especially attractive, and in individual cases, thanks to special processing even pleasant. An unpleasant smell is formed due to the combustion of proteins that give tobacco bitterness and cause unpleasant taste sensations. What is tobacco smoke?

This is a whole physico-chemical system consisting of air and tobacco combustion products suspended in it in the form particulate matter and droplets of liquid, the size of which is fractions of a micrometer, and the number of particles varies by tens and hundreds of thousands of billions from one cigarette. All these particles are sent to the lungs. Every year, a person who smokes one pack of cigarettes a day sends about 1 kg of tobacco tar into their lungs.

The content of substances in tobacco smoke depends on the nature of tobacco, the methods of its preliminary processing - winnowing, drying, fermentation, etc. And in finished products - on humidity, grade, and even on the speed of smoking. Smoke of absolutely everyone tobacco products contains the following substances, many of which are toxic: ammonia, carbon monoxide, hydrocyanic acid, hydrogen sulfide, nicotine, mercury, acetone, lead. In addition, tobacco smoke contains a concentrate of liquid and solid combustion products - tobacco tar, which includes about a hundred chemical substances. The composition of tobacco smoke includes carcinogens (from the Latin word "cancer"), which contribute to the occurrence of malignant tumors. The presence of radioactive substances in tobacco smoke has also been proven, the main of which is polonium-210, first discovered by Pierre Curie and Maria Sklodowska on July 13, 1898. The half-life of polonium is 210-138 days. Emitting alpha rays, it easily penetrates the skin, quickly turns into an aerosol state, and poisons the air. It has been established that the tobacco plant has the ability to accumulate radioactive substances from the air, soil, water, so a pack of cigarettes was given the apt name "pocket Chernobyl". In total, tobacco smoke contains about 3950 chemical compounds, among which there are strong toxins.

The main active principle of tobacco is nicotine - an extremely strong narcotic poison, acting mainly on the nervous system, digestion, as well as on the respiratory and cardiovascular systems. The content of nicotine in tobacco leaves ranges from 1 to 1.5%, but in some varieties it reaches 6-8%. One cigarette weighing 1 g usually contains 10-15 mg of nicotine. In its purest form, nicotine is a clear, oily liquid with a pungent taste. It is this taste that a smoker feels when he finishes smoking a cigarette butt, where nicotine settles. A cigarette filter can accumulate enough nicotine to kill a mouse. Nicotine is toxic to the same extent as hydrocyanic acid. Therefore, in an unaccustomed person to smoking a large number of Cigarettes cause poisoning and sometimes death. They say that a drop of nicotine kills a horse, but to be more precise, one drop of nicotine is enough to destroy three adult horses weighing up to half a ton each. Such is the real power of nicotine poison.

Such an experiment was carried out: leeches were applied to the human body, and a few minutes after smoking a cigarette, the leeches fell off in convulsions.

Consequently, death can occur if a teenager smokes half a pack of cigarettes at the same time, because a whole pack contains exactly one lethal dose of nicotine for an adult. But there are cases of death from smoking 2 - 3 cigarettes in a row, then death occurs as a result of a reflex arrest of the heart and respiratory organs, due to the so-called "toxic shock" to the corresponding nerve centers.

Research methodology.

The study was carried out in two stages. At the first stage, a survey was conducted among students in grades 3-11. A total of 191 students took part in it. Questionnaires were prepared with the following questions:

1. Have you ever tried smoking?

2. Do you smoke now?

3. How many cigarettes do you smoke (smoked) per day?

4. What cigarettes do you smoke?

5. How do you feel about smoking?

6. Do your friends smoke?

7. Does your family smoke?

8. Do your parents know about smoking?

9. What do you think is the most effective way to quit smoking?

10. What is your age?

After processing the results, the results were summed up, which were published in the school newspaper. The survey showed that out of 191 respondents, 86 people tried to smoke, 102 - never tried, 3 - are thinking of starting. As it turned out, most guys start smoking in adolescence.

At the second stage, I conducted a comparative analysis of cigarettes of different brands for the content of nicotine and tobacco tar in them. For the experiment, 3 brands of cigarettes were chosen: "More Lights" (light); "Maxim Full flower" (strong), "Ray" (cigarettes without a filter). These brands of cigarettes are the most popular in the territory of Tarasa village.

Then, with the help of a rubber bulb, all three cigarettes were smoked through white paper napkins. After burning the cigarette to the filter, the ashes were removed, the cigarette was pulled out of the pear. We determined how much tar is formed after smoking a particular cigarette by comparing napkins by color. The filter, on filter cigarettes, was gutted in order to look at its insides. We compared the filter before and after we “smoked” a cigarette. "Before" filter was white color, after smoking it became Brown color with visible brown dots.

Then we observed the reaction of domestic animals, namely cats and dogs, to tobacco smoke. AT rubber bulb air was blown in with tobacco smoke, and then blown into the muzzle of the animal. Each animal instantly began to try to get rid of the unpleasant factor of influence, namely, it turned away, sneezed, and tried to run away. All observations were recorded on a control sheet. After the end of the experiment, conclusions were drawn.

Research results.

The survey showed that out of 191 respondents, 86 people tried to smoke, 102 did not try, 3 are thinking of starting. Of the 86 who have tried smoking, 29 people consider themselves a heavy smoker, 13 people smoke sometimes, quit - 4, do not smoke - 40. Of the 29 heavy smokers: 15 people smoke 1 - 2 cigarettes, 4 people - 3-5 cigarettes; 8 people - 5-10 cigarettes, 2 people - more than 10 cigarettes. Out of 13 occasional smokers: 10 people smoke 1-2 cigarettes; 2 people - 3-5 cigarettes; 1 person - 5-10 cigarettes, which most likely indicates his addiction to this bad habit, and not about self-indulgence. If we take into account these data and apply the classification proposed in the manual “Prevention of socially negative phenomena among children, adolescents and youth”, author Igolnitsyna L. M. and others, then we can say that addicted smokers (smoking more than 20 cigarettes) there are no smokers among students at school. The domestic stage of nicotine addiction predominates, i.e., smoking about 5 cigarettes, as well as habitual, constant smoking from 5 to 10 cigarettes. In general, smokers prefer light cigarettes (21 people answered), ordinary ones (17 people) are in second place, and 4 people smoke expensive ones. All smokers with experience had the following symptoms: yellow teeth, nails, not enough Thick hair, stoop. When talking with them, it turned out that they very often complain of abdominal pain in the stomach area, which is most likely associated with smoking, especially on an empty stomach. The performance of these students is not very good. From conversations with them, it turns out that earlier, before they started smoking, they studied much better. They also complain about memory loss. And smoking is probably the culprit.

At comparative analysis cigarettes of different brands for the content of nicotine and tobacco tar in them, 3 brands of cigarettes were chosen for the experiment: "More Lights" (light); "Maxim Full flower" (strong), "Ray" (cigarettes without a filter). These brands of cigarettes are the most popular in the territory of Tarasa village.

The table shows that the content of the main substances in different cigarettes is different. In terms of nicotine content, “light” cigarettes are only 0.2 mg inferior to strong ones, which also indicates their danger, like strong cigarettes, and cigarettes without a filter contain the largest amount of tar. Some smokers believe that cigarette filters remove particles from the smoke and make it harmless. Unfortunately, it is not. The most commonly used filters retain no more than 20% of the substances, while their overwhelming mass enters the lungs.

With the help of a rubber bulb, all three brands of cigarettes were smoked through white paper napkins. After burning the cigarette to the filter, or to a certain point, the ashes were removed, the cigarette was pulled out of the "pear". It was determined how much tar remained on a paper napkin after smoking a particular cigarette. From light cigarettes, stain on a napkin, even brown, without visible accumulations of tar. Strong ones with a filter have pronounced accumulations of resin along the edge in some places on the stain. For cigarettes without a filter, the stain on the napkin is dark brown, shiny, with a visible thickening around the entire edge, which indicates a large accumulation of resin and other substances. For filter cigarettes, the filter is unrolled to view its insides. The filter was compared before and after smoking a cigarette. “Before” the filter was white, after smoking it turned brown with visible dark brown dots. This result suggests that the filter, of course, retains harmful substances, but the smoke is not completely cleared of substances harmful to the body. Consequently, a lot of harmful substances enter the smoker's lungs. The puff of smoke inhaled by the smoker (main puff) passes through the unburned portion of the cigarette and is filtered, even if the cigarette does not have a filter. The droplets of tobacco tar retained in this way remain in the cigarette butt and are especially clearly visible on the cigarette filter. Therefore, it is especially harmful to smoke cigarettes to the end or to smoke the so-called cigarette butts, because the tar accumulated in them begins to evaporate again and make the smoke more concentrated. Of course, the body tries to get rid of substances unusual for it, because it has amazing abilities for self-healing and self-purification.

After observing the reaction of domestic animals, namely cats and dogs (see Appendix 6) to tobacco smoke, they determined an increase in their nervousness. Theoretically, one can calculate lethal dose for animals, knowing the body weight and lethal dose of nicotine 1 mg. per 1 kg. body weight. Therefore, with a body weight of 2300 g, a cat may die upon receipt of 2.3 mg. nicotine. The dog's body weight is 5150 g, for her a dose equal to 5 mg can be fatal. One cigarette contains from 3 to 15 mg of nicotine (depending on the variety). If these animals knew how to smoke, then only one cigarette would be enough for them. Air with tobacco smoke was blown into the rubber bulb, and then blown into the muzzle of the animal. Each animal instantly began to try to get rid of the unpleasant factor of influence, namely, it turned away, sneezed, and tried to run away. All observations were recorded on a special sheet.

After the end of the experiment, conclusions were drawn about negative impact tobacco smoke on living organisms. When animals were exposed to tobacco smoke, their nervousness was observed, their heart rate increased, the animals were aggressive, constantly sneezing and snorting, they cleared their airways; washing, get rid of the unpleasant smell.

After conducting a survey among students, a sufficiently large number of teenagers were identified as smokers. This is not a pleasant fact, since we all know that smoking negatively affects the body of a teenager. All smokers with experience had the following signs: yellow teeth, nails, not thick enough hair, stoop. When talking with them, it turned out that they very often complain of abdominal pain in the stomach area, which is most likely associated with smoking, especially on an empty stomach. The performance of these students is not very good, from conversations with them it turns out that earlier, before they started smoking, they studied much better. They also complain about memory loss. And smoking is most likely the culprit. After analyzing the survey, I thought that this should be dealt with urgently. Then the acute question arose before me: how does tobacco smoke affect living organisms.

To answer this question, I conducted this study, observing the changes in the behavior of living organisms, namely cats and dogs, when exposed to tobacco smoke. She also considered the release of tar from cigarettes of different brands when smoking, thereby proving that filters do not completely clean tobacco smoke. This study showed the following: when animals were exposed to tobacco smoke, their nervousness was observed, their heart rate increased, the animals were aggressive, constantly sneezing and snorting, they cleared their airways; washing, get rid of the unpleasant smell. A similar reaction is observed in humans.

For myself, from this study, I took Additional information about smoking. Material this study can be used for preventive conversations, on the extracurricular activities, class hours as a source of information for conducting world day anti-smoking, which is held on 16 November. With my research work, I wanted to warn smokers and inform them about the consequences of a bad habit. And I want to say that after getting acquainted with this information, several people refused cigarettes