Bronchial asthma in childhood. Bronchial asthma in children symptoms and treatment

Due to environmental degradation and a significant increase in respiratory infections, children's immunity is significantly reduced. Because of this, childhood bronchial asthma and a variety of allergic reactions are becoming more common.

Asthma is a chronic disease caused by inflammation of the airways and, as a result, spasm of the bronchi, which begin to secrete a large amount of mucus. This interferes with the normal passage of air through the respiratory tract. Bronchial asthma is divided into two types:

    non-atopic (non-allergenic).

The first type of asthma can be caused by exposure to allergen particles: dust, pollen, certain foods, cat or dog hair, perfume, and so on. In children, in 90% of cases, it is the atopic form of the disease that occurs. Non-atopic is quite rare and manifests itself only if the child's body is overly sensitive to infectious allergens.

Bronchial asthma has three forms of disease severity:

  • moderate;

Depending on how severe and how often the seizures occur, you need to use certain means aimed at stopping them. In most cases, children suffering from a disease such as bronchial asthma had this disease in their genes from birth. For every 100 asthmatics, at least 60 have a relative with the same disease. In addition to heredity, a poor environment also aggravates health, which negatively affects the genes of the child.

In children, it is quite difficult to make a correct diagnosis in time, bronchial asthma. This is due to the fact that quite often the disease has the same symptoms as the common cold, viral diseases of the respiratory tract. Often parents do not realize that some of the symptoms indicate a much more serious illness than a simple cold.

However, with bronchial asthma in children, the temperature does not rise, even if it is very frequent and dry, without sputum. Before the onset of the actual symptoms or signs of asthma, there are usually warning signs a few days before. Their duration is different for each child. At this time, children are often irritated, frightened, in constant agitation, and do not sleep well.

Harbingers proceed as follows:

    initially, after a night's sleep, watery mucus begins to stand out from the nose of the baby, because of which the child often sneezes, rubs his nose;

    after a few hours, a slight dry cough begins;

    after lunch or after a daytime sleep, the cough becomes noticeably stronger, but already a little wet (in children over 5 years, the cough becomes more wet by the end of an asthmatic attack);

    the symptoms themselves appear only after 1-2 days, when the cough is paroxysmal.

After the precursors are over, the symptoms of an attack appear.

The main signs of bronchial asthma in children of the first year of life:

    strong dry cough, most often occurs paroxysmal immediately after sleep or before it;

    the cough may decrease if the child is placed upright or seated. When you return to a horizontal position, the cough becomes intense again;

    shortly before the attack, the baby can be very naughty, cry because of the onset of nasal congestion;

    shortness of breath appears;

    breathing becomes intermittent, and the breaths are frequent and short. Inhaled and exhaled air is accompanied by whistling and noise.

Children older than a year, in addition to the above signs, also have the following symptoms:

    strong pressure in the chest, the inability to take a full breath;

    when you try to breathe through your mouth, a strong dry cough appears;

    prolonged dry cough without sputum;

    itching, skin rashes or watery eyes are not typical symptoms of asthma;

    coughing attacks begin under the same conditions (a pet is nearby, the use of any paints, on the street or immediately upon arrival at home, a visit to the library, the presence of a fresh bouquet of flowers at home, etc.).

Parents should be careful with similar symptoms in a child, monitor body temperature. This is necessary in order to be completely sure that the cough is not caused by a cold at all. If a child's asthma is severe, attacks may also occur during the daytime.

The most important reason why asthma attacks occur is the hyperreactivity of the bronchi in children, they react too sharply to a variety of stimuli, especially of an allergenic nature.

All the reasons why the disease develops are divided into several groups.

According to internal factors at the genetic level and health status:

    Gender identity. Among children, boys are more likely to develop bronchial asthma. This is due to the structural features of the respiratory system and bronchi. The lumen of the bronchial tree in boys is much narrower than in girls;

    Overweight child or obesity. Asthma develops in such children more often due to the higher position of the diaphragm, lung ventilation in this arrangement is insufficient for normal and free breathing. Therefore, overweight children are more likely to suffer from shortness of breath and asthma;

    Heredity. If a child in the family or one of the relatives suffers from asthma attacks or allergies, then the risk of manifestation of such an ailment in a child increases significantly.

Impact of external factors:

    Food. These are mainly nuts, dairy products, citrus fruits, chocolate, honey and fish;

    Mold or dampness on the walls of the apartment;

    wool of pets;

    Allergens that cause an asthma attack when library or house dust enters the bronchi;

    Pollen. Inhalation of particles of flowering flowers or trees, more often such asthma is seasonal;

    Some medicines. Certain antibiotics, aspirin.

Triggers - the reasons why bronchospasm occurs:

    traffic fumes;

    excessively cold or dry air;

    strong physical exertion, causing shortness of breath;

    cleaning products, household chemicals;

    strong perfume.

It is very important for parents to recognize an attack of bronchial asthma in their child in time and stop it as quickly as possible. To do it right, you need to take the following important steps.

Listen to your child:

    Be sure to respond to any complaint about breathing problems or chest pain. Older children who have already experienced similar attacks can tell you when it becomes difficult for them to breathe or just sigh;

    If a child complains of chest pain, do not ignore it. During an asthma attack, children may feel a tightness in their chest. Soreness of the chest is the result of air obstruction in the airways and increased pressure in the lungs;

    Always remember that young children or those who have never experienced asthma attacks will not always be able to tell you about shortness of breath or pain. The child may be frightened and withdrawn, hide from you that something is wrong with him, be ashamed of not being able to explain new sensations. Listen to your children, what they are telling you or what they are trying to say.

Analyze the child's breathing:

    Pay attention to the breathing rate, at rest it is about 20 breaths in 60 seconds. If the child is breathing faster, ask if it is difficult for him to breathe, if there are any problems with breathing;

    See if the child has to make any effort to inhale while breathing. With normal breathing, the child's shoulders should not rise, and other muscles should not be involved. Pay attention also to the position of the child, he tries to take the most comfortable position for breathing (slouching, resting his hands on the table in front of him, spreading his elbows in different directions);

    Pay attention when the child takes a breath, if he has muscle contractions just below the ribs. Such "retractions" occur with a short breath, when the amount of air that has entered them cannot fill the necessary space;

    During an attack, when inhaling, the child's nostrils expand greatly in order to inhale as much air as possible. Most often, this symptom occurs in children under one year old, who cannot tell their mother what exactly worries them;

    Listen for wheezing when the child breathes. During an asthma attack, there is a whistling or hissing sound accompanied by a slight vibration. Wheezing can occur on exhalation and inhalation with mild and moderate attacks. With severe - only on exhalation;

    The presence of a dry cough also indicates an attack of bronchial asthma. It creates pressure in the bronchi, due to which the airways open a little, allowing for some time to breathe more or less normally. If frequent coughing prevails at night, this indicates a mild attack. While a prolonged cough indicates a protracted attack.

    During an asthma attack, most children look the same as during a cold, sickly. Therefore, when you see the poor condition of the child, pay attention to it and listen to what your maternal instinct tells you;

    With asthma, all the forces of the body are aimed at restoring breathing, so the skin at this time can become sticky from sweat and pale. This is due to insufficient oxygen saturation of the blood;

    In a severe attack, the skin around the mouth and nose of the child may become bluish in color. This, in turn, indicates a severe lack of oxygen, this condition of the child requires immediate emergency medical care.

Help the child:

    If an attack of bronchial asthma is not the first, then at home there must be inhalers, the action of which is aimed at stopping the attack. There must be a person with the child who will help to use the drug or call adults who can do this;

    At the first attack, be sure to contact your doctor so that he examines the child and prescribes the necessary medications;

    If the seizures are severe, then hospitalization and drug treatment are necessary.

Chronic bronchial asthma in a child can not currently be cured by any medications. Despite the constant development of medicine, there is no cure. There are only drugs that can stop the attack, destroy the allergen in the body. Moreover, drugs are prescribed for taking in several stages, with a gradual increase in the dosage of the active substance. The amount of the drug taken depends on the severity of the asthma attacks.

Any treatment should take place under the strict supervision of the attending physician. He decides to reduce or increase the dosage of drugs.

Asthma medications

Modern drugs for the treatment of this disease are divided into several groups:



The first group is designed to relieve bronchospasm and free passage of air through the respiratory tract (bronchodilators). These include drugs that are taken as emergency care for an asthmatic attack to enable a person to breathe normally. Drugs are used only as needed, but not as a prophylaxis.

The second group of drugs is designed to relieve inflammation, remove the allergen from the body (cromones, anticholinergic and antileukotriene drugs, glucocorticoid hormones). These funds are intended for the permanent treatment or prevention of asthma attacks. Unlike the first group, they do not have an instant effect on relieving bronchospasm and do not relieve suffocation. Basic drugs are aimed at minimizing inflammation in the bronchi, suppressing it, as well as reducing the number of asthma attacks or their complete cessation.

Anti-inflammatory drugs are usually taken for a fairly long period of time. The result from taking basic drugs does not appear immediately, but only after 2-3 weeks of continuous treatment.

Glucocorticoid hormones, no matter in what form they are taken (tablets or injections), have many undesirable side effects:

    a set of extra pounds;

    hormonal imbalance;

However, modern technologies make it possible to create more and more new drugs that have an effective effect on the disease, while the side effects from them are minimal, practically reduced to zero. Inhaled glucocorticoids are by far the best topical preparations. This is a fairly large group of drugs that are made from synthetic materials and come in the form of inhalers or nebulizers.

In the treatment of bronchial asthma, inhaled glucocorticoids have taken a really good step forward. They are well tolerated by almost all children, do not have a large list of side effects, do not cause an allergic reaction, and do a good job of treating asthma. They can be used not only by children, but also by adults.

In addition to aerosols, there are also other methods of treating asthma:

    special physical training;

    breathing exercises using special equipment;

    acupuncture, electropuncture and other methods of reflexology;

    various salt mines, gala chambers and the like.

Specialized schools are organized that children suffering from asthma attacks must attend during treatment. In these institutions, the child will be told about measures to prevent seizures, show the correct breathing techniques, help them learn about the drugs that are needed to treat and stop seizures, and also help them choose the right and most effective treatment and diet.

In order to make asthma attacks as rare as possible, in addition to direct treatment, prevention of the disease is also necessary. This refers to increasing immunity and improving the general condition of the child. Prevention will be a mandatory measure in cases where the child has a predisposition to asthma at the gene level.

What you need to do to prevent the disease:

    Breastfeeding children from the first days of life and at least up to 1 year. If the mother cannot breastfeed or is forced to stop, then the mixture for feeding must be chosen carefully, in consultation with the pediatrician;

    Complementary foods should be introduced only when the doctor allows it. Start introducing new foods in strict sequence with the pediatrician's instructions, avoid allergenic foods (chocolate, honey, citrus fruits, nuts);

    Try to get rid of unnecessary “dust collectors” in the house: carpets, thick curtains, tapestries. Try to keep books in a glazed bookcase, and not on open shelves;

    Do not have pets to rule out allergies to pet hair. Try to refuse even seemingly harmless aquarium fish, because the dry food that should be fed to them may contain strong allergenic substances;

    Blankets and pillows should be with hypoallergenic fillers;

    Use only hypoallergenic detergents and cleaning products at home;

    Ventilate the rooms as often as possible in calm weather;

    Do wet cleaning daily without auxiliary cleaning products;

    Hardening is a good way to boost immunity and improve health.

In addition, a warm and favorable atmosphere in the family is very important for the child. It is important for children to feel care and support from their parents, because of this, diseases will attack much less often.

Bronchial asthma in children is the most common chronic respiratory disease. Boys are more often diagnosed before the age of five in children. It is difficult for parents to recognize the first alarming symptoms, the visit to the doctor is several years late. Often, disability is immediately issued.

The etiology of the disease is extensive. Possible reasons:

  • dust mites;
  • animal hair;
  • mold fungi;
  • plant pollen;
  • tobacco smoke;
  • antibiotics (penicillin).

Maternal smoking during pregnancy increases the risk of developing asthma in the child.

Among the reasons, psychosomatics plays a special role: children who are emotionally attached to their mother are more likely to get sick. A healthy lifestyle during pregnancy is the prevention of this disease for the baby. Otherwise, the child may require a disability.

Taking aspirin can provoke an attack of aspirin asthma, which is a non-allergic form.


Pathogenesis consists of stages that proceed sequentially:

  1. Sensitization is the first encounter with an allergen. Cells of the immune system produce immunoglobulin E in response to the penetration of the allergen. It settles on mast cells that are in the bronchi. The immune cells of the respiratory system remember the allergen and are ready to fight it.
  2. pathochemical. It develops upon repeated contact with the allergen. It binds to immunoglobulin on the surface of mast cells. The latter, in response to exposure, secrete inflammatory mediators that interact with the cells of the bronchial wall.
  3. Pathophysiological. Inflammatory mediators trigger a cellular response. Develops, swelling of the bronchial wall and production of viscous sputum. The lumen of the bronchus is greatly reduced and the air passes through it with difficulty. An attack develops. The clinic is based on changes in the bronchi.


Exacerbation of the disease, in most cases, in children is replaced by remission. The etiology of the disease makes it possible to distinguish between atopic (allergic) and non-allergic forms. Their pathogenesis differs, but the clinic is the same.

Disability is issued in any of the forms and allows you to receive benefits.


The atopic form is established if an allergic etiology of the disease is identified. These include:

  • a history of allergies in a child;
  • an attack upon contact with an allergen;
  • increased immunoglobulin E in the blood test;
  • allergic diseases in brothers, sisters, parents and other close relatives.


It proceeds in the same way as an allergic one, but with a thorough examination it is impossible to detect the causes. Factors provoking an attack can be physical activity, inhalation of cold air, pungent odors. The level of immunoglobulin E remains normal. The pathogenesis has not been studied.


The main symptoms are suffocation and feeling short of breath. In children, sometimes the only symptoms are frequent colds of the respiratory system and coughing for a long time, especially at night. Frequent SARS that occur without temperature should alert parents. Atopic asthma develops upon contact with a trigger.

Other characteristic symptoms:

  • difficulty breathing, especially exhalation;
  • dry wheezing , audible at a distance;
  • the child is late in growth or development from peers;
  • blueness of the skin.

How to remove an attack

The attack develops most often at night or in the early morning hours. Psychosomatics plays an important role: an attack develops under stress. The pathogenesis (if asthma is atopic) is based on the fact that dust mites live in the mattress and close contact with the allergen occurs at night.

The following symptoms develop:

  • suffocation;
  • the child is frightened, excited;
  • exhales with difficulty;
  • wheezing wheezing is heard;
  • his skin turns blue.

The attack is removed with the help of an inhaler prescribed by a doctor. If the attack is not stopped, complications will develop.


The diagnosis of bronchial asthma up to five years in children is made, taking into account the symptoms and tests for immunoglobulin E, sensitivity to allergens. The diagnosis is made in children older than five years using instrumental research. Diagnosis is carried out in a hospital.

The simplest and most common method is peak flowmetry.

A small device measures the child's exhalation rate. Signs of the disease - a decrease in this indicator by 20% or more. The attack causes the most pronounced decrease in the strength and speed of breathing.


Bronchial asthma in children occurs with varying severity. The following are evaluated: the clinic, how often an attack occurs, the severity of exacerbations, signs of complications and the results of peak flowmetry. Classification:

  • Light intermittent (non-permanent). Exacerbations are short-term. Peak flowmetry indicators are 80% of the norm and above. The prognosis is favorable. Disability is not recognized.
  • Light persistent (permanent). Daytime symptoms several times a week. Exacerbations disrupt the child's activity and sleep. Expiration rate of 80% or more. The prognosis is favorable.
  • Medium persistent. Day symptoms daily, night attacks several times a week. On peak flowmetry 60-80% of the norm. Disability group 3, in the presence of severe concomitant diseases. The forecast is doubtful.
  • Severe persistent. Psychosomatics are often involved. Attacks every night, day symptoms daily. Sleep and activity of the child are significantly disturbed. Exhalation rate is less than 60% of normal. The prognosis is unfavorable. With such severity, disability of 2-3 groups is given.

Classification allows you to change the severity when the child's condition changes.

First aid

The child must first be calmed down. Psychosomatics plays an important role in the development of an attack.

  1. Remove tight clothing, open a window to let fresh air into the room (avoid cold).
  2. Give the child an inhaler or nebulizer, you can supplement it with an aminophylline tablet.
  3. It is advisable to make a warm bath for hands and feet.

If these measures do not stop the attack within half an hour, call an ambulance. Further waiting may lead to respiratory arrest!


Treatment depends on the form, cause and extent of the disease. Hospitalization is required for severe exacerbations and if serious complications have developed - status asthmaticus,. In other cases, the child is treated at home, under the supervision of parents.

Prevention is based on the removal of the allergen from the environment of the child. To do this, daily wet cleaning is carried out, an impenetrable cover can be put on the mattress - this alleviates the condition of the child if he has an allergic form.


Apply inhalation forms of drugs. Most of them contain glucocorticoids in combination with a beta-agonist. This combination gives a pronounced anti-inflammatory effect and makes breathing easier. Children can use the inhaler from the age of five. Prior to this, drugs are administered through a nebulizer or spacer.

Bronchial asthma is a chronic inflammatory disease of the airways. The disease is very difficult to identify and recognize in a child, because its symptoms are similar to those of a cold or bronchitis. Parents should pay more attention to a toddler who has been diagnosed with asthma and always be prepared for an unexpected asthmatic crisis.

Bronchial asthma is a chronic disease that cannot be completely cured.

Reasons for the development of the disease

The development of the disease is based on an IgE-dependent immune response to a stimulus. If the body has a sensitive predisposition to the allergen, the first manifestations of the disease upon contact with it begin instantly. For example, it is very dangerous for a child with bronchial asthma who is allergic to cat or dog hair to enter a house where there is a pet. This is fraught with an instant attack of suffocation.

The main risk factors for developing asthma in a child include:

  • hereditary predisposition. If one of the close relatives of the baby has asthma, the risk of developing allergic reactions in the child increases several times.
  • Contact with household allergens. Bronchial asthma can occur in children living in a house where there is a fungus, cockroaches or pets. Allergens are also plant pollen, house dust, dander, or certain foods.
  • Second hand smoke. A child who inhales cigarette smoke is automatically at risk.
  • Food. In one-year-old children, food is often the main cause of asthma. Allergens can be eggs, fish, dairy products.
  • Chronic pathological disorders of the respiratory system. Regular violations of the bronchi lead to their hyperreactivity, that is, increased excitability to allergic manifestations. Constant relapses contribute to obstructive respiratory syndrome, which sooner or later can provoke suffocation.
  • Medications. Allergens are most often antibacterial drugs and products containing aspirin.

Factors that cause exacerbation of asthma

Forms of bronchial asthma

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There are several criteria for classifying bronchial asthma. Depending on the origin of asthma, there are three main forms of the disease:

  1. allergic type. Atopic bronchial asthma is caused by an external or internal stimulus. In most cases, the main reason for its occurrence is a genetic predisposition to the development of allergic reactions. The first symptoms of the disease appear at the age of 2-4 years. Asthma of this type begins with a feeling of irritation in the nose, dry cough, sneezing, followed by sudden short-term attacks of suffocation.
  2. Infection-dependent type. Asthma also occurs as a result of frequent respiratory infections at an early age. Bacteria that enter the bronchi disrupt their work. If a child has even the slightest predisposition to allergic asthma, then an infection in the respiratory tract can provoke its development. The disease is manifested by a sore throat, a strong cough that does not go away after a course of drug therapy.
  3. Cough asthma. The causative agents of the disease are not only allergens. Among the provoking factors are also chemical irritants, stressful situations, poor ecology. Cough asthma is not accompanied by shortness of breath or wheezing. Its main symptom is a dry cough without sputum. If a specialist is not able to diagnose this form in the early stages, it will develop into classic asthma with more serious manifestations.

The first signs of the disease in children

The first signs of bronchial asthma occur in infants. This disease is very difficult to detect at an early age, as it can be easily confused with SARS or other infectious diseases of the respiratory tract. A distinctive feature of the disease is the absence of fever.

The symptoms of asthma in a child are:

  • sleep disorders;
  • clear discharge from the nose in the morning that causes sneezing;
  • dry cough during the day, which is worse in the evening and at night.

Symptoms of bronchial asthma in infants and children older than a year

Newborns are the most difficult to diagnose bronchial asthma. At this age, the disease occurs against the background of food or drug allergens. In some cases, bronchial asthma in children under one year old is the result of an improper lifestyle of the mother.

The disease in babies up to a year is accompanied by the following symptoms:

  • Dry cough, worse lying down. In the morning, coughing attacks are insignificant, but in the afternoon its intensity and frequency increase significantly.
  • Viscous sputum, which begins to stand out only in the late afternoon.
  • Remote wheezing. The wheezing of the baby can be heard not only by the doctor, they can be heard by any person who is next to the patient.
  • Whistling shortness of breath. In rare cases, the baby has shortness of breath. The breathing of an infant with asthma is predominantly whistling and loud.

At the time of the attack, the baby may experience cyanosis of the integument and mucous membranes. The frequency of asthmatic crises depends on contact with the allergen. For example, if a certain plant acts as an allergen, exacerbations will occur during its flowering period.

In older children, pressure, rapid pulse, lack of air and chest pain are added to the above signs, the cough is more protracted. During adolescence, some children may go into remission. Repeated relapse occurs when the environment changes, for example, when moving.

Diagnosis of the disease

Parents should seek immediate medical attention if asthma is suspected. First, the doctor will conduct an examination and collect information about the diseases of close relatives in order to exclude or confirm the baby's genetic predisposition to allergic reactions that provoked asthma.

After collecting an anamnesis, the doctor proceeds to prescribe additional diagnostic measures. A complete clinical picture develops after the child undergoes the following studies:

  • general detailed blood test;
  • biochemical diagnostics of blood;
  • general analysis or bacterial culture of sputum;
  • radiography or fluorography;
  • diagnostics of lung function (spirometry);
  • allergic diagnostic tests to determine the allergen;
  • provocative tests to study the functionality of the bronchi.

Assessment of the condition of the lungs by measuring the volume and speed of exhaled air (spirography)

How to recognize an asthma attack and what to do to help your child?

Parents of a patient with asthma should always be prepared for the fact that the baby may have an asthmatic attack. They should study all possible manifestations during an exacerbation in order to recognize them and help their child in time. The future health of the baby depends on this. Possible symptoms of an asthma attack include the following:

  1. Increasing the frequency of breaths. Normally, a child takes 20 breaths per minute, during a crisis this figure increases significantly.
  2. Lack of air. The child begins to choke due to spasm of the bronchial muscles.
  3. Expansion of the nostrils. In one-year-old children, this manifestation may indicate an impending exacerbation.
  4. The appearance of wheezing and whistling. The baby listens to both wheezing and whistling on exhalation.
  5. Blueness of the covers. The skin around the mouth and nose in some children becomes bluish.
  6. Posture change. During an asthmatic crisis, the child becomes difficult to breathe, so he begins to change his position in order to alleviate his suffering. Pressing the head to the chest, leaning on the elbow or raising the head up indicates the beginning of suffocation.

First you need to call an ambulance and calm the baby, because seizures cause severe stress in children. If an adult knows which allergen provoked an attack, then he must urgently stop contact with him, that is, take the patient out of the room or open the windows.

First aid also includes inhalation with a special drug for asthmatics. If the baby is small, parents should always carry a bronchodilator inhaler (Ventolin or Salbutamol) with them. Older children who go to kindergarten or school should put the drug in a backpack or bag. The teacher or class teacher must be aware of the illness and, if necessary, must provide appropriate assistance.

Treatment Methods

Bronchial asthma is a very serious disease that requires properly selected basic therapy. Even though it can't be cured. Otherwise, parental negligence can lead to irreversible consequences. When contacting a specialist, the doctor must first determine the allergen using laboratory and instrumental diagnostic methods. Based on the results of research, asthma therapy in children may include drug and non-drug treatment, as well as alternative ways to get rid of the disease.

Medication use

Medicine is powerless against this disease, so basic therapy is aimed at alleviating the condition of the child. Most drugs for bronchial asthma are intended for inhalation administration.

During an attack, it is necessary to use inhalers with special medications.

The drug course for bronchial asthma includes the following drugs:

Drug groupPurposeMembers of the drug group
BronchodilatorsExpand the bronchiSalbutamol, Berotek, Ventolin
AntihistaminesGet rid of allergiesLoratadin, Claritin, Telfast
CorticosteroidsReduce bronchial obstructionPrednisone, Hydrocortisone, Methylprednisolone, Beclomethasone
CromonsStop inflammation, inhibit the production of mast cellsCromoglycate, Ketoprofen, Intal
Leukotriene inhibitorsBlock leukotriene receptors, have an anti-inflammatory effectSingular, Akolath

The main task of the doctor when prescribing a course of basic treatment is to identify and eliminate the allergen. If, due to circumstances, it is impossible to get rid of it, the child has to be treated with the help of specific immunotherapy. Its essence lies in the introduction of a dose of the allergen into the baby's body. A gradual increase in dose will achieve a decrease in sensitivity to the provoking allergen.

Alternative medicine

Alternative medicine in recent years has again become relevant. Bronchial asthma is a disease that needs to be treated with several drugs at the same time. Such a load on the child's liver and kidneys does not always suit parents, so they tend to replace drugs with safer drugs with a similar effect. Treatment of bronchial asthma with alternative methods is aimed at alleviating the following symptoms of the disease:

  • Removal of inflammation. The main assistants are sage, yarrow, chamomile, lungwort.
  • Strengthening immunity. Celandine, echinacea, horsetail are universal means to improve the functioning of the immune system.
  • Spasmolytic action. Herbs that suppress bronchial spasm are chamomile, fennel, St. John's wort, wild rosemary.
  • Mucus liquefaction. Nettle, mother and stepmother contribute to its removal from the bronchi.

Alternative Therapy Options

Not all parents prefer the medical method of treating bronchial asthma. In addition to drug therapy, the following alternatives contribute to alleviating the manifestations of the disease:

  • Physiotherapy. Aerosol and heat-moist inhalations, electrophoresis, phonophoresis are procedures recommended for patients with bronchial asthma. They have a good therapeutic effect and help restore the functionality of the bronchi.
  • Massage course. This procedure is very effective in restoring bronchial dilatory capacity. It is performed in intervals between attacks. The course of massage reduces the severity of attacks and their frequency.

Courses of massage procedures have a positive effect on the health of an asthmatic child, reducing the frequency and severity of attacks
  • Breathing exercises. Gymnastics helps to alleviate the course of the disease and improve health. The most effective set of breathing exercises belongs to the author A.N. Strelnikova (we recommend reading:). Her breathing exercises prevent the onset of asthmatic crises, increase immunity, and suppress allergic reactions.
  • Spa treatment. Children with asthma are advised to go to the sea every 1-3 years. Sea air perfectly strengthens the respiratory system. Climatic procedures - air and sun baths, swimming in the sea - form the basis of sanatorium treatment and ensure the activation of the function of the respiratory organs.
  • Halotherapy. Staying in a halochamber creates the effect of visiting a salt cave. The passage of halotherapy in combination with a course of drug treatment allows you to reduce the number of drugs taken or resort to more gentle drugs.
  • Diet therapy. A child with asthma should follow a special diet, eating hypoallergenic foods - low-fat meats, cereals, herbs, vegetables, butter, dried fruits and dairy products. Doctors also recommend foods that contain vitamin E - sunflower oil, liver, legumes and cereals.

Is it possible to get rid of asthma permanently?

Today, bronchial asthma is not as dangerous a disease as it was a couple of decades ago. Children are still not cured of it forever, but thanks to new diagnostic methods and an increase in the number of treatments, asthma has simply moved into the category of chronic diseases.

The only way to alleviate the suffering of a child is to reduce the number of exacerbations and prolong the period of remission. This can be achieved with the help of complex treatment - drug therapy and other alternative methods.

Asthma Prevention

Newborns and infants with a predisposition to bronchial asthma or suffering from atopic dermatitis are at the main risk zone. For them, primary preventive measures are carried out:

  • breast-feeding;
  • inadmissibility of passive smoking;
  • elimination of possible contact with allergens;
  • strengthening immunity by hardening;
  • prevention of respiratory diseases.

Secondary prevention concerns children who have had an asthmatic crisis at least once in their lives. They need to follow the following preventive measures:

  • eliminate the allergen, exclude contact with pets and walks during the flowering of plants in the spring;
  • regularly carry out wet cleaning in the house;
  • eliminate all foci of fungus and mold;
  • prevent the occurrence of a cold;
  • at the slightest manifestation of SARS, take bronchodilators;
  • do breathing exercises.

Bronchial asthma in a child is no longer a disease that complicates the life of the baby and parents. Adequate treatment will allow you to develop normally and lead a fulfilling life.

Over time, seizures occur less often and even completely stop. O signs and symptoms of development asthma in children will be discussed further.

Features of the disease

How does asthma start? Bronchial asthma is negative reaction of the bronchi for a specific allergen.

Pathology is often hereditary and manifests itself at an early age.

Exacerbations are replaced by remission, and the duration of these periods depends on the characteristics of the child, living conditions, and the drugs used. The disease cannot be transmitted.

When a child develops a cough after interacting with children who have the same symptoms, this indicates bronchial obstruction. It occurs due to the effect of the virus on the bronchi.

The diagnosis does not mean that the child will be disabled, but it will require compliance with many restrictions.

It is very difficult to eliminate the disease, but with the help of drugs it is possible to maintain remission for a long time.


The bronchial form is of the following forms:

  1. Asthma non-allergic. This form occurs due to endocrine diseases, overload of the nervous system or the ingestion of microorganisms.
  2. Mixed asthma. This pathology is characterized by all possible symptoms of this disease.
  3. allergic. This type of asthma manifests itself in the form of:

Children of any age are at risk of developing asthma, but most often it develops in children under 5 years of age.

The course of the disease and possible complications

Asthma manifests differently at every age. Therefore, parents should pay attention to emerging symptoms.

This will allow you to quickly diagnose the disease and achieve long-term remission by taking medications.

Manifestations up to a year:

  • persistent sneezing, coughing and nasal discharge;
  • swollen tonsils;
  • bad sleep;
  • problems with the gastrointestinal tract;
  • breath "sobbing".

Features of manifestation up to 6 years:

  • coughing in sleep;
  • dry cough appears during outdoor games;
  • mouth breathing causes coughing.

For teenagers:

  • cough during sleep;
  • children are afraid of active movement;
  • the seizure causes the child to sit up and lean forward.

At this age, the diagnosis has already been made, and the child knows the provoking factors. He must always carry an inhaler.

This disease is dangerous with complications. This is especially fraught with the lungs, as it may occur:

  1. Emphysema- the lungs become "airy".
  2. Atelectasis- blockage of the bronchus disables part of the lung.
  3. Pneumothorax- Air enters the pleural cavity.

Asthma also affects the heart. Heart failure with tissue edema may occur.

Causes of pathology

The main cause of seizures is bronchial hyperactivity, which instantly respond to various stimuli.

The most common reasons:

  1. Most often, asthma develops in boys, as they have structural features of the bronchi.
  2. overweight children also often suffer from asthma. The diaphragm occupies a high position and therefore there is insufficient ventilation of the lungs.
  3. genetic predisposition plays an important role in the development of this disease.
  4. Some should be excluded: chocolate, nuts, fish.

Sometimes asthma is the final stage of allergic manifestations.

First, urticaria appears, then eczema with itching, and only then the body reacts to the irritant with an asthmatic attack.

Often attacks occur after bronchitis or after a respiratory disease.

Factors causing exacerbations

To avoid exacerbation of the disease, the following factors should be avoided:

  • tobacco smoke;
  • indoor fungal spores;
  • dust in the room;
  • plant pollen;
  • excess weight;
  • cold air;
  • animal fur.

All these factors exacerbate the manifestation of asthma. regardless of age.

Typical Symptoms

Diagnosing asthma in a child can be difficult. This is explained by the fact that the symptoms of bronchial asthma are similar to those of a common cold or a viral disease. Therefore, parents often do not even know about the development of a serious pathology.

It should be noted that in bronchial asthma no temperature rise. A few days before the main symptoms of asthma, precursors appear. At this time, children are irritated, do not sleep well and are excited.

Manifestations of harbingers:

  1. In the morning, the baby has mucus from the nose, and he often sneezes.
  2. After a couple of hours, a dry cough appears.
  3. In the middle of the day the cough gets worse and becomes wet.
  4. After a maximum of two days, the cough becomes paroxysmal.

Then the precursors stop and the main symptoms of the disease appear.

Manifestations of the main signs:

  1. An attack of severe cough occurs before going to bed or after waking up.
  2. Upright position reduces coughing.
  3. Before an attack, the child begins to cry and act up, as his nose is blocked.
  4. There is shortness of breath.
  5. Breathing is irregular and accompanied by whistling.
  6. There are atypical manifestations - itching and rashes on the skin.

If asthma has become severe, then attacks begin to occur at any time.


It is necessary to collect all the information about the life of the child. Often, after talking with parents, you can guess the type of allergen that causes asthma. Then certain tests are given to accurately determine the allergen.

The traditional way to determine the provocateur is a skin test.

Various irritants are applied to the forearm. Then install the degree of dysfunction of the respiratory system. The procedure is called spirometry, in which the volume of breathing is measured.

Unfortunately, asthma is detected too late. It is often mistaken for obstructive bronchitis. Doctors do not risk making a terrible diagnosis and prescribe the wrong drugs.

Providing first aid during an attack

Parents are obliged to feel the onset of an asthma attack in a timely manner and be able to quickly eliminate it.

Attention should be paid on the breath and appearance of the child:

  1. The respiratory rate should be no more than 20 breaths per minute.
  2. When breathing, the child should not raise his shoulders. The rest of the muscles should also not be involved.
  3. Before an attack, the child's nostrils begin to expand.
  4. A bad sign is hoarse breathing.
  5. A dry cough can also indicate the development of asthma.
  6. You should take care of your baby's skin. In the presence of asthma, the body spends a lot of energy to restore breathing, and this leads to the fact that the skin becomes clammy and turns pale.
  7. With a severe attack, the skin in the nose becomes bluish. This indicates a lack of oxygen. The condition is very dangerous, so there should always be inhalers at home.

The attack happens suddenly and for no reason. In this case urgent help needed.

In such a situation, when inflammation has occurred in the airways (edema, bronchospasm), the choking child needs to facilitate breathing with a strong bronchodilator.

The most effective way is an inhaler, allowing drug particles to instantly reach the affected area of ​​the bronchi.

A good and proven drug for immediate relief is an aerosol Salbutamol. It is prescribed by a doctor, and the parents of a sick child must be able to use the device.

Children under the age of 5 do not yet know how to inhale properly. Therefore, for such crumbs, there are special inhalers - nebulizers. It is often necessary to use spacers. The inhaler itself is inserted into such a device.

In an acute attack, the child is given certain doses of the drug. The inhalation process is carried out every 10 minutes and continues until breathing normalizes. If there is no improvement, then hospitalization required.

You should not be afraid of an inhaler, as there is no danger of an overdose.

What absolutely cannot be done?

Asthma attacks don't always end well. With this disease, there are also deaths. Unfortunately, it is not the disease itself that is often to blame for the death of children, but the unreasonable actions of the parents.

This happens if inadequate medications have been used. To kid, when he has an asthma attack, you can not give:

  • sedatives drugs. Such funds prevent deep breathing, and this is unacceptable with a severe asthma attack;
  • expectorants drugs. Mucolytics activate the formation of mucus, and it is already in excess in asthma;
  • antibiotics. These drugs are the most useless in asthma. They can only be used for complications (pneumonia).

Medical treatment

Medical treatment can be divided into two types:

  • symptomatic treatment, that is, the elimination of an attack;
  • basic therapy.

Only the doctor chooses the tactics of treatment. Self-medication is absolutely excluded, since the illiterate use of drugs will aggravate the disease and can lead to respiratory failure.

Symptomatic treatment consists in the use of bronchodilators: Salbutamol, Ventolin. In severe cases, corticosteroid drugs are used. The main route of administration is inhalation.

Unfortunately, all drugs of this type of treatment have a temporary effect. And the uncontrolled use of such drugs will lead to the fact that the bronchi will stop responding to the medicine. Therefore, the dose of the drug should be strictly controlled.

Basic therapy is selected individually, taking into account the severity of asthma and the characteristics of the child.

The following drugs are used:

  1. Antihistamines means - Suprastin, Tavegil, Claritin.
  2. Antiallergic- Intal, Ketotifen.
  3. Antibiotics- Sanitize foci of infection.

Sometimes hormonal drugs are prescribed to prevent exacerbations of the disease. Often used leukotriene inhibitors, which reduce sensitivity to allergens.

Treatment is canceled if remission is observed for two years. In case of relapse, treatment should be restarted.

Non-drug therapy

There are also such ways to treat bronchial asthma. They mean:

  • medical gymnastics;
  • physiotherapy;
  • massage;
  • hardening;
  • breathing techniques;
  • visiting salt caves.

Phytotherapy complements traditional treatment and helps to increase the period of remission. Decoctions of medicinal herbs are used. Prepare daily and take them for a long time. Doses must be agreed with the doctor.

Bronchial asthma sometimes disappears by itself in adolescence, but this happens infrequently.


To reduce asthma attacks to a minimum other than direct treatment preventive measures are needed. They must be taken if there is a predisposition of the child to this disease.

How to prevent this pathology.

  1. Books should be kept in closed cabinets.
  2. No need to store clothes in the child's room.
  3. Do not buy soft toys.
  4. It is advisable to wash bed linen with hypoallergenic powders.
  5. The presence of animals in the apartment is undesirable.
  6. During the cleaning period, the child should be removed from the room.
  7. Linoleum should be replaced with another coating.

Previously, asthmatics adjusted their lives to the disease. Much was strictly prohibited. Children especially suffered from this - neither to have a puppy, nor to jump.

But today everything has changed. Advances in medicine have allowed children live a full life on an equal basis with other people.

Dr. Komarovsky about asthma in this video:

We kindly ask you not to self-medicate. Sign up to see a doctor!

Bronchial asthma is a chronic disease, which is characterized by the appearance of an inflammatory process in the airways as a result of the influence of harmful external factors. This disease is quite common among children due to unformed immunity. What is bronchial asthma in children, its symptoms and treatment should be considered in detail.

Causes of the disease in children

The main reason for the development of asthma in a child is a genetic predisposition. Factors contributing to the appearance of the disease can be:

  • foods that cause an allergic reaction;
  • being overweight or obese prevents the child from breathing freely;
  • pet hair;
  • pollen allergy;
  • dampness in the room;
  • overuse of medications.

Also, bronchospasm can be caused by household chemicals with a pungent odor, exhaust fumes, and strong perfumes. Most often, the disease occurs in boys. This is due to the specific structure of the respiratory system.

Important to remember! Never smoke in front of a child! Tobacco smoke not only negatively affects the body, but can also provoke bronchial asthma.

Symptoms of the disease

The main sign that a child develops this disease is a dry cough, which is chronic. In addition, there are such signs of bronchial asthma:

  • fast fatiguability;
  • frequent periodic breathing;
  • passivity;
  • shortness of breath, difficulty breathing;
  • dyspnea.

If these symptoms occur, you should contact a specialist who will prescribe a series of studies to establish a diagnosis and subsequent treatment.

Important to remember! With this disease, you should not treat the child yourself! After all, asthma attacks are very similar to a cold or a viral disease.

A very important aspect of the disease in children is the timely identification and first aid to the child at the time of the attack. Usually, parents who are not the first time this is faced, help quickly enough. Be sure to carefully monitor the behavior of the child and respond to every complaint. Most often, the child complains of pain in the chest. The respiratory rate should be analyzed, if it is atypical, then you should immediately consult a doctor. Before examining a specialist with a child, the following manipulations should be carried out:

  1. If an attack of the disease does not happen for the first time, then each parent is ready for it. In the first aid kit there is always a special inhaler, the use of which localizes bronchospasm.
  2. At the initial attack, an examination by a doctor is required, who prescribes the necessary medications.
  3. A severe attack requires immediate hospitalization of the child.

Important to remember! Complaints of the child cannot be ignored! This can lead to dangerous consequences.

Treatment of the disease

How to treat bronchial asthma in children? Complex therapy is aimed at eliminating such problems:

  • elimination or minimization of bronchospasm;
  • prevention of manifestations that threaten the life of the child;
  • restoration of physical activity;
  • elimination of the need for constant intake of special medications.

If the disease is an allergic reaction, then the allergen must be eliminated. Treatment of bronchial asthma in children is divided into 2 types: symptomatic and basic therapy.

Symptomatic treatment

Directed to take medications that dilate the bronchi. The most common are: Ventolin, Salbutamol, Berotek. A very effective remedy is an asthma inhaler. This is a convenient and effective way to eliminate a choking cough in a child. Also, some parents use a nebulizer - a device that converts the medicine into an aerosol. Its distinctive feature is the possibility of long-term use.

Basic Therapy

For treatment, the following groups of drugs are used:

  1. Antihistamines. Examples of such drugs: Suprastin, Loratadin, Tavegil and their analogues.
  2. Antibiotics. Help to eliminate chronic foci of infection.
  3. Corticosteroid drugs - stabilize the cell membrane.
  4. Hormonal agents. They are prescribed as a prophylaxis of an attack during the onset of inflammatory processes in the bronchi.

In order to get rid of asthma as quickly and effectively as possible, the doctor can prescribe not only medication, but also the following procedures:

  • breathing exercises;
  • a trip to special sanatoriums;
  • aromatherapy;
  • phytotherapy.

Also one of the effective methods of influence is the treatment of homeopathy. It can be combined with taking medications, the amount of which can be significantly reduced.

The pediatrician Komarovsky, well-known among modern parents, does not consider bronchial asthma a dangerous disease. He urges parents to promptly treat their children. After all, every child with bronchial asthma is able to become an Olympic champion.

Important to remember! You should not change the dosage of the drugs yourself, even if there is a significant improvement!

Treatment with folk remedies

In addition to the methods of treatment offered by modern medicine, folk recipes can also be used to improve the condition. The advantage is that they are all based on natural ingredients.

Aloe vera

To prepare the medicine, you will need to take aloe vera, potatoes and black radish. Extract the juice from these fruits in equal proportions. Mix all ingredients and add 1 tsp. liquid honey. Close the resulting liquid tightly with a lid and leave in a cool dark place for 3 days. After the time has elapsed, take the finished medicine 1 tbsp. l. 3 times a day. If you are allergic to honey, you can replace it with sugar.


This recipe effectively copes with attacks of bronchial asthma. To prepare the remedy, you should take 2 tsp. chopped oregano, which you want to pour 1 cup of boiling water. Insist 30 minutes. Take 50 ml 3 times a day.


30 ml of juice should be extracted from fresh ginger root, 1 pinch of salt and 1 tsp should be added. honey. Take during severe attacks before bedtime.


You will need to grind 5 cloves of garlic, add a little salt and 100 g of unsalted butter. The resulting product should be eaten: you can spread it on bread or add it to ready-made dishes. Garlic oil is an effective prevention of bronchial asthma.

Important to remember! When choosing a specific recipe, individual intolerance to some components should be taken into account!

Complications of the disease

Bronchial asthma is a rather dangerous disease. Late treatment or ignoring it can lead to dangerous consequences, namely:

  • pulmonary edema;
  • emphysema of various types;
  • pneumosclerosis.

Therefore, it is very important to treat and prevent attacks of the disease in a timely manner.