Factors affecting a person. The impact of the environment on human health

It is human nature to protect health. Some do it with great effort, others with little. Some people don't take care of themselves at all. Be that as it may, taking care of your health is a completely natural and necessary conscious human desire.

This conscious desire, in fact, along with the ability to think and talk, distinguishes us from representatives of the animal world. At the same time, it is important to be, as they say, in a trend, that is, sometimes listen to advice from various sources.

In this case, it is extremely important to separate useful advice from useless, from myths. We bring to your attention ten persistent myths about human health that have become a habit, which not only have little real basis, but also prevent healthy people from keeping their health safe and sound longer.

There is no need to count the number of glasses of water that you drink per day with pharmaceutical accuracy. Studies have repeatedly proven that it is enough for a thirsty person to drink one glass of water on time to remain completely healthy.

Liquid foods (such as soups), vegetables, tea, juices, and coffee also help us replenish our body's fluid supply throughout the day. And at the same time, there is no need to force yourself to choke on water, following unwritten rules.

A healthy person does not need a lot of water so often: then, for example, when he leads an active lifestyle, lives in a country with a hot climate, eats only solid food during the day. By the way, one of the signs of a lack of fluid in the body is dark yellow color urine.

Omelet and scrambled egg lovers, you should relax and stop feeling guilty about your body every time you break eggs into a frying pan. Two eggs a day is in no way able to negatively affect the heart healthy person.

Oh sure, egg yolk contains cholesterol. However, its amount is so small compared to the amount of cholesterol that we absorb during the day with some other foods that for most of us it does not pose any threat.

Moreover: in addition to cholesterol, eggs contain quite healthy nutrients, a number of vitamins and even omega-3-unsaturated fatty acids, which objectively reduce the risk of developing cardiovascular diseases.

Several years ago in various means mass media publications began to appear on the terrible harm of using antiperspirants. Allegedly, their use by female representatives can cause breast cancer in them.

The idea, which was immediately picked up by the most "yellow" online publications, was this: the chemicals contained in antiperspirants and deodorants are absorbed deep into the body when applied to the armpits. Absorbed into the tissues of the mammary glands, these substances allegedly contribute to the formation of a cancerous tumor.

The excitement rose so much that scientists (in particular, representatives of the National Institute of Oncology, USA) really joined the study. As a result, it was proved that the use of antiperspirants and deodorants by women in no way affects the increase in the risk of getting breast cancer.

The impact of habits on human health

Many of us have been frightened of frost by our parents and grandparents since childhood; despite our protests, wrapped in warm scarves, put on warm knitted hats, limited stay on the street in winter time to the minimum.

But is the cold really so dangerous for a healthy person's body? Can a long stay (not in underwear, of course) on the street in the cold lower our immunity, making us more susceptible to different kind colds?

In fact, as various studies show, everything happens exactly the opposite: for a healthy person, spending several hours in the cold is a good help for immune system in her fight against viruses. Thus, it is much more likely to catch a cold indoors than outside in winter.

Almost every person in their life has come across advertisements (on TV, in other media) urging us to improve our health with nutrients that are not in our usual diet.

Of course, if a doctor prescribes, for example, vitamin B 6 to a pregnant woman in order to reduce the risk of having a baby with some congenital defect development, they must be accepted.

But a healthy person usually does not need artificial vitamin supplements. A healthy person needs only a healthy diet that includes fruits, vegetables, whole grain cereals, nuts, healthy fats and oils. This will help maintain the health of the body without any vitamins.

In the fight against extra pounds, a person who is carried away by this difficult process often listens to completely useless advice that has no scientific basis.

There is a false belief that people who are losing weight should not deny themselves breakfast. Like, it will help them control their hunger by not eating too much at lunch or dinner. But what about those who simply do not like to eat in the morning (and there are many of them!)? As one of the studies by scientists from Cornell University (USA) shows, this statement is unfounded.

People who don't like to eat breakfast usually don't overeat at lunch or dinner. What’s more, without this meal, they consume an average of 400 fewer calories per day. Conclusion: if you can't live without breakfast, have breakfast. But a healthy person without this meal can even throw off a couple of kilos.

Many people have a deep conviction that green snot is an urgent and unambiguous signal to start taking antibiotics. In fact, green nasal discharge does not always indicate a condition that only antibiotics can handle.

In reality, green snot, in which purulent discharge is clearly present, can clearly indicate the need to take antibiotics. Another condition requiring antibiotics is a confirmed bacterial infection. And keyword here - confirmed!

Of course, it is impossible to determine the presence of such an infection at a glance, although studies do prove a higher probability of a bacterial infection precisely in the presence of green secretions. However, green snot also occurs with common cold; and infectious diseases may be present in the case of clear secretions from the nose.

Factors whose influence on our health has been overestimated

Sugar makes kids hyperactive

Is your child sad for no reason? Buy your child his favorite sweet treat and he will probably jump for joy. Does that mean sugar made him hyperactive? No more than a gift in the form of, say, a new smartphone can increase your hyperactivity.

Of course, repeated studies confirm the fact that sugar is clearly not a product of the category of essentials for child's body. However, the presence of sweets in the child's diet is not able to spoil his activity at school by influencing his attentiveness (and this is exactly what hyperactivity is blamed for!).

Parents themselves are largely to blame for the persistence of this myth, who, having once heard about the effect of sugar on children's hyperactivity, now involuntarily expect their child to demonstrate this condition after he (or she) eats something sweet. And some, not seeing one, begin to invent it for themselves.

A toilet seat in a public toilet is a source of infection

A topic such as the cleanliness of the toilet is still considered delicate by many. To be frank, you are much less likely to catch some kind of infection if you sat down, say, in a shopping center on a toilet seat than when you press the water drain button.

Indeed, as studies show, a toilet seat in a decent public toilet is processed much more thoroughly when cleaning the room with cleaning products than, for example, the same drain button or door handle.

The likelihood of "coming into contact" with some E. coli or norovirus, which will lead to an intestinal infection, is just higher when the toilet door is opened. That is why after visiting the toilet, when you have already washed your hands, it is recommended to throw a piece of toilet paper over the handle to open the door.

Cracking the knuckles of the fingers in a decent society is, of course, ugly. And if you do it extremely persistently, perhaps there is a chance of getting hit in the neck from some especially nervous person! But this, in fact, is the only harm that this activity can pose to your health.

Many people mistakenly believe that the clicking sound that we hear during the characteristic finger manipulation is made by joints or even bones. If we are talking about a person who already has arthritis, then this is quite likely. In fact, the sound source may be different.

When a healthy person (without arthritis) cracks his fingers, he reduces the pressure in the interarticular fluid. In this case, gas is released, which forms bubbles that burst with such a familiar (and sometimes annoying!) sound. This does not mean that you can "crunch" from morning to evening. But several times a day to stretch your fingers is perfectly acceptable.

Health is a state of complete physical, mental and social well-being and not merely the absence of disease or infirmity.

Today, environmental problems have arisen on our planet, food cannot give the body all the necessary nutrients, it contains many harmful components, many have weakened immunity, sick children are born - a natural result of a breakdown in communication with the outside world.

The factors that affect the health of each person can be listed:

1. Nutrition;

3. Lifestyle;

4. Heredity;

5. Medicine;

The World Health Organization claims that the environment affects human health by 20%, heredity - by 10%, medicine is also only 10%.

Prevention. Medical prevention. Kinds.

PREVENTION - a complex of state, social. And medical measures aimed at preserving and strengthening the health of citizens, raising a healthy young generation, and increasing working longevity.

MED.PROPHYLAKTIKA - a set of measures aimed at eliminating the causes and conditions that give rise to the disease.

1. Primary (radical) is aimed at eliminating the causes of the disease by improving working and living conditions. Primary prevention includes socio-economic measures of the state to improve lifestyle, environment education, etc. Preventive activity is obligatory for all medical workers. It is no coincidence that polyclinics, hospitals, dispensaries, maternity hospitals are called medical and preventive institutions.

2. Secondary to be carried out among apparently healthy citizens in order to determine premorbid conditions in people with an increased risk of developing the disease. It is aimed at increasing the body's resistance (to treat prophylactic nutrition, personal protective equipment. Most effective method secondary prevention medical examination is a complex method of early detection of diseases, dynamic observation, targeted treatment, rational consistent recovery.

3. Tertiary (rehabilitation) is aimed at preventing complications, relapses of already developed diseases, the transition of diseases to chronic form. The creation of a system for preventing diseases and eliminating risk factors is the most important socio-economic and medical task of the state. Allocate individual and public prevention. Tertiary prevention is aimed at social (formation of confidence in one's own social suitability), labor (the possibility of restoring work skills), psychological (restoration of the behavioral activity of the individual) and medical (restoration of the functions of organs and systems) rehabilitation.

Prevention (other Greek prophylaktikos - protective)- complex various kinds measures aimed at preventing a phenomenon and/or eliminating risk factors.

Preventive measures are the most important component of the healthcare system, aimed at creating medical and social activity among the population and motivation for a healthy lifestyle.

Types of prevention

Depending on the state of health, the presence of risk factors for the disease or severe pathology Three types of prevention can be considered.

Primary prevention- a system of measures to prevent the occurrence and impact of risk factors for the development of diseases (vaccination, a rational regime of work and rest, rational high-quality nutrition, physical activity, environmental protection, etc.). A number of activities primary prevention can be carried out nationwide.

Secondary prevention- a set of measures aimed at eliminating pronounced risk factors that, under certain conditions (stress, weakened immunity, excessive stress on any other functional systems organism) can lead to the onset, exacerbation and recurrence of the disease. The most effective method of secondary prevention is prophylactic medical examination as a complex method of early detection of diseases, dynamic monitoring, targeted treatment, rational consistent recovery.

Some experts suggest the term tertiary prevention as a set of measures for the rehabilitation of patients who have lost the possibility of a full life. Tertiary prevention is aimed at social (formation of confidence in one's own social suitability), labor (the possibility of restoring work skills), psychological (restoration of behavioral activity) and medical (restoration of the functions of organs and body systems) rehabilitation.

Environmental and health factors. risk factor. Definition, classification.

Under the environment modern medical science understands the totality of everything that surrounds a person in Everyday life and directly or indirectly affects his health and the conditions of this life. In the broadest sense of the term "Environment" (OS), it includes our entire planet and the outer space in which it is located. In more narrow sense The OS represents only the biosphere, i.e. the natural shell of the Earth, in which all living organisms inhabiting it are concentrated. The main components of the natural environment are soil (lithosphere), solar radiation and other cosmic factors, air (atmosphere) and water (hydrosphere) shells. Their initial physical and chemical properties, the nature and level of pollution form the ecological conditions of human life and activity.

Physical factors: solar radiation and other physical influences of cosmic origin (galactic, moon, interplanetary magnetic field, etc.), temperature, humidity, air speed and pressure, temperature of enclosing surfaces (radiation temperature from building structures, soil, equipment, etc.), noise, vibration , ionizing radiation, illumination, electromagnetic waves, etc. Starting from certain levels of intensity, they can cause disturbances: mutagenic effects, radiation, altitude and vibration diseases, heat stroke, etc.

Chemical Factors: natural and artificial origin chemical elements and compounds (pollutants) that are part of air, water, soil, food products, building materials, clothing, footwear, various household and interior items, household electrical appliances, industrial equipment, etc.

Biological factors: harmless and harmful microorganisms, viruses, worms, fungi, various animals and plants and their metabolic products. Physical, chemical, to a certain extent and biological factors can be both natural and artificial (anthropogenic-technogenic) origin, more often there is an impact on a person of a combination of these factors. It should be borne in mind that in addition to the listed material factors, significant influence and a person is also influenced by informational and psychological factors - the impact of the spoken and printed word, auditory and visual perceptions. Almost all diseases are the result of the interaction of the environment and internal environment person. As a result of exposure to an inadequate factor, a new ext. Factor (mutations).

Changes in the state of health under the influence of anthropogenic factors:

1) an increase in the incidence and a change in its structure:

Allergic diseases

Malignant tumors

Diseases of the blood.

2) chronicity of the disease

3) decrease in the immunobiological reactivity of the body (nutrition, social factors)

4) decrease in reproductive function

5) increased mutation in the human population (chromosomal abnormalities)

6) decrease in intellectual potential

7) the appearance of previously unknown diseases (chronic fatigue syndrome).

Risk factor - Factors that do not play an etiological role, but increase the likelihood of a disease, for example, a constitutional predisposition in psychogenic reactions, alcoholism in relation to metalluetic psychoses. Risk factors are assessed by comparing the risk of those who are exposed to a potential risk factor with those who are not.

Assessment of the risk of adverse effects in accordance with international recommendations.

Health risk assessment:

1) the process of establishing the likelihood of development and the severity of adverse effects on human health, due to the impact of environmental factors.

2) scientific assessment of the toxic properties of the chemical and the conditions of its exposure to humans, aimed at establishing the likelihood that exposed people will be affected, as well as characterizing the nature of the effects that they may experience;

3) identification of danger, its reality, assessment of exposure, intensity of the factor, frequency, duration of action in the past, present and future, risk notification, risk management (development of methods to prevent or reduce risk).

Risk assessment consists of the following stages: hazard identification, exposure-response assessment, exposure assessment, risk characterization. Assessment of the comparative significance of risks is the stage of risk characterization, which involves determining the comparative significance of identified hazards and calculated risks to public health. Risk assessment aims to identify the levels and causes of risk and provide individuals with the most complete and objective information necessary for making effective management decisions.

Human health risk assessment is a quantitative and / or qualitative characteristic of harmful effects that develop or may develop as a result of an existing or possible impact environmental factors on a specific group of people under specific, regionally determined exposure conditions. The results of the risk assessment are advisory in nature and are used to justify and make decisions on risk management.

Risk assessment is generally carried out in accordance with the following steps:

1. Hazard identification (assessment of the risk to human health of the studied substances, compilation of a list of priority chemical compounds);

2. Evaluation of the "exposure-response" relationship (establishing quantitative relationships between exposure levels, frequency and severity of adverse effects, selection of indicators for subsequent risk assessment);

3. Evaluation of the exposure (impact) of chemicals on humans, taking into account the influencing media, the duration of exposure, the characteristics of the exposed population groups and the routes of entry of chemicals into the body;

4. Risk characterization: analysis of all data obtained, calculation of risks for the population and its individual subgroups, comparison of risks with acceptable (acceptable) levels, comparative assessment of risks according to their degree of significance, establishment of medical priorities and those risks that should be prevented or reduced to acceptable level.

High - not acceptable for production conditions and the population. It is necessary to implement measures to eliminate or reduce the risk. Medium - acceptable for production conditions; Low - acceptable risk (the level at which, as a rule, hygienic standards are set for the population. Minimum - the desired (target) risk value when carrying out health and environmental activities does not require any corrective actions aimed at reducing the risk.

Modern Benchmarking Methodology Risk Management provides for a parallel consideration of health risks, environmental risks due to ecosystem disruption and harmful effects on aquatic and terrestrial organisms (except humans), risks of reduced quality and deterioration of living conditions. Risk analysis - the process of obtaining information necessary to prevent negative consequences for public health, consisting of three components: risk assessment, risk management, risk communication.

Comprehensive hygienic assessment. Research methods used in gig.diagnostics.

This is a comprehensive study of natural, social environment and health status with subsequent identification of the regular dependence of health on the quality of the environment. Includes: the study of the intensity, duration, frequency of the impact of factors on an individual and a group of people; diagnostics of the state of health of individuals, groups of people, especially hypersensitive (teenagers, children); establishing the contribution of factors to the violation of the health status of an individual, groups of people, hypersensitive groups of people.


2. Physical. - instrumental, when using instruments to study physical parameters (temperature, humidity, radiation, air ionization)

4. Biol. - bacteriological and helminthological (the presence of eggs in the soil, vegetables, etc.) the number of bacteria in the reservoir does not exceed hundreds per 1 ml.

5. Epidemiological - when studying morbidity rates, it is associated with sanitary-statistical, which uses official data reports. The latter studies the total impact of social, economic, natural. Health conditions.

6. Clinical researches in dozonological diagnostics, in the study of professional diseases, the development of adequate methods of profiling and treatment.

Prenosological diagnostics. The medical methods of researches used at a gigabyte. diagnostics.

This is an assessment of the functional state of the body and its adaptive capabilities in a period when there are still no clear signs diseases.

GOAL: early detection primorbid states in the form of: tension of adaptation mechanisms, unsatisfactory or failure of adaptation; development and implementation of adequate methods of disease profiling.

ASSESSMENT OF ADAPTATION SYSTEMS INCLUDES Key words: immunological status, state of enzymatic systems, antioxidant systems, psychol. Testing, LPO, CCC regulatory mechanisms. In practically healthy people, the following is revealed: 40% tension of adaptation, 25% unsatisfactory, 9% breakdown.

What does prenosological diagnostics provide?

1. Early detection of developing disease before the onset clinical symptoms (hidden forms currents).

2. Identification of critical conditions that can lead to exacerbation of existing diseases.

3. Select the system or organ that requires priority intervention.

4. Indicates the system with the greatest degree of damage.

5. Evaluation of violations of vitamin and microelement balance and targeted prescription of biocorrectors.

6. Tracking the effectiveness of any wellness procedures and the dynamics of the state of health.

Contraindications to the use of prenosological diagnostics:

1. Acute infectious diseases with febrile syndrome.

2. Traumatic amputation of the phalanges of the fingers.

3. congenital anomalies limb development.

4. Age less than 4 years.

5. Severe hearing and speech disorders.

6. Violations of consciousness.


1. Sanitary description of environmental objects, living and working conditions, the nature of nutrition and the pathology associated with all this.

2. Physical. - instrumental, when using instruments to study physical parameters (temperature, humidity, radiation, air ionization)

3. Chem. - in the form of quality and quantitative analysis for the study of products and the state of air, water, soil, the determination of pesticides, metals, gases, etc., cat. can harm.

4. Biol. - bacteriological and helminthologist (the presence of eggs in the soil, vegetables, etc.). The number of bacteria in the reservoir does not exceed hundreds per 1 ml.

5. Epidemiological - in the study of incidence rates, it is associated with sanitary-statistical, cat. uses official reporting data. The latter studies the total impact of social, economic, natural. Health conditions.

6. Clinical research - in dozonological diagnostics, in the study of professional diseases, the development of adequate methods of profiling and treatment.

7. Method gig. experiment - will investigate the influence of various factors on humans and experimental animals.

8. Laboratory modeling-experimental establishment of maximum allowable concentrations and levels (MAC, MPC), indicative safe exposure levels (OBUV) and other indicators, cat. called gig. standards.

9. To modern. Physical-chemical methods include: spectrometric, radiometric, dosimetric, luminescent analysis, etc.

Social gig monitoring. Information subsystems of monitoring.

1. Social and hygienic monitoring is a system of organizational, sanitary and epidemiological, medical, social, scientific, technical, methodological and other measures aimed at organizing monitoring of the state of sanitary and epidemic welfare of the population, its assessment and forecasting of changes to establish, prevent, eliminate or reduce the factors of the harmful effects of the environment on human health.

2. Social and hygienic monitoring is carried out at the republican, regional and local levels by sanitary and epidemiological institutions

3. The main purpose of social and hygienic monitoring is to identify levels of risk for, based on systems for monitoring the state of health and the environment.

4. When conducting social and hygienic monitoring, the following are provided:

Organization of monitoring of the sanitary and epidemic well-being of the population;

Identification and risk assessment of the impact of environmental factors on human health and the implementation of targeted, scientific, technical and regional programs on ensuring sanitary and epidemic well-being and protecting public health, preventing diseases and improving the human environment;

Obtaining and processing information from state and industry surveillance systems, assessing and forecasting changes in the state of health of the population, the surrounding natural, industrial and social environment, socio-economic development;

Identification of cause-and-effect relationships between the state of health and the human environment, the causes and conditions for changes in the sanitary and epidemic well-being of the population;

Preparation of proposals for the organization of activities aimed at preventing, eliminating or reducing the factors of the harmful effects of the environment on human health;

Development of forecasts of changes in the state of health of the population in connection with changes in the human environment;

Transfer of information to users of social and hygienic monitoring and its distribution among interested bodies, enterprises, institutions and organizations, as well as citizens;

The organization, provision and maintenance of the republican system of social and hygienic monitoring is carried out by the Republican Center for Hygiene and Epidemiology. Scientific and methodological support and support of social and hygienic monitoring in the republic is carried out by the Belarusian Scientific Research Sanitary and Hygienic Institute.

INFORMATION FUND of social gig monitoring consists of data blocks characterizing:

Public health;

The state of the environment;

Indicators of socio-economic development of the republic, regions and cities.

Infor-th sources for social gig. monitoring are:

Health surveillance databases and physical development population;

Behind providing a dignity. - epidemic. well-being of the population and the natural environment;

Databases for monitoring natural and climatic factors, sources of anthropogenic impact on the environment, radiation safety, and quality atmospheric air, surface and ground water, soil,;

Databases for monitoring the indicators of socio-economic development in the republic, regions and cities;

Databases of executive authorities, institutions and organizations, as well as international organizations.

Software and technological support provides, while maintaining the existing functionality, the formation, use, updating, updating and presentation of all types of indicators included in the databases of social and hygienic monitoring. The exchange of data from the information fund of social and hygienic monitoring between the bodies, institutions and organizations authorized to conduct this monitoring is carried out free of charge through established communication channels, and with other users - on a contractual basis.

The users of the data of the information fund of socio-hygienic monitoring may be authorities state power republics and localities, enterprises, institutions and organizations, regardless of their subordination and form of ownership, public associations, as well as citizens. Users are prohibited from transferring data from the information fund of social and hygienic monitoring to third parties on a commercial basis. Information subsystems are information about the results of the annual state sanitary supervision, data from the state environmentalist. monitoring, the results of automated control of the radiation situation.

Health of each person and society as a whole is determined by a number of factors that positively or negatively affect the human body. Based on the conclusions of experts from the World Health Organization, several main groups of factors affecting human health have been identified. These health factors can influence both positively and negatively, depending on the points of application.

Physical activity as a factor in human health.

Physical activity is very important for the normal functioning of the body, since this factor greatly affects human health, providing normal work physiological processes, organs and tissues can receive the necessary nutrients and are cleared of metabolic products. AT physical activity does not include sedentary work and mechanical repetition of the same type of action. For the best effect, the load should be distributed over the maximum number of muscles. Another important factor is that professional sports are not very healthy, as they burn our bodies ahead of time. There must be a measure in everything.

Ecology as a factor of human health.

Contemporary ecological the state of the environment is one of the most influential factors on human health, of course not in a good way. One of the factors affecting the high life expectancy of villagers is clean air. The quantity and quality of natural energy that urban residents receive has a very large impact. It is not in vain that with great joy we go out into nature outside the city, to those places where more trees and there are natural reservoirs. This should be done as often as possible.

Lifestyle as a factor in human health.

Lifestyle is also the most important factor in human health. It would seem, what could be easier if we are already people? Everything is really simple, if only there was no “but”. A person has high mental abilities, but at the same time we love to imitate and mimic. For example, a person naturally considers himself the crown and master of nature, but why does a “perfect” creature want to be brave like a lion and strong like a bear, and so on. Why animals can remain themselves, but for some reason we need to be like someone else? No one talks about lions rescuing children from a fire or bears building bridges across a river. These examples may look silly, but such absurdities fill our life, turning it into nightmare from which you can’t wake up and it seems that there is no way out. We have forgotten who we really are and what our purpose is. After all, a person with his consciousness is significantly different from all living beings, while having very large “authorities”, if he follows his goal, as the Guardian of the Earth. But, unfortunately, it turns out that one of the methods that make us come to our senses are illnesses that make us seek salvation, which in the end can lead a person to search for the meaning of existence. In Eastern countries there is a proverb "a disease is given to a person as a gift."

Rational nutrition as a factor of human health.

Rational proper nutrition cannot be ruled out, since it is the most important factor in human health, which acts “from within” us. The resources that are laid down in us by nature are exactly 2 times higher than the average life expectancy in a modern person. One of the main "burners" life force is malnutrition. Under proper nutrition different people imply different principles - separate nutrition, vegetarianism, omnivore, diets, calorie control, fasting and other types of nutrition methods. Each of the methods has its pros and cons, based on which you can choose a power scheme according to your requirements. The main point is just that. That you do not need to eat everything indiscriminately, you need to control this process to achieve certain goals.

Genetic inheritance as a factor in human health.

Genetics, as a health factor plays a huge role in our life. Exist genetically congenital diseases, completely heal which modern medicine not yet able to. It is interesting to note that in modern research found that some diseases (including psychosomatic disorders) are transmitted not through a change in the DNA molecule, but through the labels that are attached to the genes. These marks appeared due to the experience gained during the lifetime of our ancestors (in this way, for example, a family curse is explained). In addition, it became known that under certain conditions, tags can be deactivated, changing the situation in the other direction. These conditions include: positive thinking, reading mantras or prayers, establishing harmonious interaction with others, as well as meditative methods, which is a miracle for our medicine and has been actively used by almost all traditions of the world since ancient times.

To strengthen and maintain the health of healthy people, that is, to manage it, information is needed both about the conditions for the formation of health (the nature of the implementation of the gene pool, the state of the environment, lifestyle, etc.), and the final result of the processes of their reflection (specific indicators of the health status of the individual or population).

World Health Organization (WHO) experts in the 80s. 20th century determined the approximate ratio of various factors for ensuring the health of a modern person, highlighting four groups of such factors as the main ones. Based on this, in 1994 the Interdepartmental Commission of the Security Council Russian Federation on the protection of public health in the Federal concepts "Protection of public health" and "K healthy Russia"defined this ratio in relation to our country as follows:

genetic factors - 15-20%;

the state of the environment - 20-25%;

medical support - 10-15%;

conditions and way of life of people - 50-55%.

The value of the contribution of individual factors of different nature to health indicators depends on age, gender and individual typological characteristics of a person. The content of each of the factors of ensuring health can be determined as follows (Table 11).

Let's take a closer look at each of these factors.

Table 11 - Factors affecting human health

Sphere of influence of factors




Healthy inheritance. The absence of morphofunctional prerequisites for the onset of the disease.

Hereditary diseases and disorders. Hereditary predisposition to diseases.

State of the environment Good living and working conditions, favorable climatic and natural conditions, ecologically favorable living environment. Harmful Conditions life and production, unfavorable

Good living and working conditions, favorable climatic and natural conditions, ecologically favorable living environment.

Harmful conditions of life and production, unfavorable climatic and natural conditions, violation of the ecological situation.

Medical support

Medical screening, a high level of preventive measures, timely and comprehensive medical care.

Lack of constant medical control over the dynamics of health, low level of primary prevention, poor quality medical care.

Conditions and lifestyle

Rational organization of life: sedentary lifestyle, adequate motor activity, social lifestyle.

Lack of a rational mode of life, migration processes, hypo- or hyperdynamia.

Genetic factors

The ontogenetic development of daughter organisms is predetermined by the hereditary program that they inherit with parental chromosomes.

However, the chromosomes themselves and their structural elements - genes, can be exposed to harmful influences, and, most importantly, throughout the life of future parents. A girl is born into the world with a certain set of eggs, which, as they mature, are sequentially prepared for fertilization. That is, in the end, everything that happens to a girl, a girl, a woman during her life before conception, to one degree or another, affects the quality of chromosomes and genes. The life expectancy of a spermatozoon is much less than that of an egg, but their life span is also sufficient for the occurrence of disturbances in their genetic apparatus. Thus, it becomes clear the responsibility that future parents bear to their offspring throughout their entire life prior to conception.

Often, factors beyond their control, which include adverse environmental conditions, complex socio-economic processes, uncontrolled use of pharmacological preparations, etc., also affect. The result is mutations that lead to the occurrence of hereditary diseases or to the appearance of a hereditary predisposition to them.

In the inherited prerequisites for health, factors such as the type of morphofunctional constitution and the characteristics of nervous and mental processes, the degree of predisposition to certain diseases are especially important.

Life dominants and attitudes of a person are largely determined by the constitution of a person. Such genetically predetermined features include the dominant needs of a person, his abilities, interests, desires, predisposition to alcoholism and other bad habits, etc. For all the significance of the influences of the environment and upbringing, the role of hereditary factors turns out to be decisive. This fully applies to various diseases.

This makes clear the need to consider hereditary features a person in determining the optimal lifestyle for him, choosing a profession, partners in social contacts, treatment, the most suitable type of exercise, etc. Often, society makes demands on a person that conflict with the conditions necessary for the implementation of programs embedded in genes. As a result, many contradictions constantly arise and overcome in human ontogenesis between heredity and the environment, between various body systems that determine its adaptation as an integral system, etc. In particular, this is extremely important in choosing a profession, which is enough for our country. relevant, since, for example, only about 3% of people employed in the national economy of the Russian Federation are satisfied with their chosen profession - apparently, the discrepancy between the inherited typology and the nature of the professional activity performed is not the least important here.

Heredity and environment act as etiological factors and play a role in the pathogenesis of any human disease, however, the share of their participation in each disease is different, and the greater the share of one factor, the less the contribution of another. All forms of pathology from this point of view can be divided into four groups, between which there are no sharp boundaries.

The first group consists of hereditary diseases proper, in which the pathological gene plays an etiological role, the role of the environment is to modify only the manifestations of the disease. This group includes monogenic diseases (such as, for example, phenylketonuria, hemophilia), as well as chromosomal diseases. These diseases are transmitted from generation to generation through germ cells.

The second group is also hereditary diseases caused by a pathological mutation, but their manifestation requires a specific environmental effect. In some cases, the "manifesting" action of the environment is very obvious, and with the disappearance of the action of the environmental factor clinical manifestations become less pronounced. These are the manifestations of HbS hemoglobin deficiency in its heterozygous carriers at a reduced partial pressure of oxygen. In other cases (for example, with gout), a long-term adverse effect of the environment is necessary for the manifestation of a pathological gene.

The third group is the vast majority of common diseases, especially diseases of mature and old age (hypertension, gastric ulcer, most malignant tumors, etc.). The main etiological factor in their occurrence is the adverse effect of the environment, however, the implementation of the effect of the factor depends on the individual genetically determined predisposition of the organism, and therefore these diseases are called multifactorial, or diseases with a hereditary predisposition.

It should be noted that various diseases with a hereditary predisposition are not the same in the relative role of heredity and environment. Among them, one could single out diseases with a weak, moderate and high degree of hereditary predisposition.

The fourth group of diseases is a relatively few forms of pathology, in the occurrence of which the environmental factor plays an exceptional role. Usually this is an extreme environmental factor, in relation to which the body has no means of protection (injuries, especially dangerous infections). Genetic factors in this case play a role in the course of the disease and influence its outcome.

Statistics show that in the structure of hereditary pathology, a predominant place belongs to diseases associated with the lifestyle and health of future parents and mothers during pregnancy.

Thus, there is no doubt about the significant role that hereditary factors play in ensuring human health. At the same time, in the vast majority of cases, taking these factors into account through the rationalization of a person's lifestyle can make his life healthy and long-lasting. And, on the contrary, the underestimation of the typological characteristics of a person leads to vulnerability and defenselessness before the action of adverse conditions and circumstances of life.

State of the environment

The biological characteristics of the body are the basis on which human health is based. In the formation of health, the role of genetic factors is important. However, the genetic program received by a person ensures its development under certain environmental conditions.

"An organism without external environment supporting its existence is impossible” - in this thought I.M. Sechenov laid the inseparable unity of man and his environment.

Each organism is in a variety of mutual relationships with environmental factors, both abiotic (geophysical, geochemical) and biotic (living organisms of the same and other species).

The environment is commonly understood as an integral system of interrelated natural and anthropogenic objects and phenomena in which work, life and recreation of people take place. This concept includes social, natural and artificially created physical, chemical and biological factors, that is, everything that directly or indirectly affects human life, health and activities.

Man, as a living system, is an integral part of the biosphere. The impact of man on the biosphere is associated not so much with his biological as with labor activity. It is known that technical systems have a chemical and physical impact on the biosphere through the following channels:

    through the atmosphere (the use and release of various gases disrupts natural gas exchange);

    through the hydrosphere (pollution chemicals and oil from rivers, seas and oceans);

    through the lithosphere (use of minerals, soil pollution by industrial waste, etc.).

Obviously, the results of technical activity affect those parameters of the biosphere that provide the possibility of life on the planet. Human life, as well as human society as a whole, is impossible without the environment, without nature. Man as a living organism is characterized by the exchange of substances with the environment, which is the main condition for the existence of any living organism.

The human body is largely associated with the rest of the components of the biosphere - plants, insects, microorganisms, etc., that is, its complex organism enters the general circulation of substances and obeys its laws.

A continuous supply of atmospheric oxygen, drinking water, food is absolutely necessary for human existence and biological activity. The human body is subject to daily and seasonal rhythms, reacts to seasonal changes in ambient temperature, solar radiation intensity, etc.

At the same time, a person is a part of a special social environment - society. Man is not only a biological being, but also a social one. The obvious social basis for the existence of man as an element public structure is the leading one, mediating its biological modes of existence and administration of physiological functions.

The doctrine of the social essence of man shows that it is necessary to plan the creation of such social conditions for his development in which all his essential forces could unfold. In strategic terms, in optimizing living conditions and stabilizing human health, the most important thing is the development and introduction of a scientifically based general program for the development of biogeocenoses in an urbanized environment and the improvement of a democratic form of social structure.

Medical support

It is with this factor that most people link their hopes for health, but the share of responsibility of this factor turns out to be unexpectedly low. The Great Medical Encyclopedia gives the following definition of medicine: "Medicine is a system of scientific knowledge and practice, the purpose of which is to strengthen, prolong the life of people, prevent and treat human diseases."

With the development of civilization and the spread of diseases, medicine has become increasingly specialized in the treatment of diseases and less and less attention paid to health. The treatment itself often reduces the stock of health due to the side effects of drugs, that is, medical medicine does not always improve health.

In medical prevention of morbidity, three levels are distinguished:

    first-level prevention is focused on the entire contingent of children and adults, its task is to improve their health throughout the entire life cycle. The basis of primary prevention is the experience of forming means of prevention, development of recommendations on a healthy lifestyle, folk traditions and ways of maintaining health, etc.;

    medical prevention of the second level is engaged in identifying indicators of the constitutional predisposition of people and risk factors for many diseases, predicting the risk of diseases based on a combination of hereditary characteristics, anamnesis of life and environmental factors. That is, this type of prevention is focused not on the treatment of specific diseases, but on their secondary prevention;

    Level 3 prophylaxis, or disease prevention, aims to prevent disease recurrence in patients on a population scale.

The experience accumulated by medicine in the study of diseases, as well as the economic analysis of the costs of diagnosing and treating diseases, have convincingly demonstrated the relatively small social and economic effectiveness of disease prevention (prevention of III level) in improving the health of both children and adults.

It is obvious that the most effective should be primary and secondary prevention, which involves working with healthy or just starting to get sick people. However, in medicine, almost all efforts are focused on tertiary prevention. Primary prevention involves close cooperation between the doctor and the population. However, the healthcare system itself does not provide him with the necessary time for this, so the doctor does not meet with the population on prevention issues, and all contact with the patient is spent almost entirely on examination, examination and treatment. As for the hygienists who are closest to realizing the ideas of primary prevention, they are mainly concerned with the provision of a healthy environment, not human health.

The ideology of an individual approach to the issues of prevention and health promotion underlies the medical concept of universal medical examination. However, the technology for its implementation in practice turned out to be untenable for the following reasons:

    a lot of funds are required to identify the largest possible number of diseases and their subsequent integration into dispensary observation groups;

    the dominant orientation is not on the prognosis (prediction of the future), but on the diagnosis (statement of the present);

    leading activity belongs not to the population, but to physicians;

    a narrowly medical approach to recovery without taking into account the diversity of the socio-psychological characteristics of the individual.

The valeological analysis of the causes of health requires a shift in the focus of attention from medical aspects to physiology, psychology, sociology, cultural studies, to the spiritual sphere, as well as specific modes and technologies of education, upbringing and physical training.

The dependence of human health on genetic and environmental factors makes it necessary to determine the place of the family, schools, state, sports organizations and health authorities in the implementation of one of the main tasks of social policy - the formation healthy lifestyle life.

Conditions and lifestyle

Thus, it becomes clear that the diseases of modern man are caused, first of all, by his way of life and everyday behavior. Currently, a healthy lifestyle is considered as the basis for disease prevention. This is confirmed, for example, by the fact that in the United States, the reduction in infant mortality by 80% and the mortality of the entire population by 94%, the increase in life expectancy by 85% is associated not with the successes of medicine, but with the improvement of living and working conditions and the rationalization of the way the life of the population. At the same time, in our country, 78% of men and 52% of women lead an unhealthy lifestyle.

In defining the concept of a healthy lifestyle, it is necessary to take into account two main factors - the genetic nature of a given person and its compliance with specific conditions of life.

A healthy lifestyle is a way of life that corresponds to the genetically determined typological characteristics of a given person, specific living conditions and is aimed at the formation, preservation and strengthening of health and the full performance by a person of his socio-biological functions.

In the above definition of a healthy lifestyle, the emphasis is on the individualization of the concept itself, that is, there should be as many healthy lifestyles as there are people. In determining a healthy lifestyle for each person, it is necessary to take into account both his typological features (type of higher nervous activity, morphofunctional type, the predominant mechanism of autonomic regulation, etc.), and age and gender and the social environment in which he lives (family position, profession, traditions, working conditions, material support, life, etc.). important place in the initial assumptions should be occupied by the personal motivational characteristics of a given person, his life guidelines, which in themselves can be a serious incentive to a healthy lifestyle and to the formation of its content and characteristics.

The formation of a healthy lifestyle is based on a number of key provisions:

An active carrier of a healthy lifestyle is a specific person as a subject and object of his life and social status.

In the implementation of a healthy lifestyle, a person acts in the unity of his biological and social principles.

The formation of a healthy lifestyle is based on a person's personal motivational attitude to the embodiment of their social, physical, intellectual and mental capabilities and abilities.

A healthy lifestyle is the most effective means and method of ensuring health, primary prevention of disease and meeting the vital need for health.

Quite often, unfortunately, the possibility of maintaining and strengthening health through the use of some remedy with miraculous properties (motor activity of one kind or another, nutritional supplements, psycho-training, body cleansing, etc.) is considered and proposed. Obviously, the desire to achieve health at the expense of any one means is fundamentally wrong, since any of the proposed "panacea" is not able to cover the whole variety of functional systems that form the human body, and the relationship of man himself with nature - all that ultimately determines the harmony of his life and health.

According to E. N. Weiner, the structure of a healthy lifestyle should include the following factors: optimal motor mode, rational nutrition, rational mode of life, psychophysiological regulation, psychosexual and sexual culture, immunity training and hardening, the absence of bad habits and valeological education.

The new paradigm of health is clearly and constructively defined by Academician N. M. Amosov: “To become healthy, you need your own efforts, constant and significant. Nothing can replace them."

A healthy lifestyle as a system consists of three main interrelated and interchangeable elements, three cultures: a culture of food, a culture of movement and a culture of emotions.

Food culture. In a healthy lifestyle, nutrition is decisive, system-forming, as it has a positive effect on motor activity and emotional stability. With proper nutrition, food best matches the natural technologies for the assimilation of nutrients developed during evolution.

Movement culture. The health effect of aerobic physical exercises(walking, jogging, swimming, skiing, gardening, etc.) outdoors. They include sun and air baths, cleansing and hardening water procedures.

The culture of emotions. Negative emotions (envy, anger, fear, etc.) have tremendous destructive power, positive emotions (laughter, joy, gratitude, etc.) preserve health and contribute to success.

The formation of a healthy lifestyle is an extremely long process and can last a lifetime. Feedback from the changes that occur in the body as a result of following a healthy lifestyle does not work immediately, the positive effect of switching to a rational lifestyle is sometimes delayed for years. Therefore, unfortunately, quite often people only “try” the transition itself, but, having not received a quick result, they return to their previous way of life. There is nothing surprising. Since a healthy lifestyle involves the rejection of many pleasant living conditions that have become habitual (overeating, comfort, alcohol, etc.) and, conversely, constant and regular heavy loads for a person who is not adapted to them and strict regulation of lifestyle. In the first period of the transition to a healthy lifestyle, it is especially important to support a person in his desire, provide the necessary consultations, point out positive changes in his state of health, in functional indicators, etc.

At present, there is a paradox: with an absolutely positive attitude towards the factors of a healthy lifestyle, especially in relation to nutrition and motor mode, in reality only 10% -15% of the respondents use them. This is not due to the lack of valeological literacy, but due to the low activity of the individual, behavioral passivity.

Thus, a healthy lifestyle should be purposefully and constantly formed during a person's life, and not depend on circumstances and life situations.

The effectiveness of a healthy lifestyle for a given person can be determined by a number of biosocial criteria, including:

    assessment of morphological and functional indicators of health: the level of physical development, the level of physical fitness, the level of human adaptive capabilities;

    assessment of the state of immunity: the number of colds and infectious diseases during a certain period;

    assessment of adaptation to the socio-economic conditions of life (taking into account the effectiveness of professional activity, successful activity and its "physiological value" and psycho-physiological characteristics); activity in the performance of family and household duties; breadth and manifestations of social and personal interests;

    assessment of the level of valeological literacy, including the degree of formation of an attitude towards a healthy lifestyle ( psychological aspect); level of valeological knowledge (pedagogical aspect); the level of assimilation of practical knowledge and skills related to the maintenance and promotion of health (medical-physiological and psychological-pedagogical aspects); the ability to independently build an individual program of health and a healthy lifestyle.

Many people, having come to see a doctor, ask him a question, what affects human health. Some turn to the doctor when they experience the first symptoms of malaise, others try to find out in advance the main factors that negatively affect a person’s life.

What does human health depend on?

Human health largely depends on the environment in which it is located. People living near factories may suffer from asthma attacks. People living in the city suffer from exhaust fumes and lack of fresh air.

There are a number of factors that have a great impact on human health

1. Ecology. The cleaner the environment, the better man feels himself. Unfortunately, every year the atmosphere becomes more and more polluted. This means that the person feels worse. In order to put their health in order, the population has to go annually to rest in a sanatorium, where the air is cleaner and fresher thanks to the trees growing around the boarding house. People who have country cottage area, are able to improve their health by relaxing every weekend outside the city.

2. Weather. Many women begin to suffer from changeable weather after childbirth. But people with heart problems most often react to the weather. vascular systems, as well as those who often overwork at the workplace.

3. Stress or any other nervous disorder can affect a person's health in a negative way at the most inopportune moment. A common cause of stress is overwork, as well as an uncomfortable workplace environment.

That is, if you are constantly in stuffy room without air conditioning, the boss overwhelms you with overtime work not only on weekdays, but also on weekends, then after a while you will feel the first symptoms of a nervous breakdown.

4. Personal life plays an important role in a person's well-being. No wonder they say that love heals. An ardent feeling can bring almost any dying person back to life. If a person is happy in his personal life, he almost never gets sick. If a happy couple has a discord or a break in relations, the girl cannot recover for some time. Sometimes she even gets sick without visible reasons. If you look, there is an explanation for this.

A girl experiencing a crisis in a relationship becomes distracted, pays little attention not only to her appearance, but also to food. At times, she forgets to eat, which leads to weight loss and a weakened immune system. basics of wellness.

5. Technique not only helps, but also has a detrimental effect on some organs of human health. Let's take a computer for example. Since the Internet has firmly entered our lives, the number of happy owners of the cherished iron friend is growing every day. If a couple of years ago the age of the average user started from 15 years old and above, now many 8-10 year old children confidently use a computer.

If the basic rules of working at a computer are not followed, after a while the user has problems with vision, pain in the back and spine, as well as problems with the gastrointestinal tract.

6. Noise affects the well-being of the individual. Loud sounds can cause a person to have a headache, cause stress, or bad mood. Working in noisy environments can lead to hearing problems.

How to protect your own health

To protect yourself from external negative factors, you have to give up a measured life. Work that causes bad emotions in the future will not only cause stress, but also heart problems. Unresolved issues regarding your relationship with the second half can cause prolonged depression.

If you're at your computer all day, let your eyes rest in the evening. The more you look at the monitor, the faster your vision "sits down".

In people with poor eyesight there is a habit of squinting while looking at the monitor, which can later lead to headaches from constant voltage facial muscles. Place a cactus next to the computer so that it takes away harmful radiation. Eat blueberries in your diet, which can save you from vision problems.

Doctors claim that it affects human health in a negative way - these are alcohol, cigarettes and malnutrition.
Alcohol not only clouds your mind, but also reduces the number of years lived. Cigarettes can cause lung problems and tooth discoloration. Improper nutrition is the first step to weight gain. And along with extra pounds, shortness of breath appears, varicose veins veins and other troubles that prevent you from living a happy life.

Thus, what affects human health is a system of actions aimed at improving the well-being of the individual.

A healthy person always produces healthy offspring. If you do not have enough time to take care of yourself, then think about what it will be like for your future child, who suffers because you did not give up the addiction at the right time?