How to properly treat ARVI: research data. Treatment of different types of viral infection

ARVI - acute respiratory infections– caused by viruses of various strains, which in most cases invade the body respiratory route. Against the background of painful symptoms, viral diseases Bacterial infections quickly set in, the condition worsens, and complications appear.

The symptoms of these diseases are very similar:

With ARVI, the following appear: rhinitis, tonsillitis, pharyngitis, nasopharyngitis, laryngitis, laryngotracheitis and similar diseases.

Complications may occur: bronchitis, pneumonia, sinusitis...

The severity of a viral infection depends on the amount pathogenic flora, introduced into the body, strain, immune status of the body and a history of chronic diseases.

It is impossible to cure the disease in one day - this takes time. But even at home, without the use of specific drugs, you can speed up the healing process by adjusting your daily routine, nutrition and folk recipes.

ARVI - how to quickly cure

When the first unpleasant symptoms, you need to immediately adjust your daily routine. Changing your usual way of life depends on your own feelings.

When there is no temperature, and the symptoms are limited to a sore throat and nasal congestion, it is enough to reduce the load on the body, expand drinking regime and begin therapeutic home procedures - inhalations, nasal rinsing, distracting warming and the like.

If the temperature has risen above subfebrile, then - regardless of other symptoms - bed rest is necessary. Quarantine conditions need to be created for the entire duration of the illness - this will not only help cure it faster, but also protect others from infecting others.

The acute stage can last from a day - with strong immunity– up to 5 days. If the temperature does not drop during this time, then it is worth drawing a conclusion about the emergence of complications.

Healthy adults can easily solve the problem of how to cure ARVI in 3 days:

Warm drinking helps to quickly get rid of intoxication - remove waste products of pathogenic microorganisms from the body.

Children also need to drink more to avoid dehydration. This condition is also dangerous for child's body, as well as the activation of pathogenic flora. If the water-electrolyte balance is disturbed in children, the central nervous system and cardiac activity are disrupted, which can cause respiratory failure and cause death. For adults, dehydration is also dangerous, but to a lesser extent.

Rapid treatment of ARVI

If the temperature is not high, you can do distracting warm-ups - steam your feet or hands in hot water with mustard, salt, soda, anti-inflammatory herbs and similar ingredients.

Absolute contraindications to the procedure:

  • oncological processes;
  • dermatitis, purulent-inflammatory process and damage to the skin on the feet;
  • neoplasms of any nature of the gynecological organs or prostate.

If you have respiratory symptoms - nasal congestion, dry nasopharynx, pain and sore throat - wash your nose and start gargling.

Solutions for rinsing the nose and rinsing the nasopharynx can be purchased at the pharmacy or prepared at home.

"Pharmacy" facilities: "Aquamaris", "Aqualor", "Dolphin", solution of furatsilin, potassium permanganate, "Chlorhexedine", "Miramistin", "Chlorophyllipt"… List similar means huge.

An equally wide range of home remedies - chamomile infusions, oak bark, calendula, sage, eucalyptus, saline solution, soda solution and the like...

The concentration of compositions for washing and rinsing in children and adults should be different - for adults the concentration doubles.

At low temperatures it is recommended to do inhalation. For them, decoctions of medicinal herbs, steam from potato decoction with a few drops of iodine, and soda solution are used. You can fill a nebulizer with liquid solutions, if you have one, or breathe steam under a sheet. The temperature of the liquid should not be higher than 50ºС - otherwise you can get burned. If children are being treated, you will have to get under the sheet together - for safety reasons.

Aromatherapy helps to quickly get rid of ARVI.

Essential oils - coniferous species trees, eucalyptus, tea tree, citrus fruits - fill aroma lamps or make cold inhalations. It’s easy to make a cold inhaler - pour 2 tablespoons into a closed container. sea ​​salt and add 6 drops there essential oils. Aromatherapy cleanses the air in the room and relieves nasal congestion.

Another condition for a quick recovery is a special diet - food should be easily digestible. This condition is especially important to observe when treating children - ARVI in them is often accompanied by intestinal disorders. If there is no appetite, there is no need to force feed - the intoxication will end and the patient will eat on his own.

Antiviral drugs for ARVI

If antiviral drugs are started when the first symptoms appear, the course of the disease becomes easier and recovery occurs much faster.

These antiviral drugs are most often used to treat acute respiratory infections.

  1. Interferon-based drugs - drugs in this group are especially often used to stabilize the condition in children. For the treatment of ARVI, the following are used: "Viferon", "Cyclroferon" and "Kipferon". For ease of use in pediatric practice "Viferon" Available in the form of suppositories.
  2. "Remantadine". This drug has already proven its effectiveness - it has been used to treat ARVI for more than 70 years. It suppresses almost all strains of influenza and ARVI, including pandemic ones. There are quite a lot of contraindications: childhood, dysfunction thyroid gland, kidneys and liver. A mild side effect when taking it is considered to be bitterness in the mouth - it is not necessary to interrupt treatment. If intestinal disorders, tinnitus, disturbances of consciousness, discontinue use.
  3. "Amiksin". This is another long-liver in the fight against ARVI. The price is low, side effects are minor and reversible, and it can be combined with all types of antibiotics. It is powerless against pandemic strains.
  4. "Arbidol". It is used to treat children and adults, has a low price, and successfully fights against many strains of influenza, torch and adenovirus infections.
  5. Modern antiviral drugs - "Kagocel" and "Ingavirin". They stimulate the production of natural interferon, increase immunity, and are relatively safe. "Ingavirin" produced specifically for the treatment of children.

"Adults" antiviral drugs have an age limit - from 7 years, are not used in special conditions– during pregnancy and lactation. Before taking any medication quick fix symptoms of ARVI, you must read the instructions.

Folk remedies for ARVI

The following methods can be used to treat viral infections at home.

  • decoction of milk with onions or garlic;
  • tea with ginger and honey;
  • herbal teas from dandelion, sedge, currant and raspberry leaves, a mixture of chicory and motherwort, linden blossom.

Teas are brewed using the same algorithm - a tablespoon of plant material per glass of boiling water. The glass should be drunk hot during the day.

Another way quick treatment– loading dose of vitamin C – 10 g 3 times a day. If there is a history of erosive diseases of the stomach and intestines - even if they have not worsened for a long time - it is not used. In this case, you should limit yourself to a couple of oranges, 2 tablespoons of lemon juice or half a grapefruit.

Neither medical nor folk remedies will help cure the disease in 1 day - this should be taken into account. You should not force things and start work before the symptoms of ARVI disappear. If complications arise, it will be much more difficult to get rid of them than the disease itself.

ARVI is commonly called acute respiratory viral infections that arise as a result of the penetration of various viruses. These include rhinoviruses, adenoviruses, influenza and parainfluenza. At the same time, their development is rapid. Incubation period the average is one two to five days. No matter how simple a cold may sound, treatment of ARVI at home must be started as quickly as possible.

ARVI usually includes diseases such as rhinitis, pharyngitis, nasopharyngitis, tonsillitis, laryngitis, influenza and parainfluenza. However, many of them have similar symptoms. The main signs of colds include the following.

  • A sharp increase in temperature to 38-39 degrees.
  • Emergence feverish state and chills.
  • Painful feeling in the head.
  • Soreness and unpleasant sensation in the throat.
  • Nasal congestion and runny nose.
  • Tearfulness and pain in the visual organ.
  • Sneezing and...
  • Aching in muscle tissue.
  • General weakness and malaise.

At Not timely treatment or ignoring symptoms, the patient risks complications in the form of pneumonia, bronchitis, otitis, and sinusitis.
The course of the disease depends on what virus entered the body. If you have chronic diseases, then when an acute respiratory viral infection occurs, their exacerbation will begin.

Unfortunately, it is simply impossible to cure a viral infection in 1 day. But there is a high probability of reducing the time of illness by following several recommendations.

Rapid treatment of ARVI

Many patients, when signs of illness appear, want to get better quickly and work at full capacity again. This raises the question of how to quickly recover from ARVI. On average, the duration of the disease is about five days. With strong immunity and great desire You can recover quickly, eliminate symptoms and defeat the virus in three days. To do this, you should follow several important recommendations.

  1. Compliance bed rest. You simply cannot carry colds and flu on your feet. This will not only increase the duration of the disease, but also lead to adverse consequences.
  2. Reception antiviral agents when the first signs appear. They can be purchased at pharmacy kiosks or prepared independently according to folk recipes.
  3. Use of warming procedures. If the temperature is low and stays within 37.5 degrees, then you can steam your feet in hot water with the addition of medicinal herbs, essential oils and mustard. But such manipulations have contraindications in the form of the presence oncological processes, skin diseases in the form of dermatitis or damage, the occurrence of gynecological formations.
  4. Compliance with drinking regime. Reception large quantity liquid will quickly get rid of viruses. Water, mineral water, berry fruit drinks and compotes are suitable for such purposes.
  5. Rinse the nasal passages. To quickly get rid of ARVI, in case of nasal congestion and runny nose, you need to rinse your nose various solutions. They can be purchased at a pharmacy or prepared at home.
  6. Carrying out inhalations. If the patient does not have a temperature, inhalations can be done. To carry out the procedure you will need hot water with steam, soda, iodine or medicinal herbs. You can use a nebulizer. Then it is enough to use saline solution or Miramistin.

Also quickly treatment of ARVI includes proper diet in nutrition. Food should be easily digestible, but at the same time contain many vitamins, carbohydrates and minerals. This condition is especially important when treating a child. The disease is often accompanied by disorders of the digestive system.

Medicines for the treatment of colds and flu

To know how to treat ARVI and influenza, it is better to consult a doctor. Based on the patient’s condition, the doctor will be able to recommend the necessary medications.

Includes mandatory use of antiviral drugs. Patients are often prescribed the following medications.

  1. Products containing interferon. They can be used by adults, children, infants, and women during pregnancy and breastfeeding. They don't call side effects and have no contraindications. These include:
    Viferon. The product is available in the form of suppositories and ointments. Prescribed to children from birth.
    Cycloferon. Available in tablet form. Approved for use in children over three years of age.
    Grippferon. Allowed for children from infancy. Available in the form of drops. Suitable for both treatment and prevention of flu and colds.
    Interferon. Analogue of Grippferon. It costs two to three times cheaper, but is in no way inferior expensive drug. Allowed for children from birth.
  2. Amiksin. A drug that quickly and effectively copes with various viruses. Combination with antibiotics of any group is possible. Approved for use in children over six years of age.
  3. Arbidol. Prescribed for children and adults. Available in tablet form. It has the ability to cope not only with influenza and parainfluenza viruses, but also with adenovirus infection.
  4. Kagocel. Modern drug, which can cope with the disease even with delayed treatment. There is a contraindication in the form of children under six years of age.

Treatment of colds also includes taking antipyretics. They should be taken if the patient has a high temperature. Injections will help to quickly reduce the temperature, since the medicine penetrates directly into the blood and muscle tissue.

IN childhood Prescribe Paracetamol and Ibuprofen in syrup, or Tsefekon suppositories.

Adults can take Aspirin, Analgin, Spazmalgon, Paracetamol, Ibuklin.

If the disease is still early stage manifestations, its development can be prevented. A loading dose will help quickly cure ARVI ascorbic acid. In the first three to four days, you need to take thousands of milligrams of the vitamin up to once a day. After this, the dosage should be reduced by half.

Traditional methods of treating ARVI

How to use folk ways? There are several effective recipes.

  • Drink at least two liters of fluid per day. The best drinks For a quick recovery, cranberry or lingonberry juice, rosehip decoction, raspberry or currant tea are considered.

    Decoction of medicinal herb coltsfoot has a beneficial effect on the body. It allows you to eliminate inflammatory processes and fights various microbes. To prepare the infusion, you need to take fifty grams of the herb and pour half a liter of boiled water. Let it brew for about an hour, then strain. You need to take the product several times a day in a warm form.

    A decoction of sage will also help relieve symptoms. The infusion is considered effective for coughs strong character and sore throat. To prepare the decoction, you need to take fifteen grams of the herb and pour a cup of boiled water. Place on low heat and bring to a boil. You need to cook on the stove for another three minutes. After this, the infusion should infuse for an hour. The product must be taken up to four times a day.

    1. Gargling. To the very effective remedy include soda-salt solution with iodine. To prepare it you need to take a glass warm water, add one spoon of salt and soda. Then stir and dilute with a few drops of iodine. Rinsing should be done for ten minutes up to six times a day.
    2. Lubricating the chest and back area. This method should be used at the first manifestations of a cold. Approved for use in children with early age. To prepare the product you need to take a bottle almond oil and add one drop each of eucalyptus and clove essential oils.
    3. Putting drops into the nose. This medicine will help even with severe runny nose. To prepare the drops, you need to take a spoonful of liquid honey and add a spoonful of warm water and beet juice. Mix the mixture well. The medicine should be instilled into each nasal passage, two to three drops up to five times a day.
    4. Taking a fortified product. This method will help increase your defenses and strengthen your immune system. To prepare it you need to take two large lemons, raisins, almonds, walnuts in equal proportions and a jar of liquid honey. Nuts, raisins and lemon must be thoroughly chopped. Then pour in honey. Let it brew for two to three days. The medicine must be taken one tablespoon up to three times a day.

      This product can also be used as preventive measures. But you need to take it one teaspoon up to two times a day. The mixture can be taken by women during pregnancy and children from two years of age, if they do not have allergic reactions for products.

    5. Using garlic drops. It is believed that all viruses enter the human body through the nasal mucosa. To fight colds or protect yourself from illness, you need to use garlic oil. To prepare it, you need to take two cloves of garlic and chop them thoroughly. Then pour a spoonful of heated vegetable or olive oil. Leave to brew for twelve hours. In case of illness, the medicine should be dripped three to four drops into each nostril up to three times a day. Treatment course is five to seven days. As a preventive measure, you need to drip two drops up to two times a day before going outside.

    ARVI and influenza can be cured at home. But in order to recover quickly, symptoms must be eliminated at their first manifestations.

    Infectious diseases are combined into a whole group of diseases caused by various agents. The virus enters the body in various ways, may already be in the body and manifest itself under certain circumstances. The main routes of infection are:

    • hematogenous (injections, non-sterile instruments, blood transfusions, dialysis procedures);
    • fecal-oral (through kissing, food or water, excrement);
    • through insect bites, bodies of water (for example, E. coli).

    A viral infection enters the body and begins to develop inside various organs or systems. Viral infection has fundamental differences, which are expressed in the following aspects:

    • incubation period (can range from several days to ten years);
    • prodrome period (activation of the virus after incubation);
    • the height of the disease.

    This scheme is suitable for any type of infection, from the usual ARVI to AIDS or hepatitis. Infectious diseases are very contagious, so the epidemiology of the disease is always large-scale. Treatment of viral infections should be carried out in hospitals, since at the height of the disease there are only two outcomes: recovery or death of the patient. A common viral infection in adults lasts from 7 to 10 days.

    Paradoxically, when this carrier reproduces, it dies, and the patient begins to feel much worse. When a virus enters the body, especially during the prodrome, malaise is felt throughout the body. It is rare for the patient to clearly indicate the location of the pain, discomfort. Usually all organs and systems are affected to one degree or another.

    Main types

    All viral infectious agents can be roughly classified into rapid and slow. The slower the reaction or intensity of development of the pathology, the more dangerous the virus is to human life. This is due long absence symptoms, and therefore a great destructive impact. Among the main and common viruses are:

    • Herpetic infections. The herpes virus exists in the tissues of any human body, but worsens only in the presence of provoking mechanisms. Some people are completely unaware of this disease until the end of their lives. A characteristic feature herpes is the appearance of blisters on different areas bodies.
    • Encephalitis. Encephalitis affects the membranes of the brain, causing irreversible damage to the central nervous system, human consciousness. The mortality rate of the disease is high. The disease is often accompanied by coma, convulsions, paralysis of the limbs and the whole body. Encephalitis provokes the development of multiple organ failure and the death of the patient in almost 90%.
    • ARVI. The SARS virus affects respiratory system in humans, causes the characteristic symptoms of colds and flu. These signs are known to almost all patients. Danger viral infection consists in the chronicity of the disease or in dangerous complications (bronchitis, pneumonia).
    • Viral hepatitis. The disease is characterized by damage to the liver and hepatic structures. Against the background of the development of pathology, persistent impairments in the functionality of the organ are formed, serious complications, which can lead to fatal outcome patient.
    • Meningitis. Meningococcal infection localized in the subcortical part of the brain, infects the cerebrospinal fluid (CSF). Distributed throughout the body through the bloodstream. Despite adequate therapy, persistent disturbances of consciousness and atrophy of the muscular structure of the limbs persist.
    • Polio. The development of the disease is accompanied by severe convulsions, loss of consciousness, inflammation spinal cord. Paralysis often occurs. Usually the disease leads to profound disability for the patient.
    • Measles. Measles is characterized by the appearance of a red rash on different parts of the body, persistent hyperthermia, and cough. The measles virus is a relatively harmless condition, but often provokes complications such as meningitis or encephalitis.
    • Sexual infections. A common type of infection, known during the formation of any society. Today, this type of infection is highly treatable, provided it is detected early.

    Each group of infections represents huge list diseases. The nature of the disease determines the degree of danger of the infectious agent. Timely diagnosis, attention to your own body, preventive vaccination protect children and adults from dangerous consequences infection.

    General signs

    Signs of a viral infection in adults directly depend on the nature of the infecting agent, its location and extent of spread. TO common features include:

    • slight chills;
    • muscle weakness and soreness;
    • sensitive skin to contact;
    • swollen lymph nodes;
    • persistent body temperature;
    • disruption of the functioning of certain organs;
    • lacrimation, sore throat, cough.

    The main difference between ARVI and regular flu is the manifestation in the first case of symptoms of infection, followed by the addition of disorders of the respiratory system. Respiratory diseases usually begin immediately with laryngitis or pharyngitis. For example, during exacerbation herpetic infection patients experience the appearance of blistering formations in different parts body, the state of health worsens, irritability and pain appear in the areas of the blisters. Meningococcal infection manifests itself with severe symptoms with pain in the head, confusion, severe deterioration in health and other characteristic signs.

    Indications for hospitalization

    If the usual signs of ARVI do not frighten many patients and they are able to give an objective assessment of their condition, then the following are the symptoms of a viral infection in adults, which require immediate medical attention:

    • preservation high temperature;
    • fainting, loss of consciousness:
    • confusion, tremors in the limbs;
    • cough with sputum;
    • fever;
    • pain behind the sternum, insufficient inspiration;
    • the appearance of a rash (redness, large blisters, large spots);
    • strong headache, radiating to the neck;
    • coughing up blood;
    • pastiness of the face or swelling of the limbs.

    Such symptoms can be regarded as a complication of a common acute respiratory viral infection, the onset of a serious brain disease. With unstable immunity and deterioration of the condition against the background colds you should consult a doctor immediately.

    Diagnostic measures

    Diagnosis of viral infections is as follows:

    • visual examination of the patient;
    • studying the patient’s clinical history;
    • immunological study:
    • x-ray chest;
    • urine, blood, stool tests.

    Differential diagnosis consists of excluding life-threatening conditions. If necessary, doctors prescribe an MRI of the brain, additional blood tests for various enzymes, and other studies. A timely visit to a doctor will save the patient’s health and life.

    Treatment tactics

    The treatment tactics for viral infections consist of following the following algorithms:

    • elimination of the cause of the disease (provoking mechanisms);
    • elimination of unpleasant symptoms (pain, dyspeptic disorders, respiratory disorders, other factors);
    • bed rest and special diet.

    Drug treatment of a viral infection begins after an accurate diagnosis and clarification of the provoking factors. So what should you take for this disease? A typical ARVI involves prescribing the following medications:

    • non-steroidal drugs (relieve inflammation, reduce fever, relieve pain);
    • antihistamines (have anti-inflammatory and anti-allergenic effects);
    • local nasal drops ( vasoconstrictors with a runny nose, swelling and severe nasal congestion);
    • throat remedies (relieve redness, swelling, disinfect and soothe irritated mucous membranes);
    • antitussives (promote the separation of sputum, eliminate spasms during the cough reflex, reduce irritation in the bronchi and disinfect).

    For other mechanisms of pathology, appropriate drugs are prescribed to increase local immunity and elimination characteristic symptoms. For example, for the treatment of sexually transmitted infections it is prescribed local drugs specific administration for men and women; for herpes infection, a prescription is necessary antiviral drugs local and internal use. Enteroviral intestinal infection requires special preparations from the group of absorbents. It is important to understand that taking antibiotics for viral infections is not only pointless, but also very dangerous for the condition of the kidneys, liver or stomach.

    The right thing to do is to drink plenty of fluids. Correct and, good nutrition healthy image life, absence bad habits , increasing local immunity allows you to maintain the health of any patient for a long time. When burdened clinical history it is important to undergo regular research and preventive vaccinations . Prevent the disease or episodes of its exacerbation when chronic course

    much easier than starting to treat it. Diagnosis of “acute respiratory viral infection” (ARVI or, as it is also called ARI - acute respiratory disease ) is most often diagnosed by doctors to clinic visitors. Many people believe that doctors diagnose it without wanting to understand the real reasons for the patient’s illness. In fact ARVI is the most common, disease of humanity 50 % approximately

    from the total number of acute diseases. The most common pathogens of ARVI are parainfluenza viruses, influenza viruses, rhinovirus, RS infection, and adenovirus. Because the different shapes have ARVI manifestations, in everyday life these diseases are usually called colds. It follows that the common cold is the general name for a group of mild but contagious upper respiratory tract infections that cause inflammation of the mucous membranes of the throat and nose.

    Symptoms develop in one or two days after exposure to the virus on the human body. Got a cold a person is contagious for two to three days from the day before the appearance of the first symptoms. There is no cure for colds but there are a number of measures that can mitigate the symptoms of recovery, which usually occurs within a week.

    About two hundred cold viruses are known, the most common are rhinoviruses that affect the nasal mucosa (the cause is approximately 30 % colds).

    Science does not know why people are susceptible to colds and certain species viruses in particular. Young children are more susceptible to colds than others, even though they receive antibodies from their mother. They may have a cold up to seven times a year. Adults who spend a lot of time with children (for example, teachers) also often suffer from colds.

    There is an opinion that smoking people It is also very common for people to receive a diagnosis of ARVI, but their symptoms do not go away for much longer. This is because tobacco acts on the cilia found inside the throat and nose, paralyzing them, causing them to produce less mucus.

    ARVI classification

    There are several types of ARVI depending on the pathogen:
    rhinovirus infection. In most cases, the course of the disease is mild, special treatment no need. This type of infection is recognized main reason a common cold;
    coronavirus infection. The course of the disease is similar to rhinovirus infection, but the duration of the disease is shorter (up to a week);
    adenovirus infection. Applies mainly to children (even infants). Often to traditional symptoms symptoms of conjunctivitis are added (redness, feeling of sand in the eyes, lacrimation);
    parainfluenza The most common symptoms: cough (barking), sore throat, hoarseness.

    Main symptoms of ARVI

    ARVI is diagnosed based on the following criteria:
    runny nose (as a rule, the discharge is clear, but yellow or greenish is possible);
    pain or irritation in the throat, accompanied by hoarseness;
    inflammation of the mucous membranes of the throat and nose, causing discomfort day and night;
    feeling of fatigue and general malaise;
    muscle pain;
    slight increase in temperature (more common in children than in adults).

    If symptoms do not go away within 7-10 days, You should seek help from a doctor!

    How does ARVI spread?

    Respiratory viruses live and multiply in the nasal mucosa and are abundantly secreted along with the nasal secretions of the patient. The highest concentration of viruses in nasal secretions occurs during the first three days of illness. In addition, viruses enter environment when coughing and sneezing, after which they settle on all kinds of surfaces, on hands, and they also persist on towels, handkerchiefs and other hygiene items. Healthy man can catch the infection by inhaling air saturated large quantity viruses, or using the patient’s hygiene items (viruses penetrate the mucous membranes of the eyes and nose through the hands).

    Risk factors for ARVI

    Everyone knows that ARVI is a seasonal disease. In autumn, winter and spring, due to hypothermia, which provokes these diseases, they are most common. People with weak immunity: children, adults suffering from congenital or acquired forms of immunodeficiency, as well as the elderly.

    Causes of ARVI in children

    Newborn children have temporary immunity received from their mother. But upon reaching six months of age, it weakens, while the child’s own immunity does not have time to fully develop. It is at this time that the baby is most vulnerable to the disease.

    It is important to keep in mind that young children have not yet developed personal hygiene skills such as washing their hands or covering their coughs and sneezes. At the same time, children often touch their nose, mouth and eyes.

    The system for removing ear and nasal secretions in children is not fully developed, therefore there is a high probability of developing bacterial complications after a cold (otitis, sinusitis). In addition, children have a smaller diameter of the trachea and bronchi, so children are prone to blockage of the airways heavy discharge or swelling of the mucous membrane.

    Complications about ARVI

    The most common complications:
    Acute sinusitis. During the period of acute respiratory viral infection, the body is most vulnerable to other infections, including bacterial ones. The most common complication is bacterial sinusitis, which is an inflammation of the sinuses, in particular frontal sinusitis, sinusitis, sphenoiditis. You can suspect a complication in the form of sinusitis if the symptoms of the disease, such as heaviness in the head, nasal congestion, headache, elevated temperature, are saved after 10th day of illness. If acute sinusitis If not cured in time, it can develop into a chronic form, the treatment of which is more problematic. Only the attending physician can diagnose “acute sinusitis” and prescribe proper treatment.
    Acute otitis media, or inflammation of the middle ear. This complication is familiar to almost everyone. It's hard not to notice him. It is extremely important to consult a specialist in time to make a diagnosis and prescribe treatment, since an infection in the middle ear is dangerous due to its serious consequences.
    Acute bronchitis . The bronchi are also susceptible to bad influences bacterial infection. Main sign acute bronchitiswet cough with yellow or green sputum. It is important to remember that those suffering chronic diseases upper respiratory tract ( chronic form sinusitis, bronchitis) of people during the period of acute respiratory viral infection or immediately after, complications of these diseases may appear.
    Inflammation of the lungs (pneumonia). Probably one of the most dangerous complications after ARVI. The diagnosis can only be made by conducting a comprehensive examination. But if after 7-10 days of illness there are no noticeable improvements, there is still a high fever and cough, you should urgently consult a doctor.

    Diagnosis of ARVI

    If the course of the disease is typical, diagnosing ARVI is quite easy. In order to exclude probable complications, the patient is sent for chest fluorography, urine and blood tests. If there is any suspicion of bacterial cause diseases, a culture is taken to determine the type of causative bacteria. Carrying out immunological research to determine the type of virus that provoked the disease is advisable only when severe forms diseases, serious difficulties in making a diagnosis (and, as a consequence, in treatment); in other cases, the value of the research is exclusively scientific.

    Cold treatment

    1. Maintaining semi-bed rest. The room in which the patient is located must be regularly ventilated.
    2. Drink plenty of warm drinks(not less 2 l daily). This amount of liquid will help to quickly remove toxins formed by the activity of viruses from the body. It is optimal to drink a liquid rich in vitamin C: rosehip infusion, tea with lemon, fruit drinks.
    3. Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs: ibuprofen, paracetamol, diclofenac. These drugs reduce pain and body temperature. It is allowed to take medications with medicinal powders like Coldrex, Theraflu and so on. It is important to know that lowering the temperature below 38 C no need, because it is at this temperature that they begin to work actively defense mechanisms body. This rule does not apply to small children and patients prone to seizures.
    4. Antihistamines – drugs used in the treatment of allergies. They have a pronounced anti-inflammatory effect, therefore they relieve signs of inflammation: swelling of the mucous membranes, nasal congestion. There is a group of first generation drugs, side effect which causes drowsiness. This group includes suprastin, tavegil, diphenhydramine. New generation drugs such as Semprex, Loratadine (Claritin), Zyrtec, Fenistil do not cause drowsiness.
    5. Nasal drops. They relieve nasal congestion and reduce swelling of the mucous membrane. But this one at first glance safe drug not so harmless. On the one hand, during ARVI, you need to use nasal drops to reduce swelling and improve the flow of fluid from the nose as a preventive measure for sinusitis. But application vasoconstrictor drops over a long period of time can lead to the appearance chronic rhinitis. Uncontrolled use of drugs leads to thickening of the mucous membrane in the nasal passages, this develops dependence on drops, and ultimately can lead to constant congestion nose This complication can be cured only through surgery. Thus, it is necessary to carefully monitor the mode of application of the drops: do not longer than a week By 2-3 once a day.
    6. Relieving sore throat. A gargle that many people don't like disinfectants is the most effective method fight against colds. You can use infusions of chamomile and sage or ready-made solutions, for example, furatsilin. The procedure should be carried out frequently - approximately every 2 hours. In addition, you can use disinfectant sprays such as bioparox, hexoral and others.
    7. Cough medicines. The main goal of cough treatment is to make the phlegm thin enough to be coughed up. Drinking regimen helps greatly with this, since drinking warm liquid dilutes phlegm. If you have difficulty coughing up, you can take expectorant medications. mucaltin, ACC, broncholitin etc. You should not prescribe medications that reduce the cough reflex yourself, as this can lead to dangerous consequences.

    Under no circumstances should you take antibiotics! Antibiotics are used only when bacterial complications occur; they are absolutely useless against viruses. Thus, there is no need to take antibiotics without your doctor's knowledge. They are not harmless to the body. Moreover, uncontrolled use of antibiotics can lead to the emergence of forms of bacteria resistant to them.

    Folk remedies for the treatment of ARVI

    Excellent product to relieve heat and inflammation- raspberries. To prepare tea with raspberry jam, you need to dilute it in a mug of water. 2-3 teaspoons jam. To prepare a drink from dried raspberries, you need to pour a glass of boiling water over a spoonful of the fruit and let it brew. 10-15 minutes.
    At high temperature The following solution is useful: 2 tablespoons of coltsfoot leaves and raspberry fruits, a spoonful of oregano herb. Pour one tablespoon of the resulting mixture with a glass of boiling water, leave for an hour, then strain. Take according to 3-4 once a day.
    During It is recommended to dissolve in the mouth until completely dissolved small amount propolis, and for flu and colds - drink tea with a little honey added. Both honey and propolis are contraindicated for children under six months of age.
    With a runny nose The following solution should be used twice a day: mix a tablespoon of black elderberry flowers, linden leaves, peppermint. Pour one tablespoon of the resulting mixture with a glass of boiling water and leave for an hour, then strain.
    For a sore throat Rinsing with a frequency of at least six times a day with the following solution will be effective: a tablespoon of calendula tincture or a teaspoon of soda with the addition of three drops of iodine per glass of water.
    Relieve sore throat and cough Linden flowers will help. Lime tea: For a mug of water, two teaspoons of linden blossom.
    A large number of essential oils that are effective to relieve spasms of the respiratory tract, contained in fir oil. This oil is used for massage.
    For colds and flu massage the chest, back and neck (the area above the collarbones). Older children and adults are recommended to inhale with the addition of 3-4 drops fir oil per one procedure.
    For the treatment of colds and flu you can use garlic and onions, which contain natural antibiotics. During a flu epidemic, doctors advise eating a small onion or a few cloves of garlic.
    Inhalations are also effective with aphonia (loss of voice), hoarseness, difficulty breathing. For a glass of boiling water 2-3 finely chopped heads of garlic. Covering your head with a towel, for 10-15 inhale the vapors for minutes.

    The human body at any age is capable of being exposed to various infectious diseases. The most common among them is a viral infection. The disease is transmitted by airborne droplets, so it’s easy to catch a virus and become infected. The person feels lethargic and his temperature rises. Without timely intervention, the virus can lead to complications, and the disease can become chronic.

    Causes of the disease

    In spring and autumn, viruses spread twice as fast. Long stay in rooms where there are many people, is the main cause of infection. This can happen at work, in public transport, in supermarkets, shops, schools and kindergartens. The respiratory tract is the first to suffer, so if nasal congestion begins and appears, do not hesitate to visit a doctor.

    The causative agents of the disease are bacteria and viral infections. Antibiotics on initial stage infections are not usually used, so microorganisms and bacteria are not killed immediately. It is for this reason that treatment is delayed and difficult to treat. drug influence. Antibiotics are prescribed only if the pathology worsens and leads to other health problems.

    The most common causative viruses are adenoviruses. As for the bacterial infection, it is caused by category A streptococci and pneumococci.

    It is also easy to become infected if you do not follow the rules of hygiene, eat unwashed food, and do not wash your hands with soap after going outside or to the bathroom.

    Symptoms of a viral infection

    To distinguish common cold from a viral infection, you need to pay attention to the characteristic signs.

    Here are some typical symptoms, characteristic of this condition:

    • watery runny nose
    • inflammation of the larynx (sometimes mucus discharge may be present)
    • temperature rises, no more than 38 degrees
    • lethargy, weakness and muscle soreness
    • drowsiness
    • poor appetite

    When the condition is neglected, the symptoms worsen. In this case, the signs are:

    • temperature above 38 degrees
    • nasal discharge acquires a mucous consistency; when you blow your nose, purulent accumulations come out
    • inflammation of the tonsils, pus accumulates in the posterior part of the larynx
    • wet cough
    • dyspnea
    • severe long-term headaches
    • pain in the abdominal area

    You should not wait for viruses to cause complications. The sooner treatment is started, the faster recovery will occur.

    Types of viruses

    There are different viral infections. Before appointment medicines The doctor must make sure the diagnosis is correct, because not all viruses are treated the same.

    The next type is rhinovirus infection. Characteristic for of this disease symptoms are: liquid discharge from the nasopharynx, sneezing, lacrimation. The bronchi, lungs and trachea will be clean. The maximum temperature is 37.4 degrees Celsius. With timely treatment, visible improvements will occur within 5 days.

    The third type is adenoviral infection. This disease already has a more complex degree of development; pathogens affect not only the respiratory system, but also spread to the entire lymphoid part. The disease is manifested by profuse mucous nasal discharge, tonsillitis may develop and enlarge The lymph nodes. Coughing and fever from the temperature can last up to twelve days. Intoxication will not be expressed even at very high temperatures. To prevent complications, it is important to take antiviral drugs in a timely manner.

    The fourth type is respiratory syncytial infection. Often the infection severely affects the lower respiratory tract. Concomitant diseases are, and if a child is infected, then bronchiolitis. In a neglected state, pneumonia can begin. Pneumonia can even be fatal.

    Coronavirus infection – infection of the upper respiratory organs occurs. This type of viral infection most often affects young children and adults in very rare cases.

    Any type requires specialist consultation and correct diagnosis.


    Diagnosis first of all includes passing all tests:

    • finger blood test
    • vein blood test

    They may be asked to provide sputum for examination. laboratory conditions or undergo fluorography. This is done if the doctor detects intoxication and noise in the lungs.

    Urine and blood will help identify the antigen viruses that cause this ailment.

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    Pityriasis versicolor: treatment with ointment, list of effective remedies

    First aid rules

    There are certain steps through which you can independently provide first aid in the fight against the virus.

    First you need to sit at home, no going to work. Visiting crowded places will bring complications, and there is also a chance that you yourself will infect someone.

    Bed rest. The more the patient sleeps and rests, the more strength the body will have to produce antibodies and immunity against this infection.

    It also helps speed up recovery drinking plenty of fluids. Very good to drink not only clean water, but also Polyana Kvasova and Borjomi, where there is more alkali. The required amount of liquid will quickly remove the harmful toxins created by the viral infection. If the patient cannot drink a lot of plain water, you can drink rosehip decoction, lemon tea and drink fruit drinks made from various fruits and berries.

    If severe intoxication has occurred, the patient suffers from a high temperature, is feverish and shivering, then in this case ordinary raspberries will help. You can make tea from raspberries. Given folk remedy healthy and tasty at the same time, ideal for treating small children. You can make a drink from fresh, dried and frozen berries. You can use raspberry jam. There is no need to add sugar, as it is still a medicine.

    Treatment methods

    Treating viral infections is not difficult, especially if you start treatment on time. Primarily used symptomatic therapy, this includes the following: