What ointment heals wounds. Healing ointment for open wounds, abrasions, sores

No one is immune from various skin injuries, because danger lurks at every step: you can get injured while cooking in the kitchen or working in the garden under the scorching sun. You always want to speed up the healing process, and if complications appear in the form of pus, then a speedy recovery is the only desire of a person. The natural processes of tissue regeneration can slow down for various reasons, and in order for the resulting injury to heal as quickly as possible, special preparations are used - healing ointments.

Which ointment heals wounds on the skin better: a review of drugs

On the shelves of pharmacies you can find a lot of drugs designed to speed up the healing process of wounds. They differ from each other in additional properties, contraindications and a list of situations in which they can help. It is these details that determine which of the ointments is best to choose.

Wound healing ointment with silver Argosulfan

It is a cream for external use, produced in a metal tube with a volume of either 15 or 40 g. The main active ingredient is silver sulfathiazole, which has a pronounced bactericidal effect. In general, the ointment has an antimicrobial, healing and analgesic effect. It is recommended to use the drug in such cases:

  • frostbite and burns of varying degrees;
  • abrasions, cuts and other minor household injuries;
  • open wounds, wounds with purulent discharge;
  • ulcerative skin lesions of any origin (erysipelas, bedsores, a consequence of venous insufficiency, etc.);
  • some skin diseases (contact dermatitis, impetigo, microbial eczema).

After the agent has been applied to the affected area of ​​the skin, they are partially absorbed into the bloodstream, after which they are excreted by the kidneys. Accordingly, the larger the treated area, the greater the amount of the agent enters the bloodstream.

The product can be used both openly and with the subsequent application of a bandage. It is recommended to apply a thin layer of a few millimeters. Such procedures are repeated several times a day until the integrity of the skin is completely restored, but not more than 60 days.

Levomekol with an antibiotic for the treatment of purulent wounds

Available in different forms depending on the manufacturer, you can find both classic aluminum tubes and glass jars with a screw cap. is a combined remedy, it consists of two main active components: an antibiotic and an immunostimulant. A big plus of the remedy is that in bacteria, resistance to it develops extremely slowly. Even in the presence of purulent discharge, the antibiotic effect of the agent is not reduced.

Levomycetin as part of the product actively fights against various anaerobic and aerobic microorganisms, as it is considered a broad-spectrum antibiotic. Methyluracil (the second active ingredient) improves metabolic processes at the cellular level, has a rapid healing effect on lesions and has an anti-inflammatory effect. In general, Levomekol ointment perfectly helps to cope with purulent wounds, trophic-type ulcers, boils, and also helps with skin diseases accompanied by an inflammatory process and separation of pus, and with burns.

Solcoseryl for rapid wound healing

The active substance of the product has a similar name and is a processed dialysate from young calf blood, which has undergone chemical and biological standardization. Available in several consistency options: gel and ointment, which have the same effect, but different auxiliary components. Can be used on the face, but there is a separate product for mucous membranes. Indications for the use of ointment:

  • burns of a different nature;
  • difficult to heal wounds and minor injuries;
  • bedsores and ulcers;
  • damage to the skin by radiation.

The drug has a multifactorial effect: it increases the efficiency of tissue regeneration processes, improves oxygen transport to damaged tissues, and stimulates the production of collagen.

It is worth noting that for open wounds it is better to use Solcoseryl-gel (does not contain a greasy component, therefore it is easily washed off), and for those lesions that have already crusted over - Solcoseryl-ointment (due to the fatty component it creates a thin protective film on the surface).

Pain reliever ointment Eplun

The ointment is useful in the presence of such problems: burns, purulent formations on the skin, ulcerative lesions, psoriasis and eczema, itching and the effects of insect bites. This tool is allowed to be used as a disinfectant composition for hands and face skin.

The wound healing effect is based on a complex of effects that the drug produces when applied to the skin:

  • affects the process of blood clotting;
  • stimulates the synthesis of prothrombin for the speedy cleansing of the wound;
  • helps to eliminate the inflammatory process;
  • stimulates tissue regeneration processes.

Also, the drug gives an analgesic and bactericidal effect. The application is exclusively local, the effect lasts about 8 hours after applying the product to the damaged area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe skin. A contraindication to the use of the ointment is an allergic reaction and intolerance to one of the components of the composition.

Rescuer from burns, cracks and abrasions

Ointment Rescuer, produced in a convenient tube with a volume of 30 grams, can be safely used for burn injuries, wounds, abrasions, diaper rash, hematomas, bruises, inflammatory diseases of the skin, and even acne. It is the wide range of applications that is the main feature of this tool.

The composition of the drug includes a number of natural ingredients. So, sea buckthorn oil actively stimulates tissue regeneration processes, beeswax relieves inflammation and destroys bacteria, and milk lipids form a thin film on the treated surface, preventing excessive evaporation of moisture and drying out of the skin, thereby providing the best conditions for healing. Also, the ointment soothes the skin, protects them, promotes the resorption of hematomas and anesthetizes the damaged area. The effect is achieved very quickly, the first changes are noticeable within a few hours after applying the product. Allowed to use for pregnant and lactating mothers.

Vishnevsky's ointment for tightening wounds

Vishnevsky's ointment can be found in any home, it is a simple and affordable tool with a wide range of applications. The composition includes the following ingredients: tar, castor oil and xeroform antiseptic. This remedy is called a pulling agent, since it acts very unusually: the inflammatory process intensifies, due to which all infiltrates pass into the stage of purulent formations, which are quickly opened and released. It is also effective in case of damage to the integrity of the skin, thanks to the action of the ointment, the wounds are cleaned, dry out and heal faster. Thus, it will be effective when:

  • skin diseases of an inflammatory nature (both if an opening is necessary, and for cleansing the wound after opening);
  • old burns with signs of infection;
  • healing wounds and trophic ulcers.

Often, the ointment is used after surgery if complications occur during the healing process of the suture.

Zinc ointment

The zinc composition in the form of an ointment is the most common, has a light, not dense texture. It is used for external exposure and has the following types of effects on the skin:

  • accelerates the processes of tissue regeneration;
  • disinfects;
  • dries;
  • protects against external influences (creates a thin film on the surface of the skin, so that it can also be used in
    preventive purposes);
  • helps eliminate the inflammatory process.

The ointment can be used for skin diseases, the formation of bedsores, minor injuries of the skin surface, diaper rash. It is recommended to apply the composition to the damaged area several times a day.

Video: preparing an effective homemade ointment

You can prepare a wound healing remedy at home, practically without spending any time or money on it. For this, aloe juice and honey are useful. Detailed instructions for the manufacture and use of the ointment are presented in this video.

In order for the wound to heal quickly and painlessly, it is required to treat it correctly and immediately, and then treat it with various medical means.

Treatment and treatment should be done as quickly as possible and very carefully, first, dirt and dead tissue are properly removed from the wound, so as not to touch the wound.

What is a wound?

A wound, that is, a vulnus, is a mechanical damage to a human organ or its tissues, accompanied by the destruction of the integrity of the skin or mucous membrane. It is this destruction that differs from a rupture, bruise, and stretching; a wound differs from a wound and is the result of tissue destruction. The wound has three main signs - bleeding, as well as gaping and pain, which depend on the nature of the wound itself, the amount of tissue destroyed and the blood supply to the wounded area.

The wound zone has walls, the bottom of the wound and wound volumes, they can be of two main types, that is, random or operational.

Types of injuries

  • Bitten, that is, vulnus laceratum. It may be due to a bite by an animal or a person, the features are the same as those of a laceration, the main point here is scattered, deep and extensive damage, as well as a large infection with the microflora of the animal's mouth.
  • Wound crushed or crushed, that is, vulnus conqvassatum. It can be formed due to the action of blunt objects, where the total surface is wide enough, as well as in the presence of a solid support, that is, other objects or bones. Tissues can have extensive wounds and be crushed, the gap here is wide, the bones can collapse, the edges of the wound are quite complex, the general pain syndrome is bright, and blood loss is minimal.
  • Chopped, that is, vulnus caesum. It can be formed due to the action of sharp certain objects, such as a saber, saber or ax, while the wound is only perpendicular or at an angle to the tissues. It is characterized by deep various general injuries, there is a wide gaping, as well as concussion and tissue bruises, it occupies a middle position between a bruised and cut wound.

  • The wound is cut, that is, vulnus incisum. It can occur when exposed to sharp objects such as a razor, knife, metal and glass fragments. Such a common large wound is characterized by maximum destruction of tissues towards the wound channel and other tissues, the edges of these tissues can be smooth, even and complex. Bleeding due to an incised wound is usually significant, the pain syndrome is moderate, and muscles, blood vessels and tendons can also be damaged.
  • Chopped, that is, vulnus punctum. May occur due to deep general penetration of long and sharp tools, such as a bayonet and a sharpener, an awl or a knitting needle. The main feature is the minimum inlet, as well as small tissue damage, the wound quickly sticks together and creates a condition for the development of various infections.
  • Bruised, that is, vulnus contusum. It can occur due to the action of a hard and blunt object, the surface of the bruise is usually quite wide, often the muscle tissue and bones of the person are destroyed, which can be bruised and mashed.
  • Ragged, that is, vulnus laceratum. It can occur when an object acts at a certain angle to the human skin, such an object can be a saw or a transmission, the amount of damage here is significant, skin detachment often occurs, the gaping is quite wide, and the hemorrhage is significant.
  • Wound vulnus venenatum. It can be formed when bitten by various poisonous snakes, the main difference from others is the ingress of toxic substances into the wound, it can also be formed due to radioactive and even household pollution.

Immediate action in case of injury

Medical general and the very first aid to a person in case of a wound is a complex of various measures., the purpose of which is to eliminate the effect of the factor and remove the threat to human life.

Also, such medical care serves to alleviate suffering and prepare a person for being sent to a medical institution for further treatment.

Such actions are among the simplest, and they must be carried out in the shortest possible time right at the scene, for this purpose, the working personnel must undergo special training and master the simplest techniques, which is of great importance in this case.

The most optimal medical care is considered to be provided to a person in case of injury within 30 minutes after the injury itself, the working personnel must be trained in the methods of providing medical care for injuries typical for the work of a given organization or company.

The wound is usually accompanied by the destruction of the integrity of the skin or mucous membrane of a person, wounds can vary in depth, size and shape.

  1. It is required to release the victim from the dangerous destructive factor, it can be a mechanical action, electric current, water or chemicals that harm a person. To do this, they can use a number of first aid general aids, and it is also required to know safe for themselves and other techniques that everyone should know.
  1. The condition should be assessed and the person should be freed from clothing if it restricts his breathing. if required, it is better to take it to where the air will be fresh. Determination of the degree and nature of the damage itself, for this purpose, the damaged area or part of the body is carefully exposed, and then it is immediately required to take medical assistance to the person.
  1. Stop bleeding. It is required to know that if the loss of blood is up to 2 liters, then this leads to death, here the rate of blood loss depends on the size of the vessel, the location of the injury and the depth of the injury. The larger the size of such a vessel, the less will be the time during which there is a loss of blood, such bleeding can be venous when the skin is injured and arterial when an arterial vessel is injured. If the injury was arterial or even parenchymal, that is, due to organ damage, then it will definitely not be possible to stop it on your own, you need to contact the doctors urgently for this purpose.

  1. Disinfection. It is required to immediately and quickly wash the wound with water or a special solution, if the wound is contaminated, then it must be carefully cleaned with hands or tweezers, which must be clean and treated with alcohol. Next, the wound should be washed, this can be done using a weak pink solution of potassium permanganate, and hydrogen peroxide is also suitable, which should be in every enterprise and firm. If the wound was caused by acid that got on the skin, then wash it with an ordinary soda solution, and if the wound was made due to alkali, then it is required to treat it with a solution of vinegar.
  1. Requires treatment of the skin around the wound itself, for this purpose, lubrication with iodine solution or brilliant green is done around the wound at a distance of 2 cm from the edges. And if iodine is absent, then you can use a solution of ordinary potassium permanganate, and an alcohol-containing liquid is also suitable. Such treatment should be carried out very carefully so that the alcohol does not exactly get into the wound, this is a very important condition.
  1. Pressure special bandage for wounds. In order to immediately and very quickly stop bleeding in a person, as well as reduce swelling and create balance in the body, it is required to make special pressure bandages in the wound area, this can be done using non-synthetic material, although it is best to take the most ordinary bandage, which will sterile and fairly clean.

Thanks to timely and rational treatment, as well as regular wound management, it is possible to quickly heal light and even medium wounds at home.

Only here it is required to know all the rules of care and be able to distinguish dry wounds from wet ones, which determines the correct choice of the most effective means of healing. Traditionally, this home treatment consists of regular routine dressings using the special tools required to quickly heal wounds.

If your wound healing is slow and too long, then you need to consult a surgeon who will explain the reasons for this phenomenon. You should also visit a specialist periodically so that he can change the treatment regimen in a timely manner.

What is required for home treatment:

  1. Pure oilcloth
  2. Hand antiseptics
  3. Hand soap
  4. Clean good towel
  5. Alcohol-containing solution for treatment around the wound, iodine, brilliant green, etc.
  6. Antiseptic aqueous solution, miramistin, hydrogen peroxide, furatsilin
  7. Be sure to buy tweezers and scissors, which must be treated with an antiseptic
  8. Medicines for treatment
  9. Dressing material, i.e. gauze and bandage, as well as means for fixing the bandage

Before home dressing, you should wash your hands very carefully, wiping them with a clean special towel, then you need to lay out everything required for treatment on oilcloth. Now you can remove the bandage from the wound and then wash your hands again after treating them with an alcohol solution, be sure to put on sterile gloves to treat the wound.

Now the napkin is removed to cover the wound, and if it sticks, then it is better to first moisten it with a solution of a conventional antiseptic, the best option is hydrogen peroxide.

It’s bad to immediately tear off the napkin, let it first get wet thoroughly and thoroughly, and when the napkin has already been removed, treat the wound itself with an alcohol antiseptic.

When the napkin has already been removed from the wound, the state of the wound itself should be determined., that is, whether it is wet or dry, the healing process should be rationally checked each time.

When the napkin and bandages are removed, it is required to use means for healing, gels and jelly are taken for a wet wound, and a special ointment for a dry one. Such treatments and dressings need to be done 1-2 times daily, preferably in the morning and then at the end of the day., only high-quality products and effective cell growth stimulants should be used here.

When making such home therapeutic dressings, attention should be paid to such criteria as the size of the wound and its depth.
, while healing, it should slowly decrease in size.

You should pay attention to the change in the amount of discharge from the wound, as well as its smell and necessarily color, it should not deepen and increase. Also here you should check your feelings, the pain should gradually go away, and the treatment should give a slow and sure result.

Temperature change, general chills and lack of results, skin redness and swelling is a reason to consult a doctor for advice.

Pharmaceutical products for the rapid healing of wounds of various types

Each person encounters various wounds and abrasions many times in his life, from childhood, when preschool children often have knocked knees and other injuries, to an adult who, although rarely, receives injuries of various levels at work.

For young people and adults, such injuries can often occur both at work and just at home in everyday life, making repairs in an apartment or preparing food. It is because of such a common cause that every home should have remedies for treating wounds, and they should be treated immediately, since infection can get there.

There are many pharmaceutical remedies that can help a person recover faster and improve their health after injury.

Pharmacy best remedies:

  1. Solcoseryl. Solcoseryl is a modern unique remedy, which is most often recommended by doctors for the very rapid healing of various abrasions and wounds in humans. The main and active component here is calf blood extract, that is, deproteinized hemoderivative, required to stimulate collagen synthesis in cells, which is required for rapid wound healing. Solcoseryl was created by scientists from Switzerland, and is produced in two forms of release, that is, a gel for a fresh wound and an ointment for wounds already covered with a crust, which is required to protect against microbes. The tool will accelerate the regeneration of normal tissues at each stage of healing, can be used to treat abrasions and wounds, ulcers and others.
  2. Actovegin. It is an analogue of Solcoseryl, the main component here is the same biological unique composition that was taken from calf blood. It is made in two substances, that is, a gel for a deep ordinary wound and an ointment, which is required for wounds already with a closed injured area. Such a wonderful modern unique drug is used both for abrasions and wounds, and as a means of protection against blood stasis and venous diseases in humans. Gel and ointment are required to be used once a day under gauze or bandage bandages, it is forbidden to use nursing mothers.
  3. . It is a classic unique remedy already known to many in the world, in Russia Levomekol has long won trust, as it perfectly heals wounds and also serves as an antibiotic. Such a remedy is effective for the treatment of purulent wounds, it is used for skin inflammations, trophic ulcers and eczema, burns of the 1st degree. The ointment is definitely available in every surgical room, where it is used immediately after operations, since this tool serves to easily and quickly heal the edges of the wound, even if it fester. It is used 1-3 times a day, the remedy is without restriction in use, and you can buy it in the form of an ointment of 40 grams, which costs up to 90 rubles in a pharmacy.
  4. Eplan. A unique and effective anti-infective agent with a wide spectrum of general action, belongs to the universal ones, reduces the healing time. The remedy has many qualities, it can anesthetize and remove puffiness, it is used at every stage of the treatment of abrasions and wounds. It can also be used for burns and frostbite, it can even be suitable for microbial eczema, herpes, treatment of genital warts and various skin diseases. It is usually made in the form of a solution and a cream, also in the pharmacy there are soaked gauze wipes and special antiseptic wipes, the ointment costs up to 180 rubles.
  5. Baneotion. The tool can be sold in the form of an ointment or powder, quickly forms crusts for small and medium wounds, the composition here is complex, contains antibiotics. It can be used immediately after receiving a wound, only the powder should be used first, and only then the Baneocyon ointment itself can be used together with Lanolin. A modern ointment and a special powder are used to treat folliculitis and ulcers, as well as eczema, they can treat the navel of children, this ointment costs up to 270 rubles in pharmacies.

Folk remedies for quick healing

Wounds, that is, various damage to human tissues and skin with shallow depth and slight bleeding, can be treated at home, while a deep wound requires the help of specialists.

As soon as a wound has appeared, it must immediately be treated with a special solution for disinfection, and you can also use water for this, only it must be boiled before that.

Then, around the wound itself, the edges should be lubricated; this can be done a solution of ordinary iodine or alcohol, now it is only possible to treat this wound in different ways, of which there are a lot.

The simplest and most effective methods of treatment:

  1. Celandine leaves it is required to knead thoroughly and then apply directly to the wound, it is best to use fresh leaves, and if there are only dry ones, then they should be steamed first.
  2. The roots of celandine and burdock are taken in the amount of 30 grams, and after that the mixture is poured with 100 ml of sunflower oil, then this mixture must be boiled over low heat for 15 minutes and then strained well. The mixture is used to lubricate wounds 2-3 times daily for 12-15 days.
  3. Eucalyptus leaves in the amount of 50 grams it is required to pour 0.5 l of boiling water, and then this mixture is boiled for about 3-5 minutes on average, now the mixture is filtered and 2 l.st. honey. The tool is used for baths and lotions, do it daily for 12-14 days or more.
  4. Can be used to treat severe wounds liquid honey, which is taken in equal proportions with spermaceti, you can also add 10% calendula ointment. Various honey ointments are excellent for treating mild to moderate wounds, and the ointment is also used to prepare a person for a major operation.
  5. Grass cudweed taken in the amount of 1 tbsp. and poured with boiling water, the mixture should stand for 30 minutes, and then you need to strain it and add another spoonful of honey. Then the mixture is thoroughly mixed, after which it can only be taken orally, 1 tbsp. daily 3 times before meals.
  6. crushed root ordinary bean parnolistnika is mixed with vegetable oil, as well as lard or lamb, used as an ointment.
  7. Is taken 50 g of rhizome of pharmacy kupena, and then crushed and poured with 0.5 l of water, the mixture is boiled for 20 minutes, and after cooling it can be used as a lotion and compress for a bleeding or ordinary wound. It is required to work carefully, since the plant is classified as slightly poisonous, so it is forbidden to use it inside.
  8. Resin is collected from a coniferous tree, which is then melted and mixed with cow's butter in a ratio of 1: 1 exactly, such a balm should be used to cover the wound twice daily.
  9. Birch buds must be defended in 0.5 liters of vodka, after 3 days the composition is used for processing. Prepare a whole remedy in a different way, crushed birch buds should be mixed with 2 parts of butter, the resulting ointment is used to treat the wound every day.

Precautionary measures

A large number of different injuries are accompanied by general bleeding, which entails the loss of large volumes of blood and infection.

It is required to know that only small and medium-sized wounds can be treated on their own, when their width does not exceed 1 cm, otherwise the help of a specialist is required. If you forget to do timely wound treatment, this will lead to anaerobic and pyogenic infections, and will also cause tetanus and even hepatitis.

Infection can then lead to abscesses and cellulitis, lymphadenitis and lymphangitis, as well as sepsis, erysipelas, gas gangrene, and so on. The patient should also be injected with tetanus toxoid, and also requires toxoid and various vitamins, plasma and gamma globulin.

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Many believe that the treatment of facial abrasions is a problem that is relevant mainly for children, but this opinion is a mistake, because abrasions are also not uncommon in adults, including on the face.

Among wounds of all types and varieties, abrasions are the most common. Of course, such injuries do not pose any threat to human life, but, like any wound, abrasions also require treatment.

You will learn how to quickly cure abrasions on the face, how to treat abrasions on the face of a child, with what means you can heal the damage - you will learn later in this article.

First aid and treatment of abrasions

As a rule, an abrasion appears on any part of the body as a result of a fall or impact on a blunt object. In this case, bruising of soft tissues and damage to the skin occurs, as a result of which swelling, redness quickly appear, gradually turning into a hematoma, and with a superficial location of the vessels, capillary bleeding may also begin.

Since an abrasion is accompanied by damage to the skin, it must be treated, not only in order to cleanse it of impurities, but also in order to prevent the penetration of various harmful bacteria and viruses into the body.

Upon receipt of an abrasion, it should be washed with clean running water using soap, the best of all is ordinary household or children's soap without additives. Soap allows not only to effectively remove various contaminants from the damage surface, but also to eliminate many types of dangerous bacteria. But such processing will not be enough.

It is important to disinfect the wound using special antiseptic solutions., such as hydrogen peroxide, Miramistin, Chlorhexidine, a weak solution of potassium permanganate, diluted in water Furacilin.

Some solutions can simply be poured onto the surface of the damage and wait a bit for the composition to penetrate the damaged tissues and eliminate pathogens. But it is also impossible to do so if, of all the preparations, only hydrogen peroxide is at hand.

For treatment with a solution, you should take a gauze swab, moisten it in the solution and use it to gently, with blotting movements, apply the substance to the surface of the abrasion and the skin around it.

After disinfection, one of the means to accelerate healing can be applied to the wound in the form of a powder, gel, cream or ointment, over which it is necessary to apply a bandage from a gauze napkin fixed with a plaster.

How to treat abrasions on the face?

Applying a bandage after the primary treatment of the resulting damage is mandatory, since it is very important to protect the abrasion from the penetration of new pathogenic microbes and various environmental contaminants. In addition, applying a bandage helps stop bleeding.

It is not recommended to use standard medical cotton for dressing, since in most cases it is not sterile, and its fibers can dry out on the wound and cause new damage when the dressing is changed and the dressing is removed.

In most cases, for the treatment of small abrasions, it is recommended to use cotton pads soaked in an antiseptic solution, in particular, Chlorhexidine or Miramistin, which are applied to the surface of the abrasion, covered with a sterile gauze and fixed with a plaster. This bandage should be changed several times a day. After a crust forms on the wound, the bandage is removed and left in the air.

The use of an ointment for healing wounds on the face is not considered appropriate until a crust appears, especially if infection and suppuration have been avoided.

After the formation of a scab, ointments or creams should be applied to soften the surface so that the normal movement of the muscles and muscles does not crack or damage the formed crust.

You can lubricate the surface of a healing abrasion with ointments such as Solcoseryl
, Levomekol, Zinc, Ichthyol. Such funds not only help protect the body from penetration into it through damage to various microorganisms, but also significantly accelerate the healing and restoration of injured tissues.

In addition, to soften the surface of the scab, as well as to accelerate the regeneration processes, creams such as Boro-plus or Boro-fresh can also be applied. Creams and ointments after the formation of a scab on the surface of the abrasion are applied without bandaging.

Folk remedies

Consider the ways and means by which it is possible to treat abrasions at home. Traditional medicine offers people a wide variety of methods for treating various diseases, wounds, injuries and skin lesions, including abrasions. Traditional medicine methods are almost always safer in comparison with chemical pharmaceutical products, but at the same time they are no less effective.

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How can you smear abrasions on the face? For the treatment and treatment of abrasions, folk doctors recommend using natural lavender oil, which has not only a pleasant smell, but also bactericidal properties.

Lavender oil allows you to quickly stop bleeding and accelerates skin regeneration processes.

Tea tree oil also has pronounced antiseptic properties, which you can buy today in many pharmacies. The application of such a tool allows not only to stop the reproduction of various pathogenic bacteria, but also to speed up the processes of treatment and restoration of damaged tissues. Natural honey also has a similar effect.

For the healing of minor wounds, which include abrasions, folk doctors also recommend using various oil balms. For treatment, washing and processing, you can use decoctions of herbs, for example, celandine, calendula, chamomile, and then use oil infused with medicinal herbs.

If there are no such remedies at hand, you can lubricate the abrasion with natural olive oil or use natural butter for this purpose, the fat content of which is at least 85%.

Treatment of abrasions in children

It is children who get various abrasions most often, because they are very actively learning about the world around them and learning many things, falling at the same time, tearing off the skin on their elbows and knees, as well as on their faces.

When you get an abrasion in a child, it is important to wash it with running water and soap as soon as possible.

If the damage is localized on the face, you can use a cotton or gauze swab, which should be moistened in boiled water, lather with soap and wipe the damage with the resulting foam, then wash off the soap with a clean swab and boiled water.

It is necessary to treat an abrasion on the face with an antiseptic solution. You can simply soak a cotton pad or gauze with Chlorhexidine or Miramistin, apply it to the abrasion and secure with a bandage or a light patch that does not stick to the skin very much.

You can treat the wound with hydrogen peroxide, but it is important to remember that it is forbidden to pour this solution onto damaged tissues directly from the vial, since air bubbles that appear when peroxide gets on the skin and living tissues and remove all bacteria and other microorganisms can enter the bloodstream and lead to embolism.

How to quickly remove abrasions on the face

If the abrasion is on the face and it needs to be removed as quickly as possible, then the following measures should be taken:

Applying ice will help prevent the appearance and spread of a hematoma., and the ointment from abrasions on the face helps to resolve the internal bruise that forms after the blow received, even before it appears on the surface of the skin.

How to cover up abrasions

If the abrasion is small and was immediately properly treated, and measures were taken to quickly eliminate it, then the next day only a few scratches will remain at the site of the injury.

Of course, scratches will not become a decoration of a person's appearance, so it is best to disguise them.

The easiest way to do this is with a regular foundation, which is used as a base for makeup. But at the same time, it is important to choose the right tone of the product so that it does not differ from the natural color of the skin. For women, it is better to apply foundation on the entire surface of the face.

You can additionally powder the damage, and if the abrasion is on the cheek, then apply a little blush on top of it, remembering to do it symmetrically on the other side.

In addition, today you can buy a special pencil to mask minor skin damage, scratches, thin scars, choosing the one that matches the basic skin tone. Such tools are very convenient to use, they allow you to very accurately apply a masking substance to the site of damage, and if necessary, repeat this procedure almost anywhere, which is very convenient for many people.

Now you know about the methods of quick treatment of facial abrasions and how to quickly heal scratches, what ointments and remedies can be used.

- a protective barrier that prevents the penetration of dangerous bacteria and fungi into the body.

If its integrity is violated, there is a risk of infection, so any, even the most insignificant wound, must be treated with special means.

Any pharmacy today offers a wide range of drugs, this article will help you understand which ointment is better, which balm should be purchased for deep wounds, which gel is best used for non-healing cuts.

The principle of action of healing ointments

Throughout our lives, each of us has repeatedly faced the problem of the appearance of wounds and abrasions on the skin.

In childhood, our parents treated such lesions with brilliant green and iodine, today ointments have appeared in pharmacies for the healing of various wounds on the skin.

Their use demonstrates an amazing result: proper processing accelerates healing, prevents the appearance of scars, suppuration and sepsis.

Universal remedies for the treatment of abrasions are presented in a wide range, in order to understand why a quick-healing ointment is better than iodine or brilliant green, it is necessary to have a general idea of ​​\u200b\u200bthe consequences of violations of the integrity of the skin.

  1. Firstly, when a wound appears on the skin, special resources of the body are turned on, they are directed to speed up the regeneration process. This involves the immune, circulatory, enzymatic, and endocrine systems. That is why shallow injuries and abrasions quickly heal on their own, after which they do not even leave scars. It is impossible to water the injured area with iodine and brilliant green: there is a risk of a chemical burn. Only the edges of the damage can be treated with such means, but it is important to treat the cut itself with hydrogen peroxide. Any ointment for healing wounds on the skin easily replaces iodine and peroxide, while it additionally anesthetizes, disinfects the wound, enhances regeneration processes, so the skin tightens faster.
  2. Secondly, a simple layman should know that the principles of treatment of mechanical, thermal and chemical damage to the integrity of the skin are different. Therefore, only mechanical damage to the skin with a small area and with an insignificant depth can be treated independently. The use of creams and gels becomes appropriate if the wound does not bleed, does not fester, if the damaged area does not provoke severe swelling. Chemical and thermal burns, deep constantly bleeding abrasions should only be treated by a doctor.

Pharmacists are ready to offer many solutions to the problem, the best of them are worthy of appearing in home medicine cabinets.

Ointment "Solcoseryl" for wound healing

The most popular ointment for wounds among drugs is Solcoseryl.

The active substance is deproteinized dialysate, an ingredient containing a wide range of low molecular weight components of the blood serum of young calves.

They most effectively stimulate the reproduction of new cells responsible for the restoration of damaged tissue.

The human immune system perceives such foreign elements as neutral substances, therefore it does not react to them in any way.

Therefore, the use of the described drug cannot provoke the development of allergic reactions.

The blood of young calves undergoes a dialysis procedure, in which it is released from impurities unnecessary to the human body.

Such processing of the source material provides Solcoseryl with a good therapeutic effect.

Ointment from cuts, from wounds stimulates the maturation of young cells, the formation of collagen fibers, prevents the appearance of exudate (dries the wound).

Such a broad action ensures the widespread use of the remedy, this medicine is actively used to treat bedsores, burns, it is the best healing ointment for the treatment of deep cuts and non-healing wounds.

Spray "Panthenol" for wound healing

Panthenol is the best spray for wounds and cuts. The active substance is dexpanthenol, a drug from the vitamin B group.

Dexpanthenol is a derivative of panthenolic acid, the main component of the regeneration process. Hence the name of the drug.

The spray activates the growth of new skin cells, so wounds and abrasions heal quickly. The release form itself is the main advantage of the drug.

An ointment or gel must be applied to the damaged area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe skin, such an action further injures it, causing severe pain.

The use of a spray eliminates the need for touching. It has a texture that evenly falls on the treated area.

"Panthenol" can be used during pregnancy, in the treatment of young children. The spectrum of action is quite wide: from abrasions and wounds, to blistering dermatitis.

The spray has one drawback - the high price, if it is necessary to carry out long-term treatment, one bottle is not enough for a long time.

Ointment "Levomekol" for wound healing

Levomekol is the cheapest ointment that heals wounds and cuts. Its chemical formula prevents the spread of the infectious process.

The main active substance is chloramphenicol, a component that has an antimicrobial effect.

Such ointments for wounds should definitely appear in first-aid kits for those people in whose life skin damage is a common and fairly common occurrence, for those whose immunity is reduced for some subjective reasons.

"Levomekol" reduces the activity of a number of pathogenic microorganisms, including staphylococcus, Pseudomonas aeruginosa, E. coli - pathogens that cause suppuration and abrasions and wounds.

The effectiveness of the product is confirmed by official clinical trials, it must be used when it is necessary to repeatedly carry out antiseptic treatment of skin lesions.

"Levomekol" is always included in the treatment of non-healing wounds.

A good, inexpensive cut ointment helps prevent skin infections.

Ointment "Eplan" for wound healing

"Eplan" - a universal remedy for abrasions and wounds. It has a wide spectrum of action, at the same time, disinfects, dries, anesthetizes, softens and stimulates regenerating processes.

Such a tool can be used for any skin damage, it is equally effective in the treatment of chemical burns, sunburn, it is readily used by cosmetologists and dermatologists to treat wounds on the face, on the legs, on the hands.

Treated wounds heal quickly, even the itching that occurs after insect bites disappears.

"" - the best ointment for open wounds, it is effective, versatile, and most importantly, it is inexpensive.

"Vishnevsky's ointment" for wound healing

For the treatment of an inflammatory wound, Vishnevsky's Ointment is used.

It is based on three ingredients: tar, xeroform and castor oil.

Mixed in certain proportions, they allow you to get a formula with a special effect: the agent enhances the inflammatory process, provokes the transition of infiltrates to the stage of purulent formations, which quickly “ripen” and open, so the ointment helps to get rid of pus well.

Freed from pus, the skin quickly dries up and heals.

A similar principle of action determines the range of application - the ointment is applied to the wound when it becomes very inflamed, when there are signs of a reactive infection, when trophic ulcers appear on the legs.

Natural based wound healing products

It is advisable to use for wounds on the face, for cuts and shallow cracks, as well as for the treatment of superficial abrasions, creams and ointments based on natural ingredients.

They allow you to minimize pain, prevent the appearance of undesirable consequences in the form of scars and scars.

Cream "Astroderm" for wound healing

The best cream for abrasions, cuts, household thermal burns and small wounds is Astroderm.

It contains extracts of yarrow and calendula, vitamins B and E, as well as allantoin and vinylin.

Such a healing cream for small wounds has a drying effect, it helps to avoid infection, helps to restore the integrity of the skin.

Cosmetologists willingly use "Astroderm" for wounds on the face, recommend using the remedy to reduce adverse external influences (wind, dampness and cold).

It is necessary to choose this ointment for burns and cuts when it is necessary to combine the treatment of minor damage to the skin and at the same time ensure a good cosmetic effect.

Ointment "Rescuer" for wound healing

For the treatment of cracks and abrasions on the leg, it is better to choose the Rescuer ointment.

It also has a wide spectrum of action, therefore it is used for burn injuries of the skin, with the appearance of diaper rash, bruising, acne.

The composition contains natural ingredients such as sea buckthorn oil, beeswax, milk lipids.

Sea buckthorn oil stimulates regeneration, beeswax has a bactericidal effect, lipids form a thin film cover that prevents the damaged area from drying out.

Ointment for healing wounds on the skin, based on natural ingredients, can be used by pregnant women, those who have individual intolerance to certain chemical components.

The first changes occur a few hours after applying the product to the damaged area.

The duration of one application is 8 hours.

Ointment "Cycaderma" for wound healing

Children from a year old are also most often prescribed wound healing ointments for treatment, which contain only components of natural origin.

An example of such a remedy is the drug "Cycaderma".

Composed of:

  • active ingredients;
  • extracts and pomace from wild rosemary;
  • hypericum;
  • millennium.

"Cycaderma" - ointment for wounds with a small surface of damage, it is used for abrasions, burns.

The natural formula heals, accelerates the process of tightening the walls of the cut.

You can prepare ointments for healing at home.

The following video clearly demonstrates detailed cooking instructions.

After reviewing it, it will not be difficult at home to make ointments for healing closed injuries, ointments for open wounds.


The article contains a complete review of medicines, tells about the principle by which an ointment should be chosen for open and closed wounds.

Analysis of the material allows us to draw one simple conclusion: for the treatment of minor injuries, it is better to use natural-based remedies, for deep wounds on the skin, the use of drugs becomes appropriate.

Ointment for wound healing

Damage to the skin and mucous membranes must be treated with medicinal formulations, because this prevents the penetration of infections into the body, and accelerates regeneration. Wound healing ointment can have both antimicrobial and antibacterial properties. Many drugs are also used as antiseptic, anti-inflammatory, regenerating agents.

What are wound healing ointments

When buying ointments for wound healing, it is important to consider their classification. Means are selected depending on the etiology (cause) and the phase of the wound process. If the wound is deep, an antibacterial drug will be required, with an anesthetic effect. The damage has become inflamed - you will need an antiseptic, antimicrobial ointment. When the wound process is at the last stage, you need a remedy for skin regeneration.

In composition, they differ in:

  • Antimicrobials, antibiotics.
  • Enzyme preparations based on amino acids, protease, chymotrypsin and others. They are used in combination with other gels and ointments.
  • Medicines with plant extracts: with aloe juice, Kalanchoe, sea buckthorn oil, calendula, propolis. Relieve inflammation and restore the skin.

Pharmacy preparations

Before applying the remedy, you need to wash the wound, treat the scratches with hydrogen peroxide. Cream "ARGOSULFAN®" helps to accelerate the healing of small wounds. The combination of the antibacterial component of silver sulfathiazole and silver ions provides a wide range of antibacterial action of the cream. You can apply the drug not only on wounds located in open areas of the body, but also under bandages. The tool has not only a wound healing, but also an antimicrobial effect, and in addition, it promotes wound healing without a rough scar.

For open wounds

An open wound begins to be treated with ointments when the tissues dry out. The funds are applied in a thin layer. Use ointments for wound healing:

Postoperative sutures

The sutures are removed 7-14 days after the operation, treated with an antiseptic. Removal can occur gradually: a few days before the complete removal of the sutures, they are removed after one. It is important to process the seams daily, Levomekol is used (this bactericidal ointment is almost universal), Dioxyzol, Bepanten-cream is a preparation based on deskpanthenol. A good effect gives "Baneocin".


The choice of remedy depends on the degree of the burn. If it is mild (grade 1 or 2), local anesthetics, regenerating drugs are used. For more severe lesions, with blisters and blisters, an antimicrobial ointment for burns is used - Fusiderm, Fusimet. Helps restore tissue after a burn - including a chemical one - actovegin ointment.


A popular remedy that smears minor burns and abrasions on adults and children is the Rescuer balm (or its equivalent, the Guardian), they can treat a fresh cut on the finger, after washing off the dirt. In second place is the "maternal ambulance" - "Bepanten": the drug is safe for newborns, helps with diaper rash, it is also used to relieve symptoms of children's skin allergies. The advantages of the product are that it is safe, can be used for a long time even during pregnancy, lubricate cracked nipples during lactation.

pressure sores

The danger of this condition is a violation of blood circulation, the possibility of infection of the wound and the beginning of the process of decay. To avoid such consequences, "Solcoseryl" / "Actovegin" is prescribed, at the beginning of treatment 25% gels, and when it gets better, after about 5-10 days they switch to 5% cream. At the final stage, 5% ointment is used. Another ointment for bedsores is Algofin, it contains chlorophyll. Silver-based products showed themselves well - Sulfargin, Agrosulfan.

Purulent wounds

Fat-based ointments, vaseline-lanolin, antibiotic formulations are used in the treatment of purulent wounds. Known drugs:

  • "Ichthyol ointment" - anesthetizes, has a bactericidal effect. A cotton swab is impregnated with the agent, applied to the wound, covered with a sterile napkin or parchment on top, fixed with a plaster or bandage.
  • Vishnevsky's ointment - draws pus from the wound. It is used in the form of lotions and compresses.
  • Synthomycin ointment - contains an antibiotic, used in the treatment of infected wounds.
  • Streptocid ointment - effective for purulent scratches, abrasions, small abscessing wounds. Streptocide draws out pus, disinfects.

In the mouth

Gum damage can be cured with dental ointments such as Cholisal, Metragil Denta, Kalgel, and so on. The drugs are used for stomatitis, gingivitis, diseases during which wounds form on the gums. These gels have a slight anesthetic effect, often contain lidocaine, act as antiseptics, and eliminate inflammation.

With diabetes

The wounds of diabetics do not heal well, as the immune system is reduced in patients, cracks appear in already treated wounds. Damage should be treated immediately with an antiseptic. If the wound is not healing, festering, they are treated with antibiotics: Levosin, Levomekol. When healing tissues, methyluracil ointment, fatty-based products, such as Trofodermin, are used. When choosing a drug for a diabetic, carefully read the instructions for contraindications.

Regenerating agents

At the last stage of wound healing, its epithelialization occurs, new tissue matures, and turns into a connective tissue scar. The skin grows, thin, pink. In this phase, it is important to use regeneration products to avoid the formation of coarse permanent scars and scars. Regenerative drugs include:

  • Means based on despanthenol ("Bepanthen", "Panthenol"), they soften the skin, accelerate the recovery processes.
  • Sea buckthorn oil is a natural product that promotes the regeneration of skin cells.
  • "Actovegin" - in any form.
  • "Aekol" is a vitamin preparation containing retinol, menadione, betacarotene and vitamin E.
  • "Methyluracil" - improves tissue trophism, accelerates regeneration. It is used in the healing of wounds in intimate places, in gynecology.
  • Aloe-based products - have anti-inflammatory, antibacterial effect, stimulate tissue repair.

Video: aloe ointment for inflamed wounds