Treatment of acute respiratory diseases in children. An increase in temperature in acute respiratory infections is a protective reaction of the body

Acute respiratory viral infections (SARS) - the most common diseases - up to 90% of all cases of infectious diseases. Everyone gets sick with them - some more often, others less often, but all. In winter more often (viruses are much more active at this time), in summer - less often, but they still get sick.
Symptoms SARS depend, first of all, on where, in what part of the respiratory tract, the virus caused the most severe inflammatory process. To mark this place, there are many terrible medical words. RHINITIS- damage to the nasal mucosa, PHARYNGITIS- damage to the mucous membrane of the pharynx, NASOPHARYNGITIS(nose and throat at the same time), TONSILLITIS(tonsils), LARYNGITIS(larynx), TRACHEITIS(trachea), BRONCHITIS(bronchi), BRONCHIOLITIS(the smallest bronchi are bronchioles).
Combining these words (tonsilopharyngitis, laryngotracheitis, tracheobronchitis, etc.), readers may well not only join medical terminology but also use the information received for personal gain. It's one thing to tell your boss at work that you or your child has had SARS, and quite another - to tell about the transferred nasopharyngotonsillitis.
Given the general belief that the severity of the disease is directly related to the incomprehensibility of the diagnosis, the sympathy of your superiors is guaranteed.
SARS symptoms well known to everyone, if only because a person who has never SARS didn't get sick, just didn't exist. at first malaise, well and increase in body temperature, runny nose and cough do not make you wait long. caught a cold- the man declares with conviction. It is in this connection that I would very much like to explain the difference between such concepts as " caught a cold" and "infected", since the meaning of the frequently used word " cold"Actually, not everyone knows.
So, let's look at the explanatory dictionary:
COLD 1. Cooling to which the body has undergone. 2. The illness caused by such cooling (colloquial).
The main conclusion from this definition is that cold usually has nothing to do with SARS. And in the nose, and in the pharynx, and in the bronchi there is enough microbes (not viruses, but bacteria) that cause diseases (all the same pharyngitis and tonsillitis), with weakening defensive forces organism, which is facilitated hypothermia, excessive sweating, walking barefoot, overweight physical exercise, drafts, cold water. And get sick SARS- it means to get infected from an already sick person.
And about one more medical term that is familiar to everyone - ORZ, which stands for . If the physician is convinced that runny nose, cough and temperature rise caused by a virus, then he (the doctor) uses the concept already known to us SARS. However, the reason is the same cough and runny nose sometimes it is not entirely clear or there is simply no time to understand (50 people a day at the clinic and 30 house calls). In this situation, it is very convenient to talk about ORZ, because the concept " acute respiratory disease"combines and SARS, and colds, and exacerbation of chronic infections of the nasopharynx, and bacterial complications SARS.
Almost all manifestations respiratory viral infection - increase in body temperature, runny nose, cough, refusal to eat - are ways of fighting the body with the causative agent of infection.
Increase in body temperature- most typical manifestation Not only SARS but also any infectious disease. The body thus stimulates itself, while producing substances that will fight the pathogen.
Each person is individual and tolerates temperature rise differently. Some go to work at 39 degrees, while others pass out at 37.5. Therefore, there can be no universal recommendations as to how long to wait and after what number on the thermometer scale to start escaping.
The main thing for us is the following. At increase in body temperature everything must be done to ensure that the body has the opportunity to lose heat. Heat is lost in two ways - by evaporation of sweat and by warming the inhaled air. Two mandatory action: 1. Plentiful drink - so that there is something to sweat. 2. Cool air in the room. If these conditions are met, the likelihood that the body itself will not cope with the temperature is very small.
When the body comes into contact with cold, a spasm of skin vessels occurs. It slows down blood flow, reduces the formation of sweat and heat transfer. The skin temperature decreases, but the temperature internal organs increases. And it's extremely dangerous! Do not use the so-called "physical cooling methods" at home: ice packs, wet cold sheets, cold enemas, etc. In hospitals or after a doctor's visit, you can, because before (before physical methods cooling), doctors prescribe special medications that eliminate spasm of skin vessels. At home, everything must be done to prevent spasm of skin vessels. Therefore, cool air, but enough warm clothes.
The higher Body temperature The more intense the sweating, the more you need to drink. The optimal drink is dried fruit compote, which contains many essential substances, for example, potassium, which is very (!) necessary for normal operation heart and blood vessels, especially high temperature. Raspberry tea sharply increases the formation of sweat. Therefore, you must be sure that there is something to sweat, which means that before raspberries you should drink something else (the same compote).
If compote is not hunting, but hunting something else, remember: any liquid that you agree to drink is better (mineral water, herbal decoctions, viburnum, rose hips, currants, etc.) than not drinking at all.
There are, and not infrequently, situations where increase in body temperature poorly tolerated. For some diseases nervous system high body temperature can trigger seizures, especially in children. And, by and large, a temperature above 39 degrees, which lasts more than an hour, has no less negative effects than positive ones.
In all the situations described (I repeat: 1. Poor temperature tolerance; 2. Concomitant diseases nervous system; 3. Body temperature above 39 degrees) it makes sense to use drugs. Immediately, we note: the effectiveness of any drugs is reduced, and the likelihood adverse reactions increases significantly if the above two main tasks are not solved (the proper drinking regime is not provided and the air temperature in the room is not reduced). For home use, two drugs are optimal - paracetamol(synonyms - tylenol, panadol, eferalgan) and ibuprofen (nurofen, brufen). In a relationship paracetamol and ibuprofen, I would like to note the following: these drugs, on the one hand, are very safe, and on the other, they are moderately effective. Not with a single serious infection to achieve with their help a significant decrease in body temperature fails. That's why paracetamol and ibuprofen should always be in the house, as they help people correctly assess the severity of the disease: if the temperature has dropped after taking it, it means that a high degree probability, we can conclude that you have nothing terrible (more terrible than SARS). But if the effect of taking paracetamol or ibuprofen is missing - it's time to hurry up and not put off going to the doctor.
Runny nose most often it is a manifestation of a viral disease. Firstly, the body thus tries to stop the infection in the nose (not to let it go further - into the throat, into the lungs), and secondly, the nasal mucosa secretes mucus (in human language it is called "snot"), which in huge quantities contains substances that neutralize viruses. The main task is to prevent the mucus from drying out. This requires, again, clean cool air and a sufficient amount of liquid consumed inside. If the mucus dries up, you will breathe through your mouth and then the mucus in the lungs will begin to dry out, clogging the bronchi, and this is one of the main reasons for the development of inflammation (pneumonia) in them.
At a room temperature above 22 degrees, the mucus dries out very quickly. The conclusions are obvious.
You can help yourself by moistening the nasal passages with drops that make the mucus thinner. The simplest and all available remedy- physiological saline (available in all pharmacies). This is ordinary water with a small amount of salt added. It is impossible to overdose it, so drip quite calmly at least every half hour, 3-4 drops into each nostril (in the case when the pharmacy is far away or there is no time to run there, you can make some semblance of saline yourself - for 1 liter boiled water add 1 teaspoon of salt, to be more precise - 9 grams). Highly good drug- ekteritsid - an oily liquid with weak disinfectant properties, and the oil, covering thin layer mucous membranes, prevents them from drying out.
Never, under any circumstances, drip antibiotic solutions into your nose!
It is unacceptable to use with normal (viral) runny nose vasoconstrictor drops (naphthyzinum, galazolin, sanorin, nazol). At first it becomes very good - mucus disappears, and then very bad - swelling of the nasal mucosa begins. It manifests itself like this: the snot stopped running, but nasal breathing not only does not recover, but also worsens (“you won’t breathe”). And in order to feel good again, you have to drip again. And so on ad infinitum. I repeat: runny nose is protection. He himself will pass, if not to interfere, but to help. These medicines were invented for the treatment of a completely different rhinitis - not infectious, but allergic.
Now for the cough. Any normal person should at least sometimes cough. The body thus cleanses the lungs of the mucus that accumulates in them. It cannot be otherwise, because a person breathes not the cleanest air. With any diseases of the lungs and upper respiratory tract, the amount of mucus increases - it is necessary to clean the bronchi and neutralize viruses and bacteria. And the accumulated mucus (it is called sputum) is removed by the body through cough.
As with the nose, the main thing is to prevent the sputum from drying out - all the same cool air and drink. It is strictly unacceptable to use without the direction of a doctor medicines, oppressive cough(glaucine, libexin, tusuprex, broncholithin)! And if it’s unbearable, then use drugs that affect sputum (making it less thick) and increase the contraction of the bronchi. Cough, whatever it may be, always allows you to wait for the local doctor and consult.
The main, very comforting and very optimistic conclusion: in the vast majority of cases, the body normal person quite capable of coping with a viral infectious disease without any outside help. And our main task is not to interfere with the body!
Always remember: the number and severity of complications, as well as the duration of the illness, are closely related to the amount of medication you use. The more beautiful pills you eat, the more beautiful bottles, ampoules and syringes you will buy later when you treat complications.

High temperatures can rise with acute respiratory infections, and with influenza, SARS. All this - medical terms, therefore, when prescribing treatment, doctors take into account the results of tests, also additional symptoms(cough, sneezing, runny nose, sore and congested throat).

SARS- the most common disease, but quite successfully treated and does not lead to complications. However, any - any introduction of infection into the body requires elimination, so do not rely on the common cold and the rapid passage of symptoms.

If the temperature does not go away after 3-4 days, then you need to consult a doctor, undergo an examination

Characteristics of SARS

SARS (acute respiratory viral infection) unlike the common cold, it is a disease caused by viruses and has a slightly different course of acute respiratory infections or influenza. Although external signs are similar, and only a detailed blood test, namely the leukocyte formula, will help doctors clarify the diagnosis.

Infection with viruses occurs in humans much more often. If bacteria join, then we are talking about acute respiratory infections. Often, specialists make a diagnosis at random. Although ARVI and ARI are not the same thing. Treatment for infection with viruses and bacteria is somewhat different.

In autumn, during stress, with a lack of vitamin, human immunity weakens, so it is so important to strengthen it. The drug is completely natural and allows for a short time recover from colds.

It has expectorant and bactericidal properties. Strengthens protective functions immunity, perfect as prophylactic. I recommend.

Characteristics of ORZ

ORZ - rather, it is a general term in medicine, implying the obscure nature of the airway lesion. The causative agent can be both viruses and bacteria, and yeast-like fungi.

ARI is usually diagnosed with tonsillitis, laryngitis, bronchitis, pharyngitis, rhinitis, mycoplasmosis, pneumonia due to complications.

ARI proceeds in different ways, so doctors under this term mean any infectious lesion of the respiratory tract. In this case, the symptoms resemble a cold and often doctors make a diagnosis at random.

Take care of your health! Strengthen your immunity!

Immunity is a natural reaction that protects our body from bacteria, viruses, etc. To improve tone, it is better to use natural adaptogens.

It is very important to support and strengthen the body not only with the absence of stress, good sleep, nutrition and vitamins, but also with the help of natural herbal remedies.

It has the following properties:

  • In 2 days, it kills viruses and eliminates the secondary signs of influenza and SARS
  • 24 hours immunity protection infectious period and in epidemics
  • Kills putrefactive bacteria in the gastrointestinal tract
  • The composition of the drug includes 18 herbs and 6 vitamins, extracts and plant concentrates
  • Removes toxins from the body, reducing the period of rehabilitation after illness

Causes of SARS and ARI

In medicine, there are more than 300 microorganisms (viruses, bacteria, fungi, microbes).

Even vaccinations against many of them are ineffective. If immunity is weakened, then influenza infection during the epidemic is not ruled out.

Certain strains of viruses and bacteria pose a threat to the development serious illnesses and consequences.

Ways of transmission of viruses:

  • air - drip way through the mouth when inhaling contaminated air;
  • alimentary way through food, dirty hands.

In acute respiratory infections, the consequences and complications may be more serious in the case of active reproduction of bacteria when symptoms are present.

Drops are completely natural and not only from herbs, but also with propolis, and with badger fat, which have long been known as good folk remedies. My main function works perfectly, I recommend."

Differences between SARS and ARI

ARVI and acute respiratory infections lead to damage to the respiratory tract. The difference is that with ARVI, viruses become the causative agent, and with acute respiratory infections, bacteria and viruses, when the diagnosis is made with rhinovirus, adenovirus, influenza, parainfluenza, i.e. manifestation of mixed infection.

Symptoms for ARVI and ARI are similar, although treatment varies significantly

The main cause of bronchitis accompanied by sputum is a viral infection. The disease occurs due to damage by bacteria, and in some cases - when exposed to allergens on the body.

Now you can safely purchase excellent natural preparations that alleviate the symptoms of the disease, and in a period of up to several weeks allow you to completely get rid of the disease.

Symptoms of ARVI and ARI

ARVI is more difficult for people to carry and has pronounced signs from the very first days:

  • weakness, malaise;
  • dry mouth;
  • sneezing
  • redness of the throat;
  • temperature rise to 38-39 gr.

Symptoms begin acutely but subside quickly. ARVI usually does not lead to complications.

With acute respiratory infections, the symptoms begin with a sharp increase in temperature, redness in the throat and the appearance of white plaque on the tongue in case of a bacterial infection.

Distinctive signs of ARI:

  • cough with sputum;
  • accumulation of yellow-green mucus in the nasal cavity.

The disease is on the rise. The temperature stays at 38-39 degrees for more than 5 days, appears:

  • runny nose;
  • nasal congestion;
  • pain and swelling in the throat;
  • dry cough;
  • white coating on the tongue;
  • aches in joints and muscles.

Temperature in ARVI and ARI

High temperature happens both with acute respiratory infections and with acute respiratory viral infections. This only indicates that the body begins to actively fight pathogens.

  1. The temperature for SARS is 37-40 gr. If it does not go down for a long time even after taking the pills (paracetamol, ibuprofen), then you need to urgently call ambulance especially for infants.
    It is important to understand that viral agents multiply rapidly when they enter the body. Of course, the immune system begins to fight, and the body - to produce leukocytes, designed to fight microbes.
  2. Temperature with acute respiratory infections -37-38 gr and of course, this is not a reason to panic. There is no need to rush to take the pills. Organisms are able to fight the disease on their own.
    But, in children and the elderly, the immune system is unstable, therefore, with an increase in T -38-39 g, it is no longer possible to remain inactive. It is advisable to take antipyretic medicine. Especially dangerous high performance for infants up to 1 year old.
    There may be convulsions, shortness of breath. General well-being will deteriorate sharply, which often happens in premature babies or those born with defects, other chronic diseases.

If the high temperature lasts for more than 4 days and does not become easier, then we can assume complications of a particular disease or activation of pathogenic bacteria, the addition of a bacterial infection.

This happens with SARS, when the temperature rises to 39 g and lasts more than 5 days in a row. Such a reaction of the body suggests that it is necessary to revise the treatment, take additional tests, if after 4-5 days the symptoms have not subsided, and the condition has not improved.

Diagnosis of ARVI and ARI

Only laboratory tests can help doctors identify real reasons the development of pathology, in particular the pathogen.

Basic diagnostic methods:

  • throat and nose swab to identify a pathogenic agent;
  • PCR analysis for differentiation of types of microorganisms;
  • tank culture from sputum or nasal secretions in order to identify the sensitivity of certain bacteria to antibiotics;
  • ELISA analysis to determine antibodies to viruses and bacteria, the degree of activity indicators of pathogenic bacteria.

With an infection caused by viruses, the level of leukocytes in the blood is increased. The microflora of the nasal mucosa can be mixed. When infected with staphylococcus or streptococcus, the doctor takes into account the symptoms of the patient.

Usually it is a runny nose, yellow or green discharge. thick discharge, cough with sputum, weakness, temperature to subfebrile values, white or purulent plaque on the tonsils.

The course of diseases and their consequences

With ARVI, the symptoms last no more than 5-7 days and quickly subside. If a high temperature persists for more than 1 week and other signs of infection appear in the body, complications are possible.

Doctors say that the disease has taken a severe course, and often redirect to x-rays chest with suspicion of pneumonia, pneumonia. This applies more often to older people with a weakened immune system and infants, when pneumonia is diagnosed, which is fraught with death.

In case of complications, patients are shown hospitalization and, for example, in case of pneumonia, round-the-clock medical supervision

With acute respiratory infections, in the case of a bacterial infection and damage to the tonsils in the mouth, development is possible:

  • tonsillitis with inflammation of the tonsils in the mouth;
  • otitis with inflammation of the middle ear;
  • meningitis with inflammation meninges.

All these diseases can be triggered by viruses, as well as diabetes Oh, glomerulonephritis. In the aggregate of pathologies, the consequences can be serious.

Although the symptoms are often mild and become chronic, sluggish.

This is especially dangerous when a serious illness is disguised as a common cold.

It happens that the patient experiences a slight malaise, although in fact he needs emergency treatment. ARI or SARS can give complications, and the consequences become unpredictable.

Treatment of acute respiratory infections

In order to avoid complications, ARI requires an integrated approach to treatment. Only a doctor can determine the nature of the development of the disease and after initial examination redirect to change laboratory tests to get a clear clinical picture ailment.

It is important to direct measures towards the removal, expulsion pathogenic microflora from the nasal mucosa.

They are prescribed for acute respiratory infections caused by bacteria:

  • antibiotics a wide range actions;
  • sprays for irrigation of the nasal cavity and throat (Stopangin, Geksoral, Theraflu);
  • antipyretics to relieve fever;
  • antitussive and expectorant drugs (Bioparox);
  • obligatory warm drink (infusions, fruit drinks, tea);
  • warm compresses.

If no effect is observed and local therapy for 3-4 days helplessly, then there may be complications, the transition of the usual acute respiratory disease into bronchitis, tracheitis.

Systemic treatment is prescribed for more than strong antibiotics(Flemoxin, Amoxiclav, Azithromycin, Erythromycin)

SARS treatment

With an orvi caused by viruses, antibiotics are powerless and can only be prescribed if a bacterial infection is attached. Antibiotics have no effect on viruses and can only lead to dysbacteriosis, a complicated course of the disease.

Needed for SARS A complex approach to treatment. Viruses are able to multiply inside cells, which are difficult for many medical preparations to reach. Doctors often prescribe drugs that destroy viruses together with infected cells.

Usually, with ARVI, there is a strong intoxication of the body, so detoxification and fluid replenishment are required.

Treatment for SARS:

  • antiviral agents
  • antipyretics (paracetamol, acetyl chloride)
  • preparations for gargling (Lizobakt, Adzhisept, saline)
  • inhalations on the larynx and nasopharynx (Furacilin, Faringosept, saline, mineral water)
  • mucolytics (Glaucin, Dextromethorphan) for severe cough
  • baths with the addition of medicinal herbs (linden, calendula)
  • warm drink with the addition of honey, lemon, cardamom.

When infected with viruses, it is important to regulate nutrition, replenish the body with fluid to accelerate the elimination of the decay products of the vital activity of viruses from the body.

The symptoms of SARS are different. Diseases caused by viruses are not dangerous, but the risk group includes people who have accompanying illnesses Key words: diabetes mellitus, tuberculosis, heart failure.

In order to avoid complications, it is necessary to treat ARVI, and this group people are still long months after recovery under the strict supervision of doctors.

When to see a doctor?

It is no longer worth postponing a visit to the doctor if there is no improvement on the 4-5th day from the onset of the disease and the temperature does not go down.

Symptoms after 1 week on days 7-8 appear on the rise and are completely uncharacteristic of the usual ARVI or acute respiratory infections.

  • thirst;
  • dryness and pallor of the skin;
  • severe pain in one place or another;
  • purulent discharge from the nasal cavity;
  • dyspnea;
  • cramps in the limbs of the arms and legs in children;
  • clouding of mind;
  • dizziness;
  • nausea and vomiting.

Disease prevention

There are differences between SARS and influenza and SARS. But prevention comes down to preventing infection, eliminating sources that can lead to unpleasant consequences.

To protect yourself from SARS and ARI means:

  • wear clothes according to the weather;
  • prevent hypothermia of the body;
  • adjust good nutrition, having equipped with minerals and vitamins;
  • carry out hardening procedures that significantly reduce the risk of infection with colds, viruses and bacteria (especially in the off-season);
  • avoid visiting crowded places in autumn and spring during the epidemic;
  • vaccinate in a timely manner.

SARS or acute respiratory infections in people with stable immunity usually occur in mild form and complications are rare. Children and the elderly are more vulnerable.

If the disease is not treated in time and the existing symptoms are not eliminated, then relapses, complications, and the transition of an existing infectious disease of the upper respiratory tract to the chronic stage are possible.

The inflammatory process, when penetrating into the deeper tissues of the body, negatively affects cardiovascular system, liver and kidneys. Could be myocarditis, pericarditis, or pneumonia.

risk getting chronic pathology exactly immunocompromised people who are HIV-positive.

Bronchitis and pneumonia caused by bacteria and viruses are dangerous, when damage to both lungs can immediately lead to lethal outcome.

Even the strongest intoxication of the body and a high temperature that does not subside for a long time can cause death. Influenza at severe course lead to meningitis and encephalitis - no less dangerous ailments.

It is important to learn to distinguish acute respiratory infections from SARS and influenza. If the symptoms appear in an increasing way, do not subside and there are additional unpleasant signs, then it is better not to postpone the appeal to the doctor.

Only a specialist, based on the diagnostic tests performed, will prescribe the correct and complex treatment to avoid serious complications. The consequences of a common cold can be quite severe.

ARI (acute respiratory infections, acute respiratory infections, colds) do not manifest themselves immediately, the first signs in babies may be anxiety, refusal to eat, bad dream. And only later there are such signs of the disease as a runny nose, sneezing, fever, cough. And here you can not do without a doctor. After all colds with improperly organized and inadequate care, including self-treatment, often lead to the formation of a group of frequently ill children, the development of chronic foci of infection, diseases gastrointestinal tract, kidneys, favor the formation allergic diseases and delayed psychomotor and physical development.

Error one: in the treatment of acute respiratory infections and acute respiratory viral infections, the desire to "bring down" the temperature. An increase in body temperature (hyperthermia, fever) can occur against the background of acute infectious diseases (ARI, pneumonia, intestinal infections, and a number of others), dehydration, overheating, damage to the central nervous system, etc. Therefore, before the start of the decrease in temperature, it is necessary to establish the cause that caused its increase. This will help the doctor. In addition, it must be remembered that lowering the temperature improves well-being, but does not affect the cause of the disease. High temperatures are the first defensive reaction, and lowering its level is not always justified. Many viruses and bacteria stop multiplying at temperatures above 37–38 ° C, with fever, absorption and digestion of bacteria increase, lymphocytes are activated - blood cells involved in the fight against infectious agents, the formation of antibodies is stimulated - protein substances that neutralize the action of microorganisms; a number of protective substances, including interferon, a protein that has antiviral action are released only at temperatures above 38°C. Therefore, doctors strongly recommend not to use antipyretics if the child's temperature does not exceed 38.5 ° C. In this situation, it is usually enough to improve heat transfer: open the child, wipe it with water at room temperature, let the water dry without dressing the baby (heat transfer increases during evaporation), put a damp cold towel on the forehead. At present, wiping with vodka is not recommended, because. absorption of alcohol is possible (especially in young children) and poisoning of the child's body up to the development coma. However, parents need to clearly know the situations when, before the doctor arrives, the child needs to be given an antipyretic:

  • initially healthy children older than 2 months at a temperature above 38.5 ° C (in the armpit), younger than 2 months - above 38 ° C;
  • at temperatures above 38°C for children with perinatal lesion central nervous system, birth defects hearts with circulatory disorders, hereditary metabolic anomalies;
  • at a temperature above 38 ° C for children who have previously had convulsions against a background of fever;
  • at any temperature, accompanied by pain, pallor, severe malaise, impaired consciousness.

It must be remembered that antipyretics do not affect the cause of fever and its duration, in addition, they increase the period of virus isolation in acute respiratory infections. To reduce the temperature in a child, drugs based on paracetamol (act 2-3 hours) or ibuprofen (act up to 6 hours, have a fairly pronounced anti-inflammatory effect, but more often give side effects- abdominal pain, nausea, vomiting, stool disorders, bleeding); but analgin(calls heavy damage hematopoietic system) and aspirin(can cause Reye's syndrome - severe damage to the liver and brain) by decision of the Pharmaceutical Committee of the Russian Federation are not shown to children under 16 years of age! Children are also contraindicated amidopyrine, antipyrine and phenacetin due to their adverse effect on the hematopoietic system, frequent allergic reactions, the likelihood of provocation convulsive syndrome. A second dose of antipyretic drug should be given only after a new increase in temperature to the above level, but not earlier than four hours later - this reduces the risk of overdose.

Error two: regular intake of antipyretics. Avoid prolonged regular intake(2-4 times a day) antipyretics due to the risk of side effects and the possible difficulty in diagnosing bacterial complications (otitis media, pneumonia, etc.). If you regularly give your child antipyretics, you can create a dangerous appearance of well-being! With such a "course" tactics, the signal about the development of a complication (pneumonia or other bacterial infection) will be masked and, accordingly, time will be lost to start its treatment. Therefore, to give a second dose of antipyretic should be only with a new rise in temperature. The simultaneous appointment of an antipyretic drug and an antibiotic makes it difficult to assess the effectiveness of the latter.

Error three: uncontrolled use medicinal herbs. Medicinal herbs (phytotherapy) are widely used in the treatment of acute respiratory infections. Since ancient times, people have been treated with herbs and accumulated a large number of knowledge about their properties. This experience is important to use wisely. With acute respiratory infections, the doctor may recommend fees based on chamomile, calendula, sage, eucalyptus, etc. (for gargling, inhalation, oral administration). However, the use of medicinal herbs must be approached with caution: one must remember the dose and not forget about contraindications. It is simply dangerous to prescribe “herbs” to your child without understanding their action. With extreme caution, phytotherapy should be used by people with allergies and children under 12 years of age, in whom the use of any medicinal herbs is possible only after consulting a doctor.

Mistake four: the desire to dress warmer at a temperature. child with elevated temperature do not dress warmer than usual. The processes of heat generation and heat loss are interconnected, they help maintain a constant body temperature. "Wrapping up" a child against the background of increased heat generation leads to a violation of heat transfer, which contributes to sharp deterioration general condition, up to loss of consciousness from overheating. With an increase in body temperature, everything must be done to ensure that the body has the opportunity to lose heat: clothing should be loose and light.

Mistake five: fear of hypothermia of the child. sick child needs fresh air. It is necessary to ventilate the room as often as possible (it is possible in the absence of a child), regularly (2 times a day) carry out wet cleaning. Frequent ventilation facilitates breathing, reduces runny nose. In the room where the child is, there must be constant temperature(20–22°C) and optimal humidity (60%).

Mistake six: taking antibiotics for any acute respiratory disease. As you know, most acute respiratory infections (90% or more) are caused by respiratory viruses (they are often called ARVI - acute respiratory viral infections), bacterial acute respiratory infections are few. Viruses, unlike bacteria (single-celled microorganisms), are very simple and are not cells, they cannot live and reproduce on their own and do this only inside other organisms (including humans), or rather, inside cells. Antibiotics have no effect on viruses, moreover, they not only do not prevent bacterial complications, such as pneumonia (pneumonia), otitis media (middle ear inflammation), sinusitis (inflammation of the paranasal sinuses), but also, by inhibiting the growth of normal microflora, open the way to colonize the respiratory tract with antibiotic-resistant microorganisms. Irrational use of antibiotics in ARVI often leads to negative consequences- an increase in the number of drug-resistant microorganisms, the development of dysbiosis (changes in the composition of the microflora) of the intestine, a decrease in the immunity of the child. Uncomplicated SARS do not require antibiotics. They are indicated only for bacterial complications, which can be determined (as well as select the appropriate antibacterial drug) only by a doctor. Preference is given to penicillins ( amoxicillin, synonym flemoxin), not used biseptol(the causative agents of bacterial acute respiratory infections have become resistant to it). One way to limit the excessive use antibacterial agents general action in acute respiratory infections is the use of drugs that act locally and suppress the pathogenic flora in the mucous membrane of the respiratory tract, with virtually no effect on the entire body ( bioparox- used in children older than 30 months).

Error seven: treatment of the common cold with acute respiratory infections with vasoconstrictor drugs until "recovery". Vasoconstrictor drugs ( Nazivin,naphthyzinum,otrivin,galazolin etc.) only temporarily facilitate nasal breathing, but do not eliminate the causes of the common cold. In addition, they can only be used for the first three days, with more long-term use they can even increase the runny nose and cause side effects, up to atrophy (thinning with subsequent dysfunction) of the nasal mucosa. It should also be remembered that vasoconstrictor drops from the nasal cavity in children can be quickly absorbed into the blood and have general action on the body, leading to increased heart rate, increased blood pressure, headache, general anxiety. The question of their use and dosage is decided only after consultation with a doctor. For washing the nose in children, it is recommended to use isotonic solutions (saline,aquamaris, physiomer). They are prepared from sea water, sterilizing it and bringing the salt content to an isotonic concentration (corresponding to the concentration of salts in the blood). The drugs help to normalize the fluidity and viscosity of mucus. It is believed that the salts and trace elements contained in sea water (calcium, potassium, magnesium, iron, zinc, etc.) contribute to an increase in motor activity cilia, which remove bacteria, dust, etc. from the nasal cavity, activate regenerative, wound-healing processes in the cells of the nasal mucosa and normalize the function of its glands. Washing is carried out 4-6 times a day (if necessary, more often) alternately in each nasal passage.

Error eight: taking medicines for the "treatment of cough" (antitussive, expectorant, sputum thinners). Cough is a protective reaction aimed at removing foreign particles (viruses, bacteria, etc.) from the respiratory tract, and its suppression does not lead to a cure. Antitussives ( glaucine, libexin, butamirate etc.) are shown to reduce dry, frequent cough leading to vomiting, disturbed sleep and appetite (excruciating, debilitating cough), which is very rarely observed in acute respiratory infections. More often, a cough with acute respiratory infections quickly enough (within 3-5 days) turns into a wet one, and then taking antitussives is simply contraindicated, as it prevents the outflow of sputum. Expectorants - drugs, more often plant origin facilitating the release of sputum when coughing. At acute infections there is no need to use them, they are indicated only in chronic processes. Especially cautious expectorants are used in children early age, because excessive stimulation of the vomiting and cough centers in medulla oblongata, which are nearby, can lead to aspiration (the entry of vomit into the respiratory tract). The question of the use of mucolytics (sputum thinners), such as bromhexine, ambroxol, acetylcysteine, is decided only by a doctor. They are used in the presence of thick, viscous, difficult to separate sputum.

Mistake nine: taking antihistamines. Antihistamines belongs important place in the treatment of allergic diseases, which is determined by the key role of histamine (biologically active substance released during allergies) in the formation clinical manifestations allergies. In particular, these drugs are highly effective for rhinitis (runny nose) of an allergic nature (second-generation drugs are mainly used - cetirizine (zyrtec), loratadine (claritin), fexofenadine (telfast). Currently, most doctors are inclined to reduce the drug load in acute respiratory infections, including the refusal to use antihistamines because there is no evidence to support their use. Preparations of this group are prescribed for acute respiratory infections only for children with allergic diseases.

Mistake ten: physiotherapy, incl. "home remedy". Mustard plasters, jars, burning plasters and rubbing in children should not be used. Their effectiveness has not been proven, moreover, they are painful, dangerous with burns, and can lead to the development of allergic reactions. Also, the effectiveness of chest irradiation (warming up) has not been proven, and visits to the clinic for a course of physiotherapy are dangerous in terms of re-infection.

Mistake eleven: desire to force-feed the child. In sick children during acute respiratory infections, the secretion of digestive juices decreases, changes in intestinal motility appear. poor appetite- the natural reaction of the body to the disease, since all its resources are directed to fighting the infection, and the digestion of food is a rather energy-intensive process. If the baby refuses to eat, he should not be forced (this can lead to vomiting), you need to feed several times a day with small portions of easily digestible food (scrambled eggs, chicken bouillon, low-fat yogurt, baked fruit). At the same time, it is important for a child to give plenty of fluids: warm tea with honey (only for children over 1 year old in the absence of allergies), jam, lemon, cranberry or lingonberry juice, dried fruit compote, alkaline mineral water without gas (can be with milk), fruit juices or plain water. General rule lies in the fact that the body should not be overloaded, and the child's nutrition should be of the proper density, liquid or semi-liquid; the patient is prescribed food in small portions, taking into account, of course, the taste of the baby. However, spicy foods, hard-to-digest foods, and canned foods should be avoided.

Mistake twelve: a sick child should be in bed. The baby's regimen should correspond to his condition: bed - in severe cases, semi-bed (with alternating moderately active wakefulness and rest in bed, as well as mandatory daytime sleep) - when the condition improves and normal - 1-2 days after the temperature drops.

Mistake thirteen: the use of self-medication, neglect of the doctor's advice when the child's condition changes. It must be remembered that the manifestations of SARS may be signs of more serious illnesses, such as tonsillitis, scarlet fever and a number of other infections. With sore throat and fever, diphtheria and meningitis (inflammation of the meninges) can begin, in which delay in diagnosis and treatment can be fatal! It is not easy to make a correct diagnosis in these cases. Therefore, at the first signs of the disease, it is necessary to consult a doctor who will prescribe the appropriate treatment. All medical measures carried out only by appointment and under the supervision of a doctor!

The diagnosis of acute respiratory infections is well known to every mother, because in children under 10 years old it can occur about 6-7 times a year. ARI, or acute respiratory infections, is a whole range of diseases that cause different types viruses (parainfluenza, adenovirus, rhinovirus). Once upon a time, children were immediately prescribed antibiotics to treat them, but today the approach to the treatment of respiratory infections has changed significantly, and some ailments can be cured even without the use of drugs.

In order to prescribe adequate therapy to the child when the first symptoms appear, it is first necessary to correctly determine the disease. There are significant differences between ARI and a cold: common cold occurs due to hypothermia of the body, and the causes of acute respiratory infections are viruses and bacteria that are present in the surrounding atmosphere.

The symptoms of a cold are usually less pronounced, develop rather slowly and do not grow, and respiratory infections (especially parainfluenza) proceed rapidly: from the moment of infection to the moment the first signs appear, it can take 1-2 days, and sometimes several hours.

As for SARS and acute respiratory infections, in the first case the disease is caused by viruses, and in the second by bacteria, but even doctors often use these concepts as synonyms.

In any case, it is not recommended to independently diagnose and prescribe treatment for a child, since in some cases (for example, with tonsillitis or bacterial infections), the use of antibiotics and other potent drugs is fully justified, and sometimes they are simply useless.

Usually incubation period ARI lasts up to 5 days, after which the following symptoms appear:

  • rhinitis (discharge of a transparent color), nasal congestion, sneezing;
  • cough, hoarseness and sore throat;
  • increase in body temperature up to 38-39 degrees;
  • head, muscle pain, ear pain;
  • irritability, drowsiness, or, conversely, excessive activity;
  • lack of appetite;
  • general malaise.

most annoying and severe symptoms ARI occurs in the first few days, when the virus is actively multiplying, and the immune system has not yet given an adequate response.

In children over the age of 5 years, the disease lasts about a week, and the kids get sick for 10-14 days. If ARI was accompanied strong cough, it can last about 3 weeks after recovery.

The main task of parents in the treatment respiratory diseases in a child - not only to help him cope with the disease, but also not to harm the body. Unfortunately, many parents in this case choose the wrong tactics, as a result of which the disease is delayed or complicated. So, what steps are not recommended to take in the treatment of acute respiratory infections in a child?

  1. Do not bring down the temperature below 38-38.5. For infants under 2 months, the allowable temperature threshold is 38 degrees, for children older than 2 months - 38.5. A fever means that the body is actively fighting pathogens, so parents who are in a hurry to bring down the fever deprive the baby's body of natural defenses and allow viruses to multiply actively. Exceptions are children who suffer from convulsive syndrome at high temperatures, as well as patients with intrauterine malformations of the central nervous system and heart, impaired metabolism, blood circulation and other congenital diseases. In such cases, the temperature should be brought down immediately.
  2. Do not use antipyretics without a reason. Antipyretic drugs are allowed to be used up to 4 times a day, but it is recommended to do this only when the temperature rises above the permissible limits. Prohibited drugs also include complex drugs for the treatment of influenza like Coldrex and Fervex. In fact, they are a mixture of paracetamol with antihistamine components and vitamin C, and can only blur the overall picture of the disease and mask complications.
  3. Do not put warm compresses at a temperature. Warm compresses and ointments can only be used in the absence of fever, otherwise they will only aggravate the disease, and even lead to the development of obstruction - dangerous state which can lead to respiratory arrest. It is also not recommended to use popular compresses and rubdowns from vinegar and alcohol - even in small doses these substances can cause poisoning or intoxication.
  4. Do not give your child antibiotics without appropriate prescriptions. Taking antibiotics is a crucial step, so the doctor should make a decision after conducting research and tests. Such drugs fight bacteria well, but they are powerless against viruses. In addition, along with harmful microorganisms, antibiotics destroy beneficial microflora and reduce immune defenses.
  5. Do not dress your child in overly warm clothing. Many parents believe that additional hypothermia during acute respiratory infections will only aggravate the disease, however, overheating will not bring anything good. The best option- Loose, light clothing in several layers and a thin blanket (if the child wears diapers, it is also better to remove them - urine creates a greenhouse effect, which also leads to overheating). Thus, the body will freely lose heat and independently regulate the temperature.
  6. Do not force the baby to eat or lie down. Do not ignore the requirements of the child's body during illness. Most children refuse to eat during such periods, which is absolutely normal phenomenon, since all the energy is directed to the fight against the disease. Bed rest is shown only in severe cases, so it’s also not worth forcing the baby to constantly lie in bed - he will lie down on his own if he feels unwell.

The first actions of adults should be aimed at creating an atmosphere around the baby that promotes the body's fight against viruses.

  1. Healthy atmosphere. The least favorable environment for bacteria and viruses is moist, cool air (temperature - 20-21 degrees, humidity - 50-70%). Moreover, in such an atmosphere respiratory tract the child does not accumulate mucus, which greatly facilitates her well-being. Accordingly, in the room where the baby is located, you need to create the appropriate temperature and humidity - regularly ventilate the room and hang wet rags on the batteries.
  2. Plentiful drink. For colds and viral diseases the body is actively losing fluid, so you need to drink the patient often and plentifully. Drinking should be non-carbonated and approximately correspond to body temperature - that is, it should not be too hot, but not cold. If the child shows signs of dehydration (dry tongue, infrequent urination), you need to give him a saline solution to drink: " Regidron», « Humana Electrolyte" etc.
  3. Washing the nose. It is necessary to rinse the nose with acute respiratory infections as often as possible, using preparations with sea ​​waterHumer», « Aquamaris», « Marimer”), normal saline or homemade solution sea ​​salt(a teaspoon to two glasses of water). They well dry the mucous membrane of the nasal passages, wash off pathogenic microorganisms from it and thin the mucus.

Subject to these simple rules the treatment of acute respiratory infections will require no more than 5-6 days. If the symptoms do not go away or worsen, you should consult a doctor as soon as possible.

Medications for acute respiratory infections in a child


Drugs that activate the production of interferon and contribute to the destruction of viruses will bring much more benefit and less harm, but there are several nuances here. The body gets used to antiviral drugs much faster than to other drugs, so you should not use them without special need or as a prophylaxis (with the exception of a number of drugs that are approved for prophylactic use). Antivirals, used for the treatment of acute respiratory infections, are divided into two groups: means of extended action and those aimed at combating respiratory infections. Choose a specific drug should be based on the age of the baby and the characteristics of the disease.

Flu medications

NameImageThe formChild's ageApplication features
"Tamiflu" Capsules, powder for suspensionFrom 1 year (during pandemics allowed for use from 6 months)Fights influenza A and B viruses. Can be used as a prophylactic after contact with infected people. Dosage depends on the age of the patient
"Orvirem" SyrupFrom 1 yearTreatment and prevention of influenza A. Take after meals according to the appropriate scheme, gradually reducing the dose
"Rimantadine" TabletsFrom 7 years oldTreatment of Influenza A. Take by mouth starting the first two days after the onset of symptoms. The average dose is 50 mg twice a day

Complex preparations

NameImageThe formChild's ageApplication features
"Grip-Heel" TabletsSince birthHomeopathic remedy for influenza and acute respiratory infections. Has no side effects, can be used as a prophylactic
"Viferon" Candles rectalSince birthIt is used in the treatment of respiratory diseases, including those complicated by a bacterial infection. Dosage depends on the age of the patient
"Grippferon" Nasal dropsSince birthThe drug comes into direct contact with the mucous membrane of the nasopharynx, where viruses multiply most actively. Non-addictive, no additional symptomatic treatment. The average dose is 1-2 drops 3-5 times a day
"Anaferon" for children TabletsFrom 1 monthIt is used for the treatment of acute respiratory infections and complex therapy bacterial infections. Treatment should begin immediately after the onset of symptoms. Can be used to prevent respiratory diseases
"Arbidol" TabletsFrom 3 years oldTreatment and prevention of acute respiratory infections, influenza A and B. Reduces the risk of complications. In therapeutic doses, there are practically no side effects.
"Kagocel" TabletsFrom 3 years oldPrevention and treatment of respiratory viral infections. Take according to the scheme depending on the age of the patient

Before using any of the above drugs, you should make sure that there are no allergic reactions, and also consult your doctor.

Cold drops

Any drugs against the common cold, with the exception of drops based on salt water, are recommended to be used only in cases where the disease causes serious discomfort to the child. In the initial stages of the disease, when liquid is released from the nasal passages clear slime, can be applied vasoconstrictors which reduce swelling and make breathing easier. The drugs in this group include:

  • "Nazivin";
  • "Otrivin";
  • "Sanorin";
  • "Vibrocil";
  • "Tizin".

It is important to remember that vasoconstrictor drops for children (especially under the age of 3 years) should have a reduced concentration. In addition, you must strictly observe the dosage and do not use drugs for more than 5 days, otherwise they can be addictive.

On the late stages rhinitis, when the mucus becomes thick and difficult to remove from the nasal passages, you can use antibacterial drugs: « Collargol», « Protargol», « Pinosol". These tools also have their own characteristics and disadvantages. "Protargol" contains silver ions, which effectively kill most bacteria without the use of antibiotics, but silver is not excreted from the body on its own and tends to accumulate in tissues. "Pinosol" is natural preparation based essential oils, which has a mild long-lasting effect, but thick oils impede the natural outflow of mucus.

Cough preparations

ARI usually begins with a dry cough, after which the sputum begins to flow, and the cough becomes wet. It is not recommended to actively fight cough with respiratory infections - it is a natural protective reaction of the body and contributes to the removal of bacteria and viruses from the body. Expectorants and mucolytic drugs are recommended to be taken only in cases where acute respiratory infections are complicated by bronchitis or pneumonia and only for medical reasons (under the age of 2 years, most drugs that thin sputum are prohibited). If the child has a sore throat, use cough drops (" Bronchicum», « Linkas"") or sprays (" Ingalipt», « Pharyngosept», « Tantum Verde»).

Folk remedies

Application folk remedies against acute respiratory infections in children should also be balanced and thoughtful, since they can also cause side effects and allergic reactions(this is especially true for infants up to a year).

The best way to deal with ARI in children is not treatment, but prevention. To reduce the risk of respiratory infections, the child needs proper nutrition, hardening (within reasonable limits), taking vitamins and regular walks in the fresh air. During periods of pandemics, it is better to avoid crowded places, lubricate the baby's nostrils before going outside oxolinic ointment, and after returning home, rinse the nasal passages with preparations based on sea water or saline.

Video - Treatment of acute respiratory infections in children