What Djungarian hamsters eat at home: the rules for compiling a complete diet. Feeding Djungarian hamsters at home: what can and should not be given to Djungarians Feeding Djungarian hamsters at home

The choice of the best food depends on the age and condition of the hamster. Feed mixtures enriched with protein products are suitable for young animals, as well as for pregnant and lactating females. Grains without animal additives can only be used for older animals, otherwise you will need to introduce protein products yourself. Almost ideal in composition can be called food manufacturer JR Farm.

Dwarf hamsters (Djungarian, Taylor, Campbell, Roborovsky) are best fed with special food, as they have an accelerated metabolism compared to their large counterparts. Food with large pieces and granules is absolutely not suitable for them. Rodents are prone to excessive weight gain and the development of diabetes, so sugar and honey in the feed are highly undesirable.

Dry grain feed should be given 2 times a day, the main portion should be in the evening. It is better to follow the manufacturer's recommendations on the amount of food, because the animal will not eat most of the food, but store it.

Without exception, all hamsters require a small amount of fresh succulent food every day, as well as clean water to drink in unlimited quantities.

Your child has grown up and looks with envy at children who have a cat, dog or other domestic animal. The Djungarian hamster can be a good option for the first pet for your maturing child. But you should not run to the pet store and buy a cute fluffy, first you need to learn everything about Djungarian hamsters.


Author: Kristina Forlovskaya

Dzhungariki hamsters are small animals of the hamster family, a genus of upland. The body is covered with short hair of light gray color. A darker stripe runs along the back; it is usually used to recognize Djungarian hamsters.

The paws are also covered with wool, but white. In clean pets, they are a pleasant white-pink color. Ears are small and round. The beady eyes are slightly protruding. The body is small. The body length of an adult dzhungarik is 10 cm.

Sex characteristics

It is quite difficult to consider sexual characteristics in a pet store if there is no experience in communicating with such small animals. The seller can help. He can hold the animal to make it comfortable to watch.

If the hamster is a boy, it has a gap of 0.5 cm between the genitals and the anus, and there is a formation on the tummy that resembles a navel. If this is a girl, then the gap is almost invisible, and two strips of papillae pass along the tummy.

Where does the Djungarian hamster live?

A better understanding of the lifestyle and habits will help information about where the jungars live in the wild. You can meet this species in the steppe zone of Western Siberia, in the north-east of Kazakhstan, in Asia. They live in undeveloped areas.


There is no hibernation period in winter. On the eve of winter, a hamster becomes overgrown with fat, prepares food for future use. Burrows this small rodent digs long and deep, this allows you to winter in warmth. Active time of day - evening and night. Sleep during the day.

What Djungarian hamsters eat in natural conditions determines their diet when kept at home. In the conditions of the steppe, where the Djungarian hamster lives, the food base is quite simple. It consists of seeds and green parts of plants. The source of protein is small insects and their larvae.

It becomes clear what you need to feed the Djungarian hamster at home. On the sides of the body are subcutaneous bags, they serve to store and transport food. Rodents spend most of their lives foraging.

Gray hamster (Cricetulus migratorius) against a natural background
Author: Gray Hamster

The correct choice of cage will determine how many years the Djungarian hamster lives at home. Your pet needs to be as comfortable as possible. Cell size matters. The hamster will feel great in a cage with the following overall dimensions:

  • height - 47 cm;
  • width - 36 cm;
  • length - 50 cm.

How to arrange a cage

Does it depend on how the cage is equipped, how long do Djungarian hamsters live in the house? Dependence is direct. For a full life in a cage there must be a house. There the pet will hide food, build a nest.

A wheel is a must. Choose less noisy, otherwise it will be difficult to sleep at night. As soon as it gets dark outside, Djungarian hamsters at home begin to actively turn the wheel.

Be sure to need ladders and multi-colored plastic tunnels. The animal runs up the stairs, and the tunnel serves as a substitute for an earthen hole.

What do you need to feed

The Dzungarian hamster receives dry food. To prevent the food from scattering around the cage, you need a plastic or ceramic feeder. Size is important, as hamsters fit into the food container and stuff their cheek pouches.

The presence of a drinker is mandatory, it can be included in the kit that comes with the cage, but you can buy it separately. The volume of the drinker is enough for several days. If the family spends the weekend away from home, there is no reason to worry about how to feed and water the Djungarian hamster at home. There will be enough water in the drinker for several days, however, as well as food.

Which drinker is better

The choice is unequivocal - you need an automatic drinker, which includes:

  • plastic container;
  • metal spout with a ball;
  • fasteners (for fixing the drinker to the bars of the cage);
  • tight-fitting cover.

Cage Care

Caring for the cage does not take much time. The pallet must be filled with sawdust. Pet stores sell pressed sawdust. One pack lasts a long time. Sawdust will need to be updated periodically.

You don't need to wash the cage very often. The animals are small and the bars of the cage stay clean for a long time. You need to remove and wash the wheel, house, drinking bowl, stairs, tunnels. You will often have to vacuum the floor around the cage. Dzungaria actively stir up sawdust, building nests, scatter food if there are family fights or they don’t like the food.

What to feed the Djungarian hamster?

It is quite easy to arrange a full meal. You need to go to the nearest pet supply store and find out the range of feed for small rodents. You need to feed the Djungarian hamster at home with a feed mixture, which includes:

  • oat grain;
  • sunflower seeds;
  • peas;
  • nuts;
  • corn.

The most interesting thing is that with the same composition of the mixture, the animal eats the food of one manufacturer, but not the other.

Djungarian hamsters do not live long at home (2.5-3 years) and you can brighten up their life in captivity with a treat. You can find sweet sticks (drops) in any pet store. Drops are made from natural grains, nuts. It is useful to pamper your pet with fresh vegetables and fruits:

  • carrots;
  • zucchini;
  • cucumber;
  • apple
  • banana.

What Djungarian hamsters eat fresh should not accumulate in the feeder. Complementary foods should be given from the hand and in small quantities.

chicken's meat;

  • cottage cheese;
  • boiled eggs.
  • There is an opinion that cheese is harmful to hamsters, but in practice, a small piece of mozzarella cheese does not adversely affect health. A fluffy ball usually flies with all its hamster legs for a favorite delicacy.

    A mineral stone must hang in the cage. How many years the Djungarian hamster lives, how many his teeth grow. Gnawing on a mineral stone, the hamster solves a dental problem - grinds incisors. In addition, the stone is needed for:

    • for normal digestion;
    • obtaining the necessary trace elements and vitamins;
    • for a good mood.

    Do Djungarian hamsters need to bathe?

    To keep the fur of the animal in good condition, traditional bathing with water is not required. Usually dzhungars cope on their own, they actively clean their fur with their paws before and after eating. For a change, you can put a container of sand in the cage. On sale there is sand for bathing chinchillas. One jar will last a long time.

    There was an opinion that hamsters should be bought in pairs. It's a delusion. Hamsters prefer a lonely life. A partner is needed only for the mating period, and the rest of the time, the female and male can live happily alone.

    You have to be ready for daily brawls if you decide to get two or more hamsters and keep them in the same cage. The battle for territory is usually accompanied by a loud squeak.

    It can be concluded that how many years Djungarian hamsters live at home does not depend at all on the presence of a partner (partner). In most cases, the jungarik lives happily alone in his cage and it does not matter at all whether it is a male or a female.

    Author: Elizaveta Gadai

    If under natural conditions hamsters mate from March to September, then breeding in captivity occurs all year round. Naturally, upon contact of individuals of different sexes.

    Properly organized care and maintenance of hamsters at home requires the presence of several cages. The female and male live in different cages. The male is placed for a short period of time in a cage with the female. In order for the female to become pregnant, a few days are enough.

    It is necessary to know how long the pregnancy lasts for Djungarian hamsters in order to transfer the male to another cage in advance. Pregnancy lasts about 3 weeks. During this period, the behavior of the female changes. She builds a nest, fusses, stores food. If at this time the male will be in the same cage with her, family scandals are inevitable. The squeak will be heard throughout the apartment.

    A pregnant female needs to be kept calm. Tell the children about her interesting situation and ask them not to pick her up.

    How long does a Djungarian hamster get pregnant?

    Females become sexually mature at 1.5 months. During the warm season (March-September) they mate several times, bring 3-4 litters. Pregnancy lasts 3 weeks.

    For full reproduction, the Djungarian hamster (female) should receive food as usual, plus additional protein supplements in the form of meat, egg protein and cottage cheese. This diet is maintained for the entire period of feeding the cubs.


    The maximum number of cubs is 10-11, but may be less. Cubs will be born blind, pink, without fur. After 10 days, they become independent individuals and can serve themselves.

    It must be remembered: you can not touch the blind cubs. The female can eat such a baby. They also eat sick offspring, intuitively feeling that the cub is not able to fully live. When purchasing hamsters, you need to be prepared for such unpleasant moments.

    A hamster, like any living creature, can have health problems. You need to know in advance what diseases can lie in wait for hamsters dzhungarikov. Signs of deterioration in your pet's health:

    • dull or shiny coat;
    • lack of appetite;
    • reduced motor activity - the hamster runs a little, sits more.

    Diseases of hamsters are different. The animal may simply catch a cold. The cold is accompanied by heavy breathing and sniffling. You can offer fresh fruits to the jungarik. They improve immunity.

    Mechanical injury is possible. Hamsters are very mobile, they can dislocate their paw in case of an unsuccessful fall. Suspicion of injury is a reason to take the hamster to the veterinarian for examination and consultation.

    Weakness of the eye. Hamsters have the usual conjunctivitis, which is treated with washings (chamomile, calendula tea leaves). Age-related eye problems that are not treated.

    Djungarians have tumors, not to be confused with pregnancy and swollen sides due to cheek pouches stuffed with food. For any serious deviations in health, it is worth visiting a veterinarian. It depends on the owner how long Djungarian hamsters live.

    How to choose and buy a Djungarian hamster?

    We learned everything about the care and maintenance of the Djungarian hamster, go to the pet store to buy. What should be of interest at this time, in addition to how much a Djungarian hamster costs. You need to decide for yourself - how many animals you want to buy, whether you will breed.

    Given that hamsters do not live long, a maximum of 3 years, very rarely 4, you need to choose young hamsters. A good age to buy is 3-4 months. Young hamsters get used to hands more easily and become full-fledged partners for the child.

    The Dzungarian dwarf hamster (dzhungarik) is a cute friend of all family members. Small and nimble, it will immediately charm your children. The advantages of such a hamster are in its size and availability. You can easily buy it at any pet store. However, if you decide to have a dzhungarik at home, be aware that constant care is required for him.

    The charm of the jungar is in its dark stripe on the entire back and a certain resemblance to a chipmunk. By itself, the appearance of this hamster delights children: small size, beady eyes, funny stuffed cheeks.

    Cage for jungarik

    When choosing a cage for jungars, you should pay attention to the size of the cage and the distance between the bars. The fact is that despite its size, this hamster is very mobile and needs space. It is better if the cage is two-tiered. Dzungaria happily run from floor to floor, hang funny on the upper tier, try to climb it. Do not be afraid that the hamster will fall and get hurt. These animals are so nimble and agile that this is not the height to be afraid of.

    It is desirable that the pallet size be 50x30, 40x40 or more.

    And when choosing a cage for a jungarik, we advise you to pay attention to the distance between the bars. Do not forget that the jungarik is quite small, and if you choose the wrong cage, then he can simply crawl between the bars and run away. And then it is very difficult to find it in a house or apartment.

    There must be a wheel and a house in the cage. As already mentioned, this hamster is mobile, and that is why he needs a wheel to run in it. And the jungarik can run for hours, he really likes it. Put soft napkins or toilet paper in the house, you can also use sawdust in large granules. Of course, the house needs to be cleaned periodically, and the hamster's cage too. The smell from these animals comes out quite sharp, but if you take care of them, then there will be no smell.

    Never put cotton wool in a jungarik's cage. This can lead to tragic consequences. After all, a hamster tends to fill his cheeks. And if a hamster stuffed his cheeks with cotton wool, he can accidentally swallow a piece of cotton wool and spoil his stomach.

    How to feed a jungarik

    Do not forget to put a bowl for food in the cage, and attach a drinking bowl to the rods. Hamsters drink little, but a drinking bowl with water should be required. You can feed the jungarik with food from the pet store. Be sure to give him fruits, vegetables, herbs, pieces of dried bread. In summer, the jungar can be fed with plants from the street. These hamsters are very fond of dandelions. But it is worth noting that there are greens that hamsters should not be given. This is sorrel and mint. Sorrel is not given to hamsters because of its high acidity, and mint because of the high concentration of essential oils that can harm the hamster.

    In general, it is very interesting to watch the dzhungars. They will charm your entire family in no time. However, we want to warn you that these kids have a rather wayward character. If they don’t like something or they feel danger, then, defending themselves, they can bite. And their teeth are very sharp. Therefore, when playing with a hamster, still be careful.

    A simple truth for those who have a Djungarian hamster at home: nutrition is the basis of his health and longevity. Those who believe that the hamster eats everything are mistaken. The rodent is unreasonable, and he will really eat everything that the owner offers him, but this can end badly. If the owner is interested in keeping the pet healthy, it is better to find out in advance how to feed the Djungarian hamster at home.


    The homeland of these animals is dry steppes and semi-deserts. Their digestive tract is not adapted to fatty, high-calorie, sweet foods. What dzhungars eat in nature is a guideline for the proper feeding of decorative pets.

    Wild hamsters feed mainly on grains and seeds. In autumn, the thrifty rodent seals the entrance to the hole, so in winter only dry food from stocks is available to them. In the spring they feed on green grass, in the summer, if possible, they feast on berries and insects.

    The diet of the Djungarian hamster should consist of 65% carbohydrates, 16% protein, and 4-5% fat.

    Like other rodents, dzhungariks grow teeth all their lives. It is necessary to give the animal the opportunity to grind them.


    The main distinguishing feature of the dzhungariks is their tiny size. This explains the high metabolic rate. The metabolism of dwarf hamsters is very fast, they should not starve. Compared with larger counterparts, the jungarik is very voracious - it eats up to 70% of its own weight per day.

    Predisposition to diseases:

    • diabetes;
    • obesity.

    Overeating is the most common cause of metabolic disorders in hamsters. Do not feed your pet just for fun, or because he gets up on his hind legs. Animals already choose the most delicious components from the feed, which are also the most high-calorie. In a confined space, care and feeding should be aimed at preventing excess weight.

    The animal must be let out for a walk, stimulate active games, put a running wheel in a cage. Djungarian hamsters are fed a maximum of twice a day.

    Diabetes mellitus is the result of obesity and genetic predisposition. This disease is often affected, but the difficulty is that in pet stores they interbreed uncontrollably with the Dzungarian. The owner, acquiring a rodent not from professional breeders, cannot be sure that he does not have a hybrid.

    Purposeful exclusion from the menu of the Djungarian hamster of food rich in sugar will only benefit the pet.

    The composition of the diet

    Here is what Djungarian hamsters eat at home:

    • grain mixture (dry food);
    • succulent feed (greens, grass, fruits, vegetables, berries);
    • protein feed (dietary meat, eggs, insects);
    • vitamin supplements;
    • , branches of fruit trees.

    The basis of nutrition is industrial food for dwarf hamsters, a mixture of cereals and fresh drinking water in the public domain. On such a diet, a hamster can live for a very long time, even without additional treats.

    It is important to observe the measure: fruits should not make up more than 5% of the jungarik's diet, even allowed ones give a piece no more than 1 cm. Vegetables are given every other day, and berries - no more than once a week.

    Any new food is introduced into the diet in tiny portions, with care. Change dry food to a mixture of another manufacturer, too need to gradually, within a week to avoid indigestion.

    Food table: what is possible for Djungarian hamsters and what is not

    Important! Even allowed products should be given with special frequency, to find out more, read the article to the end.

    Can be given Can't give With caution or in small quantities
    oats Pasta Rice
    Corn Bakery products Buckwheat
    Wheat Legumes: (peas, beans) Lentils
    Sunflower Brazilian nut
    Pumpkin Almond
    Linen Pine nuts
    Cashew nuts Cherry, apricot kernels
    Sesame acorns
    Walnut chestnuts
    Eggplant Watermelon Cucumber
    Broccoli Melon Tomato
    vegetable marrow Potato radish
    Carrot Cabbage Celery
    Radish Onion Asparagus
    Turnip Garlic Cauliflower
    Beets (not sugar)
    Jerusalem artichoke
    Apple Persimmon Apricot, plum
    Pear Citruses (orange, grapefruit, lemon) Peach, nectarine
    Banana Exotic fruits (pineapple, kiwi, mango)
    Barberry Honeysuckle Grape
    Hawthorn Elder
    Pitted cherry
    Strawberries and wild strawberries
    Sea ​​buckthorn
    Rose hip
    Tops of carrots, beets Sorrel Parsley
    Any lettuce (iceberg, corn) Coniferous tree branches Dill
    Leaves and branches of fruit trees (apricot, cherry, apple tree), other deciduous trees (birch, mountain ash, alder).
    Curd 1% Sausage, sausages Boiled white fish
    Fat-free white yogurt Raw meat or fish

    Cleaned boiled shrimp

    Boiled egg (chicken/quail) Milk gammarus, daphnia
    Boiled meat of low-fat varieties: beef, rabbit meat, turkey, chicken (breast). Cheese

    Common sense will tell you how to feed a hamster jungarik at home.

    Food should not contain SALT, SUGAR, SPICES, be too greasy or fried.

    Any food from the human table is prohibited, but especially confectionery (cookies, ice cream, chocolate, gozinaki, honey, muesli).

    Banned Foods Can Be Deadly

    The list of what cannot be very extensive, in fact, there are much more prohibited products than can be specified in one article. But the list of what can be given to Djungarian hamsters from food is also impressive, so there is no point in experimenting with unsafe foods. The ban may seem unreasonable, but there is always a reason.

    Risk of poisoning

    Some food familiar to us is a real poison for dzhungars. Almonds and apricot kernels contain hydrocyanic acid, watermelon accumulates nitrates, honeysuckle and elderberry cause suffocation and convulsions. Potatoes may contain solanine. The problem is in the small size of the animal and the sensitive organism. Intoxication is caused even by a microscopic dose of a hazardous substance in the eyes of a person.

    cause constipation

    Any astringent products (persimmon) slow down intestinal motility due to the high content of tannins. very dangerous for rodents.

    cause diarrhea

    Products that irritate the digestive tract or have a laxative effect should not be given to jungars. This is hot ginger and any spices that are found in human food (paprika, salt).

    cause fermentation

    Intestinal distention leads to the death of a rodent in a matter of hours. Foods that provoke gas formation include cabbage, black bread, and beans.

    Too fat

    The liver of a rodent is not able to cope with too fatty foods. Even seeds, which are related to what is possible for dzhungars, are given in moderation, and products such as butter, fried food are completely excluded. Too many fats contain avocados.

    Injure cheek pouches

    Sometimes the product itself is not dangerous. But given the small size and habits of the pet, it causes problems. Dry pasta should not be given to a djungarian hamster, not because wheat is dangerous, but because it can injure the cheek pouches by stuffing spaghetti there.

    And inflammation of the bag is a serious problem that requires treatment. The owners, faced with such a nuisance, even pre-clean the seeds from the husk before feeding the jungars.

    Allergy Risk

    Essential oils, brightly colored fruits, vegetables and berries can cause allergies. If, after strawberries, the hamster's eyes flow, the skin turns red and itches, it should be excluded.

    Sometimes the product is banned for several reasons: the cheese is both salty, fatty and rich in lactose, which is very difficult to digest.

    Rules for feeding permitted products

    The diet of Djungarian hamsters should be varied: the same foods should not be given day after day (except for dry food). It is optimal if every day the hamster receives dry, juicy and protein food. You can not arrange a "vegetable" or "meat" day.

    Dzungarians love to stock up, so it is not recommended to give treats in large pieces: the product will deteriorate, rot, being buried in the house. Inventories are audited regularly. A piece of 1 cm in size will be optimal for a dwarf hamster.

    How often can I feed a jungarik with dry food supplements

    • fruits and berries - 1 time in 2 weeks;
    • - every other day, better dried;
    • vegetables - white or green every day (zucchini, Jerusalem artichoke, cucumber, turnip) the rest (pumpkin, carrots) - 2 times a week;
    • nuts and seeds - rarely, as a treat;
    • , eggs - 1 time per week.

    All products must be fresh and of high quality.

    When feeding, preference is given to seasonal products. All succulent feeds are not only thoroughly washed, but they try to get rid of the “chemical” component (nitrates, pesticides). The greens are soaked, the apple is peeled.

    In winter, you will inevitably think about what to feed the jungarik: overseas tasteless and scary to eat yourself. A good alternative to greenhouse vegetables will be sprouts of oats, wheat, sunflowers, greens frozen since summer.

    Choice of dry food

    Nutrition jungariks for 80-90% consists of dry food. The hamster should receive it every day, this is the basis of the diet. Djungarian hamsters eat a little (about a tablespoon of food per day), which means you should not save on purchased mixtures. Consider several brands of proven products:

    Feed for jungars

    Versele-Laga "Prestige Mini Hamster Nature"

    Completely balanced composition, in addition to grains and seeds, contains dried vegetables, fruits and nuts, a protein component and yeast as a source of vitamins. If the pet is inclined to be overweight, you must manually select pineapple and raisins.

    Chika-Bio "Food for Djungarian hamsters"

    Domestic feed, not inferior in quality to imported analogues, but more affordable. The particle size of the feed and the ratio of ingredients are selected specifically for the nutrition of jungars.

    Food for hamsters of any kind of excellent quality

    JR Farm Hamster

    It has high palatability: dzhungars feed on the whole food, and do not choose individual tasty components. Food features in a variety of protein sources (mealworms, chicken, tiny fish), prebiotic inulin, which improves digestion, and yucca extract, which reduces rodent odor.

    Vitakraft Menu Vital

    Usually used for Syrians. The disadvantage is that honey is added to the mixture to improve the taste. The nutrition of Djungarian hamsters involves the restriction of sugars.

    Fiory Criceti

    For jungars, there is not enough protein in such feed, and you will have to manually select appetizing, but harmful honey granules.


    This feed is characterized by a relatively poor composition.

    Vitapol and lolo pets

    It is better to store food for a hamster not in a bag, but pour it into a glass jar with a tight lid. The mixtures are complete: you can give the Djungarian hamster only dry food for a long time. The reason to diversify the diet is the special physiological status of the animal: the period of growth, pregnancy and lactation, mating time in the male.

    On our site you can find out about the correct one. These are important rules that can protect your pet from obesity and poisoning.


    What Djungarian hamsters eat at home depends entirely on the owner. You should not rely on the instincts of the animal, allowing him to choose what to eat. Nature does not have such an ability, because in the steppe a jungarik does not encounter caramel popcorn. In no case should you experiment and give your hamster forbidden foods. If the desire to treat the hamster with something “special” is very great, they can help, but it is not at all necessary to feed the pet with them.

    All rodents are real sugarholics besides, they are not even able to recognize poisonous plants. A pet will be healthy and live long only if it is fed properly. Before buying, it is important to know in advance how to feed the Djungarian hamster, and explain these rules to children if the rodent targets them.

    Nutrition of Djungarian hamsters: what can and should not be given to Djungarians

    2 (39.77%) 175 votes

    One of the smallest and cutest domestic rodents is the Djungarian hamster. But, despite this, you should not treat him like a toy, he, like any other living creature, requires some care and good nutrition.

    Djungarian hamsters are quite small animals, even adults do not exceed 5 cm in size, so they can be purchased even by those whose living space does not allow them to have pets. A distinctive feature of these rodents is a gray color with an expressive black stripe. In nature, these rodents live in Asia, Siberia, and also in the Northeast Caucasus. They mainly settle in semi-desert rocky areas and steppes without shrubs.

    Despite such a habitat, hamsters get along well at home, and their maintenance does not require a huge amount of time and money. In the event that you have small children in your house, then you definitely need to get these little pets that will bring a lot of pleasure to all family members.

    How to choose the right jungarik

    Since the Djungarian hamster is by nature a loner, they feel great in a cage without a "friend". Otherwise, cohabitation of rodents can lead to unpleasant consequences. Very often, hamsters living together start fights and can even injure each other. Therefore, before buying two hamsters at once, you need to think very carefully.

    When choosing a hamster, you also need to immediately determine its gender. In the event that you do not have experience in this matter, it is best to trust the experience of the seller.

    Although rodents are considered one of the most common pets, not many people know how to properly care for a Djungarian hamster.

    Not many people know how to care for a dzhungarik

    For a comfortable existence, the animal first of all needs a cage. It is best to give preference to galvanized frames, as wooden or plastic hamsters can easily gnaw through.

    The cage for a rodent must be spacious. It should easily accommodate a house, a special wheel, and also leave a place for the active movement of the pet.

    In turn, the cage for the hamster dzhungarika must be equipped with the following:

    • a spacious house with a wide entrance to it, the pet should easily enter there;
    • tubes and branches;
    • toilet with filler;
    • bedding;
    • drinker;
    • feeder;
    • bathing suit;
    • wheel.

    Cage for a hamster dzhungarika

    For the toilet, you must definitely purchase a special absorbent material, and pressed sawdust or fine sand, which can absorb all odors, is best suited as bedding. It is strictly forbidden to use napkins, cotton wool, rags or newspapers for these purposes.

    A hamster drinker should have a volume of at least 50 ml and be best automatic. Be sure to make sure that your pet always has water. As for the feeder, its dimensions can vary from 3 to 10 centimeters.

    The wheel must be with transverse protrusions, and it is also necessary to have a bottom, it should be chosen based on the size of the hamster.

    A bathing suit is an obligatory attribute in a jungarik's cage, but since these animals cannot be wetted, sand is poured into it instead of water.

    The cage for the Djungarian hamster is not the only possible place to live, they can also be kept in an aquarium that is of sufficient length. The most optimal dimensions for such purposes are aquariums with dimensions of 100x40 cm.

    Despite the fact that Djungarian hamsters are considered very clean animals, they do not require special care. They take care of their own hygiene. The only thing worth systematically monitoring is the contamination of the toilet, the filler of which must be changed as it fills up. In addition, it is necessary to systematically clean the cage. This should be done at least once a week, and once a month, wash its bottom with soapy water.

    Since it is strictly forbidden to bathe a pet, he needs to arrange sand baths, which help to improve the appearance of the rodent. After taking such baths, his coat becomes more shiny.

    Sand baths improve the appearance of the rodent

    Thanks to these fairly simple rules, your pet will always be healthy and live a joyful life.

    Compared to fairly simple care, a hamster's nutrition needs to be given close attention. It needs to be fed at the same time twice a day. The first feeding occurs in the morning, as soon as the rodent wakes up, and the second in the evening. The second feeding should be started at the time when the activity of the animal begins to appear. In the event that a pregnant female lives with you, then the number of feedings for the entire period of pregnancy must be increased to four times. Feeding in this case is carried out at regular intervals.

    Your hamster's diet needs to be monitored. The following foods must be included in the diet:

    • boiled vegetables that are prepared without the use of salt;
    • fresh fruits and vegetables;
    • seedlings of grains;
    • dry food specially designed for these animals;
    • homemade crackers;
    • seedless berries;
    • cereals.

    Hamster nutrition must be given close attention

    For morning feeding, it is best to give preference to juicy food, protein and boiled vegetables. In the evening, you can pamper your pet with dry food, porridge, and treats.

    The diet of the jungarik must include protein. It is in the right amount in cottage cheese, yogurt, boiled eggs, chicken fillet or fish. Such products should be given to the rodent twice a week.

    When hamsters get sick, lose weight, or are pregnant, it is best to supplement them with baby food that is free of salt and sugar.

    When hamsters are carrying offspring, it is best to supplement them with baby food.

    With constipation, the pet is given a drop of vegetable oil, and with loose stools, glutinous rice.

    Also, when feeding a dzhungarik, one must take into account the fact that it is strictly forbidden to give him some products. These include:

    • sausages;
    • sausage;
    • sour cream;
    • milk;
    • cream;
    • garlic;
    • mint;
    • butter;
    • watermelon;
    • spices;
    • salt;
    • sugar;
    • chocolate;
    • citrus.

    Bananas, peaches, apples and apricots, treats for Djungarian hamsters

    Vegetables are also well tolerated by them, so it is necessary to systematically feed the rodent with corn, cucumbers, lettuce, zucchini, tomatoes, and carrots.

    In summer, it is recommended to pamper your pet with fresh herbs such as clover, dandelion, parsley, nettle or plantain. It is strictly forbidden to feed the rodent with mint, as it contains a huge amount of essential oils. You should also not feed him with sorrel, as it has a very high acidity.

    Important! Djungarian hamsters should not eat sweets, white bread and spices, as well as fried and sweet foods. Food should be balanced and also fresh. Unwashed and missing food can lead to poisoning.

    Pamper your pet with fresh herbs

    In addition, when purchasing special food in pet stores, you need to pay attention that it is not intended for large rodents, since they have a completely different composition. If you choose the wrong one, you can cause irreparable harm to your pet.

    We already know how to care for a djungarian hamster if he lives alone, but if you have two of them, then sooner or later they may have babies. You also need to take care of where you will put them in advance.

    In advance, you need to take care of where you will put them with the kids.

    In most cases, if the female and male live together, after forty days they are completely ready to create offspring. Therefore, in such cases it is necessary to be extremely careful.

    It is better not to acquire and settle same-sex Djungarian hamsters, as this will certainly lead to enmity between them.

    Also, special attention must be paid to the location of the cell. In no case should it stand near the battery, TV or computer. Draft also negatively affects the condition of the animal.

    The cage should not stand near the battery, TV or computer

    Do not forget that hamsters are shy animals and can experience stress. In order not to harm the pet, do not take it as a toy, but treat it carefully and with love. It is best not to give the jungarik into the hands of young children and not to try to forcefully tame it in the first days of acquaintance.

    How to accustom a rodent to hands

    As soon as you get hamsters, you do not need to immediately try to accustom them to hands. These pets need to be given some time to get comfortable. For this, basically, a couple of days are enough for pets.

    After a while, you can already begin to pick it up, but this must be done carefully. It is best if the animal is on the floor at this moment. You need to take it carefully, gradually sticking your hand under it. If the jungarik is afraid and rushes around the cage, then you should not insist on contact. In such matters, it is necessary to exercise patience, which will be appreciated by the hamster. In the process, you need to contact him daily. This is a prerequisite. A neglectful attitude can lead to the fact that the jungarik generally weans from you and may even bite.

    It is also worth remembering that hamsters are very sensitive to temperature changes and loud sounds. Sometimes, frightened pets do not make contact with people for a long time, during which they can run wild.