The influence of factors that affect a person. Harmful factors affecting human health

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A person throughout his life is under the constant influence of a number of factors. environment-- from environmental to social. In addition to individual biological features all of them directly affect its vital activity, health and, ultimately, life expectancy. The data show that greatest influence lifestyle affects health. Almost half of all cases of diseases depend on it. The second place in terms of impact on health is occupied by the state of the human environment (at least one third of diseases are determined by adverse environmental influences). Heredity causes about 20% of diseases.

A healthy organism constantly ensures the optimal functioning of all its systems in response to any changes in the environment. Preservation of the optimal life activity of a person when interacting with the environment is determined by the fact that for his body there is a certain physiological limit of endurance in relation to any environmental factor, and beyond the limit this factor will inevitably have a depressing effect on human health. For example, as tests have shown, in urban conditions, factors affecting health are divided into five main groups: living environment, production factors, social, biological and individual lifestyle.

It is a matter of great concern that at present the Russian Federation in terms of mortality and average life expectancy steadily occupies one of the last places among industrialized countries.

1. Smoking

Smoking - inhalation of the smoke of drugs, mainly plant origin, smoldering in the flow of inhaled air, in order to saturate the body with the active substances contained in them by sublimation and subsequent absorption in the lungs and respiratory tract. As a rule, it is used for the use of smoking mixtures that have narcotic properties due to the rapid flow of blood saturated with psychoactive substances into the brain.

Studies have proven the harm of smoking. Tobacco smoke contains more than 30 toxic substances: Nicotine, Carbon dioxide, Carbon monoxide, Hydrocyanic acid, Ammonia, Resins, Organic acids and others.

Statistics say: compared to non-smokers, long-term smokers are 13 times more likely to develop angina pectoris, 12 times more likely to have myocardial infarction, and 10 times more likely to get stomach ulcers. Smokers make up 96 - 100 % of all lung cancer patients. Every seventh for a long time a smoker suffers from obliterating endarteritis - a serious disease of the blood vessels.

Nicotine is a nerve poison. In experiments on animals and observations on humans, it has been established that nicotine in small doses excites nerve cells, contributes to increased respiration and heart rate, heart rhythm disturbance, nausea and vomiting. In large doses, it inhibits and then paralyzes the activity of cells CNS, including vegetative. A disorder of the nervous system is manifested by a decrease in working capacity, trembling of the hands, and a weakening of memory.

Nicotine also affects the glands internal secretion, in particular on the adrenal glands, which at the same time secrete a hormone into the blood - adrenaline, which causes vasospasm, increased blood pressure and increased heart rate. Adversely affecting the sex glands, nicotine contributes to the development of sexual weakness in men - impotence.

Smoking is especially harmful to children and teenagers. Not yet strong nervous and circulatory system sensitive to tobacco.

In addition to nicotine negative impact provide other components tobacco smoke. When carbon monoxide enters the body, oxygen starvation develops, due to the fact that carbon monoxide combines with hemoglobin more easily than oxygen and is delivered with blood to all human tissues and organs. Cancer in smokers occurs 20 times more often than in non-smokers. The longer a person smokes, the more likely he is to die from this serious disease. Statistical Research showed that smokers often have cancerous tumors in other organs - the esophagus, stomach, larynx, kidneys. Smokers often get cancer lower lip due to the carcinogenic effect of the extract accumulating in the mouthpiece of the tube.

Very often, smoking leads to the development of chronic bronchitis, accompanied by persistent cough and bad breath. As a result chronic inflammation bronchi dilate, bronchiectasis is formed with severe consequences- pneumosclerosis leading to circulatory failure. Often smokers experience pain in the heart. It is associated with spasm coronary vessels that feed the heart muscle with the development of angina pectoris (coronary heart failure). Myocardial infarction in smokers occurs 3 times more often than in non-smokers.

Smokers endanger not only themselves, but also those around them. In medicine, even the term "passive smoking" has appeared. In the body of non-smokers after staying in a smoky and unventilated room, a significant concentration of nicotine is determined.

For countries and territories of the world that provide relevant information to WHO, adult tobacco smoking prevalence ranges from 4% in Libya to 54% in Nauru. The top ten countries in which tobacco smoking is most widespread include, in addition to Nauru, Guinea, Namibia, and Kenya. Bosnia and Herzegovina, Mongolia, Yemen, Sao Tome and Principe, Turkey, Romania. Russia in this series of 153 countries ranks 33rd (37% of smokers among the adult population). However, despite the fact that, for example, the United States in this series is in 98th place (24%), cigarette consumption here on average per capita is higher than in many countries of the world with a higher prevalence of smoking among the adult population. If in the United States an average of about 6 cigarettes per capita is consumed daily (that is, including children and all non-smokers), then in Russia it is less than 5. And the highest level of per capita consumption of cigarettes in Greece is almost 12 pieces per day per person.

2. Alcoholism

The thief of reason - this is how alcohol has been called since ancient times. People learned about the intoxicating properties of alcoholic beverages at least 8000 years before our era - with the advent of ceramic dishes, which made it possible to make alcoholic beverages from honey, fruit juices and wild grapes. Perhaps winemaking arose even before the beginning of cultivated agriculture. So, the famous traveler N.N. Miklukho-Maclay observed the Papuans of New Guinea, who still did not know how to make fire, but who already knew how to prepare intoxicating drinks. Pure alcohol began to be obtained in the 6th-7th centuries by the Arabs and they called it "al cogl", which means "intoxicating". The first bottle of vodka was made by the Arab Ragez in 860. The distillation of wine to obtain alcohol sharply aggravated drunkenness. It is possible that this was the reason for the ban on the use of alcoholic beverages by the founder of Islam (the Muslim religion) Muhammad (Mohammed, 570-632). This prohibition was subsequently included in the code of Muslim laws - the Koran (7th century). Since then, for 12 centuries, alcohol was not consumed in Muslim countries, and the apostates of this law (drunkards) were severely punished.

But even in Asian countries, where the consumption of wine was forbidden by religion (the Koran), the cult of wine still flourished and was sung in verse.

In the Middle Ages in Western Europe, they also learned how to obtain strong alcoholic beverages by sublimation of wine and other fermenting sugary liquids. According to legend, this operation was first performed by the Italian monk alchemist Valentius. After trying the newly obtained product and coming into a state of extreme intoxication. The alchemist declared that he had discovered a miraculous elixir that makes an old man young, tired, cheerful, yearning cheerful.

Since then, strong alcoholic beverages have quickly spread throughout the world, primarily due to the constantly growing industrial production of alcohol from cheap raw materials (potatoes, sugar production waste, etc.).

The spread of drunkenness in Russia is connected with the policy of the ruling classes. An opinion was even created that drunkenness is supposedly an ancient tradition of the Russian people. At the same time, they referred to the words of the chronicle: "Fun in Russia is to drink." But this is a slander against the Russian nation. Russian historian and ethnographer, expert on the customs and mores of the people, Professor N.I. Kostomarov (1817-1885) completely refuted this opinion. He proved that in Ancient Russia drank very little. Only on selected holidays they brewed mead, mash or beer, the strength of which did not exceed 5-10 degrees. The cup was passed around in circles, and everyone drank a few sips from it. On weekdays, no alcoholic drinks were allowed, and drunkenness was considered the greatest shame and sin.

The problem of alcohol consumption is very relevant today. Now the consumption of alcoholic beverages in the world is characterized by huge numbers. The whole society suffers from this, but first of all, the younger generation is at risk: children, adolescents, youth, as well as the health of expectant mothers. After all, alcohol has a particularly active effect on the unformed body, gradually destroying it.

The harm of alcohol is obvious. It has been proven that when alcohol enters the body, it spreads through the blood to all organs and adversely affects them up to destruction.

With the systematic use of alcohol develops dangerous disease- alcoholism. Alcoholism is dangerous to human health, but it is curable, like many other diseases.

But the main problem is that most of the alcoholic products produced by non-state enterprises contain a large amount of toxic substances. Poor quality products often lead to poisoning and even death.

All this causes great damage to society, its cultural values.

The reasons for the first initiation to alcohol are varied. But they are traced characteristic changes depending on age.

Until the age of 11, the first acquaintance with alcohol occurs either by accident, or it is given “for appetite”, “treated” with wine, or the child himself tastes alcohol out of curiosity (a motive mainly inherent in boys). At an older age, traditional occasions become the motives for the first use of alcohol: “holiday”, “family celebration”, “guests”, etc. From the age of 14-15, such reasons appear as “it was inconvenient to be left behind the guys”, “friends persuaded”, “for the company”, “for courage”, etc. Boys are characterized by all these groups of motives for the first acquaintance with alcohol. For girls, the second, "traditional" group of motives is mainly typical. Usually it happens, so to speak, an “innocent” glass in honor of a birthday or other celebration.

The second group of alcohol consumption motives, which form drunkenness as a type of behavior of offenders, deserves special attention. Among these motives is the desire to get rid of boredom. In psychology, boredom is a special mental state of a person associated with emotional hunger. Adolescents in this category have significantly weakened or lost interest in cognitive activity. Adolescents who drink alcohol almost do not engage in social activities. Significant shifts are observed in the sphere of leisure. Finally, some teenagers consume alcohol to relieve themselves of stress, to free themselves from unpleasant experiences. tense, anxiety state may arise in connection with their certain position in the family, the school team.

But not only teenagers drink alcohol regularly, and despite the widespread development of anti-alcohol propaganda, many adults are not even aware of the extent of the harm caused by alcohol to the body.

The fact is that in everyday life there are many myths about the benefits of alcoholic beverages. It is believed, for example, that alcohol has a therapeutic effect, not only for colds, but also for a number of other diseases, including the gastrointestinal tract, such as stomach ulcers. Doctors, on the contrary, believe that a peptic ulcer patient should absolutely not take alcohol. Where is the truth? After all, not large doses alcohol de really whet the appetite.

Or another belief that exists among people: alcohol excites, invigorates, improves mood, well-being, makes the conversation more lively and interesting, which is important for the company of young people. It is not for nothing that alcohol is taken “against fatigue”, with ailments, and at almost all festivities. Moreover, there is an opinion that alcohol is a high-calorie product that quickly provides the energy needs of the body, which is important, for example, during a hike, etc. And in beer and dry grape wines, in addition, there is a whole set of vitamins and aromatic substances. In medical practice, the bacteriostatic properties of alcohol are used, using it for disinfection (for injections, etc.), preparation of medicines, but by no means for the treatment of diseases.

So, alcohol is taken to cheer up, to warm the body, to prevent and treat diseases, in particular as a disinfectant, as well as a means of increasing appetite and an energetically valuable product. Is it really as useful as it is commonly believed?

One of the Pirogov congresses of Russian doctors adopted a resolution on the dangers of alcohol: “ there is not a single organ in the human body that has not been subjected to the destructive action of alcohol; alcohol does not have one such action that could not be achieved by another remedy, acting healthier, safer and more reliable. Not such a morbid condition in which it is necessary to prescribe alcohol for any length of time. So the reasoning about the benefits of alcohol is still just a common misconception.

Alcohol from the stomach enters the bloodstream two minutes after drinking. The blood carries it to all cells of the body. First of all, the cells of the cerebral hemispheres suffer. The conditioned reflex activity of a person worsens, the formation of complex movements slows down, the ratio of the processes of excitation and inhibition in the central nervous system changes. Under the influence of alcohol, voluntary movements are disturbed, a person loses there is the ability to manage oneself.

The penetration of alcohol to the cells of the frontal lobe of the cortex liberates the emotions of a person, unjustified joy, stupid laughter, lightness in judgments appear. Following the increasing excitation in the cerebral cortex, there is a sharp weakening of the processes of inhibition. The cortex ceases to control the work of the lower parts of the brain. A person loses restraint, modesty, he says and does what he never said and would not do when sober. Each new portion of alcohol paralyzes higher nerve centers, as if connecting them and not allowing them to interfere with the activity of the lower parts of the brain: coordination of movements is disturbed, for example, eye movement (objects begin to double), an awkward staggering gait appears.

Violation of the nervous system and internal organs is observed with any use of alcohol: one-time, episodic and systematic.

It is known that disorders of the nervous system are directly related to the concentration of alcohol in human blood. When the amount of alcohol is 0.04-0.05 percent, the cerebral cortex turns off, the person loses control over himself, loses the ability to reason rationally. At a blood alcohol concentration of 0.1 percent, the deeper parts of the brain that control movement are inhibited. Human movements become uncertain and are accompanied by causeless joy, revival, fussiness. However, in 15 percent of people, alcohol can cause despondency, a desire to fall asleep. As the alcohol content in the blood increases, a person's ability to hear and see is weakened, and the speed of motor reactions is blunted. An alcohol concentration of 0.2 percent affects areas of the brain that control a person's emotional behavior. At the same time, base instincts are awakened, sudden aggressiveness appears. With a blood alcohol concentration of 0.3 percent, a person, although he is conscious, does not understand what he sees and hears. This state is called alcoholic stupefaction.

Systematic, excessive alcohol consumption can cause zheloe disease - alcoholism.

Alcoholism - regular, compulsive consumption a large number alcohol over a long period of time. Let's take a look at what alcohol can do to our bodies.

Blood. Alcohol inhibits the production of platelets, as well as white and red blood cells. Outcome: anemia, infections, bleeding.

Brain. Alcohol slows down blood circulation in the vessels of the brain, leading to constant oxygen starvation of its cells, resulting in memory loss and slow mental degradation. Early sclerotic changes develop in the vessels, and the risk of cerebral hemorrhage increases.

Heart. Alcohol abuse causes an increase in the level of cholesterol in the blood, persistent hypertension and myocardial dystrophy. Cardiovascular insufficiency puts the patient on the edge of the grave. Alcoholic myopathy: muscle degeneration as a result of alcoholism. The reasons for this are not using the muscles, bad diet and alcoholic damage to the nervous system. In alcoholic cardiomyopathy, the heart muscle is affected.

Intestines. The constant effect of alcohol on the wall of the small intestine leads to a change in the structure of cells, and they lose their ability to fully absorb nutrients and mineral components, which ends with the depletion of the body of an alcoholic. Constant inflammation of the stomach and later the intestines causes ulcers of the digestive organs.

Liver. This organ suffers from alcohol the most: inflammatory process(hepatitis), and then cicatricial degeneration (cirrhosis). The liver ceases to perform its function of decontaminating toxic metabolic products, producing blood proteins, and others. important features leading to the inevitable death of the patient. Cirrhosis is an insidious disease: it slowly creeps up on a person, and then beats, and immediately to death. The cause of the disease is the toxic effects of alcohol.

Pancreas. Alcoholic patients are 10 times more likely to develop diabetes than non-drinkers: alcohol destroys the pancreas, an organ that produces insulin, and profoundly perverts metabolism.

Leather. A drunk person almost always looks older than his years: his skin very soon loses its elasticity and ages prematurely.

3. Addiction

A drug is any chemical compound that affects the functioning of the body. Drug addiction (this word was formed from the Greek. narkz numbness, sleep + mania madness, passion, attraction) are chronic diseases caused by the abuse of medicinal or non-drug drugs. This is dependence on intoxicating substances, a state of mental and physical addiction from an intoxicating substance acting on the central nervous system, changing tolerance to the narcotic drug with a tendency to increase doses and develop physical dependence.

It may seem that drugs appeared not so long ago, which is associated with the development of chemistry, medicine and other sciences, as well as with rapid scientific and technological progress. However, it is not. Drugs have been known to people for thousands of years. They were consumed by people of different cultures and for different purposes: during religious rites, to restore strength, to change consciousness, to relieve pain and discomfort. Already in the pre-literate period, we have evidence that people knew and used psychoactive chemicals: alcohol and plants, the consumption of which affects consciousness. Archaeological studies have shown that already in 6400 BC. people knew beer and some other alcoholic drinks. Obviously, fermentation processes were discovered by chance (grape wine, by the way, appeared only in the 4th-3rd centuries BC). The first written evidence of the use of intoxicants is the story of Noah's drunkenness from the Book of Genesis. Used and various plants, causing physiological and mental changes, usually in religious rites or during medical procedures.

Until the beginning of the 20th century, there were practically no restrictions on the production and consumption of drugs. Attempts have sometimes been made to reduce or even ban the use of certain substances, but these have been short-lived and generally unsuccessful. For example, tobacco, coffee and tea were initially met with hostility by Europe. The first European who smoked tobacco - Columbus' companion Rodrigo de Jerez - was imprisoned upon arrival in Spain, as the authorities decided that the devil had possessed him. There have been several attempts to outlaw coffee and tea. There are also cases when the state did not prohibit drugs, but, on the contrary, contributed to the prosperity of their trade. The best example is the armed conflicts between Great Britain and China in the middle of the 19th century. They are called the Opium Wars because English merchants brought opium into China. By the middle of the 19th century, several million Chinese were addicted to opium. At this time, China certainly came out on top in the world in the consumption of opium, most of which was grown in India and smuggled into the country by the British. The Chinese government passed many laws to control the import of opium, but none of them had the desired effect.

It doesn't take long for people to become drug addicts. Much depends on the individual characteristics of the person taking the drugs. In some cases, addiction to herbal and chemical preparations occurs, almost the first time, while in others it takes weeks, months and even years. There are a variety of judgments about the typology of the personality of drug users, each of which has the right to independent existence. Below are the conclusions of one of the theories of the identity of drug users, the founders of which are E.A. Babayan and A.N. Sergeev. The category of people under consideration includes five conditional groups, including:

1. Experimenters. The largest population of all five groups. It includes people who did not return to this harmful occupation after the first acquaintance with drugs.

2. Occasional consumers. These include mainly those who resort to drugs due to circumstances. For example, in a dubious company, a young man, fearing to be branded as a “black sheep”, boldly rolls up his shirt sleeve for heroin injection. Outside of these or other circumstances, these people do not have a desire to take drugs.

3. Systematic consumers. They take drugs according to a certain pattern. For example, on your birthday, on the occasion of achieving a significant result in your work, once a quarter, etc. It is naively believed that this self-deception will remain without any negative consequences for the psyche and physiology.

4. Regular customers. Consistently formed from the first three groups. Often, they are psychologically addicted to drugs and because of this they are forced to take drugs not only on the occasion of a “significant event”, but because of the formation of a habit.

5. Patients with drug addiction. The last group is a natural result of taking drugs without a doctor's prescription. Individuals included in it are often dependent on drugs not only mentally, but also physically. According to some estimates, up to 0.5 million people can be classified as drug addicts in Russia.

The first four groups are so-called behavioral and require primarily educational measures, but the fifth group really needs not only qualified treatment, but also social rehabilitation.

As can be seen from the outpatient charts of underage drug users, 11.4% of children have experience of using intoxicating substances for less than 1 year, 46.7% from 1 to 2 years, and from 3 to 5 years - 36.3%, over 5 years - within 1% of adolescents. The average duration of non-medical drug use is 2.3 years. Five years ago, this indicator did not exceed 0.6-1.5 years, and ten years ago it was measured in days, or even hours. The weighted average time interval between the start of drug use and registration at a drug treatment clinic is 1.2 years (previously - 0.3-0.5 years).

The change in the way drugs are taken is that intravenous drug use is becoming more widespread among children. This trend has particularly affected neglected youth.

For the sake of clarity, let's consider two groups of drug users - school students who are not under the supervision of a narcologist, but who have experience in non-medical administration of drugs, and already established patients of a narcological dispensary.

From the table below, one can trace the qualitative difference between both groups of drug users.

It lies in the commitment of schoolchildren to smoking cannabis derivatives, while neglected teenagers who have become the objects of attention of narcologists use a syringe, inhale toxic substances and cocaine much more often (by 15.5 and 5.2 times, respectively).

Table 1. Modes of drug use among adolescents

The above information shows that the regularity of the gradual and inevitable transition of minors from the use of so-called "soft" drugs to "hard" or "hard" drugs acquires characteristics accelerated in time.

When we talk about drug addiction and the study of the pathogenesis of these diseases, we must clearly understand that this disease is very complex.

The influence of drugs can be divided into three groups:

The first group - influence on certain structures of the brain, causing the development of addiction syndrome;

Second - drugs have a mass toxic effects on almost all organs and systems: heart, liver, stomach, brain, etc.

And, finally, the third group, which we consider very important, is the effect on offspring. It has now been proven that children born to drug-addicted parents have an increased biological risk drug addiction diseases and most of them show all kinds of behavioral changes: aggressiveness, irritability, psychopathy, depression. In addition, drug use leads to the birth of a child with an addiction syndrome.

More and more evidence is accumulating that parental drug abuse has some effect on offspring, even for more than one generation. This is very important question. For example, “fetal drug syndrome” is a disease that occurs when a mother during pregnancy uses drugs that act directly on the fetus. This organic pathology of the brain can be expressed to varying degrees: certain characteristic changes in the skull, dementia, etc. In addition, these children have widespread functional changes nervous system (hyperexcitability, emotional instability to depressive reactions, etc.). In Lvov, a survey was conducted of children born to drug-addicted fathers and mothers. These children were divided into two age groups: one included children under 25 years old, the other - over 25 years old.

Children of the 1st group, born to fathers of drug addicts, were found to have neurotic reactions (33%), attention deficit (19%), bedwetting (9%), mental retardation(10%), somatic pathology (38%). Only 25% were healthy. There were 75% of children with some or other deviations (Table 2).

Table 2. Frequency of mental and somatic disorders in children born to parents who are drug addicts, %

Note: one child could have a combination of several signs, so their totality exceeds 100%.

The results of the examination of the children of the second group are shown in Table 2.

Table 3. Frequency of psychopathology in adult children born to parents with drug addiction, %

adult children



substance abuse



suicide attempts


Note: One and the same person could have several diseases, so their sum exceeds 100%.

4. Radiation

The fact that radiation has a detrimental effect on human health is no longer a secret to anyone. When radiation passes through the human body, or when contaminated substances enter the body, the energy of waves and particles is transmitted to our tissues, and from them to cells. As a result, the atoms and molecules that make up the body become excited, which leads to disruption of their activity and even death. It all depends on the dose of radiation received, the state of human health and the duration of exposure.

For ionizing radiation there are no barriers in the body, so any molecule can be exposed to radioactive effects, the consequences of which can be very diverse. The excitation of individual atoms can lead to the degeneration of some substances into others, cause biochemical changes, genetic disorders etc. Proteins or fats that are vital for normal cellular activity may be affected. Thus, radiation affects the body at the micro level, causing damage that is not immediately noticeable, but manifests itself after many years. Defeat individual groups proteins found in the cell can cause cancer, as well as genetic mutations passed down through several generations. The impact of low doses of radiation is very difficult to detect, because the effect of this manifests itself after decades.

Table 4

The value of the absorbed dose, rad

Degree of impact on a person

10000 rad (100 Gr.)

Lethal dose, death occurs after a few hours or days from damage to the central nervous system.

1000 - 5000 rad (10-50 Gr.)

Lethal dose, death occurs in one to two weeks from internal bleeding (thinner cell membranes), mainly in the gastrointestinal tract.

300-500 rad (3-5 Gr.)

A lethal dose, half of those irradiated die within one to two months from damage to bone marrow cells.

150-200 rad (1.5-2 Gr.)

Primary radiation sickness (sclerotic process, changes in the reproductive system, cataracts, immune diseases, cancer). The severity and symptoms depend on the dose of radiation and its type.

100 rad (1 Gy)

Brief sterilization: loss of the ability to have offspring.

Irradiation with x-ray of the stomach (local).

25 rad (0.25 Gr.)

A dose of justifiable risk in an emergency.

10 rad (0.1 Gr.)

The probability of mutation increases by 2 times.

Irradiation with x-rays of teeth.

2 rad (0.02 Gy) per year

Radiation dose received by personnel working with a source of ionizing radiation.

0.2 rad (0.002 Gy or 200 millirad) per year

The dose of radiation received by employees of industrial enterprises, objects of radiation and nuclear technologies.

0.1 rad (0.001 Gy) per year

Radiation dose received by the average Russian.

0.1-0.2 rad per year

Natural radiation background of the Earth.

84 microrad/hour

Airplane flight at an altitude of 8 km.

1 microrad

Watching one hockey game on TV.

The harm of radioactive elements and the effect of radiation on human body actively studied by scientists around the world. It has been proven that daily emissions from nuclear power plants contain the radionuclide "Caesium-137", which, when ingested, causes sarcoma (a type of cancer), "Strontium-90" replaces calcium in the bones and breast milk leading to leukemia (blood cancer), bone and breast cancer. And even small doses of exposure to Krypton-85 significantly increase the likelihood of developing skin cancer.

Scientists note that people living in urban areas are most exposed to radiation. major cities, because in addition to the natural radiation background, they are also affected by building materials, food, air, contaminated objects. Constant excess over the natural radiation background leads to early aging, weakening of vision and the immune system, excessive psychological excitability, hypertension and the development of anomalies in children.

Even the smallest doses of radiation cause irreversible genetic changes that are passed down from generation to generation, leading to the development of Down syndrome, epilepsy, and the appearance of other defects in the mental and physical development. It is especially scary that both food and household items are exposed to radiation contamination. AT recent times cases of seizure of counterfeit and low-quality products, which are a powerful source of ionizing radiation, have become more frequent. Even children's toys are made radioactive! What kind of health of the nation can we talk about?!

A large amount of information was obtained from the analysis of the results of the application radiotherapy for the treatment of cancer. Many years of experience have allowed physicians to obtain extensive information about the response of human tissues to radiation. This reaction for various organs and tissues was not the same, and the differences are very large. Most organs manage to heal radiation damage to some extent and therefore tolerate a series of small doses better than the same total dose of radiation received at one time.

The red bone marrow and other elements of the hematopoietic system are most vulnerable to radiation. Fortunately, they also have a remarkable ability to regenerate, and if the radiation dose is not so high as to cause damage to all cells, the hematopoietic system can fully restore its functions. If, however, not the whole body, but some part of it, was exposed to radiation, then the surviving brain cells are enough to completely replace the damaged cells.

The reproductive organs and eyes are also highly sensitive to radiation. A single irradiation of the testes at a minimum dose leads to temporary sterility of men, and a slightly higher dose is enough to lead to permanent sterility: only after many years can the testes produce full-fledged sperm again. Apparently, the testes are the only exception to the general rule: the total dose of radiation received in several doses is more dangerous for them, and not less, than the same dose received in one dose. The ovaries are much less sensitive to the effects of radiation, at least in adult women.

For the eye, the most vulnerable part is the lens. Dead cells become opaque, and the growth of cloudy areas leads first to cataracts, and then to complete blindness. The higher the dose, the greater the loss of vision.

Children are also extremely sensitive to the effects of radiation. Relatively small doses when cartilage tissue is irradiated, they can slow down or even stop their bone growth, which leads to anomalies in the development of the skeleton. The younger the child, the more bone growth is inhibited. It also turned out that irradiating a child's brain with radiation therapy can cause changes in his character, lead to memory loss, and in very young children even to dementia and idiocy. The bones and brain of an adult are capable of withstanding much higher doses.

The fetal brain is also extremely sensitive to the effects of radiation, especially if the mother is exposed to radiation between the eighth and fifteenth weeks of pregnancy. During this period, the cerebral cortex forms in the fetus, and there is a high risk that a mentally retarded child will be born as a result of maternal exposure (for example, X-rays). About 30 children exposed in utero during the atomic bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki suffered in this way. Although the individual risk is great and the consequences particularly distressing, the number of women in this stage of pregnancy at any given time is only a small fraction of the total population. This, however, is the most serious effect of all the known effects of irradiation of the human fetus, although after irradiation of animal embryos during their intrauterine development, quite a few others have been found. serious consequences including malformations, underdevelopment and death.

Most adult tissues are relatively insensitive to the action of radiation. Kidneys, liver, bladder, mature cartilage tissue are the most resistant organs to radiation. The lungs, an extremely complex organ, are much more vulnerable, and in the blood vessels, subtle but possibly significant changes can occur even at relatively low doses.

The study of the genetic consequences of radiation exposure is even more difficult than in the case of cancer. First, little is known about what damage occurs in the human genetic apparatus during irradiation; secondly, the full identification of all hereditary defects occurs only over many generations; and thirdly, as in the case of cancer, these defects cannot be distinguished from those which have arisen from other causes.

Approximately 10% of all living newborns have some form of genetic defect, ranging from minor physical defects such as color blindness to severe conditions such as Down's syndrome, Huntington's chorea, and various malformations. Many of the embryos and fetuses with severe hereditary disorders do not survive to birth; according to available data, about half of all cases of spontaneous abortion are associated with abnormalities in the genetic material. But even if children with hereditary defects are born alive, they are five times less likely to survive to their first birthday than normal children.

Genetic disorders can be classified into two main types: chromosomal aberrations, which involve changes in the number or structure of chromosomes, and mutations in the genes themselves. Gene mutations further subdivided into dominant (which appear immediately in the first generation) and recessive (which can only appear if the same gene is mutated in both parents; such mutations may not appear for many generations or not be detected at all). Both types of anomalies may lead to hereditary diseases in subsequent generations, or may not appear at all.

Among more than 27,000 children whose parents received relatively high doses during the atomic bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki, only two probable mutations were found, and among about the same number of children whose parents received lower doses, not a single such case was noted. Among children whose parents were irradiated as a result of the atomic bomb explosion, there was also no statistically significant increase in the frequency of chromosomal abnormalities. While some surveys suggest that exposed parents are more likely to have a child with Down syndrome, other studies do not support this.

5. Influence chemical elements on human health

Global air pollution is accompanied by a deterioration in the health of the population. At the same time, the problem of quantifying the impact of these pollutions has not yet been finally resolved. For the most part Negative influence It is mediated through food chains, since the bulk of pollution falls on the surface of the earth (solids) or is washed out of the atmosphere with the help of precipitation. With the exception of emergencies, changes in the state of health can be quite difficult to link with a specific xenobiotic that has entered the atmospheric air. In addition to the etiological factor, the extent of damage to people is significantly influenced by meteorological conditions that contribute to or hinder dispersion. harmful substances.

Chronic poisonings are quite common, but they are rarely recorded. A statistically significant dependence on atmospheric air pollution has been established for bronchitis, which gradually turns into such a complex disease as bronchial asthma, pneumonia, pulmonary emphysema, as well as for acute respiratory diseases. Air pollution affects the body's resistance, which is manifested in the growth of infectious diseases. There is good evidence of the impact of pollution on the duration of disease. Thus, a respiratory disease in children living in contaminated areas lasts 2-2.5 times longer than in children living in relatively clean areas. Numerous studies carried out in last years, indicate that children living in areas with high levels of air pollution have low level physical development, which is often assessed as disharmonious. The observed lag of the level of biological development from the passport age indicates a very unfavorable effect of air pollution on the health of the younger generation. To the greatest extent, atmospheric air pollution affects health indicators in urban centers, in particular in cities with developed metallurgical, processing and coal industries. The territory of such cities is affected by both non-specific pollutants (dust, sulfur dioxide, hydrogen sulfide, carbon monoxide, soot, nitrogen dioxide) and specific ones (fluorine, phenol, metals, etc.). Moreover, non-specific pollutants account for over 95% of the total volume of atmospheric air pollution.

The danger of the influence of polluted atmospheric air on the health of the population is caused by the objective action of the following factors:

1) A variety of pollution. It is believed that a person living in an industrial area could potentially be exposed to several hundred thousand chemicals. Typically, a limited number of chemicals are actually present in a given area at relatively high concentrations. However, the combined action of atmospheric pollutants can lead to an increase in their toxic effects.

2) The possibility of a massive impact, since breathing is continuous and a person inhales up to 20 thousand liters of air per day. Even insignificant concentrations of chemicals with such a volume of breathing can lead to a toxically significant intake of harmful substances into the body.

3) Direct access of pollutants to the internal environment of the body. The lungs have a surface of the order of 100 m2, the air during breathing comes into almost direct contact with the blood, in which almost everything that is present in the air dissolves. From the lungs, blood enters the systemic circulation, bypassing such a detoxification barrier as the liver. It has been established that the poison received by inhalation often acts 80-100 times stronger than when it enters through the gastrointestinal tract.

4) Difficulty of protection against xenobiotics. A person who refuses to eat contaminated food or poor-quality water cannot but breathe polluted air. At the same time, the pollutant acts on all groups of the population around the clock.

In all areas with high levels of atmospheric air pollution, the incidence as one of the health indicators is higher than in relatively clean areas. So, in the Dorogobuzh district of the Smolensk region, in the body of children and women who do not have professional loads, an accumulation of elements contained in the emissions of the Dorogobuzh industrial hub (chromium, nickel, titanium, copper, aluminum) was noted. As a result, the incidence of respiratory diseases in children was 1.8 times and neurological diseases 1.9 times higher than in a relatively clean area.

In Tolyatti, children living in the zone of influence of emissions from the Northern Industrial Hub were 2.4–8.8 times more likely to suffer from diseases of the upper respiratory tract and bronchial asthma than children living in a relatively clean area.

In Saransk, the population living in the area adjacent to the antibiotic production plant has a specific allergization of the body to antibiotics and candidal antigen.

In the cities of the Chelyabinsk region, where more than 80% of emissions are caused by ferrous and non-ferrous metallurgy enterprises, it is noted elevated level incidence of diseases of the endocrine system, blood, respiratory organs in children and adults, as well as observed congenital anomalies in children and adults, complications of pregnancy and childbirth, skin diseases and malignant neoplasms.

In rural areas of the Rostov region in areas with high pesticide loads (up to 20 kg/ha), the prevalence of circulatory diseases in children increased by 113%, bronchial asthma - by 95% and congenital anomalies - by 55%.

The most important sources of chemical pollution of the environment in Russia are industrial enterprises, motor transport, thermal and nuclear power plants. In cities, poorly disposed waste also makes a significant contribution to environmental pollution. public utilities, and in rural areas - pesticides and mineral fertilizers, polluted effluents from livestock complexes.

Atmospheric pollution primarily affects the body's resistance, the decrease of which results in increased morbidity, as well as other physiological changes in the body. Compared to other sources of chemical pollution (food, drinking water), atmospheric air is a particular danger, since there is no chemical barrier on its way, similar to the liver when pollutants penetrate through the gastrointestinal tract.

The main sources of soil pollution are chemical leaks, the deposition of air pollutants on the soil, the overuse of chemicals in agriculture, and the improper storage, storage and disposal of liquid and solid waste.

In Russia as a whole, soil pollution with pesticides is about 7.25%. The regions with the highest pollution include the soils of the North Caucasus, Primorsky Krai and the Central Black Earth regions, the regions with medium pollution - the soils of the Kurgan and Omsk regions, the Middle Volga region, the territories with low pollution - the soils of the Upper Volga region, Western Siberia, Irkutsk and Moscow regions.

At present, almost all water bodies Russia is subject to anthropogenic pollution. In the water of most rivers and lakes, the MAC is exceeded for at least one pollutant. According to the State Committee for Sanitary and Epidemiological Supervision of Russia, drinking water in more than 30% of water bodies does not comply with GOST.

Water and soil pollution, as well as air pollution, is a serious problem in Russia. Their increasing pollution with toxic chemicals, for example, heavy metals and dioxins, as well as nitrates and pesticides, has a direct impact on food quality, drinking water and as a direct consequence of health.

optimal cigarette nicotine


"Fundamentals of Radiation Safety", V.P. Mashkovich, A.M. Panchenko.

“When a person is his own enemy” G.M. Entin.

Life safety textbook, grades 10-11, V.Ya. Syunkov Publishing house "Astrel", 2002.

"Drugs and drug addiction" N.B. Serdyukov st n / a: Phoenix, 2000. - "Panacea Series" - Ro-256s.

Journal “Fundamentals of Life Safety”. No. 10, 2002, pp. 20-26.

8. Ivanets N.N. Lectures on narcology. "Knowledge", Moscow, 2000.

9. Belogurov S.B. Popular about drugs and addictions. - 2nd ed., corrected. and additional - St. Petersburg: "Nevsky Dialect", 2000.

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The six main factors that have a huge impact on human health:

  1. Food.
  2. Air.
  3. Psychology.
  4. Water environment.
  5. Physical activity.
  6. Excess weight.

Particular attention should be paid to food and water. These factors are the easiest to influence. And with this "two" it is easier to start your health journey.

The entire human body is made up of many cells. But they (cells) differ in impermanence, because today they are one, and tomorrow they are completely different. Therefore, you need to eat well so that the cells develop without pathologies.

Why is water so important? Because we are all almost eighty-five percent of it. Agree that this "percentage" is rather big? It is necessary to monitor both the quality and quantity of water. The physiological water norm is thirty milliliters of water per kilogram of weight. If a person is sick, then he drinks about one and a half liters more.

Emotions also affect human health

Now let's see how exactly:

  1. Jealousy. This emotion slows down the production of sex hormones by the human body. In very jealous women, intimate attraction disappears, and men turn into impotent ones.
  2. A pity. It can lead to liver disease. When a person feels pity, the level of sugar in the blood begins to decrease.
  3. Envy can lead to a stroke or a heart attack. The condition of the heart, accordingly, will worsen and it will be more difficult to improve it.
  4. Constant guilt is an increase in risk oncological diseases. Self-flagellation is something negative.

The body needs to be supplied with vitamins. To very important vitamins include vitamins such as selenium, iodine and calcium.

Foods rich in selenium:

  1. Pistachios.
  2. Lentils.
  3. Wheat.
  4. Peas.
  5. Beans.
  6. Almond nuts.
  7. Cabbage.
  8. Corn.
  9. Octopus.

Foods rich in iodine:

  1. Bread (ordinary).
  2. Hard cheese).
  3. Peas.
  4. Shrimps (fried).
  5. Butter.
  6. Spinach.
  7. Sausages.
  8. Champignons.
  9. Bagel.
  10. Haddock.

Foods high in calcium:

  1. Garlic.
  2. Oatmeal.
  3. Cottage cheese.
  4. Sour cream.
  5. Cream.
  6. Mustard.
  7. Hazelnut.
  8. Parsley.
  9. Dill.
  10. Berries.

Weather conditions also affect human health. People are divided into "weather dependent" and "weather independent". Those who belong to the second type feel great in the cold, and in the heat, and in the slush. And the first type includes people whose health and well-being deteriorate as soon as the weather changes.

Factors that positively affect human health:

  1. Favorable atmosphere (environment). Put things in order in the apartment to create comfort. Go to visit only those people in whose company you enjoy being.
  2. Fresh air. Walk! Don't be afraid of the cold! Walking is a great way to escape from all the bad and unwanted.
  3. Healthy sleep. How much sleep do you need? Well, at least seven hours a day. Six is ​​the minimum! Accustom yourself to the fact that this is the number of hours you must spend on the "journey to dreams."
  4. Regular sexual relations. Truth! Find a loved one if you don't have one!
  5. Good food. Eat well and don't skimp on food! Less chemicals. More natural products!
  6. Relaxation. Not everything can be done, unfortunately. And you can’t earn all the finances either. Pity yourself, don't overdo it.
  7. Relaxing music. Listen to her (at least from time to time). See how your body "transforms"!
  8. Meditation. You need to be able to meditate. There is not the slightest sense in "empty" meditation.
  9. Visualization. Imagine everything that you dream about, what you desire. The more you dream, the sooner everything will “grow” into reality.
  10. Communication. It lifts the mood. Try to meet more often those people whom you are always glad to see.

Bad "nutritional" habits that have a bad effect on health:

  1. Eating too early. Wash your face with cold water, do exercises, get dressed. And then think about eating! Breakfast is not to be rushed. He won't get away from you.
  2. Eating too late. Do not eat after nine o'clock! After six, eating is also harmful, but this "harmfulness" is mainly distributed to those who are fond of diets.
  3. "Snacks" in the pauses between lunch, breakfast and dinner. Do not allow "add-ons" to food. If you do not get bored - increase the portion of the main meal. Snacking is banned!
  4. Enjoying food to improve your emotional state. Food will not save you from problems and will not solve them, dear and respected women! Everything can be decided solely by you (albeit not always without outside help).
  5. "New" food after a heavy meal. Food is redundant. You will feel it for yourself. But make it so that the stomach will suffer. You don't want this, do you? Less "superfluous" - more health!
  6. Fruit consumption, combined with the main meal. Everything is simple! Eat fruits (bananas, oranges, lemons, tangerines and other tasty “things”) separately, and not with some other food.
  7. Eating without feeling hungry. If there is no hunger, thio and a meal are a must! Prepare a meal, for example, for your loved ones. They will be very pleased that you care about them.
  8. The use of incompatible and harmful products. Be careful! Protect your body from mistakes! To restore and maintain health is more difficult than to acquire it! Now look at what products are considered "malicious":

A small list of harmful foods and drinks:

  1. Salo.
  2. Wafers.
  3. Fried potatoes.
  4. Hamburger.
  5. Cheeseburger.
  6. Yogurt (very fatty)
  7. Crisps.
  8. Crackers.
  9. Coffee (in large quantities).
  10. "Fanta".
  11. "Coca Cola".
  12. "Sprite".

For everything to be good - live positively and with faith in the best! Do not be nervous! Depression, stress and nervousness are also factors that can negatively affect your precious health.

Move more and worry less! Imagine that life has given you such a task. Do not be afraid of difficulties! By fulfilling the “life task” you will help yourself develop your willpower well!

A person, throughout his life, experiences a number of factors that both positively and negatively affect his health. The factors influencing human health are calculated in more than one dozen. In addition to the genetic and biological characteristics of a person, it is also directly influenced by environmental, social and physical factors. This affects not only the health of a person directly, but also the duration of his life.

Influence on a person, as a rule, is exerted by the following factors:

  • Physical
  • Chemical
  • genetic
  • healthcare

Chemical Factors

Factors affecting human health of this type of impact, as a rule, have strong influence for the continued existence of man. Pollution of our atmosphere is directly related to the deterioration of health, and, consequently, life expectancy. This has always been and will continue to be a topical issue.

The most likely factors that accompany chemical poisoning or infection are manufacturing enterprises, which emit waste into the atmosphere, soil and water. Harmful substances, as a rule, enter the atmosphere - gases that can have both a direct effect on a person, that is, a person inhales harmful fumes along with air, as well as twofold, that is, through water or land. So, when it enters the soil, harmful substances can be absorbed by plants, which a person then eats. The same applies to water. A person uses water for personal purposes, without even knowing what harmful substances are contained in it, and what they threaten. Since most of the gases released into the atmosphere can easily combine with water, areas with active industry have not only a polluted atmosphere, but also polluted water and soil.

Thus, the factors that shape human health, in this case, cannot exceed the factors of pollution, and therefore in industrial areas children get sick more often and residents more often suffer from oncological diseases, which significantly shortens their lives.

It should be noted that the impact of polluted atmospheric air on the population is due to such objective principles:

Variety of pollution - It is believed that a person who lives in an industrial area can be exposed to approximately several hundred thousand chemical and poisonous substances. In a certain area, a limited amount of harmful substances may be present, but in a higher concentration, moreover, a combination of certain substances can cause an increase in their negative impact on a person.

Massive impact - a person inhales about 20,000 liters of air per day, and even insignificant concentrations of a toxic substance that are contained in the air, comparable to such inhaled volumes, can cause a significant intake of toxins into the body.

The access of toxins to the internal environment of the body. As you know, the lungs have a surface of about 100 square meters, which allows them to absorb harmful substances and disperse them over a large surface of the organ. Toxins have direct contact with the blood, because from the lungs, they immediately enter the systemic circulation, bypassing the toxicological barrier on their way - the liver.

Difficulty of defense. Refusing to eat contaminated food or water, a person still continues to absorb toxins through the atmosphere and air.

Air pollution, as a rule, negatively affects the body's resistance, which results in increased morbidity and a number of physiological changes in the body. Factors affecting human health in this case reduce the average life expectancy.

If we compare atmospheric pollution, then it is ten times more dangerous than water or soil pollution, since toxins directly enter the bloodstream through the lungs.

The main soil pollutants are the leakage of chemical waste, improperly buried or stored incorrectly, the deposition of harmful substances from the atmosphere on the soil, as well as the abundant use of chemicals in agriculture.

In Russia, the soil is contaminated with pesticides by almost 8%. AT this moment, it is most likely that almost all water bodies are susceptible to anthropogenic pollution.

The factors influencing human health in chemical terms are so diverse that it is impossible to cope with them all. Since the scale of production is growing exponentially every day, and it takes tens or even hundreds of years to restore the resources of nature.

Physical factors

The main physical factors that negatively affect a person are noise, electromagnetic radiation, vibration, electric current.

We will analyze each of the types of negative influence separately.

Noise is a complex of sounds and sounds that can cause disturbances or discomfort in the body, and in some cases even the destruction of the hearing organs. So noise of 35 dB can cause insomnia, noise of 60 dB can irritate the nervous system, noise of 90 dB causes hearing impairment, depression, or, conversely, leads to excitation of the nervous system. Noise greater than 110 dB can lead to noise intoxication, which is expressed as alcohol intoxication, as well as to excitement and neurasthenia. The main sources of noise are transport, both road and rail, and aviation, as well as enterprises.

Vibration is oscillatory processes that can have a wide range of frequencies resulting from the action of some mechanism that transmits vibrational energy. It can be both transport and enterprises.

Electromagnetic radiation is usually transmitted by radio or television stations, radar installations, different kind industrial appliances. Constant exposure to electromagnetic fields or radio waves can lead to changes in the nervous or endocrine system.

genetic factor

As a rule, it is due to previous exposure of previous generations of the population to toxic or polluting substances, which can eventually result in hereditary diseases descendants, and as a result - low life expectancy of certain parts of the population. Also, the next generations may be predisposed to certain diseases.


In many ways, everything depends on the development of the healthcare infrastructure in a particular country. Since the state of health of the population and its life expectancy directly depend on this. The factors that determine human health are significant in this case. The general awareness of the population, the financing of medical structures, the development of innovative technologies and methods of treatment are taken into account, as well as timely diagnosis, which can only be successful if expensive manipulation equipment is available.

Try to eat right, lead a healthy lifestyle and not be nervous. From this, your life expectancy will increase for many years. Be healthy!

All elements of nature are interconnected. The person who is also a part of it is influenced various factors, including the harmful ones. Their impact negatively affects health. Most often, the digestive system suffers. The rhythm of life in which we live simply does not allow us to eat properly. In addition to harmful products, there are many other factors that have a negative impact on the human body.

Conventionally, all harmful factors affecting human health can be divided into those whose impact is inevitable, and those that can be excluded from your life.

Alcohol and overeating. Very often, after the holidays, usually accompanied by feasts with the use of a large amount of heavy food and alcohol, we do not feel very well.

Such errors in nutrition, of course, have a negative impact on the digestive system. Overeating and alcohol delay the breakdown of body fat, which is reflected in the figure. As a result of the ingestion of alcohol, as well as its breakdown products, into the intestines, due to a violation of the microflora, we have additional problems, such as abdominal pain.

Fatty, spicy food eaten the day before is poorly digested by the stomach, which leads to a feeling of heaviness, discomfort, frustration and nausea. With a constant violation of the principles of proper nutrition, you will inevitably develop health problems over time.

Smoking. Smoking is one of the most common negative factors. This bad habit disrupts not only the respiratory system, larynx and pulmonary system, but also causes diseases of the stomach (gastritis, ulcers), intestines, negatively affects the cardiovascular system, liver and kidneys. The poison from nicotine poisons our entire body, which weakens the immune system and causes a greater tendency to various diseases than non-smokers.

In the body of a heavy smoker, carcinogens gradually accumulate and heavy metals, causing irreversible changes in all organs and systems. It is known that very often people suffering from tobacco dependence die from stroke, myocardial infarction and lung cancer.

Sedentary lifestyle. AT modern world many suffer from the effects of hypodynamia. But movement has always been the key to good health. Regular sports loads stimulate all body systems, including the digestive system. A physically active person practically does not have flatulence, constipation and similar problems associated with congestion and putrefactive processes in the intestines.

coffeemania. Many people are used to drinking a cup of coffee in the morning. This helps to cheer up and quickly tune in to the working mood. Coffee does not pose a danger to the body only if a person is limited to one cup a day. By abusing it, we burden the heart and endanger our health.

Treatment abuse. The regular use of drugs, which can even cause addiction, causes great harm to the body. Painkillers, enzymes that help the stomach digest heavy foods are in each home first aid kit, but one could completely do without them if a person followed what and in what volumes he eats, how he chews everything, what lifestyle he leads. All body systems are closely interconnected with each other.

Medicines destroy the microflora of the stomach and intestines and have a negative effect on the mucous membranes. The circle closes and we reach for the pills again.

All these factors are harmful to human health, affect the body, gradually worsening its condition. But many people are not interested in how they could maintain their health and prolong their lives, and they do so absolutely in vain ... If you want to lead a healthy lifestyle, you must take into account the factors affecting health! Do not be indifferent to yourself, lead a healthy lifestyle!

The main factors affecting the health of the population: lifestyle, environmental and socio-economic situation, biological factors(heredity), state policy in the field of public health (Fig. 2.26).

It is difficult to determine the share of influence of each of these factors, since all of them are interconnected and are largely modified by the policy in the field of public health protection, which is implemented through the health care system. According to the definition in the Federal Law of November 21, 2011 No. 323-FZ “On the Fundamentals of Protecting the Health of Citizens of the Russian Federation”, public health protection is a system of political measures. economic, legal, social, scientific, medical, including sanitary and anti-epidemic (preventive) nature, aimed at preventing diseases, maintaining and strengthening the physical and mental health of each person, maintaining his active long life, providing him with medical care. Health authorities (ministries) have been established to implement health protection programs.

According to this definition, and in line with WHO (2000) recommendations, the goal of ministries of health is to improve the health of the population. Their activities cover the provision of medical care to the sick, the implementation of public health programs for the prevention of diseases and the coordination

nation of interdepartmental programs to increase the population's commitment to a healthy lifestyle. In developed countries, the term “public health” means that the activities of the public health service are aimed at society as a whole, and not at its individual members. In the Russian Federation, this activity is carried out by the sanitary and epidemiological service of Rospotrebnadzor, federal and regional health authorities.

Such a broad interpretation of the responsibility of the Ministry of Health also determines a higher degree of influence of its activities on the health of the population. With a complex effect on the health of the population of sanitary and epidemiological measures, health education, preventive immunization and treatment of serious diseases with antibiotics, the impact of the health care system will be 70-80%. Some experts indicate an impact of 10-15%, meaning only medical care for the sick in a fairly well-funded health care system.

In countries with developed market economies, where sufficient funds are allocated for health care and the population is provided with an almost complete range of all possible medical services, an additional increase in system funding will lead to a relatively small effect compared to countries where there are growth reserves in this direction. In the Russian Federation, increased funding and increased efficiency of the health care system will have a greater impact on improving health than in the EU countries.


WHO estimates the impact of lifestyle on health is 2-2.5 times higher than other factors. By modifying a person's lifestyle and reducing the influence of risk factors, more than 80% of cases of cardiovascular disease can be prevented and diabetes Type II, about 40% of cases of malignant neoplasms.

An analysis of epidemiological data makes it possible to identify the impact of various causes on morbidity and mortality in the population, and to determine risk factors. The presence of a risk factor indicates an increased probability of the development of a particular adverse event, and its value indicates the level of this probability. The presence of a risk factor in a particular person may not lead to illness or death, but the magnitude of the risk factor can determine its impact on the health of the country's population as a whole.

WHO data on the frequency of 10 major risk factors in the structure of total mortality (2 million 406 thousand deaths) and the number of years of life with disability (39.41 million years) in Russia in 2002 are given in Table. 2.12. The number of years of life with disability is a general indicator of the health of the population, taking into account mortality, morbidity and the degree of disability. It is calculated for a country as the sum of years of life with disability due to premature death from all causes in all age groups, disability and temporary disability. These years are calculated by frequency and duration various kinds disability multiplied by a coefficient (specific gravity) that takes into account the degree of disability compared to the loss of life.

Four risk factors - high blood pressure and cholesterol levels, smoking and excessive alcohol consumption - together account for 87.5% of total mortality in the country and 58.5% of the share of life years with disability. At the same time, in 1st place in terms of the impact on the number of years of life with loss of labor

ability is worth alcohol abuse - 16.5%. According to expert estimates, over the past 6 years, relative indicators have changed little.

Alcohol abuse. This is a major public health problem, the cause of catastrophic high level mortality (especially male) in Russia. Premature mortality is about 0.5 million people a year.

The main consequences of alcohol abuse in Russia:

Supermortality, reduced life expectancy, loss of health, reduced birth rate, deterioration in heredity and children's health;

Degradation of the social and spiritual and moral environment, breakup of families;

The economic losses from the destruction of human potential are many times higher than the income from the production and circulation of alcohol.

Alcohol abuse increases the likelihood of death from cardiovascular disease (CHD, high blood pressure, hemorrhagic stroke, arrhythmias, cardiomyopathy), accidents, injuries, and sudden stop hearts.

According to the Federal State Statistics Service, in 2010, 1.95 million people, or 1.4% of the country's population, were registered with health care facilities for alcoholism and alcoholic psychosis.

According to Rospotrebnadzor, real per capita alcohol consumption, taking into account the turnover of alcohol-containing products, including perfumery and cosmetics, goods household chemicals and others, in Russia is about 18 liters of pure alcohol per person per year. According to medical statistics, 2.8 million Russians are involved in severe painful drunkenness - 2% of the country's population. In 2011, according to the country's chief narcologist, adult alcohol consumption fell to 15 liters of pure alcohol per capita per year (see Figure 2.27), 1.6 times higher than the OECD average. Perhaps this is due to some government measures aimed at reducing alcohol consumption, or to inaccurate statistics on illegal alcohol trafficking.

According to Rospotrebnadzor, in 1990-2006. Alcohol consumption per capita increased by 2.5 times, mainly due to the increase in beer consumption. Every day in the Russian Federation drink alcoholic beverages (including beer) 33% of boys and 20% of girls, about 70% of men and 47% of women.

In most Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) countries, in particular the United States, alcohol consumption is lower, although still high, but does not lead to abnormally high mortality (Fig. 2.27). The reason is that different types alcoholic products have different effects on health, with an important risk factor being the strength of the most popular drink in the country. Since 1990, the consumption of strong alcoholic beverages in the Russian Federation has not decreased in absolute terms, although their share in the structure of consumption has decreased to 15% due to a sharp increase in beer consumption. In most EU countries, the main alcoholic beverages are wine and beer. This difference, along with the massive spread of smoking, is the main reason for the high mortality of men of working age in Russia (see also section 2.2).

Smoking. According to the Center for Preventive Medicine of the Ministry of Health of Russia, 220,000 people a year in the country die from smoking-related diseases. It causes an increase in BSC, leads to chronic lung diseases and many oncological diseases. Smoking is the cause of death from lung cancer - 90%, from AOD - 75%, from heart disease - 25%. Approximately 25% of smokers die prematurely, smoking reduces life expectancy by an average of 10-15 years (data from Rospotrebnadzor). Smoking is associated with 40% of the mortality of Russian men from CSD. More high mortality smoking men leads to a 1.5-fold decrease in the proportion of men over the age of 55 years.

In 1990-2009 the sale of cigarettes increased 1.6 times - from 246 to 400 billion pieces per year, or from 5 to 8 pieces per capita per day. In 1990-1995 there was a slight decrease in cigarette consumption (by 20%), but already in 1995-2005. it doubled - from 1.4 to 2.8 thousand units per capita per year, and it has remained at this level for the last 5 years.

In Russia, 63% of men and 30% of women, 40% of boys and 7% of girls smoke. The share of smokers among the adult population in Russia is one of the highest in the world and is 2 times higher than in the US and EU countries - 25% (Fig. 2.28).

Smoking is a preventable cause of disease. In many countries of the world (USA, EU countries) there are national anti-smoking programs. Their implementation makes it possible to reduce the prevalence of smoking and related mortality by 1.5-2 times (WHO, 2005). It is very important that in 2008 Russia finally ratified the Framework Convention on Smoking Control, which 172 out of 192 UN member countries have already signed today. Also adopted in the strictest edition the federal law“On protecting public health from the consequences of tobacco consumption”, proposed by the Government of the Russian Federation (dated February 23, 2013 No. 15-FZ).

drug use(see also section 2.2). Every year, tens of thousands of Russians die from drugs. In June 2009, the head of the State Drug Control Service said that 30 thousand people die every year from drugs, and cited horrifying facts:

There are 2-2.5 million drug addicts in Russia, mostly aged 18-39;

The average age of a dying drug addict is 28;

Every year, the army of Russian drug addicts is replenished by 80 thousand recruits;

In terms of the number of drug addicts, Russia is ahead of the EU states by an average of 5-8 times, in terms of the consumption of hard drugs it ranks one of the first places in the world.

Among intravenous drug users, the risk of death is 20 times higher than in the general population. Such drug addiction is associated with an increase in teenage mortality in Russia.

High blood pressure. AH is the main cause of death and the second most important cause of morbidity (in terms of years of life with disability) in Russia. Patients with uncontrolled hypertension have a 3-4 times higher risk of stroke and myocardial infarction. In Russia, about 34-46% of men and 32-46% of women (depending on the region) suffer from hypertension. However, these data do not reflect a reliable picture, its real prevalence is higher.

High cholesterol. Approximately 60% of adult Russians have cholesterol levels above the recommended level, while it is so high that it requires medical intervention in about 20% of people. Reducing the level of cholesterol in the blood by only 1% can reduce the risk of coronary artery disease in the population by 2.5%.

Improper diet and sedentary lifestyle. The documents adopted by the WHO General Assembly indicate that about 1/3 of all CSDs are due to malnutrition. If you reduce the consumption of vegetables and fruits, the mortality from CSD will increase by 28%. Despite the fact that in the Russian Federation in 1995-2007. consumption of fruits and vegetables per capita has increased by 27%, it is still significantly less than in Italy and France, which have the lowest death rates from CSD in Europe.

Improved nutrition also contributes to a reduction in mortality from cancer by 30-40%. In the nutrition of the country's population, there is a shortage of certain microelements and essential acids (iodine, iron, etc.), which can be easily compensated by enriching food products with these elements. Unfortunately, there are no such programs in the country.

A sedentary lifestyle exacerbates this problem. Moderate but regular exercise improves physical and mental health, and reduces the chance of CSD, colon cancer, diabetes, and high blood pressure. Studies in 2002 indicate a low level of physical activity in 73-81% of men and 73-86% of women in Russia.

Obesity and overweight. Overweight or obese adults are at increased risk premature death and disability. Life expectancy in people with severe obesity is reduced by 5-20 years. In total, 1.06 million obese people, or 0.7% of the population, are registered in Russia, but the real prevalence of obesity and overweight is higher. According to the Research Institute of Nutrition of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences (2009), in the Russian Federation, the number of overweight residents aged 25-64 years, depending on the region, is 47-54% of men and 42-60% of women; obesity - in 15-20% of them.

Sugar diabetes. About 3.3 million citizens suffering from diabetes are officially registered in Russia, about 50% of them are in the most active working age - 40-59 years. According to the control and epidemiological studies conducted by the Endocrinological scientific center RAMS in various regions of Russia, the true number of patients with diabetes is 3-4 times higher than officially registered and is about 9-10 million people (7.1% of the total population of Russia). According to the WHO database, the overall incidence of diabetes mellitus (number of cases per 100 thousand population) in Russia in 2011 was 2363.2, while in the "new countries" of the EU it is 5.3 times less (428.0 cases per 100 thousand population). According to Rosstat, the death rate from diabetes (number of deaths per 100,000 population) in Russia in 2011 was 6.2 cases (1% of all deaths).

Not detected in time, and, accordingly, untreated diabetes mellitus entails the threat of the development of the most severe chronic vascular complications: retinopathy, leading to complete loss of vision; nephropathy requiring lifelong replacement renal therapy hemodialysis and inevitable kidney transplant; damage to the vessels of the lower extremities with the development of gangrene and subsequent amputation of the extremities; damage to the main vessels of the heart and brain, leading to the development of myocardial infarction and stroke. By the time a patient first visits a doctor, about 40% of patients already have irreversible vascular lesions, which indicates insufficient detection of diabetes mellitus and its adequate treatment.


In Russia, due to the reduction in industrial production, the main environmental indicators (pollution of the atmosphere and water bodies by industrial waste, the sanitary condition of drinking water) in 1990-2007. improved somewhat. However, a significant part of the population of industrial cities still live in unfavorable environmental conditions. In 2010, Roshydromet determined a list of 94 cities with the most unfavorable environmental situation associated with the release of more than 1000 tons of pollutants into the atmosphere from industrial enterprises. From this list, 12 most "dirty" cities in Russia can be distinguished in terms of the level of emissions of pollutants into the atmosphere by industrial enterprises (more than 100 thousand tons). This is primarily Norilsk with a population of 176 thousand people - 1924 thousand tons, then in decreasing order: Cherepovets (315 thousand people) - 333 thousand tons, Novokuznetsk (549 thousand people) - 301 thousand tons, Lipetsk ( 511 thousand people) - 299 thousand tons, Magnitogorsk (410 thousand people) - 232 thousand tons, Angarsk (241 thousand people) - 207 thousand tons, Omsk (1 million 154 thousand people) - 198 thousand. tons, Krasnoyarsk (1 million 186 thousand people) - 149 thousand tons Ufa (1 million 82 thousand people) - 134 thousand tons, Chelyabinsk (1 million 143 thousand people) -

118 thousand tons. Bratsk (244 thousand people) - 116 thousand tons. Nizhny Tagil (361 thousand people) - 114 thousand tons. For comparison, in the megacities of Moscow (11.8 million people) and St. Petersburg ( 5 million people), the level of emissions was 63 and 57 thousand tons, respectively. In terms of soil pollution with chemicals (sarin, dioxins, etc.), the most polluted city in the world is Dzerzhinsk, Nizhny Novgorod Region.

A number of cities in Russia with the most unfavorable environmental situation in 1992, 2000 and 2010 is shown in Fig. . 2.29.

Another factor influencing the deterioration of the health of the able-bodied population is employment in industries with working conditions that do not meet hygienic standards. According to Rosstat (2010), in 1990-2007. the share of such workers increased 1.3-2 times in industrial production (depending on the type of production) and 3.8 times among transport workers. In 2007, every 3rd worker in the extractive industry and transport and every 4th worker in the energy production and manufacturing industry were in conditions that did not meet sanitary and hygienic standards. An analysis of the causes of morbidity in the Russian Federation shows that 40% of diseases of the working-age population are directly or indirectly associated with unsatisfactory working conditions (see Section 2.3).


The change in the economic system and the corresponding sharp deterioration in the socio-economic conditions in the country had a negative impact on health

population. In 1990-1995 the gross domestic product (GDP) of the country and the income of the population fell sharply, and most citizens of the Russian Federation had difficulty adapting to market conditions. Since 1995, the economic situation in the country began to gradually improve, and since 1999, a steady growth of the economy has been noted. At the same time, health care expenditures in comparable prices fell from 1990 until 1999 and reached the 1990 level only in 2006.

Dynamics of change (growth/decline) of GDP and government spending on health care in constant prices (for 100%, 1991 is taken) is shown in Fig. 1. 2.30. State expenditures of the Russian Federation in 1991-2000 obtained from calculations. made by the Institute for the Economy in Transition in 2007. Rosstat data 2000-2004. obtained by adding the expenditures of the RF budgetary system (expenditures of the federal budget and the consolidated budgets of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation) and the expenditures of the territorial compulsory medical insurance funds (TFMIS) and the Federal Compulsory Medical Insurance Fund (FOMS; minus subventions in the TFOMS to avoid double counting). Since 2005, in the data of Rosstat, the expenditures of the budgetary system include the expenditures of off-budget funds, therefore, direct data from Rosstat are taken.

To improve the accuracy of calculations, the deflator index has been refined: relative changes in GDP as a percentage of the previous year at constant prices - the most accurate indicator of changes in GDP minus inflation. To obtain the exact value of the deflator index, the value of GDP at current prices for two adjacent years was divided by the change in GDP at constant prices. The resulting index is used to obtain health care expenditures at constant prices.

Only by 2005 did the level of healthcare financing in the Russian Federation exceed the level of 1991 in comparable prices, and in total this growth for the period from 1991 to 2011 amounted to 26.8% in 1991 prices.

spending on health care at constant prices (1991 - 100%) shows that in the period 2005-2007. health care costs were 15% higher than the value of GDP. However, as early as 2008, health care expenditures declined compared to 2007, and in subsequent years (2009-2010) they stopped growing.

It should be noted that in the Russian Federation there is a high degree of inequality in the distribution of national income between various groups population. International experts also pay attention to this. According to the Nobel Laureate in Economics Joseph Stiglitz (2001), “in terms of inequality, Russia is comparable to the worst Latin American societies in the world that inherited a semi-feudal system.” The existing flat scale of taxation and tax evasion for the wealthiest categories of the population do not allow generating sufficient funds in the budget of the Russian Federation. including funds for the solidarity health care system.

Distribution of incomes between various groups of the population of the Russian Federation is presented on fig. 2.31. The total income of the population of the Russian Federation is 21 trillion rubles a year. For analysis, the population of the country is divided into 10 groups of equal size (or 10% decile groups) in ascending order of their monetary value.

income. The tenth (richest) decile group officially accounts for 30.6% of income, while the poorest - 1.9%. The ratio between the incomes of the richest and poorest groups - the decile coefficient - in the Russian Federation is 16. In the Scandinavian countries it is 3-4, in the EU - 5-6, in South Africa - 10, in Latin America- 12. Citizens of the first two groups make up 20% of the population of the Russian Federation, and they all live below or near the subsistence level.

To analyze the income of the richest decile group, its population is divided into 100 equal parts, or centile groups (1% each). The poorest of the rich - the 91st group - has about 2% of the official income of the entire population. The richest of the rich (or 1% of the country's population) - the 100th group - has, taking into account undeclared incomes, 50-100% of the official income of the rest of the country's population. And almost all of this income is "shadow" for official statistics and tax authorities and is received in foreign currency. Unrecorded incomes of super-rich citizens are calculated on the basis of Rosgosstrakh data, which indicates that 0.4% of families (200 thousand families) have annual incomes of more than 30 million rubles, and 0.2% of families (100 thousand families) own 70% of the national wealth .

In the Russian Federation, for a fair distribution of national wealth among the population, including filling the solidarity healthcare system, it is necessary to revise the flat scale of the income taxation system (13% for all incomes) and strengthen state control over tax evasion, as is customary in developed countries. For example, in the EU and the USA there is a progressive scale of taxation of the population, and the rich give a larger share (50-60%) of their income than the poor, and any tax evasion is tightly controlled and punished by the state.

Dynamics of per capita money incomes of the population of Russia (columns in Fig. 2.32) and average consumer prices for essential goods: bread (including bakery products made from first grade wheat flour) and medical services(initial appointment with a specialist doctor and a blood test, until 2000, a urine test was also included) from 1993 to 2010 is shown in fig. 2.32. For a more accurate comparison, a common unit of measurement was adopted, taking into account its growth - the dollar,

valued at purchasing power parity ($PPP) - the number of units of currency required to purchase a standard set of goods and services that can be purchased with one currency unit of the base country (US dollar). According to Rosstat, in 1993 - 0.14 rubles / US dollar; 1996 - 2.21: 1997 -2.53; 1998 - 2.83; 1999 - 5.29; 2000 - 7.15: 2001 - 8.19; 2002 - 9.27; 2003 - 10.41; 2004 - 11.89; 2005 - 12.74; 2006 - 12.63; 2007 - 13.97; 2008 - 14.34; 2009 - 14.49; 2010 - 15.98.

From fig. Figure 2.32 shows that prices for medical services rose sharply compared to the dynamics of household incomes in the period from 1993 to 1998. Then their growth, until 2007, coincides with the dynamics of growth in household incomes, and since 2008 it has outstripped them.

Thus, we can conclude that among the factors that influenced the deterioration of the health of the population of the Russian Federation in 1990-2011, an unhealthy lifestyle (high prevalence of alcoholism, smoking and drug addiction), poor working conditions at work played a predominant role. The main reason for this situation is the insufficient state policy aimed at improving the health of the population. An active state policy (including restrictive and prohibitive measures) aimed at improving a healthy lifestyle will lead to a significant improvement in public health in a short time (an example is the anti-alcohol campaign in the Russian Federation, see Fig. 2.5).