The best remedy for flu and colds is antiviral. Overview of antiviral drugs for SARS and influenza

Every year, the inhabitants of our country spend more than thirty billion rubles on antiviral drugs for colds and flu. Some choose an effective medicine based on the recommendations of a pharmacist, others based on bright advertising, price, beautiful packaging, advice from a friend or neighbor, and someone does the right thing and goes to the doctor. I want to present you a list of the most popular and effective antiviral drugs. And also to acquaint you with the features of each remedy for the flu. will quickly put you on your feet.

All drugs for influenza, depending on the mechanism of their action, can be divided into the following groups:

  1. vaccine preparations that stimulate the production of antibodies to influenza pathogens;
  2. drugs that increase the protective properties of the body by activating the production of interferon;
  3. true antiviral drugs that suppress the reproduction of the virus by inactivating neuromidase (Oseltamivir, Zanamivir) and those that block the M2 channels of the viral cell (Amantadine, Remantadine).

Effective remedies for influenza and SARS are new drugs that have been on the market for no more than 10-40 years. Their "young age" is due to extensive testing before they went on sale. To your attention is a list of medicines, in which the best drugs for influenza and SARS are presented:

  • Ingavirin;
  • Remantadine;

Ingavirin is an effective medicine against influenza, SARS and other diseases of viral etiology. Ingavirin, although a new medicine, managed to earn good reviews from those who tried it for treatment and.

The basis of the drug is vitaglutam or imidazolylethanamide pentanedioic acid.

Mechanism of action. The drug has antiviral, immunostimulating and anti-inflammatory effects.

Ingavirin has a detrimental effect on adenovirus infection, influenza A, B, respiratory syncytial virus, parainfluenza virus. It activates the production of interferons, cytotoxic lymphocytes (T-killers) in the body. Vitaglutam inhibits the reproduction of the virus at the stage of nucleus formation.

By reducing the production of inflammatory proteins, the drug reduces inflammation.

Ingavirin perfectly relieves intoxication symptoms, catarrhal phenomena, leads to the speedy normalization of body temperature.

Side effects rarely occur in the form of mild allergic reactions.

The drug is not used for hypersensitivity to its components and in children.

Ingavirin is a capsule for oral administration of 60 mg and 90 mg. Average price in Russia:

  • Ingavirin 60 mg, 7 capsules - 380 rubles;
  • Ingavirin 90 mg, 7 capsules - 480 rubles.

Arbidol is a good medicine for influenza and SARS, which consists of umifenovir and excipients.

Mechanism of action: Arbidol tablets have antiviral and immunomodulatory effects. Umifenovir perfectly copes with influenza A and B viruses, coronaviruses associated with severe respiratory syndrome, by blocking the fusion of the fatty shell of the viral cell with the cell membrane. Increases the production of interferons, immune cells, enhances the activity of phagocytes.

The drug is well tolerated by patients. In rare cases, allergic reactions may occur.

The drug is not used in case of hypersensitivity to its components and in children under the age of three.

There are no data on the use of the drug during pregnancy and lactation.

Arbidol does not affect the speed of physical and mental reactions, therefore it can be used in patients whose activities require increased attention.

Arbidol is available in the form of tablets of 50 mg, capsules of 100 mg, 200 mg, powder for suspension 25 mg / 5 ml bottle of 37 g,

Average price in Russia:

  • Arbidol 50 mg, 10 tablets -180 rubles;
  • Arbidol 100 mg, 10 capsules - 250 rubles;
  • Arbidol Maximum 200 mg, 10 capsules - 500 rubles;
  • Arbidol powder for suspension 25 mg / 5 ml bottle 37 g - 300 rubles.

Tamiflu is the most effective medicine for swine flu and influenza B. Tamiflu consists of oseltamivir and excipients.

The drug is widely used for the prevention and treatment of swine flu and other influenza A and B serotypes.

Mechanism of action: a drug with a pronounced antiviral effect on influenza A and B viruses. Tamiflu acts directly on the virus by inhibiting neuromidase, without which the virus cannot spread throughout the body and multiply.

The drug effectively reduces the intensity and risk of complications, shortens the contagious period. When using the drug to prevent influenza, 90% of people who take Tamiflu do not get sick.

Tamiflu does not develop resistance.

The drug is not used in case of hypersensitivity to its components and in renal failure.

During pregnancy and lactation, Tamiflu is prescribed with caution when the expected effect outweighs the risk of adverse reactions and fetal pathology.

Side effect of the drug:

  • dyspepsia: nausea and vomiting are observed after the first dose. With further intake, dyspepsia disappears;
  • very rarely: diarrhea, abdominal pain, headache, convulsions, cough, insomnia, malaise, nosebleeds, hearing loss, conjunctivitis, dermatitis, urticaria, bronchitis, sinusitis, swollen lymph nodes.

Note! Some patients who took Tamiflu for the prevention or treatment of influenza have experienced convulsions and impaired consciousness, such as delirium. The reason for these reactions has not yet been clarified.

Tamiflu is available as 30 mg, 45 mg, 75 mg capsules and 12 mg/1 ml suspension powder.

Average price in Russia:

  • Tamiflu capsules 75 mg 10 pcs. - 1360 rubles;
  • Tamiflu powder for suspension 12 mg / 1 ml vial 30 g - 1140 rubles.

Relenza and Tamiflu are antiviral drugs for influenza A and B. The active ingredient of the drug is Zanamivir. Relenza is available as a powder for inhalation through the Diskhaler.

Mechanism of action: the drug has a pronounced antiviral effect on influenza A and B viruses. Zanamivir acts selectively on the virus by inhibiting neuromidase, without which the virus cannot spread throughout the body and multiply.

The drug effectively reduces the intensity of influenza symptoms, reduces the risk of complications and shortens the contagious period. Relenza does not develop resistance.

The drug is not used in case of hypersensitivity to its components. Patients with a history of bronchospasm require close monitoring while receiving Relenza.

Side effect of the drug:

  • allergic reactions: urticaria, angioedema, rarely Stevens-Johnson syndrome, toxic epidermal necrolysis.
  • bronchospasm;

Note! Bronchospasm and respiratory distress have been observed in some patients who have received Relenza inhalation for the treatment of influenza. If you get asthma or chronic bronchitis while using Relenza, have a salbutamol or other bronchodilator inhaler handy.

Average price in Russia:

  • Relenza 20 doses with Dishaler. - 1200 rubles.


Rimantadine is an old proven remedy for the prevention and treatment of influenza and GRVI and tick-borne encephalitis based on rimantadine.

The mechanism of action of the drug. The drug has an antiviral effect. Remantadine is a derivative of amantadine (an anti-Parkinsonian drug) that stops the virus from reproducing. The drug is effective at the beginning of the disease.

Taking Remantadine is contraindicated in persons with acute liver pathology, acute and chronic kidney diseases, thyrotoxicosis, and hypersensitivity to the components of the drug. Remantadine is not prescribed for pregnant women.

Adverse reactions:

  • impaired attention and concentration, sleep disturbance, headaches, dizziness, irritability, fatigue;
  • dry mouth, food refusal, nausea, vomiting, abdominal pain.

Attention! The drug is prescribed carefully to people with hypertension and the elderly, as it increases the risk of stroke.

Remantadine is available as 50 mg tablets and 100 mg capsules.

Average price in Russia:

  • Remantadine 50 mg, tablets 20 pcs. - 205 rubles;
  • Remantadine 100 mg, capsules 10 pcs. - 160 rubles;

Amiksin, as well as the above-mentioned drugs for influenza and SARS, is widely used for their treatment and prevention. The basis of Amiksin is Tiloron.

Mechanism of action. Amiksin has good antiviral and immunomodulatory effects, by increasing the formation of interferons by intestinal cells, liver, T-lymphocytes and neutrophils. The drug also inhibits the reproduction of the virus by stopping the translation of viral proteins. Amiksin is active against influenza viruses, hepatitis A, B, C, herpes, cytomegaloviruses,

The drug is not used in case of hypersensitivity to its components, in children under the age of seven, pregnant and lactating mothers.

Adverse reactions rarely occur in the form of nausea, vomiting, abdominal pain, allergic manifestations.

Amiksin is produced in the form of coated tablets of 60 mg and 125 mg.

Average price in Russia:

  • Amiksin 60 mg, 10 tablets - 600 rubles;
  • Amiksin 125 mg, 6 tablets - 700 rubles.

Antiviral drugs should be taken only after consulting a doctor. Only he will be able to choose an effective and safe drug for you, taking into account your age, the severity of the disease and comorbidities. Self-medication can harm your body.

Probably, there is not a single person who would never have a cold in his life, at least in childhood. Therefore, there is no person who would not be concerned about the question of what to take for a cold.

Colds may have different names, but they are based on one reason - infection of various parts of the body and, in particular, the upper respiratory tract, with pathogens. These microorganisms are divided into two main categories - bacteria and viruses.

Treatment of acute respiratory diseases can be both symptomatic, aimed at alleviating the manifestations of the disease, and etiological, aimed at eliminating the root cause of the disease. Fortunately, antibacterial drugs or antibiotics have long been successfully used to treat diseases caused by bacteria. But in the case of diseases caused by another group of infectious agents - viruses, the situation is not so favorable. And there are several reasons for this.

Respiratory diseases caused by viruses

What diseases are acute respiratory diseases caused by viruses? These include, first of all, influenza and SARS.

The term ARVI (acute respiratory viral infection) refers to various infections caused by viruses that are not influenza pathogens. These viruses include:

  • adenoviruses,
  • rhinoviruses,
  • parainfluenza viruses,
  • coronaviruses,
  • respiratory syncytial viruses.

Respiratory symptoms are also characteristic of some other viral diseases:

  • measles,
  • rubella,
  • chickenpox,

However, they are not usually classified as viral respiratory diseases.

Symptoms of parainfluenza and SARS

Symptoms of diseases caused by different types of viruses often differ little from each other. And to determine the type of disease is usually possible only by identifying the type of pathogen, which is not always easy.

Usually ARVI is characterized by symptoms such as cough, runny nose, high temperature (sometimes subfebrile, below +38º C), sore throat, headaches, frequent sneezing. Sometimes symptoms can be accompanied by signs of intoxication - nausea, vomiting and diarrhea.

Most experts are of the opinion that in the treatment of acute respiratory viral infections in people with normal immunity and not weakened for some reason, the body does not need any antiviral agents. These diseases, with the right approach to their treatment, go away on their own, and do not cause any complications. Therefore, the treatment of these diseases is mainly symptomatic. The only exception is syncytial infection, which can be fatal in infants.

Treatment for diseases such as SARS comes down mainly to bed rest, the creation of normal conditions for recovery - the absence of drafts, hypothermia of the body. It is also necessary to drink plenty of liquids, always warm, for example, tea with lemon. Taking vitamins and antioxidants also aids in recovery. For the treatment of a runny nose, you can use anti-inflammatory or nose-cleansing drops, for the treatment of bronchi and throat - inhalations that relieve inflammation based on herbal infusions. Good nutrition is also an important element of therapy.

Photo: Nestor Rizhniak/

Influenza and its characteristic symptoms

Influenza symptoms often differ from those of other viral respiratory illnesses. However, this difference may not always appear. Often, in the case of high immunity or a weakened type of virus, the symptoms of influenza practically do not differ from the symptoms of SARS. However, there are a few key features to watch out for.

First of all, most varieties of influenza are characterized by a very high temperature, which can rise to +39.5 - +40ºС. The temperature usually rises to high levels in a short period of time. Thus, if the temperature is subfebrile at first, and then, after a couple of days, rises to high values, then this most likely means not the presence of the flu, but some kind of secondary infection such as pneumonia.

Also, with influenza, there is such a characteristic symptom as implicit pain in the muscles of the body, especially in the limbs (ache). This symptom can be characteristic both for the early stage of the disease, appearing a few hours before the temperature rise, and for the period when the temperature has already risen. Respiratory symptoms with influenza are usually erased compared to SARS. In most cases, with the flu, a runny nose is absent, but a strong cough may be present.

Influenza, unlike SARS, is dangerous for its complications affecting other organs - the heart, kidneys, lungs, liver. A severe form of influenza is very dangerous - toxic influenza, in which death from intoxication of the body is possible.

Influenza is usually transmitted by airborne droplets, from sick to healthy people. The influenza virus is sufficiently resistant to external influences and can persist in the external environment for a long time. The incubation period of the disease usually ranges from several hours to several days.

Experts believe that influenza most often manifests itself at ambient temperatures ranging from -5ºС to +5ºС. At these temperatures, the virus can survive for a long time. In addition, such a temperature regime contributes to the drying of the mucous membranes of the respiratory tract and makes them more susceptible to the virus.

There are several varieties of the influenza virus. And not all drugs are able to affect all these types. Treatment of influenza is mainly symptomatic. Taking antiviral drugs for influenza is indicated in case of a severe course of the disease, as well as with weakened immunity. It can be both etiotropic drugs and drugs - stimulants of immunity. Thanks to their use, it is often possible to reduce the duration of the disease and avoid possible serious complications.

How does a viral disease develop?

Unlike diseases caused by bacteria, viruses that enter the body directly attack human cells. The virus is usually very simple. As a rule, it is a single DNA molecule, and sometimes a simpler RNA molecule containing genetic information. In addition, the virus also contains a shell of proteins. However, some types of viruses - viroids - may not have it either.

Viruses are able to integrate into the genetic apparatus of cells, and reconfigure it to release their own copies. Without the help of cells from other organisms, viruses cannot reproduce.

Features of the structure of viruses that cause SARS and influenza

Most of the viruses in this group belong to the type of RNA viruses. The only exception is adenovirus, which has a DNA molecule.

Influenza viruses are divided into three main serotypes - A, B, and C. The most common diseases are caused by the first two types. The type C virus only causes illness in immunocompromised people, children, and the elderly. Epidemics of diseases caused by this type of virus do not exist, while epidemics caused by viruses of types A and B occur very often - once every few years in a certain area.

The surface of the RNA molecule of the virus is covered with several protein molecules, among which neuraminidase should be distinguished. This enzyme facilitates the penetration of the virus into the cell and then ensures the exit of new viral particles from it. Influenza viruses primarily infect the epithelial cells that line the surface of the upper respiratory tract.

Of course, the immune system is also not “sitting on its hands”. Immune cells, detecting the presence of strangers, produce special substances - interferons, which suppress the vital activity of viruses and prevent their penetration into cells. In addition, special types of lymphocytes - T-killers and NK-lymphocytes destroy cells affected by viruses.

However, viral diseases, including those caused by influenza viruses, claim many lives each year.

The peculiarity of viruses is their increased ability to change. This leads to the fact that protein molecules on the surface of viruses can change their composition very quickly, and as a result, the immune forces are far from always able to recognize them in time as an object that has already been encountered.

Therefore, scientists have long wanted to develop tools that would be active against various viruses. However, this task faces many difficulties. They consist, first of all, in the fact that viral particles are very small and extremely primitive even in comparison with bacteria. And this means that they have very few vulnerabilities.

However, some antivirals have been developed. In particular, many of them are active against viruses that cause SARS and influenza.

Types of antivirals

Antiviral agents aimed directly at fighting viruses can be divided into four main groups:

  • vaccines;
  • immunostimulants and interferon inducers;
  • preparations containing interferon;
  • direct-acting antiviral drugs (etiotropic).

There are many antiviral agents belonging to various groups, and it is not easy to single out the most effective drug among them.

Antiviral vaccines

Vaccination was invented in the late 18th century. Over time, it has become widely used as a prophylactic to combat various diseases, including viral ones.

The essence of vaccination is to give the body's immune system information about the infectious agent in advance. The fact is that the immune system often recognizes the danger too late, when the infection has already spread throughout the body. And if the immune system is set up in advance to fight the desired agent, then it will instantly enter into a fight with it and easily neutralize it.

When vaccinating against viruses, a vaccine is introduced into the blood - a substance containing the protein shells of viruses, or somehow weakened viruses. These components are unable to cause disease, but they are able to train immune cells to deal with strangers. Thus, if real viruses enter the body, then, as a rule, they are neutralized very quickly. Vaccine immunity can last for many years.

As for the flu, there are several types of viruses that cause this disease. Most of them have vaccines.

Vaccines can be of several types. There are vaccines containing live but weakened viruses. There are also vaccines containing inactivated virus components. Usually, one vaccine contains the material of several varieties of viruses, which is regularly updated, in accordance with the mutations that the substances that make up the shells of these infectious agents undergo.

Influenza vaccination, in the first place, should be carried out for people in certain risk groups:

  • Age over 65 years;
  • Those with respiratory diseases;
  • Taking drugs that depress the immune system, cytostatics, corticosteroids;
  • Patients with diabetes;
  • Children;
  • Women in the 2nd and 3rd trimesters of pregnancy.

Unlike the flu, there are currently no vaccines to prevent SARS.


A vaccine designed to protect the body from infection with influenza viruses. Contains proteins - hemagglutinin and neuraminidase, characteristic of two strains of influenza type A (H3N2 and H1N1) and one strain of type B. Each component is contained in an amount of 15 mg per 0.5 ml.

Release form: suspension for injection, equipped with disposable syringes.

Indications: prevention of influenza.

Contraindications: tendency to allergic reactions when injected, acute diseases.

Application: The vaccine can be administered subcutaneously or intramuscularly. The standard dose is 0.5 ml for adults and children over 6 years of age, 0.25 ml for children under 6 years of age. For people who have a weakened immune system or who have not previously been vaccinated, the vaccine is administered twice with a break of a month, in other cases - once. The procedure is recommended to be carried out in the fall.

Antivirals that boost immunity

Any virus that enters the body meets with its protective forces - immunity. Human immunity is divided into two types: specific and nonspecific. Specific immunity is developed against a specific type of infectious agents, while non-specific immunity has a universal effect and can be directed against any type of infection. Antiviral drugs based on strengthening immunity use its non-specific variety.

Preparations with interferons

This class of antiviral agents contains interferons, special substances secreted by immune cells to fight viruses. Usually, interferon in such antiviral drugs is obtained artificially with the help of special bacteria. Interferon attaches to cell walls and prevents viruses from entering them. On the other hand, viruses are able to block the production of interferon by cells, which makes it easier for them to penetrate them. Thus, preparations containing interferon are designed to compensate for the lack of natural interferon observed during viral infections.

Information about the effectiveness of antiviral drugs of this class is contradictory. Many people claim that they helped them, although the results of clinical trials do not allow us to speak with confidence about these drugs as an effective remedy. In addition, they tend to have many side effects. Among them, it is worth noting the high probability of allergic reactions.

The list of popular drugs of this type includes Grippferon, Alfaron, Interferon, Viferon, Kipferon.


The drug contains interferon type alpha 2b. In the synthesis of this substance, the bacteria of Escherichia coli were used. The preparation also contains vitamins C and E. The preparation can be used as an antiviral medicine. It is active against the causative agents of major respiratory infections, as well as hepatitis and herpes viruses.


The drug for the treatment of influenza and SARS. The medicine is available in the form of suppositories. Contains immunoglobulins and human leukocyte interferon. Fat and paraffin are used as additional components. The drug is active not only against viruses (ARVI, influenza and hepatitis viruses), but also against a number of bacterial infections, in particular chlamydia.


Produced as a solution for nasal use, contains human leukocyte interferon, has immunomodulatory properties. It also contains some excipients. It is intended mainly for the treatment of viral infections of the upper respiratory tract.


Immunomodulatory drug for the treatment of acute respiratory viral infections, also active against influenza viruses. Contains human interferon alfa-2b. The therapeutic effect is due to the effect on the cells of the body, which become immune to the introduction of viral particles. Can be used to treat infants.

Release form: bottles of 5 and 10 ml, equipped with a dropper.

Indications: influenza and SARS, treatment and prevention.

Contraindications: severe allergic diseases.

Application: The drug is instilled into each nasal passage. Dosage for treatment:

  • up to a year - 1 drop 5 times a day;
  • 1-3 years - 2 drops 3-4 times a day;
  • 3-14 years - 2 drops 4-5 times a day;
  • over 14 years old - 3 drops 5-6 times a day.

In the prevention of the disease (in case of contact with a patient or a high probability of infection), the dosage is similar to the dosage for treatment at the appropriate age, but instillation is done only 2 times a day.

Antiviral immunostimulating agents

Unlike interferons, antiviral immunostimulants do not directly attack viruses, but stimulate the immune system to produce its own interferons. These are inexpensive, but quite effective means. The advantage of this type of drugs, compared with drugs containing interferon, is that they are much less likely to cause side effects in the form of allergic reactions. Examples of such drugs are Ingavir, Kagocel, Cycloferon, Lavomax, Tsitovir. Which of them is most effective in ARVI, it is difficult to say unequivocally. All of them differ somewhat in their action and contraindications, and in order to know which one to choose, it is best to seek the advice of a specialist.

The effectiveness of antiviral immunostimulating agents, judging by the reviews, is quite high. However, many people who are passionate about such remedies do not think about how often you can drink them. Doctors warn of the harm that uncontrolled use of immune stimulants can lead to. The fact is that with the regular use of stimulants, there is a violation of the functioning of one's own immunity. The body gets used to the stimulation and is unable to respond to the infection on its own, which can cause complications of infectious diseases. The second danger associated with immune stimulants is that immune cells can begin to attack the tissues of their own body, which is the cause of autoimmune diseases such as rheumatoid arthritis, Sjögren's syndrome, lupus erythematosus, and some others.


Contains bendazol, a substance that stimulates the formation of interferons. Other active substances are ascorbic acid and thymogen, which increase the body's resistance to infection. Available in three main dosage forms - capsules, syrup and powder for solution. It can be used as a medicine that helps against influenza and SARS.


One of the best-selling drugs on the Russian market. Developed in the late 1980s. in Soviet Union. One of the main active ingredients is derived from cotton and is a copolymer of gossypol. Another component is cellulose glycolic acid. The combination of these components leads to increased secretion of interferon by immune cells. It should be noted that pure gossypol is known as a drug that adversely affects male spermatogenesis. And although the developers claim that this substance in its pure form in the preparation contains an insignificant amount, this circumstance makes us wary.


A drug that stimulates the production of various types of interferons - leukocyte (alpha type), gamma, and fibroblast interferon. A powerful tool that is active against various viruses, including viruses that cause SARS, herpes and hepatitis. The drug was developed in the United States about half a century ago, but was soon banned there due to its side effects. In particular, it was found that the main component of the drug is capable of causing damage to the retina. However, in the countries of the former USSR, this drug is actively sold under various brand names.


Currently, it is one of the most popular drugs on the market from the class of immunostimulants. The active substance is meglumine acridone acetate. The drug can be administered into the body parenterally, as well as taken in the form of tablets. Judging by the reviews, the drug has a high effect. However, it is interesting to note that the main active ingredient was originally used in veterinary medicine. But already a few years after the start of its use in this capacity, the drug was registered as a drug for the treatment of infectious diseases in humans. At the same time, manufacturers recommend using the drug even for the treatment of children from 4 years old.


Antiviral tablets belonging to the class of interferon inducer drugs. Stimulates the activity of the immune system against bacteria and viruses.

Release form: tablets containing the active substance (kagocel) at a dosage of 12 mg, as well as calcium stearate, starch, lactose, povidone.

Indications: treatment and prevention of influenza, acute respiratory viral infections, acute respiratory infections, as well as herpes simplex.

Contraindications: pregnancy and lactation, age up to 3 years.

Side effects: allergic reactions are possible.

Application: 2 tablets 3 times a day in the first two days of the disease, in the next two days - 1 tablet 3 times a day. The course of treatment is 4 days. Taking the drug is not associated with food intake.

Antiviral etiotropic drugs (drugs of direct action)

This type of drugs acts directly on influenza or SARS viruses. In this case, mechanisms can be used that impede the replication of the virus, or its penetration into cells. Some drugs can also have a mild stimulating effect on the immune system.


These are first-generation antiviral etiotropic drugs, otherwise called M2-channel blockers. The mechanism of their action is based on the disruption of the work of certain enzymes that ensure the reproduction of the virus in the cell. The main drugs of the class are deutiforin, amantadine, midantan and rimantadine. Amantadines are also effective against some other types of viruses, such as adenoviruses and herpes viruses.


One of the first representatives of the group of direct-acting antiviral drugs. At the time of its introduction (early 1960s), it seemed like a real breakthrough in the fight against influenza. The drug has shown its effectiveness in many clinical trials.

The drug was developed in the USA, but in the Soviet Union, the pharmaceutical industry also quickly launched the production of this drug. With its help, it was possible to significantly reduce the time spent on treating patients with influenza, which resulted in significant savings on the scale of the Soviet economy.

However, it soon became clear that influenza viruses quickly developed resistance to this drug and mutated in such a way that they became practically invulnerable to it. Recent studies show that more than 90% of influenza viruses are resistant to rimantadine, which makes it practically useless in the treatment of this disease.

In addition, the drug was initially active only against type A influenza virus and did not affect type B viruses. Thus, rimantadine in terms of the treatment of influenza today is rather of historical interest. However, this medicine cannot be called completely useless, since it turned out to be effective against the tick-borne encephalitis virus.

Remantadine is available in two main dosage forms - 50 mg tablets and syrup. The standard duration of treatment is 5 days, under certain conditions this time can be extended up to two weeks.

It may seem that antibiotics are a universal remedy that can cope with almost any misfortune (especially when it comes to a cold). This opinion is indeed widespread, and people often “prescribe” antibiotics for themselves at the first sign of malaise. Do you need antibiotics for the flu or are they completely useless?

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Do antibiotics treat influenza?

Neuramidase inhibitors

These are more modern and effective direct-acting antiviral drugs. Their antiviral mechanism is based on blocking the enzyme, due to which the virus leaves the infected cell and also penetrates into healthy cells. Since the virus cannot enter the cell, it is easily destroyed by the immune forces of the body. To date, drugs of this group are most often used among direct-acting viral etiotropic drugs intended to combat influenza.

The main members of the class are oseltamivir, marketed under the brand name Tamiflu, and the drug Relenza (zanamivir). There is also a new generation drug - Peramivir (Rapivab), which has shown high efficiency in uncomplicated influenza. This drug is intended primarily for parenteral administration.

However, it should be noted that the drugs of this group have a number of disadvantages. In the case of mild, uncomplicated influenza, their effectiveness is usually relatively low, but the number of side effects is quite high. Neuramidiase inhibitors are also quite toxic. The frequency of side effects when taking them is 1.5%. Medicines are prescribed with caution to patients with a tendency to bronchospasm. In addition, they cannot be attributed to cheap drugs.


This drug was developed in the USA in the late 1980s. Initially, it was planned to be used in the fight against the AIDS virus, but then it turned out that oseltamivir was not dangerous for this virus. However, instead, it was found that the drug is active against pathogens of influenza types A and B. The drug is most effective in severe forms of influenza due to its ability to suppress the formation of cytokines and prevent inflammation and an excessive immune response in the form of a cytokine storm. To date, this remedy, perhaps, tops the rating in terms of effectiveness among other etiotropic drugs.

When choosing a dosage, the patient's condition, the nature of the disease, the presence of chronic diseases should be taken into account. The standard duration of the course of treatment is 5 days, the dosage is 75-150 mg.

However, it is worth noting that the drug does not act against ARVI pathogens. In addition, an overdose of the drug and its uncontrolled use, including for preventive purposes, can lead to very serious health consequences, for example, to mental disorders.


Like Tamiflu, it belongs to the group of neuramidase inhibitors. It is an effective antiviral drug, a structural analogue of sialic acid. Unlike oseltamivir, this flu medicine is not available in tablets, but in special blisters intended for use in an inhaler - a diskhaler. This method allows you to deliver the drug directly to the respiratory tract affected by the virus and ensure the most effective effect of the drug on the infectious agent.


Etiotropic antiviral agent. Active against influenza A and B pathogens. The active substance is zanamivir, which belongs to the category of neuramidase inhibitors.

Release form: powder for inhalation, as well as a special device for inhalation - a diskhaler. One dose contains 5 mg of the active ingredient.

Indications: Treatment and prevention of type A and B viruses in adults and children.

Contraindications: use the drug with caution in patients prone to bronchospasm.

Application: Diskhaler is used for inhalation. The blisters with the drug are inserted into a special disk on the diskhaler. Then the blister is punctured, after which the drug can be inhaled through the mouthpiece.


Etiotropic antiviral drug. It is intended for the destruction of influenza viruses types A and B. The active substance is oseltamivir.

Release form: Gelatin capsules with a dosage of 30, 45 and 75 mg, as well as powder for suspension in 30 g vials.

Indications: prevention and treatment of influenza. The drug is recommended to be used from the age of 1 year. In some cases (with pandemics of the disease), treatment of children from 6 months is allowed.

Contraindications: age up to 6 months, chronic renal failure, low creatinine clearance (less than 10 ml / min).

Side effects: headaches, insomnia, convulsions, dizziness, weakness, cough, nausea.

Application: It is better to take the drug during meals, although this is not a strict recommendation. Children from 13 years of age and adults are prescribed 75 mg 2 times a day. The course of treatment is 5 days. The daily dosage for children under 12 years of age depends on body weight:

  • More than 40 kg - 150 mg;
  • 23-40 kg - 120 mg;
  • 15-23 kg - 90 mg;
  • less than 15 kg - 60 mg.

The daily dose should be divided into two doses.


A domestic drug that was developed back in the 1980s. The active substance is umifenovir. Unlike neuraminidase inhibitors, the action of umifenovir is aimed at inhibiting another viral protein, hemagglutinin. However, this method also prevents the penetration of the virus into the cells. In addition, the drug is able to provide moderate stimulation of the body's immune forces. Arbidol can also treat not only the flu, but also SARS. In Belarus, a structural analogue of this drug is produced - Arpetol.

Reviews about the drug are mostly positive. However, the fact that the only serious study of the effectiveness of the drug was sponsored by its own manufacturer, Pharmstandard, cannot but be alarming. Therefore, today Arbidol cannot be unequivocally attributed to drugs with proven effectiveness.


Antiviral drug. The active substance is umifenovir. Combines etiotropic action and stimulation of immunity. It is active against pathogens of influenza types A and B, coronaviruses that cause severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS).

Release form: Capsules containing 50 mg of umifenovir.

Indications: Prevention and treatment of influenza, SARS, SARS.

Contraindications: age up to 3 years, individual intolerance to the components of the drug.

Side effects: allergic reactions

Application: The drug is taken before meals.

Dosage depends on age:

  • Adults and children over 12 years old - 200 mg;
  • 6-12 years - 100 mg;
  • 3-6 years - 50 mg.

In the prevention of influenza and SARS during epidemics, the indicated doses are taken 2 times a week. The maximum duration of the prophylaxis course is weeks. In the treatment of influenza and SARS, the indicated doses are taken 4 times a day. The course of treatment is 5 days.


This drug is not designed to fight influenza viruses, but to fight other viruses, such as rhinosincitial virus. Most often, this infection occurs in children, in whom it occurs in a complex form. However, it can also be used as an anti-influenza agent, although with less effect. In addition, the drug can be used in the treatment of herpes. With ARVI, the drug is injected into the focus of inflammation by inhalation. Other drug names are Virazole and Ribavirin. The drug is contraindicated in pregnancy.

Symptomatic drugs

Contrary to popular belief, these drugs are not antiviral drugs. They are intended only to relieve the unpleasant symptoms of influenza and SARS - pain and fever. However, this does not negate the fact that symptomatic medicines are a good remedy for colds. They usually contain anti-inflammatory, analgesic and anti-inflammatory drugs - paracetamol, acetylsalicylic acid, ibuprofen, sometimes antioxidants - ascorbic acid, less often - antihistamines and vasoconstrictors such as phenylephrine. Thus, they have no effect on influenza or SARS viruses. Although the names of many of these drugs can mislead an inexperienced person. For example, the symptomatic drug Theraflu can be confused with the etiotropic drug Tamiflu.

There are also combined preparations, including etiotropic agents and symptomatic ones - for example, Anvivir containing rimantadine and paracetamol.

It should be noted that the simultaneous appointment of interferon inducers and antipyretics, which is practiced by some doctors, does not make much sense. Indeed, with an increase in temperature, on the contrary, there is an increase in the production of interferon, and an artificial decrease in temperature nullifies this process.

homeopathic remedies

It is worth noting such a type of drugs as homeopathic remedies for the treatment of viral diseases of the upper respiratory tract. Around homeopathy there are fierce disputes, it has both supporters and opponents. However, it is indisputable that almost all homeopathic preparations do not directly affect viruses, and therefore it is very difficult to classify them as antiviral. For example, such a popular French anti-flu drug as Oscillococcinum contains liver components from Muscovy duck as an active ingredient. In this case, it is not at all clear on what basis such a component was classified as an effective remedy for flu and colds. Nevertheless, the drug is actively sold and enjoys traditional popularity, including in our country. Needless to say, drugs of this kind are an obvious example of the use of the autosuggestion effect inherent in people (the placebo effect) by clever businessmen.

Antiviral drugs for influenza and SARS - benefit or harm?

In our country, the number of cases of respiratory diseases is especially high, given the cold climate, long winter and off-season. All this creates a demand for drugs for colds and flu. Of course, pharmaceutical manufacturers cannot ignore such a potentially huge market. And they fill it with drugs of sometimes dubious quality and dubious effectiveness, promoting them with the help of aggressive advertising, claiming that the best drug today is this particular remedy and no other. At present, a person who comes to a pharmacy, as a rule, has no difficulty in choosing antiviral agents. There are a lot of them, for every taste, and among them there are many drugs that are affordable. But, as you know, free cheese is only in a mousetrap.

As shown above, ideal antiviral drugs do not exist. Interferon preparations have many side effects, and of this kind, which may appear after a long time. Now more and more information is accumulating that their regular use increases the risk of autoimmune diseases - lupus erythematosus, Sjögren's syndrome, psoriasis, insulin-dependent diabetes and even cancer. Particular care should be taken by those patients who have relatives suffering from autoimmune diseases. Also, drugs of this type should be used with caution in the treatment of children.

Interferon preparations, in addition, can cause severe allergic reactions. In addition, their effectiveness is highly questionable. In principle, the same can be said about antiviral immunostimulants. It is worth noting that in most Western countries such drugs are practically not used. The concept of treatment of respiratory diseases widespread there recognizes only etiotropic or symptomatic treatment, and antiviral immunomodulators are prescribed to patients only in exceptional cases.

As for etiotropic drugs, they also cannot be called an ideal choice. Although they have a much greater evidence base, nevertheless, their effectiveness is often greatly exaggerated due to advertising from manufacturers. In addition, such old drugs as rimantadine have already lost a significant portion of their effectiveness due to the formation of a huge number of strains of viruses resistant to their action.

Neuramidase inhibitors appear to be most effective. However, at the same time, they have high toxicity and a limited spectrum of action, covering only influenza viruses. Therefore, given that they are most effective in the first days after the onset of the disease, they can be used only when there is complete certainty that the disease is caused by the influenza virus, and not by something else. And needless to say, it is usually not possible to determine the type of pathogen at the beginning of the disease. Otherwise, the use of these drugs will simply be a waste of money. By the way, this type of drugs is by no means cheap.

The only way to fight viral infections with antiviral drugs that has a minimum of side effects is vaccination. However, it cannot be considered a panacea. It has some limitations, since there are so many strains of influenza and it is absolutely impossible to come up with a vaccine that would be effective against everyone. To some extent, however, this is offset by the fact that the biological material contained in vaccines is constantly updated.

Therefore, one should consider whether it is worth using this kind of treatment at all, which can bring more problems than the disease itself. It should be noted that most people underestimate the power of their own immunity. Compliance with simple rules - bed rest, plenty of warm drinks, taking vitamins and a proper diet in most cases put a person on his feet in about the same time as treatment with newfangled antiviral drugs. Their use may still be justified in case of influenza with a high temperature, but the use of the same immunomodulators in the treatment of acute respiratory viral infections is generally not recommended.

Also, do not abuse the reception of symptomatic drugs. After all, the same high temperature is a protective reaction of the body to the invasion of viruses and bacteria. At high temperatures, the production of interferons increases, making the cells of the body immune to viral infection. By lowering the temperature artificially, we actually forbid the body to fight infection. Therefore, you should not bring down the temperature, at least if it does not pass the critical mark of +39º degrees.

The situation is further complicated by the peculiarities of our mentality. It is no secret that many people, faced with acute respiratory infections and influenza, do not seek to be cured, but simply to quickly return to their normal lives, go to work, etc. This not only leads to the fact that all the surrounding people become infected, but also to the fact that as a result a person does not cure the disease, which becomes chronic. A cold carried on the legs has a much more harmful effect on the body than refusing to take antiviral drugs.

However, most people understand that this behavior is not correct, but they resort to another, seemingly more correct means - swallowing bundles of anti-virus agents. And at the same time, it seems to be really getting better, but at the same time it destroys your body. Meanwhile, it is worth considering that health is much more expensive than a couple of extra days spent on sick leave.

Of course, these tips are suitable for people with a healthy immune system. However, not everyone can boast of it. Now there are many people whose immunity is weakened. Their disease can be delayed, which ultimately threatens with various complications. In this case, taking antiviral pills is justified. However, the fact of having a weakened immune system should not be established on the basis of individual feelings - I have a runny nose every month, which means I need to buy drugs with interferons or immunomodulators, but on the basis of thorough studies of the state of the immune system. The selection of antiviral drugs should also be careful. Which one is best suited in a particular case, the doctor should tell. It is necessary to use the drug in accordance with its recommendations and instructions.

And, of course, treatment with these drugs should not be taken as natural. Once cured with antiviral drugs, you should not rely on the fact that the next time miraculous drugs will help get rid of the disease. Measures should be taken to strengthen the immune system. There are many natural ways to do this - hardening, regular walks in the fresh air, proper nutrition and daily routine, good rest, physical education and sports.

Also, measures aimed at preventing diseases should not be ignored. It should be borne in mind that influenza and SARS viruses are quite resistant to adverse factors and can exist in the external environment for a long time. Therefore, it is necessary to regularly carry out hygiene procedures, especially during a period of increased morbidity - regularly rinse your mouth and rinse the nasal cavity, and avoid communicating with patients with respiratory diseases. Chronic diseases should also be treated in a timely manner, since it is well known that viruses multiply most intensively in an organism weakened by the fight against chronic diseases. And, of course, it is worth getting rid of bad habits. After all, it is well known that smoking significantly weakens the immune forces of the tissues of the upper respiratory tract, which leads to increased vulnerability to infectious diseases, including viral ones.

In addition, before starting treatment with antiviral drugs, you should make sure that the respiratory disease is really caused by viruses and not bacteria. Otherwise, antiviral therapy will be completely useless.

Popular antivirus tools, type

A drug Type of
Alfarona interferon drug
Amiksin immunostimulator
Arbidol etiotropic drug
Vaxigripp vaccine
Viferon interferon drug
Grippferon interferon drug
Ingavirin immunostimulator
Interferon interferon drug
Influvac vaccine
Kagocel immunostimulator
Kipferon interferon drug
Lavomax immunostimulator
Oscillococcinum homeopathic remedy
Relenza etiotropic drug
rimantadine etiotropic drug
Tiloram immunostimulator
Tamiflu etiotropic drug
Cycloferon immunostimulator
Cytovir immunostimulator

A cheap antiviral agent, if chosen correctly, will help to cope with the causes of a viral disease and stop its development. In addition, inexpensive, but effective antiviral drugs can be used as a prophylaxis, if suddenly there are already people in the environment who are sick.

A virus is a special living matter that has its own metabolism. And this means only one thing, if the virus is outside the human body, then it is not alive. They actively multiply and develop only inside the cells.

A cheap antiviral agent helps to block the stages of development and reproduction of a virus that has already entered the body. There are a large number of good drugs that have an effect on the body.

M2 channel blockers (what is it, examples of names, how they work)

In 1961, scientists made a grand breakthrough and were able to synthesize amantadine. It is this substance that helps to block ion channels in most types of viruses. Due to its impact, the virus loses its ability to easily enter the cells. Rimantadine was widely used in the Soviet Union.

It copes well with the symptoms of influenza caused by virus A and as a preventive measure. As shown by numerous studies, the effectiveness of this drug was in the range of 80%.

The secret of its action was that the active substance helped to slow down the virus even at the stage of its penetration into the cell. But after a while, scientists noticed that the influenza virus had developed resistance to the drug, so they had to look for other substances.

The antiviral agent Remantadin can still be found in a pharmacy today. It is available in tablet form and syrup. The syrup is more suitable for children from 1 year to 7 years. For this cheap remedy to give the desired result.

It is recommended to take it even before the onset of the development of the disease in order to prevent infection. For preventive purposes, it is recommended to take it no more than 14 days. If the disease has already declared itself, then Remantadin will help only at an early stage, and if the disease is already actively developing, then you will have to choose a stronger remedy.

Neuraminidase inhibitors

Neuraminidase is a special enzyme that is present in all influenza viruses on the surface of their membrane. As soon as this enzyme makes contact with the cell, toxic substances are released. They provoke the appearance of symptoms such as high fever, general malaise, migraine.

And neuraminidase inhibitors have the ability to easily penetrate the virus, help to quickly suppress the activity of pathogenic bacteria, preventing them from multiplying and contacting healthy cells. The development of such drugs began in the early 60s of the last century.

Currently, two drugs that belong to this group are actively used: Tamiflu and Relenza. They are recommended to patients as a therapy and prevention of influenza. These funds are sold only on the prescription of a doctor. These drugs are contraindicated in women who are carrying a baby and breastfeeding, children under 5 years of age.

Tamiflu is recommended for adults and adolescents over the age of 12, 1 tablet twice a day, no more than 5 days. For children aged 5 to 12 years, the drug is recommended in the form of a suspension of 30-75 mg of the active substance, twice a day. The dosage is selected individually, depending on body weight.

Relenza is sold in the form of a solution intended for antiviral inhalation. In the instructions for the drug, it is recommended to use it at 10 mg - this is 2 inhalations 2 times a day. as a preventive measure, the procedure is carried out 1 time per day for 10 days.

Hemagglutinin inhibitors

Hemagglutinin blockers prevent pathogenic bacteria from entering the cell. Among modern drugs, hemagglutinin inhibitors include Arbidol, which not only blocks the surface protein of hemagglutinin, but also does not allow the virus to securely attach to the cell, thereby preventing the contents of the virus from entering the cell.

Arbidol also has an immunostimulating effect and all due to the fact that it helps to stimulate the active production of interferon. Arbidol is recommended as a treatment and prevention of influenza, which was caused by viruses A and B.

As a prophylaxis, the drug is taken at 0.2 g for two weeks. If the influenza epidemic has already begun, then take the drug 0.1 g once a day every 3-4 days for 3 weeks.

If the flu provoked serious complications, such as pneumonia, then it is recommended to take 0.2 g three times a day for 5 days, and then at the same dosage, but 1 time per month.

Leukocyte interferons

Interferon is a protein molecule that provides activation of antiviral immunity. In addition, it has a special activity that has a negative effect on a certain type of pathogenic bacteria and on all viruses in general.

Leukocyte interferons are obtained from the blood of donors and are recommended to be taken in order to help the body increase the production of human interferon.

In the pharmacy you can find drugs that are called Interferon and they are produced in different forms:

  • injection;
  • powder for solution for injection or eye drops;
  • eye drops;
  • ointments;
  • gels;
  • rectal and vaginal suppositories;
  • aerosols and others.

Before dwelling on a specific form of drugs, you need to carefully read the instructions and get advice from a therapist.

Interferon inducers

Interferon inducers are often recommended for therapeutic and prophylactic purposes. They help the protein to be actively produced in the body, and it, in turn, blocks the reproduction of pathogens. Their action resembles a natural stimulant.

Drugs belonging to this group effectively fight respiratory ailments, flu, infections caused by hematitis or herpes. There is a large list of such drugs, headed by his drug Poludan. This drug is considered one of the best stimulants, which has been used for almost 50 years. It consists of: polyuridic and polyadenylic acids.

There are other tools, in the table you can learn more about them:

Name of the drug Release form Reception features Price
ActavironCoated tabletsThe dose and course is set individually, the average single dose for an adult is 0.125-0.25 g, for children from 7 years old 0.06 g.From 600 rub.
TiloronCapsulesAs a prophylaxis 1 time in 7 days for 1-2 months. As a treatment, 125-250 mg in the first 1-2 days.From 600 rub.
AmiksinCoated tabletsFor preventive purposes, 125 mg once a week for 1.5 months. For therapeutic purposes, 125 mg twice a day, and then the dose is adjusted by the therapist depending on the severity of the disease.From 600 rub.
TiloramCoated tabletsIt is recommended to take 125-250 mg per day. The course of treatment and frequency of administration depend on the severity of the course of the disease.From 550 rub.

The best pharmaceutical remedies for viruses

A cheap antiviral can be much more effective than an expensive one, so don't go for the price. After studying all the offers of the modern market and based on the reviews of therapists, we managed to compile a rating of the most effective antiviral drugs.


This drug is sold in the form of capsules, inside which there is a powder and granules. The active substance of the drug is imidazolylethanamide pentandinoic acid. In 1 caps. its 90 mg. There are also auxiliary components: potato starch, magnesium stearate, lactose minohydrate, aerosil.

The drug helps to accelerate the elimination of viruses, significantly reduces the time of the disease, reduces the risk of complications. Ingavirin is recommended for the treatment of influenza A and B, as well as other respiratory diseases. Can be used as a preventive measure.


The drug is available in tablet form. Each tablet contains 12 mg of the active substance - Kagocel. After ingestion, the drug causes the formation of late interferon, which is nothing more than a mixture of alpha and beta interferons, which have a high antiviral activity on the body.

The drug is prescribed for children from 6 years of age as a prophylaxis or treatment for both influenza and SARS. It has also shown to be effective in the treatment of herpes infection. Do not take Kagocel during pregnancy, children under 6 years of age and people with special sensitivity to the active ingredient.

For therapeutic purposes, the drug must be taken in the first two days, 2 tablets three times a day, and after another two days, reducing the dosage by half. For preventive purposes, they take the drug for two days, 2 tablets 1 time per day, then take a break for 5 days and repeat the intake. The price in pharmacies is from 250 rubles.


This medicine is presented in tablet form, the tablet must be kept under the tongue until completely dissolved. The composition of the tablets includes: antibodies to human interferon gamma, to histamine and to CD4. There are also additional components: cellulose, magnesium stearate, lactose monohydrate.

After the active components enter the blood, the activity of CD4 and other types of receptors is significantly increased, which is expressed in the form of an immunotropic response.

Ergoferon is prescribed for therapy or prevention:

  • influenza type A and B;
  • all types of infections caused by viruses;
  • acute intestinal infections;
  • meningitis;
  • infections caused by bacteria;
  • herpesvirus infections.

Initially, therapists advise taking 1 tablet. It should be placed under the tongue and wait until complete resorption occurs. If the drug is prescribed for children, and it can be started from six months, then it is recommended to dissolve the medicine in water (1 tablespoon).

Therapy should begin from the first days of the onset of signs of the disease. If symptoms are observed that indicate the development of an acute form of infection, then in the first two hours the drug should be drunk 1 tablet every half hour. And then on the first day it is recommended to take 3 tablets at regular intervals. And then take 1 tablet three times a day.

If the drug is prescribed for prophylactic purposes, then it is taken 1-2 tablets per day. In pharmacies, the price starts from 350 rubles.


The medicine is produced by a pharmaceutical company in tablet form. Each contains 0.05 g of arbidol. Pharmacists also produce it in yellow capsules of 0.1 g of arbidol.

The drug provokes the synthesis of interferon, launches various types of immunity, helps to suppress the lipid membrane of the virus with cell membranes if there is close contact between the viral particle and the cell.

This tool allows you to increase the resistance of even a weakened organism to any type of virus, prevents the development of complications, provokes a prolonged action that allows the body to be protected.

  • therapy of acute diseases;
  • combined treatment for inflammatory processes in the respiratory system;
  • an additional drug that helps fight infection in the intestines;
  • prevent the development of complications that may occur after surgery.

The medicine in the form of capsules and tablets is taken in the same dosage, taking into account the age of the person.

  • adults and adolescents from 12 years of age, 200 mg;
  • children from 6-12 years old - 100 mg;
  • from 3 to 6 years - 50 mg.

For medicinal purposes, the drug is taken according to the following scheme:

  • children from 3 to 6 years old, 50 mg up to 4 times a day for 5 days;
  • from 6 to 12 years old, 100 mg 4 times;
  • adults also 4 times 200 mg.

Arbidol is contraindicated for use in children under 3 years of age or people who have intolerance to the active substance.

Arbidol is also produced in the form of a powder, which is intended for the preparation of a sweet suspension. The syrup is intended for the treatment of children from 2 years of age. There is a special label on the bottle, up to which it is necessary to pour boiled water and mix the medicine well. The price of tablets is from 160 rubles, capsules from 480 rubles, powder from 300 rubles.


This drug is produced in the form of rectal suppositories. The active ingredient is recombinant human interferon 150,000 IU, 500,000 IU, 1,000,000 IU and 3,000,000 IU.

Also in the composition of Viferon there is tocopherol acetate and ascorbic acid. Thanks to this combination, antiviral activity increases, as well as the effect on B- and T-lymphocytes increases, due to which the endogenous system functions are actively restored and immunoglobulin parameters return to normal.

  • infections and inflammations;
  • viral hepatitis;
  • laryngotracheobronchitis in children, as well as as a preventive measure;
  • children with frequent colds.

The average dosage for adults and children from 7 years old is 1 suppository 500,000 IU twice a day for at least 5 days. Babies from birth to 7 years old, 1 suppository per 150,000 IU, also twice within 5 days. Price from 200 rubles.


Cheap antiviral agent Amiksin stimulates the growth of stem cells, has a mild immunomodulatory and antiviral effect. Excellent fight against pathogens that cause infections.

The average dosage, if you follow the instructions is as follows:

  • in the presence of viral hepatitis 2 times a day, 125 mg, the first day, and then only once a day;
  • therapy of the chronic form of hepatitis on the first day 250 mg twice, and after 125 mg per day;
  • in the treatment of infection, 125 mg per day;
  • for prevention, 125 mg once every 7 days.

For children over 7 years old, the dose is 60 mg.

Amiksin is contraindicated in women who are expecting the birth of a baby and breastfeeding, children under 7 years of age.

Price from 570 rubles. for tablets with a dosage of 125 mg.


The cheap antiviral agent Acyclovir is a synthetic analogue of the purine nucleoside. It has a selective effect on herpes viruses. Effective as a therapy or prophylaxis in the development of viral infections. Acyclovir is available in tablet form with the active ingredient of the same name.

Medication is prescribed in such cases:

For therapeutic purposes, adults and children under 2 years of age drink 200 mg up to 5 times a day for at least 5 days. If the case is too serious, the therapist may extend the course of therapy.

If the drug is prescribed for prophylactic purposes, then the dose is 200 mg 4 times a day. The course is selected individually. Acyclovir is contraindicated in people with special sensitivity to the active ingredient, during lactation and in children under 2 years of age. Price from 60 rubles.


This medicine was created to help the body cope faster with the symptoms of an acute viral infection and flu. The drug belongs to the group of homeopathic, has an antiviral effect, and also activates all immune processes, due to which the body has the strength to fight pathogens.

It is thanks to the properties that the drug quickly stops all manifestations of a cold, symptoms of intoxication. The medicine is produced in the form of lozenges for adult patients and children. The active substance is affinity-purified antibodies to human interferon gamma.

  • for therapeutic purposes with influenza and SARS;
  • in the prevention of serious complications after a cold;
  • in the treatment of mixed bacterial infections.

Anaferon adults are recommended to drink 1 tablet up to 6 times a day, depending on the severity of the condition. It is better to start treatment with the appearance of the first symptoms of a cold. After improving the state of health, it is recommended to take 1 tablet for another 10 days.

Children from 1 month old should be given a children's drug; for prevention, 1 tablet is recommended for 30 days. As a prophylaxis of encephalitis, 1 tablet 3 times a day for 3 weeks.


This effective agent that protects against pathogenic bacteria provides early inhibition of the reproduction of the virus after it enters the cell, completely blocks the transfer of the genetic material of the virus into the cell. Effectively affects the influenza A virus, tick-borne encephalitis.

Gives good results in the treatment of the initial stage of infection, reduces the likelihood of contracting influenza.

Remantadine is produced by pharmacists in tablet form, each of which contains 50 mg of the active substance of the same name and in capsules of 100 mg. As a therapy, Remantadine is taken 100 mg three times on the first day, and on days 2 and 3, 100 mg twice, on day 4, 100 mg 1 time. For preventive purposes, take 50 mg once a day for two weeks.

  • to protect yourself from the influenza virus and not allow the disease to aggravate at an early stage;
  • influenza prevention during an epidemic;
  • as the prevention of encephalitis, which causes a tick bite.

It is impossible to stop the choice on it if a person has problems with the functioning of the kidneys and liver, during pregnancy and thyrotoxicosis, as well as children under the age of 7 years. In pharmacies, the medicine is sold for 50 rubles.


The medicine is made in the form of an ointment for lubricating the nasal mucosa. The main component is oxolin 2.5 mg. The ointment has a virucidal effect on pathogenic bacteria. As soon as the medicine comes into contact with the influenza virus, it blocks its reproduction and does not allow it to enter the body.

Oksolin ointment is indicated for prophylaxis or treatment for influenza or viral rhinitis.

If this medicine is used as a protection against the virus, then you need to lubricate the nasal mucosa with it at least 3 times a day for three weeks. To quickly remove the symptoms of viral rhinitis, the ointment is used 2-3 times for 4 days.

You can use Oxolinic ointment in the treatment of viral diseases that affect the eyes. To do this, you need to lay a small part of the ointment behind the eyelid at night. You can not use the ointment only if there is a special sensitivity to the main substance. The price of the drug is 50 rubles.

A high potency antiviral doesn't have to be expensive. A cheap remedy can also help cure influenza, SARS and other types of infections, if the dosage is correctly selected and strictly observed. It is better to entrust the selection of medicines to a pediatrician or therapist, so as not to harm health.

Article formatting: Mila Fridan

Video about antivirals

The whole truth about antivirals:

Contents: Antipyretics Inexpensive preparations for gargling with SARS Remedies for nasal congestion Cough medicines Antiviral drugs and their action Antibacterial drugs Lozenges for sore throat Powders for flu and SARS Summing up Interesting video

Autumn is the time for colds, which can drag on until spring. Hypothermia, lack of vitamins, stress, fatigue, frequent being in public places during quarantine - all this provokes SARS.

Already at the initial stage of the disease, maximum efforts will be required to stop the progression of the disease. There are many inexpensive cold and flu remedies that are very effective compared to their more expensive counterparts. Below we consider analogues of expensive medicines for flu and colds.


An antipyretic drug is a means of immediate assistance with a jump in body temperature of more than 38 degrees. It is highly not recommended to lower the lower temperature, since its jumps are only a protective reaction of the body. Thanks to this reaction, special processes begin, such as an increase in the production of antibodies, interferons, and the activation of macrophages.

All this provokes the creation of an unfavorable atmosphere for the vital activity of viruses and bacteria. If the mark exceeds 38, then human health is in serious danger. With prolonged heat, convulsions and hallucinations may appear. There is a risk of progression of heart disease and shortness of breath. Such conditions are especially dangerous for those patients who have chronic ailments. That is why it is important to lower the elevated temperature in a timely manner.

List of antipyretic tablets

In symptomatic treatment, special attention is paid to antipyretic drugs. Medicines can be either single-component or offered in a complex form. The most effective antipyretic inexpensive medicines for colds and flu are:

Any fast-acting, low-cost cold and flu medicine should only be prescribed by your doctor.

Inexpensive preparations for gargling with ARVI

If ARVI and flu cause discomfort in the throat, perspiration, pain, dryness, then it will be necessary to irrigate the throat for disinfection at least 3-5 times a day. The solution can be made independently by diluting a teaspoon of baking soda in a glass of liquid. It is very effective to rinse with decoctions of chamomile, sage and calendula.

Of the cheap remedies for flu and colds, you can consider the following:

The greatest result can be expected if a comprehensive approach to solving the problem.

Remedies for nasal congestion

Pharmacies have a large selection of cheap flu and cold medicines, the action of which is aimed at eliminating nasal congestion. The most successful are:

To combat dryness in the nose is possible with the help of a saline solution. You can buy it in a pharmacy or cook it yourself. Add a small spoonful of salt to a glass of water and stir well.

Better to use sea salt.

Cough medicines

With ARVI and flu, cough and sore throat are very often tormented. It is necessary to deal with such a symptom according to a certain algorithm and it is strictly forbidden to suppress cough reflexes.

The fight against coughing with influenza and SARS is carried out in 2 stages:

  • sputum removal;
  • liquefaction of sputum, which will make it possible to turn a dry cough into a wet one.

Mucolytics are effective and inexpensive drugs for flu and colds. Medicines break the disulfide bonds of acidic polysaccharides. Due to this, sputum is liquefied without its increase in volume. Pharmacies offer a wide range of drugs and the choice depends on the individual characteristics of the body.

Therefore, doctors often prescribe cough medicines. The most successful are:

Drugs should be prescribed only by the attending physician, in view of the characteristics of the organism of each patient.

Antiviral drugs and their action

There is a large selection of antiviral drugs on the market that have a positive effect on the body with flu and colds. The most effective low-cost antivirals for colds and flu are:

There are also cyclic amines for flu and colds. The only antiviral drug in this group is Rimantadine. Its pharmacological effect is to suppress the specific reproduction of viral cells. The greatest effectiveness is noted at the initial stage of the disease. It is characterized by antitoxic effect.

Herbal antiviral medicines for influenza

There is a wide range of herbal antiviral inexpensive drugs on the market for flu and colds. Each of them is different in terms of the mechanism of action and they are used only as prescribed by the attending physician. The most commonly prescribed are the following:

  1. Altabor. An inexpensive medicine for colds and flu, the antiviral effect of which is due to the presence of dry extracts of alder in the composition. Phenolic acids are active against most types of virus.
  2. Alpizarin. The composition of the drug includes extracts of yellowing kopek, alpine, mango leaves and other plants. They help to inhibit the reproduction of viruses at an early stage in the development of a viral disease.

The treatment regimen is prescribed only by a doctor.

Antibacterial drugs

Antibacterial drugs are indispensable for influenza. There is a large selection of cheap cold and flu pills on the market that help to quickly cope with the pathology. The most common antibiotic is Amoxicillin. This is a cheap analogue of flu and cold medicines - Amoxiclav and Flemoxin. In case of complications, biseptol is also prescribed, less often - azithromycin.

All antibacterial drugs are characterized by a wide range of effects on bacteria and are prescribed by a doctor for inflammatory diseases of the respiratory tract. The most effective and inexpensive medicines for flu and colds in this group are:

It is forbidden to prescribe antibiotics on your own, as their improper use can provoke the development of superinfection. This means that the number of pathogenic bacteria in the body increases dramatically. The severity of the course of the disease will worsen significantly. That is why self-medication is strictly contraindicated.

Sore throat lozenges

With flu and colds, patients always report pain in the throat. There is a large selection of lozenges on the pharmacological market. Below is a list of cheap flu and cold medicines:

Such tablets are approved for use even among children, but prior consultation with a specialist is required. Such inexpensive, but effective drugs for flu and colds are indicated as part of the complex therapy of the disease.

Powders for influenza and SARS

The pharmacy has a large selection of inexpensive powders for colds and flu. Such drugs are characterized by pronounced antipyretic, antiphlogistic and analgesic effects.

Below is a list of inexpensive flu and cold medications:

Cold medicines in powder form are easy to use, which is why they are popular. But it's important to use them correctly. To do this, follow the instructions:

  • open the sachet and pour the contents into a glass;
  • pour water 55-60 degrees and mix thoroughly so that lumps do not form;
  • drink in small sips.

The drug is absorbed very quickly and shows the result after a quarter of an hour. The key advantages of this group of drugs for ARVI and influenza are:

  • relieve coughing fits;
  • fight against ailments, returning working capacity;
  • eliminate pain in the throat, joints and muscles;
  • fight nasal congestion.

But such funds should not be used by pregnant women and nursing mothers. It is allowed to prescribe powders to children from the age of 15, and much less often from the age of 12. Strict contraindications are:

  • blood diseases;
  • diseases of the cardiovascular system;
  • acute forms of gastric ulcer;
  • ailments of the liver and kidneys;
  • hypersensitivity to the components in the composition of the drug.

Summing up

Summing up, we can say that it is extremely forbidden to self-medicate with flu and colds, as this often provokes a complicated course of the disease. All expensive drugs that eliminate the symptoms of the disease are just an analogue of simple remedies.

When choosing one or another drug, the nature of the course of the disease, symptoms, and the age of the patient are taken into account. But it is also important to take a comprehensive approach to solving the problem so that it does not recur.

Update: October 2018

Any disease, especially ARVI and influenza, is easier, cheaper and safer not to treat, but not to allow, to prevent its occurrence. Recently, especially worried about the "point" - safer. Should I take antiviral pills at all? In today's complex world, how to deal with questions:

  • Will there be an effect from the use of an expensive antiviral drug?
  • What is the best medicine for influenza to take for adults, children?
  • Will this remedy do the opposite - harm to health?
  • Is there a better cure for the flu?
  • Effective antiviral drugs - is it advertising, business, dummies or not?

About antivirals

Antiviral agents for the treatment of ARVI in the pharmaceutical market of Russia are united by the following:

  • Almost all antiviral drugs for ARVI and influenza do not have an evidence base for their antiviral efficacy. The studies are very expensive, they are carried out by the manufacturers themselves and the parties interested in a positive conclusion.
  • Today, most clinical trials of new drugs are regularly falsified in order to bring "miracle" drugs to the market with a new price tag. Given the fabulous commercial benefits from the sale of expensive antiviral drugs during an epidemic, one cannot believe in the honesty and objectivity of research.
  • As you know, pharmacological publications, even in medical journals today, by about 90 percent are custom articles of an advertising nature.

Today, there is an abundance of various medicines in pharmacy chains, some of which, in fact, are not “medicines”, since there are a lot of fakes, outright dummies and ineffective remedies. Advocates for patients' rights in Ukraine, for example, claim that the active ingredient was not found in 4 drugs registered as antivirals. However, a wide advertising campaign allows manufacturers to earn millions of hryvnias a year on them.

Antiviral agents for ARVI are conditionally divided into:

  • Vaccines- stimulation of the production of antibodies before infection with the virus.
  • Immunostimulants- drugs that briefly enhance nonspecific (that is, not directed against a specific virus) immunity. They are divided into 2 groups:
    • Interferons are substances obtained from a donor (including animals) or synthesized in a laboratory (recombinant), the task of which is to enhance the antiviral response. Interferons are usually produced in the form of a dry powder, which must be diluted with water and instilled into the nose. Effective only in the initial stages of the disease. And although such substances are always produced in the human body during illness, the additional administration of interferons can cause allergic reactions and even actoimmune pathologies.
    • Contributing to the production of interferons (interferonogens). These are substances that stimulate immune cells to produce interferon molecules. In most countries, such drugs are prohibited due to the unpredictability of their effects on the body. In our country, Kagocel and Amiksin are widely used.
  • Direct antiviral drugs:
    • drugs that affect neuraminidase (viral enzyme), suppressing the reproduction of the virus: Oseltamivir (Tamiflu), Zanamivir (Relenza);
    • hemagglutinin inhibitor only - umifenovir (Arbidol);
    • M2-channel blockers Amantadine, Remantadine - these drugs have proven clinical efficacy, but, like any means, they have a number of side effects.
  • Homeopathy. Although the WHO has recognized the use of homeopathy (drugs that treat like with like) as ineffective, there are always supporters of such medicines, who consider them to be a “soft effect” on the body. Homeopathic remedies recommended by some doctors for ARVI include Engystol, Gripp-heel, Agri (Homeopathic Antigrippin) and some others.
Action Names of medicines

Interferon preparations

Blockade of viral mRNA translation, presentation of viral antigens

alpha/gamma interferons

Etiotropic agents

Neuraminidase inhibitors

  • Relenza
  • peramivir
Ion channel blockers Rimantadin (Remantadin, Orvirem)


Enable synthesis
endogenous interferons

  • Kagocel
  • Cycloferon
  • Lavomax (Amiksin, Tiloron)
Specific HA chaperone
  • Arbidol
NP inhibitors

Immunomodulators and antivirals

Immunostimulants produced today show the activation of immune responses at the biochemical level (what is called “in vitro”), but their real benefits and long-term consequences of use are quite complex, little-studied areas. Since relatively recently information about many mechanisms of immunity has become known, and every year scientists receive more and more new information about its functioning. Therefore, there is no confidence in the safety and correctness of the general stimulation of the "understudied" immune system (see). Especially careful should be the prophylactic use of immunostimulants and treatment with antiviral drugs for SARS in children.

“Pharmacy immunostimulants can not only help the body, but also harm,” says Ph.D. Tatyana Tikhomirova, immunologist-allergist. Such a state as hyperactivation of the immune system, as well as immunodeficiency is extremely dangerous, the human body functions normally only when the immune system is in balance. And if a person every time stimulates (“improves himself”) immunity, then in the presence of predisposing factors, this can result in pathological inflammation, the launch of immune aggression on healthy tissues, hyperactivation of the immune system and theoretically (in an extreme situation) to the development of an autoimmune or oncological disease.

If the next of kin has any autoimmune disease (rheumatoid arthritis, insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus, Sjögren's syndrome, multiple sclerosis, etc.), then under no circumstances should a person use any immunostimulants. Even if a person is healthy, there are already disorders in the immune system, and you can live with them all your life, but if you try to stimulate your immune system rudely and persistently, this can end with the debut of an autoimmune disease.

Fortunately, for most healthy people, without the presence of any predisposing factors, it is quite difficult to “boost” your immunity in such a way as to seriously harm your health. Since most of the known immunostimulants either do not work at all, or almost do not work. One part of the preparations is an ordinary deceit, the other is ineffective means. But it should be remembered that any drug has side effects.

Alexander Khadzhidis, chief clinical pharmacologist of St. Petersburg, states the following: “Some doctors, for some reason, first prescribe antipyretic drugs to patients, and then immunomodulators, supposedly to produce interferon, which is illogical and generally absurd. That is, first, by bringing down the temperature, they “forbid” the body to fight the virus (against the virus and infection), and then artificially “force” it to do so.

In developed countries, there are no interferonogens (drugs that stimulate the production of interferon) at all. Interferons can work only with parenteral (intravenous) administration, and even then, their effectiveness is questionable. In Russia, these drugs are extremely popular, despite the fact that they are useless.

As for antipyretics for a virus, it is better to bring down the temperature and one-time when the temperature rises, and not 4 r / day - “just in case”. Reception of Aspirin (acetylsalicylic acid) in acute respiratory viral infections, especially for children under 12 years of age, is contraindicated, it can cause severe damage to the central nervous system and liver - Reye's disease, it is not recommended to use it for those who have suffered from gastrointestinal ulcers.

A well-known doctor in Russia, Alexander Myasnikov, declares that all immunomodulators widely advertised in our country today are a waste of money. In the United States and Western Europe, it has already been unambiguously recognized and proven that these drugs are ineffective, but most Russian doctors continue to believe in the power of immunomodulators in the treatment of acute respiratory viral infections.

Most antiviral drugs for ARVI and influenza have been developed and used for no more than 10-40 years. The drug should have a longer "trial period" in order to make a conclusion about its effectiveness and side effects. As for immunostimulants, these drugs can have delayed consequences (risks of developing autoimmune diseases, blood cancers, etc.) and should be prescribed according to strict indications.

pharmachologic effect: Comprehensive immunostimulatory, an antiviral drug, has an interferonogenic effect. As part of the drug - Thymogen sodium, ascorbic acid, bendazole. Thymogen is a synthetically obtained dipeptide, it enhances the nonspecific resistance of the body. Ascorbic acid normalizes capillary permeability, reducing the activity of the inflammatory process. Bendazole stimulates the production of endogenous interferon in the body.

Side effects: in persons suffering from vegetative-vascular dystonia, it causes a decrease in blood pressure.

Contraindications: during pregnancy, children under 1 year old, thrombophlebitis, severe hypotension, diabetes mellitus, stomach ulcer, urolithiasis.

Produced: since 2001 in capsules, for children since 2006 in syrup, in powder for solution
Research: There are no reliable data on clinical trials confirming its effectiveness and safety. Doctors and pharmacists often recommend this remedy for children, but it should be used with caution or not at all in the treatment of children.

Reviews: Quite a lot of feedback from patients using Tsitovir, about the effectiveness and absence of side effects. Improvement in well-being is observed on the second or third day, in isolated cases the drug did not help.
Price: Tsitovir 3 - on average 240-580 rub.


pharmachologic effect: exhibits an immunomodulating effect due to an increase in the titer of antibodies in the blood by 3-4 times, an increase in the production of lysozyme. It is also an interferonogen. The antipyretic properties of the drug are due to its effect on the thermoregulatory center in the diencephalon. And he can relieve pain (headache, aching joints, muscle) with the help of isonicotinic acid on the reticular formation of the brain stem.

Does not have a toxic effect on the kidneys and blood. Although it belongs to the group of non-narcotic analgesics (like Analgin and Paracetamol), it does not have a damaging effect on the gastric mucosa.
Side effects: Usually the drug is well tolerated, but it can also cause a feeling of bitterness in the mouth, slight swelling of the oral mucosa. This does not require discontinuation of the drug, nor additional treatment.
The drug should not be used during pregnancy and lactation.
Price: 20 tabs - 360 r, 30 tabs - 440 r.


pharmachologic effect
: The drug is based on antibodies to human interferon, that is, molecules similar to viral ones. The body “thinks” that a virus has entered the bloodstream and activates the immune response. It increases the production of various lymphocytes and increases the functional reserve of those that "go" directly to the focus of inflammation. Also, the drug is an interferonogen, increasing the formation of its own "early" interferons (alpha and beta), as well as gamma interferons.

The drug is available in the form of lozenges - for children and adults, as well as oral drops - for use by children.

Side effects: only allergic reactions.
Price: Anaferon in tablets for children and adults - about 210 r for 20 tabs, Anaferon in drops - 260 r


This is an immunomodulating drug that has been on the market for a very long time, consisting of polyadenylic and polyuridylic acids. It is produced in the form of a powder for the preparation of drops in the nose.

Poludan is an interferonogen, causing the formation of all three types (alpha, beta and gamma) of interferons. It can be used both for the prevention and treatment of influenza, SARS, viral conjunctivitis and keratitis.

Poludan is approved for use during pregnancy, in childhood, during lactation.

Cons: high cost of the drug, local (in the nose) allergic reactions.
Price: 600-700 r.


The drug is based on an extract obtained from the thymus (the main organ of immunity) of cattle. The drug has been used for several decades; is available as a powder in ampoules, which must be dissolved with a sterile solution and injected intramuscularly.

An overdose of the drug can end very badly: a person may develop a decrease in the thymus in size and a significant decrease in its function (this leads to severe suppression of immunity). Timalin is contraindicated in pregnancy, lactation.

Price: 430-450 r for 10 ampoules.


Pharmachologic effect: inducer of interferon synthesis, has antiviral, immunomodulatory effect. Composition: sodium salt of the copolymer, which causes the formation of late interferon with high antiviral activity. The greatest effect occurs if treatment is started within the first 24 hours of the disease, but no later than the 4th day after the onset of an acute infection. For the purpose of prevention, it is possible to take it at any time, it is better immediately after contact with a sick ARVI or flu.

Side effects: occurrence of allergic reactions.
Produced: Registered in 2003, since 2005 it has been produced in tablets, since 2011 it has been approved for use in children over 3 years of age for the treatment of influenza, as a prophylaxis against acute respiratory infections, it is possible to use children over 6 years of age.

Efficacy and safety studies: There is conflicting information here. The active substance is the sodium salt of the gossypol copolymer with carboxymethylcellulose. Moreover, Gossypol itself, a natural polyphenol, has been banned in the world since 1998 due to its toxicity. Gossypol has been actively studied by some countries as a contraceptive for a very long time, with its prolonged use, spermatogenesis completely stops. Chinese and Brazilian scientists say boys and men who take gossypol may experience infertility in the future. However, Kagocel is not gossypol in its pure form, it is the sodium salt of the copolymer, which has other properties that differ from those of the chemical itself.

The manufacturer actively advertises the drug and claims that the salt in Kagocel is negligible, 4 times lower than the concentration allowed by international standards. Multiple stages of product purification ensure the absence of free Gossypol in the final drug, which is checked during the quality control of each series of Kagocel tablets. The method used to test for the presence of free gossypol is very accurate and can detect levels above 0.0036%. At the beginning of 2013, data on tests conducted on rats were published - no changes in reproductive function in animals could be found.

So no research has been done on primates? It is known that gossypol for different animal species has its own toxicity limits, according to the EFSA (European Food Safety Authority) for rats, the maximum toxic dose is 2200-3300 mg/kg., for pigs 550, for guinea pigs up to 300 mg/kg. The studies carried out by the manufacturer included the administration of therapeutic doses to male rats, and doses up to 25 times the therapeutic dose ( 250 mg/kg). Can the rest of the claims and "research" be trusted?

Kagocel is not used in Western Europe or the USA, and is not on the WHO drug lists. The effectiveness of the drug has not been proven according to representatives of the Formulary Committee of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences and OSDM. No statistical studies have been conducted on the development of side effects as of autumn 2013.

Reviews: It helps a lot, some children and adults have allergic reactions in the form of a rash, swelling, itching.
Price: Kagocel - average 180-280 rub. In 2012, the sales volume amounted to 2.64 billion rubles

Tiloron (Amiksin, Lavomax)

Pharmachologic effect: active substance Tiloron, has antiviral and immunomodulatory action, it is a synthetic inducer of interferon, stimulating the formation of interferons alpha, beta, gamma.

Side effects: short-term chills, allergic reactions, contraindicated in breastfeeding and pregnancy.

Produced: almost 40 years ago, children under 7 years old are strictly forbidden to use.

Research: The benefits of the drug are undoubted both for the treatment and prevention of viral diseases, but this may be offset by potential harm to the body. In the 80s in the USA, after tests on mice, the drug was banned, as it had a highly toxic effect, in experimental animals, retinal dissection, liver lipidosis and other side effects were observed. It does not apply in the US and the European Union. In our country, the antiviral Amixin continues to be produced and doctors prescribe it to patients.
In a small study, 14 patients who were prescribed tilorone at a dose of 152 and 189 g participated, in 2 the drug caused keratopathy and retinopathy (while visual acuity did not decrease), these effects were reversible. The authors of the study concluded that the drug has a potential health hazard.
Reviews: The occurrence of allergic reactions, the high cost of the drug.
Price: Amiksin - average 500-560 rub. Sales volume in 2012 amounted to 1.17 billion rubles.

Additionally! Medicines, the so-called immunomodulators - Licopid, Polyoxidonium, Cycloferon, Proteflazid, Timogen, Panavir, Isoprinosine, Neovir, Groprinosin, etc. - should not be used to treat children (for various diseases) without an immunogram and serious indications, since they do not have proper clinical trials of efficacy and safety in the treatment of children.


The main active ingredient of the drug is iodophenazone, a substance that was previously used as an isotope label for scintigraphy.

Iodophenazone is an interferonogen, stabilizes cell membranes, stimulates both links of immunity.

Due to the presence of iodine, the drug is contraindicated in patients with increased thyroid function, children under 14 years of age, pregnant and lactating women. It is highly allergenic and can also cause stomach and intestinal upsets. It cannot be used for a long time.

Price: 20 tablets - 210 r, 50 tablets - 420 r.


The drug is available in 2 forms:

  1. dragees, which will need to be washed down with water;
  2. drops that dissolve in water and are then taken orally.

The main substances that have an immunomodulatory and antiviral effect are a combination of marshmallow root extract, horsetail, dandelion, yarrow, chamomile, oak bark and walnut leaves. That is, the drug is completely herbal.

The manufacturer, Bionorica, reports that the combination of extracts of these herbs will relieve inflammation, disinfect mucous membranes, relieve headache and local pain, and lower body temperature.

The disadvantages of the remedy are its price and the lack of a clear evidence base for effectiveness. It rarely causes allergic reactions.

Price: about 480 rubles.


The active substance is a bromide azoximer molecule. The drug is produced in the form of different dosage forms: tablets, suppositories, lyophilisate for intravenous or intramuscular administration (the lyophilisate can also be dissolved and instilled into the nose or under the tongue).

The domestic manufacturer, NPO Petrovax Pharm, declares the unique features of the drug: when it enters the body, azoximer bromide gently and naturally corrects those parts of the immune system in which pathological changes have occurred. At the same time, the immune system itself is not activated and is not “spurred on”. In a few studies of the drug, it has been shown that Polyoxidonium reduces the period of intoxication in viral diseases, reduces the risk of bacterial complications of acute respiratory viral infections, and is also used in the complex treatment of such bacterial consequences.

The remedy is allowed from 3 years (in the form of tablets and drops in the nose). It is not recommended for use during breastfeeding and pregnancy. It is included in the list of essential medicines and received an award as the best immunodulator for frequently ill children.

Cons: Studies of the effectiveness of the drug are few, reviews are contradictory. Some note the occurrence of allergic reactions, and not just seals at the injection site. A number of people associate the subsequent, after a time after taking Polyoxidonium, a deterioration in the immune status, which consisted in the development of a new, serious illness.

Price: Lyophilisate 3 mg - 780 r / 5 bottles, lyophilisate 6 mg - 1200 r / 5 bottles, candles 12 mg 10 pcs - 1050 r, tablets - 780 r.


Below are just some antiviral medicines for SARS, reviews about them, a brief description, comments on well-known studies of their effectiveness, the average price in pharmacies.

Pharmacological action: the active ingredient is imidazolylethanamide pentanedioic acid. It is active against adenovirus infection, influenza A, B, respiratory syncytial infection, parainfluenza. It is an immunomodulator that affects the functional activity of the interferon system.

Side effects: allergic reactions

Contraindicated: children under 18 years of age.

Produced: as a drug for the treatment of influenza and SARS since 2008, before that, according to prof. Vlasov Vasily, the drug Vitaglutam (imidazolylethanamide of pentanedioic acid) was used in Russia until 2008 as a hematopoietic stimulator in cancer patients receiving anticancer therapy.

Research: According to the manufacturers, the idea of ​​​​producing Ingavirin originated in the 1980s, but only after years of research on its safety and effectiveness, the drug was filed for registration by 2008. When Vitaglutam was used in patients with cancer, there was no conclusive evidence of its effectiveness. And when Ingavirin appeared on the pharmaceutical market in 2008 without full-fledged research, a “swine flu epidemic” began in the country, so Ingavirin was actively sold. The drug was recommended by the Ministry of Health and Social Development, even despite the lack of placebo-controlled studies, substantiated evidence of its effectiveness.

One study done per 105!!! patients with confirmed influenza showed the following results:

  • Taking ingavirin reduced the duration of fever to 34.5 hours (provided it was used in the first 1-1.5 days from the onset of the disease)
  • In the placebo group it is 72 hours
  • In the group taking Arbidol - 48 hours

After analyzing the duration and intensity of flu symptoms - weakness, headache, dizziness in the study groups, when taking Ingavirin, a decrease in the severity of the disease was confirmed, no side effects were detected.

In May 2009, Alexander Chuchalin, chief therapist of the Russian Federation, ( he led the drug development team) gave an interview to Ogonyok magazine: “The new antiviral agent Ingavirin has a much higher efficiency than the American one. The Russian drug quickly and easily integrates into the A/H1N1 virus genome, immediately destroying it. It is also effective against other dangerous viruses.”

Reviews: Most of the drug does not help, isolated cases confirm a reduction in the duration of the disease.

Price : 380-460 rub. From January to June 2010, Ingavirin's sales amounted to 220 million rubles, 467 thousand packages were sold .


The active substance is sodium oxodihydroacridinyl acetate. Available as a solution for injection

The drug acts on the cells of the immune system, causing them to produce special protective molecules upon contact with the microbe. The agent is an interferonogen, and also acts on the DNA or RNA of viruses, destroying them. Activates cell division in the bone marrow, calling for more lymphocytes to immune protection.

Cons: the drug should not be used by pregnant, lactating, people with kidney pathologies, as well as those who suffer from autoimmune diseases. May cause allergies.

Price: 3 ampoules - 670 r, 5 ampoules - 870 r.


The drug is based on the antiviral agentotriazinide. The drug is of domestic origin, is available in the form of capsules.

The active substance has a feature: it is integrated into the genome (DNA or RNA) of the virus instead of one of the amino acids, as a result, the virus loses its ability to reproduce.

Triazavirin is contraindicated in children under 18 years of age, people with kidney and liver pathologies, pregnant and lactating women. This is due to the fact that the drug is not yet sufficiently studied.

Price: 20 capsules - 1100 r


In this preparation, the immunomodulatory activity is determined by the extract of potato shoots. It is produced in various forms: as a spray for the oral cavity, rectal and vaginal suppositories, a gel for topical use, a solution for intravenous administration.

Manufacturers say that the combination of various carbohydrates and uronic acids found in potatoes, when released into the bloodstream, has an interferonogenic effect. The bactericidal effect of this drug is also noted.

If various suppositories are used to treat viral gynecological and urological diseases, then a throat spray and injection solution can be used to prevent and treat SARS and influenza. They are also prescribed for the treatment of herpes infection, tick-borne encephalitis, rheumatoid arthritis.

Cons: The antiviral effects of Panavir are recognized only in Russia, in other countries this drug is not prescribed. This is due to the fact that there is no data on the actual components of the drug: after all, with the availability of potato shoots, the remedy should not be so expensive.

Price: oral spray 300 r, rectal suppositories - 1600 r, vaginal suppositories - 1500 r, solution for intravenous administration - 3600 r


This is a local antiviral agent that has long been used not only for the prevention of SARS, but with its help it is possible to treat herpes infections.

The effectiveness of the drug is still controversial. Many doctors believe that it can be compared with the effectiveness of any greasy cream, which, if treated with a nose, will also contribute to the deposition of microbial particles on it.

Price: 20-40r.


Pharmachologic effect: An antiviral agent that has the ability to suppress influenza A and B viruses, SARS - severe acute respiratory syndrome, an associated coronavirus. Arbidol is also used in the complex therapy of acute rotavirus intestinal infections.
Active substance: Methylphenylthiomethyl-dimethylaminomethyl-hydroxybromoindole carboxylic acid ethyl ester.

Side effects: use for children under 3 years is prohibited, individual allergic reactions are possible.
Produced: invented in 1974, in 1992 its industrial production was started.

Research: Until 2013, there was no convincing evidence of its effectiveness and safety. The studies carried out in the USSR were never published. In Russia in 2008, a study of 300 people showed that Viferon was more effective than Arbidol. In 2004, in China, tests on 230 patients with symptoms of Orvi showed that it was not effective, unlike Tamiflu and Ingaverin. In 2009, in the UK journal Antiviral Research, the authors of the studies stated that strains resistant to Arbidol form less frequently than those of Remantadine and Amantadine.

The FDA denied registration of Arbidol in the US, and the WHO has never considered this drug as an effective antiviral drug.

Latest drug information: At the end of 2013, the World Health Organization registered Arbidol (umifenovir) as a direct-acting antiviral drug, assigning it an individual code J05AX13. Thus, Pharmstandard received nominal permission for the widespread use of the drug in the Russian Federation, where Arbidol is included in the standards for the treatment and prevention of influenza and SARS in children and adults.

However, the multicenter trial of the effectiveness of Arbidol, which was planned to be completed in 2013, has not been completed to this day, and its dates have been postponed to 2015. The results of this trial, which has serious sponsors and does not suffer from a lack of patients, could dot the I in the arbidol epic, but for unknown reasons this does not happen. That is there is still no evidence of effectiveness, it remains to wait ...

Reviews: The same number of positive reviews and opinions about the inefficiency of its use. There are isolated cases of allergic reactions in the form of dermatitis, pain in the epigastric region.
Price: Arbidol - average 130-710 rub. In 2012, the sales volume was over 5 billion rubles.

An analogue of Arbidol appeared on the pharmaceutical market of Belarus, the manufacturer of JLLC "Lekpharm". This is a generic drug, in Belarusian import-substituting packaging - Arpetol. The instructions for it indicate that the active substance is: arbidol hydrochloride? Once again, the commercialization of today's pharmaceutical market and the lack of proper control are proved!

Pharmachologic effect: an antiviral drug, which includes oseltamivir carboxylate (an active metabolite), suppresses influenza A and B viruses. It is not effective in ARVI.

Side effects: Nausea, insomnia, diarrhea, dizziness, lethargy, cough, headaches, take with caution to pregnant women and lactation. Contraindicated in children under 1 year old.

Available: since 1996, the pharmaceutical company "F. Hoffmann-La Roche has registered the right to develop drugs containing oseltamivir.

Research: Tamiflu has the disadvantage of making it difficult to diagnose because the side effects are similar to flu-like symptoms. This during the epidemic with long-term use becomes dangerous. Only short-term use is optimally effective - a few days at the very beginning of the flu. Independent researchers requested from the Swiss manufacturer a standard report of 4-5 study modules. To which the pharmaceutical company provided only the first modules, repeated requests for full details were never satisfied.

Since 2004, cases of neuropsychiatric disorders have been reported, more often in children and adolescents who took Tamiflu during the flu - hallucinations, nightmares, confusion, convulsions, anxiety, etc.

Japanese post-marketing studies of this drug in 2006 announced the risk of developing disorders of consciousness in humans - psychosis, depression, suicidal tendencies, especially in children. And also 54 deaths were recorded after the use of Tamiflu, 16 of which were in adolescents 10-19 years old (15 committed suicide, 1 died after being hit by a car), the rest died from kidney failure (it is possible that due to severe influenza).

Latest information about this drug: Back in April 2014, the Cochrane Society (an independent health research network) represented by the Tom Jefferson group and the British Medical Journal published data from a Cochrane review of studies that did not confirm the effectiveness of Tamiflu and Relenza in the treatment and prevention of influenza. The effectiveness of reducing influenza complications by taking these drugs has also been questioned. Timid attempts by the manufacturer Roche to fight back with a firm promise to provide irrefutable evidence in the form of randomized trial results have so far been unsuccessful. Evidence is pending.

On April 10, 2014, the Cochrane Collaboration published the results of these 26 Relenza and 20 Tamiflu clinical trials, which involved 24,000 people.

As a result of the research, it was found that:

  • Oseltamivir, as a prophylactic, does not significantly reduce the risk of influenza in families without reducing the ability of the influenza virus to spread from person to person.
  • The duration of symptoms is reduced by 16 hours (from 7 to 6.3 days), in children this effect is completely absent.
  • The drug has no effect on the risk of severe complications (sinusitis, otitis media, pneumonia, bronchitis), that is, it does not reduce the likelihood of complications.
  • The drug is recognized as quite toxic, increasing the risk of nausea, vomiting in both children and adults.
  • When used for prophylactic purposes, the drug turned out to be hazardous to health, since it leads to mental disorders, impaired kidney function, in some cases it has been found that it helps to reduce the production of one's own antibodies to the virus.

Based on these studies, health officials in the leading countries of the world should decide to stop mass purchases of antiviral drugs with the active ingredient Oseltamivir due to the high risk of side effects and low efficiency as a drug for the treatment and prevention of the influenza virus during the epidemic.

Reference: only on the basis of the claims of the manufacturer Tamiflu that the drug significantly reduces the risk of serious complications and hospitalization of patients during the epidemic, countries such as the UK and the USA in 2009 purchased these drugs for 40 million doses due to the swine flu epidemic ( US $1.3bn, UK £424m).

Based on the latest data on the low effectiveness and safety of this antiviral agent, an international group of experts in evidence-based medicine called on the governments of the world's leading countries to stop the bulk purchases of Tamiflu and Relenza.

Reviews: Enough reviews of side effects in the form of vomiting, dizziness, psychosis, headache. Efficiency in influenza, many confirm. Doctors of infectious diseases hospitals who themselves took oseltamivir at the first symptoms of influenza during the swine flu epidemic in 2009 testify that despite the fact that 50% of the employees took the drug accompanied by nausea, pneumonia (probably influenza-like, but could also be bacterial) developed only in 1% of physicians working in the focus of the epidemic.

Price: Tamiflu - average 1200-1300 rub.

Remantadine (Rimantadine)

Pharmachologic effect: an antiviral drug, a derivative of adamantane, suppresses various strains of the influenza A virus (including swine flu).

Side effects: contraindicated in pregnant women, children under 1 year. Reduces concentration, causes dizziness, nervousness, headache, fatigue, nausea, vomiting, dry mouth.

Produced: information about the first use of the drug has been known since 1968.

Studies: Tests were carried out from 1981 to 2006, in general they showed less toxicity of Remantadine in comparison with Amantadine. One study showed that Amantadine was 61% effective in preventing influenza infection compared to a placebo group and, if a person fell ill, reduced the febrile syndrome for 1 day. In the same study, it was compared with Tamiflu, it produced an effectiveness of 73% of the placebo group. Rimantadine (Remantadine) is currently considered a drug with proven clinical efficacy, but some strains of the influenza virus may be resistant to it.

Reviews: There are reviews that Remantadine causes side effects - dizziness, tachycardia, mostly positive reviews.
Price: Remantadin - average 50-150 rub.

It is with influenza (including swine) at the first symptoms that therapists and pediatricians recommend: for adults - Remantadine, Tamiflu. Children older than 1 year are shown Orvirem (rimantadine syrup), Viferon. Children over 8 years old can - Remantadin (in the table), Tamiflu.

Interferon preparations

Interferons are messenger proteins released by cells infected with viruses. They seem to inform other cells about the infection and the required inactivation of the virus. Alpha interferons are produced by lymphocytes, beta - by fibroblasts. In addition to Viferon, the alpha group includes Intron, Reaferon, Kipferon.


The creation of the drug was scientifically substantiated in the period 1990-1995. a group of scientists from the Research Institute of Epidemiology and Microbiology named after N.F. Gamalei under the guidance of prof. Malinovskaya V.V.
Since December 1996, on the basis of the same research institute, serial production of recombinant interferon alfa-2b in suppositories has begun. Viferon are candles with different content of the active substance.

Application :

  • Viferon-1 (150,000 IU) is designed for babies from birth to 7 years. It is used for acute respiratory viral infections, herpetic infections, as an additional remedy for prolonged pneumonia or sepsis, including in preterm infants with intrauterine infections. The drug is prescribed for 5 days. Children under 7 years old are recommended 1 candle 2 times a day. Premature, born at a period of more than 34 weeks - as children under 7 years old. With a shorter gestation period - 1 suppository three times a day. If necessary, after a five-day break, the course can be repeated for another 5 days.
  • In children older than seven years, adults, the drug in suppositories of 500,000 IU is used twice a day for five days. It is possible to use viferon in pregnant women.
  • Candles containing viferon 1000000 and 3000000 IU are used in the treatment of viral hepatitis and herpetic infections. The use of the same injectable forms is indicated for any (except for HIV-associated) viral meningitis: children from 7 years old are injected intravenously or intramuscularly with 1 million IU, adults - 3 or even 5 million IU daily.
  • Also, doctors of infectious diseases hospitals use injectable Viferon at a dose of 2 million IU intramuscularly at the first symptoms of influenza during the epidemic (as an emergency measure in the absence of Remantadine and Tamiflu / Relenza). This increases the chance of avoiding flu complications.
  • The drug in the form of an ointment is intended for the treatment of herpes on the skin and mucous membranes in adults and children over one year old.

Side effects: the main side effect of viferon suppositories can be an allergic reaction, which happens infrequently. When using injection forms, after 3-4 hours (with intramuscular injection) or within the first two hours (with intravenous administration), a sharp rise in temperature is noted. This indicates the stimulation of antiviral immunity. In this case, if the temperature rises above 38.5-39 degrees, it is recommended to take an antipyretic.

Research: With regard to the effectiveness of the drug, it is not included in list A of evidence-based pharmacology. That is, there have not been large randomized trials in humans that meet international standards. However, there is a positive practical experience of treatment with Viferon in pediatric practice. (By the way, nitroglycerin also lacks randomized trials to prove its effectiveness, which does not make it an ineffective first-line drug for angina relief.) Publications of data from clinical trials of the drug are available only in Russian and were carried out only in domestic clinics. The price-quality ratio allows pediatricians to recommend the drug for the treatment of acute respiratory viral infections in children under seven years of age. For adults in the treatment of acute respiratory viral infections, the drug has limited use due to the rectal form of administration and the availability of alternative drugs.

The main arguments of the opponents of the drug:

  • high molecular weight protein molecules that cannot be absorbed in the gut
  • lack of clinical trials that meet international standards.


Candles are somewhat expensive for the treatment of banal colds. Therefore, it is replaced by viferon. But, in severe forms of intestinal dysbacteriosis in children of the first two years of life, the drug shows good clinical results.

Studies: No randomized trials have been conducted, i.e. the drug belongs to the list of drugs with unproven effect. Main claims:

  • high molecular weight that interferes with normal absorption
  • adding components of donor blood to the preparation, which can cause fever and allergies.


Cycloferon was originally registered as a veterinary drug in 1993 for the treatment of animals with viral infections, in 1995 it was already honey. a drug.

The drug Cycloferon is approved for use in adults and children over four years of age. Available in solution for injection, tablets, liniment. Refers to immunomodulatory drugs, is an inducer of interferon, enhancing its production and showing antiviral, anti-inflammatory and immunostimulating properties.

Application: on the territory of the Russian Federation it is used in the treatment of acute respiratory viral infections, influenza, viral hepatitis, herpes infection, human papillomaviruses and other urological and gynecological pathologies (for example, candidiasis, chlamydia).
Contraindications: The drug is not recommended for pregnant and lactating women. May cause allergic reactions.
Research: Cycloferon is an immunostimulant that stimulates the action of the immune system and the production of interferons. To date, all clinical trials of this drug, published in the medical literature, were carried out only on the territory of the Russian Federation and do not meet international standards.

There are no serious clinical trials for cycloferon that would prove its effectiveness or disprove the absence of long-term harmful effects of this drug (development of autoimmune diseases). It is not superfluous to recall that all drugs that have been on the pharmaceutical market for less than five years are still at the fifth level of pharmacological tests and it is quite likely that previously unknown adverse effects from drugs of this series will be detected. In the presence of newly identified harmful effects, the drug will be withdrawn from pharmacy chains and discontinued, and most of those who were treated with this drug and earned some kind of health failure are unlikely to receive at least some compensation.

homeopathic remedies


The drug is available in the form of a children's and adult "version". As part of the substance (regardless of the form - child or adult):

  • in one type of tablets from one package - a combination of American lacquer, bryony and sulfuric liver,
  • in another type of tablets - a complex of aconite, arsenic iodide and toxicodendron.

Tablets are taken under the tongue, alternating different types of tablets - according to the instructions.

Description: AGRI is a product based on natural ingredients that has:

  • anti-inflammatory;
  • decongestant;
  • antihistamine;
  • antipyretic action.

Contraindications include only individual intolerance to the individual components of the drug. The manufacturer allows it to be used by both children and pregnant women.
Side effects: salivation, swelling of the conjunctiva or respiratory tract (this indicates an allergy to the drug, in which it must be discontinued).
Cons: unproven effectiveness, inconvenience of taking the drug.
Price: 120 r.


Available in 2 forms:

  1. Vincetoxicum hirundinaria D 6, D10, D30, Sulfur D4 and
  2. Tablets for resorption under the tongue with a similar composition, but larger dosages of each drug.

Description : the drug has a complex anti-inflammatory, antiviral and detoxifying effect. Side effects are not described, there are no contraindications.
Cons: unproven effectiveness. On the first day of the disease, you will have to take 1 tablet every 15 minutes for 2 hours, then switch to a triple dose.

Price: 400 r for 50 tablets (11 tablets are consumed on the first day, then 3 pcs).


The drug is available in the form of 2 forms: tablets and drops for oral administration. Their composition is about the same. These are bryony, gentian, aconite, sacromactic acid.

Also similarly named nasal spray. It has a different composition, and is indicated for the treatment of the common cold (including allergic), pharyngitis, eustachitis, sinusitis. There is also Aflubin broncho syrup based on thyme and honey extract. It is indicated for coughing and is not an antiviral or immunomodulatory agent.

Description: It is stated that this drug is an interferonogen, and also stimulates the cellular link of immunity, stops inflammation in the mucous membranes and synovial membranes, and has a detoxifying and antipyretic effect.

Cons: The effectiveness of the drug has not been proven, while it is one of the few homeopathic remedies used in Europe.

May cause increased swelling of the nose and throat, burning sensation in the throat, increased salivation.

Price: Tablets No. 24 - 410 r, drops - 215 r, nasal spray - 360 r.


The drug is available in the form of tablets and oral solution. It contains aconite, ipecac, bryonia, phosphorus, steap, gelsemia, evpatorium perfoliatum.

Description : as part of the drug - 6 tested homeopathic monopreparations that have proven their effectiveness (this is not recognized by the medical community) for the treatment of acute infections localized in the nasopharynx and bronchi. One of them dilutes sputum, the other relieves swelling from the nasal mucosa, the third eliminates headaches, the fourth strengthens the immune system. Evpatorium perfoliatum is a good anti-influenza homeopathic remedy

Cons : May (rarely) cause allergic reactions. Has a high cost.

Price: 60 tablets - 500 r

SARS and influenza

SARS is a group of viral diseases that are transmitted by airborne droplets and cause inflammation in the mucous membranes of the nose, pharynx, larynx and trachea. Many of them also affect the superficial structures of the eye (conjunctiva, upper sclera) and lymph nodes. Some can cause inflammation of the lower respiratory tract - the bronchi and lung tissue. A feature of respiratory viruses is a decrease in local immunity of the mucous membranes, as well as the expenditure of systemic immune defense resources, as a result, they "open the way" to bacterial complications.

There are more than 300 types of SARS viruses. One of them is the influenza virus - the most insidious and life-threatening.

The "intrigue" of the influenza virus is as follows:

  • It has an extremely small size, which allows it to easily enter the body.
  • It has 2 antigens on its shell - a factor of aggression. One of them - hemagglutinin - can damage red blood cells. Therefore, with influenza, nosebleeds and hemoptysis easily occur, hemorrhages also occur in internal organs: lung tissue, heart, kidneys, and brain. In addition, hemagglutinin is "responsible" for the intensity of intoxication, that is, poor health (body aches, nausea, drowsiness, loss of appetite).

The second factor of aggression - neuraminidase - strongly suppresses the immune system. Then it becomes easy for bacteria flying in the air and entering the human body to increase inflammation of the respiratory tract and cause other complications.

  • Easily changes from season to season (this applies mainly to the influenza A virus, while viruses B and C are more stable). It is impossible to predict 100% which virus will "dominate" this year. This variability of the virus is due to the variability of hemagglutinin (it is marked with the letter “H”) and neuraminidase (“N”: there are 12 types of the first enzyme and 9 types of the second in total. This means that a large number of combinations can be made from them. And if a person has immunity (due to a vaccine or the fact that he once got sick) to a virus with one combination of these antigens, this does not make him resistant to a virus with a different set.

It is believed that the number of combinations for a person is not so large: it consists of 3 types of hemagglutinin and 2 types of neuraminidase (although in 2015 there was an influenza epidemic caused by the H5N1 virus). It is also bad that with the same combination, the virus can have different antigenic properties, and the same person can get sick with the H1N1 flu (California), and then become infected with the H1N1 flu virus (Shanghai). In addition, exchanges of individual antigens between individual strains of the A virus obtained from humans and strains obtained from animals or birds are possible. The result of this exchange is the emergence of a new, more aggressive virus.

The ability of a virus to mutate and change is the most dangerous. It makes the flu an uncontrollable and unmanageable infection. Only in "quiet" years this disease covers 30 million of the world's population. Pandemics occur when a completely new virus appears, both in terms of hemagglutinin and neuraminidase.

If the flu does not cause complications, it proceeds quite favorably (mortality rate is 0.01-0.2%), although it takes at least 1 year of life from a person. The mortality rate increases in:

  • children under 3 years old;
  • old people;
  • those who have recently had a serious illness;
  • people after a course of chemotherapy;
  • suffering from cardiovascular or pulmonary diseases.


The ineffectiveness of antiviral agents due to the resistance of virus strains

The lack of a positive effect when using some antiviral drugs for influenza is also possible due to the fact that drug-resistant viruses appear and a particular influenza strain may already be resistant to a particular drug (for example, Remantadine).

Other treatments and placebo effect

Strong immunity

In a healthy body, after 2-3 days, the immune system produces enough protective antibodies against the virus, it does not need additional drugs. It is enough to follow the well-known rules - bed rest, plentiful hot drinks, fortified foods and drinks, clean air in the patient's room, etc.

Speedy recovery with antiviral drugs

In various life situations, reducing the duration of the disease even by one day can be very important, for example, a wedding day, an urgent business trip, an important business deal, an exam, an interview, etc. It is in such cases that the use of antiviral agents that reduce by 2-3 days the duration of the disease may have a meaning.

No adequate research

The lack of benign studies on the effectiveness and side effects (on a large group of people, different ages, over a long period of time) of most antiviral agents for ARVI and influenza suggests the caution of their use or even their abandonment.

Don't waste your money on rubbish

Spending money, in some cases a lot, on drugs with unproven efficacy, side effects, and questionable safety is perhaps not advisable. Any medicine, even useless or dummy, can harm the body.

Video broadcast: How the placebo effect works

  • from 9:24 min. - about what drugs are most often prescribed by doctors
  • from 24:00 - about the effect of placebo on the functioning of the immune system
  • from 31:07 - about the high placebo effect in children
  • from 33:55 - about dummy drugs prescribed for ARVI
  • from 34:40 - about homeopathy and antiviral drugs for ARVI
  • from 42:27 - about how modern research is carried out

Video: How not to get sick with the flu.