How much fish oil to give a small dog. Is it possible to give and how fish oil for dogs

Each owner, who loves his tailed barking friend, wishes him good health and long years by his side.

In addition to proper nutrition and active walks, your pet's well-being can be maintained with vitamins and nutritional supplements. One such product is fish oil for dogs.

What is fish oil

Fish oil is an active nutritional supplement derived from certain types of fish. More often it is salmon, trout, less often cod. Allocate fat from carcasses and from the liver. In turn, fish get it from algae, which are rich in natural fatty acids.

Of particular value to fish oil is the omega-3 fatty acids contained in its composition, as well as docosahexaenoic and eicosapantaenoic acids.

For many years, this remedy has been used in veterinary medicine as a prophylactic supplement and even as a main drug.

Veterinarians advise using fish oil for dogs and other pets. To a greater extent, it is important for the development and growth of puppies and for adult dogs.

The benefits and harms of fish oil

Fish oil is quite well absorbed in animals. An increase in Omega-3 levels can be seen after a week of use. After the end of the course of treatment, fat is excreted from the body within a month.

What effect does fish oil for dogs have on the body? Its benefits and harms have been scientifically studied. In general, the tool is considered an indispensable source of polyunsaturated omega-3 acid.

Product Use:

  1. It has a positive effect on the correct formation of the dog's skeleton and the maintenance of the integrity and strength of the bones.
  2. Maintains a healthy look and condition of the coat.
  3. It is an excellent immunomodulator.

And in general, it has a beneficial effect on all systems of the animal's body:

  • Cardiovascular.
  • Nervous.
  • Muscular.
  • Visual, auditory, olfactory organs.

Fish oil does not bring unambiguous harm to the dog's body. It is one of the safest supplements. Of course, provided that it is used correctly according to the instructions. The only side effects of taking it may be dandruff and the smell of fish from the animal's mouth.

Fish oil for dogs: instructions for use

Release form:

  1. In the form of a solution (oil) in vials from 50 to 500 ml.
  2. In gelatin capsules with an oily content. Packaged in blisters.

Pharmacology should also be considered.

Fish oil contains polyunsaturated acids. Vitamins A, D, E. And additional organic compounds of iodine, sulfur, phosphorus and bromine.

It is quickly absorbed and assimilated in cell membranes. With a course application, blood viscosity decreases and, thereby, the risk of thrombosis decreases. Improves microcirculation. Accelerates mineral metabolism. Fish oil for dogs affects the proper development and growth of the animal.


  • Prevention of diseases of the heart and blood vessels.
  • Atherosclerosis.
  • Rickets.
  • Thrombosis and thrombophlebitis.
  • Diseases of the gastrointestinal tract and digestive system.
  • Diseases of the organs of vision.
  • Immunity boost.
  • Allergic skin diseases.
  • Inflammatory diseases.


  • Individual intolerance.
  • Planned operations or existing wound surfaces.
  • Oversaturation with calcium.

Uses of fish oil for dogs

When using fish oil for dogs, the benefits of which are unambiguous, it is necessary to adhere to the basic rules of admission. The result depends on it.

It is best to choose fish oil capsules for adult dogs and as an oil for puppies. The absence of additional flavors and fragrances is desirable.

You can start administering the drug from the first days of a puppy's life. With one or two drops, gradually increasing the dosage to two teaspoons (by about six months of age).

Usually, fish oil for dogs is taken according to the scheme: two weeks of the drug + one week off.

You can use the supplement constantly throughout the year, but it is especially important to take it in the autumn-winter period and after an illness during a weakened immune system.

For puppies, fish oil is administered with food; for adult dogs, it can be administered as an independent remedy. Or, if the dog is on a natural diet, then it is also added to the food.

Timely and correct introduction of fish oil into the diet of a dog guarantees a full and active life of your beloved pet. Including a healthy, well-groomed appearance, a balanced state and the absence of unnecessary stress. Of course, we are talking about the complex administration of the drug in conjunction with all other necessary measures for the prevention and treatment of the animal.

But an overdose of the drug is dangerous, fat-soluble vitamins accumulate in the body and have the opposite effect.

What does it consist of

Obtained from mackerel, herring, cod, salmon. The best quality is among the inhabitants of the northern seas. Useful components are vitamin A and D2.

In the skin of a dog, unlike humans, calciferol is not synthesized under the influence of sunlight or is produced in a minimal amount. Carotene from vegetables is also not absorbed.

This means that the dog must receive these substances from the outside, and fish oil is the best source. In addition to vitamins, it contains polyunsaturated omega-3s - docosahexaenoic and eicosahexaenoic.

They are necessary for the normal functioning of the nervous system, heart, kidneys. In puppies, they affect the development of vision, hearing and smell. They also improve the condition of the skin, coat and teeth.

There are trace elements necessary for dogs in the composition of fish oil - bromine, iodine, phosphorus and sulfur. They affect the function of the thyroid gland, the absorption of calcium, the condition of the bones, and improve conductivity in nerve synapses.


Suitable for both puppies and adult dogs. It is recommended to give it from the age of one month or from the moment the puppies are weaned from the bitch. The dosage is gradually increased. For small dogs, the drug is especially necessary in the autumn-winter period, when the activity of the sun is reduced.

Vitamins and microelements, which are part of the fat, improve the absorption of calcium, which contributes to the proper growth of bones, teeth, and prevents rickets. Calciferol, along with polyunsaturated fatty acids, is necessary for the normal development of the brain and peripheral nerves, heart muscle.

Vitamin A has a positive effect on the eyes, provides sharp vision in the dark. The components affect the rheology of the blood, prevent the increased formation of blood clots, the development of cholesterol plaques.

This property is important for aging dogs prone to ischemia and other heart diseases. Reviews of many owners indicate that after the course, older dogs became more active.

In dogs with arthrosis and arthritis, lameness disappears, they move better. It is important to note that the condition of the skin and coat become healthy. Many dogs, thanks to fish oil, managed to get rid of the manifestations of allergies (without the use of hormones), dermatitis and eczema.


Any medicine is beneficial if taken correctly, fish oil is no exception. Some dogs do not perceive the drug, they develop allergies, diarrhea and even vomiting.

An allergic reaction can be not only to fat, but also to the capsule. In this case, it is better to feed the dog with a liquid supplement, or pierce and squeeze out of it.

It is not recommended to use the drug before surgery, in acute intestinal diseases accompanied by diarrhea, as it worsens the condition of the dog.
An overdose is dangerous, so you should consult a veterinarian before giving it to a dog.

It is not advised to use the drug from cod. It contains too much retinol, an overdose of which causes serious liver damage. An excessive amount of vitamin D2 can lead to the formation of calcite in muscles, internal organs, increased bone fragility, hair loss, and kidney damage.

If the dog eats natural food and does not take any healthy supplements and substances, fish oil will come in handy. There are vitamins in high-quality dry and wet food. It is necessary to carefully study the composition and determine whether an additional component of D2 and A is needed, or is it enough in canned food and granules.

If you're giving your dog everything it needs, it may not be worth adding extra fish oil unless advised by your veterinarian.

Instructions for use

Available in liquid form and in capsules. How much to give it to a pet? The optimal dosage for a dog is 0.5-1 teaspoon, or 1-2 capsules.

Puppies from the age of one month are given 2-5 drops, gradually bringing the dose to the desired volume. In six months, large dogs can be given 2 tsp, small dogs - 1 spoon. The course is continued for 14 days, then I take a week break.

It is necessary to carefully monitor whether the pet has diarrhea, a rash on the skin. Fat is given to adult dogs in courses of 3-4 weeks. Repeat 2-3 times a year, preferably in autumn and winter.

How to give the drug better? Most often mixed with food, or put a capsule on the root of the dog's tongue. Most dogs eat the liquid preparation with pleasure. Unlike humans, they like the pungent smell of fish.

Adult dogs and puppies are advised to mix fat with cottage cheese, so calcium will be better absorbed. Some owners feed the supplement only in this way, once a week throughout the year. This method has received a good response among veterinarians.

How to choose

We have already said that they produce the drug in liquid form (in jars or bottles) and in capsules. The benefits of this fish oil are that it is easier to give to a dog and can be mixed into food.

The capsule in some animals causes allergies, but the additive in this form is better preserved, does not have a bad smell. You need to choose fats that are obtained from the muscles of fish, since liver fats contain too much vitamin A.

Salmon oil is best absorbed. You can not take uncleaned, it may contain substances harmful to the dog. Before you buy capsules or a jar, carefully look where they are stored.

In the light and in a warm place, fats quickly decompose and deteriorate. Can I feed my dog ​​spoiled food? Of course not, if you care about her health. And also do not take preparations with rosemary or lemon.

Therefore, it is better to buy fish oil in a veterinary pharmacy. Supplements for humans often contain flavors that are harmful to dogs.

The nutrition of a small puppy should be balanced and complete. A growing body needs vitamins and minerals. But sometimes you can provide a small pet with all the necessary substances. only by adding food supplements to the diet.

Product benefits

One of such useful supplements to the nutrition of not only humans, but also animals, are fish oil preparations. Many owners immediately have a completely fair question: “Will this product be useful for the animal?” The owners choose a balanced diet for their pets and know firsthand that fatty fish are prohibited to application.

This substance is obtained from the liver and fish carcasses of cod, salmon or trout. And fish produce it from seaweeds rich in this element. This product is saturated with fatty acids, the most famous of which is "Omega-3". In addition, it contains vitamins A and D2, as well as trace elements: sulfur, iodine, phosphorus, bromine.

Unlike humans, animals do not have the ability to produce certain vitamins and minerals from food, but for the proper development and functioning of the internal organs of the systems, they are very necessary.

The benefits of this essential nutritional supplement are clear. A growing organism receives the correct development of almost all internal systems:

  • Auditory.
  • Immune. Supports the body's resistance to harmful viruses in the autumn-winter period.
  • Visual.
  • Cardiovascular.
  • Nervous.
  • Musculoskeletal. Plays an important role in the formation of the skeleton and bone strength.

In animals aged general well-being improves after the course of treatment. With the development of arthrosis or arthritis, ease of movement returns to dogs. This substance also helps to cope with the manifestations of allergies: eczema and dermatitis. Also this product beneficial in increasing appetite.

The product is indicated for use:

  • For the prevention of cardiovascular diseases.
  • To prevent the development of atherosclerosis.
  • For the prevention of rickets.
  • In order to prevent the development of thrombophlebitis and thrombosis.
  • As a prevention of diseases of the digestive system and gastrointestinal tract.
  • With diseases of the visual organs.
  • As a means to increase the body's defenses.
  • To eliminate inflammatory diseases.

Contraindications for admission

But, no matter how useful this natural food supplement is, many animals have intolerance to the components of the drug, even with the correct dosage. You can notice this condition by signs such as diarrhea, vomiting, allergic rashes. And allergic reactions may appear on the capsule itself containing the substance. In this case, you will have to squeeze the substance onto the food.

  • If the animal suffers from acute intestinal diseases.
  • Before operations on internal organs and the presence of wounds on the skin.
  • For diarrhea and digestive problems.
  • When taking vitamin complexes or severe hypervitaminosis.
  • When fed with industrial feed.

If the animal receives additional vitamin complexes or industrial feeds that already contain vitamin supplements, then an overdose may result. From this in the first place damage to the liver and kidneys, and wool may also fall out and bone fragility will increase.

Instructions for use

Fish oil for dogs in a dosage selected by a veterinarian according to the age and needs of the body can only bring obvious benefit. Produce the drug in the form of capsules and liquid substances. For an adult dog, 0.5-1 teaspoon of fat is considered a sufficient daily dose. Correspond to the dose of the liquid substance will be 1-2 capsules of the drug.

How much to give puppies biologically useful substance- the doctor can tell by choosing the right dosage, appropriate for age and breed. Usually, they start taking the drug from the age of one month, 2 drops per day, by six months increasing the dose to 1-2 teaspoons.

For puppies, you need to buy fat prepared from the carcasses of fish that live in the northern seas. Preference should be given to the product in capsules: this way it better retains all the useful properties.

One course lasts two weeks. Between courses it is necessary to take weekly breaks. For adult animals, the course is increased to 3-4 weeks. Usually, doctors prescribe the drug in the autumn-winter period, but not more than three times a year. In order to prevent the development of rickets, puppies should be given the product until the age of one.

Some pet owners feed one capsule per week, adding the contents to the curd for better calcium absorption. For large breed dogs, you can put the capsule on the root of the tongue. It is preferable to give the product with morning feeding.

Features of the choice of drug

Animals have their own criteria when choosing a food supplement. Therefore, it is highly undesirable to purchase medicine in a pharmacy for people. Everything related to the treatment of animals is better to buy at a veterinary pharmacy. They sell products made specifically for animals and do not contain flavorings that can harm the dog's health.

It is better to give preference to the drug:

  • Derived from fish muscles. It contains less vitamin A than liver extract.
  • Stored under the right conditions. The product in liquid form should not be kept at room temperature. The best place for storage is the refrigerator door. It is sufficient to store the capsule form of the drug in a dark and dry place.
  • Derived from salmon. The product must be purified, without harmful artificial and natural impurities.
  • Dog Owner Testimonials

Dog owners respond positively to the use of this substance. The use of this product helps not only to cope with various ailments, but also improves the overall well-being of pets.

“We have a German Shepherd. We give this drug to her in the winter for general maintenance of the body. We buy the product only in a pet store, as there the products contain all the necessary substances for animals without unnecessary additives. Our dog enjoys using the capsules of this drug. She loves the fishy smell. The effect of such treatment is assessed by the condition of the coat: it becomes softer and silkier, it even shines in the sun while walking.”

Daria M., owner of a German Shepherd.

“Our pet began an unreasonable and terrible molt. The fur just fell out in clumps. A neighbor during a walk advised me to buy fish oil at the pet store. After a week of use, hair loss stopped. The pet has grown a thick and silky coat.

Valentina P., sheltie owner.

Attention, only TODAY!

With a natural diet, especially during periods of active growth, it is necessary to give fish oil to the dog, this is an unshakable rule! In the USSR, this “product”, hated by many children (and adults too), was prescribed for all diseases, in kindergartens it was “crammed” into kids forcibly, it even acted as a “scarecrow” and a lever of pressure: “If you run through puddles, you will have to drink fish fat!". This is how the negative reputation of something terrible has become attached to a very useful product and many owners do not consider it as a vitamin supplement, based on their own emotions.

Some facts about fish oil

The very name "Fish Oil" causes rather mixed associations. In the imagination, there is a fish with a decent overweight, which is butchered, the fat is collected, crushed, processed and poured into jars. In fact, the "extract" is obtained exclusively from the liver or carcasses of ocean fish (cod, mackerel, herring). Naturally, the product has a specific smell and texture/

It is interesting! Today, the bulk of such a "product" popular in the USSR is exported from the USA and Norway.

Vitamins A, D and fatty acids have a positive effect on immunity, even when the body is severely weakened. Fish oil for animals of all kinds is prescribed as an inexpensive immunostimulant. For example, the supplement is indicated for kittens of any age with viral diseases, it is given even to a bird affected by fungi or other pathogenic bacteria. The source of fatty acids is ardently adored by all rodents, even those who have never seen fish in their lives. Dogs, of course, also love fish oil and, to the surprise of many owners, take it with great eagerness.

The benefits of fish oil for dogs are due to the receipt of fatty, polyunsaturated fatty acids, such as Omega 3. The habitual diet of caudates rarely includes fish, and if it is present, then in small quantities. Moreover, it is not recommended to often feed the dog with fish, especially fatty ones. It turns out a vicious circle - you need a lot of fish, but it is impossible.

Composition and types of packaging of fish oil

Honor and praise to those people who guessed to simplify the intake of such a useful product. Previously, fish oil was sold only in bottles, that is, it was liquid and had to be drunk from a spoon. Today, many pharmaceutical companies offer supplements in gelatin capsules, which greatly reduce negative feelings. Prepackaged fish oil has a more neutral odor, a second plus in simplifying dosage calculations. However, a bottled (liquid) supplement is much cheaper in price.

Note! Dogs readily accept fish oil in liquid form and can be added to porridge.

The composition of the miraculous supplement includes more than 20 elements, but in fact six of them are important. The remaining "ingredients" are contained in negligible amounts and are poorly absorbed by the body.

With regular intake of fish oil, the body constantly receives:

  • Oleic acid(approximately 70%) and palmitic acid (approximately 25%) - support and streamline metabolism; gently stimulate the immune system.
  • Polyunsaturated amino acids Omega 6 and 3(almost 5%) - help maintain the desired metabolic rate and synthesize vital substances in the body.
  • Vitamins A (retinol) and D- have a positive effect on vision, the condition of wool, skin and mucous membranes; facilitates the transport and penetration of calcium into cells.

The introduction of fish oil in the dog's diet, norms and warnings

Is it correct that fish oil for dogs is “prescribed” without exception? In a global sense, yes, but even the most useful additive can do harm! Measure is important in everything! So, the supplement is assigned to:

  • Strengthening the puppy's immune system.
  • Maintenance of metabolism.
  • Prevention of rickets and its detection.
  • Very often, fish oil for dogs of large breeds is recommended as a means for the prevention of problems with the musculoskeletal system (arthritis, arthrosis, chronic lameness).
  • Prevention of diseases of the cardiovascular system.
  • Improvement in the condition of the skin and coat.

Against the background of obvious benefits, experts are ambiguous in their opinion in relation to the actual benefits. The main concerns are related to inaccurate dosing or over-enthusiasm of the dog owner. Fish oil does not have serious side effects, but it happens:

  • Indigestion, diarrhea, vomiting- both in case of overdose, and in compliance with the norms. To avoid negative effects, the supplement is administered in small amounts, 1-2 drops, gradually increasing it to normal.
  • Hypervitaminosis- oversaturation with vitamins. A - deterioration of the skin and coat; general malaise and dizziness; visual impairment; inflammation of the mucous membranes; joint pain and lameness; loss of appetite; growth retardation; disruption of the reproductive system. D - blockage of blood vessels; increased urine production; leaching of salts; deposition of unprocessed calcium in soft tissues; osteoporosis, thinning of bones and bone membranes. Hypervitaminosis from a constant overdose of fish oil may well provoke hepatitis or diabetes.
  • Increased risk of bleeding- in healthy animals, with identified hemophilia or von Willebrand disease. In healthy dogs, fish oil, with regular overdose, reduces blood clotting, which can be manifested by internal bleeding.
  • Heavy metal poisoning- Pollution of the oceans with human waste has long reached its climax. Almost all fish caught in the natural environment “absorbs” heavy metals and toxins from the water. In fact, heavy metal poisoning is possible if fish oil is poorly refined or produced in violation of the norms. To date, the production of additives on "clean fish farms" is not possible, since it is unprofitable and requires a huge "span" of land.

If you decide to give your dog fish oil, you need to not only calculate the dosage, but also create a support for its proper absorption. The product must be of high quality, you may be surprised, but today there are plenty of surrogates on the market, the benefits of which are doubtful. If you buy a supplement in a bottle, be sure to pay attention to the shelf life after opening! For a small dog, it is more profitable to buy fish oil in capsules, it lasts longer. Vitamin E is also introduced in the complex, which prevents the oxidation of half-decayed components of fats. And the last thing - read the instructions "from cover to cover", the products should not contain aromatic or flavoring additives, their presence almost always indicates a violation of production standards.

Important! Liver fish oil is considered richer, but for dogs, it is recommended to purchase a supplement from fish carcasses from the northern seas (not southern)! It is explained by the lower content of vitamin A. If the instructions do not describe detailed information about the production, you should look at other manufacturers.

Next, about the dosage and methods of addition, this is also important! Puppies are given fish oil in courses of 15 days with a break of 25-30. Adult dogs as needed, usually rats for 30 days in winter or autumn. The required dose is added to the morning feeding and mixed thoroughly, after a 2-day break and repeat. Sometimes, there are recommendations about feeding exclusively with cottage cheese. There is no iron evidence for this technique, but in fact polyunsaturated acids are really better absorbed with dairy products. The dose of fish oil for dogs depends on the composition of the product and the weight of the pet. Usually, they are guided by the needs and amount of vitamin D:

  • Puppies need 200 IU (active ingredient units) of vitamin D per 10 kg of body weight every 3-4 days.
  • For older dogs during the period of active growth up to 150 IU.
  • Adult dogs - up to 70 IU.
  • Pregnant bitches - 100 IU for up to 30 days, up to 140 IU for up to 2 weeks of feeding.
  • Lactating bitches from 2 weeks of feeding to its end - 140 IU.

Fish oil is just as beneficial for dogs as it is for humans. In properly selected doses, it is able to prevent health problems and protect the animal from serious diseases. The use of natural supplements for pets, especially for small dogs, is practiced by many veterinarians. Thus, a growing organism receives useful substances and microelements, which is essential for its full development.

A remedy is obtained from the liver or carcasses of fatty fish species: cod, herring, mackerel, etc. The main feature of fish oil is that it contains a whole range of useful components:

  • polyunsaturated amino acids Omega 6 and 3 - help maintain metabolism and synthesize vital substances in the body;
  • oleic acid and palmitic acid - streamline the work of metabolism, gently stimulate the excitation of the immune system;
  • minerals such as iodine, bromine and phosphorus have a positive effect on the nervous system, providing better communication in nerve synapses;
  • vitamins A and D have a positive effect on vision, the condition of the coat, skin, teeth and mucous membranes, facilitate the transport and penetration of calcium into cells.

In addition to the main components, fish oil contains additional components, but they are not very well absorbed by the body and are not of particular value.

Taking fish oil, the animal body receives the full development of almost all internal systems:

  • musculoskeletal;
  • cardiovascular;
  • visual and auditory;
  • nervous;
  • immune.

Adding fish oil to your pet's diet will bring many benefits. In some cases, this is the only way to nourish his body with usefulness in the required amount.

The effectiveness of the drug is noticeable already in the first days after the appointment and administration. The dog becomes more active, cheerful, the condition of the coat and skin improves. The drug is especially useful for puppies from the first month of their life.

Indications for use in dogs

Already after the first visual examination, the veterinarian can determine the need for taking fish oil. The drug is rapidly absorbed and absorbed intracellularly. After a course of administration, blood viscosity and the risk of thrombosis decrease, microcirculation improves, and mineral metabolism accelerates. The indications for prescribing fish oil are as follows:

  • prevention of possible diseases of the heart and blood vessels;
  • atherosclerosis;
  • rickets;
  • thrombosis and thrombophlebitis;
  • diseases of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • eye diseases;
  • reduced immunity;
  • inflammatory and allergic skin diseases.

Regular intake of the dietary supplement helps to strengthen the limbs and get rid of lameness in arthritis and arthrosis, the manifestation of allergic eczema and dermatitis is reduced.

Criterias of choice

On sale you can find fish oil for dogs in the form of a liquid in a bottle or in capsules. There is no difference between them, the only thing is that the drug in bottles is cheaper. Some dogs like capsules, but in general, the choice depends only on your preferences.

Specialized stores sell veterinary fish oil for dogs. Its composition is the same as that of the drug from a regular pharmacy. The choice should be guided by the following criteria:

  • there are more vitamins in the northern varieties of fish, so check the composition before buying;
  • the presence of salmon oil will help better absorption of the drug;
  • make sure the fish oil packs have been stored properly. In rooms that are too warm, fat will simply die and become unusable;
  • it is desirable that the supplement is obtained from the muscle mass of the fish, and not from their liver, since the latter contains an excess of vitamin A, which in large doses is harmful to the dog's body;
  • fish oil must have a high degree of purification;
  • the composition should not contain additional additives, such as rosemary or lemongrass.

The right product can significantly improve the health and well-being of your pet in a short time.

Ways to use fish oil for dogs, dosage by age

The result of taking fish oil directly depends on the method of its use and dosage. You should not practice amateur performance and prescribe a drug for your dog. This is done exclusively by a veterinarian, based on the individual characteristics of your pet.

In jars, it is better to choose fish oil in capsules for dogs up to a year old and for adults in jars. You can give the drug, starting from the first days of the dog's life, a few drops and gradually bringing the dosage to normal. It is especially important to take it in the cold season, when sunlight is not enough to replenish the body with vitamin D.

Dosage of fish oil for puppies

Taking the drug from an early age eliminates the lag in mental and physical development. Depending on age, the dosage for puppies is as follows:

  • up to a month - one capsule or half a teaspoon per day. Gradually, the dose of fish oil for dogs is increased;
  • up to six months - 2 capsules or 2 teaspoons per day;
  • up to a year - 3 capsules or 3 teaspoons per day.

If you give the drug daily, mix it with your morning meal. One course of admission is two weeks with a break of a week.

Make sure that the puppy does not experience side effects in the form of a disorder or allergy. If you notice any deviations in the health or well-being of the animal, you should stop giving the drug and contact a specialist.

How to give fish oil to adult dogs, instructions for use

For adult dogs, taking a dietary supplement is the prevention of diseases of the musculoskeletal system, and for the elderly - the cardiovascular system. It should be remembered that if the animal is artificially fed with dry food, then for sure it already contains a complex of vitamins, so fish oil is either not given at all, or the dosage is adjusted.

For adult dogs, fish oil is given 1.5-2 teaspoons or 2 capsules daily for 3-4 weeks. If there are no additional indications for increasing the duration of administration, then fish oil is given 2-3 times a year.

The dose of fish oil for pregnant dogs is one capsule/teaspoon until 30 days, then increased to 2 capsules or 1.5 teaspoons until the end of the term. For lactating women, from the second week they begin to give the same amount as for pregnant women up to 30 days.

Fish oil has no serious "side effects", and those that appear are most often associated with an incorrect dosage or individual intolerance. In the latter case, the animal may begin vomiting, diarrhea. This may not be due to the contents of the capsule, but to its shell. In this case, you can switch to the liquid version of the additive or pierce and squeeze the agent out of the shell. If the allergy does not go away, then you should stop giving the drug in any form.

Adverse reactions not associated with allergies are as follows:

  • an excess of vitamin A in the body causes dizziness, deterioration of the skin, coat, loss of appetite, malfunctions of the reproductive system;
  • an excess of vitamin D leads to problems with blood vessels, increased urine production, calcium deposition in soft tissues and further osteoporosis;
  • hypervitaminosis from a constant overdose can provoke hepatitis or diabetes;
  • eating large amounts of fish oil can cause gastritis;
  • with regular overdoses, blood clotting decreases, which is fraught with bleeding;
  • heavy metal poisoning - possible if fish oil is poorly refined or produced in violation of standards.

You should not strive to saturate your pet with vitamins, by all means. This will cause an absolute backlash. It is better to underdose than to provoke an overdose and harm the dog. Before buying, read the instructions for use, especially the contraindications section.

Possible contraindications

Like any drug, albeit of natural origin, fish oil has contraindications for taking. It is not recommended to give it to dogs with a weak digestive system, as well as with liver problems and diseases.

The drug is contraindicated if the dog simultaneously receives a vitamin complex that already contains vitamins A, D, E. This will lead to an overdose with all the consequences. The same applies to industrial feed with multicomplexes. It is better to conduct a separate course of fat-soluble vitamins. You should also take a break before surgery or if there are open wounds on the skin.

To avoid negative consequences, it is better to buy fish oil in veterinary pharmacies or pet stores. Manufacturers of such dietary supplements produce drugs designed specifically for animals. There you can also get qualified assistance in choosing and advice on the correct use of the product, depending on the breed and age of your quadruple friend.

What is fish oil, why is it needed, how to give it? Description Omega 3 and Omega 6 acids. What is better - capsules or pure fish oil. In what doses to introduce into the diet? The importance of the degree of purification of the product. What is "salmon oil" later in this article.

Where are Omega 3 and Omega 6 fatty acids found, why are they needed? What is salmon oil?

These are two polyunsaturated fatty essential amino acids. In the body of the animal, they are not produced and get only with food. Omega 3 affects the functioning of the heart, the condition of blood vessels and skin. Omega 6 is extremely useful for neuralgia, joint diseases, high blood pressure, and inflammatory processes.

The main source of Omega 3 is sea fish and seafood. We exclude the latter because of the allergenic danger. There is a lot of this amino acid in pollock, hake, sea bass, herring and salmon.

Omega 3 is found in large quantities in vegetable fats:

  • corn,
  • sunflower,
  • linseed oil.

Omega 6 is also present in marine fish, but in extremely small quantities.

For normal growth and functioning, the body must receive these amino acids 10 to 1, that is, 10 parts of Omega 3 and 1 part of Omega 6. Otherwise, problems with cholesterol may arise, obesity will begin, and the work of the heart will be disturbed.

To simplify the task of balancing Omega 3 and Omega 6, you can resort to industrial preparations - fish oil or salmon oil.

Salmon oil is considered more refined and composed in composition. It is a mixture of highly purified fish oil (fat) obtained from Atlantic salmon with the addition of rosemary extract.

There is an opinion that animals should be given oil, not capsules. But everything is individual.

Many dogs happily lick it off the spoon as a delicacy. Fish oil is very important for your pet. It is used to prevent a number of diseases. Especially important for puppies.


This is a mixture of polyunsaturated fats of fatty varieties of marine fish. It carries a large amount of vitamin A, D, E. It contains an optimal proportion of Omega 3 and Omega 6. It contains a large amount of iodine, phosphorus, sulfur and other trace elements. It is a yellowish or brown oily substance (depending on purification) with a slight smell of sea fish and a similar taste.


It is worth noting that the assimilation of this product is very high. Therefore, useful substances enter the body as much as possible. Fish oil is easily oxidized and absorbed in the body. Plays a crucial role in the absorption of calcium due to the high content of vitamin D. It initiates the adsorption of calcium and its transport to target tissues (eg teeth or bones). Very beneficial effect on the skin and coat. It is used for skin diseases, for the prevention of rickets, for bone fractures for their high-quality splicing.

Which is better for a dog - fish oil in capsules or in liquid form?

It is recommended to give pure fish oil to dogs. So it is best absorbed in the small intestine, and beneficial substances enter the bloodstream. The gelatin capsule inhibits this process, and the effect is reduced. But if the animal completely refuses to use fish oil in its pure form, then you can resort to capsules. The capsules are not recommended for puppies.

Dosage for puppies

Fish oil for young animals can be introduced into the diet from 6-8 weeks. How to give fish oil to a puppy depends on the intensity of growth of the body. You need to start with 2-3 drops a day. So we will check the reaction of the animal to the drug. Up to six months, the norm for a puppy will be 0.5-1 teaspoon (2-4 ml or 30-60 drops). The course is held with a break of one week. It is good to mix this drug with cottage cheese - so it is absorbed especially readily and the absorption of calcium is enhanced.

45 drops (incomplete 1 teaspoon - 3 ml) is approximately equal to 6 capsules of 500 mg (0.45 g) of fish oil. For dogs of large and extra large breeds older than 6 months, increase the dose according to body weight.

How Much Fish Oil Does an Adult Dog Need?

If to the question: is it possible to give fish oil to dogs, all veterinarians and breeders answer yes, then it remains to be understood how much is needed to get the maximum effect and at the same time not harm the animal.

Adult dogs already have a fully formed body, but fish oil, as a dietary supplement, will be useful for them to prevent a number of diseases, to maintain skin and coat in good condition. The musculoskeletal system will receive nourishment from both bones and joints, especially in large dogs. The instruction of the veterinary pharmacy says that the dose for an adult dog will be 10-30 ml. One tablespoon of the product is 15 ml. The course is repeated intermittently.

Can dogs eat cod liver?

Cod liver is very rich in vitamin A. When a dog eats this product in large quantities, vitamin A hypervitaminosis will develop. Its consequences are deplorable and everyone knows. The first sign is fading and hair loss. Animals love this product, but a large amount of it is harmful. Therefore, when asked whether cod liver can be used by dogs, veterinarians answer very carefully. This product can be given as a delicacy and in very limited quantities.

How to choose healthy fish oil?

A highly purified product should be chosen, especially for puppies. Adult dogs with strong immune systems and a healthy gastrointestinal tract can use regular fish oil. Salmon oil is recommended for small breeds as a more dietary product.

It is important to monitor the expiration date of the product and be sure to check the contents for the absence of foreign odors, impurities, flakes and sediments before giving. A suitable product must be shaken before use. The smell should correspond to the light smell of sea fish.

Sea fish meat should be used as a raw material for manufacturing:

  • mackerel,
  • herring,
  • hake,
  • tuna.

The liver in large quantities is harmful, it is oversaturated with vitamin A.

If you have chosen the drug in capsules, then be guided by the children's dosage in the instructions. You need to store the drug in the refrigerator.


Fish oil is very useful for your pet, but its overdose is dangerous. Healthy adult dogs can be given regular veterinary fish oil. Puppies and small breeds - a high degree of cleaning. Salmon oil is a more dietary and clean product. The ratio of Omega 3 and Omega 6 in the product is optimal. Contains vitamin A, D, E, iodine, phosphorus, sulfur. It promotes the absorption of calcium, is used as a prophylactic. It is important to know exactly how much fish oil to give your dog, and to take breaks in taking the drug.

With the advent of a small puppy in the house, everyone wants him to grow up strong, healthy and beautiful. To do this, you need to organize proper nutrition, regular walks and a lot of useful mineral supplements for proper development and growth. Fish oil is one of these vitamins.

Fish oil is a dietary supplement that is made from certain types of fish - cod, mackerel, salmon and trout. The preparation is dominated by a huge amount of vitamins D, A, E and beneficial substances of omega fatty acids. They improve the absorption of calcium and promote proper bone growth, have a good effect on vision and prevent the formation of blood clots.

Should I give?

All veterinarians recommend adding this supplement to the diet of puppies and adult dogs for proper development of the nervous system and growth, to improve the cardiovascular system and the condition of the coat and skin. If puppies add fish oil to their food, then the likelihood of developing rickets will be reduced to a minimum.

Puppies should be given the drug from the age of two months. And adult animals need it in autumn and spring. If the pet is already in old age, then this supplement will favorably affect the work of the heart. Your friend will become more active.

As for the condition of the coat, regular use of this nutritional supplement will make it shiny and healthy. Here are some of the benefits of adding fish oil to your dog's diet:

  • prevention of cardiac, nervous and muscular systems;
  • cure for inflammatory diseases;
  • improvement of wool and skin;
  • strengthening the immune system;
  • cure for allergies;
  • proper skeletal formation and bone strength.


Any vitamins and supplements are beneficial, if taken correctly. When giving this medication to your pet, it must be borne in mind that some individuals may experience an allergic reaction, indigestion and other negative phenomena.

Important: an allergy can occur not only to the medicine itself, but also to the capsule in which it is located. In this case, it can be given to a pet, after piercing the capsule and squeezing the contents out of it.

You should not drink the drug to your pet before planned operations or with various intestinal diseases. Be aware of the possibility of an overdose.

Before deciding how much to add to your diet, consult your veterinarian. Exceeding the daily dose can lead to such negative consequences as:

  • manifestation of allergic reactions in the form of a rash and redness of the skin;
  • low blood clotting;
  • excessive gas formation, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea;
  • the appearance of a specific smell from the mouth;
  • apathy, drowsiness and lethargy.

Attention: if the dog is prescribed a course of anticonvulsants, stop taking the drug, as it will reduce the therapeutic effectiveness of the drug.

There are no prohibitions for individual breeds, so the drug can be given to any dog, be it a German Shepherd or Spitz.

Absolute contraindications for admission are:

  • kidney failure;
  • tuberculosis in an open form;
  • violation of the thyroid gland;
  • malignant formations;
  • the formation of stones in the bladder and kidneys;

Release form

In capsules

For dogs, dietary supplements are available in capsules and in liquid form. The substance in capsules has a neutral smell, and in liquid form its cost is much cheaper. But the quality of both means is no different in its composition.


Most people prefer the liquid formulation as it is easier to mix into food. And some animals are allergic to the gelatin capsule. Puppies are easier to drink with a liquid remedy, and adults can be given a veterinary remedy in capsules. Most adult animals bite the capsule with pleasure, and they like the pungent smell of the drug.

Important: Please note that the composition of the medication does not contain any flavors and fragrances.

What kind is better?

Get a drug extracted from salmon. Fats must be mined from the muscles of the fish, not from the liver. Since it contains a large amount of vitamin A. Its excess can cause hair loss in a pet.

Important: fish cannot be replaced with fish oil. Because it's just a food supplement, not a complete product.

Better buy fish oil for dogs carcasses of menhaden, herring, salmon. Salmon oil is obtained from salmon muscle mass. It is better absorbed, and most dog breeders prefer it.


This drug contains more than 20 useful elements, namely:

  • a large amount of vitamin D, A and E;
  • omega - 3 fatty acids;
  • bromine;
  • phosphorus;
  • sulfur.

All these trace elements have a beneficial effect on the body of animals.

How to choose a veterinarian?

On the shelves of pharmacies there is a huge variety of fish oil from different manufacturers. When choosing this drug worth paying attention to type of packaging, date, proper storage, absence of harmful flavors and additives in the composition.

It is necessary to buy the drug in veterinary pharmacies. Then the label will indicate that it is intended specifically for animals. The product you purchase must be highly purified.

Important: fish oil should not be stored in the light and in heat.

How to give?

You can drink fish oil to pets regularly, starting from two months of age. The only thing is that veterinarians recommend taking a week break between doses every 2-3 weeks. Or, you can give your dog this supplement 2-3 times a week, adding it to the morning and evening meals.

Fish oil is essential either mix it into the dog's food or give it directly in the capsule.

For adult pets

Older dogs should be given with caution and in small amounts. Since it can put a strain on the liver.

Adult dogs do not need to be given this product. It can be perfectly replaced with any vitamins. And if you feed the animal with a balanced diet, which already contains certain trace elements, then you should not give additional various nutritional supplements.

Some people think fish oil is best for pets. along with curd. There is no special evidence for this technique, but the drug is really better absorbed with dairy products.

Can it be given to puppies?

But two-month-old puppies need to introduce this supplement gradually and carefully, starting with a few drops and gradually increasing the dose to a few teaspoons.

Summing up, it can be noted that fish oil is good for animals. If you want your pet to grow up healthy, cheerful and beautiful, properly care for him and provide him with the necessary amount of vitamins and minerals.

Useful video

Check out the veterinarian's opinion on whether dogs need fish oil:


If you decide to add this particular drug to your pet’s diet, try to purchase it. in trusted pet stores and veterinary pharmacies. With the right choice and correct dosage of the supplement, your dog will have a healthy and beautiful appearance, a balanced state, and will be less stressed.

In contact with

Among nutritional supplements, fish oil occupies one of the most honorable places as a storehouse of important vitamins and minerals. Many were stuffed with it in childhood, insisting on the usefulness of this product; doctors often prescribe it to adults who have beriberi. However, few people know that this mixture is also useful for our smaller brothers: it helps fight viruses, treats fungus, and ... But let's talk more about the need to give this supplement to barking pets.

Why include a dog in the diet: benefits

It turns out that for dogs, fish oil is to some extent more important than for people. If for a person it is a source of Omega-3, then dogs receive vital A and D from this substance.

Unlike humans, our pets' skin is unable to synthesize solar vitamin D, and their livers are unable to produce retinol (vitamin A) from vegetables.

So for dogs fish oil is the only source of these beneficial substances, which also solves several other important problems:

  1. Vitamin A, when interacting with D, is responsible for vision, its sharpness, and the ability to see in the dark. Shiny, beautiful coat, healthy skin in a pet is also possible only if there is a sufficient amount of retinol in the body.
  2. Vitamin D is essential for puppies as it prevents developmental delays and rickets. In addition, it is involved in the process of calcium absorption and the growth of the skeleton and teeth.
  3. Oleic and palmitic acids stimulate the metabolism in the dog's body, activate the immune system.
  4. Omega-3 and 6 contribute to the metabolic processes in the body, participating in the production of important elements.
  5. Iodine, bromine and phosphorus affect the nervous system, providing better communication in nerve synapses.

Many dog ​​owners note that the effect of the drug becomes noticeable in the very first days after the start of its administration. The coat begins to shine, and the pet's well-being improves: he becomes more active and cheerful.
Veterinarians often prescribe this supplement in the course of therapy for allergies, when hormonal drugs cannot be used, for dermatitis.

And although there are no instructions for the use of fish oil for dogs as such, it is still necessary to know the approximate dosage for animals of different ages in order to prevent overdose.

How and how much to give your pet

Since it is not desirable to take fish oil on a permanent basis, it is usually given in courses with a break for a certain period of time, unless the veterinarian prescribes a different order.

Each owner usually decides for himself how best to give fish oil to his dog, but most often it is added to soup, cottage cheese(It is believed that dairy products provide better absorption). Although, unlike people, our pets consume fish oil with much more enthusiasm, since they are absolutely not embarrassed by its pungent smell.


Up to six months, puppies need to receive about 200 units of vitamin per 10 kg of weight for 3-4 days. If you translate this figure into a measure of fish oil, you get about 0.5-1 tsp or 1-1.5 capsules.
They usually start using the supplement from the first month of life, 2-4 drops at a time. During the first doses, carefully monitor your pet for a rash, diarrhea, or other signs of rejection of the supplement by the body. If everything is in order, then over the next couple of months, give the baby the drug every two weeks with a break of a week, gradually increasing the dosage by half a year.

After the sixth month of life, a grown up puppy of a large breed should be given 2 tsp. fish oil, while representatives of small species will still be enough with one.

Important!If it is important for puppies to consume fish oil in order to ensure healthy growth and development, then for this it is a means of dealing with problems of the musculoskeletal system, and for older dogs - the prevention of diseases of the cardiovascular system. The latter is possible due to the presence of useful compounds in the preparation, the task of which is the prevention of blood clots and cholesterol plaques in the animal's blood.

adult dog

In adults, although the time for active growth has ended, the need for fish oil has decreased slightly. It is given in the amount 1.5-2 tsp or 2 capsules for 3-4 weeks.

It is enough to conduct 2-3 courses of a similar duration per year, if there are no grounds for additional admission:

  • recovery period after illness;
  • pregnancy or feeding puppies;
  • reception in the autumn-winter period to strengthen immunity.

Adult dogs often replace fish oil with multivitamin supplements that come as a supplement to their natural diet. If the pet eats only dry food (high quality!), Then he does not need additional vitamins.

For both puppies and adult dogs, not only the dosage of fish oil is important, but also its quality.

How to choose a quality product when buying

Today, on the shelves of veterinary pharmacies, you can find fish oil in various forms and from a large number of suppliers. Not to get lost in this variety will help several landmarks:

  1. Choose products made from northern types of marine fish: mackerel, herring, salmon - they contain more vitamins.
  2. Check for salmon oil, which is needed for better absorption.
  3. It's also a good idea to make sure the product comes from fish muscle and not liver, as liver extract is loaded with vitamin A, which can be toxic in large amounts.
  4. Before purchasing, make sure that the products have been stored in the correct location. For fat, a long stay in a warm, bright room is detrimental - in such conditions, the decomposition process begins. Therefore, it must be stored in a dark, cool and dry place.

Important!Purchase fish oil only of a high degree of purity and without additives in the form of lemon, rosemary - their presence indicates violations in the production process.

As for the form of the drug, here you need to proceed from the preferences of the pet: capsules or liquid. The first option is more convenient in dosage, the smell is not felt so sharp, and the shelf life is longer, but the additive is cheaper in liquid form.

Many doubt whether a dog can take fish oil capsules. In fact, there are no problems with taking the capsules, unless the pet is allergic to the gelatin in the shell. If there is an allergy, but the owner still prefers the capsule form, then before taking the drug, you can open the shell and pour the liquid into the pet's food.

Can there be harm

Yes, like any medicine, fish oil can be hazardous to health.

Its effect works to the detriment of:

  • overdose;
  • violation of the terms and conditions of storage;
  • acceptance of low-quality products;
  • consumption of liver fat.

Often there is an individual intolerance to the additive in animals: in this case, digestive disorders and vomiting immediately begin.

If the dog is not allergic to fish oil, the product is of high quality and is made from the right raw materials, then it is important that the owner does not forget about the norms and terms of the course of taking the drug, otherwise this may lead to harmful effects:

  1. Oversaturation with vitamin A is fraught with dizziness, deterioration of the skin, coat, loss of appetite, and malfunctions of the reproductive system.
  2. Excess vitamin D leads to problems with blood vessels, increased urine production, calcium deposition in soft tissues and osteoporosis in the future.
  3. Diabetes.
  4. Thinning the blood and increasing the likelihood of bleeding.
  5. Heavy metal poisoning, the amount of which has increased in fish tissues due to environmental degradation. Unfortunately, raising fish on farms to produce fat is unprofitable, so the state of the oceans affects production.

Therefore, do not be afraid to “not add” vitamins to your pet. Believe me, if he basically consumes fish oil, then his body does not suffer from a critical lack of nutrients. In this case, it is better to have a shortage than an excess.

Fish oil is a beneficial supplement for both humans and dogs. It is difficult to replace it with natural counterparts, and artificial ones often cost an order of magnitude more expensive. However, it is worth remembering that the immunity of pets is still weaker than human, therefore, the dosage and duration of the drug should be approached with more caution.