How to identify a viral or bacterial throat infection. Differences between viral and bacterial infections

Routine blood test, which is prescribed for all patients who apply to medical institutions with symptoms infectious diseases, can give the doctor important information about what exactly caused the ailment - a virus or a bacterium. By what signs in a blood test it is possible to distinguish a viral infection from a bacterial one - we will understand in the article.

A complete blood count is one of the simplest clinical studies. To carry it out, it is enough for a person to donate blood from a finger. Next, the laboratory assistant performs a series of manipulations: examines blood smears under a microscope, determines the concentration of hemoglobin using a hemometer and the erythrocyte sedimentation rate using an ESR meter. In modern laboratory centers blood is analyzed not by people, but by special automatic analyzers. However, only a person can calculate such an important component of a blood test as a leukocyte formula.

Blood test indicators

In the course of a general blood test, four indicators are necessarily determined:

  • Hemoglobin concentration.
  • The number of erythrocytes (red blood cells).
  • The number of leukocytes (white blood cells).

A detailed blood test, in addition to the indicated indicators, provides the doctor with information on the average hemoglobin content in the erythrocyte, on the hematocrit, on the number of platelets and on the percentage various types leukocytes (about the so-called leukocyte formula). For the differentiation of viral and bacterial diseases, the most important indicators are total leukocytes, ESR and leukocyte formula.

Leukocytes- white blood cells, which are an integral part of the immune system. There are several types of such cells (they are different not only in structure, but also functionally):

  • Neutrophils- the main type of leukocytes, which is able to penetrate tissues and kill bacteria. In the blood there are neutrophils of different maturity: the most mature are segmented, of medium maturity are stab, "teenagers" are the youngest and the youngest are myelocytes. Normally, most of all there should be mature cells. If young specimens appear, they speak of a shift of the formula to the left. This picture is typical for acute bacterial infections, diffuse purulent inflammation.
  • Eosinophils- leukocytes that appear in large numbers at and.
  • Lymphocytes cells that neutralize viruses. There are also different types of lymphocytes (B-cells, T-cells and killer cells), but a regular blood test does not show this.
  • Monocytes- leukocytes with phagocytic activity (the ability to capture and absorb other cells and solid particles).
  • Basophils- the largest leukocytes, in the middle of which there are granules with allergy and inflammation mediators, therefore, during an acute inflammatory process and allergies, the number of these cells increases dramatically.
  • Plasma cellsessential cells immunity, the main function of which is the production of antibodies.

The main leukocyte cells are neutrophils and lymphocytes. At healthy person they are always the most in the leukocyte formula. All other leukocytes manifest themselves in some specific situations - with allergization of the body, with worms, etc.

- sedimentation rate of erythrocytes. This indicator characterizes not at all red blood cells, but the protein composition of blood plasma. Certain proteins (fibrinogen, ceruloplasmin, immunoglobulins, and other inflammatory proteins) cause red blood cells to stick together. In such a glued state, red blood cells settle much faster, so increase in ESR may be a sign of an inflammatory process.

For accurate diagnosis All of these indicators must be assessed as a whole, and not one at a time.

Signs of a bacterial infection in a blood test

Pathogenic bacteria settle in the tissues and normally do not enter the bloodstream. Therefore, only those blood cells that are able to get out of bloodstream, penetrate into the inflammatory focus and capture the pathogen. These cells are neutrophils.

In acute bacterial infections, the number of neutrophils in the blood increases dramatically. Less mature cells appear. This phenomenon called a shift of the leukocyte formula to the left. The more pronounced the infectious process and the more intensively mature neutrophils are destroyed in tissues, the more actively Bone marrow produces and releases stab and young cells into the blood. An increase in the number of neutrophils is also reflected in general indicator the content of leukocytes in the blood - they become much more than normalblood test shows leukocytosis.

In the course of treatment, if it is effective, both the number of leukocytes and the number of neutrophils gradually return to normal. That is, a blood test can serve as a very informative marker for the correct selection of antibiotics. After recovery for some time, the content of white blood cells in the blood remains at the upper limit of normal.

In chronic bacterial infections, moderate leukocytosis and neutrophilia are also present.(an increase in the number of neutrophils), but there is no significant shift of the leukocyte formula to the left. If a person has such changes in a blood test regularly and has symptoms chronic intoxication(subfebrile condition, pallor, weakness, poor appetite), a more detailed examination is shown. The infection can "sit" in the tonsils, adenoids, kidneys, intestines, respiratory tract, urogenital tract.

As for ESR, in acute inflammatory disease bacterial etiology this figure increases exponentially. Its gradual decrease can also be considered an indirect sign of the effectiveness of treatment and a speedy recovery.

Signs of a viral infection in a blood test

A virus is an infectious agent that does not have a cellular structure, but penetrates into cells for its reproduction. human body causing either their death or irreversible changes. Many viral diseases are accompanied by viremia - the entry of viruses into the blood.

The body's main defense mechanism against viruses is humoral immunity– that is, the recognition of a pathogen and the production of specific antibodies that bind the pathogen. All of these processes occur with the participation of T and B-lymphocytes. Accordingly, in acute viral diseases the number of these blood cells increases significantly - lymphocytosis develops. There is also an increase in the number plasma cells because they synthesize antibodies. The total content of leukocytes in the blood may be low or normal.

At, an illness caused by one of the types of herpes viruses, in the blood, in parallel with an increase in the number of lymphocytes, the content of monocytes increases. In addition, new large single-nuclear cells appear - mononuclear cells, hence the specific name of the disease.

With chronic viral illnesses(for example, in chronic) a blood test usually remains within the normal range or a slight lymphocytosis is detected. ESR also increases with a viral infection, but not as much as with bacterial diseases.

When evaluating the leukocyte formula of a child, it is necessary to take into account the age of the patient, since in some periods of a child's life an increased number of lymphocytes is considered the norm, in others it is a sign of a pathological process.

So, on the 5th day of a newborn's life, the proportion of lymphocytes and neutrophils should be approximately the same, this is also observed at 4-5 years. In the interval from 5 days to 5 years, there are always more lymphocytes than neutrophils. After 5 years, the leukocyte formula changes - neutrophils dominate, while the number of lymphocytes does not exceed 35-40%. The same ratio of the main leukocyte cells is observed in adults.

Zubkova Olga Sergeevna, medical commentator, epidemiologist

Discussion (33 )

  1. Hello!

    The daughter of 7 years old fell ill on January 24, 2019, at first she was diagnosed with tonsillitis, she was heat 3 days later, a week later, a dry cough developed and she was diagnosed with laryngotracheitis, treated with a very large number of drugs .... Erisspirus, Fluditec, rotokan rinses, it was small, Lizobakt, Imudon resolved, irrigated Hexoral throat, spray-Lugol, Angidak. Doctors said laryngotracheitis, which later turned into bronchitis in my daughter.

    With bronchitis, we were in the hospital for 8 days, where the child received antibiotic injections with cefotaxime and inhalations with ambrobene. Dry cough continued throughout the treatment period.
    The child periodically had a fever and looked unhealthy, and I turned to specialists in Krasnodar, where, after examining the child, they gave a conclusion on gastritis against the background of such an abundant treatment. They immediately prescribed inhalations with pulmicort for the night.

    Now the daughter takes drugs Donperidone, Gaviscon, Esomeprazole sachets and then after medical preparations, mineral water of alkaline varieties and inhalations with Pulmicort at night.

    In the city of Krasnodar, in the appointment, the child was asked to take a sowing test from the pharynx + sensitivity to antibiotics.

    The clinic took an analysis and revealed staphylococcus aureus in the child and some antibiotics are not suitable.
    We treat inhalations of physical / solution with cefotaxime for 10 days 2r / day, azithromycin 5 days, 250 mg each, now 125 mg on the 3rd day after 2 days, Irs-19 3r / day, imudon 3t / day for 1 month, Sextophage irrigation in nose 1ml and mouth 3ml for 10 days

    The doctor told me to give my daughter blood for observation. The blood showed a viral infection, the results are in the attached file.

    In general, the child is active, no fever, no cough, no runny nose.
    What could be? Where is the reason? And what should we do next?

    • Good afternoon. Let's clarify: what specific complaints the child has now, what kind of drugs the daughter is taking today, what accurate diagnosis delivered (in addition to gastritis)?

      • The child has no particular complaints as such. The daughter still sometimes coughs (again, to clear her throat) or just clears her throat. There are no more diagnoses. Were today for an ultrasound, the doctor said everything is fine, except for the bent bile, but this is with us from birth.

        I'm confused by the blood test! What are we to do with it? Viral infection turns out there, what is it? How to be?

      • Good afternoon! we have stenosing laryngotracheitis, we got sick for the first time very seriously in September last year and since Good morning once or even twice a month, then they were in the hospital, the temperature was high for 5 days, they prescribed antibiotics on the 5th day. On February 1, the child went to bed healthy, his nose sloshed at night, at 5 in the morning the nose was completely clogged and followed by an attack, they were treated as standard - inhalation with pulmicort for 3 days, in parallel with saline, viferon suppositories, zodak, washed the nose, the temperature was 37.5 once. A week later, on Friday, February 8, we went to an appointment and received a certificate for the garden, a little more remained transparent snot and a little bit of a wet cough (we always have it for a long time after an illness), the doctor listened, gave a certificate, agreed that we would still heal over the weekend. On Monday, February 11, at sleep hour, a strong dry cough appeared, the child hardly slept, the rest of the time, except for daytime sleep, this was not the case, he did not cough at night, on February 12, exactly the same thing happened in the garden at sleep hour ... all week until February 15, they only went before dinner, did not sleep in the garden, attacks on daytime sleep repeated but went awake. At this time, they did inhalations with saline, drank ambrobene, treated snot with Sialor Protargol. On February 16 and 17, the cough almost disappeared, from 18 to 27 we went to the garden for a full day, the cough either almost disappeared or a little intensified, there were no other symptoms of the disease. All around recommended salt cave, on February 26, we went to the pediatrician for help, she listened, said her breathing was harsh and said it’s better to go to the physical office, prescribed Amplipulse 5 sessions, fluditec syrup 3 times a day, 5 ml, tonsilgon 10 caps 3 times a day and thymogen spray in the nose 2 times a day. After 2 days of Amplipulse the cough became dry, after 3 days the cough became severe attacks, (it was February 27, 28 and March 1) On March 2, on Saturday, the cough became unbearable, the child could not sleep, coughed to vomiting, inhalations with pulmicortlm and saline did not help, on Sunday, March 3, the cough continued, in the evening the temperature rose to 39, the cough became less frequent, the intervals between coughs increased, the temperature was not brought down, they watched it, and it began to decrease, by the morning it disappeared insisted on an x-ray - no signs of pneumonia were detected, they donated blood and urine, urine without deviations from the norm, and blood with them is understandable. Tomorrow we go to the reception and I'm sure the doctor will insist on antibiotics. I would like the opinion of another doctor about the appropriateness of antibiotics based on the results of the tests, I don’t want to stuff the child with serious drugs uncontrollably for the third time in half a year, so I really hope for an answer!

      • What does this test mean, good afternoon!

      • Hello. The child has a cough. Small wheezing was heard. Is an antibiotic needed for this blood test?

        (Performed on the Sysmex XS 1000i analyzer)

        Leukocytes 4.77 10^9/l 3.90 - 11.50
        Erythrocytes 4.80 10^12/l 3.50 - 5.80
        Hemoglobin 123 g/l 114 - 147
        Hematocrit 34.8% 31 - 47.5
        MCV (mean cell volume) 72.5 fl 69.0 - 93.0
        MCH (mean Hb content in erythrocytes) 25.6 pg 22.0 - 34.0
        MCHC (average hemoglobin concentration of 353 g/l 260 - 380
        RDW-SD (distribution width
        36.5 fl 35.1 - 47.0
        erythrocytes by volume)
        RDW-CV (distribution width
        14,0 % 11,5 — 14,5
        erythrocytes by volume)
        Platelets 317.0 10^9/l 127.0 — 580.0

        Leukocyte formula

        Indicator Result Units Reference values

        Stab neutrophils 0.0% 0.0 - 4.0
        Segmented neutrophils 26.0% 28.0 - 58.0
        Segmented neutrophils abs. 1.3 10^9/l 1.1 - 5.8
        Lymphocytes 61.0% 33.0 - 61.0
        Abs. lymphocytes 2.9 10^9/l 0.9 — 5.0
        Monocytes 11.0% 3.0 - 12.0
        Monocytes abs. 0.49 10^9/l 0.37 - 1.26
        Eosinophils 1.0% 0.0 - 5.0
        Eosinophils abs. 0.1 10^9/l 0.0 — 0.65
        Basophils 1.0% 0.0 - 1.0
        Basophils abs. 0.0 10^9/l 0.0 — 0.2
        Erythrocyte sedimentation rate 16 mm/hour 2 - 12

      • Hello!

        2.5 weeks ago, she became very cold, after a couple of days she had a sore throat, a runny nose appeared. Slowly it got better, the throat passed, there was a little runny nose and sputum, but after a week and a half it again got a little cold for two days in a row and again my throat ached even more. I went to the doctor, without tests they wanted to prescribe antibiotics right away, I refused. They said there are wheezing. They prescribed treatment (ingalipt, lysobact, gargling, herbal collection). Tests came, I enclose a photo. Look please. Do I understand correctly that antibiotics are not needed for such tests? Do I have a viral picture according to the results of the analysis? Is it possible to help the throat with something else (it has become a little easier, maybe I am treating it symptomatically for the time being, but so far it has not gone away)? Thanks in advance!

      • Hello! Tell me, such an analysis gives an indication to drink an antibiotic under the conditions:
        The child is 2 years old (1 year 11 months). 3rd day of illness, temperature for the first 2 days 38-38.5, third day 39.5 (at the same time, cold extremities, bring down nurofen + noshpa). The throat is red, there is no snot or cough. Or should it be treated symptomatically - sprinkle the throat and bring down the temperature above 38-38.5 for up to 5 days?
        Thank you.

      • Hello!!! Does this blood test indicate a bacterial infection requiring antibiotic treatment? The temperature was 1 day, the throat is loose on both sides

      • Good afternoon, do you think that such a blood test in a 4-year-old child indicates the bacterial nature of the inflammation or is it still viral? Thank you!

      • Good afternoon.
        In a 6-year-old child, in the blood test, lymphocytes are slightly underestimated - 26.5, and monocytes are increased - 13.4. ESR is normal-8, platelets-150 are increased, because of this, especially when sick, nosebleeds.
        Symptoms - temperature increased many times to 39.6, did not always go astray after taking Maxicold, gave paracetamol, went astray after an hour, or even more.
        They began to take antibiotics, the doctor prescribed Flemoxin, on the 4th day the temperature returned to normal.
        First history wet cough the first day of illness, then dry hysterical. Runny nose and nosebleeds. On the 6th day, the disease began to lose ground, the cough almost disappeared and the temperature returned to normal, bleeding disappeared.
        According to the analysis, as I understood with my philistine eyes, the child has a virus, but antibiotics helped.
        Doctor, help clarify the situation.

      • Thanks for the answer!!! the rise in monocytes is a puzzle in my diagnosis. Monocytes are increased during the year, with other parameters being normal ( general analysis blood, all biochemistry and hormones. everything is normal with the reactive protein!) and I rent it in different laboratories, the only indicators are different everywhere. somewhere in my monocytes write 12%, somewhere 11%, and in the clinic in general 16%. At the expense of frontal sinusitis, the diagnosis is only written in x-ray (transparency is reduced in the sinuses, non-intense darkening frontal sinuses, in maxillary sinuses no shading). I feel good, there is no headache and no temperature, there is no pain when I press on my forehead, there is only sneezing and my nose itches. I doubt this diagnosis. And a cyst on the gum can give an increase only in monocytes? Sorry for being annoying, but doctors tell me that monocytes are elevated, nothing special, etc.

  2. Good afternoon! thanks for good article. The fact is that I have 16% monocytes, and their number varies, then 14%, then 11%, but over the years it is above the norm. At the same time, a general blood test with leukocyte formula normal: ESR 5, hemoglobin 130, leukocytes 6.7, lymphocytes 35, etc.. everything is within the normal range, all blood biochemistry is also normal, a general analysis of urine and feces is also normal. It turns out that only monocytes are elevated. What could it be? Feeling good

Bacteria are single-celled microorganisms without a cell nucleus that can live in almost any environment. They live in water, air, soil, penetrate into the cells of the host and are the causative agents of bacterial infection in humans. The main places of localization of microorganisms are the respiratory tract, intestines and external integuments of a person. To effectively treat an infection, it is necessary to correctly diagnose which type of pathogenic bacteria has caused the disease, and choose effective ways suppression of microbial activity.

The main causative agents of infections

Bacteria are among the most ancient microorganisms on earth. They are unicellular microbes without a nucleus. Genetic information is stored in the cytoplasm. Microorganisms are covered with a dense membrane that protects them from negative factors environment. For the first time, bacteria were accidentally discovered in the 17th century by the Dutchman Anthony van Leeuwenhoek, who examined them in a pool of water through the world's first microscope. The role of microorganisms in infectious process Louis Pasteur paid much attention back in the 19th century, denoting the relationship between bacteria and disease. But effective mechanisms for combating disease-causing microbes were developed much later.

Many types of bacteria live in the human body, ensuring its normal functioning. However, most cells are pathogenic (or pathogenic), with varying degrees of virulence and toxicity.

Representatives of the microworld cause infectious diseases of varying severity. It became possible to fight them after the invention of penicillin, which suppresses the growth and reproduction of bacterial cells.

Until the twentieth century, a bacterial infection was fought in the same way as a viral one, which was completely ineffective. Microbes have significant differences, and only diagnostics can reliably identify pathogens and choose a method of treatment.

Symptoms of an attack by pathogenic bacteria

All bacteria are classified into:

  • non-pathogenic - do not harm a person;
  • conditionally pathogenic - peacefully coexist with a person up to a certain point;
  • pathogenic - dangerous bacteria cause serious illness.

In addition, all types of pathogens have different virulence. This means that under equal living conditions, one type of bacteria will be more toxic to humans than another.

The release of toxins (poisons) into the body is the most important point in the development of infectious diseases. Bacteria can secrete endotoxins. This occurs when cells die and are destroyed ( intestinal infection). The second variant of intoxication of the body is the release of exotoxins during the life of a bacterial cell (diphtheria).

Depending on the localization of microorganisms, there are several types of bacterial infections, each of which manifests itself with different symptoms:

  1. Sexual infections in women. Some of the most common diseases are vaginosis, trichomoniasis, gardnerellosis, yeast infection. Pathology of the female genitourinary system as a result of changes in the vaginal microflora, the following symptoms are manifested: the formation of vaginal discharge of various characteristic colors and textures, burning and itching, pain during urination, discomfort during sexual intercourse, specific bad smell. Provoke women's bacterial diseases may douching, taking medications, changing hormonal background, reduced immunity, frequent change sexual partners.
  2. Intestinal infection. Occurs as a result of direct toxic effects bacteria on the epithelium of the digestive tube and tissue gastrointestinal tract. Salmonellosis is characterized by fever, fever, abdominal pain, vomiting, diarrhea. Staphylococcal intestinal infection goes away with a runny nose, sore throat, slight fever, loose stools, skin rashes, nausea, vomiting, painful sensations in the abdomen. General state the patient looks like food poisoning. Typhoid intestinal infection - joints, throat hurt, appetite disappears, stomach hurts. In severe form - delirium, coma.
  3. Childhood diseases. The most common diseases are mumps, rubella, scarlet fever, measles, tonsillitis. Toxins secreted by bacteria affect internal organs child. Symptoms of a childhood bacterial infection include: fever above 39°C, cough, general weakness, headaches, nausea, vomiting, plaque on the tongue and tonsils, skin rashes, severe intoxication of the body. To avoid complications, you should immediately consult a doctor. Children are almost always treated with antibiotics for a bacterial infection.
  4. Throat diseases. For infection respiratory tract characteristic the following symptoms: deterioration general well-being, a pronounced focus of the disease, purulent discharge, white coating in the throat, low temperature on initial stage disease development. Often a bacterial infection of the throat is preceded by a cold. Bacteria can live in the body without showing themselves in any way, but after SARS, immunity decreases, and the rapid growth and reproduction of the pathogenic microbe begins. Effective treatment is impossible without antibiotics.

A decrease in immune defense is the main cause of many diseases caused by the fact that opportunistic microbes become pathogenic and very dangerous for the human body. Late application for a qualified medical care fraught with serious consequences.

Ways of transmission of infection and types of diseases

Millions of bacteria are constantly living in the environment. They are on food, in water, on soil, in the air and in the human body.

There are main ways how the infection is transmitted:

  • contact-household - items of common use (dishes, textiles);
  • alimentary - with food or contaminated water;
  • sexual - through sperm or saliva (venereal disease);
  • airborne - when sneezing, coughing, talking, breathing;
  • transplacental - bacteria transmitted from mother to child.

The group of diseases caused by bacteria is the most extensive, and microbes can affect various organs person. Many of them are life threatening and untimely treatment can be fatal:

  • meningitis, plague, cholera, typhus, anthrax;
  • diphtheria, dysentery, salmonellosis, brucellosis;
  • pneumonia, tonsillitis, scarlet fever, mumps, measles;
  • syphilis, gonorrhea, trichomoniasis, vaginosis.

serious skin diseases and infection of the eyes is also a consequence of the work of bacteria. Compliance with personal hygiene, keeping the body in good shape, careful processing of food and maintaining immunity are the main preventive methods aimed at preventing bacterial infection.

Diagnosis of diseases

Laboratory research is the main method for detecting a bacterial disease in adult patients and children. For analysis, a material containing bacteria is taken - sputum, scraping, mucus, blood, urine. Exist following methods microbiological diagnosis of infections caused by bacteria:

  1. direct microscopy. The material taken for analysis is placed under glass and examined under a microscope. In this way, it is possible to quickly identify the origin of the disease.
  2. The cultural method is the sowing of the pathogen on a nutrient medium and the cultivation of microorganisms for a certain time. The analysis requires a minimum of 48 hours, for the detection of tubercle bacillus - weeks.
  3. Linked immunosorbent assay. It is aimed at determining the total amount of antigens and antibodies in the test material. bacterial infection according to a blood test, it is detected very accurately (a shift in the leukocyte formula).
  4. Immunofluorescence reaction. To detect the presence of an infection, the antigens of the pathogen are associated with a specific antibody labeled with a fluorescent agent, with further determination of the microbe by luminescence.
  5. Polymerase chain reaction(PCR). In biological fluids taken for laboratory analysis, determine the amount of nucleic acids and, based on the data obtained, make a conclusion about the infection.

Diagnosis of bacterial infections allows you to accurately determine the causative agent of the disease for prescribing effective treatment. Women with suspected vaginal infection can do a preliminary test at home on their own (later going to the doctor is required). To do this, it is necessary to determine the deviation of the pH level from the norm.

With the help of test paper for the test, analysis is carried out at home. Paper (a vaginal infection pad) is used to guide the inside of the vaginal area. Compare the test with a colored paper sample. How to identify a urinary tract infection:

  • normal pH level - an indicator between 3.8-4.5;
  • the control paper has a level between 1 and 14;
  • if the color of the sample is outside the normal range, there is a vaginal infection.

The test allows only a preliminary determination of the presence of harmful microbes in the microflora. More accurate and detailed testing is carried out in the laboratory. Self-medication is excluded, whatever the home test. If symptoms of an infection are present, medications should be prescribed by a specialist. Features of bacterial infection are:

  1. Long incubation period- takes from two days to two weeks.
  2. Often missing prodrome disease - it begins immediately, locally and pronouncedly.
  3. A general deterioration in health does not always accompany a bacterial disease, but is more often a sign of a respiratory viral disease.
  4. Another sign is how long the temperature lasts. Its value usually does not exceed 38 degrees, but the readings are kept constantly.
  5. Blood picture with such an infection: elevated level leukocytes increase in the number of neutrophils, high ESR, reduced content of lymphocytes.

Exploring biological material, it is possible to accurately diagnose the cause of diseases, determine the microbe-causative agent and designate methods of effective treatment, which is based on antibiotics.

Medicines for infection

Antibiotics that are recommended to eliminate an infection caused by bacteria are divided into two large groups: bactericidal action (complete destruction of microorganisms), bacteriostatic action (decrease in growth and number of bacteria).

Along with taking antibiotics, antihistamine (antiallergic) drugs, prebiotics for the intestines, vitamins and drugs that strengthen the immune system are prescribed. Treatment of a bacterial infection is based on taking the following antibiotics:

  • bacteriostatic drugs - Tetracycline, Chloramphenicol;
  • bactericidal - Penicillin, Rifamycin, Aminoglycoside;
  • antibacterial penicillins - Amoxicillin, Amoxicar, Amoxiclav.

All antibiotics are highly targeted. You can take medicines only as prescribed by a doctor who will select effective remedy depending on the localization of pathogenic bacteria, the form and severity of the disease and the biological type of the pathogen. If the patient is contagious, it is necessary to limit his contact with healthy people.

Which is more dangerous: viral or bacterial infection? This question is difficult to answer unambiguously. But definitely, bacteria are more widespread in the environment, they can live and multiply outside a living cell, unlike viruses. For years, these microorganisms can peacefully coexist next to a person or inside him, but with a decrease in immunity, they become pathogenic, dangerous and toxic.

There are several ways of transmission of viral and bacterial infections, some of them are similar (for example, contact), but there are differences. The most important reason why you should not confuse viral and bacterial diseases is different ways treatment. If antibiotic therapy is prescribed for bacterial infections, then the treatment of viral infections with antibiotics is useless.

Viral infections and ways of transmission of viruses

The main cause of most acute and chronic diseases airways are inflammatory processes infectious nature most commonly caused by viruses and bacteria. The main differences between a viral infection and a bacterial one are described on this page.

Viral infection. Viruses are a special kind of tiny (much smaller than microbes) non-cellular particles, consisting only of a nucleic acid (the genetic material of DNA or RNA) and a protein coat.

From nucleic acids and proteins, new viral particles are assembled and released by destroying the host cell. Newborn viruses infect more and more cells, causing the progression of the disease, and are released into the environment, infecting new hosts.

Ways of transmission of a viral infection:

  • airborne;
  • oral;
  • hematogenous (through the blood);
  • alimentary (with food);
  • contact;
  • sexual.

Bacterial infections and how bacteria are transmitted

bacterial infection. Bacteria are single-celled organisms. Unlike viruses, they are able to reproduce on their own (most often by fission) and have their own metabolism. Bacteria use the "host" only as a food product and a fertile environment for life and reproduction.

How are bacterial infections transmitted, and how does the disease develop?

Many bacteria that are normally safe for a person and live on his skin, in the intestines, mucous membranes, with a general weakening of the body or impaired immunity, can be pathogenic. At the same time, they damage ("digest") cells and tissues with their enzymes and poison the body with waste products - toxins. All this leads to the development of the disease.

For a bacterial infection of a person, the so-called gate is characteristic - the path through which it enters the body. As with viruses, there are also many modes of transmission. For example, bacteria can enter the body through mucous membranes, with the bite of insects (transmissible) or animals.

Having penetrated into the human body, bacteria begin to actively multiply, which will be considered the beginning of a bacterial infection. Clinical manifestations of this disease develop depending on the localization of the microorganism.

How to distinguish a viral infection from a bacterial one and their signs

How to distinguish a viral infection from a bacterial one and what are the signs of these diseases?

A viral infection is characterized by a general lesion of the body, while a bacterial infection most often acts locally. The incubation period for a viral infection is from 1 to 5 days, for a bacterial infection - from 2 to 12 days. Viral infection begins acutely with a rise in temperature to 39 ° C or more. At this point, there is a general weakness and intoxication of the whole organism.

Symptoms of a viral and bacterial infection have some differences. Bacterial infection begins insidiously with more severe symptoms and temperatures up to 38 °C. Sometimes its appearance is preceded by a viral infection, in which case it is customary to talk about the "second wave" of the disease. Unlike bacterial signs viral infections appear suddenly and more clearly.

What is the difference between a viral infection and a bacterial one, you need to know in order not to make a mistake with the choice of treatment. Most throat infections are caused by viruses and should not be treated with antibiotics, according to new recommendations from the Infectious Diseases Society of America.

If antibiotics are used in the absence of appropriate indications, the formation of resistant bacteria is possible. Also, antibiotics often cause side effects, including the development of a violation of the quantitative and qualitative composition intestinal microflora. In addition, there is good evidence of an increased risk bronchial asthma and atopic dermatitis in children treated with antibiotics during preschool age.

Remember: bacterial infections are treated with antibiotics; viral infections antibiotics are not treated, because these drugs do not work on them.

In the spring-autumn period, the incidence increases respiratory infections. Disease symptoms may vary. It depends on the type pathogenic bacterium, its localization, physiological characteristics of the organism and the degree of spread of the inflammatory process. For respiratory diseases early stages usually no specific diagnosis is provided, because a specific disease can be suspected only by clinical symptoms.

It is important to start treatment on time and prevent infectious pathogens from causing complications.

bacterial infection

Bacterial infections of the upper respiratory tract can be caused by bacteria such as corynebacterium, Haemophilus influenzae, whooping cough, meningococcus, pneumococcus, streptococcus, and others. The route of transmission is predominantly airborne and contact. The frequency of damage and susceptibility depend on the degree of reactivity of each individual. Individuals with a weakened immune system will get sick with any infections much more often.

A bacterial cold requires the appointment of antibacterial drugs (antibiotics) to prevent the development of complications in other organs and systems.

There are several periods of the course of a bacterial infection:

  1. Incubation- the time from the first contact with the diseased to the clinical manifestations of the disease. One of the main differences between a bacterial infection and a viral one is a longer incubation period: from 3 to 14 days. In the lengthening of this period important role plays the susceptibility of the body, stress, overwork or hypothermia. The causative agent, getting into the respiratory tract, may not immediately cause the disease, but the weakening of the immune system will provoke the development of the disease after a few days.
  2. Premonitory- the time of the first manifestations of the disease. In some bacterial infections, this period is absent, and the infection itself is a complication of an acute respiratory viral infection. Viral begins with an erased picture and is manifested mainly by a general deterioration in the condition. Bacterial - has a specific point of application, all the symptoms of the disease will be associated with it.

For example, streptococcal tonsillitis. The causative agent is group A beta-hemolytic streptococcus, which acts on its point of application - the tonsils and is manifested by tonsillitis or tonsillitis. But if you do not treat angina antibacterial drugs, streptococcus is capable of infecting the heart and joints, which are also its point of application in the event of dissemination (spread) of the pathogen through the blood. In such situations, acquired heart defects and joint deformities can be observed.

Angina is often observed in children.

Pathology can cause various viruses, chlamydia. If there is no runny nose, cough, manifestations of conjunctivitis with angina, this is a streptococcal form. It can penetrate into the upper respiratory tract from the skin, where it is located as conditionally pathogenic microflora. You can not postpone going to the doctor, especially if the inflammatory process develops in a child. Due to the physiological characteristics of the child's body, the infection tends to settle on the tonsils and degenerate into a chronic form.

Localization of a bacterial infection

In the clinic individual forms bacterial lesions of the upper respiratory tract have their own characteristics, they are often associated with the localization of pathogenic bacteria:

Disease Localization Symptoms
Bacterial pharyngitisdown the throat
  • pain or sore throat, difficulty in swallowing, if the infection has already gone down, then the presence of a cough is noted;
  • bad breath, due to the release of metabolic products of bacteria in the throat;
  • headache, weakness, general fatigue;
  • skin rash, especially common with streptococcal infection and is more common in children
Bacterial rhinosinusitis Inflammatory process occurring in the nasal mucosa and sinuses
  • runny nose with green-yellow discharge, pain in the projection of the sinus sinuses, which can radiate (shoot) into the ear or jaw;
  • sore throat;
  • nasal congestion;
  • cough, more pronounced in the morning;
  • fever, more common in children
Inflammatory disease flowing in the epiglottis
  • sore throat;
  • increased salivation, hoarseness of voice;
  • cough, mostly dry;
  • dyspnea
Laryngotracheitis Inflammatory lesions of the larynx and trachea
  • loss or hoarseness of the voice;
  • cough, dry or barking (common manifestation of laryngitis in children);
  • dyspnea;
  • apnea, i.e. breath holding

Inflammation is not always local in nature; within a few days, bacteria colonize nearby anatomical structures, and the pathological process becomes more widespread. At the same time, symptoms of intoxication are increasing, specific clinical picture becomes erased. Difficulty in diagnosis and treatment. The volume of ongoing therapeutic manipulations increases, and the rehabilitation period is prolonged.

The difference between the pathological process depending on the pathogen

A person is able to distinguish a bacterial infection from a viral one on his own, for this you will need to observe the condition and determine the symptoms, the timing of their occurrence and other features of the disease:

sign Viral infection bacterialinfection
PrevalenceWidespread, often causes respiratory diseasesRarely occurs as primary disease usually as a complication
Incubation period1 to 5 days3 to 14 days
Permanent persistence (finding) of the pathogen in the respiratory tractOnly characteristic of adenovirusesCommon to most pathogens
prodromal periodQuite pronounced, lasts up to 24 hoursinvisible
Nose discharge colorTransparent, liquid consistencyDark green, yellow green
The onset of the diseaseBright, accompanied by high and rapidly rising feverErased, the temperature does not rise above 38 degrees
Locality of the lesionInitially not expressed, in the first place are general manifestationsPronounced, bacterial infections are manifested by otitis media, sinusitis, rhinosinusitis, pharyngitis, etc.
Allergic manifestationsYes, almost always observednot typical
Blood analysisIncreased number of lymphocytes in the bloodIncreased number of neutrophils in the blood
Antibiotic treatmentNot required, the most effective treatment is the reception antiviral drugs during the prodromeNecessary and most effective treatment

It is possible to distinguish a bacterial infection from a viral one at the onset of the disease with a careful analysis of the symptoms. It is important to start treatment according to the etiology of the disease as soon as possible.

How to treat bacterial diseases of the upper respiratory tract?

Bacterial respiratory diseases require hospitalization of patients only if complications develop or if there is a pronounced intoxication syndrome. The doctor examines, conducts the necessary examinations and prescribes appropriate therapy, which the patient is able to carry out independently at home. Treatment regimen:

  1. Antibacterial therapy. The main purpose of the use of antibiotics is the destruction of the pathogen, reducing the risk of chronic infection, preventing complications and reducing clinical manifestations. Drugs are usually used a wide range actions. Only a doctor is competent to help with the choice, since there are many nuances in certain types pathogens, the age of the patient and the presence of concomitant pathologies are taken into account.
  2. Prebiotics and probiotics. When antibiotics are prescribed for a course of up to 7 days, lactobacillus preparations are taken together as a preventive measure for the development of dysbacteriosis. Antibacterial agents have a detrimental effect on the entire microflora. You need to take Linex, Bifidumbacterin, etc. They contribute to recovery and increase immunity, by restoring the intestinal microflora.
  3. Mucolytics and expectorantsdrugs are prescribed for dry cough, in order to expel sputum. If not, then it is advisable to take antitussives.

For detoxification, Regidron is used inside, which helps to remove bacteria and their toxins from the body.

If the process of bacterial inflammation is limited, then you can stop at local washing antibiotics, without systemic administration of the drug. Proven antimicrobial effect water solution chlorhexidine and Miramistin. They are indicated for local irrigation of the throat, nasal passages, etc.

Broad spectrum antibiotic

First, the patient is shown bed rest, for 3-5 days at home, with limitation of hypothermia and visits to crowded places. Intoxication of the body implies depletion and loss important trace elements so you need to drink more clean water and include in your diet fresh vegetables and fruits.

Prevention of the development of a bacterial infection contributes to the prevention of:

  • vitamin therapy;
  • exclusion of stress and frequent, prolonged hypothermia of the body;
  • the use of preventive vaccinations;
  • correct diet;
  • compliance with the rules of personal hygiene.

Alternative medicine

To cope with a bacterial infection without antibiotics will not work, but treatment with folk remedies has a pronounced auxiliary effect. Vitamin and herbal preparations help to remove intoxication, eliminate signs of inflammation, strengthen the immune system. With the development of a strong cough, pharmacy fees based on coltsfoot, licorice root and chamomile will help (they are taken 3 times a day for 1-2 weeks):

Compound Cooking method Admission conditions
  • 1 lemon;
  • 2 tbsp. l. honey;
  • 1 l boiled water
Cut the lemon in half, squeeze out its juice, grind the pulp and add them to the water. Mix drink with honeyConsume throughout the day
  • 200 g cranberries;
  • 1.5 liters of boiled water
Squeeze the cranberries and bring the cake to a boil, after cooling, add the freshly squeezed juice to the broth. Can be sweetened to taste with a little sugarConsume 200 ml throughout the day
  • 10 g butter;
  • 2 tbsp. l. honey;
  • 200 ml milk
Warm milk in a water bath, melt butter and honey in it. The indication for use is coughing with difficult expectorationTake at night for 5-10 days

Raspberry, blackcurrant, chamomile have a good anti-inflammatory effect. Decoctions and herbal teas based on them have no restrictions and contraindications for bacterial infections. They are used both at the time of treatment and during the rehabilitation period. After recovery, a sparing work regime and restriction physical activity for 1-2 weeks.

The most basic step in any diagnosis is to identify the focus or cause of the disease. This plays a big role in the further elimination of the disease. There is a similarity in the appearance of a disease of viral or bacterial origin. But it should be noted that there are some differences that make it possible to determine the etiology. In order to spend differential diagnosis it is necessary to draw enough blood for laboratory research. Practically in any hospital you can take a blood test and determine the viral or bacterial disease in a person.

How to identify a viral or bacterial infection?

Differences between bacteria and viruses

To understand the difference between bacterial infection and infectious origin you don't have to be a doctor. You just need to carefully study these varieties. Bacteria are single-celled microorganisms. The nucleus may not be present in the cell, or may be unformed.

So, depending on the species, bacteria can be:

  • Coccal origin (streptococci, staphylococci, etc.). These bacteria are round.
  • In the form of sticks (dysentery and the like). Long stretched forms.
  • Bacteria of other sizes, which are relatively rare.

You must always know that all life in the human body or in the organs are present a large number of these representatives. If a person has the immune system does not suffer and functions sufficiently, then no bacterium poses a danger. But as soon as a decrease in the level of human immunity is observed, then any bacteria can threaten the body. A person begins to feel bad and fall ill with various ailments.

But the cell also does not sleep, as soon as the process of virus reproduction occurs, the body acquires a protective state. Based on this, the human body begins to fight, due to immunity. The defense mechanism is triggered, which is a fundamental factor to resist foreign intrusion.

Unlike bacteria, viruses do not last long, until the body completely destroys them. But according to the classification of viruses, there are a small number of viruses that are never excreted from the body. They can live throughout life, and become more active in case of weakened immunity. They are not stopped by any drugs, and most importantly, their immunity is not a threat. These representatives are the virus herpes simplex, human immunodeficiency virus and others.

Deciphering a blood test for a virus

To determine, on the basis of the study, a disease of viral or bacterial origin, no special professionals in the field of medicine are needed. Even a common person can determine on the basis of analysis.

In order to determine the cause of the onset of the disease, it is enough to special attention analyze each column.

For detailed consideration pathological change with viruses, you need to know certain indicators:

  1. A slight decrease in the level of leukocytes, or no fluctuations.
  2. Moderate increase in the number of lymphocytes.
  3. Raised level.
  4. A sharp decline neutrophils.

Deciphering the analysis

If the analysis shows that a person is sick, due to the penetration of the virus into the body, it is still necessary to study clinical manifestations. To make a differential diagnosis by symptoms, the virus has a rather short incubation period. The duration is up to 5-6 days, which is not typical for bacteria.

As soon as a person becomes ill, it is necessary to determine the viral or bacterial infection.

Deciphering a blood test for a bacterium

As for bacteria, there are some difficulties. Sometimes blood tests and clinical manifestations can be slightly inaccurate. But in most cases, laboratory research gives us a positive answer. Main characteristics:

  1. In 90%, an increased level of leukocytes.
  2. Elevated levels of neutrophils (neutrophilia).
  3. Moderate decrease in lymphocytes.
  4. A sharp jump in the level of ESR.
  5. Identification of special cells - myelocytes.

As mentioned above, the incubation period of bacteria is relatively longer than that of viruses. Usually up to two weeks.

You should also always be aware that bacteria in the human body can be activated due to viruses. After all, when a virus appears in the human body, immunity decreases and the bacterial flora gradually begins to affect the body.

It is quite easy to determine a viral or bacterial infection by a blood test. According to the results, it is possible to say with certainty why the disease appeared. You must always remember that it is not always possible to cope with the disease yourself, so you need to consult a doctor and be treated based on his recommendations.