What eye drops for watery eyes? Severe pain in the eyes, redness

Eye drops- This medications, used in ophthalmology.

They eliminate symptoms or treat a disease, which triggered the tears.

The choice of certain drops depends on the cause of the eye disease; only an ophthalmologist prescribes medications after thorough examination patient.

What are the causes of tearfulness?

Exists There are many factors leading to the appearance of tearing. One of them is an allergic reaction, which causes pain, burning and redness.

Excessive tearing begins because this is how the eyes react to the irritant.

If your contact lenses are not fitted correctly, this leads to a profuse flow of tears, rapid fatigue and burning eyes. The same problems arise as a result of inflammation of the cornea and eyelids.

Stinging and increased lacrimation may occur if long time:

  • watch TV;
  • work with papers;
  • sit at the computer.

If fluorescent lamps are also working, then the development of dry eye syndrome begins. Sparks from welding also lead to hypersecretion of tears, as do minor burns of the cornea from bright flashes of light. The same problem occurs:

  • for vitamin deficiency AT 2;
  • ingress of dust and other foreign particles;
  • cold;
  • chronic fatigue.

The profuse flow of tears occurs due to a violation of their outflow. The reason is clogged nasolacrimal duct. If this continues for a long time, microbes appear in the canals, which leads to the formation of pus. Another reason is displacement of the lacrimal punctum, which occurs due to pathological enlargement, hardening and loss of flexibility of the papilla. Sometimes hypersecretion is congenital pathology.

What to do if an adult’s eyes are very watery, what to drip with

Treatment is prescribed by a doctor after a thorough diagnosis has been carried out. The choice of therapeutic methods and medications depends on the cause of the disease.

If lacrimation is caused by the entry of foreign particles, then when removing them it will go away on its own.

It is easy to get rid of tearfulness due to vitamin deficiency or fatigue. Enough include foods with missing elements in the diet and give your eyes a chance to rest. Good care behind contact lenses is a guarantee of absence copious discharge tears.

In all other cases, treatment of the underlying disease will be required: inflammation, injury, allergies, etc. The doctor will prescribe antibacterial therapy and prescribe eye drops. Serious complex therapy required for scleroderma, autoimmune diseases, accompanied heavy current tears. There are situations when conservative treatment useless, then carried out surgery.

Albucid for the treatment of tearing

Albucid is drops wide range actions. They are used for treatment various diseases eye and bacterial infections such as conjunctivitis and blepharitis.

Photo 1. Packaging of the drug Albucid in the form eye drops dosage 30%. Manufacturer Dosfarm.

In pharmacies they are sold under the name Sulfacyl sodium. Thanks to these drops, the growth of pathogenic bacteria stops, which prevents complications from developing.

  • antibacterial;
  • antimicrobial;
  • bacteriostatic;
  • anti-inflammatory.

Thanks to this Albucid prescribed for the treatment of almost all eye diseases, which arise from pathogenic agents.


Antibacterial drops contain components that can destroy or prevent the development of pathogenic microorganisms. Effective drops counts Okomistin. This drug is prescribed for extensive damage to the lacrimal gland. But he is being used only in combination with other antibiotics.

Photo 2. Packaging and bottle of the drug Okomistin in the form of eye drops with a dosage of 0.01%, volume 10 ml.

Used in ophthalmology antibacterial dropsLevomycetin. The product has a bacteriostatic effect and is prescribed for excessive tearing.

Antibacterial drops Sodium sulfacyl have an antiseptic and bacteriostatic effect. They help get rid of pathogenic microorganisms in the eyes.

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Antihistamine eye drops are used to relieve redness and swelling if they are caused by an allergic reaction. Such drugs include Allergodil, Okumetil, Opatanol etc.

Okumetil quickly and effectively relieves allergy symptoms:

Photo 3. Packaging and bottle of Okumetil eye drops. Manufacturer: Chemical-Pharmaceutical Company Alexandria.

This drug is absorbed into the vasculature of the eyes. It penetrates the bloodstream, positively affecting the entire body. However, if you use these vasoconstrictor drops constantly, then Rapid addiction may occur. It leads to the fact that after discontinuation of the drug, signs of the disease will reappear.

Anti-allergenic drug Opatanol relieves all allergy symptoms, including watery eyes. The active ingredient, olopatanol, is strong antihistamine. This drug penetrates into the bloodstream to a small extent. It has no effect on pupil size.


Antiseptic drops are prescribed when an infectious disease occurs And as prophylactic . They are especially useful in cases of corneal injury or when foreign particles enter the eye.

Attention! All medications must be prescribed ophthalmologist.

Antiseptic drops are Okomistin and its analogues, which contain miramistin. This substance belongs to disinfectants and disinfectants. It inhibits the activity of pathogenic microorganisms.

Drug Vitabact- one of the ophthalmic drops in which the main component is piloxidin. It has a detrimental effect on some viruses, fungi and pathogenic microbes.

This type of eye drops is used in the treatment of:

  • conjunctivitis;
  • keratitis;
  • dacryocystitis.


Gentamicin drops help in the treatment of many eye diseases. This medical drug has an antibacterial effect. Contained in it active substance— gentamicin sulfate prevents pathogenic microbes from developing and multiplying. When Gentamicin is used, the bacterial membranes are destroyed, which leads to their death. These drops help get rid of:

  • from swelling;
  • lacrimation;
  • itching;
  • burning.

Gentamicin has analogues. The most famous is the drug Dexa-Gentamicin, which contains dexamethasone sodium phosphate.

Thanks to this substance, the medicine has an anti-inflammatory effect.

Drops belong to the same group Gentamicin-Ferein and Gentacyclol With similar composition and action, the main difference is cost.


Homeopathic drops saturate necessary vitamins And nutrients, help moisturize the eyes and relieve fatigue.

So homeopathic ophthalmic remedy, How Okulochel represents clear liquid without smell. It affects:

  • analgesic;
  • anti-inflammatory;
  • antimicrobial.

The drug is indicated with irritation of the mucous membrane and increased fatigue eye associated with visual stress.

Substitutes for Oculochel include the following drugs:

  • Hilo-kea.
  • Vidisik.
  • Fuel
  • Innoxa.

Hormonal eye drops: when to use them?

There are hormonal eye drops that help relieve tearing:

  • Diclofenac.
  • Dexamethasone.
  • Indocollier.
  • Prenatsid.

They are shown for inflammation of an allergic and autoimmune nature. Drops help with injuries and burns, preventing them from growing connective tissues. They are also prescribed after a corneal transplant to prevent rejection.

Hormonal drops capable of penetrating all tissues, and even the lens. The sterile solution they contain does not irritate the mucous membrane of the eye. Although they help relieve swelling, redness and inflammation, they are used when positive result does not occur from the use of other medications. Hormonal eye drops include the drug Oftan dexamethasone, which enters the mucous membrane and quickly penetrates the epithelium, eliminating inflammation.

10428 02/13/2019 6 min.

Human eye– a very sensitive organ and reacts to any changes external environment. Sometimes a person experiences watery eyes outside, especially in windy weather. In some cases it is natural defensive reaction body, but sudden or constant lacrimation is a clear reason to contact an ophthalmologist. When should you sound the alarm about lacrimation?

Definition of disease

Lacrimation is the release of tear fluid from the eye. Typically, this phenomenon serves as a reaction to a strong emotional experience or the action of various stimuli. However, in some cases, watery eyes can be a symptom of various diseases.

Tear fluid is produced by large lacrimal glands located in the upper outer corners of the orbit, as well as several small glands that are located in the arch of the mucous membrane of the eyes.

Tears can be physiological and serve their intended purpose, as well as emotional, arising under the influence of joy, laughter, pain or grief.

There are two types of lacrimation:

  1. Retention: occurs as a result of disruption of the lacrimal ducts;
  2. Hypersecretory: characterized by excessive function of the lacrimal glands.


The main causes of hypersecretory lacrimation:

  • Allergy;
  • , keratitis;
  • conjunctiva or cornea;
  • Colds.

To eliminate hypersecretory lacrimation, it is necessary to begin treatment of the disease that caused this symptom as early as possible.

Possible causes of retention lacrimation of the eyes:

  • (inflammation of the lacrimal sac);
  • Narrowing or obstruction of the tear duct;
  • Pathologies of the nasal mucosa(polyps, sinusitis, swelling of the nasal mucosa, rhinitis);

It's not just allergy sufferers who experience watery eyes. People with hypersensitivity bodies often experience similar discomfort on the street. They also suffer completely from lacrimation healthy people. In winter, this may be due to frost and strong north winds; in spring - the flowering of certain plants, in summer - bright sun, dust, pollen, and in autumn - vitamin deficiency, unfavorable weather conditions.

Additional factors for lacrimation:

  • Tendency to allergies;
  • Bruises and eye injuries;
  • Hereditary factor;
  • Fungal infections (and others).

When the eyes water on the street, a narrowing of the eye tract occurs in the body, as a result of which the outflow of tears into the nasopharynx with further removal through the eyelids is disrupted. If this condition recurs, it is recommended to immediately contact an ophthalmologist, who, after a detailed diagnosis, will determine the underlying problem. It is possible that the pathology is congenital, and getting rid of it will be much more difficult than curing an acquired eye disease.


If lacrimation accompanies any pathology, then additionally there are such alarming symptoms, How:

  • Pain syndrome in the eyes;
  • Feeling of cutting and burning;
  • Purulent discharge from the eyes;
  • Change in the color of proteins (redness, etc.);
  • Photophobia.

With such clinical picture it is important to see a specialist; it is possible to use antibacterial therapy to exterminate the main causative agent of the disease. If lacrimation is the only symptom, then it is quite possible to eliminate it at home with the help of eye drops or traditional medicine recipes.

Possible complications

With constant lacrimation, in addition to discomfort and a decrease in quality of life, maceration is observed, that is, damage to the skin, accompanied by redness and the formation of crusts. Through the injured surface of the skin, an infection can enter the eye, especially if a person does not follow the rules of personal hygiene and uses non-sterile scarves and napkins.


Treatment of lacrimation that occurs on the street is determined by the causes that cause it. In accordance with the identified cause, therapy is prescribed.

By medication

If lacrimation is not profuse and stops after the eyes adapt to the changed weather conditions, then no treatment is required. This is a natural protective reaction of the body. In other cases it is possible following methods therapy:

In addition, it is necessary to adjust your diet by including foods rich in protein, vitamins A, B, C, and potassium. This will allow the eyes to function better and adapt to environmental conditions.

By surgical methods

Surgery lacrimation is used for narrowing or complete obstruction of the lacrimal ducts, as well as for eversion, ptosis or entropion of the lower eyelid. In case of obstruction or narrowing of the lacrimal openings, canaliculi and nasolacrimal duct, surgical intervention is aimed at restoring the patency of the lacrimal ducts.

Pathologies of the lower eyelid (ptosis, inversion, entropion) are corrected using an operation called blepharoplasty.

Folk remedies

Other recipes for watery eyes: These simple recipes will allow you to quickly get rid of increased lacrimation, and without harm to vision and health. However, before use folk recipes

It is recommended to consult a doctor and determine the advisability of such treatment.


Get regular eye exams from an ophthalmologist.


conclusions As you can see, the causes of lacrimation are numerous. To understand them, you still need to contact an ophthalmologist, especially if this symptom does not go away within 2-3 days. The doctor will determine the cause of this manifestation and prescribe appropriate treatment. Remember that tears can cause serious illness , which cannot be eliminated at home. A eye diseases

it is necessary to treat promptly so as not to impair visual functions. Tears in the body perform important function in the human body – protect the eyes from damage, lubricate the surface of the eye, wash away pathogenic microorganisms and small foreign bodies. Normally, tears are produced in the body in small quantities, but excessive tearing always indicates the presence of certain pathologies. This phenomenon is often observed in older people, and can cause a person considerable discomfort, and sometimes cause vision problems. For what reasons in mature age

Causes of tearfulness in older people

With age, all sorts of changes and degenerative processes occur in the body, which affect the parts of the eyes responsible for the production and outflow of tear fluid. In addition, older people are more likely to chronic diseases, difficult to treat due to reduced immunity, resulting in increased tearing and other ophthalmological pathologies.

For reference: Increased lacrimation in old age can develop with any, even slight, eye strain, but in the absence of disturbances in the functioning of the lacrimal apparatus, it disappears after proper rest.

Eye diseases

One of the common causes of tearing in old age– dry eye syndrome. With this pathology, the function of producing tear secretion and chemical composition the fluids change, the anterior surface of the cornea is not sufficiently moistened, which triggers a compensatory mechanism - the body, trying to cope with the problem, produces an excessive amount of tears. Tearfulness in this case is accompanied by pain in the eyes, redness and inflammation of the mucous membranes.

Another factor influencing Negative influence on the functioning of the lacrimal apparatus - conjunctivitis, blepharitis, keratitis and other ophthalmological diseases, which in old age often occur in chronic form. One of the signs similar diseases– increased lacrimation, increasing in bright light, in smoky or dusty rooms, when exposed to other negative factors. In addition, lumps of mucus that form with this pathology can clog the tear ducts, which makes the outflow of secretions much more difficult.

Anatomical changes

As we age, muscles, skin and fatty tissue become flabby and sag, resulting in disruption of the lacrimal apparatus. Pathologies may have different development mechanisms, but their symptoms are similar, and one of them is increased tearfulness.

Table. Pathologies in which lacrimation is observed.

PathologyMechanism and clinical features

Because of dystrophic changes of the skin and mucous membranes, the ocular papilla becomes denser or lengthened and does not participate in the function of draining tear fluid

A decrease in muscle tone leads to a phenomenon called senile blepharoptosis - the lower eyelid droops slightly and everts, as a result of which the lower lacrimal punctum moves slightly. This causes increased lacrimation, and a person, trying to wipe away tears, injures and retracts the eyelid, which aggravates the pathology

In old age eyeball sinks a little, upper eyelid curls up, and the eyelashes begin to irritate the mucous membrane, causing constant tearing. In difficult cases this pathology leads to microtrauma of the mucous membrane, the development of conjunctivitis, keratitis and blepharitis - as a result, increased secretion of tears is accompanied by pain, pain and redness of the eye

With atony (weakening) of muscles tear ducts the function of fluid secretion is impaired even in the absence of anatomical changes in organs

Attention: eversion of the eyelid can be not only a consequence of anatomical changes in tissues, but also a sign malignant tumors, localized in the area of ​​​​the edge of the eyelids or near them.

Other diseases and pathologies

Disorders of the ENT organs in older people occur quite often due to the age-related changes in the body mentioned above. These may be rhinitis and sinusitis of various etiologies, curvature of the auricle or nasal concha, septum, etc. Often the connection between diseases of the ENT organs and increased tearfulness is not obvious, which is why a person begins to use drugs that relieve the symptoms of the pathology, but do not affect its cause.

Increased tear production is one of the symptoms of some autoimmune disorders ( multiple sclerosis, rheumatoid arthritis, systemic lupus erythematosus, Sjogren's syndrome). The mechanism of development of the disorder can be different - sometimes the disease affects all glands of the body, including lacrimal apparatus, and in other cases, patients develop, which causes increased secretion of tears.

Incorrect treatment and optical correction

Incorrect selection of glasses constant wearing contact lenses and improper care of them can cause increased tearing, pain and redness of the eyes. Sometimes pathology develops as a complication after surgical correction age-related farsightedness and other ophthalmological disorders. In addition, increased tear production is a result of uncontrolled use of eye medications or a side effect of therapy.

Why is excessive tearing dangerous?

Increased tearing itself is not dangerous to health, but diseases that cause this symptom (conjunctivitis, blepharitis, keratitis) can lead to serious violations vision. One of the most dangerous complications– thinning of the eye film, when the surface of the eye is left without natural protection from the effects of negative factors.

In addition, with increased production of tear secretion, a person constantly rubs his eyes, which increases the risk of damage and infection of the mucous membranes. Particularly dangerous this sign for people suffering from diabetes mellitus– it may indicate development serious complications, often leading to complete blindness.

Diagnosis of age-related tearing

To find out the causes of increased tearing, it is necessary to collect an anamnesis and a comprehensive examination of the visual organs. The doctor examines the patient's eyes using a special lamp, assesses the condition and tone of the eyelids, muscles and structures of the eye, the correct growth of eyelashes and other factors that may affect the functioning of the lacrimal apparatus.

To determine the patency of the lacrimal ducts, tests are performed using medical dyes - a dye is instilled into the patient's eye, and after a few minutes the result is assessed. If, during intense blinking, most of the solution remains on the surface of the eye, we can talk about a violation of the outflow of tear fluid. In cases where no ophthalmological disorders were identified during diagnosis, the patient needs a comprehensive examination of the body (primarily to identify autoimmune disorders and diabetes), as well as consultation with specialists.

Important: self-medication for increased tear production can lead to a deterioration of the condition and the development of complications, therefore, if this symptom You should consult a doctor as soon as possible.

How to get rid of excessive tearing?

Treatment for increased tearing is prescribed depending on the cause that caused it. In some cases, you can get rid of the problem using conservative methods, but sometimes the patient requires surgical intervention.


For inflammatory and infectious diseases eyes are prescribed antimicrobials in the form of drops and ointments (“Ofloxacin”, “Okomistin”, “Indocollir”), which destroy pathogenic microorganisms and restore normal microflora eyes. For therapy allergic diseases are used antihistamines(“Azelastine”, “Opatanol”) and products containing synthetic steroid hormones – most often dexamethasone and prednisolone. In addition, it is necessary to identify the allergen that caused the unwanted reaction of the body and, if possible, eliminate it.

To alleviate the patient’s condition with dry eye syndrome, remove excessive tearing and discomfort can be done with the help of tear substitutes - "Systane", "Visin Pure Tear", "Vidisik", "Oftagel", etc. They are available in the form of drops or gels, and have different viscosities - the higher this indicator, the longer its effect lasts. In other cases (autoimmune disorders or diseases of the ENT organs), therapy for the underlying disease is necessary, after which the symptoms, including lacrimation, should disappear.


If tearing was caused by anatomical changes, it will not be possible to get rid of the pathology with the help of conservative means - patients are advised symptomatic treatment, and in difficult cases, surgical intervention. During the operation, the doctor restores normal contact of the eyelid with the mucous membrane of the eye, ensures correct position organs of the lacrimal apparatus and normal closure of the eyelids. Surgical treatment is also necessary for other pathologies - for example, with narrowing tear ducts or when the fluid outflow channels are blocked.

Folk remedies

Folk recipes for age-related tearfulness can only be used in combination with drug therapy. Moreover, if increased secretion tear fluid occurs due to malfunctions internal organs or age-related changes, ethnoscience can only eliminate the symptoms of the disease, but will not eliminate its cause.

  1. Dill seed. A decoction of dill seed for mild forms of inflammation and dry eye syndrome is a good replacement for eye drops, soothes and relieves redness. Pour a tablespoon of dill seeds into a glass of water, boil, leave for two hours. You need to wash your face with the decoction before going to bed, and then soak it in it. cotton swabs and apply to eyes for 10 minutes. The course of treatment is 2 weeks, after which the procedure can be performed 1-2 times a month.
  2. Medicinal collection. Take a teaspoon each of eyebright herb, cumin seeds, plantain and cornflowers. Pour the seeds into a glass hot water, simmer over low heat for 5 minutes, then add the remaining ingredients and leave for 24 hours. Place 2-3 drops into eyes 2-3 times a day.
  3. Aloe and Kalanchoe. For tearing caused by conjunctivitis, blepharitis or another inflammatory disease, you can use juice from aloe or Kalanchoe leaves - rinse the fleshy stems, chop them, squeeze out the liquid and make eye lotions from it.

Attention: some folk remedies in old age they can cause irritation and allergies, so before use you should make sure that the medicine will not cause unwanted reactions in the body.

Preventing age-related tearing

With some kind of disruption visual system faces every person after 50 years, so the main task preventive measures– Maintain eye health for as long as possible. To do this, you need to eat right (foods containing vitamin A are especially important), follow a daily routine, exercise, and undergo regular examinations with an ophthalmologist. If you develop farsightedness or myopia, you should choose the right one, and a light massage and daily eye exercises will help prevent sagging tissues and muscles around the eyes.

If it was not possible to avoid increased tearing, it is necessary to strictly observe personal hygiene (use clean scarves, towels and napkins), protect your eyes from external stimuli and consult your doctor as soon as possible. Facilities modern medicine allow you to quickly solve the problem, or significantly reduce the discomfort from excessive tear production.

Video - Treatment of lacrimation

At first glance, lacrimation may seem like an innocent symptom that does not require any special treatment. But in reality, intense lacrimation can be a sign of serious ophthalmic diseases, so it is not recommended to ignore it. In addition, the salty liquid in large quantities irritates the mucous membrane of the eye, causes discomfort, interferes with full work, and in general, leading a normal lifestyle.

Luckily, there are affordable and effective eye drops for watery eyes. They quickly help when eyes water on the street or in the office, stop lacrimation in older people, relieve redness, irritation, swelling and itching.

Features of the pathology

The secretion of tear fluid is natural physiological process. The ocular structures contain special glands which produce tears. This process is constant and continuous (provided there are no pathologies). During physiological lacrimation, very little fluid is produced; it performs important functions for the visual apparatus:

  • moisturizes the cornea and lens, which ensures a clear picture;
  • washes away particles of dust, debris, microbes settling on the surface of the eyeball;
  • protects against the penetration of pathogenic microorganisms into the eye structures.

In this case, medicated eye drops to reduce tearing are not needed. But if any ophthalmological disease develops, the eyes often begin to water more, irritation and swelling appear. There are two types of pathological lacrimation:

  • Retention, caused by dysfunction of the lacrimal ducts. This problem often occurs in old age, but it can also be congenital.
  • Hypersecretory, that is, caused by excessive work of the lacrimal glands.

Before purchasing anti-lacrimation eye drops, you need to find out the cause of the unpleasant symptom.

In both cases, special anti-lacrimation medications will be required. But which drops are suitable in each specific case, only an ophthalmologist can determine, guided by the cause and nature of the occurrence of pathological lacrimation. Depending on the main, active component and mechanism of action, drugs in this category are divided into the following groups:

  • Corticosteroids– contain hormones, used for severe forms inflammations, infections, allergies, accompanied by increased lacrimation. Such drops will quickly relieve itching, discomfort, swelling, and stop lacrimation, but at the same time they have a number of contraindications, so they are prescribed only in extreme cases when other medications have not given the desired effect.
  • Antibacterial– aimed at destroying bacteria as the root cause of intense lacrimation. They are prescribed if it is clearly established that the cause of the unpleasant symptom is a bacterial infection.
  • Vasoconstrictors– are used if tears are released due to eye strain, increased intraocular pressure, for example, when long work at computer.
  • Antihistamines– used to treat allergies of various origins and its symptoms. They quickly relieve itching, irritation, swelling and tearing, and often contain an additional antibacterial or anti-inflammatory component. Anti-allergenic eye drops act almost instantly, but not for long, so it is imperative to detect and eliminate the allergen.

All medications from these groups have contraindications; they can cause side effects. It is also necessary to take into account their compatibility with other drugs so as not to worsen the patient’s condition. Even if you are familiar with the names of the most popular ophthalmic medications, you should not start a course of treatment without your doctor’s approval.

List of the most popular and effective drugs

So, before you buy eye drops against profuse lacrimation, you should consult a doctor and find out the cause of this condition. He will recommend one of the following medications.

To treat lacrimation, drops of various effects can be used: antibacterial, antihistamine or vasoconstrictor


Popular antibacterial drops, widely used in ophthalmology for infections caused by bacteria, viruses, fungi and protozoan pathogenic microorganisms. The main component of this drug is miramistin, which is equally effective in destroying both gram-positive and gram-negative bacteria.

Okomistin is prescribed for the following ophthalmological diseases accompanied by lacrimation:

  • keratitis and conjunctivitis;
  • blepharitis;
  • inflammatory processes in the organs of vision;
  • adenoviral infections;
  • eye injuries.

After surgical intervention, for corneal burns, the drug can be prescribed to prevent the development of a purulent-infectious process. IN acute stage(the first day), the drug is administered 1-2 drops into each affected eye up to 6 times a day, then the frequency of use is reduced to 3 times and the course of treatment is continued until complete recovery.

Main contraindications: children and adolescence under 18 years of age, pregnancy and lactation, individual intolerance to any of the components.


This is also an antibacterial and anti-inflammatory drug, but with another active ingredient – ​​tobramycin. Drops are prescribed for intolerance to other antibiotics, as well as for the following ophthalmological pathologies:

  • keratitis and conjunctivitis of bacterial origin;
  • iridocyclitis;
  • meibomite.

Before starting treatment, the causative agent of the disease should be identified and a sensitivity test to tobramycin should be performed.

The drug is instilled 1-2 drops up to 5 times a day, the course of treatment should not exceed 10 days. With prolonged use of these drops, the risk of developing a fungal infection as a side effect increases.


These are anti-allergenic eye drops that eliminate not only lacrimation, but also other manifestations of allergies: redness of the eyes, itching, swelling. Main component medicine– a elastin substance that reduces the permeability of vascular walls and strengthens intercellular membranes. Due to this, the immune response to the allergen irritant is reduced, and annoying symptoms disappear.

Drops can be used in pediatrics from 4 years. The duration of treatment and the optimal regimen are determined by the doctor. Can be used for a long time seasonal allergies(hay fever).

Traditionally, Visine is used to eliminate redness and swelling of tired eyes. The drug has a rapid and pronounced vasoconstrictor effect, and therefore also eliminates lacrimation. The effect is felt within a few seconds after administering the drops and lasts for several hours. At the same time, the active components are not absorbed into the blood, which means that the drug can be used without fear long period, as soon as it bothers unpleasant symptom.

Visine is the drug of choice if you need to quickly relieve eye fatigue, redness, irritation, swelling and lacrimation


Hormonal eye drops against lacrimation and other symptoms containing corticoids. They are very popular both among doctors and patients, as they have relatively few contraindications and side effects. This remedy very quickly relieves swelling, itching, irritation, has a moderate analgesic effect, stops the inflammatory process and regulates the functioning of the lacrimal glands.


These drops have a vasoconstrictive effect, eliminate intense lacrimation, relieve pain, itching, swelling, and redness. Recommended for use in case of irritation of the conjunctiva after contact with dusty air, cigarette smoke, chlorinated water, contact lenses, and decorative cosmetics.


The ophthalmic drug has a double effect: it quickly eliminates allergy symptoms and stops the inflammatory process if the allergy is accompanied by an infection. It is also used to treat conjunctivitis and keratoconjunctivitis caused by household dust, pollen, pet hair, seasonal hay fever, manifested by swelling, itching and increased lacrimation.

Any eye drops should be used according to the instructions recommended by the manufacturer and your doctor.

What else is important to know

Lacrimation is not a pathology in itself, but only a manifestation of many ophthalmological diseases. To get rid of this symptom, you must first determine why it occurs. Drops will not be effective if they are incorrectly selected or applied incorrectly. Since lacrimation is usually treated at home, you should follow simple rules:

  • should be removed before instillation decorative cosmetics and optical instruments. In general, during treatment it is better to refuse both cosmetics and contact lenses, so as not to further irritate the eyes;
  • Before the procedure, hands should be thoroughly washed with soap and dried;
  • the tip of the bottle, dispenser, pipette should not touch the mucous membrane or eyelid, so as not to increase irritation and spread infection;
  • it is best to bury manholes in horizontal position, and after administering the drug, lie down with your eyes closed for several minutes;
  • You should not immediately get behind the wheel or do work that requires a clear visual image;
  • It is strictly forbidden to use eye drops after the expiration date.

Eye drops for watery eyes are inexpensive and usually available in pharmacies without a prescription. Treatment does not require the participation of a medical professional and can be carried out at home. But in any case, only a specialist should select such remedies after examining the patient, especially if an unpleasant symptom is found in children or the elderly.

In the human body, everything is thought out to the smallest detail, and each organ is inextricably linked with the others. Thus, thanks to the tear secretion system, the conjunctival membrane of the eyes is moistened, and small foreign bodies (dust, eyelashes, dead epithelial cells) are cleansed. However, when inflammatory diseases eyes or nasal mucosa, allergic reactions or chemical irritation of the conjunctiva, the eyes water in excess, which significantly complicates the general well-being, and eye drops are required for lacrimation.

Due to its pronounced selective antihistamine activity, Opatanol is used for the treatment of acute and chronic allergic diseases, in particular, it is recommended for hay fever, vernal keratoconjunctivitis and seasonal allergic conjunctivitis. Opatanol eye drops are available in the form of a clear or slightly opalescent solution, colorless or slightly yellowish, packaged in sterile plastic dropper bottles with a volume of 5 ml.

Spersallerg is an antiallergic drug for local application in ophthalmology. Its effectiveness is due to a combination of different mechanisms of action due to the combination of two components - an antagonist of type 1 histamine receptors (antazolin) and an alpha-adrenergic receptor agonist (thiazolin). Thus, the drug has anti-inflammatory, vasoconstrictor and antiallergic effects, due to which it is widely used in acute atopic and spring conjunctivitis and hay fever.

Sanorin analergin is a combined antiallergic drug for topical use in ophthalmology. Its effectiveness is due to the combination of different mechanisms of action of its two active ingredients– an antagonist of histamine receptors of the first type (antazolin) and an α-adrenergic receptor agonist (naphazoline). Due to this, the drug has anti-inflammatory, vasoconstrictor and pronounced antiallergic effects and is widely used for hay fever and allergic conjunctivitis.

Octilia is an ophthalmic drug from pharmacological group vasoconstrictors, used to eliminate symptoms of eye irritation such as increased lacrimation, swelling of the conjunctiva, itching, burning and soreness of the mucous membranes. Thus, the indications for use this drug as a component complex treatment are eye diseases accompanied by swelling and redness of the conjunctiva, and its irritation cigarette smoke, chlorinated water, contact lenses, allergens, etc.

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The whole point is that tear fluid synthesized by the gland of the same name, and after completing its function, it is excreted through two tubules in the inner corner of the eye, after which it is collected in a pouch and then enters through the nasolacrimal canal, which opens under bottom sink nasal cavity. With obstruction of this excretory system at any level, if the eyes water, then all the liquid accumulates, saturates the surrounding tissues, causing them to swell. Women primarily suffer from swollen eyes due to aesthetic concerns. Plus, excess tears interfere with normal vision, disrupting the natural transmission of light.

Treatment of diseases associated with tearing consists of eliminating the root cause, and then symptomatic therapy, which includes auxiliary eye drops. There is a category of drugs both directly for watery eyes and for swelling of surrounding tissues. The first category includes antibiotics and antiseptics: they relieve inflammatory processes that cause excessive tear production. And for the second - drops that relieve swelling of the eyes, i.e. with a vasoconstrictor effect, thereby reducing the permeation of surrounding tissues with liquid.