In what order are teeth cut in a child. Patterns of teething in children

In the life of a newborn child, there comes a period when his teeth begin to cut. This moment is probably the most difficult in the life of the whole family as a whole. This process causes great pain to the child - he constantly cries, does not sleep. It's time for parents too. sleepless nights and concerns about the health of the baby.

The first tooth in an infant, and sometimes two at once, begins to climb at about six months of age. For all children, the beginning of this process differs in time: for someone this happens at four months, and for someone it drags on until the eighth month.

teething symptoms

The first signs of any changes in the baby are all known symptoms how:

  • capricious state of the baby;
  • diarrhea;
  • temperature rise;
  • inflammation of the gums.

If the fourth of the symptoms, already unambiguously, can be a confirmation that teeth have begun to appear, then the first of the three baffles many parents. What is not done until the doctor says for sure: "Your child's teeth are climbing." The doctor will not only make a diagnosis, but also suggest further course of action to alleviate the condition of the infant.

The next couple of days with symptoms of diarrhea or cough is not an indicator for determining the diagnosis. But if nothing changes on the third day, then only a doctor will help. It is at this time that the child's immunity is weakened and therefore other changes can adversely affect his health.

You should consider each of the symptoms separately in order to know what measures to take in a given situation, before contacting a doctor.

diarrhea and fever

Diarrhea, diarrhea, stool disorder - it doesn’t matter what the name of the disease is, it is important to know how to deal with it.

If there is a similar sign during the eruption of the first teeth, then is bound to be associated with an increase in temperature. body. The child tolerates temperatures up to 38 degrees normally, it worries mainly parents. Such a temperature is not even worth trying to bring down. But when it continues to increase, you can, after consulting a doctor, give the baby paracetamol.

The presence of diarrhea in a child will not necessarily be present all the time. This trouble can last for about two days. The main thing, to avoid complications or the diarrhea was not frequent, watery, or bloody.

Runny nose

As in the case of diarrhea, the common cold depends on an increase in biologically active substances. This affects profuse salivation The child has. Irritation of the oral mucosa affects the nasal mucosa and provokes a runny nose. The duration of a runny nose is safe for three to four days. Over this time he must go by himself without drug action. The young growing organism of the child independently copes with the problem. The only thing you need to pay attention to is that there is no purulent presence in the common cold and that it is not very pronounced. In this case, be sure to consult a doctor.


Excessive salivation, affecting the previous signs of the disease, irritates the throat and causes coughing. Small child can't swallow and starts coughing. Cough also, with the normal course of the process, ends in two to three days. If the cough is frequent and dry, then you need to call a doctor. Of course, not all parents are so experienced that will immediately determine the cause of the cough. Worrying about the child and excessive reinsurance will contribute to obtaining the necessary medical advice.

Pain relief measures

If the symptoms described above appear, this does not mean that teeth have begun to appear. After waiting at least a couple (maximum) days, you can draw some conclusions. The cases of the onset of diseases can be similar, you can not miss the beginning of something serious.

In all cases of misunderstanding of what to do, be sure to consult a doctor.

Such manifestations during the eruption of the first teeth in a child, such as cough, diarrhea or runny nose, do not require any treatment. Treatment is required if the temperature has risen above 38.5 degrees and continues to rise.

The order in which the teeth should appear first: from above or below - does not matter.

Helping with teething, it is possible in the baby's diet include calcium-rich foods(kefir, cottage cheese) and start giving vitamin D.

Even for babies, toothpastes and brushes are produced. Therefore, it is necessary to teach a child to brush his teeth from infancy.

After teething, the child is taught to drink from a mug. This is done to form the correct bite.

Delay in eruption, in addition to hereditary causes, depends on various diseases. These diseases include: rickets, children with a weakened immune system, indigestion, prematurity, birth defects development.

Teething - significant event in the life of the child and his parents. There are times when this process is painless. However, as a rule, teething is accompanied by a lot of unpleasant moments for the child and his parents: fever, diarrhea, worsening sleep, whims, crying, etc. It is about the features of teething in children and what parents need to do during this period will be discussed in today's article.

The timing of teething in a child can be influenced by many factors, the main of which is genetics. Domestic and external factors not the last influence on this process, in particular, climate conditions, nutrition, quality drinking water etc. As a result, the process of teething in terms of time in different regions varies greatly. The hotter climatic conditions the earlier the baby's first teeth appear. But this is also not a rule.

Most often, the first milk teeth begin to erupt when the child is six to eight months old. In a year, as a rule, a child has four upper and lower incisors. By about two years old, the first milk molars and fangs appear in the baby. About six months later, the second milk molars erupt. By the age of three, a child usually has a fully formed dairy row, in total, by this moment the baby should have twenty milk teeth (on each jaw there are 4 incisors, 2 canines and 4 molars (the fourth and fifth “chewing” teeth from the center)). By the time a child reaches the age of ten or twelve, there are twenty-eight teeth.

If your baby has not yet erupted a single milk tooth by nine months, you should not immediately worry. The delay in the eruption of temporary teeth for up to six months is considered by dentists normal. In addition, in boys, the process of teething milk teeth begins later than in girls. In this situation, it is necessary to carefully examine the baby's gums. Perhaps they swelled and turned red, or, conversely, became thin and pale, and a tooth can be felt under them or it can be seen with the naked eye. To speed up the eruption process, it is recommended to purchase special ring stimulators in the form of a toy. It will also benefit light massage gums in the form of light pressure. This will facilitate and speed up the process, only before that it is necessary to observe complete sterility of the hands. Cold can also help the child by reducing pain and swelling. To do this, you can give a cold spoon to suck, or hold a pacifier in the refrigerator. You can use special cooling teethers, they are kept for some time (not long) in the refrigerator, and then they are given to the child to gnaw.

Delayed teething in a child may be due to general growth retardation due to a number of diseases existing in a child, especially rickets. In this case, it is necessary to visit a pediatrician who will recommend vitamins and calcium supplements to normalize mineral metabolism.

Enough a rare occurrence in children, there is adentia or the absence of rudiments of teeth. Therefore, if one year old baby not a single milk tooth has yet erupted, it should be shown to the dentist, who, in case of emergency, through x-rays check for the presence of rudiments of teeth. Of course, x-ray exposure not safe for the child's body, therefore this procedure should be carried out only with the recommendation and appointment of a dentist. At present, to reduce harmful effects X-rays developed special equipment - radiovisiograph. As a rule, it is available in any modern dental clinic.

Symptoms of teething in a child.
The main signs that the first milk tooth in a child begins to erupt are inflammation and redness of the gums, burning cheeks, and not rarely the presence of a swollen ball white color from which the tooth should emerge. However, this moment may be somewhat delayed, since the tooth, before passing through the mucous membrane of the gums, must overcome the surrounding bone tissue. It’s not worth rushing or interfering in this process, because you can accidentally damage milk teeth or bring an infection into jawbone. Everything will happen by itself. Many mothers give babies bagels, dryers, a crust of bread, etc. to relieve itching. In this case, you should be especially careful, because the crumbs can get into the respiratory tract and get stuck there.

During our life, we have one change of twenty teeth, the remaining twelve erupt immediately with permanent (indigenous), therefore they do not change.

Teething in children occurs approximately in this order (Fig. 1):

The first (medial) lower incisors - 6-9 months.
The second (lateral) lower incisors - 9-12 months.
The first (medial) upper incisors - 7-10 months.
The second (lateral) upper incisors - 9-12 months.
The first upper molars - 12-18 months.
The first lower molars - 13-19 months.
upper fangs- 16-20 months
Lower fangs - 17-22 months.
The second lower molars - 20-33 months.
The second upper molars - 24-36 months.

These data are approximate. According to statistics, the first milk tooth in babies erupts on average only by eight and a half months, respectively, the appearance of the remaining teeth begins to shift in time. Although this also has its advantages. According to most dentists, the later the teething occurs, the later the process of changing them will begin. But if, nevertheless, by the year the child does not have a single milk tooth you should consult with a specialist.

Most often, the first tooth erupts in tandem with the second. It also happens that the baby immediately cuts four teeth, which, accordingly, also affects the timing of eruption. The order in which teeth appear is often very different. Unfortunately, there is no way to influence this process. In this case, there is no anomaly, nature once again "throws" its surprises.

Around the age of five or six, a child begins to change milk teeth. Normally, an adult has 28-32 permanent teeth: each jaw has 4 incisors, 2 canines, 4 premolars and 4-6 molars. The development of the third molar or "wisdom tooth" against the background of congenital adentia of the third molars may not occur at all, which is also the norm. Quite often it also happens that the "wisdom tooth" has a tab in the thickness of the jaw, but is not cut as a result of an incorrect position or insufficient space in the jaw.

Before the change of milk teeth, there is a process of the appearance of gaps or cracks (three) between the teeth. This phenomenon is considered normal. Moreover, these gaps are simply necessary, since new, permanent teeth are significantly larger in size than milk ones. If these gaps are not formed for some reason, respectively, permanent teeth there is not enough space in the child's jaw, as a result of which their curvature occurs. Simultaneously with the appearance of gaps between milk teeth, the roots of milk teeth dissolve, as a result of which they begin to stagger and then fall out.

The process of teething milk teeth in a child can be accompanied by various ailments: increased excitability, when the child becomes capricious and restless, bad dream, screaming and crying, as well as lack of appetite. At the same time, the baby strives to put everything in his mouth that comes to his hand due to irritation and itching of the gums. In addition, during this period, the child greatly increases salivation, which can contribute to the appearance of irritation. skin. Also often on the cheek from the side of the erupting tooth there is a rash or slight redness skin, as well as the temperature rise to 37.8 degrees.

Meanwhile, the above phenomena can be not only symptoms of teething, but also a developing infection. Therefore, if a child has nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, rash, cough, ear pain, loss of appetite and fever to high limits, you should call a doctor. The appearance of symptoms of colds and diarrhea is explained by abrupt change diet and diet, constant presence foreign objects in the mouth, a violation of the microflora, as well as a weakening local immunity in the nasopharynx.

During the process of the appearance of milk teeth, the baby may experience an unpleasant sour (metallic smell from the mouth), which is due to the partial decomposition of the mucous membrane (lysis). Saliva enzymes, which are abundant during this period, play a huge role. The viscosity, color and odor of saliva may change. In addition, weak antibacterial substances are present in saliva, which can also change the normal properties of saliva. Also, during teething, a certain amount of blood enters the oral cavity, which, when decomposed, can give an unpleasant odor.

What remedies relieve pain?
As noted earlier, the cold eases the child's condition during teething. If this does not help, it is recommended to use special dental gels or ointments (containing lidocaine, menthol, and flavorings) that should be applied directly to the gums. The most common are Kalgel, Mundizal, Holisal, Dentinox, Kamistad, Solcoseryl ( dental paste, but not external ointment!). These drugs do not affect the process of the appearance of teeth at all. All of them are clinically tested and do not cause side effects. The only thing is that they can not be used if children have allergies. For such kids, a special drug Doctor Baby has been developed. Flaw conventional drugs in that they have an exclusively anti-inflammatory and analgesic effect. Therefore, today doctors recommend Dentokind, a drug specially developed for babies, which, in addition to its anti-inflammatory and analgesic effect, has a calming effect on the nervous system and stabilizes sleep. Medicines should only be used on the advice of a physician.

These gels are used when pain occurs. However, you should not get carried away, do not use more than three or four times and more than three days.

To relieve pain and itching during teething in a child, you can use funds traditional medicine. For example, tooth tea, it will help the baby calm down, and also reduce pain, eliminate insomnia. In addition, this tea can be used by the mother herself to calm down. nervous system. To prepare it, you should mix in equal proportions the flowers of chamomile, lemon balm, catnip (catnip), lavender flowers. Take a tablespoon of the resulting herbal mixture and pour 200 ml of boiling water. Let it brew for fifteen to thirty minutes. If the baby is too restless, and the mother's nerves are at the limit, two tablespoons of the mixture can be taken in a glass of boiling water. Since herbs are absolutely harmless, they can be given to a child without restrictions for a long time.

Very effectively relieves pain and reduces irritability of valerian tincture, which is recommended to be rubbed into the child's gums. Despite the not particularly pleasant smell, valerian tincture has a rather pleasant taste. Sometimes in small quantities it can be given to young children (5-10 drops).

The infusion of sage smells good and perfectly relieves pain, and also helps to strengthen the tissues of the gums and future teeth.

Possible features of teeth in children at the stage of teething.

  • A blackish border on the neck of the tooth indicates the use of iron preparations in dissolved form or inflammatory process chronic nature(bacteria of the leptotrichia group).
  • Yellowish-brown staining of the teeth indicates the use of antibiotics by the mother in the second half of the gestation of the baby, or by the child during the formation of teeth.
  • Yellowish-greenish staining occurs in the presence of severe disorders of bilirubin metabolism and the state of destruction of red blood cells.
  • Reddish staining of tooth enamel is observed with a congenital disorder in the metabolism of the porphyrin pigment (porphyria).
  • Malocclusion is observed against the background of uneven growth of the jaws due to prolonged sucking of the nipples.
  • Violations of the location of the teeth are manifested due to constitutional reasons (small jaw size), due to injuries, with congenital metabolic disorders connective tissue, for tumors alveolar process jaws.
Correct and timely growth of teeth in a child indicates normal development baby's body, because this process is directly related to general condition his health.

Consider rare cases observed during teething, which can indirectly indicate the presence of pathology (only a thorough examination can prove or disprove this fact):

  • Incorrect tooth formation (size, shape, color, etc.) and its causes are identified by specialists.
  • Eruption of a tooth outside the arch of the dentition indicates wrong position tooth axis (horizontal or oblique).
  • A delay in the appearance of the first milk teeth by more than two months from the norm may indicate rickets, the presence of infectious disease, disruption of the functioning of the intestine, as well as changes in metabolism.
  • The appearance of milk teeth before the norm for one or two months may be the result endocrine disorders in the body.
  • The appearance of teeth before birth. Such cases are observed very rarely. Usually such teeth are removed for the baby, as they prevent him from sucking his mother's breast.
  • Violation of the order of eruption or the absence of any tooth also indicates the presence of any anomalies or is a consequence of the diseases that the mother suffered during the period of bearing the child.
Tips for parents when teething in children.
  • During teething, it is necessary to constantly blot the baby's saliva with a soft towel to prevent skin irritation.
  • You can not rub alcohol-containing solutions into the baby's gums, as well as use aspirin and other medicines.
  • When the first teeth appear, it is necessary to start caring for them. A baby up to one and a half years old can use a special brush made of soft plastic to brush their teeth, which is put on the mother's finger. The procedure is carried out once a day. For an older child, you can purchase a special baby brush. Usually children like this procedure, and they are happy to imitate their parents. And yet, the main cleaning should be done by mom. At two years old, the child can be shown how to rinse his mouth with water (preferably after each meal) and use children's toothpaste with the recommended given age fluorine content.
  • In order to prevent the development of caries, parents should strictly monitor the child's diet, especially the amount of sweets and sugary drinks, which should be at least in the diet. Be sure to include 10-20 g of hard cheese, seaweed, raisins, dried apricots, green and black tea in the child's diet every day, the latter has a lot of fluoride.
  • The child's first visit to the dentist should take place at two years, but if there are any problems, earlier. Remember, healthy milk teeth contribute to proper formation and health of permanent teeth.
  • Do not lick the nipple or try the baby's food with a baby spoon, as you can introduce bacteria in the adult's saliva into the baby's mouth.
  • It is necessary to teach the child to brush his teeth after each meal, or at least twice a day, always at night.

The appearance of a long-awaited baby in the house is always happiness and joy! The first smile, "aha", laughter and, of course, the baby's tooth are pleasant events. It has been customary to celebrate the "tooth" of a child for a long time, when they gathered loved ones, gave gifts to the baby. But the appearance of teeth delivers a lot pain baby and concern for parents. To make life easier for themselves and the baby, mom and dad just need to know the signs of teething in babies, as well as ways to help the child survive this critical and difficult stage in his little life.

How do teeth start to appear?

The follicles (rudiments) of teeth in a baby appear even in the mother's abdomen, before birth, literally in the last months of pregnancy. By the time he was born, he had 18 (10 first molars, canines and incisors, 8 permanent) rudiments. The rest of the teeth will be placed later. When a baby is born, its lower jaw is not fully developed, but it works when sucking, which stimulates its development and, in addition, helps the appearance of teeth. Teething in babies should occur according to the rules. If there are large deviations from them, this may indicate health problems for the baby. These rules are such that the teeth must appear:

  • within a certain period;
  • in the correct order;
  • pairs arranged symmetrically;
  • first on one jaw, then on the other.

Timing of teething

Ideally, by one year old, the baby should have 8 teeth.

  • At 6-10 months - the lower incisors are central.
  • At 8-12 months - the central incisors from above.
  • At 9-13 months - lateral incisors on top.
  • At 10-16 months - lateral incisors below.

Older kids are worried discomfort from the eruption of fangs and molars, but first on upper jaw, then on the bottom. The terms of teething of this group are as follows:

  • Canines appear: upper - at 16-22 months,
  • Lower at - 17-23 months.
  • Upper first molars - from 13 to 18 months.
  • Lower first molars - from 14 to 19 months.
  • On the mandible the second molars erupt between 23 and 31 months.
  • On the top - 25-33.

As can be seen from these dates, the order of teething suggests that they appear in pairs, opposite each other. If it happens differently, then the baby's bite will be wrong. In addition, digestive problems may begin, because the child will not be able to chew food well. By the age of three, if the order of teething is normal and there are no deviations from the timing, the baby has all 20 teeth, as expected for a milk bite. But these terms are only the norm, and there are deviations from them.

Deviations from deadlines

If teeth in children (see the order of teething above) appear 2 months earlier or later than expected, there is nothing to worry about. When the eruption of the first incisors is delayed for a longer period, this may mean that:

  • such heredity in a baby (if mom, dad, grandma, grandpa got teeth later due date, then the baby will be the same);
  • the child was born in a certain season (if the baby was born in the winter, spring, then the teeth may appear a little later);
  • development of rickets;
  • metabolic disorder (hypothyroidism).

There is nothing serious in the first two cases. There are many reasons for the delayed appearance of teeth. But for sure, doctors will help to determine why there is a delay in eruption: a pediatrician, a dentist, an endocrinologist. If the appearance of the first tooth is shifted by more early age than expected, a visit to a specialist will also not be superfluous. Very rarely, but it happens that a baby is born already with incisors. This is also an indication to visit a doctor. In general, every child is an individual, and teeth do not appear in everyone, as expected. If a baby does not have a single incisor in one year, look: perhaps the gums are swollen, saliva is flowing, and there are other signs of teething? So they are already on their way. You need to wait a bit, and the first incisor will definitely light up with a white bright strip in the baby's mouth. But do not expect that since the teeth appeared later than the due date, they will be better, stronger than those of other children. Unfortunately, no such pattern is observed.

The birth of a child with erupted teeth is also not always a sign that something is wrong with the baby. Therefore, develop your worries - visit a doctor, ask your parents how you yourself were with the first incisors when they appeared. And maybe the parents will tell you how they got their first teeth. Perhaps your baby has nothing to worry about, and it's all about the genes.

Deviations from the order of appearance of teeth

When teeth begin to appear in children, the order of eruption may also differ from the usual. The reason for this may be:

  • heredity (if parents or grandparents appeared first upper teeth, then the baby may be the same);
  • mother’s diseases while waiting for the baby (early toxicosis, kidney disease, pneumonia, acute respiratory infections, rubella, toxoplasmosis, herpes, or just stress);
  • her bad habits;
  • how and when the birth took place (prematurity and postmaturity, Rhesus conflict also affect the normal appearance of teeth);
  • illnesses of the child, transferred in the first months of life ( convulsive states, sepsis of the newborn, pneumonia, acute respiratory infections);
  • how he gained height and weight;
  • what kind of feeding is the baby on (if the baby is on artificial feeding, disturbances in the formation of teeth may be due to this).

The sequence of teething is important, but doctors still track the timing in the first place. Also, do not be upset because of deviations in the order of appearance. Most of the time it's the inheritance of genes. Of course, the examination of the baby will never hurt. The health of the baby should be under control. If in doubt, consult a specialist.

Signs and symptoms

Babies handle teething differently. Parents' comments are such that for some this process goes unnoticed by relatives, and they notice the first incisor quite by accident when they are fed from a spoon and hear a long-awaited knock or are given a drink from a mug. Or when the baby laughs loudly, and a white stripe of an erupted tooth appears. And others may change behavior a month before, and their well-being worsens.

There are signs of teething in infants. They can be divided into general and local. General:

  • the child becomes capricious and restless;
  • sleeps worse at night;
  • gets tired quickly;
  • he salivates heavily;
  • the baby pulls everything into his mouth, trying to scratch itchy gums;
  • bites mom while feeding.

After all, an erupting tooth, moving outward, breaks the gum tissue from the inside. And this causes not only itching, but also pain, irritation. Moreover, the doctors themselves claim that an adult would hardly have endured such sensations without medication. During this period, it is important to be more tolerant and attentive to the baby. So that the baby does not pull everything into the mouth, purchase teethers specially designed for this (their use will speed up and facilitate the process of the appearance of incisors, fangs, molars), let the little one gnaw toys for his health, scratch his gums. If they are reddened, inflamed, swollen in a baby - this is local signs teething in infants. In addition to the above, the child may have a fever, diarrhea, runny nose, cough. In addition, during the appearance of teeth, appetite may decrease. Again, due to discomfort in the mouth of the crumbs. In the intervals between teething, the appetite improves, and a few days before the next white stripe on the gum worsens again.

Other signs of eruption

Sometimes a blue or watery swelling appears at the site where the tooth should appear. It will pass by itself, it’s just that bloody accumulates in this place or clear liquid. In this case, the sequence of teething does not affect the appearance of swelling. If the hematoma becomes large, then the dentist will make an incision and all the fluid will flow out. It happens that in children during the period of the appearance of teeth, vomiting occurs. At normal temperature and without liquid stool it should not cause concern for the baby, as it is caused large quantity saliva. Otherwise, a doctor is needed, since it is possible that this is a manifestation of rotovirus or other intestinal infection. Due to the large amount of saliva secreted, the baby may develop a rash on the chin, chest, around the mouth. It's a skin irritation. Keep it dry, dry and wash your baby often to prevent a rash. If it appears, follow the hygiene of the crumbs and lubricate the skin with baby cream. When bathing, you can add an infusion of celandine, irritation will pass faster. Redness of the cheek can also be a sign that the baby will soon have a new tooth. There is still a certain pattern: if the upper incisors or canines, or molars are approaching, then the temperature rises in children, and the lower ones manifest themselves as an upset of the tummy. The baby may have diathesis as a sign of teething, or an allergy. But you need to be sure that this is not from food. Therefore, remember everything that the child has eaten lately.

Disease or teeth?

Parents often ask themselves this question if the baby has any of the listed symptoms. When teeth begin to appear in children, the order of their eruption needs to be known. Looking into the baby's mouth and seeing swollen, reddened gums from below, you can understand that the baby's teeth began to climb. But since immunity decreases during the eruption period, the baby's body is weakened. The symptoms described above can manifest the disease. Be vigilant, do not delay calling a doctor at home. Only he can say for sure why the baby has a fever or diarrhea. Runny nose - runny clear slime- a common symptom of the appearance of teeth in children. This is due to irritation of the mucous membranes not only of the mouth, but also of the nose. Such symptoms usually stand out for three days and go away on their own. They won't cause much concern.

When is medical help needed?

As mentioned above, signs of teething in infants can often be mistaken for an illness. The baby can rub the ear with a pen from the side of the erupting tooth. Possible redness of the cheeks. The sight of the baby becomes painful. After all, he is naughty and worried, as with any infection, a virus. Therefore, it is better for parents, especially young and inexperienced ones, to consult a pediatrician than to try to determine on their own whether the child is sick or just teething. Moreover, the weakened organism of the crumbs may not overcome any virus that has joined the symptoms of teething. And the onset of diarrhea, the more frequent, lasting 3 days or more, will be the result of an infection. Here it is already impossible to hesitate, because dehydration in infants occurs faster than in older children. A temperature above 38 also often indicates the presence of an infection in the baby's body. When teething, there may be an increase in body temperature to these limits and even higher. But this only lasts for a couple of days. And to independently determine what is happening with the child is not at all easy.

Help to relieve teething symptoms

You need to know how to help the child if he is having trouble teething. How many days he will have a temperature or refuse food depends, among other things, on the actions of his parents. Although the teeth usually come in one by one in babies, it is therefore difficult to determine the specific period of eruption.

A high temperature can be brought down if antipyretics are given during teething (in the form of a suppository with ibuprofen or paracetamol in a dosage according to age). There are the same medications in the form of syrup. Highly high temperature(more than 39), which lasts 2 days or more, must be considered as an indication for immediate call ambulance teams. Diarrhea due to increased salivation when teeth appear is not dangerous for a child, as it happens 2-3 times a day and disappears in a couple of days. A slight runny nose can go away on its own, but caution does not hurt - bury the baby in the nose saline solution, mineral water without gas several times a day. The appearance of a rare wet cough due to the large amount of saliva that occurs when the child lies down, should not cause panic in parents. There is no need for treatment. Everything will pass and so.

Helping a child with discomfort

Teething gel can help relieve pain and itching in your baby's mouth. Various options such a gel can be purchased at a pharmacy. The content of the antiseptic in it allows you to anesthetize, at least for a while, the baby's gums. The kid will calm down a little, eat better, play, sleep longer. But rubbing the teething gel into the baby's gums is necessary after, and not before feeding, so that its action is more effective.

Adding chamomile infusion to your baby's tea or juice will help reduce inflammation faster and relieve discomfort in the mouth. The desire of the baby to gnaw and scratch the gums can be satisfied by offering him several teethers. They are sold in pharmacies in great variety shapes and colors. Of course, it is better to take teethers without water, because they can burst at the moment when the baby gnaws at the toy. If you really want something cold to ease the condition of the baby's gums, run it over them with either a cold finger or another cold object, you can put a rubber toy in the refrigerator for a short time and then give it to the child. The pain is also reduced by the use of an elementary dummy. But some babies refuse to suck at all. Sometimes you can give your baby a pain reliever for teething. To distract the baby from discomfort will help joint games and classes, frequent breastfeeding (if the baby is not bottle-fed). Take the baby more often in your arms, pay more attention, because it is so difficult for him during this period. The old custom of giving a silver spoon as a gift is not without meaning. The baby will keep it in his mouth, thereby reducing discomfort with a cool surface. In addition, silver has a disinfecting effect, which is also important during teething.

Regime moments when teeth appear in the baby

How to facilitate teething is an important and necessary question, but it is also necessary to remember about nutrition, walks and other moments of a baby's life. During this period, the baby needs more fluid, it is better if he drinks water more often. Increased salivation leads to more moisture loss than usual. It is better to postpone the next vaccination for a baby if his teeth erupt. This is due to a decrease in immunity. If the child is vaccinated during this period, the likelihood of complications will increase. The nutrition of the crumbs must be organized in such a way that the main part of the menu consists of pureed products, a variety of vegetable, fruit, meat purees(depending on the age of the baby), porridge. A piece of carrot, apple, cucumber should be offered in order for the baby to scratch his gums. And if the child is about a year old, chewing the proposed fruits or vegetables will serve as a kind of massage for the gums during teething, which will improve blood circulation and make the baby feel better. And chewing promotes the development speech apparatus and nervous system of children.

Walking in the sun, taking vitamin D during this period is more important than ever for the baby. Everyone knows that for the absorption of calcium, the need for which increases with the appearance of teeth, this vitamin is simply necessary. Do not forget to brush your baby's teeth, they are very vulnerable. For the first milk pearls, there are special brushes that clean them gently and gently.

An exciting moment for parents when children's teeth appear. The order of eruption and the timing may differ significantly from those required. The behavior of the baby can also be different. It is not surprising that mothers and fathers begin to worry about their baby. To be as nervous as possible, you need to know how teeth appear, when, how to help the child. But do not neglect the advice of doctors. After all, such an important first year of a baby's life is at the same time the most responsible. Building future health little man including teeth. I would very much like the appearance of incisors, fangs, molars to take place in babies as easily as possible, because they are so tiny, defenseless and tender. Healthy teeth for your children and calm teething!

The human body is a well-coordinated mechanism, and any process that takes place in it has its own laws. Adults are not accustomed to follow these processes in their own body. But caring parents always worried about the development of their children. One of milestones development of the baby - the stage of eruption of milk, and then molars.

The onset of teething according to statistics in an infant falls on the 6-7th month of life. The order of appearance of milk teeth should follow the following scheme:

  • 6 months - central incisors appear on the lower jaw;
  • 8 months - the central incisors of the upper jaw erupt;
  • 10 months - lateral incisors appear in the same place;
  • 12 months - lower lateral incisors erupt;
  • 12-15 months - the first milk molars are cut;
  • 17-20 months - fangs erupt;
  • 21-24 months - eruption of the second milk molars.

That is, by the end of the second year of life, the child has exactly twenty milk teeth. The photo shows how the child's mouth should look on different months life:

The replacement of molars has a similar sequence, the change begins at the age of six and ends at the age of 20-25, when wisdom teeth appear. The photo shows a complete "combat set" of adult teeth:

dental formula

There is an empirical formula built on the basis of many years of experience. Thanks to it, it is easy to determine the number of teeth on this stage development. The formula is as follows: the number of full months of the child is minus 4. Thus, at 6 months there should be 2 teeth, at 8 months - 4, etc. Most often, the formula justifies itself and corresponds to reality.

Delay and violation

The appearance of teeth in children later than indicated in medical reference books, is not a cause for concern and not a catastrophic breach. The reason for this is most often genetic predisposition inherited from mom or dad. The main thing is that the first teeth appear before the year.

But the violation of the sequence is worse, as it can be evidence of hypovitaminosis D and rickets. Then you should definitely contact a qualified doctor - a dentist for advice on this issue. The order of appearance is normal when the illustration matches:


The process of teething is a very difficult test for babies and a difficult stage for parents, and it must be experienced. Sometimes teething is completely asymptomatic, but there are also opposite cases.

  • The very first symptom that indicates teething is a restless child pulling all the toys into his mouth and trying to gnaw them. Teething often causes itching, pain, discomfort in children, and babies cope with unpleasant state to the best of your ability.
  • The second symptom of teething is the refusal of food. Loss of appetite is caused by the same discomfort, pain in the gums. It is now possible and necessary to feed the child, because he needs energy to help him go through the teething stage.

Sometimes, against the background of teething in infants, dyspeptic symptoms occur - diarrhea, vomiting. A slight loosening of the stool is a normal and physiological process in such a case. But in case frequent diarrhea in a child, we can talk about an intestinal infection, then you need to see a doctor.

Sometimes, in parallel with teething, babies develop a runny nose. A similar development of events is also acceptable, with the exception of those cases when the discharge with impurities of pus is yellow or green. These symptoms often indicate an infection of the upper respiratory tract and requires immediate medical attention.

Well, the final unpleasant symptom- an increase in the child's temperature. Therefore, it is important to constantly monitor body temperature and reduce it. It is allowed to lower the temperature only after exceeding the mark of 38.5 degrees. Drugs that reduce fever are used exclusively under the supervision of a physician.


If teething occurs with complications in children, he should definitely be helped. They are unable to solve this problem on their own.

Massage, special teethers with a cooling effect (their range is very large) contribute to the reduction of pain in the gums in children. In addition, special ointments with analgesic and antiseptic effects are used. For example, kamistat, kolgel, baby-dent and others. Helps to give the child a clean terry cloth dipped in chamomile decoction.

It is permissible to bring down the temperature in a child with suppositories with paracetamol (panadol), ibuprofen (ibufen, nurofen). These drugs should not be used for more than three days in a row.

Well, the main parental help to the child is care, attention and affection. Such manifestations during this period of life your children need in abundance, so do not be afraid to pamper your baby and be healthy. May your baby's smile always make you happy.

Even from the maternity hospital, mothers are given recommendations on how to care for a newborn, the rules for feeding, bathing, etc. at this time, it seems too early for parents to think about the baby's future teeth. But, time flies by unnoticed, and now milk teeth begin to erupt, and with them many questions arise from parents. In this article, we will consider in detail the teeth in children, the order of their eruption.

Rules for the growth of teeth

Babies teeth come in pairs.
  • If the first one appears, the second one will appear after a short period, there are cases when two teeth erupt at the same time;
  • Normally, the lower teeth erupt first. After the appearance of the lower ones, the same ones are cut through on the upper jaw. Canines and molars are also cut through. But the incisors are first cut from above.
  • There is a formula that helps to figure out how many teeth are needed at a certain age. Formula: "age of babies" - 4. Example: age 6 months, i.e. 6-4=2. This formula will help parents deal with the teeth count.

Symptoms of teething

Increased selection salivaBody temperature rises
Decreased appetite or loss of interest in foodCough and runny nose due to excessive salivation
The desire to gnaw everythingFecal masses are slightly liquefied
Swelling, redness appears at the eruption siteIrritation and redness of the skin on the chin and chest
Sleep disturbance

In what order are milk teeth cut?

The rudiments of teeth are formed in the mother's womb. The baby has 20 follicles, which are located on the lower and upper jaws, from which milk teeth develop.

The incisors appear first, first the central ones (4 pieces), and then the lateral ones in the same amount.

Another name for these milk teeth is molars. They are divided into first and second. The first group of molars is located on both jaws near the canines, and erupt at the age of one year. The second ones appear after 2 years, are located immediately after the first

Visual detailed diagram of the appearance of teeth

Order of appearance of teethEstimated age (in months)
Central incisors (lower jaw)6–10
Central incisors (upper jaw)7–12
Lateral incisors (upper)9–12
Lateral incisors (lower)7–16
First molars from above13–19
First molars in the lower jaw12–18
Second molars from below20–31
Second molars from above25–33

Permanent teeth eruption calendar

  1. Sixes appear first. They are cut immediately by permanent ones, located next to the second molars, children who have reached 6 years of age acquire them.
  2. The central incisors climb in place of the fallen milk teeth. They replace the lower ones at the age of seven years, and are formed in place of the upper ones at the age of eight years.
  3. Lateral incisors erupt up to 9 years.
  4. The first and second premolars replace milk ones not earlier than 10 years from above, and from below - at 11-12 years.
  5. Milk fangs are replaced by permanent ones up to 12 years.
  6. Wisdom teeth appear between the ages of 16 and 25 and may also be absent altogether.
When erupting the lower molars, it is important not to infect.

Why is the growth of teeth delayed in a child?

If up to a year the babies do not have a single milk tooth, it is necessary to consult a doctor and conduct examinations to identify the cause. The most common reasons:

  • hereditary factor. If in the family of parents there have already been cases of late eruption, that is huge probability repetition of such a situation in a child;
  • Lack of calcium in the body, which leads to the development of rickets;
  • Lack of hormones produced by the thyroid gland;
  • Problems with absorption and digestion of essential nutrients;
  • There are no rudiments of teeth;
  • Severe degree of prematurity (all terms of the appearance of teeth are shifted);
  • development of infectious diseases.

There may also be certain problems with teething, such as:

  1. Adentia. Missing one or more teeth. It is characterized by malocclusion, poor diction, large gaps between the teeth, retraction of the cheeks.
  2. retention. The rudiments of the teeth cannot cut through the gum. Reasons: the gum is too dense; when leaving the tooth stuck in not yet fallen out. It is manifested by pain, swelling, fever. It is corrected by removing the interfering tooth, or by dissecting a dense area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe gum.
  3. Early cutting.
  4. Late cutting.
  5. Order violation.
  6. Enamel hypoplasia. There are roughness, grooves or pits on the surface of the teeth. When taken hot or cold food appear pain.

Needed help for a child when teething

Modern teethers are filled with gel, which allows babies to help themselves.

Teething gives babies tremendous discomfort. To facilitate this process, the use of special teethers that are filled with gel will help. Gels in a chilled state perfectly eliminate itching and burning. Instead, it is possible to use silicone or latex nipples, which also relieve itching when chewed.

It is also necessary to massage the gums of babies soaked in cool water or chamomile solution, gauze swabs. Thanks to such manipulations, discomfort is removed, and hygiene procedures are carried out at the same time. oral cavity. To avoid irritation around the baby's mouth, wipe saliva regularly.

Medicines to ease teething

If the process of the appearance of teeth in babies is quite difficult, and traditional ways do not alleviate the condition of the child, you can resort to pharmaceuticals (only after consulting a pediatrician).

Examples of commonly used tools:

  • Solcoseryl. Gel used for open sores on the gums.
  • Kalgel. Main active substance- lidocaine. Promotes pain relief. May cause allergic reactions.
  • Dentinox. Contains chamomile-lidocaine complex. This effectively relieves pain and inflammation. Release form - gel. Apply no more than three times a day.
  • Baby doctor first teeth. It has anti-inflammatory and analgesic effect. Hypoallergenic. Contains only herbal ingredients.
  • Holisal. Contains choline salicylate, which has anti-inflammatory properties.
  • Homeopathy. Dantinorm baby: eliminates inflammation, pain, normalizes digestion.

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Baby teeth care

After the introduction of the first complementary foods and after the appearance of the first tooth, it is necessary to begin regular oral hygiene procedures. At the age of one year, care is carried out with a soft toothbrush (children's) or a napkin, which is pre-moistened in boiled water.

When the baby reaches the age of two, you can use special toothpastes for children that do not contain fluoride. Toothbrushes should be changed every three months.

After the eruption of the first tooth, it is necessary to visit the dentist, after which preventive examinations should be carried out every six months.

It is necessary to teach your child to brush their teeth several times a day, especially before going to bed, this is easy to do by buying special toothbrushes that the baby will be happy to use. To prevent cavities, limit foods in your child's diet that contain a large number of sugars.

The period when teeth are cut is difficult for the baby, he needs increased attention and maternal care. It is necessary to pick up and put the child to the chest more often, play with him. Then it will be easier for the baby to survive this period.
