Old sinusitis. Medical treatment of the disease


Sinusitis is called suppuration of the mucous membrane of the maxillary sinuses, localized in the region of the upper jaw. In some cases, the process is so severe that the inflammation affects not only the mucous membrane, but also the bones.

Acute sinusitis is a disease with rather indicative symptoms, so patients almost immediately go to the doctor and receive treatment. The situation is much more difficult with the chronic form of the disease, the signs of which can be confused with a runny nose, and it is not always possible to cure the pathology. That is why, with a disease such as chronic sinusitis, symptoms and treatment in adults and children should be diagnosed and prescribed by a specialist.


Protracted sinusitis appears due to untreated acute form. But there are other factors that cause this disease:

  • the impossibility of a free outflow of purulent secretion from the sinuses;
  • head bruises;
  • presence in the maxillary sinus of foreign substances;
  • curvature of the nasal septum;
  • anatomical narrow course;
  • proximity of anatomical cavities;
  • growth of the adenoids.

Types of disease

Chronic sinusitis may be of several types. These include:

  1. Necrotizing sinusitis - this type of disease is rare, but it is the most severe type of disease, as it is accompanied by the death of the mucous membrane.
  2. - the patient has a discharge of thick purulent contents from the nose, accompanied by a putrid odor.
  3. Catarrhal sinusitis is a pathology in which secreted mucus from the nasal passages has light color, it is quite abundant, however, in the area of ​​​​the maxillary sinuses, the patient retains significant swelling.
  4. Polypous sinusitis is a form of the disease, in which the growth of polyps in the maxillary sinus is activated.
  5. Allergic sinusitis - the release of mucous non-purulent contents is provoked by exposure to the body of an allergen.
  6. Caseous sinusitis is a form of the disease in which cheesy abundant discharge appears from the nose.
  7. Odontogenic sinusitis is a disease provoked by suppuration in the region of the jaw, the root of the tooth.
  8. Rhinogenic sinusitis - this form of the disease begins in the nasal passages, but it reaches its greatest development in the maxillary sinuses.

Features of diagnostics

The patient himself is also capable of suspecting an ailment at home due to a constant, non-stop runny nose and periodically appearing pain in the nose. With inflammation of one side, the pain will be localized in one place, and bilateral sinusitis causes pain on both sides of the nose. After the doctor collects an anamnesis, it is necessary to confirm the suspicions with the help of tests. So, a patient with suspected chronic sinusitis is x-rayed, sometimes there is a need to resort to computed tomography.

Also traditional research is a puncture of the maxillary sinuses to determine the qualitative composition of the pathological discharge. This allows you to determine the cause of sinusitis by finding viruses or bacteria there. Through the puncture of the cavity, preparations for washing the sinus, anti-inflammatory and antimicrobials. Sinus discharge is tested for sensitivity to antibiotics in order to choose the right drug for treatment. Antibiotic agents can be used both topically and orally.

Characteristic features

Signs of pathology in a protracted form are less pronounced, so people do not always adequately assess the severity of their condition, and permanent congestion noses are attributed to a cold, allergic rhinitis etc. Usually, in addition to nasal congestion, patients have a disturbed sense of smell, a nasal voice is acquired, and soreness persists in the forehead. Suffering and general state health - reduced performance, felt constant fatigue, headache.

When the condition worsens with chronic sinusitis, the temperature may rise, the head hurts even more, the eyelids and cheeks swell. When turning the head slightly forward and to the side, purulent contents are felt from the nose. Active separation of purulent contents and constant irritation of the mucous membrane provokes its swelling, hyperemia. Patients complain of constant discomfort in the nose.

Treatment of the disease

Sinusitis on initial stage can be treated at home with folk remedies. In more complex cases, the doctor prescribes antibiotics to the patient, to which the causative agent of the pathology is sensitive.

  • Among the drugs prescribed for chronic sinusitis, Isofra, Bioparox, Polydex are effective.
  • For increase defensive forces the body is recommended immunomodulators, vitamin complexes(Pinosol, Sinuforte).
  • If sinusitis is caused by an allergic factor, it is necessary to rid the body of the action of the allergen. Antiallergic drops for sinusitis are Vibrocil, Allergodil, Cetirizine.
  • The disease can also be treated with Loratadine. The drugs Rinopront, Naphthyzin, Nazik have a vasoconstrictive effect.

To surgical intervention resorted to in exceptional cases, when there is a threat of purulent fusion of bone tissue.

Treatment of chronic sinusitis folk methods

Chronic sinusitis can also be successfully treated with folk remedies. It is thanks to folk remedies that patients manage to quickly get rid of the disease at home, and also not harm the mucous membrane of the nasal passages. Below are the most effective recipes from chronic sinusitis.

sea ​​salt therapy

Washing maxillary sinus- an integral stage of the treatment of the disease at home. Sea salt is best for rinsing, which makes the water softer. Sea salt also provides an antiseptic effect, which is especially valuable for early stage development of the disease.

In order to properly carry out the washing procedure, it is necessary to prepare a solution sea ​​salt. For two glasses of warm water (approximately 40-42 degrees), it is recommended to put one teaspoon of sea salt.

In this matter, it is important not to overdo it - more saline solution will not bring best result, but only cause a burn of the mucous membrane.

Mix the water with salt well so that the salt particles dissolve. Next, the solution with salt is settled so that the undissolved components settle down, and the upper liquid is drained. It is she who is used to wash the maxillary sinuses.

This is done as follows - the patient leans over the basin, a tube is inserted into one nostril, through which warm water from the container, while the water should independently, without any pressure, enter the maxillary sinuses and exit from the opposite nostril. If after the first washing there is no backlash organism on this method, it is possible to treat sinusitis with this folk remedy daily until the symptoms of the disease disappear completely.

Celandine in the fight against disease

good effect gives . For application, it is necessary to squeeze the juice from the celandine itself and add honey with aloe juice there. All ingredients are taken in equal proportions. injected into each nostril gauze swab wetted with the mixture. The course of treatment is ten days.

They also use celandine for washing the nose. To prepare the product, a little more than a quarter liter of water is taken, where 3 drops of celandine juice are added. The resulting mixture is drawn in with one nostril as deeply as possible so that all the maxillary sinuses are treated with celandine. After that, the liquid with celandine can be blown out. The course of treatment with celandine is two weeks, three washings a day.

Thuja oil for the treatment of sinusitis

Tui oil perfectly copes with many ailments, including sinusitis. It is made from the cones and needles themselves. This remedy has an excellent antibacterial effect, is a good prevention against infectious diseases, strengthens the immune system.

At home, it is best to use thuja oil in the form of inhalation. To do this, ten drops of the product are added to the pan with hot water. Boiling water should be steep, but in order to prevent burns to the face, it is necessary to wait until the water cools down a bit. After that, the patient should bend over the pan and inhale the vapors with thuja oil through the nose. With such means, you can remove the swelling and get rid of the pathological contents of the maxillary sinuses.

If the disease progresses rapidly, then thuja oil can be instilled directly into the nasal passages. It is necessary to treat sinusitis with this remedy every four hours for two weeks.

Treatment with honey and soda

Do not despair if doctors prescribe a puncture - you can try to protect yourself from this with folk remedies if treated with soda and honey. To prepare healing agent at home, you need to mix 1 teaspoon of the following components:

  • soda;
  • sunflower oil;

All three components are mixed well, then dipped in it. cotton swab and injected into the nostril. The medicine should be fixed in each sinus for about 10-20 minutes. When performing this procedure, a burning sensation in the nostrils is possible, however, after a few procedures, the patient's condition should improve significantly.

Therapy with cyclamen juice

Cyclamen is not only a beautiful flower that adorns the windowsill in winter. It also helps at home to get rid of the manifestations of sinusitis, namely - purulent discharge from the nose. To cure chronic sinusitis, you need to squeeze the juice from the cyclamen root, dilute it with water in a ratio of 1: 4 and bury the nasal passages at night. Cyclamen juice is very specific, but all the discomfort can be endured in order to get rid of the disease.

When using cyclamen juice, you must be careful - it can cause an allergic reaction.

Propolis treatment

To cure suppuration with folk remedies, you can use 20% alcohol tincture propolis. However, it is not used in its pure form, but only in diluted:

  • The ratio of propolis with vegetable oil- one to one.
  • Propolis tincture should be mixed with water in a ratio of 1:5.

The diluted solution is instilled into the nose three times a day.

Kalanchoe therapy

Another assistant in the treatment of people with sinusitis at home is. This plant has hard fleshy leaves, from which the juice must be squeezed. It is this juice that helps to cure many different ailments.

With sinusitis, Kalanchoe provokes a kind of irritation, in which the patient is forced to constantly sneeze. It is sneezing in this way that allows you to get rid of the contents of the maxillary sinuses. Kalanchoe juice at home is used three times a day, a few drops.

Treatment with horseradish and lemon juice

An excellent remedy for the disease - horseradish. The root of this plant must be freed from the ground, washed clean water and grind. Next, the resulting raw material is mixed with lemon juice to get a thick mass.

It is necessary to take the remedy inside half a teaspoon, preferably before meals. It takes four months to treat the disease, after which the patient can take a break. Typically, the peak incidence occurs in spring and autumn, so during these periods, special attention should be paid to the use of drugs such as horseradish with lemon.

Treatment with folk remedies at home has allowed many patients to avoid the puncture of the maxillary sinus. It means that folk methods along with drugs traditional medicine are effective ways treatment of chronic sinusitis.

Represents inflammation in the paranasal sinuses located in the upper jaw (on both sides of the nose). Since the organ is paired, both one- and two-sided inflammation can be diagnosed. The mucous membrane is damaged, which swells and thus prevents the outflow of secretions. In this environment, pathogens develop and multiply very quickly, and pus accumulates in the sinuses.

Main cause– infection pathogens. Most often, bacteria, although viral and fungal forms infections, as well as a combination of several pathogens.

Another common cause of inflammation is violation of the outflow of the secretion of the sinus mucosa due to anatomical features. It can be both curvature of the nasal passages (congenital and acquired due to injuries), and polyps. Oral health is also important for the health of the paranasal sinuses. So, caries or granuloma on the root of the tooth can start the inflammatory process in adjacent tissues and cavities. In this case, odontogenic sinusitis is diagnosed.

The following factors contribute to the development of pathology:

  • decline against the background of other diseases;
  • tendency to frequent colds and allergic reactions;
  • hypothermia winter and autumn;
  • vitamin deficiency, especially significant for the immune system;
  • such a bad habit smoking.

Like all other diseases, inflammation of the maxillary sinuses turns into chronic form from untreated acute. Characterized the onset of the disease fever (usually not higher than 38⁰С), weakness and fatigue, painful sensations. Pain in the upper jaw is bursting in nature due to the accumulation a large number mucus and pus in the sinus. Also, my head hurts a lot, especially when bending down. There is discharge from the nose, often with an admixture of pus. If the infection has spread on the eyes, pain appears and may start conjunctivitis.

Chronic sinusitis involves less severe symptoms:

  • general deterioration in well-being not too much (some decrease in performance, fatigue);
  • does not have a clear localization and does not differ in intensity;
  • little puffiness under the eyes;
  • constant nasal congestion and, accordingly, the deterioration of the sense of smell;
  • periodic caused by drainage of secretions from the sinus along back wall nasopharynx (as a result, the mucous membrane is irritated, it tickles in the throat).

Since all of the listed symptoms of chronic sinusitis do not cause any particular inconvenience, the disease is often ignored by the patient and not treated. However, under the influence of certain factors, an exacerbation may occur, fraught with serious complications.

The danger of chronic sinusitis

Infectious diseases, especially in the absence of timely and adequate treatment often cause complications of varying severity. The location of the inflamed maxillary sinuses near important organs represents serious threat not only for health, but also for life:

  • If the infection gets into the middle ear, may develop severe otitis media. This is fraught with both impairments and complete hearing loss.
  • Eye damage usually begins with conjunctivitis. It is unacceptable to ignore the appearance of purulent secretions, since retinal phlegmon and an abscess of the lower eyelid often lead to deterioration and even loss of vision.
  • Proximity of the brain causes complications such as meningitis and abscesses. These pathologies threaten not only organic CNS damage, but also death.

In addition, spreading through the bloodstream throughout the body, the infection can affect the heart muscle (myocarditis develops), the kidneys (as a result, pyelonephritis is diagnosed), as well as the bronchi and lungs. AT last case against the background of chronic sinusitis, bronchitis and pneumonia occur.

How to cure sinusitis without surgery completely

The chronic stage of the disease is difficult to treat complete cure. However, subject to all the doctor's prescriptions, it is possible, if not to forget forever about the inflammation of the paranasal sinuses, then at least achieve long-term remission. The treatment regimen for sinusitis without surgery is combination of several conservative techniques.

Medical therapy

Treatment of inflammation of the maxillary sinuses is aimed at restoring the normal outflow of their contents, removing edema and destroying the pathogen. For this purpose, usually assigned:

  • Antibiotics of the fluoroquinolone or cephalosporin group(Ciprofloxacin or Ceftriaxone, for example). Reception antimicrobials by mouth is often supplemented with the use of Bioparox, a topical spray.
  • Vasoconstrictors type Xylometazoline, Naphthyzine and Otrivin in the form of drops for the nose, they perfectly remove the swelling of the mucous membrane and restore the patency of the channels. However, one should not get carried away with them, as addiction develops. Rinofluimucil- another drug to relieve edema, which also has a mucolytic effect (thinns mucus).
  • Antihistamines are prescribed if sinusitis was caused. It is also advisable to use hormonal drugs (such as Nasonex).
  • To strengthen the body's defenses, various immunostimulants.

Also useful flushing paranasal sinuses solutions of salt and furacilin. This contributes to the removal of mucus and pus, significantly increasing the effectiveness of medicines.


For the treatment of chronic sinusitis, various physiotherapy procedures are used, aimed at the formation stable remission and full recovery. Good effect give impact ultrasound, magnetic field and laser light. Also used electrophoresis and ultraphonophoresis, and from non-hardware methods - speleotherapy(visiting salt caves).

Concerning surgical treatment, then in the presence of cysts and polyps in the nasal passages, they are required surgical removal. Also, if it is not possible to restore the patency and outflow of the contents of the sinuses conservative methods, assigned drain hole. The procedure is unpleasant, but effective, and the widespread opinion about the puncture, as about the cause of relapses is nothing more than a myth. As a result of this manipulation, the purulent contents of the maxillary sinuses are removed, they are washed and irrigated with antibacterial drugs.

Treatment of sinusitis at home (video)


You can avoid the development of chronic sinusitis if treat in a timely manner its sharp shape. It is also necessary restore patency nasal passages, if any anatomical features or polyps (to do surgery). If possible prevent the development of infections respiratory tract (seasonal flu vaccination) and regularly visit the dentist for the rehabilitation of the oral cavity.

In addition, a number of such activities contribute to the prevention of sinusitis. general like hardening, good nutrition and refusal bad habits. Be sure to timely visit a doctor at the first symptoms of chronic sinusitis, since it can be completely cured without surgery only in the early stages.

Sinusitis is one of the varieties of sinusitis, in which the mucous membrane of the maxillary sinuses becomes inflamed. This disease is characterized by a wide symptomatology, which covers not only the affected paranasal cavities, but also neighboring organs (eyes, ears, teeth), and also leads to intoxication of the whole organism. Maxillary sinusitis can manifest itself both in an acute form and in a sluggish one, which leads to regular exacerbations and significantly impairs a person's quality of life. Next, consider how to cure chronic sinusitis forever at home.

Sluggish sinusitis is most often the result of an acute form of the disease, which was transferred without treatment, or therapy was inadequate.

Frequently, patients stop taking medicines early at the first signs of improvement, which leads to chronicity of the disease and the development of resistance pathogenic bacteria to certain types of antibiotics.

Among the other most common reasons for switching acute stage sinusitis to chronic

  • The presence of persistent infections in the nasopharynx (prolonged tonsillitis and rhinitis).
  • Curvature of the nasal septum, the presence of spikes on it, atrophy and growth of tissues in the nasal cavity.
  • Violation of the outflow of secretion and the natural passage of the air flow caused by the growth of polyps, cystic and pseudocystic formations.
  • Infectious diseases of the teeth and unsuccessful dental operations.
  • Allergen exposure.
  • Weakened local or general immunity.
  • Bad habits (smoking, drinking alcohol).
  • Unfavorable living and working conditions (polluted air, work with toxic substances, hypothermia).

Sluggish sinusitis develops slowly and latently. This makes it difficult to set accurate diagnosis without special survey. The most unpleasant feature of this form of the disease is that after a period of remission, sometimes quite long, an exacerbation necessarily occurs, which brings the patient a lot of discomfort.

Among the symptoms of sluggish sinusitis, the following are most characteristic:

  • Dress according to the season, avoid hypothermia, avoid drafts.
  • Active lifestyle (walking fresh air, sports and physical education).
  • Timely treatment of respiratory and dental diseases, in the body there should not be sources of infection that can provoke an exacerbation of chronic sinusitis.
  • Promote normal functioning epithelial layer of the mucosa, do not allow it to dry out. To do this, you can buy a household humidifier, as well as regularly irrigate the nasal cavity with salted water and take a shower more often in the summer.
  • Avoid allergens, especially during seasonal flowering plants.
  • Do not swim in pools with chlorinated water and polluted waters.
  • Take vitamin and mineral complexes to strengthen overall immunity.
  • Quit smoking and try to avoid places where tobacco smoke and others active substances in the air.

Sources: medscape.com,

Sinusitis is a disease in which the inflammatory process affects the paranasal sinuses. Often the cause of the manifestation of pathology is a repeated deep runny nose or wrong treatment a recent cold. Sinusitis can also occur when the patient starts the condition upper teeth and rarely visits the dentist. If the disease is not treated in time, a large amount of mucus accumulates, which subsequently causes pus.

It is important to exercise timely treatment sinusitis until pus appears. The purulent stage can cause complications and manifestations of serious diseases.

The protective properties in the body with the development of sinusitis suffer dysfunction. The infection affects not only the nasal cavity, but also the pharynx. Pathological processes serve to damage the respiratory tract due to the penetration of infectious bacteria.

Chronic sinusitis is provoked by the listed pathologies:

  • Narrowness of the nasal passages.
  • Acute inflammation. In a special way, this applies to cases where the outflow of pathological secrets is carried out under adverse conditions.
  • Neoplasms in the nasal cavity, polyps.
  • Curved nasal septum.
  • granuloma formation.
  • Lateral wall and middle turbinate touch.

Often, inflammation from one sinus is transferred to another, becoming bilateral. This is how chronic development occurs.

  • The appearance of sneezing.
  • Decreases general well-being The patient is suffering from fever.
  • There is an increase in temperature.
  • When the head is tilted, the patient feels pain radiating to the jaw and nose.

Sinusitis can worsen with hypothermia, colds, allergies or high humidity.

Chronic sinusitis manifests itself when it lasts more than six months.

Remission may similarly be accompanied by symptoms that are less pronounced and intermittent:

  1. Frequent discharge from the nose. The occurrence of periodically pus.
  2. Eyelids swell in the morning.
  3. Frequent tearing.
  4. Difficulty breathing due to congestion.
  5. Acute headache, especially affecting the eye sockets. Blink provokes pain, it depends lying position contributes to elimination.
  6. Lowering the voice.
  7. Frequent attempts to swallow mucus that runs down the back wall. Frequent feeling of a lump in the throat.
  8. Deterioration of smell.
  9. Manifestation of conjunctivitis. The mucous membrane of the eye becomes inflamed, the process is accompanied frequent discharge tears. There is a sensation of foreign objects in the eye.

Discharges with pus in this case are of a chronic nature, accompanied by a process bad smell. Catarrhal viscous mucus.

Patients often complain of lethargy, unprovoked fatigue, sleep disturbances. Efficiency decreases, often an irritated state becomes the norm.

Timely treatment is extremely important not only to eliminate the symptoms, but to prevent pathological complications. Penetration of pus to nearby tissues and organs may have Negative consequences. The process is accompanied by damage to the teeth, nerve endings may damage the brain.

Complications that can lead to improper therapy or if the disease is not treated at all:

  • Swelling of the brain.
  • Focal accumulation of pus in the brain.
  • Meningitis.
  • Sepsis.

The affected brain is not the only consequence of exposure pathogenic microflora. The disease can also affect the eye socket, eyelids, upper jaw, serve as the occurrence of inflammatory processes in the middle ear.

Frequent sore throats and pharyngitis can similarly be causes of the chronic form.


The specialist first examines the patient, identifying symptoms and collecting the necessary data. The previous therapy used in the treatment of the disease, and the duration of the pathology, likewise play a large role in the diagnosis. The doctor may need to palpate the sinuses and rhinoscopy.

Diagnosis of pathology can be carried out through fluoroscopic examination. X-rays can detect or confirm manifestations inflammatory process in the sinuses, to identify neoplasms in the nasal cavity. CT scan will give the necessary information about the stage of the disease and its course.

A visit to the doctor should be resorted to in the following cases:

  1. Proper therapy does not give results: the symptoms cannot be eliminated.
  2. The patient had previously been exposed to sinusitis (perhaps more than once), could not fully recover.
  3. Manifestation of symptoms for one or more weeks.

Timely diagnosis will help minimize risks and avoid complications. ENT diseases often begin to wear chronic because of their launch by the patient.

Chronic sinusitis cannot be left untreated even when the symptoms cease to annoy, and overall well-being improves. An exacerbation of the pathology can occur at any time if you do not turn to preventive measures and do everything to prevent it. Acute phase and the regularity of the occurrence of symptoms, as well as the severe course of the disease, depend directly on the actions of the patient.

To get rid of chronic sinusitis without resorting to operations, it is possible with the help of several schematic actions:

  1. It is necessary to reduce the inflammatory process affecting the sinuses.
  2. The main root causes of the pathology should be eliminated.
  3. The patency of the nasal passages must be restored.
  4. The resulting sinusitis should be reduced in number.

Physiotherapy treatment is resorted to when remission occurs:

  1. The use of ultrasound on the maxillary sinuses.
  2. Application of ultrahigh-frequency and laser therapy.
  3. Using the microclimate salt cave(speleotherapy).
  4. Magnet therapy applied to the throat.
  5. Ultraphoresis.

A severe course of the disease can cause the appointment of a puncture of the maxillary sinuses. With this procedure, you can completely get rid of pus in a short time. replace antibiotics and other medical preparations impossible, but puncture can be a good aid to these remedies.

How to treat chronic sinusitis folk remedies?

Traditional medicine is famous for its many ways to help in the fight against sinusitis. It is necessary to resort to them after receiving a doctor and under his control, so as not to bring complications to your body.

How to cure chronic sinusitis using folk remedies:

  • Use of iodine solution for washing.
  • The use of inhalations. Using boiled potatoes, water with honey.
  • Warming up the nasal cavity with the right egg.
  • The use of aloe juice for instillation into the nose.

Self-treatment in any case is not a way out of the situation. Folk remedies are not equivalent to medicines prescribed by a doctor.

Chronic sinusitis is a long-term inflammation that affects maxillary sinus. Clinical picture diseases directly depends on certain stages and forms. Sinusitis is serious and dangerous disease, which, in the absence of therapy and minor symptoms, causes lethargy and unmotivated fatigue in the body. Because of this, intoxication occurs.

Treatment of an adult patient with conservative methods is different a wide range various procedures. They can be carried out both in the acute form and in the course of remission.

There are several key principles, which are guided to cure the chronic form of the disease:

  1. Antibiotics for chronic sinusitis.

The course of antibiotics is prescribed only by a specialist. Often doctors prescribe Amoxicillin and Clavulanic acid, which are used in a combined way. If the patient suffers from a reaction to individual drugs, their substitutes are used.

Antibiotics prove their effectiveness in a matter of days: usually five to six days are enough for the first analysis. Strong antibiotics are resorted to if no results have been achieved, but the specified period has come to an end. Often, antibiotic therapy lasts a couple of weeks, during which you need to strictly follow the doctor's instructions and do not forget about taking the drugs. The maximum appointment period for individual clinical cases- twenty-one days.

  1. Vasoconstrictor drops.

To vasoconstrictors fit carefully. Such drugs should be used for no more than a week at a time. It is better to give preference to drops that act gently on the mucous membrane to avoid overdrying: Naphazoline or Oxymetazoline.

Physiotherapy helps in case of exacerbation of the disease. Thanks to the procedures, the condition stabilizes, and the patient's well-being returns to normal in a short time. When it comes to remission, physiotherapy is used to curb the pathology. Only a specialist can prescribe physiotherapy.

Procedures used in therapy:

  • ultrahigh frequency therapy;
  • electrotherapy;
  • inhalation.
  1. Sinus lavage.

For washing the sinuses use the "Cuckoo". The procedure is performed if the sinus fistula does not suffer malfunction and dysfunction. With a neglected or complicated course of the disease, they do not resort to the "Cuckoo". Weakened mucosal immunity can also be a reason for refusing to conduct this method treatment.

Often there is a combination with laser therapy. This type of washing makes it possible to get rid of pus in the sinuses, while the laser beam will relieve swelling and relieve the inflammatory process. "Cuckoo" refers to painless, albeit unpleasant methods of getting rid of sinusitis. There is no need to use painkillers.

Five to seven sessions are enough to feel an improvement in the patient's well-being. Each session helps to improve breathing and the disappearance of headaches. Basically, the patient's condition begins to improve after the first procedure. Often this method is effective in combination with antibiotics.

  1. Puncture of the maxillary sinus.

Chronic sinusitis is often treated with a puncture. So, it becomes possible to get rid of pus with a syringe. An antiseptic solution is used for washing, and antibacterial drugs are administered.

Often it may turn out that the puncture will be the most effective methodology in the treatment of a disease, if not the only one. The method is good in that it allows as soon as possible get rid of pus. This may be especially true for pregnant women.

The most effective preventive measure remains adequate and competent therapy. Better get rid of the disease on early stages than to suffer complications later.

It is extremely important for a person facing a problem earlier not to refuse treatment if necessary and to help the body in a timely manner. It is necessary to minimize the possibility of hypothermia, harden the body and balance the diet. So, you can not only get rid of sinusitis forever, but also prevent its very appearance.

Inflammation of the mucous membrane of the maxillary, or maxillary, paranasal sinuses nose, lasting more than 4 weeks, is called chronic sinusitis. According to statistics, this pathology accounts for exactly half of all inflammatory diseases sinuses (sinusitis). Chronic sinusitis proceeds in waves - the stage of remission is replaced by the stage of exacerbation, after which remission occurs again. In the absence of adequate treatment pathological process also covers other organs adjacent to the maxillary sinuses - complications develop.

Causes of chronic sinusitis

main reason this disease is a long-term effect on the sinus mucosa of pathogenic microflora. In the vast majority of cases, it is caused by bacteria, less often viruses and fungi act as the causative agent. There are frequent cases when, when examining the contents of the sinuses, several types of microorganisms are found in it at once.

Contribute to the onset of the pathological process in the sinus nasal breathing due to congenital or acquired anatomical defects (for example,). Since the lower wall of the maxillary sinuses is very thin, the infection can get into them from the oral cavity (for example, from teeth affected by caries, inflamed gums, etc.) - in this case, the disease is called chronic odontogenic sinusitis.

Factors predisposing to the development of the disease are:

  • frequent infectious diseases upper respiratory tract;
  • bad habits, in particular smoking;
  • cold season;
  • barotrauma;
  • hypovitaminosis;
  • heavy accompanying illnesses that have a negative impact on immunity in general;
  • propensity for.

The mechanism of development of sinusitis

Paranasal sinuses in sinusitis. Maxillary sinuses - on the sides of the wings of the nose.

The infection, getting on the mucous membrane of the nasopharynx and maxillary sinus, causes local inflammation, one of the components of which is edema. The mucosa of the fistulas connecting the nasal cavity with the maxillary sinus also swells, which causes a deterioration in air circulation in the latter and an outflow of mucus from it. The accumulated mucus is an excellent breeding ground for microorganisms that further increase inflammation.

In most cases, with this disease, only one sinus is involved in the pathological process, but there are also cases bilateral chronic sinusitis.

Classification of chronic sinusitis

The main forms of chronic sinusitis are:

  • polyposis;
  • mixed (purulent-polypous).

Also, allergic and odontogenic forms of this disease often occur.

Symptoms of chronic sinusitis in adults

Chronic sinusitis in remission occurs with mild symptoms. Patients are usually concerned about:

  • slight weakness, fatigue;
  • non-intense, without a clear localization headache;
  • , due to which ;
  • pain and when swallowing, due to the irritating effect of mucus flowing from the inflamed sinus along the back of the pharynx;
  • some swelling in the projection of the sinus on the face.

When chronic sinusitis enters the stage of exacerbation, the state of health of patients worsens: they note severe weakness, some increase in temperature (usually not more than 37.5–37.7 C); the headache becomes more intense, especially when the head is tilted forward, there is a feeling of heaviness in the head. Since in the stage of inflammation, arching pain may appear in this area. Complaints of tickling and coughing persist. Characterized by reddening of the skin, cracks, swelling under the nose (due to constant irritation of this area with mucus). Complaints about swelling of the lower eyelid or the appearance of discharge from the eyes (conjunctivitis) indicate the spread of the inflammatory process to the orbits.

Complications of chronic sinusitis

If untreated, an infection from the maxillary sinus can spread to the ear area - otitis media will develop.

Untreated chronic sinusitis can provoke the development of the following diseases:

  • phlegmon of the fiber of the orbit;
  • abscess of the lower eyelid;
  • of the formidable complications, meningitis, brain abscess and sepsis should be noted;
  • diseases of the bronchopulmonary system (bronchitis, pneumonia);
  • kidney disease (pyelonephritis);
  • heart disease (myocarditis).


Based on the patient's complaints, the data of the anamnesis of the disease and life, the otorhinolaryngologist will suspect a disease, which rhinoscopy will help him confirm, as well as additional methods examinations.

During a visual examination of the nasal mucosa, its hyperplasia (thickening), hyperemia (redness), swelling, and the presence of secretions in the form of viscous mucus or pus will attract attention.

The leading methods used to confirm the diagnosis are:

  • bacteriological examination of material from a smear taken from the nasal cavity during rhinoscopy;
  • rhinoendoscopy (examination of the nasal mucosa and paranasal sinuses using special device- video endoscope);
  • radiography of the paranasal sinuses.

Less commonly, for diagnostic purposes, puncture of the maxillary sinus is performed, allergy tests to determine the patient's immune status - an immunogram.

How to cure chronic sinusitis

It is almost impossible to completely get rid of chronic sinusitis.

When the process is exacerbated, it should be carried out complex treatment, whose goals are to restore normal nasal breathing and destroy the pathogen.

To achieve the optimal result of treatment, it is important to carry out the rehabilitation of the foci as soon as possible. chronic infection, which could cause an exacerbation of sinusitis. For this purpose, and also to suppress the growth and reproduction of microorganisms in the sinus itself, antibacterial drugs from the group of cephalosporins (Ceftriaxone, Cefodox, Cefix) or fluoroquinolones (Ciprofloxacin, Gatifloxacin, Moxifloxacin) are prescribed.

The best solution is to prescribe in parallel with systemic antibiotics. antibacterial drugs local action, for example, Bioparox (available as a spray).

  • avoid acute infectious diseases;
  • timely sanitize foci of chronic infection, especially those localized in the area of ​​ENT organs and in the oral cavity;
  • monitor the patency of the nasal passages (, align the curved nasal septum etc.);
  • lead healthy lifestyle life ( this concept includes a complete rich in vitamins and micronutrient nutrition, healthy sleep, regular physical exercise, walking in the fresh air, giving up bad habits, in particular smoking).


As mentioned above, getting rid of chronic sinusitis is impossible. Comprehensive treatment started in a timely manner and compliance with all preventive measures will help to introduce the disease into stable remission and prevent potential complications.

About the treatment of sinusitis in the program "Health" by Elena Malysheva: