Cycloferon tablets instructions for use for prevention. the same Katyusha

As soon as humanity solved the problem of treatment, nature put forward a new problem: diseases caused by viruses. They're attacking us all year round. In summer - in winter - ARVI, flu.

People with weakened immune systems often experience complications: inflammation of the lungs, throat, ear, paranasal sinuses, and the nervous system is affected. Cycloferon is capable of protecting such a contingent from viruses. An immunomodulator (a substance that regulates immunity) is effective, safe, and has been sufficiently studied for 10 years.

Its protection rate according to the Research Institute of Influenza of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences and the Research Institute of Pulmonology of the State Medical University named after I. P. Pavlov is 91%. In patients with influenza treated with cycloferon, complications occurred 3.4 times less often. Recovery is 3 days faster.

Composition, release form, packaging

Available in three forms: injection solution, tablets, ointment.

Solution for intravenous and intramuscular injection yellow color, transparent. Ampoules of 2 ml in a cardboard box at 12.5% ​​concentration, contour packaging - 5 pcs. Basics active substance: acridoneacetic acid – 125 mg, meglumine (N-methylglucamine) – 96. 3 mg – in 1 ml of solution.

Cycloferon tablets - soluble coated Brown. Packed in polymer glass jars of 50 pcs. Blisters – 10 pcs. in a cardboard box. Main active ingredient: acridoneacetic acid – 150 mg per tablet. Meglumine – 146 mg per tablet. Additional substances – calcium stearate, methylcellulose.

Cycloferon liniment 5% is a yellow ointment in an aluminum tube of 5 ml or 30 ml. The main component is acridone acetic acid – 50 mg N-methylglucamine –38. 5 mg. Additional substances - 1.2 propylene glycol up to 100%, benzalkonium chloride 0.1% in one milliliter of liniment.

Manufacturer: LLC NTFF "Polisan" of the Russian Federation.

The photo shows the release form of Cycloferon

Indications for use


Together with other antiviral drugs in adults and children over 4 years of age

  • , and ARVI.
  • Acute intestinal infections caused by viruses.
  • Chronic viral hepatitis B and C.

Adults only

Infections nervous system: serous, Lyme disease (Boreliosis). Secondary immunodeficiencies(decreased immunity).

Solution for intravenous and intramuscular administration

In adults and children over 4 years of age

  • Viral hepatitis C, B, A, D.
  • Herpetic infection.
  • HIV infection second A-B stages.

Adults only

  • Neuroinfections: tick-borne Borelliosis (Lyme disease).
  • Secondary immunodeficiencies accompanying chronic infections.
  • Rheumatoid arthritis, osteoarthritis deformans, systemic lupus erythematosus.
  • Infections caused by chlamydia.

Cycloferon liniment for local application

As an additional component in treatment in adults herpetic infection, bacterial vaginosis, nonspecific vaginitis. Balanoposthitis, urethritis of chlamydial, gonorrheal, trichomonas, candidiasis in patients with immunodeficiency, treatment of chronic periodontitis.

Review of the drug Cycloferon in our video:


Pregnancy, breastfeeding, liver cirrhosis in the stage of decompensation, childhood up to 4 years, allergy to the drug.

Mechanism of action

Instructions for use

Tablets are taken once a day, half an hour before meals. They are not chewed, washed down with water. For successful recovery, treatment should be started on the first day of the disease. Common treatment regimen: 4 tablets per dose on days 1, 2, 4, 6, 8, 11, 14, 17, 20, 23.

Adult dosage

For treatment herpes virus infections prescribed according to the scheme. Duration of treatment – ​​10 days.

ARVI, influenza: the drug is used for 5 days, 4 tablets once at the same time of day on days 1, 2, 4, 6, 8 of treatment. At severe course disease, on the first day take 6 tablets, on the subsequent days - 4 tablets according to this regimen.

Chronic viral hepatitis B and C: according to the scheme with a transition to a maintenance course of 4 tablets per dose every two days on the third day from 6 months to a year.

Intestinal infections: 2 tablets per dose once a day according to the schedule.

Neuroinfections: 4 tablets per dose. The treatment regimen is the same as for hepatitis, but maintenance therapy lasts 2.5 months.

HIV infection: 4 tablets per regimen with transition to a maintenance course for 2.5 months. Repeated course - after 14-21 days.

Immunodeficiency conditions: 4 tablets on days 1, 2, 4, 6, 8 of treatment and 2 tablets every 72 hours – 5 days.

Children are prescribed an appointment once a day depending on age:

  • 4-6 years, 0.150 g – 1 tablet.
  • 7-11 years old, 0.300 g - 2 tablets.
  • 12 years and older, 0.450 g - 3 tablets.

Herpes virus infection: on days 1,2,4,6,8,11,14.

ARVI and influenza: according to the scheme for adults.

At chronic hepatitis The treatment regimen is the same as for adults, but dosages according to age.

Acute intestinal infections: on days 1,2,4,6,8,11.

HIV infection: on days 1,2,4,6,8,11,14,17,20 with a transition to a maintenance regimen - two days later on the third 150 days.

Cycloferon liniment

Apply to the affected area twice a day for 5 days. thin layer. For genital forms - 5 ml into the vagina once a day using a vaginal applicator or syringe. There are 10-15 procedures per course.

Chronic periodontitis: applications to the gums with a cotton swab in a dose of 1.5 ml twice a day (every 10-12 hours). The course of treatment is two weeks.

Injections are given intramuscularly or intravenously once a day at the same time. Days of administration - according to the tablet dosing regimen.

  • Rheumatism and other systemic diseases - 5 injections of 250 mg according to the scheme, repeat after two weeks, there are four courses.
  • Degenerative (joint-destroying) diseases - the same as for rheumatism, but two courses.
  • Herpesvirus, chlamydial infections - 10 injections of 250 mg according to the regimen.
  • Hepatitis - 500 mg, ten injections according to the regimen, subsequent support three times every 7 days - 3 months.
  • Neuroinfections – 250-500 mg according to the basic regimen for 12 days

Regimen for taking Cycloferon in the treatment of herpes infection

Side effects

The manufacturer describes the possible side effects of the drug on the human body. Other side effects are not indicated.


There were no cases of drug overdose. There is no data on this.

special instructions

If you have any medical condition thyroid gland– This medicine should be taken only after permission from the endocrinologist.

For monotherapy (treatment with one drug) viral diseases Cycloferon is not used. Only in combination with other medications.

The manufacturer notes that there are no contraindications for taking Cycloferon while driving.

The article contains information about the drug Cycloferon, used for the prevention and treatment of influenza and colds.

For the prevention and treatment of acute respiratory infections, which includes influenza, as well as other viral diseases (herpes infection, chicken pox, etc.) are widely used immunotropic drugs from the category of interferon inducers.

By their action, they stimulate the formation of their own interferons, proteins produced by the human body that protect cells from attack by viruses.
There is no consensus on whether it is necessary to take drugs in this category, both preventive and already medicinal purposes. Their effectiveness is sometimes questioned. But doctors have prescribed and continue to prescribe “pherons” to adults and children.
One of the most popular and effective, according to doctors and patients, is a remedy called Cycloferon. It is worth finding out in more detail in what cases and to whom it is prescribed, and how to take this medicine correctly.

Cycloferon: what kind of drug? Analogues and substitutes of Cycloferon

We already know that Cycloferon is an immunomodulator, a remedy against viruses. By taking it, a person stimulates the production of their own alpha and beta interferons.

The spectrum of action of Cycloferon on the human body is quite wide. The drug has the following effects:

  • antiviral
  • immunomodulatory
  • anti-inflammatory
  • antiproliferative and antitumor
  • suppresses the body's autoimmune reactions
  • reduces pain

IMPORTANT: Cycloferon is called a smart medicine, since, on the one hand, it affects the viruses themselves, preventing their reproduction, and on the other, it boosts the human immune system so that it can successfully resist them.

Analogs of Cycloferon are other drugs from the group of antiviral and immunotherapeutic drugs. It can be replaced:

  1. Other “ferons”: Anaferon for adults and children, Viferon, Altevir, Grippferon, Laferon, others.
  2. Amiksin, Lavomax, Oscillococcinum, and other immunostimulating drugs.

VIDEO: Cycloferon

Cycloferon - injections, tablets, nasal drops, suppositories, ointment, syrup, inhalations, indications for use

The drug Cycloferon is available in several forms:

  • tablets
  • solution

Thus, you can take it:

  • orally
  • injection
  • locally
  • inhalation

Due to the fact that the spectrum of antiviral and antimicrobial effects of Cycloferon is very wide, there are many indications for its use.

Cycloferon tablets drink for infections:

  • acute respiratory (colds and flu)
  • herpetic
  • acute intestinal
  • brain and nervous system (meningitis, Lyme disease, others)

The drug is taken orally within complex treatment hepatitis C and B, human immunodeficiency virus. Cycloferon can also be prescribed if the patient has an immunodeficiency state caused by a chronic bacterial or fungal infection.

Injections with Cycloferon indicated for infections:

  • herpetic
  • cytomegalovirus
  • chlamydial
  • hepatitis A, B, C and D

As an anti-inflammatory drug, Cycloferon in ampoules is used in combination with other drugs for the treatment of systemic diseases connective tissue, degenerative-dystrophic diseases of the joints, rheumatic diseases.

In the form of an ointment for local use Cycloferon is used for:

  • periodonitis
  • herpes
  • vaginitis
  • chlamydia
  • gonorrhea
  • trichomoniasis
  • candidiasis
  • vaginitis and urethritis of nonspecific etiology

IMPORTANT: Cycloferon can be breathed through a nebulizer (as part of the treatment of ARVI and influenza). The drug is not available in nebulas; inhalations are made with an injection solution. The contents of the ampoule are diluted with 4 ml of sodium chloride. Inhalations are done once a day for 10 days.

Cycloferon - instructions for use for adults and dosage

Depending on the type of infection, Cycloferon ointment is applied to the skin, intervaginally or intraurethrally.

  1. For herpes, Cycloferon is applied to the skin and/or mucous membranes twice a day. The course of treatment is 5 days.
  2. For genital herpes and genital infections, the ointment is applied to the mucous membranes of the genital organs for 10 days - 2 weeks once a day. The ointment is injected into the vagina or urethra in men with a syringe without playing or with a special applicator.
  3. For periodontitis, the ointment is applied to the gums without rubbing.

For adults, injections with Cycloferon are prescribed by a doctor. He specifies the duration of treatment and dosage of the drug.

  1. From 1.25 to 5 cubes of Cycloferon (depending on the disease) are diluted with water for injection or saline.
  2. Injections are made at intervals of 1 day. The course of treatment usually consists of 10 injections of the drug.
  3. Sometimes the injection course of Cycloferon needs to be repeated.

Adults drink Cycloferon in tablet form mainly for the prevention and treatment of acute respiratory viral infections, influenza and herpes infections.

  1. The daily dose of interferon inducer for adults is 3-4 tablets.
  2. This number of tablets is drunk at one time.
  3. Take the drug before meals, 30 minutes.
  4. Cycloferon is washed down with water.
  5. The regimen for taking the drug is as follows: an adult drinks Cycloferon on days 1 and 2 of the disease, and then every other day, that is, on days 4, 6 and 8.

IMPORTANT: Most effective tablets You will get cycloferons if you start taking them at the first manifestations of a cold or flu.

At what age can children use Cycloferon? Cycloferon - instructions for use for children and dosage

IMPORTANT: Cycloferon can be treated in children from 4 years of age. Babies should be given other interferon inducers, for example, Anaferon or Lafeobion.

A basic regimen for taking Cycloferon has been developed for children, according to which the dose of the drug is:

  • for children 4-6 years old – 150 mg (or 1 tablet)
  • for children 7-11 years old – 300 mg (or 2 tablets)
  • for children over 12 years old – 450 mg (or three tablets)

Like adults, children drink Cycloferon once a day on days 1 and 2, and then every other day. It is possible to conduct a second course in 2-3 weeks.
Children with HIV, hepatitis B, C and D, herpes infection are prescribed intramuscular or intravenous injections Cycloferon 1 time per day. The dose depends on body weight and is calculated in the proportion of 6-10 mg per 1 kg of child weight. The course of injections depends on the disease. As a rule, a child needs to receive from 10 to 15 injections of the drug.

How often should adults and children take Cycloferon for colds and flu?

For convenience, the dosage regimen for Cycloferon for adults and children with colds and flu is shown in the figure.

How often should Cycloferon be taken for prophylaxis for adults and children? Is it possible to take Cycloferon for prophylaxis every day?

The preventive effect of the drug has been studied for 10 years. The results showed that in children's groups where control groups took the drug, protection against influenza and ARVI exceeded 90 percent. The same children who got sick recovered on average 3 days faster than those who did not take Cycloferon. Complications in children in the control group occurred 3.4 times less frequently.

IMPORTANT: B for preventive purposes Cycloferon should primarily be taken by people who are at risk for influenza and ARVI: frequently ill children, kindergarteners, schoolchildren, students, doctors, teachers, people over 60 years old, etc.

For preventive purposes, Cycloferon is taken according to the same scheme as for therapeutic purposes, that is, an age-specific dose on days 1, 2, 4, 6, 8, and then on days 11, 14, 17, 20 and 23.

How to use Cycloferon for chickenpox, herpes?

As a drug against herpes, Cycloferon is used in the form of tablets and ointments. Most effective treatment will happen if you combine these two means.
Cycloferon ointment 5 percent is applied to areas of the skin and mucous membranes affected by herpes, penetrates the structure of epidermal cells, where it fights the virus, reduces the time of herpetic rash and accelerates the process of epithelial regeneration. The ointment is distributed in a thin layer over the skin and mucous membranes. Apply it 2, sometimes 3 times a day for 5 days or 1 week.
Cycloferon tablets for herpes are taken according to the scheme shown in the figure.

IMPORTANT: Cycloferon is successfully combined with other medications for herpes.

For chickenpox in children and adults, doctors often do not prescribe antiviral drugs at all. But taking them shortens the duration of the disease and reduces the risk of complications of a viral infection. The most effective immunostimulants for chickenpox are those that interact with interferons. Cycloferon suppresses the virus chickenpox, at the same time it contributes to the development of stable immunity to it.

IMPORTANT: For chickenpox, Cycloferon is taken in tablets. The dose and frequency of administration are determined by the doctor.

How to use Cycloferon at fever?

A sharp increase in temperature is a symptom of many viral diseases. If you find it in yourself, you should immediately consult a doctor. Having made a diagnosis, the specialist may prescribe Cycloferon.
Since the human body begins to produce its own interferons 2 hours after taking the drug, that is, the internal fight against the virus begins, the temperature drops the next day or the day after the first Cycloferon tablet.

Is Cycloferon safe for pregnant women?

Pregnancy and breastfeeding are contraindications to taking Cycloferon.

Compatibility of Cycloferon with alcohol and antibiotics

The instructions for Cycloferon do not say what will happen if you combine its use with drinking alcohol. This does not mean that you can combine them. There just haven't been any studies on this.
It is not difficult to imagine the consequences of such a combination: three forces will act on the body at once:

  • pathogenic agent - virus
  • a drug that affects the immune system
  • ethanol, a component of alcohol, poisonous substance, harmful to the liver, brain, heart and blood vessels, other organs and their systems

The results of this impact may be:

  • weakening of the drug's effect
  • aggravation of the disease
  • intoxication of the body
  • pathologies of the liver, kidneys, central nervous system, of cardio-vascular system, other

IMPORTANT: During illness and taking Cycloferon, it is recommended to avoid alcohol.

If viral and bacterial infectious processes occur simultaneously in the human body, it is permissible to take Cycloferon and antibacterial drug simultaneously.

Contraindications and side effects of Cycloferon

You cannot take Cycloferon:

  • in the decompensatory stage of liver cirrhosis
  • in case of individual intolerance to the components of the drug
  • during pregnancy and lactation
  • children under 4 years old

IMPORTANT: For gastrointestinal diseases in the acute phase, the drug is taken with caution. Self-medication is strictly prohibited.

An adverse reaction to Cycloferon is an allergy.

Cycloferon is an antiviral drug.

Cycloferon is the proprietary name of the drug. The active substance in it is Meglumina acridone acetate (Meglumini aridonacetas). It is a derivative of acridoneacetic acid with the name N-methylglucamine 2-(9-oxoacridin-10(9H)-yl) acetate and with chemical formula C22H28N2O8.

Mechanism of action

The antiviral activity of Cycloferon is largely related to its ability to influence the synthesis of interferons. The drug is an interferon inducer. Under its action, the production of interferons by lymphoid cells is stimulated immune system located in tissues lymph nodes, tonsils, spleen, liver, small intestine.

Interferons are protein compounds with different molecular weight. They are specific to each animal species. Interferons do not have a direct detrimental effect on viruses, but their activity is aimed at destroying viral particles.

Between bacteria and viruses there are fundamental differences. Viruses are ten times smaller in size than bacteria. Viruses are not cells, and are quite primitive in structure.

They are a nucleic acid molecule (RNA or DNA) surrounded by a shell (capsid). Although there are also non-enveloped viruses.

Penetrating inside the cell, viruses distort protein cellular synthesis and prevent cell growth and division. Nitrogen compounds (nucleotides) are used not for the needs of the host cell, but for doubling viral DNA or RNA. In this case, not a cellular protein, but a viral protein begins to be synthesized in the cell. Each newly formed nucleic chain gives rise to a new viral particle (virion).

The number of virions inside the cell increases exponentially. As a result, the cell dies, and each virion that emerges from it seeks a new host cell. This is how a viral infectious process is formed

There is a whole range of mechanisms that help resist viral infection. These are various parts of the cellular and humoral immunity, which secrete antibodies and carry out phagocytosis (absorption) of viral particles.

However, it takes several days or weeks for immunity to develop. And the released immunoglobulin antibodies are strictly specific for each microbial pathogen. The biological value of interferon lies in the fact that it is released in the first hours after the introduction of a viral infection. At the same time, interferon has the same effect on all types of viruses, and resistance to it does not develop. As already mentioned, interferon does not directly act on viruses.

The point of its application is the cell itself, or more precisely, the cell membrane. As a result of contact of interferon with cell membrane processes are activated inside the cell aimed at inhibiting protein synthesis. In this case, an environment is formed that is unsuitable for the reproduction of the virus, and most of the virions die.

Newly formed virions have a defective configuration, are not capable of reproduction, and their virulence (ability to penetrate cells) is very low. The host cell itself also dies. Before death, it produces interferon, which contacts neighboring cells. These cells and the viruses they contain also die. In this way, the reproduction and spread of viruses is limited.

Due to its ability to induce the formation of interferon by lymphoid elements, Cycloferon is active against many viral infections: herpes, influenza, parainfluenza, hepatitis, tick-borne encephalitis, papillomavirus, HIV.

At acute hepatitis Cycloferon promotes the transition of the disease to chronic form, and for HIV – strengthening the immune system. In relation to influenza viruses, the activity of Cycloferon is controversial. In any case, given the rate at which the virus multiplies, the drug should be used immediately after the first symptoms of the disease appear.

Along with the induction of interferon under the influence of Cycloferon, the activity of tissue macrophage cells, T- and B-lymphocytes increases. The bone marrow accelerates the maturation and growth of stem cells that give rise to various types leukocytes, including neutrophilic granulocytes.

By increasing cellular and humoral immunity, Cycloferon can be useful not only for viral, but also for bacterial infections. Its effectiveness has been confirmed for bacterial lesions of bronchopulmonary and genitourinary system, including for chlamydia and ureaplasmosis.

Cycloferon is effective against fungal infections. Thanks to the immunostimulating effect of Cycloferon, autoimmune reactions aimed at damaging one’s own connective tissue are inhibited. Therefore, the drug is prescribed for diffuse connective tissue diseases or systemic collagenoses (systemic lupus erythematosus, rheumatoid arthritis).

In addition, Cycloferon has anti-inflammatory properties. Anti-inflammatory activity is associated with the ability of interferon to inhibit excess cell growth.

At the same time, the proliferative phase of inflammation, manifested by edema and thickening of tissues, is suppressed. Therefore, the drug is prescribed for certain conditions accompanied by structural disorders, in particular, degenerative and dystrophic processes in the joints.

Under the influence of Cycloferon, not only inflammation is inhibited, but also pain is reduced. Excessive cell growth underlies development tumor neoplasms. Interferon prevents the development of tumors, and the immune system destroys existing atypical cells.

Therefore, Cycloferon is sometimes included in complex therapy malignant neoplasms. True, the effect of the drug inhibits not only the growth of cells in inflammatory and tumor foci. The drug inhibits the growth of all cells in various organs and fabrics. And this is not always justified. True, these effects do not reduce the value of Cycloferon as an antiviral, immunomodulatory, anti-inflammatory and antitumor agent.

A little history

Interferon was discovered in 1957 by accident during experiments on laboratory mice. Cycloferon was synthesized much later, in 1993, by employees of the Russian scientific and technological pharmaceutical company Polisan (NTFF Polisan LLC).

It is noteworthy that Cycloferon was originally developed as a drug for veterinary medicine. In 1994 he even received a VDNKh medal as the best remedy for the treatment of viral infections in animals. Then in 1995 it was registered as a pharmaceutical for medical use. In 1996, Cycloferon was registered for external use. Since 1997, the drug has been actively exported from Russia to the CIS countries. In non-CIS countries, Cycloferon is not used.

Synthesis technology

In the preparation of tablets, along with the active compound Meglumine, acridone acetate is used Excipients: calcium stearate, hypromellose, polysorbate 80, povidone, propylene glycol, ethyl acrylate-methacrylic acid copolymer. Benzalkonium chloride and 1,2-propylene glycol are involved in the production of Cycloferon for external use.

Release forms

  • Tablets 150 mg;
  • Solution for injection 12.5% ​​in ampoules of 2 ml;
  • Ointment (liniment) 5%.

This drug is produced by the Russian LLC NTFF Polisan, and has no generics. Along with Tsiloferon, other drugs are also used in Russia antiviral drugs: Amantadine, Rimantadine, Acyclovir, Ribavirin, Lamivudine, and many others. They differ from Cycloferon not only in the active substance, but also in the mechanism of action and indications for use.


Tablets for adults:

  • Flu and ARVI;
  • Chronic viral hepatitis B and C;
  • Collagenosis (rheumatoid arthritis, systemic lupus erythematosus);
  • Herpetic infection;
  • Neuroinfections – meningitis, borreliosis;
  • Chronic bacterial and viral infections developing against the background of secondary immunodeficiencies.

Tablets for children:

  • Prevention of influenza and ARVI;
  • Chronic viral hepatitis B and C;
  • Herpetic infection;
  • Acute intestinal infections;

Injection solution for adults:

  • Neuroinfections – meningoencephalitis, borreliosis;
  • Herpetic and cytomegalovirus infection;
  • Chronic bacterial and viral infections developing against the background of secondary immunodeficiencies;
  • Chlamydia;
  • Systemic collagenoses – rheumatoid arthritis, systemic lupus erythematosus;
  • Deforming osteoarthritis and other types of degenerative-dystrophic joint lesions.

Injection solution for children:

  • Herpetic infection;
  • Viral hepatitis A, B, C and D;

Ointment for adults:

  • Chronic periodontitis;
  • Herpetic lesions of the skin and mucous membranes;
  • In men - specific and nonspecific urethritis and balanoposthitis;
  • In women - nonspecific bacterial vaginitis.


Tablets for adults:

  • Herpetic infection. 4 tablets on days 1, 2, 4, 6, 8, 11, 14, 17, 20, 23 of illness. Per course – 40 tablets.
  • Acute intestinal infections. 2 tablets per dose on days 1, 2, 4, 6, 8, 11, 14, 17, 20, 23 of illness. The course of treatment is 20 tablets.
  • Chronic viral hepatitis B and C. 4 tablets on days 1, 2, 4, 6, 8, 11, 14, 17, 20, 23 of illness. Then they switch to a maintenance dose of 4 tablets 1 time every 3 days for 6-12 months.
  • Neuroinfections. 4 tablets per dose on days 1, 2, 4, 6, 8, 11, 14, 17, 20, 23 of illness. Then they switch to a maintenance dose of 4 tablets once every 3 days for 2.5 months. The course of treatment is 140 tablets.
  • Flu and ARVI. 4 tablets on days 1, 2, 4, 6, 8 of illness. The course of treatment is 20 tablets.
  • HIV. 4 tablets per dose on days 1, 2, 4, 6, 8, 11, 14, 17, 20, 23 of illness. Then they switch to a maintenance dose of 4 tablets once every 3 days for 2.5 months. The course of treatment is 140 tablets. Then 2-3 repeated courses are carried out with an interval of 2-3 weeks.

Immunodeficiency states. Start with 4 tablets on days 1, 2, 4, 6, 8 of illness. Then they switch to taking 2 tablets on the 11th, 14th, 17th, 20th, 23rd day of illness. The course of treatment is 30 tablets.

The tablets are taken half an hour before meals and are not chewed.

Tablets for children:

  • Herpetic infection. On days 1, 2, 4, 6, 8, 11, 14 of illness.
  • Flu and ARVI. On days 1, 2, 4, 6, 8, 11, 14, 17, 20, 23 of illness. Next, 5-15 doses, once every 3 days.
  • Prevention of influenza and ARVI. On days 1, 2, 4, 6, 8. Next - 5 doses with an interval of 3 days.
  • Chronic hepatitis B and C. On days 1, 2, 4, 6, 8, 11, 14. Then they switch to a maintenance dose 1 time every 3 days for 6-12 months.
  • Acute intestinal infections. On days 1, 2, 4, 6, 8, 11.
  • HIV. On the 1st, 2nd, 4th, 6th, 8th, 11th, 14th, 17th day, then once every 3 days for 5 months.

The number of tablets taken once in children depends on age. At 4-6 years old take 1 tablet, 7-11 years old - 2 tablets, over 12 years old - 3 tablets.

Injections for adults:

  • Herpetic and cytomegalovirus infections. 250 mg 10 times. The course dose is 2.5 mg.
  • Neuroinfections. 250-500 mg 12 times. Course dose – 3-6 g.
  • Chlamydia. 250 mg 10 times. The course dose is 2.5 g. After 10-14 days, the course is repeated.
  • Hepatitis. 500 mg 10 times. The course dose is 5 g. After 10-14 days, the course is repeated.
  • HIV. 500 mg 10 times. Then they switch to a maintenance dose 1 time every 3 days for 2.5 months. If necessary, the course is repeated after 10 days.
  • Immunodeficiency states. 10 injections of 250 mg. After 6-12 months the course is repeated.
  • Rheumatism and systemic lupus erythematosus. 5 injections of 250 mg. 4 courses with an interval of 10-14 days.
  • Arthrosis. 5 injections of 250 mg. 2 courses with an interval of 10-14 days.
  • Injections for children:
  • Cycloferon is administered to children once a day intravenously and intramuscularly at a rate of 6-10 mg/kg.
  • Hepatitis. 10 injections. Then they switch to maintenance doses once every 3 days for 3 months.
  • HIV. 10 injections. Then they switch to maintenance doses once every 3 days for 3 months. A repeat course is possible after 10 days.
  • Herpes. 10 injections. Then switch to a maintenance dose 1 time every 3 days for 4 weeks.

The drug is administered intravenously or intramuscularly at 250-500 mg every other day.

External use:

For herpes infection, the ointment is applied in an even thin layer to the affected areas 1-2 times for 5 days. For genital herpes, candidiasis and nonspecific urethritis, vaginitis, the drug is used in the form of vaginal and urethral instillations of 5-10 ml 1-2 times a day for 10-15 days.

For vaginitis, it is recommended to insert cotton swabs soaked in Cycloferon liniment. For balonoposthitis, the surface of the glans penis and foreskin is treated with 5 ml of liniment once a day for 10-14 days.

In case of chronic periodontitis, pathological foci are preliminarily washed with antiseptic solutions. Then the liniment is applied using a cotton swab using the application method at 12-hour intervals. The course of treatment is 12-14 days.


At internal reception maximum concentration the drug in the blood plasma is formed after 2-3 hours, with injection - 1-2 hours. Then, over the next 8 hours, the concentration of the active substance progressively decreases, and after 24 hours only traces of Meglumine acridone acetate are found in the blood.

When used by injection, it penetrates the blood-brain barrier. The drug does not accumulate in the body even with long-term use. The half-life for internal and injection routes is 4-5 hours.

Side effects

Allergic reactions.


  • Individual intolerance to the drug;
  • Decompensated cirrhosis of the liver;
  • Children's age up to 4 years.

Interaction with other drugs

Cycloferon is compatible with other medicines, incl. with antibiotics, antiviral and antifungal agents, vitamins, immunostimulants.

Pregnancy and lactation

Use of Cycloferon during pregnancy and breastfeeding contraindicated.


Store at a temperature not exceeding 25 0 C. Shelf life for tablets and ointment is 2 years, for injection solution- 3 years. The drug is available with a doctor's prescription.

We try to provide the most relevant and useful information for you and your health.

There are contraindications. Consult your doctor.

Currently, analogues of the drug are NOT FOR SALE

Preparations containing Meglumine acridone acetate (ATC code not assigned):

Cycloferon - instructions for use. The drug is a prescription, the information is intended only for healthcare professionals!

Clinical and pharmacological group:

Antiviral and immunomodulatory drug. Interferon synthesis inducer

pharmachologic effect

Immunomodulator. Meglumine acridone acetate is a low molecular weight interferon inducer, which determines wide range its biological activity (antiviral, immunomodulatory, anti-inflammatory). Interferonogenic activity of the drug at oral administration stored for 3 days.

The main interferon-producing cells after administration of the drug are macrophages, T- and B-lymphocytes. The drug induces high titers of interferon in organs and tissues containing lymphoid elements (spleen, liver, lungs), activates stem cells bone marrow, stimulating the formation of granulocytes. Cycloferon® activates T-lymphocytes and natural killer cells, normalizes the balance between subpopulations of T-helpers and T-suppressors. Enhances the activity of?-interferons.

Has a direct antiviral effect, suppressing virus reproduction by early stages(1-5 days) infectious process, reducing the infectivity of viral progeny, leading to the formation of defective viral particles. Increases the body's nonspecific resistance to viral and bacterial infections.

Cycloferon® is effective against tick-borne encephalitis, influenza, hepatitis, herpes, cytomegalovirus, human immunodeficiency virus, papilloma virus and other viruses. For acute viral hepatitis Cycloferon® prevents diseases from becoming chronic. At the stage of primary manifestations of HIV infection, it helps to stabilize immunity levels.

The drug has been found to be highly effective in complex therapy acute and chronic bacterial infections (neuroinfections, chlamydia, bronchitis, pneumonia, postoperative complications, urogenital infections, peptic ulcer) as a component of immunotherapy. Meglumine acridone acetate is highly effective in rheumatic and systemic diseases connective tissue, suppressing autoimmune reactions and providing anti-inflammatory and analgesic effects.



After taking the drug orally to the maximum permissible dose Cmax in blood plasma is achieved after 2-3 hours, the concentration gradually decreases by 8 hours, after 24 hours active substance found in trace amounts.

T1/2 is 4-5 hours. When Cycloferon is used in recommended doses, there are no conditions for its accumulation in the body.


When administered in the maximum permissible dose, Cmax in the blood plasma is achieved after 1-2 hours. After 24 hours, the active substance is detected in trace amounts.

Penetrates through the BBB.

T1/2 is 4-5 hours. With long-term use, accumulation in the body is not observed.

Indications for use of the drug CYCLOFERON®:

For oral administration:

  • herpetic infection;
  • influenza and acute respiratory diseases;
  • acute intestinal infections;
  • neuroinfections, including serous meningitis, tick-borne borelliosis (Lyme disease);
  • HIV infection (stages 2A-2B);
  • secondary immunodeficiencies associated with chronic bacterial and fungal infections.

As part of complex therapy in children over 4 years of age:

  • herpetic infection;
  • prevention and treatment of influenza and acute respiratory diseases;
  • chronic viral hepatitis B and C;
  • acute intestinal infections;
  • HIV infection (stage 2A-2B).

For parenteral use:

As part of complex therapy in adults:

  • HIV infection (stages 2A-2B);
  • neuroinfections: serous meningitis and encephalitis, tick-borne borelliosis (Lyme disease);
  • viral hepatitis A, B, C, D;
  • herpetic infection;
  • cytomegalovirus infection;
  • secondary immunodeficiencies associated with acute and chronic bacterial and fungal infections;
  • chlamydial infections;
  • rheumatic and systemic connective tissue diseases (rheumatoid arthritis, systemic lupus erythematosus);
  • degenerative-dystrophic diseases of the joints (including deforming osteoarthritis).

As part of complex therapy in children:

  • viral hepatitis A, B, C, D;
  • herpetic infection;
  • HIV infection (stages 2A-2B).

For external use:

As part of complex therapy in adults:

  • herpetic infection of the skin and mucous membranes;
  • treatment of urethritis and balanoposthitis of nonspecific and specific (gonorrhea, candidiasis, chlamydia and trichomonas) etiology;
  • treatment of nonspecific bacterial vaginitis and vaginosis;
  • treatment of chronic periodontitis.

Dosage regimen:


Cycloferon® in tablet form is taken 1 time per day 30 minutes before meals, without chewing.

For adults with herpes infection, the drug is prescribed 4 tablets per dose on days 1, 2, 4, 6, 8, 11, 14, 17, 20 and 23. The course of treatment is 40 tablets. Treatment is most effective when the first symptoms of the disease appear.

When treating influenza and acute respiratory diseases, 4 tablets are prescribed per dose on days 1, 2, 4, 6, 8. The course of treatment is 20 tablets. Treatment should begin at the first symptoms of infection. In case of severe disease, take 6 tablets at the first dose. If necessary, additional symptomatic therapy(antipyretic, analgesic, expectorant).

For chronic viral hepatitis B and C, the drug is taken 4 tablets per dose on the 1st, 2, 4, 6, 8, 11, 14, 17, 20 and 23 days of treatment and then according to the maintenance regimen, 4 tablets per dose 1 time in 3 days for 6 months while maintaining replicative and cytolytic activity for up to 12 months. Combination with interferons and antiviral drugs is recommended.

In complex therapy of intestinal infections, 2 tablets are used per dose on days 1, 2, 4, 6, 8, 11, 14, 17, 20 and 23. The course of treatment is 20 tablets.

For neuroinfections, 4 tablets per dose are prescribed on days 1, 2, 4, 6, 8, 11, 14, 17, 20 and 23 and then according to a maintenance regimen, 4 tablets per dose once every 3 days for 2.5 months. The course of treatment is 140 tablets.

For HIV infection (stages 2A-2B), the drug is prescribed on days 1, 2, 4, 6, 8, 11, 14, 17, 20, 23, 4 tablets per dose, and then maintenance treatment is carried out, 4 tablets 1 time every 3 days for 2.5 months. The course of treatment is 140 tablets. A repeat course is carried out after 2-3 weeks. after finishing the previous one 2-3 times.

At immunodeficiency states associated with chronic bacterial and fungal infections, 4 tablets are prescribed in the first 5 doses on days 1, 2, 4, 6, 8 and 2 tablets in the next 5 doses on days 11, 14, 17, 20, 23. The course of treatment is 30 tablets.

Cycloferon® is prescribed to children according to the following basic regimen: at the age of 4-6 years - 150 mg (1 tablet), at the age of 7-11 years - 300 mg (2 tablets), over 12 years - 450 mg (3 tablets) per reception 1 time per day. It is advisable to repeat the course 2-3 weeks after the end of the first course.

For herpes infection, take on days 1, 2, 4, 6, 8, 11, 14 of treatment. The course of treatment may vary depending on the severity of the condition and the severity of clinical symptoms.

For influenza and acute respiratory infections viral infections the drug is prescribed in age-specific doses on days 1, 2, 4, 6, 8, 11, 14, 17, 20, 23 and then once every 3 days. The course of treatment ranges from 5 to 15 doses, depending on the severity of the condition and the severity of symptoms.

As a means of emergency nonspecific prevention of acute respiratory diseases and influenza during periods of increased incidence, the drug is prescribed in the indicated age-specific doses on days 1, 2, 4, 6, 8, then another 5 times with an interval of 72 hours (3 days).

At chronic forms hepatitis B and/or C, the drug is prescribed in the indicated doses on days 1, 2, 4, 6, 8, 11, 14 and then once every 3 days for 6 months while maintaining replicative and cytolytic activity for up to 12 months. A combination with interferons and antiviral drugs is recommended.

For acute intestinal infections the drug is prescribed on days 1, 2, 4, 6, 8, 11 of treatment once a day. The course of treatment is 6-18 tablets.

For HIV infection (stages 2A-2B), the drug is taken according to the basic regimen on days 1, 2, 4, 6, 8, 11, 14, 17, 20 of therapy, then once every 3 days for 5 months.

Parenteral use:

For adults, Cycloferon® is administered intramuscularly or intravenously once a day according to the basic regimen: every other day. The duration of treatment depends on the disease.

For herpetic and cytomegalovirus infections the drug is prescribed according to the basic regimen - 10 injections of 250 mg each. The total dose is 2.5 g. Treatment is most effective at the beginning of an exacerbation of the disease.

For neuroinfections, the drug is administered according to the basic regimen. The course of treatment is 12 injections of 250-500 mg in combination with etiotropic therapy. The total dose is 3-6 g. Repeated courses are carried out as needed.

For chlamydial infection, treatment is carried out according to the basic regimen. The course of treatment is 10 injections of 250 mg. Total dose 2.5 g. Repeated course - after 10-14 days. It is advisable to combine Cycloferon with antibiotics.

For acute viral hepatitis A, B, C, D and mixed forms the drug is administered according to the basic scheme of 10 injections of 500 mg. The total dose is 5 g. In case of prolonged course, a repeat course is carried out after 10-14 days.

For chronic viral hepatitis B, C, D and mixed forms, the drug is administered according to the basic regimen of 10 injections of 500 mg, then according to the maintenance regimen 3 times a week. for 3 months as part of complex therapy. Recommended in combination with interferons and chemotherapy. The course is repeated after 10-14 days.

For HIV infection (stage 2A-2B), the drug is prescribed according to a basic regimen of 10 injections of 500 mg each and then according to a maintenance regimen once every three days for 2.5 months. The course is repeated after 10 days.

For immunodeficiency conditions, the course of treatment consists of 10 intramuscular injections according to the basic regimen in a single dose of 250 mg. The total dose is 2.5 g. A repeat course is carried out after 6-12 months.

For rheumatic and systemic connective tissue diseases, 4 courses of 5 injections are prescribed according to the basic regimen, 250 mg each with a break of 10-14 days. The doctor determines the need for a repeat course individually.

For degenerative-dystrophic diseases of the joints, 2 courses of 5 injections of 250 mg each are prescribed with a break of 10-14 days according to the basic regimen. The doctor determines the need for a repeat course individually.

For children, Cycloferon® is prescribed IM or IV 1 time per day. The daily therapeutic dose is 6-10 mg/kg body weight.

For acute viral hepatitis A, B, C, D and mixed forms, 15 injections of the drug are administered according to the basic regimen. In case of prolonged infection, the course is repeated after 10-14 days.

For chronic viral hepatitis B, C, D, the drug is administered according to a basic regimen of 10 injections and then according to a maintenance regimen 3 times a week for 3 months as part of complex therapy. Use in combination with interferons and chemotherapy is recommended.

For HIV infection (stages 2A-2B), a course of 10 injections is prescribed according to the basic regimen and then according to the maintenance regimen once every 3 days for 3 months. A repeat course is carried out after 10 days.

For herpes infection, a course of 10 injections is carried out according to the basic scheme. If the replicative activity of the virus is maintained, the course of treatment is continued according to a maintenance regimen with administration of the drug once every 3 days for 4 weeks.

External use:

For herpetic infection, liniment is applied in a thin layer to the affected area 1-2 for 5 days. For genital herpes - intraurethral (intravaginal) instillations once a day, 5 ml for 10-15 days daily. It is possible to combine liniment with other antiherpetic agents (both systemic and local).

In the treatment of nonspecific and candidal urethritis, intraurethral instillations are performed in a volume of 5-10 ml, depending on the level of damage urethra. In case of defeat upper section urethra in men, the cannula of a syringe with liniment is inserted into the external opening of the urethra, then the opening is clamped for 1.5-3 minutes, after which the instillation solution is evacuated by gravity. After 30 minutes, the patient is advised to urinate. Longer exposure may lead to swelling of the urethral mucosa. The course of treatment is 10-14 days. For lesions of the posterior urethra, the area of ​​the seminal glands, intraurethral instillations through a catheter are used in a volume of 5-10 ml of the drug for 10-14 days every other day (5-7 instillations per course).

When treating urethritis of a specific etiology - the combined use of intraurethral instillations of Cycloferon with specific antimicrobial drugs according to traditional regimens.

For balanoposthitis, the glans penis should be treated and foreskin Cycloferon liniment 1 time per day (1/2 bottle or 5 ml) for 10-14 days.

In the treatment of candidal vaginitis, nonspecific vaginitis (endocervicitis) and bacterial vaginosis The drug can be used both as monotherapy and as part of complex treatment. Use intravaginal instillations of the drug, 5-10 ml, for 10-15 days, 1-2 times a day. In parallel, in the case of combined damage to the vaginal and urethral mucosa, it is advisable to use intravaginal and intraurethral instillations in volume (5 ml daily for 10-14 days). It is possible to use tampons impregnated with liniment.

For chronic forms of diseases, the drug combines well with the use of official medicines (vaginal tablets, candles).

To use intravaginally, you should open the tube, pierce the membrane with a disposable needle and syringe (volume 5 ml), draw up liniment, remove and discard the needle. Insert the filled syringe into the vagina in a lying position and use a piston to squeeze out the liniment. If the package contains a vaginal applicator: pierce the membrane, screw the applicator until it stops on the hole. Squeeze the liniment into the applicator cavity until the entire piston is pushed out. Remove the filled applicator from the hole, insert it into the vagina and use a piston to squeeze out the liniment. To prevent free evacuation of the drug, the vaginal entrance is sealed with a small sterile cotton swab for 2-3 hours.

During treatment chronic periodontitis Before using liniment, it is advisable to rinse the periodontal pockets with an antiseptic, then apply liniment with a cotton swab in a volume of 1.5 ml (1/3) to the gum by application (do not rub in) 1-2 times with an interval of 10-12 hours. Duration of therapy is 12-14 days.

For all indications, if necessary, you can repeat the course of treatment with Cycloferon after 14 days.

Side effect

Possible: allergic reactions.

Contraindications to the use of the drug CYCLOFERON®

  • liver cirrhosis in the stage of decompensation;
  • children under 4 years of age;
  • pregnancy;
  • lactation period (breastfeeding);
  • hypersensitivity to the components of the drug.

Use of the drug CYCLOFERON® during pregnancy and breastfeeding

The drug is contraindicated for use during pregnancy and lactation (breastfeeding).

Use for liver dysfunction

Contraindicated in liver cirrhosis in the stage of decompensation.

special instructions

For diseases of the thyroid gland, the use of Cycloferon should be carried out under the supervision of an endocrinologist.

When treating influenza and ARVI, in addition to Cycloferon therapy, symptomatic therapy should be carried out.

Impact on the ability to drive vehicles and operate machinery

Cycloferon® does not affect the ability to drive vehicles.


To date, no cases of drug overdose have been reported.

Drug interactions

Cycloferon® is compatible with all drugs used in the treatment of these diseases (including interferons and chemotherapy drugs).

Cycloferon® enhances the effect of interferons and nucleoside analogues.

At joint use Cycloferon® reduces side effects chemotherapy and interferon therapy.

Conditions for dispensing from pharmacies

The drug is available with a prescription.

Storage conditions and periods

List B. Enteric-coated tablets should be stored in a dry place, protected from light, at a temperature of 10° to 25°C. Shelf life - 2 years.

The solution for injection should be stored in a dry place, protected from light, at a temperature of 0° to 25°C. Freezing the solution for injection during transportation (if negative temperature) does not lead to changes in properties. Thawed at room temperature, the drug retains its biological and physicochemical characteristics. If the color of the solution changes and a precipitate forms, the use of the drug is unacceptable. Shelf life - 3 years.

How should cycloferon be taken to prevent ARVI and influenza for adults and children? This is very actual question during the epidemic season. The product has antiviral, antitumor, anti-inflammatory effects. The medicine affects those organs that contain lymphoid elements.

The drug is prepared in the form of tablets and solution, but in different cases its own form of remedy is prescribed. The first option is most often used. The medicine is most effective during cold weather, when viral diseases are especially common.

Signs of the flu

It is necessary to start prevention if you feel unwell, weak, or have a rise in body temperature. Flu symptoms include:

The nose becomes dry, tickling, a dry cough develops, and a sore throat develops. If prevention is started in time, the symptoms will disappear after 5 days. It is advisable not to visit at this time. public places, and start treatment. If not taken necessary measures, complications may develop.

When a medicine is prescribed by a doctor, the likelihood successful treatment increases. To develop an effective prevention program, it is useful to contact an immunologist. Then there's the risk adverse reactions will be minimal. Often, treatment with the drug is prescribed by pediatricians and therapists.

Indications and contraindications

Cycloferon can be taken by children and adults. Moreover, it is more effective for the treatment and prevention of such ailments:

  • flu;
  • ARVI;
  • rotavirus infections;
  • herpetic rashes.

The medicine should not be taken in the following cases:

  • for liver diseases;
  • in case of intolerance to components;
  • children under 4 years of age;
  • during pregnancy and lactation;
  • for diseases of the stomach and thyroid gland.

Doses of medicine

The drug should be taken once a day 30 minutes before eating. The tablet is taken without chewing and washed down with water. Dosage is important when taking medications. On the first day you will need 2-4 tablets, and on subsequent days - 2.

In difficult cases, cycloferon should be taken in quantities of up to 6 tablets. Already several techniques alleviate the condition, allow you to get rid of fever, eliminate temperature. Treatment and prevention of influenza with cycloferon protects against complications. Over time, the pain disappears.

For nonspecific prophylaxis during influenza epidemics, you need to adhere to the dosage. It is necessary to take tablets on the 1st, 2nd, 4th, 6th, 8th day. Children 4-6 years old require 1 tablet, 6-11 years old - 2, 12 and more - 3 tablets per day. Treatment can be repeated after 2-4 weeks. During pregnancy and breastfeeding, cycloferon liniment can be applied topically.

Admission rules

Cycloferon should be used to eliminate influenza with the arrival of cold weather. Tablets are taken once a day, half an hour before meals. Daily norm calculated depending on the characteristics of the organism. For an adult, up to 900 mg is prescribed.

Cycloferon should be taken when the first signs of the disease appear.

To prevent influenza, the medicine should be used in smaller quantities. If appeared headache or other signs of disease, you will need 6 tablets. The entire course of treatment includes 20 tablets. If an infection develops, an individual dosage is prescribed.

Application of the solution

Cycloferon is taken to prevent influenza not only in tablets, but also in solution. It is administered intravenously or intramuscularly. This is usually required after contact with sick people. The product should be used once. If infection has already occurred, the dosage is determined by the doctor.

Usually the medicine is used intramuscularly 2 times a day.

Treatment lasts about 10 days. The drug should be used in complex recovery. In any case, the doses are determined by the doctor.

If a specialist prescribes intramuscular or intravenous administration medications, then therapy must be carried out to the end and without interruptions. Injections should be performed on a schedule and doses should be strictly followed. This is required to obtain effective treatment results.

Directions for use

Cycloferon should not be used without consulting a specialist. It should be used with caution for diseases of the digestive system. During an exacerbation of the ulcer, treatment with the drug should be discontinued. If this is necessary, then it is better to use a solution.

The medicine should be used carefully for diseases of the thyroid gland. The tablets are prescribed by a physician and approved by an endocrinologist. Sometimes other immunostimulating agents are chosen.

Medicinal effects

For flu prevention to be effective, cycloferon will need to be taken in appropriate doses. It is necessary to tell the doctor about the presence of chronic diseases, because they can affect treatment. This will determine how the medicine will interact with other drugs.

The drug is compatible with other drugs used to treat and prevent influenza. These include antipyretic and antibacterial medications. The drug reduces the side effects of chemotherapy.

Storage rules

Tablets should be stored in a dry place, to which children do not have access. Room temperature will be quite acceptable for them. The drug retains its effect for about 2 years after manufacture.

The injection solution should be placed in the refrigerator. During transportation it is frozen, which does not affect the medicinal properties. After defrosting, the product is stored for a long time at a temperature of 25 degrees. The manufacturer sets a shelf life of 3 years.

Supplementation with folk remedies

You can use cycloferon together with folk remedies. Garlic and onions should be included in your diet. These products are completely harmless and can be used continuously. The aroma of onions and garlic also has a healing effect.

An inhaler with which it is better to use herbs, such as sage, has an excellent effect. There are aroma lamps in pharmacies; they recommend evaporating eucalyptus oil. This product can be used at home and at work.

From traditional methods An infusion of rose hips, linden and viburnum is useful. You can make tea from raspberry jam, which is useful during colds. You should add lemon to it, which saturates the body with vitamin C.

Replacement of cycloferon

There are other immunostimulating agents that can be used in the treatment and prevention of influenza. One of the popular drugs is Amiksin. The main substance is tilaxin, and additional substances include starch, cellulose, and calcium stearate. The medicine can be used during cold weather and in contact with patients. The tablets are contraindicated for pregnant women and children under 7 years of age.

There are many more medications available for adults, but children can use a limited number of medications. Pediatricians prescribe Anaferon for children, which strengthens antiviral immunity. It is prescribed to almost everyone due to the absence of contraindications. The only exceptions are children under 1 month of age. Sometimes intolerance to components occurs.

"Galavit" is an immunostimulating agent produced in tablets and suppositories. It is prescribed to everyone except pregnant and lactating women. It is also used in the form of candles for children. These drugs are only similar to cycloferon, but not identical to it.

Each of the remedies will be effective if correct use, the regimen of which is prescribed by the doctor. Cycloferon is considered one of the high-quality drugs for the prevention of influenza. The medicine will help you avoid the appearance of the first signs of a cold, so you don’t have to worry about your well-being. Important for protection against disease A complex approach, thanks to which the body will become resistant to the appearance of infectious diseases.