Intestinal virus in adults. Ways of transmission of the intestinal flu disease

intestinal flu is sharp infectious disease human digestive system, which affects the mucous membrane of organs abdominal cavity, taking part in the process of digestion, splitting and assimilation of the food consumed. to the flu state, literally this word this disease has a very indirect relationship. A person really feels unwell, the body temperature rises, but still the main part of the pathogenic microflora is localized precisely in the gastrointestinal tract of the sick person. The causative agent of the disease is a viral infection, which in most cases is diagnosed in children, but despite this, adults also periodically come to the hospital with symptoms this disease.

The manifestation of the disease is always typical and for an experienced gastroenterologist or infectious disease specialist, it will not be difficult to suspect in a patient enterovirus infection only on the basis of the corresponding symptomatology, which manifests itself in acute form when the intestinal type flu is at its peak.

In general, the disease is expressed in the following pathological signs:

  • chills and feverish state, body temperature rises to a level of 38-39 degrees Celsius, there is sweating with a violation of body heat exchange;
  • stool disorder in the form of liquid diarrhea, the urge to which can disturb an adult from 2 to 5 times a day, or every 1.5 hours after eating;
  • nausea and vomiting (often this symptom occurs when the stomach is full of food);
  • physical weakness and loss of strength, which is observed even after minor exertion;
  • complete or partial absence appetite (sometimes a patient with intestinal flu can take food only once during the day and this is quite enough for him).

Some patients, in addition to the above symptoms, still complain of cramps inside the abdomen, expressed in aching pain syndrome. The main localization of the feeling of heaviness and pain inside the abdominal cavity is its center with a slight shift in left side. In sick adults age group the disease is quite stable and without signs of complications.

Causes and ways of infection with intestinal flu

There are a small number of factors and routes of infection viral infection of this type since the disease can be transmitted from an infected person to healthy person or from environment. Based on this, distinguish the following reasons development stomach flu in adults:

  • drink raw water, which contains viable strains of viral microorganisms;
  • eating food that has been contaminated and has not undergone sufficient heat treatment;
  • household contact with a person who already suffers from this disease or is a carrier of the virus;
  • fresh vegetables and fruits that have not been thoroughly washed under the stream before consumption hot water.

The activity of cells of the human immune system has a great influence on the likelihood of developing the disease.

people leading healthy lifestyle life without bad habits are much less likely to suffer from stomach flu, as pathogenic microflora destroyed by local immunity at the stage of penetration into the body.

Do I need to see a doctor and get tested?

After the onset of symptoms suggestive of a disorder digestive system, but without signs of poisoning, of course, you need to seek help from a general practitioner, gastroenterologist or infectious disease specialist. Each of the specialists of this profile will provide the patient with a qualified medical care. Carry illness on your feet or engage in self-treatment at home is not recommended.

First of all, this is due to the fact that only a doctor can determine the presence of intestinal flu in an adult patient and select those medications appropriate to use in this case. The list of tests that are mandatory for delivery is determined on an individual basis based on the symptoms present.

Treatment of intestinal (stomach) influenza in adults

In most cases specific treatment is not required and the task of physicians is to monitor the patient's health, maintain a stable water-salt balance, cleansing the blood and lymph fluid from toxins, reducing fever. For therapeutic purposes, an adult patient hospitalized with this diagnosis in the infectious department receives next treatment:

  • intravenous drips with a physical solution to replenish body fluids lost due to diarrhea;
  • drugs that stimulate the immune system;
  • sorbents in the form of Smecta, Activated carbon, Enterosgel, white coal absorbing toxic substances released by viral microorganisms in the course of their vital activity;
  • bowel lavage boiled water using an enema to cleanse the gastrointestinal tract from an excess amount of pathogenic microflora.

After the peak of the disease, which lasts 3-5 days, passes, the patient receives drug therapy in the form of capsules with beneficial bacterial cultures designed to improve digestion and strengthen the immune system.

In addition, for the period of treatment it is very important to follow a diet, giving up fatty, fried, smoked, pickled foods, alcohol.


Timely prevention of the development of intestinal flu is always better than its therapy and weight. unpleasant symptoms present in an infected person. Therefore, in order not to encounter this ailment, it is recommended to observe the following daily preventive measures:

  • wash hands thoroughly before eating;
  • always qualitatively thermally process the food from which the dish is prepared;
  • wash vegetables and fruits under a stream of hot water;
  • avoid contact with people who have signs of a stomach flu, or who have recently been ill;
  • drink only boiled or purified water.

These simple precautions will allow every adult to maintain excellent health and ensure the stable functioning of the digestive system without the risk of a viral disease.

Diseases caused by a viral infection and having a number of characteristic features, popularly called intestinal or stomach flu. In fact, similar acute pathology associated with damage to the intestinal mucosa, in fact, is not the flu. Diseases are provoked by ARVI viruses of the Rotavirus or Reoviridae order, which penetrate into human body along with water and food, as well as household and airborne droplets.

In medicine, intestinal flu is called gastroenteritis or, in another way, rotavirus infection. So what is dangerous similar pathology for the patient? How is it transmitted and how to treat the disease? And is it possible to avoid infection?

The mechanism of the development of the disease

Like the common flu, gastroenteritis is passed from an infected person to healthy children and adults. At the same time, to get infected stomach infection can be done in many ways:

  • contact with a carrier of the virus;
  • bathing in pools and ponds or drinking unboiled water;
  • in kindergarten through toys;
  • if you don't wash your hands;
  • when ingesting contaminated products.

Having penetrated into the human body, the intestinal flu virus is activated and begins to multiply rapidly, affecting the cells of the intestinal epithelium. After 16-18 hours after infection, the cells affected by the virus are completely destroyed. Their remains fall off or are exfoliated into the intestinal lumen, accumulate in the lower gastrointestinal tract and are excreted along with feces. At the same time, exposed villi upper division thin or 12 duodenal ulcer begin to swell and change shape, and in the upper balls of the intestinal mucosa, the depth of the crypts rapidly increases.

Important! The intestinal form of influenza poses a serious danger to children who have the immune system not finalized. And also for the elderly, whose immunity is already sufficiently weakened.

Symptoms and external manifestations

The first signs of the stomach flu are absolutely similar to the symptoms of a cold. In the first hours after infection, patients may experience a slight runny nose, sneezing and coughing, pain when swallowing, sore throat, slight chills.
However, these signs quickly disappear, and completely different symptoms take their place:

  • frequent loose stools up to 10 times a day. At the same time, abundant stools of a yellowish-gray color and a clay-like consistency are observed, but without inclusions of blood and mucus. At first, they have a sharp unpleasant odor;
  • sharp pains in the abdomen, accompanied by rumbling and spasms;
  • increasing nausea and occasional urge to vomit, leading to rapid dehydration;
  • increasing weakness, drowsiness and apathy;
  • an increase in body temperature to subfebrile (sometimes high) indicators.

At the same time, the manifestation similar symptoms in children and adults it can be a sign of other intestinal infections - cholera, salmonellosis, food poisoning. Therefore, at the first manifestations of the disease, you should contact medical institution for help. Timely diagnosis of intestinal flu will help to save not only the health of the patient, but in some cases his life.

Important! Intestinal flu in a child often requires immediate hospitalization and inpatient treatment. This means that parents need to urgently call a pediatrician or an ambulance if even 1-2 symptoms of the disease are found (especially if it is diarrhea or vomiting). Untimely medical care can lead to the death of the baby.

Diagnosis and treatment

as such a special drug treatment rotavirus infection does not exist. This means that the whole complex of therapeutic measures is aimed at eliminating the symptoms of intestinal flu and strengthening defensive forces body in the fight against viral infection.

To clarify the diagnosis, the attending physician may prescribe additional examinations, including:

  • complete blood count, the result of which may show a decrease total leukocytes and the predominance of lymphocytes and monocytes (this speaks in favor of a viral infection);
  • a general urine test in the presence of gastroenteritis will show an increase in its density;
  • a biochemical blood test makes it possible to determine the increase in the concentration in the blood of the indirect fraction of bilirubin, as well as ALT and AST.

Intestinal flu should be treated only under the supervision of a doctor, following all his recommendations and wishes. Treatment consists of taking medications that normalize the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract and special diet. To restore the body should take:

  • enterosorbents - Smecta or Polysorb;
  • as part of rehydration therapy - the drug Regidron. It must be taken every 20-30 minutes to restore the water-salt balance in the body;
  • enzymes that improve digestion - Creon or Pancreatin;
  • drugs against diarrhea - Furazolidone or Enterofuril.

After the intensive care and eliminate the symptoms of the disease to restore the beneficial intestinal microflora, probiotics are prescribed - Linex, Bifiform, Hilak forte. It is not recommended to take antibiotics to fight the virus, as these drugs completely destroy both aggressive and beneficial microflora intestines. By killing the intestinal flu with the help of such drugs, you can get a dangerous complication in return - dysbacteriosis.

Important! Gastroenteritis - serious illness sometimes requiring treatment stationary conditions. Therefore, engage in self-treatment and uncontrolled intake of funds traditional medicine is strictly prohibited. Self-medication can even lead to death.

Diet in case of illness and prevention

The special diet is an effective supplement in the treatment of intestinal flu and excellent tool recover quickly after an illness. The most useful are:

  • herbal decoctions with chamomile, rose hips, strong green and black tea;
  • semolina, rice or oatmeal liquid porridge cooked on water;
  • vegetable soups made from potatoes, carrots, onions, zucchini, beets;
  • lean broths from skinless chicken, turkey, rabbit, lean beef.

Food should be taken in small portions, in a warm form, every 3-4 hours.

At the same time, the following should be excluded from the diet for a while:

  • raw vegetables and fruits;
  • natural juices;
  • grain bread;
  • whole milk, butter, cheeses;
  • cereals;
  • smoked meats;
  • legumes;
  • canned foods;
  • chocolate and coffee.

It is also forbidden to smoke, eat fatty, spicy and fried foods, alcoholic and carbonated drinks.
Undoubtedly, stomach flu is easier to prevent than to treat. Therefore, it is very important to follow a number of rules for the prevention of this disease, namely:

  • wash hands after coming from the street, visiting the toilet and before eating;
  • wash fruits and vegetables eaten raw in large numbers running water (you can pre-soak them in a 3% acetic solution for several minutes);
  • use only boiled water (even if it is from a well or spring);
  • wash children's toys and pour boiling water over them more often;
  • Avoid swimming in open water.

Important! The virus of the Reoviridae group is resistant to the influence of the external environment, it perfectly tolerates cold and low temperatures. At the same time, simple preventive measures make it possible to destroy the virus before it enters the body, and will not become infected with a dangerous and insidious intestinal flu.

"Stomach flu" and "intestinal flu" are sometimes misnamed rotavirus infection because the disease has nothing to do with the flu. Its causative agent is a completely different virus - rotavirus. Its belonging to this disease was proved in 1973, and it was named so because of the shape resembling a wheel.

Is your husband an alcoholic?

Nevertheless, the name “stomach flu” is also understandable: catarrhal phenomena during the manifestation of the disease (as with influenza) are combined with symptoms of damage digestive tract, which are the main signs of infection. But there are other names for this disease - rotavirus, reflecting not only the cause of the disease, but also the level inflammatory lesion digestive tract virus - stomach and small intestine.


Stomach flu in children and the elderly is more likely to develop and be more severe due to poor immune protection they have. The disease is recorded in the form of sporadic cases or outbreaks in children's groups. The rise in incidence is noted in the cold season.

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  • Money disappears at home, there is not enough of it even from payday to payday...
  • Once upon a time, a loved one becomes angry, aggressive and begins to unravel...
  • Children do not see their father sober, only an eternally dissatisfied drunkard ...
If you recognize your family - do not tolerate it! There is an exit!

The source of infection is a sick person. Starting from the incubation period, the virus is shed in the feces. Rotavirus is quite stable outside the body. It reproduces well on dairy products. It can be stored for a long time even in the refrigerator.

The mechanism of infection with rotavirus is fecal-oral.

Through the mouth, infection occurs in various ways:

  • food (especially with dairy products);
  • water (with drinking water, when swimming in water bodies);
  • contact-household (for example, when changing diapers in a sick child, the mother becomes infected);
  • respiratory (the virus, when dried, rises with dust into the air).

Promotes infection:

  • non-compliance with personal hygiene (the virus can be brought into the mouth with dirty hands);
  • violation of the rules of storage of products and their expiration dates;
  • crowding of people.

The mechanism of the development of the disease

Already half an hour after infection, the virus enters the cells of the mucous membrane in the stomach and small intestine, actively multiplies in them, destroying them at the same time. Instead of the affected cells, new, immature ones appear, unable to perform their functions of producing enzymes.

As a result of enzymatic deficiency, the digestion of food is disturbed, undigested carbohydrates and other nutrients. They attract a significant amount of fluid to themselves, which leads to the appearance of watery diarrhea.


The stomach flu has different duration incubation period - from several hours to 5 days.

Its duration depends on:

  • the number of viruses that have entered the body;
  • patient's age;
  • his immune system.

Symptoms of stomach flu in a child or an elderly patient will appear within a few hours, that is, earlier than in a young adult with normal immunity.

Rotavirus influenza in children and adults has the first signs of the disease - catarrhal phenomena:

  • runny nose;
  • sore throat;
  • redness of the mucous membrane of the throat.

This is accompanied by an increase in temperature up to 38 0 C or 39 0 C, headache, weakness and loss of appetite. But catarrhal phenomena with this "flu" last only 1-2 days.

Simultaneously with catarrhal manifestations, the main symptoms of rotavirus appear:

  • nausea;
  • repeated vomiting of mucus and undigested food particles;
  • pain in the umbilical region of the abdomen;
  • liquid stool;
  • bloating and rumbling in the abdomen.

The nature of bowel movements in rotavirus:

  • watery;
  • plentiful;
  • without mucus and blood;
  • fetid;
  • yellow, later - grayish-yellow, resembling clay.

The acute period of the disease lasts about a week. Rotavirus usually ends with recovery. But in some cases, complications may develop. One of the most dangerous complication for young patients is dehydration - a condition resulting from the loss of body fluids and minerals.

In children, the symptoms of dehydration are:

  • pronounced thirst;
  • dry mucous membranes;
  • decreased elasticity of the skin;
  • infrequent urination and a decrease in the daily amount of urine;
  • sunken eyes;
  • retraction of a large fontanel in children of the first year of life;
  • lack of tears.

Another complication is the addition bacterial infection, as evidenced by a deterioration in the condition, a repeated increase in temperature, a change in the nature of the stool.


With gastric flu, symptoms and treatment depend on the severity of the disease, the age of the patient. Most often, treatment for stomach flu in adults is carried out at home. But in children with vomiting more than 5 p. and stool frequency more than 10 r. hospitalization is required for timely rehydration and prevention of dehydration.

Only the attending physician can differential diagnosis rotavirus with other acute intestinal infections and decide how to treat and how to treat the disease in each case. There are no drugs that have a detrimental effect on viruses. Treatment is symptomatic. The use of antibiotics is not indicated.

The temperature should be reduced only when it rises above 39 0 C in adults and above 38 0 C in children. Paracetamol, Ibuprofen, Nurofen are used as antipyretics.

Treatment of gastric flu is carried out for the following purposes:

  • restoration of water and mineral balance in the body;
  • reduction of intoxication syndrome;
  • improved digestion;
  • prevention or elimination of dysbacteriosis.

Symptoms and treatment in adults with rotavirus depend on the state of the immune system. Stomach flu in young people is often mild, treatment in this case is plentiful drink and diet.

To make up for the loss of body fluids and salts, the following fluids are used:

  1. Glucosolan, Regidron, Oralit (1 dose of the drug per 1 liter boiled water);
  2. Solution home cooking: dissolve 1 tsp in 1 liter of boiled water. salt and soda, 2 tbsp. Sahara;
  3. Decoctions:
  • chamomile;
  • rice;
  • raisins;
  • carrots;
  • apple;
  • wild rose;
  1. Alkaline mineral non-carbonated water.

Drink in small portions every 20-30 minutes. (for a child - teaspoons or tablespoons, for an adult 50 ml) so as not to provoke vomiting. The volume of liquid per day depends on the volume of losses and the degree of dehydration. If vomiting continues or severe dehydration is present, your doctor may prescribe intravenous administration solutions.

The use of sorbents (Enterosgel, Smecta, Polysorb) will accelerate the removal of toxins from the body. Used to improve food digestion enzyme preparations(Mezim forte, Creon, Enzistal, etc.). Bifidumbacterin, Bifiform, Linex, Hilak forte will help to cope with dysbacteriosis.

Diet plays an important role in the treatment of rotavirus. You should not force your child to eat.

From the diet are subject to exclusion:

  • all dairy products (including fermented milk);
  • fresh fruits and vegetables;
  • fried foods;
  • legumes;
  • cabbage;
  • black bread;
  • sweets;
  • juices and carbonated drinks.

You can eat:

  • lean meat (beef, chicken breast) or fish;
  • weak broths, vegetable soups;
  • porridge (oatmeal, rice) on the water;
  • baked apples;
  • bananas;
  • jelly;
  • dried fruits compote.

The diet should be followed both in acute and in recovery periods. It is necessary to expand the range of dishes gradually.


Prevention of rotavirus includes:

  • compliance with the rules of personal hygiene;
  • use of high-quality purified or boiled water for drinking;
  • meeting deadlines and proper storage food;
  • strengthening immunity.

Rotavirus infection has characteristic manifestations that can be observed in other diseases. Therefore, when the first symptoms appear, you should consult a doctor. The disease can lead to dehydration, especially dangerous for children. early age. Taking care of strengthening the immune system, you can avoid rotavirus.

The stomach flu, also known as the "stomach flu", is a contagious disease. It affects both children and adults. The latter often get sick in a mild form. This disease is accompanied by pronounced symptoms. When they are identified, you should immediately consult a doctor: this will speed up the healing process.

What is the stomach flu?

it viral disease considered highly contagious. More often they are ill children under three years old, and, in the group of increased risk are babies on artificial feeding. According to statistics, by the age of 17, 90% of people have antibodies to intestinal flu agents in their blood. This fact indicates that they all had the disease at an earlier age.

The rotavirus intestinal flu is especially dangerous for the following groups of people:

  • those who take glucocorticoids or cytostatics;
  • cancer patients;
  • HIV-infected;
  • women during the period of bearing babies;
  • persons who have received internal organ transplants;
  • people suffering from somatic diseases.

In addition, the intestinal flu is a disease that often attacks travelers. Due to a sharp change in the climatic zone and the transition to an unusual diet, the immune system fails. As a result, pathogens multiply freely in the intestines. Elderly people are also susceptible to this disease, because at this age immunodeficiency increases, and various diseases develop more intensively.

Intestinal flu - the causative agent

This disease is provoked by agents that actively develop in the cells of the epithelium of the gastrointestinal tract. In 90% of cases, rotavirus causes intestinal flu. It was first discovered in the 70s of the last century in the epithelial cells of children who died due to acute gastroenteritis. The virion of the virus resembles a wheel in shape. Inside it is an RNA molecule containing hereditary information. Outside, the virion is covered with a multilayer protein shell with receptors. With the help of them, viruses bind to the cells of the epithelium of the oropharynx and intestines. Then they enter the blood.

In the remaining 10% of cases, intestinal flu can be triggered by such viruses and bacteria:

  • adenoviruses;
  • shigella;
  • noroviruses;
  • calicivirus.

How is the stomach flu transmitted?

There are different routes of infection. Here is how rotavirus is transmitted:

  • through dirty hands;
  • with contaminated food and water (the virus does not die even at low temperatures);
  • with droplets of saliva;
  • with faeces.

The virus is very resistant to acids, so it easily gets to duodenum. The main purpose of this organ of the digestive system is the enzymatic breakdown of food and the absorption of the smallest particles into the blood. Inner surface The intestines are covered with villi lined with enterocytes. Penetrating into these cells, the virus sheds its protein coat. After that, it sends hereditary information (RNA) to the nucleus of the "captured" cell. As a result, this leads to the failure of all ongoing processes, and in the future - to rupture of the membrane and death of the enterocyte.

According to the same scenario, infection and death of neighboring cells occurs. Because of this, the food entering the intestine stops in a normal way digest. In addition, disaccharides accumulate in this organ of the gastrointestinal tract, attracting salts and water. All this mixture is excreted from the body, resulting in dehydration: a person feels a breakdown.

Intestinal flu - incubation period

This interval lasts from the moment the agent enters the body until the first symptoms of the disease appear. It is often referred to as the latency period. Rotavirus incubation period has a short duration: more often it lasts 24-48 hours. After that comes acute phase, the duration of which ranges from 3 to 7 days. Recovery stage lasts 4-5 days.

How contagious is the stomach flu?

This viral disease is considered highly contagious. Agents are very resistant to external environment which exacerbates the situation. The most effective disinfectant is 70% alcohol solution ethanol. In addition, agents die when boiled. Here's how contagious rotavirus is (unless disinfected):

  • on the skin of the hands - about 4 hours;
  • in the external environment (on toys, household items, in the air) - 2-3 weeks.

Intestinal flu - symptoms

The clinical picture may vary somewhat depending on the stage of development of the disease. On the initial stage Rotavirus symptoms are:

  • body temperature above 38 °, accompanied by chills and fever;
  • headache;
  • loss of appetite;
  • stomach ache;
  • vomit;
  • dark urine;
  • severe diarrhea (up to 20 times a day);
  • clarification of feces, it may contain blood streaks;
  • sore throat;
  • dry cough;
  • pain when swallowing.

A few days later, the situation gets worse. By that time, the following signs of rotavirus are also added:

  • pressure drops;
  • the skin becomes pale;
  • there is a noticeable decrease in body weight;
  • lactose intolerance may occur.

Rotavirus test

As soon as the first signs of intestinal flu begin to appear, you should immediately consult a doctor (especially if a child, a pregnant woman or a person suffering from immunodeficiency is sick). First of all, the doctor will carefully examine the patient, and then recommend him to do a test for rotavirus, for which the test material is feces. Received positive result indicates that the diagnosis has been confirmed. As an additional examination, the doctor may recommend taking the following tests:

  • blood - if a patient has intestinal flu, the results will show increased content leukocytes;
  • urine - protein, hyaline casts, erythrocytes and leukocytes can be found in it.

Rotavirus - treatment

Therapy in patients diagnosed with this disease is symptomatic. To date, there is no drug that fights specifically with this virus. For this reason, the doctor prescribes medications, Considering general state patient. He knows how to treat rotavirus, so in order for the disease to recede as quickly as possible, you must strictly follow his recommendations. Therapy of this disease should be complex. It includes the following areas:

  • isolating the patient and providing him with bed rest;
  • restoration of water and electrolyte balance;
  • elimination of intoxication;
  • medical diet;
  • elimination of inflammation.

stomach flu cure

Drug therapy in each case may vary, since it directly depends on the characteristics of the course of the disease. For this reason, before treating the intestinal flu, the doctor prescribes an additional examination to the patient. More often, the following medications are prescribed during therapy:

  • (Enterosgel, Smecta, activated carbon);
  • probiotic preparations (Hilak Forte, Bifiform, Bifidumbacterin Forte);
  • food enzymes (Pancreatin, Creon);
  • electrolyte solutions (, Trisol, Lactasol);
  • antipyretics (Nurofen, Next), but if rotavirus without fever, such drugs are not prescribed;
  • antitussive drugs (Sinekod, Bromhexine, Bronholitin);
  • (No-shpa, Spazmalgon);
  • immunostimulants (Cycloferon, Kagocel, Tsitovir).

Rotavirus - diet

In order for the disease to recede as soon as possible, the patient must eat right. The following foods should be excluded from the diet:

  • milk and dairy products;
  • sweets;
  • flour;
  • fatty meat and fish;
  • smoked meats;
  • fried foods;
  • pickles;
  • alcohol;
  • fast food;
  • spicy dishes.

Diet for intestinal flu implies the presence in the diet of such foods:

  • vegetable purees;
  • cereals cooked on water (buckwheat, rice);
  • biscuit cookies;
  • low-fat broths;
  • baked apples;
  • bananas;
  • rye crackers;
  • boiled lean meat and lean fish.

Food should be fractional. The recommended frequency of meals is 6-8 times a day and in small portions. You need to drink at least two liters of fluid per day. For this, sweet black tea (weak), infusion of raspberries, rose hips or currants is suitable. In addition, oatmeal and rice water: they are rich in starch, therefore they envelop the walls of the stomach and protect it from damage.

Intestinal flu belongs to a common group of diseases that have several common features associated with violation normal state intestinal mucosa. The causative agents of the disease are rotaviruses that enter the gastrointestinal tract and multiply there. The infection can be transmitted from person to person: people suffering from chronic diseases intestines.

Among the main provoking factors of the disease should be noted:

  • poor-quality processing of vegetables with fruits;
  • drinking dirty water;
  • excessive amount of dairy products;
  • bathing in public places.

The main causes, symptoms, treatment and prevention of intestinal flu need to be told in more detail.

Intestinal flu is associated with a violation of the normal state of the intestinal mucosa

Do not confuse the intestinal flu, which is sometimes also called the stomach flu, with the common influenza infection caused by viruses A, B, and C. Yes, sometimes these viruses still affect the intestinal epithelium, although in most cases their main localization is the respiratory tract.

Treatment of intestinal flu is prescribed by a doctor, based on the symptoms of the disease. For the first time, the term for this disease appeared in the twentieth century in the United States. Americans are increasingly complaining to doctors about a strange illness, accompanied by:

  • diarrhea
  • disturbed appetite;
  • abdominal pain;
  • dehydration.

Doctors carefully began to study the condition of patients and found out that rotaviruses are the culprit of this nosology. Soon, people on the European continent faced signs of stomach flu. Most often, as statistics have shown, young children suffered from this, since their immunity is not yet sufficiently strengthened (it lacks the necessary local links).

According to the results of the surveys, the infection affects the mucous organs of the gastrointestinal tract, resulting in diarrhea and other signs of influenza-like lesions of the abdomen. Intestinal tissue narrows. Inflammatory process with the intestinal form of influenza acquires chronic(sometimes, however, the immune system manages to cope with the disease on its own, but one should not hope for this without doing anything for treatment).

Since digestion is disturbed and food is not absorbed, harmful toxins quickly accumulate in the body. It is difficult to imagine more favorable conditions for the development of infection. A secondary symptom of the disease is dysbacteriosis, accompanied by:

  • intoxication syndrome;
  • abdominal pain;
  • dyspepsia.

As for provoking factors, most often the gastrointestinal flu begins due to:

  • drinking water with infection;
  • contaminated food;
  • dirty toys (children often take them in their mouths).

Knowing how this disease begins, you should figure out what to do when it is diagnosed and how to cure it at home.

childhood infection

Rotavirus infection is also called childhood, because it is among the representatives younger age it is usually diagnosed. Babies lack protective immunoglobulins, which allows viral agents to multiply rapidly.

In children with intestinal flu, the temperature rises, the tummy hurts and appetite worsens

Acute symptoms of stomach flu suggest rapid dehydration and loss of appetite (with all the ensuing consequences).

Phases of the disease

Incubation period The described illness lasts about five days. This refers to the time from the moment of infection to the onset of initial symptoms.

Then the so-called acute period - It takes about a week.

Especially to be wary of the next period, called severe phase- it can also last about a week.

But even after its completion, a person cannot be considered completely healthy, since for the final recovery and recovery it will take at least five days. When children get sick, the transition from one phase of the disease to another is faster and only recovery has to wait longer. If the baby is not provided with qualified medical care in a timely manner, it is possible serious complications(up to death).

Sometimes the symptoms of abdominal flu, as such, are absent, which does not mean that there is no need for its treatment. This usually happens in adults. In addition, a sick person (even if there are no pronounced signs) remains contagious and dangerous to others. That is, the contagious period begins from the very start of the development of the disease. You need to follow certain preventive rules so as not to infect any of the family members:

  • wash your hands thoroughly;
  • less contact with an infected person;
  • eat from different utensils.

Alas, if the symptoms are not expressed, the patient himself may not suspect that he is infected, and infect others.

Symptoms of the disease

The choice of the appropriate treatment by the doctor depends on how the intestinal flu proceeds, how its symptoms manifest themselves.

For example, if a patient suffers from diarrhea, it is necessary, first of all, to exclude the possibility of any diseases of the gastrointestinal tract and food gastroenteritis. In gastric pathologies, an intoxication syndrome is manifested, including the presence of liquid stool, fever and general malaise.

With the described influenza infection abdominal pain occur approximately on the second day (although this may happen earlier in a child).

You can suspect the development of this disease by:

  • sour smell stool and their yellowish hue;
  • copious mucus;
  • reddened eyes;
  • cracks on the surface of the lips;
  • which have become rare trips to the toilet "for a little";
  • inflamed throat.

High fever and nausea are some of the most prominent symptoms. A treatment process not started on time (if a person did not pay attention to the above indicated signs and did not consult a doctor) will lead to dehydration.

As regards the main clinical forms of this infectious flu, you usually have to deal with:

  • gastroenteritis;
  • enteritis;
  • lactose deficiency.

The doctor gets acquainted with the main symptoms of a foodborne influenza infection that manifested in a patient, determines clinical picture and prescribes a course of treatment.

Reddened eyes can also indicate the development of intestinal flu.

Principles of treatment

What to take with intestinal flu for adults and children? How to cure this disease?

Therapy of the disease is based on the following principles:

  • basic;
  • etiotropic;
  • symptomatic.

An adult has local immunity(and, specifically, IgA between intestinal epithelial cells), as a result of which the pathogen is unable to multiply rapidly. The formation of protective complexes occurs after the first meeting with the infection.

Are antibiotics taken for this disease? Doctors do not recommend, calling this approach extremely ineffective. Conversely, dysbacteriosis caused by intestinal form influenza is treated with probiotics.

If the immune system is sufficiently stable, strong medicines may not even be needed. The doctor prescribes only drugs that provide antiviral protection (or homeopathic remedies that activate nonspecific immunity).

Researching how to treat influenza with an intestinal infection, scientists have determined the importance of interferon gamma. Thanks to its compounds, macrophages are activated that destroy foreign flora. That is why Oscilococcinum can be prescribed for the treatment of the disease.

Even for the treatment of this influenza infection, Enterosgel is prescribed, which is an enterosorbent and helps to remove toxic substances from the body. The substance is not absorbed into the intestine itself and moves freely through it. Its withdrawal from the body occurs after seven hours.

Along with Smecta and activated charcoal in the treatment gastrointestinal flu in children Enterofuril is prescribed. It contains nifuroxazide, which provides antimicrobial action, strengthening the immune system and defeating the infection.

Can't be afraid intestinal dysbacteriosis, as sometimes happens after the use of other drugs - on the contrary, gastrointestinal tract starts to function better. Withdrawal of balances this drug carried out together with feces and is absolutely safe for human health.

Healing procedures

Among other things, the doctor may prescribe drugs and procedures that fight the main symptoms of the disease described, namely:

  • diarrhea therapy;
  • elimination of vomiting;
  • restoration of salt metabolism.

Here are a few things you can do at home:

  • Dissolve Regidron in boiling water and drink every half hour. This will help eliminate dehydration. The effectiveness of the composition can be increased if added to the prepared drink chamomile tea, a little sugar, raisins (dried apricots or just carrots are also suitable) and half a spoonful of soda. If there is prolonged vomiting, this remedy you need to drink not immediately, but little by little.
  • A sparing diet should be observed, in which sour-milk products are excluded, due to which pathogenic bacteria in the gastrointestinal tract actively multiply.
  • You can take sorbents that will cleanse the intestines of toxic substances. In particular, we can recall the benefits of Smekta, activated carbon, Polysorb, as well as Enterosgel already mentioned above.
  • The doctor prescribes intestinal antibiotic drugs only during severe diarrhea to stop severe diarrheal syndrome. Most often we are talking about Enterol or Furazolidone. But after such a therapeutic course has been completed, in order to restore intestinal microflora it is recommended to drink probiotics (for example, positive effect observed from the use of homemade yoghurts).
  • To improve digestive process, you can accept various enzyme preparations, like Mezim, Pancreatin, and also Creon.
  • Perhaps the simultaneous appointment of Ftalazol with other drugs. But, as a rule, this medicine take a maximum of three days.
  • When the acute phase of the disease is over, probiotics like Hilak Forte, Bifiform or Linex will help you recover.

Furazolidone is often used in the treatment of intestinal flu.

But you should not take certain pills for intestinal flu without first agreeing on the treatment process with your doctor (especially when it comes to treating small children). In addition, it is necessary to take only those drugs that are not contraindicated for the patient, based on his individual characteristics.

Therapeutic diet

In addition to the use of therapeutic agents prescribed by a doctor, one should not forget about the need to normalize nutrition.

In particular, some features of such a diet should be listed:

  • no dairy products;
  • in the morning - the use of low-fat chicken broth;
  • use rice porridge at lunchtime to prevent dehydration;
  • ban on the use vegetable oil when cooking.

Moreover, pregnant women with abdominal flu should be more careful about their diet.

Disease prevention

Prevention intestinal infection after contact with an infected person, it implies the obligatory observance of basic hygiene rules. That is, you need to not just wash your hands, but use disinfectants at the same time. This will allow you not to get infected even in those cases when you had to communicate with the patient.

Vegetables in preventive purposes it is advisable to soak before cooking in a three percent acetic solution.

Running water must be boiled before drinking.

The food that the patient consumes must be of high quality and fresh.

Don't forget to wash vegetables and fruits before eating!

It should be remembered how contagious the intestinal flu is, posing a danger to people of any gender and age (especially children). In addition, the symptoms that appear with it seriously worsen the quality of a person’s life, threaten dangerous complications and even fatal.