Activated charcoal - dosage and rules of use. Activated charcoal: dosage

Activated carbon- a well-known sorbent sold in pharmacies. It is used mainly for intoxication of the body, but there are also all kinds of folk remedies. In order not to harm the body, you need to know how much activated charcoal you can take per day and how it should be done.

general information

Activated charcoal is a simple but effective sorbent that saves many difficult situations. Each gram of this antidote binds up to 700 g of morphine, 300 g of barbiturates, 600 g of sleeping pills or 300-400 ml of alcohol. For positive effect and avoiding harm to the body, you need to know how much coal you can drink at a time and what is the maximum daily dosage.

Among the indications for the use of activated charcoal, there are situations:

How many activated charcoal tablets are allowed to be drunk without harm to health, in each case the answer will be different.

This sorbent can also be used in to get rid of black dots and oily sheen. Such masks exist in both home and industrial versions.

How is the dosage calculated?

When calculating the number of activated charcoal tablets, it is customary to adhere to the simplest formula: 1 tablet per 10 kilograms of body weight. With a similar shock dose, treatment is started, but if it is delayed, the dosage is lowered as prescribed by the doctor.

Permissible daily dosage

At serious violations coal is drunk up to four times a day. Doctors believe that you can take 3-4 tablets every couple of hours to create a continuous process of cleansing the body. When acute symptoms disappear, the regimen is changed: the tablets continue to be drunk in the morning and evening hours. The number of tablets should be determined by the attending physician, taking into account body weight and symptoms to be controlled.

Course duration

It is impossible to say for sure how many days to drink activated charcoal - it all depends on the body. Usually adhere to the following scheme: after the symptoms disappear, coal is taken in the morning and at bedtime in maximum dosage in three days.

The total duration of the course should not exceed ten days, otherwise you can harm the body (not only toxins, but also useful substances will come out of it). If no positive changes occur in ten days, coal is ineffective in a particular case and another method of cleaning (for example, with a dropper) should be selected.

How much you can drink coal tablets is understandable, but keep in mind that it is not recommended to repeat cleansing courses more than once every three months. After a ten-day intake of coal, the body will need time to restore the microflora and saturate it with useful substances. Only in emergency cases doctors prescribe a second course in one to two weeks.

When to take?

For maximum effectiveness, we recommend drinking activated charcoal tablets one hour before or after meals. If the sorbent is needed to eliminate the symptoms and consequences of poisoning, this rule becomes irrelevant and the tablets are taken urgently. Sometimes the standard dosage is increased: the number of tablets is calculated by body weight and one more is added.

I was walking home from work and I wanted to eat so much on the way that I could not stand it and bought shawarma. I have never eaten such roadside food before, the stomach is weak. Came home, now I suffer from pain in my stomach. It turns unbearably, I run to the toilet all the time, diarrhea has begun. And it's also nauseating. I think I got poisoned. There is only activated charcoal in the first aid kit. How many pills should an adult man weighing 87 kg drink in case of poisoning?

Comments: 35 »

    I usually drink at the rate of one tablet per 10 kg of weight, that is, you need to drink 9 tablets, but drink very large quantity water without gas and additives.

    In general, when classical treatment it is used with coal in the proportion of 1 tablet to 10 kilograms of live weight, so to speak. But if you drink more, you will not harm yourself, but therapeutic effect may increase.

    It is necessary to step from the degree of poisoning. Me somehow an emergency doctor after new year holidays(overeating, plus poisoning with a significant dose of alcohol) advised 2 tablets per 10 kg. Then half a day or a day to sit on the water without gas, then a smoky diet for a day. Better, of course, enterosgel, but if only coal ... And even better to see a doctor. There is a certain probability that it is infectious and then coal cannot be cured.

    Hello. You always had 1 tablet per 10 kilograms of weight, but I always drink one or two tablets more, so that it certainly helps.

    One tablet goes to 10 kg. So consider how much weight you have, how many pills you need to drink, and for an hour, either before or after taking the pills, it is better not to eat anything.

    Well, in case of poisoning, I have always been treated with activated charcoal. Everything is extremely simple, I remember it as a child. Proportion 1 tablet = 10 kg of weight consumed. with a weight of 87 kg, you need to drink 9 tablets. The main thing is not all at once in one gulp, otherwise there will be problems with the respiratory tract and everything else.

    You can safely drink the activated charcoal currency, i.e. 10 tablets, it definitely won’t get any worse, because it’s a sorbent, not a medicine.

    Tablets 170 for sure, 42-43 pieces per four times day appointment. Induce vomiting good to clean better stomach. Drink, drink and drink more water. I use, although now for some reason they do not advise, potassium permanganate (weak pink solution).

    In case of poisoning, such a calculation: 2 tablets (500 mg each) per 1 kg of weight per day - less will not help !!!

    Take a dozen tablets. Only if it came to diarrhea, then all the rubbish is already in the intestines and blood. If it does not stop and there is a temperature, then see a doctor.

    Ten tablets, because you have almost 9 kg of weight, you can take eight, I think the effect will also be normal. In general, I would go to the clinic or call a doctor to accurately establish the diagnosis, perhaps you have a problem stomach.

    One tablet of ordinary activated carbon per 10-12 kg of human weight. Also, in case of poisoning, it is advisable to drink plenty of fluids, in particular clean water It promotes the elimination of toxins.

    In case of poisoning, it is necessary to completely cleanse the body. If you feel sick, it is better not to resist, but rather, induce vomiting. Believe that after this you will feel much better. Next, you need to cleanse the intestines. This can be done with an enema. warm water. When you have completely cleansed the gastrointestinal tract, then you can already drink 10 tablets of activated charcoal.

    I act according to the old method of our ancestors, which means that 1 tablet of activated carbon goes to 10 kg. So, looking at your weight of 87 kg. You need to drink 8 or 9 tablets of activated charcoal and drink one glass of filtered non-carbonated water.

    8-10 tablets should help. Nose severe poisoning it is advisable to call a doctor or you can go to a pharmacy. Although it is undesirable to engage in self-medication, effective medicines will prompt.

    In case of poisoning, you need to drink activated charcoal, at the rate of one tablet per ten kg of a person's weight, as doctors say.

    In case of diarrhea, take 3 tablets 3 times a day ( daily dose 200-250 mg) up to 7 days. Activated charcoal is good for its availability and price, but it is absolutely contraindicated in pancreatitis, stomach ulcers, internal bleeding. Therefore, it is desirable to have more effective and more gentle sorbents of a new generation in the first-aid kit, such as smecta, polysorb, enterosgel, etc.

    Not the fact that the pills will help. Of course, if you start taking coal immediately at the rate of one tablet per kilogram of weight, it may help. It is better to consult a doctor after all, it is not clear how the body will behave in case of poisoning.

    One tablet of activated charcoal per 10 kg of body weight. You have 87 kg of weight, so 9 tablets. In addition to pills, you need to drink plenty of fluids to flush out toxins. Well helps against diarrhea Niffuroxazide in tablets.

    In case of poisoning and diarrhea, I always take only activated charcoal. I do not calculate kilograms, but I drink ten tablets at once, drinking water. Help comes quickly and there are no side effects.

    As experts advise in case of poisoning, you need to drink 1 tablet of activated charcoal per 10 kilograms of your weight. AT last resort it is better to consult a specialist.

    For such cases, it is better to always have polysorb with you. Recently she herself experienced poisoning, it was this drug that helped out. For better, wash with a solution of Polysorb, then take it 3 times a day.

    For such cases, it is better to always have polysorb with you. Recently she herself experienced poisoning, it was this drug that helped out. To begin with, it is better to wash with a solution of Polysorb, then take it 3 times a day.

    I never buy anything on the street, but shawarma is generally terrible ... Forgive me, who eats it. Poisoning get times spit. If the stomach is already sick or sick, then most likely there is poisoning. In such cases, I recommend Enterosgel immediately start taking. This enterosorbent will begin to remove toxins and harmful substances and should get better. if the poisoning is severe, then it is better to go to the hospital. Well, for the future, watch what you eat. It is better to eat a banana with severe hunger, there will definitely not be such consequences.

    Hello. Indeed, as stated by the commentators above, 1 tablet / 1kg. In your case, 9 tablets, since the weight is close to 90 kg. But if diarrhea and nausea also torment you, one coal will not be enough, gather your strength, go to the pharmacy, purchase additional drugs so the condition will improve faster.

    Poisoning meat products fraught with serious consequences. If I were you, I would not limit myself to absorbent intake. Well, if the essence of the matter, then you need to drink 8-9 tablets of activated charcoal (calculation for 10 kg of weight - 1 tablet).

    As far as I know, for every 10 kg of your weight, one tablet, therefore you need to drink 9 tablets. But if I think shawarma, I can play it safe and drink a little more.

    With mild poisoning, you need 8-9 tablets of coal for your weight. Should let go. Take some time to avoid fatty foods. And do not buy food in unverified places.

    We don’t have coal in our first-aid kit, we haven’t taken it for a long time. In case of poisoning, the girls write correctly, Enterosgel is much more effective. Of course, I don’t often get poisoning, but if it happens (on vacation, as a rule), then the enterosorbent is my first assistant.

    Activated charcoal - tested, reliable remedy from diarrhea. For as long as I can remember, they were the only ones treated. And today with a huge choice modern drugs I still prefer coal, because its composition is 100% natural! Yes, it's not expensive!

    With diarrhea, Loperamide helps well. You need to take two capsules at once, usually this is enough. “Smekta” is also very effective. In case of poisoning, take 5-8 tablets of activated charcoal, regardless of weight. After a few hours, repeat the reception.

    Classical formula: one tablet per 10 kg of weight. In your case, you need to drink 9 tablets, but I would drink the whole package. This is if you have ordinary coal. There is also coal in Sorbex capsules, then two capsules are enough.

    When taking activated charcoal, it should be borne in mind that for every 10 kg of weight man goes one tablet of charcoal. That is, for your weight, this is 8-9 tablets.

    One tablet per 10 kg of weight is approximately given. Moreover, this procedure is repeated several times a day. It all depends on the degree of poisoning already, you can drink less if you don’t feel very bad.

    The tablet is designed for 10 kg of human weight. Tablets can be drunk if there are no other symptoms. Activated charcoal cleanses the body well and if there is a temperature during poisoning, then you can safely drink it with plenty of water. But activated charcoal has its own contraindications. Therefore, be sure to read the instructions. Well, I would also advise you to go and buy chamomile. Great for soothing stomach pain like diarrhea.

Activated charcoal is the most well-known remedy which was used in antiquity. Its properties ensure the absorption of harmful substances in the body and their excretion. This drug is used not only for poisoning, but also for cleansing, weight loss.

Activated carbon (description) instruction

It is necessary to understand, due to which the agent has a cleansing effect. To do this, you should read the instructions for activated carbon, which regulates its use.

Reliable and proven tool!

Since ancient times, coal was considered a very useful substance for digestive problems. In this article, we will describe in detail in what situations and how to take it correctly.

Composition and form of release

The drug is available in the following forms:

  • Tablets;
  • Capsules;
  • Granules for suspension;
  • Paste;
  • Powder.

The composition of one tablet includes activated carbon, starch and the so-called black salt, which is a substance produced by the industry. Black salt is a finely porous coal, which in itself has adsorbing properties; black salt contains trace elements that contribute to the healing of the body.

Being in the composition of black salt allows you to reduce the loss of adsorbing properties of coal, which are reduced due to the presence of starch in the composition of the preparation. The tablet weighs 0.6 g. A composition is known in which sugar is used instead of black salt, these preparations have less adsorbing properties.

Can be overdone

Despite the seeming harmlessness of these black pills, you need to drink them only in accordance with the instructions for use. In large quantities, side effects may occur.

pharmachologic effect

The main actions of the drug on the human body are as follows:

  • detoxification;
  • Antidiarrheal;
  • Adsorbent (cleansing).

Pharmacological properties are provided by the surface activity of the drug, it is able to bind gases, salts heavy metals, toxins, barbiturates, glycosides and other harmful substances, preventing them from being absorbed in the gastrointestinal tract. The tool gently and carefully removes decay products from the body along with feces.

Indications for use

Indications for the use of the drug are the following cases:

  1. Intoxication, which is expressed by dyspepsia, fermentation and putrefaction in the intestines, flatulence, diarrhea, mucus hypersecretion.
  2. It is used for poisoning with alkaloids, heavy metal salts, glycosides, and food poisoning.
  3. Infectious diseases: salmonellosis, dysentery, chronic and acute viral hepatitis.
  4. Bronchial asthma, kidney failure, liver cirrhosis, cholecystitis, enterocolitis, gastritis.
  5. Poisoning with chemicals and drugs, alcohol syndrome.
  6. Intoxication caused by the use of chemotherapy.
  7. Metabolic disease.
  8. Preparation for bowel examinations.

The drug weakly sorbs acids and alkalis, its use in these cases is possible. It does not irritate mucous membranes, it is used for more fast healing wounds and ulcers. In case of poisoning with substances that participate in the enterohepatic circulation, the course of treatment should be increased to several days.


Instructions for the use of activated carbon contain a number of contraindications:

  • Intolerance to the components of the drug;
  • Ulcers of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • Exacerbations of diseases of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • Taking antitoxic drugs;
  • Colitis;
  • Chronic constipation;
  • Hypotension;
  • Intestinal obstruction.

Reception during pregnancy

Many are concerned about the question of how safe activated charcoal is during pregnancy. Doctors say that this drug is absolutely safe, and sometimes it is simply necessary to take it. These tablets do not affect the development of the fetus, they are not absorbed into the blood.

Activated carbon is a porous sorbent, the principle of operation is based on the collection of harmful substances through the gastrointestinal tract and their removal from the body. It is useful for a pregnant woman who often suffers during this period from constipation, colic, increased gas formation.

The drug helps to eliminate the signs of heartburn, which are also not uncommon during pregnancy. This is caused by high acidity. It perfectly absorbs excess acid. In this case, the drug is excreted from the body naturally within 68 hours.

Features of taking activated charcoal during pregnancy are as follows:

  • The interval between taking the drug and vitamin complex- at least 2 hours, otherwise it will nullify their effect;
  • It is better to take the tablets in crushed form, pouring ½ cup of water;
  • Dosages depend on the reason for taking.

How to drink activated charcoal different situations? In case of intoxication, you should drink a suspension at the rate of 1 tablet per 10 kg of body weight. For bloating, dosage: 1/3 tablet 2 hours after each meal.

Prolonged or uncontrolled use of the drug during pregnancy is not recommended, as it can also remove useful substances, trace elements, which during this period are very important for the growing body of the baby.

It is advisable to resort to taking pills as little as possible, as needed and after consulting a doctor.

How to use activated carbon

Activated charcoal is used in tablets or diluted in water. This is done, as a rule, separately from meals, about 2 hours before or after. The average dosage for an adult is 100-200 mg per 1 kilogram per day, total divided into three steps.

Treatment with this drug is carried out from 3 days to 2 weeks, if necessary, the course can be repeated after 2 weeks. How to take activated charcoal in different situations?

Acute poisoning requires gastric lavage with coal suspension, after which coal treatment is possible - 4-5 tablets per day for 3 days. Intoxication - reception is carried out in the form of a suspension, dilute 20-30 g in 150 ml of water. Flatulence, dyspepsia - every 4 hours, 1-2 g, for 3-7 days.

The course for diseases that are accompanied by putrefactive processes in the intestines is 7-14 days. For adults, the dosage is 10 g, children 7-14 years old - 7 g, children 0-7 years old - 5 g three times a day.

Side effects

The drug is absolutely safe, but after taking it, occasionally there may be side effects, which are expressed in constipation or diarrhea, hypovitaminosis, reduced absorption useful substances and hormones from the gastrointestinal tract. These disturbances occur most frequently in long-term use medicines.

Activated charcoal for body cleansing

The use of activated charcoal to cleanse the body has positive reviews, this product has been used for this purpose since ancient times. Currently, the drug is made from carbon-containing components - coal, wood, coconut kernel shells.

The cleansing of the body occurs due to the porous structure of the product, it adsorbs a large amount of harmful substances. Charcoal is not digested. In addition to removing toxins, it is able to freshen breath, in most cases, the cause of the problem is a clogged intestine.

The drug helps to cleanse the blood and lower cholesterol levels, normalize fat metabolism, helps with allergies, it can be used seasonally. Its effect on the state skin, because all these problems are caused by slagging of the intestines.

In order to cleanse the body for every 10 kg of weight, 1 tablet is calculated. The cleansing course, conducted for the first time, lasts a week after two weeks. Then 4-day cleansing mini-courses will be enough. It is desirable to take coal shortly before meals in the morning, rub the preparation and mix with clean water.

It is forbidden to exceed the dosage and increase the time of taking the drug without consulting a specialist. Long uncontrolled reception can lead to toxic poisoning, this is the opposite effect, which has symptoms - nausea, vomiting, indigestion. Possible changes in the gastrointestinal mucosa.

The harm of activated charcoal to the body when losing weight

Many use the remedy for weight loss, some losing weight note positive result. What do experts say about it? It is not recommended to lose weight on this drug, and here are the reasons:

  1. Coal causes a slowdown in peristalsis, which negatively affects the state of the digestive tract. This can cause constipation, which further leads to the development of hemorrhoids.
  2. The drug is a sorbent, but it does not get rid of fat, this drug cleanses the body, contributing to the establishment of metabolism and fat metabolism.
  3. The tool absorbs not only harmful substances, but also trace elements, enzymes, amino acids.
  4. Long-term use leads to changes in the skin, it becomes dull, hair falls out, nails begin to break.
  5. It should be noted that the drug can not be taken with other drugs, it reduces their effect.

It is possible to lose weight with the help of activated carbon, but in compliance with the permissible terms of admission and not often. because negative sides such weight loss has dangerous consequences.

Activated carbon applications

The drug is used in the following cases:

  1. Practically in case of any poisoning (there are exceptions, for example, in case of poisoning with gasoline vapors or other poisoning by intoxication through Airways use of coal is pointless).

Attention! The volume of the drug depends on whether the stomach is empty or full. If charcoal is taken after meals, the recommended amount should be increased.

If the drug concentration is low, harmful and toxic substances can be released and re-enter the body. To avoid this and achieve complete adsorption, you should complete the full course of treatment.

Washing with charcoal is done with water with a large amount of the agent, which causes vomiting. The procedure is repeated at least 3 times. Then take the drug at the standard dosage.

  1. With a hangover. You can do this before drinking alcohol. Coal, which is taken in advance, prevents the absorption of alcohol into the blood, and it is safely excreted from the body without harm to the liver. After walking in the morning, waking up is much easier, without a headache and hangover syndromes. By the way, we recommend reading the link.

Coal will help after the party, it should be taken in the morning. To make the effect more noticeable, it is necessary to mix the drug with water. At the same time, it does not make sense to take other means together with coal.

Important point! After taking the drug after two hours, it is imperative to empty the intestines so that toxic substances do not enter the body back.

Almost everyone has a couple of packs of activated charcoal in their first aid kit. Only the rules of its reception are known only to units. In addition to helping with poisoning, these tablets are useful in other cases, which can be found in the instructions below.

Slimming with activated charcoal

The process of losing weight even on the most rigid diets takes a lot of time. Restriction of the diet leads to the deprivation of the body of the necessary substances. In addition, they do not leave the body and different kind toxins, which only worsens the condition. Activated charcoal helps correct this situation by sucking up harmful substances like a vacuum cleaner. This process is very important in an effort to lose weight.

There is one important nuance– the use of coal does not mean uncontrolled absorption a large number food. Tablets will only contribute to the normalization of weight. How to drink activated charcoal for weight loss? This can be done using different methods. First you need to correctly determine the dosage from the condition: one tablet for every 10 kg of a person's weight. Divide your weight by 10 and round up. You can drink the calculated amount of activated carbon according to 2 schemes:

  • take at a time, and immediately after waking up, i.e. on an empty stomach;
  • distribute into portions of 2-3 pieces, take one hour before meals.

How to take charcoal

Today, coal is gradually fading into the background, more and more drugs are being developed daily to improve the activity of the gastrointestinal tract. This fact alone does not detract from the properties of this simple medicine. Indications for the use of the drug are:

  1. food poisoning- intoxication with mushrooms, stale food, meat or fish in canned food, alcohol.
  2. Chemical poisoning - drugs, alkaloids, salts of heavy metals.
  3. Disorders of the digestive system - flatulence, increased gas formation and bloating, diarrhea, hyperacidity.
  4. Diseases of the gastrointestinal tract infectious origintyphoid fever, dysentery, salmonellosis, cholera.
  5. Allergic reaction- swelling, redness and other signs of histamine intoxication.

To cleanse the body

The intestines are one of the organs on which cleanliness and defensive forces organism. Toxins are not always successfully removed, because the microflora is often disturbed due to the colonization of unnecessary bacteria. Especially such a process is observed after a course of antibiotics, which kill all microorganisms without distinction between beneficial and harmful ones. This leads to poisoning of the body, allergies, general weakness and reduced immunity. Here's how to take activated charcoal to cleanse your body:

  1. Calculate the required number of tablets by dividing your weight by ten. Take them on the first day as a loading dose.
  2. The next day, limit a single dose to 2 tablets, using them between meals.
  3. All subsequent days, use the amount calculated in the first paragraph on an empty stomach in the morning and before bedtime.
  4. After 10 days, take a 2-week break. After that, clean again.
  5. After a new cycle, start taking probiotics.

With diarrhea

The help of coal with diarrhea is the adsorption of harmful components and their subsequent removal from the body. It is only necessary to know the cause of diarrhea. Often it can be caused by poisoning, then taking this medicine will rational decision. The scheme of drug use is as follows:

  1. It is necessary to calculate the dosage from the condition that 1 tablet per 10 kg of the patient's weight.
  2. Take the calculated amount 3 times a day, while drinking plenty of liquid.
  3. Conduct such an intensive reception for about 7-10 days.
  4. After the end of the course, take probiotics to restore the intestinal microflora.

How to drink in case of poisoning

The peculiarity of taking activated charcoal in case of poisoning is that you need to drink the drug as soon as possible only after feeling the symptoms of intoxication. Only in this case, alcohol, drugs, food or salts of heavy metals will be successfully excreted. The first symptoms of poisoning may be:

Feeling at least a few listed signs, you need to take 3-4 tablets or the dose indicated in the instructions for the drug. It is better to drink them with a large amount of liquid, otherwise constipation may occur and intestinal obstruction. Poisoned people are often recommended to drink the drug in the state of an aqueous suspension prepared according to this recipe:

  1. Grind the dose of tablets to a powder state.
  2. Pour them with 100 ml of boiled but cooled water.
  3. Mix thoroughly and start drinking.

After the first dose, continue to drink charcoal twice a day using the recommended or calculated dose. After weakening the symptoms of poisoning, continue the course of treatment for at least 3 more days, not forgetting to actively drink fluids. It affects the maintenance water balance and accelerates the process of excretion from the body of substances that led to intoxication. If there is no improvement, see a doctor.

For allergies

Activated charcoal in the treatment of allergies can only be used as aid. It is drunk to reduce the load on the body from histamines. Doctors often recommend taking charcoal as prophylactic drug, especially during periods possible appearance allergies. The duration of the course should be 1-1.5 months. The dosage is calculated from the same condition as for weight loss - 1 piece per 10 kg of the patient's weight. The amount received must be divided into several doses per day.

White coal is more functional in relation to slags, toxins and allergy pathogens. It does not fundamentally differ from black. The difference is only in the starch, which is included in the composition white coal and gives it that color. The drug is suitable for a child over the age of 14 years. According to doctors, younger children can use the remedy only for serious reasons, including no allergies. The good thing is that one or two tablets of white coal replace a handful of black. This amount per day is enough to relieve allergy symptoms.

How activated charcoal works

The property of activated carbon to absorb harmful substances is due to the porosity of the tablets. The action on the human body begins after ingestion. All types of contaminants settle on the surface of the product, i.e. toxins. Coal does not absorb substances already absorbed into the tissues, but takes away everything that is still contained in the stomach or intestines. This action is called adsorption. Especially it helps not to get drunk longer, provided that the coal was drunk before the feast.

Charcoal has another way of removing toxins. The positively charged oxygen in the tablets attracts negative pollutant ions, an effect called catalytic contraction. disadvantage charcoal tablets is that they, along with harmful ones, absorb useful trace elements and vitamins that have not yet been absorbed into the blood. Therefore, it is not recommended long-term use this drug.


Let's talk about a proven antacid. Everyone is familiar with activated charcoal. How to apply it correctly? And does it have contraindications?

This drug is made from wood coals, or from coal coke. For many years, it would seem that there is no simpler and more proven remedy, and more modern preparations have already been created. However, even now activated charcoal is successfully used by doctors as a sorbent.

Today, these black tablets are used not only as a sorbent, but also in cosmetology and in the life of resourceful housewives.
In case of poisoning, coal is taken orally, the medicine binds harmful metabolic products and toxins, normalizes the process of gas formation and removes harmful substances from the body naturally.

Indications for use

Historically this drug used to detoxify the body, but on this stage the range of use of activated carbon is much wider:

Violations at work gastrointestinal tract(dyspepsia, flatulence, poisoning, processes of putrefaction and fermentation in the intestines)
Sepsis and intoxication in severe burn disease
Infectious diseases(salmonellosis and dysentery)
In diseases of the liver and biliary tract (chronic and acute hepatitis, cirrhosis of the liver, chronic cholecystitis)
Allergic conditions (food allergy)
Preparation for endoscopic examination of the gastrointestinal tract
As part of weight loss diets
Cosmetic wraps and masks to improve the condition of the skin
Use in cosmetology to eliminate dandruff, in dentistry-withdrawal yellow plaque on the teeth
However, activated charcoal is initially medicinal product should not be used in unlimited quantities. Before you start using, be sure to consult your doctor.

activated charcoal for children

Indications for the use of the drug in children are the same as for adults, their list is extensive. Its main focus is detoxification with allergic diseases, diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.

It is used as an antidiarrheal agent. In most cases, parents make an independent decision to use activated charcoal in the treatment of a child.
With all the positive aspects of the drug, there are conditions in which children should not be given activated charcoal:

Bleeding of the mucous membranes of the gastrointestinal tract
Ulcers of the gastrointestinal tract
Combining treatment with other antacids

If you do not take into account these contraindications, use activated charcoal in the treatment of a child, you may encounter indigestion, constipation, thromboembolism, beriberi, hypoglycemic states.
The consequences are severe enough for child's body Therefore, carefully consider the contraindications of the drug.

The use of activated charcoal in children is allowed with early age, to relieve attacks of colic and increased gas formation.

Doses for children are:

Up to 1 years - tablets crush, mix with water and give 1-2 tablets throughout the day
1 year-3 years - 2-4 tablets per day
3-6 years - 4-6 tablets per day
Over the age of 6 years up to 10-12 tablets per day based on body weight

When using the drug in children, do not forget that it is used on an empty stomach.

Activated charcoal dosage

  • The usual dosage of "1 tablet 2 times a day" is not suitable for taking activated charcoal. For each pathology, the amount of the drug may vary
  • If you encounter symptoms of poisoning, the drug is prescribed 1 tablet per kilogram of body weight immediately, then we wash the stomach (to cleanse the stomach of the remnants of the toxic substance). Then we take the same dose of activated charcoal inside. If poisoning occurs as a result of taking irritating liquids, gastric lavage is not performed
  • With symptoms of flatulence or to prepare for the examination, a dose of 1-3 tablets is prescribed 3 times a day. If these symptoms are caused by poisoning, then the tablets are recommended to be crushed and diluted in half a glass of water and taken as a suspension.
  • The duration of treatment ranges from 3 to 2 weeks. When treating activated charcoal, you should not take other medicines, they will not be effective.

activated charcoal tablets

The usual form of release of this drug is tablets with a dosage of 0.25 g active substance in one tablet. It is in this dosage that the calculation of the drug for medicinal purposes is made.
But we have already mentioned that this drug has found wide application and in other areas of human life and activity, therefore, activated charcoal is available in the form of granules (for suspension) or capsules for oral administration. It is also a paste and powder for suspension.


Contraindications for taking the drug are the following conditions:
peptic ulcer gastrointestinal tract
Hypersensitivity to the drug
Bleeding of the mucous membranes of the gastrointestinal tract
Simultaneous use of antitoxic drugs, along with activated charcoal

Activated charcoal or Polysorb?

Today, many doctors consider activated charcoal to be a relic of the past, as more modern and safer means have been created.

Polysorb is one of a number of sorbent agents that has a beneficial effect on the intestinal microflora (which is important for the child's body). The drug is excreted from the body without a cumulative effect.

It is an effective sorbent that acts in the intestinal lumen, which quickly and effectively binds and removes toxic substances and pathogens present in the intestine and bloodstream. This drug also has a positive effect on the restoration and normalization of the functions of the liver and kidneys, stimulates the immune system.


analogues to activated charcoal with the same active substance no, but thanks modern medicine preparations have been developed that have a similar sorbent effect:
Ultra adsorb

Activated carbon reviews

After re-reading a lot of reviews, one can come to the conclusion that as an enteral adsorbent, activated carbon is outdated, although it has the most cost-effective position in terms of pricing policy. However, as a cosmetic product, this drug is widely used with a large number of positive reviews.

Video: Activated carbon