Temperature after prolonged alcohol intake. Why does a hangover fever occur?

Alcohol poisoning is a complex of symptoms that occur as responsiveness to toxins released into the blood overuse alcohol or the use of low-quality alcoholic beverages. Alcohol in a small amount negatively affects human organs and systems, but almost all of it has time to be neutralized by the liver, but when allowable dose exceeded several times, we can talk about serious intoxication. Temperature with a hangover or observed often. Harmful substances contained in alcohol (mainly ethyl alcohol and additional components) enter the body and are marked as foreign agents, in response to which the body begins to resist intensely. Resistance is manifested externally by nausea and vomiting, as the body tries to get rid of alcohol, dizziness, headache, reddening of the cheeks, nose, forehead, chills, fever. ESR rises, the number of leukocytes. The lethal dosage of pure ethyl alcohol for a person is considered to be approximately 8 grams per 1 kilogram of body weight.

Causes of temperature changes in alcohol poisoning

The temperature may rise during drinking or after, the next day, for the following reasons:

  • Exceeding the dose of alcohol and, as a result, intoxication, poisoning by alcohol processing products (alcohol breaks down into acetaldehyde and other radicals).
  • The use of alcohol from raw materials of very low quality: the so-called "scorched vodka", cheap tinctures and alcoholic liquids not intended for a feast.
  • An allergic reaction to ethanol or individual components of alcohol (for example, sodium benzoate, sodium citrate, phosphoric acid, dyes and flavors, etc.), this also includes ethanol intolerance: congenital and acquired.
  • Diseases of the digestive tract, especially the stomach, liver, gallbladder and pancreas.

Low temperature in alcohol poisoning also occurs and indicates a violation vascular regulation. Usually, a high or low temperature returns to normal in a day or two, but it is important to know what to do in order to prevent the condition from worsening and bring the patient in order as soon as possible.

First aid for fever after alcohol

If the temperature drops to less than 35 degrees and rises to more than 39 degrees, you need to urgently call an ambulance.

An ambulance must also be called if the temperature is lowered or not raised so much, but does not recover to the usual one in a day - a maximum of two. A decrease in temperature is especially dangerous, since the central nervous system, it can also cause collapse - cardiovascular insufficiency, entailing deadly consequences. Before the arrival of the ambulance or with not such strong deviations indicators, it is necessary to take detoxification measures and, as far as possible, normalize the condition of the victim. For this:

  • If alcohol was drunk recently, - after drinking a couple of glasses of water. Repeat the procedure several times until the contents leaving the stomach become clean and transparent. This will help remove toxic substances from the body.
  • If alcohol has been drunk before and a lot of time has already passed, you can do cleansing enema large volume from pure boiled water or chamomile decoction. So we can cleanse the intestines from decay products.
  • Let the patient take a laxative.
  • Drink Activated carbon or any adsorbent.
  • Drink plenty of boiled or mineral clean water: normal in the case of an increase in temperature, well warm, hot (not boiling water) - in the case of a decrease.
  • Provide the victim Fresh air: open windows, clothing should also be loose and not restrict breathing.
  • When the temperature drops, the patient should be covered with a warm blanket and allowed to wear comfortable warm clothes.
  • If, along with an increase / decrease in body temperature, a person has red spots, hives, swelling, itching, irritation of the mucous membranes, sneezing and other signs of an allergic reaction, before the ambulance arrives, he can be given an antihistamine group drug (anti-allergic).
  • Do not use antipyretics, they can cause uncontrolled complications.
  • If the condition worsens and consciousness is lost, a bandage dipped in ammonia. If a person comes to his senses and “turns off” again, you should lay him on his side or on his stomach, turning his head to his side, monitoring the presence of a pulse and breathing.
  • In the absence of breathing and pulse - start artificial respiration and chest compressions.

In any case, even if the danger has passed and it was possible to restore the temperature after drinking to normal, we recommend that you visit a doctor and check the functioning of organs and systems. So, a complication in the form of temperature during alcohol poisoning worries people with disorders in the work of the heart and blood vessels more often, immune system, diseases of the kidneys, lungs and liver, in allergy sufferers.

We are with early childhood we know that normal temperature bodies - classic 36.6 ° C. An increase to 36.9 ° C is considered within the normal range, but 37.1-37.5 ° C are already subfebrile indicators, at which chills usually break through. Sometimes drinkers note that their body temperature rises after alcohol. . Let's try to figure out if this is normal and why this happens?

Is it possible to take alcohol at a temperature? .

Often rises, which indicates intoxication of the body.

Thermoregulation of the body is carried out with the help of the vascular system, which also falls under the influence of the alcohol taken, which has two types of action on the blood vessels - ethanol both narrows them and expands them.

Why does the temperature rise after alcohol

After drinking alcohol, the temperature may rise for several reasons:

  1. First of all, the expansion of blood vessels already described above can lead to a slight hyperthermia. First, alcohol dilates blood vessels, thereby increasing superficial circulation. This is especially noticeable on the face - for many, even from a glass of wine, their cheeks turn red. And especially diligent fans of Bacchus are given out by a red nose. After the expansion, the reverse action occurs, i.e. vessels narrow sharply, which can lead to spasm and pressure surge. Sometimes this is what causes a stroke or heart attack. And often this happens in fairly young people who are not even forty and who do not drink too often or in large volumes.
  2. If the temperature rises every time after drinking, and is also accompanied by itching or the appearance of red spots on the body (especially on the neck, face), this may be a manifestation of an allergic reaction.
  3. A similar reaction occurs after drinking if there is congenital intolerance ethanol.
  4. However, such intolerance can be acquired. In this case, the reasons are most often psychological upheaval or traumatic brain injury.
  5. An allergy can be not only to ethanol itself, but also to some components of an alcoholic drink - in this case, the patient may begin to choke, blush, nausea and vomiting often appear, pressure jumps, and all this happens against the background of hyperthermia.
  6. Another reason is problems with gastrointestinal tract aggravated by alcohol and accompanied by abdominal pain. In this case, it is worth to be examined by a doctor and check the pancreas, stomach and liver.
  7. And, finally, an increase in body temperature after drinking alcohol may be due to banal intoxication, i.e. poisoning by products of alcohol processing. In this case, a severe hangover is guaranteed with nausea, vomiting, wild headaches, weakness, chills and frequent stool disorders.

What is fraught with jumps in body temperature after drinking alcohol

Alcoholic beverages have a negative effect on physical health as well as psychological. Hyperthermia can be the result of very serious problems, both with the gastrointestinal tract and the cardiovascular system.

With constant alcohol abuse, the risk of stroke, heart attack, and the appearance of chronic diseases and at a fairly young age. This is especially true for women who have more weak body, more susceptible toxic effects alcoholic drinks. That is why the fair sex is several times more likely to have cirrhosis of the liver, as well as serious problems with the heart, brain and blood vessels.

Many factors influence body temperature. This is physical and mental well-being, changes in the atmosphere. It happens that the temperature has risen with alcohol poisoning. Other signs of intoxication from alcoholic beverages are added to the elevated temperature.

Alcohol and vessels

In the body of people who regularly consume alcoholic beverages in large doses, ethanol decomposition products are constantly present. Due to the toxic effects of toxic substances suffer internal organs. Against the background of alcoholism, the temperature regime can often change.

Vessels experience a constant load, then narrowing, then expanding. Immediately after drinking alcohol, the vessels dilate dramatically. But after half an hour, the vessels narrow. Such jumps negatively affect the well-being and the functioning of internal organs.

Systematic drinking causes pathological diseases of blood vessels and heart muscle. Vascular tissue wears out, resulting in an increased risk of heart attack and stroke.

hangover fever

If the temperature rises during a hangover, and reaches 38 degrees and above, it is necessary to call a doctor.

Fever often co-occurs with other hangover symptoms:

  • lasts a long time headache;
  • there is nausea, vomiting;
  • often high blood pressure;
  • feeling weak.

If chills appear when the temperature has arisen, then you need urgent care physicians. When a temperature appears during alcohol intoxication, and lasts longer than an hour, this may be the beginning of delirium tremens. The liver pathology that occurs against the background of alcoholism increases the temperature indicators.

Reasons for the rise in temperature

The temperature in alcoholics may change during the period of drinking, or may rise the day after drinking. long binge, the following reasons:

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  • Excessive consumption of alcohol, resulting in the development of alcohol intoxication With accompanying symptoms. Poisoning after a long binge occurs due to the fact that the liver can not cope with processing a large number alcohol. If you drink alcohol for several days, then the number of enzymes responsible for the processing and removal of ethanol decay products decreases sharply. As a result of an increase in acetaldehyde in the blood, severe alcohol poisoning develops. That's why the temperature rises;
  • The temperature after binge may rise due to alcohol of dubious quality. Such alcohol is often consumed by alcoholics, who do not care what to drink, if only to achieve a state of intoxication. With drunken alcoholism, a sick person can drink any liquid, use any substances where there is a minimum percentage of alcohol;
  • The reasons for the increase in temperature after alcohol may be the pathology of the digestive system. This manifestation can be expressed by a disease of the liver, pancreas or gallbladder. If your hangover fever often increases, this may be one of the symptoms. inflammatory process in the stomach;
  • The temperature after alcohol may increase due to an allergic reaction to the constituent components of alcoholic beverages. The composition of alcoholic beverages includes not only alcohol, but also various dyes and additives. The temperature may rise due to congenital or acquired ethanol intolerance.

At alcohol addiction the temperature can be not only elevated, but also reduced. This phenomenon usually disappears after a few days, and may indicate vascular pathologies.

The temperature after drinking alcohol can not only rise, but also decrease. If a person drank for a long time, and then abruptly quit, or, conversely, does not want to give up a painful habit, the temperature can drop sharply, up to 35 degrees. This phenomenon refers to pathological signs negative impact alcohol.

By lowering the temperature, the body often signals problems with the vessels. If the temperature has dropped due to alcohol, chills have appeared and pain is felt on the left, you should immediately call a doctor.

How to lower the temperature

A team of doctors must be called if, after drinking or during a feast, the temperature has dropped or risen sharply.

Don't waste time until the ambulance arrives. It is necessary to carry out the following first aid measures, and improve the human condition. What action to perform as first aid depends on how much time has passed since drinking:

  • if the booze has ended recently, the stomach should be cleared, while most of the decay products of ethanol have not had time to poison the body. It's not hard to induce vomiting. It is enough to quickly drink a couple of glasses of water, then press with two fingers on the root of the tongue. Induce vomiting until the contents of the stomach become clear;
  • if the fever bothers the next day after drinking, it is necessary to clear the stomach with an enema. Water can be replaced with a decoction of chamomile;
  • a laxative may be given to relieve fever;
  • activated charcoal or another drug with an adsorbing effect will help cleanse the body of toxic substances;
  • When it's hot, you have to drink a lot. The water must be warm. In case of a decrease in indicators, it is recommended to drink hot water. The use of antipyretic tablets is undesirable. An antipyretic can make you feel worse, and bring down clinical picture. Medicines with an antipyretic effect can only be taken if the marks are close to 39, and the ambulance has not yet arrived;
  • when chilly, cover the patient with several blankets so that he stops shaking;
  • clothing should not interfere with free breathing. Open a vent or window;
  • if redness and itching have been added to the low or high mark skin, puffiness appeared, it is necessary to give the patient a drug with antihistamine action to pause allergic reaction;
  • a person can lose consciousness if the readings reach high levels during the heat. In this case, you need to moisten cotton wool in ammonia, and bring it to the patient's nose. If the person still passes out, it is necessary to lay him on his side, and monitor his breathing and pulse.

In case of cessation of breathing, it is necessary to begin measures to artificial respiration and indirect massage hearts. Perform before the arrival of doctors.

When the ambulance arrives, you should tell the doctors when and how much was drunk, and under what circumstances the person became ill.

If you managed to stabilize the condition on your own, you still need to visit a doctor. The doctor will prescribe an examination to check the functioning of the internal organs.

What is the danger of temperature fluctuations

The constant use of alcohol leads to addiction. Alcohol addiction affects the internal organs and the brain. The risk of stroke and heart attack increases.

Jumps in body temperature are dangerous for blood vessels and the brain. The body experiences overloads that negatively affect physical and mental health.

Even when a person has stopped drinking, temperature fluctuations can be disturbing. Thus, alcohol withdrawal syndrome manifests itself.

An increase or decrease in temperature indicates that the body cannot cope with the constant presence of ethanol in the blood, and requires medical attention.

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And you already thought to code? It is understandable, because alcoholism - dangerous disease, which leads to serious consequences: cirrhosis or even death. Pain in the liver, hangover, health problems, work, personal life... All these problems are familiar to you firsthand.

But maybe there is a way to get rid of the pain? We recommend reading Elena Malysheva's article about modern methods alcohol treatment...

The use of alcoholic beverages can lead not only to the formation of a severe hangover, but also to a rise in body temperature. The rise in temperature is explained increased level alcohol intoxication. Severe headache, weakness, nausea, severe dehydration can also be added to the temperature. In this article, we will analyze what causes the temperature after drinking, and also analyze the reasons for the formation of poor health.

Causes of an increase in body temperature

During periods of heavy drinking or drunken state in humans, as a rule, the temperature rises to 38 degrees, but there are situations when the figure on the thermometer can be higher. This happens because the intake of alcohol coincides with the end incubation period infectious diseases and with possible accompanying fever. Alcohol not only slows down the work of all organs, but can also cause an exacerbation of chronic diseases and existing pathologies. The main reasons for raising the mark on the thermometer can be:

  • Flashing, i.e. hypersensitivity organism to alcoholic beverages, which manifests itself due to the excessive accumulation of alcohol products, namely acetaldehyde. Flushing is manifested in redness of the skin, the formation of spots all over the body, as well as an increase in temperature;
  • Individual intolerance alcoholic drink or its individual components;
  • The presence of old craniocerebral injuries or severe stress;
  • The presence of a strong allergic reaction, manifested in a rise in temperature, the formation of redness, itching, spots. Allergies are accompanied by jumps blood pressure weakness, nausea, problems with respiratory tract and sharp deterioration general condition. This condition is due poor quality alcoholic beverage;
  • Alcohol poisoning causing severe vomiting, fever, severe dehydration, chills, pressure surges, severe headaches. With the abuse of alcohol, internal organs can be severely affected: the liver, kidneys, heart. Also, from alcohol poisoning death may occur.

For information! When strongly high temperature you can lower it with the help of antipyretic drugs only after examining a doctor.

A change in health status can also be caused by the onset of a person’s disease, for example, acute respiratory infections, exacerbation of chronic diseases, problems with the gastrointestinal tract, and a problem with the kidneys. Similar situation can form several years after the start of alcohol consumption. In addition, even during this time, the liver, kidneys, stomach, brain and nervous system suffer from alcohol. In addition to the temperature reaction, experts note additional reactions to alcohol, which manifest themselves in:

  • expansion blood vessels, as well as subcutaneous tissue;
  • the formation of redness eyeballs, as well as the appearance of redness on the skin;
  • the skin becomes too warm.

The higher the dose taken alcohol, the more the violation of thermoregulation is manifested. In this state, a person becomes more vulnerable and sensitive to temperature conditions. environment, i.e. it can get cold quickly.

Lowering degrees

There are situations, after poisoning, the level of degrees in the body decreases. Let's figure out what to do if the temperature drops after alcohol. The reasons sharp decline body temperature:

  • The breakdown of alcohol leads to a violation of thermoregulation, from which the body temperature can drop sharply to 35 C degrees. The lowered temperature regime, as a rule, lasts until the person passes hangover syndrome, then all processes are getting better and returning to normal;
  • Alcohol poisoning can show a low mark on the thermometer, sometimes the value can be below 35 C degrees. In such a situation, it is necessary to urgently apply for medical care, to prevent lethal outcome. During a period of severe intoxication, they become aggravated cardiovascular diseases caused by the use of excessive amounts or low-quality alcohol. Even if you have only had one case of a low mark on the thermometer, we advise you to seek advice from your doctor.

We reduce thermoregulation

To reduce degrees in the body, doctors do not recommend taking antipyretics. medications, because mixed with alcohol they can give side effect or a severe allergic reaction. To improve health, you should drink more liquid, thanks to which toxins will quickly leave the body, toxic substances and alcohol products. In addition to the liquid, doctors advise taking a laxative, as well as trying to induce vomiting. Such actions will help to get rid of intoxication as quickly as possible, bring all internal organs back to normal and establish the necessary processes.

Alcohol and temperature go hand in hand: even a single drink based on ethyl alcohol can provoke an increase in the thermometer readings. However, much depends on individual characteristics organism.

When and for what reasons does body temperature rise after drinking alcohol? We will talk about this in this article.

Alcohol is a generalized name for drinks based on ethyl alcohol (ethanol). permanent or regular intake ethanol provokes disturbances in the body. Suffer the most digestive tract, the cardiovascular system, excretory system.

Thermoregulation is a complex biochemical and at the same time physical process maintaining homeostasis (self-regulation of the body). Maintaining body temperature at a constant level or homoiothermia occurs both at the central and peripheral levels due to several mechanisms. The thermoregulation center is located at the base of the brain, namely in the hypothalamus (in the nuclei of the anterior and posterior sections).

The effect of alcohol on the body is dual. Once in the mouth, ethyl alcohol is absorbed by 20%, the final absorption is completed in the stomach and intestines. Metabolism, i.e. participation in the metabolism of ethyl alcohol occurs in the liver, as the main biochemical laboratory of the body. end products The processing of alcohol in the liver is extremely toxic. They are thrown back into the blood and circulate throughout the body, including reaching the cerebral structures (hypothalamus, pituitary gland).

The hypothalamus, under the influence of toxic breakdown products of alcohol (they act as a kind of stimulants), begins its work. First, the anterior lobe of the organ is activated. As a result of stimulation of the suprachiasmatic nucleus (one of the groups of neurons), there is an increase in pressure in the arteries. Vessels expand, blood circulation increases. At this stage, the body temperature is still normal. The heat dissipation center works as if the patient were in intense heat. After drinking alcohol, a person sweats, breathes hard, turns red.

Then the reverse process starts. The vessels narrow, the pressure rises even higher, the posterior lobe of the hypothalamus with the center of heat production is activated. There is an increase in temperature after drinking alcohol.

This is about complex process affecting the higher parts of the nervous system. The entire cardiovascular system is under attack. Body temperature is at lung level subfebrile condition (37.5-38 degrees), higher numbers are possible, which is dangerous. Besides, jumps blood pressure can lead to a hemorrhagic type of stroke.

Does alcohol raise the temperature? Yes, and for everyone, but in varying degrees. We can talk about both a few tenths of a degree within the normal range, and significant fluctuations up to critical levels. Much depends on the individual characteristics of the body, the dose of alcohol consumed, its type, the interval during which it was taken.

Why does the temperature rise after alcohol

Part of the reason for the development of hyperthermia, i.e. overheating of the body after alcohol have already been named. To be more specific:

Since, as already mentioned, alcohol and its decay products are excreted within almost 3 days, an increase in the thermometer is possible throughout the entire period of natural detoxification.

Temperature indicators after alcohol

Fever after alcohol is a generalized definition. Two different people the reaction to ethanol will be diametrically opposite.

A temperature of 37 after alcohol, 37.5, 38 and above is possible. Most often, the case is limited to a slight subfebrile condition (up to 37.5 degrees), but options are possible with frequent use alcoholic beverages. At the same time, the person himself does not feel the rise in temperature as such: the symptom is hidden behind a mass of other manifestations of intoxication. But it can be recognized if:

  • Throws in a fever after alcohol. This happens due to the initial expansion of blood vessels.
  • Chills are observed.
  • Headache, dizziness, nausea, weakness, drowsiness are felt.
  • There is an acceleration heart rate(tachycardia).

When does alcohol lower body temperature?

As we explained above, alcohol raises the temperature. This is almost always the case. But there are exceptional cases of the reverse effect of alcohol on the human body.

One such case is when a person stays in extreme cold. In conditions low temperature environment, the body seeks to warm up by activating special mechanisms (catabolism, muscle contraction). The conductor of the process is the hypothalamus.

It is generally accepted that in the cold you can warm yourself with a bottle of alcohol. This is a mistake that can be fatal. After the use of ethyl alcohol, the expansion of peripheral blood vessels occurs, the body cools down. In extreme cold, this is extremely dangerous. In the phase of vasoconstriction, the body temperature does not have time to rise to normal levels, hypothermia sets in. Considering that intoxication is accompanied by drowsiness and weakness, a person becomes unable to control his actions. This situation could be fatal.

Another case is connected with the external use of alcohol for rubbing. A recipe known to everyone since childhood: rub with vodka at a high temperature. Ethanol evaporates much faster from the surface of the skin, partially taking heat with it. So artificially temporary normalization of thermometer readings is possible. Alcohol brings down the temperature general state normalizes.

But it is worth considering that alcohol lowers body temperature only in these two cases.

How to bring down the temperature after alcohol?

Cupping (removal) of an attack of heat during intoxication with alcohol is not always advisable: spontaneous improvement is possible. First aid measures should be taken only if the thermometer approaches 38-38.5 degrees Celsius.

In no case should you take antipyretics, and none. Paracetamol in combination with alcohol destroys the liver even more actively, ibuprofen can damage the kidneys, and aspirin, metamizole sodium can provoke a stroke or heart attack.

How to bring down the temperature after alcohol?

If after alcohol the temperature rises, then almost nothing can be done on your own. But you should try first aid methods:

If none of the suggested methods has any effect, you should seek medical help. The ambulance will take the patient to the hospital and detoxify. If hyperthermia develops after a day or two, you should also consult a doctor. In this case, it is possible to functional diseases liver, pancreas, stomach. AT acute phase they are deadly.

Is it possible to bring down the temperature with alcohol?

It is possible to temporarily eliminate the heat with alcohol, but only if applied externally. Rubbings are prepared on the basis of concentrated or diluted medical alcohol, vodka without additives. You can rub up to several times a day. Ethanol promotes quick withdrawal elevated temperature at infectious diseases. But it is not necessary to abuse: it is possible chemical burns skin.

Trying to stop hyperthermia by taking alcohol inside is a waste of time. The effect will be just the opposite: the thermometer will creep up. Even fatal consequences are possible: dehydration as a result of further vasodilation, stroke, deep coma.


Alcohol and fever are inextricably linked. After drinking alcohol temperature indicator almost always grows. In most cases, this is not dangerous, but options are possible. With a significant increase in the thermometer, you need to consult a doctor. This will help save your health, and possibly life.

In other articles on the site, you can find answers to such questions: is it possible to drink alcohol at a temperature, and what are the indicators of a thermometer for alcohol poisoning?