Elimination diet for food allergies. Features of nutrition with food allergies

For most people, food allergies are global problem. The thing is that it is very difficult to get rid of it, and there is simply not enough time to limit oneself in the use of the main food groups in order to determine one or another allergic variety.
In this case, the elimination diet will be an excellent way out of this situation. This name should be understood as effective methodology diagnosing a specific allergy and identifying the irritant that can cause this reaction.

Advantages of the technique

The elimination diet allows you to accurately determine food allergen.

The elimination diet has several advantages over other types of testing. The main thing is that in addition to diagnosing allergies, during the application of an elimination diet, the symptoms of the disease decrease and sometimes disappear altogether.
Another advantage of this technique is that it is inexpensive, simple and can be applied at any time. Its essence lies in obtaining from a specialist a list of those products that cannot be eaten. The list of exceptions is quite small, since the elimination diet is based on the elimination of the most common allergens. Gradually, excluding them from the diet, the patient monitors the reaction of his body. If, upon rejection of one of the allergens, the signs of the disease disappeared, then we can safely conclude that this is the main irritant. As a rule, observations are carried out for at least two weeks, only after that any conclusions can be drawn.
After the symptoms have subsided, the correctness of the conclusion is checked. The patient again uses foods that provoke allergies and within three to four days notices a deterioration in his condition, if the product is really an allergen.

How to start a diet?

First of all, the most popular allergens are excluded from the diet.

The elimination diet begins with the exclusion of sugars and similar groups from the diet. This will eliminate the possibility of an incorrect result due to the intensive growth of candida. If the allergy symptoms disappeared within a couple of days, then the cause of the disease was exclusively fungal in nature.
Sugar groups include:


  • other products containing sugar.

Usually, the use of such products is the main cause of dysbacteriosis.

Phases of the dietary process

As already noted, it is necessary to start with sugar food groups in order to exclude the possibility of an allergy due to the presence of a fungus in the body. Further, gradually, it is necessary to remove from the diet the following types products:

    All bakery, flour, pasta (including corn flour and corn itself) products. Most cereals can also be included here. This will determine if you are allergic to gluten, a protein found in these foods.

    The next step is to exclude eggs and all food groups containing them.

    Sometimes allergies can develop when consumed legumes, therefore, you should convince of its absence and stop using it for a while.

    At the same time, yeast, nuts, and dried herbs are eliminated to make sure there is no mold allergy.

    Citrus fruits can also cause allergies, so we also remove them from the list.

    In some cases, the development of allergies can be provoked by groups such as coffee and tea, as well as carbonated, alcoholic and fruit drinks, chocolate.

    Tomatoes, potatoes, peppers, eggplants can also act as an allergen.

    On the last place according to the level of allergenicity, there are vegetable fats that can cause irritation of the gastrointestinal tract.

Methodology rules

We have already noted that the period during which the diet should be followed is from one to three weeks. This period is enough to reduce the amount of toxins in the body and minimize allergy symptoms.
It is best to choose a strategy in which you should change the same dish several times. Thus, it is possible to quickly identify the presence or absence of allergic disease.
Usually at the beginning of the diet, a person faces detoxification problems, which manifests itself in the form of a headache, nausea. However, these phenomena pass during the day.
In some cases, there is an exacerbation of old allergy symptoms. The most important thing is to timely identify the product that provokes the development of an allergic reaction.

Dietary stages

The product is recommended for use in pure form.

During the first three weeks, you can achieve the complete disappearance of allergy symptoms and at the same time lose about 5 kilograms of your weight. As a rule, it is food allergies that cause the patient to gain weight due to water retention in the body.
In the next stage, the person gets used to the elimination diet and already feels well enough to continue further testing. However, this does not mean at all that it is necessary to complete the procedure, because it is necessary to obtain as much as possible wide range substances that can cause allergic reaction.
The sooner the patient tests the next product, the sooner he can eat it. Eat food should be in its pure form and preferably all day. This will allow you to identify the allergen much faster and eliminate it from the diet much faster. In the event that a person develops a strong allergic reaction quickly enough, then food intake should be stopped immediately.

It is best to take a particular product in its pure form, since only in this way can one accurately interpret the reaction that has appeared. If within a day from the moment of consumption of the product no reaction has appeared, then you can test next product However, it is worth remembering that chronic allergies can develop again, but in a more acute form.
Most often, frequent pains appear in the neck and upper back, as well as periodic migraines. This appears when the body reacts particularly sharply to the intake of a particular product.
Sometimes a person may experience a rapid pulse, joint pain, fast fatiguability and depressed mood. In some cases, the patient's weight can increase dramatically by 2-3 kg. The sick person will experience discomfort when eating food.
If such a reaction occurs, then testing should be postponed for several days. Before starting a new study, you need to make sure that the symptoms of an allergic disease are neutralized.
In the case when the disease is severe, the diagnosis should be postponed for at least two months. During this time, immunity will be strengthened and a person will conduct a dietary examination more productively.

Temporary allergic reactions

Sometimes there may be temporary allergic reactions that occur when there is an overabundance of bacteria in the patient's intestines. When allergic bacteria are eliminated from the body, and the gastrointestinal tract and immune system are brought back to normal, allergic symptoms also disappear.
Sometimes symptoms can be mild. In this case, sometimes eating allergenic foods is allowed, but their amount should be limited.
In some cases, the disease may appear as a result of overwork. Then you need to make sure that the food allergies there is no negative reaction when using one or another group of products will not occur.
Do not neglect the treatment and diagnosis of the disease, because even mild form allergies can have severe complications.

An elimination diet is used in the treatment of food allergies. Products with a certain range of allergens are consistently excluded from the patient's diet and monitoring is carried out for the manifestation negative symptoms. Nutrition of this type is stopped to identify specific food components provoking the development of allergic reactions.

Elimination Diet Questions

What is it used for?

The use of this type of diet is necessary to identify by the method of elimination the product that is the cause of the development of an allergic reaction and its subsequent replacement with a food name with a low allergenic ability.

Eating according to the elimination principle helps to refute (or confirm) suspicions about substances contained in specific foods and dishes that can cause allergies. It is based on statistical observations of the body's response to stimuli contained in the usual food, so it is important to adhere to the individual meal plan developed by the doctor and keep a special diary.

What is the principle?

The principle of the elimination method is as follows:

  • complete exclusion from the patient's menu of all products that contribute to the development of a food allergic reaction;
  • gradual inclusion in the diet of each of the alleged stimuli and subsequent monitoring of the response of the patient's body;
  • identification and confirmation by a specialist allergenic product for the examined patient.

How long does an elimination diet last?

Basically, the duration of the elimination diet lasts up to one month, but still the timing of its use is individual.

There are times when the doctor does not doubt the result of the allergen, already after the first week of the diet program. But it may happen that the patient's body reacts slowly to stimuli and it is not possible to establish a dangerous product for quite a long time.

If a long time unable to identify the culprit allergic rashes, then you have to exclude each of the possible irritants from the patient's diet one by one. Several dietary approaches are allowed until a confident result is achieved.

Who can help you plan your diet?

Even when introducing significant restrictions on the diet, whether it is an adult patient or a child, it is necessary that his menu be as complete as possible. In order for the patient's body not to experience a lack of vitamins / minerals and other nutrients, you should seek advice from a nutritionist and an allergist. Experts will help you plan a meal plan according to your age and energy needs applied, taking into account the potential significant products for the determination of allergens.

When is she appointed?

Indications for the appointment of an elimination diet are:

  • suspected allergic reaction from food;
  • when the information content of skin testing in identifying a disease associated with a high degree the susceptibility of the patient's body is insufficient;
  • with year-round and seasonal ailments of an allergic nature;
  • when there is a cross-allergy (food / pollen), to exclude food irritants from consumption;
  • to improve the condition of the breast breastfeeding, as well as in order to refute or confirm the root cause of the disease, where allergy is not excluded.

Rules for eating on an elimination diet

If it is necessary to carry out elimination nutrition, it is recommended to organize the diet, adhering to some rules:

  • eat fractionally, at least five times a day, in small portions;
  • record everything eaten during the day in a food diary designed for this;
  • exclude from the patient's menu, both the product suspected of developing an allergy, and all dishes containing it;
  • when developing an elimination menu, products that cause backlash organism, even a minor one, should not be included in the diet. These are known food allergens: seafood, nuts, citrus fruits, chocolate, poultry eggs or honey;
  • to reduce the allergenic ability, it is recommended to carry out a longer heat treatment of products and repeated soaking;
  • exclude strong broths (from mushrooms, fish, meat), as they increase the risk of developing mucosal inflammation digestive tract. The same list should include sugar, spices and spices, including those contained in dishes;
  • mandatory restriction of salt, as an irritant of the mucous membrane and the culprit of the retention of large volumes of fluid in the body (for children, up to 2 grams of salt is enough per day, for adults no more than 6 grams);
  • inclusion in the diet polyunsaturated acids Omega-3 in the composition vegetable oils: rapeseed, soybean, linseed, wheat germ;
  • inclusion in the diet of enterosorbents of natural origin: bran, food fibers (vegetables / fruits).

Types of food allergies and elimination diet

In diseases of an allergic nature, specialists, in addition to treatment, work on correcting the patient's diet, excluding from the menu products that contribute to the development of a negative response of the body according to the food type.

The patient is required not to break the diet. The main recommendation for allergy sufferers is to prepare food in accordance with the principles of a healthy diet, by baking, steaming and boiling. You should refuse fried dishes, fast food, smoked meats, marinades / pickles, spicy food and all prepared food products containing dyes/preservatives and other additives.

Allergic to egg yolk

With an identified allergy to egg yolk, protein can be supplied to the patient's body by including fish, poultry, meat and broth in the diet with the addition of permitted products. Fermented milk products will bring invaluable benefits, various cereals and casseroles of cereals, where no egg is added. Also, the category of highly allergenic products should be subject to a restriction: chocolate, oily fish, citrus fruits, honey, nuts and other foods containing synthetic fillers.

It is forbidden to include in the menu:

  • egg of any bird;
  • all dishes that are not cooked without eggs;
  • x / bakery, pastries and pasta;
  • confectionery;
  • mayonnaise.

If you are allergic to fish

When there is an allergic reaction to a fish dish, it is recommended to completely exclude this storehouse of easily digestible protein from the diet for the duration of the diet. Also, you should not eat foods that include caviar or fish fat. Everything else the patient can eat, but within reasonable limits, so as not to provoke an overload of the body with products that contribute to an allergic response. Otherwise, the development of pseudo-allergy may follow, followed by violations of the functionality of the digestive tract and rashes on skin, which in turn will aggravate the patient's susceptibility to irritants and complicate treatment.

For cow's milk allergy

This type of food allergy complete failure from consumption:

  • cottage cheese;
  • any dishes containing milk from a cow;
  • dairy products;
  • margarine;
  • yogurt;
  • serum;
  • whole milk;
  • butter;
  • cheeses of any kind.

For allergies to cereals

If an allergy to gluten is identified, the patient should be strictly forbidden to eat all cereals (barley, wheat, oats, rye) and dishes containing them. You should also pay attention to products with the inclusion vegetable protein as a side component. These can be ready-made sauces / seasonings and other products with the addition of thickeners, emulsifiers, flavors, which are made from certain types of cereals: rye, barley, oats or wheat.

Thus, those products whose composition is unknown to the patient should not be included in your menu. It is necessary to carefully read the list of components of the product on the packaging, and if this is not possible, completely refuse to use it for food.

When you have to eat prepared food (in canteens / restaurants), it is preferable to choose dishes easy cooking: boiled meat, vegetable slices instead of salad with dressing and more. You should not try complex dishes with sauces and gravies, as well as breaded and battered dishes. home cooking food for an allergic person should also be distinguished by simplicity and lack of sophistication. Shouldn't mix a large number of ingredients and flavor food with spices.

Mom's nutrition with atopic dermatitis of the baby

A strong basis for the health of the baby, whom the mother is breastfeeding, will be her proper balanced diet.

If a breastfed atopic dermatitis develops in an infant, it is necessary to monitor the mother's diet and identify a food allergen, which in turn will speed up the recovery of the baby.

In this case, one cannot do without keeping a food intake diary by a woman, where she will scrupulously enter information about each piece eaten per day, and note what the child's reaction was to her menu. This will help the doctor identify the food irritant and correct the mother's diet to avoid recurrence of the allergic response in the crumbs.

As a rule, a nursing woman is allowed to eat:

  • fructose (limited);
  • millet / buckwheat / rice porridge;
  • green apples;
  • vegetable oils;
  • milk substitutes;
  • green vegetables;
  • white fish;
  • rabbit meat.

It is forbidden to cook:

  • with sugar;
  • nuts;
  • offal;
  • corn grits;
  • beef / pork;
  • butter/margarine.

You should also exclude from your menu:

  • sweet desserts;
  • soy products;
  • coffee;
  • muffin;
  • yeast bread;
  • citrus.

When prescribing a diet to a patient according to the principles of elimination, experts recommend following the following tips:

  • In order to normally endure all the difficulties of the first days of such a diet, it is necessary to go around the stores before starting it and immediately purchase the entire volume of products that is needed for its implementation.
  • You should clearly plan your diet and make a menu. As a rule, this familiar dishes patient, but adapted to the principles of healthy nutrition by the method of preparation.
  • Eat and cook as easy as possible. Meals don't have to be complicated. It is important that you always have ready-made food for a snack on hand, since you should eat regularly. good option can be boiled potatoes, simple salad, boiled beans, rice, chicken breasts steam and other uncomplicated dishes.
  • It's a good idea to take lunch or a snack with you when you leave the house. This will warn against the temptation to eat forbidden food and will not allow you to remain hungry.
  • It is necessary to be careful about foods that, according to the patient's own feelings, can cause a negative reaction, even if they are not an identified food irritant. It is best to exclude them from the menu.
  • Good to include in daily ration at least three servings of fresh vegetables. It can be fruits of orange and green color. It is good to stick to variety in vegetable cuts, alternating their components.
  • It should be remembered that the elimination type diet does not involve weight loss. If such a need occurs, you need to contact a nutritionist for the development of an additional nutrition program.
  • Before fruits and vegetables get on the table, they should be thoroughly washed in running water. It is preferable to eat products grown by yourself. In the absence of such an opportunity, it is advisable to purchase fruits in a proven place and opt for a seasonal harvest.
  • Being a vegetarian can include diet dishes of lentils, beans or hummus with the addition of olive oil. It is also appropriate to add protein powders from hemp or rice. These measures will raise the protein level in diet food. Instead of rice, vegetarians are often advised to use quinoa, a protein-rich seed. They require very little time to cook and are excellent. palatability when adding olive oils, lemon juice and salt.
  • With regular coffee consumption, a gradual reduction should be applied until its subsequent complete abolition. This will avoid the development of headaches due to a sharp lack of caffeine.
  • When choosing a source of protein of animal origin, it is necessary to purchase the meat of those birds and animals that are grown in ecologically clean areas. It is preferable to take cold-water fish, choosing the carcasses of Halibut, Mackerel, Salmon, which is the best suited for nutrition on an elimination diet as a supplier of the most valuable fatty acids.
  • It is important to drink enough clean water during the day. It is recommended to proceed from the norm for an adult patient at least two liters.
  • It is allowed to use yesterday's leftover dishes for use the next day as the main meal. For example, boiled vegetables combined with steamed fish can serve as an excellent basis for making a salad.

Consider food intolerances under Hashimoto

Three components of the disease:

  1. Toxicity of chemicals. We have increased the amount of chemicals imported or manufactured in the United States alone to about 74 billion pounds a day! These chemicals end up in the air, food and water. They kill our beneficial microbes, deplete nutrients and stimulate the cells of the immune system.
  2. Intestinal dysbacteriosis . We need plenty of good bacteria in our bodies to keep our immune system cells calm, help digest our food, and produce vitamins and amino acids in our body. intestinal tract. Antibiotics, chlorinated water, cleaning products, disinfectants hand sanitizer and pesticides destroy these beneficial bacteria.
  3. Nutritional deficiencies. On standard American diet pre-packaged and processed foods are consumed, which have a low nutritional value. With such a diet, the cells of the immune system lack the nutrients they need to stay calm and not overreact to such things in environment like food and pollen. Eating organic whole foods is essential to prevent disease and reactions to food allergens.

So what can you do to heal yourself?

Implementation of the 4 steps of the program:

  1. Remove all irritants. First, remove as much as possible chemical substances out of your life as much as possible, such as pesticides in food, moving to everything organic; BPA in plastic, using glass, stainless or ceramic utensils and storage containers food products; and, of course, remove all toxic body care products such as cosmetics, soaps, shampoos, and lotions (the skin is quite effective at absorbing toxic chemicals from body care products). Next, look at your diet! The most common irritant due to the huge volume is food. There are more immune system cells in our intestines than anywhere else, so if they react to stimuli, then with more likely it will happen in the intestines. Following an elimination diet is the first step to healing.
  2. Return the ability to digest food. Make sure you digest your food. Without proper digestive function large particles food can pass undigested into the intestines. Pay attention to acidity gastric juice, pancreatic enzymes and bile acid secretion. Raw greens and wild plants containing bitter components such as tannins and alkaloids stimulate digestion from all sides, including bile secretion, pancreatic enzyme secretion and gastric acid secretion. Also, consider using .
  3. Populate the intestines. Add beneficial bacteria by eating herbal products. These foods contain not only probiotics (beneficial bacteria), but also prebiotics (indigestible plant fibers) that bacteria need to grow and grow. Add fermented foods such as lacto-fermented vegetables, which are rich in beneficial bacteria. Also consider taking high-quality supplements, including spore-forming probiotics.
  4. Restore the system. Give your body the nutrients it needs, such as bone broth, and glutamine to restore the intestinal mucosa. Also be sure to include plenty of antioxidants in your diet to soothe gut inflammation. good sources antioxidants are berries, ginger, turmeric, sweet potatoes (yam), greens, carrots, red cabbage, beets and, of course, broccoli!

Translation: Natalia Gorbacheva

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It is impossible to completely cure a food allergy, but it is quite possible to get rid of its symptoms. At the first stage of treatment, a diet is used to identify and eliminate unwanted product. In medicine, there are many, one of them is elimination. Acquaintance with it is mandatory for those who have an accurately diagnosed disease or simply have suspicions of a food allergy.

Who needs a diet

Absolutely anyone can become an allergic person, it can be a congenital or acquired disease over time. The elimination diet is applicable in all cases of allergic symptoms: true allergy, intolerance, poisoning.

True allergy is extremely rare, the cause of this disease is the action of immunoglobulin E. The reaction of the body to the irritating factor in this case occurs quickly, and the symptoms are moderate and severe. With the help of skin and blood samples, it is easy to identify the true allergy.

Intolerance is less pronounced, sometimes backlash body can go unnoticed. The immune system is not involved in this case. This type of disease occurs most often, among all those with allergies, approximately 70% are “pseudo-allergic” (WHO data). The severity of the symptoms depends on the amount of the intolerant product, that is, a small amount of the allergen may go unnoticed. Most often, it is in the case of intolerance that a hypoallergenic diet is necessary.

Poisoning by chemicals, bacteria and fungi can also resemble allergies. In this case, the patient may experience itching, indigestion, rash, etc. With the help of elimination (exclusion), this problem is eliminated completely in a short time.

The essence of the therapeutic diet

The principle of the diet is to identify the allergen. Often blood and skin samples do not give an accurate result, in which case additional measures. It is necessary to identify the exact allergen, since even against the background of taking antihistamines An allergic person should avoid contact with an unwanted product.

With the help of a diet, patients are gradually excluded from their menu of potentially dangerous products. Treatment takes place in several stages. The duration of the diet depends on the results of therapy. On average, one month is enough for a patient to determine which component causes unpleasant symptoms.

First stage

If the diet begins during an exacerbation of the disease, the patient is prescribed several unloading days. During this period, the patient only needs to drink and be weak. Such activities will cleanse the body of the trapped allergen, dangerous toxins and other harmful substances. You can start a diet with unloading only if it is indicated by a doctor.

In cases without complications, treatment begins with exclusion of any kind. Intensive growth of candida can give incorrect test results. For a "clean" result, it is necessary to withdraw from the diet.

In the first week it is forbidden to eat:

  • pure sugar, drinks and dishes;
  • and dishes with it;
  • fruits and dried fruits;
  • syrups, sauces and other products that contain sweeteners.

If in the first couple of days the state of health has improved, and negative symptoms not observed, which means that the disease is caused by the presence of a fungus. You can not stop the diet after this, full walkthrough program will allow you to accurately draw up a picture of the disease.

In addition to sweets, the patient eats ordinary foods. If deterioration is observed in the first days, the doctor should transfer the patient to the next stage of the diet.

Stage two: elimination

After the initial phase, the main stage begins, which will identify the allergen. The elimination diet "works" with the most common foods that are recognized official medicine highly allergenic. During the second stage, it is necessary to gradually remove foods that are potentially dangerous for the patient from the diet, and then return them for re-checking.

Food should be sparing, food should not be fried and baked with a rough crust. It is allowed to stew, boil, steam, in the oven or on the grill. and spices should not be used, as they increase general risk allergies. Eat little, little, and often.

From the very beginning of the treatment program, the patient needs to keep a food diary. It should include the date exact time food, detailed composition food and changes in one's own condition. Once a week or more often, the attending physician should check and review the patient's records.

Foods that can cause allergies are gradually excluded. Detailed list ingredients that can be used for the basic menu should be compiled by a doctor. Eating according to the basic menu, you need to exclude one product every two days and monitor the body's reaction. An improvement in the condition indicates that the allergen was excluded the day before. The procedure cannot be stopped at this point, the patient must check all highly allergenic products by elimination and introduction.

In addition to highly allergenic items, the patient's menu should not include products with harmful additives, food fast food, industrial sauces and, any spices, flavoring seasonings.

So, the products that need to be phased out:

  • cereals (this includes:, rye, spelled);
  • dairy products in all manifestations;
  • eggs (for verification, you can gradually exclude, etc.):
  • citrus fruits, first of all;
  • meat: , ;
  • seafood;
  • any vegetables and fruits of red and orange color;
  • cocoa;
  • and the products in which it is included;
  • nuts and seeds;
  • caffeinated drinks: freeze-dried and natural, energy drinks, most sweet sodas;
  • vegetable oils.

In addition to these products, you can check any ingredient that is in doubt. After excluding each component, you need to wait two days, and then exclude another one, and so on. When the elimination (exclusion) program is over, the implementation stage will begin, that is, the reverse introduction of products. As a rule, already at the first stage it becomes clear which ingredient (or ingredients) causes a negative reaction.

Alcohol for the entire period of treatment is contraindicated.

Third stage: implementation

Prohibited foods are gradually introduced into the menu, devoid of potential allergens. You should start with low-allergenic, all ingredients are still recorded in the diary, between each introduction of the product, a gap of one to two days should be maintained. Often the problematic component causes a reaction quite quickly, sometimes it takes from 10 minutes. But the reaction may be delayed and not manifest within 12 hours.

Each product is important to test in its purest form. This means: we check separately the chicken, red pepper, and do not cook soup from it, where there is chicken, red pepper and potatoes. Dairy products and the whole is also better to check separately. The test ingredient should be eaten two to three times a day, as a small amount of it can "pass unnoticed."

The following factors can be cause for concern: redness and rash on the skin, any causeless itching, stuffy ears, breathing difficulties, irritation of the mucous membrane (in any part of the body).

Re-expanding the menu will allow you to accurately determine the allergen. After the end of the program, the identified components are excluded from the diet for a while, and then tested again.

Elimination program for children

Children are the first category of people who are exposed to allergies. The elimination diet is used at any age, starting with infants. Most often, such measures are necessary for atopic dermatitis in a baby. If the mother strictly follows the recommendations of the doctor, over time the child can get rid of the allergy.

Allergic baby can be translated into artificial feeding but not earlier than 6 months. Mom during the period of treatment and recovery of the child must follow a diet. To date, no relationship has been established between atopic dermatitis and breastfeeding but precautions are essential.

The exact menu of a nursing mother can only be compiled by the attending physician, based on the results of tests and observations. Diet rules remain characteristic for this case. It is forbidden to overeat, starve, use harmful ingredients, any dyes, cooking oils, etc. Beekeeping products, red and orange vegetables and fruits, all mushrooms, spices, sweets, and seafood are also excluded from the diet. From drinks, coffee, cocoa, sweet soda are forbidden to mothers.

It is recommended to include in the menu light-colored plant foods (white cherries, etc.), gluten-free cereals, white fish, lean white meat. Since the picture of the disease in each case is individual, it is better to check with the doctor for the exact list of products.

The diet is introduced for three to four weeks, if there is no improvement, then the cause of the disease may be non-allergic. If the baby gets better, the diet is extended. Gradually, forbidden foods should return to the mother's menu. The introduction of each component must occur with the permission of the doctor. A method of provocation is necessary, as children need to gradually get used to new products.

During the entire program, it is imperative to keep a diary in which the time of feeding, the composition of complementary foods (if any), and the condition of the skin will be recorded. In a separate column, you need to record the concomitant condition of the baby (stool, appetite, etc.).

If an allergy manifests itself in the first year of life, it is most often an intolerance cow protein. In this case, mothers and children are prescribed.

Older children are often prescribed an Elimination Diet to screen for intolerance. At any age, the nature of the program is the same: the exclusion of highly allergenic components, then their careful introduction. Children should be given the test product carefully, in small portions. Often intolerance can depend on the amount of the allergen. For example, a whole orange causes a reaction, but a half does not.

Program results

During treatment course an allergen or a group of allergens is accurately identified. The patient is then prescribed an appropriate diet that eliminates irritating factors. The next few months show the correct and balanced diet for full recovery organism. For cleansing, it is advised to eat vegetable, cereals, light soups (all with the permission of the doctor), bran bread.

After about six months, the identified allergen is tested again. You need to try it in small doses with a gradual build-up. Often during the treatment program, intolerance disappears and an allergic person can eat a prohibited product without risk to health. If a negative reaction appears again, then you need to withstand an even longer period of time. Often, intolerance to one or another component remains for life.

Among my acquaintances and clients, there are quite a few who exclude entire food groups from their diet - dairy, grains, legumes, fruits, starchy vegetables, etc., because they heard somewhere that these products are harmful to all people, in any quantities and in any form. Most often, dairy (due to the content of casein and lactose) and cereals fall under the “taboo”.

On the other hand, there are those who long time lives with unpleasant symptoms (bloating, gas, itching and dryness of the skin, weakness, low concentration, etc.), not realizing that they can be associated with the foods they eat daily, resigned to their condition, leaving attempts to find the cause of their ailments.

Due to the large amount of conflicting information, it is difficult to figure out to what extent it is applicable in your particular situation. Therefore, many tend to go to extremes - "all or nothing."

Remembering Paracelsus “Everything is poison, everything is medicine; both determine the dose”, in this article I would like to talk about the elimination diet (ED) - one of the tools functional medicine, which allows you to identify individual trigger foods, reduce food sensitivity, create an optimal diet, instead of sitting on restrictive diets all your life and being afraid of any food.

Why try an elimination diet?

To spring functional reserves exhausted, as the body is already tired of fighting cold, deficiency sunlight, a lack of vitamins and needs a special regimen, care, nutrition, which is why it often shows an increased immune response. It is in the spring that the peak seasonal allergies, food sensitivities, viral, infectious diseases, dysbacteriosis, exacerbation of chronic and autoimmune diseases.

During ED, foods are excluded that can cause an increased reaction from the immune system, stimulate inflammatory processes, cause damage and irritation of the intestinal mucosa, disruption of the normal intestinal microbiota, indigestion, increased gas formation etc.

It also allows you to reduce the degree of sensitivity to products, heal damaged mucous membranes of the gastrointestinal tract, restore microflora and ensure an adequate response of the body not only to food, but also to any external allergens.

Subsequent food sensitivity test during ED is the introduction of excluded foods into the diet one at a time and monitoring the reaction to them for 2-3 days. This experiment allows you to determine which foods cause unpleasant symptoms, and therefore are your individual triggers.

Interpretation of the results allows you to make an informed decision about problematic foods: whether to exclude them from the diet forever or can still be consumed after additional processing (for example, sprouting for grains or for dairy products), reduce the frequency and amount of the product in the diet, consume without restrictions, or still allow digestion "rest" from them 3-4 weeks a year. This decision is best made in consultation with a functional nutritionist.

Allergy, intolerance or food sensitivity?

We often use the words "allergy", "intolerance", "sensitivity" interchangeably. However, these states differ significantly in the mechanism of development and manifestation. ED allows you to determine exactly what you are dealing with without laboratory tests, since the path to getting rid of symptoms always begins with finding the cause.

Intolerance foods may be the result of a reaction to certain chemicals in the food (eg, monosodium glutamate, sulfates, histamine). They can also occur when a person lacks enzymes needed to digest food (eg lactase, to digest dairy products) or due to underlying health conditions (eg eating foods containing salicylates, oxalates, etc.).

How does it workelimination diet?

At the first stage of ED within 3 weeks, certain foods or food groups are excluded. Their list is determined in accordance with individual or group tasks of ED. Examples of ED are low-FODMAPS, gluten-free, casein-free, lactose-free, etc.

Traditional ED excludes foods responsible for 90% of allergies and sensitivities: Gluten and dairy products, pork, beef, corn, eggs, soy, peanuts, shellfish, caffeine, alcohol, refined sugars, fast food, pro-inflammatory foods, and all foods containing the listed ingredients.

Initial symptoms are likely to subside at this stage of ED.

On the second stage, while continuing to observe the ED, the previously excluded products are introduced one at a time and work with the food diary is in progress. The purpose of this process is to determine whether these products lead to adverse reactions in the body - inflammation, hyperacidity, irritation or indigestion and other manifestations not related to the gastrointestinal tract - rash, redness, etc.

Identification of individual triggers among various products nutrition is the most important part of ED.

If you, without dealing with the problem foods for you, return to your previous diet, then most likely you will soon feel discomfort again, without understanding its cause.

The creation of a further nutrition strategy is based on the interpretation of the results:

  • at strong reaction For a trigger, it is wise to stop using this product for 3-6 months, and then try testing it again. Giving up your favorite foods can be a daunting task, but the long-term benefits outweigh the fleeting pleasure. Devote this time to restoring digestion.
  • with a moderate or weak reaction, limiting the consumption of the product will noticeably benefit you. Alternate foods so that the problem ones are on your plate no more than 1 per week.
  • at low degree reaction, you can try using cooking methods that neutralize problematic components in products: fermentation, sprouting and soaking grains and legumes, fermenting milk, thermal and acid treatment, etc.
  • detox regularly. This will reduce the burden on immune system and digestion

The duration and structure of ED are selected based on their state of the body. Therefore, in my programs, I use a variety of individualization tools in relation to ED, digestive supplements, duration and intensity of therapy. An individualized approach and my support will allow you to deal with individual triggers, form the optimal diet for maintaining health and maintaining it for a long time.

This spring I invite you to the program cleansing and restoration of the body “PRO (biotic) Spring”

The PRO-spring program will be your reliable guide to excellent health this spring, high level energy and freedom from digestive problems!

The program will help:

✔︎ improve bowel function and overall digestion

✔︎ meet spring healthy and full of energy and strength

✔︎ cope with the symptoms of allergies and prevent them

✔︎ support healthy intestinal microflora and thereby immunity

✔︎ eliminate inflammation in the body, swelling and sensitivity to allergens

✔︎ improve the work of all elimination organs

✔︎ find harmony with the world around you and enjoy any of its manifestations

✔︎ carry out a spring cleansing of the body

✔︎ get radiant appearance, thanks to cleansing and healing the intestines, maximum saturation with vitamins and minerals from whole foods, and not synthetic supplements

✔︎ learn to understand the needs of your body in the spring and be able to satisfy them

✔︎ get rid of negative thoughts, stagnant emotions, bad habits and everything that prevents you from living happily and healthy

How the program works:

You can join the program at any time.

The program includes 3 consecutive modules consisting of 3 recorded lectures and materials hosted in the program library - a modern learning platform protected by your personal password. You will have access to the materials for a year.

There are no fixed dates for completing the program - you can start it at any convenient time and follow it at a comfortable pace.

You can ask questions in a closed group.

Live Q&A sessions every second and fourth Tuesday of the month

Discount -30% with code provesnu when paying on the site.

Editorial opinion may not reflect the views of the author.
In case of health problems, do not self-medicate, consult a doctor.

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