Iodomarin 200 contraindications. Reception of iodomarin with reduced thyroid function

Last update of the description by the manufacturer 18.07.2005

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Active substance:


Pharmacological group

Nosological classification (ICD-10)

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Composition and form of release

Iodomarin ® 100

in glass bottles of 50 or 100 pieces; in a cardboard box 1 bottle.

Iodomarin ® 200

in a blister pack 25 pcs.; in a cardboard box 2 or 4 packs.

Description of the dosage form

Tablets are white or almost white, flat on both sides, with a one-sided notch for dividing.


Inorganic iodine preparation.

pharmachologic effect

pharmachologic effect- replenishing iodine deficiency.

Prevents the development of iodine deficiency states, normalizes the function of the thyroid gland, impaired by iodine deficiency.


Iodine contributes to the normal activity of the thyroid gland, the hormones of which ensure the correct metabolism in the body, regulate the activity of the brain, nervous and cardiovascular systems, sex and mammary glands, the growth and development of the child.

Indications for Iodomarin ® 200

Prevention of iodine deficiency diseases in areas with iodine deficiency, primarily in children, adolescents, pregnant and lactating women, treatment of diffuse non-toxic and euthyroid goiter in children (including newborns and adolescents) and adults.


Hypersensitivity to iodine, hyperfunction of the thyroid gland, toxic adenoma of the thyroid gland, nodular goiter at doses of 300-1000 mcg / day (with the exception of preoperative iodine therapy), Dühring's herpetiform (senile) dermatitis.

Use during pregnancy and lactation

During pregnancy and breastfeeding, it is recommended to use in doses of 200 mcg / day.

Side effects

With prophylactic use at any age, as well as with therapeutic use in newborns, children and adolescents, side effects, as a rule, are not observed. In rare cases, constant use of the drug can lead to the development of "iodism", which can be manifested by a metallic taste in the mouth, swelling and inflammation of the mucous membranes (runny nose, conjunctivitis, bronchitis), "iodine fever", "iodine acne". Extremely rare - Quincke's edema, exfoliative dermatitis. When using the drug at a dose of more than 150 mcg / day, latent hyperthyroidism can go into a manifest form. When using doses of 300 to 1000 mcg / day, hyperthyroidism may develop (especially in elderly patients suffering from goiter for a long period, in the presence of nodular or diffuse toxic goiter).


It is possible to increase or decrease the action and the development of side effects when combined with lithium salts, potassium-sparing diuretics and substances that inhibit the formation of thyroid hormones.

Dosage and administration

inside, after eating, drinking plenty of fluids. To prevent goiter: adults and adolescents - 100-200 mcg / day; newborns and children - 50-100 mcg / day; during pregnancy and breastfeeding - 200 mcg / day.

Prevention of recurrence of goiter after surgery for goiter or after the end of drug treatment of goiter with thyroid hormone preparations: 100-200 mcg / day.

Prophylactic administration of the drug should be carried out for several years, often for life.

Goiter treatment: adults under 45 years old - 300-500 mcg / day; newborns, children and adolescents - 100-200 mcg / day; course of treatment in newborns - 2-4 weeks; in children, adolescents and adults - 6-12 months or more (as decided by the attending physician).


Berlin-Chemie AG/Menarini Group, Germany.

Storage conditions of the drug Iodomarin ® 200

At a temperature not higher than 25 °C.

Keep out of the reach of children.

It enters through the digestive system, then it accumulates in the thyroid gland, but it can also be found in other tissues - for example, in the tissues of the mammary glands, stomach walls, and salivary glands. In some cases, a person may develop a lack of iodine, which leads to the development of various diseases of the endocrine system. It is in order to prevent such a development of events and to treat an already existing iodine deficiency that doctors often prescribe Iodomarin.

General characteristics of Iodomarin

This is an iodine preparation that is used to prevent and treat thyroid diseases. Iodomarin is able to compensate for the lack of this important trace element in the body, which is vital for some categories of people.

Indications for use Iodomarin

The drug in question should only be taken when prescribed by a doctor. And the indications for the use of Iodomarin are:

  • therapy of conditions that are associated with a lack of iodine in the body;
  • prevention (carried out among patients living in regions with severe iodine deficiency);
  • therapy;
  • therapy and prevention of iodine deficiency in childhood.

In addition, doctors prescribe Iodomarin in the postoperative period, or after the end of therapeutic treatment for endemic goiter and as a prevention of iodine deficiency in the elderly.

How to take Iodomarin

Issues of dosage and duration of the course of taking the drug in question are considered only by the doctor - it will be necessary to take into account not only the results of examinations, but also the individual characteristics of the patient's body. If we consider the official instructions for the use of Iodomarin, then we can highlight several important points:

  1. To prevent the occurrence of goiter appoint:
  • pediatric patients, including newborns - 50-100 mcg / day;
  • adolescents and adults - 100-200 mcg / day;
  • pregnant women and during breastfeeding - 200 mcg / day.

If it is necessary to prevent recurrence of goiter, doctors prescribe Iodomarin to patients at a dose of 200 mcg / day. Prophylactic administration of the drug in question is carried out for a long time, some people will need to use Iodomarin for life.

  1. For the treatment of goiter prescribed:
  • children and adolescents - 100-200 mcg / day;
  • adults under the age of 45 - 300-500 mcg / day.

Patients of childhood (including newborns) will have to take the drug for 2-4 weeks, but for adolescents, adults and children of senior school age, doctors prescribe Iodomarin in the treatment of goiter for 6-12 months.

Features of the use of Iodomarin

The drug in question should be taken after eating, the tablet should be washed down with a sufficiently large amount of water. You can not drink the drug with compote, juice or coffee!

If the drug needs to be given to a breastfed baby, then the mother needs to express milk and dissolve the pill in it and offer the baby from the bottle. With artificial feeding, respectively, the prescribed dose of Iodomarin is dissolved in the mixture.

Contraindications to the use of Iodomarin

AT The official instructions for the drug clearly indicate contraindications to its use:

  • thyroid adenoma of a toxic nature (the only exception is the period of preoperative therapy);
  • flowing in herpetic form;
  • intolerance to iodine preparations.

Possible side effects

Despite the fact that Iodomarin is well tolerated by patients, the drug can also have side effects, which is associated with the need to use it for a long time. On the part of the endocrine system, the following side effects are possible:

  • the transition of latent hyperkeratosis into a manifest form;
  • the development of hyperkeratosis, although earlier signs of this disease were not noted.

Do not exclude allergic reactions, which are manifested by metallic, extensive edema, inflammation of the mucous membranes (,), glossitis, acne.

Note:side effects with long-term use of Iodomarin most often occur against the background of exceeding the daily dosage of the drug.

Overdose of Iodomarin

Signs of an overdose when using the drug in question will be:

  • staining of the mucous membranes in a rich brown color;

If such signs appear, then it is necessary to stop taking Iodomarin and inform your doctor about the situation - most likely, the specialist will adjust the daily dosage or completely replace the drug.

It is extremely rare, but there are stenosis of the esophagus (narrowing of the lumen). This usually happens if the patient deliberately exceeded the prescribed dosage.

Iodomarin, like all medications, should be taken only as directed by a doctor. You can not start a course of admission only on the grounds that the region of residence of a person is far from the sea coast - this is not an indication for the appointment.

Tsygankova Yana Alexandrovna, medical observer, therapist of the highest qualification category

Does Iodomarin have side effects, can it harm?

Iodomarin is a good prophylactic against iodine deficiency and related diseases. However, it is necessary to learn about the benefits of the remedy and the dangers, contraindications and possible reactions of the body to it.

Sometimes the effect of a medicine can be much more dangerous than the disease for which it is used.

What are the indications and contraindications for Iodomarin?

Iodomarin (potassium iodide) is necessary for the normal functioning of the thyroid gland. With its lack, the level of hormones produced by the gland decreases, which means that the following problems may develop:

  • metabolic disease;
  • defective work of the heart;
  • poor condition of the vessels;
  • violation of the reproductive system;
  • unbalanced mental state.

Therefore, on the territory of endemic areas where there is a total lack of iodine in the population, the intake of Iodomarin and similar substances is shown without fail.

In addition, thyroid hormones are closely related to other hormones, which means that the full health of the body depends on the function of the thyroid gland.

Pregnant women need to consume iodine, since this chemical element is responsible for the physical and mental development of the fetus. Also, it is iodine that is responsible for the sufficient formation of breast milk.

Iodomarin is indicated for diseases associated with iodine deficiency (endemic goiter), as well as for maintaining remission of thyroid diseases.

For preventive measures, adults use 100 mcg per day, for children the course is selected individually.

To maintain iodine balance during pregnancy, 200 mcg per day is usually used. If the expectant mother already has problems due to a lack of iodine, treatment along with taking Iodomarin may be reviewed.

In cases of adult disease, the dosage is increased to 300 mcg or more.

Contraindications, who should not take medicine?

Iodomarin can be harmful in cases of hyperthyroidism or other thyroid diseases, accompanied by a decrease in hormone secretion.

It is also necessary to stop taking the drug in the following conditions:

  • toxic adenoma;
  • Dühring's disease (dermatitis herpetiformis);
  • iodine intolerance.

Oddly enough, age after 40 years is also considered a contraindication to Iodomarin. If there are no recommendations from the endocrinologist, the patient should not self-prescribe this medicine.

More than 65% of patients, according to statistics, develop thyroid diseases after 40 years. The risk of the disease comes due to slow metabolism and age-related hormonal disorders.

As a result, for example, with thyroiditis, antibodies are formed that destroy the thyroid gland. The affected organ cannot perceive the incoming iodine - which means that it is useless to take Iodomarin.

Worth noticing

That exceeding the dose prescribed by the doctor is also contraindicated.

Most experts believe that without such substances as selenium, zinc - iodine is not absorbed, which means that taking Iodomarin without taking complexes with such substances is a hopeless undertaking.

In addition, bromine prevents the body from fully absorbing iodine, so when treating or preventing Iodomarin, bromine, which may be contained in sedatives, should be excluded.

Chlorine and fluorine can interfere with the normal intake of iodine - you should make sure that there are not too many of these substances in food and medicines that are taken to treat other diseases.

Adverse reactions and complaints

Improper intake of Iodomarin can cause side effects from such treatment. Exceeding the dose and prolonged use of the drug, which are the causes of side effects from Iodomarin, lead to the following consequences:

  1. The development of hyperthyroidism, especially in patients over 40. Judging by the reviews, it is thyrotoxicosis that is the most common consequence of Iodomarin therapy.
  2. Iodine poisoning, in this case, the taste of metal in the mouth, headaches, tearing, coughing, swelling of the mucous membranes, as a result of a runny nose, are characteristic. In severe cases, Quincke's edema is observed. In addition, there are problems with digestion - vomiting, constipation from Iodomarin, stenosis of the esophagus is possible.
  3. In the treatment of diuretics, the development of hyperkalemia is possible, the symptoms of which are problems with the respiratory system, muscle weakness.
  4. Simultaneous intake of lithium salts and Iodomarin leads to the development of hypothyroidism.

When choosing treatment with Iodomarin, you should definitely consult a doctor, perhaps the body does not need iodine at this stage at all.

Thoughtful reading of the instructions and confidential communication with the endocrinologist will save you from many complications.

Reviews of unsuccessful therapy

Patients say that while taking the drug, ailments often occur.

If you look at these reviews in more detail, it turns out that the medication was taken not according to the instructions, and not even as prescribed by the doctor, but on the advice of relatives and neighbors in the shop.

Unfortunately, as a result of such actions, iodine poisoning and disruption of the hormonal system occur.

Iodomarin is an effective drug, however, like any drug, it has contraindications and side effects.

Incorrect intake can damage both the thyroid gland and overall health.

Natalia, 38 years old.

The endocrinologist advised me to take 100 mcg of Iodomarin, the dosage seemed small to me. I am a rather large woman, in the reviews for the medicine I read that you can take more, more - it means better!

In order not to get sick with a goiter, I drank 4-5 tablets every day. The endocrinologist almost fainted when he found out.

Galina, 50 years old.

I often sit on the forums, I read in the reviews of Iodomarin, which is very useful. I bought it with a dosage of 200 mcg, just to be sure.

It’s good that I read the instructions - after 40 years it’s impossible, though it’s not written why. I’ll give it to my daughter, the good doesn’t disappear.

Olesya, 67 years old.

I was prescribed Iodomarin for the treatment of hypothyroidism. The doctor said the dosage was somehow incomprehensible, I drank it without a system. As a result, six months later I went to the endocrinologist, it turned out - hyperthyroidism! Here is your treatment.

Now, with another doctor, I’m already thinking about how to live on, my health is disgusting.

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Lack of iodine causes deterioration in health. According to WHO, one billion earthlings are prone to ailments associated with a deficiency of this element. Symptoms in this case are hypothyroidism, chronic fatigue, low performance, overweight, digestive disorders, paralysis, decreased ability to reproduce offspring, and others.

Make up for the lack of food. However, if the deficiency has caused the disease, then special preparations are prescribed, which include iodine. Here is an instruction for the use of Iodomarin 200, which doctors often prescribe to their patients in such conditions.

Iodomarin 200 was developed by the German pharmaceutical company Berlin-Chemie. The formula is based on iodine, its inorganic compound.

Iodine is a microelement that takes part in vital processes in the body. It is part of the hormones T4 and T3 produced by the thyroid gland. They are responsible for metabolism, the conversion of food into energy. These hormones are needed for growth and development.


Iodine penetrates into the cells of the follicles of the gland, where enzymes act on it. Then oxidation occurs, and elemental iodine is formed. The latter interacts with tyrosine and produces thyronins - the hormones thyroxine (T4) and triiodithyronine (T3). Hormones combine with thyroglobulin, which accumulates in the colloid of the thyroid follicle, where it remains unchanged for weeks. Lack of iodine disrupts the process.

Iodine prevents the appearance of endemic goiter caused by deficiency conditions, normalizes the size of the gland in children, adolescents, young people, affects the ratio of T3 and T4, the level of TSH.

Almost all iodine reaches the small intestine and is absorbed by its walls. Two hours later, the substance enters the thyroid, mammary, salivary glands, and even into the stomach, kidneys. Plasma concentration ranges from 10 to 50 ng / ml at a standard dose. The content of the element in women's milk, gastric juice, saliva is 30 times higher than in blood plasma.

Up to 75% of iodine, which is in the human body, settles in the thyroid gland. The element is removed with urine, less through the lungs and with feces.


Iodomarin 200 prevents and eliminates iodine deficiency. The drug is prescribed after surgery on the thyroid gland. The agent is used to treat diffuse euthyroid goiter in infancy, childhood, and adults. The need of a woman's body for an element increases when she is pregnant or breastfeeding.

Release form

Iodomarin 200 - white tablets with a matte surface. The upper and lower disks are parallel, separated in the middle by a risk. The tablets break easily.

One standard dose contains 200 micrograms of potassium iodide. User reviews say that children do not resist taking the medicine, because there is no unpleasant taste, bitterness, the drug quickly dissolves in the mouth.

Instructions for use

Iodine has both healing and harmful properties. Therefore, before starting the course of Iodomarin 200, they study the annotation in detail.


Iodomarin 200 is contraindicated in case of hypersensitivity to the main component or additional substances. The drug is also prohibited for the following violations:

  • pronounced, latent hyperthyroidism - in doses above 0.15 mcg of iodine per day;
  • autonomous adenoma (benign tumor) of the thyroid gland;
  • focal and diffuse autonomous lesions of the thyroid gland at a dose of 0.3-1 mg of iodine per day (does not apply to preoperative iodine therapy, which is prescribed for blockade of the organ according to Plumer);
  • hemorrhagic diathesis;
  • Dühring-Brock syndrome;
  • pulmonary tuberculosis.

Application features

Iodomarin 200 is not used in the conservative treatment of hypothyroidism. An exception is a disease that has arisen as a result of a trace element deficiency. The drug is not prescribed for a treatment course using radioactive iodine, diagnosed thyroid cancer or suspected development of such an ailment.

The composition of the drug includes lactose. If the patient suffers from galactose intolerance, insufficient production of the lactase enzyme, or glucose-galactose malabsorption syndrome (one of the digestive disorders), the manufacturer also does not recommend this product.

Iodine passes through the placenta and enters the development of the unborn child. Therefore, it is dangerous for pregnant women to exceed the dosages established by the manufacturer or prescribed by a doctor. The same applies to lactation, since high concentrations of the active substance in breast milk are observed. Exceptions are iodine prophylaxis after nuclear accidents.

Iodomarin 200 is prescribed from infancy. The agent does not interfere with the control of mechanisms that require an increased reaction rate.

Interaction with other drugs

With a lack of iodine, the reaction to thyreostatic treatment increases, and an excess of a microelement lowers it. Therefore, iodine preparations are not used in the treatment of hyperthyroidism. Thyreostatics slow down the conversion of the active ingredient into organic forms. This increases the likelihood of goiter formation.

Substances absorbed by the thyroid gland, like iodine (for example, perchlorate), in some cases compete with the active ingredient and prevent it from being absorbed. A similar result is recorded if the drug is used in conjunction with agents that are not absorbed (thiocyanate, 5 mg / dl and others).

High doses of iodine, which inhibit the production of hormones, in combination with lithium salts, provoke excessive activity of the thyroid gland and cause goiter.

Potassium iodide in large doses with potassium-sparing diuretics causes hyperkalemia, and the action of quinidine on the heart is enhanced. Plant alkaloids and heavy metal salts form an insoluble precipitate with iodine and complicate the absorption of the active ingredient.


The indicated dosages are indicated in the table.

The drug is taken after a meal with 200 ml of water. For children under three years old, the medicine is pre-rubbed. If the dosage of potassium iodide is less than a tablet, then the latter is broken into equal parts.

For prevention, the drug is taken as a course:

  • goiter in infants - 14–28 days;
  • children and adults - six months or more.

Shelf life and order of issue

The drug is released in a pharmacy without a prescription. The shelf life depends on the packaging, and ranges from 3 to 5 years. After the deadline, the use of the drug is prohibited. Keep Iodomarin 200 at temperatures up to 25 ° C. For storage, choose a place where unauthorized access to children and pets is excluded.

Side effects

Iodomarin 200 in patients of any age usually does not cause side reactions. However, such risks increase if large foci of thyroid autonomy have formed, dosages above 150 mcg are prescribed.

Therapy of goiter in adults, which requires the use of high doses of the drug from 300 mcg, in some cases provokes hyperthyroidism from excess iodine.

The phenomenon is fixed with diffuse or limited areas of autonomy of the thyroid gland. The main risk group in this case is the elderly, who have been suffering from goiter for a long time.

Other undesirable reactions of the body to taking the drug are also possible:

  • iodism, in which the nasal mucosa swells, hyperreaction develops in the form of Quincke's edema, urticaria, itching, the possibility of anaphylactic shock is not excluded;
  • eosinophilia - the level of eosinophils in the peripheral blood increases;
  • tachycardia - an increase in heart rate up to 90 beats / min or more;
  • tremor;
  • irritability;
  • sleep disorders;
  • sweating;
  • discomfort in the stomach;
  • liquid stools.


In high doses, iodine is toxic to humans. Poisoning is recognized by the following signs:

  • mucous membranes become brown;
  • vomiting, vomited masses blue, if starch was previously eaten;
  • diarrhea, possibly with blood, abdominal pain;
  • loss of body moisture;
  • stenosis and subsequent narrowing of the esophagus (rarely observed).

A fatal outcome is possible if iodine is taken in high doses, which are difficult to achieve using tablets.

Chronic poisoning is called iodism. Then the patient has the following complaints:

  • taste of metal in the mouth;
  • swelling of the mucous membranes, irritation, as a result of which a runny nose develops, the conjunctiva, bronchi become inflamed, the stomach is affected;
  • nervous excitement.

Exceeding the dose is manifested by edema, rashes, including acne and cystic, bleeding. Excess iodine activates tuberculosis and other latent processes.


In acute poisoning, gastric lavage is prescribed with a starch or protein solution, sodium thiosulfate solution. Medicines are administered until all traces of the poisonous substance are eliminated. In a serious condition of the patient, antishock therapy is carried out. Therapy is aimed at eliminating the water-salt imbalance.

Chronic overdose requires the abolition of the drug. If hyperthyroidism develops against this background, hormones that normalize metabolism are prescribed.

Treatment is selected according to the nature of the course of the disease. Mild forms are not cured, and in severe forms, thyreostatic therapy is used, but it is late with the action. In severe forms, which are also called thyrotoxic crisis, the possibilities of intensive treatment are used. Stabilizes the state of plasmapheresis, thyroidectomy


Iodomarin 200 is presented in the pharmacy chain at the following price:

  • 50 pcs. - 126 rubles;
  • 100 pieces. - 205 rubles.


The pharmacy chain also presents pharmaceutical products based on potassium iodide (international name Potassium iodide). These are both cheap analogues of Iodomarin 200, and more expensive ones:

  • Microiodide (Tathkhimfarmprepraty) - 105 rubles;
  • Iodomarin for a future mother (Toll Manufacturing Services S.L.) - 290 rubles;
  • Iodine balance (Merck KGaA) - 117 rubles;
  • Potassium iodide (PFC Update / Obolenskoye PF) - 71/78 rubles.

Iodine deficiency is a rather serious problem in the modern world. More and more people are suffering from this disease. The fact is that a large number of diseases that are non-infectious in nature arise as a result of a lack of iodine in the body.

Poor ecology, food and water, in which the content of this important element is very low, leads to the fact that its level in men, women and children decreases.

Symptoms of iodine deficiency

The fifty-third element of the periodic table - iodine - is extremely important for the smooth functioning of the whole organism. Why is it needed? The fact is that its lack leads to dysfunction of the thyroid gland. After all, the hormones necessary for the smooth functioning of the body are synthesized thanks to it. As a result of the fact that iodine becomes less:

  • metabolism may be disturbed;
  • the condition of the skin, hair, nails worsens;
  • immunity weakens;
  • there may be problems with the perception of information, memory impairment;
  • there is a constant feeling of fatigue and depression;
  • Children may experience developmental delays and learning difficulties.

As you can see, it is simply necessary for the normal functioning of the body.

Fortunately, now there are drugs that help to cope with the problem of the lack of this element. Often, men and women with a low iodine content in the body, doctors advise taking the drug Iodomarin 100 or Iodomarin 200.


The lack of iodine in the body is quite difficult to fill only with the help of products, although this is also a good way to help the body. After all, the content of this element there is still small. Therefore, doctors often advise taking additional drugs that contain potassium iodide. The most popular of them is Iodomarin. It can be drunk both during treatment with other medicines, and for prevention.

There are two types of this drug: Iodomarin 100 and Iodomarin 200. Their only difference is that the dosage in the first is 100 micrograms of potassium iodide, and in the second - 200 micrograms.

This drug gives a good effect when used correctly. However, before you start drinking it, you should study all its data, which are indicated in the instructions, so that the treatment brings excellent results.


The main active ingredient is potassium iodide. Iodomarin 100 contains 131mcg of it. This is equal to 100 micrograms of iodine. Iodomarin 200 contains 262 mcg, i.e. 200mcg of iodine, respectively. In addition, the preparation contains additional substances, for example, magnesium carbonate, lactose monohydrate, etc. After ingestion, it is rapidly absorbed in the intestines and distributed throughout the body.


Like any drug, Iodomarin should not be taken just like that. There are certain indications for treatment in which doctors prescribe this drug. Most often it is:

  • prevention of iodine deficiency in the body. This is especially true for pregnant and lactating women;
  • often doctors advise taking Iodomarin after surgical removal of the goiter;
  • another indication for the use of this medication is the end of goiter treatment with hormones;
  • this drug is used for diffuse goiter in children and adolescents and in young people.


Of course, this drug has certain contraindications, which are also indicated in the instructions. That is why you should consult your doctor before you start taking it. It is forbidden to drink Iodomarin 100 or 200:

  • With iodine intolerance in adults and children.
  • If a person is diagnosed with a disease such as hyperthyroidism. In this case, the thyroid gland produces more hormones than necessary. The doctor can prescribe Iodomarin only if this disease has developed as a result of iodine deficiency.
  • With thyroid adenoma.
  • If a person has a suspicion of thyroid cancer.
  • With a disease such as Dühring's dermatitis. It is believed that this disease occurs due to increased sensitivity to iodine.
  • With hypothyroidism and autoimmune thyroiditis. Doctors can prescribe this drug for treatment only if these diseases develop as a result of a lack of iodine in the body.

Do not give this drug to children without a doctor's prescription, so as not to cause even more harm.

Very often, doctors prescribe preparations containing iodine to expectant mothers. The fact is that the hormones that the thyroid gland produces have a great influence on the formation of the child's brain. From which we can conclude that a lack of iodine in a woman's body during pregnancy leads to underdevelopment of the fetus. Hypothyroidism, usually caused by autoimmune thyroiditis, is very dangerous during this period. Especially if it develops as a result of a lack of iodine in the body. Therefore, during this period, you need some kind of drug that will help get rid of such a problem. Doctors often prescribe a drug such as thyroxine for treatment. After all, it is thyroxine that helps to improve the functioning of the thyroid gland. And in addition to this, experts offer exactly Iodomarin. In the treatment of autoimmune thyroiditis and hypothyroidism, the combination of thyroxin and Iodomarin gives very good results. And how long you need to take them, only the attending physician should say. In addition, these drugs are useful for women during lactation. Therefore, they are often prescribed after the end of pregnancy, if hypothyroidism is present as a result of iodine deficiency.

However, during pregnancy, it must also be taken strictly in the dosage prescribed by the doctor. Otherwise, it can harm the child, because its excess can lead to developmental pathologies.

How to use

For various diseases, the dosage of Iodomarin 100 and Iodomarin 200 is also different. Be sure to follow it so that there is no backlash.

Reception is carried out as follows:

  • For the prevention of goiter, young children under 12 and infants can be given 50 mcg to 100 mcg (1/2 or -1 tablet at a dosage of 100 or ¼-1/2 tablet at a dosage of 200) per day. Adults and children over 12 years of age are prescribed from 100 mcg to 200 mcg (1-2 tablets at a dosage of 100 or ½ - 1 tablet at a dosage of 200) also per day. During pregnancy, women are recommended 200 mcg during the same period. When breastfeeding, the dosage is the same.
  • To avoid recurrence of goiter, doctors recommend drinking 100-200 mcg once every 24 hours.
  • With euthyroid goiter, the dosage is slightly higher. But in any case, the doctor will select everything individually for each patient. Children under 18 years of age and newborns should be given approximately 100-200 mcg per day, adults whose age does not exceed 40 years should be taken from 300 to 500 mcg (3-5 tablets at a dosage of 100 or 1.5-2.5 tablets per day). dosage 200) within 24 hours.
  • It is not recommended to use after 40 years

In all these cases, Iodomarin is drunk after meals for better absorption. Do it in the morning or in the evening - everyone chooses for himself. Children can be given medicine by stirring it in milk or water.

It is worth remembering that there are two drugs with different dosages. Therefore, when taking, you need to pay attention to which drug is used in order to correctly calculate the amount of mcg and not underestimate or exceed the dose.

To get a positive result, this medicine must be taken for at least 12 months. A few days of taking will not give any result and will not bring great benefits to the body. But if a person has problems with the thyroid gland, then most likely he will have to drink this drug all his life.

Side effects

If the patient complies with all the doctor's prescriptions, then, as a rule, no side effects occur.


Unfortunately, sometimes if Iodomarin 100 or Iodomarin 200 is taken incorrectly, an overdose of the drug may occur. It can be identified by the following symptoms:

  • The taste of iron in the mouth and inflamed mucous membranes in the nose and eyes indicate the occurrence of such a phenomenon as iodism.
  • If the norm allowed per day is exceeded, then a person’s eyes may turn brown, vomiting often occurs, problems with the stomach and intestines. If such signs appear, it is necessary to immediately wash the stomach. To do this, use a weak starch solution. After this, the patient needs to drink about 2 liters of water so that dehydration does not occur.

In addition, if any other vitamin complexes are taken during the period of treatment with Iodomarin, then you should pay attention to whether they contain iodine so that an overdose does not occur.

When taking Iodomarin, alcohol is not prohibited, however, it should not be abused.

Iodomarin Children's

Iodine is an essential element for the child's body. It helps the thyroid gland to function at full strength, which is necessary for full development. The lack of this element can lead to unpleasant consequences.

Currently, there is such a drug as Iodomarin for Children. The package contains 24 lozenges for sucking with a sweet taste and a dosage of 50 mcg of iodine. This form of the drug is very convenient because children do not always want to take pills, and they eat lozenges with pleasure. In addition, Children's Iodomarin can also be taken with autoimmune thyroiditis and hypothyroidism, which are provoked by a lack of iodine. A dosage of 50 mcg is good when you need to drink the medicine in small portions. If the medication is prescribed to be taken twice a day, then the tablets are drunk in the morning and evening. If the reception is indicated once a day, then the medicine is drunk in the morning. However, the attending physician should tell you how much you need to take this drug. Only he can calculate the correct amount and time of treatment. Do not give this medication on your own.

Iodbalance and Iodaktiv

Often, doctors may prescribe one of these drugs. I must say that they practically do not differ from each other. Both Iodbalance and Iodaktiv are available in dosages of 100 and 200. They are taken in the same dosage as Iodomarin. Therefore, it is impossible to choose which of them is better.

You can often hear that Iodbalance and Iodaktiv are dietary supplements, and Iodomarin is a drug. However, the fact is that all these products contain approximately the same amount of active ingredient. Even doctors often offer a person to choose what to take.

The main difference between Iodbalance and Iodaktiv from Iodomarin is their manufacturers and cost. After all, at a price, these two drugs are much cheaper than the third. So, for example, the price of Iodomarin differs from the price of Iodbalance by about 50-100 rubles upwards.

Modern pharmacology offers several options for medicines to normalize the iodine content in the body. But what will be better for a person - Iodbalance, Iodaktiv or Iodomarin, you need to check with your doctor and, of course, you should not take these medicines without a specialist appointment.

Taking Iodomarin is a great way to maintain the required level of iodine in the body. And thanks to this:

  • increase immunity;
  • the condition of the skin and hair will improve;
  • problems with attention and memory will pass.

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Iodine enters the human body through the digestive system, then it accumulates in the thyroid gland, but it can also be found in other tissues - for example, in the tissues of the mammary glands, stomach walls, and salivary glands. In some cases, a person may develop a lack of iodine, which leads to the development of various diseases of the endocrine system. It is in order to prevent such a development of events and to treat an already existing iodine deficiency that doctors often prescribe Iodomarin.

Table of contents: General characteristics of Iodomarin Indications for the use of Iodomarin How to take Iodomarin Features of the use of Iodomarin Contraindications for the use of Iodomarin Possible side effects Overdose of Iodomarin

General characteristics of Iodomarin

This is an iodine preparation that is used to prevent and treat thyroid diseases. Iodomarin is able to compensate for the lack of this important trace element in the body, which is vital for some categories of people.

Indications for use Iodomarin

The drug in question should only be taken when prescribed by a doctor. And the indications for the use of Iodomarin are:

  • therapy of conditions that are associated with a lack of iodine in the body;
  • prevention of endemic goiters (carried out among patients living in regions with severe iodine deficiency);
  • therapy of diffuse euthyroid goiter;
  • therapy and prevention of iodine deficiency in childhood.

In addition, doctors prescribe Iodomarin in the postoperative period, or after the end of therapeutic treatment for endemic goiter and as a prevention of iodine deficiency in the elderly.

How to take Iodomarin

Issues of dosage and duration of the course of taking the drug in question are considered only by the doctor - it will be necessary to take into account not only the results of examinations, but also the individual characteristics of the patient's body. If we consider the official instructions for the use of Iodomarin, then we can highlight several important points:

  1. To prevent the occurrence of goiter appoint:
  • pediatric patients, including newborns - 50-100 mcg / day;
  • adolescents and adults - 100-200 mcg / day;
  • pregnant women and during breastfeeding - 200 mcg / day.

If it is necessary to prevent recurrence of goiter, doctors prescribe Iodomarin to patients at a dose of 200 mcg / day. Prophylactic administration of the drug in question is carried out for a long time, some people will need to use Iodomarin for life.

  1. For the treatment of goiter appoint:
  • children and adolescents - 100-200 mcg / day;
  • adults under the age of 45 - 300-500 mcg / day.

Patients of childhood (including newborns) will have to take the drug for 2-4 weeks, but for adolescents, adults and children of senior school age, doctors prescribe Iodomarin in the treatment of goiter for 6-12 months.

Features of the use of Iodomarin

The drug in question should be taken after eating, the tablet should be washed down with a sufficiently large amount of water. You can not drink the drug with compote, juice or coffee!

If the drug needs to be given to a breastfed baby, then the mother needs to express milk and dissolve the pill in it and offer the baby from the bottle. With artificial feeding, respectively, the prescribed dose of Iodomarin is dissolved in the mixture.

Contraindications to the use of Iodomarin

The official instructions for the drug clearly indicate contraindications to its use:

  • thyroid adenoma of a toxic nature (the only exception is the period of preoperative therapy);
  • Dühring's dermatitis, proceeding in a herpetic form;
  • hyperthyroidism;
  • intolerance to iodine preparations.

Possible side effects

Despite the fact that Iodomarin is well tolerated by patients, the drug can also have side effects, which is associated with the need to use it for a long time. From the side of the endocrine system, the following side effects are possible:

  • the transition of latent hyperkeratosis into a manifest form;
  • the development of hyperkeratosis, although earlier signs of this disease were not noted.

Do not exclude allergic reactions, which are manifested by a metallic taste in the mouth, extensive swelling, inflammation of the mucous membranes (rhinitis, conjunctivitis), glossitis, acne.

Please note: side effects with long-term use of Iodomarin most often occur against the background of exceeding the daily dosage of the drug.

Overdose of Iodomarin

Signs of an overdose when using the drug in question will be:

If such signs appear, then it is necessary to stop taking Iodomarin and inform your doctor about the situation - most likely, the specialist will adjust the daily dosage or completely replace the drug.

It is extremely rare, but there are stenosis of the esophagus (narrowing of the lumen). This usually happens if the patient deliberately exceeded the prescribed dosage.

Iodomarin, like all medications, should be taken only as directed by a doctor. You can not start a course of admission only on the grounds that the region of residence of a person is far from the sea coast - this is not an indication for the appointment.

Tsygankova Yana Alexandrovna, medical observer, therapist of the highest qualification category

Iodomarin® 100

Registration number: P N013943/01 dated 18.07.2007 Trade name: Iodomarin® 100 International non-proprietary name or grouping name: potassium iodide Dosage form: 0.1 mg tablets

Composition per 1 tablet

Active ingredient: potassium iodide - 0.131 mg (which corresponds to 0.100 mg of iodine); excipients: lactose monohydrate - 75.119 mg, basic magnesium carbonate - 28.250 mg, gelatin - 4.000 mg, sodium carboxymethyl starch - 4.750 mg, colloidal silicon dioxide - 1.750 mg, magnesium stearate - 1.000 mg.

Description: round flat-cylindrical tablets of white or almost white color, with a chamfer and a notch on one side.

Pharmacotherapeutic group: thyroxine synthesis regulator - iodine drug

ATX code: H03CA.

Pharmacological properties

Iodine is a vital trace element that ensures the normal functioning of the thyroid gland, the hormones of which perform many vital functions. They are responsible for the metabolism of proteins, fats, carbohydrates and energy in the body, regulate the activity of the brain, nervous and cardiovascular systems, sex and mammary glands, as well as the growth and development of the child.

Iodine deficiency is especially dangerous for children, adolescents, pregnant women, and lactating women. Iodomarin® 100 replenishes iodine deficiency in the body, preventing the development of iodine deficiency diseases and contributing to the normalization of thyroid function, impaired by iodine deficiency.

Indications for use

  • prevention of endemic goiter (especially in children, adolescents, pregnant and lactating women);
  • prevention of recurrence of goiter after its surgical removal or after the end of drug treatment with thyroid hormone preparations;
  • treatment of diffuse euthyroid goiter caused by iodine deficiency in children, adolescents and adults under 40 years of age.


  • hyperthyroidism;
  • hypersensitivity to iodine;
  • toxic adenoma of the thyroid gland, nodular goiter when used in doses of more than 300 mcg / day (with the exception of preoperative therapy to block the thyroid gland);
  • herpetiform (senile) Dühring's dermatitis.

The drug should not be used in hypothyroidism, except in cases where the development of the latter is caused by severe iodine deficiency.

Prescribing the drug should be avoided during therapy with radioactive iodine, the presence or suspicion of thyroid cancer.

Use during pregnancy and lactation

During pregnancy and lactation, the need for iodine increases, so it is especially important to use sufficient doses (200 mcg / day) to ensure adequate intake of iodine in the body. The drug crosses the placenta and is excreted in breast milk, so the use of the drug during pregnancy and lactation is possible only in recommended doses.

Dosage and administration

Goiter prevention

Newborns and children under 12 years old: ½ - 1 tablet of Iodomarin® 100 per day (corresponding to 50-100 micrograms of iodine).

Children over 12 years old and adults: 1-2 tablets of Iodomarin® 100 per day (corresponding to 100-200 micrograms of iodine).

Pregnancy and lactation: 2 tablets of Iodomarin® 100 per day (corresponding to 200 micrograms of iodine).

Prevention of goiter recurrence

1 - 2 tablets of Iodomarin® 100 per day (corresponding to 100-200 mcg of iodine).

Treatment of euthyroid goiter

Newborns and children (from 1 year to 18 years): 1 - 2 tablets of Iodomarin® 100 per day (corresponding to 100-200 micrograms of iodine).

Adults up to 40 years: 3-5 tablets of Iodomarin® 100 per day (corresponding to 300-500 micrograms of iodine). The drug is taken after meals with a sufficient amount of liquid.

For the treatment of goiter in newborns, an average of 2-4 weeks is enough, in children, adolescents and adults it usually takes 6-12 months, long-term use is possible. The duration of treatment is determined by the attending physician.

Side effect

With prophylactic use at any age, as well as in the treatment of euthyroid goiter in newborns, children and adolescents, side effects, as a rule, are not observed. In rare cases, constant use of the drug can lead to the development of "iodism", which can be manifested by a metallic taste in the mouth, swelling and inflammation of the mucous membranes (runny nose, conjunctivitis, bronchitis), "iodine fever", "iodine acne". It is extremely rare to develop Quincke's edema, exfoliative dermatitis. When using the drug at a dose exceeding 150 mcg / day, latent hyperthyroidism can turn into a manifest form. With prolonged use of the drug at a dose exceeding 300 mcg / day, iodine-induced thyrotoxicosis may develop (especially in elderly patients suffering from goiter for a long time, in the presence of nodular or diffuse toxic goiter).


Symptoms, brown staining of the mucous membranes, reflex vomiting (vomit becomes blue in the presence of starch-containing components in food), abdominal pain and diarrhea (possibly melena). In severe cases, dehydration and shock may develop. In rare cases, there have been esophageal stenoses, the appearance of the phenomenon of "iodism" (see side effects).

Treatment for acute intoxication: gastric lavage with a solution of starch, protein or 5% sodium thiosulfate solution until all traces of iodine are removed. Symptomatic therapy of water balance disorders, electrolyte balance, antishock therapy.

Treatment for chronic intoxication: drug withdrawal.

Treatment of iodine-induced hypothyroidism: withdrawal of the drug, normalization of metabolism with the help of thyroid hormones.

Treatment of iodine-induced thyrotoxicosis: with mild forms of treatment is not required; in severe forms, thyreostatic therapy is required (the effect of which is always delayed). In the most severe cases (thyrotoxic crisis), intensive care, plasmapheresis or thyroidectomy is necessary.

Interaction with other drugs

Iodine deficiency increases, and excess iodine reduces the effectiveness of hyperthyroidism therapy with thyreostatic agents. In this regard, before or during the treatment of hyperthyroidism, it is recommended, if possible, to avoid any intake of iodine. On the other hand, thyreostatic agents inhibit the conversion of iodine into an organic compound in the thyroid gland and thus can cause goiter formation.

Simultaneous treatment with high doses of iodine and lithium salts may contribute to the development of goiter and hypothyroidism. High doses of the drug in combination with potassium-sparing diuretics can lead to hyperkalemia.

special instructions

Iodomarin® 100 does not affect the ability to drive vehicles and control mechanisms.

Release form

Tablets 100 mcg. 50 or 100 tablets in dark glass bottles. 1 bottle with instructions for use in a cardboard box.

Storage conditions

At a temperature not higher than 25°C. Keep out of the reach of children!

Best before date

3 years. Do not use after the expiration date.

Terms of dispensing from pharmacies

Without recipe.

Manufacturing firm

Berlin-Chemie AG Tempelhofer Weg, 83 12347 Berlin, Germany or

Menarini-Von Heiden GmbH,

Leipziger Strasse, 7−13, 01097 Dresden, Germany

Claim address

123317, Moscow, Presnenskaya embankment, building 10, BC Tower on Naberezhnaya, block B. Tel: (495) 785-01-00

Fax: (495) 785-01-01

"Iodomarin 100": instructions for use, reviews:

Many “write off” constant drowsiness, lethargy and fatigue for the rapid pace of life. And in isolated cases, such an opinion is completely true. But in the rest - increased fatigue has a completely different nature and indicates a lack of iodine in the body. The drug "Iodomarin 100" can help to establish the usual pace of life. But before you run to the pharmacy for this medicine, you should consult an endocrinologist.

pharmachologic effect

This tool is used for the prevention and treatment of iodine deficiency diseases, normalizes the thyroid gland. Iodine contributes to the production of thyroid hormones, which are responsible for many vital processes such as the metabolism of carbohydrates, fats, proteins and energy in the body. An indispensable microelement for the activity of the brain, cardiovascular and nervous systems. The drug replenishes iodine deficiency, which prevents the development of severe thyroid diseases. Quite often, "Iodomarin 100" is recommended for children and pregnant women, since the trace element is simply necessary for the proper physical development of the body.

Composition and form of release

The main active ingredient of the drug is potassium iodide. One flat-cylindrical white tablet contains 0.131 mg of an essential trace element for the body. As auxiliary components for the manufacture of the drug, pharmacists use gelatin, magnesium stearate, lactose monohydrate, carboxymethyl starch sodium salt (type A), as well as basic magnesium carbonate and colloidal silicon dioxide. The drug "Iodomarin 100" today is available only in tablet form and is packaged in bottles of 50 and 100 tablets.

When is the drug prescribed?

As a preventive measure for iodine deficiency diseases, the drug is recommended to be used constantly for children and adolescents, as well as for the fair sex during the period of bearing babies and breastfeeding. This information about the preparation "Iodomarin" is confirmed by the instruction. 100 mg is a dosage that is quite enough for both children and pregnant women in order to prevent the recurrence of goiter and other iodine deficiency diseases.

How to independently determine the level of iodine in the body?

The initial stage of iodine deficiency may go unnoticed by the patient, but when the state of health deteriorates rapidly and the person goes to the doctor, the diagnosis can come as a complete surprise. To prevent such a development of events, you need to independently monitor the level of iodine in the body. And at the slightest manifestation of a microelement deficiency, start taking the drug "Iodomarin 100". To independently determine the level of iodine in the body, you do not need special devices. It is worth noting that this test can be carried out not only for adults, but even for newborn children. With a cotton swab on the forearm or thigh, you need to draw a grid with iodine and see how quickly it is absorbed into the skin. If after 24 hours a slight trace remains, then you should not worry. But if iodine is completely absorbed into the skin in a couple of hours, there is a problem.

How to take the drug for prevention?

Taking into account the fact that this drug is used not only for the treatment of iodine deficiency diseases, but also for their prevention, its dosing system has been significantly expanded.

So, for the prevention of endemic goiter, children from birth to 12 years of age should take 50-100 mcg of iodine per day. Therefore, the daily dose of the drug for babies is 1/2-1 tab. drug. For the prevention of endemic goiter in adolescents and adults, 100-200 mcg of iodine is prescribed. As for pregnant women and mothers who are breastfeeding, they are recommended to take the medicine 1 tablet twice a day.

It should be noted that the above dosing system is used not only for the prevention of endemic goiter, but also for the prevention of recurrence of the disease.


Treatment of euthyroid goiter also involves the use of the drug "Iodomarin 100". With this disease, patients from birth to 18 years of age are prescribed 1-2 tablets of medication per day. Moreover, it is better for children to divide the drug into two doses. For adults, the daily dose is 3-5 tablets.

As for the general recommendations for taking the drug, it should be taken after meals and washed down with plenty of liquid. If a child cannot swallow a whole tablet, it should first be crushed and then dissolved in juice or milk. In addition, if parents have any questions about the use of the drug "Iodomarin 100", the instructions for use and the doctor will be able to answer them.

As for the duration of taking the drug, it is determined in each case exclusively by the endocrinologist.


If the drug "Iodomarin 100" is prescribed, the use should be clearly regulated by the instructions and recommendations of the doctor. Otherwise, overdose symptoms may appear.

The first signs of an excess of iodine in the body are reflex vomiting, browning of the mucous membranes, diarrhea and acute pain in the abdomen. In isolated cases, patients may develop stenosis of the esophagus, and sometimes the phenomenon of "iodism".

If an overdose of the drug "Iodomarin 100" has occurred, patient reviews indicate a rapid onset of symptoms of excess iodine, urgent measures must be taken. So, for example, in case of chronic intoxication, it is enough only to cancel the drug and, if necessary, carry out symptomatic therapy. It is quite another matter - measures for acute intoxication. The patient is urgently washed out the stomach with a solution of protein, starch or sodium thiosulfate solution. Further, in each specific case, measures are taken to restore the electrolyte and water balance, as well as anti-shock therapy.

With iodine-induced hypothyroidism, it is necessary to cancel the drug, and the normalization of metabolism will occur with the help of hormones secreted by the thyroid gland. Before taking Iodomarin 100, you need to carefully study the instructions. It contains more complete information about the symptoms of an overdose and methods of its treatment.


Do not prescribe medicine to people with hyperthyroidism, toxic thyroid adenoma, Dühring's herpetiform dermatitis and hypersensitivity to iodine. It is these ailments that are the main contraindications for taking the drug "Iodomarin 100". The instructions for use also contain this information, since taking the drug can significantly complicate the course of the above diseases.

This medication should also be avoided during radioactive iodine therapy, which is used to treat thyroid cancer.

Side effects

As a rule, if the drug is used as a preventive therapy and the dosing system is strictly observed, there are no side effects. They appear in isolated cases in patients of any age when taking only therapeutic doses of the drug.

The endocrine system can respond to the systematic intake of iodine if the drug is used daily at a dose of more than 150 mcg. In this case, the latent form of hyperthyroidism can turn into a manifest form. If the daily rate of the drug exceeds 300 mcg, the risk of developing iodine-induced thyrotoxicosis increases several times. Most often, such a reaction of the endocrine system to iodine is manifested in people who suffer from diffuse toxic and nodular goiter, as well as in patients older than 40 years.

In rare cases, iodine can cause an allergic reaction. In this case, the patient complains of a metallic taste in the mouth, inflammation and swelling of the mucous membranes. Most often, this symptom causes "iodine" rhinitis, conjunctivitis, "iodine" acne and fever.

In addition, if you take the medicine "Iodomarin 100" in large doses (reviews of patients confirm this), exfoliative dermatitis and Quincke's edema may appear.

Pregnancy and lactation

Probably, it is not worth saying that during the bearing of a child, the body's need for iodine increases. Therefore, the drug is simply necessary in this crucial period of the life of the expectant mother. Contains this information about the drug "Iodomarin" instructions. 100 mcg is a dosage that is quite enough for the harmonious development of the child and support for the mother's body.

During lactation, the microelement must also enter the mother's body in sufficient quantities. But you should not experiment with doses of the drug, since iodine is excreted in breast milk and can harm the health of the baby.