How does an allergy to the spring sun manifest itself? Facial allergy to the sun: photos, symptoms, treatment

At the first suspicion of a sun allergy, you should consult an allergist. The sooner treatment begins, the more effective it will be.

Sun allergy (or photodermatosis) - excessive immune reaction body to exposure to sunlight. Doctors strongly recommend starting treatment sun allergy as soon as possible. If being under the sun causes even the slightest allergic reaction in you, then you should immediately take all precautions, naturally, by first contacting an allergist.

Causes of sun allergies

According to medical statistics, number of registered cases allergies exposure to the sun increases every year. Note that sun allergy does not necessarily occur in chronic form. Perhaps, after treatment is prescribed, the allergy symptoms will disappear and you will never be bothered again.

The sun's rays themselves are not allergens, but they can lead to the accumulation of substances in the human body that cause an allergic reaction.

Sun allergies are often observed in young children because they the immune system not yet able to cope with the load placed on the body.

In general, all the reasons causing allergies in the sun, can be divided into two groups:

  • External reasons. These include cosmetics, perfumes and local medicinal products that increase the body's sensitivity to sunlight. It is known that sensitivity to the sun is also increased by antimicrobial and diuretic drugs. Naturally, much depends on the length of time a person spends under the sun. Before using any cosmetic or remedy, carefully read the instructions for it. If the instructions indicate that the drug can cause photodermatitis, then you should minimize your exposure to sun rays. When choosing funds Special attention pay attention to the content of such substances as boric acid, mercury compounds, essential oils, eosin. These components increase the severity of the disease. As the most a shining example external (or exogenous) photodermatitis can be given meadow dermatitis, which develops in response to the flowering of meadow plants in the summer. The substances furocoumarins contained in such plants in combination with ultraviolet radiation can cause an allergic reaction on the skin. Photodermatitis is often caused by certain drugs, for example, sulfonamides, aminazine, barbiturates, antihistamines, some non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, oral contraceptives, antibiotics and others. In addition, one should take into account the fact that sun allergies most often occur at a time when the skin is weakened by some additional influence, for example, tattooing or peeling.
  • Internal reasons. Allergies to sun rays may contribute to liver disease, dysfunction digestive tract, as well as malfunctions of the immune system. It was noted that when correcting metabolic processes, normalization of the liver, immune system, replenishment of the deficiency of vitamins and microelements, the severity of the disease is noticeably reduced until it disappears completely.

Types of sun allergies

Photosensitivity leads to the development of a number of unnatural reactions, namely:

  • Phototraumatic reactions. This is a fairly common reaction of the body after long stay in the sun. And even absolutely healthy person After many hours of ultraviolet irradiation, sunburn of varying degrees may occur. It would not be amiss to remind our readers that being in direct sunlight from 11 a.m. to 4 p.m. is undesirable.
  • Phototoxic reactions. These are reactions in the form of a sunburn, manifested by swelling, erythema, blisters and other manifestations. Phototoxic reactions often develop in response to taking certain medications and products containing photosensitizers.
  • Photoallergic reactions. This is a pathological reaction in which the body rejects ultraviolet rays.

Symptoms of sun allergy

The main symptoms of sun allergy are:

  • rash all over the body. Pustular rashes may appear;
  • peeling of the skin;
  • swelling;
  • redness of skin areas;
  • burning sensation and itching.

Often, sun allergy symptoms do not develop immediately. For example, unlike burns, allergy symptoms may take several hours to appear. Here it is necessary to separate phototoxic and photoallergic reactions. If the first can develop within a couple of hours, then the second can develop several days after contact with the sun’s rays.

Sun allergies can aggravate the course of some chronic and untreated diseases.

Reader Questions

18 October 2013, 17:25 Hello! I’m 22 years old, I live in the north, in Arkhangelsk, where solar activity is quite conditional, let’s say. Every summer I go to Bashkiria for a month, I was once in our south, in Sochi, and there were no problems. but in 2010 I visited Thailand for the first time, where on the 7-8th day I started having problems with skin rashes in the chest area (collarbone and slightly below). very severe itching, burning, small pimples and itching. We went in winter. then in the summer of 2010 in Bashkiria in the sun everything was fine. I spent the whole of 2011 in the north, and in the summer of 2012 in Bashkiria it all happened again! not immediately, but a week before departure. I bought a cream for photodermatitis (recommended at the pharmacy). but he didn't help me much. upon returning home to Arkhangelsk, of course, everything went away immediately, although it was sunny and hot here for a couple of days, but there were no rashes! This winter of 2013 I am going to Thailand again. please advise how to avoid this hell! this itching is impossible to bear, all the skin on my chest is burning with fire... thank you very, very much in advance

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Risk group

Some people are much more likely to develop sun allergies than others. Thus, the following categories of people have an increased risk of developing sun allergies:

  • Persons with fair skin and blond hair.
  • Pregnant women. According to medical statistics, pregnant women are more likely to suffer from sun allergies.
  • Small children.
  • Persons taking medications that may cause an excessive skin reaction.
  • People who have relatives with sun allergies. Eat Great chance development of sun allergy if any member of the nuclear family also suffers from sun allergy.
  • Persons in contact with substances that provoke sun allergies.
  • Persons who abuse solariums.
  • People who did some things the day before cosmetic procedures(for example, tattooing, chemical peeling and others).

Treatment of sun allergies

Allergy is a disease that requires adequate medical intervention. It is almost impossible for an able-bodied person to avoid sunlight, especially in the hot season, so it is necessary to consult an allergist and undergo all the necessary diagnostic procedures.

If there are any malfunctions internal organs and immune system, appropriate treatment is prescribed. At the same time, treatment is carried out aimed at eliminating the external manifestations of solar allergies. For these purposes, as a rule, they use local drugs(ointments, creams) containing lanolin, zinc and methyluracil. In some cases, the doctor prescribes hormonal ointments and anti-inflammatory drugs. To stimulate regenerative processes in the skin, B vitamins, vitamins C, E and nicotinic acid are prescribed.

Let's take a closer look at drugs for the treatment of sun allergies:

  • Allergy creams and ointments. Corticosteroid creams and ointments are quite effective in treating sun allergies, but they can only be used in cases of severe sun allergy. In mild forms of the disease, corticosteroid drugs cannot be used. It should be understood that these products can only be used with the permission of a doctor. The course of treatment with steroid ointments should be short, since they long-term use can cause various skin disorders, for example, erythema, dilation of blood vessels on the skin, and they also quickly become addictive, and if they are used frequently, skin atrophy may develop.
  • Antihistamines. In case of allergies, as a rule, the patient is prescribed antihistamines. However, it is worth noting that these drugs help some and not others. Here everything depends on the root cause of photodermatosis, on the basis of which the doctor decides to prescribe antihistamines. There are several generations of antihistamines. Third generation drugs are highly safe and do not cause drowsiness, unlike first and second generation antihistamines.
  • Taking vitamins. Possible reason The development of an allergy to the sun can be caused by a decrease in immune status and vitamin deficiency. In such cases, the patient is prescribed vitamins such as vitamin C, B vitamins, vitamin E, a nicotinic acid and others. It should be understood that vitamin therapy is not independent method treatment of allergies, but only acts as one of the components of complex treatment.

The duration of a sun allergy can vary from several days to several weeks. It all depends on the severity of the disease and the adequacy of the prescribed treatment.

When the disease reoccurs, symptoms usually intensify. Fortunately, recurrent cases of the disease are rare.

Sun allergy: preventive measures

In order to minimize the likelihood of developing a sun allergy, you must follow these recommendations:

  • If possible, avoid wearing clothes made of synthetic fabrics;
  • Don't spend too much time in the open sun. Sunbathing for 10-20 minutes will be quite sufficient, after which you need to “hide” in the shade;
  • use sunscreen;
  • visit the beach early in the morning and at evening time when solar activity is minimal;
  • use umbrellas, hats and capes to protect from the sun's rays.

Allergy to the sun may occur during rest seaside resort, in the mountains or even in the country if the days are hot. IN Lately allergic reactions are more common, and all more people who have never encountered before similar problem, unexpectedly find out for themselves that they are . Of course, the sun's rays themselves are not an allergen, but they can provoke an increased biological release in the body. active substances– histamine and other inflammatory mediators that cause symptoms allergic reaction. Excess ultraviolet radiation becomes a kind of catalyst for a process that can lead to the development of photodermatosis.

Cause for concern

Symptoms of sun allergy resemble ordinary urticaria. As a rule, it manifests itself quickly - after an hour and a half of exposure to the sun, rashes, red spots, sometimes blisters and swelling appear on the skin (there is swelling of both the skin and mucous membranes), a burning sensation and severe itching of the skin may occur. Less often, the body does not immediately respond to solar “irritation”, skin rashes or itching appears only after 6-8 hours, in the evening, or even after two or three days.

What are the main reasons that can lead to sun allergies?

At risk are adults and children suffering from chronic diseases of the kidneys, liver and adrenal glands; ; owners of light sensitive skin with a lot of freckles and birthmarks(I and II phototypes). Sun allergies are not uncommon: the mechanism of protection against ultraviolet rays is formed in the body only by the age of three. Photodermatosis may develop when taking medicines, especially if they contain sulfur, fluorine or iodine; anti-inflammatory and antibacterial agents(tetracyclines, sulfonamides, fluoroquinolones); some drugs for treatment diabetes mellitus and diseases of cardio-vascular system. In the presence of chronic diseases or taking medications before going on vacation, you should consult with your doctor whether you can sunbathe. Also, if the medication annotation talks about the possibility of photosensitivity, that is, increased sensitivity to solar radiation, in order not to provoke photodermatitis, you will have to do without tanning.

Irina Tokareva

An allergy to the sun can be an indirect sign that a person has problems with the functioning of internal organs. And if you have photodermatosis, this is a reason for examination. Violation pigment metabolism, some autoimmune diseases, hypo-, and more often hypervitaminosis can also provoke its development.

Prevention and treatment

If you are at risk or if you do not have an obvious allergy to the sun, but you know that you are prone to allergic reactions, with beach holiday need to be careful. The time spent in the open sun should be reduced to 10-15 minutes in the morning or evening. During the day, wear a wide-brimmed hat and long sleeves that cover your shoulders. Using sunscreens with high factor protection (above SPF 40) is a must.

If, despite all precautions, symptoms of photodermatitis occur, take an antihistamine (after taking the new, so-called second generation, the allergy will disappear for about a day, the previous generation drugs last 4-8 hours). For local treatment solar urticaria use antiallergic creams or ointments with antihistamine components. Antiallergic steroid ointments cannot be used without a doctor's prescription. General treatment Sun allergy is usually based on the same principles as the treatment of other types of allergic reactions: strengthening the immune system, treating chronic diseases, reducing the body's sensitivity to allergens, allergen-specific immunotherapy is often used. And, of course, prevention: those who have at least encountered manifestations of photodermatitis subsequently need to be especially careful with the sun.

Most people look forward to the summer season, during which they can soak up the sun and get a beautiful tan. By taking sunbathing, they activate the processes of production of vitamin D in the body. But, despite the great benefits, ultraviolet radiation can cause great harm people, as they can provoke the development malignant neoplasms, burns and allergic reactions.

Can people be allergic to the sun?

People may experience the first signs of sun allergy in late April early May. They should understand that the sun's rays themselves cannot act as an allergen, since they only affect the surface of the skin. An allergic reaction in people occurs due to the production of certain substances in the cells of the epidermis. This process triggers ultraviolet radiation upon contact with the skin. Modern medicine gives the following definition to this condition of people - a phototoxic reaction or photodermatosis.


Most often, people who have the first phototype face this problem. skin. Many experts are of the same opinion that the main causes of an allergic reaction to sunlight are the following agents:

  • photoreactive;
  • photosensitizers.

In the human body, phototoxic reactions can be triggered by the following factors:

  • use of poor quality hygiene products;
  • the use of cosmetics that contain too high a percentage of chemicals;
  • eating various additives, as well as products with dyes and preservatives;
  • contact with household chemicals;
  • tattooing on the skin;
  • taking certain medications;
  • Gunther's disease;
  • pathology called pellagra, etc.

People who are prone to sun allergies should know that this pathological condition can lead to the development of diseases of the adrenal glands, liver and kidneys.

Development of a pathological reaction

With the development of an allergic reaction to ultraviolet radiation emanating from the sun, people start the process of pigmentation of the skin, which can have varying degrees intensity.

Modern medicine famous the following types pathological reactions to sunlight:

  1. Sunburn, which may develop when inflammatory processes on the skin. IN last years Cases of development of melanomas against this background have become more frequent.
  2. With systematic exposure to the skin ultraviolet radiation Patients may develop a pathology such as geroderma. It is accompanied by symptoms characteristic of allergies.
  3. Patients who come into contact with phototoxic vegetation may develop meadow photodermatitis.
  4. When exposed to sunlight, patients may develop pathologies such as pruritus or eczema.
  5. An allergic reaction to sunlight can be a consequence of dermatosis, for example polymorphic, in which characteristic rashes appear on the skin.


People who noticed on their skin pathological changes after exposure to sunlight, the development of an allergic reaction may be suspected.

They should pay attention to the symptoms accompanying this condition, which can be local or general:

  1. Redness may appear in some areas of the skin even after short-term contact with ultraviolet radiation.
  2. Patients may experience a burning sensation or severe itching on the epidermis.
  3. Some patients experience swelling.
  4. In most cases, when an allergic reaction develops on the skin, various rashes, for example, bubbles filled clear liquid or rash.
  5. Most people prone to pathological reactions develop a fever as toxic substances enter their bloodstream.
  6. Some patients may lose consciousness as their blood pressure drops rapidly.
  7. In almost all cases, nausea, dizziness, and general weakness are observed.
  8. Silus may develop headache, which can be comparable in intensity to a migraine.

The following categories of citizens are at risk of encountering this pathology:

  1. Women who are pregnant.
  2. People whose hair is light colored.
  3. Children of younger age groups.
  4. People who have recently had a tattoo or specific cosmetic procedures, such as peeling, which used chemical components.
  5. Women and men who visit solariums.
  6. People who are born with pale skin.

If a person notices any allergic manifestations on his skin after exposure to the sun, he needs to contact medical institution for consultation. Dermatologist, after diagnostic measures, will explain what to do in this situation and how to cope with the problem with medication.

How to treat sun allergies?

Treatment of sun allergy begins only after diagnosis and differentiation of the pathology from others. skin diseases with identical symptoms. Dermatologists individually develop a treatment regimen for each patient, which in most cases includes wide range actions:

  1. First of all, specialists make every effort to stop the reaction accompanying allergic pathology.
  2. Patients are given recommendations on how to treat this disease. Medicines are prescribed for both oral and external use.
  3. In the presence of severe allergies, patients may be prescribed injections of various medications.
  4. Preventive measures are being taken.

Local hormone therapy

Specialists during complex therapy If a patient has a sun allergy, they are usually prescribed medications that contain a component such as cortisol or its analogues. Such medicines have maximum effectiveness and allow you to achieve excellent results.

People experiencing sun allergies are prescribed the following medications:

  1. Weak ointments such as hydrocortisone or prednisolone.
  2. Medications with average therapeutic activity. For example, Prednicarbate, Locarotene, Zinocort, Lorinden, etc.
  3. Medicines, after using which you can notice the results very quickly. For example, patients are prescribed Polcortolone, Fluorcinoid, Flucort, Apulein, etc.
  4. Maximum effective medical supplies. For example, Galcinonide, Chalciderm, Dermovate.

Antihistamine group

For external treatment of lesions, dermatologists recommend that patients use antihistamine ointments. The components present in them allow you to quickly eliminate the symptoms characteristic of allergic pathologies. The use of such medications will allow patients to achieve the following results:

  1. Reduce the intensity of itching.
  2. Eliminate irritation on the skin.
  3. They moisturize the epidermis, so it does not oversaturate and does not crack.
  4. Accelerate regeneration processes.

Group of anti-inflammatory and wound-healing drugs

After the patient has relieved the pronounced symptoms accompanying sun allergy, the dermatologist will prescribe medications that will eliminate inflammation and speed up the process of restoration of the epidermis:

  1. Bepantent contains panthenol. Helps in the process of healing and restoration of the skin.
  2. An ointment called Diclofenac, which belongs to the category of anti-inflammatory non-steroidal medications. Helps eliminate skin manifestations allergic pathology.
  3. An ointment containing ibuprofen. For example, Nurofen, which helps eliminate skin manifestations of such pathologies as photodermatitis.

Sun allergy pills

If the dermatologist considers it advisable to introduce medications for sun allergy into the treatment regimen, oral administration, then he will prescribe the following drugs to the patient:

  1. Diazolin tablets.
  2. Diphenhydramine tablets.
  3. Suprastin tablets, etc.

When choosing a medication, a specialist focuses primarily on the possibility of using it to achieve maximum therapeutic effect. Its ability to eliminate external manifestations allergies.

Preventive actions

For patients who want to prevent pathological reactions in the future, experts recommend the following prophylaxis:

  1. Time spent in direct sunlight should be minimized.
  2. Before visiting the beach, it is prohibited to apply cosmetics to the skin, except for special compounds that protect against ultraviolet radiation.
  3. Dermatologists do not recommend that their patients use cosmetics that contain fragrances. This is due to the fact that pigment spots may appear on their skin.
  4. Patients should constantly ensure that their skin does not dry out.
  5. If a person needs long period time to be exposed to direct sunlight, he should choose suitable clothing. It should have long sleeves and cover the epidermis as much as possible.

Approximately every fifth person has experienced sun allergies to one degree or another. It’s quite unpleasant when, instead of enjoying a vacation, warm sea and bright sun, you have to constantly look for shade or generally limit access to the street.

Sun allergy is a common name for a disease such as photodermatitis. Its occurrence is practically independent of the duration of exposure to the sun or the intensity of its radiation, since ultraviolet rays themselves do not contain any allergen. It's caused hypersensitivity the body to the sun, which can occur for a number of reasons.

Why does sun allergy occur?

The toxic effect of sunlight can occur through interaction with substances that are on the skin (exogenous photodermatitis) or in the skin (endogenous photodermatitis).

Exogenous photodermatitis- this is a reaction of the body that occurs when special substances - photosensitizers located on the surface of the skin - come into contact with the sun. Photosensitizers are found in some medications, foods, plants, cosmetics, and chemicals.

So, an allergic reaction can be caused by:

  • cream, applied to the skin before going out into the sun, as well as deodorant or perfume. Interestingly, photosensitizers can also be found in some tanning creams (in particular, para-aminobenzoic acid - PAVA), so you should carefully study the composition similar means before the purchase;
  • medical supplies (acetylsalicylic acid, ibuprofen, antidepressants, antibiotics, diuretics, some medications for the cardiovascular system, antihistamines, oral contraceptives);
  • citrus, consumed shortly before going out into the open sun;
  • chemical peeling or tattooing— such procedures are not recommended during the hot season;
  • polyunsaturated fatty acid (oil of bergamot, rose, sandalwood, parsley, boric acid, mercury preparations);
  • alcohol.

Endogenous photodermatitis They are quite rare, they are caused by diseases of the human immune system and metabolic disorders, including diseases of the liver and kidneys, pancreas and thyroid gland.

Varieties of this type of dermatitis are solar eczema, solar scabies, xeroderma pigmentosum, porphyria, polymorphic photodermatosis. There is also such a disease as Gunther's syndrome - a kind of allergy to light, when a person cannot tolerate either sunlight or daylight, he develops wounds and cracks on the skin. To date, it cannot be completely cured.

Allergy to the sun can appear at any age, but the risk group includes:

  • people with light skin and hair;
  • Small children;
  • pregnant women;
  • people suffering from any other forms of allergies;
  • amateurs frequent visits solarium.

It should also be remembered that traveling to another country, where solar activity is greater than in your usual place of residence, can trigger the development of sun allergies.


People who are particularly sensitive to sunlight may feel the first signs of an allergic reaction a few minutes after being in the sun. In less sensitive people, allergies may appear within a few hours or even 1-2 days. The following symptoms may indicate an allergic reaction to the sun:

  • small red rash on the skin, similar to hives;
  • redness and dryness of the skin, most often of the face and décolleté, but can also occur on other parts of the body;
  • swelling;
  • severe itching;
  • a feeling that the skin seems to be “burning”;
  • purulent rashes or bleeding - not common, may appear when scratching the skin.

In the photo below you will see examples of how sun allergies manifest themselves.

Skin rashes can be localized both in places of open contact with the sun (on the face, hands) and in areas hidden under clothing.

In addition to skin reactions, headaches, inflammation of the lip borders, nausea and even fainting are possible. Occasionally, cases of conjunctivitis have been reported.

Photodermatitis is similar to sunburn, but there is no rash with the burns, and itching appears later, after a few days, when the burnt skin begins to peel off.

How and with what to treat sun allergies?

If allergies are not treated, complications may develop, for example, eczema. If photodermatitis appears not for the first time, it is strictly forbidden to sunbathe and in general you should extremely limit your exposure to the sun.

If redness, rash and itching occur after sunbathing, you should consult a doctor as soon as possible: an allergist, dermatologist, or immunologist. He will conduct an examination and prescribe a suitable treatment regimen. Usually it includes both external and internal agents. It can be:

  • ointments, including hormonal ones;
  • tablets - antihistamines;
  • non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs;
  • vitamins E, C, B vitamins;
  • antioxidants;
  • enterosorbents.

In the first days of allergy manifestation, the following procedures and folk remedies can alleviate the condition:

  • wrapping with damp cloth;
  • taking soda baths, no more than 30 minutes;
  • lubricating problem areas of the skin with aloe juice, applying compresses from grated potatoes or cucumbers, cabbage leaves;
  • application to the body almond oil with menthol (fresh tomato juice also helps);
  • compresses from decoctions and infusions of chamomile, oak bark, juniper, mint.

In addition, during the treatment period you should adhere to a certain regimen:

  • drink more fluids to prevent dehydration and speed up the elimination of toxins;
  • avoid exposure to the sun for several days;
  • wear as closed clothing as possible;
  • limit use cosmetics or replace them with others with a safer composition.

Depending on the severity of the allergic reaction, treatment can last from several days to several weeks. All therapeutic measures can be carried out at home, but under the mandatory supervision of a doctor. With the right and responsible approach to treatment, this problem can be quickly overcome.

Preventive measures

Of course, it is impossible to completely protect yourself from manifestations of sun allergies, but compliance simple rules will reduce the risk of its occurrence:

  • try not to be outside during the day when the sun is most active;
  • It is better to sunbathe before 11 and after 16 hours. at this time you will get a beautiful tan and will not burn;
  • spend more time in the shade, wear a hat;
  • after swimming in a pond, dry in the shade, since wet skin increases the impact of the sun's rays;
  • do not rub your skin with a towel, so as not to further injure it;
  • pay attention to the composition of sunscreens, and also choose products with high level protection and apply them to the skin for 15-20 minutes. before going out into the sun;
  • do not use decorative cosmetics and creams before going to the beach, do not consume citrus fruits and alcohol;
  • Increase your consumption of foods rich in calcium, it reduces the likelihood of allergic reactions.

If you or your close relatives have a history of any form of allergy, then you need to treat the sun with extreme caution.

Everyone will agree that the sun is life. Without it, plant growth is impossible. The sun is the only one natural source vitamin D for human body. It can also rightfully be considered an indispensable addition to any vacation and recreation. After all, this is exactly what everyone is waiting for when summer comes. But few people think about the consequences of such a vacation. Because of reduced immunity often . This disease brings a lot of inconvenience and hardship. A person is not able to fully relax and bask in the warm rays. Another upsetting factor is that photodermatitis often manifests itself on the face.

Allergy symptoms

The signs of photodermatitis are quite varied. Their locations are also unpredictable. But, still, most often the allergy manifests itself on the skin of the face and eyelids. The symptoms of photodermatosis are as follows:

If you do not respond to these symptoms in time, you can get second and third degree burns. Often prolonged exposure to the sun leads to loss of consciousness or anaphylactic shock. If a person is physically healthy, then allergic manifestations do not threaten him. But if you notice one of these manifestations on your body, then the immune system is not working correctly.


People whose skin belongs to the Celtic type are most susceptible to the disease. One of the reasons may be heredity. It is safe to say that a person with allergies suffers from liver dysfunction. This organ is a kind of filter for our body, and its improper functioning causes various malfunctions. The following substances can also act as provocateurs:

Often medications provoke allergies:

  • Antibiotics (macrolides, tetracyclines, antimycotics);
  • Oral contraceptives and hormonal drugs;
  • Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs;
  • Cardiac drugs;
  • Corticosteroids.

Allergy to sun rays can cause a large number of flowers and plants, both domestic and wild.

After contact with them and exposure to the sun, patients notice a rash on their face in the form of large red spots, severe itching and burning. Such plants include: nettle, quinoa, ash, buttercup, St. John's wort, clover, sedge.

Some foods are considered good triggers for this type of allergy. Before going out into the sun, consuming these products is prohibited:

Types of photodermatitis

There are the following types of allergic dermatitis due to sun exposure:

  • Phototraumatic reaction. This reaction, as a rule, occurs in an absolutely healthy person. It is characterized by redness of the skin and a slight burning sensation. Often appear on the face and décolleté. You should simply refuse to stay in the sun when it is hot.
  • Phototoxic reaction. This type of reaction occurs in people suffering from hypersensitive skin. It appears after taking certain medications or using cosmetics.
  • Photoallergic reaction. Is a pathogenic reaction. Indicates that the patient has allergies. It appears in the form of a rash, blisters, redness, almost immediately after contact with the sun's rays.


First you need to stop contacting the sun. Be sure to consult a doctor. Universal remedies There is no cure for photodermatosis, only a doctor can choose the type of therapy that is right for you. To diagnose the disease, blood tests and skin tests. Antihistamines and ointments are most often prescribed. Today, antihistamines are divided into three generations. Each subsequent one is an improvement of the previous one.

First-generation antihistamines are characterized by their speed of action, but this effect is rather short-lived. Drugs in this group are used to relieve symptoms of allergies to initial stages. The downside is a fairly extensive list of side effects: drowsiness, increased blood pressure, headache, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, diarrhea, tachycardia, blurred vision.

Suprastin Enough effective remedy. Reduces allergy symptoms. Relieves skin manifestations of allergies. The action begins after a couple of hours. During pregnancy, it is allowed to take from the second trimester. It is prohibited to use by people whose activities involve high concentration of attention.
Diphenhydramine Relieves allergic manifestations. Eliminates hives and swelling of the skin. Acts like local anesthesia. Has numerous contraindications and side effects, therefore contraindicated for children and pregnant women.
Diprazine Is over a strong drug than Diphenhydramine. Has an antiallergic effect. Has a stronger sedative effect. It is prohibited to drink alcoholic beverages while taking the product.
Clemastine Relieves manifestations of urticaria, dermatitis, Quincke's edema. Often used by patients bronchial asthma. Contraindicated for children under six years of age and people with individual intolerance to certain components.
Diazolin Eliminates allergic manifestations such as skin itching, urticaria, eczema, dermatitis. May cause gastrointestinal disorders, dizziness, fatigue, drowsiness. Contraindicated for patients with stomach ulcers.
Cyproheptadine Prescribed for hay fever, acute or chronic urticaria, swelling of the skin, itching and swelling. Contraindicated for diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, pregnant and lactating women, and children.

The second generation of antihistamines has a less extensive list of adverse reactions and contraindications. Sedation occurs only in rare cases. The effect of the drugs lasts throughout the day. Quite rarely addictive. Such drugs include:

Claritin Quite a loyal drug. Does not cause drowsiness or addiction. Prescribes when allergic dermatitis, hay fever and chronic urticaria. In rare cases, may cause nausea or vomiting.
Kestin Blocks the release of histamines. Reduces the manifestations of allergies. The effect begins within an hour after administration and lasts for two days. The drug may cause insomnia and dry mucous membranes.
Clarisens Relieves the condition of patients with allergies. Copes well with Quincke's edema and urticaria. The product has no effect on nervous system. Not addictive. Contraindicated in case of individual intolerance to the constituent components of the drug.
Lomilan The drug copes with skin itching. Reduces swelling of the skin. Helps with allergic manifestations on the eyelids. The action begins within half an hour after administration. Adverse reactions occur rarely, in the form of headache and nausea.

The most modern and harmless is the third generation antihistamine. All drugs in this group do not affect the cardiac system and do not cause sedative effect. Allows you to apply enough long time, as they are not addictive. Most of these drugs are allowed to be taken by pregnant women and nursing mothers without danger to the child. These include:

  • Telfast;
  • Zyrtec;
  • Gismanal;
  • Trexyl.

Together with antihistamines It is necessary to use antiallergic ointments and gels in combination. After all, if we can cover any other part of the body with clothes, then there is no way to hide the face. It is the ointment that will help instantly remove the manifestations of the disease from the face. How to choose suitable remedy from this group? There are antihistamine creams and ointments with hormonal and non-hormonal bases, anti-inflammatory, moisturizing and emollient agents.

The safest are non-hormonal ointments. They are allowed to be taken during pregnancy and for children from birth. The disadvantage is their accumulative property, so the effect may occur after some time. These products are great for sensitive skin. Such ointments relieve itching well and have a healing effect. These include:

Solcoseryl The drug consists only of natural ingredients. Accelerates skin regeneration. Has a healing and anti-inflammatory effect. Relieves sunburn.
Radevit Has antipruritic effect. The drug is made on the basis of vitamins E, D, and B. Can be used for a long time. Does not cause toxic effects.
Actovegin Relieves rashes on the face. Prevents scarring after healing. The ointment must be applied twice a day. After 2-3 days, the rash on the face will disappear. But you should still continue using this drug.
Desitin An effective antiallergic agent. Quickly and gently relieves the manifestations of the disease, especially on the face. The drug creates a barrier and prevents the hives from spreading.
Fenistil-gel The gel has an anesthetic effect. Cools the skin of the face, thereby relieving itching and burning. Reduces inflammation. The action occurs within the first couple of hours after application.

Hormonal ointments are usually prescribed in advanced cases allergic manifestations or if other drugs are ineffective. Such ointments are applied once a day and in the prescribed dosage. If it is exceeded, the product will be absorbed through the skin into large quantities, which can significantly worsen the situation. Hormonal ointment Only a doctor can prescribe it. For sun allergy symptoms from the face, this is the best remedy. The result comes immediately after application. You can use such ointments for no longer than five days, as hormones are addictive. Absorbed into the blood, they affect the functioning of body systems. These include:

  • Hydrocortisone (has a low degree of activity);
  • Fluorocort, Cinacort ( average degree activity);
  • Apulein (active drug);
  • Dermovate (increased activity).

Anti-inflammatory creams are great for treating sun allergies on the face. They contain paracetamol, ibuprofen, nimesil. These drugs perfectly relieve itching:

Triderm Has an antibacterial and anesthetic effect. Reduces the symptoms of photodermatitis. Contraindicated in chicken pox, herpes, skin tuberculosis. Allowed during pregnancy under medical supervision.
Advantan Prescribed for dermatitis, eczema, sunburn. The result will become noticeable half an hour after applying the ointment. Due to its mild effect, it is allowed for use by pregnant women.
Akriderm Removes any allergic diseases skin. The drug should be applied three times a day, lightly rubbing into the skin. No special contraindications no, with the exception of individual intolerance.

If photodermatitis manifests itself in the form of dryness and flaking of the facial skin, you need to use moisturizers. These drugs are also used for the formation of crusts and cracks. Such ointments and creams should be used as often as possible - up to five times a day. They must be fat based. La-Cri cream can be called quite effective. The drug is made based on herbs that relieve inflammation and panthenol, which promotes skin healing. Thanks to its light texture, it does not leave a greasy shine on the face. The cream can also be applied to the eyelids. Children are allowed from birth.

Do not forget that for a quick recovery it is necessary to remove all toxins from the body as soon as possible. A simple one will help with this Activated carbon. It is also worth increasing the frequency and amount of drinking water.

Folk recipes

Representatives traditional medicine They recommend quite a lot of different remedies. If your facial skin has become too dry and dehydrated from exposure to sunlight, horseradish can help. You need to grate the horseradish root and squeeze out one tablespoon of juice. Mix this juice with the same amount of sour cream and rub into your face before bed. After a couple of such procedures allergic symptoms will disappear.

There are cucumbers and potatoes in every refrigerator. These vegetables cool the skin and relieve itching. Cucumber can be grated and applied as a mask to the face. Or simply wipe the affected areas in circles. The same manipulations are carried out with potatoes.

If manifestations of photodermatosis were noticed in a timely manner, then it will be enough to make a mask from sour cream. You can add one teaspoon of honey to it - it has a softening effect. A mint mask copes well with the disease. You need to mix a couple of tablespoons of crushed dry mint with a small amount of boiling water and let it brew for a while. After this paste has cooled, apply to your face for 20 minutes.

Celery juice can quickly remove toxins from the body, and therefore get rid of allergies. Every morning before meals you need to drink three tablespoons of juice. They have the same effect birch leaves. They need to be brewed and drunk instead of regular tea. Watermelon is a delicious antioxidant. During the season it should be eaten as often as possible.

If the patient suffers from urticaria and severe itching, you should prepare chamomile lotion. You need to pour three tablespoons of dried flowers into a glass of boiling water and leave for half an hour. After cooling, cleanse your face with a cotton pad. Similar remedy can be prepared from aloe juice. Simply mix it with purified water.

Celery leaves make an excellent ointment. Mix the crushed leaves with butter in proportions 1:1. Before applying the ointment, thoroughly cleanse your face. Lotions made from this plant are effective. For washing, you can prepare a decoction of raspberry leaves.


To avoid photodermatosis, try to spend less time in direct sunlight. Before going out into the sun, be sure to apply sunscreen and lotions to your face and body. On the beach, try to sunbathe in the shade. When leaving the water, immediately pat your skin dry with a towel without leaving any drops of water on it. It wouldn't hurt to get a wide-brimmed hat. It is worth giving preference to clothes in light colors.

Remember that exposure to the sun after 11 o'clock in the afternoon is prohibited. In the evening, it is better to go out into the sun after 16:00, when ultraviolet activity is much lower. Also prohibited is the use of various deodorants and decorative cosmetics while on the beach.

Help for fainting

  • Move the victim to a shady place;
  • Elevate the patient's legs to stimulate blood flow to the brain;
  • Moisten your face and torso with cool water;
  • Place a cotton swab with ammonia to your nose.

As soon as the patient comes to his senses, give him to drink a large amount of purified water without gas.