Chemical peeling for acne. Does peeling help with red acne: how to achieve results

Owners of oily skin type constantly suffer from various inflammations (pimples or acne).

The thing is that the sebaceous glands produce a large number of excess secretion that accumulates in the ducts, stagnates, becomes inflamed and turns into a purulent abscess or pimple.

Such a cosmetic procedure as peeling can solve this problem quickly and effectively.

- cleansing the upper layers of the skin from keratinized dead cells, accumulated particles of cosmetics and dirt, by external influence.

This procedure stimulates the regeneration (renewal) of the skin, which improves the complexion, narrows the pores, and normalizes the production of subcutaneous fat.

Features of the problematic epidermis

With improperly selected peeling, problem skin can be injured, and inflammation will spread to the entire surface of the face.

That's why the choice of procedure should be entrusted to a cosmetologist who will assess the condition of the skin during an individual examination and prescribe the most appropriate type of cleaning.

Sometimes external inflammation speaks of the internal problems of the body, in which case the doctor recommends eliminating the cause of the rash and only after that treating the consequences in the form of acne. Otherwise, the rash will constantly progress.

Choosing the right cleanser depends on the type of acne. There are three types of inflammation:

  • comedones (black dots);
  • internal acne;
  • acne (purulent inflammation of different sizes).

Very often, owners of oily skin have several types of acne at the same time.

Properly selected peeling can quickly cope with the problem and completely eliminate it.

Dermatologist, cosmetologist Irina Kotova talks about the care and treatment of problematic facial skin:

Purification methods, their pros and cons

Today, modern cosmetology offers two main types of peeling for problem skin:

Each of them is effective and efficient for certain problems.


Chemical, or as it is also called, is carried out using acid solutions of various concentrations.

Under the influence of acid, the keratinized layer of the epidermis exfoliates and is completely removed. And new young cells begin active regeneration.

The chemical method of purification can be divided into:

Cosmetologist, dermatologist Irina Kotova talks about chemical peels:


In cosmetology, the most popular types are:

More about the brushing (or brossage) procedure:

Benefits of peeling for problem skin:

Disadvantages of peelings for acne on the face and spots after them, scars:

  • under the influence of acid, the skin gets a slight burn, there are side effects such as: swelling, redness, sometimes crusts;
  • some types of acid cleansing, such as medium and deep peels, as well as ultrasonic cleansing, are not intended for independent use. They are made strictly in beauty salons by masters of a high professional level;
  • with a strong mechanical effect on problem skin, the inflammatory process may increase.

homemade recipes

Independently at home, you can only apply superficial cleansing of the face, both chemical and mechanical peeling.


For 100 ml of kefir, take one teaspoon of edible table salt (you can take finely ground edible sea salt), mix everything.

Immediately, until the salt crystals have dissolved, the resulting mixture should be applied with massage movements over the entire surface of the face.

A light massage with your fingertips is done for 3 minutes, then the mixture is left on the face for another 10-15 minutes.

Wash off the residue with warm water. Apply a pore-reducing agent (lotion or tonic) and moisturizer to the skin.

Oatmeal mixture. Steam oatmeal with a small amount of boiling water, let it brew for 5 minutes. Add granular cottage cheese and mix thoroughly, if the mass turns out to be thick, add a little boiling water.

In a warm form, apply to the face, hold for 20 minutes and rinse with warm water. After completely removing the mixture, wash your face with cold water, this will help narrow the pores.

Black clay with soda

Buy black clay at the pharmacy and mix with baking soda in proportions of 2:1. Add a small amount of warm water and dilute the resulting mass until a homogeneous thick slurry is formed.

Apply to the face in an even layer and leave to soak for 15 minutes. Remove with a cotton pad and warm water

Peeling mask for acne from black clay and activated charcoal:

Lemon (lime)

Squeeze the juice of one lemon or lime. Dilute with mineral water in proportions 1:1.

Moisten a cotton pad and wipe the face with it in several stages: wipe the first time, let it dry, wipe it again, repeat 3-4 times.

Leave the juice on your face for no longer than 15 minutes or until you feel a slight tingling and burning sensation.

Rinse off with plenty of warm mineral water and finish with cool water.

If after the session there is a feeling of tightness, apply a moisturizer (cream, lotion, serum, and so on). In a separate article you will find all the details about such

In adolescence, the presence of acne is actually an inevitable attribute of the human face, indicating the normal production of hormones for a teenager. However, if with the departure of tender age into the past, gross skin problems have not ended, or, conversely, God forbid, they have begun, you should consult a specialist. Moreover, the choice of doctor's specialization varies depending on the prerequisites that cause acne on the face, because the fight against them is not a task for cosmetologists alone.

Microbiologists have studied in detail such infections as staphylococci or streptococci - fairly common causes of external rashes. Such microorganisms are able to penetrate into the subcutaneous layers, abundantly increasing the population due to the nutrition of food and secretions of sebaceous secretions. As a result, black dots appear on the surface, inflamed acne, and other irritations that are noticeable to the eye.

Even the most insignificant wounds, distinguishable only in the light of magnifying instruments, can become conductors of pathogens. To find out the root cause of micropurulences formed in the depths of the skin, ordinary clinical blood tests help, the direction for which the doctor can write out.

In particular, an endocrinological examination will check the correctness of the discharge of external secretion. To normalize the work of these skin appendages, sexually mature women in some cases are prescribed hormonal contraceptive pills. With proper selection, they limit the production of waste products of the sebaceous glands. Which, in turn, eliminates the factor of contamination of the skin pores, as a result of which the basis for the appearance of acne accumulations also disappears. In addition, pharmacology and cosmetology have developed many other means of stabilizing the work of the above skin appendages.

Alas, peeling in this situation is useless and can even harm.

Get rid of acne

The first step in the fight against acne should involve medicine. In particular, it is necessary to exclude the gastrointestinal tract factor from the list of possible causes of skin slagging. In the case of an intestinal infection caused by staphylococcus, antibiotics are carefully selected according to the internal flora of the body.

To identify the source of epidermal suppuration, a laboratory culture is performed from a sample taken from the patient directly from the site of inflammation. Based on the results of the analysis, conclusions are drawn about the presence of certain microbes that affect the manifestation of dermatological abnormalities.

The destruction of harmful bacilli by antimicrobial drugs subsequently implies the artificial cultivation of bioelements necessary for the body that have fallen under the influence of the drug. And in addition to the internal restoration, naturally, external cleansing will also be required. Peeling polishing successfully solves this problem, relieving the consequences of the pathogenic effects of the body on the skin.

But does peeling help acne?

This cosmetic procedure is used when oily skin becomes the root cause of acne, which clogs and expands the pore space. Enzyme peeling opens access to it for cleansing, removing the outer epidermis.

Mechanical peeling is quite rough, it can damage the skin, infect cells, and in addition, it will require a long wait for the results of the recovery process. Due to the pain of dermabrasion, anesthesia must be used. However, it can both smooth out the effects of profuse acne and remove acne marks. The indentations left due to blackheads are corrected by injecting collagen or fat under the skin, samples of which are taken from the skin of the same patient. This process is not performed in the case of purulent eruptions, with recent burns, herpes, psoriasis appearances, boils and pink acne.

An alternative option for skin cleansing is laser peeling, which is used mainly to get rid of scars and other consequences of skin imperfections.

Deservedly, the most widespread as a removal of any consequences after pimples is a chemical peeling of the face. The most popular median and deep peeling of the skin.

This technique is not only highly effective, but also requires professionalism in implementation. when performing it, various concentrations of acids are used. There is a risk of burns and other damage if handled improperly. That is why such procedures are carried out in beauty parlors or in specialized clinics.

When the procedure is completed, the cosmetologist applies a special neutralizer to the skin, suitable for this particular drug. And exposed skin after the procedure must be protected from the sun.

As contraindications to chemical peeling, you will encounter such conditions as open wound surfaces, foci of inflammation. But it is very effective to apply peeling in the presence of enlarged pores, black spots and defects in the relief of the skin of the face.

The terrifying name of the procedure "laser perforation" is the most delicate, gentle, albeit expensive method. Obviously, in comparison with the same chemical or other type of peeling, the use of this technique allows you to influence each area of ​​the skin in connection with its characteristics. Because laser perforation is a slightly painful technique, then you can discuss with the beautician questions regarding analgesics. Rehabilitation is approximately the same as after a chemical medium peeling, after 2 weeks the color and structure of the skin are already completely restored.

The effect will be noticeable. It will be possible to take a “before” and “after” photo, and upon examination, you will find that the traces of acne have disappeared, the pores have narrowed and the complexion has improved. If the patient (his body and skin) responds well to the procedure, then the course consists of 2-3 visits. In this case, the result will be very long.

There is a recommendation to stay under the supervision of specialists in a hospital after mechanical peeling or laser perforation. This is required primarily for the psycho-emotional peace of patients, because. the first days after the procedure, the face does not look attractive at all. In addition, during this time, swelling and redness will go down a little, and this will also serve as a wonderful prevention of the introduction of various infections. In connection with the above, it is necessary to have a free week, or even more, for a comfortable rehabilitation.


Acne peeling is one of the best treatments for oily and acne prone skin. In the process of exfoliation, the upper keratinized layer of the epidermis is removed, the mouths of the sebaceous glands are cleaned, stagnant spots dissolve and the process of tissue renewal starts. In just a few sessions, you can significantly improve the condition of the skin, even out the tone and relief of the face, alleviate the course of acne and prevent new rashes. Cleaning is carried out both in a beauty salon and at home.

What kind of peeling contributes to the disappearance of unwanted rashes

Pimples and blackheads - almost every woman faces such a problem. Acne can occur on absolutely any skin, often women after 30–40 years suffer from a defect. The culprits of unpleasant rashes are clogged sebaceous glands and the fat itself, which has acquired a thick consistency.

Today, aesthetic cosmetology offers a variety of techniques, both professional and for home use, that can get rid of acne, enlarged pores and blackheads. Exfoliation procedures cleanse the mouths of sebaceous plugs and deprive bacteria of a nutrient medium, eliminate inflammatory processes, and prevent exacerbations of acne.

Acne peels are:

  1. Chemical (enzymatic and acid).
  2. Mechanical.
  3. Hardware.

Mechanical cleaning is a rather rough and painful procedure. It severely damages the skin and requires a long recovery period. It is used only for deep (sore) single acne and pronounced post-acne.

An alternative to mechanical action is hardware exfoliation. The procedure does an excellent job with stagnant spots, purulent rashes and acne marks, but is more often prescribed for patients with a few acne.

If the problem is acute, and the rashes are abundant and aggressive, it is better to choose a chemical peel. Acid formulations disinfect and dry oily skin, narrow pores. But their main advantage lies in the non-traumatic effect on the dermis and the inability to spread the infection throughout the face.

With minor defects, you can do with almond exfoliation. This is a great option for young, problematic skin with small post-acne spots and enlarged pores. The procedure gently and effectively cleanses the face, fights oiliness, brightens and evens out the relief, has practically no restrictions and complications. Recommended for girls over 16 years old.

Indications and contraindications for the procedure

Of course, one of the main indications for the use of acne peeling are black dots and acne vulgaris. But these are far from the only problems that exfoliation can deal with. No less often, the procedure is prescribed for the following defects:

  • dermatological diseases (solar keratosis, hyperkeratosis, eczema, seborrhea, melasma);
  • ingrown hair after epilation;
  • signs of age (flabbiness of the skin, mimic wrinkles, senile pigmentation);
  • hyperfunction of the sebaceous glands;
  • enlarged pores;
  • dull complexion;
  • post-acne, small scars and scars.

With the help of exfoliation, you can get rid of acne on the chest and back. Indications for use are expanding by prescribing superficial peels as preparatory measures for other, more serious cosmetic procedures.

It is also worth mentioning the limitations here. The list of main contraindications includes:

  • individual intolerance to the components of the exfoliant;
  • exacerbation of the herpes virus;
  • fresh tan;
  • psoriasis;
  • skin damage in the treatment area;
  • neurological diseases (epilepsy);
  • malignant neoplasms;
  • fever;
  • chronic pathologies in the acute stage;
  • pregnancy and lactation;
  • heart problems, the presence of a pacemaker.

The restrictions considered apply to all types of acne peeling. Most of the exfoliations are recommended only in the autumn-winter season, when solar activity is minimal.

Acnecutane is also a contraindication to the procedure. During treatment with the drug and within 6 months after its completion, it is highly undesirable to carry out any aggressive manipulations with the skin.

Chemical peel

Acid peeling for acne is considered the best choice for extensive lesions of the face and back. The method is based on exfoliation of the dermis with various types of acids, both in monovariant and in combination with each other. The effectiveness of exposure depends on the concentration of enzymes and the depth of their penetration into the tissue.

Acne glycolic peel

The basis of this exfoliation is glycolic acid, which belongs to alpha hydroxy acids and performs a dual function - cleansing the sebaceous ducts and rejuvenating the skin. The procedure is ideal for women over 30 who suffer from post-acne and occasional rashes.

Glycolic peeling can be:

  1. Surface - performed with a solution with a concentration of up to 25%. It is prescribed for oily, problematic dermis with single acne.
  2. Median - indicated for serious structural changes, wrinkles and profuse acne.

Exfoliation usually takes 20-30 minutes and is carried out strictly according to the protocol. The solution can be applied in several layers, the exposure of each of which depends on the sensitivity of the patient's skin. The procedure is performed only in autumn and winter.

Fight acne with salicylic acid

For young problem skin with acne, exfoliation with salicylic acid is the best choice. The enzyme has a pronounced antiseptic, drying and keratolytic effect, destroys bacteria, brightens and evens out the tone of the face.

Salicylic exfoliation can be superficial (15%) and medial (20.25.30%). The depth of penetration depends on the selected concentration of the solution and the expected effect.

Multi-acid peeling for clear skin

Solutions with a combined composition are very popular with patients. In addition to persistent and effective acne treatment, alpha hydroxy acids stimulate the production of elastin and collagen, perfectly moisturize and rejuvenate the skin.

A mixture of active enzymes is used not only for the face, but also for the body, eliminates rashes on the back and chest, tightens the neck and décolleté.

An excellent cleansing and toning effect is given by the following combined exfoliants:

    • Peeling Jessner. It contains lactic and salicylic acids;
    • Acne Peeling Gel (Antiacne peeling) from Natinuel (Natinuel). Contains a complex of fruit enzymes (glycolic, mandelic, pyruvic), azelaic (carboxylic) and salicylic acids;
  • Keratoregulating exfoliant Renophas (Renophas). Includes salicylic and glycolic acids. Gives a double effect - eliminates inflammation and increases skin turgor.

Multi-acid peels are performed only in autumn and winter. The procedures give an excellent whitening effect and require the use of sunscreen during the recovery period. More suitable for mature dermis with rashes.

mechanical method

Mechanical cleaning is the most accessible, but at the same time the most traumatic manipulation. In salons, most often they offer to perform a brossage or dermabrasion.

Brossage is done with the help of brushes rotating in a given mode. Nozzles exfoliate the surface layer of the skin, even out the relief, improve blood circulation in the epidermis and accelerate cell renewal.

Microdermabrasion is performed with microscopic aluminum oxide crystals. The procedure not only removes the upper layer of the epidermis, but also accelerates cell regeneration, eliminates traces of post-acne, makes the face younger and more elastic.

Often, women perform mechanical exfoliation on their own, using store or home scrubs for this - salt, sugar, soda, coffee.

Most cosmetologists are negative about mechanical peeling as a way to cleanse oily skin with a lot of rashes. Experts believe that injury to the inflamed and irritated epidermis can lead to a powerful spread of infection throughout the face.

It is undesirable to do mechanical exfoliation with dry, thin skin. It is better to replace the aggressive procedure with hardware exfoliation - a less traumatic and at the same time effective method of cleaning. The technique delicately eliminates defects, dries, eliminates blackheads and blackheads.

Hardware peeling of skin with acne

For problematic dermis with acne, non-contact exfoliation options are more often used, such as laser or ultrasonic exfoliation.

Laser peeling for acne

The procedure is performed with a laser beam that burns out the top layer of the dermis. As a result, the skin is renewed, acquires a healthy and smooth appearance, stagnant spots and acne disappear.

Two types of laser are used for exfoliation:

  • Hot (carbon dioxide). Quite noticeably injures tissues and requires a long recovery period. The process is accompanied by a thermal burn and severe reddening of the skin;
  • Cold (erbium). Acts targeted, burning only defective areas. Gentle and gentle procedure, suitable for thin, sensitive skin.

If you want to combine acne clearing with rejuvenation, try diamond laser resurfacing. Manipulation refers to hypoallergenic types of exfoliation and does not cause pain.

Ultrasonic peeling

Ultrasound cleaning is indicated for patients with thin, dry facial skin. This is the most gentle and less traumatic procedure. Non-contact exfoliation effectively destroys pathogenic microflora and localizes the inflammatory process, while absolutely not damaging the tissue. It is prescribed for young women with minor skin defects.

Gas-liquid type of impact

Oxygen treatment can be done in any condition of the epidermis. The main thing is to correctly select the exposure time and the force of the jet pressure.

Drops of an antiseptic solution, moving at great speed, acquire the properties of solid particles and have an abrasive, cleansing, slightly massage effect. As a result, blood circulation improves, the tone and relief of the face are evened out.

How much does acne peeling cost in the salon

The price of acne peeling largely depends on the area of ​​​​the treated area, the status of the beauty salon and the qualifications of the specialist. When performing dry cleanings, the cost of the procedure includes the purchase of an exfoliant.

The table will help you navigate the metropolitan prices for acne peels:

Procedure namePeeling typeCost per session, rub.Glycolic exfoliationacid1500 - 3300 rubles.Salicylic exfoliationacid2900 - 3900 rubles.Multi-acid peelingacid1000 - 3000 rubles.laser cleaninghardware5000 - 8000 rubles.ultrasonic cleaninghardware2100 - 2500 rubles.Gas-liquid exfoliationhardware2800 - 3500 rubles.Diamond laser resurfacinghardware1000 - 3500 rubles.Retinoic cleansingacidfrom 3000 rub.TCA peelacid3000 - 5500 rubles.

How to peel problematic skin at home

Today, the cosmetic market is ready to offer many effective and inexpensive products for self-use. All of them are safe and easy to use, perfectly cleanse the skin and get rid of blackheads for a long time. You can buy homemade facial peeling for acne at a pharmacy or a specialty store.

Consider a few ready-made cosmetic preparations that are most in demand among women:

  1. Cleansing gel Korean brand Holika Holika. Designed for delicate care of problem skin. Its effectiveness is confirmed by numerous customer reviews.
  2. Lotion-peeling Mp acne peel (Aknepil) from the Israeli company GIGI. Cleanses and dries the dermis, fights acne and hyperkeratosis, tightens pores.
  3. (Faberlik). This three-step cleansing system is very popular and easily replaces the salon procedure.
  4. Glycolic peel. For home use, purchase a 15% or 20% glycol solution.
  5. Anti-acne Peeling (Anti-acne) from the French company Algologie (Algolodzh). The drug gives a cumulative effect, so you will see the result only at the end of the cleansing course.

When exfoliating on your own, you must carefully read the instructions and strictly follow the protocol of the procedure.

To get the maximum effect from the considered exfoliants, it is better to use them in autumn and winter.

Home beauty recipes

There are many great recipes for acne peeling that are easy to make on your own. Consider the most interesting and effective.

Salt Soda Scrub


  • finely ground salt - 1 tbsp. l.;
  • baking soda - 1 tbsp. l.;
  • sour cream or cream - 1 tbsp. l.

Carefully move the ingredients and apply to the cleansed face with massaging movements. Leave for 5 minutes, rinse with acidified water.

Badyaga mask

It is considered the best home remedy for skin cleansing. It perfectly removes acne, stagnant spots, brightens and evens out the face.

To prepare the mask, take:

  • badyagi powder - 1 tbsp. l.;
  • hydrogen peroxide solution (3%) - 1 tbsp. l.

Mix everything and apply on the face, gently rubbing. After drying, shake off the mask or rinse with water.

Purification with calcium chloride

Another popular way to cleanse the skin. For peeling, prepare a 5 or 10% solution of calcium chloride and baby soap. Using a cotton pad, apply several layers of the drug to the face and wait until the drug dries. Then, with your fingers or a gauze swab, rub baby soap, whipped into foam, into the skin.

After the appearance of spools and a feeling of “creaking”, rinse off the composition and apply a nourishing or moisturizing cream.

Red Moroccan Clay Gassul

This multifunctional mineral remedy is used for the preparation of therapeutic masks and ointments. The natural product cleanses pores, eliminates inflammation and improves tissue metabolism.

To prepare the medicinal composition you will need:

  • clay Gassul - 2 tsp;
  • liquid honey - 1 tsp;
  • freshly squeezed lemon juice - 1 tsp.

Mix the ingredients and apply on your face. Massage and leave on for 12-15 minutes. Rinse with warm water, apply cream. If the skin is dry, add sour cream or butter to the composition.

Can peeling get rid of scars after acne?

Any of the medium and deep peels is effective in the correction of small hypertrophic and atrophic scars and scars. It is recommended to carry out the post-acne removal procedure in a beauty salon. Properly selected exfoliation will help reduce skin imperfections in a few sessions.

For fresh or mild scars, medial exfoliation is usually used. Deep peeling from post-acne is prescribed in extreme cases.

With young, scarring-prone skin, experts recommend going through. The procedure gently removes the top layer of the epidermis and polishes the scars.

Retinoic post-acne cleansing

This exfoliation option is often used to correct scars and resolve stagnant spots. Yellow peeling provides fast and uniform cleaning of the dermis, reduces the production of sebum and prevents the appearance of pimples, but often causes an allergic rash.

Frequent peeling with retinoic acid can lead to drying and thinning of the epidermis, so you should not get carried away with the procedure.

The effectiveness of TCA peel against scars and scars

To remove traces of acne, glycolate is added to the exfoliant with trichloroacetic acid. The substance effectively softens and exfoliates scar tissue, makes the skin smooth and even. Already after 4-5 sessions, the first results of TCA peeling appear. However, they should not get carried away either. The procedure significantly injures the dermis, so it is not recommended to perform it more than once a month.

Laser removal of post-acne

Laser peeling for scars and scars after acne has a good effect and is less painful compared to acid exfoliation.

On the first day after the procedure, the dermis will turn red and crust, but after 4-5 days the dead layer will peel off, and you will see smooth skin without scars and scars.

To consolidate the effect, experts advise doing at least 3 laser resurfacing.

Taking a course of peeling and getting rid of pimples and acne marks is half the battle. To get a really good and lasting result, you need competent post-peeling care.

  • refuse to visit the solarium, baths, saunas, swimming pools;
  • delay going to the gym;
  • protect the treated skin from ultraviolet radiation, frost and wind, be sure to use sunscreen;
  • Apply daily moisturizing and regenerating creams to the face.

The duration of the rehabilitation period depends on the depth of exposure and can range from 1 week to 3 months.

Answers on questions

Does peeling always help acne?

Like any cosmetic procedure, acne peeling does not always give the expected effect. This is not only due to an incorrectly selected exfoliant or the hand of a beautician.

If acne is provoked by hormonal failure, problems with the gastrointestinal tract or demodicosis, cleaning is unlikely to help. Moreover, the procedure is likely to provoke a severe exacerbation.

But if acne appeared as a result of improper functioning of the sebaceous glands, exfoliation will only benefit and relieve many problems.

Why did I get acne after the procedure?

There may be several reasons. Some of them are directly related to the exfoliation process, others are not related to it.

Most often, the appearance of acne is a normal and natural process of skin repair. Under the influence of third-party intervention, blood circulation improves, metabolic activity increases and, as a result, rapid maturation of subcutaneous seals occurs. According to patients, after 12-14 days, acne disappears and no longer appears.

If the inflammatory process does not subside and the pustules continue to actively grow, the cause should be sought in the internal diseases of the body. The first thing to do in this case is to abandon further procedures and contact a dermatologist to prescribe a specific treatment.

Can there be complications after peeling and which ones?

Yes, exfoliation complications do happen. Moreover, each type of peeling has its own consequences. For example, if the acid peeling protocol is not followed, there is a high risk of burns, a demarcation line, persistent redness, and hyperpigmentation.

Laser exfoliation has its own complications:

  • multiple atrophic points-scars (gauze effect);
  • hemorrhages on the surface of the skin (bloody dew);
  • redness and swelling of tissues;
  • blisters with bloody or serous contents.

There are also common complications that can appear with any of the peels: exacerbation of herpes, allergic reactions, keloid and hypertrophic scars. All these defects require additional treatment.

Summing up

When choosing a peeling for acne, care should be taken and a reasonable approach to the procedure. If the cause of acne is internal pathologies, it is better to refuse exfoliation. In all other cases, it is necessary to take into account the recommendations of the cosmetologist and carefully monitor skin hygiene.

Have you done an acne peel? Tell us about the effect, leave a review about the salon and the beautician.

Nothing spoils the mood on the eve of an important date or interview like the sudden appearance of pustules on the face. What is there: in the life of every person they are inevitable, like death and taxes, at least occasionally. That's when the question arises: can peeling for acne urgently help?


To begin with, let's figure out what they are 3 main types of acne(which are scientifically called by the general term "blackheads", or "acne"):

  • Comedones (black dots);
  • Pustules (pustules-inflammation);
  • Papules (“nodules” protruding above the skin).

All these imperfections are very unpleasant, and the prospect of peeling off the top layer of horny cells along with all the problems looks very attractive.

This is precisely the meaning of peeling - a procedure that, due to controlled stress for the skin (for example, an acid-based preparation), starts the process of regeneration in tissues. As a result, collagen and elastin fibers are naturally renewed, and, depending on the depth of the intervention, a different number of skin layers can be exfoliated.

Causes of acne

However, it should be remembered: acne treatment with peels is not always a panacea. Some inflammation occurs due to internal disorders in the body (infections, hormonal failure, chronic diseases). Such cases may require prior drug treatment:

  • Irregular care: sebaceous plugs occur;
  • Increased activity of the sebaceous glands;
  • Heredity;
  • Long exposure to chlorine;
  • Taking steroids or halogen-containing (antiseptic) agents;
  • Inflammation in places of ingrown hairs;
  • Allergy;
  • Infections in the places of wounds;
  • Hormonal changes;
  • Disorders of the intestines;
  • Subcutaneous tick.


With fresh purulent inflammations or recently squeezed out (bleeding) pimples, peeling is strictly prohibited! There will be a burn at this place!

In addition, foci of infection can spread to healthy tissues, so fresh rashes must first be treated!

The remaining contraindications are standard: it is forbidden to peel with a fresh tan, against the background of a weakened immune system and if you are allergic to exfoliant components.

Only a specialist can prescribe the correct method in each individual case, because self-diagnosis or unprofessionalism is fraught with post-peeling complications.

Briefly, indications and contraindications for the treatment of acne with peels can be formulated in the following table:

The principle of action here is as follows: inflammation is caused by bacteria, and their activity can be reduced if you regularly (every month) exfoliate dead horny cells. Deprived of their usual nutrient medium, bacteria die.


Depending on the specific problem, doctors prescribe both superficial and median, and sometimes even deep ones. But the most common acne peels are superficial. They gently cleanse, normalize cellular respiration and the work of the sebaceous glands, while not causing major injuries. This is why light exfoliation is most effective for acne problems.

Median peels are usually used to combat post-acne and scars. Well, deep exfoliation is prescribed extremely rarely, with very serious indications.

Which peel is better for acne and acne:

  • Hardware methods ( , ),
  • Chemical ( , ),
  • Mechanical (and brossage).


Ideal for non-contact, yet deep processing. This is especially true with acne because it is an infection that can spread across the face. (That is why, by the way, you should not use homemade ones if you want to get rid of pustules.)

In addition, such techniques can effectively eliminate traces of rashes, and thanks to modern technologies, it is possible to plan treatment, adjusted for a particular type of patient's skin.

Processing in this case occurs with ultrasound waves. Old cells inside the tissues are destroyed, the pores are cleansed of sweat, dirt and make-up, blood circulation is increased, the integument is healed. Such cleaning is the least traumatic.

The laser beam with the help of thermal exposure eliminates imperfections pointwise, so after the procedure you can lead a normal life. The depth of treatment of the cover within the framework of this method can be regulated by the doctor and includes, for example, laser resurfacing or treatment with an erbium laser.

Mechanical impact

Disadvantage: the procedure cannot be applied with fresh inflammations (more suitable for prevention). Another contraindication to mechanical exfoliation is dry or sensitive facial skin.

The most popular chemical peel for acne (acne) is enzymatic, or enzymatic: it is gentle, acts quickly and causes minimal harm. This is due to the gentle composition: the enzymes contain natural acids of low concentration (obtained from apples, grapes, pumpkins, etc.).

More intense acid types of exfoliation are no less effective in the fight against rashes: they trigger natural recovery mechanisms in the skin and are also quite often prescribed by cosmetologists.

The salons also offer a special “acne peeling”: it includes keratolytic components (“exfoliators”), as well as anti-seborrheic substances (against skin “dandruff”). As a result of the course application of such procedures, the skin is smoothed and becomes velvety to the touch, the complexion improves.

Cosmetic treatment based on acid obtained from beets or sugar cane helps to rejuvenate and brighten the skin, clear sebum from pores. The face after several sessions looks well-groomed and refreshed.

Attention: due to the acceleration of tissue metabolism after peeling, pimples may temporarily become active (but this will soon pass)!

Yellow exfoliation is carried out on the basis of preparations that are essentially similar to vitamin A. The result is an antiseptic effect; tissues are simultaneously moisturized, healed and rejuvenated.

This procedure often requires a preparatory period of up to 2 weeks.

Ferulic acid works well for acne in all skin types, and also has an excellent antioxidant effect. With this technique, you can not be afraid of swelling or skin irritation.

Such an anti-acne peeling refers to rather radical measures and is used pointwise, mainly for the treatment of acne scars and only if there are no active inflammatory processes. This technique has many contraindications and should be used with caution (mainly in salons, at home - up to a maximum of 10% acid concentration and only in agreement with a cosmetologist!).

The basis of the salicylic method of exfoliation is beta-hydroxy acid, which is also part of aspirin. It dissolves sebum well, penetrates deep into the glands, dissolves black spots. In modern cosmetics, it is most often used in combination with other softening components or as a preparation for mechanical cleanings.

Mandelic aha-acid (alpha-hydroxy acid) acts like the antibiotic erythromycin: it has a powerful antibacterial effect. It is indicated for oily skin with comedones in the form of a gel, and in the presence of a large amount of inflammation, it is recommended in the form of a lotion.

This peeling for acne involves the use of a composition based on in combination with other active ingredients (lactic, glycolic, tartaric and other acids). It is more often used at a more mature age and helps not only to stimulate the epidermis to produce natural collagen and elastin fibers, but also whiten the skin.

So let's recap:



A course of acne peels can be done every year, preferably from November to February (avoiding large sub-zero temperatures!). The rest of the time, it is better to use gentle home exfoliation, and preferably before bedtime, so as not to injure the skin from the sun's rays.

High SPF40+ sunscreen is a must for any season.

In the summer, you may also need to get rid of imperfections. In this case, it is worth starting preparations for the procedure 14 days in advance: forget about the solarium or the beach, do not injure the skin of the face with eyebrow hair removal a couple of days before peeling, and, of course, contact (at least for advice) to a professional cosmetologist.

Leave a review, what do you think about acne peels? Have you tried any?

Many people have facial imperfections. Acne peeling is an effective procedure to improve skin condition. Pimples are different because they have different causes. Therefore, each ailment has its own procedure.

Causes of acne

Acne is a common problem at any age. Their occurrence is associated with various factors. Not all imperfections are treated in a beauty parlor. There are defects that require medical treatment, antibiotics.

To determine whether it is possible to do acne peeling, the doctor can after establishing the causes. The main factors for the appearance of deficiencies include:

  • poor quality care;
  • high fat content of the skin;
  • ingrowth and inflammation of hairs;
  • allergy;
  • infection and damage;
  • hormonal problems;
  • intestinal infections.

Before peeling for acne, you need to consult a dermatologist. Sometimes this procedure can harm and spread the disease to healthy skin.

What procedure to use?

With problematic skin, peeling for acne is a mandatory procedure. It is needed to treat the skin from keratinized layers, dust and fat, restore the activity of the sebaceous glands. Due to these changes, the bacteria will not be able to develop, so they disappear. In addition, the procedure eliminates acne scars and restores cell renewal, the skin becomes toned, well-groomed.

There are different types of peels in cosmetology. They are superficial, medium and deep. The level of exposure is chosen based on the extent and complexity of the inflammation. The most popular are superficial procedures. They are ideal for frequent inflammation. With the help of the procedure, the surface and pores are cleaned, the work of the sebaceous glands is restored, so they are used to treat acne and blackheads.

Median peels are rarely used, usually they are needed to eliminate scars and acne marks. Deep cleansing is a complex procedure, so it is not often performed. There are differences in the methodology and method of exposure. Therefore, peeling can be hardware, chemical, mechanical. Thanks to this variety, it will be possible to individually choose a technique for cleansing the skin of the face.

Hardware cosmetology

This peeling procedure is effective in eliminating acne. Its peculiarity lies in the deep impact on the problem, it protects healthy skin from infection. Can perform various facial cleansing methods. Peeling in hardware cosmetology is of the following types:

  1. Laser - removal of dead cells, inflammation with a laser beam. The laser in the inner layers provides a thermal effect, eliminating the problem. The main advantage of this method is considered to be minimal trauma to the epidermis. This is necessary to reduce the rehabilitation period.
  2. Ultrasonic - exposure to ultrasonic waves. There is a special device for ultrasonic facial cleansing, which eliminates obsolete cells and restores blood flow. The pores are cleared of sebaceous plugs, dirt, cosmetics. The device used for ultrasonic facial cleansing improves and heals the skin.

Hardware cosmetology allows you to effectively eliminate acne. It is desirable to apply such peeling from traces after acne. The equipment used for cleaning can be used according to a specific program, taking into account age, the degree of damage to the skin.

Chemical cleaning

A chemical peel for the face is in demand. Reviews indicate a delicate, low-traumatic action. Such drugs are called exfoliants, and the process is called exfoliation. They are based on:

  1. Alpha hydroxy acids - used to protect the skin from age-related changes.
  2. Beta hydroxy acids - drugs relieve acne.

Use of salicylic acid

If the skin is oily, then this is perfect. Reviews confirm the effectiveness of the procedure. Salicylic acid has a drying and disinfecting effect. Apply a lotion or cream with this substance to the skin. The process of influence comes slowly.

Over time, the skin is cleared, while there is no threat of pigmentation. Salon peeling is superficial and median. The cosmetologist chooses the composition of the required concentration and provides skin care after the procedure.

Glycolic peeling

Glycolic acid has an antibacterial effect, it eliminates inflammation and evens out skin tone. Its most important property is the ability to cleanse the ducts of the sebaceous glands. The procedure eliminates comedones and sebaceous plugs.

Multi-acid peeling

Reviews confirm that peeling with a mixture of succinic and fruit acids gives an excellent effect. It is desirable that this work be performed by a beautician, since in order to effectively eliminate acne, you need to choose the right concentration of acids.

The procedure cleanses the skin and stimulates the synthesis of glycosaminoglycans, collagen fibers. This method is ideal for mature skin, which still cleanses and refreshes it.

Retinoic acid

The method is used to smooth out acne marks. provides exfoliation of damaged epidermis. The process restores the production of sebum, it is effective for the prevention of pustular formations.

Such peeling heals acne, rejuvenates the skin, which becomes fresh. Do not abuse the procedure, as its frequent use causes dry skin, and sometimes it can cause a rash.

mechanical cleaning

Eliminate keratinized layers and it will turn out with the help of mechanical cleaning. Abrasive components effectively eliminate the upper problematic layer, renewing the skin.

This technique can be used to remove spots of irregularities. The procedure is considered painful and takes time to recover. After mechanical cleaning, there will be no dimples and tubercles on the skin.

Treatment Frequency

How often do peeling in the salon? This is determined by the beautician after examination. If you do not take into account the characteristics of the skin, then we can only draw approximate conclusions about the frequency of procedures. Salon peeling is performed about 2 times a week.

But for some skin types, up to 8 treatments are required. After the course, a break is needed to allow the skin to recover. Then everything can be repeated for the best result.

The frequency of procedures at home

Mechanical peeling can be performed independently from the age of 16-18. After 30 years, it is mandatory to keep the skin fresh. Recipes for scrubs and peels are different. But often procedures should not be performed, even if a natural composition is used. There are the following types of procedures:

  1. For oily should be performed 2 times a week. Often it is not necessary to do it, as this can cause intense production of sebum, and with rare cleansing, the results may not be visible. A scrub made of coffee grounds, salt and sugar helps to cope with skin defects.
  2. If the skin is dry, then peeling should be done less frequently. She needs a soft and non-traumatic scrub, which is prepared on the basis of oatmeal and honey.
  3. Mixed skin needs a special approach. It is advisable to exfoliate the E-zone every week to eliminate blackheads. Peeling should be done as needed. Wheat bran scrub, tea brewing is excellent.
  4. For normal skin, home peeling is better. It can be treated with high-quality cosmetic products, and additionally it is polished with a mixture of sour cream or cream with oatmeal. Cleansing should be done every 4 days.

Even with mild peeling, the skin can be injured. You should not abuse it, otherwise the cover may become irritated, overdried. Mechanical peeling can be performed every week and twice in autumn and winter. And the frequency of salon procedures is set by the master. Using these rules will improve the condition of the skin without damaging it.