Allergy to fruits in children and adults. Foods that cause allergies

As a rule, allergy sufferers tolerate fruit consumption within reasonable limits. Sometimes observed on apples in (urticaria), itching in oral cavity, allergic rhinitis. You can solve the problem by replacing the variety of apples (red apples often provoke allergies) or by cutting the peel of apples. People who are sensitive to fresh fruits may well tolerate thermally processed fruits (baked apples, fruit puddings), as high temperature most allergens are destroyed. Often, allergic reactions occur when consuming strawberries, citrus fruits, provoking the development of recurrent skin diseases.

Cross reactions

Commercially available fruit varieties belong to more than a dozen different families. This has its positive side: if, due to the occurrence of cross-reactions, the patient should avoid eating fruits of a certain family, he still has a fairly large selection of different fruits. On the other hand, you should not constantly load the body with a variety of fruits - it is recommended to use regional seasonal varieties for food. This is also expedient for environmental reasons (short transport route).

Fruit families

  • Palm - dates, coconuts
  • Apple trees - apples, pears, quince
  • Plum - apricots, cherries, almonds, nectarines, peaches, plums
  • Pink - blackberry, wild strawberry (strawberry), raspberry, rosehip
  • Citrus fruits - grapefruit, lime, tangerines, oranges, lemons
  • Blackcurrants - currants, gooseberries


Fruits are rich in various fruit sugars, they contain ballast substances (cellulose and pectin), as well as minerals and vitamins in various quantities, especially vitamin C. According to modern scientific data, the content of biogenic amines in various fruits is negligible. However, bananas, especially very ripe ones, contain a large amount of minerals, vitamins and biogenic amines, the most famous of which is serotonin, a substance that improves mood.

Some fruits contain increased quantities salicylic acid, which can cause pseudo-allergic reactions. These include berries, oranges, pineapples, and raisins.

Replacement options

fruits have great importance for balanced nutrition. If only one or a few species are not transferred, replacing them with others is not a problem. Accordingly, in most recipes for dishes that include fruits (marmalades, sweets, cakes, etc.), it is possible to replace intolerant fruits with others.

Those who do not like fruits should include more vegetables in their diet. However, you or your children may have. Children are recommended to give as an intermediate "meal" between breakfast and lunch or between lunch and dinner. raw carrots, a piece of pepper or cucumber.

Use of finished products

Fruits are among the most various products food produced food industry. Along with products in which fruits are the main, clearly marked ingredients (marmalades, compotes, fruit juice drinks), they are used in small quantities for the preparation of confectionery and dairy products. At the same time, it is often not completely clear what kind of fruit we are talking about, of which, for example, fruit filler in yogurt consists. Dried fruits, as well as syrups (condensed, concentrated), juices are increasingly used as an alternative to sweeteners, and the original taste of the fruit changes beyond recognition. In most cases, but by no means always, in small quantities they are tolerated normally, however, the labels on the packages of such products do not differ in sufficient detail.

Over the past two decades, the number of diagnosed allergic diseases has doubled. In addition to various types of allergies known to medicine, a new variant has appeared - intolerance. food products. However, idiosyncrasy has been known since ancient times, but only a few suffered from it, which is probably why the disease has not been studied as carefully as other diseases. Today the products allergic, are ubiquitous, the list of them is increasing every year.

So, quite recently, soybeans were considered almost the most dietary product in the world, but in just ten years, starting from 2000, the number allergic reactions for soy products increased from 1% to 22-25%. More than 10% of allergy sufferers suffer from intolerance to a particular product. age group, that is, children and about 5% of adults. The most common foods that cause allergies are protein food, since the protein is a thermostable component, that is, it does not lose its immunogenicity during heat treatment, the protein is also quite resistant to the effects of enzymes and acids. The most aggressive in terms of allergy provocation are cow's milk and all products containing it, fish and chicken eggs. Also, protein in small quantities can be contained in plant foods, despite the small amount, protein components may well provoke food intolerance.

We present short list main products containing immunogenic protein:

  • Wheat and its derivatives (cereals).
  • Rye and products containing rye.
  • Oats and oat products.
  • Corn.
  • Soy and some other legumes - beans, peanut, lupine.
  • Almost all umbrella plants are parsley, carrots, celery, dill.
  • Almost all nightshades - eggplant, tomatoes, potatoes.
  • Fruits and berries containing a certain amount of protein and salicylates - strawberries, peaches, apples, strawberries, kiwi, avocados, watermelon.
  • Almost all nuts - chestnut, peanuts, cashews, Walnut, hazelnut, almond.
  • Plants of the cruciferous family - radish, mustard, cabbage, radish, horseradish.

Allergic foods from the list above can for a long time be relatively safe. However, if there is gastrointestinal diseases, with an allergenic readiness or an already existing allergic reaction to pollen, medicines or another substance, food can become a real trigger for severe allergies.

Foods that cause allergies are manifested by the following symptoms:

  • Dyspepsia, diarrhea, colic.
  • Nausea and vomiting. Babies under one year old often spit up.
  • Hives.
  • Atopic dermatitis.
  • Swelling of lips, face.
  • allergic rhinitis.
  • Allergic conjunctivitis.
  • Cough up to an asthmatic attack.

anaphylactic shock in food allergies rare, most commonly caused by peanuts, lobsters, crabs, crayfish, eggs, and fish.

Foods that cause allergies can provoke and aphthous stomatitis when an allergic reaction develops in the oral cavity. Swelling of the tongue, lips, pharynx, all these signs are combined severe itching and colitis. Most often, allergic stomatitis occurs in adolescents after eating citrus fruits, mushrooms or nuts. Seizures bronchial asthma are typical for adult allergy sufferers, and they are provoked by tomatoes, carrots or apples. Urticaria and dermatitis are provoked by nuts.

The content of the article:

Fruit allergy is a type of food allergy that occurs when eating natural useful products, which contain vitamins and trace elements necessary for normal life. Most often, fruit allergy occurs in children, but sometimes develops in adults, especially if there is a history of diseases digestive system or malabsorption of certain vitamins and minerals.

Can children be allergic to fruit?

Any allergy is an increased sensitivity of the body to a substance that it considers harmful. This substance is not a poison and does not pose any health hazard, it’s just that autoimmune reactions when it enters the body are atypical, that is, it begins inflammatory process local or generic type. Such a substance is called an antigen, and the reactions that occur upon contact with it resemble the onset of an infectious disease.

Fruit allergy in children becomes for parents unpleasant surprise. At the first contact with the allergen, antibodies begin to be produced, but negative reactions does not appear. When you re-enter the diet of the same fruits that the baby liked, atypical manifestations suddenly appear - they are caused by the release of histamine, an inflammatory mediator.

Allergies can be of different types:

  • Climatic or thermal, that is, the body responds to climate changes and thermal effects.
  • Contact - reactions occur upon contact from the outside, in contact with an antigen substance, with insect bites, in contact with artificial or natural materials, with burns on poisonous grass.
  • Medicinal - by oral ingestion and administration medical preparations in the form of injections.
  • Pollinosis is a reaction to pollen.
  • Hormonal - on the background hormonal changes the body declares a substance to be an antigen, and when hormonal background normalizes, reactions become normal.
  • Respiratory - the allergen enters the body through the respiratory system.
  • Nutritional - observed after the product is eaten.
Allergy to fruits can be combined in nature - food, contact and respiratory.

Important! Manifestations of allergic reactions do not depend on the type of allergy and on how and in what quantity the antigen enters the body.

Causes of fruit allergy in children

Most often, an allergy to fruits in children occurs due to the mistake of parents: several types of fruits were introduced into the diet at once, the introduction of a new product is off-season, or fruits with increased allergenic danger were chosen to expand the food menu.

Internal causes of allergic reactions:

  1. Hereditary factors: in one of the relatives, increased sensitivity to allergens of any kind and foreign proteins was transmitted at the genetic level;
  2. Underdevelopment of the digestive system, which provoked atypical immune reactions;
  3. Dysbacteriosis - unformed intestinal flora, lack of beneficial lactobacilli;
  4. Decreased immunity due to frequent infectious diseases, in connection with which the sensitization of the organism to external factors rises.
There are other causes of fruit allergy that are not related to the state of health:
  • An allergen is another product (not always of a food nature), chemical composition which is represented by proteins with amino acids that are part of the fetal molecules - such an allergy is called cross.
  • The fruits were harvested unripe and for preservation and accelerated maturation treated with chemical reagents, which later became allergens.
  • Fruits were brought from other climatic latitudes, and the body is simply not prepared to process them.
  • The fruit has been exposed to pollen that causes an allergic reaction, or cross-pollination has occurred.
  • The plant was grown with large quantity fertilizer, or it has been genetically modified.
Very rarely, allergic reactions occur immediately to all fruits. Therefore, if an allergy has appeared, it is necessary to immediately discard all the fruits that have already been introduced into the diet, and give new ones one at a time, preferring fruits with a green skin.

Types of fruit allergies in children

All allergenic fruits can be divided according to the level of allergic hazard: red - high, yellow - medium, purple - intermediate reduced, green - low. Allergies to fruits will not occur if they are introduced into the diet from the green row.

Allergy to red fruits

Allergies to red fruits are the most common. In this row, you can put both initially red fruits - pomegranate, and varieties of apples, pears, plums, grapefruit.

Red berries for people who are allergic to red fruits are also dangerous.

The color of the skin, and sometimes the flesh, is due to high content they contain pigments - lycopene, carotene and anthocyanin, which can become antigens in combination or separately. Lycopene predominates in the composition of the complex - it is he who provides the red color.

Allergy to yellow and orange fruits in a child

The orange color of the fruits is provided by carotene. It is most of all in the composition of the complex, which also includes phenolics and bioflavonoids.

This group of fruits includes: peaches, apricots, yellow apples, pears, pomegranates, plums, figs, dates, pineapples, persimmons, papaya, mangoes, bananas and the most allergenic citrus fruits.

The main antigen of citrus fruits is a combination of carotene and ascorbic acid. The latter also irritates the mucous digestive tract and organs, which increases the possibility of an allergic reaction. Citrus fruits include grapefruits, lemons, limes, oranges, tangerines, tropical pomelo.

Purple fruits that cause allergies in children

Purple fruits also often cause an allergic reaction. This group includes purple plums, olives, as well as currants, black grapes, blueberries, blackberries, blueberries, chokeberry.

The antigen complex consists of anthocyanin and phenolic, anthocyanin has coloring properties.

Green fruits and vegetables that cause allergies in a child

The lowest allergenic risk fruits with green color: green apples, pears, plums, olives, bananas, gooseberries, kiwi, white currants, cloudberries ... These fruits also contain vitamin C, but in combination with lutein and indole they do not carry no danger to the body.

The safest green fruits are apples and pears. They do not need heat treatment, they can be introduced as a first complementary food, mashed or juiced from them.

In this case, it is necessary to take into account the composition of fruits and the effect of individual components on the body. Kiwi and currants contain a large amount of ascorbic acid, which in many cases is an antigen, and starch in bananas.

Important! For fruit allergy a certain kind, which have a red and purple color, it is necessary to take into account the seasonality of fruits and vegetables, growing conditions, the possibility of cross-allergy.

The main symptoms of a fruit allergy

The symptoms of an allergy to fruits are no different from the usual manifestations of the body's contact with the antigen.

The first manifestations of an allergy to fruits in children are redness of the face near the lips and swelling of the oral cavity. Sometimes the signs of sensitization are limited to this, but the condition may worsen.

The characteristic signs of fruit allergy are caused by the release of histamine, an inflammatory mediator, from mast cells:

  • Swelling, itching and redness of the mucous membranes of the mouth. It is observed after food intake due to direct irritation.
  • Itching, swelling and redness in various parts of the body. Histamine spreads through the lymph and bloodstream and irritates sensitive nerve endings in upper layers skin cover.
  • rashes different nature . This is hives, blisters with liquid and others hypersensitivity skin for irritation.
  • Vomiting and indigestion. Histamine has an irritating effect only on skin covering but also on internal organs.
  • Rhinitis. The amount of nasal discharge increases, itching in the nose, they often begin to sneeze.
  • Signs of conjunctivitis. There is lacrimation, redness of the conjunctiva.
  • Feverish state. It resembles a normal inflammatory process, that is, the temperature rises or falls slightly, aching muscles and joints appear, and a headache.
There may be more severe allergic reactions anaphylactic type- for example, Quincke's edema. With Quincke's edema, they swell quickly soft tissues face and mucous membranes of the larynx, develops respiratory failure. Especially quickly the condition worsens in children - their trachea is narrow, which is associated with natural physiology. It is with severe allergic reactions that the temperature can drop, the skin turn pale, and the heartbeat. At severe manifestations fruit allergies need help official medicine- Call an ambulance.

An allergy to fruits can appear immediately after eating them and have a pronounced character or acquire hidden form. Last form more dangerous, as there is a gradual accumulation reaction. When a large amount of histamine is released, anaphylactic-type reactions often develop.

Note! In order to prevent the manifestation of an allergy to fruits, it is necessary to establish which of them are antigens.

Fruits that do not cause allergies in a child

The safest for a child in terms of allergenicity is the green row - apples, pears, plums, but not all fruits can be given for the first feeding.

To minimize the possibility of developing allergies, you should start with green apples. It is not advisable to choose beautiful shiny long-term storage fruits with a smooth skin, brought from afar - they are processed with a mixture consisting of paraffin, wax and sorbic acid, which plays the role of a preservative.

If the apples are at the right maturity and have not started to spoil, the risk of an allergic reaction will be minimal.

Green pears and plums are introduced already in the summer season, when the body is maximally prepared for the perception of summer fruits.

What fruits can be used for allergies in children

Even if it is established that children are allergic to fruits, this does not mean at all that they should be completely excluded from the diet. After all, it is in the products of this type that they contain useful material- vitamins and minerals necessary for normal life.

The safest fruits for children are green apples, pears, plums and white currants, and vegetables are zucchini and cauliflower. Little by little, according to the season, you can give your child fruits and other colors that grow in the area where the baby lives.

Sensitization can be reduced with cooking fruits. For example, if you are allergic to plums, prunes may be safe. Decreases hypersensitivity to dried dates and figs. From "dangerous" fruits, you can cook compotes, make jelly and mashed potatoes.

Fighting an allergy to red fruits, if the allergen is lycopene, is the easiest. After heat treatment, such products often no longer cause an allergic reaction.

You should not be upset that the child has a food allergy for very useful view products. Avoid it by eating root vegetables or fruits that have been processed for preservation, perhaps by peeling the skin.

How to get rid of a fruit allergy in a child - look at the video:

The digestive system of children adapts to adult food only by the age of 6-7 years, so there is a high probability that in the future it will be possible to eat all the fruits and vegetables.

Many of us simply cannot imagine our lives without fruits. Still - they are tasty, healthy, beautiful, contain few calories and many vitamins ... However, not everyone is suitable for food, because some people are allergic to fruits.

Where does fruit allergy come from?

What fruits cause allergies? Unfortunately, almost everything - and here it all depends on the person's predisposition to manifestations of reactions of this type. Red and orange fruits are traditionally considered the most dangerous. According to statistics, quite often there is an allergy to stone fruit, for example, such as plums. The causes of fruit allergy are mainly associated with specific substances contained in them (for example, fruit acids), which cause a violent reaction in the body. Most often, people suffering from hay fever are susceptible to them, since pollination, in fact, is the beginning of the ripening of a fruit that is dangerous for them. It has even been proven that half of the allergy sufferers who suffer from “neighborhood” with apple pollen cannot tolerate apples themselves. Often they provoke, which are not specific to the country where the allergic person was born. That is, you need to show special care when using exactly exotic fruits when visiting other countries, since there is a high risk of even occurrence.

What Happens When You Have a Fruit Allergy?

If you have a fruit allergy, the symptoms can be very varied. First of all, of course, this standard set signs: a person sneezes, his eyes are watery, a runny nose appears. A tingling sensation may begin, swelling may develop. Most often, in places that have come into contact with the fruit (lips, oral cavity), itching, swelling appear, that is, the so-called oral syndrome occurs, when the main manifestations of allergies are concentrated in the nasopharyngeal cavity. In some cases, urticaria, scabies, contact dermatitis. Typically, reactions in the form different kind plums also cause rashes. It happens that fruits that cause allergies, when eaten, contribute to the development of such serious manifestations as diarrhea, convulsions, and vomiting. One of the worst reactions anaphylactic shock, the main set of symptoms in which is associated with difficulty breathing. Bananas, harmless at first glance, can easily cause it. And apples with oranges can trigger asthma.

How to cure allergies?

Treatment of fruit allergy consists of a number of measures. First of all, this is the diagnosis and elimination of the consequences of the body's reaction, then further adjustment digestive processes if the gastrointestinal tract is affected. Be sure to seek help from a doctor. Perhaps, if the consequences of the allergy are obvious, he will prescribe you antihistamines ("", ""). If they have touched the skin, you may be prescribed ointments, otherwise an inflammatory process may begin. Your doctor will advise you to eliminate the fruit from your diet until it is determined whether it is an irritant. Also, perhaps he will tell you what fruits you can have if you are allergic ... to fruits. Surprisingly, sometimes allergy sufferers manage to eat without any consequences even those that cause a reaction in them, the main condition is that they should not have a peel. It is she who in some cases causes rejection of the body. It happens that, for example, it sometimes disappears on apples, as soon as you process the fruit - bake, cook, dry and even just chop, in other words, the most dangerous is raw fruit. The reason is simple - the allergens contained in it are extremely unstable and are destroyed by the slightest impact. In some cases, an overripe fruit that has been stored for several days, that is, is no longer fresh, can provoke a much more serious reaction than an unripe fruit. The fact is that in the latter the content of stimuli is much less due to the incompleteness of the maturation processes.

How can traditional medicine help in the fight against allergies?

Alternative treatment for fruit allergy understandable reasons should completely exclude the use of honey and everything connected with it. Otherwise, you run the risk of "enjoying" all the "charms" of an allergy again. One of the most effective ways in the treatment of rejection reactions by the body of food is the use of duckweed. There are no contraindications to the method, which is popular with many herbalists.

For treatment, it is necessary to prepare an infusion of duckweed. To do this, you will need a teaspoon of fresh and previously well-washed herbs - “combine” it with 50 grams of ordinary vodka and leave it alone for a week. When specified time will pass, you need to take the medicine three times a day, 15 drops, but not in pure form, and with the addition of 50 ml of water (a quarter cup).

Others no less effective way is the reception of the mummy (the product must be natural). To eliminate the symptoms of allergies, it should be taken once a day (preferably in the morning), be sure to drink a small amount warm milk. It is necessary to drink 100 ml of mummy each time.

Allergy is an immune disorder that occurs when certain substances enter the body, which are called allergens. Allergens cause pain in the eyes, swelling, runny nose, skin rash in adults, headache and other symptoms. Allergens can act various substances; some of the most serious allergens are certain foods. We will find out what kind of diet is needed for allergies in adults.

Food allergies and their causes

Today, scientists have little idea why some people develop allergies to certain foods, while others do not. It is believed that risk factors are unfavourable conditions environment, genetic predisposition, the presence of certain diseases and so on. Also, scientists have found that some products often cause allergies, and some do not. Of course, if you know a specific food allergen, then it is advisable to simply exclude it from the diet. However, sometimes it is quite difficult to determine which particular product causes allergy symptoms, so it is worth considering adjusting your own diet.

Groups of food allergens

Each product has a certain allergic activity. Allergies can be triggered not only by the products themselves, but also by the way they are processed. For example, lean pork fried on a in large numbers vegetable oil, rarely causes allergies, but fatty pork fried in a large amount of oil with an abundance of seasonings causes allergies quite often. It has also been found that high-calorie foods cause allergies more often than low-calorie foods (although it is also not entirely true to assume that low-calorie foods do not cause allergies). In general, depending on the allergic activity, all products can be divided into several groups:

Foods that often cause allergiesFoods that sometimes cause allergiesFoods that rarely cause allergies
Whole cow's milkBeefDairy products (cottage cheese, kefir and some others)
raw eggsBuckwheat, riceLean pork and lamb, rabbit
Fish, caviar and some other seafoodPeas, soybeans, beansMost types of cabbage
Wheat, rye, barleyPotatoes, beetsCucumbers, zucchini and eggplant
Carrot, bell pepperCranberryApples and pears
Strawberry RaspberryRed cherry, cherryWhite and red currant
Kiwi, mango, persimmon, pineapple, pomegranateBlack currantwhite cherry
Coffee, cocoaHerbal decoctionsVarious herbs (dill, parsley and others)
some mushrooms Vegetable oil
nuts Tea
Honey Healing mineral water
Exotic teas

If you've been diagnosed with an allergy, it makes sense to change your diet. So that allergies do not interfere with your life, you will have to go on a hypoallergenic diet and give up certain foods. There is a common myth that the hypoallergenic strict diet for severe allergies contains only tasteless non-nutritious foods, so it is difficult to pass it. Below we will show that highly allergenic foods can be replaced with hypoallergenic foods without significant loss of flavor diversity:

Highly allergenic productWhat causesWhat hypoallergenic products can be replaced
Chicken eggsSkin rashesBoiled meat (preferably chicken, beef and lean pork). Prefer boiled meat, minimize consumption fried meat, give up smoked meat.
Cow's milkDiarrhea, skin rashesDairy products - kefir, fermented baked milk, curdled milk
CitrusSkin rashesApples, pears, grapes
ChocolateHeadacheGive preference to natural sweets (dates, dried apricots and others). Also remember that chocolate is often found in the composition of cakes, sweets and pastries, so it is advisable to refuse these products as well.
Nuts and seafoodSkin rashCan be substituted for soy products. You can also include in your diet fatty varieties fish (preferably boiled fish, not fried).
WheatCauses skin rednessProducts from rye flour.

As you can see, it is quite easy to refuse many products. Also, the menu for allergies should not contain the following products:
  • Smoked and pickled products.
  • Sauerkraut.
  • Alcoholic and carbonated sweet drinks.
  • Products with a large number of various preservative and flavoring substances.
  • Chewing gum.
  • Various salty snacks - chips, crackers, nuts and so on.

Also remember a few tips from proponents healthy lifestyle life:

  • Allergic food should be excluded from the diet.
  • Recipes of dishes should not contain various fried, smoked and salty foods. If you want meat, boil it or make steamed cutlets. It has been shown that during frying, smoking and salting, various substances are formed that can provoke allergies, while during cooking such substances are not released.
  • Nutrition for allergies in adults should be balanced. Don't eat a lot of food. It is advisable to eat food in medium portions 3-4 times a day.
  • Nutrition for skin allergies should in no case include citrus products.
  • Stop drinking alcohol.
  • It is also important not to oversalt your meals.
  • Cooking doesn't have to be time consuming.

Also remember that such a hypoallergenic dietary course lasts about 1-2 weeks. In most cases, by the end of 2 weeks, the number of allergic reactions is markedly reduced, and metabolic processes into organisms is stabilized, which leads to recovery. After completing the course hypoallergenic diet you can start eating again as before, but doctors do not advise doing this, as this can provoke the appearance new allergy. However, doctors also agree that after going through a hypoallergenic diet, you can relax a bit and include foods with medium allergenic activity in your diet, although it is advisable to completely refuse highly allergenic foods.

Diet for severe allergies - an example

It will help to cope with this serious illness good diet with food allergies. Consider an example of such a diet.


  • Dinner. Prepare vegetable or fish soup. For the second, eat some beef or pork, as well as boiled potatoes. Wash it all down with apple cider vinegar.
  • Dinner. Do meat soup with vermicelli. For the second, eat a small piece of meat with cabbage salad. Wash down everything with pear or apple compote.
  • Dinner. Make meatball soup. For the second, eat mashed potatoes, beef tongue and cucumber. Drink everything with compote.
  • Dinner. Eat pasta with butter, eat oatmeal cookies, drink kefir.
  • Breakfast. Do fruit salad from apple, pear and kefir.
  • Dinner. Prepare vegetable or fish soup. For the second, eat some lean pork with potatoes. Wash it all down with tea.
  • Dinner. Eat buckwheat porridge with steam boilers. Drink everything with compote.
  • Breakfast. Pour oatmeal kefir, let the dish brew for 10-15 minutes, add a few small pieces of fruit, you can add a small piece butter. You can drink the dish with green or black tea (you can put sugar in tea).
  • Dinner. Make meatball soup. For the second, eat mashed potatoes and cucumber. Drink everything with compote.
  • Dinner. Do cottage cheese casserole. Wash it down with tea.
  • Breakfast. Eat a couple of sandwiches with a little butter (prefer rye bread). Drink some tea.
  • Dinner. Eat some beef soup. For the second, eat rice with steam cutlets. Drink everything with compote.
  • Dinner. Make low-fat beef goulash and mashed potatoes. You can also eat 100-200 grams of dates.


  • Breakfast. Make a salad with cabbage and cucumber, eat it with a small piece rye bread. Wash it all down with tea.
  • Dinner. Make meat soup with vermicelli. For the second, eat a small piece of meat mashed potatoes and cabbage salad. Wash down everything with pear or apple compote.
  • Dinner. Eat a steamed patty with rice. You can also drink a glass of kefir or eat an apple.