Suddenly the upper lip swelled up. Swollen upper lip - what is the reason

If you are swollen upper lip, there may be several reasons for this. To eliminate edema, the doctor must establish the exact cause, based on which treatment tactics will be built.

A person without special medical training will not be able to independently diagnose the disease, so if there is inflammation on the lips or their significant swelling, you should consult a therapist. Treatment is aimed at eliminating the causes of edema, which occurs due to the filling of soft tissues with fluid. In some cases, inflammation of the lips can go away on its own, but most often without medical care not enough.

Regardless of the cause of swelling on the lips, it is important to begin treatment immediately in order to return to health as soon as possible. normal life and prevent the disease from escalating to a serious condition, when it will be scary for you to look at yourself in the mirror.

However, sometimes the lip swells not only because of the disease, there are other factors leading to this result.

Here is a list of the main causes leading to the appearance of tumors:

  1. Inflammatory process. Most often, it is accompanied by severe pain and a visible neoplasm on the internal or outside lips. It may show whitish or yellow liquid, sometimes it flows out through microcracks. In order to assign adequate treatment, it is necessary to find out the cause of inflammation. Swelling may be a consequence physical damage- blow, cut, squeezed pimple. Damage can be either accidental or intentional, for example, during installation foreign objects into fabric lower lip- earrings, rings or any other piercing. In this case, both the outer layer of the skin and the mucous membrane on the inside, allowing infection to enter the tissues of the lip from both sides.
  2. Often, the habit of biting lips can lead to infection. If a this pathology left without treatment, or even worse - trying to cure it on your own, then you can complicate the situation with a general infection of the blood and an increase in the affected area to the surface of the entire face. If it is not possible to consult a doctor immediately, as soon as the pathology has been noticed, measures should be taken to disinfect the mouth: treat with hydrogen peroxide, and then the edges of the lesion with iodine. If the edema has developed to severe purulent form will require surgical treatment. During the operation, pus and affected tissues will be removed, and the patient will be prescribed a course of antibiotic therapy.
  3. Viral inflammation. Some types of viruses can cause swelling. It can be stomatitis, herpes or SARS.

Stomatitis appears mainly on inner surface mouth and is a consequence viral infection through trauma to the mucous membrane, such as during a dental procedure. The lip may swell if a purulent formation caused by a virus has appeared on the gum or jaw.

Herpes is an incurable virus that, once it enters the human body, remains with it for the rest of its life.

Larisa Kopylova


It can be noted that the herpes virus manifests itself only when the body is weakened by some disease, that is, the immune system is not engaged in blocking herpes, but in the fight against the disease. It happens that the immune system is weakened as a result of any other reasons.

Herpes on the upper lip

Herpes manifests itself sequentially: first, a small swelling appears on the outside, resembling a pimple, then this pimple becomes inflamed, reddens and bursts, its contents flow onto the skin. This secretion contains the herpes virus itself, at this moment the sick person is most contagious. Then the sore is covered with a crust and after 11-12 days it heals completely.

You can speed up the healing process by using antiviral drugs local and systemic use: Gerpevir, Zovirax, Acyclovir. You need to take them only after the doctor is convinced that the cause of the swelling on the lip lies precisely in herpes and prescribes the necessary drugs.

Gerpevir Zovirax Acyclovir

In the video, Elena Malysheva talks about the herpes virus:

Larisa Kopylova


Both with stomatitis and herpes, the course of treatment includes taking immunomodulatory drugs, as well as multivitamins with minerals. This is necessary to strengthen immune system organism.

A possible cause of swelling may be an allergic reaction. With this pathology, an adult often knows why the upper lip is swollen, since he knows what substance causes him an allergy. In addition, there are a number of other symptoms confirming the allergic origin of edema: numbness, dryness, the appearance of microcracks.

Almost any substance can cause allergies, especially for children. However, the most common pathogens are plant pollen, animal hair, dust, cosmetics, food.

Lip swelling with allergies

In case of an allergic reaction, if the lip is swollen, the algorithm of actions to help a person is simple: first you need to remove the causative agent of the allergy, then the person is given an antihistamine prescribed by a doctor. If the attack happened for the first time, then only a doctor can choose and prescribe a drug.

Swelling with unsuccessful lip augmentation

Artificial lip augmentation can also be the result of swelling. A cosmetic procedure is performed by injecting soft tissues various fillers: hyaluronic acid or botox.

Failed lip augmentation

In this case, several complications are possible. First of all, there is a high probability, together with chemical introduce some kind of infection. This risk is especially high in beauty parlors with a dubious reputation.

Secondly, the body itself may not accept the filler injected under the skin, and begin to reject it. Lips in this case may swell and become inflamed immediately after the procedure. It is believed that such edema disappears after 8-10 days, but this is too high risk and a great sacrifice on the altar of beauty.

We should also not forget that an incorrectly done procedure often ends in operating table a professional surgeon trying to remove the wrongly injected Botox and restore the lips to what they were before the cosmetic procedure.

In the video, the cosmetologist talks about the indications and contraindications for lip augmentation:

First aid for adults

What to do if the lip is swollen, and there is no way to see a doctor? Some precautions should be taken to prevent complications. In order to cope with edema on your own, sometimes it is enough to attach to your mouth cold compress, for example, a towel with pieces of ice wrapped in it. This is especially useful if the lip is swollen as a result of an injury.

In some cases, swelling of the upper lip can be stopped by making a compress of aloe leaves. You should cut them lengthwise and attach the cut side to the damaged lip. Sometimes a small compress from a cooled tea bag helps.

Aloe is used for first aid

First aid for children

Many young mothers are lost if their baby has a swollen upper lip. First you need to calm down. With cheilitis (inflammation and redness of the lips) or stomatitis, the child is restless, cries, refuses to eat, sometimes his body temperature rises, but he can be helped.

It is important for parents to know what to do in this case.

First of all, you should call a doctor. While he is riding, you need to rinse the child's mouth with a prepared decoction of medicinal herbs. Sage, calendula or yarrow will be useful.

Yarrow herb Marigold herb Sage herb

If there is no ready-made broth, you can use disinfectant- Stomatidin, Givalex or Furacilin. This will definitely not harm the child and will most likely relieve itching and sharp pain.

Stomatidin Givalex Furacilin

This phenomenon is often observed when the first teeth appear in a baby and there is nothing wrong with that. However, this may be caused allergic reaction or be the result of an injury. Therefore, the doctor must examine the child. Remember that swelling and rashes in a child develop much faster than in an adult, so you need to act quickly, but calmly and confidently.

Swelling of the lips in adults and children seems to be a frivolous pathology, but even it should be shown to the doctor in time to exclude serious consequences.

This is a clear and noticeable external defect that haunts any person. It is good if you already have experience in this matter and have an idea of ​​​​what to do, but more often the provoking factor is not known. In isolated cases, this phenomenon occurs for no reason, more often it indicates some kind of health problem and should be dealt with immediately.

Swollen lip - what could it be

To remove swelling, you must first find out the cause of this symptom. When the lip is swollen - what can it be? This can be said with 100% accuracy by one of the doctors, for example, a traumatologist, dermatologist, dentist, therapist or surgeon. Each of them, based on visual inspection, the anamnesis will be able to make a preliminary conclusion about the root cause why the lip could swell. There is a certain list of factors that can cause bloating. It is absolutely necessary to establish this in order to prescribe the correct treatment. The lower or upper lip may swell due to:

  • injury;
  • mucosal injury (bite, piercing, etc.);
  • infections (not only inside the oral cavity, but throughout the body);
  • violation of the rules of the dental procedure;
  • inflammatory processes;
  • herpes;
  • allergic reaction.

What to do if the lip is swollen

The surest solution in case you have swollen lips is to visit a doctor. Even the most seemingly insignificant problems can be dangerous to human health. Bloating itself does not pose a threat, but the reason that caused it can harm you. For example, the spread of infection, frequent suppuration, ulcers in the damaged area, aggravation of the condition due to the addition of another infectious flora. Only a specialist will be able to say as correctly as possible what to do if the lip is swollen.

How to remove a swelling from the lip after a blow

Swelling of the lips is a natural reaction of the body when physical impact to this part of the body. This is an obvious problem that is relatively easy to fix. You should know how to remove the tumor from the lip after the impact, in order to prevent the penetration of infection, suppuration. Edema will occur almost immediately after the injury, accompanied by a violation of the integrity of the skin, mucous membranes. If you are hit and your lip is swollen - what to do:

Herpes on the lower lip

People who suffer from this disease, when the lips swell, immediately suspect herpes. Before the appearance of herpetic vesicles, inflammation occurs, pain increases. Herpes can occur equally on the lower lip or upper, but more often it appears in the corner of the mouth. A day later, a vesicle typical of the disease is formed with a translucent liquid inside. It is strictly forbidden to squeeze out, crush the neoplasm.

Maximum efficiency special means noted if you start using them when the lip has just begun to swell. As a rule, people use Acyclovir, Gerpevir, Zovirax, which contain components that destroy the manifestations of the herpes virus, help reduce pain, and have a healing effect. It is necessary to apply the remedy systematically, regularly until the symptoms subside, the bubbles disappear. If the drugs do not help, and the manifestations intensify, you need to contact a specialist to prescribe adequate treatment.

Lip bite

A person is accidentally able to bite his own lip, violate the integrity of tissues. This leads to the fact that it can swell, start to hurt, in some cases, complications begin. Tissue damage opens up access to infection, triggers an inflammatory process, which is accompanied by the accumulation of substances inside: secretions, pus, clear liquid. Biting the lip in most cases is not dangerous to humans, but sometimes it can pose a threat to health.

If you have bitten your lip, do not ignore this fact. Use available means to prevent the development of inflammation:

  • treat the wound with peroxide;
  • apply an iodine solution;
  • drink non-carbonated water to saturate, moisturize the mucous membrane.

Swells for no reason

In rare cases, a person develops a tumor on the lip all of a sudden and for no apparent reason. This does not mean that she began to swell just like that, rather, you simply do not know what triggered the bloating. If your lip swells for no reason, you need to analyze your recent actions and find out why such a reaction has come. Usually no obvious damage skin this symptom causes an inflammatory, infectious process in the body, an allergic reaction to the product.

The lip can become inflamed after anesthesia at the dentist's appointment, you could be bitten by a mosquito that became a carrier of the infection. In any case, there is a reason for this manifestation, but you cannot find it. Allergies, for example, can begin suddenly in an adult. If the tissue continues to swell, hurt, contact a specialist immediately. He will be able to find out the cause of the symptom and tell you what to do.

In the morning

This problem may be permanent or isolated, but its cause should be found out in any case. Swollen lips in the morning, for example, due to a large number liquids drunk the night before. Problems are solved very easily - by reducing the amount of water / tea before bedtime. The cause may be an allergy that has developed recently. At the first stage of herpes, the bubble is not visible, so the swelling looks causeless, but there is always pain at the site of inflammation. If the problem persists and reoccurs every morning, contact a specialist.

The child has

This problem creates additional difficulties due to the fact that the baby cannot always correctly and accurately describe his feelings, restore successively the events of several days, which could lead to the child's swollen lip. What to do if the baby's lip is swollen:

  1. Rethink your breastfeeding strategy. Inflammation occurs due to improper attachment baby, which leads to the formation of corns in the oral cavity.
  2. The child is more susceptible to the occurrence of stomatitis, so you should carefully examine the inside of the mucous membrane, cavity or consult a dentist.
  3. Parents may not yet be aware of their child's allergic reactions, so this is often one of the causes of swelling. In this case, you need to do the following: remember what was eaten the day before and exclude these foods from the diet, and then add them one at a time and monitor the reaction. To relieve swelling, antihistamines are suitable.
  4. Acute respiratory diseases more pronounced in children. One of the symptoms for initial stage there will be swelling of the lips. Babies should be treated only according to the scheme prescribed by the pediatrician.
  5. Children in early age clumsy, so they can accidentally break or bite the lip, causing swelling.

Inflammation on the inside of the lip

If you feel that inflammation has begun on the lip inside, as a rule, this indicates the development of periostitis, gingivitis, stomatitis. The symptom is accompanied by inflammation, deterioration of the human condition and threatens to pass the infection deep into the human body. Any injury to the mucous membrane, poor-quality dental procedure, and non-compliance with oral hygiene can lead to swollen lips due to infection.

Doing something yourself with this problem is not worth it, because you will not be able to determine the root cause. Sometimes a symptom may appear due to an infection from within the body. If the focus of inflammation has formed in the mouth, then the spread of the disease along with the bloodstream should be prevented. Appoint proper treatment should be a dentist or therapist.

After anesthesia

For most dental procedures it is necessary to give an injection of anesthetics so that the person does not hurt. Not infrequently, they cause an allergic reaction, which leads to the fact that after anesthesia the lip is swollen. In this case outward manifestation comes quickly, swelling is noticeable within 30 minutes after the injection. The patient, due to the action of the drug, does not feel changes and sees that the lip is swollen only after the drug has stopped. However, the dentist will notice this symptom and immediately take action.

If the edema appeared the next day after the procedure, in addition to swelling, it is felt that the lip is pulled to the side, then it is likely infectious complication. In such cases, in addition to the main visual sign pain will be felt at the injection site, along the way nerve fiber. To the touch, the swollen place will be dense, hot, chills, nausea, dizziness are possible. It is not recommended to do anything on your own, a specialist should take care of your treatment.

Swollen lip on one side

At given symptom there is a difference in the intensity of inflammation. Sometimes a person notes that the lip is swollen on one side, and sometimes completely upper or lower. This indicates the intensity of ongoing processes, the degree of inflammation, for example:

  1. Herpes, as a rule, causes swelling only at the site of growth of the herpetic vesicle and is accompanied by pain.
  2. If the lip is completely swollen, then an allergy or infection is more likely.
  3. At small child the cause of swelling on the one hand can be a "dropsy", which was formed due to improper breastfeeding.


Swollen lips demand from themselves special attention. This phenomenon almost always means what happens in the body serious failures. Therefore, swelling of the lips is a signal that requires an urgent medical examination. For what reasons does swelling of the lips occur, what diseases are the culprits for its appearance, how to get rid of it?

Causes of swelling of the upper lip

Edema is the body's response to a stimulus and mechanical impact. The symptom can also mean the development of certain diseases.

The main causes of swelling of the upper lip.

    Allergic reaction. It is characterized by hypersensitivity of the body to a particular irritant (dust, plant pollen, animal hair, medical preparations, food, etc.). The reaction occurs immediately after contact with the allergen or after 3-6 hours. In addition, there are accompanying symptoms in the form of lacrimation, runny nose, redness of the eyes.

    Inflammatory process.


    Poor-quality decorative cosmetics, violations of hygiene rules.

    Dental diseases, stomatitis, teething, flux. If the cheek is swollen along with the upper lip, then the main cause of the symptom is periodontitis. The disease is a complication of dental injuries, caries and poorly performed dental procedures. As a result, the inflammatory process passes to the cheek and lip. At the same time it is felt strong pain in the area of ​​the affected tooth, there is swelling of the gums, an increase in body temperature.

    Infectious or viral disease on the background high temperature body, effects of hypothermia, frostbite, hot weather.

    Neuritis facial nerve . Accompanied by swelling and numbness of the upper lip.

    Operations (plastic on the face) and injuries (biting the upper lip, damage to the lip with a toothpick, dental floss, piercing, burns).

If the swelling of the upper lip is accompanied by pain, then an inflammatory process may develop due to trauma, the presence of abscesses, cystic acne, wounds, and abrasions. Pain may be associated with infectious process. After all, abrasions, open wounds are an excellent environment for microbes to enter and multiply. In addition to swelling and pain, the patient there is an increase in body temperature, numbness of the skin, unpleasant odor from the oral cavity. If treatment is not started in time, the inflammatory process will move to neighboring tissues and lead to complications.

When the upper lip swells from the inside, periostitis develops - inflammatory process in the periosteum and bone jaw tissues. Complicated by suppuration, abscesses, tissue necrosis. The causes of the disease are improper dental procedures, improper antiseptic treatment, and installation of fillings. Swelling of the lips is accompanied by redness and swelling of the gums.

In children, a symptom may appear due to the development of stomatitis, an allergic reaction, pathological lesions teeth and gums, bruises, malfunctions of the gastrointestinal tract.

Causes of swelling of the lower lip

As in the case of the upper lip, the causes of swelling of the lower lip are such.


  1. development of pathologies.

Pathological factors include infectious and non-infectious diseases. It:

    SARS, acute respiratory infections, herpes;


    lichen, fungus;


    lip cancer;


    cheilitis (a rare inflammatory disease of the mucous membrane and red border of the lips);

    malignant tumors.

An allergic reaction manifests itself on food, drugs, cosmetics. Accompanied by swelling and numbness of the lower lip.

Traumatic factors include:

    persistent lip biting

    a burn resulting from exposure to ultraviolet radiation after drinking hot drinks and food;

    blow, scratch, puncture;

    bruise, bite;

    piercing, tattoo, permanent makeup, surgical intervention, anesthesia.

Leads to swelling lower lip vitamin B and C deficiency . Vitamin deficiency occurs due to starvation, adherence to strict one-component diets.

An increase in the area under the lip may indicate the development of aphthous stomatitis (inflammation of the oral mucosa), fibroma ( benign neoplasm), angioedema ().

If the edema touched both the lips and the chin, then this indicates an abscess mandible caused by trauma to the dental pulp.

Swelling on the inside of the lip indicates a blockage salivary glands. A symptom appears with frequent biting of the cheeks, lips, the presence of piercings.

Fluid retention in the body (usually observed during pregnancy), blood transfusion, diseases of the liver, kidneys, heart and blood vessels can be the cause of swelling of the lips. In this case, the symptom extends not only to the lower, but also to the upper lip.

How to quickly remove swelling?

Edema caused by a bruise or injury (without cracks, abrasions) is eliminated with the help of applying a cold compress necessarily wrapped in a clean cloth. They keep it for a quarter of an hour. The compress allows you to slow down the flow of blood to the damaged area and quickly relieve swelling, relieve pain.

How to remove swelling of the lips in the presence of abrasions and wounds? used fresh leaf aloe. It is cut in several places and applied to the sore lip for 5-7 minutes. The plant will relieve inflammation, disinfect and remove swelling.

To return the lip to its original appearance will help a warm tea bag, oil tea tree.

All these manipulations are performed immediately after the appearance of swelling and serve as elements of first aid.

Treatment with drugs

Treatment depends on the cause of the symptom.

    Edema caused by infection of a wound, abrasion, pimple, is first treated with antiseptics - hydrogen peroxide, iodine solution, Chlorhexidine. Then, anti-inflammatory ointments are applied to the affected area - tetracycline, erythromycin, oxolinic, as well as Flucinar and Sinalar.

    The swelling resulting from an allergic reaction is treated by taking antihistamines - Zodak, Zirtek, Cetrin, Suprastin. As local therapy antipruritic, antiallergic, anti-inflammatory ointments are used. Suitable for these purposes are Flucinar, Prednisolone, Fluorocort.

    After lip augmentation injections or permanent make-up procedures, it is recommended to apply a cold compress for 2-3 days.

    If the cause is fluid retention in the body, diuretics, or diuretics, are taken.

    Hematomas and bruises, which led to a tumor on the lip, will be cured by badyaga. It is mixed with water and applied to the swollen area (or a ready-made gel is purchased). Bruise off, Lyoton, Rescuer, Troxevasin are suitable for the same purposes.

    The burn on the lip, which caused swelling, is treated with Levomekol ointment. It will disinfect the affected area, relieve pain. Solcoseryl, Rescuer are used as burn-relieving ointments. Be sure to burn the area is regularly treated with antiseptic preparations.

    Stomatitis and others inflammatory diseases oral cavity are treated by rinsing the mouth with an antiseptic (Furacilin, Chlorhexidine, a solution of 1% Clotrimazole, Miramistin, a weak solution of manganese). Also, Stomatidin, Lugol, Geksoral spray is used for therapy. They are also good antiseptics. To combat bacteria, fungi and viruses, Holisal, Viferon, Lidochlor, Komistad gel is used. Means eliminate inflammation, relieve pain and fight microbes in the oral cavity.

    If the cause of the edema is herpes, then antiviral drugs and ointments are prescribed. The swelling is usually accompanied by itching and tingling. Then there is redness and small blisters that coalesce with each other. Occurs due to weakening of immune functions. It is not possible to completely overcome the virus and remove its cells from the body. However, there are tools that will help achieve a long-term remission. These are: ointment Acyclovir, Zovirax, Gerpevir. They have not only antiviral effect, but also quickly relieve itching, burning, eliminate inflammation and pain. To quickly regenerate tissues, appoint Bepanthenol, Solcoseryl. Important here are measures to strengthen the immune system.

Ointments are applied to the lip by soaking them with sterile gauze or bandage. This will prevent the agent from getting into oral cavity and the gastrointestinal tract.

If a tumor is found on the lip, it is better to go to the doctor and undergo an examination. Based on the results, the doctor will determine the cause of the symptom and prescribe treatment.


Preventive measures are as follows.

    The first thing to do is - take steps to boost your immune system- eat right, not be nervous, play sports, get rid of bad habits, more rest. It resists the development of infectious diseases.

    Choose a beautician, dentist with special care, contact only proven clinics.

    Do not touch the wound on the lip with dirty hands.

    If there is a tendency to allergies, then decorative cosmetics and buy other lip products marked “hypoallergenic” or “for sensitive skin”.

    Avoid hypothermia and overheating.

    Drink enough water.

    The menu includes foods rich in vitamins B6, C, B12.

    After the cosmetic procedures follow all the recommendations of doctors.

    Pass a medical examination once every six months.

Edema of the lips occurs different reasons- allergic, traumatic, pathological. All of them require an urgent examination from themselves, otherwise serious complications can't be avoided.

Lip swelling is a problem that can occur in both babies, children and adults. They can swell only on one side (half of the lower lip is swollen), and localized or diffuse swelling of the chin and tongue and the entire lower lip may develop. In addition, swelling may be sudden during the day or appear in the morning.

Sometimes swelling (enlargement) of the lower lip is accompanied by other accompanying symptoms such as numbness, blisters with pus, white spots, swollen salivary glands, and so on. They will depend on the cause.

The reasons

You woke up in the morning and saw that your lower lip was swollen by itself. This problem seemed to happen overnight. This may be due to the food consumed the day before, insect bites, or something else. So, what can most often cause swelling of the lower lip?

Sunburn– swelling of the lips may occur as a result of excessive exposure sun rays. AT last resort blisters may appear on the lips.

Pimples (acne)- a common cause, especially with closed (whiteheads) acne. An ingrown hair can also be a cause.

Angioedema, lip infections and stomatitisvarious infections, stomatitis, herpes, phlegmon and angular cheilitis are often accompanied by edema.

Severe malnutrition - lack of some essential vitamins, such as vitamin B and C, can lead to swelling of the lips.

Injuries and damageinjuries and injuries to your lower lip can be caused by biting, kissing, burns, insect bites, braces, lip piercings, Botox injections, and/or blunt force trauma.

allergic reactions can lead to swelling of the lower and upper lips. Allergies can be due to allergens such as pet dander, lip care products, food, latex, certain medications, etc.

Some diseases Lip cancer, obesity, organ failure and blood transfusions can cause this symptom.

severe weather such as strong wind and dry air.

These are some of common causes. There may be many others as well, including dental infections, herpangina, chapped lips, sleeping upside down, etc.

Swollen lower lip with pus or blisters

This could be due to a virus. herpes simplex 1-type, pimples (acne), ingrown hairs, bacterial infections, insect bites. If there are small blisters and cracks at the corners of the lips, this may indicate cheilitis, which is mainly caused by vitamin B12 deficiency.

Swelling under the lower lip

If it is swollen under the lower lip (inside or outside), then the cause may be aphthous stomatitis, mucocele (mucous cyst), fibroma ( benign tumor), angioedema, vascular damage and trauma, such as lip biting. Swelling of the lip on the inside can be painful or painless depending on what caused it.

Lower lip swollen and numb

If the lower lip is swollen and completely or partially numb, this may be a sign of some kind of allergy or insect bite. An allergic reaction may be caused various substances including food, latex, drugs, and even climate change. In treatment, such a remedy as Benadryl is effective. In addition, a cold compress may help. If the problem persists, you may need to take a course of antihistamines, epinephrine, or steroids.

Swollen lower lip and chin

A common cause of swelling of the lower lip and chin is a mandibular abscess, which may have been caused by trauma to the dental pulp.

Tumors of the salivary glands of the lower lip

Most probable cause This problem is a mucosal cyst or mucocele - "fluid-filled swelling that occurs on the lip or mouth" . This happens when the mucus of the salivary glands becomes blocked. Biting cheeks, lips, piercings, inflammation and chronic damage to adjacent teeth can also lead to swollen salivary glands.

Treatment at home

To relieve swelling from the lips, various folk remedies and methods are used, as well as some pharmaceutical preparations:

  • Cold compresses (and warm from time to time)
  • Tea tree oil and aloe vera
  • Antihistamines
  • Turmeric powder
  • Aloe Vera Gel
  • Baking soda
  • Virginian hazel and salt
  • Coconut oil
  • Ointments and oral antibiotics

But it all depends on the reason, and for effective treatment better to see a doctor. In some cases, this must be done.

Various violations in normal health are always not good. But if they have a negative effect on appearance, they cause even more inconvenience. So, if the normal facial expressions were suddenly disturbed, they began to noticeably squint their eyes or disobey their lips - this is a reason to immediately seek medical help. But if the malaise is not so pronounced, and is represented, for example, by an incomprehensible puffiness? Let's clarify what to do if the lower or upper lip is very swollen.

What to do if the lower lip is swollen?

There are quite a few factors that can cause severe swelling of the lower lip. And, accordingly, the methods of correcting such a condition directly depend on the cause that caused it.

As practice shows, most often swelling of the lower lip is a consequence of the inflammatory process. This condition is usually accompanied bad smell, discharge of pus and other fluids. Inflammation can develop in the presence of any wounds on the lip into which the infection has penetrated. If the described condition occurs, it will not be superfluous to contact your dentist, you may need local or systemic use antibiotics or even light operational intervention (surgical opening of the abscess).

If the lip is swollen, then this may be accompanied by soreness. To understand what to do, it is worth reviewing the reasons. So, swelling can be observed with various infectious and viral diseases, ranging from herpes, and ending with influenza and SARS. Sometimes this condition develops due to dental infections, which is often observed in the presence of undertreated teeth in the lower jaw. For a while, rinsing with antiseptic solutions will help reduce swelling and eliminate unpleasant symptoms, and with herpes - topical application ointments with acyclovir and systemic use of such drugs.

Severe swelling of the lower lip can be observed with a severe allergic reaction. It can develop due to the consumption of new products, due to the use of new cosmetics or after an insect bite. With allergies, the patient may also be disturbed by itching, rashes, redness. With a pronounced and actively growing edema, it will not be superfluous to call ambulance and accept any antihistamine, preferably stronger. An excellent option would be Zyrtec, etc.

In the event that swelling of the lower lip occurs after a visit to the dentist, it may be natural reaction body for the intervention. In this case, it will most likely go away on its own. To speed up recovery, rinse with antiseptic solutions.

What to do if the upper lip is swollen?

As practice shows, the upper lip can swell when exposed to the same factors as the lower lip: with an inflammatory process, infectious and viral lesions, dental problems and after visiting the dentist. Also, a similar phenomenon can be triggered by an allergic reaction. The methods for correcting this condition are the same as for swelling of the lower lip.
In addition, swelling of the upper lip can be caused by eruption of milk or permanent teeth. Such unpleasant symptoms usually go away on their own after the teeth erupt.

Among possible causes abnormal enlargement of the upper lip, one can distinguish an aggressive effect external factors resulting in burns or frostbite. Severe swelling can also develop due to newfangled piercings, tattoos, and due to plastic face correction. In all these cases, the correction of unpleasant symptoms should be carried out exclusively under the supervision of a doctor.

swollen lip treatment

To eliminate inflammatory processes of any origin, you can use pharmacy and improvised means. So the use of Miramistin gives an excellent effect - it is an antiseptic liquid suitable for frequent rinses and for the preparation of lotions. Miramistin can also be purchased in the form of an ointment, it is usually applied thin layer to the problem area.

If severe swelling is due to an insect bite, you must take antihistamine(Tavegil, Zirtek, Claritin, etc.) and apply a cooling compress to the affected area. To prepare it, you can simply wrap some ice in a clean napkin.

If you find a wound on a problem lip, try applying a compress to it. Take an ordinary cotton pad, moisten it with 3% hydrogen peroxide or furatsilin. Apply to the problem area for fifteen minutes. Repeat several times with an interval of half an hour to an hour.

From folk remedies doctors most often advise using ordinary aloe juice. It should be soaked with a piece of gauze or the same cotton pad and applied to the lip like a compress. Also, infusions and decoctions of various plants, for example, chamomile, sage, St. John's wort, calendula, are distinguished by remarkable antiseptic qualities. They can be used for rinsing and for making lotions.

If the lip is very swollen, and there is nothing at hand, try to alleviate your condition a little before going to the doctor by applying a cold tea bag left after brewing tea to the problem area.

If you notice that none of measures taken does not give positive effect and the swelling does not subside or even increases, do not hesitate and seek medical help.