How to restore tooth enamel with the help of special tools. Is tooth enamel restored? Is chipped tooth enamel restored?

Unfortunately, tooth enamel does not have the ability to self-regenerate, such as, for example, bone fusion or skin. However, at the initial stage of its damage, you can achieve good results by strengthening the enamel yourself.

Brush your teeth with a toothpaste that contains fluoride. It not only helps to strengthen dentin and enamel, but also provides better absorption of calcium. The process of brushing your teeth should be slow. Try to let the paste “linger” in the mouth for 3-5 minutes.

Massage the gums in a circular motion with clean fingers towards the left and then vice versa. Periodically grab the gum over each tooth and make gentle upward and downward movements. This procedure activates blood flow, improving the nutrition of the tissue surrounding the tooth.

Rinse your mouth with saline every night. To prepare such a solution, dilute one tablespoon of sea or ordinary table salt in a glass of warm water. Keep the solution in your mouth for 1-2 minutes while rinsing. Salt helps to tighten microscopic cracks in the enamel.

Eat more calcium-rich foods, especially plant-based foods. As scientists have found out, the human body absorbs only 30% of calcium from dairy products, and more than 50% from plant products (lentils, peas, beans, broccoli, etc.). Eliminate coffee, carbonated drinks, and energy drinks from your diet as they deplete calcium from the body. Refrain from excessive consumption of meat, sausage and canned food.

Before proceeding with self-strengthening of tooth enamel, it is advisable to consult a dentist. He will give recommendations on which preparations containing fluorine and calcium are best suited for your enamel, how to properly massage the gums, etc. By visiting the dentist regularly, you will be able to maintain the health and beauty of your teeth.

Ways to restore tooth enamel in a dental clinic

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dental enamel almost entirely consists of phosphates and calcium, only a small part is occupied by water and organic substances. Thanks to healthy enamel, a person can bite off something hard, eat hot food and drinks, and smile dazzlingly.


Give up or at least minimize the amount of smoked. Nicotine and tar entering the oral cavity stain the tooth enamel in yellow, brown, and sometimes even black, and this plaque can be completely removed only with the help of dental cleaning. And, of course, do not use drugs.

Do not abuse carbonated drinks, coffee, strong tea, red wine, chocolate, etc. These products can give the enamel a yellowish tint. In addition, the acid contained in soda can dissolve tooth decay. enamel.

Brush your teeth at least 2 times a day for at least 2-3 minutes. To do this, if possible, use toothpastes containing fluoride and calcium. Treat the oral cavity with specially designed rinses.

When brushing your teeth, do not apply too much pressure, do not use hard toothbrushes, and do not use toothbrushes. Abrasive toothpastes that whiten teeth should also not be overly carried away, it is not recommended to use them more than 2 times a week. You can not brush your teeth with soda, chalk, salt or other substances that are not intended for this.

Be sure to rinse your teeth after eating, eating sweets. If this is not possible, chew sugar-free gum for 15 minutes.

Drink sour juices through a straw. After eating them, do not brush your teeth for 30 minutes.

Do not eat cold and hot food (for example, do not drink coffee with ice cream), as this entails sudden changes in temperature in the mouth, which in turn adversely affects the condition of tooth enamel.

Do not overuse bottled water as it does not contain fluoride.

Get rid of the habit of grinding your teeth, if you have one.

Don't forget to go to the dental clinic twice a year.

Enamel is the outer protective shell of the tooth. It does not have the ability to regenerate, therefore, if its integrity is violated, artificial restoration is used. The most common diseases of tooth enamel include cracks, wedge-shaped defects, pathological abrasion and hypoplasia.


Pathological abrasion is a process of gradual disappearance of the enamel of the cutting or chewing surface of the tooth, which leads to a change in the anatomical shape of its crown. Often the cause is malocclusion, overload of the working surface of some due to the absence of others, improper design of the prosthesis, or exposure to harmful factors on the enamel. Often, the enamel is erased with various endocrine disorders - pathologies of the gland, pituitary gland, and others.

Such violations are treated by eliminating the causes that caused the occurrence of pathological abrasion, i.e., orthopedic measures are taken. The bite is restored, prostheses are changed, etc. After that, treatment is carried out - the replacement of areas of enamel deficiency.

The wedge-shaped effect most often occurs in the cervical part of the tooth. This damage to the enamel in the form of a wedge and in stages exists as a superficial abrasion, enamel or gap, visible only under magnification. Subsequently, they increase, the edges of the defects are most often even, the bottom is hard. It is believed that the causes of wedge-shaped defects are enamel damage associated with microbends of the tooth in its area. Such damage occurs under the action of mechanical stress. With its uneven distribution, some teeth experience excessive pressure, while others do not participate in the chewing process. As a result, the enamel is peeled off with the formation of a defect in the form of a wedge.

Treatment of wedge-shaped effects is carried out in two stages. At the first, orthopedic measures are carried out aimed at normalizing the bite and preventing the further progress of the disease. On the second stage, the enamel is restored using various methods: application of varnishes, ointments and remineralizing solutions; filling defects with different materials, such as glass ionomer, compomer or flowable composites. Veneers are installed, etc.

Can tooth enamel be restored? This question worries many who want to restore the normal state of their teeth. Strong sensitivity to food irritants and even to the air worries everyone who has lost part of the enamel on the tooth or it has simply become thinner. Damage to this tissue is a direct path to caries. And such a pathology contributes to the destruction of the tooth. Therefore, it is necessary to timely identify the problem in the early stages of its occurrence. You can ask your dentist about what to do if the enamel is worn off.

Demineralization of tooth enamel

Restorative therapy can also be carried out using folk recipes, but their effectiveness will be much lower than the professional work of a dentist.

What causes enamel to break or become thin?

Restoration of tooth enamel is a popular procedure. Determining whether teeth are thinned or not is not difficult. The first symptom is pain caused by external stimuli. But what exactly causes such sensitivity? After all, tooth enamel is one of the most durable tissues in the human body, and problems with its condition occur very often.

The main causes of destruction of tooth enamel

Dentists say that thinning can be caused by: alcohol abuse and smoking, unhealthy diet, the abuse of fast carbohydrates (sweets), as well as sudden changes in temperature (when drinking hot drinks). The tissue also becomes thinner from constant mechanical stress and damage caused by improper bite or grinding of the teeth themselves. As for the myths that the wrong choice of toothbrush can also cause enamel wear, doctors are skeptical. Short-term loads on the teeth can only cause the loss of soft protective layers.

Enamel restoration may also be required for older people. This is due to physiological characteristics. Age-related slowdown in tissue regeneration leads to problems with enamel, as well as to grinding of the teeth themselves. But children suffer the most. Toddlers under 9-10 years old abuse sweets that negatively affect the acid-base balance. Such processes lead to demineralization of tooth tissues, characterized by a slow rate of its recovery.

Age erosion of enamel

What are the symptoms of thinning enamel?

The property of enamel to become thinner depends not only on the mistakes and actions of the person himself, but also on his own physiology. Many people, who do not have "bad" teeth, malocclusion and other problems, often face violations of enamel tissues. This is due to the thickness of the layer itself. Despite the strength of the enamel, and its ability to regenerate itself, it covers the teeth only by 1-2 mm. And the closer to its root, the smaller the thickness. For bacteria that inhabit the mucous membrane of the oral cavity, this is just what you need. Especially if the person himself does not follow hygiene. But, people still have an advantage, since this problem is eliminated.

And the treatment will be most effective with the timely detection of symptoms, which include:

  • Pain, characterized by increased sensitivity of the teeth.
  • They appear when eating food or drinks at a higher or lower temperature, as well as acidic foods. Such sensations can also occur when the teeth are closed.
  • Pain when breathing (even if the air is at normal temperature).
  • Lack of natural luster of teeth. Their surface becomes dull and dull.
  • Covering the surface of one or more teeth with small white spots.
  • Carious signs - roughness and darkening.

When the enamel wears off, it's impossible not to feel it. Therefore, at the first "signals" of a problem, you should contact your dentist.

Only a qualified doctor can choose an effective therapy for a particular clinical case.

Features of treatment

A variety of damage and grinding of tooth enamel bother people of different ages. You can choose an effective method of treatment both independently and with the help of traditional medicine. Dentists are exactly those people who can help with this, they will tell you how to restore tooth enamel correctly and safely. The treatment of each clinical case will be effective, because all types of therapy have been tested for decades of practice. In addition, enamel can be restored in just 2-3 weeks. And traditional medicine therapy can take much longer.

Turning to the dentist, the patient may be offered one of the following methods of treatment:

  • fluoridation;
  • remineralization;
  • filling;
  • implantation;
  • overlay (spraying).

On how to restore tooth enamel cheaply, quickly or better, it is better to consult your doctor.

Enamel restoration by fluoridation

Restoration of tooth enamel with fluoride is popular among people suffering from problems with this tissue. Fluoride is an important mineral for dental health. Its lack in food often leads to problems with the condition of the enamel. Therefore, such a dental method allows you to cover the surface of damaged teeth with this element. It is possible to restore the tissue both with simple and with deep damage.

Enamel restoration product

How is the procedure

With minor problems, the procedure does not take much time. The dentist applies a specialized fluoride preparation to the surface of the teeth with a small brush. The applied layer is dried, after which it is forbidden to eat food for 2-3 hours. Application is carried out several times within 1-2 weeks.

It is possible to completely eliminate the problem in a shorter time, but this will require restoring the tissue in other ways.

About how to restore tooth enamel with deep fluoridation, it is best to ask your doctor. Usually, in severe clinical cases, fluoride preparations are applied in layers. This procedure may require an electrophoresis or ultraphonophoresis apparatus.

Treatment with a fluorine-containing compound

Restoration of enamel by remineralization

This procedure is painless. Tooth enamel is built up using the application method. Preparations containing calcium in their composition are applied to the surface of the teeth. The most widely used is a 10% solution of calcium gluconate. The process itself takes place in stages:

  1. Teeth are being prepared. Teeth are cleaned from soft surface layers and from stones.
  2. The medicine is applied with cotton swabs. The procedure is repeated 3 times with an interval of 6-7 minutes.
  3. A strengthening varnish containing fluorine is applied with a special dental brush.

The effectiveness of the method is confirmed by more than 50 years of practice in various countries of the world. Remineralization is characterized by low cost, as well as high quality of the finished result.


It became possible to treat enamel by implantation in domestic clinics only a few years ago. This technique, which eliminates the problem with damaged tissue, is expensive even for minor problems. Disadvantage: no trials in children with milk bite. It is not advisable to do this at this age due to the age-related change of teeth.

The method of implantation is simple and painless.

A special artificial enamel in the form of a viscous mass is applied to problem areas. Its chemical composition is similar to the connective tissues of the teeth, so polymerization is fast and high quality, as is its adhesion.

Fissure sealing with sealant

Veneers and Lumineers

For those who are concerned about whether serious damage to the enamel is restored, there is a method of lining (prosthetics). Materials such as veneers and lumineers are used. Veneers are durable vestibular materials used as overlays for heavily worn teeth. Lumineers are linings that cover the tooth on one side only. In dentistry, they are most often used for front teeth. It is these prostheses that make the smile snow-white and bright.


What can be done in case of large tooth decay? Modern dentists can offer the patient a conventional filling. It is relatively inexpensive and of good quality. The advantage of installing a filling is its appearance (identical to a real tooth), the ability to match it by color, as well as getting results in 1-2 trips to the dentist. The main disadvantage is the pain of the procedure.

Veneers for damaged teeth

Enamel restoration using folk recipes

With minor problems with the state of the enamel, you can use folk methods. But it is best to consult a dentist before using them. Some components of this or that recipe can only harm the patient. Therefore, such a precaution is exactly what can save a person from possible problems. Therapy using folk recipes is less effective than traditional procedures. Yes, it will take longer for your teeth to heal.

Enamel restoration with activated carbon

But, nevertheless, deciding on self-treatment, it is best to use one of these methods:

  • Rinsing the mouth with a solution of salt and salt. Put 1 teaspoon of both ingredients in one glass of warm water. Stir and rinse. The course of therapy is 2 weeks. Rinse should be 2 times a day.
  • Activated carbon powder. Tablets are ground and rubbed into the enamel. The procedure is carried out 2 times a week.
  • Beeswax. This natural antiseptic must be chewed 1-2 times a day. The substances contained in the wax contribute to the healing of even carious disorders.


Enamel problems can be prevented by following simple preventive rules. The main one is a thorough brushing of the teeth.

Tooth enamel restoration paste

It should be done after every meal. You also need to follow a diet. A healthy diet keeps the acid-base balance normal. It is important to reduce the consumption of sweets, and it is better to replace them with fruits.

Many people face changes in the enamel coating of the tooth. How to restore tooth enamel at home, is it possible to strengthen it in order to eliminate cracks, wear and chips? Let's try to figure it out.

Enamel protects the dentin and pulp from the pathogenic effects of microflora and other irritants. The downside is that it is not able to independently restore the structure.

If an injury has occurred, or a carious process has occurred, which has led to a violation of the integrity of the tooth covering, then the microorganisms that have penetrated deep into the tooth destroy the dentin layer, moving towards the pulp chamber.

Composition of tooth enamel

Enamel covers the visible part of the tooth, thanks to which the internal structures are reliably protected from external influences. It contains a large amount of inorganic matter (up to 97%), as well as the smallest amount of water, so the dental covering is the hardest substance in the body.

It contains various components.

  1. Calcium hydroxyapatite - up to 75%.
  2. Water - 2-3%.
  3. Minerals and chemical elements such as phosphorus, fluorine, magnesium.
  4. Organic matter - 1-2%.

Normally, enamel is located on all surfaces of the tooth. It reaches its maximum thickness in the area of ​​the bumps, where the enamel layer is 2 mm. The thinnest area is located in the region of the neck of the tooth, where it gradually becomes thinner and passes into the cement covering the root.

Causes of destruction

Age-related physiological wear of enamel occurs in older people, because during life, teeth have to withstand daily loads associated with chewing and grinding food.

In young people, the broken structure of the enamel looks like cracks or. Initially, this condition does not bring discomfort, but over time, exposed areas of the dentin begin to react sharply to all sorts of irritants, complicating food intake.

Why does enamel decay occur? The following factors influence this:

  • heredity - the enamel layer in some people is thicker, so it is more difficult to destroy it;
  • bad habits - when a person often gnaws pencils, nails, cracks seeds or nuts, tears off the thread, depressions or chips form on the surface of the teeth;
  • loss of teeth - if there are voids in the row, the load is unevenly distributed, due to which an increased force acts on some teeth;
  • endocrine disorders - diseases that disrupt metabolism, adversely affect both the entire body and the condition of tooth enamel;
  • malnutrition - the intake of calcium, fluorine and other elements in small quantities leads to the destruction of the crystal lattice;
  • hygiene items - hard bristles of a toothbrush (?) and highly abrasive pastes mechanically destroy the enamel surface;
  • acid - excessive consumption of citrus fruits, work in hazardous industries, as well as frequent vomiting - all this causes erosion on the teeth.

Restoration of tooth enamel: dental methods

In the arsenal of dentists there are several methods for restoring the enamel layer:

  • fluoridation is the application of preparations containing fluoride compounds to the tooth surface. With the standard method, the tooth is systematically covered with a fluorine-containing substance, while fluorine does not penetrate into the depth of the enamel, but only accumulates on the surface. Deep fluoridation involves the alternate use of gels containing particles of fluorine, as well as calcium;
  • remineralization is a method of strengthening the enamel structure, based on the application of phosphorus and calcium preparations, as well as some vitamins. The disadvantage can be considered the duration of the course of treatment;
  • filling is a standard dental method for eliminating defects. For reliable adhesion to the enamel, it is preferable to apply seals from photocurable materials;
  • Enamel implantation is a new way in dentistry to restore the tooth structure by implanting a biocomposition, while the fusion of enamel prisms and foreign matter occurs at the molecular level. A distinctive feature of the technique is that artificial enamel is indistinguishable from natural in external parameters.
  • dental overlays - the use of veneers and lumineers allows you to achieve an excellent cosmetic effect, practically. When veneering, an insignificant enamel layer is removed, and a ceramic overlay is fixed to the outer surface of the tooth. Lumineers are the thinnest ceramic products, so there is no need to grind teeth to use them.

You should always try to preserve the natural structure of the tooth as much as possible and renew it using the listed methods.

How to restore tooth enamel at home?

It is almost impossible to restore the lost integrity of the enamel on your own, because the enamel does not have regenerative abilities, however, it is possible to carry out high-quality prevention and strengthen the enamel layer at the initial stages of destruction using folk methods and recipes.

  • balanced nutrition - the use of vitamins, vegetables, fruits, dairy products and meat enriches the tooth structure with the necessary components, making the enamel stronger;
  • gum massage - provokes an increase in blood flow in the soft tissues, which improves the nutrition of the tooth and improves its structure. It is carried out daily 2-3 times. Clean fingertips are placed on the gum and movements are made in a circle;
  • A suitable toothbrush is an important assistant on the way to healthy enamel. It should have sufficient softness so as not to cause abrasion of the teeth during;
  • strengthening pastes for teeth - a variety of hygiene products allows you to choose a paste containing fluorine ions, as well as calcium and phosphorus. For a greater effect, it is permissible to leave it on the teeth for a couple of minutes, which will allow the enamel to absorb the necessary trace elements.

You should not use professional gels and liquids for remineralization at home without a clear explanation from the dentist, since the uncontrolled use of drugs can harm the body, especially the use of fluoride solutions, which may cause poisoning with an increase in the expected dosage.

What should be done to strengthen the enamel?

In addition to the treatment of decayed teeth, the best preventive measure is a complete and balanced diet, which will strengthen the structure of the enamel layer and protect against future problems with it. A healthy menu for teeth should contain a full range of macro- and micronutrients.

  1. Dairy products - kefir, milk and fermented baked milk contain a large amount of fluorine and calcium, which has a beneficial effect on the strength of the enamel.
  2. Rough food - carrots, apples, raw vegetables not only saturate the body with vitamins, but also help the self-cleaning of the tooth surface, thereby protecting the teeth from plaque and microbial effects.
  3. Eggs - Vitamin D contained in them favorably affects the bone structure.
  4. Fish and meat - enrich the body with protein, which gives the body the strength to fight pathogenic microflora, and the phosphorus contained in the fish is built into the structure of the crystal lattice, restoring tooth enamel.

If you want to get a snow-white smile, then you can read the article on how to whiten your teeth at home without harming the enamel -. The most effective whitening techniques are listed.

Video: how to restore tooth enamel? Health School.

The appearance of the dentition largely depends on the state of the outer coating of the crowns - enamel. It is a very solid substance, but like any other biological structure, it is vulnerable. Enamel can be destroyed under the influence of food components, negative environmental factors, but most often it suffers from poor hygiene.

When a soft plaque consisting of bacteria accumulates on the surface of the tooth, the enamel is corroded by the products of their vital activity. Even more harm is caused by hard stones - mineralized plaque. In both situations, tooth decay can be avoided by resorting to enamel restoration in the clinic or at home.

The structure and composition of dental tissues

The teeth on both jaws consist of three parts: the visible upper part - the crown, the root fixed in the hole and a short neck between them. Inside there is a pulp chamber with soft tissues, nerve and blood vessels that provide continuity of life support for the entire tooth. This cavity is bounded by dentin, a hard tissue that is covered with cement in the root area and enamel in the crown area.

Enamel on the surface of the tooth is unevenly distributed, its layer reaches a maximum thickness of a couple of millimeters in those parts of the tooth where it is under the greatest pressure. The molars, which are functionally responsible for grinding food, are abundantly covered with this tissue.

Unlike most tissues of the body, enamel contains much more inorganics: among the components, most of all are calcium and phosphorus compounds, as well as fluorine. Organic substances are contained in small quantities, usually their content does not exceed 5%.

This composition is optimal so that the enamel is strong enough and resistant to the chemical components of food. But after physical damage or corrosive substances, the enamel on the teeth is not completely restored, and therefore there are all kinds of ways to strengthen it and improve its condition.

Causes of tooth enamel destruction

For various reasons and at different rates, damage to tooth enamel occurs throughout life. The intensity of its destruction does not always depend on the person himself, since the strength and thickness of the outer coating of the tooth is an inborn sign. Even in the womb, the fetus can form anomalies in the structure of the dentition, which make the enamel more vulnerable.

Other factors provoking the appearance of defects on the surface of the crown:

Symptoms and consequences

A person can find out that his enamel is damaged or thinned by the following symptoms:

  • Increased sensitivity of the teeth to the temperature of food, its composition and taste: there is a shooting pain when eating very cold, hot, sour or sugary-sweet foods.
  • The manifestation of sensitivity of the teeth when inhaling air through the mouth.
  • Pain when chewing.
  • Visible surface changes: the appearance of spots of various shades and shapes.
  • Visible damage - chips, cracks.

If the enamel began to thin, it is necessary to determine the cause of the pathological process as soon as possible. Indeed, for some patients it is enough to get rid of bad habits and adjust the diet so as not to aggravate the condition of the enamel, while for other patients this phenomenon may be a symptom of internal disorders that require urgent treatment.

If you ignore the state of the enamel and do not try to restore it in the clinic or at least at home, the pathological process will go inside the tooth, which is fraught with the appearance of carious depressions with all possible complications.

Restoration of tooth enamel in dentistry

In the dental clinic, tooth enamel can be restored by several methods:

Method essence

An old technique that eliminates enamel defects. Modern clinics use durable materials with a photo-curing effect.

Standard fluoridation

Periodic application of preparations with fluorine to the crown. The procedure is carried out every 6 months. The coating accumulates on the surface, not reaching the deep layers of the shells of the tooth.

Deep fluoridation Periodic coating of the crown with preparations containing fluorine and calcium. This procedure prevents oversaturation of the body with fluorine.

Periodic restoration of the tooth, which is carried out for a long time. Fluorine, calcium and some vitamins are applied to areas that have become thinner.

Implantation of artificial enamel for teeth

A mixture is used, which during implantation is firmly connected to the enamel of the teeth. In appearance, it is indistinguishable from a real crown.

Teeth pads

Plates made of metal ceramics, ceramics or composite compositions, which are glued to the previously ground surface of the crown. More tooth grinding is needed for veneers, less for thin lumineers. Composite overlays have the lowest strength and have a negative effect on natural enamel.

How much do tooth restoration procedures cost?

The cheapest methods of restoring the outer coating of the tooth are conventional filling and restoration using composite overlays. Lumineers and dental implant procedures are the most expensive.

Is it worth going to the dentist

Tooth enamel can be restored at home, but compared to professional restoration methods, folk ones are not so effective: large and deep damage cannot be repaired independently. The main problem is that you first need to determine the cause of the thinning of the enamel, which can be hidden in internal diseases, and only then determine the optimal methods of treatment.

Before experiencing folk advice and doing home procedures, you should consult a dentist, as the consequences can be unpredictable.

How to restore tooth enamel at home and folk remedies

Among home and folk methods that help partially restore enamel, restore a normal appearance and remove discomfort from hypersensitivity, the most popular are the following:

Enamel strengthening products

Tooth enamel is practically incapable of self-regeneration, but it can be replenished with nutritious food components and thus strengthened. If these nutrients are present in the diet, the risk of abrasion or destruction of the outer shell of the tooth is reduced. Therefore, we must not forget about healthy products that saturate the teeth with the necessary substances.

Tooth enamel can be restored both in the clinic and at home, but a very important part of this process lies in the behavior of the person himself. To maintain the health of the oral cavity, you must always take care of yourself, notice bad habits in time and immediately stop them. Adults should control the behavior of children and teach them the basics of hygiene.

You can prevent thinning of enamel by following these recommendations:

  • You should protect your teeth from any unnecessary physical impact, including your habits of opening bottles with them, biting off threads. Avoid injury whenever possible.
  • Food should be moderately tough, and soft foods should not be abused, as fibrous fruits help remove plaque.
  • You should not allow a sharp change in temperature, for example, drink chilled ice cream with hot coffee.
  • The habit of brushing your teeth should be formed from childhood and carried out regularly. If you skip this hygiene procedure a couple of times, all the accumulated soft plaque will mineralize and become a hard dental deposit that destroys the coating of the tooth.
  • There should not be an excess of sweets in the diet, and after each use, it is advisable to rinse your mouth with water or restorative pharmaceutical products.

Tooth enamel regenerates naturally, but if this tissue is destroyed or worn away, it does not regenerate on its own. Therefore, a person must take care of the health of the dentition all his life, strengthen the enamel and try not to harm it.

If you carry out restoration of tooth enamel in dentistry or follow popular advice, you can significantly improve the structure and appearance of crowns. In case of severe damage, it is possible to eliminate defects in the anterior teeth by installing artificial implants, onlays. If the enamel is destroyed quickly and very strongly, it is necessary to look for the cause of the pathology.

Enamel serves as protection for the teeth. If suddenly it becomes damaged, then the tooth can be exposed to various diseases, for example, caries, tartar, infections. As a result, the first thing to do is to take care of her.

So, how is tooth enamel restored? They restore it both in the dentist's office and at home with folk remedies.

Professional recovery methods

There are professional methods that will help strengthen and restore enamel.

The first thing to do is build up a new covering of the tooth using a filling material. If there is a surface crack on the tooth, then this material will easily and firmly close it. Also, this method is used if part of the tooth is destroyed or chipped.

Another dentist performs a procedure that restores and treats teeth at the same time. The doctor saturates the teeth with fluoride. Fluorine is a very useful tool, with its help enamel is protected. There are two ways by which fluoridation is carried out:

  1. The doctor applies a product that resembles varnish. It contains fluorine.
  2. The doctor attaches some applicators that are saturated with useful substances with fluorine. This method takes longer than the first one. These procedures must be performed daily for a month.

There is another method that is carried out in a clinical setting - this is the remineralization of teeth. Teeth are “fed” with fluoride, calcium and other substances that have a strengthening effect. They are able to fill the voids of the crystal lattice. This procedure is performed as follows: special agents are applied to the surface. This method is characterized by sufficient duration, despite this, it is very effective.

If the coating is yellowed or collapsed, then use veneers. These are thin plates of porcelain that are attached to the teeth.

In a clinical setting, it is also possible to make implantation of tooth enamel. This method is complex but effective. The procedure will help restore the integrity of the coating and give it a snow-white color, as well as solve the problem of improper taste. This procedure is performed at the molecular level.

Benefits of professional treatments

All of the above methods have 2 main advantages:

If the tooth enamel is not very badly damaged, then you can restore it at home. Only this does not give a 100% guarantee for recovery. You will do more prevention than cure. Because the means that you will use have more of a preventive effect.

Folk remedies for enamel restoration

Strengthen tooth enamel at home using pastes with fluorine and calcium. Place the paste on