Bruising as a result of physical impact - treatment, prevention, first aid. Treating bruises at home - what you need to know

Bruises are considered the most common type of injury that can occur while doing work, playing sports or during outdoor activities.

A bruise is damage to soft tissues and organs, without a pronounced violation of the integrity of the skin, due to a blow with a blunt object or a fall. The tissues that are most often bruised are those that are located superficially - the skin, subcutaneous layer and muscles. With a blunt impact, soft tissues are affected, which at the time of impact are pressed against the bones.

With a sharp impact (for example, from an explosion), in addition to local wounds, symptoms of a hydrodynamic impact appear, which is manifested by damage to soft tissues far from the point of application of force.


Symptoms will vary depending on which part of the body is affected. But the main signs are:

  • Severe pain in the place where the blow fell;
  • Noticeable hemorrhage under the skin, due to rupture of the subcutaneous vessels;
  • Hematoma;
  • Severe swelling of soft tissues.

Bruises are divided depending on the severity, there are mild, moderate and severe. At the same time, a hematoma does not at all indicate the severity of the bruise. For example, in the elderly, as well as those who have fragile vessels, even a slight blow leads to the formation of a large bruise. But a blow to the head most often proceeds without a hematoma at all, only a small bump appears, and after a while all the symptoms of a concussion appear.

For any bruises, it is advisable to see a doctor who can determine the degree of damage to organs located near the site of impact, or other temporarily hidden consequences. If a blow to the face or body is accompanied by the formation of air-filled areas under the skin, then this indicates damage to the nasal septum or lungs. It is impossible to cope with such a complication at home.

Sometimes hematomas occur not where the blow was. For example, when the base of the skull is struck, which is a rather serious and dangerous case, bruises appear under the eyes.

In case of any injury, it is very important to immediately provide first aid to the victim. In some cases, it is this assistance that allows you to avoid complications.


When hitting a hand, immediately apply to the damaged area cold compress or apply a cold product from the refrigerator. It can be milk, yogurt or butter. When applying ice to the site of injury, it is pre-wrapped with cotton cloth.

After that, a tight, fixing bandage should be applied to the arm. To do this, you can use a regular bandage or take elastic bandage. It is very important to ensure maximum immobility of the struck hand; for this, it can be fastened to the neck with a scarf or scarf.


If your fingers are bruised, you need to take ice cubes and massage the damaged area with them for 15 minutes, every hour. The procedure is repeated for 3 hours. After the pain subsides, you can massage the affected finger every 2 hours, for 15 minutes.

knee joint

If the blow fell on the knee, then after the injury, the person must be laid so that the injured limb is on a hill, for this a pillow is placed under it. On the knee-joint apply a fixing bandage and periodically apply ice.


In the event that, after an injury, a person has lost consciousness or his head is very dizzy, an urgent need to call ambulance. Prior to the arrival of doctors, the following assistance is provided:

  • The patient is put to bed and provided with complete rest;
  • Ice wrapped in a cotton napkin or other cold is applied to the bruised place;
  • Constantly monitor the victim.

Nothing should irritate a person with a head injury, it is advisable to close the curtains on the windows.


Immediately after the injury, the person is put to bed and provided with complete rest. Ice is applied to the site of the bruise, but it must be borne in mind that cold cannot be left in the damaged area for more than 15 minutes. When the pain subsides, mashed plantain or cabbage leaves can be applied to the site of the bruise, which will help relieve swelling.


If the back bruise is not too strong, then you can apply a compress with white beans to the damaged area. In addition, as a first aid, you can anoint the bruised area with Voltaren or other similar drugs. Such ointments have anti-inflammatory, analgesic and anti-edematous effects.


When hurt chest, the patient on the first day is provided with complete rest. Cold is applied to the damaged area of ​​the body and applied pharmaceutical preparations which help relieve swelling and inflammation.


In case of injury, the eye should be immediately dripped with Sulfacyl sodium. These eye drops relieve swelling, as well as relieve pain and redness. Applying cold to the eyes is not recommended, as this can lead to a deterioration in the patient's condition.

Pharmacy preparations

Treatment of any bruises should be comprehensive, it is advisable to use drugs and prescriptions traditional medicine. There are several ointments that can help with bruises.

  1. Troxevasin. This ointment helps relieve swelling and reduce pain. Troxevasin strengthens the walls of capillaries and has a pronounced anti-inflammatory effect. It is applied to the bruised area twice a day, gently rubbing until completely absorbed into the skin. Troxevasin can only be applied to intact skin.

  2. Dolobene
    . It has a pronounced anti-inflammatory and analgesic effect. Heparin, which is part of the ointment, prevents thrombosis, thereby reducing the risk of hematomas. With already pronounced hemorrhages, it contributes to the rapid dissolution of the blood clot and improves blood flow. Apply to the damaged area up to 4 times a day, while gently massaging.

  3. Badyaga. This natural preparation allows you to effectively deal with the symptoms of bruises. Badyaga quickly relieves inflammation, swelling and reduces pain. Using drugs with badyaga, you can quickly get rid of bruises.
    For treatment, you can also use badyagi powder, which is pre-diluted warm water or Badyaga-Forte gel. A slurry of powder is applied as a compress for several hours, and the gel is gently rubbed into the bruised area.

  4. Voltaren. This medicinal product refers to non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs. It well removes puffiness and eliminates pain. The drug is applied to the damaged area of ​​the body 2 times a day, preferably in the morning and evening. Before use this drug there are a number of contraindications to consider.

  5. Indovazin. active ingredient This ointment is indomethacin. This substance has anti-inflammatory, analgesic and anti-edema effect. When using Indovazin, the redness of the site of injury decreases, the walls of blood vessels are strengthened, and blood microcirculation improves. The ointment is applied 3 times a day to the site of a bruise or hematoma in an amount of 2 cm.

Folk recipes

Folk healers have many time-tested recipes that allow you to quickly get rid of the symptoms of bruises.

Other treatments

For the treatment of extensive bruises, physiotherapy procedures can be prescribed, which are aimed at relieving pain, reducing inflammation and eliminating swelling. The following physiotherapy procedures are mainly prescribed:

  • To reduce pain syndrome- cryotherapy at the site of injury, electrophoresis with the use of analgesics, SUV irradiation and diadynamic therapy;
  • To reduce inflammation - electrophoresis, UHF, microwave and magnetotherapy;
  • To improve the patency of blood vessels - galvanization, electrophoresis, infrared irradiation and a steam heater.

Physiotherapy is prescribed by the attending physician, he also determines the duration of such therapy.

How to relieve pain

There are many reliable ways to help quickly stop the pain of a bruise.

  • Cold is applied to the damaged area, if the limb is injured, then it can be substituted under a stream of cold water;
  • I gently massage the bruised area using ointments that prevent swelling and bruising;
  • Placed on the site of the injury pressure bandage. If this is a hand, then it is hung on a scarf, which is tied around the neck, if it is a leg, then it is placed above the level of the body on a pillow;
  • If there is a suspicion that they have been injured internal organs, then a person needs to be ensured complete immobility, he can only be moved on a stretcher.

We offer a video that tells what a bruise is and how to properly provide first aid.

Bruises are not such trifling injuries as it might seem at first glance. Sometimes, due to falls and bumps, joints, muscles and tendons are damaged, in addition, important internal organs can also be affected. It is important to see a doctor in time, only a qualified physician will be able to objectively assess the full extent of the damage.

What happens when you get hurt? What are the symptoms and effects of bruises? What is the most effective way to treat bruises?

Injury- this is closed damage tissues and organs without significant disruption of their structure. This is the most common type of injury. To bruises can result, for example, in a fall on icy conditions, or a strong blow if it is caused by a blunt object and there is no significant damage skin. Integrity upper layers the skin is not broken during a bruise, but swelling and a hematoma (bruise) quickly appear at the site of impact, pain is felt.

Distinguish soft tissue injuries, periosteum, joints, bruises neck, back, spine, chest, head. When a joint (for example, a knee) is bruised, a few hours after the injury, its volume increases, function is impaired, pain increases (especially with movements). The leg in this case is slightly bent, its extension is sharply painful. honors joint injury from dislocation is the preservation of movements in it.

At bruises only a slight swelling (“bump”) can be noted on the head, which does not cause much trouble. However, if the injury was accompanied by loss of consciousness, weakness, nausea, vomiting, etc., then this may be a sign of a more serious injury - a concussion or even brain contusion.

At bruises neck, in addition to damage to soft tissues, the blood flow in the vessels passing here can be disturbed for the second time, which disrupts the blood supply to the brain.

Bruising of the back (spine) may interfere with blood circulation spinal cord(there is a decrease in sensitivity in the limbs, muscle function, etc.).

At bruises chest, only local changes in superficial soft tissues, but at strong blow, for example, as a result of a fall, breathing may be disturbed, with blows to the heart area, it may stop. Abdominal injury is sometimes accompanied by damage to internal organs (for example, rupture of the liver, spleen, accompanied by internal bleeding).

What happens when you get hurt

At injury damage to the skin, subcutaneous fat and muscles occurs, and the blood vessels and nerves passing through them can also be affected. Blood flows out of injured vessels. At soft tissue injuries at the site of damage, hemorrhage increases and a more or less pronounced swelling is formed. Blood gradually impregnates the tissues, may accumulate (hematoma) or pour into adjacent cavities, such as a joint (hemarthrosis).

Bleeding out small vessels spontaneously stops in about 5-10 minutes. Of the large ones, it can last more than a day. The color of the bruise depends on the duration of the injury: a fresh bruise has a purple-cyanotic color, after 3-4 days it becomes blue-yellow, and on the 5-6th day it turns yellow. On site injury swelling necessarily appears - edema, pain occurs, which passes with time, but discomfort when moving or touching, they persist for a long time. With strong bruises malfunction of nearby organs is not ruled out.

As a result injury shins in places where the skin and subcutaneous tissue are adjacent to the bone, necrosis of the skin and its subsequent rejection are possible. When hitting bones that are not protected by soft tissues, not only very painful bruises periosteum with its detachment, but also bone damage (cracks and fractures). A blow in an oblique direction with respect to the skin surface can cause its detachment along with subcutaneous tissue, followed by filling of the resulting cavity with lymph and blood.

Bruises: symptoms and consequences. How dangerous is an injury

Main symptoms injury are: pain in the damaged area, hemorrhages as a result of vascular rupture, hematoma formation and edema. Very severe pain after a bruise may mean that the bones are damaged. Pain, the first symptom injury, appears immediately at the time of injury and is significant. Then the pain decreases somewhat or is of a moderate nature, and after 1-3 hours after the injury, it resumes or increases significantly. Changes in the nature of pain, an increase in their intensity due to increased traumatic edema, hemorrhage or hematoma growth.

At injury joint movements in the joints are initially preserved, they become impossible as hemorrhage and edema increase, especially with hemarthrosis. This bruises differ from fractures and dislocations, in which active and passive movements become impossible immediately after the injury.

Pain is especially severe with injury periosteum, for example, with a bruise of the anterior surface of the lower leg or ulnar nerve. Due to severe pain, it can happen pain shock. Hemorrhages at the site of injury can be point, both in the skin and in the subcutaneous tissue, in the form of bruises, as well as in the form of significant accumulations of blood in the underlying tissues (hematomas). Bleeding that continues deep into tissues often leads to additional trauma to adjacent tissues as a result of their compression, which is accompanied by a gradual increase in pain and impaired function.

The time of occurrence of bruising depends on the depth of the hemorrhage. At injury skin and subcutaneous tissue it appears immediately, in the first minutes or hours. When muscles are bruised, periosteum bruises appear on the 2-3rd day and sometimes far from the site of injury. The appearance of late bruising, especially away from the site injury, is serious symptom and requires additional research, for example, x-ray - to exclude a fracture or fracture of the bone. The color of the bruise undergoes certain changes due to the breakdown of hemoglobin. A fresh bruise is red in color, then it turns purple, turns blue, after 5-6 days it turns green, and then yellow. The color of the bruise can indicate the age of the injury.

Treatment of bruises

First aid for injury

Very important in the first hours after injury to understand if the bones, joints and internal organs have been damaged, if there are any fractures, so it is better to contact a traumatologist. Immediately after the injury, it is recommended to apply a pressure bandage to the site of the bruise and create peace, for example, if the arm is bruised, its peace can be ensured using a scarf bandage. If in place injury have abrasions or scratches, you must first use disinfectants. In case of leg bruises, it is given an elevated position, a sparing load regimen is observed for several days, and then, as pain and swelling decrease, it is gradually expanded. In no case should you steam your leg or arm - this can aggravate the injury. On the first day, bruises are treated exclusively with cold, its effect causes vasoconstriction, which stops bleeding, and in addition, it has an analgesic effect.

Treatment of bruises in the acute period

After 24 hours, refrigeration is no longer necessary. Next, you need to apply another tactic - warming: warm baths, compresses, lotions help reduce swelling and resorption of the hematoma. At this stage of treatment bruises NANOPLAST forte, a therapeutic analgesic anti-inflammatory patch, can be used very effectively.

Thanks to their unique properties medical plaster NANOPLAST forte not only has an analgesic effect, but also improves blood circulation in the injured area, accelerates the resorption of hematomas. The course of treatment is usually from 3 to 9 days.

Bruise Treatment: Rehabilitation Therapy for Bruises

You can't grind yourself bruised place - this can lead to a serious complication - thrombophlebitis (blockage of a vein by a blood clot). If swelling and bruising do not disappear for a long time, you should consult a doctor. For moderate to severe bruises a course of physiotherapy with the use of UHF devices, a magnet, electrophoresis with therapeutic solutions will be recommended.

Probably, there is no such person who would not know what bruises are and what pain they cause. Injuries can vary in severity and location. As a rule, from such injuries there is a strong pain effect, tissue swelling, bumps, hematomas appear.

The first aid for a bruised leg is an ointment for bruises. Such drugs for bruises and injuries act directly at the site of tissue damage, and are an excellent addition to the main therapy or can be used independently. Consider below what ointment to use for a bruise.

What remedy to use for injury

Ointments for bruises have a resolving, analgesic, decongestant and anti-inflammatory effect. Depending on the composition and on the main action, external agents can be divided into groups:

  • Creams or ointments containing non-steroidal anti-inflammatory substances. This group of drugs has an analgesic and anti-inflammatory effect on the damaged area. Anti-inflammatory ointments, as the main component, may contain Diclofenac, Ibuprofen, Ketoprofen, Nimesulide, Ketorolac and others. Such external agents in the form of ointments and gels are presented under different trade names - Diclak gel, Nurofen, Bystrumgel, Fastumgel, Nise, Ketorol.
  • Ointment for bruises with a pronounced resolving effect. This remedy contributes to a very rapid removal of tissue swelling, resorption of seals, hematomas. Can be used for bruises in children. Such medicinal medicines in their composition contain Troxerutin, Badyaga, Selikon, Heparin. The most popular means of this group are Troxevasin, Badyaga, Heparin ointment, Sofya, Comfrey. Creams with absorbable action can be both medicinal and cosmetic products.
  • Ointment, cream with a warming effect contain red pepper, leech extract, bee venom or viper venom, camphor, essential oils, dimethyl sulfoxide and other ingredients. These drugs include Kapsikam, Finalgon, Bom-Benge, Doctor Mom, Viprosal V. They can be used for childhood or adult trauma, as well as for bruising of the knee and its joint.
  • A large group of drugs for the treatment of bruises are combined ointments consisting of several active ingredients and having a complex effect on soft tissues. Such products contain a combination of NSAIDs and absorbable substances - Indovazin, absorbable components and dexpanthenol - Troxevasin Neo, Dolobene, a combination of NSAIDs, local irritants and oils - Dicloran Plus. Ointments for bruises of a combined composition are considered the best to use, since with the help of one remedy several problems can be solved at once.
  • Homeopathic ointments for bruises. These are products of complex composition, prepared in a special way by special technology. The drugs in this group do not have fast effective indicators because they contain a small amount active substances, but they have a cumulative effect and can be used in conjunction with other remedies for severe bruises, which can be both on the hands and on the legs, and even on the joint. You can use these ointments in childhood and adulthood. This tool from bruises is represented by drugs such as Traumeel C, Fleming's ointment.

In pharmacies, at present, a large assortment of effective external agents is presented that will help in the treatment of bruises and other pathological conditions- anesthetic ointment for bruises, cream to relieve swelling, cooling ointments and absorbable bruises. This cream can treat a bruise in a child and an adult. It is important to choose the right remedy.

When choosing an ointment for bruises, as in the case of other medicines, it is necessary to consult a doctor. Before starting treatment, it is necessary to make sure that the pain syndrome is from a blow, and unrelated to other, more severe injuries - sprains or bone fractures. In case of doubt, the traumatologist will prescribe an additional examination and a comprehensive treatment with the help of tablets and ointments.

The action of ointments

How does the ointment for a bruise act on damage? Consider the main directions of action of creams and other means:

  • Cream that improves blood circulation - the components present act on the bruised area, irritating and warming up the tissues, thereby improving blood circulation. This accelerates metabolic processes, the affected tissues heal quickly.
  • Tumors or swelling, redness, pain in the patella and any other damaged area are the result of inflammation. To remove this pathology, ointments containing anti-inflammatory components should be used.
  • Injuries are accompanied by severe pain, which significantly affects the quality of life. It is necessary to relieve pain, therefore, in the composition effective ointment analgesic or cooling components must be present - cooling the tissues also gives an analgesic effect.
  • Decongestant - swelling, swelling accompany most injuries and must be eliminated.
  • Anticoagulants will help thin the thickened blood, this will significantly speed up the process of resorption of hematomas.
  • When damaged, capillaries stretch, their walls become thinner and need to be strengthened. Therefore, the composition of ointments should include a component that acts and strengthens the walls of blood vessels.
  • Muscle tension can occur when a leg is bruised, accompany an arm injury, developing into a spasm, which also causes pain. An ointment containing special components in its composition will also help to anesthetize and relax the muscles.

It is very easy to cope with bruises if the victim has an effective drug at hand. With their help, remove pain, puffiness after just a few days of use. But, do not forget that a quick recovery depends on the characteristics of the body. For someone, a hematoma can go away in a couple of days, and for someone in a week or more.

Today there is great amount various medicines struggling with a bruise, it can be both ointments and gels, balms. The cost of each of them is different, you can find and inexpensive ointment from injury and vice versa.

Drug Overview

How to anoint if there was a knee bruise during a fall or any other injured area? Which ointment is considered better or give preference to the gel? Children's activity leads to the fact that the child often falls, hits. Moms are concerned about the question - how to help the baby, how to lubricate the damage, and if bad bruise, then what ointment is the best and can it be used for children?

Each ointment has its own characteristics of use, indications and contraindications that you need to know well. If the decision on therapy with any ointment is made independently, you should carefully read the instructions for use. However, getting qualified advice from a specialist will be useful.
In the meantime, consider the features of the composition and use of the most popular external preparations for the treatment of bruises.

Kapsikam - this ointment is analgesic, anti-inflammatory, locally irritating. Its composition is combined, from several active components: Dimethyl sulfoxyl, Methyl nicotinate, Camphor, Nonivamide and turpentine oil. The ointment is used for pain in the joints and muscles, including those of a traumatic nature. In addition, Kapsikam is used by athletes as a warming agent.

If there is an individual intolerance to the components of the drug, then it is undesirable to use the ointment, it is also not used during pregnancy and lactation, with violations of the skin and is not applied to the child.

The medicine should be used three times a day - smear the damaged area with ointment and rub it slowly, in a circular motion. The course of treatment lasts 10 days. Adverse reactions during therapy with Kapsikam is not observed. The exception is allergic reactions.

- the composition of this drug consists of heparin and other auxiliary components. Bruises and abrasions are lubricated with heparin medicine.

The ointment has antithrombotic and anti-inflammatory properties, but does not irritate soft tissues at the site of injury. In addition, the ointment contributes to the rapid recovery process.

How to use:

Heparin ointment, regardless of the indications, is used twice a day. The contents of the tube should be applied to the skin and spread evenly over the surface in a circular motion. The course of therapy depends on the disease. Treatment of bruises lasts 5 days. Ointment for the first time after the bruise cannot be used, since the damaged vessels will not be able to close, and because of this, the bleeding will not stop, and the hematoma may increase in size.

Finalgon is an anesthetic ointment with a warming effect. It includes Nicoboxil and Nonivamide. The ointment is characterized by its action on nerve endings, which leads to the appearance of an analgesic effect, and a local vasodilating effect. The medicine is used for severe pain syndrome caused by a blow, including in athletes. If, accompanied by signs of inflammation, a bruise, then it is not advisable to use an ointment with a warming effect. Finalgon is rubbed at night after hygiene procedures. Since the drug has a strong enough irritant, then treatment is started after a skin test.

Indovazin - external preparation containing Indomethacin and Troxerutin.

Indomethacin has an analgesic, anti-edematous and anti-inflammatory effect. Troxerutin has a resolving effect, reduces the fragility and permeability of the walls of blood vessels. Gel in childhood it is allowed to use only after 14 years, it is also unacceptable during pregnancy and lactation. The drug is contraindicated in erosive and peptic ulcers digestive tract, bleeding disorders, allergic reactions to acetylsalicylic acid and NSAIDs.

Traumeel C - ointment for bruises. It is prescribed for inflammatory, degenerative processes in the joints and muscles. This tool includes a number of natural components that well stop swelling of soft tissues, reduce pain syndromes during dislocations, sprains, relieve inflammation during various diseases musculoskeletal system. Contraindications to the use of Traumeel S are: leukemia, tuberculosis, autoimmune diseases, AIDS, child's age up to 3 years.

Viprosal B is an ointment with a warming effect. The medicine has a combined composition, it includes gum turpentine, Salicylic acid, Viper venom, Camphor. The components of Viprosal B give a local irritant and analgesic effect. Due to the fact that the vessels expand under the influence of the ointment, the trophism of soft tissues improves, which causes a resolving effect in hematomas and seals. Viprosal B gives positive results with bruises without damage to the skin. The ointment can be used by children from 12 years of age. The drug is not prescribed to pregnant and lactating women.

Troxevasin Neo - gel for external use. The gel contains Heparin sodium, Troxerutin and Dexpanthenol. Due to its components, the drug has anti-edematous, anti-inflammatory, angioprotective effects. Troxevasin Neo is not used until the age of 18, with damage to the dermis, hypersensitivity to drug components. The gel is used for bruises, swelling, venous insufficiency. Troxevasin Neo must be rubbed into the skin twice a day for three weeks.

Badyagi-based gel is natural remedy, which is prescribed for the treatment of bruises, bruises and sprains. It contains extract horse chestnut, chamomile, arnica oil and peppermint essential oils, tea tree and juniper. The drug has a resolving, anti-edematous effect, and also has a bactericidal and antiseptic effect, in addition, it improves blood microcirculation.

Mode of application:

The contents of the tube with massage movements should be distributed evenly on the area of ​​the affected skin and left for half an hour. After the time has elapsed, the remains of the gel are removed with a damp cloth or washed off.

At severe pain it is better to use medicines with analgesic and anti-inflammatory properties. These include

  • Ketanol, which has pronounced analgesic effects;
  • balm Dikul;
  • Fastum gel;
  • Deep Relief - in addition to the analgesic effect, it also has a cooling effect.

For resorption of a severe bruise, gels with leech extracode can be used. These include Girudalgon and Bruise-Off, which are used at the very beginning of treatment, after which Hirudotonus cream is used, which has an irritating and warming effect.

Complex therapy of bruises

Depending on the strength of the pain syndrome and other manifestations of the bruise, the doctor decides on the appointment of a specific external agent - ointment, gel, cream and the need for it with oral forms of the drug. For example, with a severe bruise with severe pain, swelling, Indovazin gel and Ibuprofen tablets can be prescribed.

Comprehensive treatment gives more quick result, and recovery of the victim occurs much faster. If the injury is not severe, then help can only consist in the use of external preparations.


You can get bruised anywhere, even near your bed. This injury often affects not only external integuments, but also internal organs, therefore it is necessary to consult a specialist for any damage, since this injury can be combined with rupture of internal organs, damage to the spinal cord, fractures, dislocations of the knees and other joints. And with bruises of the brain, concussion or even concussion, swelling of the brain often occurs. To avoid negative consequences specialist advice is required.

Do not delay with the diagnosis and treatment of the disease!

Sign up for an examination with a doctor!

With bruises, soft tissues located superficially are affected. This is a closed injury to the muscles, skin, periosteum and subcutaneous fat. Treatment at home is carried out in case of mild degree injury. As a rule, it is based on the use of compresses, ointments, and massage and application of ice are also effective.

A bruise occurs when soft tissues are damaged and blood vessels resulting in swelling. Blood flows out of damaged vessels and accumulates in surrounding tissues. There is swelling with bruising. Other symptoms of a bruise:

  • soreness;
  • color change depending on the statute of limitations of the injury (purple, blue-yellow);
  • difficulty of movement;
  • hematoma.

The absence of a hematoma with a bruise of the brain or chest indicates the absence of internal bleeding.

Traumatologists distinguish 4 degrees of injury:

  1. The first degree is characterized by minor damage (scratch, abrasion), usually disappears after 4 days painlessly and without a trace.
  2. The second degree is accompanied by muscle rupture, leading to the occurrence of a hematoma.
  3. The third degree includes damage to the tendons, bones and muscles.
  4. At the fourth stage, the normal work organ. The patient's condition may be critical.

Distinguishing a bruise from a fracture is very simple. When bruised, the pain is dull in nature, large joints swell, and soft tissues swell. If a finger is injured, a common bruise occurs. In case of a fracture, on the contrary, severe acute pain appears, which has a cutting character, the damaged part of the body is limited in movement and bleeds.

Features of first aid

The purpose of first aid is to fast withdrawal pain, the use of available means to prevent swelling and stop the blood in fractures.

When providing first aid to the victim or to yourself, you do not need to panic in the first place.

So, immediately after the impact, it is necessary to apply something cold to the damaged area in order to minimize the appearance of edema.

  • apply ice for the first 24 hours after an injury;
  • in the first two days, you can not take hot baths, apply heating pads or warm compresses, otherwise the scale of edema will increase;
  • if the pain persists, take a pain reliever that you can find in your home medicine cabinet.

After the swelling has decreased slightly, you can use anti-inflammatory ointments and creams. Ibuprofen and Diclofenac work great, but they should not be applied if there is damage like scratches or abrasions.

For severe knee or elbow joint put on a special bandage. Also do it regularly. light massage damaged area, due to this, fluid will not accumulate at the site of the bruise.

If pain and swelling do not subside after 48 hours, seek qualified medical advice. medical care. The doctor will assess the injury and prescribe the appropriate treatment.

Treatment with home remedies

Treatment of bruises must be started immediately, without waiting until the affected area begins to swell, it hurts a lot. Folk remedies will perfectly cope with minor manifestations. Of course, if acute pain occurs due to a bruise, an x-ray should be taken to make sure there is no crack or fracture. To folk ways Treatments include ointments, compresses, tinctures prepared at home.

Folk remedies for leg bruises

Reliable recipes of traditional medicine can relieve the pain of a bruised leg.

Best Treatments:

  1. Take 1 tbsp. l. 9% vinegar, vegetable oil and water. Mix the ingredients, then soak a cotton cloth in the prepared solution. Apply to the sore spot, cover with a film and a warm towel.
  2. Grind onions in a blender in the amount of 5 pieces. Add to it 1 tbsp. l. rock salt. Wrap the resulting mass in a cloth, apply to the site of injury 3 times a day. The course of treatment is 5 days.
  3. Iodine is great for fighting inflammation. Apply to damaged area iodine mesh. Use cotton swab and do not try to rub it in like an ointment, otherwise burns cannot be avoided.
  4. Take equal amounts of crushed raw coltsfoot, oregano. To prepare the solution, you will need 40 grams of raw materials and 500 ml of vodka. Fill the herb with the prepared liquid, leave for 3 days, then strain. Application: soak a cloth in the resulting tincture and apply to the damaged area overnight. The course of treatment lasts 14 days.

For the treatment of leg bruises after the elimination of acute pain and swelling, you can use sea ​​salt, aloe and alcohol tincture based on barberry leaves and birch buds.

How to treat a bruised knee with folk remedies

Popular recognition deserves an ointment based on spruce resin minced through a meat grinder lard and birch tar. All components are put in equal amounts in earthenware and closed tightly with a lid. The product is placed in a warm place for a day. Then the ointment is applied to the site of injury and kept for 12 hours.

It is better to use the remedy at night, because the victim must rest and not move. Before the next use of the ointment, do not forget to warm it up.

No less useful for bruised knee compresses home cooking. Ingredients:

  • burdock root;
  • violet;
  • veronica.

In the evening, mix in a glass bowl 1 tbsp. l. each plant, fill with vodka or medical alcohol(1 l). After 24 hours of infusion, soak a cotton cloth in the solution, apply to the bruised area overnight. To relieve pain and swelling, it is enough to carry out 10 procedures.

Effective compresses to relieve swelling

The most common type of compress is cold or ice. They cope well with swelling in injuries and bruises.

Proven compress options:

  1. Rinse cabbage leaves cold water and apply them to the affected area. Secure the compress with a regular bandage, remove after 2 hours. Burdock leaves can be used instead of cabbage.
  2. Cut 200 grams of freshly picked birch leaves. Fill them with boiling water, 1 liter is enough. Add 1 tbsp. l. salt, leave for half an hour. Moisten a cotton cloth and apply to the bruised area up to 6 times a day.
  3. Chop 1-2 medium sized potatoes. Apply the resulting slurry to the affected area, wrap with cling film and a warm towel.

Olive and camphor oils cope very well with prolonged stagnation of fluid.

Take 1 tbsp. l. of each remedy and rub the swollen area. Wrap the bruised area in any towel that you don't mind, because camphor oil leaves stains. Compress put daily for 7 days.

Homemade ointment based on chamomile and aloe vera

Treatment for bruises involves long-term use various folk remedies, including ointments. In order not to harm the victim, the ointment is applied in a circular motion until completely absorbed.

In a small enamel saucepan, place 3 tbsp. l. creamy or coconut oil, heat it up a bit and put it on water bath. Add to the oil 1 tbsp. l. dry chamomile flowers (you can buy at any pharmacy), boil a little and remove from heat.

After an hour, strain the oil mixture through a double layer of gauze. Then add 2 drops essential oil lavender and aloe vera gel (also available ready-made). Keep the ointment in a dark place for no more than 1 month. Apply several times a day to relieve pain, swelling or wound healing.

Chamomile can be replaced with another plant, such as sage, calendula, nettle, string or mint. You can use all herbs together in equal amounts.

Possible Complications

Bruises do not always go unnoticed, the consequences can be very terrible. With a strong or oblique blow, tissue crushing occurs, a hematoma appears. Over time, such damage leads to suppuration, if there was no necessary treatment. In the future, suppuration leads to necrosis and sepsis.

In the locations of large blood vessels, their walls may tear, the occurrence of blood clots. If you were injured large joints(eg, elbow, knee, hip, radius, and shoulder), impaired function motor system up to paralysis or paresis of the limb.

With such complications, medical assistance is necessary, as well as restorative gymnastic exercises to develop motor functions.


  1. A bruise is a closed soft tissue injury.
  2. In case of a severe bruise, immediately consult a doctor, but first apply cold and secure with a bandage.
  3. Ointments not only relieve swelling, but also anesthetize, eliminate bruises.
  4. Compresses can be used after elimination acute pain and severe swelling.
  5. When allergic reaction on any component of the folk remedy, stop using it.
  6. If after 2-3 days enhanced treatment unconventional methods did not help, make an appointment with a traumatologist to avoid possible complications.

In contact with

A contusion is a closed soft tissue injury. There is probably not a single person who has not experienced this type of injury. In most cases, bruises do not require treatment and heal on their own. As a rule, with a bruise, there is no violation of the integrity of the tissues, except for the rupture of small vessels (capillaries). But sometimes a bruise can cause significant damage, such as a head bruise. In addition, a bruise may accompany other wounds, such as a fracture. In this case, they talk about bruised wounds.

bruise symptoms

The symptoms of a bruise are known to everyone - this is sharp pain at the immediate site of injury, swelling and redness. In the case of a mild bruise, the pain subsides after a few minutes, and a hematoma occurs at the site of redness, which is popularly called a bruise. Hematoma occurs due to hemorrhage resulting from a rupture small capillaries. The size of a hematoma does not always depend on the strength of the bruise. The permeability of capillaries matters, as well as the place where the injury occurred. In people with increased capillary permeability, a slight bruise or even a careless touch can cause a significant bruising, while a severe bruise may not manifest itself. external hematoma, while internal bleeding will be quite significant.

Pain after a severe bruise is a more persistent symptom. The nature of the pain changes over time, from sharp at the beginning, when exposed to a traumatic factor, to aching afterwards. Pain that persists after an injury long time, is an unfavorable symptom and a reason to seek medical help, as it may indicate damage to internal structures (fracture, bruise with hemorrhage of an internal organ, ligament rupture, concussion, etc.). Most often, distant pain after a bruise is associated with the formation of a hematoma that compresses the nerve endings, especially when touching or moving the damaged part of the body.

A symptom of a bruised joint is its significant swelling. The symptom of a head injury is severe headache. It is necessary to know that if a loss of consciousness occurred during a head injury, even if it was short-term, or the victim cannot remember the moment of injury, this is a sign of a concussion. In this case, medical intervention is necessary, at least diagnostics for the presence of an intracranial hematoma.

If there is a chest injury, abdominal cavity or abdomen, the symptoms of a bruise can be quite formidable. Such signs of damage to internal organs, such as the appearance of blood in the urine, weakening of breathing, increased pain, clouding of consciousness, in a word, all increasing rather than decreasing symptoms of a bruise, should be the reason for immediate medical attention.

Consequences of a bruise

In the vast majority of cases, mild and even severe bruises pass without consequences, or the consequences of a bruise disappear without a trace within two to three weeks. However, there are situations when the consequences of a bruise can be quite serious. First of all, it concerns the already mentioned bruises of the head. The fact is that the cranium is closed space, and that hematoma, which in any other place of the body would resolve over time, without causing significant concern, in the skull leads to compression of the vital structures of the brain. In this case, the consequence of injury may be neurological disorders varying degrees of severity and localization, severe headache accompanied by nausea and vomiting, and even death.

One of the consequences of a bruise, although quite rare, may be the calcification of a hematoma. In this case, a seal remains in the soft tissues, which, when moving, can cause quite significant pain. In some cases a distant consequence bruising of the soft tissues of the breast in women or testicles in men may be the development malignant tumor these organs.

A serious consequence of a bruise is a violation of the integrity of a large vessel. In this case, a significant hemorrhage and even internal bleeding is possible, a thrombus may form, followed by a serious complication - thromboembolism, when blood clot with the movement of blood, a vessel of a smaller diameter enters and blocks it. Thromboembolism can lead to heart attack, stroke, necrosis of the internal organ, and death.

Also, the consequences of bruises of internal organs, for example, contusion of the heart, contusion of the kidneys, liver, and spleen, pose a significant danger. In this case, their various damages, violations of their functions, dangerous for life.

Given all of the above, bruises, especially serious ones, should not be underestimated.

Help for bruises

Everyone knows how to help with bruises, but not everyone knows how to help with bruises correctly. First aid for a bruise is to examine the damaged area, if it is a limb, then check its functions (flexion-extension, other movements). If there are only symptoms of a bruise and no more serious injury, cold should be applied to the injured area. It causes vasospasm microvasculature and helps stop internal bleeding.

It is better not to use painkillers, so as not to miss the worsening of the condition, in case of associated complications. However, if there is confidence that the bruise did not damage the internal organs, an anesthetic drug can be given, with the exception of aspirin ( acetylsalicylic acid). Aspirin should not be used to treat bruises, as it contributes to increased bleeding.

If there is a severe bruise of the head with loss of consciousness, a severe bruise of the lower back, abdomen or chest, in addition to applying a cold compress, the victim must be laid down and an ambulance called, or taken to the emergency room on his own, trying to immobilize the bruised place and keep calm.

It must be remembered that the cold is effective only during the first thirty minutes. Then the need for help with a bruise is to give rest to the bruised place. Two days after the bruise, soft heat is required on the damaged area. Attachment warm compress during this period, it provides blood flow to the site of injury, which accelerates the resorption of the hematoma without the risk of resumption of bleeding.

Treatment of bruises

Treatment of bruises is required when a bruise of considerable force has occurred. Bruises to the head, abdomen, lower back and chest require hospitalization in surgery department, where, after carrying out the appropriate diagnostics, a decision is made on further treatment injury. AT severe cases held surgery injury. Access to the damaged area is carried out either endoscopically or openly, ruptures of large vessels are sutured, ruptures parenchymal organs, the spilled blood is removed. The wound is then drained. In parallel, anti-inflammatory and painkillers are prescribed.

The treatment of a bruise in the regeneration stage consists in the use of physiotherapy in order to accelerate the resorption of the hematoma and the speedy recovery of damaged tissues.

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