Children's drops from the common cold protargol. Drops "Protargol" for the treatment of the common cold: the use of funds with silver

Protargol for children is one of the most safe ways infection control of the upper respiratory tract. This drug has an astringent and antiseptic effect, but does not cause dysbacteriosis, as well as other common side effects of antibiotics.

Please note that it is not a complete replacement. antibacterial drugs at severe conditions, and the question of the appropriateness of its use is decided by the attending physician.

The drug Protargol, used in pediatric practice, is an aqueous solution of colloidal silver. The active substance of Protargol is silver proteinate. This compound has pronounced antiseptic, anti-inflammatory and astringent properties, which allows it to be used in the treatment of purulent inflammatory processes in otorhinolaryngology, ophthalmology or urology.

The action of Protargol is based on the disinfecting properties of silver. The ions of this metal create unfavourable conditions for bacteria and viruses, so this drug effective at common cold, and with it bacterial complications. Due to the elimination of the pathogen, an anti-inflammatory effect occurs, and the protein component of the drug has astringent action reducing nasal discharge.

Silver ions actively suppress the process of reproduction of various strains of viruses, bacteria and fungi, and also prevent their penetration into the mucous membranes due to the fact that they create a protective film on surfaces damaged by the inflammatory process. Under the action of silver proteinate, vasoconstriction occurs and tissue healing is accelerated. Additionally, the drug acts as an immunomodulatory agent.

The drug has other tradename- Sialor. Both drugs are produced by domestic pharmaceutical companies.

Composition and form of release

The drug is available in the form of nasal drops containing a 2% aqueous solution. active ingredient- silver proteinate. Protargol drops for children are released in 10 ml glass bottles. The packaging is equipped with a special pipette, which ensures the convenience of using the drug.

There is another form of release - a weaker solution of Protargol (1%), as well as tablets that must be diluted in a special solvent before use in order to obtain a nasal instillation agent.

Protargol tablets are sold together with a solvent and a special vial. It is necessary to dilute the drug strictly according to the instructions. After dissolving the tablet, the composition must be shaken. It is not recommended to use water (even boiled) and kitchen utensils - this can lead to desterilization of the solution.

You need to store the drug in the refrigerator. A closed bottle is stored for two years, an open or prepared solution - 30 days.

The instruction does not indicate data on the pharmacodynamic and pharmacokinetic properties of the drug. It can be assumed that Protargol and its analogues, which have silver protein compounds in their composition, are not absorbed from the nasal mucosa, and do not have a systemic side effect. However, this fact remains unproven.

When is Protargol prescribed?

The drug Protargol is intended exclusively for external use, the use of the solution inside can cause poisoning. He is assigned as local antiseptic for mucous membranes. The main indication for use is the treatment of inflammatory processes in the nasal cavity and its sinuses, prevention similar diseases during the cold season. Indications for the use of the drug:

pharyngitis; adenoids; runny nose; manifestations of conjunctivitis; otitis; urethritis; cystitis.

A solution prepared from tablets is used for gargling with colds, influenza, tonsillitis, adenoids. It can also be used to treat infections urinary tract in combination with antibiotics.

Drops can be used to treat conjunctivitis, inflammatory diseases of the eyelids and eyelashes, to eliminate lacrimation. It is possible to bury Protargol in the eyes of a child only as directed by a doctor. For this purpose, only a ready-made solution is suitable. An aqueous solution prepared from a tablet should not be instilled into the eyes, since it is not sterile.

Protargol drops for children are used as prophylactic as well as for the treatment of inflammatory and infectious diseases paranasal sinuses nose.

Instructions for use

For the treatment of diseases of the nasal cavity, Protargol solution (2% or 1%) is used. The medicine is administered in the morning and in the evening, you must first blow your nose thoroughly. The dosage is 3-5 drops. It is necessary to carry out the procedure lying on your back or sitting with your head thrown back.

A solution of Protargol in the nose for children in the treatment of sinusitis and runny nose is instilled three times a day at a dose of 1-2 drops in each nostril for a week. If Protargol (2%) is used in the treatment of adults, then in children the concentration of the solution should be minimal. Therefore, they are prescribed a different form of the drug (1%) with minimum concentration active substance.

With otitis media, small patients are instilled with 3-5 drops of the solution in each ear up to 3 times a day. The duration of the course of treatment is determined by the doctor.

With eye damage, the dosage is 2-3 drops in each conjunctival sac. The frequency of use of the drug - three times a day for 7 days.

In urology and ophthalmology, a 2% solution is used. It is used for washing urethra, douching, instillation into the eyes. The dosage in this case depends on the severity of the disease that the patient suffers from. For gargling, Protargol is prescribed in solution, sometimes it is combined with other drugs.

In maternity hospitals, Protargol drops are used to prevent blepharitis and staph infection in newborns. The use of the drug in infants in other situations is a controversial issue in pediatrics. WHO recommends prescribing Protargol drops for children only from the age of 5, but it is in pediatric practice that they are of the greatest value.

That is why doctors often do not take this recommendation into account. In this case, both parents and the doctor need to be especially careful, follow the instructions for use and immediately stop taking the drug at the slightest hint of the development of side effects.

Although this remedy dispensed from pharmacies without a prescription, it should not be used without a doctor's prescription. Instructions for the use of Protargol drops for children several times focuses on the need for prior consultation with a pediatrician. This medicine has a number of contraindications and side effects that must be considered when using.


The drug Protargol is not prescribed during pregnancy and lactation. Its harm to the expectant mother and baby has not been proven, but in order to avoid a possible negative impact on the fetus, the use of this remedy is not recommended.

Also, the drug should not be used if you are allergic to any of its components. To exclude allergic reactions, you must carefully study the instructions for use.

Side effects, overdose

The use of the drug may provoke the following side effects:

irritation of the mucous membrane of the eyes or nose; burning sensation; tearing, redness of the eyes; dry mouth.

Perhaps a state of drowsiness and weakness, headache, decreased attention and mental performance. In some cases, when using the drug, there are allergic reactions. The most severe variant of an allergy to Protargol is anaphylactic shock.

Data on an overdose of the drug, as well as its interaction with other drugs, have not been received. However, a pediatrician should be consulted before using this remedy on a child. In addition, the doctor must warn that Protargol should not be taken orally and especially kept away from children and pets. At the same time, there were no cases of serious poisoning with Protargol.


nearest structural analogue Protargol, containing the same active substance - silver proteinate, is the drug Collargol. But the content of silver ions in Collargol is higher, so its effectiveness is more pronounced. At the same time, it should be borne in mind that the cost of Collargol is higher than that of Sialor (Protargol).

In addition, in pharmacies you can find many other drugs for instillation into the nose, based on various active ingredients that have anti-inflammatory, antimicrobial, antiviral effect. They are presented in various price ranges, sold without a doctor's prescription. Which one to choose depends on the patient's condition, the tolerance of certain drugs and financial opportunities. Analogues of Protargol, showing similar disinfectant properties, are the following medicines:

Azulan; Argosulfan; Aseptolin; Boric acid; Hexicon; Hexoral; Desquam; Hydrogen peroxide; Ferezol; Tsindol, etc.


You can buy Sialor (Protargol) for children in pharmacies without a prescription. The cost of the drug is quite high. AT pharmacy network the average price of a medicine is 250 rubles.

But, given that many nasal drops can cost much more for the same effectiveness, and cheap funds render less therapeutic effect, Sialor can be attributed to drugs that have an optimal ratio in the price / quality range.

Feedback on the application

Reviews on the use of Sialor in adults and children of various ages indicate that this remedy is safe to use, does not have a harmful systemic effect, except in cases of silver intolerance.

The drug has been successfully used in pediatrics for a long time, however, this does not eliminate the need to consult a doctor before using it.

Review #1

nose drops Protargol was prescribed to my baby for purulent rhinitis. At that time, my son was 5 years old. The drug is quite expensive, a small bottle cost 250 rubles.

It turned out that this is an aqueous solution of silver, I carefully studied the instructions before use, as I was afraid side effects. It is convenient to use drops, the bottle is equipped with a special dropper.

I instilled the medicine three times a day, 2 drops in each nasal passage. The problem was dealt with quite quickly, already on the second day of treatment, the amount of purulent discharge significantly decreased, and the severity of the inflammatory process too. Drops helped us adverse reactions didn't have it, used it for a week.

Hope, Moscow

Review #2

She was always with her daughter in the hospital. Now mothers in the ward are immediately with their children, and I think that this is right. I noticed that the very next day after the birth, the nurse was dropping something into the baby's eyes.

It turns out that in order to avoid infection, the eyes of newborns are treated with a weak aqueous solution of silver, and the drug is called Protargol.

Then I had to deal with him more than once. The pediatrician prescribed these drops for a runny nose, as well as a solution of Protargol, which we prepared from tablets for gargling.

Christina, Krasnodar

Review #3

We were prescribed Protargol for otitis media. I instilled this drug in my son's ears. It helps, quickly eliminates the inflammatory process and pain. The tool is quite expensive, and it is not subject to long-term storage.

The course of treatment lasted 7 days, almost half of the drug remained in the bottle, it was stored in the refrigerator, but after a month I had to throw it away. So, probably, there are much cheaper remedies for the treatment of otitis media than Protargol.

Julia, St. Petersburg

Protargol (silver proteinate) is a colloidal solution of silver, which is produced and used in the form of an aqueous colloidal solution, and has astringent, anti-inflammatory and pronounced antiseptic action. It is a powder (dry extract) containing 7.8-8.3% silver, from which one and / or two percent aqueous solution is prepared in the production departments of the pharmacy, which is used in the form of nasal drops, eye drops and washing solutions Bladder. This drug is actively used in the treatment of inflammatory processes occurring in ophthalmology, urology, otolaryngology and is prescribed for the treatment of inflammatory processes, including purulent ones - rhinitis, conjunctivitis, adenoiditis, pharyngitis, urethritis. The main positive qualities of Protargol is the absence of dysbiotic disorders intestinal microflora(intestinal dysbacteriosis) and lack of addiction. It is effective in the treatment of complicated rhinitis various etiologies- with prolonged purulent rhinitis, sinusitis, ethmoiditis and frontal sinusitis, for the treatment of recurrent and prolonged nasopharyngitis and pharyngitis, as well as for the treatment of adenoiditis and purulent inflammation of the middle ear. With predominantly purulent or complicated inflammation of the mucous membrane of the eyes (conjunctiva), as well as during therapy inflammatory diseases urinary tract (cystitis and urethritis). And to prevent the development of blepharitis in newborns.

Pharmacological properties of protargol and mechanism of action

The basis of the mechanism of action of protargol on the damaged, as a result of the inflammatory process of the mucous membranes or the surface of the skin, is the formation of a protective film that occurs due to the precipitation of proteins with silver, reducing the sensitivity of the mucous membranes, skin and activating vasoconstriction, which leads to inhibition inflammatory reactions. Also, silver ions have the ability to inhibit the reproduction various bacteria, fungal flora and, to a lesser extent, viruses. In a lower percentage concentration, the colloidal solution of protargol has a bacteriostatic effect, and in a higher one, it has a bactericidal effect on the bacterial and fungal pathogenic flora.

Indications for use

An aqueous colloidal solution of protargol is used to treat rhinitis of various etiologies (rhinitis, sinusitis, ethmoiditis, frontal sinusitis), inflammation of the mucous membrane of the eyes (conjunctivitis), for the treatment of pharyngitis and nasopharyngitis, for the treatment of adenoiditis and inflammatory processes of the middle ear (otitis media), in the treatment of inflammatory diseases of the urinary tract (cystitis and urethritis). And also for the prevention of the development of blepharitis in newborns.

Protargol release form

The drug Protargol is available in the form of 1% and 2% aqueous colloidal solution for local application.

This is one of the few drugs on the modern pharmaceutical market that must be used only fresh, ordering a solution in a pharmacy, and when the expiration date has expired, purchase a new solution of the desired concentration again. This is due to the fact that unique properties silver ions, which are contained in a colloidal solution of Protargol, provide its effective antiseptic effect, but it is very difficult to obtain active metal ions, because silver quickly turns into bound state. But it is precisely this quality that is used in the manufacture of dry extract. Silver is first associated with a protein substrate, which is then dried. colloidal solution, which was previously actively used in medical practice and has not lost its relevance and is currently obtained from a dry extract, which is dissolved in distilled water. As a result of the dissociation reaction, silver ions pass into the active state from protein complexes into water and due to which they easily penetrate into the bacterial and fungal cells, disrupting their vital processes.

Protargol solution is made in the production department of the pharmacy, which is engaged in the manufacture medicinal solutions from medicinal raw materials. In a small locality, usually pharmacies do not have their own production department that manufactures drugs, you will have to look for a nearby city and go for a drug where it can be prepared. Drops in a pharmacy are prepared by a pharmacist by simply mixing the dry extract with distilled water, and the preparation process itself does not take much time. But it will not be possible to purchase a dry extract and dilute it yourself, due to the fact that it is necessary to follow the preparation method and accurately weigh all the necessary ingredients. You can order and purchase Protargol only by prescription.

Also, before you start using Protargol, you need to know that this is a very effective, but not entirely harmless remedy that has side effects and contraindications, as well as exact compliance with the recommendations of the attending physician - dose, concentration, frequency of administration during the day and duration of use for various pathological conditions in children and adults.

Protargol application

This medicinal product is intended only for local use.

In the treatment of inflammatory eye diseases, Protargol is prescribed in the form of a 1% or 2% solution: for adults and children, two or three drops two to four times a day by instillation of the eyes.

For the treatment of urological infections (cystitis and urethritis), a 2% colloidal solution of Protargol is used, which is used to wash the urethra and bladder.

For the treatment of otolaryngological diseases (rhinitis, pharyngitis, otitis) for adults and children, a 1% or 2% solution of Protargol is prescribed from three to five drops twice a day, instilled into each nostril.

Special recommendations for the use of the drug in the form of a colloidal aqueous solution are - thorough washing of the nose (especially in childhood) before instilling the drug. After carrying out the toilet of the nose, the baby should be put on his back and drip the number of drops prescribed by the doctor into each nasal passage, adhering to the frequency of use during the day. Instillation of Protargol is carried out in the morning and in the evening, and the effect of this drug is manifested in two to three days. The duration of treatment with Protargol is determined by the attending physician.

Side effects of Protargol

It should be noted that this drug, like any other drug, can cause a number of side effects, especially if used in an inadequate dosage or for a long time and uncontrolled. These include: allergic reactions - irritation of the mucous membrane, pruritus, urticaria, atopic dermatitis, redness of the eyes, Quincke's edema or anaphylactic shock. You may also experience: dry mouth, numbness or burning sensation, headache, drowsiness or dizziness.


The use of the drug Protargol is categorically contraindicated in pregnant women and when breastfeeding, as well as in the presence of increased individual sensitivity to the drug or its components (in particular, to silver and its protein components).

This fact is the main reason for the significant limitation of the use of this fairly effective drug and the need for a thorough collection of allergic anamnesis. Therefore, adults and children with a high tendency to allergic reactions or with an unfavorable family history of allergies, as well as reduced immunity, Protargol is used only under medical supervision. In childhood, Protargol is used only in a 1% colloidal solution.

Also, parents of young children should be aware of the high toxicity of the drug when taken orally. Children up to three or four years old have incredible curiosity and practically total absence feelings of self-preservation and personal security, therefore, there are quite frequent cases when Small child uses inside a large number of drug, when using Protargol, this can lead to severe poisoning and even lethal outcome. In addition, it must be remembered that silver is a heavy metal that has a certain hazard class and a level of permissible concentration. Like most heavy metals, silver can accumulate and be slowly eliminated from the body with a constant intake. And getting into gastrointestinal tract, this chemical element by virtue of their physical and chemical properties, easily penetrates into the blood and spreads throughout the body. Silver can be deposited in the skin and mucous membranes, in the kidneys, bone marrow, spleen, capillary walls, cornea and lens of the eye and endocrine glands. The accumulation of silver in the human body causes specific disease called "argyrosis". Therefore, if the family has a small child, you should always monitor the amount of the drug and keep it out of the reach of children.

Protargol for children

Since ancient times healing properties silver people used to treat and prevent many diseases. Therefore, many parents who note the effectiveness of the Protargol solution, sometimes without hesitation, use it as soon as necessary - a slight runny nose, cough, or the onset of a viral infection. And this is not correct. Only a doctor should prescribe this drug, and it can only be used freshly prepared in a pharmacy.

Treatment with Protargol must be carried out with a full understanding of the benefits and risks of using this drug.

Currently, when choosing an effective drug in children, especially in the treatment of prolonged inflammation of the nasal cavity and its paranasal sinuses (rhinitis or sinusitis), parents are guided by the opinion of a trusted doctor - a pediatrician or pediatric otolaryngologist. Today there are a number of modern drugs- sprays and drops, which are defined by their manufacturers as completely safe and at the same time no less effective medicines than Protargol nose drops. But practicing physicians, who have the opportunity to really evaluate all positive traits this drug, and perfectly familiar with all its side effects - prescribe it in their medical practice often enough, because he copes with his task flawlessly and quickly. Possessing the spectrum positive effects- astringent, anti-inflammatory and pronounced antiseptic action, Protargol when applied strictly according to the instructions! - according to the prescribed dosage, concentration of the solution, frequency of use, duration and in accordance with the terms of implementation, is the most effective tool in the treatment of purulent inflammatory processes of the nasal cavity, nasopharynx, mucous membrane of the eyes or in severe purulent infections urinary system in children. The use of this drug in newborns avoids infection of the eyelids and the very frequent postpartum complications- the development of blepharitis in newborns. At the same time, Protargol, as a highly effective drug, quickly destroys any bacteria - gram-negative and gram-positive, aerobic and anaerobic, while it does not form addiction, and it does not cause intestinal dysbacteriosis.

Therefore, with good individual tolerance of silver and its protein fractions, which are used in this drug to bind its ions in the preparation of a dry extract, it is necessary to strictly control the duration of treatment, use the drug only when absolutely necessary and do long breaks between courses of treatment. In this case, complications such as argyrosis are completely excluded - a disease that is characterized by a change in skin color due to deposits in its cells of silver ions, accumulated in excess in the body.

Drops protargol

Protargol is a drug intended only for topical use in the form of drops, and is available as a 1% and 2% aqueous colloidal solution. It is used for the treatment of complicated rhinitis of various etiologies - prolonged purulent rhinitis, sinusitis, ethmoiditis, frontal sinusitis, with predominantly purulent or complicated inflammation of the mucous membrane of the eyes (conjunctivitis), for the treatment of recurrent and prolonged pharyngitis and nasopharyngitis, for the treatment of adenoiditis and purulent inflammation of the middle ear (otitis), as well as in the treatment of inflammatory diseases of the urinary tract (cystitis and urethritis). And to prevent the development of blepharitis in newborns.
In the treatment of inflammatory diseases of the eyes, Protargol is prescribed in the form of a 1% or 2% solution: for adults and children, by instillation of the eyes, two to three drops, two to four times a day.

For the treatment of otolaryngological diseases (rhinitis, pharyngitis, otitis) for adults and children, a 1% or 2% solution of Protargol is used by instilling three to five drops into the nose twice a day in each nostril.

The duration of treatment with Protargol is determined by the attending physician.

Where to buy protargol

Protargol solution is not a drug that is freely sold in the pharmacy network in finished form. It is made by a pharmacist who is engaged in the manufacture of medicinal solutions in the production department of a pharmacy. You can order and purchase Protargol only by prescription.

In a small village, pharmacies usually do not have their own production department that manufactures medicines, so you will have to look for a nearby city where there are such pharmacies, after consulting the pharmacy helpline in advance or information can also be found on the Internet.

Drops in a pharmacy are prepared by a pharmacist by simply mixing the dry extract with distilled water, and the process of preparing a colloidal solution takes a little time. But it will not be possible to purchase a dry extract and dilute it yourself, due to the fact that it is necessary to follow the preparation method and accurately weigh all the necessary ingredients.

Protargol price

Protargol is affordable for every patient, which is 70-80 rubles, but this is not the main advantage of this drug. Unlike a number of cutting-edge drugs - sprays and drops, which are defined by their manufacturers as completely safe and at the same time no less effective drugs than Protargol nose drops, they are inferior to it in terms of the spectrum of action on pathogenic bacterial microflora(gram-negative and gram-positive, aerobic and anaerobic microorganisms) and fungal flora. Also, it does not cause intestinal dysbacteriosis and addiction is not formed to it. And the combination of active anti-inflammatory and astringent effects only complement its quality, speed and effectiveness.

But it is also necessary to know, along with the fact that Protargol is a very effective, but not entirely harmless remedy that has side effects and contraindications, and also needs to strictly follow the recommendations of the attending physician - dose, concentration, frequency of administration during the day and duration of use with various pathological conditions in adults and children. Therefore, Protargol is not the drug of choice for initial stage runny nose or with a viral infection, the first manifestations of conjunctivitis, or even if sinusitis is suspected. It is only assigned to medical institution, after examination by a pediatrician, internist or otolaryngologist, in case of emergency or ineffectiveness of treatment by others medicines.

Protargol reviews

A solution of Protargol or silver proteinate is a silver-containing protein compound that has a pronounced astringent, unique antiseptic and strong anti-inflammatory effect. This agent has the form of a brown-yellow powder of a slightly bitter taste and odorless, highly soluble in water. The silver content in it is from 7.8 to 8.3%. From the powder (dry extract) in pharmacies, 1-2 or 5% solutions are prepared, which are used for topical application. The disinfecting (antiseptic) ability of the Protargol solution increases in proportion to its concentration. In the same relationship is the severity and frequency of side effects (the higher the concentration, the more risk). In this regard, this drug is not prescribed at the first manifestations of conjunctivitis, at the initial stage of a cold, or with a banal viral infection. In addition, its use is the exact observance of the recommendations of the attending physician - the dose, concentration, frequency of administration during the day and the duration of use in adults and children. Protargol is prescribed only in a medical institution, after a doctor's examination, in case of emergency or ineffectiveness of treatment with other drugs. For the treatment of complicated rhinitis with prolonged purulent rhinitis or sinusitis (sinusitis, ethmoiditis and frontal sinusitis), for the treatment of recurrent and prolonged nasopharyngitis and pharyngitis, for the treatment of purulent inflammation of the middle ear (otitis media) and adenoiditis. And also with predominantly purulent or complicated inflammation of the mucous membrane of the eyes, as well as in the treatment of inflammatory diseases of the urinary tract (cystitis and urethritis).

But it must be remembered that its use is possible only with good individual tolerance of silver and its protein fractions, strict control of the timing of treatment, and use the drug only when absolutely necessary, taking long breaks between courses of treatment.

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Runny nose - a big problem not only for the child, but also for the parents. modern medicine tries to produce new funds that help in a short period to save the child from this disease. The drug Protargol (instructions for use for children are described in detail below) is used in the treatment of adults and children, it is used to treat inflammatory diseases and does not lead to dysbacteriosis. The drug is recommended by many pediatricians, including Dr. Komarovsky.

In what cases are prescribed

This medication has wide range actions. Protargol is prescribed not only for the common cold and all kinds of rhinitis, but also for ear diseases. Indications for the use of the drug:

therapy with this remedy is possible with otitis media, it is used in combination with antibacterial medicines; with sinusitis, it perfectly destroys bacteria and fungal infections; medication is taken for adenoids in children.

Other indications for the use of the drug: pharyngitis, cystitis, urethritis, conjunctivitis and other infectious eye pathologies. Drops in the nose are used for infants with angina.

Important! From what snot is the medication prescribed? Protargol is recommended to take from the common cold, accompanied by the release liquid snot with a greenish tint. It is also prescribed for green snot.

From what age can children? For the treatment of rhinitis in babies up to a year, it is recommended to use Protargol 1%. If the child is more than a year old, a 2% type of drug is prescribed. For newborn babies, this remedy is undesirable to use, that is, the use of the medication is allowed from the moment the child is 6 months old.

Attention! The use of Protargol in children under 6 months is prohibited. If there is a need to use it, then only a doctor can prescribe a dosage.

Treatment with this remedy has side effects and contraindications, it is better to use analogues or other vasoconstrictor drugs.

What is the effect of the drug

Many pediatricians in recent times began to prescribe Protargol, and most do not explain to parents what kind of medicine it is. Let's take a closer look at the answer to the question: "What kind of medicine is Protargol?". The drug is a protein compound of silver ions. It quickly facilitates breathing, kills bacteria and contributes to the retreat of the disease. How does the medication work?

The action of a colloidal solution of silver ions is to provide antiseptic and binding properties. Getting on the nasal mucosa, the active substance of the drug binds proteins into compounds that form a protective film that prevents pathogenic microorganisms from entering the body. The drug quickly kills bacteria.

This film not only prevents bacteria from penetrating further into the body, it has the effect of restoring the nasal mucosa. Protargol has been used for several decades. Based on statistical data, the drug does not cause an overdose, side effects rarely appear.

The composition of the medicinal product

Silver nose drops unique composition. The basis of the drug is silver. There is also water in Protargol. In terms of metal, the children's preparation contains 7.8% silver.

As you can see, children's nose drops have a fairly simple dosage. In addition to water and silver, the preparation contains nothing else. Therefore, pediatricians actively prescribe medication to young children. However, the uniqueness of the drug does not mean the safety of the drug.

The medicine is produced in the form of a solution and a powder for its preparation. Concentration active component for babies is 1-2%, for adults they produce a drug with a dosage of silver up to 5%.

Method of application of the drug

Protargol for children can not be used alone. The drug is released only by prescription from a doctor, so in any case, you will have to show the baby to the local doctor or pediatrician. Instructions for children with a cold:

Before using Protargol, the nasal passages of the baby should be washed with any saline solutions. You can make it at home or buy it ready-made in a pharmacy. To remove excess secretory secretions, use No salt, Dolphin, Aquamaris and others available funds based sea ​​water or salt. You can use Protargol after washing no earlier than 5 minutes, you must wait until all the mucus comes out. Now you can apply the drops. For the treatment of ENT diseases, it is necessary to instill 3-5 drops into each nasal passage. The drug is used 2 to 4 times a day, depending on the course of the disease.

Important! Unfortunately, Protargol does not act instantly. The effect of the application medication will come no sooner than in 2-3 days.

How to apply to newborns? If the drug was prescribed for newborns, and the mother forgot how many drops should be injected into the baby's nose, then use the recommendations above, but when it comes time to use the medication, remember that small children under 1 year old should be injected 2-3 drops into each nasal passage.

Instructions for use should be given to the patient at the pharmacy along with the nasal instillation. It indicates how to drip Protargol for adults and children. How many days can a child drip this drug? The duration of therapy is 2 weeks. You should not stop using the medicine if the symptoms have disappeared after a week of using the remedy. It is necessary to complete the entire course of therapy.

Contraindications for use and side effects

Protargol solution is forbidden to use in some cases. Contraindications to the use of a medical device:

pregnancy and lactation, if urgent need use the medicine breastfeeding interrupt; increased individual intolerance to the components of the drug; should not be taken orally due to the high toxicity of the drug.

There are not too many contraindications for this remedy, but there are plenty of side effects. Side effects medication:

weakness and drowsiness; urticaria, pruritus, hyperemia (reddening of the skin); when it enters the gastrointestinal tract, the drug quickly penetrates into the bloodstream, causing dizziness, hyperemia of the mucous membrane of the eyes; migraine; anaphylactic shock; atopic dermatitis; swelling of the larynx; dryness of the mucous membranes of the oral cavity.

In case of ingestion of the drug or a severe overdose, the child's stomach should be washed immediately, an ambulance should be called and the attending physician should be informed about the incident. The drug does not affect driving, during the period of drug use, various factory mechanisms can be controlled.

Interaction with other medicines

There are no data on the interaction of Protargol with other medicines. It is known that the drug can be used simultaneously with other drugs. However, it is better to tell the doctor about the medications that you have already started taking in order to avoid unpleasant consequences.

The cost of funds and analogues

The price of a 1% drug is 9.80 rubles, the cost of a 2% drug is 150–175 rubles. If the pharmacy network does not have this drug, you can replace it with analogues. When replacing with another remedy, you should get medical advice before using other drops. Analogues for children:

Sialor; Argovit; Collargol; Vitargol.

Sialor or Protargol: which is better? Both drugs are identical in composition, act the same way. Here the difference is in the form of release, and that Sialor is an analogue. The best in this case is Sialor. This medication is produced in the form of soluble tablets, you can prepare the solution yourself, there is no need to run to the pharmacy five days after opening, as when using Protorgol.

Best before date

Protargol should be stored in a dark place, protected from children. The drug has a short shelf life. The shelf life after opening is 14 days, however, the effectiveness of the product decreases after 5 days. Therefore, it is better to change to a new bottle 5 days after the first opening of the drug.

When buying Protargol, pay attention to the expiration date, it is written on the sticker, where the concentration of the solution should also be indicated. Buy the drug only fresh preparation.

The drug Protargol is an effective and proven drug that helps to cure inflammatory, purulent processes. Widely used in otorhinolaryngology, ophthalmology, urology.

Available in the form of a solution - 1% and 2%. The advantage of Protargol is that it does not cause in children, which cannot be said about antibiotics.

In the article you can find instructions for the use of Protargol for children and find out how often you can use protargol drops, from what age you can give it, how many times a day to drip medicine into the child's nose, ears, eyes when comorbidities.

Composition of 1 and 2% solution

The active substance is argenti proteinas. The composition of the drug includes Excipients: purified water, imidourea, sodium phosphate, dihydrogen phosphate.

Physico-chemical characteristics - liquid Brown color, slightly opalescent (luminous) due to the silver particles it contains.

Release form - Protargol solution 1% and 2%; powder with 7.8-8.3% silver in terms of metal (drops of 1-2% are prepared from the powder in a pharmacy).

Dosage form - ear / nasal / eye drops.

Who is shown for which diseases to give

Protargol is an anti-inflammatory, anti-purulent, decongestant antiseptic drug for the nasal mucosa, ear canal, eyeball.

Protargol prescribed for the treatment of chronic lingering runny nose to prevent blepharitis in newborns and older children, as well as nasal congestion, sinusitis.

Methods of use (in the nose from a runny nose, ears or eyes), how to drip properly

For ENT diseases, before using the medicine, it is necessary to prepare the sinuses (or auricles) - rinse them with a syringe or pipette with an injection solution, remove mucus, purulent discharge, excess sulfur. After that, throw your head back (sideways - if we are treating the ear) and drip.

The smallest can not drip, but lubricate the mucous cotton swab drenched in medicine. Eye infections are treated with Protargol according to the same principle as ENT diseases - first, washing the affected area, removing excess moisture and pathological secretion, then instillation with medicine.

The treatment of children under 3 years of age can be significantly worsened by their lack of understanding and protest regarding the measures being taken.

It is better to carry out manipulations under the supervision of a health worker (if the child is very small).

Or ask someone close to you to hold the child while you clean his nose, ear or eyes and drip medicine.

In order not to inadvertently injure the delicate mucous membrane, not to cause the child more more harm, you need to use special baby pipettes, dispensers, cotton swabs.

note: Protargol is for external use only. If the drug gets inside, severe allergic reactions, intoxication and other backfire. Keep Protargol out of the reach of children. Use it strictly for its intended purpose.

Dosage, how often to take, from what age to use

Before using Protargol drops for children, you should carefully read the instructions. Self-medication with protargol drops can be harmful to health, so it is best to use this medicine only as directed by a doctor.

Many mothers are interested in the question: at what age can children drip Protargol? The drug does not have age restrictions: it can be used from birth, but up to 12 years only in 1% form.

How often can you drip (into the nose, eyes and ears) protargol to a child?

The instructions state that for children over 12 years old, you can use a 2% solution of Protargol 2-3 times a day, since the body at this age is able to better tolerate drugs containing silver.

Doses for children:

  • 0-5 years - 1 drop 2 times a day
  • 5-12 years - 2 drops 2 times a day
  • 12 years and older - 3-4 drops 2-3 times a day.

The above figures are indicative. Correct doses medicines are prescribed only by a doctor after passing tests, examinations and assessing the patient's condition.

How many days can a child drip Protargol? During long-term treatment silver ions begin to accumulate in the body, which is not very good for the body, therefore the course of treatment should not exceed 7 days.

How does the children's drug work, after what time is the result noticeable

The antibacterial effect of silver ions inhibits the growth of gram-positive and gram-negative bacteria, determines the precipitation of bacterial proteins.

It has an astringent and enveloping effect, constricts blood vessels, reduces the sensitivity of the skin and mucous membranes.

After application, the drug creates a protective film that inhibits and prevents reproduction different viruses and bacteria.

At correct dosage Protargol, the method of application and tactics for the treatment of rhinitis, conjunctivitis, and other diseases, already on the second day, positive dynamics will be noticeable in children - swelling and redness will decrease, itching will disappear, the amount of purulent, mucous secretions will decrease.

In particular severe forms disease improvements are observed only for 3-4 days.

If within 7 days treatment with Protargol did not bring relief and the desired effect, the use of the drug should be abandoned and consult a doctor for advice.


Do not use Protargol with weakened immunity, allergies, hypersensitivity to the ingredients of the drug.

It is undesirable to treat them for more than 7 days - this is fraught with addiction and intoxication of the body.

Medicine has today various methods treatment, but nasal drops effective method getting rid of the common cold and other diseases of the ENT organs are still relevant. With its conflicting reviews and mysterious composition, a drug called Protargol attracts attention.

Appointment of protargol for adults and children

This medication is prescribed for both adults and children, however, the latter are treated with protargol more often because of the special (it is believed to be harmless) simple composition. Despite the fact that protargol is most often prescribed for the treatment of rhinitis, its spectrum of treatment does not end there.

So, the medication is prescribed for the following diseases:

  • rhinitis (chronic and acute);
  • adenoids;
  • hypertrophic;
  • otitis externa;
  • conjunctivitis;
  • blepharitis in newborns;
  • cystitis;
  • gonorrheal chronic urethritis.

As you can see, protargol is used not only for the treatment of diseases of the ears, throat and nose, but also for urological and ophthalmic diseases.

This medication is prescribed for adults and children. The duration of treatment depends on the recommendations of the doctor - sometimes it can last up to several months, but this is not safe, given that silver accumulates in the body. Most people are advised to use it for no longer than 7 days.

Protargol during pregnancy and lactation

Protargol is not recommended for pregnant and lactating women. If it is used during lactation, then breastfeeding should be discontinued for the duration of treatment.

The composition of drops in the nose protargol

Protargol drops are known for their unusual composition. This is an antibacterial agent that disinfects due to colloidal silver, and at the same time does not lead to dysbacteriosis.

The composition of the drops:

  • water;
  • silver - 7.8% in terms of metal.

So, the composition of the protargol solution is quite simple. It is thanks to this that doctors actively prescribe it to children, however, this does not mean the safety of the drug and the absence of side effects.

How does protargol work?

This silver-based medicine has an astringent effect on the mucous membrane.

Protargol is also known as an antiseptic - it prevents the reproduction of bacteria by binding to their DNA.

Protargol relieves inflammation, so it is especially often prescribed for infections complicated by the common cold, otitis media and conjunctivitis.

How to replace protargol?

Sometimes doctors prescribe the use of protargol according to a scheme that has several courses with interruptions. After a certain time of use, the drug often causes side effects, and therefore there is a need to find a replacement drug.

Protargol has several analogues. They also contain silver, however, in a different form and concentration - these are the only differences between them.

Protargol - analogues
  • collargol;
  • argovit;
  • vitargol.

What is the difference between protargol and collargol?

The greatest similarity in composition can be seen between protargol and collargol. Their substances belong to colloidal silver in a finely dispersed state. These drugs are not as toxic as ionic silver drugs and are not as difficult to use: for example, ionic silver drugs create a burning sensation and irritation of the mucous membrane, while colloidal silver can cause the same effects, but not as pronounced. form.

Collargol differs from protargol in that the former has colloidal particles of metallic silver, and protargol is partially oxidized.

Collargol also differs from protargol in external data: the first medication is presented in blue-black or green-black plates with a metallic sheen, which dissolve in water, and protargol is a brown liquid.

Despite the fact that protargol has been used in medicine since the 40s, when it was not found and it acted as their substitute, it continues to be used today, believing that this medicine is less toxic than antibacterial agents. This is not true if protargol is used long time because silver is heavy metal, which is capable of poisoning the body when accumulated.

Old, time-tested drugs for the treatment of rhinitis, which include Protargol, are still found wide application and at correct use able to quickly and effectively alleviate the condition of the sick.

Release of ready solutions is made in bottles from dark glass; the medicine should be stored in places protected from light.

Understanding what Protargol is, what its mechanism and range of action is, will allow you to use the drug as efficiently and safely as possible.


Protargol is intended as a drug that exhibits antiseptic, astringent, anti-inflammatory properties:

  • For the treatment of inflamed mucous membranes in diseases of the respiratory system, namely the upper respiratory tract, in acute and chronic forms runny nose, adenoiditis
  • To treat the area with a purulent inflammatory process
  • For douching and rinsing urinary organs with urological infections,
  • For treatment with gynecological diseases, vaginitis, endometritis,
  • For treatment inflammatory lesions eyes, neonatal blepharitis

The drug is prescribed only for local use, the most widespread use is 1 - 2% aqueous solutions drug.

A dangerous drug is for people who show individual intolerance to the components of Protargol, in which it can cause manifestations of allergic reactions.

efficient and safe application Protargola will be only with strict observance of all the recommendations of a specialist doctor.

Drops Protargol for children

The appointment of the drug for the treatment of children, including, is carried out either by a pediatrician or an otolaryngologist.

An indication for prescribing a solution of Protargol to children, usually 1%, is the presence of a child:

  • Sinusitis
  • Purulent rhinitis
  • Adenoids
  • Conjunctivitis
  • Pharyngitis
  • Purulent inflammation of the middle ear
  • Purulent inflammation of the eyes


A direct analogue of the drug Protargol is Collargol, belonging to the same pharmacological group and disinfectants containing colloidal silver as an active ingredient.


  • Differs significantly more high content silver (up to 70%)
  • Demonstrates a smaller range of efficacy against pathogens than Protargol
  • The active substance of the drug is presented in the form of a different physical and chemical state of silver than that of Protargol
  • It is produced in the form of a powder, from which aqueous solutions are prepared in pharmacies; albumin is used as a stabilizer of the colloidal solution
  • According to the indications for the appointment, it is similar to Protargol

AT last years Attempts have been made to create more modern drugs based on colloidal silver, which would be more stable, which would allow them to be produced on an industrial scale in a ready-to-use dosage form.

Such preparations have been received. They contain silver in the so-called cluster form, more homogeneous, with a smaller particle size.

The drug is characterized by the ability to accumulate in body tissues. Exceeding the permissible concentrations of the drug leads to a condition called argyrosis, which manifests itself, among other things, in the irreversible nature of pigmentation skin. Treatment methods for the disease have not been developed.

AT high doses colloidal silver can be toxic. The use of Protargol at any stage of pregnancy is dangerous as in therapy various forms runny nose, and during therapeutic or prophylactic procedures for urological and gynecological problems.

Self-medication with a drug is absolutely unacceptable, only a doctor is able to choose harmless and effective medicines that do not pose even a minimal threat to the health of the mother and the unborn child.

Treatment of the common cold: principles

The presence of a huge number of drugs for the treatment of the common cold sometimes leads to a situation of their uncontrolled use, to attempts at self-treatment. Such steps are fraught with serious consequences and possible complications.

First of all, it is desirable to understand the characteristics of the drugs used to get rid of rhinitis, in their purpose.

Drugs may have the effect of:

  • Vasoconstrictor
  • Moisturizing
  • Antimicrobial
  • Antiviral
  • Combined

Each class of drugs has a specific method of application, dosage, permissible duration of use.

Attention should be paid to the contraindications of drugs, the admissibility for use different categories patients, depending on their age.

Application medications provides not only the removal of symptoms, but also the elimination of the cause of rhinitis.

The stages of rhinitis treatment are:

  • In the elimination of swelling of the mucous membranes
  • In restoring the patency of the nasal passages due to congestion
  • Relieving secretions from the nasal cavity
  • In recovery normal breathing through the nose

The effect of the application various means from a runny nose will be significantly higher if the nasal cavity is washed and cleared of secretions before using them.

The timely initiation of treatment of any type of rhinitis significantly alleviates the condition of the patient, prevents the transition of the disease into a complicated chronic form.