Types of herpes, symptoms and treatment. Symptoms of herpes in adults and children with different types of virus

From this article you will learn:

  • herpes virus: types,
  • herpes - symptoms and causes of the disease,
  • how to treat herpes - photos, drugs.

What causes herpes?

Herpes, which occurs on the skin of the face, the red border of the lips and the oral mucosa, is caused by the Herpes Simplex virus (herpes simplex virus).
It should be noted that the so-called simple herpes is of 2 types -

  • herpes simplex virus type 1 (HSV-1) –
    causes damage to the skin of the face, red border of the lips, mucous membranes of the mouth, eyes,
  • herpes simplex virus type 2 (HSV-2) - causes the so-called genital herpes.

Herpes: photo

What does herpes look like: at the beginning of the disease, you can observe the formation of blisters, which burst with the formation of erosions after a few days. If herpes has formed on the skin or red border of the lips, then the surface of the erosions is covered with crusts. If we are talking about the mucous membrane, then in this case the surface of the erosions becomes covered with a yellowish fibrinous film over time.

Herpes: causes

Where does herpes come from?
Initially, a child is born with immunity to the herpes virus. Specific antibodies to the herpes virus, which the child received with the mother's blood, gradually disappear from the child's blood. This occurs approximately in the period from 6 months to 3 years maximum. During this time, the child becomes infected with the virus from his parents, but as long as a high titer of antibodies in the blood remains, there are no clinical manifestations of the disease.

How is herpes transmitted?

  • through kisses (touching the face to the skin of the face),
  • while eating from one dish or one spoon,
  • when you use someone else's towel for drying,
  • when using personal items that a person with herpes has come into contact with, or even just a “carrier”.

The most contagious are people who have clinical manifestations of herpes. As soon as the blisters dry up, the risk of infection from such a person decreases. However, infection is possible even from a person who does not have any clinical manifestations, but is a carrier of the virus (i.e. during contact even with apparently healthy skin of such a person).

What causes herpes to flare up?

After infection, the herpes virus enters the nerve cells and spreads along the nerve trunks, through which the virus enters the nerve ganglia, where it will persist all its life as a dormant infection.

However, when exposed to certain factors (which are described below), the virus is activated, again moves along the nerve trunks to the surface of the skin, where it causes blisters, ulcers and sores. Relapses can be repeated once a year or 2 times a year (sometimes more often), depending on the state of the immune system and the nervous system.

Factors that cause herpes recurrence –

  • contact with a person who has clinical manifestations of herpes,
  • decreased immunity against the background of influenza or SARS,
  • hypothermia,
  • decreased immunity due to HIV, hepatitis, steroids, chemotherapy,
  • physical fatigue and emotional stress,
  • cuts and scratches of the skin in this place,
  • in women, a predisposing factor is critical days,
  • prolonged exposure to the sun.

Herpes: symptoms

A striking hallmark of herpes is the appearance of a group of vesicles filled with liquid. Before their rash, there is always an incubation period (lasting from several hours to a day), when there are no clinical manifestations yet, but the virus has already activated. During this period, you may feel itching or burning of the affected area of ​​the skin. Further symptoms depend on the location of the rash ...

  • Herpes on the red border of the lips (Fig.7-9) –
    lips and skin around the mouth are the most common localization of herpes. The bubbles that appear on the skin and the red border of the lips burst and dry out after 2-3 days. The affected surface is covered with crusts that persist for a period of 7 to 10 days. In no case should the crusts be torn off, because. removing the crusts can also lead to a new outbreak of herpes.
  • Herpes on the face (Fig.7-9) –
    foci of herpes can appear on any part of the skin of the face, which is usually associated with a violation of the integrity of the skin (scratches, cuts, abrasions). Typical localization - herpes on the cheeks and on the nose, earlobes, chin, forehead. The skin around the eyes can also be affected, but we have identified this type of lesion in a separate column.
  • Herpes of the cornea of ​​the eye, skin around the eyes (fig.13-15) –
    The herpes simplex virus can spread to one or both eyes, and most often this happens when you bring the virus with unwashed hands that have recently touched herpes-affected skin. Most often, the virus affects the upper layer of the cornea, causing keratitis in it. The conjunctiva, iris, and retina are affected less frequently. Associated rashes may appear on the skin of the eyelids, forehead, and nose.

    Symptoms: pain, blurred vision, sensitivity to light in one eye (if one eye is affected), feeling of "sand in the eyes". It must be borne in mind that eye herpes is very dangerous, and untimely or improper treatment can lead not only to dryness of the cornea and the appearance of scars on it, but also to impaired vision, constant pain, and even blindness and loss of an eye.

Common symptoms of herpes
primary herpes can occur with symptoms similar to the flu or SARS: fever, muscle pain, and even swelling of the cervical lymph nodes. But such acute symptoms are observed only in 10% of all cases.

Herpes: treatment

How to permanently get rid of herpes - currently there is no vaccine or drug that would allow you to permanently cope with herpes. Once infected, the herpes virus remains forever in the nerve trunks. However, there are specific medications that can help reduce healing time, reduce pain, and some can even reduce the risk of recurrence.

Features of the treatment of herpes in children and adults –
herpes - treatment in adults and children of middle / older age is no different. The choice of medications will depend solely on the severity of the manifestations of herpes and the state of the immune system.

When treating young children, it should be taken into account that it is difficult for them to take tablet preparations, including the treatment of the oral mucosa with a gel. Therefore, in young children, antiviral agents are used in the form of suppositories, for example,.

1. Treatment of herpes on the skin and red border of the lips -

Treatment of herpes of the indicated localization is carried out with antiviral drugs:
→ means that are applied to the lesion (creams, gels, ointments),
→ drugs that are taken orally (tablets),
→ less often means for intravenous administration.

  • Antiviral creams, ointments and gels
    the most common drug in Russia is antiviral. Preparations based on acyclovir: Acyclovir-cream 5% (Russia), Acyclovir-ointment 5% (Russia), Zovirax cream (Great Britain), Acyclovir-hexal cream (Germany), Acyclovir-sandoz cream (Switzerland) ...

    Creams and ointments with acyclovir should be applied to the lesion 5 times a day for 7 days (there are no contraindications for age). It should be noted that the form in the form of a cream is more preferable to the ointment, because. antiviral substances from the cream penetrate the skin a little better than from the ointment. Aciclovir is predominantly effective in patients who have contracted herpes for the first time only.

    Disadvantages of drugs based on acyclovir –
    acyclovir is a fairly old drug. Despite the widespread use in pharmacies, in about 10-30% of patients this drug is ineffective due to the insensitivity of virus strains to acyclovir. In addition, the components of the drug penetrate the skin very poorly to the site of virus reproduction, and acyclovir itself has a very low affinity for the herpes virus.

    Modern antiviral creams –
    these drugs include the cream "Fenistil-pencevir" based on the antiviral component "penciclovir" (Fig. 18). The drug not only has several times greater efficiency, but also extremely low resistance of virus strains to this agent (about 0.2%). The cetomacrogol and propylene glycol contained in the composition make it as easy as possible for the active ingredients to penetrate through the dead skin layers and crusts.

Important: tablet preparations, as well as for intravenous administration, should be prescribed only by a doctor. For patients with a suppressed immune system, it is desirable to use only drugs based on Famciclovir (both for the treatment and prevention of outbreaks). For patients with normal immunity, you can use tablet preparations based on Valaciclovir (both for treatment and prevention), but monitor the effectiveness of therapy.

2. Treatment of herpes of the oral mucosa -

Treatment of herpetic stomatitis can be carried out at home, but you must be sure of the correct diagnosis. Children are most often affected by this localization of a herpes infection, so parents often make a diagnosis on their own and start the wrong treatment. From experience, we can say that they often confuse the herpetic and aphthous forms of stomatitis, which are treated in completely different ways.

How to distinguish aphthous form from herpetic –
with the herpetic form of stomatitis, numerous vesicles appear, which burst after 1-2 days, and in their place multiple erosions of small sizes appear. With aphthous form of stomatitis, the cause of which in most cases is an allergic reaction, only 1 erosion appears (maximum two or three), but very large (Fig. 22).

Important: if you find it difficult to make a correct diagnosis even after reading an article with photographs of various forms of stomatitis (the link to which we indicated above) - be sure to contact only your dentist. If a child gets sick, there is no point in contacting pediatricians, because. From experience, we can say that pediatricians do not even know that there are not one, but several forms of stomatitis, and that they are treated in completely different ways. Therefore, it is worth calling only a pediatric dentist from a pediatric stomatology clinic at the place of residence.

Prevention of herpes

The best prevention of herpes is to avoid physical contact with a person who has active clinical manifestations of this disease. In addition, you can not use other people's personal belongings of a sick person, such as: lipstick or lip balm, dishes, forks / spoons, towels. If someone in your family gets sick, everyone should wash their hands regularly with soap and water.

You also need to avoid such provoking factors as stress or excessive tanning. If you notice that herpes jumps up with enviable regularity after a long exposure to the sun, be sure to use sunscreen and a special lipstick with UV protection. Abrasions and cuts of the skin in the area of ​​the mouth and the red border of the lips are one of the predisposing causes of repeated outbreaks of herpes.

If you have damaged the skin or the border of the lips, treat the skin with an antiviral cream for prevention. If you often suffer from colds, contact an immunologist to correct the immune system, and also always support the body in the autumn-spring period with vitamin preparations. We hope that our article: Herpes virus symptoms and treatment - turned out to be useful to you!

Herpes on the lips is a viral disease caused by the herpes simplex virus type I. This pathogen can affect the skin, mucous membranes, and the nervous system.

Statistical studies have been carried out, during which it has been established that approximately 65 - 90% of the world's population is infected with the herpes virus. Some of these people have an infection caused by the herpes simplex virus type I.

In the CIS there is no structure that would deal with the registration of cases of herpes. It is believed that at the moment about 290 million infected people live in the post-Soviet space.

Herpes on the lips is a seemingly “harmless” disease that affects the skin and leads to the appearance of blisters, unpleasant itching.

In fact, the herpes virus may pose a more significant danger to humans. It is able to affect the nervous tissue, blood cells, lead to a decrease in immunity, the growth of atherosclerotic plaques in the vessels, is able to activate the HIV virus and the growth of malignant tumors.

The causative agent of herpes on the lips

The causative agent of herpes on the lips is the herpes simplex virus type I (other names: Herpes simplex virus 1, Human herpesvirus 1, HSV-1, HSV-1), which contains DNA. The size of the virus is from 150 to 200 nanometers. The shape is like a cube.

The herpes virus type I is stable in the environment, and most people are highly susceptible to it. Therefore, infection occurs relatively easily.

In total, 6 species are distinguished in the herpesvirus family.

Types of herpes viruses:

  • Herpes virus type I mainly causes skin lesions above the waist. The most common localization is on the lips, in the mouth area.
  • Herpes virus type II predominantly affects the skin below the waist. It most often causes sexually transmitted infections.
  • Herpes virus type III causes shingles and varicella (chickenpox).
  • Herpes virus type IV Epstein-Barr virus is the causative agent of infectious mononucleosis.
  • Herpes virus type V- cytomegalovirus, causes cytomegalovirus infection.
  • Herpes viruses VI, VII and VIII types have not yet been sufficiently studied. Modern researchers believe that these pathogens are important in the development of various types of rashes, chronic fatigue syndrome.
Diseases most commonly caused by herpes simplex virus type I:
  • herpes on the lips;
  • herpes of the skin of the upper half of the body;
  • herpes of mucous membranes(most often the oral cavity);
  • ophthalmic herpes- herpetic eye disease;
  • genital herpes- rarely, more often caused by the herpes virus type II;
  • herpetic encephalitis- brain damage;
  • pneumonitis- inflammation of the lungs of a herpetic nature.

Causes of infection with the herpes simplex virus type I. Ways of transmission of herpes on the lips.

Infection with the herpes virus can occur from a sick person or a virus carrier. After recovery, the pathogen can persist in the body for a long time, and sometimes for life.

Ways of infection with the herpes virus type I:

  • contact: through handkerchiefs, during kisses, with close contact;
  • airborne: during close proximity to a person with a herpes virus infection;
  • sexual way: infection during sexual contact is relatively rare, it is more typical for type II herpes;
  • during transfusion of blood and plasma, infection of the fetus from a sick mother.

How is the herpes virus transmitted?

The first contact with the herpes virus occurs very early, most often in infancy. Infection is asymptomatic, but the virus accumulates in the body in nerve cells. It penetrates the skin or mucous membranes, then into the nerve endings, migrates along the nerves and accumulates in the roots of the spinal cord. After the virus has integrated into the genetic apparatus of nerve cells, its removal from the body becomes impossible. In the future, with the weakening of the body and the presence of appropriate conditions, herpes develops on the lips or on other areas of the skin.

What conditions are necessary for the disease to develop?

  • poisoning, living in adverse environmental conditions, occupational hazards;
  • frequent, chronic and severe infectious diseases;
  • diseases and pathological conditions of the skin;
  • AIDS and malignant tumors;
  • endocrine diseases: adrenal dysfunction, diabetes mellitus, etc.
Under the influence of these factors, viral DNA is released and activated. It begins to aggressively penetrate into human cells and causes appropriate pathological processes in them.

After suffering herpes on the lips, immunity is formed. But it is unstable - immune mechanisms are active only as long as the virus is in the body.

Outcomes of the disease:

  • the virus remains in the body for life without causing more disease;
  • herpes acquires a recurrent course: after recovery, the infection develops again.

Symptoms of herpes on the lips

The incubation period for this disease lasts from 2 to 8 days. After that, characteristic symptoms appear.

Variants of the course of herpes on the lips:

  • spicy;
  • chronic.
Signs of acute herpes on the lips
  • violation of general well-being, fever (not always);
  • lesions are located on the skin in the area of ​​the lips, on the red border, in the area of ​​the wings of the nose, can be located on the mucous membrane of the oral cavity;
  • redness;
  • puffiness;
  • severe itching;
  • against the background of redness and swelling, small bubbles with transparent contents appear;
  • gradually the bubbles open, dry up, a crust forms in their place, which disappears without leaving a trace;
  • bubbles can merge with each other, opening up, they form ulcers;
  • the duration of the disease depends on the patient's condition, his age, the state of immune forces, the presence of other diseases.
What does herpes on the lips look like?

Bubble Appearance:

Severe swelling and redness:

Opened bubbles:

Signs of chronic herpes on the lips Most often, chronic herpesvirus infection has a relapsing course.

Stages of chronic herpes on the lips:

  • Aggravation. There are the same symptoms as with acute herpes. But the bubbles are rare.
  • Remission. Subsidence of symptoms. There are no signs of the disease.
Factors that can provoke an exacerbation of chronic herpes:
  • hypothermia of the body;
  • decreased immune defense;
  • various infections;
  • exhaustion, chronic fatigue, starvation, hypo- and beriberi;
  • severe and chronic stress;
  • damage to the skin in the lip area (scratches, abrasions, etc.);
  • frequent use of cosmetics, lipstick, especially low-quality ones;
  • in women, an exacerbation can provoke menstruation.

A dermatologist or infectious disease specialist is engaged in the diagnosis and treatment of herpes on the lips. The manifestations of herpes on the lips are quite typical, so the disease is almost impossible to confuse with any other. Sometimes it is necessary to distinguish herpes on the lips from diseases such as herpes zoster, herpangina caused by enteroviruses (tonsil damage).

Complications of herpes on the lips:

  • Infection and suppuration. Most often, it occurs if the patient combs the foci, independently opens the vesicles, introduces bacteria (staphylococci and other pyogenic microorganisms) into them. At the same time, swelling and redness increase, severe pain occurs, body temperature rises even more, and general well-being is disturbed. A boil or phlegmon may develop.
  • Spread of rashes. Occurs with improper self-treatment, non-compliance with hygiene rules. Herpetic vesicles spread all over the face, appear in the area of ​​the shoulder girdle, on the arms.
  • Extension of the process to internal organs. The risk of this complication is highest in people with reduced immunity. Can develop herpes of the esophagus, cornea, trachea and lungs, bronchi, brain (the most severe complication).
  • Decreased immunity. The herpes virus contributes to a decrease in immune forces, as a result of which acute infectious diseases develop, and chronic ones become aggravated.

Diagnosis of herpes on the lips

The lesions have a characteristic appearance, so the diagnosis is easily established after examination. Errors are practically excluded.

If the doctor has doubts, then he prescribes laboratory tests:

Study title What reveals? How is it carried out?
Enzyme immunoassay (ELISA) Detection in the patient's blood of antibodies to the herpes virus. If antibodies are produced and present in the blood in a sufficiently large amount, then this is a confirmation that the pathogen is present in the body.
With herpesvirus infection, the content of antibodies in the blood increases with time. This can be identified by conducting two studies at a certain interval.
For research, blood is taken from a vein.

Polymerase chain reaction (PCR) Detection of virus DNA in the material. A study aimed at the direct detection of the pathogen. For research, they can take blood, the contents of the vesicles.
Immunofluorescence Detection of virus antigens in the material. If the pathogen is present, then as a result of the chemical reactions carried out, a glow becomes visible. For research, the contents of the bubbles are taken.

Complete blood count and urinalysis General clinical studies that are performed in all patients with suspicion of any disease. With herpesvirus infection, all indicators are normal.

Treatment of herpes on the lips

Usually, herpes on the lips is treated on an outpatient basis. Sometimes, with a severe course of the disease and the development of complications, hospitalization is indicated.

In most cases, ointments and gels with antiviral drugs are used to treat herpes on the lips.

medicinal product*
Description Method of administration and doses**
Acyclovir (syn.: Zovirax, Gerpevir) Acyclovir is an antiherpetic drug. It interacts with the DNA molecule of the pathogen, breaks it and blocks the reproduction of the pathogen.
For herpes on the lips, Acyclovir is applied externally as an ointment or cream.

Mode of application: apply an antiviral agent to the lesion 5 times a day. Treatment usually continues, depending on the doctor's prescription, 5 to 10 days.

Valaciclovir (syn.: Valtrex) Valaciclovir is the precursor of the drug. Once in the body, it turns into acyclovir. Valaciclovir is available as 250 mg and 500 mg tablets. It is able to turn into Acyclovir only after it enters the blood, under the action of liver enzymes.

Mode of application:
The dosage is prescribed by the doctor depending on the patient's condition and the severity of the disease. Usually take 500 mg of the drug (1 - 2 tablets) 2 times a day. The course of treatment lasts 5 - 10 days.

Allomedin The main active ingredient in the composition of the drug is Allostatin. It belongs to alloferons - new antiviral agents of plant origin.

The effects of the drug:

  • antiviral;
  • anti-inflammatory
The gel is applied to the affected area 2-3 times a day for 2-3 days.
Infagel Gel containing an antiviral and immunostimulating drug - interferon. It is most effective in the initial stages, when the patient is just beginning to be bothered by itching. Apply the gel to the affected area 2 times a day, every 12 hours. The duration of treatment is determined by the doctor.
Oxolinic ointment An ointment that has an antiviral effect and destroys almost all types of viruses, except for HIV.
Apply 3% oxolinic ointment to the affected area 2-3 times a day. Continue treatment for 2 weeks to 2 months.
Viru-Merz Serol Gel with antiviral action. Effective against herpes viruses I and II types. The active substance, which is part of the drug, blocks the attachment of the virus to the cell and penetration inside.
Apply the gel to the affected area 3 to 5 times a day.
Usually treatment lasts 5 days. If there is no improvement within 2 days, then you should consult a doctor to prescribe another drug.
Remantadin (syn.: Rimantadin, Flumadin, Algirem, Polirem). Antiviral drug. It is mainly used to treat influenza in the early stages. But it is also effective for herpes on the lips. Release form:
In the form of tablets of 0.05 and 0.1 g.

How to use:

  • adults and children over 10 years old: 1 tablet (0.1 g) 2 times a day;
  • children under 10 years old - at the rate of 5 mg per kg of body weight.
The duration of the course of treatment is determined by the doctor.
Famciclovir (syn.: Minaker, Famvir) An antiviral drug effective in herpes infection caused by herpes simplex viruses type I and II, shingles. Release form:
Tablets of 0.25 and 0.125 g.

Method of application (in adults):

  • with herpesvirus infection: 1 tablet (0.25 g) 3 times a day or three tablets (0.75 g) 1 time per day, the course of treatment is usually continued for 5 days;
  • with pain that persists after suffering herpes - 2 tablets (0.5 g) 3 times a day, the course of treatment is continued for about a week.

If a herpesvirus infection is accompanied by a decrease in immunity, then immunostimulating drugs are prescribed: Timalin, Timogen, Immunofan, Ribomunil etc. They must be taken strictly according to the prescription of an immunologist.
* Sources of information: "Medications", Mashkovsky M.D., fifteenth edition, Moscow, LLC "New Wave Publishing House", 2005
**Medication information is provided for informational purposes only and is not a guide for self-treatment. We are not responsible for harm to health and any other harm resulting from self-administration of the described drugs by the patient. Self-treatment without the participation of a specialist doctor is unacceptable, as it can lead to negative consequences.

How to treat herpes on the lips during pregnancy?

Herpes on the lips of a pregnant woman does not pose such a danger to the fetus as genital herpes (on the genitals, caused by the type II herpes virus). The mother's body produces antibodies that protect the fetus.

If symptoms of the disease appear, you should visit a doctor. The doctor will conduct an examination and prescribe treatment, guided by:

  • the degree of danger of herpes infection for the fetus;
  • the appropriateness of the use of antiviral agents and their danger to the fetus.
Drugs that are most often prescribed for herpes on the lips in pregnant women:
  • ointment Acyclovir;
  • Ointment Zovirax.
These funds, when applied to the skin, are practically not absorbed into the bloodstream and do not harm the fetus.

Precautions after the birth of a child, if the mother has herpes on the lips:

  • wash hands thoroughly before any contact with the child;
  • wear a gauze mask while feeding and caring for a child;
  • avoid contact of lesions with the skin of the child: do not touch him with your lips, do not kiss until complete recovery.
Traditional medicine recommends to get rid of herpes on the lips as soon as possible during pregnancy, eat a large amount of fresh fruits and vegetables, drink more fluids.

How does herpes on the lips in men affect the conception of a child?

Men are often interested in the question: is it possible to plan the conception of a child if there is herpes on the lips? The disease does not affect the quality of sperm, the virus does not infect it. Therefore, if a man has a disease, it is quite possible to plan a pregnancy.

How to treat herpes on the lips with folk remedies?

Folk remedy Description Mode of application
  • tincture of ginseng;
  • tincture of Schisandra chinensis;
  • tincture of aralia;
  • Eleutherococcus tincture.
Adaptogens are herbal remedies that activate the internal resources of the body, tone up, and increase immune strength. The body fights the herpes virus more successfully, recovery comes faster. Adaptogens are taken in accordance with the instructions included in the package with the drug.
Treatment with aloe and kalanchoe Aloe and Kalanchoe are house potted plants, their juice contains adaptogens. They are used topically to treat many diseases, including herpes on the lips.

Cut open an aloe or kalanchoe leaf. Apply with a fresh cut for 2-3 minutes to the lesion. Then update the slice and repeat.
Peppermint Peppermint contains substances that have a calming effect on the skin, reduce inflammation, irritation, and itching. Cooking method:
  • pour 1 tablespoon of peppermint with water;
  • boil for 15 minutes in a water bath.
Mode of application:
Lubricate the decoction of the affected areas up to several times a day.
Garlic Garlic cloves contain phytoncides - substances that can destroy various types of bacteria and viruses, including type I herpes virus.

Cooking method:
  • grate 1 - 2 cloves of garlic on a fine grater;
  • wrap the resulting slurry in gauze.
Mode of application:
Apply gruel wrapped in gauze to the lesion for a while.
Precautionary measures:
  • do not apply garlic to the lesions for a very long time;
  • do not rub the lesions with garlic;
  • do not sprinkle the lesions with grated garlic.
Failure to follow these precautions may result in skin burns.
Propolis tincture

Propolis tincture destroys pathogens, improves the work of protective mechanisms in tissues. It has cauterizing properties.

Propolis tincture is used to cauterize ulcers left in place of herpetic vesicles. To do this, use a cotton or gauze swab, cotton swab.

Some time after cauterization, a softening cream can be applied to the lesion. For example, from chamomile or calendula.

Fir oil Fir oil contains phytoncides - substances that destroy pathogens.

How to use: Apply fir oil in a small amount to the affected areas on the skin every 2 hours. It is worth remembering that fir oil can irritate the skin, increase burning sensation and other unpleasant sensations.
* Folk remedies cannot replace antiviral drugs for the treatment of herpes on the lips. Before using any remedy, you should consult a doctor, there are contraindications. The information is presented for informational purposes only and is not a guide for self-treatment. We are not responsible for harm to health and any other harm resulting from the independent use of the described products by the patient. Self-medication without the participation of a specialist doctor is unacceptable, as it can lead to negative consequences.
Foods that should not be consumed with herpes on the lips Products recommended for herpes on the lips
In case of illness, products containing the amino acid arginine, which is necessary for the reproduction and vital activity of the virus, are not recommended:
  • sweet, especially chocolate;
  • raisin.
With a recurrent course of the disease, in order to prevent another relapse, it is worth giving up alcohol.
For herpesvirus infection, products containing the amino acid lysine are recommended - it is believed that it inhibits the reproduction of the pathogen.

Foods high in lysine:

  • milk;
  • chicken meat;
  • fruit;
  • vegetables.
Zinc is a trace element that promotes faster healing of the skin. Therefore, it is also necessary for patients with herpes infection.

Products containing zinc:

  • pumpkin seeds;
  • mushrooms;
  • Brewer's yeast;
  • nuts;
  • oysters;
  • blueberry.
Other products recommended for patients with facial herpes:
  • bananas;
  • apples;
  • peaches;
  • currant;
  • citrus;
  • beef;
  • fish.

Activities aimed at increasing immunity:

  • treatment of all existing chronic diseases;
  • full sleep, rest;
  • complete nutrition;
  • taking vitamins, minerals (various vitamin and mineral complexes that are sold in pharmacies);
  • hardening;
  • the correct mode of work and rest, avoiding stress;
  • frequent exposure to fresh air;
  • sports.

Measures aimed at preventing the spread of infection and infecting other people

Herpes simplex virus type I is highly contagious. Therefore, sick people and people close to them must observe certain precautions.

Necessary measures:

  • You can not touch the place where the rashes are located with your hands. If you touch the hearth, you should immediately wash your hands thoroughly with soap and water.
  • Do not apply antiviral agents to the skin of the lips with your hands. Use cotton swabs for this.
  • You can not comb and squeeze, independently open the bubbles. This will lead to the spread of infection to neighboring areas of the skin.
  • The patient should have his own separate dishes, towels, other items that come into contact with the lips.
  • During the illness, you should refrain from kissing and oral sex.
  • Contact lenses and other items should not be wetted with saliva.

Vaccinations against herpes on the lips

There is currently no vaccination against herpes viruses. This is due to the fact that immunity is strong only as long as the virus is actively present in the body. In the absence of the virus, immunity is lost and new conditions for infection are created.

This is an intracellular parasite that is built into the genetic apparatus of cells for its own reproduction. This is the main feature of any viruses - they cannot reproduce without the cells of the "host" organism.

Externally, the human herpes virus manifests itself in the form of a blistering rash. Its other names - cold, fever - characterize the time of manifestation of the virus. It is activated when the body's defenses are weakened. If pimples-vesicles appear on the genitals, then such a manifestation of the virus is called a sexual infection. It is transmitted sexually.

Note: in addition, another type of herpes is known - chickenpox. It also has the appearance of a blistering rash and is transmitted by airborne droplets over a long distance.

First, the virus is attached to the cell epithelium by the so-called "spikes". In this case, the detachment of the virus from a healthy cell and its non-infection is possible, doctors call this process “reversible adhesion”. If detachment does not occur, the virus envelope fuses with the human cell membrane. The virus then enters the nucleus and injects its DNA into it. After 24 hours, the infected cell becomes a source of new viruses. They are released into the blood and carried throughout the body. The human cell itself dies.

Carriers of the herpes virus - 95% of the world's population

The virus in the blood of an infected person is not the only problem of a herpes infection. Worse another. From the blood, herpes penetrates into the nerve fibers and their plexuses - the ganglia. Here it is protected from any effects of immunity (antibodies and interferons). In addition, herpes (unlike other viruses) inhibits phagocytosis (the production of the body's natural defenses - its own interferon). Here, in the ganglia of the spinal cord, herpes remains for life, even after blocking its reproduction and suppression of the acute stage of the disease. This explains the fact that once infected, a person becomes a carrier and source of herpes for life.

The virus in the body is stored in the ganglia of the spinal cord. Where is he in sleep (medical terminology - latent) state. And it is activated when immunity decreases (colds, infection with another virus, inflammation, allergies or alcohol, cigarettes, drugs.

Having become infected with herpes in early childhood or preschool age, a person becomes a virus carrier. Some carriers often show up(rashes with colds and inflammations), in others - rarely or not at all. However, statistics confirm the fact that the world's population is infected with the herpes virus by 98%.

Herpes virus: varieties

Infection or transmission of the virus occurs from a sick person to a healthy person. At the same time, the susceptibility of the body of an infected person, the level of his immunity is important. As mentioned earlier, the virus can attach to the shell of a healthy cell and then fall off (“reversible adhesion”) without the formation of infection and carriage.

When infected, the virus seeks to enter the human blood. Together with the blood flow, it gets the opportunity to reach any organs, tissues and cells. To penetrate into the bloodstream, herpes uses any means available to it: airborne, contact and sexual infection. He does not disdain any opportunity to get a new space for life and multiply as much as possible in human cells.

According to the characteristics of infection and external manifestations, eight types of herpes are distinguished. that can destroy human cells. All other types (their modern science has counted about 80) are not terrible for a person, since they do not multiply in human cells. The most common is the herpes simplex virus.

What is Herpes Simplex Virus: Oral and Genital Infection

Herpes virus types 1 and 2 are called simple(in Latin designation - simplex or simplex). Herpes virus type 1 (or HSV-1, or nerpes simplex virus HSV-1) is called oral, oral, labial, labial. He prefers the skin on the lips (along their edge) and the nasolabial triangle. But it can also appear on the mucous membranes of the eyes, nose, genitals (especially after oral sex), on the skin of the hands and fingers. The herpes simplex virus in children often manifests itself along with seasonal colds and influenza epidemics.

Note: Herpes simplex virus is transmitted mainly by contact (kissing, touching). Often, infection occurs asymptomatically in the first year of life from the next of kin (during care, bathing, swaddling).

The herpes virus type 2 or HSV-2 is located on the genitals, and therefore received the name genital. The second type of herpes virus is classified as a sexually transmitted infection. The genital herpes virus in men is less likely to form than in women.

When diagnosed " herpes simplex virus type 2» treatment is based on stimulating the immune system and the use of a specific antiviral drug (which acts specifically against herpes).

The third virus is the causative agent of chickenpox

In addition, widespread herpes virus type 3 - Zoster(in Western terminology varicella zoster). In the body of children, it manifests itself as the ubiquitous chickenpox. In adults, the carriage of the virus can be expressed as shingles (it has nothing to do with ringworm from stray animals). Zoster is a virus of herpes zoster and chickenpox, called volatile. It is transmitted by airborne droplets, capable of infecting a new organism at a distance of 50 m.

Other types of herpes

All other types of human herpes are not as well understood as the previous oral, genital and varicella.

Herpes virus type 4 - called the Epstein-Barr virus(abbreviated as VEB). It causes a disease that doctors call infectious mononucleosis, with damage to the human lymphatic system.
Herpes virus type 5 - called cytomegalovirus (CMV). In case of illness, cytomegaloviruses penetrate through the saliva (kiss) and salivary glands of a person, here they are stored in a dormant form. However, they can also penetrate into other organs, be stored there (for example, in women - on the mucous membrane of the cervix). The cytomegalovirus virus in children often manifests itself as a sluggish long flu.

Note: with the diagnosis of cytomegalovirus virus, the treatment consists in taking or injecting antiviral drugs (acyclovir is the most tested drug that has been tested and is recommended even for pregnant women).

Herpes simplex virus type 6 or HHV-6- is the causative agent of exanthema (other names for the disease are baby roseola and pseudorubella). This disease is expressed in fever and rash. Type 6 virus is transmitted more often by airborne droplets and manifests itself in children under the age of 2 years. The herpes virus type 6 has two subspecies - virus A and B, which are stored mainly in the salivary glands and on the nasopharyngeal mucosa. The herpes virus type 6 in a child often manifests itself against the background of other diseases (ARVI, inflammation, dysbacteriosis or intestinal infection). It significantly aggravates any inflammatory processes, catarrhal infections.

Tip: with the diagnosis of "herpes virus type 6", the treatment in the child will be aimed at combating the virus and counteracting the symptoms of the disease (rash and fever). Panciclovir, foscarnet are used against the virus, treatment with an antiseptic (miramistin) against the rash, means to reduce it against the temperature.

Herpes virus type 7 (HHV-6, HHV-6)- a factor that is poorly studied by the theory of modern medicine. It is only known that it settles on human lymphocytes and contributes to the appearance of immunodeficiency, chronic fatigue syndrome, as well as enlarged lymph nodes. Also causes pseudorubella in older children.
Herpes virus type 8- also a little-studied type of virus, doctors suggest that it is one of the consequences formed AIDS or cancerous tumors.

Coxsackievirus is not a herpes infection

Besides, is not herpes, but has similar manifestations of the Coxsackie virus rash. His eruptions look like red spots and sores on the palms, feet and around the mouth. According to the localization of the rash, the virus received the second name " hand-foot-mouth". His first manifestations of the virus are often confused with chickenpox rashes.

If you have been diagnosed with Coxsackievirus, in adults, treatment will use general antiseptics and antipyretics. In children, additional antihistamines are prescribed (to reduce itching). There is no specific treatment for the Coxsackie virus.

The DNA of different herpes viruses is different. So the DNA of the herpes virus type 7 differs from HSV, EBV, Zoster, cytomegalovirus by 50-70%. The degree of homogeneity (similarity) of various viruses is only 30-50%. This suggests that specific antibodies are needed to treat each type of virus. And the presence of antibodies against one type of herpes does not guarantee protection against another type.

Herpes virus: how is it transmitted?

  • contact mode of infection- various touches, kisses, sexual life, as well as through common dishes, towels, bedding, clothes, as well as when a child passes through the birth canal from a sick mother. Important: the dormant virus is in a latent (inactive) state. For infection, an exacerbation of the disease with an external manifestation of a blistering rash and wounds is necessary. It is the rash that becomes the source of infection for the surrounding people. The carriage of simple viruses HSV-1 and HSV-2 is transmitted by contact. Moreover, the oral virus can successfully settle on the genitals, and the genital one - on the lips and other open parts of the body. These viruses interchange with each other on different parts of the body (which is often seen in those who practice oral sex).
  • Airborne infection. This is the most likely way to get chickenpox and one of the possible ways to get oral herpes.
  • Infection through blood- this method is possible through microtraumas, scratches and cuts, or during pregnancy, or during medical procedures (for example, during blood transfusion).

With low immunity, the primary infection forms a high temperature and multiple rashes. And in children - lethargy and capriciousness. Primary infection with herpes can also be asymptomatic. With strong immunity, protective forces produce the necessary antibodies and block the reproduction of the virus. In this case, the person does not know that he has become a virus carrier.

Secondary manifestations of infection, as a rule, cause a lower temperature. This is due to the fact that the body has already encountered this virus and knows how to deal with it. In this case, secondary rashes are possible in any part of the body. The dormant virus is located in the spinal cord and spreads along the nerve fibers to any organ.

Herpes simplex virus and pregnancy

The herpes virus during pregnancy does not always manifest itself in the form of a blistering rash. According to medical examinations, a rash forms in only a third of women. The presence of rashes also depends on the state of immunity.

Herpes simplex virus in pregnant women can be a recurrence of infection or a primary infection.. The reaction of the immune system, the type and amount of antibodies produced and, most importantly, the level of negative consequences for the child in the womb depend on whether the woman had previously had contact with a carrier of the infection or whether she became infected for the first time during pregnancy. How does the herpes virus affect pregnancy?

A recurrent (repeated) virus is not dangerous for an infant herpes simplex. During pregnancy, the mother's blood contains a sufficient amount of antibodies that can protect the baby from infection (there is a risk of infection, but its probability is only 5%). There is a high risk of infecting a child during childbirth, when passing through the birth canal (if at that moment the woman has blisters). In such cases, the woman is offered a caesarean section.

If a relapse appeared from oral herpes, then infection of the baby during childbirth has a low probability.

Why is the herpes virus dangerous?

The primary herpes virus during pregnancy has sad consequences. Due to the lack of antibodies, it penetrates from the mother's blood into the blood of the developing fetus, causing deformities and other disorders in it, often incompatible with life. The primary herpes virus in the blood during pregnancy often causes spontaneous miscarriages or severe damage to the developing brain.

However, even here the risk of infection is not one hundred percent. According to medical studies, the risk of severe complications is 75%. In this case, the immunity of the mother plays an important role. It can block the reproduction of the virus even during the initial infection.

The most dangerous is the infection of a pregnant woman with herpes in the absence of antibodies to this disease. That is, those rare situations when the expectant mother did not become a carrier of the HSV-1 virus or Zoster in childhood and first became infected with it during the bearing of the baby. Or even rarer cases when a woman during pregnancy got a new sexual partner and became infected from him with the genital HSV-2 virus.

How to determine what you have - a primary infection or a relapse? After all, even with the first infection, a high temperature is not necessary, and relapses happen without an obvious carriage?

The most reliable answer will give a blood test for immune bodies and enzymes - ELISA.

ELISA blood test for the presence of IgG and IgM antibodies

The first time a virus enters the body, the immune system begins to produce antibodies. At the same time, specific antibodies remain in the human body, which will further control the reproduction of the virus.

The first antibodies that appear in a person's blood during infection are referred to as IgM by doctors.. With their help, the immune system blocks the vital activity of the virus.

In the future, to control herpes in a dormant state, other types of antibodies are produced - IgG. The amount of IgG antibodies indicates the relationship of the body with the dormant virus. If there are a lot of these antibodies, it means that immunity has fallen and the virus is out of control. Thus, a sharp increase in the IgG index or its high values ​​in a blood test for ELISA (immunoenzymes) is a sign of activation of chronic herpes, relapse.

Note: The term "herpes simplex virus igg (or IgG) - refers to a recurrence of infection, which is blocked by group G antibodies. The analysis for herpes simplex virus igg - positive - in chronic infection (virus carrier). As practice shows, this analysis gives positive results in 95% of the population.

Herpes virus: symptoms of manifestation

What does the herpes virus look like? External manifestations of a herpetic rash differ from other types of rashes. These are bubbles that burst and turn into sores.. Subsequently, nearby wounds can merge into one weeping spot under the crust. At the same time, until the virus is completely neutralized, the wounds do not heal, ooze, hurt, itch.

Formed wounds - a source of infection for the people around. Before the formation of wounds, a person - the carrier of the infection is able to infect only with close contact of the mucous membranes (kiss and sexual intercourse) or in the presence of skin lesions (abrasions, scratches). After the bubbles with purulent exudate have burst, the person becomes a source of easy infection for the people around him.

In acute herpesvirus type 1 and 2, the symptoms are pronounced. We list the most important signs by which you can distinguish herpes from other viruses, colds or flu:

  • Itching and burning - appear before the bubbles. These are the first symptoms of herpes. If you are prone to cold sores, start taking antivirals as soon as you feel the first burning sensation and discomfort.
  • Redness and swelling - appears in places of a future rash.
  • The rash looks like bubbles, which can be located in groups.
  • After a few days, the bubbles burst, the liquid flows out, and a crust forms.
  • 12-14 days after the first symptoms appear, the crusts and wounds heal (unless a bacterial infection has joined).
  • Also in the area of ​​​​rashes, lymph nodes increase.
  • Temperature rise is possible.

The herpes virus in children manifests itself more easily than in adults. This is especially noticeable during the first infection. Everyone knows that harmless chickenpox ( herpes virus type 3), which most preschool children tolerate without complications, can be a very serious, and even fatal disease for adults.

For the herpes virus in children, symptoms of fever, lethargy, moodiness may be the only sign of illness. In this case, it is difficult to determine whether it is herpes. For treatment, you can use general means of raising immunity (vitamins, human interferon).

Herpes virus in the blood: treatment

A few decades ago, doctors did not know how to treat viruses. The complexity of therapy was that viruses penetrate inside a living cell, and they can be destroyed only together with the cell. Then how to treat the herpes virus so that the losses of the body are minimal?

Modern medicine offers a number of drugs against herpes infection. The "grandfather" of modern anti-herpes drugs is acyclovir and medicines based on it.

Acyclovir is a relatively inexpensive drug that loses its high efficacy when used repeatedly. The virus mutates, adapts to the means of struggle and control. Therefore, drugs based on acyclovir are most effective at the first manifestations of the rash.

If you are deciding how to treat a virus in a child, you can safely turn to drugs that contain acyclovir. These are Acic, Virolex, Gerpevir and Herpesin, Zovirax, Lizavir, Supraviran, Citivir. For the first time, treatment with this antivirus will be affordable and effective.

Herpes simplex virus: how to treat relapses

How to kill the herpes virus so that the number of relapses is reduced to at least one per year? To do this, it is necessary to act in several directions:

  • Raise and maintain your own immunity. In addition to general measures to improve the regime of the day and nutrition, it is necessary to take probiotics and human interferon;
  • Limit the activity of the virus with an effective antiviral agent; It is necessary to start taking it as soon as you suspect something was wrong (redness or itching, burning appeared).
  • Remove the virus from human blood.

It is important to know: the body itself fights the virus, sooner or later it takes control of the uninvited guest. But with infection or recurrence of the herpes virus, treatment speeds up recovery.

How to cure the herpes virus in the blood?

The most effective is the treatment of the virus in human blood. For him, take antiviral pills or make similar injections. They act directly on the virus. Such treatment is supplemented by taking interferon, which in combination allows you to take control of the vital activity of the virus, remove it from the blood and preserve it in the nerve plexuses.

What is the herpes virus afraid of? What means are the most effective in combating it? This is a group of generic acyclovir drugs:

  • Valaciclovir (Valtrex) - tablets.
  • Penciclovir (Vectavir, Fenistil Pencivir) - ointments.
  • Famvir (tablets).

The effectiveness of their use also depends on the timeliness of the start of treatment. The sooner you start taking an antiviral agent, the easier it is for the body to block the reproduction of the virus.

Herpes virus: treatment with folk remedies

Natural first aid kit uses the following tools to fight the virus:

  • Garlic and herb wormwood (inside 3-4 times a day) - antiviral treatment, blood purification.
  • Wound healing with tea tree oil, aloe, propolis.

If you have a herpes virus, treatment will speed up your recovery and prevent new infections from coming back. Therefore, treating herpes is better than not treating it. Use your choice of pharmaceutical preparations or traditional medicine.

Herpes (Herpes) - translated from Greek as "a creeping, prone to spread skin disease." The disease is caused by the Herpesvirales virus, it is characterized by skin blisters all over the body and mucous membranes. Types of herpes depend on its location and pathogen, there are about 200 varieties in total, but a person is subject to only 8 of them. Each type has its own signs and causes. Types 7 and 8 of herpes are still not fully understood.

Herpes type 1

HHV 3 transmission routes:

  • through common items;
  • when talking, coughing, sneezing, yawning, kissing (even a friendly one).

How chickenpox manifests itself (symptoms):

  • unbearably itchy skin;
  • the temperature rises;
  • vesicles throughout the body.

The rash spreads over the skin where the affected nerves are located. The duration of the disease is about 14 days. A person who once had chickenpox becomes a carrier of the virus for life.

  • along the nerve processes, a person feels itching, burning and severe pain;
  • the general body temperature rises and weakness appears;
  • the affected areas are inflamed for 3 days;
  • on the 2-3rd day, a group of bubbles form at the same place.

Important! The duration of the illness is approximately 2 weeks. One of the consequences of herpes zoster is inflammation of a nerve node or several nodes (inflammation of the ganglia).

Treatment of patients with chicken pox or shingles is carried out either in the inpatient department or at home. Therapy is based on the intake and use of antiviral drugs, immunostimulants, vitamins. With chickenpox, vesicles are lubricated with brilliant green or Fukortsin.

Herpes 4 types

Epstein Barr virus and Human herpes virus type 4 (EBV or EBV). Herpetic infection is the source of mononucleosis. The infection affects the nasopharynx, lymph nodes, spleen and liver. Formations can lead to cancerous formations. The consequences of the transferred Epstein Barr virus are also otitis media, sinusitis, damage to the heart muscles, inflammation of the liver and brain.

Ways of infection:

  • airborne;
  • domestic;
  • sexual contact (including oral caresses).

The maximum amount of the virus is released during breathing and coughing. Teenagers and young adults are most susceptible to this disease.

The duration of the period from the entry of the virus into the body for its first symptoms is from 5 days to 7 weeks.

Symptoms of mononucleosis:

  • hyperthermia (increased body temperature);
  • swelling, inflammation and pain in the nasopharynx and;
  • pain in muscles and joints;
  • tonsils covered with white coating;
  • the formation of vesicles on the skin and mucous membranes;
  • the level of lymphocytes in the blood increases.

Diagnosis of Human herpes virus type 4 is carried out using PCR. With a positive analysis, the patient is observed by 3 specialists (immunologist, infectious disease specialist and ENT).

The disease is able to pass on its own, but it is better not to wait for this moment, as complications may arise and undergo the necessary course of treatment. Therapy of mononucleosis with mild and moderate forms is carried out at home, but the patient is isolated from others. If the case is severe, then hospitalization will be required.

There is no specific treatment regimen for type 4 herpes. Therapy is aimed at eliminating the symptoms.

Herpes type 5

Herpesvirus 5 strain (Human herpesvirus 5, cytomegalovirus, HCMV-5) is characterized by a latent form. Symptoms are more pronounced when the immune system is weakened. Men may not be aware that they are carriers of HCMV-5 for a long time. The disease affects the liver, spleen, pancreas, central nervous system and eyes.

How infection occurs and how it is transmitted:

  • with breastfeeding (HB);
  • in the womb;
  • with blood;
  • with saliva (kiss);
  • during sexual intercourse.

The period of time from the entry of the pathogen into the body until the manifestation of primary symptoms is 60 days.

Signs of herpes type 5:

  • elevated temperature;
  • headaches, pain in the joints and in the larynx.

Important! Despite significant soreness, the tonsils and lymph nodes do not succumb to inflammation.

The real danger of the disease is for HIV-infected people, as well as organ transplant recipients, cancer patients and those taking cytostatic drugs.

Cytomegalovirus also has negative consequences for pregnant women. Expectant mothers can give birth to a child with congenital pathologies (dysfunction of the brain, hearing, vision, breathing and digestion, skin problems and retarded development). Possibly a stillbirth.

To identify or exclude the presence of cytomegalovirus in a pregnant woman, it is necessary to do an ultrasound of the blood flow in the vessels of the umbilical cord and uterus, determine a pathologically small amount of amniotic fluid, measure heart rate, detect fetal developmental delays and abnormal development of internal organs. It is also important to undergo laboratory research methods (PCR, serological diagnostics).

The goal of treatment is to eliminate the symptoms of the disease, increase and correct immunity.

Herpes type 6

Herpesvirus 6 strain (HHV-6, HHV-6) is a DNA-containing virus.

There are 2 subtypes of HHV-6:

  1. Subtype "A" (VGCh-6A). People with immunodeficiency are more susceptible to it. In adults, it leads to multiple sclerosis (a chronic autoimmune disease), chronic fatigue, nervous system dysfunction, and viral progression.
  2. Subtype "B" (VGCh-6B). Children are often exposed to this subtype. The disease progresses to roseola infantum (the sixth disease, pseudorubella).

Important! In the absence of proper treatment of both subtypes, disability and isolation from society are inevitable.

Signs and symptoms:

  • small rashes (which is unusual for other types, the rash is not necessarily accompanied by itching, but the disease can also occur in an atypical form);
  • hyperthermia;
  • lack of appetite;
  • apathy, depression;
  • irritability;
  • enlarged lymph nodes;
  • change in gait (unstability, lack of coordination, unsteadiness);
  • diarrhea or constipation;
  • dysfunction of the organs of vision;
  • problems with speaking;
  • sudden changes in mood;
  • distraction;
  • impaired perception and changes in sensitivity;
  • convulsions.

If at least once, then the virus remains for life in a latent form and does not manifest itself. Relapses are possible with a noticeable decrease in immunity, but without the manifestation of external signs.

How HHV-6 is transmitted:

  • most often infection occurs through saliva;
  • sometimes the source of transmission is the palatine tonsils (airborne);
  • with breastfeeding and in utero (the possibility is practically excluded);
  • even less chance of infection during medical intervention.

In order to diagnose diseases, in addition to the usual examination of a doctor and questions, it is important to undergo an examination. To do this, it is necessary to take a polymerase chain reaction (PCR) test, undergo serodiagnosis and a virus test.

It is impossible to get rid of herpesvirus 6 strain, the goal of therapy is to combat its manifestation. To do this, drugs with different pharmacological effects are used (corticosteroids, antioxidants, angioprotectors, antiherpetic drugs, antipyretics, immunostimulants).

Herpes type 7

Herpesvirus type 7 (HHV-7, HHV-7) - often occurs in parallel with the virus strain 6, moreover, they are very similar to each other. The virus infects T-lymphocytes and monocytes, which leads to CFS and the development of cancerous diseases of the lymphoid tissues.

How is it transmitted:

  • the main source is airborne (since the localization of HHV-7 is saliva);
  • rarely occurs infection through the blood.

The main differences between HHV-7 and HHV-6:

  • strain 7 virus is not transmitted in utero;
  • HHV-7 affects children at least one year old, and HHV-6 can make itself felt as early as 7 months after birth.


  • temporary increase in temperature without rashes;
  • involuntary, paroxysmal muscle contraction;
  • inflammation of the brain and its membranes;
  • mononucleosis syndrome;
  • sudden exanthema or roseola infantum.

To identify the herpes virus type 7 in the body, it is necessary to undergo PCR diagnostics, ELISA, a test for the virus and make an immunogram.

Medical care is to deal with the symptoms that have manifested. To date, there are no specific drugs for the treatment of HHV-7.

Herpes type 8

Herpesvirus 8 strain (HHV-8, HHV-8, KSHV) - the last abbreviation is not a typo or an accident. These letters appeared from English literature, since there the disease is called Kaposhi Sarkoma Herpes Virus. The virus infects T- and B-lymphocytes, refers to DNA-containing viruses.

Virus 8 strain is transmitted in different ways:

  • sex with an infected person;
  • kiss;
  • blood (transplantation (engraftment) of organs or tissue sections, drug addicts are often infected when using one syringe);
  • a small percentage is given to infection in utero.

Important! The risk group includes people who have undergone organ transplantation, radiation, homosexuals and drug addicts.

For an infected person with normal immunity, HHV-8 is not dangerous and does not manifest itself in any way. He is able to “uncover” his negative sides with a decrease in the body's defenses. HHV-8 provokes the appearance and development of Kaposi's Sarcoma, primary lymphoma and Castleman's disease.

Depending on what disease the patient has. There are also symptoms.

  1. Kaposi's sarcoma. The place of localization is concentrated on the skin, lymph nodes, mucous membranes and internal organs. There are 4 types of the disease (classic, endemic, immunosuppressive, epidemic), each of them has its own characteristics.
  2. primary lymphoma. Oncological disease that affects the central nervous system, serous membranes.
  3. Multifocal Castellamne disease (MBD, angiofollicular lymph node hyperplasia, multifocal lymph node hyperplasia, angiofollicular lymphoma). A rare type of cancer that is activated against the background of HIV infection. The virus infects the lungs, lymph nodes in the mesentery and subclavian lymph nodes.

As with other agents of herpes infection, there is also no specific treatment for HHV-8. Usually prescribed drug therapy with chemotherapy, radiation, cosmetic procedures (phototherapy), in rare cases - surgery.

Only an experienced specialist can correctly determine the type of viral disease, its etiology and prescribe treatment. Although a drug against herpes infection has not yet been created, the pathology requires special attention. Timely detection of the virus in the body will help save a person from unpleasant symptoms and consequences.

There are 8 types of herpes virus that affect the human body. The symptoms of some of them are similar, in others it varies greatly - the diseases are manifested by skin rashes, fevers, sore throats, mental disorders and even oncology.

Treatment of herpes in most cases is monotonous: it is aimed at suppressing viral activity with certain drugs and increasing immunity. With different types of infection in complex therapy, additional medications are required to combat special symptoms.

What drugs are used in the treatment of herpes infection?

For the treatment of the herpes virus in modern domestic medicine, the following drugs are usually used:

For different types of disease and lesions, different forms of drugs are prescribed. So, for labial (simple) herpes, external agents are usually used, with extensive rashes - tablets and injections. With a genital infection, candles also come into play. Newborns are recommended injections in low doses, since they cannot take other forms of drugs.

Attention! If a herpetic infection is complicated by additional diseases of a fungal or bacterial nature, antibiotics are additionally prescribed. In other cases, these drugs are dangerous to take, they can only worsen the patient's condition. When prescribing, they try to limit themselves only to forms for local / external use, drugs for oral administration are prescribed only for especially extensive internal bacterial damage.

How to treat herpes during pregnancy

During pregnancy, the most dangerous primary infection with herpes. If a woman has already experienced this disease, her body produces antibodies that are transmitted to the embryo, thereby protecting it (though not 100%) from infection. Relapses of a herpetic infection are also not so terrible; with adequate treatment, the risks of infecting a child are minimal.

First of all, therapy is aimed at suppressing the activity of the virus and reducing the duration of the acute period of the disease.

In the first 24 hours after the onset of symptoms of herpes, you should start taking antiviral drugs:

  • Acyclovir;
  • Valaciclovir;
  • Penciclovir;
  • Famciclovir.

You can take any analogues of these drugs. Safer and more effective than others for treatment are acyclovir medicines, which include Zovirax, Gerpevir, Supraviran, Acigerpin. These substances are active against herpes viruses types 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5.

Usually, the appointment of antiviral drugs in pregnant women is limited to local administration - in the form of ointments, gels, creams. This is justified by the low percentage of penetration of the active substance into the mother's body, since at the same time it also passes through the placental barrier (enters the child's body). Also, for external use, antibacterial ointments are recommended - oxolinic, tetracycline, erythromycin and tebrofen, Neosporin, Vidarabine, Riodoxol.

It's important to know! With a significant lesion of the body with herpes, with primary infection or a particularly acute relapse, drugs are prescribed in tablets: 500 mg of Valaciclovir twice a day for 10 days or 200 mg of Acyclovir three times a day for 5 days.

With severe pain, women are advised to lubricate the skin with Xylocaine 2%. To speed up the regeneration of the affected areas, you can take sedentary herbal baths with chamomile or string, and then apply drying ointments, such as zinc, to the damaged areas.

Features of the treatment of newborns and children up to a year

If the mother has a herpes infection, the newborn must be isolated during the incubation period of the virus. It does not matter the presence or absence of clinical symptoms in the child. However, if the mother was healthy, the baby is isolated only if there are characteristic signs.

Traditionally, the treatment of herpes is carried out according to the following scheme:

  • If symptoms of herpes occur, 30 mg of Acyclovir per kilogram of body weight is prescribed intravenously daily for 10 days.
  • Generalized infection is treated with increased doses of Acyclovir - up to 60-90 mg - for 2-3 weeks.
  • Human immunoglobulin is also used at 4-6 mg per kilogram intravenously via a dropper in the first 3 days. The drug can be replaced with Viferon, Roncoleukin or Reaferon.

In case of damage to the organs of vision or the presence of skin rashes on the body of a newborn, in addition to intravenous therapy, local antiviral agents are used - Acyclovir ophthalmic ointment and interferon-based gels. Herpetic eruptions on the gums () and the inner sides of the lips are treated with 3% hydrogen peroxide. Anesthesin or lidocaine is used to anesthetize feeding before it.

Treatment of labial and genital herpes (types 1 and 2) in men and women (on the pope)

Labial herpes simplex usually spreads over the skin of the face, neck, mucous membranes of the nose and mouth, and touches the eyes. Scratching and frequently touching diseased areas can spread the infection throughout the body.

It is mainly located in the inguinal region: on the external genitalia, inner thighs, buttocks. The disease can spread to the vagina in women or to the urethra and testicles in men. Touch also transfers the infection to any other parts of the body - on the stomach, in the armpits, on the face.

Treatment for both of these types of herpes is similar. Therapy is usually carried out in three stages:

  1. Taking antiviral drugs for 5-10 days: Acyclovir, Ganciclovir, Cytarabine, Famciclovir, Ribavirin, Trifluorothymidine, Bofanton, Tromandatrin, Oxolin, Tebrofen, Amixin in the form of injections, ointments or tablets.
  2. Raising immunity during the remission period of 30-60 days: human immunoglobulin, Pentaglobin, Cytotect, Vezikbulin, Kamedon, Kagocel, Viferon, Cycloferon, Ridostin, Leukinferon, Neovir, etc.
  3. Prevention of recurrence of the disease every 6 months: Amixin + polyvalent herpes vaccine is prescribed (a total of 5 subcutaneous injections of 0.2 ml every other day).

With labial herpes, it is often enough to carry out the first stage of treatment, while the genital form is treated with a full course. Often, only an increase in immunity (a simplified second stage of treatment) without vaccination is used as a prevention of relapses.

How to treat shingles from herpes zoster (type 3)?

Shingles often goes away on its own, but Zoster virus treatment is still used to improve the immune system, relieve uncomfortable symptoms, and reduce the risk of recurrences. Therapy is especially necessary for the elderly (over 50) and with severe immunodeficiency. At the same time, they assign:

  • Antiviral drugs. Acyclovir, Famciclovir, Valaciclovir, Penciclovir. It is advisable to start treatment within the first 3 days.
  • Painkillers. To alleviate the physical and psychological state of the patient in the United States, narcotic analgesics (eg Oxycodone) are prescribed, in Russia - non-narcotic Ketoprofen, Ketorolac, Ibuprofen, Naproxen.
  • Anticonvulsants. Sometimes with severe neuropathic pain, patients are recommended to take Gabapentin or Pregabalin.

Several drugs should be noted separately, since their use is most effective and often prescribed by doctors: deoxyribonuclease, Isoprinosine, acyclovir drugs, ganglioblockers (Gangleron). Additionally, patients are advised to take vitamin B complexes and interferon ointments / aerosols (Eridin, Alpizarin, Florenal, Helepin). If herpes reaches the gangrenous form, antibiotics and Solcoseryl are connected to therapy.

Recovery after shingles is usually incomplete - neuralgic symptoms of the disease remain (postherpetic neuralgia). Treatment continues with the same anticonvulsants and analgesics, opioid drugs are added, but antiviral drugs are no longer required. Neurological therapy is aimed primarily at the extermination of the pain syndrome.

Antiviral therapy for ophthalmic herpes (on the eyes)

In the treatment of herpetic eye damage, all the same antiviral drugs are used, but in the form of eye ointments, drops, or for internal use. The clinic actively uses drugs based on 5-iodine-2-deoxyuridine:

  • Kerecid;
  • Stoksil;
  • Idukollal;
  • Herplex;
  • Dendril;
  • Oftan-I go.

Patients are prescribed other compounds of this group- acyclovir, ganciclovir, valaciclovir, famciclovir, sorivudine, vidarabine, TFT, brivudine and foscarnet. Florenal, Riodoxol, Tebrofen can be added to the list of antiviral drugs against eye herpes. Interferon drugs include leukocyte interferon, Poludan, Cycloferon, Timalin, Taktivin and Amiksin.

Treatment of the Epstein-Barr virus (herpes type 4) and herpetic sore throat

There is no specific treatment regimen for patients with EBV infection; the therapeutic complex is determined according to the individual indications of the patient's condition. Persons with severe fever, severe tonsillitis/tonsillitis, jaundice, anemia, and airway obstruction are subject to hospitalization. In other cases, you can be treated at home.

Patients need maintenance therapy with rinsing the mouth with antiseptic solutions (with a strong pain syndrome, 2% lidocaine or xylocaine is added to the solution). It is important to provide plenty of fluids.

First of all, the appointment of antiviral agents is required:

  • Aciclovir, Ganciclovir, Valaciclovir and others of a number of acyclic nucleoside analogues;
  • cidofovir, adefovir and other acyclic nucleotide analogues;
  • Foscavir, Foscarnet, phosphonoacetylic acid and other pyrophosphate analogues.

Additionally, the following groups of drugs are prescribed:

  • non-steroidal anti-inflammatory: tylenol, acetaminophen, paracetamol;
  • antibacterial(in the presence of concomitant infections): are selected depending on the sensitivity of the microflora, mainly cephalosporins, macrolides, lincosamides;
  • antifungal: flucanazole, metronidazole;
  • glucocorticosteroids(in severe disease): orazon, dexamethasone, prednisolone, deltazone, hydrocortisone;
  • immunoglobulins and immunomodulators: Alphaglobin, Gammar-P, Sandoglobulin, Intron A, Reaferon, Cycloferon, Viferon.

Cytomegalovirus infection (herpes 5): treatment for adults and children

There is also no correct separate treatment regimen for CMV. Symptoms of the acute phase of the disease are treated with the same antiviral drugs as other herpesviruses. More often, however, Ganciclovir and Valganciclovir are used.

Additionally, immunomodulatory therapy is needed, which includes vitamin support and stimulation of the immune system with interferons and globulins. Cycloferon, Viferon and other similar drugs are prescribed, the course of treatment is several weeks. The patient also needs to improve his lifestyle: change the diet, exercise, take enough fluids, walk in the fresh air.

Often the acute form "attaches" other diseases to itself, for which adequate antibiotic treatment is necessary. Such therapy is concomitant and does not reduce the severity of the symptoms of the herpes virus itself, therefore it is connected only as an addition to the complex of antiviral and immunomodulatory agents.

Features of the treatment of herpes 6

When a child or adult shows symptoms of this form of herpes, a typical antiviral therapy regimen is prescribed. Complex treatment usually includes Ganciclovir, the most effective drug against HHV-6 from the group of acyclic nucleoside analogs, as well as Foscarnet and Cidofovir. At the age of 12 years, only the last of these drugs is allowed.

Acyclovir against herpes type 6 is ineffective. Adefovir and Lubocavir are sometimes used, and experimental vaccines are being developed. To relieve the symptoms of the infection, use antipyretics (Paracetamol or Ibuprofen), drink plenty of water and diuretic herbal teas.

Herpetic eruptions in children practically do not itch, so external antibacterial ointments are not required to prevent additional infection. However, care should be taken to take vitamin complexes in order to strengthen the body's natural defenses and accelerate the production of a sufficient amount of antibodies against HHV-6.

In adulthood, the infection manifests itself in severe immunodeficiency, so the suppression of symptoms should be carried out primarily with interferon immunomodulators. However, such treatment is prohibited if the disease manifested itself after organ transplantation, since this period requires a weak immune system to prevent tissue rejection.

How is herpes 7 and 8 treated?

These two types of herpes are so little studied that there are no definite treatment regimens. In individual therapeutic complexes, classical antiherpetic drugs are used in combination with medications aimed at eliminating the symptoms of concomitant diseases.

So, in the presence of oncological diseases from type 8 herpes, treatment with interferons is contraindicated, however, chemotherapeutic antitumor drugs can be added to the complex. Surgery and radiation therapy may be required. If the mental state of the patient is affected by herpesvirus-7, adequate psychotherapy is necessary with the possible use of antidepressants and psychoanalysis sessions.

Treatment of herpes of the internal organs

Herpes on the internal organs is treated according to the classical scheme, however, the drugs are prescribed orally - there is nowhere to use them locally.

The most commonly prescribed antivirals are:

  • Acyclovir;
  • Famvir;
  • Valtrex;
  • Ganciclovir;
  • Cytarabine, etc.

They are used in the form of suppositories, tablets and injections. Immunomodulators are also used in the same forms:

  • Viferon;
  • Cycloferon;
  • Isoprinosine;
  • Likopid.

Attention! Self-administration of drugs that affect the immune system is highly discouraged. This should be done by the attending physician or immunologist.

In addition to classical therapy, auxiliary drugs are prescribed: for the liver - hepetoprotectors, for severe inflammatory processes - anti-inflammatory drugs, with concomitant fungal or bacterial disease - antimycotics and antibiotics.

Folk remedies for the treatment of herpes

Every year they deserve more and more popularity in medical circles. With a slight lesion, treatment with natural herbal preparations can give an excellent result, with an extensive spread of the disease, it is recommended to combine them with drug treatment.

Domestic doctor L. V. Pogorelskaya offers the following treatment regimen for recurrent herpes:

  1. A decoction of the collection of herbs. Mix lemon balm, thyme, raspberry leaves, wormwood, juniper and oregano in a ratio of 4:3:4:2:3:3. Brew daily for an hour 1 tsp. in a glass of boiling water and drink in two doses for 14-28 days.
  2. Alpizarin in the amount of 0.1 g three times a day for 21 days.
  3. Twice before dinner, 40 drops of Eleutherococcus extract before meals.
  4. Alpizarin or helepin ointment for rashes three times a day for 14-28 days.

Infusions, decoctions and compresses from the following plants also help against herpes: Amur velvet, feathery Kalanchoe, Canadian desmodium, medicinal calendula, warty birch, yellowing kopeechnik, common juniper and pine, kopeechny lespezda, buckthorn-shaped sea buckthorn, cotton plant, twig-shaped eucalyptus and western thuja.