Thromboass pl. ThromboAss is a drug for the treatment and prevention of thrombosis

Thrombo ASS is a non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug. This drug has anti-inflammatory, analgesic and antipyretic effects. If you have contraindications to taking Thrombo ASS, analogues of this drug can replace it. They are similar in action and in some cases are better tolerated by the body.

Analog Thrombo ACC - Magnikor

Magnikor is one of the analogues of Thrombo ACC, which is cheaper, but at the same time has the same strong anti-inflammatory properties. This drug is prescribed for:

It is also necessary to take Magnikor as a prevention of re-formation of blood clots and various pathologies of cardio-vascular system. Direct contraindications to the use of this drug are exacerbation of stomach ulcers and an increased risk of bleeding. It is not recommended to drink it with asthma or Quincke's edema. Long-term use of such a drug in high dosages is prohibited, as it can cause chronic poisoning.

Analog Thrombo ACC - Aspirin Cardio

Aspirin Cardio is the most popular analogue of Thrombo ACC in terms of the active substance. The indications for its use are preventive therapy with a tendency to thromboembolism or deep vein thrombosis. It is especially recommended to take it with:

  • hyperlipidemia;
  • obesity
  • in old age.

Aspirin Cardio is also prescribed after operations on the arteries and the heart to prevent the occurrence of myocardial infarction. You can not use it for treatment and prevention, if the patient has diathesis, asthma, acute heart failure, or there is liver disease.

Analog Thrombo ACC - Cardiomagnyl

The concept of blood density refers to the number of red blood cells in the blood, and the level of hemoglobin depends on their number. If this level is too high, it means that it contains too much iron and globin protein. In this case, we can talk about an increase in hematocrit - the proportion between the content of plasma and red blood cells: if there are more of the latter, the hematocrit is increased, which means that a person has increased blood viscosity.

How dangerous is this blood? First of all, the formation of blood clots, which pose a great danger. Up to a certain point, a person may not feel or know that he has thick blood. This symptom is often discovered when he develops heart failure, headache, syndrome chronic fatigue, numbness or tingling in the limbs.

Some of these symptoms may appear due to temporary factors, such as dehydration or hypoxia. And then it is enough to exclude this factor. But if the blood picture does not change and diseases such as thrombosis, leukemia, varicose veins are detected, then we can talk about a stable phenomenon. high viscosity blood.

By itself, increased blood viscosity is not a separate disease, but a syndrome of another disease. Usually, in order to cure the underlying disease, the cause of viscosity is examined in the laboratory.

What are the causes of increased blood viscosity?

It can be hereditary predisposition, poor-quality food poisoning, hypoxia, suffocation (excess carbon dioxide in the blood), erythremia (increased red blood cells), Waldenström's macroglobulinemia, diabetes, dysfunction of the adrenal gland, myeloma, amyloidosis, thrombophilia. Also, the causes may be liver disease, inflammation of the adrenal gland, pregnancy, varicose veins of the legs, thermal burns. We should not forget about the effects of tobacco - smokers, as a rule, have viscous blood. Due to the fact that the viscosity is increased, the blood flow through the arteries and veins slows down, the load on the heart muscle increases, and this is fraught with heart failure.

In pregnant women, thickening of the blood comes from the fact that their body is preparing for childbirth and wants to prevent blood loss. Viscous blood has the ability to clot faster, which is why a person does not die as a result of injuries.

At heavy bleeding the body instantly rebuilds and increases the level of platelets in the blood, as a result of which blood clotting increases, it clogs the wound, and the body does not die. But when clotting is constantly increased, then we are talking about some kind of disease that needs to be identified.

But it also happens that the level of platelets is reduced, and hemoglobin is increased - then a person has constant bleeding and blood loss. This symptom is characteristic of some types of leukemia, myeloma, Waldenström's macroglobulinemia.

In other words, the symptoms of increased blood viscosity and the degree of their detection are directly dependent on the disease that caused this syndrome, which is called hyperviscosity.

How to treat hyperviscose syndrome?

Of course, under medical supervision. Blood thinning drugs are called antiplatelet agents and anticoagulants. Antiplatelet agents prevent platelets from sticking together and forming clots (aspirin and ticlopedin). Anticoagulants inhibit blood clotting (these are warfarin and heparin).

An agent that thins the blood and helps prevent thrombosis and embolism is called thromboASS. It contains acetylsalicylic acid, in other words - aspirin. Its properties have long been studied by laboratory and clinical studies. We are talking about the antithrombotic and antiaggregatory effects of aspirin. ThromboASS tablets are coated with enteric film shell. The drug is taken to prevent thrombosis, especially for heart patients. It is enough to take one tablet per day in a single dose.

How to take thromboass - before or after meals?

You need to take thromboass 10-15 minutes before eating, drink more water You do not need to keep the tablets in your mouth or chew them. The best time to do this is in the morning daylight hours days, including in order to notice the development side effects.

Side effects of taking thinning drugs can be: the formation of ulcers on the wall of the stomach, gastrointestinal bleeding. In addition, the so-called "aspirin asthma" may occur - thromboass can become a provocateur of an attack of bronchial asthma. There are also known cases of bleeding of the mucous membranes.

But despite the possible side effects, thromboass is prescribed for life to all "cores" and, of course, under the supervision of a specialist who must regularly monitor the blood picture in order to prevent its thickening. If this is not done, then complications in the form of blood clots may occur in cardiovascular patients.

If you take thromboass for prevention purposes, then a course of 1-2 weeks is enough, until the coagulogram changes, to make sure that the blood disappears.

Thromboass is sold without a prescription in any pharmacy, but this does not mean at all that the tablets can be drunk uncontrollably. Still, acetylsalicylic acid is not such a harmless substance and should be taken with caution.

The drug is stored in normal room conditions, but when the heat sets in, it should be stored in a cool place.

Some may wonder: what, in fact, is the difference between ordinary aspirin tablets and thromboass tablets?

Thromboass is protected by a shell and dissolves not in the stomach, but in the intestines, which means it does not harm the stomach. Before drinking aspirin, you must definitely eat, and they drink thromboass shortly before meals (as it is written in the instructions).

But according to the observations of doctors, it is still better not to take thromboass on an empty stomach. It seems that if taken exactly according to the instructions - a quarter of an hour before meals, it will not do much harm.

During these few minutes, the tablet will fall into the stomach, and it will be digested with food. One thing can be safely stated: thromboass acts more sparingly on the body than regular aspirin, it has fewer side effects. harmful effects and, in addition, thromboass can be taken long time while aspirin can cause stomach ailments. If someone thinks why pay more, then he can choose regular aspirin, but it has a big drawback - it irritates the stomach. In order to minimize this disadvantage, and was created new drug- thromboass - with a protective sheath.

In addition to medicines, there are other ways to reduce blood viscosity - they are suitable for those who are contraindicated in the above medicines.

Honey with garlic: grate a couple of cloves of garlic and combine the gruel with 300 g of honey, wait three weeks and take 1 tbsp. 40 minutes before meals.

Bay leaf:
it is enough to always add it to the first dishes.

Cinnamon and Ginger: a handful of cinnamon with grated ginger root and 1 tbsp. green tea brew with boiling water, let stand for half an hour, drink with lemon and honey.

In addition, with the problem thick blood doing well fish fat, Kalanchoe leaves, raspberry leaves, peony roots.

Nutrition also matters. Products that thicken the blood: animal fat, except fermented milk products, smoked meats and fried food, simple carbohydrates, alcoholic and sweet carbonated drinks.

Olive and flaxseed oils are also beneficial for patients with thick blood problems. Except proper nutrition and the use of medical and folk remedies, one should not forget about the lifestyle, sufficient activity and mobility. It is important to exclude bad habits and be more often fresh air. All this together will help solve health problems. But it is unacceptable to self-medicate!

Such a well-known medicine as aspirin or acetylsalicylic acid has been used by patients for many decades. There are few who, at least once in their lives, would not try with the help of this remedy to reduce the temperature or reduce the headache.

But only recently it became known that this substance in small doses can reduce the ability of blood to clot, and therefore it can be used to prevent thrombosis at the risk of developing a heart attack or stroke.

Various pharmaceutical companies they release the medicine in the required doses of postures with patented names, one of them carries the drug thrombo ass 100 mg - instructions, price, analogues, reviews of which will be discussed in this blog.

1.2 Thrombosis: causes, treatments and prevention

Formation of a solid blood clot from a liquid defensive reaction organism in response to damage to tissues containing blood vessels. But sometimes a blood clot can form inside an intact vessel. For example, with its stenosis, increased blood clotting and its stagnation, or inflammation of the walls.

This happens when varicose disease, cancer, atherosclerosis, heart disease, diabetes and other metabolic disorders. With vasculitis, DIC and others pathological processes. A thrombus can block both a vein and an artery. Its formation can be both acute and chronic.

The most dangerous for health is blockage of the pulmonary, coronary, cerebral and mesenteric arteries, which can result in death.

To prevent this from happening, patients are advised to give up smoking and alcohol, balance their diet, enrich it with vitamins and go in for sports. However, even these measures do not guarantee positive result. Therefore, patients are often prescribed drugs that help thin the blood.

If a thrombus has already formed, then patients are shown the introduction of anticoagulants and enzymes that dissolve blood clots. As well as anti-inflammatory, antibacterial, antispasmodic and symptomatic treatment.

1.3 Acetylsalicylic acid: mechanism of action

This substance has long belonged to non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs. It is able to quickly reduce body temperature due to its effect on the thermoregulatory center. Also reduces sensitivity. nerve endings to pain.

Acid is able to inhibit the synthesis of mediators such as prostaglandins, prostacyclins, thromboxane A2. The latter is produced in platelets, it is responsible for their gluing. That is why the use of drugs that contain aspirin prevents them from sticking together and the formation of blood clots.

The substance inhibits the formation of prothrombin in the liver, which accelerates the dissolution of the thrombus and inhibits the synthesis of fibrin. Possessing anti-inflammatory effects and antioxidant properties, it strengthens the walls of blood vessels, prevents the breakdown atherosclerotic plaques and development of thromboembolism.

1.4 Indications and contraindications for the use of aspirin

Since it reduces body temperature well, it is used for fever during bacterial and viral infections. Due to its anti-inflammatory effects, it copes well with the symptoms of rheumatism, myocarditis and rheumatoid arthritis.

Aspirin reduces pain, and therefore it is prescribed to reduce it in migraine, unpleasant sensations during menstruation, neuralgia. He shoots well pain in joints and muscles, reduces headache and toothache, copes well with withdrawal symptoms after drinking alcohol.

In small doses, this medicine must be taken daily to prevent thrombosis, especially after myocardial infarction, thrombophlebitis of the veins of the lower extremities.

Salicylates should not be used in bronchial asthma, the attacks of which are aggravated after taking the drug. They are not assigned to peptic ulcer stomach and duodenum especially if the patient has a tendency to hemorrhages.

Contraindications will also be pregnancy and breastfeeding, hemorrhagic syndrome, blood diseases, portal hypertension, serious illnesses liver and kidneys with the development of insufficiency of these organs, aortic aneurysm and gouty arthritis.

Of the side effects of this drug, patients most often note nausea, abdominal pain, loss of appetite, diarrhea, development of erosions and ulcers. digestive tract which are often complicated by bleeding, bronchospasm and vomiting.

If aspirin needs to be taken for a long time, it can cause hepatic and kidney failure, bleeding from the digestive tract, thrombocytopenia, vision and hearing may also be impaired, dizziness, headache and tinnitus appear.

1.5 Thrombo ass 100 mg: instructions for use

One tablet contains 50 or 100 mg of the main substance, which is acetylsalicylic acid, and aids such as starch, talc, silicon and lactose. The drug is easily absorbed in the digestive tract.

In the liver it is converted to salicylic acid and its derivatives, they bind to plasma proteins and quickly spread throughout the body, and then completely excreted in the urine after 1-3 days. For women, this process is slower.

In addition, the substance can penetrate the placental barrier and into breast milk, and therefore it is not used in pregnant and lactating mothers.

The use of thrombo ass is indicated for angina pectoris, as well as for the prevention of heart attacks, strokes, vascular thromboembolism after operations on the heart and blood vessels. It is also used for transient circulatory disorders in the brain, as well as for thrombosis of the veins of the extremities in order to prevent blockage of the branches of the pulmonary arteries.

The use of thrombo ass is contraindicated:

  • patients with erosions or ulcers of the walls of the digestive tract,
  • when bleeding from them,
  • with hemorrhagic diathesis and diseases of the blood system,
  • with allergies to salicylates and bronchial asthma,
  • during pregnancy,
  • while breastfeeding
  • children under 18 years of age.

It is better not to use the medicine for any allergic diseases, chronic pathology upper and lower respiratory tract and in patients with liver and kidney failure.

Since the thrombo ass tablet contains very little active substance, then side effects on them happen very rarely and only with long-term use. These can be attributed

  • various digestive disorders
  • tendency to vascular bleeding and anemia,
  • hearing impairment,
  • allergic reactions on the active substance or auxiliary components of the drug, damage to the mucous membrane of the stomach and intestines,
  • violation of the liver or kidneys.

1.6 Interaction with other drugs

Acetylsalicylic acid should not be taken concomitantly with methotrexate, thrombolytics, anticoagulants, especially with heparin, as well as with drugs that lower blood sugar levels.

It is forbidden to combine thrombo ass tablets with digoxin and valproic acid, and together with diuretics, the drug reduces the effectiveness of the latter. You can not drink the medicine at the same time as drinking alcohol, as it enhances the effect of alcohol.

But the effect of corticosteroid drugs under the influence acetylsalicylic acid will decrease.

1.7 Form of release, dosage and price of the drug

The instruction warns that it is necessary to drink thrombo ass for a very long time, sometimes for months and years, but only the attending physician can determine the duration of the course of administration and the drug should not be used without consulting him.

Its average dose in a tablet can be 50 or 100 mg, which is drunk once a day immediately before meals. She needs to drink clean water and cannot be chewed.

The drug is produced in tablets that contain 50 or 100 mg of acetylsalicylic acid, in a package there can be 28 or 100 pieces. average cost a large single pack of tablets does not vary much depending on the dosage. It ranges from 130 to 160 rubles. You can store the medicine for no more than three years from the date of issue in a dark place inaccessible to children at temperatures up to 25 ° C.

The medicine can be bought at any pharmacy without a prescription, but it is allowed to take it only after being prescribed by a doctor and it is necessary to strictly adhere to the recommended dose. If it is exceeded, nausea, vomiting, loss of consciousness, dizziness and tinnitus may occur.

At severe poisoning metabolic acidosis, respiratory disorders, slowing of cardiac activity, pressure drop, impaired kidney function, deafness, pulmonary edema, bleeding from various organs and job oppression nervous system. For treatment, you need to immediately rinse the stomach, prescribe sorbents and carriers, alkaline drink, and in severe cases detoxification symptomatic therapy is necessary in intensive care unit.

1.8 Reviews and analogues of the drug

Patients who have used it note its high efficiency in blood thinning, especially in varicose veins. as well as the field of the transferred heart attack. However, almost all patients called it a disadvantage. a large number of contraindications, high cost and the need for a very long use.

From the analogues of this drug, you can pick up all drugs that contain acetylsalicylic acid in a dosage of 50, 75 or 100 mg. Pharmaceutical companies market them under the names cardiomagnyl, magnicor or aspirin cardio. All these drugs have the same indications and contraindications, they differ only in price.

By tradition, in conclusion, I offer a video on the given topic “Blood Thinners”:

That's all I planned to tell you on the topic "Trombo ass 100 mg - instructions, price, analogues, reviews"

I hope, dear readers, it was useful for you to learn about a few non-traditional use the well-known aspirin. But I want to remind you that the medicine thins the blood only in a dosage that does not exceed 100 mg. Although the instructions, price, analogues, reviews of the drug thrombo ass 100 mg are described in detail here, you should consult your doctors before using it.

Thrombo ACC: instructions for use

Thrombo ASS


The preparation contains acetylsalicylic acid as active substance, as well as such auxiliary components as colloidal silicon dioxide, lactose monohydrate, MCC, potato starch.

The composition of the shell includes a copolymer of methacrylic acid and ethyl acrylate, talc, triacetin.

Release form

Film-coated tablets.

pharmachologic effect

The drug is a non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug.

Pharmacodynamics and pharmacokinetics

The action of the drug is based on irreversible inactivation COX-1.

This leads to inhibition of the synthesis prostaglandins, thromboxane and prostacyclins.

This tool reduces aggregation platelets and education blood clots by blocking synthesis thromboxane A2.

Thrombo ACC also increases plasma fibrinolytic activity and reduce content vitamin K-dependent clotting factors.

Antiplatelet the action mainly develops after the use of tablets in small dosages. After a single dose, it lasts for a week.

These properties determine the use of Thrombo ASS for the prevention and treatment of complications. varicose disease, myocardial infarction and ischemic heart disease.

Tablets also act as anti-inflammatory, analgesic and antipyretic means.

The active substance, when taken orally, is rapidly and completely absorbed from the gastrointestinal tract. Over this time acetylsalicylic acid to a certain degree metabolized.

During biotransformation, it is converted mainly metabolitesalicylic acid, splitting mainly in the liver under the action of its enzymes with education phenyl salicylate, salicyluric acid and glucuronide salicylate found in tissues and urine. In female patients, the process metabolism slows down. Salicylic acid able to penetrate placental barrier and excreted in breast milk.

Degree of connection acetylsalicylic and salicylic acid with plasma proteins high. They are rapidly distributed in the body.

The half-life of the active component of Thrombo ASS from plasma is approximately 15-20 minutes. When taken repeatedly, it does not accumulate in serum.

About 1% acetylsalicylic acid excreted through the kidneys. The rest is given as salicylates and them metabolites.

At normal functioning kidneys, about 80-100% of a single dose is excreted in 1-3 days.

Indications for use Thrombo ASS

The following indications for the use of Thrombo ASS are known:


The use of tablets is contraindicated in:

  • erosive and ulcerative lesions gastrointestinal tract;
  • hypersensitivity to the components of the remedy;
  • bronchial asthma, which is caused by the use salicylates and non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs;
  • combined bronchial asthma, reducing polyposis nose and paranasal sinuses, intolerance acetylsalicylic acid;
  • children under 18 years of age;
  • bleeding in the gastrointestinal tract;
  • hemorrhagic diathesis;
  • pregnancy(I and III trimester);
  • breastfeeding.

With caution, the drug is used in case of:

  • bronchial asthma;
  • gout;
  • presence in history ulcerative lesions GI tract or gastrointestinal bleeding;
  • hay fever;
  • allergies to other medicines;
  • hyperuricemia;
  • kidney failure;
  • liver failure;
  • chronic diseases of the respiratory system;
  • polyposis nose.

During the second trimester, pregnant women should also use Thrombo ASS with caution.

Side effects

As a rule, the tablets are well tolerated by patients. Negative reactions are observed only in rare cases.

The following unwanted side effects when taking the drug:

  • digestive system: vomiting, nausea, heartburn, pain in the abdomen;
  • hematopoietic system: increased frequency of bleeding and hematomas during and after operations. They can cause acute or chronic anemia with corresponding symptoms;
  • CNS: tinnitus, dizziness, hearing loss;
  • allergy: cardio-respiratory distress syndrome, rash, hives, rhinitis, itching, angioedema, edema nasal mucosa, bronchospasm, severe allergic reactions, for example, anaphylactic shock.

In rare cases, the use of the drug can lead to stomach and duodenal ulcer, as well as transient disorders of the liver with an increase in activity liver transaminases.

Instructions for use Thrombo ASS (Method and dosage)

The medicine is taken orally before meals. Tablets should not be chewed, but they can be washed down with some liquid.

Instructions for use Thrombo ACC reports that the drug should be taken for a long time, but the exact duration of therapy is determined by the doctor. It depends on what tablets are used in each case.

The usual dosage indicated by the instructions for Thrombo Ass is 100 mg or 50 mg. Tablets are used once a day.


It is believed that an overdose of this drug is unlikely. In the case of taking tablets in doses that significantly exceed the measure, it is possible the following symptoms: nausea, tinnitus, confusion, vomiting, dizziness, malaise.

In case of overdose, induce vomiting, prescribe laxatives and Activated carbon, spend alkalizing treatment.

Overdose often leads to grave consequences in elderly patients.

Symptoms of an overdose of moderate and severe degree develops with a single dose of 150-300 mg / kg and above.

In this case, there may be respiratory alkalosis With compensatory metabolic acidosis , hyperventilation, difficulty breathing, hyperpyrexia, non-cardiogenic pulmonary edema, asphyxia, violation heart rate, depression of the activity of the heart, decrease pressure, dehydration, violation metabolism glucose, kidney dysfunction, tinnitus, deafness, bleeding in the gastrointestinal tract, hematological disorders, depression of the nervous system.

If symptoms of moderate and severe overdose appear, patients are immediately hospitalized and emergency therapy is carried out.

shown forced alkaline diureh, gastric lavage, restoration of water and electrolyte balance, normalization acid-base balance taking pills activated carbon . Treatment is symptomatic.


This medicine may increase the effect of:

  • Methotrexate- use with this drug at a dosage of 15 mg per week and above is contraindicated, the combination at lower dosages is prescribed with caution;
  • thrombolytic, antiplatelet, hypoglycemic medicines;
  • Heparin;
  • Digoxin;
  • indirect anticoagulants ;
  • Valproic acid.

Interaction with alcoholic beverages leads to additive effect. Thrombo ASS also reduces the effect uricosuric drugs.

breeding salicylates aggravated by application systemic GCS that weaken their effect.

Terms of sale

The medicine can be sold without a prescription. However, before using it, it is advisable to consult a doctor. Only he knows what indications for the use of Thrombo ASS are in each case and how long the drug should be used.

Storage conditions

This product should be stored in a dry and dark place. The optimum temperature is up to 25°C. The drug must be protected from children.

Best before date

The shelf life of the drug is 3 years. You can not use the tool after this time.


Often compared on the Internet Aspirin and Thrombo ASS. It's believed that last drug acts more gently and is better tolerated by the body.

That is why it is often prescribed for prevention. cardiovascular complications.

However, often Aspirin indicate as the most popular analogue of Thrombo ACC.

In addition, the following drugs are known, which are similar in action to the described drug:

  • Aspirin Cardio;
  • Cardiopyrin;
  • Akard;
  • Anopyrin;
  • Asafen;
  • Asacyl-A;
  • Aspecard;
  • Aspenorm;
  • Aspeter;
  • Asprovit;
  • Acecardine;
  • Acecor Cardio;
  • Acetylsalicylic acid;
  • Godasal;
  • Cardiomagnyl;
  • Cardiomagnyl Forte;
  • Combi-Ask;
  • Cormagnyl;
  • lospirin;
  • Magnikor;
  • Polocard;
  • Rheocard;
  • Therapin;
  • Trombogard;
  • Upsarin Upsa;
  • Ecorin;
  • Acelizin.

Each analogue of Thrombo ACC has its own application features. It is not advisable to replace this drug at your own discretion, without consulting your doctor.

Reviews about Trombo ASS

Reviews of Thrombo ACC are usually positive. It is usually taken by elderly patients. Most of them note the effectiveness of the drug.

However, the exact dosage regimen is often debated. For sure, only a specialist can determine how and how much this drug should be used in each case.

Reviews of Thrombo ASS are extremely rare about side effects.

Trombo ACC price, where to buy

The price of Thrombo ACC 100 mg, 28 or 30 tablets per pack, is about 50 rubles. The cost of a drug in a dosage of 50 mg, 28 or 30 pieces per pack, is an average of 45 rubles.

Aspirin in most cases it costs much less, but experts do not recommend replacing one remedy with another at their discretion, since they have different indications for use.

The price of Trombo ACC tablets among others antiplatelet drugs are considered quite affordable.

  • Internet pharmacies in RussiaRussia
  • Internet pharmacies of UkraineUkraine
  • Internet pharmacies of KazakhstanKazakhstan


  • Thrombo ACC tablets 50 mg 28 pcs.
  • Thrombo ACC tablets 100 mg 28 pcs.
  • Thrombo ASS tablets 100 mg 100 pcs.
  • Thrombo ACC tablets 50 mg 100 pcs.


  • Thrombo ass 50mg №28 tabletsLannacher Heilmittel
  • Thrombo ass 50mg №100 tabletsLannacher Heilmittel
  • Thrombo ass 100mg №100 tabletsLannacher Heilmittel
  • Thrombo ass 100mg №28 tabletsLannacher Heilmittel
  • Thrombo ass 50mg №30 tabletsLannacher Heilmittel

Pharmacy IFK

  • Trombo ACLannacher, Austria
  • Trombo ACLannacher, Austria
  • Trombo ACLannacher, Austria
  • Trombo ACLannacher, Austria


  • Thrombo acc G.L. Pharma (Austria)
  • Trombo ASS enteric-coated tablets 100 mg N 30 Lannacher Heilmittel (Austria)


  • Thrombo ASS tab p/o intestinal/solution 50 mg N 30 Schwarz Pharma


  • Thrombo ACC 100 mg No. 30 tab.p.p.o.solution / intestinal.
  • Thrombo ASS 50 mg No. 30 tab.p.p.o.solution / intestinal.
  • Thrombo ACC 75 mg No. 30 tab.p.p.o.solution / intestinal.

NOTE! Information about medicines on the site is a general reference, collected from publicly available sources and cannot serve as a basis for making a decision on the use of medicines in the course of treatment.

Before medicine use Thrombo ASS surely consult with the attending physician.


Thrombo Ass: indications for use, price, analogues, instructions, reviews

The appearance of diseases that can be triggered by the creation of blood clots in the vessels can be largely controlled by taking prophylactic drugs. These drugs include the medicine Thrombo Ass, its indications for use and instructions, analogues, prices and reviews of tablets, we will consider today.

The drug is used to prevent and treat diseases caused by blood clots that occur in the vessels. The shell on the tablets protects the mucosa gastrointestinal tract from the irritating effect of acetylsalicylic acid.

However, patients suffering from diseases of the digestive system should take the medicine with caution. complement healing effect antipyretic, analgesic and anti-inflammatory properties of the drug.

Composition of Trombo Assa

The tablet contains 50 mg or 100 mg of acetylsalicylic acid. Additional Ingredients:

  • potato starch,
  • lactose monohydrate,
  • silica,
  • microcrystalline cellulose.

You will find out how much Thrombo ass costs in the next section.

Dosage forms

The drug is produced in the form of tablets. They contain a coating that dissolves in the intestines. The tablet has a smooth surface, may be slightly rough. The coating on the tablet is shiny.

  • The approximate cost of a package is 28 pieces, tablets contain 50 mg of the main substance - 45 rubles.
  • The same 30 pieces, the content of acetylsalicylic acid 100 mg - 51 rubles.

pharmachologic effect

The drug is classified according to the method of manifestation of its action to antiplatelet agents.

The anti-inflammatory properties of the drug are due to the fact that acetylsalicylic acid is a drug of the NSAID group.

It reduces the formation of prostaglandins and other active substances, which, without the action of the drug, are produced from arachidonic acid.


According to its effect on the body, the drug is referred to as NSAIDs - non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs. The enzymes of cyclooxygenase COX-1 and COX-2 are blocked. This causes a chain of reactions, as a result of which thrombus formation decreases.

The drug also has the properties of such an action:

  • painkiller,
  • anti-inflammatory,
  • relieving heat.

The fibrinolytic activity of the blood, namely its plasma, increases, which affects the clotting of this substance. A single use of the drug in small doses causes an antiplatelet effect reaction, the effect of which lasts for one week.

Due to the fact that the drug has such properties, it is used in the treatment and prevention of diseases, where there is a risk of thrombosis and a decrease in the lumen in the vessels.


Absorption of the drug occurs in the gastrointestinal tract. The shell on the tablets protects the gastric mucosa from the irritating effect of the substance.

During absorption, a part of acetylsalicylic acid is metabolized. It is transformed into salicylic acid, which is absorbed in the liver.

As a result, metabolites are formed:

  • glucuronide salicylate,
  • salicyluric acid,
  • phenyl salicylate.

Salicylic and acetylsalicylic acids have the ability to be distributed throughout the body in conjunction with blood plasma proteins.

Acetylsalicylic acid and its derivatives are excreted through the kidneys within 1 to 3 days. If the kidneys are functioning normally, then single dose displayed up to 100%. Next, the indications for the use of the drug Thrombo ass will be considered.


Appointed for violations:

  • angina unstable and stable,
  • in order to prevent diseases:

During pregnancy, taking Thrombo Ass is contraindicated in the period 1 ÷ 3 trimesters. A mother who is breastfeeding a child should not use Thrombo Ass. Under 18 years of age, the drug is not prescribed.

How to take Thrombo ass correctly, read below.

Instructions for use

Tablets are taken as a whole, washed down with water. The medicine is taken before meals.

Before you start drinking Thrombo Ass, you should consult a specialist, including in order to determine the dose of the drug for admission. Usually the medicine is taken once a day 50 ÷ 100 mg.


Has Thrombo ass and contraindications, these are:

  • severe renal failure,
  • exacerbation of ulcers in the gastrointestinal tract,
  • heart failure grade 3-4,
  • gastrointestinal bleeding
  • liver failure of a pronounced nature,
  • negative reaction of the body to the ingredients included in the drug.

Side effects

In general, the drug is well tolerated. AT individual cases happens:

  • increased tendency to bleed
  • anemia occurs.
  • angioedema,
  • skin rash,
  • bronchospasm,
  • itching of the skin,
  • anaphylactic shock,
  • hives,
  • pain in the gastrointestinal tract,
  • nausea,
  • the appearance of ulcers on the gastric mucosa,
  • heartburn,
  • the liver is more active in producing enzymes,
  • noise in ears,
  • headache.

special instructions

Under some circumstances, preparations containing acetylsalicylic acid may exacerbate certain health problems. Therefore, it is necessary to consult a specialist and take into account the peculiarities of the manifestation of the drug.

  • If the patient takes Thrombo Ass, then during this period one should either stop driving a car and activities related to heightened danger or exercise caution. During treatment, dizziness is possible.
  • Patients with diabetes should be aware that taking high doses of drugs containing acetylsalicylic acid causes a hypoglycemic effect.
  • Patients prone to gout should be aware that the drug can cause the development of this disease.
  • Adversely simultaneous reception drug and alcoholic beverages. The mucosa is still exposed greater risk that will be damaged, and if bleeding occurs, then this combination will lengthen the time for its elimination.
  • It should be borne in mind that the drug can cause bronchospasm and other negative reactions, for example, to provoke an attack of bronchial asthma.
  • If the patient is to undergo surgery, then taking Thrombo Assa can cause bleeding.

Below we will tell you about the reviews of cardiologists and patients about Thrombo Ass.


Patients took Thrombo Ass as prescribed by a cardiologist after bypass surgery, heart attack and other cardiac problems in order to prevent blood clots. The medicine in all cases justified the hopes placed on it.

In general, the drug was well tolerated, but there are cases of side effects. Several results are described when, with prolonged use of the drug, discomfort in the gastrointestinal tract appeared.

Although most users note that the drug differs from other drugs with acetylsalicylic acid in that it is well tolerated by the digestive system. In rare cases, people developed a rash. One patient reports that he had swelling of the hands and feet.

The majority of patients respond positively to the drug. long-term use Thrombo Assa does not cause discomfort and successfully fights the possibility of thrombosis.

  • Acetylsalicylic acid,
  • Acecardol,
  • aspirin cardio,
  • Acetylsalicylic acid ms.


ThromboASS: instructions for use, price, reviews, analogues, tablets 50 mg and 100 mg

ThromboASS, instructions for use, price, reviews, analogues of the drug, tablets 50 mg and 100 mg. What helps ThromboASS, how it works and what is the effectiveness. Full instructions on application, composition, reviews of doctors and users.

  • 1 What is Thrombo ACC, what helps
  • 2 Why is it prescribed and what does the drug help with
  • 3 Indications of the drug
  • 4 ThromboASS: instructions for use
  • 5 How to take in the morning or in the evening for prevention
  • 6 Composition
    • 6.1 At what pressure to use tablets
  • 7 Price for ThromboASS 100mg, 50mg in Russia, Kazakhstan, Ukraine
  • 8 Analogues of tablets: ointment, gel, how to replace
  • 9 ThromboASS or Cardiomagnyl: which is better, what is the difference, reviews
  • 10 ThromboASS or aspirin cardio: which is better than different
  • 11 Acecardol or ThromboASS: which is better
  • 12 Curantyl or ThromboASS: which is better, the opinion of cardiologists
  • 13 ThromboASS during pregnancy: side effects
  • 14 How to deal with blood clots ()
  • 15 ThromboASS and alcohol: compatibility, side effects, consequences
  • 16 Dosage for adults
  • 17 Contraindications
  • 18 photo picture
  • 20 Forum
  • 21 ThromboASS: reviews of doctors and patients with varicose veins

What is Thrombo ACC, what helps

ThromboASS (international generic name acetylsalicylic acid) is a fairly well-known drug all over the world, the country of origin of which is Austria. Release form - tablets in a special shell. The group of the drug has the name of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs.

The medicine has Latin name: Thrombo ASS. international name written only in Latin.

You can learn more about ThromboASS on the RLS page and on the Wikipedia website. The drug is aimed at thinning the blood.

The drug is quite effective for the prevention of diseases such as stroke, heart attack, thrombosis.

What is prescribed and what helps the drug

ThromboASS is an agent based on acetylsalicylic acid. The drug affects the number of platelets, reducing it. Many are interested in how it differs from aspirin and when it is prescribed. The tool helps to make the blood thinner. So what is it from and who needs to drink.

ThromboASS is prescribed for the development of varicose veins, the threat of thrombosis. It is a good prevention of the occurrence of a primary or recurrent heart attack, stroke. It does not affect the stomach as much as cheap aspirin.

How to take ThromboASS in the morning or in the evening, how to drink for prevention and how long the course should be, only a specialist can say.

Indications of the drug

ThromboASS: instructions for use

Recommendations from the manufacturer are always attached to the medicine. It says that the tablets should be taken once a day. The dosage of the drug is 50 or 100 mg. The medicine should be taken whole with a small amount of water.

The duration of the drug is individual and is selected based on the disease. In the instructions you can read at what age treatment with this medicine is allowed.

It should not be used simultaneously with valerian ThromboASS. Compatibility with panagin is allowed, which helps well with pain in the head.

How to take in the morning or evening for prevention

When it is better to drink the drug, in the morning or in the evening, it is impossible to say unequivocally. Each person chooses for himself. It is recommended to take the medicine at the same time of day every day. For the prevention of ThromboASS, it is often recommended for people over 50 years of age.

It is important to know when to take the medicine before or after meals. ThromboASS should be drunk either during or after meals.

Thus, the risk of negative effects on the gastrointestinal tract is reduced.

Always in the packaging of the product there is a detailed annotation in which you can find answers to many questions.


The main active ingredient this drug is acetylsalicylic acid. The tablets include auxiliary components: silicon dioxide, lactose, starch, triacetin, talc, silicone agent.

At what pressure should the tablets be used?

The medicine has no effect on arterial pressure. Often the question arises whether it is possible to drink with high pressure ThromboASS. The drug is forbidden to use if the pressure readings are higher than 140/90. In this case, the risk of stroke will increase.

You can start taking the drug only if the pressure normalizes. maybe sharing ThromboASS and tablets for hypertension. Effective therapy can only be selected by the attending physician.

Price for ThromboASS 100mg, 50mg in Russia, Kazakhstan, Ukraine

The tool can be easily found on sale. The cost in pharmacies in different cities may vary slightly. How much does it cost for this moment easy enough to find out.

  1. In Moscow and St. Petersburg, you can buy both 50 mg and 100 mg for 42 rubles for 28 pieces.
  2. Approximately the same price remains in Kazan, Rostov-on-Don and Yekaterinburg.

The drug is presented in pharmacies of Kazakhstan, in Almaty it costs about 870 tenge. In Ukraine, TromboASS has average price equal to 40 UAH. Also, the drug can be found in Belarus.

The most common dosages are 100 and 50 mg of the active substance, 75 mg is not found on sale. Due to the fact that the dosage is prescribed in multiples of 50. It can increase and decrease depending on the disease.

Analogues of tablets: ointment, gel, how to replace

Aspirin-based tablets thin the blood well and prevent the development of serious illnesses. ThromboASS substitutes are drugs such as Aspirin, Acecardol, Cardiomagnyl and other drugs, the main component of which is acetylsalicylic acid.

Rapid blood thinning is promoted by Clexane, Eliquis, Wessel due, Tamoxifin and Vitrum memory. Often people are interested in what can be replaced from herbal preparations. There are medicines based only on natural ingredients, Tanakan and Cardiask.

There are situations when the use of tablets is not necessary, since they have certain side effects. Typically, this refers to initial stage varicose veins.

In this case, you can do with the use of special gels and ointments. The following topical agents are especially popular:

  • Lyoton;
  • Troxevasin;
  • Trocrerutin.

Gels differ in price, manufacturer and composition active components. There is no guarantee that more expensive means will give the best result.

Pick up suitable treatment only a doctor can. If possible, he will recommend a more affordable analogue. Less expensive are Russian analogues, both preparations and ointments.

ThromboASS or Cardiomagnyl: which is better, what is the difference, reviews

Both of these drugs are complete analogues each other. Only their price may differ. ThromboASS has a protective shell, which, according to manufacturers, minimizes negative reactions when using the drug on the walls of the stomach.

In addition to acetylsalicylic acid, Cardiomagnyl includes a special component that can protect the gastrointestinal tract. Doctors note that if regular aspirin causes severe side effects, these drugs will not be able to completely eliminate them.

But it seems to me that coated tablets are better for the stomach. Although to be honest, the price bites.

Everyone I know says that aspirin is just as good, but I can't skimp on my health.

Roman, St. Petersburg. I need to constantly take aspirin for prevention. I am a lot different pills I tried it on its basis, until I settled on TromboASS. Everything is quite satisfactory. Reasonable price, no side effects. I hope I don't get stomach problems.

Valentine, Yekaterinburg. I am also for ThromboASS. The price is quite acceptable. I haven't noticed any side effects yet. I smear my legs with Lioton, I often have varicose veins. The main thing is that blood clots do not form.

Aspirin cardio is an analogue of ThromboASS, these drugs have a similar composition.

The product has a special smooth shell, which, according to manufacturers, reduces the risk of side effects.

It is definitely impossible to say which of these two drugs is better and than. When choosing a drug, you should be guided by the recommendations of your doctor.

Acecardol or ThromboASS: which is better

Acecardol is an aspirin, but has an extended effect due to additional components in the composition. It is believed that the occurrence adverse reactions after using the remedy is far from uncommon.

For this reason, doctors prescribe ThromboASS. It is believed that ThromboASS acts more effectively on blood clots, preventing their formation. The price of the two drugs is not much different and is quite affordable. Acecardol is much less commonly prescribed to patients and is not very popular.

Curantil or ThromboASS: which is better, the opinion of cardiologists

Curantil and ThromboASS are two blood thinners. As a rule, doctors make a choice in favor of any of them, based on the patient's condition. Often, blood problems are diagnosed during pregnancy planning.

In this case, the choice of doctors falls on Curantil, its experts consider it safer. In some cases, it is allowed to take even during pregnancy.

Curantil and ThromboASS are compatible. There are situations when doctors consider such a combination of drugs necessary. Especially if you need to get a positive result immediately.

ThromboASS during pregnancy: side effects

The use of ThromboASS during pregnancy should be agreed with the doctor. In general, the use of Aspirin at this time is not desirable. In the 1st trimester, the use of this drug is not recommended. May harm the fetus by causing heart defects and other problems with the baby.

In case of emergency, doctors prescribe this medicine but in minimal doses and short term. This happens in the 2nd trimester. The use of ThromboASS at this time is less dangerous, but also undesirable. Only a short course of treatment is allowed.

In the third trimester of pregnancy, ThromboASS should be completely canceled. Side effects from its use may be the following: bleeding, decreased labor activity and cerebral hemorrhage in a child. In IVF, ThromboASS is also not recommended.

How to deal with blood clots ()

Those who are regularly forced to take Aspirin are interested in the question of whether it is possible to drink alcohol during treatment. It is not necessary to explain how harmful alcohol is. Therefore, drinking alcohol at this time is not recommended. This is due to the unpredictability of the consequences.

For some, the effect of the drug may increase and the blood will begin to clot poorly, for some people, on the contrary, alcohol blocks the result of using the drug. There is a high probability of occurrence of all kinds of skin reactions and disorders of the gastrointestinal tract.

Dosage for adults

The dosage of the drug depends on the disease in which it is prescribed. To prevent the occurrence of heart attack and stroke, you should take 50 to 100 mg per day. The same dosage is maintained in case of recurrent myocardial infarction.


There are strict limitations for the use of ThromboASS, they cannot be neglected. The drug is prohibited for stomach ulcers, gastrointestinal bleeding, diathesis and asthma.

The medicine should not be taken in the 2nd and 3rd trimesters of pregnancy and during breastfeeding.

Explicit contraindications are age under 18 and chronic heart and kidney failure.

Need to show special care by combining the medicine with Ibuprofen, alcohol and Dioxin. You need constant medical supervision for diabetes, gastritis, duodenitis and gout.

In case of an overdose of the drug, tinnitus, dizziness, nausea, headache, and heart rhythm disturbance are possible.

photo picture

ThromboASS: reviews of doctors and patients with varicose veins

Ivan, Moscow. Tell me, how long can I take ThromboASS without a break and how can I replace it? It is also interesting what time of day it is best to use it. I looked for it in the instructions, but did not find it.

Irina Konstantinovna, Moscow. ThromboASS very good drug based on aspirin. In some cases, you have to take it constantly, without taking short breaks. In this case, side effects are not as dangerous as drug withdrawal.

Exist various medicines With similar action. In particular, with varicose veins, Phenibut, Detralex, Indomethacin, Mexidol, Rosuvastin and Phlebodia can be prescribed. But it is unacceptable to look for a replacement on your own.

At what time to drink ThromboASS the patient chooses on his own.

Irina, Samara. Can you tell me if you can drink this medicine during menstruation? Does it help you get pregnant?

Ivan Alekseevich, St. Petersburg. As a doctor, I really like ThromboASS. When possible, I try to find treatment and explain how to switch from Warfarin to this medicine.

When menstruation comes, you can take the drug, but you need to carefully monitor the condition. Cancel should be before the operation. It must be remembered that the remedy has an effect on the liver and stomach.

Regarding pregnancy, you need to consult a gynecologist, in the early stages of pregnancy, ThromboASS is contraindicated.

Tatiana. Moscow. I was recently prescribed ThromboASS. So is it possible to drink it with Omez? Does this medicine lower blood pressure or not? How often side effects occur.

Ivan Alekseevich, Togliatti. You can take it with Omez, it will only bring benefits and harm to the stomach will be minimized.

I would like to point out that high hemoglobin ThromboASS can be taken, otherwise you need to drink Sorbifer. Often the question arises whether ThromboASS is possible for a diabetic.

Yes, you can, thanks to this you can avoid serious consequences.

Elena, Peter. I am now 18 weeks pregnant, I constantly drink vitamins and monitor my health. I was recently prescribed pills because of the risk of blood clots. Is it possible to apply linseed oil and ThromboASS. And isn't it dangerous at all?

Irina Nikolaevna, Moscow. In the 2nd trimester, this medication is acceptable, especially if the doctor considers it necessary. Treatment with folk remedies in your position is not recommended.

Many women are often interested in how to combine contraceptives with ThromboASS. it the right combination, which reduces the risk of blood clots, especially applies to women with varicose veins.

Analgesic and non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs

Thrombo ASS (Thrombo ASS)

pharmachologic effect

Thrombo ASS is an antiplatelet drug containing the active substance - acetylsalicylic acid - a drug from the group of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs. The drug has antiplatelet, anti-inflammatory, antipyretic and analgesic effects.

The mechanism of action of the drug is associated with a violation of the metabolism of arachidonic acid, due to inhibition of the cyclooxygenase enzyme. Acetylsalicylic acid is a non-selective non-steroidal anti-inflammatory agent, that is, it equally inhibits the action of cyclooxygenase-1 and cyclooxygenase-2. Acetylsalicylic acid reduces the synthesis of prostaglandins and other endogenous biologically active substances from arachidonic acid. By reducing the amount of prostaglandins in the hypothalamus in the center of thermoregulation, body temperature normalizes in case of hyperthermia. Thus, the antipyretic effect of acetylsalicylic acid is realized.

The anti-inflammatory and analgesic effect of the drug is due to the inhibition of the synthesis of prostaglandins and prostacyclins in peripheral tissues and the central nervous system, resulting in a decrease in the intensity inflammatory process and swelling of tissues (anti-inflammatory effect) and the sensitivity of nerve endings to the action of chemical stimuli decreases (analgesic effect).

Thrombo ACC contains small dose acetylsalicylic acid, as a result of which the effect of the drug on platelet cyclooxygenase predominates. The mechanism of antiplatelet action of acetylsalicylic acid is based on its ability to inhibit the synthesis of thromboxane A2 from arachidonic acid due to inhibition of the activity of the cyclooxygenase enzyme. A decrease in the amount of thromboxane A2 in platelets helps to reduce platelet aggregation and vasoconstriction. Despite the short half-life, the antiplatelet effect of the drug lasts for 5-7 days, since under the influence of acetylsalicylic acid, platelets lose their ability to aggregate during the entire period of life (the life span of platelets is about 10 days).

In addition, the drug Thrombo ACC inhibits the formation of fibrin by reducing the synthesis of thrombin and functional state fibrinogen F1. Acetylsalicylic acid contributes to the activation of fibrinolysis due to the release of plasminogen activators and changes in the structure of fibrin fibers.

When using acetylsalicylic acid, there is also a decrease in the synthesis of prostacyclin, which has a gastroprotective effect, in the endothelium and gastric mucosa. The use of the drug in the form of coated tablets significantly reduces irritant effect acetylsalicylic acid on the gastric mucosa and reduces the risk of gastric ulcers.

After oral administration of the drug, absorption of acetylsalicylic acid occurs in upper divisions small intestine. Due to the enteric coating, acetylsalicylic acid does not interact with the mucous membrane of the stomach and duodenum. The peak concentration of the active substance in the blood plasma is observed 3-4 hours after oral administration. It is metabolized mainly in the liver with the formation of pharmacologically active metabolites. The half-life of the drug is about 15 minutes, the half-life of active metabolites is about 3 hours. It is excreted mainly in the urine, both unchanged and in the form of pharmacologically active metabolites.

Indications for use

Due to low doses of acetylsalicylic acid and predominantly antiplatelet action without pronounced anti-inflammatory and analgesic effects, Thrombo ACC is used for the treatment and prevention cardiovascular disease in patients with the following conditions:

    complex treatment of unstable angina pectoris;

    prevention acute infarction myocardial in patients at increased risk (including patients suffering from diabetes, lipid metabolism disorder, arterial hypertension, various stages of obesity, as well as smokers and the elderly);

    drug is used for secondary prevention myocardial infarction and stroke prevention in patients suffering from transient cerebral circulatory disorders;

    prevention of transient disorders of cerebral circulation;

    the drug is also used in postoperative period in patients who underwent vascular interventions for the prevention of thromboembolism (including after coronary artery bypass grafting, endarterectomy carotid arteries, arterial-venous shunting and others surgical interventions on vessels);

    for the prevention of thromboembolism pulmonary artery and its branches, as well as deep vein thrombosis in patients during prolonged immobilization, including after surgical interventions.

Mode of application

The enteric-coated tablets are recommended to be taken before meals. The tablet is recommended to be swallowed whole, without chewing or crushing, with enough water.

The duration of the course of treatment and the dose of the drug is determined by the attending physician, depending on the nature of the disease and individual characteristics patient.

Usually prescribed 50-100 mg of the drug 1 time per day.

Side effects

The drug is usually well tolerated by patients, however, some patients may experience the following side effects while taking Thrombo ACC:

From the gastrointestinal tract and liver: nausea, vomiting, heartburn, pain in the epigastric region, ulcerative lesions mucous membrane of the stomach and duodenum, transient increase in the activity of liver enzymes.

From the hemopoietic system: anemia, increased tendency to bleeding.

From the side of the central nervous system: headache, dizziness, tinnitus.

Allergic reactions: skin rash, itching, urticaria, bronchospasm, angioedema, anaphylactic shock.


    Increased individual sensitivity to the components of the drug, as well as to other medicines groups of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs;

    erosive and ulcerative lesions of the stomach and duodenum, a tendency to gastrointestinal bleeding;

    intolerance to acetylsalicylic acid, bronchial asthma and recurrent nasal polyposis (aspirin triad);

    the use of methotrexate at a dose of more than 15 mg per week;

    first and third trimester of pregnancy, lactation and childhood under 18 years of age;

    the drug is not prescribed to patients suffering from hemorrhagic diathesis.

In addition, caution must be observed when prescribing Thrombo ACC to patients with a history of gastric and duodenal ulcers, nasal polyposis and drug hypersensitivity reactions.


The drug is contraindicated for use in the first trimester of pregnancy, since acetylsalicylic acid increases the risk of developing malformations of the cardiovascular system and other fetal developmental defects. Before prescribing the drug (especially if the treatment regimen requires long-term use of acetylsalicylic acid), it is recommended to exclude pregnancy. Taking acetylsalicylic acid in the third trimester of pregnancy increases the risk of complications during childbirth, and can also provoke dysfunction of the hematopoietic system in the fetus. In the second trimester of pregnancy, the drug can be prescribed under the strict supervision of a doctor if the expected benefit to the mother is higher than the potential risks to the fetus.

The drug passes into breast milk, if necessary, long-term use of the drug during lactation is recommended to resolve the issue of termination breastfeeding. A single dose of the drug during lactation does not adversely affect the child and does not require the abolition of breastfeeding.

Interaction with other drugs

At simultaneous application acetylsalicylic acid and methotrexate, there is an increase pharmacological effects the last one.

The drug enhances the action of heparin and indirect anticoagulants, as well as thrombolytics and antiplatelet drugs (for example, ticlopidine).

The drug, with simultaneous use, reduces the excretion of digoxin by the kidneys and enhances its pharmacological effects.

The Thrombo ACC drug, when used simultaneously with insulin and hypoglycemic agents of the group of sulfonylurea derivatives, enhances their hypoglycemic effect.

Through displacement valproic acid from bonds with proteins, acetylsalicylic acid enhances therapeutic effects valproic acid.

With the simultaneous use of the drug with ethyl alcohol, there is a mutual enhancement of the pharmacological effects of these drugs. The simultaneous use of the drug Thrombo ACC with drugs containing ethanol, and alcohol.

With simultaneous use, the drug reduces the effectiveness of uricosuric drugs.

Glucocorticosteroids increase the rate of excretion of acetylsalicylic acid from the body and reduce its effectiveness.


Due to the low dose of acetylsalicylic acid in Thrombo ACC, an overdose is unlikely. In case of an overdose, patients develop nausea, vomiting (including with vomitus of the color coffee grounds, which indicates the development gastrointestinal bleeding), headache, dizziness, tinnitus and confusion.

There is no specific antidote. In case of an overdose, gastric lavage is indicated, taking enterosorbents and saline laxatives. Carry out if necessary symptomatic therapy. Before the disappearance of all symptoms of an overdose, it is necessary to control the acid-base balance.

Release form

Shelf life - 3 years.

Storage conditions

Aspirin-cardio, ACC-Ratiopharm, Cardiask.


1 enteric coated tablet contains:

Acetylsalicylic acid - 50 or 100 mg;

Excipients, including lactose.


Before using the drug Thrombo ASS you should consult your doctor. This instruction provided in free translation and is intended for informational purposes only. For more complete information please refer to the manufacturer's instructions.