Salicylic Acid Acne Treatment. Contraindications to the use of salicylic acid

Every girl or woman knows what salicylic acid is used for for acne on the face.

Most people have it in their first aid kit. Judging by the numerous reviews, this remedy is popular with teenage children during the period when they develop acne.

Features of the use of funds

Salicylic acid is an affordable, inexpensive drug. Available in different consistencies from one to ten percent solution. In the cosmetic field, only 1-3% are used.

For beginners, it is better to start with a 1% solution. The point is that salicylic alcohol destroys the bacteria that provoke their formation. It cleanses the skin when it penetrates through the pores, thereby preventing the formation of fatty deposits.

It is necessary to use this cosmetic product with caution for people with dry skin type. In this case, it is more correct to use another drug, otherwise there is a risk of getting burned. At the first application, it is better to try to apply it on a small area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe skin to prevent undesirable consequences.

There may be slight tingling after application. But if there is a strong pain effect, you need to quickly wash. In this case, try a salicylic acid solution that does not contain alcohol - Stopproblem tonic.

It also has an anti-inflammatory effect, but much more delicate. In addition, there are many other drugs where there is an acid. Due to the fact that the skin quickly gets used to the product, you should not use it for more than one month.

If, then it is necessary to treat it more often with an alcohol solution. Procedures are carried out every 3 days with an interval of 2 days. The course of treatment will be two months. If after two months there is no result, you should consult a doctor.

How to use the drug for acne

There are a number of rules that must be followed when using acid in order to get rid of annoying ulcers, as well as relieve inflammation on the skin.

Consider them:

  • in order not to harm the skin, it is required to use the medicine no more than twice a day;
  • can be applied not only on individual pimples, but everywhere;
  • it is best to do a cosmetic procedure in the evening, before going to bed;
  • before application, it is necessary to prepare the skin: wash off cosmetics, wash;
  • depending on the amount of acne, use cotton swabs or cotton pads to apply salicylic alcohol to damaged areas;
  • in order to avoid the formation of peeling or burns, it is not necessary to rub the product into the skin strongly;
  • when using a 2% solution, after a short period of time, you should wash your face.

It will be good if, after the end of the cosmetic procedure, apply a moisturizing or nourishing cream. Everything should be in a complex, then the result will not be long in coming.

To forget about this problem forever, you should reconsider your lifestyle:

  • start eating right
  • eat more fruit rich in vitamins;
  • forget about the bad habit - stop squeezing acne.

When acne disappears, you should do facial cleansing (peeling), once or twice a week. And also apply a cleansing mask.

Advantages and disadvantages of salicylic acid

Any drug, no matter how good it is, has its pros and cons. This also applies to him.


  • very cheap, costs only 40 rubles;
  • can be purchased at any pharmacy without a prescription;
  • works quite efficiently;
  • penetrating inside, destroys pathogens - bacteria;
  • easy to use.


  • not suitable for everyone, because it is very strong,;
  • loses effectiveness with prolonged use;
  • in addition to bacteria destroys the microflora;
  • should not be used by pregnant women.

Despite the fact that salicylic acid fights acne perfectly, it is necessary to use a full range of measures. Each person is special, so the causes of problems are different for everyone. For this reason, it would be better to approach this issue individually.

You can consult a doctor at any time if you cannot cope with this disease on your own. The most important thing is to be careful and listen to your body, he knows what suits him best.

How to make a mask using the tool

This cosmetic product can be used not only in its pure form. You can prepare a mask, or, simply speaking, a talker, with its addition. They may be different. Accordingly, each will work in its own direction. Let's consider some of them.

To give the face a lighter tone, remove age spots, you need:

  • mix in equal proportions the agent, lemon juice and clay, preferably white;
  • apply on the face;
  • hold for 10 minutes;
  • wash off the mask;
  • apply moisturizer.

It also quickly and effectively helps to remove blackheads, comedones. To do this, apply the drug to problem areas of the skin with a cotton swab or cotton pad, leave for 20 minutes. After that, wash with warm water.

For problems with oily skin, the following mask will help. To prepare it, you need:

  • mix black clay with bodyaga in the same proportion;
  • dilute with water and add 2-3 drops of salicylic alcohol to the resulting mixture;
  • apply to a previously cleansed face;
  • after fifteen minutes it is necessary to wash.

Mask for pigmentation

To get rid of age spots and tighten small wrinkles, use a mask with acetylsalicylic acid for acne.

To make it you should:

  • take 4 tablets and grind;
  • add lemon juice and mix;
  • apply and leave for ten minutes;
  • Rinse afterwards and apply moisturizer.

Masks against inflammation and rashes

You can also make a mask with salicylic acid and levomycetin for acne. She will dry them well.

Apply it right before bed. For cooking you need:

  • take 0.05 liters of boric and salicylic acid, mix it all;
  • add 0.05 l of medical alcohol and 5 g of chloramphenicol to the resulting mixture, mix;
  • apply on the face at night;
  • wash off in the morning.

To relieve severe inflammation, a mask with honey will help. For its preparation you need:

  • crush two aspirin tablets;
  • mix the resulting powder with one tablespoon of honey;
  • apply for ten minutes;
  • rinse after.

To restore skin elasticity and get rid of spots, a mask with glycerin will help. To cook it, you need:

  • take one teaspoon of gelatin, half a tablespoon of glycerin, 1 gram of salicylic acid, then mix;
  • boil in a water bath;
  • apply on the skin of the face, leave for 15 minutes;
  • rinse afterwards.

If the mask remains, store in a cool place.

Peeling masks

A peeling mask will help get rid of peeling and acne. Consider how to prepare it correctly and how to use it:

  • soak one tablespoon of bran in water, preferably wheat;
  • grind an aspirin tablet and add the resulting powder to the bran;
  • massage movements apply to the dermis;
  • hold for 5 minutes, rinse.

This talker will help to give the face a natural color. In addition, it will dry the abscesses. To prepare it you need:

  • mix 50 milliliters of salicylic and boric acid;
  • add 7 grams of streptocide and sulfur;
  • apply to the dermis;
  • wash off after 10 minutes.

Levomycetin, which is part of this talker, will help relieve inflammation on the face.

To create it you need:

  • take calendula tincture, aspirin and levomycetin tablets, 5 pieces each;
  • grind the tablets, pour into the bottle where the calendula tincture is located;
  • insist during the day;
  • shake before application.

Acne mask

An effective acne medication that is applied at different times of the day consists of a number of ingredients.

  • take salicylic and boric acid in equal proportions;
  • pour into two bottles;
  • add half a teaspoon of sulfuric ointment to one, the same amount of zinc to the other;
  • apply a talker with sulfur before going to bed, and with zinc ointment - in the morning.
  • in either case, hold for 10-15 minutes;
  • wash off after time.

The above are popular cosmetics that you can prepare yourself at home. How to use it correctly, we examined in detail. Remember that when using an acne talker, you can not rub it hard so as not to harm the skin.

While the treatment is underway, you will have to forget about cosmetics or minimize use. This is a must to get rid of pimples faster. It is better to give preference to natural, expensive drugs.


So, to see the effect of this drug, take a photo before and after applying salicylic acid. Then you will understand whether it helped or not in the fight against acne.

The medicine has keratolytic and antiseptic properties. Preparations based on salicylic acid are in any home first aid kit. Salicyl is used in the composition of external products intended for the treatment of problem skin. It is contained in Lassara paste, corn patch, Galmanin powder. Aspirin's main component is salicylic acid.

The name of the drug is from the Latin word Salix, translated as willow. Initially, the substance was isolated from the bark of this tree.

Acne companies claim that their products contain acid from corn. The compound is isolated only from the bark of the willow and in a small amount from the essential oil of spiria flowers. Willow bark is ground into a powder, treated with oxidizing agents and filtered to obtain salicyl.

Salicylic acid relieves. Since the 19th century it has been used to treat rheumatism. Scientists attributed the amino acid to vitamin-like substances. When lost inside the body, it relieves pain and improves blood circulation. When applied to the surface of the skin, it dissolves fatty compounds that clog pores.

One of the effective remedies in the treatment of acne, has anti-inflammatory, antiseptic and antibacterial effects. On sale solutions in various dosage forms.

Against acne on the face, apply 2% salicylic acid. A 3% solution is used in the treatment of acne on the body. Concentrated solutions of 10% to 30% dissolve warts. But it is better not to experiment without the permission of a doctor, you can damage the skin. In the pharmacy network of Russia, solutions of 1-2% and ointments 2, 3, 5, 10% are sold.

How it helps

The use of a non-concentrated composition for problem skin has many advantages. The product does not destroy or break small blood vessels.

One of the beneficial properties is drying acne. If a pimple is anointed with a preparation in the evening, then by morning it will be invisible. Purulent acne dries up, pain disappears, redness decreases. Subcutaneous pus resolves and the pimple disappears.

The remedy removes red spots. Apply pointwise on post-acne. The drug penetrates deep into the layer of the epidermis, causes blood flow, helps skin renewal. Use salicylic acid until the redness disappears, smear the place of redness at least three times a day.

Sebum (sebum) and keratins form a hyperkeratotic plug or comedone. Acid dissolves fats in pores, enhances cell activity, increases collagen production. It forces the skin to renew itself and clears clogged channels.

This useful property helps to stop the secretion of excess fat and removes acne. To wipe the face, use an alcohol-free lotion with salicylic acid or 1% alcohol. Wash off after five minutes to avoid peeling of the skin. With constant treatment of the face with alcohol solutions, caution is required. There is a possibility of dry skin. The sebaceous glands will begin to secrete more oil, which will lead to new acne.

The drug has antibacterial properties. But there is a drawback, in addition to bad microorganisms, beneficial bacteria die. If there are few acne on the face, apply 2% acid pointwise to each element.

Salicyl is contraindicated for skin with dark pigment. For dark skin, use under medical supervision.


A steam bath with salicylic acid helps with blackheads. Complete steam bath procedure.

  1. After a steam bath, lather a toothbrush with laundry soap and clean the places where black dots accumulate in a circular motion.
  2. Washed with hot water.
  3. 2% salicylic acid is poured onto a cotton pad and rubbed into problem areas on the face.
  4. After the end of the procedure, wash with cold water. Close the pores with healing ice from chamomile infusion. However, these are special masks.

If there are few blackheads on the face, one procedure is enough. For problematic skin, several treatments are required.

In the case of a large number of comedones, wipe the problematic surface of the face with a cotton pad. Rub the remedy, in a circular motion, until tingling. These sensations will inform that the therapeutic composition has penetrated the epidermis. Vigorous rubbing leads to burns. After 3-5 minutes, rinse your face with cold water. Choose 1% salicylic acid. Applying the solution directly to the pimple will protect healthy skin cells.


With dry skin, the use of salicylic acid is allowed exactly on the element. With a mixed type, the medicine is not rubbed, there is a high probability of getting a burn.

The skin after applying the solution may peel off, so reduce the concentration or use an alcohol-free lotion. The skin is moisturized and soothed with creams, masks. Do not apply to healthy areas of the body, but only to the area with acne. On infected, swollen skin, salicylic acid is not used.

Not compatible with other acne treatments. When used in conjunction with salix, side effects are possible in the form of peeling, burning, dry skin.

Salicylic acid is prohibited during pregnancy. It is possible to provoke the development of Reye's syndrome in a child. For the same reason, children under 12 years of age are not recommended to use the product.

After a while, the skin can get used to the medicine. Therefore, stop using the drug for 2-3 weeks. The skin will rest, and the healing effect will return.

Salicylic acid is chosen to remove single elements on the face. She quickly copes with inflammatory processes on the skin, especially with the first acne. If you start treatment with a solution on time, then other drugs will not be needed.

How to use for pore cleansing

  • The product should have a pH - 4, this will help dissolve fats and open pores. This acid tingles the skin a little. A solution with a high pH will not irritate the epidermis, but it will not clean the pores either.
  • A highly concentrated acid can burn the top layer of the epithelium. A small concentration will not clean the pores. 1-2-3% solutions work correctly on the face.
  • Rubbing the face with lotion will not give a good effect. It is useful to apply the gel. The product is used according to the instructions, washed off after the recommended period of time. Do not apply to the skin around the eyes.

What to replace

In case of intolerance, use calendula tincture. Inexpensive remedy with anti-inflammatory and antibacterial effect, used for acne.

Salicyl contains a beta-hydroxy acid used in cosmetics for skin care. The same properties are possessed by alpha-hydroxy acids - lactic and glycolic, but with a strong concentration. Products with alpha hydroxy acids having a concentration of 30% are equal to 2% salicylic acid.

Benzoyl peroxide, like salicylic acid, has a comedonolytic effect. Contained in Baziron cream.

Acne is a kind of litmus test that signals that not everything is in order in the human body. Pimples can appear on the skin at any age, although many people mistakenly believe that this skin ailment only affects adolescents during puberty.

Pimples on the skin - causes and treatment

Pimples appear when the pores of the skin become clogged due to increased production of sebum. Small tubercles are formed, in the center of which small abscesses appear. Most often, inflamed skin is red, itchy, or sore.

Black dots and pimples - scheme

Unfortunately, skin rashes can appear even in old age due to many factors, including:

Oily skin, blockage of the glands and as a result - purulent acne

This list can be continued by many more factors that affect the appearance of inflammation on the skin, but most often it is hormonal changes that cause a rash that spoils the appearance.

Why salicylic acid effectively eliminates acne

Despite the abundance of modern drugs for acne, salicylic acid has been the number one medicine for many decades. This is due to the fact that only this drug most effectively cleanses the skin and relieves inflammation in a short time.

With the formation of a pimple, the pores of the skin are clogged with excess fat, as a result of which comedones appear - small cystic formations that form deep in the skin. Since there is no exit to the surface of the skin for excess sebum, bacteria penetrate the comedones, causing inflammation and redness of the affected areas. It is because of the vital activity of microorganisms that a purulent formation appears on top of each pimple.

Salicylic acid literally destroys harmful bacteria, prevents their reproduction and penetration into nearby skin areas. Thanks to its effect, acne quickly decreases in size, redness becomes not too pronounced. Also, when the drug enters the skin, the production of sebum is regulated, which helps to eliminate the appearance of a rash.

Salicylic acid also helps restore beauty to the skin. After the elimination of the inflammatory process on the surface of the skin, there are often clearly visible post-acne - dark spots that form at the site of acne. Salicylic acid penetrates deep into the pores, stimulating blood circulation in all layers of the dermis, which contributes to faster tissue renewal. Under the influence of the drug, post-acne becomes invisible, which improves the appearance of the skin.

Another positive effect that salicylic acid provides is the dissolution and elimination of black spots on the skin.

How salicylic acid works

Salicylic acid is a substance derived from acetylsalicylic acid (similar to regular aspirin). Aspirin has long been used to reduce pain and inflammation. The drug contributes to the suppression of ATP synthesis, which reduces the permeability of capillaries and the spread of pathogenic organisms beyond the focus of inflammation.

In nature, salicylic acid is found in raspberry leaves and shoots, which is why this plant is effective in helping with fever and chills. When applied to the skin, salicylic acid penetrates deep into the pores, while helping to exfoliate the keratinized dermis and remove excess sebum. This mechanism of action allows you to quickly eliminate the focus of inflammation, depriving the bacteria of the most important substance for reproduction - sebum.

How to use salicylic acid

Acid contributes to the rapid elimination of inflammation due to the drying effect. The drug works especially effectively if it is applied pointwise to the reddened tubercles of the skin. This application not only reduces inflammation, but also protects healthy skin from overdrying.

This drug is available in various concentrations. For cosmetic procedures, it is best to use salicylic acid 1% or 2%. Before the procedure, it is recommended to cleanse the face of cosmetics and cream.

If the drug will be applied pointwise to the skin, it is best to use a cotton swab. If there are a lot of acne, then you can use a cotton pad.

Do not rub the acid into the skin too zealously, treat the inflamed skin with light movements. The procedure is recommended to be done in the evening, before going to bed. In order not to dry out the skin, after applying the acid, you can use a moisturizer.

The course of treatment should not be more than a month, as the skin gets used to this drug and stops responding to it.

What you need to know when using salicylic acid

Despite the fact that salicylic acid helps to eliminate inflammation on the skin, if used carelessly or excessively, this drug can be very harmful.

Constant use of acid on dry skin can provoke a backlash - overdried skin will begin to increase the production of sebum, which in turn will provoke the appearance of acne. Therefore, if after using the drug itching and irritation appear, the skin begins to peel off or spots appear, it is better not to use the drug, it is too aggressive for dry skin.

Salicylic acid is an alcohol solution, so you should not combine this remedy with other similar drugs, the effect can be very unpleasant.

This drug is strictly contraindicated in pregnant women, as the substance can provoke the development of Reye's syndrome in a child. Also, do not use this tool to treat the skin of children under 14 years of age.

Recipes for therapeutic masks and lotions using salicylic acid



To prepare an anti-inflammatory mask, mix dried bodyaga with boiled water. If this herb is purchased in the form of an ointment, then it does not need to be diluted with anything. A few drops of salicylic acid are added to the bodyaga and the resulting liquid slurry is applied to problem areas. After 5-7 minutes, the gruel should be washed off, a moisturizer should be applied to the skin. You should not apply this procedure very often, once a week is enough, otherwise you can greatly dry the skin.

Cosmetic clay is needed to make a mask. Add 5 ml of salicylic acid to the material diluted in water and mix thoroughly. The mask is applied to areas of the skin affected by inflammation; on the face, it is advisable to avoid getting clay on the delicate skin around the eyes. It is recommended to wash off the mask after a quarter of an hour. If after applying the clay on the face there is a strong burning sensation or other discomfort, you need to stop the cosmetic procedure.

After the mask, it is advisable to use a moisturizer.

To prepare a therapeutic lotion, you should purchase 1% acid, a package of levomycetin tablets and streptocide (powder). In a glass container with salicylic acid, add 4 crushed tablets of chloramphenicol at the tip of a teaspoon of streptocide. All ingredients should be mixed thoroughly. The resulting solution should be wiped with inflamed skin for 3 days in a row. It is advisable to carry out a cosmetic procedure at night, when there is not a drop of cosmetics on the face. After a three-day course, you need to take a two-day break, then repeat the treatment.

It is important to monitor the condition of the skin, if even the slightest sign of an allergy appears, treatment should be stopped immediately.

The procedure with the use of laundry soap and salicylic acid helps to remove inflammation, reduce the formation of comedones and discolor blackheads. First, you should steam your face, then use a special brush to lather the skin with laundry soap and rub it. Wash off the soap with hot water and wipe the steamed face with salicylic acid. The cleansed pores will quickly narrow and the skin will look fresh and healthy.

What additional methods help eliminate a rash on the face and body

It turns out that acne can be treated not only with the help of medical or cosmetic preparations. To reduce the appearance of a rash on the face, you need to follow the following tips.

  1. Exclude harmful foods from the diet: smoked meats, canned food, sweets, flour.

  2. Constantly monitor hygiene, do not use cheap or allergic cosmetics.

  3. Strengthen the immune system, play sports, spend more time in the fresh air.

  4. For severe rashes, hormonal therapy is indicated.

  5. Avoid wearing synthetic clothing, especially if the rash is localized on the body.
  6. Do not self-medicate as some skin problems can be caused by fungus and bacteria.

It's important to know! Do not try to use salicylic acid if irritation, dryness or other negative factors appear after application. In the pursuit of beauty, you can harm yourself and aggravate the condition of the skin.

Video - Acid for acne

Video - Salicylic acid for acne, effect and methods of application

One of the most affordable, budgetary and quite effective remedy for the treatment of pustular rashes and acne on the skin is salicylic acid.

With this ancient method of acne treatment, many are familiar with personal experience, but not everyone gets the desired result.

Because of the desire to quickly, dosages are violated, the time of exposure to problem areas increases, or even the entire adjacent surface is generously poured with alcohol. As a result, the resulting burns, redness, overdried skin with intense peeling, crusts on pimples discredit a good remedy.

salicylic acid for acne

Before using salicylic acid, read the effective

Salicylic acid - a derivative of aspirin, in its natural form, salicylic acid is found in raspberry leaves and willow bark. As a pharmaceutical preparation, its alcohol 1-2% solution is used.

It is better to avoid an alcohol solution, because alcohol adversely affects the condition of the skin, destroys its protective barrier and dries it a lot.

This remedy is not a momentary action, it will take a couple of months of patience to regularly, twice a day, apply the solution pointwise to the inflamed areas of the skin. If treatment of large surfaces is required (chest, back), lubricate the entire problem area, but without “cauterization”.

Therapeutic properties of salicylic acid

The therapeutic effect of salicylic acid is based on its keratolic properties - exfoliate old skin cells, penetrating into the pores, it eliminates blockage of the sebaceous ducts and restores the functioning of the sebaceous glands.

It is recommended that after applying an alcohol solution to the skin, after 15-20 minutes, rinse the skin with warm water - this will not affect the therapeutic result, and you can insure yourself from the side effects of alcohol. This antibacterial agent can also act as a basic cleansing base for the use of other cosmetic treatments.

There are alcohol-free lotions with salicylic acid as an active component, an example of this is the notorious Stop problem. It does not have the tanning side effect of having alcohol, but acne treatment results are generally more modest.

Salicylic acid paste

Widely used in dermatological practice are pastes containing, in addition to salicylic acid, trace elements that bring their healing properties, enhancing the medicinal effect of salicylic acid.

So, zinc, which is its companion in salicylic-zinc paste, relieves inflammation and dries up acne even with a single application, and sulfur (sulfur-salicylic ointment) not only cleanses the skin well from acne, but also cope with subcutaneous mites.

Frequently asked questions about salicylic acid

- They say that the higher the concentration (%), the better salicylic acid helps with acne.

Unfortunately, it is not. Too high concentration of salicylic acid, namely more than 2%, can dry the skin very much. From this, the protective barrier of the skin is reduced and the properties of the skin become worse. In general, 1-2% is the best option.

- They say that it is not recommended to use other drugs for the treatment of acne in combination with salicylic acid.

Everyone is right, because in combination with other products, salicylic acid can damage your skin.

Does salicylic acid help bring comedones to the surface?

Yes it helps. Just use a small dose to start with to bring out the comedones.

Does salicylic acid help ?

More likely no than yes. It is better to use other means, since the effect of salicylic acid against acne spots is too small.

Salicylic acid reviews


One of my favorite tools. There is no better skin care product in my opinion. It perfectly removes sebum and all dirt from the face. Only I use 1% and it just suits me. More than 1% I do not advise buying. because it dries out the skin. Every time I come home, I wipe my face with a cotton pad soaked in salicylic acid. Sometimes I forgot to wipe and the next day inflammation appeared. Therefore, I carefully follow this process.

Alex Free

I really could use this tool. I have been haunted by subcutaneous pimples on my forehead for about 3 years. Strongly because of this I did not experience, but I wanted to get rid of it. Dermatolg said that everything will pass by itself, but it did not. I decided to buy salicylic acid, for 3 days I smeared my forehead 2 times a day. I am very happy with the results and will continue to use.


Recently learned about salicylic acid on the Internet. There, something on some site said that it helps to get rid of acne. Well, I decided to try. I went to the pharmacy, bought a 1% solution of salicylic acid, although they also offered 2%. Used 2 days. I really liked the effect, small pimples began to dry out and pass. But there was a little peeling, but the moisturizing cream from Garnier did a good job with it. I advise.


My situation made me nervous for over a year. The fact is that in connection with my adolescence, I have such a problem as acne. They just showered all over the face and even on the neck. In fact, in the modern world, there are many drugs that can be easily bought at a pharmacy. But the question is, which one to prefer, so that he helps? So I don't know! Of course you can buy something, but they are not so cheap to try them all! And get rid of acne hunting. Well, of course, I took two funds, one was cheap at first, it didn’t help, then I went and took it more expensive, they said it was effective. After using it, I began to get irritated and even began to sneeze from it. That's terrible. Quite recently, in some old newspaper, even my grandmother subscribed to it (if I'm not mistaken, then "Peasant Woman"), I found my salvation. It turned out to be salicylic acid! Previously, it was sold with terrible control and it was not to be found! But now it is in almost every pharmacy. Its use is very simple, you need to buy salicylic acid, no more than 2%, and wipe your face with it, only in the morning, but every day, then apply a moisturizer. After two or three days, you will notice the difference! I not only noticed it, I walk without a single pimple! I highly recommend it to anyone who suffers from this disease!


I want to recommend to everyone, those who suffer from acne and blackheads, a very good remedy for them! My mother works in a pharmacy. One fine day, she came home from work and handed me the very one - salicylic acid. I ask her what is it? Her answer was unequivocal - try this for acne. I was at a loss, for almost two years, my mother could not help me with anything, fight acne, and here she’s just so businesslike - they say, do the job! I approached her and asked how and with what to eat it? She said that they came to her pharmacy and asked for salicylic acid, and for the first time in my life I say, I asked why you need it? And they told me: that this is an excellent remedy for various kinds of acne and even helps with blackheads. I asked her how to use it, and now I am an expert in this matter! And all you need is, in the morning, when you wake up, go, wash yourself, and then wipe your face with a cosmetic sponge with salicylic acid applied. Walk for a while and then, smear with your usual cream. It's been a week and I'm excited! My skin is clean, my face is without a single black dot and in general life is beautiful! Try it, you won't regret it!


Dear girls, I've read all the advice about salicylic acid, and I want to ask you - do not use it, please! And why, I'll tell you. My story is short. I was advised this "nonsense", I wiped my face, everything seemed to be fine, until one morning I woke up and found on my face areas that were whiter than the whole face. That is, it turns out, I burned some areas of the skin of the face. After going to a paid beautician, of course, I got rid of them (stains), but I don’t use such methods anymore. And the beautician said that these are real burns!

From the reviews it is perfectly clear what kind of acid it is and what it is eaten with. Reference

See also drugs: ,

Fights acne but can dry out skin

Grade: 4

Not a bad remedy for acne, but there are cons, such as dryness on the skin. It is better to use a 1-2% solution of salicylic acid. This remedy helps me only in the first stages of the "ripening" of the pimple, in the morning it is already dried and it is almost invisible. I recommend trying it, especially at such a budget price (20-50 rubles)

Simple remedy for acne

Grade: 5

Small pimples constantly appear on the shoulders and back of the legs. I used to smear with acne cream, but the place is such that the cream soon ends up on clothes and furniture. Now I have found another way for myself - salicylic acid. It's such a delight. Cheap, stored for a long time, consumed slowly, and the method of application is the simplest. I take a cotton swab, moisten it in acid and wipe problem areas. In the process, you have to moisten several times. Salicylic acid dries quickly, immediately after skin treatment, you can dress, sit in a chair. Acne dries up in a few hours, and if not combed, they can be cured in three days.

Can easily dry out skin

Grade: 4

I use acid instead of salicylic paste in very emergency cases when a pimple needs to be urgently eliminated. It disinfects the problem area very well, helps to relieve severe inflammation, has a drying effect, works equally well on any part of the body. And here the most important thing is not to dry out the skin and not aggravate the situation, so I take only a 1% solution. He has a sharp unpleasant odor, when brought to the eyes, they begin to water. When applied to healthy skin, it begins to pinch noticeably, so I treat only problem areas with acid pointwise.

Yes, but very carefully

Grade: 4

Salicylic has helped me a lot in the fight against acne on excessively oily skin. It perfectly cleanses pores clogged with sebum and dries up inflammation, especially if you cauterize them pointwise daily. But there are 2 points that should not be forgotten. Firstly, acid by itself will not solve the problem, it needs helpers, including in terms of the internal state of the body. Secondly, acid cannot be used in summer, because it greatly affects pigmentation and whitens the skin. Thirdly, salicylic acid will do more harm than good to dry and sensitive skin. Even on my very oily skin, I used it with great care.

It's safe to crush volcanoes

Grade: 4

My choice in favor of salicylic acid is obvious:
1. It is great for hand disinfection.
2. Disinfects the surface of the pimple from inflammation.
3. Protects against infection in an open wound.
4. Dry the wet wound.
5. Cheapness of the drug
6. Purification of pus.
Once and for all, it will not ensure the cleanliness of the skin, but to dry and clean the newly appeared acne - Easily!


Grade: 5

For me, the main problem is not to pick acne, and since I taught myself to smear them with salicylic acid at night, the habit slowly passed. For it pinches the skin mercilessly if you open a pimple.
Salicylic acid is a good remedy for acne, I heard that it is used as an antiseptic. But I needed it when I first bought it. I must say right away that acne does not heal, but simply prevents microbes and bacteria from entering the pimple so that redness and suppuration are not provoked. It's like prevention, you need to treat acne from the inside. In addition, salicylic acid dries the skin, of course, it must be applied selectively to the skin, strictly on areas with acne. Otherwise, excessive dryness and dehydration of the skin will begin to provoke excessive work of the sebaceous glands. Hence the shine and gloss on the forehead, nose and chin.
The first time, foolishly, I smeared my whole face, I had to wash it off, and then smear the skin with a nourishing cream, because the skin became very dry. But if applied correctly, then salicylic perfectly dries the pimple and promotes healing of the skin. So I can recommend as an aid. I put 5.

Simple Remedy

Grade: 4

Previously, she constantly suffered from inflammatory acne on her back. She was treated by a dermatologist, but the recovery did not come completely. I recently discovered a great tool. It helped me 100%, so far, a month has passed, no new formations have appeared. Of course, I do not expect a quick result, but I will follow it. Got some patience :)
The first rule - in no case should you wear synthetic clothes that tightly fit the body, the skin stops breathing and the problem of acne only gets worse.
I will tell you my recipe for those who suffer from the same disease.
I use salicylic acid for this. First, about the properties that it has, so that you understand that it is safe. We are talking about an alcohol solution of salicylic acid. But here you need to be careful that alcohol does not dry out the skin, it is better to dilute it (if you have dry skin, salicylic acid tablets are ideal). I have oily and for me the alcohol solution is what I need. Next, put the powder (2 tablets + a little water) or alcohol solution on fire and evaporate by half. After that, add water again so that the color of the mixture becomes cloudy white. It's all.
I apply this mixture with a cotton swab exactly on the areas of inflammation. Everything is very simple. Try it.

May cause burns if used incorrectly

Grade: 4

Periodically I use salicylic at home, but with great care. To avoid burns, I take acid with a concentration of no more than 2%. And it is strictly forbidden to apply it to moles, damaged skin and any skin neoplasms. Before using, be sure to thoroughly cleanse the face, remove all makeup. Then I wipe the skin with a cotton swab dipped in acid. I do this in case of acne twice a day. If the skin begins to pinch strongly, then I wash my face with warm water. If the skin is dry or with hypersensitivity, then it is necessary to wash your face. If there are deep painful pimples or subcutaneous tissue, then I apply the acid pointwise with a cotton swab and lightly cauterize.
During the period of mass appearance of acne, masks based on salicylic acid help a lot. They do it on their own. You need to take acid, clay and warm water and make a slurry from this that will not drain from your face. I apply it with a special spatula evenly in a thin layer and leave it to dry completely, then wash my face. As a result, in addition to the disappearance of acne, freckles on the nose turned pale, black dots disappeared, and skin turgor increased due to improved circulation.

Must be used very carefully

Grade: 4

Salicylic acid works in three directions at once, it has an antibacterial, anti-inflammatory and healing effect. After the completion of acne treatment, salicylic helps to remove pigmentation and the effects of acne, it works as a bleaching agent. If the skin is overly sensitive, then it is better to use salicylic-zinc ointment, it works softer and more delicately. The use of acid along with boric acid helped to remove comedones. It also gave the effect of peeling, the processes of natural regeneration started, the skin became like new. You need to be extremely careful when combining salicylic acid with other acne remedies, especially if they contain this same acid. With salicylic it is very easy to overdo it, and instead of good there will be one harm. If you overdo it, then burning, itching and severe peeling are guaranteed. For the same reasons, you can not use acid constantly. Do not confuse salicylic acid with 20% salicylic alcohol (both are sold in pharmacies), which can actually burn the skin. Acid can cause severe allergies.

Works better for acne than pimples

Grade: 4

Used salicylic acid to treat acne and pimples. In the first case, the tool worked as it should. The acid perfectly dissolved all the sebaceous plugs, dealt with their contents and compacted epithelial cells that closed the pores. The work of the sebaceous glands was normalized. And acid fights acne less effectively, it will definitely not cope alone. Acid is absolutely not suitable for dry and sensitive skin, it only leads to even greater dryness and flaking. If the skin is naturally dark, then it is better not to experiment with salicylic acid, it can lead to partial whitening of the skin. Also, due to the acidic environment, it helps to exfoliate dead skin cells and degreases the skin well, works as an excellent antiseptic. The drier and more sensitive the skin, the lower the percentage of the solution should be chosen. After applying to the skin, a slight tingling sensation may be felt, but it quickly passes. The smell is strong and rather specific, hitting the nose like ammonia, but weaker. Many modern remedies for acne and acne are made on the basis of salicylic acid, but it is easier and cheaper to buy it in its pure form at a pharmacy, the cost is cheap, and the effect is not worse.

Budget and efficient

Grade: 4

Salicylic acid is an alcoholic solution that can only be used externally. The tool relieves redness, dries pimples, lightens black spots a little with constant use.
For me, this is a cheap remedy that I use almost daily. Basically, I wipe my face with salicylic acid in the evening. It cleanses the pores well, has an anti-inflammatory and disinfecting effect. Prevents the appearance of new acne.
To do this, I thoroughly wash my face with a gel, then treat the skin with salicylic acid and apply a moisturizer.
Since the solution is alcohol, it dries the skin. Therefore, the use of moisturizing products is a must in my skincare routine.
I also use salicylic pointwise on hotel rashes. For example, if I have a pimple, then during the day I always apply a cotton swab dipped in salicylic acid to it several times.
In pharmacies, there are 2 variants of salicylic acid - 1% and 2%. 2% works more effectively, but it is not always possible to meet it.
If the skin is dry and sensitive, then alcohol solutions should not be used. In this case, you can buy alcohol-free salicylic lotions and use them. They cost more, but the effect is the same, only without drying the skin.

The easiest way to get rid of acne

Grade: 4

I don’t understand why buy expensive cosmetics or do expensive procedures in salons too, if you can use such a simple and cheap, still grandmother’s remedy. I used to reduce acne with salicylic acid and advised my daughter to do the same. The method is tried and tested. Moreover, a jar of a two percent solution is sold in any pharmacy for a penny. Salicylic dries pimples, they quickly disappear under its action, also fights skin inflammation, and even helps against blackheads and blackheads. We did this with our daughter. First, a small amount of acid was applied with a cotton swab to several pimples on the cheek. This is for testing. There was no burning, no redness, no other reactions, so we got down to business. A decent amount of acid was applied to a cotton pad and the cheeks and chin were gently rubbed - all problem areas. This should be done without pressure, do not massage, do not rub into the skin. A tingling sensation immediately appears, tingling is normal, the main thing is not to burn. So you need to wait fifteen minutes and thoroughly wash with cold water. We repeated this procedure every day, and soon the pimples began to dry out, turn pale. Within a week, their number was greatly reduced, and finally they disappeared completely, and the skin became even, without spots. Here is a simple tool that does not require any effort and investment.

Must be applied with caution

Grade: 4

I have been using salicylic acid to fight acne and blackheads for a long time, a well-known remedy, acid is included in almost all specialized cosmetic creams, masks, scrubs designed to eliminate skin rashes. It dries and disinfects pimples well, as it has a powerful antiseptic and antibacterial effect. But I don’t advise using it in its pure form, as a pharmacy alcohol solution, especially often. It dries the skin too much, right down to the state of paper. Especially if you wipe your face often, and with a solution in a concentration above one and a half percent. Then peeling, itching, redness can not be avoided. Therefore, I do not abuse it, if I use it in its pure form, then only locally. I moisten a cotton swab in acid and "cauterize" individual pimples. If applied two or three times a day, they pass quite quickly: in a day or two, maybe three. But I often use it as one of the components of chemical peeling from improvised means. You need to mix cosmetic clay with mineral water, add coconut oil or any other oil and a few drops of salicylic acid. Apply for 10 minutes, rinse. Perfectly removes oily sheen and blackheads. The effect lasts for almost a week.