How does a puppy behave at 2 months. Care and rearing of a puppy from one to three months

The age of two months is very important in the development of a puppy, at this time the baby is experiencing the first stress - vaccination, goes through quarantine. How successfully he will develop at this age will determine his future health.

The issue of nutrition must be approached very responsibly. At the age of two months, the puppy's diet should be as follows:

  • 40-45% - meat,
  • 35-40% - dairy products,
  • 15-20% - vegetables and cereals.

Kid should be sure to get dairy products, it can be kefir, cottage cheese or natural yogurt. Usually dogs eat it well and assimilate it, but sometimes diarrhea is observed after milk. This means that dairy products have a very high percentage of fat and you need to choose a more lean product.

Meat- This is the most important part of the diet, as it is the main source of protein. In addition to meat, the diet should include fish and eggs. The puppy can be given one egg a day, at first give only the protein, and closer to three months you can start introducing the yolk.

Fresh meat can only be given if you raise livestock yourself, if you buy it in a store, then preparation is necessary. Freeze a piece of meat and keep in the freezer for 2-3 days, then completely defrost, the meat should be at room temperature. Pour boiling water over the piece or boil for several minutes, then cut into pieces and give to the pet. Very useful for dogs and offal, which are prepared in the same way as regular meat.

Sea fish can also be given raw, but river fish must be scalded. Before serving the fish, carefully check for bones in it; it is best to grind it in a blender or meat grinder. Since the protein content in fish is less than in meat, the amount of fish in a serving should be more.

Never combine meat and dairy in the same meal.

From vegetables, dogs love carrots, zucchini, cabbage. You can give cucumbers and paprika. Look at the reaction of the puppy, if he does not like some vegetable, then there is no need to insist. Vegetables can be given raw or boiled, mixed with meat or porridge. You can give some unsweetened seasonal fruits, for example, apples.

From cereals are best suited buckwheat and oatmeal, of which porridge is cooked in meat or vegetable broth. If you plan to serve porridge without meat, then you can boil it in milk.

Unwanted Products

Unwanted foods are divided into those that cannot be given categorically, and those that need to be given with caution and observe the reaction.

We give with caution:

  • poultry meat,
  • Rice (may cause constipation)
  • Pearl barley (poorly digested),
  • Peas and potatoes (increases gas formation).

Prohibited Products:

  • Pork and lamb,
  • Bones, especially chicken
  • Sweets,
  • garlic and onion,
  • Citrus and sour fruits
  • Bread, pasta,
  • Salt, spices, seasonings, spicy foods.
  • Smoked products.

"Human" food is generally not desirable even for an adult dog, and even more so for a puppy.

Feeding rules

Feed your baby at least 5 times a day. It is advisable that you feed the dog at a certain time, because it is at this age that the foundations of the regimen are laid. The dog needs to take about 15-20 minutes to eat. If the puppy hasn't eaten a serving within this time, do not hesitate to remove the bowl, the next feeding should take place on schedule and not earlier.

Sample menu looks like this:

1st feeding - cottage cheese or oatmeal in milk.

2nd feeding - porridge with meat / fish and vegetables.

3rd feeding - kefir or cottage cheese.

4th feeding - porridge with meat and vegetables in broth (meat or vegetable).

5th feeding - meat or fish.

  • Get a bowl on a stand so that the puppy does not lean towards it, as this increases the load on the dog's shoulder girdle.
  • Occasionally between meals you can give a dog treat or a bone from the veins.

Puppy Supplements

There are special vitamin and mineral complexes specifically for puppies. Large breed dogs should be given vitamins to strengthen bones and joints.

Very important vitamins A and C, they are responsible for the immune system and the functioning of the liver, kidneys, stomach. Vitamin D promotes growth and development. Of the trace elements, puppies are recommended to use iron, potassium and folic acid.

Carefully follow the dosages indicated on the packages, because hypervitaminosis (that is, an excess of vitamins) is just as undesirable as beriberi.

Differences in the diet of puppies of different breeds

Oddly enough, dogs have different dietary requirements.

At small breeds a small stomach but a high energy requirement, so it is important to provide a high caloric intake so that the dog can meet his needs even with a small portion of the portion. A similar need exists for medium breeds.

Another thing is large breeds. A good half of the owners consider it their duty to feed puppies of large breeds abundantly, which is why they often overeat. In addition to the fact that this leads to obesity, there is another problem: the puppy's body weight is growing rapidly, and the skeleton and joints do not have time to adapt to this weight. Therefore, in adulthood, such dogs experience problems with the development of the bone frame and joints. It is necessary to provide the pet with a moderate amount of calories, he may grow more slowly than his overfed counterparts, but he will be healthier and reach the required size at the right time of development of the body.

How to calculate serving size

Serving size is based on the dog's weight. Calories are important here. for a two-month-old puppy, you need to provide 265 kcal / 1 kg of body weight.

Watch how the pet behaves: if he eats everything, then licks the bowl for a long time, then he may not have enough food. Increase the portion, but not by much, sometimes dogs pretend to be hungry, although they have received enough. If food remains in the bowl, then the portion should be slightly reduced.

Pay close attention to this period, because the future of the dog depends on it. It is better not to feed your puppy dry food at such an early age.. Of course, cooking 5 times a day can be tiring, but this period will not last long, so try to provide your pet with a varied and healthy diet. Do not forget about vitamins and trace elements during the period of active growth of the animal.

What to feed a monthly puppy is one of the expenses of the dog owner and the most significant factor in the success of breeding work. It is absolutely impossible to save on food. The quality of the litter and the survival of the puppies depends on the nutrition of the bitch during pregnancy and lactation. The health and fertility of an adult dog, the learning ability and performance of teenage puppies is largely determined by the correct feeding of the cubs.

What to feed a month old puppy

In the first 14 days of life, puppies feed exclusively on mother's milk. The main emphasis at this time should be on the calorie content and nutritional value of the lactating female feed. If she does not have enough milk, puppies can be placed with another lactating bitch. The lack of milk is indicated by the anxiety of the litter: the puppies sleep poorly and little, crawl, squeak and whine. Well-fed cubs fall asleep immediately after eating and sleep soundly and for a long time. An indicator of the sufficiency of milk in a bitch is also a constant increase in their mass. From their mother, the cubs must receive colostrum after birth, otherwise the risk of death of the litter is high.

In the absence of a wet nurse, puppies are fed with a female milk replacer purchased at a veterinary clinic or pet store, from a bottle with a nipple. If the bitch is kept with the litter, then the puppies always have the opportunity to suck when they are hungry. If for some reason the bitch is separated from the litter, or the puppies are fed by another, more milky bitch, then you need to put them to the nipples at least 12 times a day.

First food

In the third week of life, puppies suckle their mother or nurse at least 8 times, and in the fourth - at least 6 times a day. At this time, you need to introduce complementary foods. If the litter is large - more than 8 cubs - or the bitch has little milk and the puppies are fed by a nurse or artificially - with a milk replacer from a bottle - then complementary foods are introduced at 7-10 days, when the puppies begin to see clearly.

The first meal is goat's or sheep's warmed milk. Add a fresh egg to it and stir well. Eggs should be checked for pathogenic bacteria. Milk is first offered to puppies from a bottle with a nipple, and when they taste it, it is poured into a saucer. The cubs begin to lick it, poke their muzzle into food, gradually learning to lap. After feeding, the muzzle of each must be wiped. When they learn to eat, you need to offer them liquid porridges with oatmeal milk or ground oatmeal. 1-2 eggs are driven into porridge for the entire litter.

It is also necessary to introduce calcined cottage cheese to prevent rickets. It is prepared as follows: 4 tablespoons of calcium chloride are poured into a liter of boiling milk and mixed. The cottage cheese is discarded, then kneaded and diluted with whey to the state of liquid porridge. The whey left after the preparation of the curd is fed to the nursing bitch.

From 2 weeks, raw frozen and thawed meat is introduced: veal: turkey or rabbit. The meat is ground into minced meat and given after the puppies suck on their mother or wet nurse.

Feeding at 1 month

By this age, the cubs are accustomed to milk, porridge, cottage cheese and meat. They put them to the bitch 4-5 times a day, the same number of times they are offered other food. In a month, food should already be combined: in one feeding cottage cheese, in another - meat, in the third - milk with an egg, in the fourth - porridge. New products are gradually introduced. Here's another thing you can feed a month-old puppy: kefir, natural yogurt, boiled egg yolk, rice water, meat broth from meat familiar to cubs, boiled meat, meat soup in broth with carrots, pumpkin, zucchini, sweet peppers, rice or oatmeal, seasoned very finely chopped greens (dill, parsley, young nettle).

By one and a half months, puppies suckle their mother 3-4 times a day and prepare for weaning. Weaning ends at 2 months. The RKF allows the sale of dogs from the age of 45, so by this time the puppy should be fully accustomed to eating, and the bitch's milk should become an additional element of his diet, without which he can easily manage.

Feeding at 1.5 - 2 months

This age of weaning cubs from the mother and possible sale. In the new family, the baby has a place, bowls, toys. And the owner always wonders what to feed a two-month-old puppy. His diet should be designed so that it resembles the diet of a breeder: meat, dairy products, cereals, soups. At this age, you can offer boiled and boned low-fat fish a couple of times a week, washed and sliced ​​\u200b\u200bfruits (apples, pears, bananas) and vegetables (cucumbers, zucchini, carrots, pumpkins, tomatoes). A puppy accustomed to them from childhood will be happy to eat them when they grow up.

Feeding a 3-5 month old puppy

What to feed a 3 month old puppy and older? The young dog menu remains the same. It is based on meat and dairy products as the main sources of essential animal protein. Protein is also obtained from fish, but it is not recommended to give it too often. Cereals, fruits, vegetables and greens are sources of carbohydrates and vitamins. Additionally, the puppy is accustomed to fats (sunflower, linseed, pumpkin oil, fish oil) and food additives (blood meal, meat and bone meal, fish meal). Of the new products that the pet gets acquainted with, one can note boiled liver, boiled lungs, a scar, large brain bones to strengthen teeth (they are given to gnaw after changing teeth). Introduce new types of meat - beef, chicken.

How often should a puppy be fed

A dog's diet should be developed from childhood. Feed her preferably in equal portions at regular intervals. Violation of the regime provokes dogs to wander in search of food. At 1.5-2 months, the cubs are fed 6-8 times, depending on the caloric content and nutritional value of the feed. From 2 months, feeding is reduced to 5-6 times. At 3 months, puppies eat 4-5 times.

How many times to feed a 4-month-old puppy depends on the activity of his growth and the quality of the food. Usually well-growing dogs need 3 meals a day. In the evening, for a more restful night's sleep, you can give them some warm porridge or milk.

The question of how many times to feed a 5-month-old puppy is decided by the owners in different ways: some still repeat the feeding pattern for the past month, others gradually transfer to the adult dog regimen and feed twice a day. If a dog is trained on positive food reinforcement and given treats throughout the day in the form of dried or cured dog treats and vegetables, then this regimen is considered normal. If the puppy does not receive any food or treats between main meals, then this regimen does not suit him. In this case, he should eat at least 3 times a day. "Adult" two meals a day is optimal for a dog from 8 months.

All foods for feeding the dog must be of high quality and fresh. The portion should be calculated according to the weight and age of the dog. Overeating should not be allowed, but underfeeding is also very harmful. Feeding with industrial feed is considered ideal. They are fully prepared and balanced. There are foods for puppies from 3 weeks old and special foods for preparing for weaning from a bitch. Dry food is diluted with water and kneaded into gruel. Patés and wet foods do not need to be bred.

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    Porridge with various additives 46%, 8156 votes

Puppy care it is necessary to plan in advance, even before the birth of the dog, take care of all the necessary conditions for the birth of newborn babies.

The birth of puppies is a very joyful, but at the same time very important moment, for which you need to prepare in advance.

Caring for puppies after birth or how to care for very small puppies?

First of all, you need to allocate a special place where the mother will be with her babies. You should equip it with everything you need, make a soft warm bed, prepare an electric heating pad, it may be needed to warm the puppies, an electric scale for weighing the puppies, as well as a dog's milk replacer, in case the milk is not enough, or the puppies are so weak that will not be able to suckle milk on their own and will have to give them a milk replacer to drink from a syringe.

Be prepared that in the first days of life of newborn puppies, you will need to constantly be near the dog and her puppies, this is especially true for a young dog that brings a litter for the first time. To do this, take a vacation and ask for help and share the schedule of care and control of the puppies and their mother with someone from the household.

If the dog is experienced, then caring for newborn puppies does not require much effort and attention from you. Dogs that become mothers not for the first time are distinguished by a very attentive and caring attitude towards puppies, they lick them especially carefully and regularly, which is very important for the life of newborn puppies. The fact is that licking stimulates blood circulation, digestion and defecation, as well as breathing of a newborn puppy. Newborn puppies cannot defecate themselves, it is the licking of the mother dog that stimulates this process. In the first days of the puppies' life, they lie clean and dry precisely thanks to such careful care from their mother. If the dog is inexperienced or in a debilitated state after a cesarean section and cannot often lick the puppies, then you will need to periodically wipe the tummies of the puppies with a damp cloth and thus stimulate their vital processes.

From the first days of life, blind and deaf puppies are able to suck milk, making pushing movements with their front and hind legs, these actions create a massage of the nipples and stimulate milk production. It is very important that the first feeding of puppies is colostrum. This is the first portion of milk that is produced in the dog for the first 3-5 days, the composition of colostrum has unique qualities, this milk contains nutrients and immunoglobulins that protect the weak organisms of puppies from various infections.

The sucking reflex is fixed from birth, it is not necessary to teach puppies this. However, there are times when puppies are so weak that they cannot suckle on their own or hold on to a nipple. Then you need to help, hold the puppy, open his mouth and put the nipple in his mouth, first you need to massage the mammary glands of the dog so that colostrum stands out from the nipple. The smell of colostrum will trigger the puppy's sucking reflex. If the puppies are very weak and unable to suckle on their own, then they will need to be syringed every 2 hours with dog milk replacer. The first volumes of feeding from a syringe are 0.5-1 ml of milk, upon reaching a two-week period, the puppy can consume 5-10 ml of milk or a milk replacer.

It is very important to monitor the weight of babies. Starting from the second day of life, puppies must be weighed daily, they must be sure to gain weight daily. If this does not happen, then the puppies are not getting enough nutrition, the mother does not have enough milk, and you need to feed them additionally from a syringe with milk or its substitute.

Keep an eye on your dog's mammary glands, with excess milk, he may develop mastitis, which can be identified by swollen, hard and painful glands, they are hot and have a bumpy surface. At the first sign of mastitis, it is necessary to lubricate these mastitis-affected glands with camphor oil and conduct a gentle massage to get rid of congestion in the mammary gland. If this does not help, be sure to contact your veterinarian!

Separately, care should be taken to maintain heat at the location of the puppies. Newborn puppies cannot control their body temperature and are prone to hypothermia. Puppies are warmed by their mother with their body, and puppies also warm each other, being in close contact. During the period when the mother is absent from the place, she is on a walk or gone to feed, it is necessary to provide the puppies with additional heating, for this you need to use an electric heating pad.

Newborn puppy care requires constant inspection. On the 7-10th day, you need to start trimming the claws of the puppies, just a little bit, only sharp hooks. Nails need to be trimmed once a week. This must be done so that the puppies do not injure the delicate skin of the mammary glands of the mother dog with their claws.

You also need to be especially careful to ensure that there is no inflammation of the stump of the navel in puppies. To do this, you need to lubricate the navel with brilliant green twice a day, in the morning and in the evening.

As the puppies grow, they become more active, if at first they only sleep and eat, then from the third week of life, the puppies begin to actively walk, defecate on their own, play and fight with their brothers and sisters.

At the fourth week, the puppies have their first teeth, which means it's time for complementary foods. Gradually, the proportion of mother's milk in the diet of puppies will decrease, milk will be replaced by other food.

The transition from milk to other products should be done gradually, it is necessary to monitor the condition of the puppies. If the puppies are still weak, do not rush to transfer them to another food. A gradual change in diet should take place in stages, first add one complementary food a day so that the puppy gets used to it, look at his reaction, then twice a day, then three, four, five, six until the mother's milk is completely replaced.

What to feed a puppy?

grow up puppies, feeding, care- this is a very important question, there are two possible options. Either you prepare food for your pets yourself, or you buy ready-made dry or wet food.

It is impossible to combine these types of feed, as this will cause indigestion. In addition, it is possible that feeding both prepared foods and complementary foods will cause an excess of vitamins and minerals in the puppies' diet, and this in turn will negatively affect the development of growing organisms.

The advantage of ready-made food is that it is developed by specialists taking into account all the needs of the puppy in the diet. In ready-made feeds, the combination of proteins, fats, carbohydrates, vitamins and minerals is optimally selected, there are also omega-3 fatty acids, which ensure the normal development of vision and the nervous system.

But the food you need to choose is not an economy class, but a super premium class. Only super premium food contains natural products, they do not contain chemicals, dyes and GMOs. Moreover, in a wide range of foods you can find a variety of foods for dogs of different ages, degrees of activity of the pet's lifestyle, and they also take into account the dietary needs, if the pet has certain diseases.

The German company Bosh produces super premium pet food. Among the great variety of foods there is a food specially designed for small Bosh Puppy puppies. This food contains milk powder to facilitate the start of complementary foods and ensure the puppy's transition to a new diet is as smooth as possible. This food is designed for puppies up to 3-4 months old, other food for young dogs no longer contain milk powder, as over time the ability to digest milk decreases in dogs. The package also indicates the diet and serving size for the puppy, depending on its weight and age.

As a rule, small puppies up to a year are fed 4-6 times a day, then the number of feedings is reduced and by the year it reaches 1-2 times a day.

Care and maintenance of puppies largely determine the health of dogs in adulthood.

To care for a puppy in the house, you will need to organize a place for him to sleep and feed. Buy a dog carrier. Take it for growth, taking into account the future size of the maturing puppy. You will need to take your puppy to the veterinarian for vaccinations and routine checkups more than once.

Buy food and water bowls. Wash them thoroughly, change the water in the bowl, it must be fresh. Choose a comfortable bed for sleeping. Ask the breeder to bring along a bedding with the smell of the puppy's mother, so the puppy will be easier to adapt to a new place. Remember, the process of moving to a new place and separation from the mother is stressful for the animal, try to make the process of getting the puppy used to your home as comfortable as possible.

Check with the breeder what kind of food your puppy ate, ask about the feeding regimen and serving size. Buy your puppy a variety of toys and balls, choose products made from safe materials, without small parts that the puppy can swallow.

Find out if your puppy is toilet trained. Remember that it will be possible to take a puppy for a walk only after all vaccinations are done and quarantine is maintained.

Equip a special place in the apartment where the puppy can defecate, lay a diaper or newspaper there. You can purchase a special tray. Teach your puppy to walk on a special diaper, wherever he is at that moment, spread the diapers in different places in the house. Then lay a sheet on the tray. So it will be easier for him to understand what is required of him. Unfortunately, even if the puppy will go to the toilet in one specific place, this does not mean that he will not make a puddle in another place. Therefore, at this time it is better to remove the carpets in the apartment and cover the furniture with foil.

Veterinary examination of a puppy

But not only do they get used to it. puppies care vaccinations play a key role in keeping dogs healthy. Therefore, dogs are taught to visit the veterinarian from an early age. The first vaccinations should be done at the age of 2 months. Only healthy puppies are vaccinated, the puppy must be dewormed 15 days before vaccination, this is done before each vaccination.

Vaccinations are of two types - monovaccines (against one type of disease) and complex vaccines (against several diseases, for example, plague, rabies, hepatitis, enteritis, etc.). Complex vaccines are preferred.

After vaccination, a very responsible quarantine period begins, which lasts about two weeks. During this period, the puppy's body is weakened and prone to diseases, so you need to protect the puppy from all potentially dangerous places of infection with any diseases. The puppy may have a fever, weakness, and diarrhea.

After 3 weeks, a second vaccination with the same vaccine takes place, this time the puppy survives it much easier. Again, you need to wait for a two-week quarantine, and only then are puppy walks allowed. The next vaccination period is 6 months, rabies vaccination and a complex vaccine against several diseases are given. At this age, it is forbidden to vaccinate, if the dog's teeth change, you need to wait until all the teeth change, only then vaccinate. The third vaccination is necessary at the age of one year with a complex vaccine. And then vaccination takes place on an annual basis with the same complex vaccine.

After the second vaccination and the quarantine period, you can start walking the puppy. At first, you need to walk with the puppy often, 6-7 times, in the morning after sleep, before bedtime, after each meal. Your puppy needs to get used to going to the toilet outside, so don't expect piles and puddles to disappear from your apartment right away. These little annoyances can last until the dog is 6-7 months old. Over time, the number of walking can be reduced, the animal will get used to endure.

Puppy hygiene procedures

Puppy care also manifests itself in hygienic grooming procedures. It is necessary to bathe the puppy with special puppy shampoos. They take into account that the coat of a puppy is softer than an adult dog. If you are bathing your puppy with an adult dog shampoo, then the shampoo should be diluted with water. Bathe your puppy no more than once a month. Dry your puppy with a hair dryer on a quiet setting. Train your puppy to brush, especially if your breed has a thick and fluffy coat. Some breeds require special haircuts and special coat care, so it is advisable to contact specialists, where your puppy will be provided with professional grooming services, a proper haircut, and advice on how to care for your pet's coat.

Puppy active lifestyle

Are important games. Puppy care is to maintain an active image
dog life. Without communication and outdoor games with the owner, it is impossible for a puppy to develop harmoniously. Set aside enough time to connect with your new friend. The dog needs your communication with her. For a dog, the owner is his whole family. Games allow you to realize energy, develop muscles, disperse blood, maintain the body in a healthy and strong state. In the article " Raising a Puppy" You will learn more about how to organize a dog's routine and daily routine, how to accustom it to certain actions, what to forbid or allow your dog, and much more!

Love animals and take care of them!⁠

First of all, you need to teach the puppy to quickly respond to the nickname. At the first stage, watch how this skill is developed. It is necessary to gradually reduce the number of incentives. Mark with them only the quick and clear reaction of the puppy to the nickname. When the puppy begins to respond effectively to the nickname, begin the second stage. Give encouragement if you notice that the reaction is weakening.

When the puppy is 2 months old, you can begin gently, without causing pain, to accustom the baby to a leash and harness.

First stage: harness training. It should match the size of the puppy. Be careful when putting on the harness, but act quickly. Let the puppy go so he can run freely. Is the baby worried? Start a game, run. This will distract the dog. Is the puppy behaving well? Praise him, stroke him, give him a treat.

At the second stage the puppy is taught to the leash. You need a light leash with a light carabiner, the width of the leash is 1 cm, the length is from 1.5 to 2 m. Your task is to attach the leash to the harness and lower it to the floor. Control the situation: the leash should not cling to anything. Start with 20 minutes of your puppy on a leash.

At the third stage take the leash in hand to walk with the puppy. Is the puppy pulling to the side or stopping? Say the nickname, then command "Let's go." Is the puppy stubborn? Entice him with a treat or a toy. For good behavior, "reward" the dog with stroking, praise, treats.

Remember: the leash can not be used for punishment, so that the puppy is not afraid of him. You can not let the dog pull the leash with his teeth, gnaw it - the leash is not a toy, but a tool of education.

Puppy and the environment: when and how to conduct an "acquaintance"

The main thing is that by this time a strong contact has been established between the dog and the owner. Small puppies are very vulnerable and susceptible if they encounter harsh stimuli. At first, you need to protect your dog from them. Choose quiet places for walking, where there are no adult dogs, walk for a short time. Remember that the puppy has not yet completed the entire course of vaccination, so he must walk in a basket or in your arms.

But the puppy can still be afraid of something. If this happens, switch his attention to the toy, move away from the frightening object. Wait a little and return to the source of fear again. So the puppy will understand that there is no danger.

We teach the puppy to the command "Come to me"

It is important that the puppy begins to master this command after good contact is established with the owner, and gets used to the name and place. Teaching the command “Come to me” is most successful if the puppy perceives it as a prelude to encouragement, which is combined with pleasant sensations. It can be a game, a treat, praise.

At the first stage, you will need a feeder. Fill it with food, take it in your hands. Call the puppy using the nickname. When he pays attention to you, command "Come to me", lowering the feeder into place. Has the puppy started running towards you? Give the command again. ran up? Tell him: "Good!" and feed.

About five such sessions - and your puppy is ready for the second stage: learning the "Come" command when leaving the house.

We teach the puppy to stop unwanted actions and calmly respond to washing and cleaning

To do this, I use the "Fu" command. You should act delicately so as not to slow down the general activity of the puppy, his natural needs for games and running. In weaning a puppy from unwanted actions, the main point is switching the dog's attention to another activity. Do you see that the puppy started playing, grabbed a curtain or slippers with his teeth? Say his name, diverting attention, throw your baby's favorite toy on the floor. Most likely, he will rush for a toy. You can use the sound of a rattling tin to distract your dog.

You need to act just as delicately when accustoming a puppy to washing and cleaning. Do not hurt him, be careful - then in the future he will not be afraid.

Learning to play with a puppy

After the puppy gets used to the situation, gets used to the family members, he can be taught to play. This is a game of hide and seek, short runs, games with objects that are thrown on the floor. Games are needed to compensate the puppy for fun with littermates, impossible due to separation from them. Try to imitate the actions of other puppies: somersaults, rollovers on the back, using your hands. Be careful! The puppy should not feel pain and get tired. From time to time let the puppy win the game: it helps to gain initiative, courage, perseverance. But don't let me bite your hands!

Other family members and children can also participate in games. But caution is needed and the short duration of the games. A puppy is not a living toy, he can overwork and lose his appetite.

We teach the puppy to walk, approach on command, play with peers

The time to master these skills comes when the puppy has completed the entire course of vaccination. You can start learning the collar and leash from the age of 3 months, going through the same stages as when learning the harness. Do not jerk the leash and do not pull it sharply: the puppy will be hurt, it will become difficult for him to breathe. Choose a collar that is light, 1 cm wide. The leash should have the same width, a light carabiner and a length of 1.5 to 2 m.

To make the puppy easily accustomed to walks, start with a short duration. Change routes. Do not walk your puppy near sources of loud noise.

Team "Come" for a walk

When, while walking, the puppy moves away from you at a distance of 7-8 steps, call him. Has the dog noticed you? Command "Come to me". When the puppy approaches you, praise him, pet him, and give him a treat. You need to repeat this exercise about 5 times.

The puppy does not respond to the nickname? Repeat it, get attention. Give the “Come” command in a louder and more commanding tone. Then show your puppy the treat. Remember that shouting out a command and a nickname is impossible!

The puppy continues to ignore the command? Call him, quickly step aside or sit down. This should interest the puppy, he will come to you. Now you can praise him, treat him and stroke him.

Games with peers

Well, if there is such an opportunity. This will benefit both the puppy's physical development and socialization. The main thing is that the age of the players and their complexion approximately coincide. Start with short games. Check the playground: there should be no harmful items.

We teach the puppy to the command "Walk"

When the puppy reaches the age of 3-3.5 months, it can be taught to move away from the owner on the “Walk” command. By this time, the puppy should have mastered the “Come to me” command. When you go for a walk with your puppy, disconnect the leash, command "Go for a walk". You need to run a little to get the puppy to follow you and let him get ahead of you. Did the puppy take a walk? Command "Come to me", reward with a treat. Next, reduce the length of your run together, and then stay in place, sending the puppy forward. Frequency of repetitions of the exercise: 4-5 times a day.

A new level of commands "Come to me" and "Walk"

Learned in stages. First, give the command “Come to me” without saying a nickname in front of her. Then increase the distance that the puppy runs on the “Walk” command, and the distance from which you give the command to approach you. Increase the amount of time your puppy spends off-leash, but don't get too carried away with freedom. Call him if he has disappeared from you or gone too far.

From a young puppy, do not expect instant and clear execution of commands. Let him not quickly, but fulfill it.

If you have acquired a puppy and do not want the small problems associated with the pet to turn into big problems over time, and the small puppy into an adult, uncontrollable dog, then you need to remember: keeping an adult dog and its health require much less trouble if She is properly grown, educated and trained.

It is important to understand that once you have brought home a tiny puppy, you have taken responsibility for his life! The most precious and necessary for a pet is your attention and care, love and affection. The lack of these "vitamins" will not replace either good nutrition or beautiful accessories for dogs.

Complete mutual understanding and obedience is possible only with close, friendly contact. As long as the puppy is with his mother, he learns to understand how to behave with his brothers, realizes the rules for being in a team of his own kind, learns to attack and defend himself, receives from his mother in full both love and a sharp pull for misbehaving with his brothers. During this period, the puppy goes through socialization, and after 8 weeks, the puppy comes to understand his own - someone else's. Often due to a lack of contact during this period, dogs become aggressive and vicious with age.

And so, the puppy is at your place!

It is very good if you take a vacation or a weekend and pick up a pet from a breeder (the earliest age when a puppy is recommended to be taken away from its mother is eight, ten weeks), do not leave it unattended during the first days of your stay in a new place, create a calm atmosphere in the house. A small puppy must get used to the objects and space around him. Caring for a puppy is not a very difficult task, but, nevertheless, requires a certain amount of competence.

By the time you have a puppy, determine for him a cozy, warm place with a comfortable bed, which he will consider his home. Here the puppy will hide after games and fuss or just relax. The pet must have its own bowl for food and water, as well as a collar and leash (harness). Beforehand, discuss with the breeder the instructions for feeding and keeping the puppy, find out which vaccinations have already been given to the pet, and which ones still need to be done. Questions of deworming and vaccinations are more reliable to solve with a veterinarian.

Puppy education

Raising a puppy and your role in the puppy's upbringing process begins as soon as he crosses the threshold of your home. The pet must be taught the rules of life in your family: do not whine at night; sleep only in the designated area; go to the toilet in only one place (with subsequent accustoming to the street); do not gnaw shoes and furniture in the house; do not grab from the table and do not beg during your meal; eat at the same time; walk on a leash and not pick up anything from the ground, as well as a number of commands “no”, “come to me” and much more that his mother could not teach him.

accustoming to the place

You can accustom a puppy to a place during the game. Make the puppy run to the “couch” prepared by you, praise him, treat him with a treat and give the “place” command. Soon the pet will get used to the team and its place. The place is the territory of the dog, where he should feel calm and confident, they don’t give injections here, they don’t give medicines and, of course, they don’t punish him. Even if, in your opinion, the "couch" for the puppy is chosen correctly and is located in a warm and cozy place, the puppy himself can look for another place. Treat the choice of a pet with attention, try to understand why he does not like "Your option", what is the problem. And if the place chosen by the puppy does not cause you any inconvenience, then rely on the choice of your pet.

Puppy's first nights in a new home

During the day, the puppy is busy playing, discovering new territories and does not miss his mother and brothers. But with the onset of night, silence and darkness, the puppy begins to whine and "beg to be handled." This is a difficult moment for the owner: I feel sorry for the puppy, I want to sleep and stop this “whining” as soon as possible. Be patient during this period, put a warm heating pad next to the pet so that it does not freeze, and do not take it to bed. Already on the second or third night, the puppy will calm down, get used to the environment and will no longer whine.

Toilet training

As a rule, dogs are by nature very clean. But while the puppy is still small, he needs to be made clear what exactly you want from him: as soon as you notice that the pet “attaches” to make a puddle, transfer the puppy to a specially designated place for this (newspapers or a tray) and be sure to praise him when this. The pet will quickly realize that you are praising him for going to the toilet in this particular place and will certainly want to please you again and receive praise for this.

In no case should you scold and punish the puppy, poke your nose into puddles, this leads to the fact that the pet loses confidence in the owner and does not understand what they want from him. If you take the time, patience and effort, carefully observe the puppy and plant him “on the potty” after sleeping, eating and playing, then your patience will be rewarded pretty quickly. Cleanliness and order even in your absence will be guaranteed. Later, when the puppy learns to defecate in only one place, he is taught to go to the toilet only on the street.

puppy punishment

Raising a puppy is both punishment and praise. The baby still needs to punish and make suggestions, your friend, although small, understands perfectly well that you love him and can pamper him.

In the period from 8 to 12 weeks, puppies often bite when playing, the teeth are milky and very sharp. Show your pet that you are in pain: lightly slap on the nose and give the “no” command. Every manifestation of aggression during this period should be stopped, the puppy must understand that he is not the leader, but only a member of the pack (your family).

When communicating with a dog, in no case should you beat him, the puppy will have a fear of hands and swings. You can gently take the dog by the withers with one hand, turn the dog’s muzzle towards you with the other hand and sharply give the command “fu” or “no”. If a puppy, especially of large breeds, feels the weakness of the owner, then in the future he will constantly prove his superiority to you. When punishing, one should take into account the individual characteristics of the psyche and the age of the dog. In the future, only a command will be enough - the dog will understand.

puppy vaccination

To prevent viral infectious diseases, puppies and adult dogs are vaccinated. Vaccines are monovalent (against one disease) and polyvalent (against several diseases at once). The most common and dangerous infectious diseases of dogs are parvovirus enteritis, coronavirus enteritis, viral hepatitis, and.

If you have taken an already vaccinated puppy from a breeder, then you need to find out what vaccinations were made, which vaccine, and be sure to discuss the pet's vaccination schedule. There are several vaccination schemes and this is a separate topic for discussion. Here we will point out the basic rules that must be considered when vaccinating:

Vaccination rules:

  1. Only healthy dogs can be vaccinated.
  2. The vaccination is done 10-14 days after, because. helminthic invasion weakens the immune system.
  3. The next vaccination can be done no earlier than three weeks after the previous one.
  4. After vaccination, quarantine must be observed: the duration depends on the type of vaccination, on average 14 days.
  5. After vaccination, do not make the dog nervous, do not load, do not catch a cold and do not wash for a while.
  6. Do vaccinations under the supervision of a specialist - a doctor or paramedic, because. possible anaphylactic shock with re-vaccination. You can call the doctor at home or bring to the clinic
  7. The vaccine must be stored, transported, applied in compliance with all necessary rules

Puppy hygiene

Washing and combing

The appearance of wool is an indicator of health, good care and proper nutrition. Skin and hair are an indicator of the internal state of the body. The structure of the hair, its structure and the density of the coat are transmitted from the parents, however, the appearance of the coat can change dramatically depending on nutrition, living conditions and care.

Puppies are taught to wash from an early age. Bathing is very important for the animal, it is a good prevention of skin diseases. But you do not need to wash it too often, but only as it gets dirty. While he is at home, he has nowhere to get dirty, and frequent washing leads to the fact that the protective secret is washed off the skin, and the coat can become dry and begin to split and fall out, and various microorganisms enter the dry cracked skin. With frequent washing, the sebaceous glands quickly hypertrophy and the secretion of sebum increases sharply, dysfunction of the sebaceous glands of the dog's skin occurs, leading to seborrhea.

But it is necessary to keep the puppy's coat clean. If the baby is dirty, it can be gently washed with warm water at the site of contamination. Wool can be wiped with wet wipes specially designed for this purpose. Bathe your dog no more than once every two months. It is advisable to use special shampoos and soaps designed for washing dogs. In urban conditions, after a walk, the puppy is washed with water without soap every time the stomach and paws.

We must not forget about the daily combing and cleaning of wool with combs and combs, because. this helps the dog get rid of dead undercoat and tangled hair. It is necessary to accustom to this procedure from early childhood. At first, while the coat is short, combing can be purely symbolic, just for the sake of accustoming the baby. Try not to hurt the puppy during the procedure, act persistently, patiently, but with kindness. Remember that combing should start from the ends of the hair, gradually moving to the roots.


In frequently walking dogs, the nails wear down naturally when rubbed against asphalt or hard ground. Dogs that live in apartments and rarely walk do not have this opportunity and often suffer from delamination of the claws, their brittleness and excessive length. To prevent this from happening, it is enough to cut them off as they grow. Puppies get their nails trimmed for the first time at six days of age with nail scissors. In the future, it is best to cut with a tool specially designed for this, which clamps the claw from all sides with specially located blades, because. ordinary scissors crumble their claws, they crack lengthwise, and microorganisms and dirt get into the cracks. If you cut your nails excessively short and a drop of blood appears, just take a cotton swab, wet it, dip it in dry potassium permanganate and cauterize the place of the bleeding claw.

Once you have chosen a particular puppy, you should not only pay attention to its appearance (coat, eyes, etc.), but also be sure to inspect the puppy's ears. The external auditory meatus must be clean, without plaque. In the future, it is recommended to clean them once every one to two weeks. For this procedure, you can use special lotions for cleaning the ears.

There are breeds of dogs that, according to the standard, should have upright ears. It is not recommended to stroke such puppies on the head, pressing hard on the ears. It is better not to stroke the puppy on the head at all for a while, because. the ear cartilage in puppies is soft and is formed only by five to six months. Frequent exposure to the ears can lead to the loss of the desired shape of the ears in this breed. By the final change of teeth, the ears should stand up, but it may turn out that the puppy lacked minerals and the cartilage is not yet hard enough, the ears have not risen ...

In general, caring for a puppy's ears is a delicate and painstaking task. Even if you regularly clean your dog's ears, and he still shakes them, this is a sign of a possible disease. It could be ear infections or ear mites. In this case, it is better not to self-medicate and show the dog to the veterinarian.

If you notice signs of infection such as redness, swelling, pain when touched, an unpleasant odor, purulent discharge, or a large amount of dark brown discharge, contact your veterinarian immediately.

To prevent fleas in your pet, choose a suitable anti-flea remedy in a veterinary pharmacy: drops or spray on the withers, shampoo, collar. For long-term pet protection, use drops or spray, these products work the same way - the difference is only in the method of application. The duration of such drugs varies from three to five weeks. You can read more about the effect of the selected remedy in the instructions for the drug. After you have rid your pet of fleas, be sure to give him antihelminthic therapy, as fleas are carriers of helminths, as we described above.

puppy feeding

The puppy's daily nutrition should be complete, balanced and rational. In no case should it be leftovers from your table, only a specially selected diet. Currently, it is possible to choose between feeding a puppy a ready-made (industrial) food and food from conventional products. There are many proponents of both prepared food and fresh food for dogs. The choice is yours. But there are necessary points that every dog ​​owner should know.

What not to feed a puppy

Exclude sweet, salty, fatty, spicy, smoked, hot and very cold foods from your pet's diet, as well as:

  • raw river fish (boiled sea fish is possible);
  • tubular bones, because they are not absorbed by the dog's body and can cause constipation, volvulus;
  • sausages, ham, smoked products, pork and fatty lamb;
  • spices should not be added to dog food: pepper, bay leaf, spicy tomato sauce, etc.

The main indicator that you are feeding your puppy correctly is a healthy coat, lack of dandruff, a cheerful mood and excellent, well-formed feces. One of the basic rules when feeding a puppy is to follow the feeding regimen.

Up to two months, the puppy is fed - 6 times a day (every three, three and a half hours), from two to four months - 5 times a day (every four hours), from four to six months - 4 times a day, from six to ten months old puppy is fed 3 times a day. Starting from 10 months, they switch to two meals a day, as for an adult dog (morning and evening). The puppy should always have access to a bowl of clean water.

When feeding a pet with fresh foods, it must be remembered that an important condition for a complete diet is the balance of minerals and vitamins that play an important role in the formation of the puppy's skeleton: bone meal, calcium, phytin, glycerophosphate, mineral supplements, vitamin A (useful for skin covers and mucous membranes, protects the body from infections and is necessary for growth and fertility), D (indispensable for the backbone), K (needed for blood clotting in case of wound injuries), B1 (thiamine, important for carbohydrate metabolism and in the functioning of the nervous system), B2 (riboflavin, participates in protein and fat metabolism, ensures the growth and development of the puppy, B6 (pyridoxine, is associated with protein metabolism and glucose utilization, with the work of hematopoietic organs), H (biotin, participates in the metabolism of fats, if it is not enough, then changes occur skin and hair fall out). puppy health. If you are unable to find a balanced diet for him, contact your veterinarian. Another way out of this situation can be feeding with industrial feeds, which, according to manufacturers, are balanced in terms of the content of all nutrients and vitamins, and the amount of feed is calculated in grams per feeding, depending on the weight of the puppy.

Caring for a puppy, even if it is a burden at first, will soon cease to be burdensome for you, because puppies quickly turn into adult dogs.

If you have any questions regarding the health and prevention of diseases of your pet, the Doctors of our service will always provide you with professional assistance.