Folk ways to lower cholesterol. High cholesterol: principles of dietary nutrition

The liver is responsible for the disposal of cholesterol in the human body. It is she who converts excess cholesterol into bile acid, which enters the intestines, and then is excreted. natural way.

Sometimes this well-established mechanism fails. The most common reason for such a violation is an elementary inability to eat right. When a person eats foods with a high content of animal fat, cholesterol begins to circulate in excess in the blood serum, and this begins to affect the general condition of the whole organism.

To restore health, let's talk today about how to get rid of excess cholesterol in the blood. Moreover, it is possible.

8 mmol / liter and above - severe hypercholesterolemia

6.5 - 8 mmol / liter - moderate hypercholesterolemia

5.2 - 6.5 mmol / liter - risk zone

5.2 millimoles per liter or less is considered normal

When high content cholesterol, you need to reconsider your diet.

When compiling daily diet, it is important to know that saturated fat increase the level of this substance in the blood. These fats are found in meat products, animal fat, cheeses and butter. The less we eat these foods, the better.

Reduce cholesterol levels polyunsaturated fats. They are rich in fish and seafood, soy, sunflower and corn oil, low-fat fish and low-fat dairy products.

Monounsaturated fats are also effective in lowering cholesterol. These healthy fats found in olive and peanut butter, avocados and nuts.

To get rid of high cholesterol in the blood, you should follow certain rules.

* Limit the consumption of chicken eggs. The scrambled eggs are especially harmful. One chicken egg contains almost all daily allowance cholesterol for an adult. A safe minimum is 3 chicken eggs per week. Moreover, egg whites practically do not contain this harmful substance. All cholesterol is found in egg yolks. Try making an omelette with one whole egg and two or three egg whites. For baking, use not one egg, but two proteins.

* Replace pork dishes with lean beef. This is the most The best way reduce blood cholesterol. However, remember that it is better to cut off beef fat, as it is the most harmful.

* Avoid drinking coffee that boils when brewed. It is best to prepare coffee in a drip coffee maker. It gives relatively low temperature drink.

* Instead of black tea, it is better to drink green tea. After all, it helps to get rid of cholesterol plaques in blood arteries.

* Eat more fruits and vegetables. The most useful in this case are apples. Eat a few medium-sized apples daily or drink half a liter of juice from them a day. By the way, grapefruits are very useful, as well as honey, which contains as many antioxidants as apples.

* Exercising will help to lose excess cholesterol. During exercise, blood passes through the liver faster, and it more actively rids the body of harmful substances.

Also, for making a diet and following a diet, it will be useful for you to know how much cholesterol is contained in 100 g of some popular foods:

Beef - 70 mg;
Pork - 200 mg;
Lamb - 70 mg;
Low-fat milk - 10 mg;
Pork liver - 130 mg;
Veal - 110 mg;
Rabbit meat - 40 mg;
Beef liver - 270 mg;
Cheese - 520 mg;
Butter - 190 mg;

100 g of duck meat contains 500 mg of cholesterol, chicken - 80 mg. In one chicken egg- 272 mg, in quail - 600 mg.

And now that you know what causes cholesterol in the blood and how to get rid of it, review your diet, eat more fresh herbs, vegetables, fruits, berries. Swap black tea for green tea and coffee for fresh juices and skim milk. Include fresh fish in your diet. Low-fat cod, pike,

Cholesterol is essential for human body, and plays important role in many processes. However, an excess of this substance is extremely harmful, as it leads to various diseases heart and blood vessels. If the vessel is completely blocked by cholesterol plaques, a fatal outcome is also possible.

To get rid of an excess of cholesterol, a proper organization of life is required: it is necessary to establish nutrition by removing harmful products, ensure feasible physical activity, and, of course, take appropriate medications. Traditional medicine can also help.

In the article we will consider the issue rapid decline cholesterol at home in more detail: we will give examples of those remedies that answer the question - how to lower cholesterol at home quickly, while having only positive reviews.

Find out what to eat, what sports you can do, what medications and unconventional methods can help get rid of the problem.


Cholesterol is a lipid, or fatty alcohol, with a high molecular weight. This component is indispensable for the successful functioning of the body, since it ensures the normal course of metabolism, and also participates in the synthesis of vitamins and important hormones that are indispensable for the body.

Cholesterol is produced by the liver in an amount of approximately 80% of the total mass, and 20% of the substance enters the body from the outside with food. The substance is also necessary for normal operation liver, brain, muscle activity.

In addition, with its lack, they will not be able to enough sex hormones are produced. This substance
is contained not only in the vessels: cholesterol is present in every cell of the body, but in a limited amount: it forms accumulations only in the vessels.

If for one reason or another lipid metabolism begins to go with violations, the level of cholesterol in the blood rises. In this case, the substance crystallizes out and settles inside the blood vessels. The so-called bad cholesterol, which has a low density, is especially susceptible to this process.


If you are thinking about how to treat cholesterol in the blood folk remedies quickly, the reviews available on the network will immediately direct you to the “path” of forming an “anti-sclerotic” diet. A well-designed diet will help eliminate harmful foods and dishes from the menu. high content"bad" cholesterol. We will give some important recommendations about nutrition aimed at solving this problem.

  • Few other products can compare with this nut in terms of its benefits for this problem. Almonds provide excellent protection against atherosclerosis due to their antioxidants and high amounts of vitamin E in the composition.

Citruses and apples

  • Fruits rich in pectin create a viscous mass in the stomach, which removes excess cholesterol before it enters the stomach. blood vessels.


  • This vegetable is famous beneficial effect in diseases of the heart and blood vessels. And all thanks to the fact that it quickly removes bad cholesterol through its monounsaturated fats. Avocados are especially effective when cholesterol levels are not “off the charts” yet, but are kept at an average level.

Oat bran


  • This northern berry contains pterostilbene, an antioxidant that has a beneficial effect on the normalization of cholesterol levels.

  • Fish such as salmon, tuna or mackerel contain omega-3 fatty acids - irreplaceable useful material for our health. To maintain normal cholesterol levels, it is enough to eat 100 grams of such fish a couple of times a week. The inclusion of fish in the diet will help the blood not to thicken, and protect the vessels from blood clots.

How to lower blood cholesterol at home quickly, say reviews in which people give helpful tips. We present some of these tips here.

It is important to eat foods high in polyunsaturated fatty acids, fiber, pectin. All these substances have a beneficial effect on cholesterol levels, contributing to its normalization.

Instead of butter give preference to vegetable. Especially useful are its types, such as:

  • soy;
  • Linen;
  • olive;
  • Sesame.

Oils must be unrefined and should not be used for frying. Use fresh vegetable oils for dressing salads and other dishes.

Of course, intending to lower cholesterol, it is necessary to abandon fatty foods of animal origin: pork, lamb, lard, butter, sour cream and others. Lean on cereals, vegetable oils, vegetables, fruits, herbs and seeds.

Eggs, White bread and sweet pastries should also be excluded from the diet. If bread is needed, then it should be whole grain, coarse grinding. A bran will work too.

Try to eat more fiber-rich foods. Most of all it is found in vegetables: cabbage, beets, green salad and others. You can also buy ready-made fiber: it is sold in pharmacies and in the health food section of stores.

Folk remedies

Methods for lowering cholesterol with folk remedies reviews are wonderful. Our ancestors invented many effective and simple means to cleanse blood vessels and prevent heart disease. In addition to its direct healing effect unconventional means have a general strengthening effect on the whole body. Let's take a look at some of these wonderful recipes.

An infusion of dill seeds, honey and valerian root will help cleanse the blood vessels, and at the same time calm the nerves and raise the level of immunity.

Garlic oil will help to cope even with serious cases of cholesterol overabundance. In order to prepare the remedy, it is necessary to push ten cloves of garlic through a press, and then add it to a half-liter amount. olive oil. After a week of infusion, you can use garlic oil to add to salads and other dishes.

Some folk remedies for cholesterol reviews are mixed. However, a remedy such as alcohol garlic tincture is almost unanimously recognized as the most effective home method for quickly lowering cholesterol levels. To prepare it, you need to insist in a glass of alcohol three hundred grams of chopped garlic.

You need to insist in a dark place a little more than a week. It is recommended to start taking it with small doses - two or three drops a day, gradually increasing to 20 drops. After passing this “line”, start reducing the number of drops daily until you reach two again. In total, the course should take two weeks: a week to increase the dose, and the same amount of time to decrease.

To mitigate the effect, it is recommended to combine the reception of tincture with drinking milk. This treatment is rare: one course every three years is sufficient.

The use of herbs for cholesterol reviews is the most positive. For example, linden powder is a wonderful oral remedy to help lower cholesterol levels. To prepare the powder, you will need dried lime blossom (sold in a pharmacy).

Flowers need to be ground in a coffee grinder, and then three times a day, take a teaspoon of the resulting powder. The course is a month. After the end of the course, you need to take a two-week break, and then take the powder for another month with water.

Propolis tincture, taken half an hour before a meal in the amount of 7 drops, will help cleanse the vessels of cholesterol accumulation, and bring the excess of the substance out. Course - 4 months.

Attention: before use, a single portion of the tincture must be diluted with two tablespoons of water.

Many people know such an effective folk remedy for lowering cholesterol as kvass from jaundice. Grass can be purchased at a pharmacy, or collected independently, if possible. Properly prepared kvass lowers cholesterol levels.

And besides, also:

  • Eliminates irritability;
  • Helps with headaches;
  • Stabilizes pressure.

For effective fight with bad cholesterol, a plant such as the golden mustache is also used. Tincture based on the golden mustache is able, with regular use, to stop the increase in cholesterol in the blood.

Calendula tincture can also help in solving the problem. It should be taken three times a day before meals, 25-30 drops. The course is less than a month.

Fresh alfalfa grass (if it becomes possible to get it or grow it yourself) can wonderfully lower cholesterol levels in a short period of time.

Sports loads

Physical activity is essential for fast cholesterol reduction. As a prophylactic
atherosclerosis, sports are also required.

The benefit of sports is that muscle activity helps to eliminate cholesterol blockages in the vessels. In addition, any physical exercise have the ability to reduce bad cholesterol in blood.

In addition, sport helps to maintain a figure and get rid of fat deposits in time, which also provoke atherosclerosis. Scientists have long found out that track and field athletes have high cholesterol twice as rarely as people who do not play sports.

Undoubtedly, professional sports- not for all. But everyone can maintain health in order with the help of simple exercises, walking and swimming.


To quickly lower cholesterol, proper nutrition and sports alone may not be enough. The effect, of course, will be, but not so fast. Therefore, at home, it is recommended to take special drugs that will help normalize cholesterol in the blood in a short time. What are these drugs, we will find out.


These medications lower cholesterol levels very quickly. Therefore, with an existing problem, statin drugs should always be present in home first aid kit.

Suitable medications are:

  1. fluvastatin;
  2. Pravastatin;
  3. Simvastatin.

Because of their amazing efficacy in this problem, statins are very popular. They should be taken at bedtime, during which cholesterol is formed at an accelerated pace. These drugs are quite well tolerated, and also have almost no side effects.

This substance has the ability to lower cholesterol levels. But only if the dosage of the drug is significant. But there is also side effects: A decent dose of nicotinic acid, administered at a time, can cause fever and increased sweating.


These substances quickly remove cholesterol from the body. And besides, they still stop the absorption for the duration of their action. fatty lipids through the walls of the stomach.

The most common sequestrants include drugs such as:

  • Colestid;
  • Colestipol.


This is the name of substances - derivatives of a special fibric acid. They have a similar effect to nicotinic acid, however, less pronounced and milder.

dietary supplements

Biologically active additives cannot be regarded as a medicine, however, and they are not a food product. Also, they cannot be named vitamin complexes. Most likely, it is a mixture of all of the above. Properly selected dietary supplements can perfectly normalize cholesterol levels, and at the same time, improve overall health.

Among the variety of dietary supplements presented in pharmacies, it is best suited for lowering cholesterol levels. fish fat. Fortunately, it is now sold in capsules, so swallowing it is not so unpleasant.

The benefits of fish oil are explained by the fact that this substance contains a special acid that inhibits the synthesis of "bad" (low density) lipoproteins.

Many processes occurring in the human body occur with the participation of cholesterol. This connection can carry not only benefits, but also harm. The latter occurs when its level rises, and against this background, a person begins to experience various cardiovascular pathologies and ailments. If you do not keep the level of this substance under control, the formed plaques completely block the vessels, which can lead to death.

high cholesterol can be lowered at home, but for this purpose you will have to reconsider your lifestyle. It is required to exclude junk food from the diet, that is, to normalize your diet. Another important factor is the passive physical activity, as well as the reception of certain medications. There are also some ways traditional medicine to lower cholesterol levels.

Each of these points requires a thorough study. All aspects, without exception, have their own specific nuances that must be taken into account.

The subject compound is a lipid, which is a fatty alcohol having a high molecular weight composition. Cholesterol plays an important role in the human body. Thanks to this component, normal metabolism is maintained, vitamins and hormones necessary for normal life are synthesized.

Only 20% of the total mass of cholesterol in the body comes from food. The rest is produced by the liver, the work of which also depends on it. The connection is of no small importance for maintaining normal muscle and brain activity.

Lack of cholesterol leads to disruption of the production of sex hormones. The substance is contained in every cell human body and not just in vessels. Its concentration in the latter can have an "accumulation" effect. When there is a violation of lipid metabolism, the level of this compound increases. The substance begins to change - to crystallize. When this happens, the component that has changed its shape begins to settle in the blood vessels. Most of all, this property is manifested in "bad" cholesterol, which has a low density.

Such accumulations in the vessels lead to the development of health problems. It cannot be ignored. If no action is taken, the condition will only get worse. In some cases it is even possible death. However, by adjusting your diet and turning to the means of traditional and not traditional medicine, cholesterol can be reduced, and then, already having a clear idea of ​​​​the mechanism of action on it, keep it under control.

Among wholesome food, which helps lower cholesterol levels, the menu should include:


Takes unconditional superiority in the category of products that normalize lipid metabolism. This nut contains a large number of vitamin E, and antioxidants. Due to this composition, almonds are a product that prevents the development of atherosclerosis.

apples and citrus


Known for his positive impact on the cardiovascular system and is recommended for use by those who suffer from pathologies of these organs. It promotes the rapid removal of bad cholesterol, because it contains monounsaturated fats. Avocado shows the greatest effectiveness when cholesterol is at an average level, that is, it does not go off scale yet.

Oat bran

Great inexpensive and available product which lowers cholesterol.


Rich in pterostilbene (an antioxidant), the berry has effective impact on cholesterol, normalizing its level in the blood.

Fatty varieties of sea fish

Mackerel, tuna, salmon contain a high concentration of omega-3 fatty acids, which have positive influence on the human body and cannot be replaced by any other compounds. To maintain cholesterol levels normal level you need to eat at least 100 grams of seaweed weekly oily fish. This product protects blood vessels from the formation of blood clots and prevents blood from clotting.

There are many websites and forums where people share their experiences in lowering high cholesterol. There are those among them who receive a lot positive feedback where they write about the effectiveness of these methods. Especially often you can find recommendations in which they write that it is necessary to consume a large amount of fatty polyunsaturated acids, pectin, and fiber. Foods rich in these useful compounds contribute to the normalization of cholesterol in the blood.

You should limit or completely abandon butter in favor of:

  • sesame;
  • soy;
  • linen;
  • olive.

These vegetable oils must be consumed unrefined and not used for frying. They should be taken fresh, that is, as a dressing for salads and other dishes.

To normalize cholesterol levels, you should completely remove from your usual daily menu fatty foods animal origin:

  • pork;
  • lamb;
  • salo;
  • butter;
  • sour cream.

Instead of animal fat, the ones listed above should be preferred. vegetable oils. In addition, it is useful to eat a variety of cereals, seeds, fruits, herbs, vegetables.

Prohibited white breads and rich sweet pastries, as well as eggs. Instead of the usual, you should eat whole grain bread made from wholemeal flour. As an alternative, you can take bran.

Recommended to focus on foods that are rich in plant fiber. The champions in this category of products are vegetables, among which green salad, beets and cabbage should be preferred. In pharmacies and specialized healthy eating departments and stores, fiber is sold ready-made.

Before the advent of traditional medicine, there were many ways to avoid heart and vascular diseases developing on the background of high cholesterol. In addition, there prophylactic, allowing timely prevention of lipid metabolism disorders, as well as positively acting on general state organism.

Here are some recipes that you can use in the fight against high cholesterol:

  1. Infusion, prepared from valerian root, natural honey, dill seed, perfectly cleanses blood vessels, soothes nervous system and strengthens the body.
  2. garlic oil It helps to lower even high cholesterol levels. Preparing the remedy is quite simple. Ten garlic cloves are passed through a press and then poured with 500 ml of olive oil. The oil is infused for at least a week, and then used as a dressing for salads and other dishes.
  3. Alcohol tincture on garlic is recognized as quite effective and has many positive reviews as a means that reduces high cholesterol. It is prepared from three hundred grams of chopped peeled garlic and a glass of alcohol. Infuse the composition in a dark place for 8-9 days.

Take the drug with a gradual increase in dosage. First, they use 2-3 drops per day, and then bring the amount to 20. Then, everyone does the opposite, that is, reduce the number to a minimum. In other words, the next day after drinking 20 drops of tincture, gradually reduce their number to 2.

Total duration course is two weeks. During the first tincture is taken with an increase in dosage, and the second - with a decrease. To soften the effect provided by the remedy, since it is rather unpleasant in taste, it should be consumed simultaneously with milk. Repeat the course of garlic treatment alcohol tincture recommended no more than once every three years.

Often, in the fight against high cholesterol, a variety of medicinal herbs are also used:

  1. Linden Powder. This folk remedy is taken orally. It is obtained from lime blossom. In dried form, this raw material can be purchased at any pharmacy. The flowers are crushed in a coffee grinder and drunk three times a day, one teaspoon. The duration of the course of treatment is thirty days. After a two-week break, therapy is resumed again, taking the powder, washed down with plenty of water, for another month.
  2. Propolis tincture. Another effective cleanser of blood vessels. It is taken thirty minutes before meals. The dosage of the product is 7 drops, which are diluted with two tablespoons of the usual drinking water. The total duration of taking this remedy is 4 months, during which excess cholesterol will be excreted.
  3. Kvass of jaundice. This is an excellent folk remedy that helps get rid of high cholesterol. Jaundice is sold in a pharmacy. In addition, this grass can be collected with your own hands. The main thing is to prepare this drink correctly. Kvass not only helps clean blood vessels, but also has a beneficial effect on memory, relieves irritability and headaches, and normalizes blood pressure.
  4. Golden mustache. This herb is also used in the fight against high cholesterol. Golden mustache tincture can be used on a regular basis. It helps to prevent a further increase in cholesterol, that is, to keep its level under control.
  5. Tincture of calendula. It's another one effective remedy, which will help solve the problem with blockage of blood vessels. It is drunk for a month three times a day, 25-30 drops.

It is not necessary to prepare any tinctures, there are herbs that can be consumed fresh. These include alfalfa. If it is not possible to collect it, you can try to grow a small amount of this herb yourself.

Exercise for high cholesterol

If you do not change your usual way of life to a more mobile one, you will not be able to completely solve the problem of clogged vessels. Sports loads in one form or another must necessarily become one of the main components comprehensive measures against increased concentration cholesterol in the blood. In addition, due to physical activity, the risks of developing a disease such as atherosclerosis are reduced.

Without sports, it is impossible to quickly and effectively cope with high cholesterol. Loads on muscle tissues contribute to the fact that blockages in the vessels begin to break down. In addition, physical activity contributes to the fact that bad cholesterol begins to decline.

Another nice bonus is that thanks to sports, you can keep yourself in great shape and have a toned figure, in a timely manner to prevent deposits of subcutaneous fat. According to many scientific studies, high cholesterol is much less common in athletes than in non-athletes.

This does not mean that you need to become a professional athlete. It is enough just to do gymnastics, swim or attend a sports section that you like.

Medicines for cholesterol

Not always sports loads, normalization of nutrition, folk remedies help to quickly cope with high cholesterol. There are times when medication is indispensable. If therapy involves home treatment, you should pay attention to the drugs listed below.

They are a group of medicines that quickly and effectively act on excess cholesterol. They must be in the first-aid kit of everyone who is faced with the problem of lipid metabolism disorders.

Among the statins, the most noteworthy are: Simvastatin, Fluvastatin, Pravastatin and Lovastatin. These medications highly effective, therefore they are always popular. Statins are taken before going to bed when cholesterol levels are at their highest. The indisputable advantage of this group of medicines is that they are well absorbed and practically devoid of side effects.

Helps to get rid of excess cholesterol, but only when the drug is taken in large dosages, which is not safe, because it can provoke high fever accompanied by increased sweating.

Differ fast speed removal of excess cholesterol. Among positive properties sequestrants should be noted that they block on certain time absorption through the walls of the stomach of fatty lipids.

Among the most popular and effective drugs in this group, it should be noted: Colestipol, Cholestyramine, Colestid.


They are derivatives of special fibric acid, which have a similar effect to nicotinic acid, but in a less pronounced and progressive form.

They are not medicines, but are dietary supplements. They are not vitamins, but they cannot be classified as food either. Dietary supplements can be attributed to an intermediate option, but if they are chosen correctly, they will not only improve health, but also normalize the concentration of cholesterol in the blood.

most affordable biological additive, which can be purchased at pharmacies, is considered fish oil. It comes in capsules, which makes it not so nasty to take. Its benefit lies in the content of a special acid that suppresses the production of low-density lipoproteins, that is, bad cholesterol.

There are a few simple tips to lower cholesterol at home:

  1. stop being nervous. Do not strain and get annoyed over trifles. Due to stress, atherosclerosis often develops.
  2. Quit bad habits. You should stop drinking alcoholic beverages and smoking. These habits adversely affect not only the blood vessels, but also the body as a whole.
  3. Walk more. If there is no time for evening walks, you can simply not drive one stop either to your home or to work, but go on foot. It is very useful and good for health.
  4. Get rid of extra pounds. Fat deposits contribute to the development of atherosclerosis.
  5. Constantly monitor blood pressure. Atherosclerosis often develops against the background of hypertension.
  6. Follow the hormonal background. Violation of metabolism leads to a deterioration in lipid metabolism and provokes an increase in cholesterol.

Statistics report that many people suffer from high blood cholesterol levels. This problem is common even to young people who are in working condition. Such people have high risk receiving serious illnesses. Unfortunately, people ignore this problem, despite the fact that it needs to be addressed immediately. How to get rid of cholesterol in such a situation?

Why should you get rid of high cholesterol?

Yes, cholesterol is necessary for the body for many processes, but in normal amounts! Excess "bad" cholesterol often leads to:

Drug treatment of high cholesterol: when is it used and are there alternatives?

If you have ignored this problem for a long time, then you will not be able to do without drug treatment, there are 4 groups of drugs to get rid of cholesterol:

Fibrates have a huge number of disadvantages. They interfere with the proper functioning of the kidneys and liver, affect the synthesis of fats, you may even get kidney stones! Experts do not recommend the use of fibrates, but they cope with their main goal (to get rid of cholesterol). Do not use fibrates all the time, because there are more acceptable analogues!

2. Preparations of nicotinic acid

Preparations, the main component of which is nicotinic acid, are very popular and recognized by many experts. They have a positive effect on blood vessels, the level of lipoproteins returns to normal, and the spontaneous release of fatty acids into the blood is blocked.

Nicotinic acid is also famous for the fact that there is no need to identify a problem area, because it acts on absolutely all vessels.

But nicotinic acid is famous precisely for its vasodilating properties, blood begins to enter those places that were previously inaccessible, plaques located on the walls begin to gradually dissolve.

These drugs bring back to normal, everything, even blood sugar!

Unfortunately, it will not be possible to quickly get rid of cholesterol with the help of nicotinic acid, because the adaptation of the body to the drug and the approach to required dose will take 3-4 months! But in the long run, nicotinic acid is one of the the best options, as it has a low price and excellent effect.

If you have problems associated with the liver, then, unfortunately, nicotinic acid preparations will not work for you! Even in the absence of such problems, the liver needs to be taken care of by including vitamins in your life that the doctor will recommend.

3. Bile acid sequestrants

These drugs bind and remove all "bad" cholesterol from the body. This method works because bile acids (which are excreted) contain a lot of cholesterol!

4. Statins

Statins are the best analogue nicotinic acid, many experts recommend using them, as they directly affect the liver, which slows down the production of cholesterol. Thus, the drug is able to get rid of cholesterol forever! atherosclerotic plaques also suffer from statins. At first, they simply stop growing, and the vessels dilate, but then these plaques also decrease.

Statins also prevent platelets from sticking together! It is easy to take such medicines (huge doses are not required), it is enough to drink one tablet at night. But even such drugs have disadvantages, for example, they greatly harm the liver!

Getting rid of cholesterol at home

resort to drug treatment not worth it if you can do without it. Doctors advise to reconsider many aspects of life to achieve a result.

Lifestyle revision should be the first step to get rid of cholesterol. First, you need to stop smoking, because it reduces the amount of "good" cholesterol in the blood and increases the level of "bad".

Second, start exercising. The type of sport is not particularly important, because the main thing is movement and physical activity, you don’t need to become some kind of Olympic champion, do it for yourself! For example, swimming will help you always feel good, you can even do it every day, and this will greatly affect the rate of fat breakdown (it will increase), and you will get rid of cholesterol.

Thirdly, you should rest and relax after training, listen to pleasant music, read, try to avoid stressful situations, because all this indirectly, but affects the level of cholesterol.

Fourth, try to lose weight. It is imperative to monitor your body weight, then you will get rid of not only problems with cholesterol, but also other diseases. The level of "bad" cholesterol is directly dependent on your body weight, it greatly increases when you eat a couple of extra pounds.

Method 2. Use a diet

Doctors and nutritionists have made certain rules, which are presented below:

  • Completely eliminate foods that contain great amount fats. For example, meat, cheese, butter. Try to replace them with seafood, yes, it is difficult to switch to them, but in this way you can get rid of cholesterol!
  • Do not use sunflower oil for cooking food. Olive oil is an excellent analogue, because it does not affect the level of "bad" cholesterol. Olive oil can be consumed daily, it will only bring benefits.
  • Do not eat eggs often or remove the yolk from them. The fact is that egg yolk contains a lot of cholesterol, if you can eat eggs without it, then you can use them in large quantities, but with protein - only 2-3 eggs per day.
  • Eat fruit. Fruits have an excellent property, they are able to lower “bad” cholesterol in the blood, eat grapefruit, which is best product to achieve this goal. If you use it mixed with other fruits, you will get both tasty and healthy!
  • Try legumes. Leguminous plants also cope with the main goal of this diet, they contain a large amount of nutrients and trace elements to restore their balance in the body. There are absolutely different leguminous plants, you are sure to find something for yourself!
  • Eat oat bran. If you cannot eat leguminous plants, then you should try oat bran. By consuming them daily, you will reduce "bad" cholesterol by as much as 5% in just one month!
  • Vegetables (carrots, cabbage and onion) will help you take one more step towards your goal.
  • For fans of corn, there is great news, because it "kills" about 7% of cholesterol per month. For this effect, it is enough to use one spoonful of corn bran every day.
  • Don't drink coffee. Scientists have long proven that this drink has a bad effect on health, switch to regular tea, experiment with different tastes, because you can find an analogue that you like.
  • Eat garlic. Despite the smell that turns off many, garlic has many pleasant properties. Yes, it also helps to get rid of cholesterol. But do not allow hot processing, because, in this way, garlic loses almost all of its properties.
  • Drink skim milk. There may be problems with the purchase of such milk, but if you are lucky, then it can help you achieve your goal.
  • Eat beef. This type meat contains a large amount of fiber, which "collects" "bad" cholesterol. Just try to remove fat from this meat. Cholesterol will not rise from beef!


Method 3. Use folk remedies

Most likely, you will be helped by a review of lifestyle and diet. If the result did not satisfy you, then you can use folk remedies, but be sure to coordinate their use with specialists!

For example, there is a certain group of plants (raspberry, chamomile, sea buckthorn). These plants affect the absorption process, interfering with it. To prepare these funds, it is enough to take a tablespoon of one of the medicinal plants and just make some tea. But drink only half a glass in one day!

Important! Make sure you are not allergic to medicinal herb that you are taking, otherwise it will end badly! If you alternate the plants used, you can achieve excellent results.

In addition, get a walnut, which will act as an excellent folk medicine, because it is able to slow down the absorption of "bad" cholesterol and remove it from the body. These nuts are worth eating every day!

Also exists special group folk remedies, the action of which is not based on slowing down the absorption, but on slowing down the production of cholesterol.

Here good examples such folk remedies: