Menu for children from 1.5 years. Baby's daily diet

After the baby turns one year old, another life begins in his life. milestone. At one year old, a child is very actively learning about the world that surrounds him. At the same time, he already knows a lot, and his body continues to develop and grow very actively and rapidly. All organs and systems are changing rapidly, including the digestive system.

As a rule, by this age the child already has about eight teeth. And if in children of the first year of life the food is mostly soft foods, then in the second year he is already very actively interested in solid food. In addition, those that are produced in the baby's gastrointestinal tract are becoming more and more active. Thanks to this, as well as the fact that the stomach has become larger and stronger, his body can already absorb not only light food.

However, the nutrition of a child after 1 year should not change too rapidly. New dishes are introduced gradually, always remembering that a man at one year old is still very small, and his body is not ready for "adult" food.

How to properly organize a child’s nutrition per year in order to ensure its active growth and proper development will be discussed in the article below.

Baby nutrition at 1 year old: basic principles

If parents approach the introduction of complementary foods correctly, then a one-year-old baby already knows the taste of many staple foods. Pediatricians recommend after reaching a year to practice transferring to more solid foods. During this period, it is important to diversify the menu. After all, the diet of a child at 1 year old can already include quite a lot of dishes. But still the basis of feeding are semi-liquid. However, it is no longer necessary to grind them into a puree. It is important to leave small pieces of vegetables, fish, meat, etc. At the same time, the diet should not contain very dry foods to prevent swallowing problems.

It is important that nutrition at this age is balanced: the menu should contain foods that contain the entire set of elements important for the body. The basic principle of diet formation is as follows: the amount of food per day should be approximately 1200 ml, its calorie content should be about 1300 calories. If you calculate more and more accurately, then one kilogram of weight should account for 4 g of fat and protein, 16 g of carbohydrates.

But at the same time, it is necessary not only to provide the children's body with proteins, but also to ensure that they are complete and as useful as possible. It is recommended to include vegetable and animal proteins in the menu with amino acid composition. At the same time, animal proteins - fish, meat, poultry - should be about 75% in the menu.

Diet plan for a one year old baby

  • After a year, the baby’s menu necessarily includes those foods that he used to eat before. During this period, cereals, fruits, vegetables, fish, meat, kefir, cottage cheese should be present in the diet. However, after a year in the baby's menu, these products should be combined. That is, it is necessary to include several combinations of different dishes in the daily diet.
  • During this period, the diet still contains breast milk or a mixture. But they are gradually being replaced by "adult" dishes. At the same time, the consistency of food also gradually becomes the same as in adults. After all, chewing muscles little man are very actively developing, and to contribute to this, mashed potatoes from his diet must be excluded.
  • The older the child gets, the larger portions he receives.
  • On the menu one year old baby You need to start adding meat. Its lean varieties are optimally suited - rabbit, chicken, veal. Of course, that in the children's menu should be exclusively fresh meat. Below is sample menu nutrition one year old baby and meat options.
  • Breast-fed babies continue to breastfeed at one year of age. However, the number of attachments is gradually decreasing, therefore, in a year old, the baby should also receive fermented milk products.
  • Soups are definitely prepared for such children. However, they cannot be fried, and the first broth must be drained when preparing meat soup.
  • In general, the menu during this period includes mainly boiled, stewed and baked dishes. At the same time, both salt and sugar should be added to them only in small quantities.

It is necessary to organize the child's diet per year so that the daily total calorie content of the menu is at least 1300 calories. The diet will be the same at 18 months.

But here, too, it is important to consider individual characteristics little person. After all, some children grow up very frisky and mobile, others - on the contrary. Therefore, some babies may need a supplement from time to time.

Below is a table that shows the products needed for one-year-olds and their quantity.

It is very important to take into account some other factors when shaping the diet. Vegetables and fruits should be selected according to the season to ensure maximum benefit for the growing body. This is emphasized by Dr. Komarovsky and other well-known pediatricians.

When forming a menu for a baby for every day, you do not need to try to include all the products listed above in it. For example, it is enough to give fish, liver, eggs to children of this age twice a week.


Feed a child in the period from one to one and a half years you need six times a day. However, the main meals are breakfast, lunch, lunch, afternoon tea and dinner. In the early morning, breast milk or formula is fed, and the last meal before bedtime may consist of a fermented milk product. Having food before bedtime, children sleep soundly. What is included in the menu of a one-year-old baby, and approximate recipes are described in detail below.


The time of the first meal depends on when the baby wakes up. If at first the mother still puts it on the breast after waking up, or gives a bottle of formula, then later such feeding replaces full breakfast. In the morning, it is advisable to give children porridge with goat or cow's milk. For porridge, milk must be diluted. Under the condition of intolerance to milk, you can use the mixture for making porridge.

Best suited for one-year-old children: rice, buckwheat, oatmeal, millet, corn porridge. The proportions for cooking are as follows: 200 g of liquid and 2 tbsp. l. cereals. It takes about 15 minutes to boil the cereal. Pieces of fruit or grated fruit can be added to the porridge. By the way, semolina less useful than the listed cereals.

Twice a week, you can cook an omelet for breakfast from one egg (one chicken or two quail). The omelette is steamed, you can add a little milk to it. Fresh dill is also useful, which stimulates digestion. For breakfast, you should give some bread - ordinary white, but not the freshest. You can drink breakfast with dried fruit compote or mild tea.


This meal is no less important. For lunch, fruit yogurt, fruit puree is suitable, as they actively stimulate the digestive tract and increase the content before dinner. Another useful option lancha - a baked apple with low-fat biscuits. If at this time the mother and the baby are walking, then you can have a snack with purchased baby yogurt or mashed potatoes from a jar.


For lunch, a child can eat both fresh soup and feather soup with a second one. Since lunch is the main meal, the soup can be cooked more hearty and thick. When preparing meat soup, it is important to drain the first broth, and add vegetables and diced meat to the second. Suitable for dressing olive oil or sunflower oil. It is important to remember that it is too early for one-year-old children to cook broth on the bones.

The second dish can be mashed vegetables or unsweetened porridge without milk, accompanied by a meat or fish dish. Liver can be given periodically for lunch. Spices, a variety of roasts, a lot of salt should not be added to children's dishes. It is worth making a salad with seasonal vegetables. But any new dish should be introduced into the menu gradually and be sure to observe the body's reaction to it.

afternoon tea

This meal should include a small snack. It can be cottage cheese casserole, milk porridge, cheesecakes, etc. The kid will also like to snack on cookies with compote or milk. By the way, cow's milk should be introduced into the diet very carefully. If it is not well tolerated, you can try diluting it with water.


Dinner should be planned so that approximately 5 hours pass after lunch. It shouldn't be too late. For dinner, you can cook a dish that coincides with the second for lunch - porridge, mashed potatoes, stew with small pieces of fish or meat. A little vegetable oil is added to the vegetable stew.

Second dinner

Babies who are still on are offered mother's milk as a second dinner. Artificers receive a regular or fermented milk mixture. Before going to bed, light and familiar food should be given.

If the child is sick, then during the day he may have one additional meal. During this period, children who often wake up at night to drink or eat are gradually weaned from this habit. Indeed, at 12-14 months, the digestive system is gradually rebuilt and begins to work “in an adult way”.

As a result, the nutrition of a child at 1.5 years is already more or less established. At the age of one and a half, he already has his favorite dishes, and it is easier for parents to create the optimal menu. And in 1.5-2 years, new dishes should be introduced into the diet.

How to make a menu for every day

First of all, you need to write exemplary mode food intake:

  • breakfast - 9.00;
  • lunch - 11.00;
  • lunch - 13.00;
  • afternoon snack - 16.00;
  • dinner - 19.00;
  • snack before bed - 21.00.








What is important for parents to consider when organizing meals?

  • One of the most important conditions for the organization of healthy and proper nutrition is the strict observance of its regimen. The child must receive food in a timely manner, and then he will eat it with pleasure, satisfying the needs of the body.
  • It is also important to observe a certain ritual of eating. It is necessary to purchase beautiful napkins, lay out food and cutlery on the table. It is worth allowing the baby to help set the table. You can “attach” toys to the meal by spreading them side by side.
  • You should not completely exclude from the menu the product that the child did not like. Later, it can be mixed into another dish so that the menu remains varied.
  • If one-year-olds refuse to eat, you can slightly shift the time of the meal. It is likely that it would be advisable to reduce the portion so that the baby has time to get hungry. You can remove one of the feedings.
  • If there are several dishes, they must be served in turn. The baby should see the second dish only when he finishes eating the first.
  • The diet can be significantly disrupted by snacking on cookies or buns. This will bring down and interfere with the organization of a healthy and nutritious diet. Therefore, between feedings, the crumbs should not be fed. If you can’t do without a snack, you can offer a fruit or vegetable.
  • Unfamiliar types of berries and fruits should be introduced gradually - one at a time and in small quantities. In this case, the reaction of the body should be very closely monitored. Soft fruits and berries can be given in pieces, hard ones can be processed into puree.
  • Confectionery and sweets are not yet given to such a crumb. As a sweet, from time to time you can offer jam, marmalade, honey (if not available), cookies, dried fruits. When adding sugar to some dishes, you need to make sure that it total per day did not exceed 40 g.
  • Proper drinking regime is important. Sometimes children do not talk about what they want to drink, and then before eating they drink a large amount of liquid and skip the meal. To avoid this, it is important to offer liquid between feedings.

The main thing is not to be afraid that feeding a baby at this age requires some effort and the preparation of different dishes. After all, this time will pass very quickly, and very soon the baby will become a full-fledged participant in common family meals.

Update: December 2018

From the moment a child reaches the age of one, his diet gradually expands and changes. But this does not mean at all that after a year the child needs to be transferred to an adult diet, his digestive system is not yet ready to digest many products of an adult table, and pancreatic enzymes and bile are not yet fully functionally active.

Nutrition for children up to one and a half years

The nutrition of a child after 1 year changes, gradually and smoothly approaching the table of adults. What are the features of nutrition after a year:

  • children become more active and tidy at the table, they learn how to use cutlery, drink from a cup, use a napkin
  • children actively drink water, washing it down with food, doing it many times during a meal
  • children can eat on the move, it is often difficult to keep them at the table, and they periodically run up to the mother, take pieces of food, and continue to move, spin in a chair, scatter food
  • they show selectivity in food, they can sort out food, throwing out what they think is tasteless from the plate, arrange "strike", demanding certain foods.

These are the features eating behavior children, all parents go through these stages of development of the taste and eating habits of the child.

Usually, after the age of one year, children switch to five meals a day. Typically, a child's diet looks like:

  • Breakfast (8.00-8.30)
  • Second breakfast (10.30-11.00)
  • Lunch (12.30-13.00)
  • Afternoon snack (15.30.-16.00)
  • Dinner (18.30-19.00)

In between meals, there may be small snacks with fruits or light desserts, juices, compotes. It is important not to give children high-calorie foods during these snacks (sweet cookies, rolls, sweets, chocolate, sweets), so that the child has an appetite for the next meal.

Usually children in the first year of life receive breast milk or adapted milk formulas as the main food. The nutrition of a child after 1 year undergoes some changes, especially from the type of feeding:

  • When breastfeeding mother's milk is gradually replaced by complementary foods during the daytime and becomes an additional food. But, according to WHO, breastfeeding after a year does not need to be completed, it is advisable to continue it up to one and a half to two years, gradually and smoothly weaning the child from the breast. In the period up to a year and a half, breastfeeding can still be maintained in the daytime before bedtime and as snacks between meals, gradually feeding is reduced to sucking the breast for a night's sleep and at night, as well as breastfeeding not for nutrition, but mostly for communication and soothing .
  • When a child is on adapted mixtures, there is a transition to triad mixes, special dairy products that are designed to replace cow's milk at this age, which is not recommended in the diet of young children due to high allergenicity. The mixture is mainly given at night, replaced by regular products during the day.

Why is the diet of children changing? Peculiarities of children's digestion.

The expansion of the diet and the change in dietary patterns is determined by the developmental features digestive tract child. After a year, active teething occurs chewing group(there should be 12 of them), happens sharp rise the concentration of digestive juices and the activity of intestinal and pancreatic enzymes. This helps to facilitate the digestion of new and more dense food, its active assimilation.

The appearance of teeth requires an increase in the chewing load on them for the correct and complete formation of the dentoalveolar apparatus and the facial skeleton. A child at this age learns to chew pieces of food about 2-3 cm in size and a relatively loose consistency. Chewing helps in the development of the muscles and bones of the jaw, which forms the correct bite and proper grinding of food for its active digestion.

  • The child begins to consume large amounts of food due to an increase in the volume of the stomach to about 250-300 ml, while its emptying from food occurs approximately every 3-4 hours from the moment of the previous intake.
  • This causes the formation of a new mode of eating, at first five meals a day, and as they grow older, the transition to four meals a day by the age of three years.
  • The volume of food per day at this age is about 1200-1300 ml, the volume of the average portion of food with five meals a day is approximately equal to 250 ml with small deviations within 30-50 g.
  • The consistency of food with the appearance of teeth should gradually thicken from mushy to the usual soft consistency food (boiled vegetables, cereals, pasta, meatballs, meatballs, etc.), which can be bitten and chewed.

During this period, eating habits and eating habits are formed, so now is the time to offer the child a variety of (allowed, healthy) foods for testing so that he learns to eat different foods. When eating, digestive juices are actively produced, which helps in the active assimilation of food. At this age, strict adherence to the diet is important, which helps to "turn on" digestion by a certain time and adequately absorb all the components of food.

Features of cooking for young children

  • food should be fully cooked, food should not be overcooked, preferably steam cooking or simmering
  • food is prepared directly for its reception, it is unacceptable to warm it up and store it even for a day in the refrigerator, this sharply reduces its nutritional value and increases the risk of spoilage, contamination with dangerous microbes and food poisoning especially during the warm season
  • soups and cereals are cooked in a pureed form, vegetables and fruits are kneaded with a fork, meat and fish are given in the form of minced meat, chopped products or souffle
  • dishes are cooked in boiled, stewed or steam form without adding spices, garlic and pepper to them.

Basic requirements for the diet of children

The nutrition of a child under the age of one and a half years should be:

  • correct and balanced in all major components
  • the menu should be varied, composed for a week with different dishes and products
  • adjusted for proteins, fats and carbohydrates, vitamins and mineral components.

This is achieved by a combination in the daily diet of vegetables and fruits, meat or fish dishes, dairy products, flour products and croup.

It is important to immediately decide what products a child can eat, taking into account the state of health and characteristics of early development.

During the first year of life, the child could be identified food allergy or individual food intolerance, which will exclude these foods from the diet for up to two to three years. As they grow older, it will be possible to carefully try to introduce them into the diet under the control of tolerance.

Comparative characteristics of the diet up to 3 years

Main characteristics From 1 to 1.6 years From 1.6 to 3 years
The number of teeth a child has 8-12 pieces, front incisors and chewing premolars. Biting and chewing only soft food is possible. 20 teeth, all groups of teeth for biting, grinding and chewing food
Stomach volume 250-300 ml 300-350 ml
Number of meals 5 meals a day 4 meals a day
The volume of one meal 250 ml 300-350 ml
Daily amount of food 1200-1300 ml 1400-1500 ml.
Distribution of calorie intake
  • First breakfast - 15%
  • Second breakfast 10%
  • Lunch - 40%
  • Snack - 10%
  • Dinner - 25%.
  • Breakfast - 25%
  • Lunch - 35%
  • Snack - 15%
  • Dinner - 25%.

It is also necessary to know what foods a child under the age of one and a half can eat, and what basic characteristics food products for children should have. Here is a sample list of these products.

Necessary products for a child up to one and a half years

Can Not desirable Approximately how many gr. in a day
  • cabbage, beets, carrots, zucchini, pepper, tomato, cucumber, eggplant, squash, pumpkin, etc.
  • potatoes (not more than 40% of daily allowance vegetables)
  • green onion, dill, parsley, basil, cilantro
  • radish, radish, garlic
  • with caution legumes (lentils, peas, beans)
200 -300 gr.
  • apple, pear, cherry, plum, apricot, peach
  • pureed berries - gooseberries, currants, raspberries, cranberries, strawberries
  • grape
  • citrus
  • other exotic fruits
100-200 gr.
  • kefir - 2.5-3.2%
  • yogurt - 3.2%
  • sour cream - 10%
  • cream - 10%
  • cottage cheese - 5-9%

sour cream, cream, cheese - for dressing in soups, salads, side dishes

  • milk
  • any dairy products with additives, with a long shelf life
Every day:
  • kefir, yogurt: 200-300 ml.

In one day:

  • cottage cheese 50-100 gr.

Total milk 400 ml. in a day

Cereals, bread, pasta
  • gluten-free cereals (buckwheat, rice and corn)
  • containing gluten (wheat, oats, rye), artek, hercules, semolina, poltavka
  • black bread: 10g.
  • white bread: 40g.
  • pasta, porridge for garnish: 100 gr.
  • porridge 200-250 gr.
  • cod
  • hake or pollock
  • zander
  • sea ​​bass
  • fish broth
  • fish with a large number of small bones - ide, bream, carp, etc.
1-2 times a week, 100 gr.
Meat, poultry
  • turkey, rabbit
  • veal, beef
  • chicken
  • lamb
  • by-products: tongue, liver, heart
  • any meat semi-finished products (sausages, sausages, sausages, dumplings, etc.) of industrial production
  • lard, lamb, fatty pork
  • meat of wild animals, wild waterfowl
100 gr.
  • chicken
  • quail
1 PC. chicken, 2 pcs. quail

About dairy products

Dairy products should be indispensable components of the diet of a child up to one and a half years. However, the most important question for today - ? The baby's gastrointestinal tract is not able to fully absorb whole milk until 2 years of age, since there is not yet essential enzymes(someone does not produce this enzyme in the future throughout life). In this regard, the introduction of a whole cow's milk not recommended before 2-3 years. In addition, today there is a massive allergization of the population, especially among children, including a growing number of cases of development. You need to be especially careful with milk:

  • children with atopic dermatitis
  • in the presence of milk intolerance by the parents of the child
  • children with digestive disorders.

Breastfed babies don't need whole cow's milk by definition, they get their mother's milk. Children on artificial mixtures it is better to replace the intake of cow's milk with special milk mixtures, triads, fermented milk products.

Dairy products are rich in easily digestible animal protein, animal fat, as well as a set of vitamins and minerals necessary for the growth and development of the baby. Dairy products contain beneficial bacteria that help the intestines, support the growth and functioning of their own microflora, and stimulate the immune system.

  • Dairy products should be in the diet daily - kefir, yogurt, yogurt
  • Every other day - cottage cheese, cheeses, sour cream or cream
  • For children with normal body weight, the intake of low-fat or low-fat dairy products is not recommended.
  • The daily volume of dairy products, taking into account their costs for cooking, is at least 400 ml.
  • The consumption of milk in cereals, cottage cheese in dishes, sour cream and cream in dishes is taken into account.

It is worth considering the fact that today in Russia, many manufacturers, in order to reduce production costs, include palm oil in dairy products, which is much cheaper than milk fat, and it is not always indicated on product labeling (or simply vegetable fats are indicated). Therefore, very cheap dairy products (butter, cheese, sour cream, cottage cheese, etc.) most likely contain it. Disputes about the dangers and benefits of palm oil have been going on for a long time, and it is unequivocal to say that it is harmless to child's body do not have to.

It is clear that the shorter the shelf life of the product and the fresher it is (today's, yesterday's), the better. In the summer, there are a lot of cases of poisoning of babies with dairy products, the same curds, sour cream, yogurts, because in the heat, due to the negligence of retail chains, downtime of goods without a refrigerator often occurs (transportation, storage, waiting for loading, unloading, etc.). Therefore, before giving a child milk product make sure it is fresh, try the product for yourself.

What dairy products can a child


Children after a year should be given special children's yoghurts, which are balanced in terms of the amount of fats and carbohydrates. They are prepared using a special yogurt starter (thermophilic streptococcus and yogurt (Bulgarian) stick). These yogurts are not thermally processed, have a very short shelf life (stored only in the refrigerator), which allows them to retain their beneficial properties. Yoghurts that have a long shelf life have either been thermally processed or contain preservatives and are highly undesirable for children. There are no beneficial bacteria in them, and additional components can harm the child's body.


This fermented milk drink helps in work of cardio-vascular system and intestines due to the content in its composition of special lactic acid microbes and bifidoflora. These microbes help the growth of beneficial intestinal microflora, which will improve digestion and immune function. At the same time, kefir has a high acidity and fixes the stool, especially during long-term storage, its intake should be limited to 200-300 ml per day.

Cottage cheese

Cottage cheese is a source of protein and calcium for a child, but it is very difficult to digest due to the high percentage of protein. Therefore, the volume of cottage cheese per day should not exceed 50-100g. Only cottage cheese with a fat content of at least 5-9% will be useful for the full absorption of calcium, zero-fat cottage cheese is not so useful, since calcium is practically not absorbed without the presence of fat. Curd can be used in pure form or with the addition of fruits, at one time with cottage cheese, high-calorie and protein dishes are no longer given.

Cheese, sour cream and cream

These products are recommended to be given to the child in limited quantities or used in the preparation of meals for children. Sour cream and cream are often given as dressings for soups or second courses, cheese can be added to side dishes. As the teeth erupt, you can give the child pieces of unsalted hard cheese to chew.


In the diet of children, the use of fish dishes is recommended once or twice a week. Children under one and a half years of age are allowed such types of fish as cod, hake or pollock, pike perch, sea bass, but if the child is allergic, you should refuse fish at least up to 2-3 years. Fish can be offered in the form of specialized canned fish for children, fish soufflé, boiled fish with a side dish or steam cutlets.

Fish is useful for children because of its easily digestible protein and a set of vitamins and trace elements, iodine and fluorine, phosphorus and calcium, useful for the growth of the skeleton and teeth. But, soups on fish broth are strictly prohibited at this age - extractive and harmful substances from a fish carcass.


  • Meat is the main source of animal protein for the baby and should be on the child's table at least five times a week.
  • Different varieties of meat and poultry can be introduced into the diet of children in the amount of 100g.
  • Meat dishes can be in the form of minced meat, meatballs, steam cutlets or canned meat for children.
  • It is important to remember that meat is digested for a long time and it must be introduced in the morning - at lunchtime.
  • After a year, the diet expands due to offal - tongue, liver, heart.
  • Poultry and rabbit meat, turkey, lamb are also useful.

Fat, lamb meat and fatty pork, meat of waterfowl wild birds and animals are excluded from the nutrition of young children. It is strictly forbidden for children under 3 years of age to introduce sausages and sausages, sausages, even labeled for children (most often children's names on them are tricks of manufacturers, these are ordinary sausages and sausages). On children's sausages must be the inscription "specialized product for baby food” and the age of the child is indicated (for sausages, this is usually 3+).


Eggs are a source of protein, they contain a lot of protein in addition to useful amino acids, trace elements and vitamins. Eggs are given to a child after a year every day, in the absence of allergies or pathologies of the biliary system. You can add an egg to dishes or give it a boiled hard boiled egg, make a steam omelet out of it. It is forbidden for young children to give soft-boiled eggs or in a bag, fried eggs. For protein allergy chicken egg can be a great alternative quail eggs. They can be up to 2 pcs per day.


In the diet of children, there should be enough fats in the form of vegetable oils and butter. Butter can be given with a soft bun in the form of a sandwich or added to ready-made cereals and vegetable purees so that the butter does not undergo heat treatment and does not lose its beneficial properties. The amount of butter per day is not more than 10-15g.

Vegetable oils are used for cooking and dressing ready-made dishes, they are seasoned with salads and vegetable dishes. It is better to use unrefined oils - extra virgin olive, sunflower. The norm of vegetable oils is not more than 10 g per day.

Cereal dishes

After a year, both gluten-free cereals (buckwheat, rice and corn) and gluten-containing cereals (wheat, oats, rye) are used in children's nutrition. Cereals are used both in the form of cereals and in the form of cereal side dishes for main courses. Especially useful for children will be buckwheat, corn and oatmeal porridge, multi-cereal porridge.

After a year, you can gradually add semolina and millet porridge to the child's menu, but semolina should be given infrequently - it is very high-calorie. Porridges are usually served for breakfast and their quantity is no more than 200-250 ml. The volume of garnish for second courses should be about 100-150g.

Bread, pasta

For the field of the year, children can be offered bread made from white and rye flour, while white bread you can give up to 40 g, and rye no more than 10 g. White bread is digested better, an excess of rye bread can lead to bloating of the crumbs.

In the diet of children under one and a half years old, you can include baby vermicelli, cobwebs or egg noodles. The amount of pasta should not exceed 100g per day.

Vegetables and fruits

In the diet of children up to one and a half years, vegetables and fruits should be present in without fail daily. They are a source of vitamins and minerals, pectins, fruit acids and sugars, as well as vegetable fiber to stimulate digestion. Vegetables and fruits are applicable both thermally processed (boiled, steamed, baked) and fresh.


The daily volume of vegetables and fruits should reach 300-400 g, of which vegetables should make up at least half of the volume.

Can Undesirable
  • The share of potatoes is no more than 40% of the total volume of vegetables due to the high calorie content and excess starch.
  • Useful vegetables for children of this age will be: cabbage, beets, carrots, zucchini, peppers, tomatoes, cucumbers, eggplant, squash, pumpkin, etc.
  • Garden greens should be added to dishes - green onions, dill, parsley, basil, cilantro.
  • At this age, it is undesirable to give vegetables such as radish, radish, garlic, green peas and beans, lentils should be carefully introduced. They can give pain in the abdomen, cause bloating and diarrhea.
  • Salads should not be dressed with mayonnaise, only vegetable oils, sour cream or freshly squeezed fruit juice.


The assortment of fruits after a year expands significantly, but it is worth introducing local fruits according to the season and initially in small quantities, following the reactions.

  • Up to two years of age, be wary of strawberries and exotic fruits (citrus fruits, kiwi, etc.). The amount of these fruits should not exceed 100g.
  • Gooseberries, currants, raspberries, cranberries and others will be useful after a year. In shattered form.
  • It is worth giving up the use of grapes for at least two years, it leads to fermentation in the stomach and can cause digestive disorders.


Until the age of three, children should not be spoiled with chocolate, confectionery, sweets due to the load of pancreatic glucose, excess chemical substances as part of these products, excess calories and risk carious lesion teeth. Also, do not eat cakes with cream, cakes and shortbread. From confectionery, you can give marshmallows, marshmallows and marmalade.

Do not encourage the baby's craving for sweets: it is not uncommon for parents to encourage their baby to finish eating vegetables or meat, they promise candy as a reward. The substitution of taste values ​​occurs very quickly and the child will soon give preference to sweets instead of healthy food.

It is worth refusing as much as possible in the nutrition of children from sugar, replacing it with honey (in the absence of allergies) or sweet fruits. Yes, of course, sweets are good for the brain, this is the source fast carbohydrates and fun for children, but it is worth considering long-term consequences inappropriate intake of sugar.

  • When consuming sweets, glucose from the intestines is actively and quickly absorbed into the bloodstream, increasing its concentration by two to three times. Such sharp fluctuations in blood glucose levels lead to the stress of the pancreas in the production of insulin. Glucose is actively utilized in tissues, where it is processed into fats, which leads to excess weight and metabolic shifts, setting the body to work in an "emergency" mode in the future.
  • FROM early childhood programmed predisposition to atherosclerosis, diabetes and obesity.
  • In addition, according to recent studies, excess sugar in food leads to a decrease in immunity, excretion of beneficial trace elements- chromium, magnesium and copper.
  • Sugar also provokes the formation of allergies in the body of children with skin, intestinal and pulmonary symptoms.

Do not forget about potential harm sugar for teeth, especially dairy. Sweets, namely sugar, will be one of the main reasons for the formation of caries in a child. Due to the anatomical and physiological features of milk teeth - delicate thin enamel, the absence of perfect protection mechanisms, caries acquires a lightning-fast course, and complications develop rapidly: inflammatory nature(pulpitis, periodontitis), as a result of which premature extraction of teeth often occurs - bite pathologies.

caries is infectious process, and the main pathogens will be some streptococci. The nutrient medium and habitat of which will be plaque. Sugar and sweets, especially sticky ones (cookies with a high content of margarine, "chupa-chups") create a sticky layer on the surface of the teeth, which is poorly peeled off and remains on the teeth for a long time. These conditions ensure the development of caries and its consequences.

Besides, carious teeth constant sources of infection, and can cause the development of tonsillitis, infectious diseases kidneys and others internal organs.

Our ancestors, who did not consume sugar, but used honey and fruits as sweets, were healthier than we are. This suggests that from an early age it is worth controlling sugar intake, limiting it or replacing it with more healthy natural products. And even more so, you should not give children drinks that are saturated with sugar (carbonated sweet drinks, cola, Pepsi, store juices), and even more so, allow lump sugar to gnaw.

Today, it is extremely difficult to control the consumption of refined sugar by family members, since it is found in many prepared foods on the supermarket shelves, and it is difficult to calculate how much it is contained in a particular product. But it is worth reducing the consumption of sugar at least when cooking at home.

We repeat that, ideally, you should not give sweets to a child UNDER 3 YEARS. If not, at least limit your intake to 4-5 teaspoons per day, including sweet foods.

Sample menu for one day for a child 1.5 years old

  • First breakfast: oatmeal with banana, white bun with butter, tea / with milk
  • Second breakfast: banana, apple juice, dried
  • Lunch: cucumber salad with tomato and olive oil, vegetarian borscht, vegetable stew with veal steam cutlet,
  • Snack: cottage cheese casserole with apple, yogurt
  • Dinner: mashed cauliflower and potatoes, kefir, cookies, apple.

It is worth mentioning that the norms given below are only an approximate amount that a child at this age can eat on average. But, for example, fragile, slender girls (little ones) eat much less than boys, so if your baby gorges on less food, this is normal, do not panic. Each child is individual and weight gain depends on the build and height of the child. To control the normal weight gain of the baby, you can use (boys and girls up to 115 cm) in our other article.

meal Ingredients of the dish Quantity

Vegetable dish, porridge

Curd, fish, meat dish, omelette

Salad or fruit

Beverage: compote, weakly brewed tea, freshly squeezed diluted juice, milk (but not recommended)


Fruit, cookies, bun

Yogurt, cottage cheese, kefir, juice


Appetizer or vegetable salad

First course (soup, cabbage soup, borscht on vegetable broth)

The second dish of poultry, fish or meat

afternoon tea

Yogurt, kefir, juice, compote

Cottage cheese, cereal, vegetable dish

Baking, cookies, drying

Fruits, berries


Curd, vegetable dish, porridge

Kefir, yogurt


The nutrition of the baby after 1.5 years is significantly expanded. New dishes and new products appear on the menu. You no longer need to grind food, as in the first year of life. The ingredients can be cut into small pieces, and not grind in a meat grinder or blender. The nutrition of a child at this age is five times a day, three of which are the main meals, and two are snacks. One meal per child older than a year is 250-300 grams.

The diet includes light soups, vegetable and fruit purees, meat and fish, meatballs, cutlets and meatballs, milk porridge. For seasoning dishes, use sour cream or vegetable oil. You can add a little salt and pepper, herbs. When introducing a new product, each time monitor the reaction of the baby for two days so that there is no allergy or eating disorder.

From heavy and unhealthy food should be abandoned. Do not feed your baby fried foods, mushrooms, smoked and canned foods, marinades and pickles, sauces and seafood. Detailed information, which products are not recommended for children under 3 years old, see. And in this article we will learn recipes for a child 1.5-2 years old.

Salads and omelettes

Salads and omelettes are great for breakfast, dinner or a snack. By the way, for an omelette and other dishes, you can take quail eggs, not chicken eggs, if the baby has a food allergy to protein. And instead of chicken, in this case, use a turkey. This is a dietary, hypoallergenic and more tender meat.

Omelet with broccoli

  • Milk - 0.5 stack;
  • Wheat flour - 1 tbsp. a spoon;
  • Chicken eggs - 4 pcs.;
  • Broccoli - 350 grams.

Boil broccoli separately. Break eggs, mix with flour and milk. Cut the cooled cabbage and add to the egg-milk mass. In a mold greased with vegetable oil, put the omelet and bake for 12 minutes at 180 degrees. You can bake an omelet in the form of a cupcake, then it will look interesting and every child will like it. These methods will help if the baby refuses to eat.

Meat omelette

  • Chicken eggs - 2 pcs.;
  • Chicken fillet or breast - 200 grams;
  • Milk - 1⁄3 cup

Boil the chicken separately, cut into pieces. Beat eggs and pour in milk, mix. At the bottom of the pan, greased with butter, put the chicken down and pour in the egg-milk mass. Steam with a lid on for twenty minutes. If desired, the finished omelette can be sprinkled with chopped fresh herbs.

Beet salad with prunes

  • Beets - 1 small fruit;
  • Prunes - 50 grams.

Beets and prunes improve digestion and improve stool. These products are great for constipation, which often affects small children. To prepare the salad, boil the beets, and wash the prunes, sort and soak for twenty minutes. Peel the vegetable and, together with dried fruits, pass through a meat grinder. For dressing, take sour cream.

If desired, chopped and pre-soaked walnuts can be added to the salad. However, this dish is not recommended for children with high sugar in the blood and with frequent diarrhea.

You can prepare an ordinary vegetable salad for your baby by finely chopping the ingredients and seasoning the dish with vegetable oil. The child can be given tomatoes and fresh cucumbers, pumpkin and zucchini, carrots and radishes, bell pepper in small quantities, fresh green peas and herbs. But in one serving it is better not to mix more than four or five components at a time.

For salads, you can use boiled, stewed and fresh vegetables but preferably purified. In addition, in such dishes you can put boiled meat and fish, nuts, dried fruits. You can find many interesting recipes for children's salads for the holiday and for every day.


Casseroles are a dish that many mothers love to cook. It is hearty, tasty and healthy, if, of course, you choose the right ingredients. It's better to start with the classic cottage cheese casserole, then you can gradually add dried fruits, fresh vegetables and fruits, meat and fish to the dish. The casserole will be an excellent breakfast, second course for lunch or a full dinner.

vegetable casserole

  • Broccoli - 500 grams;
  • Milk - 1 stack;
  • Flour - 1 table. a spoon;
  • Tomatoes - 2 medium fruits;
  • Cheese in grated form - 200 grams;
  • Butter - 40 grams.

Boil the cabbage for five to seven minutes in boiling and lightly salted water. Melt the butter in a pan with high sides, pour in the flour and pour in the milk, mix the ingredients thoroughly. Bring the resulting mass to a boil and cook for several minutes until thickened. Sprinkle cheese on top and stir. Peel the tomatoes and chop. Mix the prepared cabbage and tomatoes, put on a baking sheet, pour over the cheese and milk mass and bake at two hundred degrees for 25 minutes. After introducing the recipe into the child’s menu, you can add zucchini to the dish along with tomatoes, and for older children, eggplant.

Potato casserole with meat

  • Welded mashed potatoes- 500 grams;
  • Minced chicken or beef - 500 grams;
  • Hard cheese in grated form - 100 grams.

Prepare mashed potatoes and fry the minced meat until half cooked. Pour half of the puree into the butter dish and level with a spatula or spoon. Put minced meat on top and sprinkle with cheese. Close the casserole with the rest of the puree, level the layer and brush with sour cream. Bake for half an hour at 180 degrees or cook in a water bath under a closed lid for 40 minutes. Instead of meat, you can use fish fillet. What fish to choose for a child, see.

For cottage cheese casserole, it is better to cook cottage cheese yourself. To do this, pour children's or 1% kefir into a jar. Lay a cloth on the bottom of the pan, pour cold water and put the jar in there. Heat the pot over low heat and remove ten minutes after boiling. Strain the cottage cheese through a sieve and cheesecloth. The product is ready! Cottage cheese is used as a separate dish, and for making casseroles. Also, the baby can cook delicious dumplings.


Soups should be heavy and light. It is not recommended to give the baby a meat or fish-based broth. The fact is that when these products are cooked, extractive substances are formed that strongly irritate the intestines, cause digestive disorders and stool disorders. Therefore, it is better to cook meat and fish separately, and then cut into pieces and add to the finished vegetable broth. In the first months of feeding, the baby should receive puree soups, but in the second year, classic traditional soups can be introduced.

vegetable puree soup

  • Zucchini - 1 medium fruit;
  • Cauliflower and broccoli - 250 grams each;
  • Tomatoes - 2 fruits;
  • Carrots - 1⁄2 pcs.;
  • Chopped fresh herbs to taste.

Grate washed and peeled vegetables. Simmer over low heat for three minutes and pour into boiling water (1.5 liters). If necessary, salt and pepper, add herbs and cook for ten minutes. Beat the prepared vegetables with a blender and grind through cheesecloth or a sieve. Then the puree soup will turn out airy and light. If the consistency is too thick, dilute the dish with vegetable broth that remains after cooking.

Soup with meatballs

  • Minced beef or chicken - 300 grams;
  • Potato - 3 tubers;
  • Carrots - 1 pc.;
  • Short vermicelli - 1 tbsp. a spoon;
  • Chopped greens - 1 tbsp. a spoon;
  • Onion - 1 head.

Put a whole peeled onion and chopped potatoes into three liters of boiling water. To prepare meatballs, use minced meat without salt and other spices, from which roll small balls. They should be small so that the child can chew without problems. Five minutes after the start of cooking potatoes, put the meatballs and cook until they float to the surface.

While the potatoes and meatballs are cooking, peel and finely chop the carrots, simmer in vegetable oil and put in soup. Then add vermicelli and cook for another five minutes. Can be used instead of vermicelli homemade noodles(50-60 grams). Remove the onion from the finished dish and add the greens. Let it brew for 7-10 minutes. By the way, meatballs can also be used for second courses, for example, served with spaghetti, mashed potatoes or rice.

Soup with homemade noodles

  • Chicken or turkey fillet - 200 grams;
  • Potato - 3 tubers;
  • Chicken egg - 2 pcs.;
  • Flour - 1 stack;
  • Spinach to taste.

Boil the chicken or turkey separately, drain the broth. To prepare noodles, break an egg, pour in 30 ml of water and add flour. Knead the dough, roll it into a thin layer and cut out the noodles. Put chopped spinach and diced potatoes into boiling water. After two minutes, add the noodles and cook the soup until the noodles float to the top.

Milk soups are especially popular among mothers. Such dishes can be cooked with rice, buckwheat, millet and barley groats, noodles or vermicelli. Pasta or cereals are first boiled in water, and then warm or hot milk is poured. Be careful with the combination of milk and buckwheat, as this is a hard-to-digest dish. Milk soups are best given in the morning.

Cooking meat soups for kids is made from low-fat varieties. These are veal and beef, rabbit, turkey and chicken. Children also enjoy eating vegetable soups with zucchini and pumpkin, pea soup, you can gradually introduce and fish soup. You can find the recipes for these dishes here.

Main dishes

Among the traditional side dishes, noodles and others are distinguished. pasta, mashed zucchini, potatoes and other vegetables. The side dish is served with boiled or baked meat or fish. Remember that you can not give both meat and fish dishes on the same day. It is enough to give fish to children two or three times a week.

Vegetable stew with meat

  • Chicken fillet - 100 gr;
  • Cauliflower - 300 gr;
  • Bulb - ½ pc.;
  • Carrots - 1 pc.;
  • Zucchini - 1 medium fruit;
  • Tomatoes - 2 pieces;
  • Green peas - 150 gr.;
  • Low-fat sour cream - 4 table. spoons.

This is the perfect dish for small child. For cooking, boil the chicken separately and cut into pieces. Finely chop the onion and carrot, stew in vegetable oil. Prepare zucchini and cabbage, peel the tomato, chop and add to the onion with carrots. Simmer until the tomatoes are soft, then add the peas and sour cream. Mix the ingredients and simmer for another 5-7 minutes.

Instead of chicken, you can use beef, rabbit or turkey. Moreover, it is better to cook the meat separately and, cut into pieces, add to stewed vegetables. If the child has not yet learned to chew well, the stew can be passed through a blender. And to make the baby’s kitchen more diverse, we offer a few more recipes for the second one.

Zucchini with minced meat

  • Zucchini - 1 medium fruit;
  • Ground beef - 300 grams;
  • Cheese in grated form - 100 grams;
  • Chicken egg - 1 pc.;
  • Onion - 1 head.

Peel and cut the zucchini in half, remove seeds and entrails. Chop the onion and put into the bowl. Whisk the egg in there and mix. Spread minced meat in zucchini, put on a baking sheet or in a special form and bake for twenty minutes at 180 degrees. Sprinkle grated cheese on top of the zucchini and bake for another ten minutes.

Meat muffins

  • Minced veal or beef - 500 grams;
  • Chicken eggs - 2 pcs.;
  • Hard cheese in grated form - 100 grams;
  • Chopped greens - 50 grams.

Eggs pre-cook and grate, mix with prepared herbs and cheese. Put the minced meat in cupcake or muffin molds first. By the way, minced meat for children should be used homemade, and not purchased semi-finished products. Put the filling with egg and cheese in the center, gently tamp with a teaspoon. Bake meat muffins for half an hour at 180 degrees. This dish looks very interesting and every kid will like it. The original food supply will come to the rescue if the child does not want to eat.

Fish in the oven

  • Red fish (fillet) - 300 grams;
  • Low-fat sour cream - 2 table. spoons;
  • Grated cheese - 40 grams;
  • Olive oil - 2 tsp. spoons.

Wash the fish and cut into pieces, lightly salt. Coat in butter and sour cream, put in a mold. Spread the remaining mixture of butter and sour cream on top of the fish and sprinkle with cheese. Bake for 40 minutes at 100 degrees. For a side dish, it is good to use crumbly boiled rice, vermicelli, mashed potatoes or buckwheat.

In addition, you can cook various meat and vegetable cutlets or meatballs for your child, baked or steamed. Use zucchini, pumpkin, minced meat. But for children under three years old, it is not recommended to use breading! Don't forget about cereals. It is a suitable breakfast and side dish for dinner. Children after 1.5 years can cook both milk and gluten cereals. Detailed daily menu for a child 1-2 years old with recipes and photos you will find at the link.

The content of the article:

When a child approaches the first significant anniversary of his life, mothers usually ask how to teach the baby to adult food? Help with different ideas proper nutrition 1-year-olds come to friends, grandmothers and neighbors. But their advice does not guarantee that the baby will eventually develop fully, and this important period life, he will correctly form the taste perception of food.

What should be the menu of a child at 1 year old?

To answer this question, you need to know what components of the products he needs. The child becomes more mobile. Many are already walking and talking. To replenish energy costs, the baby needs more proteins, carbohydrates, minerals and B vitamins than before. Cereals are rich in their content. Up to a year, the baby has already tried mashed buckwheat, oatmeal and rice porridge. In the menu of a child at 1 year old, you can add wheat or corn porridge, and now they just need to be boiled well. If the child has milk intolerance, such cereals can be boiled on vegetables or simply on water.

The baby continues to grow rapidly. And this means that he still needs fermented milk products that contain protein, calcium, sodium, chlorine and phosphorus. In addition, "live" yoghurts are more useful. This should be taken into account if you did not know before how to feed a child at 1 year old. The baby menu should be balanced.

A one-year-old child will like cottage cheese diluted with a fermented milk product, as well as chopped cheese, which can be sprinkled on puddings. The kid can be offered a sandwich of bread with butter. At the same time, it must be taken into account that rye bread the content of B vitamins and vitamin E is higher than in white, but it has the ability to cause bloating.

In the diet of a child at 1 year old, you can include pasta, but do not practice this more than 3 times a week. They contain complex carbohydrates, B vitamins and fiber.

Soups, vegetable and fruit purees should be constantly present in the child's diet to replenish the body with vitamins, microelements and other useful substances without which it is impossible to fully develop. You need to use beets, carrots, legumes, cauliflower, as well as sweet varieties of pumpkin for making vegetable purees. Fruits such as peaches and apricots can be sliced ​​instead of crushed.

A special place in the diet of a one-year-old baby should be occupied by meat, liver, eggs, as well as fish, which are a supplier of protein. In addition, the inclusion of beef or chicken liver in the menu will significantly enrich the growing body with iron, iodine, zinc, calcium, vitamins A, B, D.

How many times to feed the baby?

The baby should continue to eat according to the established regimen, gradually preparing to switch from five to four meals a day, which can already be practiced by thinking over the child's menu at 1 year 3 months. When the child has not yet given up breastfeeding or the use of milk formulas, they can be supplemented with the morning and last diet.

Your baby's feeding schedule might look like this:

At 8-00 we offer the baby a healthy breakfast.

At 12-00 - a nutritious lunch.

A delicious afternoon snack for a baby can be at 16-00.

A light but hearty dinner should be fed to the child at 20-00.

Before putting the baby to bed at 22-00, he can be offered yogurt, milk formula.

This mode can be shifted by one hour, taking into account the activity of the baby. It is not advisable to get out of the feeding schedule in order to maintain a healthy appetite.

Option menu for a child at 1 year old for a week


Breakfast: rice or oatmeal boiled in milk - 200 gr., bread, milk tea - 80 ml.

Lunch: meat soup with meatballs from buckwheat and minced chicken - 150 ml, tomato juice - 50 ml, bread, sweet cottage cheese casserole - 170 gr.

Snack: homemade curdled milk - 100 ml., cookies - 20 gr., green apple.

Dinner: sweet cottage cheese - 80 gr., beetroot puree with apples - 120 gr.

At night: fermented milk products - 100 ml.


Breakfast: scrambled eggs - 50 gr., bread, vermicelli boiled in milk - 180 gr.

Lunch: veal liver soup - 120 ml, beet and apple salad - 180 gr., bread, apricot compote - 120 ml.

Snack: homemade pudding - 120 gr., peach jelly - 80 ml., cracker.

Dinner: yogurt or kefir - 80 gr., vegetable puree - 180 gr., bread, raspberry jelly - 80 ml.

At night: fermented milk products - 150 ml.


Breakfast: semolina on water or milk - 200 gr., milk tea - 120 ml., bread, buttered - 25/10g.

Lunch: vegetable soup with chicken - 100 ml, fish cakes cooked in a double boiler - 50 gr., sweet cottage cheese casserole - 100 g., bread, plum jelly - 120 ml.

Snack: yogurt or kefir - 120 ml, baked pear or red apple - 100 gr., cracker.
Dinner: cottage cheese with grated green apple - 80 gr., mashed potatoes from half a carrot - 100 gr., raspberry jelly - 120 ml.

At night: fermented milk products - 120 ml. Thursday Breakfast: cottage cheese with peach and banana - 200 gr., bread, apple compote- 130 ml.


Breakfast: Formula / milk 210 ml, banana, snack - sandwich with butter.

Lunch: oatmeal soup with vegetables - 100 ml., steamed chicken cutlets - 50 gr., carrot puree - 100 gr., apple juice - 120 ml., bread.

Snack: baked milk - 200 ml., cookies - 80 gr.

Dinner: cottage cheese with grated carrots - 70 gr., vegetable puree - 120 gr., dried fruit compote - 130 ml., bread.

At night: milk mixture or kefir - 120 ml.


Breakfast: scrambled eggs - 50 gr., buckwheat porridge - 150 gr., cherry jelly - 100 ml., bread.

Lunch: potato soup with green peas - 150 ml., beets stewed with carrots - 150 gr., dried fruit compote - 120 ml., bread.

Snack: cottage cheese diluted with yogurt - 100 ml., cookies - 20g.

Dinner: sour cream curd pudding with sour cream - 200 gr., bread, tea with raspberry jam - 100 ml.

At night: milk - 200 ml.


Breakfast: vegetable stew with green peas - 250 gr., tea with honey - 120 ml., bread.

Lunch: green cabbage soup with spinach - 100 ml, chicken meatballs - 50 gr, pumpkin puree - 100 g, blackberry jelly - 120 ml, bread.

Snack: sour-milk products or milk - 150 ml., sweet cracker.

Dinner: corn porridge - 120 gr., scrambled eggs - 50 gr., dried pear compote - 120 ml., bread.

At night: yogurt or kefir - 100 ml.


Breakfast: oatmeal porridge with grated cheese - 200 gr., bread and milk tea - 120 ml.

Dinner: Vegetable soup- 100 gr., turkey meatballs - 50 gr., bread, seasonal vegetable stew - 150 gr.

Snack: sour-milk products or boiled milk - 150 gr., sweet cracker.

Dinner: cottage cheese diluted with milk - 80 gr., zucchini caviar - 100 gr., tea with honey - 120 ml., bread. At night: fermented milk product - 120-200 ml.

Menu for a child at 1 year old for a week with recipes

1. Green cabbage soup with spinach. Ingredients: 1 small potato, 1 carrot, broth 200 gr., a quarter of an onion, 0.5 boiled egg yolk, spinach 50 gr., salt, dill sprig. Preparation: spinach leaves should be thoroughly rinsed under running water. After that, boil for a few minutes in slightly salted water. Wash the vegetables well and boil in another saucepan. Rub with a sieve along with the spinach. Stir with hot broth cooked on meat and salt. When the cabbage soup is fully cooked, carefully add the chopped boiled yolk.

2. Soup with meatballs from buckwheat and minced chicken. Ingredients: 100 gr. minced white chicken meat, potatoes, half a carrot, a slice of young zucchini, half an onion, a tablespoon of buckwheat, a branch of dill. Preparation: Boil buckwheat. Chop the vegetables and carefully lower into boiling water. Grind carrots using a fine grater. Finely chop the onion. Together with carrots, dip into a boiling broth in which potatoes and zucchini are boiled. Form small meatballs from minced chicken and buckwheat. After boiling, cook for 15 minutes. Carefully lower the meatballs into the broth, wait for the boil. Boil approximately 10 minutes. Salt, add chopped dill.

3. liver soup. Ingredients: veal or chicken liver - 100 gr., egg yolk, a slice of wheat bread, 80 ml. milk, 250 ml. vegetable broth or water, a teaspoon of butter. Preparation: soak the pulp from white bread in milk and mix with the yolk. Rinse the liver and grind in a meat grinder. Mix the bread with the liver and carefully grind through a sieve. After that, the resulting mass must be mixed with water or vegetable broth. Once boiling starts, cook for about 10 minutes. Season the finished dish with butter.

4. Oatmeal soup with vegetables. Ingredients: finely ground oatmeal - 50 gr., potato, meat broth- 250 gr., carrots, a teaspoon of butter, a sprig of dill, salt. Preparation: after boiling water, carefully pour cereals. Cook thick oatmeal. Separately, bring the broth to a boil. Carrots, as well as potatoes, after thorough cleaning, chop big chunks and add to this broth. Boil until tender, then chop with a colander or sieve. Add mashed vegetables, as well as oatmeal and chopped greens to the resulting broth. After it boils, salt to taste. Add fresh butter when the dish is ready.

5. Vegetable stew with green peas. Ingredients: 1-2 potatoes, carrots, an eighth of a head of cabbage, green pea- a tablespoon with a slide, a glass of milk, butter - 30 gr., a tablespoon of sour cream. Preparation: peel the carrots, wash well, chop, pour hot milk. Cook until half done. Peel potatoes, wash, cut into small bars. Together with chopped cabbage, add to the carrots. Stew vegetables for 20 minutes. When 10 minutes remain until the end of cooking, add butter, green peas, and put sour cream in the stew at the end.

6. Turkey meatballs. Ingredients: 1 slice of wheat bread, 1/4 cup milk, 200g white turkey meat, 1/2 cup water, and salt. Preparation: make minced turkey meat, grind bread soaked in milk. Add salt. Form balls. Lay them neatly in a pan, fill with water, the level should reach no more than half the meatballs. Cover with a lid or foil and bake in an oven over medium heat for 25 minutes.

7. Salad of apples and beets. Ingredients: 0.5 medium-sized apples, 0.5 small beets, 0.5 tsp vegetable oil. Preparation: Boil the beets until tender. Grate half of the peeled beets. Peel the apple from the peel and seeds. Grate half and mix with beets. Add vegetable oil for softness.

8. Fish cutlets cooked in a double boiler. Ingredients: fish fillet - 200 gr., onion, egg, carrot, a tablespoon of flour and salt. Preparation: make minced meat from fish fillet and onion. Add carrots, chopped on a fine grater and a raw egg. Mix well and salt. Sprinkle flour and form patties. Cook in a double boiler for about 20 minutes. Serve with vegetable puree.

9. Peach and banana curd. Ingredients: 700 ml. kefir, half a banana and a peach. Preparation: warm kefir in a water bath. Throw the resulting cottage cheese on cheesecloth to allow the liquid to drain. Grind using a colander or a large sieve. Wash banana and peach thoroughly. Peel half of the banana and beat well with the peaches cut into small slices.

You should not insist on feeding the child if he categorically refuses to try a new dish. It is desirable to teach in stages, in combination with familiar products that do not cause the baby negative emotions. You can't overfeed your baby. due to acceptance a large number food, it will not develop better, but only problems with being overweight will be added.

The menu of a child at 1.5 years old will differ significantly from the dishes that are intended for a one-year-old baby, for this he needs to be gradually prepared. It is not recommended to use canned and semi-finished products. It is dangerous and harmful due to the presence of preservatives.

Learn to make your own cottage cheese and yoghurt. If you need to cook meat or fish dishes for your baby, you need to choose varieties with reduced content fats. Especially carefully you need to monitor the freshness of products.

Foods such as citrus fruits, walnuts, chocolate, eggs, tomatoes, and strawberries often cause allergic reactions. When feeding a child, it is necessary to take into account the recommendations given by the local pediatrician.

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By popular demand of mothers of wonderful babies, this article contains the simplest and most delicious children's dishes. Food for children from 1.5 years old, how to feed a picky eater and how to decorate a children's dish, read on.

Recipes for children / Children's menu from 1.5 years

Many times in my articles I have been campaigning for mothers to feed their children. homemade food, cook cereals, soups, purees and compotes. These dishes are much healthier than porridge or soup from the package, and you yourself probably know about mashed potatoes.

Therefore, I offer you a selection of recipes for children from 1.5 years onwards. Adults can also taste such dishes, they are quite appetizing and tasty.

Adults suffering from any diseases will especially appreciate food for babies, because the recipes are simple, and dietary and very healthy dishes.

All mothers know how to cook the right baby porridge, or read here.

Children's soups

Here I will dwell on them in more detail. Daily soup in a child's diet is no less important than porridge. Do not forget to feed your child with freshly prepared soup, natural meat, fish or vegetable broth.


  1. No bouillon cubes, soup bases, or sachet stews in baby soup!
  2. Spices for children's soup: salt, dill sprig and bay leaf. Nothing else!
  3. The child must have their own dishes. Keep a separate bowl for porridge, a saucepan for soup, a personal baby plate and a glass in the kitchen. Cutlery also get suitable for the baby. Only children's meals are prepared in children's dishes.

Children's Soup Recipes

Chicken puree soup


  • Chicken fillet with skin and bone
  • 1-1.5 liters of water
  • 1 carrot
  • 1 PC. onion
  • 1 st. milk
  • 2 tbsp. l. flour
  • 2 tbsp. l. butter
  • ½ st. l. sour cream
  • dill greens

Cooking method:

  1. Wash the fillet, cover with water and prepare a clear broth from it. Then take out the meat, strain the broth.
  2. Add peeled whole onions and carrots to the broth, boil until tender.
  3. Put a few whole sprigs of dill. At the end, remove the dill.
  4. Pass carrots, onions and boneless fillets several times through a meat grinder. The resulting mass pour 1 tbsp. hot broth, add milk, flour and butter.
  5. Beat the whole mass with a blender. Pour into the boiling broth in a thin stream meat puree.
  6. Stirring constantly, heat the soup until it thickens. Salt. When serving, add sour cream and dill to taste.

Fish soup-puree from sole fillet


  • 1 fillet maritime
  • 1 l. water
  • 1 PC. onion
  • 2 potatoes
  • dill greens
  • Bay leaf

Cooking method:

  1. In a deep children's saucepan, put potatoes in cubes, slices of sole fillet, a whole onion, bay leaf and dill sprigs.
  2. Pour in water and put on a very small fire. The soup should simmer for about 20 minutes. As soon as the potatoes begin to flake, remove the dill and bay leaf.
  3. Soup rub through a sieve, salt to taste and put on fire to warm up. Then pass through a sieve again and serve immediately. Try it yourself!

Milk soup with vermicelli


  • 1 st. milk
  • A handful of vermicelli straws or letters
  • ½ st. l. Sahara
  • A pinch of salt
  • Vanillin on the tip of a knife

Cooking method:

  1. Boil milk, add sugar and salt. Pour the vermicelli into the boiling milk and reduce the heat to a minimum. Boil vermicelli soup for about 5 minutes.
  2. Then add vanilla and remove from heat. Close the lid and leave for 5-10 minutes to steam the vermicelli. Milk soup can be served with a drop of butter.

Milk soup with barley groats


  • ½ st. barley groats
  • 1 st. milk
  • 1.5 st. water
  • 1 st. l. butter
  • Egg yolk

Cooking method:

  1. Fry the grits in a dry frying pan, pour into boiling water and boil over low heat until soft.
  2. Rub the finished cereal through a sieve, pour warm milk, raw yolk and salt. Heat on fire for about 3 minutes, at the end add butter and beat vigorously.
  3. Enjoy your meal!

Now for the second courses.

Steam cutlets from meat or fish


  • 100 gr. meat or fish fillet
  • Slice of white bread
  • Butter, size Walnut
  • Milk

Cooking method:

  1. Soak the bread in warm milk and, together with the meat (fish), pass through a meat grinder 2-3 times. Add butter, salt and some milk from bread. You can soak the lion in water and use water in cutlets. grease a deep saucepan with butter.
  2. Wet hands make small cutlets, put in a saucepan.
  3. Pour into a saucepan 3 tbsp. l. hot water or broth, put in a hot oven for 30 minutes. Pour the cutlets with the resulting sauce, avoiding drying out.
Culinary advice: cook a lot of meatballs in this way. I assure you both the child and adults, these cutlets will be to your taste.
As a side dish for steam cutlets, potato or vegetable puree, boiled rice or pasta.

    Most children are pretty bad at eating meat, so try to make meat dishes look unusual. For example, boiled meat can be mixed with an omelet mixture and an omelet can be prepared for a child with meat stuffing.

    Give children's dishes an element of play and fabulousness. The more beautifully the dish is served, the more desire the little gourmet has to eat it.

    For soups, use special curly knives for cutting vegetables.

    Sculpt cutlets in the form of animals or cars. Garnish with fresh or boiled vegetables. Bright eyes, legs-handles - look funny and interesting. The child will love it.

    Pancakes and pancakes will turn out the shape you need if you pour the dough into plastic bottle with holes in the lid. Turn the bottle upside down over the hot skillet and extrude the pattern you want.

    Serve cheesecakes with sweet sauces. Kissel, jam or jam will do. There is no need to force the child to eat cheesecake with sour cream, many have not yet fallen in love with this combination.

    Try to cook cottage cheese for children's dishes with your own hands. You can simply leave the kefir in a mug on the table, and after a few hours, fold it into a gauze corner and hang it over a plate. As all the liquid drains, the curd can be eaten. One mug of kefir is one serving of homemade cottage cheese for a child.

    Prepare jelly from potato starch and jams. It is both beautiful and natural, teach your child from childhood to appreciate natural products.

Health to you and your baby!