Muscles in the left side. When is left-sided flank pain treated? Mechanism of pelvic pain


Such symptom, how abdominal pain, may be a sign of a large number various diseases. It must be taken into account that the abdomen is not a separate organ - it is only the name of the anatomical region of the human body. There are many internal organs in the abdomen, consisting of a variety of tissues and structures, so the cause of pain can vary significantly.

Most of the organs in abdominal cavity- hollow: stomach, intestines, gallbladder, urinary organs. If, due to inflammation, injury or obstruction of the patency of the excretory tracts of such organs, they become blocked, this can lead to a situation that threatens not only health, but also human life.

First of all, you should pay attention to sudden sharp pains in the abdomen. They may be the first sign of a serious pathology requiring immediate medical attention. The term "acute abdomen" means that a person needs first aid in order to eliminate the danger to his life. The reason for calling an ambulance should be sudden sharp pains in the abdomen that last more than half an hour.

Pain in the left side of the abdomen can occur both above, closer to the ribs, and below. Often it is a symptom of diseases of the digestive system:

  • stomach;
  • pancreas;
  • gallbladder;
  • small intestine;
  • colon.
The pathology of any of these organs can be manifested by the occurrence of pain in the left side of the abdomen. In addition, it must be remembered that the cause of such pain can be not only diseases gastrointestinal tract. This symptom may also occur with the following pathologies:
  • diseases of the kidneys, spleen, bladder and ureter, uterine appendages;
  • pathology of the respiratory organs (diaphragm, lungs and pleura);
  • diseases of the heart and circulatory system;
  • disease abdominal wall(hernia);
  • pathology of the peripheral nervous system;
  • diseases of the blood and connective tissue;
  • endocrine diseases (diabetes mellitus).

Types of pain in the left side

All pains in the left side can be divided according to the mechanism of their occurrence. They differ in their characteristics, which provides additional diagnostic features when defining a disease.

1. Visceral pain. They are characteristic for disorders of the motility of the stomach and intestines with spasms or sprains of their muscle fibers. Such pain is either cramping (as, for example, with intestinal colic), or vice versa - dull and aching (with flatulence). Often it gives to nearby parts of the body.

2. Peritoneal pain. Such pain is usually well localized and constant. It is caused by irritation of the peritoneum - for example, when a stomach ulcer is perforated. In this case, the pain in the left side increases with movement and breathing, and is sharp, cutting.

3. Reflected pains. Such pain in the left side occurs due to irradiation pain. Pain can radiate to this area of ​​the abdomen with left-sided lower lobe pneumonia, pleurisy and some other diseases.

Pain in the left side under the ribs

Pain that occurs in the upper left side of the abdomen may be due to the following pathologies:
  • stomach diseases;
  • heart attack, enlargement or rupture of the spleen;
  • diaphragmatic hernia;
  • damage to the heart muscle;
  • pleurisy and left-sided pneumonia, which is localized in the lower lobe of the left lung;
  • rheumatic lesions.

Characteristics of pain in the left side under the ribs

Spicy pain syndrome
Dagger sharp pain in the left side under the ribs, which appeared suddenly - a reason for an urgent call for an ambulance. Most often, such a sudden cutting pain in the left side indicates perforation of the stomach wall or loops. small intestine rupture of the spleen or renal pelvis. Sharp pain in the left side under the ribs when inhaling is a sign of serious damage to internal organs during falls or car accidents. All of these conditions are life threatening.

Dull pain in the left hypochondrium
Dull diffuse pain in the left hypochondrium for a long period of time is a sign of a chronic sluggish disease of the gastrointestinal tract. A preliminary conclusion can be drawn about the presence of pancreatitis, gastritis, cholecystitis and other pathologies in a chronic form. In the future, the diagnosis should be clarified with the help of laboratory tests and other research methods.

Aching pain in the left side under the ribs
A tedious constant pain in the left side under the ribs also indicates a sluggish inflammatory process. It is caused by duodenitis and colitis. In addition, aching, exhausting pain accompanied by vomiting is a sign of a stomach ulcer. Often enough aching pain in the left hypochondrium are a symptom of angina pectoris, coronary heart disease and preinfarction.

Pain in the left hypochondrium with diseases of the stomach

Any effect that irritates the gastric mucosa, causes inflammation or functional disorders, one of the symptoms of which is pain. More often, such pain in the left side is aching, often accompanied by nausea and vomiting, and sometimes heartburn.

Cardiac ischemia
Ischemic heart disease is a pathological condition, which is based on impaired blood supply to the heart muscle due to damage coronary arteries. In addition to aching pain in the left side, there may be a feeling of heaviness and burning in the chest, shortness of breath and an increase in heart rate, sometimes accompanied by nausea.

Pain in the left hypochondrium in diseases of the lungs and pleura

Left sided pneumonia

Pain in the upper left side can occur with the development of inflammation lung tissue in the lower lobes of the left lung. Usually such pain is dull and unexpressed, but when coughing, patients may complain of severe "stabbing" pains in the left side and chest.

Left-sided pleurisy
Pleurisy is an inflammation of the lining of the lungs, with the loss of fibrin on its surface (dry form) or the accumulation of various fluids in the pleural cavity (exudative form). Pain in the left side, chest and hypochondrium with pleurisy is usually associated with breathing, coughing, bending in the opposite direction.

Dry pleurisy is also characterized by the following symptoms:

  • fever (mainly in the evening);
  • sweating;
  • rapid, shallow breathing;
  • forced position of the patient (he lies on his sore side in order to reduce pain from chest movements during breathing).
Exudative pleurisy, in addition to pain, is also accompanied by:
  • feeling of heaviness in the left half of the chest;
  • dry or containing a large number of sputum cough;
  • shortness of breath;
  • forced position of the body;
  • pallor or cyanosis of the face and limbs;
  • swelling of the neck veins;
  • lag of the affected half of the chest during respiratory movements;
  • protrusion of the intercostal spaces.

Pain in the left side of the chest with neuralgia

Intercostal neuralgia occurs when irritation or compression of the intercostal nerves. Pain in this disease is characterized by a wide range manifestations: sharp and piercing, aching, dull and burning paroxysmal pain in the left side in the region of the ribs. Seizures may also be accompanied by:
  • muscle twitches;
  • increased sweating;
  • stitching pain in left side and chest;
  • redness or blanching of the skin.
Pain in the left side under the ribs increases with inhalation, coughing, sneezing, sudden movements, changes in body position. In addition, pain can be observed with pressure on certain points that are located on the back, along the spine, on the chest, in the intercostal spaces.

With neuralgia, pain is observed not only on the left in the chest - pain can be given under the scapula (which looks like a heart pathology) and in the lumbar region.
Numbness is observed directly at the site of damage to the nerve pathways, and chest pain persists day and night for a long period.

Pain in the left side under the ribs in rheumatic diseases and pathologies of the spine

The cause of pain under the ribs on the left can be rheumatoid lesions of the connective articular tissue. Quite often, this syndrome can be observed with muscular dystrophyassociated with a weakening of the muscles of the abdominal press. In addition, pain can be caused by osteochondrosis and sciatica when the corresponding pair is pinched. nerve fibers emerging from the spinal cord.

Pain in the left hypochondrium with injuries

Pain under the left rib can be caused by mechanical causes. Injury to soft, bone and cartilaginous tissues occurs with strong physical external influences (falls, bumps, etc.).

Myocardial infarction is also manifested by a sharp pain in the region of the heart, but its main difference is the very frequent transitions of pain to the back of the body to the shoulder blade, as well as left hand, left side and neck. In addition, the following symptoms are observed:

  • profuse sweating with cold clammy sweat;
  • nausea;
  • dyspnea;
  • dizziness;
  • pre-fainting state.
When such symptoms occur, it is necessary to short time call ambulance to rule out myocardial infarction.

Pain in the left side in the lumbar region with kidney pathologies

Pain on the left side of the lower back can occur in case of diseases of the left kidney.

This is an inflammatory pathology of the kidneys, which occurs mainly with bacterial infections. Pain in the lumbar region on the left is usually dull, aching in nature, may be unexpressed or have a high intensity, taking on a paroxysmal appearance. The latter is observed with blockage of the ureter by a stone and the development of urolithic pyelonephritis.

In addition to pain, clinical picture pyelonephritis includes:

  • development of intoxication syndrome;
  • general weakness;
  • chills;
  • increase in body temperature up to 38-40 o C;
  • nausea, sometimes vomiting.
Chronic left-sided pyelonephritis constantly worries the patient with dull aching pain in the lower back. This pain syndrome becomes especially pronounced in wet and cold weather. In addition, the patient has frequent painful urination, since in this disease the lesion often affects the bladder.

Urolithiasis disease
Urolithiasis is a disease that is manifested by the formation of stones in the organs of the urinary system. outside acute attack this pathology is not expressed, with dull pain in the left side in the lumbar region, which is aggravated after a bumpy ride, long walking and physical exertion.

Blockage of the ureter by a moving stone is manifested by acute spastic pain in the lumbar region, as well as nausea, vomiting and blood in the urine. Sharp and intense pain in the left side, both in front and behind, may indicate the progress of the stone along the ureter.

Pain in the left side of the lower abdomen during pregnancy

Pain in the left side during pregnancy is not always a symptom of serious pathologies, but it should definitely alert the woman.

It is necessary to urgently call a doctor, or go to the clinic yourself if:

  • a sharp pain in the side arose suddenly against the background of the general well-being of the body;
  • pain lasts more than 20-25 minutes;
  • their intensity is growing rapidly;
  • they are joined by pallor of the skin, weakness, vaginal bleeding, loss of consciousness.
Pain in the left side of the lower abdomen, accompanied by similar symptoms, may indicate a threat of premature termination of pregnancy - miscarriage. Therefore, her appearance requires urgent medical intervention in order to save both the life of the mother and her child.

If the gestation period is still short, and the pain is pulling, pressing, but not of great intensity, then most likely its cause is the uterus, which increases in size and begins to put pressure on adjacent organs. For example, the cause of pain in the left side may be somewhat shifted due to the growing fetus intestines. As a result, food moves along it unevenly. In addition, pregnancy hormones, which have a relaxing effect on the muscles of the uterus, also affect the muscles of the intestine, which also disrupts its peristalsis. This causes the formation of food stagnation in different departments intestines, which is manifested by periodic constipation.

Before use, you should consult with a specialist.

Pain in the left side can signal the development of serious pathologies. In this part of the abdomen there are important organs that can hurt with various disorders.

Why do abdominal pains occur?

There are many causes of pain in the left side of the abdomen. Pain can occur both for obvious reasons (trauma, exacerbation of a chronic disease), and spontaneously. There are many on the left side of the abdomen. hollow organs, in which patency may be impaired - such conditions are life-threatening. It is possible to develop inflammatory pathologies that require the use of antibiotics and other drugs.

Severe pain in medicine is referred to as an "acute abdomen" and requires an urgent placement of a person in a hospital.

The localization of discomfort is different, and for a correct diagnosis, there is a conditional division of the abdomen into 3 segments - upper, middle, lower.

On the left side of the abdomen are the following organs:

  1. In the upper segment- epigastric zone, part of the stomach is located here, closer to the center - the duodenum. Above the stomach is the diaphragm, behind the stomach is the pancreas.
  2. In the middle segment- intestinal loops, spleen.
  3. In the lower segment- organs of the genitourinary system - kidney, bladder, uterine appendages.

Pain can occur under the ribs, over the ribs, on the side, behind, closer to the lower back, to the navel or pubis - you can figure out the exact cause of the syndrome only after a series of examinations.

Diagnostics for problems in the left side

If sensations occur during intense physical exertion, especially in an unprepared person or after eating, this is not considered a pathology and happens even in healthy people. In other cases, as well as with recurring discomfort, medical diagnosis is required. When seeking help, you should describe the location and nature of the pain syndrome as accurately as possible:

  1. dagger. Sharp sudden pains in front of the abdomen or under the ribs, not associated with stress, are a reason for an emergency call for an ambulance.
  2. Sharp, intense. Usually characteristic of abdominal trauma or poisoning.
  3. Stupid. Most often it is chronic and recurs regularly.
  4. Aching. Accompanies sluggish diseases, chronic pathologies.

According to the mechanism of pain, they are also different. Their three main forms are shown in the table.

To establish a diagnosis, it is necessary to general analysis blood, ultrasound of the small pelvis, peritoneum, gastroduodenoscopy, x-ray of the intestine and a number of other studies.

Pain in the stomach

Painful sensations in the side above are most often associated with stomach problems. In most cases, the cause is gastritis - superficial, erosive, atrophic. Gastritis is caused by stress, malnutrition, smoking, and a number of other factors that lead to inflammation of the gastric mucosa. Gastritis is most often combined with duodenitis (inflammation duodenum) and is accompanied by other symptoms:

Sharp pain in the left side under the ribs often indicates a stomach ulcer. Usually it develops immediately after eating, and with damage to the duodenum - an hour later. All types of ulcers are characterized by hunger pains, night pains, vomiting, nausea.

When the ulcer is perforated, the pain is dagger-like, leading to fainting, pallor, and shock.

Less commonly, stomach cancer becomes the cause of discomfort in the upper abdomen. Pain in this case is not associated with a meal, on late stage accompanied by anemia, loss of appetite, weight loss, hematemesis.

Intestinal diseases - the cause of pain

Colitis, or inflammation of the large intestine, can cause pain in the middle, lower abdomen, including the side. If the cause is an intestinal infection, the sensations are cramping, cutting, accompanied by flatulence, diarrhea. Man is being tortured false urges to defecation, bloating, pain on palpation. In diarrhea, there is often mucus, bloody impurities.

Spastic colitis is another common cause of pain. Due to spasms of the intestines, the large intestine is filled with gases that do not pass well and cause the walls of the organ to burst. The result is severe pain, relieved by an enema or laxatives. Other bowel diseases are:

In children, diverticulitis is often detected - an anomaly in the structure of the intestine with the formation of sac-like cavities. At severe colic the child should have a complete examination!

Lungs, heart, nervous system and side pain

The organs of the chest often give radiating pain in the abdomen. Thus, the weakening of the diaphragm causes a part of the stomach to protrude into chest cavity and the development of permanent aching or dull pains under ribs on left side with nausea. Left-sided pneumonia provokes dull, weak pain in the side, aggravated by breathing and combined with cough, fever.

Heart disease can also cause discomfort in the abdomen:

Intercostal neuralgia appears when the nerves are compressed against the background of diseases of the spine. Pain in this case occurs both from the side of the back at the back, and under the ribs in front and on the side. They are burning, sharp, subside after a change in body position, massage.

Pain due to diseases of the spleen and pancreas

In babies, an enlarged spleen, pain in it often causes infectious mononucleosis, a pathology caused by a virus. The disease is accompanied by fever, sore throat, inflammation of the lymph nodes, headache, discomfort in the muscles. In the abdomen, pain cider is localized in the middle segment, closer to the side.

Pain in the upper and middle part of the abdomen on the left and in the center often signal a lesion of the pancreas.

The most common cause is chronic pancreatitis - it is accompanied by vomiting with bile, nausea, bitterness in the mouth, and increased pain after a fatty meal. Very dangerous causes of pain can be acute pancreatitis and organ tumor emergency treatment these pathologies can end in the death of the patient.

Discomfort in the lower abdomen in women can develop due to gynecological pathologies. These are inflammation of the appendages (adnexitis), inflammation of the walls of the uterus (endometritis), inflammation of the cervix (cervicitis). The pain in this case is localized in the groin, spreads to the entire lower abdomen and to the side, cutting, in the chronic form - aching constant. It matches with:

An ectopic pregnancy is also the cause of pain, which should be taken into account when delaying menstruation. Kidney inflammation - pyelonephritis- gives pain from the back on the side, behind and in front of the side of the lesion. Renal colic on the left gives urolithiasis, when the calculus clogs the ureter or exit from the renal pelvis. The diagnosis will be made by the doctor after laboratory, instrumental studies.


The condition in which the left side of the abdomen hurts in women is called "pelvic pain." This is a collective term that includes an extensive list of pathologies localized in the abdomen, in the back and front of the body.

According to statistics, left-sided pain in the lower abdomen at least once in a lifetime disturbs every 6th person on the planet. There are many diseases that are characterized by the presence of this symptom. Pelvic pain in women can occur due to chronic or acute pathologies of the intestines, organs of the female reproductive or urinary system. Also, pelvic disorders can cause a problem. lymph nodes, musculoskeletal system or blood vessels.

In most cases, the cause of left-sided pain in the lower abdomen is the organs located on the left side of the body:

Spleen An unpaired organ of the immune system that performs the functions of hematopoiesis and blood supply, located behind the stomach. The spleen is not a vital organ, since its functions are taken over by the liver and lymph nodes.
Small intestine Department digestive tract in which digestion takes place. The left side of the small intestine can hurt with blockages and inflammation.
Colon The lower part of the intestines, in which the processes of absorption of water from food debris and the formation of feces take place. Pain in the left lower abdomen can be caused by blockage or inflammation of the left transverse descending colon and its branches.
Left hip joint Located in the junction area of ​​the left femur with a pelvis. Any problems in this area can cause pain, while pathological processes affect not only bone tissues but also muscles, tendons, cartilage, nerves and blood vessels.
Bud One of the paired organs that perform the function of urination, located in the lumbar region. If there are disturbances in the functioning of the left kidney, left-sided pain in the front or back of the body may occur. varying degrees intensity.
Ovary One of the paired organs of the female reproductive system in which the process of egg production takes place. In diseases of the left ovary, pain may occur in the lumbar region, radiating to the front of the body.
Uterus The internal genital organ, the main purpose of which is the placement and development of the fetus during pregnancy. Left-sided pain can cause both pathologies of the uterus itself, and its neck or left fallopian tube.

According to statistics, the cause of pain in the left lower abdomen in women is urological or gynecological pathologies. Less often, the fair sex suffers from disorders of the digestive tract, pathologies of the spine.

Causes of pain and disease

Pain in the left side of the lower abdomen in women can occur as physiological reasons, and due to pathological lesions of internal organs and systems. In the first case, flatulence, fetal pressure on internal organs during pregnancy can cause discomfort. During menstruation, most women feel pain of physiological origin of varying intensity. There are also many serious diseases that cause pain in the lower abdomen, and require urgent medical attention.


Adnexitis is called gynecological disease, which is characterized by the presence of an inflammatory process of the appendages: ovaries and fallopian tubes. Pathology is often diagnosed in women of reproductive age (from 20 to 35 years).

As a rule, the infection first enters the fallopian tube, and from there it affects the ovary. It enters the body through sexual contact or through the bloodstream. The causative agent of the disease can be any harmful microbes, in particular streptococci or staphylococci. The risk of getting sick increases for women who have had abortions, improper installation intrauterine devices and other similar manipulations.

Symptoms of adnexitis:

Symptoms of adnexitis are similar to those of acute appendicitis, which makes diagnosis difficult. If untreated, the disease progresses to chronic form when the intensity of pain subsides, but they are felt constantly. Against the background of hypothermia and during stress, the risk of developing complications increases: peritonitis, adhesive processes, infertility.

Ectopic pregnancy

Pain is one of the main signs of an ectopic pregnancy. Unilateral constant or intermittent pain in the left side below the abdomen may signal that a fertilized egg has attached itself to the left fallopian tube. it dangerous state, life threatening women. Discomfort manifests itself even before the onset of the delay and the appearance of associated symptoms: chest pain, nausea. After physical activity or sexual intercourse, discomfort may intensify.


Pain in the lower abdomen can occur due to an ovarian cyst - a benign formation that occurs as a result of pathological or physiological processes, and has the form of a thin-walled bag filled with liquid. Ovarian cyst occurs in women different ages. Predisposing factors are hormonal disorders and inflammatory processes of the internal organs of the small pelvis.

The following symptoms indicate the presence of an ovarian cyst:

  • unilateral pain in the lower abdomen, the intensity of which increases during sex, urination, increased physical activity
  • Decreased intervals between urges to urinate
  • constipation
  • nausea and vomiting (typical of the acute course of the disease)
  • an increase in body temperature with the addition of an inflammatory process
  • inability to get pregnant
  • swelling of the abdomen

The cyst is diagnosed on the basis ultrasound and visual inspection. Additional tests and examinations may also be needed.

Types of ovarian cysts:

Name Peculiarities Symptoms
Follicular formed in the ovarian follicle, the membrane consists of connective tissues symptoms are mild or absent, cycle failures and pain in the lower abdomen are observed
Cyst corpus luteum formed in women of reproductive age due to impaired blood supply to the corpus luteum at the site of burst follicles, may contain blood clots symptoms are either completely absent, or pain in the lower abdomen is observed
Paraovarian occurs in the fallopian tubes and ovaries, more often diagnosed in girls during puberty pain in the lower abdomen, its swelling;
violation of the menstrual cycle; infertility
endometrioid formed by the fusion of endometrial cells and ovarian tissues, can burst and cause inflammation of the abdominal cavity (peritonitis) lower abdominal pain; menstrual irregularity
cystic tumor poses a danger to a woman's life looks like a cyst

In most cases, cysts go away on their own within a few months, complications rarely occur. If removal of the formation is required, a simple operation is performed - laparoscopy.

Inflammation of the upper mucosa of the uterus, which matures each cycle and is rejected during menstruation, is called endometritis. The entry of the pathogen into the uterine cavity can cause an acute or chronic course of the disease. Provoking factors are childbirth, C-section, abortions, curettage and other similar manipulations. The causative agents of endometritis are harmful microbes and microorganisms: viruses, fungi, bacteria, etc.

Symptoms of the acute course of the disease:

  • fever, fever
  • lower abdominal pain
  • purulent discharge from the vagina
  • increased heart rate
  • discomfort when urinating

If a acute endometritis is not treated, the disease flows into a chronic form. This pathology often causes infertility, pregnancy failure, complications during the gestation period.


The growth of endometrial cells (the inner layer of the uterus) on other tissues of the uterus and nearby organs is called endometriosis. It is diagnosed in women of adolescence and reproductive age. During endometriosis, endometrial cells form growths that cause pain, discomfort, and impede the processes of fertilization of the egg and bearing the fetus. Growths are formed in the ovaries, uterus, fallopian tubes, vagina, rectum, intestines. During menstruation, these formations are rejected, but do not come out. This gives rise to internal bleeding and inflammatory processes, scarring of tissues.


  • severe pain during menstruation and sexual intercourse
  • irregular or excessively heavy periods
  • fatigue, loss of performance
  • stomach and back pain
  • stool disorders

To make the final diagnosis, laparoscopy is prescribed, during which the possibility of oncological pathology is excluded.

Pathologies of the genitourinary system, gastrointestinal tract

Diseases associated with the genitourinary system and the organs of the gastrointestinal tract can cause pain in the left side of the abdomen. There is a large list of such diseases that differ in localization, intensity, and characteristic manifestations. Diagnosis and treatment similar problems should be handled by a specialist.

appendicitis and cholecystitis

The appendix is ​​a stomach-shaped process located in the lower part of the intestine. This is a branch of the caecum, narrowed to the bottom, without a lumen. The appendix is ​​not a vital organ. For a long time it was believed that it does not perform any functions, but modern Scientific research prove the opposite. There is reason to believe that this organ is important for the functioning of the immune and endocrine systems, regulating the amount of beneficial microflora in the intestines.

Inflammation of the appendix is ​​manifested by an acute course, the chronic form of the disease is less common. Due to the accumulation of pus, the process increases in size. Often, inflammation leads to rupture of the appendix and the development of complications in the future: sepsis, abscess, peritonitis. Without urgent surgical intervention, the likelihood of death increases.


  • acute pain in the lower abdomen (usually on the right, but there are also cases with left-sided pain)
  • increase in body temperature
  • vomiting and nausea
  • Kocher's symptom (moving the localization of pain in the abdomen)

Cholecystitis - inflammation gallbladder. Its manifestations are similar to those of appendicitis. The disease is caused by a violation of the outflow of bile. In most cases, stones in the biliary tract are the provoking factor. With repeated repetition acute cholecystitis the disease becomes chronic. Pain in cholecystitis occurs after eating fatty or spicy food, alcohol. Unpleasant sensations increase during stress or excessive physical exertion. With biliary colic, pain is localized in the abdomen, hypochondrium, back, and shoulder blades. Such conditions require urgent medical attention.

Inflammatory process and infections

Infections of the pelvic organs occur as a result of pathogenic viruses and bacteria entering the body, provoking severe inflammatory processes.

Symptoms of female genital infections are:

  • dull pain of different localization of the abdomen
  • over time, discomfort moves to the lumbar region
  • delayed menstruation
  • uncharacteristic vaginal discharge, burning
  • redness and itching of the vagina, labia
  • temperature rise
  • dehydration
  • fatigue
  • loss of appetite
  • severe pain during menstruation

Viral and bacterial infections require emergency treatment and timely referral to a specialist.


While taking some oral contraceptives hormonal changes occur, pain in the abdomen or below it may be observed. If the pain does not go away for a long time, it is recommended to consult a specialist and change the drug. Incorrectly installed intrauterine contraceptives, in particular the spiral, can cause pain on the left below the abdomen. In this case, you must consult a doctor.

Types of pain and accompanying symptoms

The intensity of pain in the lower abdomen indicates the severity of the pathology, and can also help in the diagnosis of the disease. Before the arrival of the doctor, it is forbidden to independently stop the discomfort with painkillers and compresses.

Aching dull pain

Similar sensations are experienced by women suffering from problems with the reproductive system. Inflammation of the internal genital organs is usually accompanied by an increase temperature indicators, deterioration general well-being, loss of performance. Also, aching dull pain is accompanied by some non-inflammatory diseases, menstrual disorders. Discomfort increases during intercourse.

Possible causes of aching dull pain:

  • swollen lymph nodes on the left
  • varicose veins
  • haemorrhoids
  • bladder pathology

Nagging pain

Drawing pain in the left side is usually of low intensity and at different intervals. Occurs when purulent pathologies, strangulated hernias, oncological diseases. With the growth of the tumor, discomfort increases, pain increases. It is possible to add others serious symptoms: nausea, fever, changes in the size of the lymph nodes, etc.

Spasms of the pelvic organs, increased gas formation in the intestines, effects on nerve endings- Causes of sharp pains in the side below the abdomen. Such conditions indicate an acute course of diseases of the internal organs.

stabbing pain

Colic or paroxysmal stabbing pain in the left side is a sign of kidney or intestinal pathologies. it dangerous symptom, which may indicate the presence of one of the problems:

  • inflammation of the joints, cartilage, lower back (shooting pains)
  • increased gas formation in the intestines (pain subsides after going to the toilet)
  • ruptured ovarian cyst

For correct diagnosis, it is necessary to pay attention to the accompanying symptoms that occur in combination with left-sided pain. As a rule, this is a change in temperature, diarrhea, nausea, etc.

What to do with pain in the side

If the pain in the lower abdomen is mild or caused by increased gas formation, it is necessary to cleanse the intestines. You can take a special drug to reduce the manifestations of bloating by drinking it enough water.

  • sharp sharp pain
  • the presence of accompanying symptoms: deterioration of health, diarrhea, fever, loss of appetite or vomiting
  • abdominal pain during pregnancy
  • persistence of pain for more than 1-2 days
  • stool disorder: diarrhea or constipation
  • urination disorders
  • prolonged bloating
  • pain radiating from the left side of the abdomen to the neck, shoulders, chest

Treatment of left-sided pain in the lower abdomen in women should be carried out as directed by a specialist. Feeling a sharp sharp pain, you need to take a comfortable position, relax and wait for the arrival of the doctor. menstrual pain You can treat yourself, after consulting with your doctor. For this, painkillers and sedatives, compresses in the abdomen, light massage. AT given period it is recommended to limit physical activity and more rest.

Which doctor to contact

If there is discomfort in the left lower abdomen, a woman should seek medical help. First of all, it is recommended to visit a therapist or family doctor who will issue a referral for a consultation with a specialist doctor:

  • gastroenterologist
  • gynecologist
  • urologist
  • proctologist
  • surgeon
  • oncologist, etc.

Subsequently, the patient was shown complex diagnostics, on the basis of which treatment is prescribed.


With pelvic pain of any intensity, it is recommended to urgently undergo a comprehensive examination. In some women, diseases of the pelvic organs are completely asymptomatic. Without timely medical care, severe complications develop in the genitourinary, lymphatic, digestive and other body systems.

The diagnosis of left-sided pain in the lower abdomen is based on:

  • data from a visual examination of the patient by a doctor
  • ultrasound data of internal organs
  • results of blood and urine tests, with the help of which it is possible to determine the presence of an inflammatory process

Depending on the severity of the disease, the examination is carried out by one or more specialists. Based on the results of examinations, a diagnosis is established and treatment is prescribed.


Treatment of left-sided pain in the lower abdomen in women is aimed at removing unpleasant symptoms and get rid of the cause of the problem.

Methods for the treatment of pain in the lower abdomen:

  1. Conservative therapy - taking medications in combination with prescriptions traditional medicine by doctor's prescription.
  2. Physiotherapy - the use of special health-improving techniques for removing pain symptoms and fight against the cause of the disease.
  3. Surgical intervention is carried out in emergency cases when there is a threat to the life of the patient.

In diseases of the genitourinary system, careful observance of the rules is shown. intimate hygiene. At the time of treatment, it is necessary to refrain from sexual acts. In case of intestinal diseases, it is important to regulate nutrition, exclude foods that cause increased gas formation and fermentation. The daily diet should be selected in accordance with the recommendations of a specialist.


Prevention of pain in the lower abdomen involves a timely visit to the doctor at the first sign of illness. To avoid increased gas formation, you need to follow a special diet. It is generally recommended to exclude dairy products, raw vegetables and fruits, legumes, fatty, fried, salted or sweet food. To avoid diseases of the genitourinary system will allow compliance with personal hygiene rules. Women need to visit a gynecologist for preventive purposes at least once every 6 months. Pregnant women should be registered with a doctor in a timely manner and undergo all necessary examinations.

Video: Where does the pain in the lower abdomen in women come from? Symptoms and treatment of inflammation of the fallopian tubes

Pain in the left side of the abdomen can be the result of completely different pathological conditions and ailments, and they are absolutely not always associated with the digestive organs located there. Most often, people complain of pain in the left side of the lower abdomen, but sometimes its upper region, as well as the hypochondrium, causes discomfort. It is not possible to independently determine the source of pain even with the presence of additional symptoms, and therefore, as soon as permanent pains in the left side of the abdomen begin, it is strongly recommended to contact a family specialist or immediately a gastroenterologist.

Causes of pain in the left side

Answering the question why the left side of the lower abdomen hurts, the doctor can immediately assume a number of pathologies in sigmoid colon, large intestine, left kidney, spleen and pancreas. If we dwell in more detail on the etiology of pain on the left side of the lower peritoneum, then the classification will be as follows:

  • the stomach may hurt due to ordinary gastritis or, and although the stomach is located higher and closer to the center, the pain is sometimes given to other areas. According to patients, they do not have so much pain in the stomach as it aches, in addition to the presence of nausea and vomiting. In addition, the cause of ailments may be ulcerative lesion stomach and duodenum, or an oncologically dependent neoplasm;
  • if it hurts on the left side, this may be due to a hernia of the diaphragm, which normally separates chest from the peritoneal region. Over the years, the muscles that keep the opening in the diaphragm in good shape, through which the esophagus passes, lose their strength, which sometimes leads to a displacement of the stomach up, closer to the chest. This phenomenon is called diaphragmatic hernia, which can give painful sensations on the left;
  • another cause, due to which it hurts in the left side, may be a pathological condition of the pancreas. It is inextricably associated with the stomach, and when it becomes inflamed, pains spread throughout the abdomen. The cause of the inflammatory condition of the pancreas is cancer, different kind toxins and infections, as well as pancreatitis. In addition to aching and persistent pain, patients suffer from nausea, vomiting, fever, and back pain. At increased risk are diabetics, people with gallbladder disease, those who abuse nicotine and alcohol, as well as patients taking diuretic or steroid medications;
  • Finally, one of the most common factors that cause pain in the left lower abdomen is the spleen, the organ responsible for the utilization of erythrocytes (red blood cells) in the body. almost any severe inflammation spleen can provoke a very severe pain, and since this organ is close enough to the surface of the body, there is a considerable probability of its rupture. This can be provoked not only by various kinds of mechanical injuries, but even by internal diseases such as infectious mononucleosis, which enlarges and softens the spleen. In addition to the fact that the patient's left side hurts very badly, a large bruise appears in the navel area - traces of blood from bleeding inside.

Varieties of pain in the left side

To date, in medicine, there are three types of pain sensations that occur, including in the lower quadrant of the peritoneum: reflected, somatic and visceral. The first ones indicate that the reason why the lower abdomen hurts on the left may not be related to the digestive system, but be the result of irradiated pain from other organs.

Somatic pain is a consequence of irritation of the parietal peritoneum, which is caused by perforated ulcers of the intestine or stomach. Such symptoms can appear both from below and from above, while having sharp and sharp features, and intensifying during tension, movement and even breathing. As for visceral pain, they occur due to disturbances in the motor function of the stomach and intestines, or rather the muscle fibers of which they are composed. In this situation, it hurts in the lower abdomen on the left, and the manifestations themselves can be similar to contractions and dull aching pain, while giving to other areas of the human body.

Pain in left side due to pancreatitis

If the disease occurs in acute form, the person must be hospitalized immediately, otherwise complications affecting the kidneys and lungs may occur. First of all, the patient is prescribed therapeutic hunger for several days and, if necessary, intravenous nutrition is prescribed to the person. This is followed by strict diets and the use of mineral waters.

Pain in left side due to gastritis

Sometimes pain in the lower abdomen on the left side can be provoked by classic gastritis, which is expressed inflammatory lesion mucous surface of the stomach. When eroded, they come out of the mucous membrane bloody issues, and the main symptoms of gastritis are the following:

  • nausea;
  • heartburn;
  • unpleasant taste in the mouth;
  • pain after eating.

Gastritis is chronic (autoimmune, bacterial, reflux, eosinophilic, lymphocytic and granulomatous) or acute (catarrhal, fibrinous, corrosive, phlegmonous). Apart from proper diet, the patient may be prescribed antispasmodics, anticholinergics and antacids, as well as enterosorbents.

Pain in the left side due to diseases of the heart and lungs

If the side on the left hurts, this can be triggered by one of the varieties of cardiomyopathy: changes in the structure of the heart muscle, which can give painful manifestations in the hypochondrium during physical exertion. Another reason should be considered coronary heart disease, in which the patient feels not only significant pain in the left side, but also shortness of breath with tachycardia.

As for the lungs, left-sided pneumonia or left-sided pleurisy can be given with pain in the left side. In the first case, the lower lobes of the left lung become inflamed, because of which the patient complains of aching pain, which is aggravated during coughing. In the second case, pleurisy affects the lining of the lungs, causing fibrin to fall out on the surface or fluid concentration. Again, a person does not have pain in the lower abdomen on the left, but painful sensations are formed in upper area left side.

Pain in left side due to neuralgia

If the stomach hurts on the left, this may be the result of neuralgia - irritation or squeezing of the nerves. In this case, in the affected area, the skin may turn red or turn pale, and the patient experiences a dull paroxysmal pain with increased sweating. Unpleasant sensations become more intense during deep breathing, coughing, sneezing, sharp turns and other irritating movements. Tellingly, neuralgia can also be given pain in the area of ​​the scapula and lower back.

Other causes of pain in the left side

There are a number of less common phenomena that cause pain in the lower abdomen, its upper or central region. These reasons include:

  • trauma;
  • colitis;
  • tumors;
  • intestinal obstruction and;
  • gynecological pathologies and ectopic pregnancy;
  • kidney pathology;
  • pregnancy.

In any case, to make an accurate diagnosis, you will need to consult a doctor and a number of various analyzes and surveys. It is not worth delaying going to the doctor, because the pain in the left side, as it has now become obvious, can be provoked by very serious pathological conditions in which days and even hours count.



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    1. Can cancer be prevented?
    The occurrence of a disease such as cancer depends on many factors. No one can be completely safe. But everyone can significantly reduce the chances of a malignant tumor.

    2. How does smoking affect the development of cancer?
    Absolutely, categorically ban yourself from smoking. This truth is already tired of everyone. But quitting smoking reduces the risk of developing all types of cancer. Smoking is associated with 30% of deaths from oncological diseases. In Russia, lung tumors kill more people than tumors of all other organs.
    Eliminate tobacco from your life - the best prevention. Even if you smoke not a pack a day, but only half, the risk of lung cancer is already reduced by 27%, as the American Medical Association found.

    3. Does excess weight affect the development of cancer?
    Keep your eyes on the scales! Overweight affect not only the waist. The American Institute for Cancer Research has found that obesity contributes to the development of tumors in the esophagus, kidneys, and gallbladder. The fact is that adipose tissue serves not only to save energy reserves, it also has secretory function: fat produces proteins that affect the development of a chronic inflammatory process in the body. And oncological diseases just appear against the background of inflammation. In Russia, 26% of all cancer cases are associated with obesity.

    4. Does exercise help reduce the risk of cancer?
    Set aside at least half an hour a week for exercise. Sports are on the same level as proper nutrition when it comes to cancer prevention. In the US, a third of all deaths are attributed to the fact that patients did not follow any diet and did not pay attention to physical education. The American Cancer Society recommends exercising 150 minutes a week at a moderate pace or half as much but more vigorously. However, a study published in the journal Nutrition and Cancer in 2010 proves that even 30 minutes is enough to reduce the risk of breast cancer (which affects one in eight women in the world) by 35%.

    5.How does alcohol affect cancer cells?
    Less alcohol! Alcohol is blamed for causing tumors in the mouth, larynx, liver, rectum, and mammary glands. Ethanol decomposes in the body to acetaldehyde, which then, under the action of enzymes, passes into acetic acid. Acetaldehyde is the strongest carcinogen. Alcohol is especially harmful to women, as it stimulates the production of estrogen - hormones that affect the growth of breast tissue. Excess estrogen leads to the formation of breast tumors, which means that every extra sip of alcohol increases the risk of getting sick.

    6. Which cabbage helps fight cancer?
    Love broccoli. Vegetables are not only included in healthy diet They also help fight cancer. This is why recommendations for healthy eating contain the rule: half of the daily diet should be vegetables and fruits. Especially useful are cruciferous vegetables, which contain glucosinolates - substances that, when processed, acquire anti-cancer properties. These vegetables include cabbage: ordinary white cabbage, Brussels sprouts and broccoli.

    7. Which organ cancer is affected by red meat?
    The more vegetables you eat, the less red meat you put on your plate. Studies have confirmed that people who eat more than 500 grams of red meat per week have a higher risk of developing colon cancer.

    8. Which of the proposed remedies protect against skin cancer?
    Stock up on sunscreen! Women aged 18-36 are particularly susceptible to melanoma, the deadliest form of skin cancer. In Russia, in just 10 years, the incidence of melanoma has increased by 26%, world statistics show an even greater increase. This is blamed on the equipment for artificial tanning, and Sun rays. The danger can be minimized with a simple tube of sunscreen. A 2010 Journal of Clinical Oncology study confirmed that people who regularly apply special cream, suffer from melanoma two times less than those who neglect such cosmetics.
    The cream should be chosen with a protection factor of SPF 15, applied even in winter and even in cloudy weather (the procedure should turn into the same habit as brushing your teeth), and also do not expose yourself to sunlight from 10 to 16 hours.

    9. Do you think stress affects the development of cancer?
    By itself, stress does not cause cancer, but it weakens the entire body and creates conditions for the development of this disease. Research has shown that constant anxiety changes activity immune cells responsible for turning on the "hit and run" mechanism. As a result, a large amount of cortisol, monocytes and neutrophils, which are responsible for inflammatory processes, constantly circulate in the blood. And as already mentioned, chronic inflammatory processes can lead to the formation of cancer cells.


  1. With an answer
  2. Checked out

  1. Task 1 of 9

    Can cancer be prevented?

  2. Task 2 of 9

    How does smoking affect the development of cancer?

  3. Task 3 of 9

    Does being overweight affect the development of cancer?

  4. Task 4 of 9

    Does exercise help reduce the risk of cancer?

  5. Task 5 of 9

    How does alcohol affect cancer cells?

When a person grabs his left side, those around him, and himself, most often think that he has a bad heart. Even someone who has never experienced heart pain is convinced that, apart from this most important organ, there is nothing else on the left side of the body, at least nothing that could hurt. Meanwhile, in the area under the ribs, on the left side, there are: the lung, part of the diaphragm, spleen, stomach, left kidney, pancreas, left ureter, fragments of the large and small intestines and the sigmoid part of the large intestine, the left ovary in women and part of the prostate with appendages in men. And all this can cause pain in the left side, if in any organ there are violations of its work associated with pathology or other reasons.

In order to determine with greater certainty what exactly hurts in front under the left ribs, you need to know something about pain. For example, what it can be. All pain experienced by a person can be divided into groups.

Table. The nature of pain in groups.

This group includes pain associated with pathological changes gastrointestinal motility. Pain is dull, can be jerky, cramping. They give both to the shoulder and to the thigh area.

Most often occur with spasms of the intestines. The cause may also be stretching of the muscle fibers.

In acute flatulence, pain is cramp-like in nature, and with intestinal colic give to all nearby organs.

They arise due to irritation of the peritoneal receptors, which occur due to ruptures of organs and the outflow of their contents into the surrounding tissue. They are distinguished by acute manifestations, cutting, clearly localized, last constantly, intensify with activity and load. More often they are encircling.

May occur with perforation of a gastric ulcer. They intensify with any load, movement, even when breathing, from inhalation-exhalation.

Are generated by spasm smooth muscle. Occur in the pathology of internal organs of any nature - from colic to poisoning. They appear suddenly and just as suddenly go out. They can give under the shoulder blade and in the lower back, as well as in the legs.
These pains are caused inflammatory changes. The duration can be different, the nature too - from aching and pulling, to cramps and colic. They are "reflected" from organs located quite far from the left hypochondrium. They can occur with a heart attack, pleurisy, left-sided pulmonary inflammation and other diseases.
This type of pain is generally not associated with diseases of any internal organs. Pain of a neurotic nature that cannot be diagnosed. But the patient does not feign, but can really experience acute pain, especially while in depressive states or in the stage of mental disorder.

Of course accurate diagnosis should only be installed by a doctor. But you can try to determine by the nature of the pain what caused it, you can do it yourself.

The following differentiation of the reasons for which pain may occur is carried out.

  1. Pathological damage to organs.
  2. Infections.
  3. Internal breaks.
  4. Injuries.
  5. Load pain.

For example, with cardiomyopathy, pain is felt after exercise, with inflammation of the lungs - during coughing, with gastric and intestinal infections pain sensations are associated with meals, intensifying after eating, and with stomach cancer they are constant.

Pain and its causes

You should not suspect at the slightest tingling in your side terrible diseases. Yes, in the human body just like that, without a reason, nothing will hurt. But the reason is not always a dangerous diagnosis. For example, when running, walking fast or playing sports, there may be pain (heaviness, tingling) under the left ribs in front.

But this is only due to a change in the speed of blood flow from physical activity. Stop, catch your breath, lean forward a few times as you exhale and straighten up as you inhale, and the pain will go away.

If the pain does not go away, it lasts for a long time, their intensity increases, and other symptoms and signs are fixed along with them, it is necessary to pay attention to the nature of the pain and, before being able to get medical advice, try to understand why it arose.

It is often the result of a sore throat, tonsillitis and other infections. With cardiomyopathy in the left side under the ribs, pain is felt constantly, but rather weak. Exacerbation of pain symptoms physical activity. In parallel, a rapid, confused pulse is recorded, the patient experiences severe fatigue.

ischemic heart disease

If the patient has coronary heart disease, he will experience dull aching pains in his left side. The sensations are not paroxysmal, constant, intensify with physical exertion, accompanied by shortness of breath, pulse failure and burning sensation in the chest area.

Pathologies of the respiratory system

Frontal left hypochondrium hurts with any pathology respiratory organs: pneumonia, pleurisy, pneumonia, bronchitis. At the initial clinical stage, pain is weak, radiating throughout the body - to the chest, back, shoulder and even the right side. But the characteristic signs will be: accompanying pain fever, feeling of weakness, pain when exhaling in the back (pneumonia) or when inhaling (pleurisy), coughing, sweating, short, too frequent and shallow breathing.

By the way. Respiratory diseases change appearance sick. He lies in a forced position, on his left side (so the pain seems to be weaker), the skin is pale, and the veins are enlarged.

With this pathology, it hurts not immediately under the rib in depth, but in front closer to the waist. Pain pulling down, quite intense, almost constant. They can continue even if the patient is in a supine position, subsiding slightly only when the patient is lying on his back.


Here, the pulling hypochondrium pain is necessarily accompanied by a feeling that the stomach swells from the inside, it bursts. Accompanying pain is heartburn immediately after eating and belching some time later. There is also heaviness in the epigastrium, there may be an urge to vomit. At the same time, it comes from the mouth bad smell and the patient may experience an unpleasant taste in the mouth.

stomach ulcer appears pulling pain from the left side, which appears and intensifies after eating. Accompanied by heartburn. Often the symptom is belching with a sour taste. The patient loses weight and almost constantly experiences nausea or vomiting after eating.

By the way. A duodenal ulcer is different in that pain in the left hypochondrium occurs with this disease not on a full, but on an empty stomach - on an empty stomach. Then, if the patient eats anything, even in small quantities, the pain goes away.

Important! With the perforation of any kind of ulcer, the pain acquires a cutting, dagger character. The patient bends in half, the skin rapidly turns pale, loss of consciousness may occur and vomiting of a substance resembling coffee grounds may appear.

Stomach cancer

Pain in the left side under the ribs in an oncological case is constant. They do not depend on the patient's spatial position, food intake, they do not even stop medicines(in the last acute stages). In parallel, the patient loses his appetite, is disgusted with protein foods, loses weight, and the skin becomes yellowish.


At pathological conditions spleen pain is dull in nature, but is pulsating and localized strictly under the left rib. The causes of pathologies of the spleen can be ruptures and injuries, an increase in the organ, an abscess. Accompanying pains are fever and weakness, enlarged liver, migraine and sweating.

Directly under the ribs on the left, there is constant discomfort, in the form of prolonged dull pain. They radiate to the shoulder region, often found in the back (shoot through). All this passes with belching, sometimes accompanied by heartburn. Even with the slightest exertion, the pain can increase significantly. With obesity, the pain is much stronger.

Intercostal neuralgia

With this diagnosis, pain can be localized both in front under the ribs and behind, in depth. The pain has a different character (depending on the nature of neuralgia). It can be dull and aching or sharp and burning. There may be piercing pain during exhalation, sudden movements, exertion, at any time of the day or night. A feeling of numbness at the painful point occurs after an attack of pain

Rheumatoid diseases

Rheumatisms, radiculitis, osteochondrosis and other connective tissue diseases give episodic pain sensations both behind, under the left ribs, and in front. The pain can be felt around the entire left side, quite strong, severe.


With this pathology, pain is felt constantly, and all the time is strong, with a starting point in the epigastrium. At the same time, acute pain occurs in parallel in the entire left side, radiating to the back and right side belly. Since the pancreas is located across the upper abdomen, the pain is often girdle. In combination with nausea and fever, bile-containing vomiting is the clinical symptom of pancreatitis.


Dull constant pain in the left hypochondrium. Localization is diffuse, periodically enhanced, present in the background. This may be a symptom chronic cholecystitis. When the pain becomes cutting, the disease takes an acute form.


With colitis or duodenitis, the left side in front under the lower rib hurts achingly and deeply. The pain is constant. Additional symptoms- Nausea, vomiting, feeling of heaviness, changes in appetite and food cravings.

What to do with pain in the left side

In most cases, a medical consultation is necessary, in some cases immediate hospitalization, and only in some pain episodes you can do nothing, it is enough to remove the factor that provokes pain.

When not to see a doctor

The most mild and non-medical episodes include:

  • violation of the diet;
  • binge eating;
  • taking alcohol or certain medications (non-steroids and other drugs).
  • If you overeat and drank a lot of alcohol at night, started a workout abruptly without a warm-up, made a run too fast, and all this (or one thing) caused pain in the left side below the ribs in front, after the factor that caused the pain was eliminated, she will disappear.

    When to visit a doctor

    But there are a number of cases when the appearance of pain requires a visit to the doctor.

    When urgent help is needed

    And finally, a number of cases where immediate health care. Dagger, sharp, cutting pain- all these epithets describe a sudden, very sharp and piercing pain that is not associated with exercise, food intake and other everyday factors. The syndrome, as a rule, is felt suddenly, and serves as a reason for seeking urgent medical attention.

    Behind this may be one of the many serious diagnoses, failure to emergency assistance which will cause death.

    1. Rupture of the renal pelvis.
    2. Rupture of the spleen.
    3. Perforation of intestinal loops.
    4. Myocardial infarction.
    5. Perforated ulcer.
    6. Exacerbation of gallstone disease.
    7. Aneurysm.
    8. Thromboembolism.

    Important! If pain in the left side under the ribs in front is felt acutely after a fall, accident, any injury, you should immediately seek medical attention. medical assistance to prevent the development of serious life-threatening damage.

    Table. The intensity of the development of pain in various diseases.

    Intensity and nature of painCause (disease)
    They arise instantly, the character is painful, intense.Rupture of an aneurysm, movement of gall or kidney stones, heart attack, perforation of an ulcer.
    Arise quickly, in a few minutes, grow, permanent.Intestinal obstruction (complete), vascular thrombosis, exacerbation of pancreatitis.
    Gradual onset, worsening over several hours.Exacerbation of cholecystitis, appendicitis, diverticulitis.
    Intermittent pains, intermittent, colicky, prolonged.Obstruction small intestine, an early stage of exacerbation of pancreatitis.

    Ulcer perforation

    With perforation of the ulcer of both the stomach and the duodenum, the pain is felt suddenly, as from a dagger strike, but is felt initially in right side upper abdomen, and only later captures the left hypochondrium. In this case, the patient takes a lying position on the left side or back, with legs bent to the stomach.

    Sharp pain attacks are repeated. The abdominal muscles are tense. Vomiting is indomitable and repeated. Body temperature is elevated. Pulse quickened. The pain spreads from left to right. Physiological jaundice may be observed.

    An attack can provoke the use of spicy or fatty foods in quantities exceeding the norm. Acute pains occur in the left side under the ribs and quickly take on a girdle character. Vomiting is intense, large quantity bile, it is difficult to stop. The pain is severe to the point of screaming. The patient cannot find positions to relieve pain. There is bloating.

    Movement of stones

    Colic renal or hepatic, which accompany the movement of stones, are marked by cramping severe pain, very acute nature. With penetrating cutting pain arising in the depths of the left hypochondrium, if it is impossible to find a position that relieves pain, it can be assumed with highly likely exacerbation of urolithiasis or cholelithiasis.

    Acute appendicitis

    Symptoms may be similar to perforated ulcer. Sharp pain occurs in the right side, but radiates to the left hypochondrium. Accompanied by an increase in temperature, a feeling of bloating of the stomach and fullness of the intestinal region, tension in the peritoneum, nausea. Urgent surgical care to prevent rupture of the inflamed appendix.


    Pain in thromboembolism of the mesenteric vessels can both have localization in the left iliac region, and occur without a specific localization. At the same time, the temperature rises, liquid stool, in which there may be blood, the patient is restless, begins to rush about, experiences intoxication. The abdomen swells, the pulse quickens, atrial fibrillation occurs, and hemorrhagic effusion may occur.

    Aneurysm of the abdominal aorta

    Aneurysm dissection is observed mainly in elderly patients suffering from atherosclerosis. Begins with sudden pain on the left side under the ribs. At the same time, the abdomen is even, not swollen, but the anterior wall of the peritoneum is very tense, and on palpation, a pulsating tumor is felt under it. With an increased heart rate, blood pressure drops. The extremities become cold, heart failure develops.

    Dangerous accompanying symptoms

    If acute left anterior subcostal pain occurs, which is accompanied by the following concomitant symptoms, urgent surgical intervention may be necessary.

    1. Dizziness, severe weakness, lethargy.
    2. Bleeding detection.
    3. Arterial hypotension.
    4. Feverish state.
    5. Tachycardia.
    6. Incessant vomiting.
    7. Increasing abdominal pain.
    8. Increasing bloating.
    9. No passing gases.
    10. Tension of the abdominal muscles.
    11. Painful defecation.
    12. Fainting at stool.

    Severe weakness, dizziness, fainting - very dangerous symptoms

    Diagnostic methods

    To determine the disease that caused pain in the left precostal space, it is necessary to carry out the following clinical procedures.

    As you know, the human body with the help of pain gives the brain a signal that something is wrong with it. It is with the help of pain that we learn about pathologies or an incipient disease. Even episodic manifestations of pain should not be ignored. Moreover, it is unacceptable to ignore the constants. Pain in the left precostal area is no exception. To endure it, or try to remove it with the help of anabolic steroids, without finding out the cause of the occurrence - such behavior can cost the patient his life.

    Video - Pain in the left side of the abdomen