Shortness of breath causes in a young girl. Shortness of breath as a symptom of serious cardiovascular disease

Today we will talk about the causes, symptoms and treatment of shortness of breath, but first you need to decide what is shortness of breath?

Shortness of breath is a reaction of the body in response to an insufficient supply of oxygen to the blood (hypoxia). Manifested painful sensation lack of air, tightness in the chest in combination with a compensatory increase in frequency and depth respiratory movements. Usually combined with .

In severe cases, it can result in suffocation.

Shortness of breath in the people is also known as shortness of breath, shortness of breath. In medical science, it is called dyspnea. It is not a disease on its own. nosological form. This is just a symptom that accompanies various pathological processes that take place in the body.

Shortness of breath symptoms and types

What is shortness of breath? Signs of shortness of breath?

The human respiratory mechanism consists of the phases of inhalation and exhalation. Depending on when shortness of breath occurs, it can be:

  • inspiratory dyspnea. Its appearance is associated with the moment of inhalation;
  • expiratory dyspnea. This type is associated with the appearance of it at the time of exhalation;
  • - mixed type.

Being a symptom of any pathological process, the intensity of the resulting shortness of breath is directly related to the severity of the underlying process. The appearance of such a condition can be observed in the absence of pathology, under normal physiological conditions.

Physiological causes of shortness of breath

If shortness of breath appears at rest, then this is definitely not normal, but strong shortness of breath with fast walking, running, physical exertion often occurs against the background of hypodynamia, detraining, in a state of stress.

Another non-pathological temporary causes of acute hypoxia include long stay in a stuffy room.

With increased physical stress and other temporary conditions, organs and tissues require increased amount oxygen for the normal course of various biochemical reactions in them. This is a compensatory mechanism for protecting the body in response to stress and exceeding age-related load norms.

The main causes of shortness of breath

Why does it appear, there is shortness of breath?

There are many reasons for shortness of breath. All of them are associated with a violation of the activity of body systems, due to functional changes or organic damage.

Most of all, with the appearance of shortness of breath, pathologies of the cardiovascular and respiratory systems can be suspected ...

  • Pathology of the heart and blood vessels

AT normal conditions Approximately 5.5 liters of blood circulate freely in the body. In addition, another 1.5 liters is in the depot.

Blood performs many functions, but one of the main ones is the delivery of oxygen to organs and tissues. This is due to the presence of hemoglobin and red blood cells in the blood.

The heart must pump this amount of blood in the body in 1 minute. If for some reason it does not cope with this task, then the blood supply to organs and tissues will be insufficient, and, consequently, they will receive less oxygen. Oxygen deficiency or oxygen starvation is called hypoxia.

In response to this, the work of the respiratory organs becomes more intense. They are trying to fix the problem somehow. As a result, breathing becomes faster and shortness of breath occurs. And it appears because, despite the fact that breathing becomes more frequent, its depth still suffers.

  • Shortness of breath associated with insufficiency of the heart or cardiac dyspnea

Heart failure is not understood as a specific disease, but as conditions leading to it. For shortness of breath, which occurs precisely for this reason, its appearance is characteristic when walking and various physical activities.

Over time, shortness of breath in heart failure can occur even at rest. Along with shortness of breath, may appear, which usually appear in evening time and at night. In the heart itself, there may be a periodic nature of pain, interruptions in work. The skin becomes pale with a bluish tinge. The patient complains of general weakness, fatigue and malaise.

  • Hypertonic disease

Helps increase the load on the heart. With an increase in pressure, the lumen of the peripheral vessels is narrowed. Naturally, to push the blood, the heart will need much more effort.

Initially, in the compensation stage, the heart muscle copes with its task, but all this is up to a certain limit. Over time, when the disease passes into another stage, the heart can no longer fully cope with the function assigned to it. Less blood is pumped. Organs and tissues receive less oxygen. There is shortness of breath.

Objectively, in such patients, reddening of the face can be noted. Subjectively, patients note flies before their eyes, headaches and dizziness, decreased performance and worsening general condition. The heart works intermittently.

  • myocardial infarction

This condition belongs to the category of urgent and is associated with a sharp deterioration in the activity of the heart. During such conditions, severe shortness of breath is always present. In addition, they are noted. The pains are strong, pronounced, have a stabbing character. Patients are seized by a feeling of intense fear.

  • Respiratory pathology

Human lungs consist of a branched system, bronchi, forming bronchial tree. The main structural unit is the alveolus.

For some reason, their clearance may narrow. This may be due to both functional disorders and organic damage, leading to destructive changes in the lung tissue.

As a result, all this leads to the fact that less air, and with it oxygen, enters the lungs. This circumstance again leads to increased respiration and the occurrence of shortness of breath.

  • Pulmonary edema

If there is a lack of function from the left ventricle, pulmonary edema may develop. At the same time, shortness of breath is pronounced and can turn into suffocation. The patient's breathing can be heard even from the side. It becomes bubbling, wheezing appears. Able to join cough. It has a moist character with sputum production. The patient is able to turn blue in front of his eyes. Help in such conditions is urgent.

  • Bronchitis

This disease is associated with inflammation of the bronchi, which is usually due to the action of pathogenic microflora. The course can be acute and chronic and is always associated with shortness of breath. The disease may be accompanied by sputum production and spasm of the respiratory muscles. In this case, patients are shown the appointment of expectorants and antispasmodics.

  • Pneumonia

It is a disease associated with inflammation of the lung tissue. The cause of the occurrence, as a rule, is the effect of pathogenic microflora. Along with the symptoms characteristic of any inflammatory process, shortness of breath is certainly present. As a rule, shortness of breath with this pathology of a mixed nature. Patients report pain in the chest area. The skin becomes pale with a bluish tinge. In severe cases, heart failure may join.

  • Anemia of a different nature

It is characterized by a decrease in the number of red blood cells and hemoglobin in the blood, which are responsible for the respiratory function of the blood. The reduced content of such blood elements causes the circumstance in which they are unable to enough supply organs and tissues with oxygen.

Trying to somehow compensate for this, the body triggers reactions that cause shortness of breath.

What else causes shortness of breath

  • Often shortness of breath develops against the background of intense smoking.
  • Some other diseases can also cause similar symptom- obesity (then shortness of breath occurs after eating), some diseases thyroid gland, for example, hyperthyroidism, thyrotoxicosis, diffuse and large sizes, occurs with edema and neoplasms of the larynx, even with foreign bodies stuck in the pharynx.
  • , and even more actually panic attacks also accompanied by shortness of breath,.
  • Poisoning can also cause shortness of breath, including liver failure, coma in diabetes mellitus.
  • Shortness of breath can even occur with thoracic osteochondrosis, symptoms of lack of oxygen and tightness in the chest are combined with pain in the heart area, when raising the arms;
  • Often this symptom occurs during long gestation periods, when there is large fruit or multiple pregnancy. Or with cardiac pathologies of a woman who is expecting a child.

First aid for shortness of breath

  • Call a doctor;
  • lay the patient on his side or give him a semi-sitting position;
  • provide access fresh air or give (if available) an oxygen bag;
  • unfasten clothing that restricts the throat;
  • warm the limbs with a heating pad, hot water bottle or massage;
  • with cough accompanying an attack of shortness of breath - press for 1-2 minutes a reflex point in the jugular fossa (the base of the neck in front, the place where the collarbones meet).

Treatment of shortness of breath with folk remedies and preventive measures

How to treat shortness of breath?

Treatment begins with the treatment of the underlying disease that caused the onset of shortness of breath and the appointment various means that help relieve symptoms.

Folk ways to get rid of shortness of breath combined with methods traditional medicine- giving an oxygen mask, taking oxygen cocktails, parenteral and oral administration medicinal substances.

  • with the neurogenic nature of the occurrence of shortness of breath (after stress), a course of valerian, motherwort, lemon balm, mint is indicated;
  • after an exacerbation, dosed physical activity, exercise therapy, Nordic walking in the fresh air, or at least just walking, are possible;
  • normalization of nutrition, restriction of salty foods and layers in principle;

Symptomatic help for shortness of breath (especially of cardiac origin) can be provided by:

  • reception 2 months - see the recipe here;
  • taking a mixture of natural honey (liter), 10 chopped lemons and 2 heads (not cloves) of garlic. Stir, insist for a month, take 4 teaspoons for 2 months in the morning on an empty stomach;
  • brewing dry dill (2 teaspoons per glass of boiling water) - drink the entire infusion in small portions throughout the day, course 2 weeks;
  • taking drugs (Cardiovalen, Bekhterev's mixture) as a means of reducing shortness of breath, especially of a cardiac nature, sedative effect, reception is made in drops, 30 drops 2-3 times a day.

Shortness of breath is one of the most common symptoms in medical practice. The presence of slight shortness of breath (OD) does not always indicate the development serious illnesses. Many people, including those who do not have heart pathologies or diseases of the respiratory system, have experienced shortness of breath after strong physical exertion, prolonged exposure to a poorly ventilated or smoky room, stressful situations, severe fatigue, etc.

Some emotional patients complain that they lack air when talking (especially when public speaking is required). OD and pain in the heart that occurs at altitude emotional stress in young people, are frequent companions of cardioneurosis.

However, regular OD when walking short distances or at rest, combined with severe dizziness, weakness, arrhythmias (feelings of interruptions in the work of the heart), discoloration of the skin, etc., serves serious reason consult a doctor for a comprehensive examination and identification of the causes of its occurrence.

How to pronounce: shortness of breath or shortness of breath

The term shortness of breath, which is often used by many patients, does not exist in medicine. The feeling of shortness of breath is called shortness of breath or dyspnea.

Shortness of breath - symptoms

In addition to a feeling of lack of air, dyspnea can be accompanied by a feeling of pressure in the chest, suffocation, blanching or redness of the face, tachycardia, inability to fully inhale or exhale.

Also, in severe cases, the appearance of pathological types of breathing is possible:

Dyspnea classification

The increased frequency of respiratory movements (while the breathing itself is superficial) is called tachypnea. The rapid breathing of patients with severe tachypnea may resemble "the breath of a hunted animal" - noisy, frequent and superficial.

For reference. Shortness of breath, accompanied by an increase in the frequency of respiratory movements, as a rule, is compensatory, that is, it occurs in response to an O2 deficiency in organ and tissue structures. The development of such shortness of breath is indicative of heart failure (HF).

Early in the illness, shortness of breath and fast fatiguability during physical activity, they can be the first and for a long time the only signs of the disease. With the progression of the disease, lack of air begins to appear not only when performing physical activity, but also with minimal movements or complete rest.

If rapid respiratory movements are accompanied by deep, full breaths, then this type of shortness of breath is called hyperpnea. It should be noted that if cardiac dyspnea is compensatory and occurs as a response of the body to developed hypoxia, hyperpnea is often a controlled type of breathing.

An example of controlled hyperventilation (hyperpnea) is rapid breathing during exercise. In this case, rapid breathing will not be compensatory, but adaptive, helping to endure increased stress without the development of hypoxia.

Physiological dyspnea will differ from pathological dyspnea in heart failure in that it will not be accompanied by:

  • significant feeling of suffocation,
  • heartache,
  • dizziness
  • severe weakness.

This is due to the fact that in the event of cardiac shortness of breath, due to a violation of the ability of the myocardium to contract, an increased respiratory rate allows you to slightly compensate for the oxygen starvation of the tissues.

Important. In healthy people who do not have heart problems, such physiological shortness of breath will contribute to the full adaptation of the body to increased oxygen consumption by tissues.

In addition to the cardiac cause of shortness of breath, tachypnea can be observed with:

Decreased number of breaths

Shortness of breath accompanied by superficial bradypnea is called oligopnea.

Attention. Severe shortness of breath, accompanied by a sharp depression in the frequency of respiratory movements, can be observed in patients with head injuries, cerebral hemorrhage, with severe intoxications etc.

Complete cessation of breathing movements is called apnea. Apnea can often be intermittent. Physiological brief
sleep apnea can sometimes occur in young children. Such pauses in breathing are short-term and are not accompanied by a change in the color of the baby's face.

In an adult, this variant of dyspnea can occur during sleep. Risk factors for the development of sleep apnea in an adult patient are:

  • the presence of obesity;
  • chronic pulmonary pathologies;
  • taking sedatives or tranquilizers;
  • alcoholism;
  • hormonal diseases, menopause;
  • prolonged smoking;
  • the presence of diabetes (diabetes mellitus), COPD (chronic obstructive pulmonary pathology), deviated nasal septum.

Specific shortness of breath in heart failure, which develops when the patient tries to take horizontal position(lie down to rest) is called orthopnea. For this variant of shortness of breath, it is characteristic that when the patient takes a forced position (sitting, with a slight inclination forward, slightly leaning on his hands), the OD decreases.

Classification of dyspnea by form

Depending on which phase of breathing is disturbed (inhalation or exhalation), shortness of breath is usually divided into inspiratory, expiratory and mixed. The development of suffocation is taken out in a separate class.

Inspiratory dyspnea is a breathing disorder associated with difficulty breathing. The development of such dyspnea occurs in the presence of an obstacle that impedes the flow of air into the lungs.

Inspiratory dyspnea is indicative for patients:

  • with edema vocal cords or subglottic space,
  • in the presence of tumors in the lungs,
  • in the presence of foreign bodies in the bronchi,
  • with pharyngeal abscess,
  • with the development of false croup.

Unlike inspiratory dyspnea, expiratory dyspnea develops due to the inability to perform a full exhalation. The development of expiratory OD is associated with the inability of the patient to complete a full exhalation due to narrowing, spasm or swelling of the bronchial mucosa. Expiratory OD develops in the presence of:

  • chronic inflammatory process in the bronchi;
  • pathological destruction of the alveolar septa;
  • syndrome of excessive air retention, due to the impossibility of its full exhalation from the lungs with:
    • bronchial asthma,
    • chronic obstructive pulmonary disease,
    • pulmonary emphysema.

Cardiac dyspnea is mixed. That is, shortness of breath in heart failure is accompanied by difficulty in both inhalation and exhalation. Also, a mixed variant of dyspnea occurs in patients with:

  • pneumonia
  • bronchitis,
  • chronic respiratory failure,
  • pneumothorax,
  • ascites (both in chronic heart failure and arising for other reasons).

In some cases, mixed dyspnea after eating may occur in patients with severe flatulence or in very obese patients. Shortness of breath after eating, combined with abdominal pain (pain occurs 10-15 minutes after eating) and dyspeptic disorders, is typical for patients with Dunbar's syndrome - compression stenosis of the celiac trunk.

Important. An extreme manifestation of respiratory failure is considered an attack of suffocation. This type of dyspnea is characteristic of an asthma attack, with the development status asthmaticus.

According to the time of occurrence and duration of shortness of breath attacks, dyspnea can be temporary and permanent. An example of temporary shortness of breath is respiratory failure with pneumonia.

Attention. Cardiac dyspnea, as well as OD in chronic respiratory failure or obstructive pulmonary disease, are permanent in nature with an increase during physical activity. In severe diseases, shortness of breath begins to disturb patients even at rest.

What can cause shortness of breath

Normally, shortness of breath can occur when:

  • prolonged stay in a stuffy or smoky room;
  • excessive physical activity;
  • overheating (visiting a sauna, bath) or hypothermia;
  • pregnancy.

Pathological shortness of breath is characteristic of CCC diseases (cardiac shortness of breath), pulmonary pathologies, moderate and severe anemia, blood diseases accompanied by inhibition of bone marrow hematopoiesis (severe leukemia).

Also, shortness of breath can occur with:

  • intoxications;
  • high temperature (fever);
  • dehydration, infectious diseases accompanied by damage to the lung tissue (pneumonia) or significant intoxication;
  • severe allergic reactions (OD associated with laryngeal edema can be observed with Quincke's edema, anaphylactic shock);
  • cardioneurosis;
  • neurocirculatory dystonia;
  • obesity
  • severe flatulence;
  • Dunbar's syndrome;
  • hepatolienal syndrome (enlargement of the liver and spleen;
  • diseases of the endocrine system (thyrotoxicosis);
  • hormonal failure, due to the onset of menopause;
  • hemorrhage in the brain;
  • traumatic brain injury.

Shortness of breath during pregnancy

  • blanching, redness or blueness of the face;
  • bradyarrhythmia or severe tachycardia;
  • sensations of interruptions in the work of the heart and pain behind the sternum;
  • the appearance of anxiety, restlessness or impaired consciousness, lethargy, loss of consciousness;
  • the smell of acetone.

For reference. OD during pregnancy is most pronounced in the third trimester. Such shortness of breath is associated with a pronounced load on the woman's body, a significant increase in body weight and high blood pressure enlarged uterus (due to the growth of the fetus) on the diaphragm.

This makes it difficult to breathe and leads to problems with breathing, increased shortness of breath in pregnant women is observed after walking or eating.

Also, shortness of breath during pregnancy may be associated with temporary pressure on the celiac trunk and abdominal aorta.

After childbirth, breathing is completely restored.

Shortness of breath in children

Severe respiratory failure in newborns is observed when:

  • asphyxia of newborns,
  • hypoxia (fetal distress),
  • malformations of the lungs,
  • deep prematurity,
  • congenital heart defects.

Also, the causes of dyspnea in children can be:

  • cystic fibrosis,
  • false croup,
  • anemia,
  • bronchitis,
  • pneumonia,
  • severe allergic reactions
  • intoxication,
  • anemia, etc.

Shortness of breath in lung diseases

Respiratory failure is a constant companion of patients with bronchial asthma and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease. Regular shortness of breath and cough can also disturb long-term smokers.

Also, severe dyspnea is observed in patients with cystic fibrosis, pulmonary emphysema, pneumothorax.

In the presence of foreign body, respiratory failure may be accompanied by wheezing, convulsive breathing. The severity of dyspnea will depend on the level of bronchial obstruction.

Attention. OD with cough and symptoms of intoxication are observed in patients with malignant formations or metastatic foci in the lungs.

From infectious causes the development of shortness of breath can be distinguished by pneumonia, bronchitis, pleurisy, tuberculosis, false croup syndrome (in young children).

Shortness of breath in pathologies of the cardiovascular system

Pathological cardiac OD may accompany:

  • pericarditis;
  • endocarditis;
  • cardiac tamponade;
  • development of myocardial infarction or angina pectoris;
  • increased blood pressure (blood pressure) and hypertensive crisis;
  • arterial hypotension;
  • severe cardiac arrhythmias;
  • IHD ( );
  • congenital and acquired heart defects;
  • pulmonary hypertension, various cardiomyopathies (restrictive, dilated, hypertrophic);
  • arrhythmias and extrasystoles;
  • tachycardia or bradyarrhythmia;
  • aneurysm of the abdominal or thoracic aorta.

Shortness of breath when walking - causes

Attention! The danger and insidiousness of shortness of breath in heart failure lies in the fact that for a long time, it can be the only symptom diseases.

At the same time, in the initial stages, OD can be mild and occur only during active physical exertion. Due to the blurring of the clinical picture, many patients do not complain about shortness of breath and fatigue no attention.

Unlike non-pathological OD, with unusual physical activity for the patient (in people who first went for a run or went in for sports, etc.), cardiac dyspnea progresses over time, leading to a significant limitation of the patient's physical activity.

The increase in the severity of heart failure is accompanied by an increase in dyspnea. Patients begin to feel short of breath with the slightest physical activity, and in severe HF, dyspnea develops even at rest.

For reference. In addition to OD, patients are concerned about fatigue, constant weakness, a feeling of interruptions in the work of the heart, tachycardia, cough.

With severe stagnation in the pulmonary circulation, edema, cyanosis of the face, enlarged liver, ascites, and impaired renal function are added.

The main symptoms of heart failure depend on the stage of the disease.

Classification of chronic heart failure:

There is also a classification of heart failure by functional classes:

Shortness of breath due to myocardial infarction

In about five to ten percent of patients with acute myocardial infarction, the main symptoms may resemble a picture of status asthmaticus. As a rule, this variant of MI is typical for elderly patients with severe cardiosclerosis, coronary heart disease, and HF. In patients with repeated infarcts, the asthmatic variant develops in more than half of the cases.

Important. With the development of the clinical picture of myocardial infarction according to the asthmatic variant, pain in the heart may be mild or not manifest at all. The symptoms of severe OD, suffocation, cough come to the fore. In some cases, a cough with foamy sputum and streaks of blood may join.

Cardiac shortness of breath - what to do

With the development of symptoms of heart failure (impaired breathing at the slightest physical exertion, feeling of weakness, pain in the heart, tachycardia, etc.), you should consult a doctor. It should be understood that the earlier the diagnosis is made and treatment is started, the higher the chances of a positive prognosis and high effectiveness of therapy.

Important. First aid for a severe dyspnea attack in a patient will be to help him take a sitting position with a slight tilt forward and provide fresh air (open a window). You should also unbutton the top buttons of your shirt, help remove a scarf or tie.

Diagnosis of shortness of breath

To this end, perform:

  • general analysis blood and blood gas analysis;
  • X-ray examination of organs chest;
  • electrocardiogram;
  • echocardiography;
  • spirometry with bronchodilator test;
  • pulse oximetry.

Shortness of breath treatment

It must be understood that shortness of breath is not an independent disease, but only a symptom that can accompany many pathologies. Therefore, the treatment will depend on the underlying cause of its occurrence.

With the development of shortness of breath in patients with obesity, normalization of body weight is recommended, due to the selection of an optimal diet and moderate physical activity.

When dyspnea syndrome appears on the background of pneumonia, the basis of treatment will be antibiotic therapy. All other treatment, including correction of respiratory failure (in case of pneumonia with severe course) will be symptomatic.

In the presence of a foreign body in the bronchi, to eliminate respiratory disorders and shortness of breath, it is necessary to remove the object that caused the obstruction of the lumen of the bronchus (as a rule, an endoscopic method of extracting a foreign body is used).

Treatment of bronchial asthma will depend on its severity and may include preparations of beta2-agonists, xanthines, cromones, inhaled glucocorticosteroids, etc.

Patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary pathologies are recommended complete failure from smoking. According to indications, they are prescribed bronchodilator therapy, mucolytic drugs, glucocorticosteroids, etc. During an exacerbation and when a bacterial component is added, antibiotic therapy may be indicated.

Attention. Patients with elevated blood pressure prescribe basic hypertensive therapy, which allows you to control pressure and reduces the risk of developing a hypertensive crisis.

Shortness of breath in heart failure treatment

Therapy for HF is based on the severity of the disease and its stage. Common in the treatment are quitting smoking and drinking alcohol, as well as following a diet with limited salt intake.

Drug therapy is selected by the attending physician and may include preparations of cardiac glycosides, angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitors, diuretics, beta-blockers, anticoagulants, antiplatelet agents and statins.

To quickly cure cough, bronchitis, pneumonia and strengthen the immune system, you just need...

Many people are familiar with shortness of breath in our time: it occurs during active physical exertion or when experiencing strong emotions.

As a rule, after a person calms down and breathing quickly returns to normal, a healthy person forgets about it. This is a normal manifestation of physiological shortness of breath. Only if shortness of breath began to deliver discomfort, it is worth considering a visit to the doctor.

What discomfort can people experience from shortness of breath, what causes shortness of breath and lack of air? Painful shortness of breath manifests itself in different ways: there is a feeling of lack of air and heaviness of the chest, a feeling that the air does not completely fill the lungs, it is difficult to breathe.

What it is

Shortness of breath or orthopnea is a feeling of lack of air, which manifests itself in a patient with a feeling of tightness in the chest.

Shortness of breath is understood as the following changes in the clinic - an increase in the depth and frequency of breathing more than 18 per minute. A healthy person does not notice his own breathing - for him it is a natural process.

A heavy load, for example, when running, causes a change in the depth and frequency of breathing, but this condition does not create discomfort, and all indicators return to normal within a few minutes.

If shortness of breath manifests itself when performing ordinary household activities, and even worse - at the slightest load or at rest, then we are talking about pathological shortness of breath - a symptom of a disease.


By manifestation, shortness of breath can be divided into:

  • subjective- described by patients with psychosomatic conditions and neurological diseases;
  • objective- which the patient may not feel, but it is manifested by a change in respiratory rate, breathing rhythm, inhalation / exhalation depth;
  • Combined- felt by the patient and confirmed objectively.

Based on the patient's complaints, 5 degrees of severity of dyspnea of ​​people were developed, presented in this table.

What causes this pathological and unpleasant condition?

The reasons

The main causes of shortness of breath can be divided into 4 groups:

  • Respiratory failure resulting from diseases of the bronchi and lungs;
  • Heart failure;
  • Occurring with neurosis and neurocirculatory dystonia;
  • resulting from anemia and hypoxia.

Shortness of breath in lung diseases

Shortness of breath is observed in almost all diseases of the bronchi and lungs. It can occur acutely (as in pleurisy or pneumothorax), or it can last for weeks, months, or even years (COPD or COPD).

In COPD, shortness of breath occurs as a result of narrowing of the lumen of the airways and the accumulation of secretions in them. It is expiratory in nature and in the absence of treatment becomes more pronounced. Often it is combined with a cough with sputum.

Bronchial asthma is characterized by sudden attacks of suffocation. Such shortness of breath also has an expiratory character: when a light breath is followed by a labored exhalation. Breathing normalizes only when inhaled drugs that expand the bronchi. Attacks usually occur as a result of contact with allergens.

Frequent shortness of breath without exertion is a constant companion of infectious diseases - bronchitis and pneumonia, it also occurs with a common cold. The severity depends on the course of the disease and the extent of the process.

In addition to shortness of breath, these diseases are characterized by:

  • Temperature rise;
  • Weakness and sweating;
  • Cough dry or with phlegm;
  • Pain in the chest.

With the treatment of these diseases, shortness of breath disappears within a few days. In severe cases, a complication may occur - heart failure.

Tumors in the initial stages do not have severe symptoms.

If they are not detected during a diagnostic examination, they begin to grow and, upon reaching a large size, cause characteristic symptoms:

  • Gradually increasing shortness of breath;
  • Cough with little sputum;
  • Hemoptysis;
  • Pain in the chest area;
  • Weakness, pallor, weight loss.

The greatest threat to life is borne by such conditions that also manifest as shortness of breath, such as thromboembolism pulmonary artery, local airway obstruction or toxic edema lungs.

PE is a pathology when the pulmonary artery becomes clogged with blood clots and part of the lungs ceases to function. PE is manifested by sudden shortness of breath, which begins to bother a person even when performing minor actions or at rest. Along with this symptom, the patient is tormented by a feeling of suffocation, chest pain, and sometimes hemoptysis. The disease is confirmed by ECG, X-ray and angiopulmography.

Asphyxiation is also manifested by obstruction of the airways. Shortness of breath in this disease is inspiratory in nature, noisy breathing can even be heard at a distance.

When changing the position of the body, the patient often begins to cough painfully. The disease is diagnosed after radiography, tomography, spirometry and bronchoscopy.

Cause of difficulty breathing:

  • Obstruction respiratory tract as a result of its squeezing from the outside;
  • Tumor of the trachea or bronchi;
  • Ingress of a foreign body;
  • development of cicatricial stenosis.

It is necessary to treat the disease by restoring the patency of the airways by surgery.

As a result of the impact toxic substances(for poisoning with salicylates, methyl alcohol, ethylene glycol, carbon monoxide) or with prolonged infectious disease, toxic pulmonary edema may occur.

Initially, the disease is manifested by rapid breathing and shortness of breath, but after a while, shortness of breath is replaced by suffocation with bubbling breathing. The disease recedes after detoxification.

Also shortness of breath are manifested:

  • Pneumothorax - a condition when air penetrates and remains in the pleural cavity, squeezing the lung and not allowing to breathe;
  • Tuberculosisinfectious disease caused by Mycobacterium tuberculosis;
  • Actinomycosis - fungal pathology;
  • Emphysema- a pathology in which the alveoli are stretched, losing the ability to exchange gases;
  • Silicosis- a group of occupational lung diseases that develop as a result of dust deposition in the lung tissue;
  • scoliosis, pathology of the thoracic vertebrae, osteochondrosis thoracic spine, Bechterew's disease - a change in the shape of the chest makes it difficult to breathe, causing shortness of breath.

Treatment of dyspnea in all lung diseases begins with the treatment of the underlying disease, is accompanied by maintaining the patency of the respiratory tract and reducing the load on the respiratory system.

Shortness of breath in cardiovascular pathologies

Shortness of breath is one of the most common symptoms developing heart disease. In the initial stages of the disease, it manifests itself when walking fast or during other physical activity, but with the progression of the disease, it begins to appear even with slightest movement: when walking, when talking, while coughing and at rest. In the end, there is shortness of breath at rest.

At advanced disease shortness of breath can begin to develop even at night during sleep (nocturnal cardiac asthma) and manifest itself in the morning. Causes its stagnation of fluid in the lungs. Accompanied by state severe fatigue, blueing of parts of the body, swelling of the extremities, pulse disorders.

Shortness of breath may develop with a long course of hypertension. At high pressure shortness of breath begins at its peak, lasting no more than 15-20 minutes.

Acute shortness of breath can occur against the background of attacks of paroxysmal tachycardia (rapid heartbeat), especially in the elderly, and is accompanied by pain in the heart, dizziness and visual impairment.

Shortness of breath with neurosis

Three-quarters of neurological patients also complain of shortness of breath. The feeling of shortness of breath lack of air in this category of patients is accompanied by anxiety and fear of death.

Psychogenic disorders breath can be shown after the experienced emotional overexcitation or at long stress. Some even develop attacks of false asthma. clinical feature psychogenic shortness of breath are frequent sighs and groans accompanying the attack.

Shortness of breath with anemia

Anemia is a pathology caused by a decrease in the content of hemoglobin and red blood cells in the blood.

With a decrease in the amount of hemoglobin, oxygen transport to tissues worsens, due to which there is not enough oxygen in the body. The body tries to compensate for this condition by increasing the depth and frequency of breaths, that is, shortness of breath develops.

Anemia is diagnosed by taking a general blood test. The disease is accompanied by severe weakness, headaches, loss of appetite, sleep disturbances, and dizziness may occur.

Shortness of breath in diseases of the endocrine system

In patients with thyrotoxicosis, diabetes and obese dyspnea is very common.

  1. With thyrotoxicosis, the body begins to experience a lack of oxygen. An excess of hormones causes an increase in the number of heart contractions and the heart loses its ability to pump blood to the organs normally. The resulting hypoxia triggers a compensation mechanism - shortness of breath.
  2. With obesity, the work of the muscles of the heart and lungs is difficult, due to the pressure on them of fat. As a result, a state of hypoxia also occurs.
  3. In diabetes mellitus, hypoxia develops as a result of damage to the vascular system of the body. Over time, as a result of the progression of the disease, the kidneys are affected - diabetic nephropathy begins, even more provoking anemia.

Shortness of breath after eating

Many people complain of shortness of breath after eating. This is why it happens. The mucous membrane of the stomach and pancreas begin to secrete digestive enzymes to digest food. The nutrients processed by enzymes are absorbed into the bloodstream.

All these processes require a constant flow to the digestive tract. a large number blood, due to which the blood flow in the body is redistributed.

If there are any diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, this process is disrupted and during internal organs hypoxia develops, the lungs begin to work harder to compensate for the condition, which causes shortness of breath. If you experience shortness of breath after eating, you should consult a doctor to find out the cause.

Shortness of breath in pregnancy

During pregnancy, the entire body of a woman experiences an increased load due to an increase in the volume of circulating blood and compression of the diaphragm by an enlarged uterus, which makes it difficult to breathe, especially after eating and at night. Therefore, shortness of breath occurs in most pregnant women. Anemia that often accompanies pregnancy only exacerbates this condition.

Shortness of breath in children

At different ages, children have different breathing rates.

The condition is called shortness of breath if the child has a number of respiratory movements per minute:

  • 0–6 months - more than 60;
  • 6–12 months - more than 50;
  • older than 1 year - more than 40;
  • older than 5 years - more than 25;
  • 10-14 years old - more than 20.

What causes shortness of breath in children:

  • Respiratory distress syndrome of the newborn;
  • False croup or acute stenosing laryngotracheitis;
  • congenital heart disease;
  • Development of bronchitis, allergies, pneumonia, bronchial asthma;
  • anemia.

To find out why shortness of breath appeared and where its roots grow from, you need to contact a general practitioner who will refer you to the necessary studies and tests, find out the causes of shortness of breath in a person and, depending on the results of the examination, send you to a specialized specialist for treatment: endocrinologist, pulmonologist, neurologist, hematologist .

Shortness of breath is a subjective feeling of lack of air, which is often combined with an increased effort of the respiratory muscles. Seizures may occur due to various physiological factors, diseases and psychological irritants. During shortness of breath, a person increases efforts to make inhalations and exhalations, breathes shallowly and quickly. At the same time, the heart begins to beat faster, a feeling of anxiety increases.

Shortness of breath can have various causes. In some cases, such a condition indicates serious, life-threatening diseases, therefore, it should not be underestimated. By establishing the causes of the problem in time and starting treatment, you will return your health. Believe me, in order to get rid of shortness of breath, it is enough to change some habits and turn to available folk remedies.

    • Shortness of breath when walking

      Shortness of breath when walking may indicate the second stage). It also occurs in people suffering from:

      • heart failure;
      • congenital or acquired heart disease;
      • anorexia;
      • pneumonia;

      Shortness of breath in a child while walking may have other causes, such as obesity, enlarged adenoids and tonsils, allergies. It should be noted that children's body reacts especially sharply to the lack of air that occurs with shortness of breath - the baby may even lose consciousness. Other warning signs are blueness skin developmental delay, poor appetite. If you notice such a condition in a child, you should immediately begin treatment. It is also useful to spend with the baby breathing exercises daily for 15-20 minutes.

      Shortness of breath at rest

      If a person begins to experience shortness of breath at complete rest, this is an alarming symptom that may indicate the 4th stages of COPD. However, this should have been preceded by the early stages of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, because this disease develops gradually: first, shortness of breath attacks during exertion, then when performing small tasks, and only then at rest.

      Other reasons:

      • fluid in the pleural cavity (shortness of breath begins after taking a supine position);
      • heart failure - accompanied by wheezing in the chest, expansion jugular vein, swelling of the lower extremities. Shortness of breath occurs in the supine position or 1-2 hours after falling asleep (paroxysmal nocturnal dyspnea);
      • anemia - shortness of breath first appears at rest (attacks), and then in any situation;
      • paralysis of the diaphragm;
      • unstable angina or heart attack;
      • shortness of breath in a child is often associated with the ingress of a foreign body into Airways.

      All these reasons require emergency treatment underlying disease.

      Shortness of breath on exertion

      Most often, lack of air during physical exertion is observed in people who lead sedentary image life. It is not associated with health problems, and is the result of muscle atrophy and lung weakness. However, this state of mind should encourage you to rethink your lifestyle and add a few simple things to your daily schedule. exercise (morning exercises, long walks, jogging).

      Sometimes severe shortness of breath in training may indicate other reasons:

      • ischemic disease hearts;
      • COPD;
      • pulmonary embolism and pneumothorax (characterized by the sudden onset of shortness of breath during exertion, is life-threatening);
      • stable coronary artery disease.

      Psycho-emotional reasons should not be excluded either. Many adolescents experience a subjective feeling of suffocation due to complexes or problems at home and at school. Most often they complain of pain in the chest, stabbing pains in the heart when inhaling, and shortness of breath during exercise.


      To get rid of this problem at home, you must first determine its causes. If there are no serious diseases from the cardiovascular and respiratory systems, you can use folk remedies, which improve lung ventilation and relieve spasm.

      Lavender with honey

      Brew lavender tea and drink every day if you suffer from shortness of breath caused by cardiovascular problems.

      Throw a tablespoon of crushed flowers into a mug, add 200-250 ml of boiling water, cover and wait 15 minutes. Then strain the tea, add a teaspoon of honey to it and drink in small sips. You need to drink 3 servings of such a drink per day (preferably after meals).

      lemon mixture

      How to get rid of shortness of breath, knows the famous American healer S. P. Mitchell. To do this, squeeze the juice of one lemon into a glass container, add 2 teaspoons of food glycerin and 1 tablespoon of honey. Mix everything thoroughly and take 1 teaspoon 3 times a day after meals. Continue treatment until the problem disappears completely.

      This recipe will help if your shortness of breath has a respiratory cause (poorly treated bronchitis, pneumonia, etc.).

      Products with propolis

      Many are made on the basis of propolis medicines, including shortness of breath. This bee product has a beneficial effect on all organs and systems, strengthens the immune system in general, prolongs life and improves its quality.
      All asthmatics and other patients with broncho-pulmonary diseases are recommended to drink milk with propolis. Take 1 liter of hot (recently boiled) whole milk and throw 50 g of crushed propolis into it. Heat the mixture over low heat for 10 minutes, making sure that it does not "run away". Then strain the liquid through cheesecloth and pour into a glass container. Take it 2 times a day, 1 tablespoon one hour after meals. Continue treatment until complete disappearance anxiety symptoms.

      With shortness of breath, it is useful to do inhalations with propolis. Take 60 grams of this product, 40 g beeswax, place all this in an enameled vessel with a container and mix thoroughly. This container must be placed in a pot of boiling water. Lean over the pot, cover your head with a thick terry towel, and begin to inhale deeply the healing steam. Inhalation should last no more than 10 minutes, it should be done in the morning and evening for 1 to 2 months.


      Treatment of shortness of breath with folk remedies includes the use of baths with an irritating and warming effect. They improve blood circulation in the lungs and relieve swelling (which often causes problems).

      Formic acid bath

      In a bath filled with water at a temperature of 35 C, add 100-150 g of formic acid or 200-250 g of formic alcohol. The procedure should last from 10 to 15 minutes, after which you should wipe the skin dry and lie down to rest for half an hour. A course of 10 baths every 2-3 days is shown.

      Bath with lavender

      Fill a gauze or cotton bag with 500 g of crushed lavender flowers. This herbal bag should be boiled in 3 liters of water (boil for 15-20 minutes), after which the resulting broth should be poured into the bath. The bag must also be thrown into the bathing water. Do this procedure every 3 days for a month, and you will feel a significant relief in breathing.

      Bath with agave juice

      Depending on the sensitivity of the skin, grind 0.5-2.0 kg of fresh agave leaves in a juicer, strain the resulting juice and pour into the bath (water temperature should not exceed 34-35 ° C). Please note that the process of grinding the plant should be carried out immediately before bathing, as the agave quickly oxidizes and loses its valuable properties. The duration of the bath is 5-15 minutes. After it, it is recommended to lie down for 30-60 minutes.

      Bath with walnut leaves and salt

      Take 200g fresh or 100g dry leaves walnut, boil in two liters of water until the liquid is reduced by half, then strain the broth. Add 2 tablespoons of salt (sea or kitchen) to it and pour it into the bath (water temperature should be 35 - 37 C). Take this bath for 20-30 minutes.

      Complex herbal tincture

      Strengthen the cardiovascular system, improve blood circulation, normalize the functioning of the respiratory system will help a special herbal tincture. Here is her recipe:

      • 5 g dry melissa leaves;
      • 5 g of valerian root;
      • 5 g of St. John's wort;
      • 5 g of linden flowers;
      • 5 g of chokeberry leaves;
      • 5 g of yarrow herb;
      • 5 g motherwort grass;
      • 1 liter of fortified red wine;
      • 200 g of liquid May honey.

      Pour herbs into a glass container and pour red wine over. Close the vessel tightly with a lid and infuse in a warm place for 10 days. After this time, strain the tincture, add 200 g of honey to it and mix well. Close the lid tightly again and insist in a warm place for 10 days. The resulting tincture drink a tablespoon 4 times a day after meals.

      Aralia cordate

      Well helps with shortness of breath root Aralia cordate. Decoctions, infusions and alcohol tinctures are made from it.
      To prepare a decoction, pour a tablespoon of chopped root into a saucepan in which 400 ml of water boils. Cover, reduce heat and simmer the mixture for 5 minutes. Then strain it, add a teaspoon lemon juice and a pinch of cinnamon if desired. Drink warm, one glass each morning and evening.

      To prepare an alcohol tincture, it is necessary to soak 5 tablespoons of the crushed root in 500 ml of 70-degree alcohol. The container with this mixture is placed in a cold warm place for 2 weeks, after which the medicine can be filtered. Take it in a teaspoon in the morning and in the evening, diluted with a little cold boiled water.

      Herbal preparations

      Patients with chronic dyspnea are recommended to undergo complex and long-term treatment. herbal preparations. Take a look at this recipe:

      • Thyme grass - 40 g;
      • Black chokeberry berries - 40 g;
      • Anise seeds - 20 g;
      • Ironstone grass - 20 g;
      • Saponaria root - 20 g.

      To prepare the medicine, mix all the ingredients, pour 1 dessert spoon of the mixture with 1 cup of boiling water, cover and hold under the lid for 20 minutes. Take the strained drink warm 3 times a day half an hour after meals. Each time prepare a fresh portion of the infusion. Treatment should last from 2 months to six months, depending on the severity of the problem.

  • One of the main complaints most often voiced by patients is shortness of breath. This subjective feeling forces the patient to go to the clinic, call an ambulance medical care and may even be an indication for emergency hospitalization. So what is shortness of breath and what are the main causes that cause it? You will find answers to these questions in this article. So…

    What is shortness of breath

    In chronic heart disease, shortness of breath first occurs after exercise, and eventually begins to disturb the patient at rest.

    As mentioned above, shortness of breath (or dyspnea) is a subjective sensation of a person, an acute, subacute or chronic feeling of lack of air, manifested by tightness in the chest, clinically - an increase in the respiratory rate over 18 per minute and an increase in its depth.

    A healthy person who is at rest does not pay attention to his breathing. With moderate physical exertion, the frequency and depth of breathing change - the person is aware of this, but this state does not cause him discomfort, besides, the respiratory rate returns to normal within a few minutes after the load is stopped. If shortness of breath with moderate exertion becomes more pronounced, or appears when a person performs elementary actions (when tying shoelaces, walking around the house), or, even worse, does not go away at rest, we are talking about pathological shortness of breath, indicating a particular disease .

    Classification of dyspnea

    If the patient is worried about difficulty in breathing, such shortness of breath is called inspiratory. It appears when the lumen of the trachea and large bronchi narrows (for example, in patients with bronchial asthma or as a result of compression of the bronchus from the outside - with pneumothorax, pleurisy, etc.).

    If discomfort occurs during expiration, such shortness of breath is called expiratory. It occurs due to narrowing of the lumen of the small bronchi and is a sign of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease or emphysema.

    There are a number of reasons that cause mixed shortness of breath - with a violation of both inhalation and exhalation. The main among them are lung diseases in the late, advanced stages.

    There are 5 degrees of severity of shortness of breath, determined on the basis of patient complaints - the MRC scale (Medical Research Council Dyspnea Scale).

    0 - noShortness of breath does not bother, except for a very heavy load
    1 - lightShortness of breath occurs only when walking fast or when climbing a hill
    2 - mediumShortness of breath leads to a slower pace of walking compared to healthy people the same age, the patient is forced to make stops when walking to catch his breath.
    3 - heavyThe patient stops every few minutes (approximately 100 m) to catch his breath.
    4 - extremely severeShortness of breath occurs with the slightest exertion or even at rest. Due to shortness of breath, the patient is forced to stay at home all the time.

    Causes of shortness of breath

    The main causes of shortness of breath can be divided into 4 groups:

    1. Respiratory failure due to:
      • violation of bronchial patency;
      • diffuse diseases of the tissue (parenchyma) of the lungs;
      • diseases of the vessels of the lungs;
      • diseases of the respiratory muscles or chest.
    2. Heart failure.
    3. Hyperventilation syndrome (with neurocirculatory dystonia and neuroses).
    4. Metabolic disorders.

    Shortness of breath with lung pathology

    This symptom is observed in all diseases of the bronchi and lungs. Depending on the pathology, shortness of breath can occur acutely (pleurisy, pneumothorax) or disturb the patient for many weeks, months and years ().

    Shortness of breath in COPD is due to narrowing of the airway lumen, the accumulation of viscous secretions in them. It is constant, has an expiratory character and, in the absence of adequate treatment becomes more and more pronounced. Often combined with a cough, followed by sputum discharge.

    In bronchial asthma, shortness of breath manifests itself in the form of sudden attacks of suffocation. It has an expiratory character light short inhalation is followed by a noisy, labored exhalation. When you inhale special medicines that expand the bronchi, breathing quickly normalizes. Asphyxiation attacks usually occur after contact with allergens - by inhaling them or eating them. In especially severe cases, the attack is not stopped by bronchomimetics - the patient's condition progressively worsens, he loses consciousness. This is an extremely life-threatening condition that requires emergency medical attention.

    Accompanies shortness of breath and acute infectious diseases - bronchitis and. Its severity depends on the severity of the course of the underlying disease and the extent of the process. In addition to shortness of breath, the patient is worried about a number of other symptoms:

    • temperature increase from subfebrile to febrile digits;
    • weakness, lethargy, sweating and other symptoms of intoxication;
    • unproductive (dry) or productive (with phlegm) cough;
    • chest pain.

    With timely treatment of bronchitis and pneumonia, their symptoms stop within a few days and recovery occurs. In severe cases of pneumonia, cardiac failure joins respiratory failure - shortness of breath increases significantly and some other characteristic symptoms appear.

    Tumors of the lungs early stages are asymptomatic. If a recently arisen tumor was not detected by chance (during prophylactic fluorography or as an accidental finding in the process of diagnosing non-pulmonary diseases), it gradually grows and, when it reaches a sufficiently large size, causes certain symptoms:

    • at first non-intense, but gradually increasing constant shortness of breath;
    • hacking cough with a minimum of sputum;
    • hemoptysis;
    • chest pain;
    • weight loss, weakness, pallor of the patient.

    Treatment of lung tumors may include surgery to remove the tumor, chemotherapy and/or radiation therapy, other modern methods of treatment.

    The greatest threat to the patient's life is borne by such dyspnea-like conditions as pulmonary embolism, or PE, local airway obstruction, and toxic pulmonary edema.

    PE is a condition in which one or more branches of the pulmonary artery are clogged with blood clots, as a result of which part of the lungs is excluded from the act of breathing. Clinical manifestations of this pathology depend on the extent of the lung lesion. Usually it is manifested by sudden shortness of breath, disturbing the patient with moderate or slight physical exertion or even at rest, a feeling of suffocation, tightness and chest pain, similar to that with, often hemoptysis. The diagnosis is confirmed by corresponding changes in the ECG, chest x-ray, and angiopulmography.

    Airway obstruction is also manifested by the symptom complex of suffocation. Shortness of breath is inspiratory in nature, breathing is heard at a distance - noisy, stridor. A frequent companion of shortness of breath in this pathology is a painful cough, especially when changing the position of the body. The diagnosis is made on the basis of spirometry, bronchoscopy, x-ray or tomography.

    Airway obstruction can be caused by:

    • violation of the patency of the trachea or bronchi due to compression of this organ from the outside (aortic aneurysm, goiter);
    • damage to the trachea or bronchi by a tumor (cancer, papillomas);
    • ingress (aspiration) of a foreign body;
    • formation of cicatricial stenosis;
    • chronic inflammation leading to destruction and fibrosis of the cartilaginous tissue of the trachea (with rheumatic diseases - systemic lupus erythematosus,).

    Therapy with bronchodilators in this pathology is ineffective. the main role in the treatment belongs to adequate therapy of the underlying disease and mechanical restoration of airway patency.

    It can occur against the background of an infectious disease, accompanied by severe intoxication, or due to exposure to the respiratory tract of toxic substances. At the first stage, this condition is manifested only by gradually increasing shortness of breath and rapid breathing. After some time, shortness of breath is replaced by painful suffocation, accompanied by bubbling breathing. The leading direction of treatment is detoxification.

    Less often, shortness of breath is manifested the following diseases lungs:

    • pneumothorax is an acute condition in which air enters the pleural cavity and lingers there, squeezing the lung and preventing the act of breathing; occurs due to injuries or infectious processes in the lungs; needs urgent surgical care;
    • - a serious infectious disease caused by Mycobacterium tuberculosis; requires long-term specific treatment;
    • actinomycosis of the lungs - a disease caused by fungi;
    • emphysema - a disease in which the alveoli are stretched and lose their ability to normal gas exchange; develops as an independent form or accompanies other chronic respiratory diseases;
    • silicosis - group occupational diseases lungs arising from the deposition of dust particles in the lung tissue; recovery is impossible, the patient is prescribed supportive symptomatic therapy;
    • , defects of the thoracic vertebrae - in these conditions, the shape of the chest is disturbed, which makes breathing difficult and causes shortness of breath.

    Shortness of breath in the pathology of the cardiovascular system

    Persons suffering from one of the main complaints note shortness of breath. In the early stages of the disease, shortness of breath is perceived by patients as a feeling of lack of air during physical exertion, but over time this feeling is caused by less and less exertion, in advanced stages it does not leave the patient even at rest. In addition, advanced stages of heart disease are characterized by paroxysmal nocturnal dyspnea - an attack of suffocation that develops at night, leading to the awakening of the patient. This condition is also known as . Its cause is stagnation in the lungs of fluid.

    Shortness of breath in neurotic disorders

    Complaints about shortness of breath of varying degrees are presented by ¾ of patients of neurologists and psychiatrists. The feeling of lack of air, the impossibility of breathing deeply, often accompanied by anxiety, fear of death from suffocation, a feeling of a “shutter”, an obstruction in the chest that prevents a full breath - the complaints of patients are very diverse. Typically, such patients are easily excitable, acutely responsive to stress people, often with hypochondriacal inclinations. Psychogenic respiratory disorders often manifest themselves against the background of anxiety and fear, depressed mood, after experienced nervous overexcitation. There are even attacks of false asthma - suddenly developing attacks of psychogenic shortness of breath. A clinical feature of the psychogenic features of breathing is its noise design - frequent sighs, groans, groans.

    Treatment of shortness of breath in neurotic and neurosis-like disorders is carried out by neuropathologists and psychiatrists.

    Shortness of breath with anemia

    With anemia, the organs and tissues of the patient's body experience oxygen starvation, in order to compensate for which, the lungs try, as it were, to pump more air into themselves.

    Anemia is a group of diseases characterized by changes in the composition of the blood, namely, a decrease in the content of hemoglobin and red blood cells in it. Since the transport of oxygen from the lungs directly to organs and tissues is carried out precisely with the help of hemoglobin, when its amount decreases, the body begins to experience oxygen starvation - hypoxia. Of course, he tries to compensate for this state, roughly speaking, to pump more oxygen into the blood, as a result of which the frequency and depth of breaths increase, i.e. shortness of breath occurs. There are anemias different types and they arise due to various reasons:

    • insufficient intake of iron with food (in vegetarians, for example);
    • chronic bleeding (with peptic ulcer, uterine leiomyoma);
    • after recent severe infectious or somatic diseases;
    • with congenital metabolic disorders;
    • as a symptom of oncological diseases, in particular blood cancer.

    In addition to shortness of breath with anemia, the patient complains of:

    • severe weakness, loss of strength;
    • decreased sleep quality, decreased appetite;
    • dizziness, headaches, decreased performance, impaired concentration, memory.

    Persons suffering from anemia are characterized by pallor of the skin, in some types of the disease - its yellow tint, or jaundice.

    It is easy to diagnose - it is enough to pass a general blood test. If there are changes in it, indicating anemia, a number of examinations, both laboratory and instrumental, will be prescribed to clarify the diagnosis and identify the causes of the disease. Treatment is prescribed by a hematologist.

    Shortness of breath in diseases of the endocrine system

    Persons suffering from diseases such as obesity and diabetes also often complain of shortness of breath.

    With thyrotoxicosis, a condition characterized by excessive production of thyroid hormones, all metabolic processes in the body - at the same time, it experiences an increased need for oxygen. In addition, an excess of hormones causes an increase in the number of heartbeats, as a result of which the heart loses the ability to fully pump blood to tissues and organs - they lack oxygen, which the body tries to compensate for - shortness of breath occurs.

    An excess amount of adipose tissue in the body during obesity makes it difficult for the respiratory muscles, heart, lungs, as a result of which the tissues and organs do not receive enough blood and experience a lack of oxygen.

    In diabetes mellitus, sooner or later, the vascular system organism, as a result of which all organs are in a state of chronic oxygen starvation. In addition, kidneys are also affected over time - diabetic nephropathy develops, which in turn provokes anemia, as a result of which hypoxia is further enhanced.

    Shortness of breath in pregnant women

    During pregnancy, the respiratory and cardiovascular systems of a woman's body experience increased stress. This load is due to an increased volume of circulating blood, compression from the bottom of the diaphragm by an enlarged uterus (as a result of which the chest organs become cramped and breathing movements and heart contractions are somewhat difficult), the need for oxygen is not only for the mother, but also for the growing embryo. All these physiological changes lead to the fact that during pregnancy, many women experience shortness of breath. In this case, the respiratory rate does not exceed 22-24 per minute, it becomes more frequent during physical exertion and stress. With the progression of pregnancy, shortness of breath also progresses. In addition, expectant mothers often suffer from anemia, as a result of which shortness of breath increases even more.

    If the respiratory rate exceeds the above figures, shortness of breath does not go away or does not significantly decrease at rest, the pregnant woman should definitely consult with an obstetrician-gynecologist or therapist.

    Shortness of breath in children

    The respiratory rate in children of different ages is different. Dyspnea should be suspected if:

    • in a child of 0–6 months, the number of respiratory movements (RR) is more than 60 per minute;
    • in a child of 6–12 months, the respiratory rate is over 50 per minute;
    • in a child older than 1 year, the respiratory rate is over 40 per minute;
    • in a child older than 5 years, the respiratory rate is over 25 per minute;
    • a child of 10–14 years old has a respiratory rate of over 20 per minute.

    During emotional arousal, during physical exertion, crying, feeding, the respiratory rate is always higher, but if the respiratory rate significantly exceeds the norm and slowly recovers at rest, the pediatrician should be informed about this.

    Most often, shortness of breath in children occurs with the following pathological conditions:

    • respiratory distress syndrome of the newborn (often recorded in premature babies whose mothers suffer from diabetes mellitus, cardiovascular disorders, diseases of the genital area; intrauterine hypoxia, asphyxia contribute to it; clinically manifested by shortness of breath with a respiratory rate of over 60 per minute, a blue tint of the skin and pallor, chest stiffness is also noted; treatment should begin as early as possible - most modern method is the introduction pulmonary surfactant into the trachea of ​​a newborn in the first minutes of his life);
    • acute stenosing laryngotracheitis, or false croup (a feature of the structure of the larynx in children is its small lumen, which, when inflammatory changes the mucosa of this organ can lead to a violation of the passage of air through it; usually a false croup develops at night - swelling increases in the area of ​​the vocal cords, leading to severe inspiratory dyspnea and suffocation; in this condition, it is required to provide the child with fresh air and immediately call an ambulance);
    • congenital heart defects (due to intrauterine development disorders, a child develops pathological communications between the main vessels or cavities of the heart, leading to a mixture of venous and arterial blood; as a result, the organs and tissues of the body receive blood that is not saturated with oxygen and experience hypoxia; depending on the severity blemish shown dynamic surveillance and/or surgical treatment);
    • viral and bacterial bronchitis, pneumonia, bronchial asthma, allergies;
    • anemia.

    In conclusion, it should be noted that only a specialist can determine the reliable cause of shortness of breath, therefore, if this complaint occurs, one should not self-medicate - the most right decision will see a doctor.

    Which doctor to contact

    If the diagnosis is still unknown to the patient, it is best to contact a general practitioner (pediatrician for children). After the examination, the doctor will be able to establish a presumptive diagnosis, if necessary, refer the patient to a specialized specialist. If shortness of breath is associated with lung pathology, it is necessary to consult a pulmonologist, in case of heart disease, a cardiologist. Anemia is treated by a hematologist, diseases of the endocrine glands - by an endocrinologist, pathology of the nervous system - by a neurologist, mental disorders accompanied by shortness of breath - a psychiatrist.