Pain on the right side of the scalp. Why does the scalp hurt right under the hair (on the top or back of the head)? Headache on the left side, what to do

Owners of long heavy braids after complex hairstyles or tight tails that had to be worn for hours, sometimes they cannot fall asleep for a long time because of the pain of the skin on the head under the hair. This can be explained by the usual fatigue of the nerve endings of the scalp, which for a long time had to endure the stress and heaviness of styling.

But why do people who have short, loose hair complain about the pain of the scalp under the hair?

It is worth trying to find the answer to this question, since there were situations when, out of hopelessness and the inability to get rid of pain, ladies shaved their heads or cut their hair short. And then they found out that there was no hair, but the scalp still hurt.

Causes of pain in the scalp

The severity of the hair, causing pain, is only one of the factors explaining the unpleasant condition.

There are other causes that cause pain in the scalp:

  • The explanation can be banal: you hit, scratched the skin or a hematoma appeared on it, you yourself don’t suspect about your condition - the pain from the injury passed quickly. But the consequences remind of themselves for a long time;
  • Thus, allergies to detergents and cosmetics may occur;
  • Uncomfortable, tight headgear, after removal of which the scalp hurts when touched;
  • One may be surprised, but this is how the head reacts to insufficient motor activity, because the muscles are located on the hairy zone. If you keep your head in a certain position for a long time, they swell;
  • hypothermia;
  • Stress and experiences;
  • Lack of nutrients necessary for hair growth.

Under the hair zone there are many vessels. Changes in pressure and temperature cause them to spasm, resulting in pain symptoms.

This phenomenon is more common in people with "fine nervous organization". Nervous tension can cause a feeling that the scalp begins to hurt, especially at the top - there are more blood vessels and nerve endings.

There is even such a medical term - "neurasthenic cap".

Violation of blood circulation due to experiences, and tightness and tension make themselves felt.

Why else does the scalp hurt and hair fall out? The reasons for this condition may be as follows:

  • stress;
  • Dermatological problems;
  • fungal infection.

How to get rid of pain

If you have never encountered soreness of the hair zone, expressed locally, in a certain area, do you need to ask someone to see what is under the hair? It is impossible to determine for yourself if there is a bruise or abrasion on the top of your head? Or maybe there is a bite, or a tick hiding?

Treatment of hematomas and abrasions - the first day is cold, then warm, you can lotion from bodyagi. If the scratch has dried blood, it is best to treat it with an alcohol-based antiseptic.

In case of a bite, a lotion that relieves swelling will also help. If a tick lurks under the scalp, you need to carefully remove it and take it to the laboratory for analysis in order to exclude the possibility of infection with tick-borne encephalitis.

In the case of heaviness from the hairstyle, one can only advise to choose a more suitable styling. Fashionable braids - "fishtail" - the load is distributed evenly.

The scalp can hurt due to fashion trends - braided African braids or twisted dreadlocks. In this case, do not expect “the head will get used to it, and everything will go away by itself”.

Hair pulling can cause a violation of the lymph flow and blood supply, and an allergy to synthetics that is woven into the hair may also appear.

If it is noticed that soreness occurs after washing the hair or applying care products to it, you will need to take up the selection of other cosmetics. It is highly likely that it is these drugs that cause allergies.

During work, it is desirable to change the position every 40 minutes, to make several tilts of the head in different directions, if it is not possible to warm up.

You can not allow hypothermia of the head: walk in the cold without hats and go outside with wet hair. By the way, walking in the cold season without a hat can cause early baldness. The vessels spasm from the cold, the circulation of blood and lymph in the hair zone is disturbed, the follicles no longer receive enough oxygen. The result is a significant thinning of the hair.

The nature of the pain caused by the helmet of a neurasthenic:

  • monotone;
  • feeling of constriction, compression;
  • a feeling of moderate or moderate heaviness in the head.

Such sensations are localized in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe temples, forehead, nape, less often felt at the crown.

Suddenly, pain does not appear - they increase gradually, with a change in posture, they can change in severity during the day. The pain also subsides gradually.

It is helped to eliminate being in the twilight, a state of rest and silence.

We save ourselves with pills

In some cases, it is better not to endure the inconvenience, but to measure the pressure and take an analgesic. If the pressure is normal, non-steroidal painkillers or paracetamol are used.

With a slight increase in pressure, Spasmalgol, Baralgin or No-shpa will help relieve vascular spasms. With high blood pressure, the drug prescribed by the doctor will help. If the pressure is low, Citramon, a cup of coffee or a piece of chocolate will save. After using drugs that help normalize pressure, most likely the pain will recede.

Dermatological problem

If a large amount of dandruff is noticed at the same time, the scalp hurts, and hair falls out, it is better to consult a dermatologist. Seborrhea in severe form creates a solid shell on the head. Air access to the hair follicles is limited, under the crust the skin becomes inflamed, pustules may appear.

Headaches are found in various diseases, and can also be a separate symptom. But there are times when the scalp hurts. Depending on the intensity, cause, nature, area of ​​the lesion, certain methods of treatment are used.

To understand how to get rid of pain, you need to understand that not all the skin under the hair hurts, but specific areas (for example, on the crown, back of the head, on one side or on both).

Common reasons why the scalp hurts:

  • improper hair care;
  • spasms of blood vessels of the cells of the scalp;
  • skin diseases;
  • stressful situations;
  • vegetative-vascular dystonia;
  • structural features of skin cells.

In the first case, discomfort does not occur in the skin itself, but in the area. Even a light touch is accompanied by soreness and discomfort. At home, you can control the change in symptoms by periodically changing care products, combs, hairstyles, etc. For example, the constant wearing of tight hairstyles, in which the hair is in a tight state. Not only the hair is damaged, but also the scalp. It is advisable to give preference to light hairstyles without the use of tight elastic bands, hairpins, hairpins and other accessories.

The reasons may be hidden in the violation of blood circulation through the vessels. If discomfort occurs, you should contact a specialist, and in the future, do not neglect the thorough drying of your hair and hats before going outside.

Let's dive deeper into the reasons

Skin diseases are a serious problem. Various pathogens (bacteria, viruses) may be in "sleep mode" for some time, which aggravates the situation. Gradually, one disease is superimposed on another, which significantly complicates the process of recovery.

With local inflammation, pain occurs in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe roots, the skin itself (from the upper to the subcutaneous layers). Often the lesion extends to the front of the head: temples, forehead.

Stressful situations are the causes of many violations. Constant nervous tension also negatively affects the work of the epithelial cells of the crown of the head. In this case, it is not enough to use medications without eliminating the main irritant. To increase stress resistance, you should learn to control your emotions, attend various trainings, and not get depressed. This will keep the attractiveness and reduce the risk of developing serious diseases.

Vegetative-vascular dystonia leads to disruption of the whole organism. Therefore, the scalp hurts with minor changes in conditions (atmospheric pressure changes, strong magnetic storms, oxygen content in the surrounding air, jumps in arterial and intracranial pressure).

The scalp also hurts for other reasons that are not fully understood by specialists. Various individual characteristics of a person can affect the sensitivity of the scalp. For example, if there is susceptibility to any disease, genetic predisposition, hormonal imbalance, mood swings, etc.

What becomes a cause for concern? Skin pain is perceived by each person individually, so it can be difficult to understand the presence of a problem. If there is a burning sensation, tingling, severe pain, itching, shoots the skin under the hair, then you should definitely consult a doctor.

How to get rid of scalp pain

If the scalp hurts a lot, you can’t tolerate this pain - you need to do something. The ideal option is to visit a doctor with a subsequent examination and testing.

  1. Wash your head from dust, residues of styling products.
  2. Without waiting for complete drying, start doing a light head massage. Movements should be as careful as possible, gradually increasing the intensity. Start the massage from the temples, moving to the skin on the crown, on the back of the head, on the frontal part. In the end - the study of the skin behind the auricles back at the back of the head. Repeat the movement several times.
  3. Hair brush massage. Light pressing and circular movements of the brush on the affected areas under the hair are enough. This procedure allows you to reduce pain when touched, improve blood supply to cells, and relieve stress. But it should be noted that the brush is of great importance. It should be soft, without scratching elements, made of natural materials.

When reacting to hair care products, it is advisable to replace them and restore the skin with folk recipes. If you do such procedures regularly, it significantly improves the condition of the hair, the structure becomes more elastic and durable, the hair follicle is strengthened, and the metabolic processes of skin cells are normalized.

The most effective means:

  • mustard mask - mix the powder with water to a creamy mass and apply to the skin for 10-15 minutes, then remove the product with warm water;
  • peeling with salt - if you dilute table salt in a soapy solution and rub it into the roots with light movements, the product perfectly exfoliates dead epithelial cells, frees pores;
  • ground black pepper - rub the moistened powder into the skin for several minutes, it has a healing and anti-inflammatory effect.

A little prevention so that the crown does not hurt

So that in the future the situation does not repeat itself, one should not neglect medical prescriptions. Discomfort when touched, when it shoots from one side, on the top of the head, on the back of the head under the hair, is a signal of the body. This change cannot be ignored, attributing it to fatigue and other factors.

It is necessary to identify the causes, and then draw the appropriate conclusions.

The constant use of painkillers does not give positive results, moreover, the body gradually gets used to the drugs and stops responding to them.

Accordingly, if nothing is done, the causes do not disappear by themselves, and the pain does not stop.

  • use only high-quality and suitable care products for your hair;
  • avoid tight hairstyles;
  • systematically carry out wellness procedures for the hair, their roots and the scalp itself;
  • rationalize the time of work and rest;
  • develop a balanced diet;
  • try to lead a healthy lifestyle.

If you properly care for your hair and all body systems, the risk of many problems and the development of serious diseases is reduced. We must not forget that all organs are interconnected. When work in one part begins to be disrupted, work in other areas automatically changes as well.

Soreness of the scalp is considered quite common. It can manifest itself for simple reasons - when wearing a headdress or hair tied tightly into a bun, but sometimes the problem is more serious and lies in pathologies directly related to the scalp, blood vessels and nerve endings. In such cases, if the scalp hurts, discomfort cannot be ignored.

Symptoms of the disease

Soreness of the scalp can manifest itself in different ways. For example, it can be localized in a certain part of the head or cover its entire scalp. The pain may feel like:

  • constant or periodic;
  • aching;
  • sharp, shooting;
  • aggravated by touch, scratching;
  • accompanied by burning, itching;
  • tightening.

In the presence of dermatological diseases or allergies, the pain is accompanied by unpleasant symptoms - peeling and redness of the skin, an increase in its temperature, skin rashes, hair loss.

If the soreness of the scalp is caused by more serious causes, for example, vascular diseases, then as concomitant symptoms, a person may be disturbed by other disorders of general brain activity. In the event of the manifestation of the described symptoms, it is necessary to contact the relevant specialists for advice and treatment.

Causes of scalp pain

The causes of pain affecting the scalp can be judged by their nature. Quite often, the scalp hurts due to an improperly selected hat or tight hair pulling, and when these factors are eliminated, the scalp stops hurting. However, often soreness of the skin of the head is a symptom of a disease that needs to be treated.

Dermatological diseases of the scalp

Soreness of the scalp, burning, itching, peeling and other unpleasant symptoms may indicate the presence of dermatological diseases:

  • Seborrhea is a chronic pathology caused by dysfunction of the sebaceous glands. Subcutaneous fat with a modified composition of fatty acids is secreted in excessive amounts, as a result of which the scalp begins to hurt, itch and peel off.
  • Furunculosis is a purulent inflammatory process that affects the hair follicle. The disease is characterized by fever, soreness of the skin at the site of compaction and the accumulation of pus in the hair follicle.
  • Fungal infections (mycosis, trichophytosis, favus) - depending on the type of fungus, they manifest as peeling, redness and soreness of the scalp, as well as hair loss, dryness and brittleness.

Vascular pathologies

Pain in the scalp can be caused by diseases of the vascular and nervous system:

  • Inflammation of the nerves of the neck - characterized by shooting pain, which is localized in the back of the head, but can also be given to the parietal and temporal part. One of the main symptoms of inflammation of the occipital nerve is severe soreness of the skin in this area of ​​the head, which feels like electric shocks.
  • - in terms of symptoms and nature of pain, the disease is similar to inflammation of the occipital nerves. The only difference in this pathology is the localization of pain, corresponding to the anatomical location of the trigeminal nerve. So, with inflammation of the endings of this nerve, the patient experiences a burning pain of the scalp in the region of the ear, temporal lobes, jaw joints and face. Almost always, the pain covers one side of the head, depending on the location of the nerve inflammation.
  • Herpes zoster is a viral infection that affects the nerve endings of the skin. When it enters the body, the virus spreads to all the nerve nodes of the body. Soreness of the scalp occurs if the virus is located in the bundle of the trigeminal nerve and favorable factors (for example, decreased immunity or hypothermia) contributed to its activation.

Psycho-emotional reasons

Exposure to frequent stressful situations, mental and physical overwork, sedentary monotonous work can provoke the development of tension pains. In some, they manifest themselves in the form of head pain squeezing the back of the head and temples, in others - soreness of the skin. Unpleasant sensations in most cases occur in the evening, can last from half an hour to several hours. To remove them, sometimes it is enough just to relax in silence or take a painkiller tablet if the soreness of the skin causes severe discomfort.

Other causes of scalp pain

The scalp can also hurt for reasons unrelated to pathologies. The most common of them are:

  • Hairstyles in which long hair is pulled tightly into a ponytail or bun, braided, and also stabbed with many hairpins and invisibles.
  • Hats that tightly cover the head and thereby contribute to circulatory disorders (winter hats, knitted bandages).
  • Cosmetics (masks, shampoos, balms) that cause allergic dermatitis and skin soreness as a result.
  • Hypothermia of the scalp as a result of walking without a hat in the cold.
  • An improperly selected comb, when used, the hair roots are damaged and the scalp begins to hurt.
  • Failure to comply with hygiene - the skin at the roots of the hair begins to hurt if the hair has not been washed for a long time.

Painful sensations that have arisen for reasons not related to pathologies can be easily removed if the factors that cause them are eliminated. If serious diseases of the scalp are suspected, consultation with specialists and appropriate treatment is necessary.

Treatment for scalp pain

If the soreness of the scalp is caused by a disease or psycho-emotional problems, then treatment should be prescribed only by a specialized doctor. Depending on the causes of scalp pain and side symptoms, the patient may need to consult a therapist and one of the following specialized specialists:

  • dermatologist - if the pain appeared against the background of a dermatological disease;
  • allergist - with a pronounced allergic reaction to any irritant;
  • neuropathologist - if there are prerequisites for the development of vascular pathologies and diseases of the nervous system;
  • psychologist or psychotherapist - if the scalp hurts due to psycho-emotional disorders.

Based on the results of the examination, the patient may be prescribed a course of treatment, the composition of which depends on the diagnosis. So, he can be attributed:

  1. With severe pain - taking tablet painkillers (Nurofen, Imet, Nimesil).
  2. With an allergic reaction - taking antihistamines and eliminating the effects of the factors that caused irritation.
  3. With dermatological pathologies - external use of medicinal solutions and talkers, depending on the type of disease.
  4. With inflammation of the nerve processes - anti-inflammatory drugs, external warming ointments and compresses.
  5. With vascular pathologies - a course that includes drugs that affect blood vessels, sedatives, neurostimulants, diuretics.

A specific list of drugs, dosage and duration of treatment should be determined only by a doctor. Self-medication in such cases can lead not only to the transition of the disease to the chronic stage, but also to the appearance of unpleasant consequences, for example, hair loss.

Treatment at home

Scalp pain caused by fatigue, emotional overwork, or lack of hair vitamins can be relieved with home remedies. For this, there are effective methods and recipes:

  • special massagers, brush or hands. Manipulations can be mastered and applied independently, or you can contact a professional massage therapist for this. To relax the scalp and normalize blood circulation during the massage, you can use aromatic oils of sage, chamomile, lavender or orange.
  • Salt mask. Grains of food or sea salt are gently rubbed into the skin after washing the hair and washed off after 10 minutes. The frequency of the described procedure should be clarified with a doctor, depending on the condition of the skin and the cause of its soreness.

Many people, when combing their hair or just touching their head, feel pain and discomfort. Many feel that it is not the head that hurts, but the scalp or hair roots, and often the pain is so severe that it causes significant discomfort. Such an unpleasant phenomenon has its own reasons, and they are quite diverse, ranging from simple and superficial to deep ones. To find out why the scalp hurts, you need to consider the possible causes of this symptom.

The causes of pain may lie in careless handling of hair, or some drastic changes, for example:

  • cosmetics that do not suit your hair type and scalp;
  • incorrect or poor-quality comb;
  • a sharp change in image and, in particular, hairstyles;
  • too tight hair.

All these factors can cause pain in the scalp and hair roots. If shampoo, balm, mask or any other remedy is not chosen correctly, then an allergic reaction may suddenly appear in the form of itching, peeling, dryness and even pain at the slightest touch. Such a remedy should be immediately abandoned, and all unpleasant symptoms will soon disappear.

Just as carefully should be treated and the choice of combs. If there is at least some slight discomfort in the scalp, it is better to purchase a high-quality wooden comb made from natural material, which will significantly reduce the risk of any skin disease.

A tight tail or hair or an equally tight bun is one of the most likely causes of a sore scalp. When a girl looses her hair, which has been in a tight state for a long time, it is impossible to touch the roots and skin - such severe pain. All this is due to microcracks and microtears that form when the hair is in this position. It is better not to tighten tight tails and not use low-quality elastic bands and hairpins, but more often to walk with loose hair or give them and the scalp a good rest.

The scalp can hurt from changing hairstyles. The hair follicles and the hair itself are used to being in the same position, and unpleasant pain can appear when it changes.

Uncomfortable headgear or bad accessories

Another two common causes of pain are hats and accessories. Their choice should be treated with particular care. The headgear must fit and should not constrict or squeeze the head in any way. Otherwise, the hair, skin, and the head itself will be very sore and react strongly to any touch. The same applies to some accessories, and especially headbands. They also squeeze the skin and after the girl takes it off, the head can hurt for a very long time.

Spasms of blood vessels after hypothermia of the skin

This is also especially true for girls who, even in frost, are ready to go outside without a hat, so as not to spoil the styling. Many without a hat feel quite comfortable even at very low temperatures, but this still negatively affects the hair and scalp. After all, it is permeated along and across with a thin network of blood vessels, which are very easy to “catch a cold”. They can become inflamed, as a result of which, at the slightest touch to the head and hair, a person experiences unpleasant pain.

Vegetative-vascular dystonia

This disease is manifested in the increased sensitivity of blood vessels to any changes in the environment and atmosphere - weather, atmospheric pressure, changes in magnetic fields and all the like. For people with such a diagnosis, pain in the scalp is a common thing.

Circulatory problems

Various vascular diseases are also good reasons for the occurrence of pain in the scalp when touched. As mentioned above, the scalp is permeated with a dense network of blood vessels, so circulatory disorders provoke severe spasms, resulting in pain. If there is such a problem, then you need to urgently deal with the normalization of blood circulation. In this case, a light massage will help. If it is too painful to carry out it with a special massager, you can simply massage your head lightly with your fingertips, and this will already help to achieve a positive effect.

Pain in the scalp may indicate the presence of any skin disease. Now we know a huge number of all kinds of unpleasant skin diseases that can cause not only peeling, itching, wounds, but severe pain. However, the vast majority of these diseases are curable if you correctly approach this issue. In this case, it is extremely important to contact a trichologist or dermatologist in time so that he determines the cause of the problem and prescribes the necessary treatment.


Even such a seemingly unrelated factor as stress can be the reason why the scalp hurts. For everyone, the reaction of the body to strong emotional experiences can manifest itself in different ways, including in this way. As a first step, drink some kind of sedative - magnesium, motherwort or valerian. As a rule, all unpleasant symptoms disappear when the nerves come in order. If the pain in the scalp still does not go away, you will have to consult a doctor and undergo a course of treatment.

Happy owners of long and thick hair are also prone to a similar problem. The mass of hair is so heavy that the hair follicles and scalp simply get tired and start to hurt. A well-chosen hairstyle and careful care of the hair and scalp will help solve the problem.

Too sensitive skin

The scalp may simply be too sensitive and overreact to any changes, any external influences, and even touch. This is a purely individual feature and is most likely transferred to its owner genetically. To solve this problem, you need to pay special attention to the care of hair and its roots.

What to do when the scalp hurts?

Several solutions to the problem have already been given above, now let's put them together:

  • Light massage is one of the most effective methods that quickly relieves unpleasant symptoms. A small head massage session can be done anytime and anywhere on your own. This can be done with your fingers or a special head massager. Of course, if the pain is too strong, the massage should be done as carefully and easily as possible.
  • Selection of products according to skin type. Shampoos, balms, masks and even combs should be selected so that they in no way harm the sensitive scalp.
  • Visit doctor. The occurrence of pain can be a symptom of a more serious illness that can be avoided if diagnosed in time. The doctor will diagnose and prescribe the necessary treatment, which will help to eliminate the problem as quickly as possible.

To avoid unpleasant discomfort and pain, which can cause so much inconvenience, you need to eliminate all possible causes of their appearance. To do this, you just need to follow a number of simple rules.

  • Avoid hypothermia of the head and wear a warm hat in winter.
  • Choose high-quality and proven and suitable for you hair care products.
  • Buy a comb made of natural materials, preferably wooden. It works much more carefully with hair and skin.
  • Do not wear tight hair for too long, hats that squeeze the head, metal hairpins and other accessories that can injure the skin.
  • At least a couple of times a day, carry out a light three-minute head massage with your fingers, which improves blood circulation.

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Headache is different. Sometimes it is felt inside the skull, often the patient complains that the scalp hurts when touched. The causes of such sensations are very different - from tightly tied hair to vascular pathologies.

Why does the scalp hurt

Usually, discomfort is localized in the back of the head or frontal part. Sometimes, it seems that the head is compressed, as if a hoop was put on it. Pain can be intermittent or constant in nature. And also sharp, aching, shooting, tightening, complemented by itching and burning.

With dermatological pathologies, allergies are supplemented by hair loss, peeling, redness of the epidermis. Accompanied by concomitant symptoms such as dizziness, nausea (due to vascular pathologies).

Why does the scalp hurt when you touch your hair? If the epidermis of the head and roots are healthy, touching does not cause discomfort. Often, painful sensations appear in the off-season, when atmospheric pressure changes, or with infections. Sometimes sharply squeezes the head in a smoky room.

Main reasons

Why does the scalp hurt when touched, we will try to figure it out. The skin is a complex structure: lymphatic and blood vessels, nerve fibers, sweat and sebaceous glands, bulbs that have the ability to become inflamed and cause pain when touched.

The causes of pain are different: household, physiological, psychological, pathological:

  • Physiological causes include sinusitis (inflammation of the sinuses). Mucus accumulates, presses, pain radiates to the head and shoots in the ear.
  • Dermatological pathologies such as seborrhea, fungal infections cause pain in the head when touched.
  • Too narrow hats squeeze the head, the area of ​​​​the head hurts when pressed. It is necessary to remove the pressing object - it will pass.
  • It is caused by neuralgia of the occipital nerves, herpes zoster, as it affects the nerve endings.
  • Psycho-emotional problems. Pain occurs due to pressure surges, chronic lack of sleep, stress, self-hypnosis. The cause of hair loss is the infectious disease pediculosis (lice). Localized on the scalp and face (beard, mustache, eyebrows). The bites itch, become covered with a rash with crusts, pustules.
  • Discomfort is the cause of vascular diseases of the brain. Spasm occurs due to a temperature drop. It is enough to go into a warm room and warm up so that the pain goes away.

Other Factors Affecting Pain

Uncomfortable hairstyles (bun, ponytail), tied with a tight elastic band, lead to the fact that the scalp hurts when you touch the top of your head. Metal hairpins, hairpins, combs and brushes with serrated bristles lead to such consequences. The wounds are so small that they are not visible, but the infection causes pain.

The roots can itch, cause discomfort when touched, if you do not wash your hair for a long time. Hypothermia in severe frost without a hat is also accompanied by painful sensations.

If a child complains of pain on one side and ear, it can be assumed that he fell and hit the left or right side of the head.

With depression and other psychological stress, squeezing, tingling pains are felt in the back of the head. Vessels during such states tense, the skull is compressed. It can start immediately after stress or after some time.

If painful sensations are caused by domestic causes and do not belong to pathologies, they are easy to remove by eliminating the factors that cause them (put on a hat, remove the hairpin). What to do if there is a suspicion of a serious disease of the scalp, seek the advice of a specialist.

Only by accurately imagining the source of pain, you can decide what to do with it. All therapeutic measures should be carried out after the approval of the doctor.

What to do

Depends on the cause of the headache. With psychological overload, massage is shown for several days by a professional, or you can learn it yourself.

The action plan is simple:

  • hair brush massage;
  • preheating with light circular movements in the temporal, crown and occipital regions;
  • kneading with finger movements along the hairline of all areas of the skin (behind the ears too);

Attention! For such a procedure, a comb made of natural materials that cannot damage the scalp is suitable.

Massage stimulates blood circulation, relieves stress. If the cause of pain is an allergy to cosmetics, it is necessary to abandon them and restore the damaged cover with ointments and creams. One of the ways to relieve pain is relaxation (relaxation), good sleep.

If the doctor has not prescribed painkillers, it is better not to take them!

Specific medications, dosage, duration of administration will be determined by a specialist, properly selected treatment will help to avoid hair loss and prevent the disease from becoming chronic.

Medication treatment

When it is unbearable to endure, analgesics and antispasmodics will help: Nurofen, Analgin, Spazmalgon. Well relieves discomfort and inflammation, has no side effects of Paracetamol. With allergic manifestations, antihistamines are prescribed. With inflammation of the nerve endings - anti-inflammatory compresses and ointments for warming.

In vascular diseases - diuretics (diuretics), sedatives, vascular drugs. For skin diseases - ointments, talkers, for pediculosis - boric, gray-mercury ointment. For fungal diseases, homeopathic remedies are sometimes recommended.

  • soap-salt solution (rubbed into the roots);
  • therapeutic massage with aromatic oils (chamomile, sage, lavender);
  • a mixture of mustard with warm water to treat the roots;

For the purpose of prevention, it is necessary to make changes in your daily routine and hair care. Stop using a hair dryer so as not to overdry your head, styling gels and varnishes, change your comb. Take vitamins, avoid stress if possible, dress according to the season, protect your head from frost.

To avoid infection with skin diseases of the head, do not use other people's combs, hairpins, hats. Maintaining immunity is the key to a successful fight against fungi and infections.


If a problem has arisen, and the measures taken do not bring relief, it is necessary to visit a doctor so as not to miss serious diseases of the cerebral vessels. Hair problems and dermatological diseases of the head are dealt with by a narrow specialist dermatologist - trichologist.

If the scalp hurts when touched, you can try to cope with the problem yourself. If necessary, seek help from doctors - a general practitioner, a neuropathologist, a dermatologist, an allergist.