For toothache in pregnant women. Are you planning to get your teeth done? Do you know what metal-free ceramics are? says the expert

Pregnancy is special period in the life of any woman. During the formation of a new life, hormonal changes in the body occur. Many organs and systems undergo certain changes. In the presence of chronic somatic pathologies, their exacerbation is often observed. In particular, any expectant mother experiences an acute shortage minerals, since they are required not only for herself, but also for the formation of the baby’s skeleton. Naturally, teeth suffer more often at this time, since they do not receive enough calcium and phosphorus. If not treated before conception, it progresses rapidly, so during gestation many women more often suffer from.

Is it possible to tolerate toothache during pregnancy?

Factors that cause tooth decay in expectant mothers include:

  • deficiency of minerals and vitamins;
  • significant change in overall metabolism;
  • pronounced hormonal changes;
  • decrease in salivary pH due to the first trimester.

You can avoid dental problems if you regularly undergo preventive examination from a specialist. Carious lesions on early stages do not always provoke pain syndrome, and timely diagnosis and treatment will help you subsequently get rid of torment. Exacerbation of caries (in particular –) is much more difficult to treat than a disease in initial stage. It is necessary to urgently visit the dentist if the tooth begins to react to thermal (hot and cold food and drinks) and mechanical stimuli (pressure when biting and chewing food).

Remember that the pain a woman experiences negatively affects the embryo. Trying to “endure” the pain syndrome is completely useless, and sooner or later you will need to visit dental office. When you experience pain, it increases, which leads to oxygen starvation child.

Under no circumstances should you postpone a visit to the doctor if you experience the slightest discomfort or even a completely painless sensation. During pregnancy, caries develops especially rapidly. Do not forget to warn the dentist that you are “in a position” - this will help the doctor make appropriate adjustments to the treatment plan. In the early stages, when there is only a pigmented spot, it is quite possible to do without the introduction of an anesthetic, reducing the risk to the baby to zero.


There is a very dangerous myth that teeth cannot be treated during pregnancy. It is not clear on what it is based, but a number of expectant mothers (especially those who constantly visit dubious women’s “forums”) prefer to endure the pain rather than get rid of it within a few minutes.

When is the best time to treat teeth for pregnant women?

The optimal time to get your teeth in order isIItrimester.

On early stages All organs and systems of the fetus are being formed, so any external intervention can theoretically cause harm to the unborn child. It is in the second trimester that it is advisable to carry out serious manipulations, such as tooth extraction and placement of orthopedic structures.

There is no time frame for a “regular” filling. Of course, you should not delay solving these problems until the ninth month, since even minimal stress can cause.

Tooth pain during pregnancy: how to relieve pain

Up to 90% of “conventional” drugs are contraindicated for pregnant women, since they may have teratogenic, mutagenic and embryotoxic properties. For a whole range pharmacological agents the studies simply have not been conducted, so it is better to play it safe or, at a minimum, consult with the doctor managing the pregnancy.

Local injectable anesthetics may contain epinephrine or norepinephrine, which can harm your baby. Recommended anesthetics include Lidocaine, Mepivacaine, Scandonest, Acetaminophen, and Articaine.

X-ray examination during pregnancy

Ionizing radiation can certainly cause harm to the fetus if dental x-rays are taken too frequently. It is recommended, if possible, to limit yourself to 2-3 images for the entire period of gestation using a computer visiograph. The radiation dose in this case is minimal, and is about 70% of the “standard” one. Basic precautions should be observed, i.e. cover your stomach with a special protective apron that does not allow radiation to pass through.

Emergency measures

If a tooth gets sick suddenly, and there is no way to immediately visit a doctor, it is advisable to take a pill (Efferalgan, Panadol). Moreover, it is advisable to first drink half the dose - this may be enough. This drug is one of the few allowed for women during pregnancy. The time it takes to remove it from the body is about 6 hours, so it is extremely undesirable to take more than 4 tablets per day during pregnancy and lactation. The doctor may also recommend "", but paracetamol is much more effective in some cases. For Ibuprofen (Ibuprom, Nurofen) maximum daily dose makes 3 tablets.and acetylsalicylic acid () is extremely undesirable to drink inIII trimester . At frequent attacks heartburn, gastritis esophagitis or toxicosis Ibuprofen is also not suitable, since it has a pronounced irritant effect


on the organs of the digestive tract. It is advisable to use completely safe method

– rinsing with a warm soda solution (1 teaspoon of soda per glass of boiled water). To correctly select one or another analgesic, the doctor needs to know the following: individual characteristics:

  • expectant mother
  • body weight;
  • presence of hypotension;
  • presence of arterial hypertension;
  • general somatic diseases (including heart disease, kidney disease);
  • features of the course of pregnancy;

Availability . Attack acute pain will help remove dental drops. They contain valerian tincture, as well as essential oils of peppermint and camphor. These biologically active extracts must be applied to cotton swab (2-3 drops), and put into the carious cavity. The product helps to temporarily alleviate the condition, but its use should be followed by certain precautions. In case of accidental contact with gastrointestinal tract

they can provoke vomiting, and contact with the oral mucosa causes burns.

Applying heat or cold is contraindicated to avoid exacerbations. remember, that pharmacological preparations - this is a tool especially for symptomatic therapy

, and after their effect ends, the pain will return.

If conception is planned, first undergo a full course of treatment at the dentist. It is necessary not only to heal carious cavities, but also to carry out a procedure that involves the removal of soft and mineralized dental plaque. During gestation, it is especially important to pay increased attention to oral hygiene. It is advisable not only to brush your teeth twice a day with a brush and toothpaste, but also to purchase a special device - an irrigator. It better removes plaque in hard-to-reach places in the oral cavity (in particular, in the interdental spaces). After each meal, the mouth must be rinsed thoroughly to remove any remaining food. It is recommended to consult with your doctor about vitamin and mineral complexes, which will not only strengthen teeth, but also saturate the body with microelements beneficial to the fetus.

Plisov Vladimir, dentist, medical columnist

Most people have a fear of visiting the dentist, especially when it comes to expectant mothers. Guided by superstitious prejudices about the prohibition of dental treatment during pregnancy, many women harm themselves and the fetus, suffer toothache and refuse to go to the dentist. In attempts to relieve toothache, painkillers, ointments and folk recipes, not always allowed for pregnant women.

What to do if a pregnant woman has a toothache?

If you experience toothache during pregnancy, the best decision is to consult a specialist. Painful sensations in oral cavity- a sign of presence dental diseases. You should not delay this process, because it is easiest to undergo treatment at an early stage of caries - it can be carried out at any stage of pregnancy. Modern medicine has at its disposal a number of anesthesia drugs that do not harm the unborn child. Similar means used for advanced dental problems: pulpitis, periodontitis and others.

Life situations are different and not everyone has the opportunity to see a doctor in a timely manner. In these cases, you should carefully approach the choice of drugs for pain relief. The expectant mother should know about prohibited medications and be able to cope with the disease at home.

Features of toothache during pregnancy

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During the formation of the fetus, the expectant mother’s level of essential minerals and vitamins decreases, resulting in the destruction of tooth enamel. This leads not only to the development of caries, but also to hypersensitivity enamel, gum inflammation and other problems.

A pregnant woman may not only have toothache, but also have the feeling that all her teeth are aching and have become too sensitive. Sometimes women note that their teeth ache, which makes it difficult to eat.

This is a sure sign of the presence of dental diseases or inflammatory processes in the oral cavity. A qualified dentist can best answer a pregnant woman’s question about why her teeth hurt.

Possible causes of pain

There are plenty of reasons for toothache in a woman carrying a child. Even if she has undergone treatment in advance, the tooth may hurt under the filling or the fillings may begin to fall out. Powerful restructuring processes occur in the body, and all reserves are aimed at preserving the health of the unborn child. Factors predisposing to toothache in pregnant women:

  • hormonal changes in the body;
  • low calcium content (leads to the destruction of enamel and opens the way for bacteria);
  • toxicosis, vomiting (promotes increased acidity and the formation of plaque, which destroys enamel);
  • impaired metabolism.

All of these factors lead to diseases that result in toothache. Sources painful sensations I can be:

What painkillers can pregnant women take?

If a toothache occurs during pregnancy, but there is no opportunity to visit the dentist, the woman wonders what painkiller she can take. There are a number of medications approved for use by expectant mothers, but it is better to use them in in case of emergency and after agreement with the attending physician.

In 1-2 trimester

The most unfavorable period are the first 12 weeks of pregnancy. At this time, the placenta is not fully formed and does not provide full protection to the fetus. Doctors do not recommend taking any medications in the 1st trimester. In cases where you cannot bear the pain, a one-time dose of a safe pain reliever will not harm. The table describes the approved drugs and their advantages and disadvantages.

Drug (analogues)AdvantagesFlawsTrimester in which it is approved for use
Paracetamol (Panadol)It has a pronounced analgesic effect and is considered the safest analgesic for pregnant women.Penetrates through the placenta. It has a number of contraindications.1 and 2, in the third with caution
No-shpa (Drotaverine)Does not affect the fetus. Relieves spasms well.Ineffective for toothache. Relaxes the uterus. Has contraindications.1 and 2, in the third trimester with caution
Aspirin ( Acetylsalicylic acid) (we recommend reading: )Reduces pain and temperature.May promote miscarriage and cause bleeding. There are many contraindications.second trimester
AnalginPowerful analgesic effect.Renders Negative influence for the fruit There are a lot of contraindications.second trimester
Ibuprofen (Nurofen, Mig-400)Very effective for toothache. Safe enough for the fetus.Penetrates through the placenta. Has many contraindications.1 and 2
Diclofenac (Olfen, Diclak)Relieves pain well.Penetrates through the placenta, there may be risks of miscarriage, negatively affects the fetus, toxic.1 and 2

Having studied the table, we draw conclusions: drugs based on Paracetamol and Ibuprofen are less harmless for pregnant women. Everyone famous drug Ketorol, although considered the most powerful painkiller, the official instructions indicate that it is strictly forbidden to use during pregnancy. Paracetamol, according to WHO, is the drug of choice for relieving pain and fever in expectant mothers; it helps to quickly get rid of toothache before visiting the dentist.

In the later stages

It is much more difficult to choose a painkiller after the 30th week of pregnancy. In the 3rd trimester, almost all analgesics are contraindicated for use by women carrying a child. There are many reasons for this, for example, Ibuprofen can worsen amniotic fluid, and Analgin can harm the unborn child.

What should mothers do? later? If your pregnancy is 30 weeks or more and you have a toothache, you should only take painkillers if there is a problem with a potential risk to the health of the mother, and this problem outweighs the risk to the health of the unborn child. These drugs are Paracetamol and No-spa. The painful sensations experienced by the mother are stressful for her and the child, it is better not to tolerate them and take a pill.

Home methods and folk remedies

In the case of pregnant women, the use of home and traditional methods of treatment makes sense. When a tooth hurts during pregnancy, you can numb it simple recipes alternative medicine. It will be much safer than taking pills. It is forbidden to use warm compresses and rinse your mouth with cold solutions.

Rinse with baking soda and salt

Warm rinses are very effective in relieving pain at a time when you cannot take analgesic medications. The most popular rinse solution recommended by dentists is a solution of table salt and baking soda. The recipe is simple:

  • in 100 ml (half a glass) of warm boiled water, dissolve half a teaspoon of salt and soda;
  • in the absence of contraindications, you can add 3 drops of iodine to the solution;
  • rinse for 3-5 minutes, the more often the better.

Herbal infusions

In cases where the cause of pain is sore gums, rinsing with herbs will help. Herbal infusions They also help relieve tooth sensitivity. The following are well suited for these purposes:

You can mix all the herbs listed and brew at the rate of 2 tbsp. l. mixture per 500 ml of water, or prepare a decoction of one herb. Rinse your mouth after meals at least three times a day. Such a decoction will be excellent prevention formation of bacteria in the oral cavity.

Topical gels approved for pregnant women

Calm down aching pain Ointments and gels with an anesthetic effect will help, such as: Kamistad, Kalgel, Dentinox, Cholisal. These drugs freeze the mucous membrane for a while, resulting in decreased painful sensations. Ointments are used to reduce pain during teething in infants.

However, in official instructions For the use of the drugs Kamistad, Kalgel and Dentinox, it is indicated that safety studies have not been conducted in pregnant women, so they should be used with caution and for a short period of time. Cholisal gel is approved for use by expectant mothers; in addition to its analgesic effect, it relieves inflammatory process and heals the mucous membrane.

Other ways to relieve pain

If a tooth suddenly hurts, applications to the affected area will help relieve the pain. Apply a cotton swab moistened by special means. These remedies will help slightly reduce pain when there is a hole in the tooth. If the tooth under the filling hurts, they will be ineffective. Suitable for these purposes:

When should you see a doctor?

But you should not refuse treatment, because an infection from the oral cavity can reach the unborn child through the blood.

If the expectant mother has a toothache or increased sensitivity of the teeth, no matter what period this happened - in the first or 30 weeks - you should consult a dentist. If the doctor decides that at this stage treatment is undesirable, he will tell you what medications can be taken and when it is best to treat caries, pulpitis and other dental diseases.

Prevention of diseases of teeth and gums

The best prevention of dental and gum diseases is proper oral care. Banal rules about brushing your teeth twice a day should not be forgotten when carrying a child. Be sure to visit the dentist at the beginning of pregnancy, even if there are no dental problems. Take special vitamins containing calcium. Eat well, rest and avoid stress. This will help not only maintain your health, but also the health of your unborn child.

Pregnancy is a serious test for a woman. They prevent you from sleeping and do not go away on their own. What to do if such a problem occurs far from home, outside the city, or in the middle of the night, when consultation with a specialist is unattainable. We can only rely on pharmaceuticals. However, what painkillers for toothache during pregnancy are considered acceptable? Today we will try to answer this question in detail so that you know exactly how you can help yourself while waiting to see a doctor.

We exercise extreme caution

Any medications during pregnancy, even the most harmless medicine, can be completely detrimental to the growing body. After all, right now everything vitally is laid important organs and systems, and gross interference in this process is unacceptable. Therefore, painkillers for toothache during pregnancy should only be prescribed experienced doctor, preferably an obstetrician-gynecologist who observes the woman from the very first visit. And after it is docked acute phase, you need to contact your dentist to decide what to do next.

You can't stand the pain

You need to know this too. Of course, the mother thinks about the health of her baby, but enduring severe suffering is extremely harmful. That's why doctors prescribe painkillers for toothache during pregnancy, only in doses that are as safe as possible for the child. The specialist focuses primarily on the condition of the expectant mother, the duration of pregnancy, indications and contraindications.


We are used to seeing him antipyretic drug, but it also relieves pain quite well. The safest of all for the unborn baby, paracetamol is widely used in gynecological, dental and therapeutic practice. Therefore, do not look for expensive modern painkillers in pharmacies: for toothache (during pregnancy or not, it doesn’t matter) they will give the same effect, because most often they are created on the basis of the same active substance. Regular paracetamol is prescribed by a gynecologist for severe headaches, toothaches and other pains. At the same time, it can be used as an anti-inflammatory agent.

This drug penetrates the placental barrier, but has no effect on the fetus. WHO calls paracetamol the most safe drug for pregnant women, you should always have it in your first aid kit.

Suppositories for pain relief

There are quite a lot of them on sale today. This perfect option, helping to get rid of toothache at home. They have no contraindications, since, being absorbed directly in the intestines, they do not harm the growing body. Among the wide variety, I would like to highlight suppositories for pain relief “Buscopan”, “Papaverine”. However, for severe toothaches, these drugs help little, so they can only be used in cases of increased sensitivity and gum disease. Most often, suppositories are used to combat spasms.

Separately, I would like to note the effect of the drug “Nurofen” on the body. With strong pain symptoms often doctors prescribe it. However, it can only be used on early stages, as it has the ability to reduce the level of amniotic fluid.


An effective drug for toothache at home, but it is prescribed only in the most extreme cases and then only once. In addition to pain relief, it effectively reduces body temperature. This drug has the ability to cross the placenta and have a negative effect on the baby. Even purely theoretically, this should serve as the very first argument against its use.

In addition, analgin affects the gastric mucosa and can cause an allergic reaction. In rare cases, it can provoke a decrease in hemoglobin, as it thins the blood.

Depending on the period

We briefly told you what painkillers you can take during pregnancy, but we forgot about a very important factor, namely: in what trimester such trouble happened that you needed the help of a dentist. It is especially difficult to select medications for women in the first trimester, when the placenta has not yet started working, and the child is completely unprotected from external influences. Therefore, if you need dental help for up to 12 weeks, it is better to try to use folk remedies and see a specialist as soon as possible.

Experience of our ancestors

First of all, it is recommended to thoroughly brush your teeth with baking soda and a salt solution. Additionally, use these rinses. A decoction of chamomile, St. John's wort and plantain can help. If you don’t have any of the above at home, you will definitely find them at your nearest pharmacy.

There is a practice of applying a tampon with vegetable oil and a small amount of star balm to the gum. After 10-15 minutes, the pain may become more tolerable, and then disappear altogether. As an anesthetic, the tampon is also soaked in vodka: even if it gets into the bloodstream along with saliva, it will not cause harm in such quantities.

It is recommended to apply garlic to a sore tooth, which is known for its antimicrobial properties. And if it's summer outside, there is fresh leaves plantain, then mash one of them so that the juice comes out and put it on your tooth. On sore spot It is recommended to add clove powder, but positive feedback, and there is no information about the effectiveness of this method.

And here cold water and ice compresses are not recommended. At first glance, they bring relief, but can cause the problem to worsen and intensify the inflammatory process. Therefore, you must first consult with a specialist.

Early in pregnancy

If strong pain caught you at this very moment difficult period carrying a baby, you need to take the choice of medications as seriously as possible. Ideally, only your doctor can tell you which painkillers you can take during pregnancy. However, if it’s night outside and you can’t sleep, then you need to find a way to help yourself.

So, it is possible to alleviate the condition with the help of the No-Shpy tablet or its analogue called Drotaverine. This remedy allows you to relieve spasms and in some cases successfully cope with pain. But it is worth remembering that this drug can lead to excessive relaxation of the uterine muscles and provoke a miscarriage.

Painkillers during early pregnancy are prescribed after collecting an anamnesis. If you've never suffered allergic reactions, then it is permissible to use “Grippostad”. However, it is advisable to limit yourself to a single dose and get to the doctor's office as soon as possible.

It happens that the tooth immediately begins to hurt very much. In this case, doctors allow the use of drugs based on diclofenac. You need to know that in the last trimester, taking medications from this group is strictly prohibited.

To relieve severe pain

It’s good if the tooth is just a little aching, and a simple rinse with chamomile brings relief. It’s much worse when severe pain suddenly occurs during pregnancy, and you don’t know how to help yourself. In this case, antispasmodics are prescribed. These are the already mentioned “Papaverine” and “Drotaverine”, as well as “Spazmolgon”. The last drug helps quite well, but should not be used in the first 13 and last 6 weeks. For him there is only a short second trimester.

Is it possible to drink Tempalgin or Pentalgin during pregnancy? These two drugs are similar in their effects on the body and at the same time quite strong. Therefore, a pregnant woman is not recommended to take more than half a tablet at a time. Cooling gels used during teething in children help some. This is "Kalgel" and its analogues. If they do not help, then it is permissible to take one Ketonal tablet, and then immediately go to the doctor to prevent a relapse.

If treatment is on this moment is not available, then, starting from the second trimester, the doctor may prescribe Spazmolgon or Baralgin in the form of injections. The drugs are very strong and quickly bring relief. But under no circumstances should they be used at will, since only a doctor can correctly select both the medicine and the dosage.

Second and third trimesters

Starting from the 13th week, it is much easier for the doctor to prescribe treatment, since the placenta protects the fetus from the penetration of a number of medications. Therefore, if necessary, you can take painkillers much more safely during pregnancy (3rd trimester). Toothache during this period can be overcome quite easily, but mother should be careful.

Paracetamol can be taken as needed completely calmly. It will not affect your baby's development. From the second trimester, you can start taking drugs based on it - Efferalgan and Fervex. But the well-known and beloved analgin should under no circumstances be taken in the first trimester and after 34 weeks. And the rest of the time it is permissible to take the pill only at as a last resort, no more than once. As you can see, painkillers during pregnancy (for toothache) need to be selected extremely carefully, because you are responsible not only for yourself, but also for the baby.

An excellent product "Ketonal" can be used up to 32 weeks. A universal drug that is a real lifesaver is No-Shpa. However, as a dental pain reliever during pregnancy, it is quite weak. Let us repeat once again that it is prohibited to use Nurofen in the last trimester, as it tends to reduce the amount of amniotic fluid.

What medications should you not take?

There are drugs that are strictly prohibited throughout pregnancy. Therefore, before taking this or that pill, be sure to carefully study the instructions and contraindications, or better yet, ask your doctor. Among the prohibited drugs are drugs based on aspirin, ketorolac, and ibufen. Each of them is capable of causing various developmental defects in the unborn baby. And most importantly, you should not delay visiting the dentist. Tomorrow the pain will return, and it will take much more high dose painkillers so I can wait until morning again.

Some admission rules

Expectant mothers should remember that any medication is best taken under the supervision of a doctor. Therefore, it would not be amiss to repeat the following points:

  • The fetus is especially vulnerable in the first weeks of pregnancy, so you need to be extremely careful and avoid taking any pills if possible. After 12 weeks, the fetus is protected by the placenta.
  • When taking any drug, you must follow the dosage recommended by your doctor. If the medications are strong, it is better to start with half a tablet.
  • Contact your doctor as soon as possible.
  • Don't try to numb the pain with rinses. cold water or warm compresses, as this can lead to various complications.

The best cure for toothache is prevention. Therefore, even at the stage of pregnancy planning, it is important to undergo an examination by a dentist and follow all his recommendations. Then you will not face severe toothache during pregnancy.

Tooth pain during pregnancy - what to do? This is the question that can most often be found on the Internet in all kinds of women’s forums. Unfortunately, toothache in pregnant women does not occur so rarely, so it is necessary to prepare in advance for similar situations, or better yet, warn them. Teeth hurt during pregnancy - this is absolutely different situations. The reason here is not only caries, but also a fairly large number of other problems.

Toothache in pregnant women can occur completely various reasons. And one of the main problems is changes in the metabolic system, the circulatory system. And toothache is considered enough in this case serious symptom, which indicates an exacerbation of previously present chronic processes requiring immediate treatment.

When teeth ache during pregnancy, it is important to take Urgent measures, since this is considered a symptom of a rather complex disease.
Inflammatory foci in the gums begin to appear, and teeth become vulnerable to all types external factors, and not just to infections.

Why do my teeth start to hurt?

Why do teeth hurt during pregnancy? An interesting position in a woman causes many changes in the body. Calcium metabolism is disrupted, early toxicosis appears, digestion is disrupted, and vomiting may occur. All this provokes a deterioration in the absorption of calcium. And often toothache during pregnancy is provoked by these factors. If we are talking about the last months, then the problem here may be related to the fact that the fetal skeleton is actively forming, and accordingly, the woman is very much losing calcium reserves in her own body. And first of all, the teeth and the entire jaw apparatus suffer.

Toothache occurs during pregnancy and during exacerbation of diseases such as gastritis, colitis or enteritis. The body is not able to properly absorb incoming calcium, so teeth hurt due to a lack of nutrients.
Relieve pain at home

A pregnant woman has a toothache - what to do? Naturally, the first step is to immediately consult a doctor. But this is not always possible, since toothache in pregnant women, like in any other person, can occur suddenly, and this can be a weekend, a holiday, or simply at night, when there is nowhere to turn for professional help.

Toothache during pregnancy cannot be tolerated - not only the mother, but also the baby suffers from it

In the above situations, they most often try to use folk remedies. Some of them are quite harmless and quite effective in emergency situations. If a tooth hurts during pregnancy, you must first remove the irritating factor. If pain occurs while eating, you need to stop eating, brush your teeth well, warm water rinse. When a tooth hurts, warm water in the form of rinses is an emergency and necessary measure. Or you can use mildly salted or soda solution. If your teeth ache during pregnancy, then these are the options: emergency assistance very effective and at the same time absolutely safe.

If this option does not help, you can use other methods. But for toothache during pregnancy, what can be used so as not to harm the unborn child? So, if there is carious cavity, then a cotton swab is inserted into it, which is pre-wetted in dental drops or in ordinary clove oil. You can also use propolis for these purposes. Its anesthetic properties are almost similar to the action of novocaine.

Medicines during pregnancy

What can a pregnant woman do for a toothache if it is almost impossible to endure the suffering, and any home remedies have proven powerless? In such cases, an analgesic is taken. But it is worth remembering that you need to take such drugs only once, since systematic use can harm the child. In any case, when teeth hurt during pregnancy, it is better to eliminate the pain as quickly as possible, since both the physical and psychological suffering of the mother greatly affect the health of the unborn baby.

Harm to pregnant women

If your teeth hurt unbearably during pregnancy, what should you do? In this case, neither painkillers nor home methods will help. You need to urgently contact a specialist. When a tooth hurts in position, it must be treated. But you just need to inform the dentist that you are in an interesting position. Now doctors know how to relieve toothache during pregnancy without harming the baby. Now there are quite a lot various drugs, which are absolutely safe for mother and her baby. Such drugs do not penetrate the placenta and are quickly eliminated from the body.

Pain relief for toothache using injections

And if it is clear that pregnant women can treat toothache, then what about when it is necessary to do it? X-ray? A woman feels unwell due to toothache during pregnancy, and the reasons can be completely different. At the same time, it is very important to perform correct diagnosis, which implies an x-ray examination. Many expectant mothers are afraid that radiation exposure may harm the baby. But that's not true. Firstly, modern equipment is used, where the level of radiation is minimal. Secondly, a lead apron is placed on the abdomen, which does not allow X-rays to penetrate.

It is also very important not to worry before going to the dentist, although this is difficult when you worry not only about your health, but also about the health of your baby. It is better not to take tablets for toothache during pregnancy, but drugs to reduce nervous tension will be quite useful. It could be banal valerian or combination drug, approved for use during pregnancy. It is one thing when there is severe toothache during pregnancy. But if planned treatment is necessary, then it is better to wait until 18 weeks, when the placenta forms a reliable barrier that will not allow medications to in any way affect the baby.

Preventing dental problems

To avoid such situations when pregnant women need to urgent help, it is necessary to provide for everything in advance possible options solutions to this problem. And first of all, this concerns pregnancy planning and preventive measures, which will prevent the occurrence of caries and other problems.

In order not to think about how to relieve toothache during pregnancy, you need, in agreement with your doctor, to start taking special mineral and vitamin complexes. With their help, you can compensate for the lack of those substances that affect the integrity of teeth and bone tissue throughout the body.

Preventive examinations can relieve dental problems

To avoid taking toothache pills for pregnant women, you need to conduct preventive examinations to quickly identify problems in the oral cavity.
What can you do for toothache during pregnancy when the problem is just beginning to appear? Effective method fluoridation is considered. It is absolutely safe for the fetus and at the same time effectively combats the causes influencing the development of caries.

If a pregnant woman has a toothache, what should she do?

Not many people know that while waiting for a baby, the sensitivity threshold increases, and even if there is minor damage to the enamel, the pain is almost impossible to tolerate. In such cases, the expectant mother has a question: “Tooth pain during pregnancy - what to do?” You cannot tolerate such situations, because if the mother experiences discomfort, then the child suffers greatly at this moment.

Why do teeth hurt during pregnancy? Most often this is due to big amount pathogenic bacteria in the oral cavity. To get rid of them in a safe way, you can use sea ​​salt, although common salt copes with the task quite well. How to get rid of toothache during pregnancy? Just dissolve a teaspoon of salt in a glass warm water. And you need to rinse your mouth with this solution until the pain subsides. Also in such situations, decoctions of various herbs can help. Such folk remedies for toothache during pregnancy are decoctions of calamus, sage, calendula and mint.

Regular brushing can help make your teeth healthier.

How to numb a tooth during pregnancy if herbal decoctions do not help? In this case, you can use a “seal”, which is prepared from propolis or mumiyo. At the same time, there is no need to be afraid that such dental freezing during pregnancy will be harmful. Its action is similar to that of novocaine, but it is absolutely harmless. Another remedy for toothache during pregnancy is onion or garlic. The fact is that such products contain a large amount of phytoncides that effectively fight pathogens. By the way, it is also useful to include onions and garlic in your daily diet to prevent the development of colds and various inflammatory processes. How can a pregnant woman get rid of toothache if all home methods have proven ineffective? In such cases, you can take a painkiller, but only in a single dose and without systemic use. In any case, enduring pain is much worse.

All home remedies solve the problem only temporarily, and a visit to the dentist should not be postponed for long.
No-spa for toothache

What can pregnant women drink for toothache? If no folk remedies help at all, then you can use painkillers. But their list is very short, and you shouldn’t mindlessly take what you have at hand or run to the pharmacy for a potent drug. No-spa may well help during pregnancy against toothache. There is also enough safe analogue of this remedy called Grippostad. But even such mild medications are not recommended to be taken in the first trimester of pregnancy, since their effects on the embryo have been poorly studied, and there is no placental barrier during this period. No-spa for toothache during pregnancy eliminates spasmodic pain. Thanks to this, there will be no pulsating and irritating feeling, which is so harmful to both the mother and her baby.

There are a large number of medications for toothache relief that are safe during pregnancy.

But how to soothe toothache during pregnancy if this drug also turns out to be ineffective? In this case, you should take paracetamol. But only in a minimal dosage so as not to harm the child. There are also tools that are used for local anesthesia. Most often these are ointments and gels used for young children whose first teeth are beginning to emerge. How to relieve toothache during pregnancy - it can be “Dentokid” or “Kalgel” with a slight freezing effect. Toothache during late pregnancy can be eliminated with the help of such a potent drug as Ketanov. But you can take it once and only as an emergency aid.

Other medicines

So, now it is clear what will help against toothache during pregnancy in emergency cases. But still, professional medical help is the only sure way to solve the problem. The dentist will not only tell you what painkillers pregnant women can take for toothache, but will also be able to eliminate the cause of its occurrence. You should not be afraid that the doctor will be incompetent and will prescribe a treatment that is dangerous for the mother and her fetus.

In the form of painkillers, drugs that do not contain adrenaline are used. This may be Primacaine or Ultracaine. In the first case, the drug can penetrate the placenta in small quantities, but at the same time it has a very short decay period, so it does not have time to affect the fetus. In the second case, the drug is completely safe, and even women who have given birth can apply for medical assistance, since Ultracaine is not absorbed into breast milk. But such anesthesia can be used for common illnesses oral cavity. In difficult cases, a preliminary consultation with a gynecologist and dentist cannot be avoided.

When planning a pregnancy, most women strive to improve their health. They refuse bad habits, review their diet, try to achieve stable remission of the existing chronic pathology. At this time, it is also necessary to check the condition of the oral cavity and, if possible, get rid of caries or other dental diseases.

But in some cases, even careful dental care does not exclude the possibility of toothache. What to do in such a situation? How to get rid of toothache during pregnancy? Let's consider the causes, mechanism of occurrence and methods by which this unpleasant symptom can be relieved.

How does toothache occur?

Currently, scientists have recreated a chain of processes that explains the formation of toothache. The mechanism is triggered by a strong irritating factor, which can be either in the tooth tissue itself or not associated with it. If exceeded pain threshold, then according nerve fibers impulses begin to arrive in the corresponding areas of the brain, enhancing the production of biologically active substances.

These chemical compounds cause spasm of cerebral vessels and a decrease in the amount of incoming oxygen. It is this hypoxia that we feel in the form of toothache.

Causes of toothache

Toothache can be a symptom large quantities diseases. Let's consider the main dental pathology:

  1. Caries is damage to the integrity of tooth enamel. It is the most common cause of toothache, which intensifies as the pathological process progresses. Unpleasant sensations may appear after drinking hot or cold food in the early stages. An increase in pain intensity occurs with medium or deep caries.
  2. The progression of caries may be accompanied by the addition of an infection that affects the jaw. This condition is called flux. It is accompanied intense pain, which can radiate to the neck, ear on the affected side. In addition, symptoms of intoxication are diagnosed: worsening general state, the temperature rises, and palpation reveals enlarged lymph nodes.
  3. Another complication of caries is pulpitis - damage to the soft tissues of the tooth. This pathological process is accompanied constant pain, which can be so intense that a person’s quality of life is significantly impaired.
  4. Increased sensitivity of teeth is not a pathological process, but it can also be accompanied by toothache. This condition is often observed in pregnant women and is associated with impaired mineral metabolism.

In addition to dental diseases, toothache can be a symptom of a variety of somatic pathologies. Most often it accompanies:

  • migraine;
  • lesions of the trigeminal nerve;
  • inflammatory diseases of the middle ear and maxillary sinuses.

As you can see, there are many causes of toothache. However, if this symptom appears, you should first consult a dentist.

Why does toothache occur during pregnancy?

Pregnancy is a condition that can provoke an exacerbation chronic diseases or the appearance of new symptoms. This also applies to toothache. Constant monitoring of the condition of the oral cavity before pregnancy does not guarantee the absence of unpleasant sensations after conception. This may be due to mineral deficiency.

To form bone apparatus The unborn child needs a significant amount of calcium salts, which can be supplied with food or special medications or, in case of poor nutrition, washed out from the tissues of the mother’s body.

The depot of this mineral is bone and teeth. Therefore, in a pregnant woman, symptoms of calcium deficiency are considered to be the development of osteoporosis and exacerbation of dental diseases, often accompanied by toothache.

How to relieve pain?

Limiting the use of medications during pregnancy makes you wonder: how to get rid of toothache? In such a situation, you can use tablets, drops, or proven folk recipes that are safe for the health of the unborn child.

Let us consider below the most common methods that will help treat toothache of varying intensity.


This drug is relatively safe to use during pregnancy. Having an analgesic effect, Paracetamol is able to minimize the intensity of toothache. According to the instructions, this drug is advisable to use for mild or moderate pain intensity.

The mechanism of action of Paracetamol is associated with inhibition of the synthesis of inflammatory biologically active substances - prostaglandins.

The effect of the drug begins 20–30 minutes after taking the tablet. The maximum daily dose is 4 g. The duration of treatment should not exceed 5 days.


Refers to drugs for symptomatic therapy. The mechanism of action is similar to Paracetamol. It has an analgesic effect, which makes it possible to use Aspirin for toothache of varying intensity. Among the contraindications, you should pay attention to the following conditions:

  • first and last trimester of pregnancy;
  • pathology of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • chronic asthma;
  • tendency to bleed.

It should be noted that the drug in therapeutic dosages does not have a negative effect on the fetus, but in the third trimester it can inhibit labor.


Another drug that can relieve toothache during pregnancy is ibuprofen. It is prescribed only after consultation with a doctor. This drug suppresses the synthesis of biologically active substances responsible for the development of the inflammatory process and pain syndrome.

It is worth limiting the use of Ibuprofen in the first trimester of pregnancy, since there is no data on the effect of the drug on the fetus.

After 28 weeks, such tablets can cause uterine hypertonicity, so it is better to replace them herbal preparations(drops, decoctions).


There is an opinion that drotaverine can eliminate toothache during pregnancy. To figure out whether No-shpa is effective in such a situation, it is necessary to consider the mechanism of action of the tablets. Drotaverine is an antispasmodic drug. This means that its point of application is spasmodic smooth muscle fibers.

Such muscles are located in organs abdominal cavity, bronchi and in small quantities in blood vessels. Therefore, following the instructions, No-shpu is advisable to use in the following situations:

  • spastic abdominal pain(for pancreatitis, cholecystitis, intestinal diseases, urolithiasis);
  • increased tone of the uterine muscles;
  • tension headache.

Since the main causes of toothache are caries and its complications, we can say that there is no pathogenetic justification for the use of No-shpa in such conditions.

On the other hand, the tablets have a slight anti-inflammatory effect and a reduction in cerebral vascular spasm, combined with a high safety profile (the possibility of use in pregnant women is permitted by the instructions medicine) may help relieve minor pain.


In dentistry, dental drops are often used to help treat various diseases oral cavity and help reduce the intensity of pain. This drug contains:

  • Valerian tincture;
  • camphor;
  • peppermint oil.

This combination of components allows for complex action. In addition to the analgesic effect, the drops help reduce the inflammatory process and have an antiseptic effect.

The drug is used topically. To do this, a cotton swab moistened with a few drops of the medicine is applied to the diseased tooth. The duration of the procedure is 10 minutes.

During pregnancy, drops are used only after consulting a specialist. People with allergic reactions to the components of the drug should refrain from using such a compress. It is worth remembering that dental drops only relieve symptoms and do not have a therapeutic effect on caries.

Therefore, this drug belongs to the means first aid and does not replace therapy for the pathological process. Dental drops can be an alternative to painkillers.

Folk remedies

In addition to tablets or drops, folk recipes are often used during pregnancy to get rid of toothache. Basically, these methods reduce the inflammatory process and, as a rule, help relieve minor discomfort. The most popular of them are:

  1. Compresses. They can be done using essential oil fir or sea ​​buckthorn oil, which is used to moisten a prepared cotton swab. The finished compress is applied directly to the diseased tooth.
  2. Rinsing will effectively help get rid of minor toothache. To do this, use the usual baking soda and water. Rinse the mouth with the prepared solution. The procedure should be done every 15 minutes and within an hour you can feel noticeable relief.
  3. Also used for rinsing are decoctions prepared from chamomile, sage, oak bark and others. medicinal plants. They have anti-inflammatory properties and due to this they help get rid of toothache during pregnancy.

Compresses or rinses should be done warm so as not to increase discomfort. It is worth remembering that such traditional methods help treat toothache only in mild cases pathological process, for example, superficial caries.

What should you not do to relieve pain?

In order to relieve pain, you need to use only those tablets or drops whose instructions do not prohibit their use during pregnancy. Other drugs can have a damaging effect on the fetus, so they are strictly contraindicated. In addition to them, you cannot:

  • Do warm-ups, as this intensifies the inflammatory process.
  • Use a solution with honey to rinse. It promotes the overgrowth of pathogenic bacteria.
  • Apply aspirin directly to the affected area due to the development of a chemical burn.
  • Use alcohol to relieve pain.

  • Do not consume very hot or very cold drinks or foods.
  • Minimize mechanical stress on teeth.
  • Observe the frequency and duration of hygiene procedures.
  • Undergo a preventive examination by a specialist.

Timely visit to the dentist is the key to oral health. Only a specialist can recommend effective and safe pills, drops or healing procedures that will help relieve toothache during pregnancy.