Benefits of tempering. Dousing with cold water

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If you decide to start hardening, then this should be done at a time when there are no health problems. Of course, dousing in winter is only permissible if your body is already sufficiently hardened, because otherwise you will simply get sick. Hardening the body, you can easily endure temperature changes, and you will not get sick with colds.

By performing various tempering procedures, you can accustom the body to calmly perceive any weather. Earlier in the villages, people dived directly from the bathhouse into the hole or fell into the snow. This not only reduces the risk of disease, but also prolongs life. It was in Russia that doctors developed a hardening technique, which then began to be used in the army.

Now many people lead a passive lifestyle and it can hardly be called healthy. Physicians also connect increase in incidence of the population with it. However, many people want to strengthen their immunity, but at the same time they do not know how to do it correctly. Today we will talk about the rules of hardening and pouring cold water on the street in winter.

How to prepare the body for hardening in winter?

It is quite clear that one should not immediately become under cold shower or perform douche in winter. This will only lead to development colds. We recommend that you first consult a doctor and find out if you can pour cold water on yourself. This is due to the fact that even with the seeming absence of health problems, dousing in winter may be contraindicated.

Moreover, for some disorders nervous system, high eye pressure, heart problems and other troubles, pouring even at home at room temperature is contraindicated. Cold water is an irritant that can dramatically increase the heart rate and exacerbate certain diseases.

By visiting your doctor, you will be able to find out for sure if dousing is not contraindicated for you in winter. It is necessary to start hardening at those moments when you are in calm state And you don't have to worry about stress. In addition, it should be remembered that hardening cannot be combined with bad habits. First you should give up cigarettes and alcohol, and only after that you can begin to carry out hardening procedures.

During hardening, you need to observe two very simple rules- regularity of procedures and gradualness. If you can now get sick from a window open in winter, then you will not be able to immediately become a “walrus”. You need to start small, namely, just walk around the apartment barefoot, at least ten minutes a day. And try not to walk on a warm carpet, but on a cool floor covering. Gradually increase the duration of these walks to an hour, and then you can move on to dousing your feet.

With this procedure, you should also not rush, and to begin with, simply dip your feet in cool water, gradually lowering its temperature, and also increasing the duration of such baths. You will quickly begin to enjoy this procedure. You can also take contrast baths by placing two baths with cold and hot water.

Start washing your face first with cool water and also gradually reduce its temperature. By doing this procedure in the morning, you will get an excellent boost of energy for the whole day. Even these not tricky activities will allow you to strengthen your immunity and you will no longer be afraid of drafts. In addition, the frequency of colds will also significantly decrease. It is very important to continue to harden further, because if you pause, then you will have to start all over again.

How to do cold water douche?

When your feet begin to tolerate cold water baths well, you can proceed to dousing, but again, you should not rush. To begin with, it will be enough to rub with a towel moistened with cool, and then cold water. Before carrying out this procedure, you must make sure that there are no problems with the skin. Such preparation for dousing in winter should last at least 14 days.

When you are ready to start pouring, fill the bucket with cold water in the evening and leave it until morning. This is enough time for the water to warm up to room temperature. In the morning you should get into the bath and start pouring over your hands and feet, gradually lowering the temperature of the water. Monitor your health and reduce the water temperature by one or two degrees weekly.

How to take a contrast shower?

it excellent tool hardening for people who have the whole day scheduled by the minute. For reception contrast shower must be used extremely a simple circuit- stand under hot and then cold water for 10-30 minutes. Increase the duration of each phase by 10 seconds or less each week. The same should be done with the temperature of the water. Start with 30 degrees and gradually bring to 15, but hot water can be left unchanged - from 40 to 45 degrees.

Thanks to the contrast shower, blood flow increases, the work of the heart muscle and blood vessels improves, immunity increases, and the metabolic rate increases. When the body is under hot water. Blood vessels expand, and when moving under a cold one, they narrow. If these processes are short-term, then the vessels are strengthened, which is good for health. In addition, the body becomes less susceptible to temperature changes, and you will stop getting sick. It is important not to be under cold water long time because the body can become cold.

Benefits of dousing outside in winter

Of course, with the help of dousing in winter you will not be able to cure diseases, but it will be possible to strengthen the internal capabilities of the body. When you douse yourself with cold water or dive into an ice hole, the body experiences a strong shock. As a result, thermoregulation processes are activated that do not work in normal condition. However, you should not be in cold water for more than one and a half minutes.

Hardening contributes to the normalization of metabolism, and this, in turn, leads to the utilization of adipose tissues. It should also be noted that there is a decrease in the concentration of sugar in the blood, and the normalization of the balance of cholesterol. At the same time, the rate of production of hormones of happiness increases sharply and the person enjoys the procedure.

When you sufficiently harden your body, then you will not be afraid of temperature changes, a feeling of cheerfulness will appear, the nervous system will begin to work more actively, and the number of colds will drop sharply. Ask people who dived into an ice hole for the first time about their feelings. They all speak unanimously. That lightness and pleasant warmth appeared in the body, despite low temperature ambient air.

Often people are interested in whether it is possible to start hardening in poor health? The answer is very simple - not only possible, but necessary. But, as we noted above, this must be done gradually. Pouring in winter will strengthen the immune system, and health will constantly improve.

There are many examples when winter swimming allowed to get rid of hypertension. There are also known cases of improved health in people suffering from allergies, asthma, tuberculosis and other diseases. Pouring cold water, you will be able to better withstand stress, and the work of the nervous system is normalized. It is also worth remembering that this procedure has a positive effect on the condition skin. In general, thanks to hardening and dousing in winter, you can extend your life.

Types of hardening

Today there are several types of hardening, which will be discussed below. Once again, I would like to remind you that all your actions should be gradual, and hardening procedures should be carried out on a regular basis.
  1. Hardening with a cold shower. This method should be used by beginners and especially by people who are afraid of cold water. We have already talked about the rules for taking a cold and contrast shower and now we will not repeat ourselves.
  2. Hardening with snow. If you walk barefoot in the snow, then you can not only harden, but also massage biologically. active points located on the feet. Before starting the procedure, you should warm up the body with physical exercises. Using snow hardening, you cannot stand still, but you must perform jumps or run. The duration of this procedure is a maximum of five minutes. If you feel heat in your legs, then stop the procedure. Returning to the room, massage the calf muscles and feet for about ten minutes, and then put on warm socks.
  3. Hardening in the hole. There are several ways to harden in the hole, and the simplest is dipping. Start wintering at an air temperature of minus 10 to 12 degrees. Before starting the procedure, you should not dress very warmly so that the body does not have time to warm up very much.
You can also use swimming in an ice hole or marathon swims for hardening. Bathe at least two or three times a week. But marathon swimming should only be used by experienced people. It is worth conducting such swims only as part of a group. After regular classes for a month, it is worth resting for 60 days.

You will learn more about the benefits and harms of pouring cold water on the street in winter and other ways of hardening from this story:

Even small children know that water is the main and vital source for existence. Only the information that a person is 80% water is enough to eliminate all doubts about the benefits of this "life-giving liquid".

For a healthy existence of the body, in addition to taking water inside, hardening can be carried out by pouring water in the morning. It is very important to carry out this manipulation with the mind, otherwise the chance of doing harm will outweigh the usefulness of the procedure.

Dousing as a method of healing came from our predecessors. Ancient healers were well aware of magical properties water and often practiced similar treatment.

Pouring water is very beneficial for the body.

Almost every day, stunning ideas come to a person’s head, which, for a number of reasons (even rather excuses), remain just ideas.

How to overcome laziness and find an incentive for yourself to start dousing?

Here's a couple psychological tricks that can turn thoughts into actions:

  • Purchase a tempering container for yourself (a bucket is most convenient). Buy the copy that makes you want to go and finally do it. Let all the people living with you be forbidden to use this bucket, and maybe you even infect them with your example!
  • Let everyone around you know about your decision. Tell your friends, colleagues, relatives that here, with tomorrow, well, or soon (the sooner the better, because enthusiasm is such a thing ...) your program for improving the body starts. Colorfully describe to them the positive consequences of the process, and you will see, then it will become simply inconvenient not to fulfill the promise made not only to yourself, but also to your close circle.

Types of cold water dousing

Pouring cold water improves immunity

There are two ways to start the process.

Gradual pouring

This technique involves pouring water immediately at a low temperature, but in small portions. Need to start with lower parts body.

During the first week, only the feet should be poured, the next - the knees, then - the pouring to the thighs, the fourth week - to the waist, and finally the full pouring of the whole body.

Method of gradual decrease in water temperature

The name of this method speaks for itself, in fact, it is based on a gradual decrease in the degree of water temperature, the number of which should eventually reach 10-15 ° C. This type of hardening is great for babies, but it also causes mothers to worry that the baby will become cold and sick. But if you approach the process with skill, the probability of a cold is close to zero.

Exists big variety pouring methods with certain techniques, but each of them is aimed at the implementation of primary goals:

  • improving immunity,
  • performance improvement,
  • receiving a charge of vivacity and vitality.

So, here are some pouring techniques:

  1. Immersion in cold water. A person who opted for this method takes a bath with cold water and completely immerses himself in it for 3 seconds.
  2. Contrasting overlay. The method, according to the technique, is similar to the first one, but only pouring is carried out from the container, which contributes to the enhanced effect of the procedure. This method is considered a little more rigid.
  3. Cold and hot shower. This method is considered the most loyal, its meaning is to improve blood circulation due to skin tone. It is necessary to carry out dousing with water with a temperature difference of about 15 degrees. Douche first warm water, then cold.
  4. Winter swimming. Represents dipping in ice water.

Careful! This option is not suitable for a beginner.

For an unprepared person, it is better to start with a milder method and systematically observe the implementation for some time, thereby preparing the body for a strong temperature shock.

Common rules for pouring

On the initial stage recovery, you can ask for help from loved ones

To avoid unpleasant consequences, everyone who plans to improve their body and improve well-being with the help of douches must follow a number of simple rules:

  • In order to avoid cold manifestations, the temperature of the room in which you will go after the procedure should be at least 19-20 degrees. Be sure to check that there are no drafts in the room.
  • Ask for help from loved ones at the initial stage of recovery. Let one of your relatives douse you during the first procedures. It will be easier for you, and there will be someone nearby who can observe your general well-being.
  • If you have already reached a respectable age, do not ignore your feelings, listen carefully to the signals of the body and do not pour water below 15 degrees.
  • You can pour over at any time of the day, but for an invigorating charge and a great working mood, do it along with your usual morning routines. After a month, you will get so used to it that it will become as elementary as brushing your teeth.
  • Set yourself up for a positive outlook. Nothing useful will come of it if you perform an action through “I can’t”. Think about something pleasant, tune in to a positive wave, then success will definitely visit you.
  • Dousing should not be a second, try to slowly pour water on yourself so that it has time to affect all parts of the body.
  • At the end of the procedure, rub the body with a bath towel to avoid severe freezing.

Secrets of the positive effects of pouring cold water

Many people know that pouring is useful, that the likelihood of getting sick is reduced to a minimum, but not everyone thinks why this happens and what is the secret principle of action. cold water.

The main feature is to stimulate the work of thermal receptors in the skin. In an instant, the body temperature reaches a 40-degree value and in the same way instantly returns to normal. Just when this happens, an impressive number of harmful bacteria die inside the body.

Irrigation benefits:

  1. Stimulation of the gland responsible for functionality internal organs human (hypothalamus);
  2. The involvement of all active biological points of the body (they try to achieve the same effect with acupuncture);
  3. Improving blood circulation and flushing out toxins and toxins;
  4. Due to the rapid constriction and expansion of blood vessels, the blood enriches the vital important organs fresh portion of oxygen;
  5. Rejuvenation of the body by dousing does not require practically any financial investments and is very effective, because it is not in vain great amount modern people, as well as our ancestors used this method of strengthening the body;
  6. Activation of metabolic processes and, as a result, accelerated fat burning and weight loss;
  7. Reduce puffiness and varicose veins due to the tone of the veins and active blood circulation (if there is such a problem, then it should be poured from top to bottom).


Pouring cold water with hypertension is prohibited

Despite the fact that pouring is extremely useful, it has a number of contraindications:

  • You can not stay in the water for too long, otherwise there is a risk of hypothermia, colds;
  • In case of diseases of the nervous system, consultation with the attending physician is mandatory, it is also important to carefully douse the spinal area;
  • During pregnancy, it would be optimal to refrain from dousing, but if future mom wants to continue nevertheless, it is better to pour only the legs, at a temperature not lower than 18 degrees;
  • The period of exacerbation of chronic diseases;
  • The presence of purulent formations or wounds on the skin;
  • During the period of a cold or flu, you can’t pour yourself over, because apart from aggravating the disease, nothing will come of it;
  • It is impossible to deviate from the technique for performing the selected type of hardening;
  • Cardiovascular diseases;
  • Postponed heart attack or stroke;
  • oncological diseases;
  • thrombophlebitis;
  • Tuberculosis in an open form;
  • Poor blood supply to the brain;

Features of hardening of the child's body

Pouring water is also beneficial for child's body

Tempering a child's body, subject to a certain number of rules, carries only a positive charge. There are two types of hardening of children from 0-8 years old.

Gradual decrease in bathing water temperature

To do this, once a week, reduce the temperature by 0.5-1 degrees. The initial figure on the thermometer should be 36 degrees. By the way, pediatrician Yevgeny Komarovsky supports given type hardening from the first days of life.

morning rubdown

This type of hardening is wiping with a towel soaked in water or a terry mitten. Water should be 36 degrees, followed by a drop of 1 degree every five days.

Pouring cold water on older children age group has a number of some features that the parents of the baby should be treated with maximum responsibility:

  1. The hardening program can only be started when feeling great child and preferably in the warm season.
  2. You can not take breaks between douches, a clear procedure must be observed.
  3. Before starting, a visit to the family pediatrician is required.
  4. Hardening should be a joy, the child should not feel a sense of fear, so it is worth gently explaining to the baby why everything is being done.
  5. Water temperature for children under 8 years old - not lower than 20 degrees, from 8-13 years old - not lower than 16 ° C.

Douche in the bath

Bathing improves blood circulation

The miraculous effect after visiting the steam room is known to most people. In the bath, all the pores of the body open and a lot of toxins are removed through them.

Steaming with a broom enhances this result, and if you add cold water dousing, then there will be a huge positive effect for the body.

The global temperature difference improves blood circulation, promotes weight loss and care " orange peel" among women. It is desirable to reduce the temperature in the pouring bucket also gradually.

Pouring on patients with osteochondrosis

In no case should patients with osteochondrosis supercool, hence the question “Is it possible to pour cold water on osteochondrosis?”

It turns out you can, you just need to know the features:

  1. Dousing begins with the head, the water on the back should pass in a wide strip;
  2. The ideal option is a contrast douche, since the body in the process of dousing first warms up well with hot water (1 minute), and then comes the turn of cold water (half a minute). The temperature difference is no more than 10 at the beginning, and 45°C/15°C at the end;
  3. After dousing, you need to wipe yourself with a towel and dress warmly.

Pouring with cold water - to relieve tension, improve sleep, improve and rejuvenate the body

She fills life energy all living things have great power and at the same time are fraught with an infinity of mysteries that have not yet been revealed by man - we are talking about water.

Every year humanity understands more and more the value of this natural resource in need of protection and caring attitude to yourself. Many people are unaware of the many health benefits that water can provide. Its main advantages lie in the ability to heal the body due to its healing properties. Today we will touch on only one side of them, let's talk about the benefits that cold water can bring to our health.

How cold water affects a person

cheerfulness, activity, good mood- This is especially true now, in a hot season. You need to drink more, and simple non-carbonated water, but besides this, it is useful to learn how to use water as a healing balm for the body, so that it is easier to endure the heat, become more resilient and healthier.

People who go to the pool have probably noticed that swimming gives the body strength, despite the fact that a person spends a lot of energy when swimming. If to physical activity add cold water, then its effect is enhanced. We can take a lot from water.

Get rid of tired legs

Let's start simple. When you come home in the evening, you feel severe fatigue, leg pain. The best way to tame it - pour cold water on your feet. In addition to relieving fatigue, it will help you fall asleep sound sleep. And to take off pain, after dousing, lie down for 10 minutes or more with your legs up.

Pouring cold water

It is better to start wellness procedures with cold water from rubbing. To do this, you need a regular terry towel and water at room temperature. By lowering its temperature by a few degrees every day, after 3-4 weeks you can proceed to dousing.

Of course, a lot depends on the state of the body. Someone can pour cold water on the first day, and it will only benefit, while another person needs whole month to master this method of healing. Everything is very individual. It is much easier for people who like coolness and do not tolerate heat well than those who constantly freeze and strive to be warm.

Pouring technology cold water

There are rules that must be followed during cooling water procedures:

  1. consult your doctor, especially if you have serious problems with health;
  2. for the first time, rinse with cold water for no more than 10 seconds, increasing the duration of dousing day by day;
  3. start pouring from the lower parts of the body, gradually rising higher (you can not pour water sharply, it should wash the body gradually);
  4. need to start with warm water, gradually, day by day, lowering her temperature;
  5. After dousing, the skin must be rubbed well with a towel.

Benefits of cold water douche

A person stops getting sick, maintains good spirits, he is constantly in a good mood and well-being.
Watching the water, we calm down, get rid of the nervous and mental stress. The faster the water flow, the stronger positive impact cold water.

In addition to the fact that water washes away dirt from the body, it also relieves it of bad energy - both one's own and someone else's. The power of cold water is in the ability to level energy shell living beings, closing breakdowns in the aura. Thanks to this, the body heals.

Jets of cold water miraculously wash off energy dirt, filling the body with strength. Doctors and traditional healers been using it for a long time healing property water in your practice. It is very important that the water goes into the ground when pouring. This is necessary so that the energy does not pass from the head to the legs, which can provoke diseases of the vessels, legs and joints.

If there is no time to do douche, after walking or visiting public places Simply rinsing your face with cold water is helpful.

Healing and dousing with cold water is an opportunity given by nature for every person to be healthier, happier and more cheerful.

Unfortunately, we all get sick from time to time. When health problems arise, someone rushes to the pharmacy for pills, others are treated folk remedies. Any methods are good, if only to get rid of the ailment as soon as possible. However, we forget that many diseases can be prevented if we support defensive forces body, strengthen the immune system.

One of the most effective ways is hardening. In particular, dousing with cold water. This is an excellent method of general healing and strengthening of the body. With its help, you can get rid of many existing diseases and prevent the development of new ailments.

How does cold water affect the body? Is there any harm in pouring, but what are the benefits of it? What do reviews say about the procedure? This is what our conversation will be about today on the Popular Health website:

Impact on the body

Is cold water dousing good or bad? Let's talk about how this procedure affects the human body:

When pouring cold water on the body, the body undergoes a short stress, experiences some shock. The benefit of cold water is that after its exposure, there is a sharp narrowing of blood vessels, capillaries located in the epidermis, they sharply push out blood. After a sharp narrowing, the vessels dilate again.

This alternation increases the production of adrenaline, activates blood circulation. Organs, tissues are saturated with oxygen and other useful substances. In addition, such a kind of gymnastics strengthens the walls of blood vessels.

Short-term exposure to cold water has a positive effect on the hypothalamus, which is responsible for well-coordinated work and condition of internal organs.

Benefits of cold water douche

As a result of exposure to cold water, the body is healed and strengthened:

The work of all organs, systems, tissues improves.
- The functions of the endocrine and immune systems are restored.
- The aging process slows down.
- Reduces the risk of developing cardiovascular disease.
- The work of the digestive tract is normalized.
- The process of cleansing the body of toxins and toxins is activated.
- The effects of stress are eliminated, tone increases, mood improves.
- Pouring is a wonderful prevention of colds.

Daily procedures act on the body like exercise gradually improving his condition.

Rules for the procedure

It is best to douse in the morning when the body wakes up. After the procedure, you will receive an energy charge for the whole day.

The water container should be comfortable and voluminous in order to pour enough water at a time.

Before pouring, be sure to warm up under a moderately hot shower for at least 15 seconds. Then pour cold water over yourself. You can pour over your head, or you can do it from your shoulders. The effect of this will not change.

After the procedure, immediately rub the body with a towel and put on a warm bathrobe so as not to catch a cold.

After the procedure, it is useful to drink a cup of hot tea or infusion. medicinal plants. This will warm you up from the inside.

In summer, when it is hot, it is very useful to pour yourself outside, standing barefoot on the ground.
After the procedure, it is recommended to walk barefoot. This further stimulates and heals the body. Therefore, if such an opportunity arises, for example, you go to the country, be sure to use it for hardening.

Possible harm cold water while pouring

Despite the undeniable benefits of this procedure, for some it may be contraindicated for health reasons. As you know, dousing stimulates a sharp release of glucocorticoids - hormones responsible for the vigor of the body. However, it can be dangerous for people with adrenal problems.

This method of hardening can be dangerous in the presence of severe hypertension. A sharp release of blood vessels can provoke a jump blood pressure.

Such procedures are also not recommended for people with cardiovascular diseases. Sharp exposure to cold water can cause an attack of angina pectoris, provoke the development of a stroke, and even sudden stop hearts.

Pouring impressions, reviews

on the forums about healthy way life you can find a lot of reviews about pouring. Most of them are positive, although there are also opposite opinions. Here are some examples:

I wash my face every day and shower with cold water. I learned that this is the recipe for the youth of the singer Madonna. And yet, for baptism, the whole family plunges into the hole. My grandfather, who is 86 years old, is tempered from a young age. And he is in good health. I advise everyone!

Such hardening is very effective and useful, reduces the risk various diseases especially colds. However, you still need to take into account the characteristics of your body and the presence of contraindications.

It is best to start dousing in the summer, with water not cold, but cool. Gradually lower the temperature.

I regularly douse myself in the summer at the dacha. In the evening I collect water in the bath (standing on the street), and in the morning I pour the bucket over myself. After that, vigor and strength is enough for the whole day! At first it was scary, but now I just can’t imagine life without cold water in the morning. Very good.

Many people's hearts can't take it ice water. Therefore, you need to be careful and start dousing with cool water, otherwise, if you immediately pour a bucket of ice on yourself, anything can happen. I don't mind dousing. You just have to always be careful.

In conclusion of our conversation, we note that, unlike sports, dousing with cold water does not require additional time, effort and money. To start tempering in this way, all you need is a shower or bath, a bucket, cold water and a positive attitude. However, before starting these procedures, be sure to consult your doctor. Be healthy!

Each of us would like to get sick less often and get joy from life by breathing in the air. full chest even in the cold season. But the body, unaccustomed to producing protective substances, constantly wrapped in a scarf, a fur coat and a warm hat, at the first draft surrenders to a cold, sending us to the hospital.

At the same time, in order to forget about medicines and strengthen immunity, you need to spend only 30-40 seconds a day! Yes, yes, you heard right! This is how long the cold water dousing procedure lasts, which can change your life, strengthening your health and improving your overall well-being.

Let's learn how to properly pour cold water over to harden the body and not harm it. At the end of the article, we will also find out contraindications for dousing.

Why is pouring so useful that it has so many adherents all over the world? What mechanisms are activated in the body when exposed to cold water?

Everything is very simple here. A huge number of adherents of dousing with cold water appeared due to the rapid, noticeable improvement in health.

A sharp short-term effect of cold water on our body contributes to the instant stimulation of the performance of all internal organs, increased heart rate, increased blood circulation, and release of adrenaline from the adrenal glands.

Activated the immune system, blood supply and efficiency of the brain improves, all systems are mobilized.

All this happens in a matter of seconds.

As you can see, a stressful short-term impact literally restarts all the systems of our body, like playing sports.

In addition, for hardening by dousing, you will not need any special simulators, devices, additional time that you need to allocate in your daily routine. It is enough to have a bucket for dousing and a bath or shower tray.

How to choose a bucket for pouring

For pouring you will need a bucket. To choose the appropriate volume, consider that the water splashed out of the bucket should cover the maximum surface area of ​​your body.

In this case, the bucket should not be heavy. The amount of water that fits in it, you should easily and special efforts lift overhead with both hands.

If you have an unimportant physical form, and you want to harden with dousing, choose a small plastic bucket with a capacity of 5 liters to start. Subsequently, it will be possible to take a larger bucket.

If you don't have a bucket, a small plastic bowl will do. The main thing is that it is clean and not too heavy.

How to start pouring

There are no special rules for starting douche procedures. The main thing here is the inner mood. If you are tired of fighting colds, bronchitis, sneezing from the first draft and spending a huge number of days of your life on sick leave, then you can start pouring water on any day of the week, which will be a turning point for you in improving your life.

It is enough to buy a bucket of the required volume and be able to fill it with water. Water in the early days can be made a little less cold than water directly from the cold tap. But it's not worth the hassle.

The same applies to dousing the entire body. You can start by dousing your arms and legs, gradually moving on to dousing a larger area of ​​​​the body. But even here there is no expediency to stretch the transition to dousing the whole body.

How to douse with cold water?

It is best to pour yourself in the morning to invigorate the body before a working day. To do this, fill a bucket for dousing with cold water, stand in the bath, take a shower, turn on hot water and warm up under a hot shower for 10-15 seconds.

Then take a bucket of cold water and abruptly tip over yourself, trying to pour over as much as possible. large area body. Do not pour water in a thin stream. So you just freeze and get cold.

Immediately after you have knocked over a bucket of cold water, you need to rub yourself with a terry towel, wrap yourself in it or in a dressing gown and pour yourself hot vitamin tea. Drink tea in small sips, feeling how the heat disperses throughout the body.

Many people ask - should you pour yourself over your head? There is no clear answer here. No special benefit special harm from pouring over your head will not, so pour yourself in the way that is more convenient for you.

If you live in the city, take a shower in the bathroom, do not go out into the yard, so as not to freeze in the cold season. If you live outside the city, then it is more preferable to douse yourself on the street, since the energy exchange of the body and the Earth through bare feet additionally benefits.

In addition, on the feet is a large number of active points that stimulate the work of internal organs, the stimulation of which when walking barefoot also improves well-being.

Pouring children

Is it okay to pour ice water on children? Here the opinions of experts differ. Someone believes that even swimming in an ice hole will not harm a child, while someone is inclined to believe that a weak children's immune system can fail, which will lead to illness.

Therefore, it is better not to resort to dousing children with excessively cold water, preferring other methods of hardening in combination with general physical development.

Contraindications for dousing with cold water

Like any other system of influencing the body, dousing has its contraindications, which should be considered before starting hardening with cold water.

Dousing with cold water is contraindicated in case of kidney diseases, tuberculosis, rheumatism, gout, tumors, inflammatory diseases internal organs.

Also, do not pour over with increased eye pressure, since as a result of stressful effects on the body, retinal detachment is possible.

You should refrain from hardening by dousing with cold water and with tachycardia, coronary disease heart, heart failure.