Monastery collection of Father George. Monastic tea - a panacea for all diseases? Overview of prescriptions and doctor's opinion

Monastic collection of father George is a collection out of 16 medicinal herbs. The use of such an infusion has a beneficial effect on the whole body, it is widely used even in the treatment oncology.

The ingredients are selected in such a way that in combination they act according to the rules of synergy, which means that the action of one component enhances the action of another.

What is included in the monastic collection of Father George

The monastic collection includes the following 16 herbs:

Proportions of 16 herbs in grams

AT monastery gathering of father George, each of the herbs is present in the following quantity:

  • sage - 35 grams;
  • string, rosehip, bearberry and immortelle 20 grams;
  • nettle - 25 grams;
  • wormwood - 15 grams;
  • chamomile, yarrow, dried flower, thyme, buckthorn, motherwort, birch buds, linden and cudweed - 10 grams.

Photo 1. Ready-made collections are on sale, the manufacturer is Leto Trading House LLC, weight 100 g.

Instant effect you should not expect from the remedy, because the collection is designed for a course of treatment.

What diseases does the collection help with?

The herbs present in the composition are necessary to rid people of a number of ailments:

Collection of herbs is also useful in restoring the body in postoperative period.

Despite all the direct indications for the use of the cathedral, it can also be taken in the form preventive, general tonic.

Cases of an allergic reaction

Despite the fact that for the entire period of application of the collection, not a single case of an allergic reaction to its components has been identified, it is necessary to carefully see the exact composition.

Attention! In case of individual intolerance or at the first signs of an allergic reaction, immediately stop applying the fee.

Useful video

Check out the video, which tells about one of the options for the composition of the monastery gathering of Father George.

Is monastery tea effective?

You can use the monastery tea. Its composition is not so rich, and includes only 5 herbs. But set herbs depends on indications for use. Therefore, if necessary, everyone will be able to choose their own set of herbs.

Despite the rapid development of science and medicine, unconventional ways treatments continue to be in demand. One of the most sought after areas is herbal medicine. Most patients believe that herbal medicines cause fewer side effects than traditional drugs. The monastic collection of Father George is a popular herbal composition, which is credited with miraculous abilities, and, according to the reviews of doctors and patients, the collection is able to get rid of serious ailments and improve the quality of human life!

The tea was subject to a multi-stage study that was carried out in 2014. The event was attended by more than a thousand people suffering from various diseases. Participants took 30 days healing decoction and the results obtained exceeded the expectations of even experienced doctors.

In a positive way, the collection had an effect on most patients. Some people have managed to get rid of chronic diseases completely, including problems with blood pressure and diabetes. Others have improved general well-being and state of the body.

Collection from medicinal herbs can have an effect on the diseased organ. Thanks to well-chosen ingredients, tea is equated to expensive products. modern pharmacology. The decoction is absolutely safe for regular use!

Popularity for a reason

The monastic tea of ​​Father George is a product that is not a modern development - it was invented quite a long time ago. The collection was first used in monasteries Ancient Russia. At that time, the remedy was considered universal, and was used in the treatment of most known diseases. Even then, the product showed the desired effect - it easily raised seriously ill patients to their feet.

A little later recipe was lost, and the “second life” was given to him in the second half of the 20th century by the rector of the Holy Spirit Monastery, Father George. Means long years helped people heal, and many citizens of the former USSR came to the miracle worker for him.

Monastic tea has already provided invaluable help to many suffering people, people were able to get rid of diseases, improve the quality of life, which means that the collection of sixteen herbs will definitely help you too!

Today in pharmacies a large number of various fees, the main ingredients of which are herbs. By the way, many preparations are called "Monastic collection", however, not every product is able to have the desired effect, therefore it is recommended to purchase original tea on the official website of the distributor.

In the course of clinical studies, specialists managed to find out that the collection helps to fight many serious pathologies, which is confirmed by numerous reviews like medical professionals, and consumers who managed to test the effect of the product on themselves.

  • Migraine.
  • Emotional overstrain, loss of strength.
  • Chronic insomnia and sleep disturbance.
  • Injuries and diseases of the muscular system.
  • Tea is effective for intoxication.
  • Normalizes metabolic processes helps with weight loss.
  • It has a beneficial effect on the immune system, restoring its functions.
  • The collection saturates the body with valuable vitamins, which is especially important in the cold season.
  • Stabilizes blood pressure, effective in hypertension.
  • Recommended for liver pathologies.
  • Helps with kidney disease and urinary tract(cystitis, urolithiasis, etc.).
  • Colds, bronchial asthma and other diseases of the respiratory system.
  • Painful condition of the skin of the face (pimples, comedones).
  • used as prophylactic which helps to recover as quickly as possible after injuries and surgical procedures.

Important! The collection has a number of contraindications, according to which the use of the decoction should be stopped or limited. So, tea is not recommended for pregnant women, during lactation, and also in the presence of an allergic reaction to the components included in the product. Also, the collection is contraindicated for children. younger age. Before using, you should consult with your doctor!

In the process of conducting clinical studies, it was found that the decoction has therapeutic effect with the following diseases:

  • Diabetes mellitus at any stage.
  • Bronchitis, pneumonia.
  • Gastritis and other diseases of the stomach.
  • Pancreatitis, and other pathologies of the pancreas.
  • Herpes.
  • A condition such as a hypertensive crisis.
  • Atherosclerosis.
  • Diseases of the female reproductive system.
  • Headache.
  • Pathologies of the cardiovascular system.
  • Stress.
  • Metabolic disease.
  • Poisoning.
  • Osteochondrosis.
  • Joint injuries.
  • Systematic sleep disorders.
  • Oncology.

The composition of the medical collection

The product consists of 16 herbs that have positive influence on the patient's body

Interestingly, for the production of the product, the harvesting of herbs is carried out manually. This allows you to get rid of the inclusion of impurities, and also helps to preserve useful substances when processing raw materials.

The recipe for brewing tea is not difficult:

  • Reduce composition.
  • Proportions: 1 tablespoon of herbs per 0.5 liters of water;
  • Let the composition brew for half an hour;
  • Drink a decoction 2-4 times daily, 100-150 ml. The course of treatment varies from one to three months.
  • The first results can be obtained within 14 days after the start of application!

The benefits of Father George's Monastic Tea are indisputable:

  • The product consists exclusively of natural ingredients.
  • For the manufacture of healing remedy using an ancient recipe.
  • Plants are going manual method in an ecologically clean region of the Caucasus.
  • Does not cause side effects and has a minimum set of contraindications.
  • The effect is already in two weeks, which is supported by clinical studies.
  • You can buy a collection at a reasonable price!

In the conditions of a modern metropolis, the body is exposed to daily negative effects. Bad ecology, constant stress and lack of sleep, sedentary image life, lack of vitamins, decreased immunity and other factors can undermine health. The monastic fee of Father George for the course is able to have a complex therapeutic effect on the body and solve all problems.

Causes of health problems

One of the main causes of many diseases is a decrease in immunity. Scientists say that the immune system has not yet been fully explored. But only she is able to stand up for the body, support it. normal functioning and ensure viability in any situation. No less dangerous are metabolic disorders and hormonal background, malnutrition and a sedentary lifestyle. They strike straight at everyone internal organs and cause them to malfunction. Constant stress, overwork, poor ecology, noise and light pollution can disrupt biological rhythms.

Unfortunately, most people neglect prevention and start taking care of their health when necessary. serious treatment. The herbal collection of Father George will help solve any problem.

Herbal collection consists of 16 medicinal herbs collected in ecologically clean regions of the Krasnodar Territory remote from civilization and dried by hand. The tool is well known to local residents, the effectiveness has been tested in practice. The composition is perfectly balanced, the effect of the intake is cumulative and prolonged. After completion of the course intake, deterioration in health does not occur.

In terms of efficiency, the collection is comparable to potent pharmaceutical preparations, but at the same time combines all the advantages of herbal medicine and does not harm the body. It opens up many possibilities for self-treatment at home.

The collection has been known since the times of Ancient Russia. He appeared in the monasteries on northern territories, with its help successfully coped with a wide range ailments. The decoction quickly put on its feet and eased the suffering of seriously ill patients. Then the recipe was lost, but in the second half of the 20th century it was restored by Archimandrite George from the Holy Spirit Timashevsky Monastery.

Monastic collection of 16 herbs is simple and perfect safe way at minimal cost, restore and improve the body within a few months without a long and fraught side effects drug treatment.

Therapeutic action

The collection affects the body in a complex and very gently, without harming health. It works in stages, after the first dose. visible results no. This is due to the fact that phytopreparations do not begin to work immediately after they enter the body. First there is a process accumulation of nutrients. Mild improvements are noticeable after a few days of regular use in accordance with the instructions and with proper cooking. Positive dynamics in the treatment of diseases and a significant improvement general condition appear in 2-3 weeks. The gastrointestinal tract and liver are the first to react, sleep is normalized, which is necessary for a speedy recovery. In general, everything depends on individual characteristics organism and its condition at the time of the beginning of herbal treatment.

The collection of Father George has a positive effect on the body in the following areas:

Monastic collection of 16 herbs can be used as an independent therapeutic agent, as part of a complex drug treatment and for prevention. It does not reduce the effectiveness of classic medicines and does not interfere with their correct assimilation.

What is included

The unique composition of the collection of Father George is the result of many years of work on the selection of herbs and the identification of optimal proportions. The composition is 100% natural, among the components there are only ecological pure medicinal herbs, collected and dried by hand.

The composition of the collection includes the following herbs:

Each component has a versatile effect on the body positive impact. Together, herbs enhance each other's effects, giving a synergistic effect. Not one problem is treated, there is a profound effect on all body systems.

How to prepare and take

The recipe for preparing the collection is simple, but technology is required. Dried herbs need additional chopping by hand, knife or scissors. It doesn't need to be turned into dust. 1 tablespoon of "brewing" is placed in a tightly closed container and poured 0.5 liters of boiling water ( daily allowance). Herbalists recommend using holy water to enhance the effect. At least half an hour, the collection should be infused. During this time, useful substances will pass into the water and begin to interact with each other.

It is allowed to prepare a decoction in a water bath or in a thermos. With the latter option, water is used at a temperature of 85 degrees, you need to insist for about an hour. There is no point in preparing the collection in liters in advance, it quickly disappears, especially in the refrigerator.

It is better to take a decoction warm, so the metabolism is activated, and the absorption of nutrients is accelerated. There is no connection to meal times. Uncontrolled use instead of regular tea is prohibited, only in accordance with the instructions. The maximum duration of continuous intake is 3 months, 3 times a day, then a break of 14 days to 2 months is needed. It makes no sense to prepare the collection on your own. It will not work to keep the proportions; it is impossible to control the quality of the raw materials used.

The collection of Father George tastes like an ordinary herbal tea. A slight bitterness can be felt, so you can add honey, lemon or rosehip syrup, it is better to refuse sugar. A cup of decoction in the morning is much healthier than the usual coffee or tea. The body will quickly come to tone, energy supply and Have a good mood enough for the whole day.

Who is eligible for the collection

Herbal collection is indicated for use in the presence of the most different problems with health, if necessary, high-quality prevention in the autumn-winter period and the need to support the body.

Monastic collection of 16 herbs can help in the following cases:

  • diseases different systems organism (digestive, cardiovascular system, respiratory organs, musculoskeletal system);
  • diseases of the pelvic organs in men and women up to infertility and sexual dysfunction;
  • overwork, stress, phobias, sleep disturbances;
  • neurological diseases ( vegetovascular dystonia, headaches, migraines, etc.);
  • hormonal disruptions and metabolic disorders;
  • poisoning and intoxication;
  • decreased immunity, beriberi, anemia, exhaustion.


Herbal collection has no obvious contraindications for health reasons and age. Pregnant and lactating women should be used with caution; children under 7 years of age can be given infusion only after consulting a pediatrician. Reception is strictly regulated by the instruction, amateur performance is prohibited.

Individual intolerance to the components included in the composition is possible. Before starting a course, it is recommended to do a simple test for a possible allergic reaction. You need to drink a small amount of broth and observe the state of the body during the day. In the presence of serious diseases, it will not be superfluous to consult with your doctor, although a mandatory appointment is not required.

The collection went through a large-scale clinical researches. All patients confirmed its high efficiency and safety, some were completely cured of serious diseases.

Doctor's review

Elena Valerievna Kubasova, therapist, 15 years of experience, City Polyclinic No178.

“The collection of Father George is not inferior to expensive advertised vitamin complexes and sedatives. It has a powerful complex therapeutic effect, the effect is cumulative and prolonged. prophylactic after course treatment it is enough to repeat every six months. All my patients notice an improvement from the regular use of the collection, the effectiveness of herbal medicine is confirmed. But the decoction should not cancel or replace the treatment prescribed by the doctor.


The collection cost cannot be low due to unique recipe and natural organic ingredients. Now there is an opportunity to purchase a product at a discount. As part of the promotion, it is 50%. Cost for different countries next:

  • Russia - 990 rubles;
  • Belarus - 30 Belarusian rubles;
  • Moldova - 380 lei;
  • Ukraine - 350 hryvnia;
  • Kazakhstan - 5,600 tenge.

Where could I buy

The collection is very popular, cases of falsification have become more frequent. You can buy Father George's collection on the official website, which is directly connected with the manufacturer. In this case, the receipt of a quality product that benefits health is guaranteed. The collection is not sold through pharmacies and regular stores.

9 reviews about

    At this fee very rich content. I used to collect and dry some herbs myself. Then in the winter she brewed healing gulls. But many herbs cannot be found now, but this collection already has everything unique herbs and in a balanced dosage. I took it myself after a difficult cold. Was coughing. Thanks to this healing tea, she recovered faster and no longer got sick in the winter.

    Many are familiar with the collection of Father George. Only earlier it was simply called "collection for five years." At least in my environment. They cooked and drank. The next course could be drunk only after five years. I haven’t taken it for a long time, I climbed onto the Internet to clarify the composition. And I came across a ready-made one with a wonderful new name “Monastic Collection”. And inexpensively priced. I just want to add that a spoonful of honey is definitely needed here. It becomes healthier and tastier. And about the repetition of the course I would like to clarify?

    My sister somehow took up the use of the Monastery collection and boasted a lot about it, and let it go past her ears, until one time she fell ill. Then my sister began to solder me with this tea, and my condition immediately began to improve. You can tell from the first time. I believed in this collection, and began to use it myself. After that, I did not get sick even once for the past three years.

    I saw Father George's collection at a colleague, asked, she explained what was happening, so I ordered and drink 2 cups a day, one in the afternoon, and the other before going to bed for the second month already. I became more cheerful, more energetic and I like this state. Also noted that the complexion has improved. In general, in my diet, the collection will be for a long time, a cup or two a day will definitely not bring harm.

    I have had one health problem after another since my teenage years, because everything in the body is connected. I am very tired of this and exhausting schedule of life. I stumbled upon this tea by accident on the Internet. I brew in small portions in a thermos. Miracles did not happen, but there were more forces. Abrupt changes in well-being disappeared. I sleep better, I'm less nervous. It seems to me that she became less susceptible to colds and weather changes.

    I have been sick for a long time, sometimes I feel that I cannot quickly recover from the flu. The last time the temperature was high up to 38.5. I decided that it was time to take up immunity, I bought pills and the Monastic collection of Father George. I noticed that the result was already a week after I got sick. And before I could get sick twice, nothing helped. As part of 16 herbs, this is a lot, so the tea is healthy and rich. Even from one mug a day, I already felt that my health was improving. The fever quickly subsided, by the evening she was already on her feet. And the next day the temperature did not rise. I liked the taste of tea.

    I have a positive attitude towards everything natural. The monastic collection replaced a number of drugs for me during an exacerbation of gastritis. In addition, he got the job done digestive system. Improved not only physical state but also emotional. The feeling of malaise and overwork disappeared. I became calmer. Efficiency at height. In the morning I wake up rested, it has not been like this for a long time.

    I gradually try to stop taking pills, I try to find salvation in herbs, in what mother nature kindly gave us. I do not accept artificial immunomodulators. But in autumn it is so difficult to protect yourself from a cold. That I decided to try Father George's Monastery Collection. It is completely natural, does not cause any harm, it is a complete benefit. The only thing that is not sold everywhere is difficult to get. If I feel that I am starting to get sick or have frozen on the way home, then in the evening I will definitely brew a cup for myself. In addition to great taste, there is an effect. In the morning I wake up cheerful, the symptoms disappear. So I recommend.

    About it herbal collection told a work colleague. I became interested, because the digestive tract worked disgustingly, there was insomnia and some kind of anxiety. Started taking a month ago. The drink tastes good, I did not encounter any side effects. In 10 days, the intestines worked normally, I sleep well. The emotional state is normal.

Many are interested in the composition of the monastery collection of Father George and how to cook it. And not in vain! The composition is competent and exceptionally good. Very useful for any malignant tumors and has no contraindications. In this article I will tell you how to make a collection of Father George on your own and how to take it.

In general, the collection of Father George is much more convenient to purchase ready-made, and it costs a little. However, there are people for whom preparing medicine for themselves or loved ones on their own is a matter of principle. And there are those who have access to herbs good quality or collects it himself (I recommend doing it from pharmacies, only in the most extreme cases). In addition, the monastic collection of Father George cannot be bought at a pharmacy, you can only order it, but not everyone can spend money on delivery by mail. Well, you can do everything yourself, and Father George's monastery collection is no exception.

In general, this small article is written for such people.

If, however, you don’t know where to buy a ready-made monastic collection of Father George, then you are here

Detailed composition of the monastery collection of Father George (according to classic recipe father George from 16 herbs)

  1. Sage officinalis - 35 grams
  2. Common nettle - 25 grams
  3. Rosehip - 20 grams
  4. Sand immortelle - 20 grams
  5. Bearberry - 20 grams
  6. A series of tripartite - 20 grams
  7. Wormwood - 15 grams
  8. Yarrow ordinary - 10 grams
  9. Chamomile - 10 grams
  10. Cat's paw (dried flower) - 10 grams
  11. Common thyme - 10 grams
  12. Buckthorn bark - 10 grams
  13. Birch buds - 10 grams
  14. Trifol (or linden flowers) - 10 grams
  15. Dryweed marshmallow - 10 grams
  16. Motherwort heart -10 grams

Grind all herbs and mix well. You should get 245 grams of Father George's finished collection.

How to brew the collection of Father George

Six tablespoons of the collection are poured with two and a half liters of boiling water and set to languish on water bath. Simmer for three hours and make sure it doesn't boil!

After three hours, strain the collection well, cool and take it warm, a tablespoon three times a day (in severe cases three tablespoons), three times a day. Keep refrigerated.

Take for a month, then a break of 12 days and repeat the course. So continue until recovery. The broth is concentrated and stored for a long time.

Periodically conduct control examinations of the tumor. Father George recommended making this collection with holy water or adding it when preparing a decoction.

Monastic recipe 16 herbs, can also be made in the form of an alcohol tincture. To do this, we take a mixture of herbs in the amount of 1 part and vodka or alcohol, with a strength of up to 70 degrees, 4 parts and insist 30 days in a dark place. This tincture should be taken 3-4 times a day, 40 minutes before meals, diluting 1 teaspoon of the collection in a tablespoon of water.

Ready-made tincture of Father George can be bought

Gathering of Father George

In the world, despite the emergence of new deadly diseases, the problem of such a disease as cancer remains highly relevant: every year more than 6 million people die from cancer in the world; in Russia today every sixth Russian gets cancer. However, few people know that although cancer is capable of destroying and destroying the body, it is quite possible to find control over it - to neutralize, neutralize, expel from the body.

Some qualified Orthodox herbalists, including monastic herbalists, who carry out their treatment with means of traditional medicine, with the simultaneous spiritual and moral assistance of the patient himself (church confession and communion, communion with the Church and its sacraments).

Your attention is invited to a complex of anti-cancer remedies from Father George, published in the newspaper "Heal with Faith" for 2002. Archimandrite George is the rector of the Holy Spirit Timashevsk Monastery in the Krasnodar Territory. Amazing Feature Father George has the fact that he is a professional herbalist; knows some special, unknown recipes for curing many diseases.

Patients write to him and patients from different parts of Russia and other former republics come to him Soviet Union, and he selects all the right medicine. Great amount people were healed by Father George. His main demand for every person who turns to him for help is confession, repentance and correction of life, because, according to the deep conviction of Fr. George (corresponding to the teachings of the Church), the roots of all diseases lie in the sins of man.

His patients repent, correct themselves, change their way of life and at the same time take those decoctions and tinctures that Fr. George, and as a result ... recover. Perhaps that is why there are so many recovered patients among Fr. George. With the blessing of George, since the late 90s, the Orthodox newspaper Healed by Faith began to appear, containing a huge number of recipes for traditional medicine for various diseases, incl. recipes of Father George himself. Letter to Fr. George: “Two years ago, doctors discovered a malignant breast tumor in my friend.

She underwent a course of chemotherapy, radiation and was already preparing for an operation to remove her breast ... Someone from her acquaintances advised her to go to you, dear father Georgy. She was with you, and you prescribed her one collection of herbs, which she drank for 8 months and all this time monitored the condition of the tumor with a doctor. Every month the tumor decreased, and at the beginning of the 9th month it disappeared completely.

Examination by doctors confirmed the absence of a tumor. To those women who underwent radiation with her at the oncology dispensary, she advised your collection and they all did without surgery, they feel healthy. I want to note that during the treatment with this "wonderful" collection, my friend did not eat meat at all. Is it possible to print the recipe for this collection in your newspaper, perhaps it will help many people who are now fighting for their lives?

Answer about. George: “First of all, in case of such terrible deadly diseases as cancer, it is necessary to prepare a general Confession: to confess to a priest and partake worthily of the Body and Blood of Christ. Secondly, with such serious illness like cancer, accurate medical diagnosis and supervision by medical professionals are essential. This collection in question has already been tested by many people and has helped many.

This fee was also applied by those from which official medicine was forced to refuse, and those who only found out about their illness in initial stage. Once a man came to us, who was discharged from the hospital in a hopeless condition with a diagnosis of " lung cancer". As you know, lung cancer is practically not treated, but I decided to give him this collection. I don’t know how long he took it, but he came to me after 3.5 years - alive ”...

1. Infusion of 16 herbs:

Sage - (35 g); Nettle - (25 g); Rosehip - (20 g); Immortelle - (20 g) Bearberry - (20 g); Series - (20 g); Wormwood - (15 g); Yarrow - (10 g); Chamomile - (10 g); Dried flower - (10 g); Thyme - (10 g); Buckthorn bark - (10 g); Birch buds- (10 g); Trifol (or linden flowers) - (10g); Marsh cudweed - (10 g); Motherwort - (10 g).

Herbs should be finely chopped and mixed. Then take 26 grams from this collection (26 grams is approximately six tablespoons of a well-chopped collection), put them in an enamel pan, pour 2.5 liters of boiling water, and insist on very low heat (95 degrees - without boiling !!!) - Exactly 3 hours. In 3 hours, the broth will evaporate to a smaller volume and become concentrated. After 3 hours, strain the broth, cool and refrigerate.

Drink warm, 1 tablespoon (in severe cases, you can take 3 tablespoons) 3 times a day 1 hour before meals. The course of treatment is 30 days, then a break of 10-12 days, and the treatment is repeated again. Take as many courses as you need to complete cure. During treatment, conduct (control study of the condition) of the tumor (ultrasound, x-ray). Store the infusion in the refrigerator until it runs out; in a working refrigerator, this infusion is stored for a long time. When brewing herbs, do not forget to add holy water (preferably baptismal) to the decoctions - just a few drops. This collection can also be prepared on alcohol (70% is possible) in a ratio of 1: 4 (100 grams of carefully crushed collection - for 400 grams of alcohol). Insist in a dark place for 1 month, take 1 teaspoon per 1 tablespoon of water or milk 3-4 times a day 40 minutes before meals.

NOTE: The composition of 16 herbs includes the plant "dried flower", which many do not know about. This plant is otherwise called "cat's paw", "grass from forty ailments", "heart immortelle" (not to be confused with sandy immortelle). Also, “dried flowers” ​​are called “white immortelle”, “white St. John's wort”, “serpentine”, “hernia grass” (because dried flowers heal hernia). Dried flowers grow in dry meadows, pine forests, and wastelands, almost throughout Russia and Ukraine.

This plant is up to 25 cm high, the flowers are collected in purple-pink or pale pink baskets. Blooms from May until the end of June. After drying, it completely retains its beautiful color. It is more effective to combine this infusion with the ingestion of an alcohol tincture of Japanese Sophora fruits and a mixture of cognac with sea buckthorn (or olive) oil. 2.

Preparation of an alcohol tincture from the fruits (or flowers) of Japanese Sophora: Take 50 grams of fruits or flowers of Japanese Sophora, insist in 0.5 liter of vodka (buy high-quality vodka, be careful not to buy a fake!). Of course, it is best to take medical alcohol instead of vodka (the proportions for alcohol are the same as for vodka). You need to insist at least 40 days! Drink 1 teaspoon on an empty stomach and before meals 30 minutes 3-4 times a day.

Drink for 40 days in a row, then be examined by an oncologist. If residual signs of the disease remain, the course should be repeated 15 days after the first course. With advanced stages of cancer, five such courses should be carried out and Sophora should be taken along with an infusion of 16 herbs, which was mentioned above. Those who cannot drink alcohol should do this: brew one spoonful of well-ground sophora fruits in 1 glass of boiling water, insist overnight in a thermos, strain and drink 2 tablespoons 4 times a day before meals for 30 minutes. 3.

Preparation of a mixture of cognac (or medical alcohol) with olive or sea ​​buckthorn oil:

Take 30 ml brandy High Quality(or medical alcohol) mixed with 30 ml of sea buckthorn or olive oil(no other oil can be used in this case!), shake well and take 1 tablespoon 3 times a day 1 hour before meals for 2 weeks in a row.

So conduct 3 courses with 10-day breaks, then undergo an examination to control the reduction of the tumor: donate blood, do ultrasound procedure diseased organ. In 2002, the newspaper Healed by Faith also published several articles by oncologist and phytotherapeutist prof. V.A. Esenkulov containing detailed recommendations on complex, scientifically weighted treatment of cancer of any localization. Professor Esenkulov has been living and working in Austria for the last years.

Known as a successful practicing phytotherapist-oncologist, author of a number of scientific works confirming the effectiveness of cancer treatment complex method combination of phytopreparations with vitamin preparations based on changes in psychological attitudes, lifestyle and quality of nutrition of the patient himself. Ancient rare recipes for cancer For breast cancer Do you know that the forgotten Russian GORICHNIK plant completely cures.

For this purpose, the roots of this plant are used.

Recipe 1: Boil 20 g of gorichnik roots in 200 ml of boiling water in a water bath for 20 minutes. Take 1 table. spoon 3 times a day.

Recipe 2: Alcohol tincture of gorichnik: the proportions of gorichnik and vodka are 1: 3, leave for 20 days, take 25 drops 3 times a day. In malignant tumors. The same applies to the plant gulyavnik officinalis. GULYAVNIK (popularly called thorn or mustache grass), it is used for all malignant tumors.

Only the seeds of this plant are used. The walker is especially effective for breast cancer, prostate and thyroid gland. Numerous cases of healing from cancer of other organs have also been registered. Also the leaves of the walker are strong anthelmintic with all types of worms. Since it has been proven that the toxins secreted by helminths contribute to the formation of tumors, it will not be superfluous to be treated for worms herbal remedies, for example, a walker.

Recipe: Infusion of leaves and seeds of gulyavnika: 1 table. mix a spoonful of herbs with 1 table. a spoonful of seeds, take 1 table. pour a spoonful of the mixture with 1 cup of boiling water, leave for 20 minutes in a water bath, strain, take 1 tablespoon 2 hours after eating. To prevent metastases after removal malignant tumors:

It is taken independently infusion of herbs TATARNIK prickly (thistle): 4 table. spoons of crushed flowers and leaves of the tatarnik pour 1 liter hot water and boil on a very low heat for 10 minutes, cool, stand for another 4 hours in a cool place. Take 1-2 cups of decoction 4 times a day before meals. It is better to prepare a new decoction every day.

ATTENTION! Infusion of the Tatar can raise arterial pressure therefore, hypertensive patients should foresee this and take appropriate means to reduce pressure.


It is necessary to take a decoction of burdock roots: 2 table. tablespoons per 400 ml of boiling water, insist on low heat for 25 minutes. Take 1/2 cup 4 times a day before meals. In case of uterine cancer, douche with the same decoction.


Recipe: In equal parts, take powdered burdock roots (or fresh roots passed through a meat grinder), honey and alcohol, insist for 1 week in a dark place and take 1 tablespoon 4 times a day.


Recipe: Take 3 glasses bay leaf, grind pour 0.5 liters of vodka, insist in a dark place for 2 weeks, strain, take 1 table. spoon 3 times a day.


Ingredients: - sweet clover grass with flowers, - tartar (thistle), - yarrow, - St. Take 4 teaspoons of the mixture for 4 cups of boiling water, insist in a water bath for 1.5 hours over very low heat, without bringing it to a boil.

Drink 1/2 cup 2 hours after eating! It is necessary to drink exactly one year with breaks of 10 days after every forty days. With careful and regular use, all types of tumors disappear, and within one year. There are a lot of anticancer drugs, but this article offers the most affordable and effective means. For all types of tumors

Recipe: Decoction of sunflower petals: 1 table. spoon for 1 cup of boiling water, insist, drink 4-6 times a day for? glass. External remedy for tumors of the mammary gland and goiter Recipe: Take young oak branches, remove the bark from them, dry, chop. 1 table. brew a spoonful of bark with 1 cup of boiling water, boil on low heat for 20 minutes, insist on fire for 3 hours, wrapping it well. When the decoction has cooled down, take a piece of cloth from a terry towel, soak it in the decoction and apply it like a compress in the morning and evening, keep it for no more than 2 hours.

With goiter, such a compress can be put on the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe thyroid gland. Young oak bark dissolves non-inflamed tumors. From breast cancer and tongue cancer Recipe: An infusion of tenacious bedstraw is used (popularly called Velcro or hemorrhoid grass): 2 table. spoons of chopped grass pour 2 cups of boiling water, leave for 3 hours, strain.

Drink hot? cups 4 times a day in small sips, with cancer of the tongue, in addition to ingestion, do mouth rinses. In lung cancer, such remedies have proven themselves well

Vodka tincture wormwood (Chernobyl). 1 teaspoon pour a spoonful of grass with 1 cup of boiling water, insist on low heat until it has evaporated to half the volume. Take 30 ml 3 times a day before meals. Recipe 2: Tincture of RYASKI (grows in reservoirs): 1 tsp. a spoonful of well-washed chopped duckweed is infused in 50 ml of vodka for 4 days, filtered and taken in 20 drops with? glass of water 3-4 times a day.

For those who cannot bear alcohol tinctures, you need to mix duckweed powder with honey 1: 1, make “pills” weighing 2 g and take 1 pill 3 times a day an hour before meals. For all malignant neoplasms and papilomatosis, an infusion of tuberous goatwort (Caucasian and prickly gooseberry) is used. The flowers also have medicinal properties.

Recipe: Take 2 table. spoons of zopnik grass pour 250 ml of boiling water, insist in a thermos for 6 hours, take? glass 4 times a day before meals. ZOPNIK is generally a wonderful grass, undeservedly little is written about it.

It is taken to increase efficiency, vigor, gives the body strength, increases immunity to diseases, and cures all nervous diseases. Now all of humanity suffers from chronic fatigue, so everyone needs to drink tea from zopnik grass.

INTERESTING NOTE! BLOOMING SALLY. Some herbalists suggest treating malignant tumors with willow herb. In my many years of experience, I was convinced that Ivan tea, as an independent plant, cannot fight cancer, it can only be taken in combination with other antitumor plants for the prevention and treatment of only benign tumors.

Ivan tea roots are effective for pain in women, gonorrhea, syphilis, constipation, headache, peptic ulcer stomach, intestines, gastritis, colitis, but to say that it cures cancer would be an exaggeration.

Recipe: Ivan-tea herb infusion for the above diseases: 2 table. tablespoons of water to insist 6 hours in 2 cups of boiling water in a thermos, take on? glass 4 times a day before meals.

With stomach ulcers and colitis: make this decoction of willow-tea: 1 table. pour a spoonful of leaves with 1 glass of cold water, boil in a water bath for 15 minutes, remove from heat and leave for another 2 hours, wrapped. Strain and take 1 table. spoon 4 times a day before meals.

For cancer and polyps Bladder IRIS ROOT (pale iris) is used.

This plant used to be wild, now it is used as ornamental plant in flower beds and gardens. Recipe: A decoction of iris roots: a teaspoon of crushed roots in 400 ml of boiling water, boil for 5 minutes, leave for 2 hours, strain, take 100 ml 4 times a day before meals until recovery. Iris roots are harvested from September to November. Earlier I said that you should constantly drink tea from antitumor herbs, this is necessary for people who do not eat right, live in cities with poor ecology, suffer chronic diseases that can become malignant.

Such drinks purify the blood and prevent malignant formations. Recipe: Another of the compositions of antitumor tea: flowers and grass of red clover, nettle, calendula, brew like ordinary tea. For lung cancer, gooseberry leaves should also be added to this tea. Few people know that gooseberry leaves completely cure pulmonary tuberculosis.

Based on the work of Dr. med. Sciences, Professor Esenkulov "Heal with faith" No. 9. - 2002 Collection of medicinal herbs for oncological diseases medical fees herbs for cancer oncological diseases continues to be one of the most relevant today. There are a lot of theories about the origin of tumors.

It is believed that the basis of the disease is a disturbed system of self-regulation of the body, a decrease in nonspecific immunity. Contribute to this heredity, occupational hazards, unfavorable environmental conditions. A person suffering from cancer will be harmed negative emotions: fear, sadness, panic, passive humility, due to which the body's resistance to disease decreases.

medical statistics testifies to hundreds of thousands of cures for cancer by various methods. Therefore, hope and faith in recovery should not be shaken. It is necessary to continue to maintain interest in life. Activity. personal hygiene, positive emotions will benefit to fight the disease. Nature provides us with many products of animal and vegetable origin that have antitumor activity.

For example, wholemeal flour with Bran, garlic, horseradish, radish, onion, sea buckthorn, parsley, dill, celery, sorrel, birch sap, carrots, green tea, lemon, royal jelly bees, seaweed, beets, wheat bran. In the treatment of oncological diseases with herbs, it is first of all recommended to carry out basic therapy from complex collections of herbs, then against the background basic therapy plants with antitumor activity are used (peony, celandine, stonecrop, hemlock, chaga, etc.).

Basic therapy in the treatment of cancer is necessary to increase immunity and body resistance. The collection includes plants that regulate the functioning of the nervous system, which reduce depression and fear, improve the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract, strengthen the cardiovascular system, restore blood composition, enhance kidney function, and stimulate the adrenal cortex. Complicated collections of herbs for oncological diseases are not only a medicine, but also nutrition for an organism weakened by illness, as they contain fats, proteins, carbohydrates, trace elements and vitamins.

Drugs with antitumor activity are prescribed against the background of basic therapy, due to which their toxic effect on others is reduced. healthy organs(celandine, hemlock, and others). For collecting herbs in the treatment of oncological diseases, hawthorn flowers, calamus rhizome, immortelle flowers, burdock, wormwood, bedstraw, horsetail, plantain, calendula flowers, cudweed marshmallow, sage, mistletoe, birch leaf, mint, lemon balm, Chernobyl, tansy, aloe, St. John's wort, Tatar, saffron, buckthorn, nettle, elecampane and others.

Medicinal herbs, for the most part, and this is very important to understand, do not cure cancer, but they help medical treatment and slow down the growth of tumors, increase the body's resistance, improve blood composition, reduce many clinical symptoms. But everything should be discussed with your doctor. So that the body does not get used to the same collection of herbs and the therapeutic effect of the herb does not become less effective - you should alternate them by months (for example: peony tincture, celandine infusion, pine needles decoction, chaga infusion, stonecrop infusion.).

Treatment of oncological diseases with herbs can be carried out simultaneously with radiation and chemotherapeutic methods of treatment. Treatment of oncological diseases should take place under the supervision of a phytotherapeutist and an oncologist. Cancer treatment with herbs Medicinal herbs and plants for cancer various bodies: 1. For liver cancer: chicory, ivy-shaped budra, Chernobyl, chaga.

2. For cancer of the nasopharynx: rinsing with mint, boiled in apple cider vinegar, infusion of lovage, horseradish juice (diluted with water 1:10), horse sorrel, plantain. 3. For breast cancer: forest violets, lotions of iris, celandine; inside: infusions of burnet, viburnum juice with honey, calendula, St. John's wort. 4. For cancer of the female genital area: speckled hemlock, peony, Chernobyl, oregano, calendula, celandine, tartar.

5. For rectal cancer: enemas with celandine, valerian, carrot juice, Chernobyl, oak bark, wormwood. 6. For skin cancer: garlic, celandine juice, hops, horseradish, elm, stonecrop, cranberries, tartar, birch buds. 7. For stomach cancer: cudweed, plantain, celandine, calendula, Chernobyl, chicory, marsh belozer, chaga, centaury, St. John's wort, wormwood, carrot juice, beets. 8. With radiation sickness: chaga, aloe, nettle, cabbage, birch sap, green tea, mountain ash, licorice, strawberries, carrots, beets, sweet clover, corn, Cabernet, Cahors wine.

The following plants are the most effective at home for the treatment of cancer with herbs: 1. Large celandine. Celandine contains over 20 alkaloids (including sanguinarine, chelidonine, chelerythrin), vitamins A, C, saponins, organic acids, bitterness, flavonoids and other substances. Preparations containing celandine cause a delay in the growth of malignant tumors, soothe the central and autonomic nervous system, reduce pain, increase intestinal motility, tone up the muscles of the uterus. They have a choleretic, laxative and antimicrobial effect.

Apply as follows: pour four tablespoons of grass with one liter of boiling water, leave a thermos overnight. Use externally in the form of compresses on the tumor or take orally one tablespoon 3 times a day before meals. 2. Chaga, also called - birch mushroom. Chaga infusion has been used for the treatment of oncological diseases for a long time, namely for tumors and leukemia. Chaga mushroom contains organic acids, lignin, polysaccharides, pterins, fiber, phenol, trace elements (potassium, calcium, magnesium, manganese, zinc, silicon, iron, copper, etc.).

Chaga mushroom has an antitumor ability, regulates the work of the gastrointestinal tract, improves the well-being of patients. Soak chaga in water for four hours, then pass the mushroom through a meat grinder and add five parts boiled water temperature not higher than 50 degrees. Infuse the infusion for two days, then it is necessary to strain, add the water in which the mushroom was soaked.

The infusion is stored for no more than four days. Take 100 ml. three times per day. In the pharmacy you can find a drug from chaga - befungin. Take it like this: dilute one teaspoon of this drug in 100 ml of water, drink one tablespoon three times a day before meals. 3. Stonecrop purple, also called hare cabbage. In terms of antitumor activity, it is much stronger than hemlock speckled.

Apply it according to the following scheme: in the form of salads, 10% tinctures (20 drops three times a day before meals). In Russia, this water infusion was called “living water” (20 g per 200 ml of water: 30 ml three times a day before meals). 4. Extraordinary peony or otherwise - Mary's root - has a strong bactericidal effect, contains strontium, iron, lead, chromium, copper, molybdenum, titanium, vanadium, nickel, antimony, magnesium, barium and other trace elements. It is recommended to drink an infusion of the marina root for the treatment of uterine cancer, malaria, neurosis and liver disease.

Application: one teaspoon of dry peony root insist for three hours in three cups of boiling water. Drink one tablespoon three times a day before meals. Peony tincture - drink one teaspoon three times a day before meals, while diluting in 50 ml of water. 5. Wormwood, or in another way - Chernobyl, also called - God's tree. They usually drink with cancer of the stomach and female genital organs. Calms the nervous system, stimulates the immune system, improves digestion, delays the growth of cancer. Application: a) Brew one tablespoon of herb in 300 ml. boiling water. Pour into a thermos and insist all night ..

Drink 100 ml three times a day before meals; 6. Garlic sowing: garlic phytoncides slow down the growth of skin cancerous tumors, and is also recommended for some forms of skin precancer - leukoplakia, ulcers, hyperkeratosis). 7. Aloe vera contains such powerful substances as biogenic stimulants that increase the body's defenses. Helps improve appetite, promotes wound healing, relaxes the intestines, radiation burns, ulcers, increases hemoglobin and increases the number of red blood cells.

Aloe is contraindicated in pregnancy, severe defeat liver, hemorrhoids,. Aloe syrup with iron is recommended for radiation sickness and malignant neoplasms of various stages. Apply 1 teaspoon after meals three times a day. 8. Calendula officinalis - marigold grows in almost everyone in the country and has a disinfectant and anti-inflammatory effect, has antitumor activity, enhances the contractile function of the myocardium, calms the nervous system, and reduces high blood pressure.

It is used for diseases of the stomach, liver, intestines, neuroses, scrofula, rickets, conjunctivitis, wounds, ulcers, heart failure, trichomoniasis, tumors. Apply an infusion of calendula - 20 drops before meals three times a day or one tablespoon of flowers pour 300 ml. boiling water and during the night insist in a thermos and drink three times a day before meals, 100 ml.

Collections of herbs for cancer that increase immunity: 1. Rosehip, plantain, motherwort, horsetail (3 parts each), oregano (1 part each), sage, Chernobyl, buckthorn (0.5 parts), string, nettle (2 parts each) , chamomile (5 parts). Drink two tablespoons per 0.7 boiling water, insist, take 100 ml three times a day before meals. Prepare and apply the following preparations in the same way: — plantain, St. Chernobyl, nettle, elderberry (4 parts each), cuff, burdock root, dandelion leaf, blueberry leaf, flax-seed(2 parts each), elecampane (1 part); - tansy, cudweed oats, plantain (1 part each), St. John's wort (4 parts), yarrow, motherwort, wild rose (2 parts each), Chernobyl (3 parts).

Cancer Treatments by Other Means 1. Fresh Juice Blend to Reduce toxic effects on the body and the hematopoietic system, chemo- and radiotherapy: mix 200 g of carrot juice, beet juice, radish juice and honey. Drink 30 g twice a day mixed with 50 ml warm water before meals. Store juice in the refrigerator. 2. Viburnum juice with honey breast cancer. 3. sea ​​kale(contains fats, proteins, carbohydrates, sodium, magnesium, calcium, manganese, iron, sulfur, phosphorus, bromine, radium, iodine, vitamins A, C, arsenic): take one teaspoon twice a day.

Seaweed increases appetite, improves well-being, increases blood hemoglobin, and reduces intoxication. 4. Fruit drinks from cranberries, red rowan, lemon: 100 g of fruit drink before meals. By stimulating the adrenal cortex, they increase the body's resistance to cancer 5. Birch juice very useful and should be taken: 100 g before meals. 6. Wine "Cahors" "Cabernet" (from one grape variety): 50-100 g before dinner. Wine promotes the removal of radionuclides from the body, increases appetite and well-being, improves the blood picture. 7. Vegetables and vegetable juices plants containing selenium, which slows down the growth of malignant cells, as well as pomegranate, celery, saffron, parsley, etc. herbal cancer treatment, cancer treatment