Birch buds - medicinal properties, use and contraindications. Birch buds: useful properties and contraindications for taking

Birch is one of the most common trees in our climate zone, so every year tens of thousands of liters of nutritious juice are obtained from this tree, which is extracted not only by individuals, but also small companies. At the same time, not everyone knows that birch is valuable not only because of the juice. Today we will tell you how birch buds are used, how they are useful, and how to properly prepare them. Let's talk about recipes traditional medicine.

What are the benefits of birch buds

Let's start with a discussion of how birch buds are useful for us, and what diseases they will help to cope with.

Properties that are used both in folk and traditional medicine:

  • diuretic;
  • choleretic;
  • painkiller;
  • blood-purifying;
  • diaphoretic;
  • anthelmintic;
  • wound healing;
  • disinfectant.
This raw material is used to treat gout and rheumatism, kidney-based medicines help to cope with skin diseases, and also accelerate the regeneration of damaged cells. Given the above, we can conclude that birch buds are valuable natural product who proved his medicinal properties, which is why it is used not only in traditional medicine, but also sold in pharmacies in the form of drugs.

Important! Essential oil is produced from the kidneys, which can be purchased at the pharmacy.

When to collect and how to store birch buds

It’s worth saying right away that if you don’t have the opportunity to collect the product for any reason, then you can find birch buds in almost any pharmacy, and their price will not empty your wallet.

However, freshly harvested raw materials are more valuable, so below we will tell you how and when to harvest a birch product, and what storage conditions should be observed in order to medicinal part plants have not lost their properties.

Collection. Collecting products should be in late February - early March, until the first leaves appear. It is important to remember that if at least one leaf appeared on the tree, then time was lost, and it makes no sense to collect “late” buds.
Collect only swollen vegetative organs plants, as they contain the maximum amount of useful substances. If you hurry up with the collection and pluck the raw materials before the juices start moving, you will get useless product which has no medicinal properties.

Collection is carried out with a sharp knife. Cut each kidney should be at the base, so as not to damage it. Remember that only living intact vegetative organs are subject to collection, so you should not cut all the raw materials from the tree.

Important! You can collect the kidneys only in dry weather.

Drying. Since we collect the products in early spring, it is rather problematic to dry them. Drying requires room temperature, protection from direct sunlight, and good air circulation.

If this is not possible, then dry the kidneys in an electric dryer at a temperature not exceeding +30 ° C.
Storage. Medicinal products are stored for no more than 24 months. After drying, the birch generative organs are placed in glass containers or paper bags, after which they are placed in a dry room, away from sunlight.

How to use for medicinal purposes: recipes


First you need to take an accurate electronic scale, or a packaged product, and then measure 10 g. Next, the product is poured with 200 ml of boiling water, after which it is boiled for a quarter of an hour over low heat.

Strain and leave to cool at room temperature. The drug does not need to be further diluted with water, and if the indicated volume is not enough, then initially prepare more of the drug, using the ratio of 50 g of kidneys to 1 liter of water.
The decoction is used to restore the body after serious illnesses, as well as with spring beriberi. The tool will help to cope with colds and flu. Also used as a decongestant.

Alcohol tincture

Immediately it is worth clarifying that there are two options for tincture: for internal or external use. At the same time, it should be understood that an external remedy, when taken orally, will not only not cure you, but can also worsen the condition, so do not experiment.

Alcohol tincture for internal use. We take 20 g of dry products, finely chop, and then pour moonshine or vodka. Using alcohol is quite dangerous, however, if you are sure of the quality of the product, then buy only the 70% option (septil).
To prepare the drug, it is enough to take 100 ml of an alcohol-containing product.

After 3 weeks, the tincture is filtered, after which the medicine is ready for use. Should be taken as homeopathic remedy: 15-20 drops 3 times a day half an hour before meals.

Tincture for external use. We take 40 g of kidneys, grind them in a mortar to a powdery state, and then pour 200 ml of alcohol. In this case, you can use the 96% option.

The tincture is placed in a dark place for a week, after which the product can be used for medicinal purposes. It is not necessary to filter.

The use of tincture for internal use:

  • laryngitis;
  • bronchitis;
  • tracheitis;
  • tuberculosis;
  • ulcer or gastritis of the stomach;
  • lack of appetite;
  • worms;
  • bladder disease;
  • migraine;
  • atherosclerosis.
Application of external tincture:
  • analgesic and anti-inflammatory agent;
  • rheumatism;
  • gout;
  • bedsores;
  • erosion of the skin;
  • lacerated wounds;
  • toothache.

Oil tincture

We take a faceted glass and fill it with finely chopped or grated birch buds. Next, fill the composition with 0.6 l sunflower oil. We mix and send for 40 days to infuse in the pantry.

After the specified time, we take out the infusion and add 50 g to it medicinal chamomile and . Then we poison for another 3 weeks to insist.

Usage. The oil version helps to cope with hemorrhoids. When applied daily to external hemorrhoids, it will open in a few days and will soon heal completely.
If you have internal hemorrhoids, then daily enemas with the addition of a small amount of oil will help to cope with the disease faster.

Important! As in the case of external, so in the case of internal hemorrhoids, it is necessary to carry out the procedure twice a day.

Also this medicine used to treat various dermatitis, and as a cosmetic product for facial skin.


There are two options for preparing an ointment: based on butter and based on lanolin.

First option. We take 600 g of butter and the same amount of chopped kidneys. We alternate layers of oil and birch product in an enameled pan, wrap with foil and send to the oven.
The composition should stay in the oven for about a day so that the cream is ready. The temperature is set to no more than +100 ° C, otherwise everything will burn.

When the ointment is ready, it is removed from the oven and added not a large number of camphor.

Second option. We take 1 part of the kidneys and fill them with two parts of boiling water. After 10-15 minutes, filter and add melted lanolin to the resulting infusion. The mixture should be thick so that after solidification we get a cream, not a suspension.

The ointment is used to treat diseases of the joints, as well as eczema.

Wellness baths

We take 300 g of dry kidneys and steam them with a liter of boiling water. Next, send to infuse for a day in a dark place. After the composition is infused, it must be added to the filled bath at the rate of 100 ml of infusion per 10 liters of water, that is, a liter of tincture is enough for 100 liters of water in the bath. The duration of the bath is 25 minutes.

Important! You can not use alcohol infusions for baths.

How to use for cosmetic purposes: recipes

For facial skin

For the treatment of rashes and irritation on the skin of the face. We take 20 g of crushed kidneys and pour 100 ml of vodka. We tightly close the container and send it to infuse. After 7 days, the tincture is ready.

Can be used as a lotion. Essential oils can be added to mask the strong alcohol smell.

For wrinkle removal. We take about 100 g of chopped birch product and pour a glass of boiling water. After 2 hours, strain the infusion and add honey in a ratio of 1:1. Mix the resulting mixture and transfer to an enamel pan.

Put on fire and boil until thick. When the mixture has cooled, it is transferred to a convenient vessel and used as a mask.

Apply daily to the skin for 15-20 minutes, then rinse with warm water.

Important! Keep cosmetic product needed in the fridge.

For hair

This tool helps to strengthen the hair roots, as well as reduce hair loss.
We take 10 g of crushed dry kidneys and pour 100 ml of alcohol. We poison to infuse in a closet for 2 weeks. After the specified time, we take out the tincture and filter it.

Used as follows: before applying, dilute 1 part of the tincture in 10 parts warm water. Mix and rub into the roots of the hair. No need to rinse. The agent is diluted immediately before use, the infusion should be stored undiluted.

Contraindications and harm

Oral use of medicines based on a birch product during pregnancy or breastfeeding is prohibited.

It is possible to use birch generative organs only after consulting a doctor for diseases of the excretory system, as well as for kidney failure.

Did you know? There is a variety of this tree called the Schmidt birch. Its wood is so strong that it is as difficult to bend as wrought iron.

Now you know how a birch product is useful, whether it can be purchased at a pharmacy, and what ailments the kidneys can save from.

Remember that medicinal raw materials must be of high quality, therefore, generative organs of a tree should not be collected near highways or factories, otherwise they will enter the body. heavy metals and poisons cannot be avoided.

Scope of use of birch buds. Instructions for the use of birch buds for rheumatism, liver disease and cough.

Birch buds- an effective and environmentally friendly medicine. This remedy is widely used in folk medicine. This is due to the availability of birch buds, because birch grows in a temperate climate. This tree can be found in any part of Russia.

The use of birch buds in medicine

It is worth noting that traditional medicine uses this medicine, both for external and internal reception. Ointments, decoctions, teas and tinctures are prepared from the kidneys.

Diseases that can be cured with birch buds:

  • Gynecological ailments
  • Skin diseases
  • Pimples and acne
  • Arthritis
  • For treatment high level cholesterol
  • In case of metabolic disorders
  • For diseases of the liver and pancreas

It is worth noting that birch buds have an anti-inflammatory effect. Simply put, this natural antibiotic. It disinfects very well. skin and open wounds.

Birch buds, contraindications

In spite of vegetable origin medicines, it should not be used during pregnancy. At this time, the body is rebuilt and works a little differently. Allergies, bloating, and bowel problems may occur when the decoction or tincture is taken orally. Accordingly, the intestines are stretched, which causes pain in the lower abdomen.


  • Pregnancy and lactation
  • stomach ulcer
  • Ulcerative diseases of the intestine
  • Acute diseases of the kidneys and bladder

How to brew birch buds?

The process of preparing a decoction of birch buds is very simple. You need to purchase the product at a pharmacy or collect it yourself. To do this, in early spring, before the leaves bloom, cut the buds and dry them in the shade.

Instructions for preparing a decoction of birch buds:

  • Pour a spoonful of raw materials into an enameled pan, pour the broth with boiling water and simmer over low heat for 3 minutes
  • Cool the broth, and strain it before taking
  • Take Prescription

Tincture of birch buds on vodka: application

To prepare the tincture, grind dry raw materials in a mortar and pour alcohol. For one part of the raw material, five parts of alcohol are needed. The container with the solution is closed and placed for 10-12 days in a dark and cold place. After that, the tincture is filtered.

Store in a cool place in a brown or green glass bottle.

Instructions for using the tincture:

  • With vomiting and nausea. You need to take the remedy 30-50 drops with water or milk. For a day you need to do 3-5 receptions. At severe vomiting increase the dose
  • For diseases of the liver. Take 10 ml three times a day before each meal
  • in gynecology. Treat vaginitis and cervicitis with douching. To do this, take one part of the tincture and add 9 parts of warm boiled water. 50 ml of solution is injected into the vagina with a syringe
  • For rheumatism. Take 20 ml of the substance three times a day. It is advisable to do this 35 minutes before a meal.
  • For the treatment of dermatitis, suppuration and boils. Cotton wool is impregnated with tincture and rubbed into sore spots. You can make lotions and applications

How to take birch buds for cough?

To do this, you need to prepare a special ointment. 50 g of raw materials must be crushed in a mortar and add 200 g of ordinary butter. Take unsalted 73% fat. Margarine is not suitable. Simmer this mixture over low heat for 60 minutes. After that, squeeze the kidneys, and cool the liquid. After cooling, it will become like an ointment. This remedy is taken in a tablespoon. You need to take this medicine 4 times a day.

You can apply a compress smeared with birch ointment to your chest.

This remedy quickly relieves pain and restores connective tissue in the joints. For treatment, tincture is used. To prepare it, a spoonful of raw materials is poured into a vial and topped up with 100 ml of alcohol. Leave for 12-14 days. The resulting tincture is rubbed on the joints. After rubbing the product, the joints are wrapped with a warm scarf.

This tool promotes the regeneration of liver tissue and the discharge of bile. At chronic ailments liver, you can take a decoction or tincture of birch buds. Tincture is taken 10-15 ml before meals. You should not start treatment if you have gallbladder there are stones. This can lead to blockage of the bile ducts.

Birch buds in combination with others medicinal herbs contribute to the purification of blood vessels from cholesterol and atherosclerotic plaques.

Instructions for preparing the medicine:

  • Mix in a bag of 100 g of dry flowers of chamomile, birch buds, immortelle and yarrow
  • Pour a spoonful of the mixture with 240 ml of boiling water and place in a water bath
  • You can simply cover the mixture with a lid and wrap it in a towel until the liquid has cooled.
  • Take a glass of decoction 3 times a day
  • It is necessary to drink the medicine 30 minutes before a meal
  • Continue treatment until all 400 g of herbal mixture is finished.

Birch buds for women, benefits

This is an ancient medicine used by Russian beauties.

The scope of use of birch buds in women:

  • To reduce pain during menstruation. It is necessary to drink 100 ml of decoction during menstruation three times a day. This helps to relieve pain and reduce the amount of blood. This medicine is recommended to be taken after childbirth. It restores the uterine mucosa and reduces the intensity of bleeding.
  • For weight loss. A decoction of the kidneys is taken to normalize metabolism. Due to the cleansing of the body, the reactions in the tissues are more intense.
  • For the treatment of hair loss. Decoction is necessary to rinse the braids after washing. The tincture is rubbed into the roots of the hair when it falls out.
  • Reduce the symptoms of menopause. It is necessary to take 15 ml of tincture three times a day

Can birch buds be taken during pregnancy?

A decoction of birch buds can be taken in the last months of pregnancy. It helps reduce swelling and relieves pain in the legs. To prepare a decoction, 10 g of raw materials are poured into 200 ml of boiling water and boiled for 2 minutes. The broth is cooled and taken 5 times a day, 50 ml. At the same time, fluid intake is limited.

Birch buds are truly excellent and inexpensive remedy from most diseases. Before use, consult a doctor.

VIDEO: The use of birch buds

It's environmentally friendly, effective product, which has unique healing properties. Birch buds are a folk remedy, they have several ways of preparation for treatment different systems organism. The component is available to everyone, because the tree grows in a temperate climate and is very common in Russia. AT folk recipes used for external and internal use. You can prepare a decoction, tea, ointment or infusion from birch buds.

When are birch buds harvested?

Correct collection raw materials are important point if you want to get the maximum healing effect from traditional medicine recipes. Birch buds are harvested in the spring, the procurement of raw materials should be carried out only in places of planned, sanitary cuttings. This condition is necessary in order not to harm nature. Exist following rules for which raw materials are collected:

  1. When to collect medicinal raw materials. Unique healing properties will be at the kidneys in early spring, when sap flow begins. Useful substances are preserved in winter, they are collected, as a rule, at this time of the year when cutting down birch groves.
  2. Cut raw materials together with young branches. It is necessary to bind the raw materials into bundles, and then dry them in a ventilated and dry room. Healing kidneys will be ready in 3-4 weeks, a pleasant smell will appear, they will become Brown color. You need to manually clean everything from the branches, removing the leaves and earrings.
  3. How much and how to store. The kidneys retain their properties for about 2 years, they should be packed in linen bags and prevent moisture and dampness.

Healing properties of birch buds

A unique therapeutic effect is achieved due to the composition of the ingredients. The benefits of birch buds are associated with the presence of the following elements:

  • resins;
  • Sahara;
  • phytoncides;
  • flavonoids;
  • saponins;
  • rich complex of minerals, vitamins;
  • organic acids;
  • tannins.

The buds of a birch tree, when distilled with water vapor, give an essential oil. It turns out a dark yellow liquid, which has a resinous taste and aroma. Use this tool in cosmetology, dermatology. Pharmacological properties kidney:

  • have anti-inflammatory action;
  • disinfectant (antibacterial) effect;
  • have a choleretic property;
  • has an antiseptic effect;
  • participate in the process of hematopoiesis;
  • have blood-purifying properties;
  • have an expectorant effect;

The use of birch buds

Lots of positive feedback about the unique healing properties of birch is associated with therapy gastrointestinal tract, urinary system. birch infusions and decoctions in pharmacology are defined as diuretics, choleretic agents. List of indications for taking medication on the kidneys:


This tool is considered an excellent external antiseptic. Birch bud tincture can be used orally for digestive disorders, stomach ulcers, renal pathologies, dropsy or from worms. The infusion helps to stop vomiting, relieve muscle, rheumatic pain (compresses or rubbing). The tool is prepared as follows:

  1. It will take 4 tbsp. l. dry birch raw materials.
  2. Pour 70% alcohol or vodka, you need 0.5 liters.
  3. Leave in a warm place for a week.
  4. Drink 1 tsp. together with food, diluted in 100 g of water.


Take this form of medicine in cases colds. You can drink a decoction of birch buds as tea, gargle with sore throat. The tool has a good diaphoretic and antibacterial effect. With the timely diagnosis of a cold, a person needs 1 cup of tea on birch buds before going to bed. In the morning, the person already feels much better. Apply decoctions in the composition complex therapy with some oncological diseases apply compresses during treatment non-healing wounds.


The agent in the form of an ointment is actively used in the treatment skin diseases and rheumatism. Positive effect can be obtained in the treatment of eczema, rheumatism, psoriasis, hair. Kidneys are prepared according to a special recipe that requires a lot of effort and time. It is better if it is carried out on a live fire. Would need butter- 250 g, dry raw materials - 250 g, 25 g of camphor in crystals. Raw materials with oil must be simmered in the oven for 15 hours in a hermetically sealed pot. After that, squeeze the liquid through gauze and add camphor to it. After a few days, the composition will thicken.


Birch products have unique composition but for some people it can be harmful. Exist the following contraindications to use this folk medicine:

How to brew birch buds

Preparing a decoction is a simple process for which you will need to buy chopped birch buds at a pharmacy, if you wish, you can collect them yourself. Do this in early spring, before the leaves bloom, cut and dry in the shade. Below is a description of the preparation:

  1. Put two teaspoons of the collection in an enameled pan, then pour boiling water over it and simmer for 3 minutes over low heat.
  2. Cool the medicine, it is recommended to strain the decoction before taking.
  3. The amount of the drug and the frequency of administration is determined by what pathology needs to be treated.

tincture recipe

When creating healing infusions, the ratio of ingredients may vary slightly, and a specialist should correct them. Medicine recommends taking any medications only after consulting a doctor. An example of the preparation of an alcohol tincture with a photo is presented below:

  1. In one container, mix 100 grams of chamomile, St. John's wort, immortelle and birch buds.
  2. Stir the ingredients to get a homogeneous mass.
  3. Fill the collection with alcohol and leave for one month.
  4. Further, the tincture is applied depending on the pathology.


Hello dear readers. Recently, once again talking with a familiar herbalist who sells herbs, tinctures and ointments every weekend in our market, I came across a bag of dried birch buds. Paying attention to birch buds, we started talking about this unique gift of nature. To be honest, I learned a lot of new and interesting things about how to use birch buds to treat many diseases that were previously unknown to me. The herbalist very intelligibly explains and explains everything to each buyer, which is why many people turn to him. As he himself notes, treatment with folk remedies takes a little longer than with drugs, but it is safer and more effective.

Medicines are one of the greatest "inventions" of mankind, bringing billions of dollars of income every month to the owners of the pharmaceutical business. Yes, it is for them, and not for your health, that it works in the first place. Naturally, one cannot completely deny the need for periodic intake of certain medicines, but what can be observed today is already too much: they are prescribed by doctors with slightest symptom diseases, antibiotics are used in tons, and even more - everyone has long been accustomed (not without the help of marketers) to self-diagnose themselves and “prescribe” medicines.

In fact, this is a colossal blow to health and even to the wallet! But this can be easily avoided. How? With the help of recipes that Nature herself gives us. Birch is our symbol and our pride, one of the most unique and effective folk remedies known to our ancestors. And its most useful part is birch buds. Treatment with this gift of nature can be carried out quite successfully at home.

Birch buds - useful properties and contraindications

They are truly amazing. This is due to the composition of the kidneys: essential balsamic oil, betulinic acid, resinous substances, flavonoids, fatty acid, alkaloids, carotene, many vitamins and minerals.

Beneficial features birch buds are widely used not only in alternative medicine. modern science also confirms their unique effect on the body, using the kidneys themselves, or their individual components, in the production of pharmaceutical and cosmetic products.

Particularly pronounced following properties birch buds, which are used for therapeutic purposes:

Diuretic. Within 10-15 minutes after ingestion, they begin to appear.

Sweatshops. It helps to reset overweight associated with violation water-salt balance, remove toxins from the body and so on.

Cholagogue. They work very well with stagnation of bile, diluting it and helping natural removal (with caution should be used for gallstones).

Wound healing. Under the influence of birch bud components, wounds heal faster, and soft tissue regeneration processes are more intense.

Blood purifiers. Significantly improve the composition of blood and lymph. Also, they contribute to its more active circulation through the bloodstream, which facilitates the work of the heart.

Antiviral, antifungal, antibacterial. Birch buds can be used very effectively in the treatment of any ailments associated with most of the pathogens assigned to these kingdoms.

Painkillers. Helps a lot with pain different etiology. They can significantly reduce their level, or eliminate them altogether, depending on the intensity.

Birch buds - treatment

Their application is quite wide. Let's look at the main ways in this direction.

as a diuretic

So, birch buds, useful properties and contraindications as a diuretic. For these purposes, the infusion is the best fit.

Cooking it is simple: pour 2 teaspoons of dry kidneys with boiling water (250 milliliters), leave for half an hour, strain. Take 50 milliliters before meals (2-4 times). This decoction will help with swelling lower extremities, hypertension, intoxication of the body. It can also be used in complex therapy to normalize body weight.

As an expectorant

Birch buds as an expectorant. Helps with wet and dry coughs. They act quickly, and contraindications and side effects practically do not provide. They can be brewed, or poured with boiling water and infused for about 5-7 minutes. Then, add honey. All ingredients are by eye. If approximately, then you need to take water - 1 glass, kidneys - 1 teaspoon, honey - the same amount. Drink during the day 50 milliliters.

For colds and coughs, inhalations prepared from are also used. Such inhalations provide good effect with diseases of the nasopharynx and throat.

As a diuretic

With bile stagnation, birch buds are a powerful choleretic agent. This is its advantage, but in some cases it is a contraindication. If there is a tendency to stones in the gallbladder, that is, if they are already found in it, then this remedy is contraindicated.

But him choleretic properties can be of great help to those who simply have stagnation. Cooking and drinking - just like a diuretic, only the frequency of doses should be increased up to 6 times a day, and the concentration of the main ingredient, kidneys, up to 2.5-3 tablespoons.

To reduce sugar

At diabetes this gift of nature can be used for its treatment, as well as in preventive measures. Recipe: pour a teaspoon of dry, or one and a half tablespoons of fresh, kidneys with 1 cup of boiling water, simmer on a gas stove for about 25 minutes (under the lid so that all the liquid does not evaporate), insist for 5 hours, strain through sterile gauze or a sieve.

How to take: after a meal 3 times a day, 3 tablespoons, or in one go for half a cup in the morning on an empty stomach.

As a remedy for joints

Birch buds are used in the treatment of the musculoskeletal system. The joints will begin to recover, the pain will subside, and the inflammation will fade. All this is not the result of taking some powerful expensive pharmaceuticals, but positive consequences taking birch buds.

We prepare the remedy: pour birch buds (1 teaspoon) with boiling water (1 cup), put on a gas stove, “simmer” for 10 minutes, leave for 50-60 minutes, wrapped with a natural cloth, filter.

For ankylosis, arthritis, arthrosis, rheumatism, gout and other joint problems, take 40-50 milliliters after meals after 1 hour. Multiplicity of reception per day - 2-4 times.

For dermatological ailments

Birch buds are a very effective natural and safe remedy in case of: eczema, dermatitis, furunculosis, burns, frostbite, acne and so on.

To get rid of them, it is enough to prepare a strong infusion and take baths with it every day before going to bed for at least 1 week, if necessary, the course can be continued for another 10 days.

An ointment is also prepared from birch buds, which is also very effective in this regard. Its preparation method will be discussed below.

For diseases of the gastrointestinal tract

An infusion from the kidneys (the method of obtaining it will also be discussed later) exhibits a healing effect in various diseases of the stomach (including gastritis and ulcers) and all digestive tract. And it's not the only indications to their application. There are hundreds various diseases, and a huge part of them can be cured completely, or partially (the remission period is also taken into account).

Healing properties of birch buds

Researchers, scientists, and even the patients themselves, who have experienced and received a result that even exceeded the wildest expectations, do not stop talking about them.

Physicians themselves speak of folk methods more carefully, but in many cases birch buds are also prescribed, as an additional remedy for ulcers, sore throats and oral cavity, for problems with skin and hair, to cleanse the body of toxic substances and strengthen it, improve metabolic processes and so on.

Birch buds are not consumed in the form in which they are collected or sold in a pharmacy, that is, raw or dried. They must be properly prepared, after which they receive the right remedy, which can be applied or consumed, externally or internally.

It can be: decoction, infusion (including alcohol), ointment. How to cook them correctly for most known cases and various ways applications - this will be discussed now.

How to prepare a healing infusion of birch buds

For treatment specific diseases the ratio of ingredients can be slightly adjusted in one direction or another.

Components: crushed birch buds (1 teaspoon), boiling water (clean drinking water, about 125 milliliters, which is about half a glass).

Cooking method: Pour boiling water over the kidneys (in an enamel bowl), cover with a lid on top, leave in a boiling water bath for at least 10 minutes. Remove from the stove, insist for 50 minutes, no more than 1 hour. Strain. The tool is ready. Store the infusion in a dark and cold place (refrigerator - perfect option) no more than 30 hours.

This method of preparation allows you to preserve all the healing properties of birch as much as possible, transferring them to water. healing effect, proper cooking and storage, guaranteed.

Decoction of birch buds

Cooking: the broth is prepared very simply: 250 milliliters of pure drinking water, 10 pre-prepared kidneys, they are filled with water, all this is brought to a boil and is not removed from the stove for another 8-10 minutes.

Alcohol tincture of birch buds - how to cook

Components: Birch buds, ethanol 70%. Ratio: approximately 1:8.

Cooking: pour alcohol (vodka) and insist in a cool, but not cold, dark place for about 55 days. Periodic shaking (1 time in 5-7 days) is required.

Alcohol tincture can be taken both internally and externally. It treats stomach ulcers, myositis and arthritis, abrasions, eczema and many other diseases. It can even be dripped into the ears with otitis and other problems with them.

Ointment based on birch buds

Problem skin? Worried about the joints? No problem. This ointment should help!

Cooking: mix butter and birch buds in equal proportions, put the dishes with the mixture on the radiator or in place under straight lines sunbeams for 1 day, after that - mix thoroughly and squeeze through gauze. All that has departed is the ointment. It is already ready for use. Store it in a glass container in the refrigerator.

How and when to collect birch buds?

The ideal time to collect is from January to April. At this time, the concentration of valuable substances in them is maximum. But you need to collect only "swollen" buds, if the buds "blossomed", then they should not be collected.

The buds are collected by hand, you can break them off with small twigs, then tie them into brooms, dry, thresh. There is nothing complicated in the collection, but the lesson itself is long, because the kidneys are very small. But for personal use you don't need that many.

How to store birch buds?

If you properly collect and dry birch buds, they will be usable for 3-4 years. Store them in natural fabric bags, paper bags for food products, glass container, in a dark place at room temperature.


1. Stones in the gallbladder.

2. Individual intolerance.

3. Pregnancy and lactation.

4. Acute renal failure.

Any self-medication is not only a potential benefit, but also a certain risk. Before you start it, weigh the beneficial properties of birch buds and contraindications. Especially when it comes to children. After all, birch buds - powerful remedy, and its effect on the body may be different in each specific situation. Be careful and don't get sick!

We know a lot about birch sap. But not everyone knows about birch buds. In this material, we will talk about their beneficial properties and contraindications, which are limited to a small range of health problems. And this is sad enough, because the remedy is extremely affordable: birch grows literally everywhere in middle lane and helps with many diseases.

Tinctures and decoctions prepared from birch buds are universal remedy treatment for adults and children. They are able to alleviate the course of all seasonal colds, fight beriberi, relieve swelling. The list of medicinal effects of the kidneys on the human body is uniquely wide:

  • Antibacterial action. It is used for gargling, treating wounds, skin diseases.
  • Antipyretic. At high temperature used as a diaphoretic.
  • They help to get rid of edema that has appeared due to heart problems.
  • Relieve spasms and pain syndrome with problems in the gastrointestinal tract.
  • They have a choleretic and diuretic effect.
  • Removes mucus from the lungs when coughing. Expectorant.
  • Anthelmintic. The kidneys are able to fight any invasions in the intestines and liver.
  • In diseases of the mouth and throat, they fight bacterial infection.
  • In oncology, it is used as an antioxidant.
  • They have a rich complex of vitamins, help to cope with beriberi.
  • Included in diet food in the fight against obesity as a source of fatty acids.
  • External remedy for the treatment of eczema, boils, purulent wounds.
  • Used in cosmetology.


  • essential oil, the structure of which includes sesquiterpene alcohol, palmitic acid, betunol (antimicrobial action);
  • alkanoids and resins;
  • flavonoids and phytoncides (antiviral properties);
  • tannins (pro-inflammatory and analgesic);
  • vitamins C, PP, carotene;
  • coumarin (calming effect);
  • trace elements: magnesium, calcium, iron.

Collection and reception of birch buds

Birch buds need to be collected a little later than sap. Harvest season starts in mid-April and ends in early May before the leaves appear. The buds should swell properly, so it makes no sense to collect them immediately after the snow has melted. They haven't purchased theirs yet. medicinal properties. It is better to choose trees away from any roads, in the forest or in the field.

If you did not have time to collect the kidneys, do not despair. Birch leaves contain similar useful material, only at a slightly lower concentration.

In appearance, the kidney should be brown, possibly greenish at the base. The aroma is similar to balsamic, it is astringent and resinous in taste.

From birch buds prepare the following dosage forms:


What diseases does it treat?

  • SARS;
  • angina;
  • flu;
  • periodontal disease;
  • avitaminosis;
  • stomatitis;
  • edema.

How to cook:

Take 6 or 7 kidneys per glass of boiling water, depending on the size. Cook over low heat for 25 minutes, cool, strain.

How to use:

Internally - 0.5 tbsp. 4-5 times a day. For rinsing the throat and mouth - after each meal.

Alcohol tincture for external use

What diseases does it treat?

  • joint pain;
  • wounds, erosion, pustules;
  • gout;
  • rheumatism;
  • eczema in chronic and acute form;
  • toothache;
  • bedsores.

How to cook:

The recipe is based on a ratio of 1: 5 - carefully crush one part of the kidneys in a mortar, pour alcohol and insist in a dark place for a week.

How to use:

  • rubbing;
  • lotions;
  • applications on a sore spot;
  • oral cavity - rinsing.

Alcohol tincture (internally)

What diseases and conditions does it treat?

  • cough, cold, broncho-pulmonary diseases;
  • depletion of the body;
  • stress;
  • helminthic invasions in the intestines;
  • helminthic invasions in the liver;
  • spasmodic pain in the gastrointestinal tract;
  • migraine, headaches;
  • atherosclerosis.

How to cook:

Proportions: 20 g of kidneys for half a glass of alcohol. Insist three weeks. Shake the mixture from time to time. Strain.

How to use:

The tincture is taken 15 minutes before meals. Dilute 15-20 drops in a tablespoon of water and drink three times a day.


What diseases does it treat?

  • joint diseases;
  • rheumatism;
  • arthritis;
  • pain in the joints.

How to cook:

1 way- Put the kidneys and butter in layers in a saucepan. Cooking time - day. We simmer on a small fire. Add 5 g of dry camphor. 2 way- we make a very cool infusion of kidneys, evaporate, filter and mix with lanolin. After solidification, drain the liquid. The ointment is ready.

How to apply:

At night, rub the sore spots.


What diseases does it treat?

  • colds;
  • cough.

How to cook:

Half a liter of water and 2 tbsp. l. kidney boil for half an hour.

How to apply:

Breathe over the steam under a towel. Monitor the temperature of the steam so as not to burn the respiratory tract.

Therapeutic baths

What diseases does it treat?

  • SARS;
  • colds.

How to cook:

We prepare a decoction of two tablespoons of kidneys and three liters of boiling water. Pour the strained broth into a hot bath.

How to apply:

Take a bath for 15-20 minutes. Then wrap yourself in a blanket and drink diaphoretic tea there. Not suitable for people prone to hypertension.


  • Pregnancy and lactation.
  • kidney failure, inflammatory process in the kidneys.
  • Inflammatory processes in the bladder.
  • Individual intolerance.

The use of birch buds

This raw material has been used for women since time immemorial. Decoctions and infusions were treated nervous conditions, depression. If a woman lost a child during pregnancy, she was given tea from birch buds, where young birch leaves were also added. During menopause, the same tea was used to alleviate the condition. Rich vitamin complex contributed to the alignment hormonal background and normalized menstrual bleeding during this period.

The medicinal plant is also used as a cosmetic product. The kidneys are insisted on, and then this oil is used as a mask for fading skin of the neck, face and how vitamin blend for hair. In combination with chamomile and calendula, birch buds help with acne and even treat boils.

For men, a decoction is useful as a prevention of baldness. Kidneys can be added to tea, or you can wash your head with a decoction. It is also used as general tonic after quitting alcohol or nicotine.

For children, any dosage forms from this medicinal raw material are prepared in smaller proportions. They should not be given steep decoctions, infusions, not to mention alcohol tinctures. Biologically active substances capable of causing allergic reactions. Therefore, it is best to gradually add kidneys to tea.

But outwardly, the kidneys are shown for children in any form. Essential oils and phytoncides help heal wounds, cuts, bruises. Babies are bathed in broth. It's soft depressant for little screamers and whims. Helps to calm down and fall asleep without problems.