What vitamins to drink to strengthen nails. Nail Growth Mask

Hands are a visiting card of a woman. That is why you need to take care of them very carefully. Go outside without a manicure - thank you! But what if the nails suddenly began to break, exfoliate and grow poorly? Vitamins for nails will help restore their health, and hands - a well-groomed appearance.

Causes of brittle nails

The main reason why nails begin to cause aesthetic problems is a violation of metabolic processes. This condition can be provoked by an infectious disease, an improper diet with severe restrictions, a diet depleted in vitamins, chronic colds caused by a general weakening of the immune system, and dysbacteriosis. Deterioration of the condition of the nails is a symptom of trouble. It is necessary to find out the cause, get advice from an immunologist or therapist. The doctor will prescribe the main treatment and tell you which vitamins are necessary for the growth and strengthening of the nails.

In addition, nails can lose healthy due to changes in hormonal status. Often a woman faces a problem after the onset of menopause, after a cleansing monthly cycle, during pregnancy. The use of hormonal drugs and birth control pills can cause brittle nails. In this case, medical correction is also required, which should be carried out by a specialist.

What vitamins are needed for the growth and strengthening of nails

The role of vitamins for human health cannot be overestimated. They are involved in all biochemical processes. If the appearance of the nail plates has deteriorated, it is necessary first of all to suspect a lack of certain vitamins.

Several substances are responsible for the condition of the nails. Here are the vitamins you need to grow and strengthen your nails.

Retinol (vit. A) accelerates the formation of new young cells, regulates metabolic processes in the body, protects the nail plate from fungus, makes it strong and even.

Thiamine (vit. B1), riboflavin (vit. B2), niacin (vit. B3), pyridoxine (vit. B6) take part in the production of keratin protein, without which the construction of cells for nail plates and hair shafts is impossible.

Pantothenic acid (vit. B5) regulates the water balance in the body, therefore, with a deficiency of the substance, the nails exfoliate even with good care. If B vitamins are not enough, white spots, bulges, grooves appear on the nail plates.

Vitamin D is necessary for the absorption of calcium - the main building material for nails. Therefore, the deficiency of the substance affects the state of the nail plate by a sharp deterioration in its quality.

Tocopherol (Vit. E) improves peripheral blood circulation, which means it provides good nutrition to nails and prevents their fragility.

Ascorbic acid (vit. C) improves the absorption of tocopherol and retinol, prevents thinning of the nail plate due to collagen synthesis.

Biotin (vit. H) improves the appearance of the nail, with a lack of substance, the nails become covered with grooves and cracks.

Nicotinic acid (vit. PP) makes nails grow quickly, eliminates brittleness.

Thus, most vitamins are essential for normal growth and healthy looking nails. That is why you can solve the problem of fragility with the help of a course of good pharmaceutical preparations containing vitamins for nails and trace elements.

What vitamin complexes will help strengthen nails

Vitrum Beauty stimulates metabolic processes in the body, is indicated for deficiency of vitamins and minerals. The preparation contains a lot of calcium, iron, zinc, boron, manganese, amino acids. The course of these vitamins eliminates delamination and brittle nails.

Perfectil stimulates the production of collagen fibers, is prescribed for brittle nails caused by beriberi.

Complivit "Radiance" is a source of vitamins A, C, E, B, as well as many other vitamins and minerals. Improves the condition of the nail plates, accelerates metabolism, stimulates collagen synthesis.

Merz Beauty strengthens the nail plates, helps to get rid of white spots and brittleness.

Ladys Formula is prescribed to alleviate the condition with menopause, improves the condition of the nail plate.

The Alphabet complex contains substances that are needed to restore the beauty and strength of nails.

Supradin is one of the most effective drugs in terms of restoring the health of the nail plate, although it does not have a special beauty mark. A balanced composition has a beneficial effect on all body systems, restores metabolic processes.

Vitamin complexes should be taken strictly according to the instructions, in courses. You can’t constantly exceed the dosage or drink vitamins: you need to take a mandatory break for 3-4 months.

Products containing vitamins for nails

Eating the right foods is the easiest, most effective and safest way to keep your body healthy. Knowing which vitamins are necessary for the growth and strengthening of nails, you can adjust your diet and solve the problem faster.

There is a lot of retinol in carrots, bell peppers, pumpkin. In order for fat-soluble vitamin A to be absorbed, you need oil, so you need to eat orange vegetables with cream, vegetable or butter, sour cream.

B vitamins are found in meat, cheese, milk, cereals, green vegetables and apples, tomatoes, peas.

There is a lot of ascorbic acid in sea buckthorn, rose hips, citrus fruits.

Vitamin D is rich in fish, liver, cottage cheese, milk, butter.

Biotin is found in eggs, nuts and mushrooms.

The source of vitamin E is all unrefined vegetable oils (olive, linseed, sunflower, buckwheat, pumpkin, etc.).

Vitamin PP is found in milk and meat.

Dishes with gelatin have a good effect on the condition of the nail plate: aspic, marmalade, jelly, mousse. Gelatin strengthens nails due to the collagen component.

How to improve the condition of nails

Traditional medicine knows many recipes that help restore the health of the nail plates with the help of masks and compresses. The oils and juice of plants contain a lot of vitamins for nails, and they must be used if manicure has become a real problem.

Oil applications and masks

The most popular means of restoring the beauty of nails are oil masks or applications. Vegetable oils are an amazingly rich source of tocopherol, which is called one of the beauty vitamins. For external use, you can take not only food, but also cosmetic oils: apricot, peach, almond.

Heat a small amount of any base oil in a water bath, drip 2 drops of ether with a pleasant smell, soak a woven napkin in the oil mixture and apply on the nails. From above, you can warm your hands with a towel and keep the application for 20-30 minutes.

For an oil mask, heat the oil to a warm state, lower your fingertips so that the entire nail is immersed in the oil and “treat” the nail plates for about ten minutes. Then blot the oil with a napkin, rub the rest into the base of the nail and cuticle.

Vitamin "bath"

The source of vitamin C is fresh lemon. Therefore, to strengthen the nail plate, it is enough to immerse the nails in the lemon pulp. The duration of such a “bath” is ten minutes. Then you need to rinse your hands, and then be sure to apply a moisturizer. If you do the procedure every other day, then after two weeks the nails will begin to shine, stop breaking.

Strong beautiful nails are created both from the outside and from the inside. If in the first part you will be helped by nail baths, oil and various strengthening coatings, then for the treatment of nails from the inside it is important to provide the body with the necessary vitamins and microelements. You can take them individually or in the form of multivitamin complexes, which are specially designed to strengthen nails and hair. By the way, when you include these nail vitamins in your diet, you will get an improvement in the condition of your hair and appearance in general as a bonus.

Which nail vitamins are best for solving various problems

  • Fragility, separation are signs of a deficiency of vitamins C and D, as well as biotin.
  • Thinness - lack of vitamin B, as well as zinc, iron, iodine.
  • Brittleness - protein deficiency.
  • Too large size of the white hole - lack of zinc, iron, folic acid.
  • White stripes on the nail plate - iron deficiency.

Vitamins for strengthening nails

Most of the minerals and vitamins for nails can be obtained from a good, balanced diet. But not always a change in diet is enough, especially if you are on a diet or suffer from food allergies. In this case, a couple of times a year, nails need an ambulance in the form of vitamin complexes and dietary supplements.

So, what vitamin for nails is necessary? Make sure that these useful substances are present in your menu:

  • Vitamins A and E. These are real beauty vitamins, thanks to which it is possible to maintain youth longer. They are best digested paired with each other, so shredded carrots with vegetable oil, fatty fish or liver with beans and green salad, as well as nuts with fruit and whole grain toast with vegetable oil are ideal combinations for your menu.
  • Calcium. You will find this useful substance in dairy products, various types of cabbage, seafood and fish, eggs, spinach and broccoli.
  • Vitamin D. Walk more often, and add fish, cottage cheese and cheese to the menu to get enough of this vitamin for healthy nails.
  • Iodine. Seafood, seaweed, fish, spinach and lettuce are a great beauty and health diet to get enough iodine!
  • Magnesium. To get enough of this trace element, eat legumes, cereals, bell peppers, blackberries and bananas.
  • Zinc. You can get it from various legumes and cereals, as well as greens and seafood.
  • Vitamin C. In general, everything is simple with it: citrus fruits, fruits, vegetables will help you maintain a sufficient amount of it in the body.
  • Iron - meat, poultry, tuna, as well as berries and legumes are sources of this substance.

Vitamins for nails are as necessary as for the whole body. Beautiful nails are not only an adornment of every woman, but also an indicator of the health of the whole organism. What vitamins are better for nails, how to take vitamin complexes and the first signs of beriberi, you can find out from this article.

What are vitamins for?

Most people do not pay enough attention to their body. While maintaining physical fitness, leading an active lifestyle, many people forget that they need to replenish cells with vitamins and minerals. The lack of vitamins affects not only the general condition of the individual, but also the nails. Nails are constantly exposed to the environment, in order to minimize harm, you need to remove harmful factors as much as possible and take vitamins.

Factors Affecting Nails

Poor condition of the nails can be due to various reasons, which can be divided into two categories. The main factors are summarized in the table.

External Internal
Work with paints and varnishes, resins and solutions Heart disease that reduces the blood supply to the extremities
Using nails instead of a screwdriver blood disease
Constant contact with water Worms in the digestive tract
Working with detergents and cleaners Diseases of the endocrine system
Poor-quality varnishes and care products Low cysteine ​​content
nail biting stress
Walking in winter without gloves Lack of minerals and vitamins

External factors are easy to deal with, you need to wear gloves when in contact with water and other means, get rid of bad habits and wear gloves when cold weather sets in. A doctor will help get rid of diseases, and you can increase the level of vitamins in cells on your own.

Signs of a Nutrient Deficiency

The first signals of the body about vitamin deficiency appear on the nail plates, later they pass to the hair and nervous system.

Avitaminosis on nails:

  1. If white spots appear on the nails, this may indicate a lack of niacin.
  2. Brittleness, curvature and fragility of nails are caused by the absence of retinol and pyridoxine.
  3. Slow nail growth may indicate poor absorption of calcium and an insufficient amount of nicotinic acid.
  4. Vitamin E for nails is needed to strengthen and improve peripheral circulation.
  5. If the nails began to exfoliate, cracks appeared, then the body lacks biotin.
  6. Nails can also be layered with a lack of vitamins A, E, ascorbic acid, as well as calcium and magnesium.
  7. Yellowing of the nail plate may be due to insufficient intake of ascorbic acid.

Overview of vitamins

Almost every vitamin improves the external condition of the nail plates, strengthens them and accelerates growth.


Retinol should enter the body in an amount of 1 mg, such a daily dose will make the plates stronger, the nails will stop exfoliating and breaking, and scratches and small depressions will disappear on the surface. Retinol prevents the appearance of fungus, is needed for cell growth, and also improves metabolism. Vitamin A is fat-soluble, so it is best absorbed in combination with animal fats and proteins.

B1, B2, B3

B1, B2 - vitamins for nails of this group increase the rate of formation of new cells. With a lack of thiamine and riboflavin, the structure of the nail changes, growth slows down. Niacin (B3) - improves the metabolic rate, the daily dose is 15 mg, with a long absence of nicotinic acid, the nail plate becomes rough with small tubercles.


Pyridoxine (B6) - the daily dose is 2 mg, with a lack of cuticle and the edges of the fingers begin to peel off, the nails become dry. Vitamin is needed for the production of keratin. Folic acid - prevents keratinization of the skin, removes dead cells from the body, nourishes the cuticle and nails. The body should receive twenty mg of B9.


Vitamin B5 - prevents dehydration of the body and takes care of the integrity of the nail, preventing it from exfoliating. Lack of pantothenic acid leads to deformation of the nail plates and the appearance of white spots. Nicotinic acid is necessary for the growth of the nail plates, as well as for plasticity and rapid recovery.

Vitamin E

First of all, nails need vitamin E, it slows down cell aging, increases the growth rate of nail plates. Strengthens the structure and improves the condition of damaged nails, thanks to antioxidants. Tocopherol, like retinol, is fat soluble.

Vitamins C and A

Without ascorbic acid, vitamins A and E will not be absorbed in the right amount. Vitamin C prevents aging and thinning of the nail structure. The body should receive about 90 mg of acidic vitamin. Vitamin C also improves the body's adaptation to external factors, increases immunity.

Vitamins H and K

Thanks to collagen, nails are protected from external influences, they do not crumble and do not exfoliate. This protein is synthesized by vitamin H, the daily dose of biotin is 2.5 mg. Menaquinone and phylloquinone are vitamins involved in the transport of protein to all cells, as well as in the construction of tissues. Thanks to the vitamins of the K group, the nail plates continuously receive materials to fill gaps and build.

Overview of minerals

Minerals in the human body are just as necessary as vitamins for nails. Some minerals are not absorbed without a certain vitamin, so it is important to consume all substances at once.

In order for nails, hair, bones and teeth to be strong and strong, the body needs calcium. In the right proportions, this mineral helps strengthen bones and nails, increases growth and prevents brittleness. In order for calcium to enter cells and tissues in full, it is necessary to take vitamin D, the daily dose of cholecalciferol is only 15 mcg. Calcium should be taken with great caution during pregnancy.

Abuse of the mineral can cause:

  • depression
  • loss of appetite;
  • hypertension;
  • nausea;
  • drowsiness;
  • can affect the formation of the bones and skeleton of a child in the womb.

Selenium is an antioxidant that stimulates the work of the endocrine gland and metabolic processes in general. Thanks to selenium, the nail plate is leveled, defects and small cracks are eliminated. Selenium is needed in very small amounts, as an excess of this antioxidant causes indigestion and vomiting. The skin can acquire a specific smell, the skin is affected, the liver function worsens. The mineral enters the body along with bran, olives and eggs.

Iron is a mineral without which cells and tissues will be deprived of oxygen. With iron deficiency anemia, the level of hemoglobin is greatly reduced, because of this, less oxygen is supplied to all internal organs. Nails begin to layer, become brittle even with a small lack of iron. A high content of the mineral is found in such products: buckwheat, apples, liver, beef meat.

In order for iron to be well absorbed by cells and tissues, it should be taken together with fluorine and ascorbic acid.

Iodine - is responsible for the functioning of the thyroid gland, thanks to which the hormonal background is in a normal state. Disrupted thyroid function leads to hormonal failure, which leads to separation and poor nail growth. The mineral enters the body along with iodized salt, pineapple, milk and seaweed.

Zinc - Zinc deficiency can appear as white spots and depressions on the nail plates. To get this mineral, you should eat grains and legumes, as well as nuts and seafood.

Silicon - thanks to the microelement, the nails become elastic. Silicon is considered a structural element of the tissue of the nail plate. With a lack of this mineral, the nails become brittle. If you include brown bread, oatmeal, celery and tomatoes in your diet, then the daily intake of silicon will be replenished.

With a lack of sulfur, the nail plate is modified, deformation occurs. Onions, garlic and cabbage should be eaten to prevent sulfur deficiency.

Magnesium - is responsible for the growth of nails, normalizes the functioning of the brain and nervous system. Thanks to magnesium, a person’s stress resistance increases, this has a beneficial effect both on the nails and on the general background of the whole organism. Magnesium enters the human body along with bananas, meat, cheese and bell peppers.

Vitamins from natural sources

Almost all vitamins for nails the body receives while eating vegetables and meat. Sources of vitamins are both animal and vegetable. In the table you can see the most common foods with a high content of vitamins.

Fruits and vegetables vitamins Meat and dairy products vitamins
sunflower E, B1, B3, butter E, A, D
olives E, C, B cheese E, A, C, PP
peanut E, B1, B2, PP, D milk E, A, D, K
broccoli E, K, PP, B6, B5, B2, B1, C eggs E, A, D
spinach E, B, PP, A, H, C fish A, C, B, H, PP, D, F, E
mango E, C, B9, B6, A liver A, B, D, K
peach E, V, K, PP sour cream AND ALL
carrot A, B, PP, C, E, K cottage cheese A, D, C
pumpkin A, B1, B2, C, E Fish fat A, D
Rose hip C, B2, E, K
Citrus S, V, R
Apples B1, A, B2, B3, C, E, P, PP, K

Medical preparations

In addition to natural sources of nutrients, there are medications. Vitamins for nails can be purchased in the form of tablets or capsules. Medical preparations include a complex of vitamins and minerals that help maintain the good condition of nails, hair and the whole body.

Popular vitamins for nails are:

Vitamin complexes should be used following the instructions, otherwise, instead of being useful, dietary supplements can harm the body.

When purchasing dietary supplements, you should look at expiration dates and storage conditions. Be sure to complete the full course of treatment in order to consolidate the result for a long time. While using dietary supplements, one should not forget to drink them daily, because due to omissions, the result may become zero.

Video "overview of the most popular vitamins"

The video tells in detail about vitamin complexes, as well as how to take certain drugs.

Medical cosmetics

In addition to pills and vitamins for nails, there are special medical cosmetics. The composition of such cosmetics includes vitamins, oils and minerals. Means can be sold in the form of oils, which must be applied to the nail plate with a special brush or rubbed into the nail using a cotton pad.

You can purchase special nourishing creams that contain vitamins A and E. The cream fights not only with the separation of the nail plates, it nourishes the skin of the hands and cuticle. Masks effectively combat the fragility of the nail plates, strengthen them and moisturize the skin of the hands.

Grandma's recipes

In addition to branded nail and hand skin care products, there are recipes that have been proven over the years and for many generations. Vitamins can be added to existing hand creams or prepare special baths and masks. The most popular means for strengthening the nail plates is considered to be an application with oil.

For funds you need to take:

  • 10 grams of warm apricot or vegetable oil;
  • 2 drops of fragrant ether.

Mix all the components well, moisten cotton pads in the resulting composition, apply them on each nail, then wrap your hand with a towel for 20 minutes. The oil nourishes, strengthens and gives shine to the nails.

To strengthen the nail plates, there is a recipe for a vitamin mask.

To create a mask you need:

  • ascorbic acid - three drops;
  • chicken egg - boiled 1 pc;
  • wax - 4 grams;
  • grape oil.

Grind the yolk and mix with melted wax, add oil to the resulting mixture, gradually add vitamin C. Mix everything thoroughly. Apply gruel on nails and cuticles every day.

In order for the nails to stop exfoliating, there is an excellent tool that reduces delamination and fragility of the nail plates.


  • 2 ml - biotin;
  • 2 ml - nicotinic acid;
  • 20 ml - olive oil;
  • a couple of drops of iodine;
  • 4 drops of lemon juice.

Mix room temperature butter with all ingredients. Vitamin mixture for nails is rubbed every day for a month.

It should be remembered that vitamins are needed not only for nails, so masks and creams are best used in conjunction with the use of fruits and vegetables.

One of the most visible parts of the human body, it is also an external indicator of human health. According to the condition of female nails, you can monitor the hormonal cycle, the general health of the body and immunity.

The main reasons for their weakening are:

  1. Hormonal changes. The onset of menopause, transitional age or the approaching days of menstruation should make you think about more thorough nail care! When taking hormonal drugs, tranquilizers and contraceptives, you should consider the consequences in advance and weigh the risks.
  2. Weakening of the immune system and metabolic disorders. Seasonal invasions of colds, dysbacteriosis, unbalanced nutrition and frequent stress with overwork can lead to serious consequences for the body, leading, among other things, to weakening and exfoliation of nails. If there is a lack of protein, calcium or magnesium in the food taken, then problems with the nails can definitely not be avoided. With the appearance of white spots, delamination and breaking of the nail plates, just in case, you should contact an immunologist.

The best vitamins for nails

So, if you find one of these signs, you have a question: "So what to do"? The simplest answer: start nourishing your nails with vitamins. Many of the above problems have their origins precisely because of the lack of certain vitamins. There are two main ways the body obtains vitamins: from food and from vitamin complexes.

We will talk about the latter in more detail, but here is a list of vitamins that are useful for strengthening nails:

  1. A and E (retinol and tocopherol) - the most useful vitamins for giving nails strength and smoothness. They stimulate the growth of nails, and in the absence of vitamin E, the nails begin to crack, become dry and rough.
  2. a lack of b vitamins the second most catastrophic problem of nails - without them, the nail plate begins to thin, therefore, the nails become more brittle. The lack of trace elements such as B1 (thiamine), B3 (nicotimamide) and B6 (pyridoxine), which are involved in the synthesis of keratin - the foundation of nail health, provokes the appearance of grooves and white spots on the nails.
  3. Famous vitamin C in the case of nails, it is perfect for prevention: it will protect against thinning and is suitable for the best conditions with the microelements indicated above.

In what products to look for vitamins: instructions for use

To make a good diet that would not cause harm to health, you should include foods containing a large number of trace elements in the diet, and for their better assimilation, combine dishes.

  1. Retinol (A) all orange seasonal vegetables are rich, for example, carrots, pumpkins and even bell peppers, but it is a fat-soluble vitamin, that is, it is absorbed only with fats. So in parallel with eating fresh carrots, you should take care of the protein component of the diet: sea fish and dairy products. Vitamin E, an eternal companion of retinol, is found in olive and unrefined vegetable oils, nuts and fresh bean sprouts, peas, etc. Advice: Experiment with products: season, for example, fresh grated carrots with sour cream or serve a pepper or carrot salad for the main fish dinner. Or you can beat carrots along with lemon as a nice side dish. A replacement for harmful chips can be provided by nuts, which can be found on store shelves at the most affordable prices!
  2. B vitamins found in almost all of our diets: meat and dairy products, all cereals, green vegetables and fruits. In summer - green apples, in which useful microelements "cooperate" with zinc and iron. In autumn - all types of cabbage (red, cauliflower, white), and vitamin B5 (pantheonic acid) is found in ripe tomatoes, carrots and pea fruits.

How to strengthen nails

After reviewing the list of products and adjusting the area, you can go directly to the direct effect on the nails. ? The most rational way at home is to turn to the natural gifts of nature. The most popular way is nutritional baths. Lemon juice, sea salt, iodine, tinctures and decoctions of herbs, natural juices and vegetable oils.

We will offer a recipe for a nourishing salt bath:

  1. Buy sea salt from a pharmacy or beauty salon, you can also use cosmetic bath salts.
  2. The bath should be small, but sufficient so that your hands can fit there without discomfort. Wash it thoroughly with soap before the procedure.
  3. 1 st. a spoonful of 250-300 ml is considered a sufficient proportion for a bath without damaging the skin of the hands.
  4. To improve the effect, you can combine the above suggested remedies, for example, add a couple of drops of iodine or lemon juice, but do not overdo it!
  5. The water should not be hot, but warm enough not to cool down for 15 minutes - the average duration of the procedure.
  6. After the water has cooled, you should immediately pull out your hands, rinse them and wrap them in a soft towel. A good effect is given by creams saturated with trace elements and with vitamins A and E.

How to speed up the growth of nails

In addition to the already mentioned nutritional baths with iodine, lemon juice and a proper diet rich in vitamins, it is worth mentioning cosmetic care. The main condition is a complete rejection of the mechanical impact on the nails: building, painting and nail polish removers should be strictly prohibited, especially if we are talking about the recovery period of the nail plates.

You can achieve nail growth with the help of salon procedures, special oils and gels:

  1. Paraffin therapy- the most common salon procedure for nail care. The main reasons for this were: speed of execution, relatively long-term effect (7-8 days) and tangibility of the impact (smooth surface of the nail, uniform and rapid growth).
  2. Biogel mask, created by applying a thin layer of a special gel (available in all cosmetics stores), will protect your nail with an impenetrable shell. It does not thicken, does not thicken the nail, and due to the presence of calcium, it promotes growth and healing.
  3. Oil masks for nails(tea tree oil, lavender, cedar, citrus and many others) with complex use, they solve the main problems - dryness, delamination and brittle nails.

Recipes for vitamin complexes

Let's move on to medical methods of strengthening the general tone of the body and its individual elements, in particular. It must be warned that before starting a course of fortification, you should consult with a therapist or immunologist, especially for the presence of allergic reactions and contraindications.

You should carefully study the instructions for use. It is not recommended to take vitamin complexes all the time; they should be alternated with cosmetic procedures and a special diet.

We have selected the top 5 most popular vitamin complexes for any budget:

  1. The most accessible of the complexes - Supradin. The ideal time for prevention is in spring and autumn no more than twice a year. The normal dose is 1 tablet twice a day for no more than a month. It is produced in all variety of forms: syrup, regular tablets and soluble in water, in the form of sweets. Contains all the necessary trace elements (groups A, C, E, B6 and B12).
  2. Series Alphabet designed specifically for women's beauty care. The elements necessary for the health of the eyes, hair, nails and skin, namely the familiar vitamins A, E, C and Q10, are combined in a certain sequence to achieve the best effect. It is marked with different colors: some should be taken in the morning, others in the evening and in the afternoon. The course of admission is designed for 2 weeks.
  3. VitrumBeauty- the record holder of our top in the presence of micronutrients (in addition to the main ones, there are also vitamins K, D, H, potassium, calcium, zinc, iron, manganese, boron and others). This complex should be given preference to young girls (up to 25-29 years old). Vitrum solves the problems of acne, pimples, pimples, brittleness and delamination of nails and other troubles. For pregnant women and ladies of the age, there are separate lines of the company (for example, Beauty Suite).
  4. Complevit "Shine". Company Complevit known for vitamin complexes for various categories of the population: children, adolescents, pregnant women, etc. The Shining product is dedicated to female beauty: it contains beauty vitamins A, E and C, folic acid, zinc, copper, magnesium, selenium, etc. Repeat the course no more than 2 times a year for one month (one tablet per day).
  5. More expensive foreign complexes, which we will attribute to a separate category, include: English Perfect or Spanish Revidox. Both are premium products, the price of which reaches 800 and 3000 thousand rubles for 30 tablets. Both serve as powerful anti-aging agents for skin and nail growth.

The cost of vitamin complexes

  1. Considering that in one package Supradina 10 tablets, and the normal course is 2 tablets per day, then with an average cost of a package of 250 rubles, the fortification course will take 1,500 rubles. Supradin in the form of sweets will cost less: with the same intake, the number of sweets is greater, and the price is less - a water package of 25 sweets for 200 rubles, which will be 600 rubles per month with one completely used package.
  2. One pack AlfaVITcosmetics costs around 400 rubles, which includes 60 tablets. On the day, the intake will be 3 tablets, which means that one such package (with the remainder) is enough for the whole course of administration.
  3. At the average price of a pack VitrumBeauty at 700 rubles (60 tablets) and at the rate of 2 tablets per day, then the package is enough for one course.
  4. At a price of 277 rubles per package (30 tablets), then one package is enough for a full course. One package of both drugs (Perfectil and Revidox) enough for 1 course of vitaminization.

(aka retinol, retitol acetate) - one of the most important vitamins for nails, it is necessary for them to be strong and smooth, do not exfoliate or break. So eat more fresh seasonal foods rich in provitamin A! But be warned: While great sources of Pro-Vitamin A are beneficial, bell pepper, carrot and pumpkin, vegetables alone, even the most vitamin ones, are indispensable. Vitamin A is better absorbed with fats, and a sufficient amount of animal protein is needed for normal nail growth. It is no coincidence that vegetarian nails usually grow very slowly. So be sure to include dairy products and sea fish in your diet (the latter also contains iodine and phosphorus, which stimulate nail growth). And do not forget about butter - a storehouse of quickly digestible vitamin A, it also contains other vitamins that are useful for nails - D, E, C and group B.

B vitamins, which are rich not only in meat and dairy products, but also cereals, green vegetables and all types of cabbage, necessary, first of all, for good nail growth. Ideal seasonal sources of fresh B vitamins in the fall are cauliflower, red and white cabbage, as well as apples, in which useful vitamins are adjacent to iron and zinc. And the lack of these trace elements, as scientists have proven, causes thinning of the nails, the appearance of white spots and grooves on them. Especially important are vitamins B1 (aka thiamine), B2, B3 (nicotinamide), B6 ​​(pyridoxine), which are actively involved in the synthesis of the main building protein of nails and hair - keratin. Lack of pantothenic acid (aka vitamin B5), which regulates the water balance in the body, that the adhesion between keratin scales deteriorates, and the nails begin to exfoliate, even if they are carefully looked after. Moreover, this vitamin is very easy to find in the fall both on the market and in the garden: as recent research by scientists shows, most pantothenic acid is in well-ripened tomatoes and carrots, as well as peas.

It prevents thinning of the nail plates and improves the absorption of vitamins A and E. Most of it is in fresh, recently harvested vegetables and fruits. So in the autumn it is worth eating as many of them as possible: in a couple of months, the gifts of nature will lose up to 40-50% of vitamin C, and by the beginning of winter there will be even less vitamins in them. For example, in cabbage and potatoes after 4-5 months of storage, vitamin C becomes half as much. Record holders for the content of vitamin C - fresh berries wild rose and sea buckthorn. Rosehip contains 10 g of vitamin C per day, sea buckthorn contains less, but it contains more provitamin A.

Alexey Kovalkov

nutritionist, host of the programs "Food by the rules and without", "Family size"

Dry skin and brittle hair and nails most often need to be “treated” not with creams, but with vitamins A and E. But keep in mind that after a long time, and also due to improper storage, for example, in the light, a significant part of the vitamins is destroyed. So the most useful vegetables and fruits are those that hit the table after harvest.

Or tocopherol, another very useful vitamin for nails. With its lack, they quickly become dry, lose their luster, grow poorly, again, begin to break and exfoliate. The easiest way to avoid this is to include in your daily diet other unrefined vegetable oils, the easiest way to manage them salads. It's also good to eat more often. nuts(especially the "fresh" ones picked this year) and seedlings.

Advice: so that the nails do not exfoliate, use hand cream with vitamin E or vegetable oils rich in it two or three times a day, apply it as a mask, not only on the skin of the hands, but also on the nail plates.

6 most useful vitamins for nails

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Cream for nourishing cuticles and preventing delamination of nails "Restoration" with vitamin E

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Oil for strengthening nails and caring for cuticles with apricot kernel oil and vitamin E

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Cuticle care cream with vitamins B5, E and apricot kernel oil

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Strengthening care for brittle nails and cuticles with vitamin E, shea butter, macadamia, apricot kernel and cocoa butter

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Cuticle oil with vitamins A and E, provitamin A, grape seed and evening primrose oils

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Concentrated hand cream with vitamins and almond oil

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Nourishing hand cream with shea and argan oils

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Moisturizing hand mask with shea and jojoba oils

Columbia University recently even conducted a special study: in two-thirds of patients who complained of deplorable condition and brittle nails, the problems disappeared after taking high doses of biotin (up to 2 mg) for a month. A similar study was conducted by German scientists: after a few months, more than 90% of volunteers who took 2.5 mg of biotin daily noted that their problematic nails became strong and strong.

A dosage of up to 2-2.5 mg of biotin is considered safe as a treatment, moreover, this vitamin does not accumulate in the body, so you should not be afraid of its overabundance. To prevent hypovitaminosis of vitamin H, the World Health Organization recommends even smaller doses - 0.1-0.3 mg of this vitamin is enough for us. Most biotin in chicken yolk, organ meats and sardines, among plant foods it is abundant in nuts and mushrooms. So while the mushroom season continues - do not waste time! And keep in mind: drinking alcohol, taking antibiotics, hormonal drugs based on estrogens, and also impair the natural synthesis and absorption of biotin in our body.