Average normal penis size. penis size in different countries

Penis size is an issue that is always relevant for the male sex, moreover, almost every male personality believes that the dimensions of the male sexual dignity should exceed the standard size.

Size matters

Coming to the bath, sauna, men involuntarily compare someone else's penis size with the dimensions of their own manhood. For some reason, it always seems to a man that the penises of other men are large in size from their phallus. This is so, it seems, because the review of other people's members occurs from the side, and their genitals - from above (visibility is worsened).

Based on male gossip, it can be noted that sexuality, skill in bed during sexual intercourse, depends on the length of the partner's penis. This is due to observations. The fact is that men with large phalluses are more popular among sexual partners than those with a small or normal length of dignity.

Based on no research, it is safe to say that the number of partners in the male half speaks of his self-confidence and the ability to convince. Neither sexual abilities, nor the ability to be a ladies' man (to bring satisfaction) here, nothing to do with it.

What is the normal penis size?


Taking into account the physiology, excluding the prevailing myths, it can be said with accuracy that the size of the penis is not related to the effectiveness of sexual intimacy. The vagina of women is a muscular cavity, up to 11 cm deep (length). Women get pleasure as a result of rubbing the male penis against the walls of the vagina, and not from the presence of a giant organ in it, which stretches the cavity along its length.

Despite the fact that women can adapt to partners with any size of penises, they give their sympathy to the male half, who knows how to skillfully use his organ, regardless of size. From this we can conclude that the pleasure of a woman does not depend on the size of the phallus (male, sexual organ).

The size of the phallus, without taking the average result of research, greatly affects the self-esteem of manhood, self-confidence, sexual attractiveness. Some representatives of the strong half of humanity, having an average, normal penis size, want to increase it. This speaks of a leading desire on a subconscious level. A large penis, despite the average size, contributes to the growth of self-esteem and confidence, which affects social and personal life. The average length of the penis suits almost all women.

Statistical norms

Medical statistics in the field of the study of male genital organs distinguishes 3 positions:

What the statistics say
  1. Microphallus. The penis, the length of which, directly in a state of erection, on average, should be 2 centimeters. This length is often determined in infancy, and if the situation does not change until the age of 14-16 and hormone therapy is not prescribed, at the age of 18, surgery is performed to enlarge the penis.
  2. Small penis. With an average length of 9 and a half centimeters, the size of the male genital organ meets the standards and is not critical.
    Average penis length. In this case, the norm is 9.5 centimeters (measurement of the penis in a calm state).
  3. much easier to determine than its standard parameters. In order to find out the average, penises are measured collectively, because finding out what the average size of an average man is not always easy. In case you need to determine the correct length of the penis, it is much better to use tables to calculate the percentage of normality. Using the table and the average norm, the male genital organs determine their length quickly and efficiently.

For good urination, the large size of the male, genital organ does not make sense, because the urinary system is fundamental without pathological problems. When men want to determine how many centimeters of penis should be that would delight the majority of the female population, they must be aware that there are no limits.

For a normal sexual life, according to statistics, manhood, or rather its size, is still a significant point. However, a special place is occupied by the desires of women with normal requirements, the ability of a partner to control the penis (skillful use of organs is the key to success in sexual intercourse at any size of the phallus).

In the size of the penis, self-affirmation is normal. A big plus for those men who translate into reality, a variety of innovations in sexual intimacy. A large number of controversial processes of a personal and social nature do not arise from the fact that the phallus is very large or small. The reasons are ignorance, lack of knowledge and experience of a social and sexual nature.

It is very important to find a compromise. When men do not like the dimensions of their organs (they are medium in size, very small or large), it is recommended to consult with specialists (endocrinologist, urologist, andrologist). When a hazard has a number of causes, a diagnosis is assigned. With a deterioration in the quality of life, with the manifestation of complexes, plastic surgery on the male organ helps (surgical solution).

Enlargement of the phallus without leaving home

What is the normal size of the penis is difficult to say. Most male representatives do not share the opinion of experts on self-enlargement of the organ (by 5 cm). Moreover, many methods do not add the long-awaited centimeters (despite the commercials with promises of performance).

The main problem is the choice of method, without wasting time and money. Normal measurements are taken when measuring (length). However, with standard organ measurements, medicine disagrees. The penis has a duality in measurements, this is due to the state of the organs. What size is correct: calm and excited state.

If you believe the average statistical data, then the organs in an excited state double in size. This is explained by the sponge method - with more plasma filling, the phallus becomes larger. Standards change depending on the situation, emotionality, air temperature (low temperature gives a weak result).
There are no normal, accurate measurements, it is impossible to provide both for many centimeter, manhood at rest, and after an increase from the influx of plasma.

The final state does not depend on the initial size. These facts can explain the incorrect approach of the stronger sex in comparison between members in saunas and baths (width, length of the organ in other men in relation to their genitals). Sometimes an insignificant, sagging organ during an erection surprises with its length and volume.

Rules for taking measurements

The width, length of the body is carried out in a state of erection. Home studies are more effective (above average sizes) than those made in the laboratory (difficult way). Therefore, to obtain a normal measurement of indicators, repeated manipulations are required. They are held on different days and times, it is desirable to diversify the conditions. The results obtained are averaged (average values).

When taking measurements, a person should be in a standing position, which should be relaxed, and the body should be parallel to the floor. For men, measurement is carried out by imposing a scale on the surface of the phallus from the base (pubis) without indentation, to the end of the head. Width measurements, for men, are determined in three dimensions (base, middle, lower part under the head itself).

Self-measurement of the male, genital organ is made using a paper strip or thread. For a normal procedure, it is better not to use a tape measure, ruler, centimeter tape. Since these objects are cold, which leads to a decrease in erection (an accurate average measurement will not work).

The thread is applied to the organ, then to the measuring device, an average measurement is obtained. The average circumference is measured in the same way.

Variation in measurements during sexual development

During sexual development, it is required to follow the standard growth. This is a standard that cannot be applied to everyone equally (difference in the beginning of development). With each year of growth, the numbers change (there is a deviation from the norm). You can track the male length during the growth period using the data provided. The penis is measured in a calm state and during arousal.

To do this, you can be guided by the data of a calm state and erection (a state when the organ is large):

Healthy intimate relationships
  • with a height of 145-154 at 12 years old (5 cm - 9.8 cm);
  • 13 years old growth 147-159 (5.5-7.5);
  • 14 years old height 153-167 (6.5-8.5);
  • 15 years old height 160-173 (7-10);
  • 16 years old height 163-178 (7-11);
  • 17 years old height 166-181 (8-11);
  • 18 years old height 168-183 (9-12).

These are the dimensions of a calm state, with an erection they are larger. Male erections are different for everyone, which affects the size of the phallus. Normal length can be obtained by adulthood. Around 17 years old, the average size of a male penis is longer than a year, but after eighteen years it becomes more voluminous.

Practically each of the representatives of the stronger sex was interested in what normal is and compared with their own parameters. There was a lot of discussion around this topic at one time, but now it's time to look into this issue and put an end to this topic.

Latest Research

Scientists from the French National Academy of Surgery recently decided to clarify and determine the normal penis size of the average man. The results of the research showed that the average length of the subject of male pride at rest is 9-9.5 cm, and during erection it reaches from 12.8 to 14.5 cm. At the same time, the girth at rest averaged 8.5-9 cm, and in an erect state - 10-10.5 cm.

Also, the experts of the academy came to the general opinion that penis enlargement is very often unreasonable. According to French surgeons, men insist on such an intervention, considering that their parameters do not correspond to the anatomical norm. However, they often have a normal penis size. According to statistics, the number of such requests is more than 85% of the total number of those who applied for such services.

At the same time, the report notes that the existing methods of penis size correction are very limited in terms of effectiveness, and at the same time can lead to serious complications. For example, one of the most common methods of surgical intervention - dissection of the suspensory ligament of the penis - can cause an increase in size with the help of fat implantation, which gives only a temporary and insignificant cosmetic effect. Regarding the use of silicone or other artificial fillers, experts believe that the method should be banned altogether.

The use of these techniques can be justified only when there is a congenital anomaly of the genital organ, or to eliminate the consequences of oncological diseases and injuries. Experts believe that when a man with a normal penis size makes such a request, the doctor is obliged to politely and clearly explain the groundlessness of such requirements and notify him of the possible consequences.

Curious facts

Women will be interested to know that a man's sexuality can be assessed based on the shape of his ring finger. At least that's what Camilla Ferdenzi, a sexologist at the University of Geneva, made. And the popular publication Men's Health, in one of its articles, reports that there are two types of penis. The first one has a smaller initial size, but during an erection it lengthens and expands more than the second one. In the latter, on the contrary, at rest, the size is larger, but an erection does not lead to its increase too much. Thus, the difference in sizes in the excited state can be leveled out. Therefore, it is difficult to determine the normal size of a penis when it is in a non-erect state. According to statistics, 79% of men can be attributed to the first type and only 21% to the second.

The well-known manufacturer of protection products LifeStyles conducted its research, according to which only 4% of men can boast of a penis length equal to or greater than 17.78 cm. And the officially registered length of the longest subject of male pride was 34.3 cm.

It's no secret that for every man it is very important to be firmly confident in his masculine strength and the usefulness of the "main" male organ. Men often argue about what is more important, the length or thickness of the penis, and many of them are sure of the inferiority of their reproductive organ, resorting to all sorts of methods, as well as plastic surgery. To dispel all myths, it is necessary to carefully and comprehensively study this issue.

Features of measuring the size of the penis

It is possible both at rest and in an erect position, but for the accuracy of the data obtained, it is recommended to take all measurements in an excited state. The size of the penis can be influenced by factors such as:

  • ambient temperature;
  • hormonal background of the body;
  • features of the functioning of the autonomic nervous system;
  • the emotional state of the man.

Taking into account the individual features of the body structure, type of constitution, the length of the phallus in a calm and erect state can vary in volume by 3-4 times.

Penis measurement rules:

  • measurements are taken in a calm atmosphere;
  • the temperature in the room should not be lower than 18-21 0 C;
  • the penis is pulled parallel to the floor;
  • a ruler is applied to the lateral surface, one end of which touches the pubic bone, and the second - the head of the penis;
  • received data should be recorded.

It should be noted that if a man is overweight, then the functional length will be 1-2 cm less than the measured one.

The thickness of the penis is also measured in the erect state, but only with the help of a centimeter tape:

  • the erect penis is slightly pulled parallel to the floor;
  • a centimeter tape is placed on the middle of the organ;
  • the obtained measurements are recorded in the documentation.

The effect of age and race on penis size

In order not to impose unnecessary complexes on a future man from youth, one should convince him that the size of the phallus is a very intimate issue, the result of which is influenced by many factors. For example, in a newborn boy, the penis is only a couple of centimeters, at the age of 7-8 years it can reach 3-4 cm. It occurs during puberty, at the age of 14-18 years. From 18 to 25 years, a slight increase in the phallus is possible, in the region of 1-1.5 cm.

Some representatives of the stronger sex are sure that circumcision makes men more sexual and their penis increases in size. This is a myth that should not be believed. The size of the penis after circumcision does not change. The only thing that can change is the sensitivity of the head of the penis. During movements, the head is constantly in contact with clothing, subjected to friction, which makes it less sensitive. It is for this reason that "circumcised" men can please a woman longer.

Numerous studies conducted by sexologists have found that the length and thickness of the penis is affected by the racial belonging of the man. So, representatives of the Caucasian countries are famous for the largest phalluses. In second place after the Caucasians are representatives of hot African countries. The average length of the penis in an excited state in these men is 15-16 cm. In third place in terms of the length of the penis are men of European countries with a length of 14-15 cm. Well, the owners of the miniature organs themselves are Asian men, whose penis length does not exceed 13 cm.

On a note! There is an opinion that the size of the penis can be calculated by the length of the foot, the length of the nose, the distance between the thumb and forefinger. All these theories have not been confirmed in practice and are just a myth.

When measuring, it is very important to pay attention to the temperature in the room, because at low rates, the penis can be shortened. It is very important that a man be in a calm state, since the emotional background has a direct effect on the level of hormones and the size of the penis during the measurement.

Proper measuring technique

Penis length and width standards

In order not to impose unnecessary inferiority complexes on himself, every man should know the approximate parameters of the penis, which are considered normal, and be equal to them, and not to the boastful stories of his friends and, moreover, information. In a calm state, the length of the penis is considered normal if it is 8-10 cm. In an erect state, these figures increase to 13-18 cm, but the average penis does not exceed 15 cm.

The thickness of the penis is an equally important measurement and normally it is 3-4 cm. The circumference of the penis is measured exclusively in the excited state and is 10-15 centimeters. There is no such thing as normal penis thickness in sexology. But as practice shows, 3-4 cm are the optimal penis thickness for a man of average build.

What is more important: length or width?

Since ancient times, men have been sure that only having a long penis can satisfy a woman. Numerous studies have proven that the width of the penis is much more important than its length. To understand this statement, it is necessary to recall the lessons of the anatomy and structure of the female internal genital organs. The vagina of a woman in an unexcited state is 7-12 cm, the width does not exceed 2-3 fingers. During intercourse, the internal organs are excited, the vagina becomes longer, and due to the rush of blood, even narrower. The vaginal tissue becomes more elastic and tightly covers the genitals.

Physiologists say that the most sensitive area is the first 3-5 cm of the vagina itself and the entrance to it. The conclusion suggests itself: to satisfy a woman, it is enough to be the owner of an average phallus, and not a sexual giant.

Interesting to know! The largest penis in the world currently belongs to a Mexican. The length of his faithful friend is 48 cm, which is far from being his pride and joy. The man claims that such penis sizes bring him a lot of problems, including disability, impaired quality of life, lack of intimacy with women.

Possible deviations from the norm

The formation of the phallus and its size is influenced by many factors, including:

  • genetics;
  • congenital and acquired diseases;
  • age.

The dimensions of the penis are laid down at the stage of intrauterine development. In addition, race plays an important role in this process. If men in the family predominantly had medium-sized penises, then the new generation will also have such sizes. But there are exceptions to every rule, and these include a number of congenital diseases:

  • cryptorchidism;
  • anorchism;
  • Pasculani syndrome.

Responsible for the manifestation of masculine qualities. It also directly affects the sex life of a man. With insufficient production of this substance, doctors diagnose hypogonadism and a decrease in the size of the testicles. The most severe complication may be a micropenis, the length of which does not exceed 10 cm in an erect state.

With careless behavior with the main reproductive organ, injuries and acquired diseases are possible, which do not have the best effect on the size and functional ability of the penis. With diseases of the cardiovascular system, the penis can also slightly decrease and bend. With elephantiasis (stagnation of lymph in the lower extremities), it can significantly increase in size. With excess weight, the functional length of the penis is reduced by several centimeters due to the fat layer in the pubic region.

Psychologists focus men's attention on the fact that masculine qualities are not only in the length of the penis, but also in other equally important characteristics, such as:

  • masculinity;
  • a responsibility;
  • care;
  • ability to love and understand.

In the absence of the above qualities, the length of the penis will not help create harmonious conditions for relations between a man and a woman. It is in the power of every woman to make her man the best lover and husband in the world, and also to help him believe in himself: physiology has nothing to do with it.

Penis size is a parameter that worries almost every man. Representatives of the stronger sex are interested in what should be a man's dignity, why "other people" have a larger penis, and what to do to increase it. In most cases, fears about the size of the penis are nothing more than a psychological complex. In this article, you will learn what the normal size of a man's dignity means and what indicators of its length or thickness are a deviation from the norm.

penis development

The development of the phallus begins in the prenatal period. At the 16th week of pregnancy, the scrotum and penis begin to form in the fetus. At this time, the sex of the unborn child is determined.

In the prepubertal period of development (before the onset of puberty), the boy's genitals are infantile. The baby has a penis size of about 2 cm, and his prepuce is narrowed (this phenomenon is called physiological phimosis). The member continues to grow in proportion to the increase in the growth of the boy.

From about the age of 12, intensive growth of the penis occurs, associated with the onset of puberty. Up to 15 years, the penis grows by 1-1.5 cm per year.

In some young men, with the onset of puberty, there is no pronounced growth of the penis. If by the age of 15 the forms remain childish, then such a teenager should be shown to the doctor. This indicates a severe testosterone deficiency in the blood. Parents need to know how many years the penis grows and, in the event of the development of pathology, sound the alarm. It is also important to familiarize yourself with the size table, which indicates the presence of a norm or pathology in a child.

Is a big phallus important?

Archaeologists know rock carvings of male genital organs, whose age exceeds 30 thousand years. And at this time, the drawings were depicted with amazing anatomical accuracy. This suggests that even in those gray times, great attention was paid to the size of the phallus.

It is known that in the East the most common images were men with large penises. The ancient Greeks depicted gods with imposing phalluses. In Rome, figurines of men with large penises were used as amulets.

Due to the influence of the Christian church, men have ceased to be interested in this parameter because of the sinfulness of such thoughts. And only since the last century, interest in this topic has increased. Doctor's research confirms that in almost all nations the topic of the size of manhood is very important.

Psychologists believe that men most painfully endure criticism of their manhood. On a subconscious level, every male may fear that he has a small penis. This anxiety may be one of the factors in the development of situational erectile dysfunction. It has been proven that the owners of small members suffer from a pronounced inferiority complex, as they constantly have sexual problems.

Average penis sizes

Numerous studies show that the average penis length in a state of sexual arousal varies from 13 to 15 centimeters. Types of members, depending on the length, are classified as follows:

  • up to 10 centimeters - "micropenis";
  • up to 12 centimeters - a small sexual organ;
  • from 12 to 18 centimeters - a medium-sized penis;
  • over 18 centimeters - a large penis.

A photo of a member indicates all sorts of differences depending on the length.

The prevailing normal size of the penis in a relaxed state ranges from 7.5 to 10 cm. Men compare members with the “average size” and draw certain conclusions from what they see, based on precisely these parameters. And this is wrong. The fact is that if a man has a small penis, then when an erection occurs, it can increase significantly, and vice versa. This is due to the structure of the penis.

In adolescents, it is inappropriate to compare the average length and diameter of the penis. At this time, their sexual organ is in a phase of intensive growth. The essential is completed by about 17 years of age. After this, the growth process is not completed, as the penis may still grow slightly. Only by the age of 25, its length does not change in the future.

To determine the parameters of the penis, its girth is also important. It is he who creates certain sensations in the process of friction against the vaginal walls. The width of the male organ can vary from 8 to 15 centimeters, although the most average figure is from 12 to 13 centimeters.

Men need to know how to measure their penis. It is measured only in a state of erection. To measure it, you need to bend it down a little, attach a ruler or tape along the top (not bottom) surface. It is necessary to measure correctly from the beginning of the pubis to the end of the head of the penis.

Important! If a ruler with an indent at the beginning of the scale is used, then its value must be added to the result obtained.

The best way to measure a man's penis is with a flexible tape.

Factors that affect the length of the penis

Why do men have different penis sizes? This figure depends on such factors.

  1. Heredity. It significantly affects the indicators of male dignity. Thus, representatives of individual human races have different indicators of the length of erect penises. In adult Mongoloids, the length of the penis is somewhat less than in Caucasians. At the same time, the inhabitants of Africa have somewhat large penises.
  2. The conditions in which the growth of the young man took place. The most noticeable increase in male dignity falls on the period of 13-17 years. This age range determines the size of the penis of an adult male. Penis size depends on hormone levels. When during the puberty there were deviations in the hormonal background, violations in sexual development, this adversely affects the size of the penis. Moreover, in severe cases, the organ can be less than ten centimeters.
  3. The presence of fatty layer on the pubis. Obese men have small penises. The fatty layer hides the visible parts of the penis, and it seems smaller. If a man loses weight, then the disappearance of a layer of fat will visually increase manhood.

Note! There is no relationship between the length of the penis and the height of a man.

Diseases affecting penis size

Pronounced downward deviations in this parameter are observed in men with such pathologies:

There are pathologies that can lead to a significant increase in penis size. So, tumors in the adrenal glands contribute to the impressive growth of the penis. Sometimes it can cause a significant increase in the phallus. Finally, lymphostasis and the resulting elephantiasis significantly increase the parameters of the penis.

An uncircumcised member visually seems larger than.

penis curvature

Sometimes men mistakenly think that the penis is completely straight and complex about the fact that they notice some curvature of the phallus. Their anxiety is in vain: a slight curvature of dignity is considered the norm. Moreover, in some representatives of the stronger sex, the penis can thicken in the middle part, bend in the head area. Other deviations from the "standard" form are also possible. Often the member is straight in a calm state, but can be strongly bent during an erection.

Such inconsistencies with the "rules" are hard for a teenager. Because of this, he begins to be ashamed of his own body, which has a bad effect on his entire future life. Sometimes such doubts can prevent the beginning of an intimate life, cause pronounced sexual disorders.

Can the penis shrink at rest

In reality, these dimensions are quite difficult to determine. A member can decrease when:

  • exposure to cold and a period of cooling;
  • after bathing in a cold river;
  • due to fatigue;
  • with some diseases;
  • after intercourse (especially unsuccessful).

In opposite cases, the size of the dignity increases. It increases to the greatest extent in warmth and in a relaxed state.

The maximum length of the penis recorded by doctors is 34 cm.

Penis size and women

The penis is necessary for normal urination, fertilization and providing pleasure to participants in coitus. The length and width of the male organ is of great importance for providing pleasant sensations.

Some men believe that the larger the penis, the better the pleasure a woman will receive. In fact this is not true. The longest member can bring discomfort to the vagina, contribute to the development of certain pathologies. In most cases, the presence of a large penis does not allow the use of some positions.

Numerous studies confirm that a woman feels best with a man whose penis size exceeds the depth of the vagina by about 4 cm. And since the average vaginal depth is about 10 cm, the standard size of the penis is considered to be 14 - 15 cm.

The idea that deep penetration can give a woman pleasure is also erroneous. The most sensitive areas are in the area from the opening of the vagina to a depth of about 8 cm. Based on this, normal woman satisfaction can occur even with a dignity length of 10 cm.

Most women consider the thickness of the penis to be important, because this parameter can influence the degree of satisfaction.

A man often underestimates the parameters of his dignity (length and diameter). Women are forbidden to joke about this, as a careless word provokes serious psychological problems. The thought that something is wrong with a man can provoke psychological trauma for a long time. The task of a beloved woman is to dissuade a man, to make him believe in himself.

Is it possible to increase the member

Modern medicine owns some methods of penis enlargement (penbuilding). Often used to achieve the ideal size:

  • some hormonal drugs that provide an increase in the size of manhood;
  • massages;
  • extenders - orthopedic devices for stretching the phallus (allows you to add about 2 centimeters, but only after a long time);
  • installation of implants in the cavernous space;
  • an increase with the help of a surgical operation (the body's own tissues are used as a "building material");
  • increase with the help of vacuum pumps;
  • saline injections (this measure gives only a temporary result: over time, the solution resolves, and the length of the penis returns to its previous limits).

All these medical procedures are quite unpleasant, which is associated with increased sensitivity of the genital area. They are shown to be used only with a micropenis, when a man cannot, due to physiological characteristics, have sexual intercourse.

For a temporary increase in male dignity, special gels and sprays are used. Due to the fact that the drugs increase the intensity of blood flow and cause local swelling, the penis increases by 2-3 centimeters. The effect of the application of the ointment lasts for several hours.

The size of the male penis varies widely, and it does not matter for sexual intercourse. Only in rare cases, with microscopic parameters, men need medical assistance in the form of surgery. Most men have an optimal penis size, and doubts about the parameters of the phallus are far-fetched and have psychological roots.

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The physiology of women is individual, therefore, for some, size is still important, for some, the most sensitive area is located deep in the vagina, so that only the owner of a not very small penis can fully please them.

But how can a woman find out how suitable this particular man is for her sexually? The best way to do this, of course, is to try it “in action”, but women have their own signs that allow them to find out the size of manhood by external signs. Some take it all as a joke, but there are those who take these signs very seriously.

Some facts about the size

In most men, the length of the penis reaches 12 to 18 cm during an erection. In an unexcited, sluggish, state, the size of the male penis also varies, but the size in a calm state cannot be judged on what scale it can reach when excited. If we turn to the results of studies, it turns out that in most cases, the larger the penis in a flaccid state, the fewer times it will increase when it is excited. From the above, one conclusion can be drawn, not all that glitters is gold.

It is reliably known that external factors significantly affect the size of manhood. So, for example, the male member decreases in size and fits closer to the body under the influence of cold air, ice water and with strong excitement, thus, the male body shows a protective reaction, and this applies not only to the penis, but also to the scrotum. But under the influence of favorable external conditions, such as warm water and a general relaxed state of the body, the size of manhood increases.

So how do you know the size of a man's penis based on his external data?

Each man's penis parameters are as individual as his face. What nature has awarded, so they exist. If, nevertheless, for a woman, size is not the last thing, she should pay attention to some details.

For starters, growth. As the well-known saying goes, “went to the root”, or, more simply, it is believed that the lower the height of men, the longer their penis. It turns out that the higher the man, the shorter his tool? Frankly, a controversial statement, but there are those who continue to convince the public that he is right. Based on the same saying, we can conclude that lean men have a thicker and longer penis than large and pumped ones.

Scientists who were able to prove that sexual activity can be determined by measuring the ratio of thigh length to leg length came to the aid of women interested in this issue. In other words, the greater the length of the thigh, the higher the sexual activity of a person.

It is also believed that the fuller the lips of a man, the greater his dignity. Among other signs, it is often referred to that the thickness and length of the penis can be recognized by the length and width of the male foot, as well as the shape of the thumb, you can recognize the shape of the penis. And it is also believed that in men with a long nose, the length of the penis also does not disappoint.

Not so long ago, Korean scientists managed to find a way to find out the size of manhood. For most people in general, and men in particular, the ring finger is longer than the index finger, so the greater the difference between the thumb and forefinger in a man, the longer his penis. Scientists claim that this method is the most reliable, because. it was obtained through research. It was previously proven that the size of a person's fingers are formed at the embryonic stage, the length of the ring finger, as well as the size of the male penis, are formed at the same stage under the influence of hormones, or rather, testosterone. Those. the greater the amount of this hormone, the longer the ring finger, and accordingly the penis.