In the morning I feel dizzy and shaky. Benign positional vertigo

If a person regularly experiences dizziness in the morning, this is an alarming symptom.

In most cases, the causes of this phenomenon are associated with various diseases.

When, after sleep, a person staggers, feels nauseous, and feels weak throughout the body, it is necessary to urgently begin treatment.

However, before taking any therapeutic measures, you need to understand why dizziness occurs in the morning.


Morning dizziness is often accompanied by a number of other symptoms. A person suffering from such an illness may have the impression that:

  • The figures surrounding him are spinning.
  • “Floaters” appear before your eyes.
  • An unpleasant uncomfortable feeling occurs in the head area.
  • Nausea and weakness occur.
  • Dizziness can cause severe mental confusion.

In most cases, these symptoms appear immediately after a person wakes up, when he gets out of bed.

It is important to remember that if after sleep a person regularly experiences severe dizziness and nausea, there is a need to undergo a medical examination.

The well-being of an awakened person with such an illness worsens immediately after he gets out of bed.

So, why do you feel dizzy after sleep?

Provoking factors

In some cases, the causes of this phenomenon may be associated with psycho-emotional stress.

If a person suddenly feels dizzy in the morning, this may indicate that he was nervous the day before.

Psycho-emotional stress is always accompanied by unpleasant consequences, one of which is dizziness.

However, in this case, this is a situational phenomenon. If a person is overtired or nervous, then after waking up in the morning he may experience a feeling of lightheadedness.

If the causes of the illness lie in banal overwork, then in addition to feeling lightheaded and dizzy, the person will feel drowsiness and weakness.

Why? It's all about the resources that the human body spends to combat stress and physical fatigue.

Drowsiness and weakness are the result of the body’s lack of strength to combat these consequences.

Let's talk about the most common factors that provoke dizziness.

  1. BPPV. This abbreviation stands for benign paroxysmal vertigo. Forecast of this disease benign. A person suffering from BPPV regularly feels dizzy in the morning and experiences nausea.
  2. Cervical osteochondrosis. A patient with cervical osteochondrosis always feels sick in morning time, especially when he gets out of bed. He also often feels dizzy and has headaches. Why is this happening? It's all about pinched blood vessels and nerve endings, through which blood flows to the brain.
  3. Elderly age. Older people often experience dizziness and nausea after sleep. The reasons for this phenomenon lie in the thinning of blood vessels, as well as deformation of the cervical vertebral region. Also, the reasons that provoke this disease in older people are associated with a violation normal functioning vestibular apparatus. This phenomenon is explained by physiological reasons.
  4. Meniere's disease. With this disease, a person's ear is affected. Dizziness and nausea that a person experiences after sleep are not the only symptoms of Meniere's disease. This disease also characterized by hearing impairment.
  5. Blood diseases. Almost all blood diseases are accompanied by these symptoms. For example, with atherosclerosis, a person will feel sick almost every day after sleep. Why do you feel dizzy when you have blood diseases? The thing is that these ailments are accompanied by changes in blood composition, therefore, the brain and other organs do not receive sufficient quantity the substances they need.
  6. Head infection. Such infections lead to increased internal pressure vessels, as a result of which the patient feels dizzy. In most cases, dizziness occurs in the morning.
  7. Consequence of a stroke. People who have suffered a stroke often complain of such symptoms in the morning. This is explained by long-term physical inactivity.

The vestibular apparatus is responsible for a person’s position in space. When his condition is disturbed, the person becomes dizzy and feels faint.

Often, with such an illness, this happens in the morning. Also, such symptoms often manifest themselves during motion sickness when a person travels in transport.

Sometimes he feels so sick that he can't stop vomiting. This condition This is not the norm, therefore, it is important to inform your doctor about it.

Dizziness after sleep can also be a consequence of a head injury. If the day before a person seriously hurt his head, then in the morning he may encounter such unpleasant symptoms as severe dizziness and a feeling of lightheadedness.

If you receive any injuries, it is important to promptly seek help from medical institution, as it is high risk internal bleeding.

However, if the blow was not very strong, the patient should apply cold to the bruised area.

In this case, he can be helped at home.

If a patient often feels lightheaded and dizzy in the morning, he should definitely undergo a medical examination.

To eliminate the unpleasant symptoms that appear in the morning, professional diagnosis is necessary.

Which doctor should I contact? First of all, the patient must make an appointment with a therapist.

After the therapist interviews him and determines a possible course of treatment, the patient will be referred to a cardioneurologist.

When the patient sees his doctor, he should describe in as much detail as possible all the symptoms that appear in the morning.

It is also important to clarify how often he feels dizzy. If this happens at night, be sure to tell your doctor.

If a person often experiences dizziness and nausea after sleep, he needs to drink water on an empty stomach.

Herbal infusions also help relieve the patient from such symptoms. For example, you can brew motherwort root or valerian.

There's one more thing effective remedy, which will help eliminate dizziness are sedative infusions.

We are talking about sedatives herbal infusions which have medicinal properties.

If a person regularly experiences dizziness after sleep, he should prepare a medicine from the following herbs:

  • Mint.
  • Melissa.
  • Schisandra.
  • Chamomile, etc.

This method will relieve the patient of unpleasant symptoms only if they did not arise due to illness.

For example, for a patient suffering from cervical osteochondrosis, herbal medicine will not bring any positive results.

But if these symptoms appear as a result of physical fatigue or stress, herbal medicine will be an excellent method of relieving them.

Why? Any illness that occurs during nervous soil, can be cured only after the person is in a normal and comfortable psychological state.

Simply put, he needs to calm down. This can be done with the help of relaxation therapy, one of the components of which is herbal medicine.

Medicinal herbal teas help a person feel better, calm down and cope more easily external stimuli. It is recommended to take invigorating medications.

It is also important for people suffering from this disease to remember to follow the rules of a healthy diet.

If such symptoms occur, it is important to eat breakfast. Breakfast should be balanced.

As for carbohydrates, foods rich in them are best eaten in the afternoon. Why? D

The point is that if a person eats a large amount of fatty and heavy food immediately after waking up, he will certainly have a feeling of lightheadedness, which may not leave him throughout the day.

Useful video

Dizziness can be called one of the most common attacks of discomfort among the modern population. Moreover, it manifests itself in people of absolutely all ages, according to various reasons. The reasons for such “ordinary” dizziness are quite understandable - it could be lack of sleep, pregnancy, drug use. various medications, alcohol and so on. Why, my head starts to feel dizzy in the morning after sleep, when getting out of bed. Frequent occurrence of such a disorder indicates the emergence or development of some disease.

Symptoms and manifestations

Dizziness that occurs after sleep, often accompanied by the following symptoms, appearing periodically or constantly:

The presence of these symptoms confirms the fact of a dysfunction of the vestibular apparatus, which can either be provoked by accident, if a person “jumped up” very sharply from the bed, or is the cause of the disease.

The bottom line is that if there are such a small number of symptoms, and there are usually no more than three, there can be quite a lot of sources of disturbances. Many of the provoking diseases can occur in the human body quite “quietly”, practically without making themselves felt. Or, they may be perceived by the patient himself as a completely normal state of the body that does not require medical intervention.

Reasons why you feel dizzy

In conditions of systematic violation of the rules of work and rest, caused by long and busy working hours, the presence of a large number of bad habits, nervous diseases, lack of sufficient quantity fresh air, sleep and many other shortcomings of life modern man, people have various diseases, including dizziness in the morning, after sleep.

The causes of body disorder with morning dizziness may be the following diseases and violations (read feature articles):

  • Some of the main and dangerous ones are malignant and benign tumors brain, leading to both dizziness and nausea, and complete inability to move, for a certain time after sleep.
  • Another reason for dizziness in the morning may be a lack of sugar contained in the blood and is the main nutrient that supports stable brain function.
  • Dizziness after sleep can be caused by Meniere's disease. It manifests itself in damage to the right or left ear, disrupting a person’s hearing capabilities. In this case, not only will the patient feel very dizzy, the patient may also feel nauseous.
  • Prolonged absence motor activity, you may also feel very dizzy.
  • You should not lose sight of various neurological disorders, such as the presence of phobias, frequent worries, prolonged depression and others.
  • Also, the occurrence of intoxications due to poisoning human body various substances, formed due to disruption of organ function or introduced from the outside.
  • An increase in vascular pressure, resulting in morning dizziness, can be caused by various infectious diseases affecting some parts of the head or face.
  • An important violation may be the appearance serious condition caused by an increase blood pressure leading to damage small vessels or convulsive syndrome. In this case, a person’s reactions will be inhibited, since the brain will not receive enough oxygen. Emergence similar problem should not be ignored, and therefore you should immediately call an ambulance.

Ways to fight

If the symptoms indicated at the very beginning of the article occur, or rather their regular occurrence, you should under no circumstances try to get rid of them on your own, relying on various Internet advisors.

The most the best way fighting the disease will be the knowledge that a specialist doctor can give you: a neurologist, therapist, endocrinologist, otolaryngologist.
It is necessary to start treatment strictly after you have been diagnosed.

In order to get rid of the causes of morning dizziness, you will be prescribed the use of specialized medications and, in some cases, performing special exercises.
If no diseases are detected, it is worth taking some measures so that after sleep you do not feel very dizzy and do not appear again.

It is worth paying very close attention to the process of getting out of bed, since, in some cases, disturbances in the functioning of the vestibular apparatus can lead to the fact that a person simply cannot stay on his feet and falls. At the same time, the percentage of the possibility of getting seriously injured is quite high, and therefore you should avoid sudden movements when lifting.

In the morning, after sleep, your head can feel absolutely dizzy. various reasons, many of which may turn out to be quite dangerous diseases brain or other parts of the human body. If, in the absence of sudden movements, you continue to experience dizziness in the morning, you should definitely consult a doctor and under no circumstances self-medicate. When contacting a doctor, work will be carried out with the patient aimed at identifying the causes of disorders of the vestibular apparatus and eliminating them (the causes). Very often, people are looking for an answer to the question of how to get rid of dizziness, thus hoping to eliminate not the disease, but only its consequences, and therefore, treatment of provoking diseases does not occur, and the patient’s condition will only worsen, which can lead to more severe consequences or even death. So, you shouldn’t be afraid that doctors will prescribe long-term and rather expensive treatment, because health is where more important than work and money.

For some, waking up in the morning does not bring joy because every time it begins with the emergence discomfort, mild nausea, weakness, sometimes dizziness. In order to recover from such a condition, first of all, you need to know why it occurs. What diseases can provoke the problem, what is needed to normalize the condition. In some cases, dizziness in the morning can be overcome on your own, but sometimes specialist help may be required.

Balance can be ideal only if the vestibular apparatus performs its functions normally. If there are disturbances in it, dizziness or other unpleasant symptoms, Feel. The causes of dizziness in the morning and other symptoms are as follows:

  1. BPPV (benign paroxysmal positional vertigo) is the most common cause of the problem. To determine whether a person has the disease, it is necessary to perform the following manipulations: sit down, stretch your legs, and begin to turn your head to the left. Do not change the position of your head. Lie down and try to turn your head to the right.

If morning dizziness occurs or the condition becomes worse, it means that the disease is present in the body. Attacks of this disease are not very long-lasting. To improve the condition, you should perform the exercise more often: rotating your head when changing body position. After consulting a doctor, he will prescribe pills that will completely get rid of the disease.

  1. Pinched nerves or blood vessels. This causes blood to flow to the brain more slowly, causing some body functions to become unstable, such as maintaining balance. The cause of pinched nerves is an uncomfortable sleeping position, incorrect selection of a pillow, it is most likely very high. At night a person does not experience discomfort, but in the morning after sleep, he feels trouble for this reason.
  2. If measures are not taken long time, may begin to develop cervical osteochondrosis. The essence of the disease is pinching carotid artery the walls of the channel in which it runs. They put pressure on the vessel and less blood and nutrients flow in. There are unpleasant sensations, morning dizziness and other deviations from normal condition.

Prevention of the disease: swimming, purchasing an orthopedic mattress and hard, low pillows. You can place a special cushion under your neck to help your joints straighten while you sleep. After a person has finished sleeping, he will not feel any discomfort in the neck area.

  1. Thinning of blood vessels. Over time, starting from the age of 55, the canals begin to deform cervical spine. The vestibular apparatus begins to work worse than usual. Every morning, dizziness occurs due to aging, so it is unlikely that you will learn how to avoid such unpleasant sensations without the constant use of medications.
  2. Meniere's disease. The disease provokes not only dizziness that occurs after sleep, but also hearing loss and nausea.
  3. Infections affecting blood vessels. As in previous cases, the vessels may narrow, causing useful material and blood does not flow in sufficient quantities to the required parts of the brain.
  4. Vegetative-vascular dystonia. This disease consists of an incorrect response of blood vessels to the required signals. At large quantities blood, when it is required to expand, they, on the contrary, narrow. When there is less blood and the channels need to be narrowed, they expand. Because of this, the blood flow to the main organs is disrupted and unpleasant sensations appear.
  5. Performance physical exercise. With sudden movements of the head during strength exercises, cerebral blood supply may be violated. Coordination of movements becomes worse, and the head begins to spin. In the morning, when waking up, there may be a reaction to previous workouts, when there is a disruption in the normal state of the body, so the head begins to feel dizzy.
  6. Food poisoning. The virus affects the blood vessels, the blood enters the brain with disturbances, which is what occurs unpleasant feeling vertigo.

Ways to normalize the condition

If the unpleasant symptoms mentioned above begin to occur, and you feel dizzy not only in the morning, you should consult a doctor to accurately identify the causes of this condition. Under no circumstances should you treat yourself. A simple man, without medical education, is unlikely to be able to 100% determine his disease. If the diagnosis is incorrect, the disease will progress, leading over time to more severe consequences. Treatment of the disease should begin only after diagnosis using methods determined by the attending physician.

If you often feel dizzy in the morning, a person wants to get rid of the causes of the illness. To normalize the condition, they will be prescribed medicines, sometimes performing special physical exercises. In the absence of any diseases in the body, you can take some measures so that your head stops spinning after waking up.

Should be guided the following tips: do not get out of bed suddenly, immediately after waking up. Such jumping is often the cause of discomfort. The brain has already woken up, but the body is not yet fully awake. Therefore, after sudden movements, immediately after the dream has passed, the person will only get worse.

People themselves sometimes feel why they are dizzy and are able to take recovery measures on their own. If this does not happen and the condition worsens, you should try to follow at least the simplest advice to normalize the condition. To get up normally, you need to stretch, turn over on your side, repeating the actions on the opposite side. Then slowly sit down, it is advisable to lean your hand on the bed, breathe for a while until you feel relief and normalization of your condition, and then get up.

These are the most common symptoms and are familiar to many. Let’s look at why they appear in the morning, as soon as you get out of bed, how to eliminate them, and in what cases the help of doctors and treatment do not require delay.

With such manifestations in the morning, the balance system, the main regulator of which is considered to be the brain, is clearly disturbed. It receives signals from remote organs about existing problems in the body. Nausea and dizziness are a consequence of pathological changes in the signaling system or in the brain itself, and are also the first symptoms in the patient.

Central dizziness with signs of loss of balance (vertigo) is observed in the morning with:

  • development of a tumor in the brain;
  • migraines, paroxysmal manifestations;
  • epilepsy at any stage (nausea, imbalance);
  • osteochondrosis of the cervical spine as a result of circulatory disorders in the brain;
  • Lyme disease;
  • encephalitis, meningitis (in case of impaired blood circulation in the brain).

Peripheral dizziness with signs of vertigo is observed with:

  • ear injuries;
  • Meniere's disease (accumulation of purulent fluid in the middle ear cavity);
  • neuronitis, vestibular neuritis due to impaired circulation;
  • deficiency of sugar in the blood (the brain malfunctions when there is a lack of this nutrient element);
  • vegetative-vascular dystonia, narrowing or dilation of blood vessels;
  • inflammation inner ear due to reduced immunity, the development of bacteria in the cavity. Feels nauseous;
  • increased pressure in blood vessels against the background of damage to some part of the head or face infectious diseases;
  • renal, liver failure, intoxication of the body due to chemical poisoning, harmful substances;
  • convulsive syndrome;
  • damage to small vessels leading to high blood pressure. If there is insufficient blood supply to the brain, the patient's reactions are inhibited and he feels dizzy in the morning. The condition is serious and requires an emergency call.

Often, depression, phobia, anxiety, and restlessness contribute to dizziness and nausea. 80% of the population is dizzy due to vegetative-vascular dystonia, paroxysmal dizziness. If symptoms appear immediately upon sharp turns of the head or immediately upon rising from bed in the morning, then a brain injury or infectious disease may be suspected. inflammatory processes in him.

Nausea, dizzy - common signs in hypertensive patients during hypertensive crisis, the face is covered with heat, blood pressure is high.

The condition is not dangerous due to the release of adrenaline into the blood in large quantities, against the background of worries or preparation for an important event. Mild discomfort in the form of nausea and dizziness will soon pass. Why is this happening? The vestibular apparatus reacts sensitively to everything that happens around, and you may feel dizzy when traveling in public transport (often on an airplane), or spinning on a carousel. Many people experience discomfort when traveling by sea; motion sickness can cause loss of balance, drowsiness, yawning, belching, nausea, and a feeling of fullness in the stomach. Women often show signs of migraines or when going to high altitudes. Due to the focusing of vision in zero gravity, an additional load is placed on the vestibular apparatus. Blood rushes strongly to parts of the brain during certain physical exercises and sudden head tilts. Nausea and dizziness are common.

Smokers often feel dizzy during hangover syndrome. During pregnancy early stages, morning sickness is a common occurrence during the growth period of the placenta and embryo. After taking certain medications that have side effect as similar symptom: statins, diuretics, sedatives, contraceptives, for potency, against worms, antihistamines. Before taking medications, you should first consult your doctor and do not neglect the doses indicated in the instructions.

People prone to neuroses often feel dizzy, panic attacks, depression. Such psychogenic manifestations do not cause physical harm to a person, but it is, of course, necessary to identify why they occur and become permanent by contacting a psychologist.

Dizziness can be caused by some serious illnesses, for example, thrombophlebitis, blockage of a blood clot or separation from the cerebral cortex with subsequent entry into other neighboring organs. Critical condition, call ambulance needed immediately. In addition, the symptoms are dangerous if:

  • constantly hurts and feels dizzy in the morning;
  • muscles weaken when moving, arms and legs do not obey. This is similar to a pre-stroke condition;
  • vomiting does not stop;
  • temperature increased to critical levels;
  • the tongue is deviated to the side, sinks when speaking;
  • limbs go numb, sensitivity in the arms or legs is impaired.

All symptoms are serious threat for the body, you need to take measures to help as quickly as possible.

If the symptoms become constant and you were unable to find out why they appeared on your own, then of course you need to see a doctor and get diagnosed. It is unlikely that you can establish the root cause of their manifestations on your own. These symptoms are common to many diseases or pathological changes in the body (in particular in parts of the brain). With anemia, not only does the hands feel nauseous in the morning, the skin turns pale, and digestion is impaired. The main treatment for obvious iron deficiency in the blood is the prescription of iron supplements: ferretab, sorbifer.

At , inappropriate behavior brain vessels, attacks provoked in women by menstruation or consumption of chocolate, a diet, antidepressants, calcium channel blockers are indicated.

For vestibular neuronitis, hormonal medications may be prescribed.

At multiple sclerosis– interferons, corticosteroids to slow the progression of the disease.

For spasms, hemorrhage, necrosis individual areas against the background of ischemia, anticoagulant drugs are urgently administered

With the development of inflammatory processes in the cavity of the inner ear, which, when penetrating deeper, leads to damage to the vestibular apparatus and even inflammation of the brain - antibiotics. Possible autopsy eardrum to pump out pus surgically.

For abscesses, complications in the brain, hearing loss, hearing loss, decay mastoid processes It is no longer possible to do without surgery. Self-medication is useless, ineffective, and delay can lead to irreversible consequences, including death.

If dizziness and nausea are not caused by the development of a serious illness, then such signs will not bother you in the morning if you follow some simple rules.

Jumping out of bed abruptly or turning your head incorrectly often causes nausea and dizziness. You don’t need to do this, it’s better to stretch while lying down, turn over from side to side, do up to 8-10 deep breaths and only then get up, but avoiding sudden movements, otherwise, if your balance is disturbed, you may fall. Vestibular apparatus It also takes time to start working actively.

If provocateurs are symptoms serious violations, diseases in the body, then you first need to eliminate the provocateurs that led to anxiety. But why do you often feel dizzy and feel nauseous? for some unknown reason? There seem to be no special diseases. In fact, there are many of them, secretive, leaking for a long time asymptomatic and dizzy, headache— the first signs that you need to see a doctor, undergo diagnostics and treatment. If, in addition to nausea and dizziness, there is memory loss, clouding of consciousness, poor coordination of movements, spots before the eyes when getting up from bed, then it is unlikely that this can be eliminated at home folk remedies. Only specialists can install the real reason ailments, prescribe more effective measures treatment.

When you wake up in the morning, you should feel rested and filled with new strength. But what to do if you feel dizzy and shaky in the morning, but have zero energy?

Experts admit that these are the least favorite symptoms, because they are very common and characteristic of completely different diseases.

What kind of diagnosis can you hear from a doctor and how to deal with it?


How do you feel when you feel dizzy in the morning? Uncertainty in determining one’s position in space, one’s head becomes swollen, and the ground disappears from under one’s feet.

Morning dizziness is usually accompanied by nausea, the body is covered in cold sweat, shivering, and the skin turns pale. I don’t even have the strength to lift my head from the pillow.

Let's try to figure out what causes the symptoms and why you feel dizzy in the morning. Dizziness can be caused by the following diseases.

Vegetative-vascular dystonia

The autonomic nervous system regulates the functioning of the heart and internal organs. Any failure and the body does not work properly.

Although modern medicine considers vegetative-vascular dystonia not as a separate disease, but as a pronounced symptom of a number of diseases - from neuroses to disorders heart rate. Hence the multitude accompanying symptoms: headache, cold and trembling hands, difficulty breathing and heartbeat.

Pathological processes in the vestibular apparatus

This may be inflammation of the vestibular nerve, tumor auditory nerve. Labyrinthitis, an inflammation of the inner ear that causes an increase in the amount of lymph in its cavity, cannot be ruled out.

There is a feeling of falling, tilting or swaying of the whole body along with nausea, vomiting, hearing loss, and ringing in the ears.

With age, benign paroxysmal vertigo is observed in the morning, which is caused by a disorder of the inner ear and occurs with a change in the position of the head.

Heart diseases

This is another common cause of morning dizziness. Heart diseases, along with heart pain and arrhythmias, are characterized by fainting dizziness, in which you feel as if you are losing consciousness.

Osteochondrosis of the cervical vertebrae

When the movable vertebrae of the cervical spine fuse, blood vessels may be pinched. From here - oxygen starvation brain tissue, painful in the neck and back of the head, feeling weak and tired. Dizziness in this case occurs against the background of pain and limited mobility of the cervical spine.

Psychoneurological diseases

For the mood and emotional condition disorders have a very strong impact nervous system which manifest themselves as depression, phobias, and stress. They are so strong that they affect the functioning of the entire body as a whole, including causing dizziness in the morning. Patients complain of “fog,” heaviness and lightheadedness.

Arterial hypotension

Low blood pressure blood vessels usually manifests itself with a range of symptoms, including morning dizziness. This is a state close to fainting.


Due to the fact that the sugar level in the lymph and blood decreases, dizziness, sweating, arrhythmia, drowsiness, pallor and disorientation occur.

Intoxication and poisoning, including alcohol, and brain tumors, which are accompanied by loss of balance, may be to blame for dizziness in the morning. The list of diseases that cause dizziness in the head can continue endlessly. The doctor must take into account all the nuances of symptoms.

But why is this condition typical in the morning? When we change dramatically horizontal position to a vertical position, blood flow to the head decreases. This low tide provokes an attack of any disease.

First aid and examination

You periodically begin to experience nausea and dizziness in the morning - the reasons are unknown to you. You think that everything will pass anyway, brushing aside unpleasant and frightening attacks due to the influence of the weather.

But you should seriously take an interest in the question of why you feel sick and dizzy in the morning, visit a specialist and start treatment.

Any dizziness poses a serious health risk. You cannot self-medicate.

Hurry up and call an ambulance medical care if, in addition to dizziness, the following symptoms appear:

  • Severe headache and nausea;
  • The temperature has increased;
  • Hands and feet became numb;
  • Double vision;
  • Pain in the heart area;
  • The tongue seemed to increase in size and began to get in the way in the mouth;
  • Feeling weak in the muscles.

The condition may be critical - even pre-stroke.

If nausea and dizziness in the morning have become a regular occurrence, then it is worth getting examined. Are you unsure which specialist you should visit? You will probably have to see several doctors: a neurologist, an ophthalmologist, a cardiologist, an endocrinologist. Will help make the correct diagnosis biochemical analysis blood, radiography, tomography, audiography, MRI and ultrasound.


If you find out why you feel dizzy in the morning, then start treatment, following all the recommendations.

Simple tips will help alleviate the condition:

  • After waking up, do not make sudden movements, lie down a little and stretch;
  • While sitting in bed, drink a glass of cool water and get up slowly;
  • To avoid neck osteochondrosis, choose an orthopedic mattress and a low pillow for sleeping;
  • Don't skimp on sleep time - get enough sleep;
  • Do not overuse strong coffee and tea;
  • Avoid a large dinner, preferring a nutritious breakfast;
  • You will be able to avoid anemia if you include beef, liver, beets, fruits and red-skinned vegetables in your diet;
  • Take a contrast shower;
  • Take regular walks.

Homemade recipes that are available to everyone will help relieve attacks of nausea and dizziness in the morning.

Folk recipes

Our ancestors found ways to cure any ailment.

Simple and completely natural medicines will help alleviate your condition:

  • Sweet water. Need a spike in your sugar levels? Dissolve in 1 glass warm water 2 teaspoons and drink after waking up.
  • Invigorating gathering. An infusion of mint, lemon balm and lemongrass will help fill the body with energy and relieve fatigue. Place a teaspoon of dry chopped herbs into a container and pour 0.5 liters of boiling water. Let it brew for an hour - the useful drug is ready.
  • Calming collection. To alleviate the effects of stress or anxiety, drink an infusion of chamomile, lemon balm and crushed valerian root. When all the components are brewed, add 2 teaspoons of honey to the infusion and apple cider vinegar. Take half an hour before breakfast for 2-4 weeks, as in the previous recipe.