Nervous pruritus: causes, signs, features of treatment. How nervous scabies manifests itself and why it occurs

scabies - symptoms, photos, first signs

The human body is an amazing and very well-coordinated system, and every change in its work cannot be ignored. One of the strongest and most unpleasant consequences of a nervous breakdown is insomnia. Our colleagues analyzed one of the typical cases of this disease.

The main causes of itching

The development of somatic pathology due to nerves is not uncommon in today's society. The negative impact of stress, fears and depressive states, especially with prolonged exposure to the body, causes the appearance of certain clinical manifestations.

Since the skin has a large number of nerve endings, therefore, they are the first to respond to impaired functioning of the nervous system. Regardless of the general condition of the body, areas of hyperemia, spots, swelling, pimples and rashes may appear on the surface of the skin.

Infection is necessarily contact with something. Either directly with the infected, or with his personal belongings.

How is scabies transmitted:

Conventional medicine has long recognized that bodily illnesses, as well as mental problems, are seriously affected by severe stressful situations. These include:

  • prolonged nervous tension
  • bad disproportionate sleep,
  • wrong work,
  • wrong rest.

Each of these reasons can become a kind of factor that triggers itching.

Disease classification

In addition to the usual form of the disease, there are also an atypical form and pseudochasotka.

Varieties of scabies:

The diagnosis is made on the basis of the patient's complaints, the nature of the rash, the presence of scabies and the detection of the mites themselves when viewed under a microscope.

The disease is divided into atypical and atypical scabies.

Typical for typical scabies.

  • Skin itching, worse at night.
  • At the site of introduction, the beginning of the entrance is visible in the form of a small reddish blister the size of ¼ of a match head.
  • The entrance and exit are at a distance not exceeding 0.5-1cm.
  • The moves are located on delicate areas of the skin, such as the interdigital spaces, the folds of the elbow joints, the abdomen, the inner thighs or intimate places.
  • In infants, moves can be on the head and neck.

Symptoms of atypical scabies are:

  • There is no severe itching.
  • Massive crusts form on the skin.
  • Places where the tick gets under the skin are not visible.
  • There is severe redness of the skin and peeling.

Depending on the clinical picture, several types of the disease are distinguished in medical practice. Each variety is characterized by a specific set of signs and symptoms.

There are such types of scabies:

  • Common scabies.
  • Complicated scabies.
  • Scabies cleanliness (incognito).
  • Norwegian scabies.
  • Nodular scabies.
  • No moves.
  • Pseudo scabies.

common scabies

The most common type of scabies in humans. It is characterized by such manifestations:

  • severe persistent itching (especially at the end of the day);
  • a consequence of combing itchy areas - a large number of crusts of gore;
  • it is quite easy to detect tick moves or egg laying.

Signs of scabies - how it manifests itself

Nervous scabies mainly develops due to frequent nervous shocks and stressful situations in the life of a modern person.

However, its development is not accompanied by the appearance of pathognomonic symptoms. Signs include:

  • skin hyperemia;
  • the appearance of spots;
  • rashes.

In this case, the formation of "small bubbles" is possible on the surface of the skin. Along with the rashes, the following symptoms are also noted:

  • malaise;
  • increased fatigue;
  • swelling;
  • fever.

Symptoms of scabies

Nervous itching has various symptoms, as the body copes with stressful situations in different ways. Some symptoms appear more often than others:

  • Itching. Is the most common symptom. At first, the skin begins to itch only in a certain place, but over time, the itching spreads throughout the body. It can get worse in the evening and after taking a hot bath. A person begins to constantly itch, which leads to the appearance of wounds. They can become infected with bacteria.
  • Rash. It is a small red spots that appear in the armpit, buttocks, abdomen and thighs. Sometimes they have a completely atypical appearance for scabies, which complicates the process of diagnosis and therapy.
  • Exacerbation of skin diseases. Nervous scabies exacerbates the symptoms of skin diseases such as psoriasis and atopic eczema.

There are other signs that can occur with nervous scabies:

  • shiver;
  • heat;
  • loss of appetite;
  • weakness;
  • swelling and redness of the skin;
  • "goose pimples".

The initial stage of development of scabies usually begins in the interdigital spaces, the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe wrists, as a favorite habitat for mites.

The main signs of scabies:

  • severe itching, especially at night;
  • the skin becomes covered with a rash, blisters, small pimples;
  • scabies 7 mm long, at the end of which there is a papule or vesicle (mink), where 10-25 eggs are laid;
  • suppuration and ulcers in the places of scratching.

Nervous scabies is characterized by the following symptoms:

  • severe itching;
  • inflammatory rashes on various parts of the body;
  • nervous state;
  • increased excitability;
  • general malaise.

It will be extremely difficult to make an accurate diagnosis against the background of nervous disorders without the help of a specialist. Not always, after severe stress, spots, blisters will appear on the skin of a person. The reaction may begin in a few weeks. Therefore, self-treatment in such cases does not justify itself.

Symptoms of nervous scabies are characteristic of many other skin diseases. For example, a rash on the skin may appear on the background of chickenpox, prickly heat, or a common allergy. Therefore, only a doctor can find out the true cause of the rash.

The rash against the background of nervous scabies may be in the form of blisters or pimples, inside which a clear liquid forms. Most often, rashes occur on the limbs and hairline. A person experiences a lot of inconvenience about this.

Each variety has basic features, but there are broader symptoms and signs of the disease. If they are detected in time, then treatment at home will be quick and effective.

Diagnosis of scabies

In the presence of itching, as the main symptom, it is always necessary to exclude scabies without exception. In favor of confirming the diagnosis is the presence of similar symptoms in people living with the patient or in contact with him in an organized team.

In order to establish a diagnosis and begin treatment, it is necessary to confirm the presence of the pathogen in the skin in a laboratory.

This is done using the following methods:

  • removal of a tick with a needle;
  • scraping without blood and before the appearance of blood, as well as in mineral oil;
  • thin section method;
  • alkaline tissue preparation;
  • express diagnostics with lactic acid.

All of them are reduced to microscopy and differ only in the way the material is taken. Any of these methods has a high degree of informativeness, and can be applied in practice, the choice of a specialist depends only on the presence of certain excipients in his laboratory.

The advantage of express diagnostics is the ability to detect a tick relatively quickly and store the material indefinitely after that. The result is positive in case of detection of mites, eggs or their shells.

In some cases, for example, in the absence of access to the laboratory by a specialist, scabies is diagnosed already ex juvantibus, which means after a trial course of treatment.

Having established a preliminary diagnosis, the doctor makes appointments, if the itching disappears or decreases, after a minimum course, the diagnosis is finally confirmed.

It is necessary to differentiate scabies with all itchy dermatoses, some of which are caused by allergic reactions, including to medications. Treating such dermatosis with anti-acariasis agents is not only pointless, but also dangerous, since the situation may worsen.

In the case of laboratory confirmation of the diagnosis, the necessary medicine is selected for the patient. This takes into account not only the degree of spread of the tick, but also the diseases that the patient has and the drugs to which he may be allergic.

Scabies treatment

This disease will not go away on its own, so you should start treating it. The main goals of therapy:

  • Stabilization of the nervous system;
  • Strengthening the immune system;
  • Diet adjustment;
  • Maintaining a healthy lifestyle, which includes sports, prolonged exposure to fresh air, proper nutrition;
  • Skin treatment.

You can cure itching on nerves with the help of special means:

  • Boromenthol. This ointment should be used twice a day. It has no side effects, but it is not recommended for people with hypersensitivity to the components contained in the ointment. After application, severe chills and pain may occur. In this case, the drug should be wiped off with a cotton swab. Boromenthol should not be used to treat children under one year old.
  • Nezulin. It contains only herbal ingredients that have anti-inflammatory effects and help relieve itching. Nezulin can be used to treat children. It should be applied to the skin once a day.
  • Fenistil. When applied to the skin, the gel reduces irritation and itching, has anticholinergic and antikinin effects. The advantage of the drug is the rapid onset of action. Literally within a few hours, the itching begins to disappear. The gel is applied externally 2-3 times a day.

If a person has such complaints, then you should not delay visiting a specialist. And even more so try to treat skin rashes on your own. The doctor at the reception will clarify the existing complaints, conduct a full examination and the necessary amount of additional examination.

Dermatologists, allergists and neurologists can make an accurate diagnosis.

Treatment begins only after a comprehensive examination of the patient, because in each clinical case an individual approach is used in the selection of funds, taking into account the individual tolerance of the constituent drugs.

At the first appointment, even before the appointment of treatment, the patient is given recommendations on nutrition, daily routine and physical activity.

Treatment is carried out in stages. At the first stage, means are prescribed, the action of which is aimed at relieving tension: sedatives or antidepressants, it all depends on the cause.

Combined with a visit to a psychologist. During this period, doctors may recommend drinking soothing herbal teas, which may include:

Itchy skin - medicines and medicines

When carrying out medical procedures, certain rules must be observed.

What you need to know:

  1. Treatment of patients in the same area should begin at the same time when the first symptoms appear.
  2. According to the activity of the tick, therapeutic measures should be taken in the evening hours.
  3. Treatment should be carried out in parallel with the elimination of the consequences of the disease.
  4. All contacts and recent contacts of the sick person should undergo a thorough examination.
  5. In the first days, sanitization is carried out: boiling things, bed linen. Change of bed linen after the completion of the treatment course.
  6. The itching remaining after therapy is eliminated by taking antihistamines and applying special ointments.

A relaxing bath at the end of the day has a very beneficial effect on the nervous system.

After contacting a doctor (dermatologist, neurologist, allergist), the patient is prescribed the necessary treatment, aimed mainly at eliminating the rash and normalizing the nervous system. For this, sedatives, antidepressants are prescribed.

Scabies pills

You can get rid of nervous itching of the skin with the help of folk methods of treatment. For this, the following means are used:

Itching of the skin from the nerves does not cause pleasant sensations in anyone, and therefore everyone strives to get rid of the disease as soon as possible. With it, you can take sedatives, and if it accompanies you intermittently, it makes sense to drink valerian extract.

If your skin itches all the time when you're nervous, you'll need stronger medications that you can only get a prescription from a doctor. If you take drugs without the supervision of a specialist, you risk provoking allergic reactions or simply getting used to the drugs.

Doctors usually prescribe antihistamines in combination with sedatives to help get rid of itching.

If you come to the doctor and say: “Doctor, I itch from nerves,” and he diagnoses “itching on nerves,” then most likely you will be prescribed:

  1. Sedative drugs.
  2. Calming herbal teas.
  3. Baths with sage, oak bark, chamomile and lavender.
  4. Aromatherapy.
  5. Breathing exercises and meditation.
  1. Lack of sleep causes nervous disorders and depression.
  2. Traces of scratching and scabies on the body become a spectacle that causes hostility of others.
  3. Expansion of localization in the advanced stage of scabies leads to polymorphism of the genitals, mammary glands, inner thighs, buttocks, torso.

Treatment of the disease is aimed at destroying the pathogen while simultaneously removing the side effects caused by it.

  1. The early stage allows:
  • reduce the use of medications;
  • exclude mass infection of others.
  • Medium and severe form:
    • lead to the use of complex drugs;
    • treatment is carried out according to complex schemes.

    The main method of treatment is rubbing ointments into the skin or applying special sprays. Intolerance to the components of ointments, an allergic reaction can cause the use of tablets.

    Prohibited for pregnant women suffering from diseases of the central nervous system, children under 6 years of age.

  • Butadion is appointed in exceptional cases. Prohibited at:
    • pregnancy;
    • breastfeeding;
    • disorders of the cardiovascular system, hypertension.

    Side effects are CNS failures, allergic reactions, increased blood pressure, changes in the work of the heart.

    If the disease has not had time to get a strong spread or you need to prevent scabies, then it is much safer to use traditional medicine.

    Treatment at home should be carried out in compliance with the basic rules, regardless of which medicine you use:

    1. All family members or cohabitants should always be treated, whether or not they have symptoms.
    2. All fabrics and household items must be thoroughly hygienically processed.
    3. For the period of the entire treatment, a strict ban on the communication of the patient with people living separately from him and home quarantine must be observed.
    4. Before replacing drugs with folk remedies, you should definitely consult a doctor, as he will prescribe the required duration of the course.

    Cream and ointment for scabies

    The choice of a drug aimed at combating the causative agent of the disease depends on the dermatologist. Proper use of the prescribed remedy by the patient, compliance with the instructions and existing requirements for personal hygiene contributes to a speedy recovery.

    The need for a course of treatment for the complete destruction of adults and larvae has been tested and proved.

    1. Completely destroys sexually mature ticks "Spregal":
    • low toxicity;
    • highly allergenic;
    • does not harm the larvae;
    • 2-3 one-time course is necessary.

    Approved for children and pregnant women.

  • The effectiveness of sulfuric ointment is undeniable. Rare use is caused by:
    • persistent, pungent, unpleasant odor;
    • negative impact on the kidneys;
    • the duration of the treatment course;
    • dyeing clothes, bed linen.

    A strict calculation of the concentration percentage is necessary to avoid side effects. Daily weekly rubbing.

  • The completely safe drug "Permethrin" is approved for therapeutic actions in pregnant women, lactating women, infants:
    • recovery occurs after a single application;
    • a repeated course is 98% necessary as a preventive;
    • treatments are carried out before bedtime;
    • mandatory morning replacement and subsequent heat treatment of personal belongings, bed linen.

  • Medifox, which enjoys increased attention, is allowed to be rubbed into the scalp:
    • the duration of the treatment course is a week;
    • rubbing is done twice with a five-day interval;
    • produced with a different percentage composition;
    • application is done at night.

    Treatment for scabies pruritus provides for a mandatory morning change of linen after applying medications, taking a shower, heat treatment of the patient's personal belongings.

    First aid at home

    If the skin itching started at home, but there is not a single antihistamine, there is no way to go to the doctor, you can take several steps that will help to somewhat reduce the skin itching and discomfort.

    First of all, you can take a cold shower without soap and any other hygiene product, you can simply wipe yourself with a napkin dipped in cold water, you can add a little vinegar to the cold water.

    The main thing is to do all this with a soft sponge, which will not comb the surface of the skin and thus increase skin itching.


    To prevent nervous scabies, you need to monitor your emotional state. Stressful situations should be avoided and the nervous system should be strengthened. This can help:

    • healthy eating;
    • daily regime;
    • moderate physical activity.

    People with an unstable nervous system should adhere to the following recommendations:

    • drinking herbal tea;
    • regular intake of relaxing baths with lavender, sage, chamomile and oak bark;
    • breathing exercises;
    • conducting aromatherapy sessions;
    • yoga classes.

    When nervous scabies appears, you should immediately start treating it. Only the help of a doctor and timely treatment will help to quickly get rid of it.

    Aromatherapy for relaxation and tranquility.

    Post Views: 908

    Many people who suffer from itching do not know its true cause, they all blame it on the scabies mite or other diseases caused by fungi or microbes.
    But scabies on a nervous basis has its own characteristic symptoms:
    1. The first signs are observed immediately after stress or a day after it;
    2. Clearly expressed symptoms on the arms, legs or abdomen (there are cases when the signs can spread to other areas of the skin);
    3. Lack of positive effect after the application of traditional methods of treatment;
    4. No contact with allergens or irritants.
    These signs are decisive in making a diagnosis by specialists.

    Nervous itching treatment

    It is very important to start treating the disease as soon as possible so as not to complicate the situation and prevent the development of a chronic form.
    Nervous itching is treated in several stages:
    • first eliminate phobias, stress and anxiety;
    • the second stage is to eliminate the symptoms caused by stress;
    • The third stage is the prevention of the disease.
    To eliminate neurosis, sedatives and sedatives are used. In severe cases, tranquilizers and antidepressants are prescribed.
    As for the itch itself, antihistamines are used for external application to it. In rare cases, ointments and creams are prescribed, which contain glucocorticoids.
    Of course, the drugs must be selected correctly, because during the period of exacerbations the body can recognize them as allergens.

    In order not to harm your body even more and not cause any allergic reactions, use the completely harmless and very effective remedy "Medula Gold".

    It does not consist of chemical additives, it contains only natural ingredients that do not harm the body. With regular use and compliance with all dosages, the patient will be able to:
    1. get rid of fears and worries;
    2. cure insomnia;
    3. improve the functioning of the nervous system;
    4. improve the functionality of the cardiovascular system.

    The drug is not recommended for use during pregnancy and for people who have hypersensitivity to the constituent components. For the rest of the patients, modern medicine strongly recommends using this dietary supplement.

    Medicines for itching

    When nerve itching took you by surprise, you can try to stop his symptoms yourself. There are many ways to do this from the products and substances that are available at home:
    • you can wipe the skin with water and vinegar;
    • take a warm (not hot!) bath with a decoction of chamomile and St. John's wort;
    • soda baths also stop itching for a while.
    Such methods do not eliminate the main cause - stress, so scabies will appear again. And in any case, it will need to be treated with more effective means, for example, such as Medula Gold. The drug will remove all signs of neurosis in 2-3 months and lead you to a state of rest. What else do you need to permanently get rid of itching?
    This dietary supplement can be used in traditional methods treatment and also as a preventive measure. Do not be afraid to use it as a medical therapy, the drug is not capable of harming the body or causing addiction. It will invigorate you, relieve depression and restore former strength to the body.
    "Video ZUD Psychosomatics"

    Skin itching is a common and annoying symptom complex of various pathologies, for example, depressive states and psycho-emotional overstrain.

    Reasons for development

    Nervous itching can provoke a variety of reasons. The most frequently encountered experts include:

    • Strong stressful situations;
    • Psycho-emotional overstrain;
    • Poor quality night rest;
    • Imbalance of rest and work;
    • The presence of pathologies of the central and peripheral nervous systems;
    • vascular thrombosis;
    • Reception of separate subgroups of medicines;

    The risk group includes emotional people who find it difficult to control their condition, women and children. In a person, the speed of reaction to events that are significant for him is strictly individual, so the symptoms of nervous scratching may appear somewhat later than the negative factor that caused it. That is why it is recommended to consult with a specialist dermatologist in time.

    Development mechanism

    Long-term studies have allowed experts to come to the conclusion that nervous itching is caused by the immunological, physiological and biochemical reactions that occur in the human body, which are formed as a result of the negative impact of a stressful situation.

    At this moment, special elements are produced in the human brain that affect the nervous tissue of the skin, thereby causing its swelling, expansion of peripheral arterioles and venules, and an increase in histamine parameters. It is behind him that the responsibility for the formation of the sensation of itching is recognized.

    In addition, psycho-emotional overstrain contributes to a significant decrease in the production of hormones of the adrenal cortex, which are responsible for anti-allergic processes in the human body. The upper layers of the skin become edematous and hyperemic, nervous scabies actively manifests itself.


    The sensation of excruciating itching on the skin accompanies a wide variety of somatic pathologies, for example, scabies or dermatitis. Therefore, only a highly qualified specialist can conduct an adequate differential diagnosis after appropriate diagnostic procedures.

    The main symptoms of nervous itching:

    • A variety of skin rashes - vesicular or in the form of characteristic spots;
    • Local hyperemia;
    • Intolerable desire to scratch;
    • Individual, previously uncharacteristic, excitability;
    • Symptom of "goosebumps" skin;
    • swelling of tissues;
    • Increasing weakness in the whole body;
    • Rarely - an increase in temperature parameters.

    Symptoms can be varied and resemble those in other dermatological pathologies, for example, with urticaria or dermatitis. Only a thorough history taking by a specialist and the establishment of a relationship with the patient's neuropsychological overload helps to identify the root cause of discomfort.

    It is important not to comb - the risk of attaching a bacterial infection, which aggravates the human condition, increases.

    Pathologies of the nervous system, accompanied by symptoms of itching:

    1. Postherpetic neuralgia is the root cause of the neuropathic variant of itching that occurs simultaneously with pain.
    2. Paresthetic notalgia is a peripheral individual neuropathy with involvement of 3-5 thoracic nerves in the negative process. Accompanied by exhausting itching at one edge of the human shoulder blade.
    3. Multiple sclerosis is an itchy skin that correlates with the level of negative damage to the human spinal cord. A characteristic symptom is paroxysmal itching. Occurs suddenly, lasts a few seconds, less often - minutes.
    4. Thrombosis of intracranial vessels, as well as the condition after local hemorrhage, may be accompanied by a feeling of excruciating itching after several days, and even weeks. As a rule, on the side opposite to the affected area.


    Help in establishing the nature of itching from the nerves and the following features of the course:

    • Lack of generalization - the sensation of itching is localized in the area of ​​​​the skin, coinciding with the zonal innervation of one of the links of the afferent system, as well as its analyzer.
    • Itching does not occur on its own, but has concomitant symptoms: pain, paresthesia or burning, as well as motor or autonomic disorders.
    • An adequate diagnosis, despite a strong relationship with the nervous system, should be made only after other causes, such as diabetes and scabies, have been excluded.


    The appearance of a sensation of itching on the skin is a rather unpleasant symptom that should be correlated with any pathology, only in this case it is possible to get rid of it as completely as possible.

    A specialist in dermatological profile is engaged in diagnostics with the appointment of appropriate diagnostic procedures. It will be pathognostic that the nervous itching is formed precisely at the moment of psycho-emotional overload, or immediately after it. As a rule, it is local, as well as episodic in nature, it intensifies many times during a night's rest.

    At the initial stages, it is able to pass on its own, as soon as the negative situation stops, the human body finds reserve opportunities for self-healing.

    Treatment tactics

    After assessing the severity of symptoms, the general condition of a person, a specialist gives appropriate treatment recommendations:

    1. At the initial stages of the formation of itching on a nervous basis, the effect will be observed from light sedative medicines on a natural basis, for example, lemon balm, motherwort, valerian and mint.
    2. In the presence of severe depressive states and the ineffectiveness of sedative medications, specialists usually prescribe stronger antidepressant drugs.
    3. It will be excellent to combine with topical drugs, for example, ointments based on glucocorticoids (Hydrocortisone, Sinaflan), as well as with an antihistamine effect (Fenistil, Gistan).
    4. It is advisable to use antihistamines for long-term systemic exposure, for example, Cetrin, Zodak, Claritin and Erius. They optimally eliminate the symptoms of tissue swelling, itching, as well as inflammatory manifestations on the skin. The frequency of admission, as well as the duration of the course, are determined by the specialist strictly individually.
    • Conducting courses of vitamin therapy with complexes, the main focus of which is on vitamins of the B subgroup and magnesium.
    • Adjust your individual diet.
    • Pay more attention to proper sleep.
    • Sponging with chilled water and taking a cold shower significantly reduce the symptoms of itching.
    • Drink a decoction of chamomile or mint, green tea based on sedative herbs.
    • Facilitates the condition and wiping with vinegar solution. Dilute the essence in equal volumes with distilled liquid. For those who do not want to smell sweet with vinegar, tomato juice will help: 2 volumes per volume of water. Wipe itchy areas with a cotton pad soaked in the product.
    • From time immemorial, the initial symptoms of nervous itching of the bath with healing decoctions, for example, a string or oak bark, as well as lavender, have been stopped.

    Preventive actions

    If a person knows for himself a predisposition to nervous overexcitability, as a rule, it manifests itself from childhood, then experts recommend:

    1. Conduct courses of sedative therapy for several days a month, use plant-based sedatives or brew instead of regular tea - healing, for example, motherwort or valerian.
    2. In the interior, use a variety of aroma lamps.
    3. Take a meditation course.
    4. To master the elements of yoga aimed at relaxation.

    These techniques can significantly strengthen the individual nervous system, teach optimal self-control, as well as stress resistance. The acquired inner peace will be an excellent prevention of nervous itching.

    Nervous scabies (pseudo-allergy, pruritus on nerves) is a pathological condition in which not only the skin, but the entire nervous system suffers. Such a state usually occurs as a reaction of the body to stress: internal defense mechanisms are triggered, which have various manifestations, sometimes undesirable.

    Scabies from the nerves has nothing to do with the activity of the scabies mite, although it is characterized by the identity of the symptoms. The absence of a pathology carrier indicates the presence of a completely different starting point for the development of the disease, for example, a strong emotional "push", experienced emotions or stress - at such moments, allergens are activated in the tissues of the nervous system, which provoke itching and rashes.

    Most often, women (especially) and children (most often in adolescence) suffer from this disease, since they are more emotional in nature. Also at risk are adults who react strongly enough to stressful situations and are prone to frequent depression or panic attacks, and patients suffering from schizophrenia or other mental disorders. Although pathology can suddenly manifest itself in an absolutely healthy person who has a strong nervous system. This can be provoked by a strong emotional shock, for example, the death of a loved one or a painful divorce.

    Causes and symptoms

    There are a lot of factors that cause the appearance of nervous scabies - no one is immune from it. A significant role in preventing the onset of the disease is played by the stress resistance of the human body. The causes of the appearance of nervous scabies trigger irreversible processes in the body that the immune system cannot cope with on its own. The insidiousness of the pathological process lies in the fact that the disease quickly becomes chronic, even despite treatment. As a result, to get rid of such a pseudo-allergy, you have to make a lot of efforts, sometimes to no avail.

    The reaction of the organism of each person to external and internal stimuli is quite individual, but the main signs of this disease are characteristic of all:

    The symptoms of this disease are similar to the signs of many other pathological conditions of the body, so only a specialist can determine nervous scabies. Usually, rashes on the background of stress are accompanied by atypical behavioral reactions: tears, tantrums, and depressed mood. For an accurate diagnosis of the pathology, it is necessary to inform the doctor even about minor changes not only in the external, but also in the internal state. Another sign of nervous scabies is the speed of development of symptoms - they can either develop quite quickly or disappear in a short period of time.

    Principles of therapy and prevention

    Pathology should be treated comprehensively. It is necessary to direct the main efforts to stabilize the psychological and neurological state of the patient. Local treatment of lesions, strengthening the immune system, diet, moderate exercise, prolonged exposure to fresh air - all this can speed up the recovery of the patient and alleviate the course of the disease. Patients are prescribed sedatives, antidepressants and antihistamines that eliminate unbearable itching. The treatment of pathology is considered especially difficult in young children, since it is much more difficult for them to control themselves and refrain from scratching the affected areas.

    Sometimes, for a successful treatment of nervous scabies, it is enough for the patient to spend several sessions with a psychologist. Within 5-7 days of complex therapy, the symptoms of this disease disappear almost completely.

    In some cases, traditional medicines for the treatment of skin diseases can adversely affect the functionality of other systems in the human body and have unwanted side effects. In such cases, the advice of traditional medicine may be useful:

    In addition to complex treatment, some that should be regular will help to avoid the reappearance of nervous scabies.

    The main rule here is stress resistance and psychological self-development, which will not allow negative emotions to poison a person’s life. In addition, the use of teas with soothing medicinal plants has a beneficial effect on the nervous system and prevents the development of nervous irritation.

    Sometimes stress leads to illness. Very often there is itching on the nerves, redness and rash. In such cases, it is not recommended to self-medicate. You need to see a doctor. He will conduct an examination, make a diagnosis, and only then prescribe the appropriate treatment.

    Itching can occur due to nerves

    The reasons

    Mental disorders, neurological weakness and psychosomatic type diseases are the causes that cause nervous itching. It can also occur in completely healthy individuals as a result of shock, stress or depression. Experts say that nervous itching is an allergy that manifests itself under stress. Fluctuations in acetylcholine, which plays an important role in transmitting stress to the nervous system, is the main cause of skin rashes.

    Among the factors that can cause itchy skin on nerves, there are the following:

    • recent shock;
    • feelings of intense fear;
    • the presence of various phobias;
    • stress for a long time;
    • severe depression.


    The main symptom is a red rash on the skin. The rash may look like blisters. A person may feel unwell, constantly tired and have a fever. There may be slight trembling in the body. These signs can accompany other diseases, so if you have any symptoms, you should consult a doctor.


    Treatment of nervous scabies should be discussed with a doctor. A specialist in this field will be able to determine the main cause of the appearance of rashes on the body, if necessary, send for additional examinations. This will allow you to accurately diagnose and prescribe all the necessary drugs for treatment. If the condition is moderate or mild, the following methods of treatment are recommended:

    • herbal soothing teas;
    • therapy with essential oils, lavender, mint, lemon balm;
    • warm relaxing baths with chamomile or oak bark;
    • breathing exercises and meditation;
    • sedatives.

    At the first stages of treatment, herbal remedies with mint, motherwort, valerian, lemon balm and hops are used. If such methods did not help, strong substances and tablets are used.

    If a person has a serious mental disorder, then treatment should be carried out by a psychiatrist. In such cases, strong tranquilizers and antidepressants are prescribed. Long-term use of such drugs causes dependence, so they are prescribed in small courses. If a person takes small doses of drugs during a period of excitement, then there will be no side effects. The dosage is prescribed for each person individually, depending on the severity of the disease. Tranquilizers are much better tolerated than antidepressants. For the complex treatment of pruritus on nerves, it is important to use the antihistamines "Suprastin", "Fencalor", "Claritin". Such drugs remove the burning sensation of the skin on the face from stress, swelling and inflammation. Medicines are used very carefully in small doses and on the advice of a doctor.

    To quickly remove the causes and symptoms of a skin rash from nerves, ointments are used, which include hydrocortisone. For example, Lokoid, Fluorocort, Sinaflan ointment. You can apply creams with anti-inflammatory action ("Gistan and Fenistil").

    To improve immunity, doctors advise drinking minerals and vitamins, which include magnesium and vitamin B class. It is necessary to adjust the schedule of work and rest. Eat right: food should contain a lot of protein, carbohydrates and dietary fiber.

    Folk methods

    Nervous scabies is also treated with folk remedies. They are used to remove a strong burning sensation that cannot be tolerated, but then you need to see a doctor.

    1. When the whole body itches, you can save yourself with a sponge and cold water. The affected parts of the body are wiped gently so as not to aggravate the situation. Vinegar or sea salt can be added to the water.
    2. When the body, legs, head itches from stress, a soda bath will help, 200 g per 50 liters of water. Already after the first procedure, the itching ceases to disturb.
    3. A cold shower helps a lot, but you can’t use gels or shampoos.
    4. Healing grass is allowed to be used for rubbing and baths. Propolis tincture, chamomile, oats, as well as oak bark and lavender flowers heal well. You can wipe the skin with these products and add them during water procedures. In addition, tomato juice diluted in water helps to remove itching.
    5. It is recommended to drink a decoction of herbs that have a sedative effect. For example, mint, immortelle or tansy. If the scalp itches, make a solution and wash your hair with it. The decoction consists of 200 g of nettle per 8 liters of water. It is poured into a bath and the hair is immersed in it for 20 minutes. If the places on the skin are badly damaged, you can wipe them with nettle juice. This method is quite effective.
    6. Itching on the skin is well removed by infusion of marjoram, flaxseeds, boiled pork flowers, oak bark and juniper. Treat the red patches every day, in the morning and at bedtime, until the rash is completely gone.

    Lavender flowers are great for itching

    Preventive actions

    During nervous itching, when the palms of the hands or any other part of the body itch, stressful situations should be avoided. It is recommended to go to a couple of sessions with a psychologist. It will help to look at a difficult situation differently or prevent its occurrence. Frequent use of herbal decoctions will help to completely remove or reduce nervous tension.

    It is important not to miss the first symptoms of the disease and consult a specialist in time.

    Prevention of scabies


    To prevent itching, you need to learn how to control yourself and avoid stressful situations, rationally and in time to resolve conflict situations.

    If the disease is detected at the initial stages, alternative methods of treatment can be applied. When they do not help, you need to go to the hospital.

    If a person is experiencing a strong emotional shock, then a consultation with a psychologist is simply necessary.