Pain in the bridge of the nose. Determination of the causes of pain in the bridge of the nose by concomitant symptoms

Pain and its causes in alphabetical order:

pain in the nose

well known to all visible part nose, called the external nose, consists of the root, back, apex and wings. The basis of the external nose is the nasal bones - the frontal process of the jaw, the lateral cartilage and the large pterygoid cartilage of the nose, covered with muscles that are designed to compress the nasal openings and pull down the wings of the nose. Although the outer nose is covered with the same skin as the face, due to the abundance of sebaceous glands skin covering in this place is thick and inactive.

The nose has a bony and cartilaginous skeleton. Allocate the wings of the nose, bridge of the nose, hump, nostrils, tip of the nose.

Before entering the nasal cavity, air first enters its vestibule. The nasal septum, formed by the vertical plate of the ethmoid bone, vomer and cartilage, separates nasal cavity into two parts. Although outwardly the nose looks symmetrical, in many people nasal septum twisted. This slight deviation is considered to be the norm, although it represents the asymmetry of the skull.

The space between the nasal septum and the turbinates is called the common nasal passage; in the lateral sections of the nasal cavity, respectively, three nasal conchas have three nasal passages. The lower nasal passage is limited from above by the inferior nasal concha, from below - by the bottom of the nasal cavity. In the lower nasal passage, at a distance of 10 mm from the anterior end of the shell, there is an opening of the nasolacrimal canal. The alar of the nose, in addition to the large cartilage, includes connective tissue formations, from which the posterior inferior sections of the nasal openings (nostrils) are formed.

Pain in the bridge of the nose is a sign of a disease of the nose and its paranasal sinuses. Early detection causes of pain and appropriate treatment prevent the transition acute form diseases into chronic and development of complications.

What diseases cause pain in the nose:

Causes of pain in the nose:

1. Pain occurs when the bridge of the nose is injured. In these cases, it is caused by a traumatic violation of the integrity of the tissues.

2. When acute inflammation paranasal sinuses (sinusitis, etc.) pain in the bridge of the nose is intense. Narrowing, and sometimes complete closure of the lumen of the nasal cavity causes a delay in secretions and the appearance of pain as a result. The pain sign decreases under the condition of free outflow of contents from the nose and sinuses. With the defeat of the paranasal sinuses, the pain is typical in its localization, time of occurrence. The localization of pain depends on which sinus is involved in the process: if it is frontal, the pain is felt mainly in the forehead, with sinusitis, in the area of ​​the cheeks and teeth. Often the pain is associated with a certain time of day. Its predominant occurrence was noted in the morning hours, at night.
The pain is aggravated by pressure on the walls of the corresponding sinus, on the forehead, cheeks. It can spread to the temple, crown and even the back of the head. If inflammation of the frontal sinus is combined with inflammation of other sinuses, then the pain can be localized at the root of the nose, be of a pressing nature. At the same time, there is pain at the inner corner of the eye.

3. When chronic sinusitis pain in the sinus area is not so intense and is often accompanied by a headache, a decrease in mental and physical activity. At the same time, the headache is diffuse in nature, it is unstable - it intensifies during an exacerbation, as well as from various causes that cause a rush of blood to the brain (overheating in the sun, overwork).
To prevent pain in the bridge of the nose, it is necessary timely treatment underlying disease. Therefore, prevention should be aimed at eliminating acute and chronic inflammatory processes of the upper respiratory tract, restoring nasal breathing through conservative, and if necessary, surgical treatment. Also important are hardening and restorative procedures that increase defensive forces child's body. Children who often have boils are recommended to be examined, since timely treatment of underlying diseases is the prevention of boils and their complications.

4. Sharp and chronic rhinitis(inflammation of the nasal mucosa) is a fairly common and seemingly harmless disease. However, with regard to the latter, this is not entirely true. The nasal cavity is the "entrance gate" of the respiratory tract, through which the inhaled and exhaled air passes. In addition, it is a powerful, richly innervated area associated with various bodies and body systems. Therefore, the body reacts even to the most minor violations physiological functions nose (respiratory, olfactory, protective, etc.).
A runny nose causes considerable anxiety to patients, with it the appetite disappears sharply. Discharge from the nose irritates, causes nervousness, forms negative conditioned reflexes, bad habits pose a risk for a number of other diseases. Violation of normal nasal breathing affects negatively cardiovascular system, respiratory organs, intracranial, spinal and intraocular pressure, on the movement of lymph, cerebral circulation, brain function, etc.
Chronic runny nose is often the result of untreated acute cold or the flu. It also leads to the development of chronic forms. wrong treatment. The causes of the disease are various (dust, gas, unfavorable climatic conditions, curvature of the nasal septum, adenoids, etc.).

5. Neuralgia of the nasociliary nerve.
It is found in relatively young people (up to 40 years). Characterized by paroxysmal intense burning, pressing, arching pains in the orbit, eyes, bridge of the nose, radiating to the corresponding half of the forehead. Trigger zones are not identified. Attacks of pain often occur at night, last tens of minutes, occasionally several hours and even days.
Accompanied autonomic disorders: hyperemia of the eye, lacrimation, rhinorrhea, swelling of the nasal mucosa on the homolateral side. Sometimes corneal trophism disorders develop (keratitis phenomena)

6. Ganglionitis (ganglioneuritis) of the pterygopalatine node is characterized by spontaneous sharp pains in the eye, around the orbit, in the region of the bridge of the nose, upper jaw and sometimes in the teeth and gums mandible. Pain can spread to the temple area, auricle, the back of the head, neck, shoulder blades, shoulder, forearm and even the hand. Pain paroxysms are accompanied by pronounced autonomic symptoms, a kind of "vegetative storm" (redness of half of the face, swelling of facial tissues, lacrimation, profuse secretion from one half of the nose). The attack lasts from several minutes to several hours, and sometimes 1-2 days. and more. Often painful paroxysms develop at night.

Which doctor should I contact if there is pain in the nose:

Are you experiencing pain in the nose? Do you want to know more detailed information or do you need an inspection? You can book an appointment with a doctor Eurolaboratory always at your service! The best doctors will examine you, study external signs and help identify the disease by symptoms, advise you and provide needed help. you also can call a doctor at home. Clinic Eurolaboratory open for you around the clock.

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Do you have pain in your nose? You need to be very careful about your overall health. People don't pay enough attention disease symptoms and do not realize that these diseases can be life-threatening. There are many diseases that at first do not manifest themselves in our body, but in the end it turns out that, unfortunately, it is too late to treat them. Each disease has its own specific signs, characteristic external manifestations - the so-called disease symptoms. Identifying symptoms is the first step in diagnosing diseases in general. To do this, you just need to several times a year be examined by a doctor not only to prevent terrible disease but also support healthy mind in the body and the body as a whole.

If you want to ask a doctor a question, use the online consultation section, perhaps you will find answers to your questions there and read self care tips. If you are interested in reviews about clinics and doctors, try to find the information you need on. Also register on the medical portal Eurolaboratory to be constantly up to date with the latest news and information updates on the site, which will be automatically sent to you by mail.

The symptom map is for educational purposes only. Do not self-medicate; For all questions regarding the definition of the disease and how to treat it, contact your doctor. EUROLAB is not responsible for the consequences caused by the use of the information posted on the portal.

If you are interested in any other symptoms of diseases and types of pain, or you have any other questions and suggestions - write to us, we will definitely try to help you.

To understand why the bridge of the nose hurts when you press it for no apparent reason is practically impossible on your own. The fact is that there are many pathological conditions in which this part of the nose can hurt. Sometimes discomfort occurs on its own, without any extraneous influences.

Most often, pain in the bridge of the nose signals that inflammation occurs in the nasal cavity. If you ignore this process and do not take appropriate therapeutic actions, exists big risk the fact that the pathological condition is transformed into a chronic form, from which it will be very difficult to get rid of in the future.

Rhinitis, or runny nose, despite its apparent simplicity, is actually a serious disease. When it occurs, inflammation of the nasal mucosa and paranasal sinuses can occur. This condition is dangerous for the body. The fact is that the nose has a direct impact on the entire body as a whole. Through it, the air enters Airways. Through it, carbon dioxide exits the body. Violation of this process very often leads to the formation of other complications on the part of the patient's health.

When the patient has common cold without a pronounced form of rhinitis, there are rarely complaints of pain in the bridge of the nose. As a rule, with a slight runny nose, such an unpleasant symptom characterizes the presence of another pathological process that occurs in this area.

When the nose hurts with a runny nose, it means that sinusitis has developed. This disease is characterized by normal process nasal breathing. It becomes almost impossible. Mucous or mucous membranes may appear from the nasal passages purulent discharge. The pressure exerted on the bridge of the nose by swelling and the presence of an excess amount of mucous content can cause more than just pain in the bridge of the nose. Unpleasant sensations can radiate to the forehead or cause a general headache.

The narrowing of the lumen of the nasal passages and the retention of the mucous mass in the sinuses can lead to the development of more severe complications such as ethmoiditis or sinusitis. If the patient already has one of these diseases, then their symptoms are characterized by the constant presence of pain in the area of ​​​​accumulated pus. If you create an additional effect on the forehead, cheeks or bridge of the nose, then the pressure factor will provoke an increase in pain.

The human body reacts differently to many stimuli. Sometimes the problems are visible, and sometimes they are not. When the bridge of the nose and forehead hurt, but there is no runny nose, the reason may be as follows:

  1. Nose injury. Violation of tissue integrity as a result of mechanical impact can cause not only pain in the bridge of the nose, but also its curvature if a fracture occurs.
  2. Neuralgia of the nasociliary nerve (Charlin's syndrome). The inflammatory process that was during rhinitis can provoke the appearance of a pain syndrome after the runny nose has ended. In most cases, this pathological process develops as a result of a curvature of the nasal septum, an infectious disease, a dental problem, etc. With neuralgia of the nasociliary nerve, patients complain that something is pressing on the bridge of the nose. These sensations radiate to neighboring areas, which leads to the fact that the head begins to hurt badly. Some patients describe this symptom as a feeling of "bursting" from the inside. Touching, especially pressure, to painful areas provokes an increase discomfort. The symptoms of Charlin's syndrome are almost invisible during the day, they appear at night. From severe pain, a person can even wake up. In addition, the patient may experience tearing and redness of the conjunctiva of the eyes, as well as swelling of the nasal mucosa.
  3. Ganglioneuritis (ganglionitis). The pathological process occurs as a result of diseases of the upper respiratory tract, dental problems, chronic intoxication, tumors, maxillofacial injuries, etc. Pain in the bridge of the nose occurs paroxysmal. Symptoms of the disease begin to manifest themselves mainly at night, but other times of the day should not be excluded. The duration of the attack sometimes lasts only a few minutes, and sometimes several hours. In addition to the fact that the bridge of the nose and forehead hurts, the patient has discomfort in the eyes and gums. In rare cases, the symptoms of pathology extend to the occipital, temporal and cervical regions, and sometimes to the shoulder. In addition to the fact that almost the entire head hurts, tearing of the eyes and liquid watery discharge from the nose appear (maybe from one nostril).
  4. Osteochondrosis. There is a feeling of numbness of the bridge of the nose with a severe headache that cannot be stopped with the usual painkillers that are in home first aid kit. But sometimes the nose becomes numb for another reason, which is characterized by impaired blood circulation. The source of the problem should be sought only in a hospital setting. Presumably the provoking factor of the disease is an aneurysm or blockage of the capillary.

It should be borne in mind that all the symptoms of malaise are under some kind of soil, which, as a rule, has pathological character origin. But there are situations when the existing sign of malaise is not a consequence, for example, of trauma or infectious lesions. If a person feels that his bridge of the nose is numb for no apparent reason, this fact can be explained by emotional overstrain or an uncomfortable sleeping position.

When a head hurts and a runny nose appears with all the unpleasant ensuing consequences, few adults rush to the hospital to get medical assistance. Force the patient to go to medical institution can only worsen general well-being. In fact, such a negligent attitude towards one's health will sooner or later lead to serious consequences. There is no shame in going to the hospital for treatment if the symptoms are only, for example, a runny nose.

If the pain syndrome of the bridge of the nose was preceded by an injury, the help of specialists should be provided as soon as possible. You should not postpone the visit to the doctor until later. For example, if the cause of unpleasant sensations was a fracture of the nose, then if the tissues do not grow together correctly, its deformation will occur. The appearance of a person will be spoiled, and in order to correct it in the future, it will be necessary to break the nose again, but this will be done by the doctor.

Because it exists a large number of pathological causes that cause these symptoms of malaise, it is sometimes difficult to determine the true source of the disease. In addition to a general examination, the doctor may need to conduct an additional examination. This may be an ultrasound, x-ray or magnetic resonance imaging.

In the event that the pain syndrome is caused by ordinary rhinitis, in order to alleviate the patient's well-being, he may be prescribed vasoconstrictors such as Nazivin or Galazolin. The effect of these drugs is not permanent. They can only temporarily relieve swelling and reduce the amount of nasal secretions. For the treatment of the disease itself, complex therapy is needed.

It should be taken into account that all medications only a doctor should prescribe, as well as prescribe the dosage of their use. In addition, children's medications, as well as the rules for their use, are somewhat different from drugs that are intended for an adult organism.

Pain relief is only symptomatic treatment any pathology. To permanently get rid of the problem, you need to eradicate its source. Sometimes such actions are possible only with the help of surgical intervention. Should not be ignored by medical recommendations. Sometimes delay in treatment can have disastrous consequences.

Pain is the body's response to injury and different kind diseases. So, headache in the frontal part, extending to the bridge of the nose, indicates mainly inflammation occurring in the paranasal sinuses. Many people are sure that sinusitis must be accompanied by nasal discharge, but this is not always the case, there may not be a runny nose with such a pathology.

Before making any assumptions on your own, therapeutic measures it is necessary to visit an otolaryngologist. This will help set true reason disease, prevent complications and the transformation of the disease into a chronic form.

Possible causes of pain

Various adverse factors can provoke pain in the bridge of the nose and the frontal part of the head, the most banal provocateur is an injury in which the integrity of the tissues was violated. In addition, there are a number of diseases in which the forehead, nose bridge hurts, but there is no runny nose.


The defeat of the sympathetic trunk, and more specifically the pterygopalatine node (ganglionitis) is an infectious disease that affects the paranasal sinuses. With this type of ganglionitis, the bridge of the nose, the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe eyes, the forehead hurts, the pain spreads to the upper jaw and goes down to the hands, while there is no mucous nasal discharge.

The defeat of the nasociliary, as well as the sympathetic ciliary node is called Charlin's syndrome. The symptoms of this disease are intense pain, localized in the region of the superciliary arches, forehead, bridge of the nose, there is no mucous discharge. Photophobia, lacrimation, swelling of the nasal mucosa, rashes develop. The disease is predominantly chronic.

However, the main provocateurs of pain in the frontal part and bridge of the nose are still sinusitis (inflammatory processes affecting the paranasal sinuses), they include sinusitis, frontal sinusitis, ethmoiditis.


The disease is caused by a virus or bacterial infection, which, penetrating from the nasal cavity, affects the paranasal sinuses, causes inflammation and accumulation of mucous secretion. initial stage sinusitis is accompanied by abundant nasal secretion, partial nasal congestion, headaches and subfebrile fever are possible.

As the disease progresses, the symptoms worsen. There is a strong swelling of the nasal mucosa, it blocks the passages of the sinuses, making it difficult for the discharge of mucous secretions. Accumulating in the sinuses, the secretion is converted into pus (the waste product of pathogenic microorganisms), without outflow, its volume increases significantly and provokes pain, sensation strong pressure, bursting in the affected area.

It hurts mainly the bridge of the nose and the sinus located next to it. However, when tilting the head, pressing pain can spread to the entire face, forehead, radiate to the temples and occipital part heads. And when you press on the area of ​​the affected sinus pain intensify. All these symptoms are supplemented by difficulty in nasal breathing, deterioration of smell, general weakness, lack of appetite. The disease must be treated immediately, as it provokes serious complications.

The main treatment is antibiotic therapy you should also take mucolytic agents, vasoconstrictor drugs (not longer than a week), irrigate regularly. In advanced cases, a puncture of the affected sinus is required.


Inflammatory processes in frontal sinuses ah with accumulation of mucous secretion, are called frontitis. The disease is provoked by viral and bacterial infections. You can recognize the disease by severe pain in the forehead, which, when the head is tilted, increases significantly, putting pressure on the bridge of the nose and the entire front part. However, this symptom is also characteristic of other types of sinusitis.

You can confirm your suspicions by palpation of the frontal region - usually when you press on the affected frontal sinus, the pain becomes unbearable.

It hurts mainly the frontal and temporal part of the head, the pain spreads to the bridge of the nose, sometimes affecting the back of the head. The process is accompanied by nasal congestion, often there is no nasal discharge, remaining in the nasal cavity, lacrimation occurs, photophobia, and the temperature rises. This is a serious disease, which should be treated at the first symptoms. A complicated form of frontal sinusitis is manifested by inflammation of the periosteum and the penetration of infection into the cranium. Such a pathology is treated by surgical intervention - a lobotomy is performed, the affected sinuses are completely removed.

If you resort to the help of a specialist in time, you can cure the disease with the help of conservative therapy - taking antibiotics, decongestants, vasoconstrictors and antipyretics.


The disease is provoked by a viral or bacterial infection, mainly against the background of chronic rhinitis, as well as frontal sinusitis and sinusitis. A characteristic sign of ethmoiditis is severe headaches, as well as pain in the region of the nose, in addition, nasal congestion, deterioration of smell, low-grade fever occur. The disease can occur both in acute and chronic form, while the symptoms accompanying them are almost identical.

A timely appeal to an otolaryngologist, without exaggeration, can save your life, since ethmoiditis gives complications in the form purulent meningitis. Conservative therapy consists of taking antibiotics or antiviral drugs, physiotherapy, massage, irrigation of the nasal sinuses, which should be carried out by an otolaryngologist, you may need to use vasoconstrictor, painkillers. If this treatment fails, doctors resort to surgery.

If you are tormented by prolonged headaches, pain in the region of the nose for no apparent reason, immediately seek help from a doctor. Timely diagnosis and treatment of the disease will prevent the development of complications, as well as the chronicity of the disease.

Sometimes common cold, transferred a couple of weeks ago, can cause serious complications that will manifest themselves only after weeks, and sometimes months. To such dangerous and unpleasant symptoms include pain in the bridge of the nose, which may be accompanied by a runny nose, cough, headaches and toothaches. What is the cause of this symptom and how to deal with it? You will find a lot of useful information on this subject.

Causes of pain in the nose

If you notice that the bridge of your nose hurts when you press it, then this may indicate the presence of the following problems:

● defeat of ENT organs;

neurological pathologies;

● consequences of injury.

Possible minor causes of pain in the bridge of the nose should be excluded:

● availability subcutaneous wen;

● wearing bad glasses that put too much pressure on the bridge of the nose;

● the appearance of herpes on the nasal mucosa.

ENT lesions

The most common cause of pain in the bridge of the nose or in the forehead is a disease of the ENT organs: ganglionitis, frontal sinusitis, sinusitis, chronic rhinitis or ethmoiditis.

Sometimes this condition may be accompanied by a runny nose, but this is not an obligatory symptom.

Of course, a common cold cannot cause pain in the frontal part or bridge of the nose. This leads to neglected rhinitis and its complications.


This is an infectious disease that affects the paranasal sinuses. Ganglionitis is characterized by a condition in which the bridge of the nose and forehead hurts, but there is no runny nose. Also, with this disease, symptoms such as pain in the upper jaw or superciliary areas, lacrimation and swelling of the nasal mucosa are observed. The disease is predominantly chronic.


Sinusitis provokes a disease of viral or bacterial origin, such as a cold or flu. From the nasal cavity, the pathogen enters maxillary sinuses, causing inflammation and accumulation of mucus in them. The primary form of sinusitis is characterized severe runny nose feeling of congestion, headaches and slight increase body temperature. As a result of a progressive disease, the symptoms change: the nasal mucosa swells strongly, as a result of which the exit of nasal discharge is difficult; the secret that accumulates in the sinuses turns into pus, which in turn causes pain and a feeling of pressure. With sinusitis in the morning, the outgoing mucus may have purulent or even bloody clots.

Pain most often appears in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe inflamed sinus, but there may be two of them. When tilting the head, unpleasant sensations pass to other parts of it: the back of the head, forehead, temples. If you press on the inflamed area, the pain will intensify.

Characteristic symptoms of sinusitis are also weakness, lack of appetite, difficulty in nasal breathing.

It is necessary to treat sinusitis at the first signs of the disease. The doctor usually prescribes antibiotics, immunostimulating and vasoconstrictive drugs, as well as mucolytic agents. AT severe cases doctors decide to puncture the inflamed sinus.


Frontite is called inflammatory process flowing in the frontal sinuses. The symptoms of the disease are severe pain in the forehead and bridge of the nose, which are aggravated by tilting the head and are characterized by a feeling of pressure on the bridge of the nose. This symptom common in other diseases of the ENT organs.

You can check this diagnosis by pressing on the affected frontal sinus, then pain will be very strong.

Frontitis is characterized by pain in the bridge of the nose without a runny nose, fever, tearing. It is necessary to treat the disease immediately, when the first symptoms appear. Complications lead to the fact that the infection gets inside the skull and there is a risk of developing meningitis. A neglected case is treated only surgically by removing the affected sinuses. On the initial stage the disease is likely to be cured with medication: taking antibiotics, vasoconstrictor and decongestant drugs.


Ethmoiditis is provoked by infections of a viral or bacterial nature based on frontal sinusitis, sinusitis or chronic rhinitis. Signs this disease are severe headaches, soreness of the bridge of the nose, deterioration of smell, fever. The disease can have a chronic or acute course. Their symptoms are very similar.

Etmoiditis - dangerous disease, if left untreated, an advanced case will lead to inflammation of the lining of the brain. Therapy for ethmoiditis includes complex therapy, which consists in taking antiviral, vasoconstrictor drugs, antibiotics; performing physiotherapy and sinus irrigation procedures that an ENT should conduct. If treatment does not lead to recovery, then you will have to resort to surgery.

If the head hurts, it presses on the forehead, bridge of the nose and eyes, several diseases can be suspected at once. We will consider the main causes of the symptom in the proposed material. Here you can learn how to help yourself and your loved ones in different situations accompanied by a similar negative sign.

Pressing pains in the forehead and eyes, bridge of the nose and temples cannot appear just like that. This is a clinical symptom and its appearance is always associated with some kind of pathology. It can be vascular, inflammatory, infectious, traumatic, metabolic, and even orthopedic diseases. talking plain language, headache is a distress signal sent by the central nervous system person. And it is necessary to somehow respond to this signal, otherwise a catastrophe will occur, the consequences of which will subsequently have to be eliminated for a very long time and stubbornly.

Let's take a look at all potential causes and, to the extent possible, exclude them in your situation using available diagnostic techniques. If improvement is not achieved within 30-40 minutes from the onset of the attack, then you should immediately seek medical help.

Why does my head hurt and my forehead presses - what causes this condition?

Fundamentals of anatomy

We will start by looking at the basic anatomy of the frontal part of the skull. It is important to understand this in order to roughly imagine what can cause pressure pain in the forehead, ears, temples, eyes and bridge of the nose.

In addition to the frontal bone, this articulation of the skull includes 12 more small bones. They form the base of the nose, the zygomatic region, the crown, etc. the frontal bone itself is quite large and has the shape of a rectangle. on her lower border the glabella is located, which translates into the bridge of the nose, superciliary arches and zygomatic processes. On the sides, sutures with the temporal bones can be noted, and on top there is the so-called coronal suture with a domed bend.

Bone structures are covered with dense periosteum. It contains blood vessels and nerve endings. the most frontal bone is a porous diploetic structure, inside of which there are quite large venous vessels. With their narrowing or spasm, headaches can occur pressing pains in the forehead. Through the periosteum, the veins exit and connect with the subcutaneous blood vessels.

human skull bones

On top of the periosteum are mimic muscles. It is due to their contraction that a person is able to wrinkle his forehead and show his surprise by raising his eyebrows up. Muscles are covered with fascia and subcutaneous fat. It does not have significant thickness, but is very rich. sebaceous glands. Therefore, in adolescence acne most often appears on the forehead in the area of ​​skin contact with a hat or any other headgear. The two largest muscles are the frontal and supracranial. It also has an epidermis that can be seen with the naked eye. Almost no hair.

Quite large blood vessels pass through the thickness of the subcutaneous fat layer:

  • arteries for feeding the forehead and bone structure;
  • veins in the orbit to drain blood;
  • lymphatic vessels.

Innervation is carried out by branches from the trigeminal and frontal nerves. Physical activity provided by the temporal branch extending from the facial nerve.

Inside the frontal sinuses are pneumatized sinuses (frontal paranasal sinuses). They provide stabilization of the level of pressure during breathing. also in there are sinuses of the maxillary bones, the ethmoid bone, the base of the skull. Inflammation of the mucous layer lining them can provoke the appearance of pressing pains in the forehead, bridge of the nose and temples.

The frontal bone hides important brain structures. it frontal lobes covered with three shells. soft shell blood supply and innervation are provided, solid - protection, and arachnoid or arachnoid plays the role of a kind of membrane.

What presses on the head in the forehead and eyes?

Now you can easily imagine anatomically what is pressing in the forehead from the inside and what diseases can cause such a symptom. But we propose to analyze in detail the potential causes.

The first thing that puts pressure on the forehead and eyes is swollen soft tissue. The edema may be congestive and inflammatory character. If due to infectious influence, then this is an inflammatory edema. If a defeat occurs nerve fiber, muscle wall of circulatory or lymphatic vessels, then this is congestive edema. And when the level changes blood pressure edema is vascular or generalized.

If it presses the head in the forehead, then the following hypothetical causes should be excluded in order:

  1. frontal sinusitis in acute or chronic form (the disease is accompanied by fever, general malaise, hallmark- increased pain when bending forward);
  2. promotion intracranial pressure against the background of vertebrogenic neurocirculatory dystonia;
  3. an increase in blood pressure against the background of VVD and arterial hypertension (to exclude this reason, it is enough to use an electronic tonometer);
  4. inflammation meninges(pachymeningitis, meningitis or arachnoiditis) - can be infectious, traumatic and aseptic etiology;
  5. encephalitis different nature(including tick-borne);
  6. general intoxication of the body against the background of poisoning, viral and bacterial infections);
  7. increase in body temperature;
  8. dehydration against the background of profuse diarrhea and vomiting;
  9. damage to cerebral vessels with their thrombosis or blockage.

In addition, there are such little-studied pathologies as neurosis, hyperreaction, tension headache syndrome, migraine. These pathologies also cause pressing pains in the forehead. how to deal with them, we will burn further in the article.

Location of the paranasal sinuses

What to do if the head hurts in the forehead and presses on the eyes?

If the forehead hurts and presses on the eyes, it is necessary to open the window for inflow fresh air Try to rotate your head. If this leads to increased discomfort, then there is a high probability (headache associated with a spasm of the spinal canal). It's called a headache. muscle tension. It occurs in people whose work is associated with prolonged static tension in the muscles of the neck and collar zone. By the end of the working day, they have a headache in the forehead and press on the eyes due to the fact that the muscles in static tension disrupt the blood flow through the arteries, which provide arterial blood flow to the cerebral structures.

What to do in this situation? First of all, it is necessary to ensure the presence of a constant influx of fresh air into the room where the person is talking. Next, you need to enter mandatory physical exercises aimed at relaxing the muscles of the neck. Well, you need to visit a vertebrologist to exclude degenerative destruction intervertebral discs in the cervical spine and back syndrome vertebral artery.

The second common situation is an increase in blood pressure levels. Both very young and elderly people can suffer from this unpleasant symptomatic phenomenon. In youth, blood pressure rises due to the unstable work of the autonomic nervous system.

At an older age, blood pressure rises due to malfunction of the adrenal glands in response to high levels of stress factors. This may be due to atherosclerosis or other negative changes in the vascular system.

What to do in such a situation? The first is to measure blood pressure using an electronic tonometer. Take measurements on both hands. This must be done in a calm state. The second - with an increase in blood pressure, you should take a drug that has a hypotensive effect. With VSD on hypertonic type you can take 1 tablet "Andipal", with hypertension selection of drugs for continuous use is required. You can urgently lower the level of blood pressure in hypertension with the help of the Kapoten or Captopril tablet under the tongue. if after 30 minutes a repeated measurement of pressure showed no pronounced effect, then take another pill and call an ambulance.

Headache and forehead pressure due to high blood pressure

Does pressure on the forehead make you feel nauseous and dizzy?

Many patients believe that high blood pressure is bound to feel sick and dizzy. In fact, it doesn't always happen this way. Very often, attacks of nausea can indicate severe intoxication (poisoning of the body). Nausea is also characteristic of diseases accompanied by irritation of the meninges. The primary symptom complex of meningitis may also include nausea.

Most often, in cases where pain pressing on the forehead is accompanied by nausea and dizziness, the patient has a period of prodrome before a serious viral or bacterial infection. Literally after 2-3 days (and sometimes after 10-12 hours), the body temperature rises, nasal congestion and sore throat appear (with SARS and influenza) or vomiting and liquid stool(for intestinal infections).

If you feel sick, dizzy and have headaches pressing on your forehead, then help your body cope with the potential invasion of pathogenic infectious agents. To do this, give temporary physical rest. Lie more. Increase fluid intake (fruit drinks, mineral water, compotes and decoctions of herbs). Start taking ascorbic acid. If you suspect intestinal infection or poisoning, take sorbents ("Enterosgel", "Polysorb" or "Smektu").

Stuffy nose and pressure on the bridge of the nose

Another common situation is when, in addition to headaches pressing on the forehead, the patient notes that his nose is blocked and there is a feeling of impossibility of nasal breathing. In this case, it presses on the head and bridge of the nose, on the eyes and brow ridges. Important feature is that before the onset of symptoms, the body temperature rises. There may also be a history of just transferred influenza or SARS.

If the nose is stuffy and presses on the forehead and bridge of the nose, then the following inflammatory diseases may develop:

  • frontal sinusitis - inflammation of the frontal sinuses;
  • ethmoiditis - inflammation of the paranasal sinuses in the ethmoid bone;
  • sinusitis - inflammation of the maxillary paranasal sinuses.

If the pain is aggravated by tilting the head or torso in different sides, there is a problem with nasal breathing, general malaise and fever, then it is necessary to exclude various sinusitis first of all. To do this, you need to contact the otolaryngologist and ask to appoint an overview radiographic image. If characteristic blackouts are detected in the paranasal sinuses, an appropriate diagnosis is established and an effective antibacterial treatment is prescribed.

Why often presses the forehead, temples and eyes?

Why various headaches often occur, only experienced doctor during a detailed examination of the patient. In fact, there are a huge number of potential causes of these symptoms.

For example, if it presses on the temples and forehead, then you can suspect arterial hypertension. But if similar symptom appears in the morning, immediately after waking up, then the probable diagnosis is vertebrobasilar vascular insufficiency.

With an increase in intracranial pressure and glaucoma, it also presses on the temples and forehead, but the symptom appears in certain time after physical or emotional stress.

For diagnosis, you must first visit an ophthalmologist. The doctor will examine the condition of the vessels eye day. with an increase in their tortuosity or signs of expansion, a diagnosis associated with vascular pathologies can be made.

If the forehead, eyes and temples often press, it is necessary to monitor the level of intracranial, intraocular and arterial pressure. These diseases are easiest to treat in the early stages. And the first signs of the development of trouble are pressing pains in the forehead. Therefore, do not postpone a visit to the doctor and do not exercise self-treatment. This can lead to the development of complications.

How to distinguish the cause of pressure on the forehead?

Intoxication with SARS, influenza and other infections Body temperature is elevated Blood pressure is normal for age General health is poor General muscle weakness
Arterial hypertension Normal Exceeds age Satisfactory Missing
Osteochondrosis cervical region Normal Normal Satisfactory There is pain in the collar area
Poisoning Normal Normal bad Expressed
Increased intracranial pressure and glaucoma Normal normal or low severe dizziness Missing
Atherosclerosis of cerebral vessels Normal Increased Tinnitus, dizziness, nausea Expressed

Other Potential Causes of Pressure Pain in the Forehead

Well, consider the remaining potential reasons for the appearance of such clinical symptom. Other factors negative impact may include:

  1. verterbrogenic vascular pathologies(for example, );
  2. consequences of osteochondrosis of the cervical spine;
  3. violation of posture;
  4. various chemical poisoning;
  5. cerebral edema;
  6. increased pressure in the cerebrospinal fluid with dislocation of the brain stem;
  7. craniocerebral and facial injuries;
  8. temperature effects of environmental factors;
  9. diseases of the endocrine and hematopoietic system.

Now let's look at each point in a little more detail.

Migraine and similar conditions

Currently migraine and similar pathological conditions very poorly studied. science does not know the exact causes of migraine attacks. Therefore, it is almost impossible to carry out prevention. The only effective suck: try to keep a kind of diary in which you will note the relationship of factors that potentially cause headaches that press on the forehead. After the horses are fixed, try to exclude them from your daily routine.

Vertebrogenic pathologies

If vertebrogenic pathologies are suspected, it is necessary to conduct an examination of the condition spinal column. If the patient has osteochondrosis of the cervical spine, spondylosis, uncovertebral arthrosis, vertebral artery syndrome, then treatment should be started immediately. These pathologies can lead to development in the future. spinal type stroke. Even a transient disorder cerebral blood supply can lead to paralysis of the upper and lower extremities, loss of speech function, etc.

Chemical poisoning

Indeed, chemical poisoning is often accompanied by an excruciating headache with pressure on the forehead, bridge of the nose and eyes. Intoxication provokes the development of edema in the structures of the brain. There is pressure on the meningeal membranes. Also, pain can be directly neurogenic in nature.

Often in the practice of a doctor there are household poisoning carbon monoxide(in apartments with central gas supply and among bath lovers), arsenic and lead, acetone, gasoline, solvents, chlorine. The leader is ethanol contained in various alcoholic beverages. It is ethanol poisoning that leads among domestic cases.

Traumatic impact

Sometimes the traumatic impact does not lead to the development clinical picture concussion or brain injury. Patients do not have nausea, vomiting, loss of consciousness, etc. after hitting the head. But at the same time it develops mild swelling soft liners with pressure on the frontal bone. Therefore, if there are headaches pressing on the forehead after an injury, it is still necessary to visit a doctor and exclude various subarachnoid hematomas.

Heat or sunstroke

Heatstroke can also be accompanied by headaches pressing on the forehead. This condition may be accompanied by loss of consciousness, confusion. Also, the patient may experience nose bleed. If it develops sunstroke, it is urgent to leave the sun in the shade and try to cool the incoming one. to brain structures arterial blood. For this, in the area of ​​passage carotid arteries ice is applied to the neck or moistened cold water rag.

Metabolic and endocrine diseases

Metabolic disorders cause pressure in the forehead due to changes chemical composition blood. This may be due to pathologies such as:

  • decreased oxygen saturation levels (hypoxia);
  • level increase carbon dioxide(hypercapnia);
  • increased glucose levels (hyperglycemia);
  • low glucose levels (hypoglycemia).

Main endocrine diseases, accompanied pressing pains in the forehead area is thyrotoxicosis and diabetes. Among the diseases of the blood, anemia and polycemia should be noted.

It should also be excluded rare disease Paget, Morgagni-Stuart-Morel syndrome and Van Buchem's disease associated with impaired osteogenesis and thickening of the skull bones.

Internal pain and tinnitus

If the head hurts and presses the forehead from the inside, and tinnitus is regularly noted, then it is important to exclude the presence of atherosclerosis of the cerebral vessels. Atherosclerosis is a disease caused by a violation of lipid metabolism. There is an accumulation of so-called "bad" cholesterol. This substance is deposited inside blood vessels forming plaques. They block the lumen of the vessel and interfere with the movement of blood. Atherosclerosis of cerebral vessels is accompanied by pain pressing on the forehead, dizziness, decreased brain activity and tinnitus.

Methods of modern diagnostics

There are various methods modern diagnostics to exclude various pathological processes. If the forehead hurts and presses on the eyes, bridge of the nose, ears, temples, etc., then you should immediately consult a doctor. no need to guess which specialist to contact. Make an appointment with a local therapist. This doctor will initial inspection and assign basic diagnostic examinations. As a rule, arterial hypertension is excluded, a general blood and urine test, an ECG and an ophthalmologist's consultation are prescribed to examine the vessels of the fundus.

Watch the video of the causes of a headache with pressure on the forehead and eyes:

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